Programs & Examples On #Petri net

A Petri Net is a description of a system in terms of net elements. There are four Types of Net Elements: Place, Transition, Input and Output. An input connects a place to a transition. An output connects a transition to a place. An annotation is any type of information. A net element may have zero or more annotations. An annotation may have zero or more annotations too.

Django CharField vs TextField

It's a difference between RDBMS's varchar (or similar) — those are usually specified with a maximum length, and might be more efficient in terms of performance or storage — and text (or similar) types — those are usually limited only by hardcoded implementation limits (not a DB schema).

PostgreSQL 9, specifically, states that "There is no performance difference among these three types", but AFAIK there are some differences in e.g. MySQL, so this is something to keep in mind.

A good rule of thumb is that you use CharField when you need to limit the maximum length, TextField otherwise.

This is not really Django-specific, also.

HTTPS using Jersey Client

For Jersey 2 you'd need to modify the code:

        return ClientBuilder.newBuilder()
            .hostnameVerifier(new TrustAllHostNameVerifier())

How to use CURL via a proxy?

Here is a working version with your bugs removed.

$url = '';
$proxy = '';
//$proxyauth = 'user:password';

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxyauth);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
$curl_scraped_page = curl_exec($ch);

echo $curl_scraped_page;

I have added CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD in case any of your proxies require a user name and password. I set CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER to 1, so that the data will be returned to $curl_scraped_page variable.

I removed a second extra curl_exec($ch); which would stop the variable being returned. I consolidated your proxy IP and port into one setting.

I also removed CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL and CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST as it was the default.

If you don't want the headers returned, comment out CURLOPT_HEADER.

To disable the proxy simply set it to null.

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, null);

Any questions feel free to ask, I work with cURL every day.

Can't import Numpy in Python

Have you installed it?

On debian/ubuntu:

aptitude install python-numpy

On windows:

On other systems:

$ tar xfz numpy-n.m.tar.gz
$ cd numpy-n.m
$ python install

Saving and Reading Bitmaps/Images from Internal memory in Android

Use the below code to save the image to internal directory.

private String saveToInternalStorage(Bitmap bitmapImage){
        ContextWrapper cw = new ContextWrapper(getApplicationContext());
         // path to /data/data/yourapp/app_data/imageDir
        File directory = cw.getDir("imageDir", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        // Create imageDir
        File mypath=new File(directory,"profile.jpg");

        FileOutputStream fos = null;
        try {           
            fos = new FileOutputStream(mypath);
       // Use the compress method on the BitMap object to write image to the OutputStream
            bitmapImage.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, fos);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
        return directory.getAbsolutePath();

Explanation :

1.The Directory will be created with the given name. Javadocs is for to tell where exactly it will create the directory.

2.You will have to give the image name by which you want to save it.

To Read the file from internal memory. Use below code

private void loadImageFromStorage(String path)

    try {
        File f=new File(path, "profile.jpg");
        Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(new FileInputStream(f));
            ImageView img=(ImageView)findViewById(;
    catch (FileNotFoundException e) 


Python "SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file"

I am trying to parse that weird windows apostraphe and after trying several things here is the code snippet that works.

def convert_freaking_apostrophe(self,string):

      issuer_rename = string.decode('windows-1252')
      issuer_rename = string.decode('latin-1')
   issuer_rename = issuer_rename.replace(u'’', u"'")
   issuer_rename = issuer_rename.encode('ascii','ignore')
      print "Successfully renamed "+issuer+" to "+issuer_rename
      return issuer_rename

if"([\x90-\xff])", issuer):
   issuer = self.convert_freaking_apostrophe(issuer)

Where to put default parameter value in C++?

If the functions are exposed - non-member, public or protected - then the caller should know about them, and the default values must be in the header.

If the functions are private and out-of-line, then it does make sense to put the defaults in the implementation file because that allows changes that don't trigger client recompilation (a sometimes serious issue for low-level libraries shared in enterprise scale development). That said, it is definitely potentially confusing, and there is documentation value in presenting the API in a more intuitive way in the header, so pick your compromise - though consistency's the main thing when there's no compelling reason either way.

Make an Android button change background on click through XML

To change image by using code

public void onClick(View v) {
   if(v == ButtonName) {

Or, using an XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<selector xmlns:android="">
  <item android:state_pressed="true"
   android:drawable="@drawable/login_selected" /> <!-- pressed -->
  <item android:state_focused="true"
   android:drawable="@drawable/login_mouse_over" /> <!-- focused -->
  <item android:drawable="@drawable/login" /> <!-- default -->

In OnClick, just add this code:


How to add lines to end of file on Linux

The easiest way is to redirect the output of the echo by >>:

echo 'VNCSERVERS="1:root"' >> /etc/sysconfig/configfile
echo 'VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 1600x1200"' >> /etc/sysconfig/configfile

Error in Python IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data.csv'

It's looking for the file in the current directory.

First, go to that directory

cd /users/gcameron/Desktop/map

And then try to run it


Installed Ruby 1.9.3 with RVM but command line doesn't show ruby -v

  • Open Terminal.
  • Go to Edit -> Profile Preferences.
  • Select the Title & command Tab in the window opened.
  • Mark the checkbox Run command as login shell.
  • close the window and restart the Terminal.

Check this Official Linkenter image description here

phpMyAdmin allow remote users

Try this


<Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/>
    <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
        # Apache 2.4
            Require ip
            Require ip ::1
    <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
        # Apache 2.2
        Order Deny,Allow
        Deny from All
        Allow from
        Allow from ::1

With this:

<Directory "/usr/share/phpMyAdmin/">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride all
        Order Allow,Deny 
    Allow from all

Add the following line for ease of access:

Alias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpMyAdmin

How do I check how many options there are in a dropdown menu?

$("#mydropdown option").length

Or if you already got a reference to it,


How to load an ImageView by URL in Android?

Working for imageView in any container , like listview grid view , normal layout

 private class LoadImagefromUrl extends AsyncTask< Object, Void, Bitmap > {
        ImageView ivPreview = null;

        protected Bitmap doInBackground( Object... params ) {
            this.ivPreview = (ImageView) params[0];
            String url = (String) params[1];
            return loadBitmap( url );

        protected void onPostExecute( Bitmap result ) {
            super.onPostExecute( result );
            ivPreview.setImageBitmap( result );

    public Bitmap loadBitmap( String url ) {
        URL newurl = null;
        Bitmap bitmap = null;
        try {
            newurl = new URL( url );
            bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream( newurl.openConnection( ).getInputStream( ) );
        } catch ( MalformedURLException e ) {
            e.printStackTrace( );
        } catch ( IOException e ) {

            e.printStackTrace( );
        return bitmap;
/** Usage **/
  new LoadImagefromUrl( ).execute( imageView, url );

Selecting one row from MySQL using mysql_* API

is this is a WordPress? You shouldn't do it like you've done! To get option from DB use get_option!

What is the use of the JavaScript 'bind' method?

Simple example

function lol(second, third) {
    console.log(this.first, second, third);

lol(); // undefined, undefined, undefined
lol('1'); // undefined, "1", undefined
lol('1', '2'); // undefined, "1", "2"{first: '1'}); // "1", undefined, undefined{first: '1'}, '2'); // "1", "2", undefined{first: '1'}, '2', '3'); // "1", "2", "3"

lol.apply({first: '1'}); // "1", undefined, undefined
lol.apply({first: '1'}, ['2', '3']); // "1", "2", "3"

const newLol = lol.bind({first: '1'}); 
newLol(); // "1", undefined, undefined
newLol('2'); // "1", "2", undefined
newLol('2', '3'); // "1", "2", "3"

const newOmg = lol.bind({first: '1'}, '2');
newOmg(); // "1", "2", undefined
newOmg('3'); // "1", "2", "3"

const newWtf = lol.bind({first: '1'}, '2', '3');
newWtf(); // "1", "2", "3"

How to extract request http headers from a request using NodeJS connect

var host = req.headers['host']; 

The headers are stored in a JavaScript object, with the header strings as object keys.

Likewise, the user-agent header could be obtained with

var userAgent = req.headers['user-agent']; 

CSS flexbox not working in IE10

IE10 has uses the old syntax. So:

display: -ms-flexbox; /* will work on IE10 */
display: flex; /* is new syntax, will not work on IE10 */


(tweener) means an odd unofficial syntax from [2012] (e.g. display: flexbox;)

Using sed and grep/egrep to search and replace

Another way to do this

find . -name *.xml -exec sed -i "s/4.6.0-SNAPSHOT/5.0.0-SNAPSHOT/" {} \;

Some help regarding the above command

The find will do the find for you on the current directory indicated by .

-name the name of the file in my case its pom.xml can give wild cards.

-exec execute

sed stream editor

-i ignore case

s is for substitute

/4.6.0.../ String to be searched

/5.0.0.../ String to be replaced

How to initialize an array in angular2 and typescript

You can use this construct:

export class AppComponent {

    heroes: any[];

    constructor() {
       this.title = 'Tour of Heros';
       this.myHero = this.heroes[0];

Finding index of character in Swift String

If you want to use familiar NSString, you can declare it explicitly:

var someString: NSString = "abcdefghi"

var someRange: NSRange = someString.rangeOfString("c")

I'm not sure yet how to do this in Swift.

How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android?

My app uses a ListView in portraint mode which is simply switches to Gallery in landscape mode. Both of them use one BaseAdapter. This looks like shown below.

       orientation = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;

       if ( orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE )

            Gallery gallery = (Gallery)findViewById( );

            gallery.setAdapter( someAdapter );

            gallery.setOnItemClickListener( new OnItemClickListener() {
            public void onItemClick( AdapterView<?> parent, View view,
                    int position, long id ) {

                onClick( position );
            setListAdapter( someAdapter );


To handle scrolling events I've inherited my own widget from Gallery and override onFling(). Here's the layout.xml:


and code:

    public static class somegallery extends Gallery
        private Context mCtx;

        public somegallery(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
            super(context, attrs);
            mCtx = context;

        public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX,
                float velocityY) {

            ( (CurrentActivity)mCtx ).onScroll();

            return super.onFling(e1, e2, velocityX, velocityY);

Can I pass variable to select statement as column name in SQL Server

You can't use variable names to bind columns or other system objects, you need dynamic sql

DECLARE @value varchar(10)  
SET @value = 'intStep'  
DECLARE @sqlText nvarchar(1000); 

SET @sqlText = N'SELECT ' + @value + ' FROM dbo.tblBatchDetail'
Exec (@sqlText)

how to clear JTable

You must remove the data from the TableModel used for the table.

If using the DefaultTableModel, just set the row count to zero. This will delete the rows and fire the TableModelEvent to update the GUI.

JTable table;
DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) table.getModel();

If you are using other TableModel, please check the documentation.

Writing to a new file if it doesn't exist, and appending to a file if it does

Using the pathlib module (python's object-oriented filesystem paths)

Just for kicks, this is perhaps the latest pythonic version of the solution.

from pathlib import Path 

path = Path(f'{player}.txt')
path.touch()  # default exists_ok=True
with'a') as highscore:

Converting <br /> into a new line for use in a text area

Try this one

    $text = "Hello <br /> Hello again <br> Hello again again <br/> Goodbye <BR>";
    $breaks = array("<br />","<br>","<br/>");  
    $text = str_ireplace($breaks, "\r\n", $text);  
<textarea><?php echo $text; ?></textarea>

Is it possible to use std::string in a constexpr?

Since the problem is the non-trivial destructor so if the destructor is removed from the std::string, it's possible to define a constexpr instance of that type. Like this

struct constexpr_str {
    char const* str;
    std::size_t size;

    // can only construct from a char[] literal
    template <std::size_t N>
    constexpr constexpr_str(char const (&s)[N])
        : str(s)
        , size(N - 1) // not count the trailing nul

int main()
    constexpr constexpr_str s("constString");

    // its .size is a constexpr
    std::array<int, s.size> a;
    return 0;

Get most recent row for given ID

FROM   tbl
WHERE  id = 1

The obvious index would be on (id), or a multicolumn index on (id, signin DESC).

Conveniently for the case, MySQL sorts NULL values last in descending order. That's what you typically want if there can be NULL values: the row with the latest not-null signin.

To get NULL values first:

ORDER BY signin IS NOT NULL, signin DESC

You may want to append more expressions to ORDER BY to get a deterministic pick from (potentially) multiple rows with NULL.
The same applies without NULL if signin is not defined UNIQUE.


The SQL standard does not explicitly define a default sort order for NULL values. The behavior varies quite a bit across different RDBMS. See:

But there are the NULLS FIRST / NULLS LAST clauses defined in the SQL standard and supported by most major RDBMS, but not by MySQL. See:

Where is body in a nodejs http.get response?

Just an improved version to nkron responce.

const httpGet = url => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    http.get(url, res => {
      const body = [];
      res.on('data', chunk => body.push(chunk));
      res.on('end', () => resolve(body.join('')));
    }).on('error', reject);

Appending chunks in an string[] is better for memory usage, the join(''), will allocate new memory only once.

Regex matching beginning AND end strings


This should work you.

Npm install failed with "cannot run in wd"

I have experienced the same problem when trying to publish my nodejs app in a private server running CentOs using root user. The same error is fired by "postinstall": "./node_modules/bower/bin/bower install" in my package.json file so the only solution that was working for me is to use both options to avoid the error:

1: use --allow-root option for bower install command

"postinstall": "./node_modules/bower/bin/bower --allow-root install"

2: use --unsafe-perm option for npm install command

npm install --unsafe-perm

Find the day of a week

Let's say you additionally want the week to begin on Monday (instead of default on Sunday), then the following is helpful:

df$day = ifelse(wday(df$time)==1,6,wday(df$time)-2)

The result is the days in the interval [0,..,6].

If you want the interval to be [1,..7], use the following:

df$day = ifelse(wday(df$time)==1,7,wday(df$time)-1)

... or, alternatively:

df$day = df$day + 1

MaxJsonLength exception in ASP.NET MVC during JavaScriptSerializer

I'm surprised no one has suggested using a result filter. This is the cleanest way to globally hook into the action/result pipeline:

public class JsonResultFilter : IResultFilter
    public int? MaxJsonLength { get; set; }

    public int? RecursionLimit { get; set; }

    public void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext)
        if (filterContext.Result is JsonResult jsonResult)
            // override properties only if they're not set
            jsonResult.MaxJsonLength = jsonResult.MaxJsonLength ?? MaxJsonLength;
            jsonResult.RecursionLimit = jsonResult.RecursionLimit ?? RecursionLimit;

    public void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)

Then, register an instance of that class using GlobalFilters.Filters:

GlobalFilters.Filters.Add(new JsonResultFilter { MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue });

Select from one table matching criteria in another?

The simplest solution would be a correlated sub select:

    table_A A
where in (
        select from table_B B where B.tag = 'chair'

Alternatively you could join the tables and filter the rows you want:

    table_A A
inner join table_B B
    on =
    B.tag = 'chair'

You should profile both and see which is faster on your dataset.

Convert a number range to another range, maintaining ratio

Added KOTLIN version with Mathematical Explanation

Consider we have a scale between (OMin, Omax) and we we have a value X in this range

We want to convert it to scale (NMin, NMax)

We know X and we need to find Y, the ratio must be same:

 => (Y-NMin)/(NMax-NMin) = (X-OMin)/(OMax-OMin)  
 =>  (Y-NMin)/NewRange = (X-OMin)/OldRange 

 =>   Y = ((X-OMin)*NewRange)/oldRange)+NMin  Answer

Pragmatically we can write this rquation like this:

 private fun  convertScale(oldValueToConvert:Int): Float {
       // Old Scale 50-100
       val oldScaleMin = 50
       val oldScaleMax = 100
       val oldScaleRange= (oldScaleMax - oldScaleMin)

       //new Scale 0-1
       val newScaleMin = 0.0f
       val newScaleMax = 1.0f
       val newScaleRange=  (newScaleMax - newScaleMin)
       return ((oldValueToConvert - oldScaleMin)* newScaleRange/ oldScaleRange) + newScaleMin


     * @param x
     * @param inMin
     * @param inMax
     * @param outMin
     * @param outMax
     * @return
        private long normalize(long x, long inMin, long inMax, long outMin, long outMax) {
          long outRange = outMax - outMin;
          long inRange  = inMax - inMin;
          return (x - inMin) *outRange / inRange + outMin;


float brightness = normalize(progress, 0, 10, 0,255);

400 BAD request HTTP error code meaning?

Selecting a HTTP response code is quite an easy task and can be described by simple rules. The only tricky part which is often forgotten is paragraph 6.5 from RFC 7231:

Except when responding to a HEAD request, the server SHOULD send a representation containing an explanation of the error situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanent condition.

Rules are as following:

  1. If request was successful, then return 2xx code (3xx for redirect). If there was an internal logic error on a server, then return 5xx. If there is anything wrong in client request, then return 4xx code.
  2. Look through available response code from selected category. If one of them has a name which matches well to your situation, you can use it. Otherwise just fallback to x00 code (200, 400, 500). If you doubt, fallback to x00 code.
  3. Return error description in response body. For 4xx codes it must contain enough information for client developer to understand the reason and fix the client. For 5xx because of security reasons no details must be revealed.
  4. If client needs to distinguish different errors and have different reaction depending on it, define a machine readable and extendible error format and use it everywhere in your API. It is good practice to make that from very beginning.
  5. Keep in mind that client developer may do strange things and try to parse strings which you return as human readable description. And by changing the strings you will break such badly written clients. So always provide machine readable description and try to avoid reporting additional information in text.

So in your case I'd returned 400 error and something like this if "Roman" is obtained from user input and client must have specific reaction:

    "error_type" : "unsupported_resource",
    "error_description" : "\"Roman\" is not supported"

or a more generic error, if such situation is a bad logic error in a client and is not expected, unless developer made something wrong:

    "error_type" : "malformed_json",
    "error_description" : "\"Roman\" is not supported for \"requestedResource\" field"

What is the height of iPhone's onscreen keyboard?

I can't find latest answer, so I check it all with simulator.(iOS 11.0)

Device | Screen Height | Portrait | Landscape

iPhone 4s | 480.0 | 216.0 | 162.0

iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone SE | 568.0 | 216.0 | 162.0

iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone 7, iPhone 8, iPhone X | 667.0 | 216.0 | 162.0

iPhone 6 plus, iPhone 7 plus, iPhone 8 plus | 736.0 | 226.0 | 162.0

iPad 5th generation, iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad Pro 9.7, iPad Pro 10.5, iPad Pro 12.9 | 1024.0 | 265.0 | 353.0


Pandas df.to_csv("file.csv" encode="utf-8") still gives trash characters for minus sign

Your "bad" output is UTF-8 displayed as CP1252.

On Windows, many editors assume the default ANSI encoding (CP1252 on US Windows) instead of UTF-8 if there is no byte order mark (BOM) character at the start of the file. While a BOM is meaningless to the UTF-8 encoding, its UTF-8-encoded presence serves as a signature for some programs. For example, Microsoft Office's Excel requires it even on non-Windows OSes. Try:


That encoder will add the BOM.

How do I check if an HTML element is empty using jQuery?

document.getElementById("id").innerHTML == "" || null


$("element").html() == "" || null

How to change bower's default components folder?

Try putting the components.json file in the public directory of your application, rather than the root directory, then re-run bower install ...try this in your app home directory:

cp components.json public
cd public
bower install

What is Persistence Context?

  1. Entities are managed by javax.persistence.EntityManager instance using persistence context.
  2. Each EntityManager instance is associated with a persistence context.
  3. Within the persistence context, the entity instances and their lifecycle are managed.
  4. Persistence context defines a scope under which particular entity instances are created, persisted, and removed.
  5. A persistence context is like a cache which contains a set of persistent entities , So once the transaction is finished, all persistent objects are detached from the EntityManager's persistence context and are no longer managed.

mysqldump exports only one table

Here I am going to export 3 tables from database named myDB in an sql file named table.sql

mysqldump -u root -p myDB table1 table2 table3 > table.sql

How to use LogonUser properly to impersonate domain user from workgroup client

I have been successfull at impersonating users in another domain, but only with a trust set up between the 2 domains.

var token = IntPtr.Zero;
var result = LogonUser(userID, domain, password, LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, ref token);
if (result)
    return WindowsIdentity.Impersonate(token);

How can I send emails through SSL SMTP with the .NET Framework?

If it's Implicit SSL, it looks like it can't be done with System.Net.Mail and isn't supported as of yet.

To check if it's Implicit SSL try this.

Fastest way to implode an associative array with keys

As an aside, I was in search to find the best way to implode an associative array but using my own seperators etc...

So I did this using PHP's array_walk() function to let me join an associative array into a list of parameters that could then be applied to a HTML tag....

// Create Params Array
$p = Array("id"=>"blar","class"=>"myclass","onclick"=>"myJavascriptFunc()");

// Join Params
array_walk($p, create_function('&$i,$k','$i=" $k=\"$i\"";'));
$p_string = implode($p,"");

// Now use $p_string for your html tag

Obviously, you could stick that in your own function somehow but it gives you an idea of how you can join an associative array using your own method. Hope that helps someone :)

Using multiple delimiters in awk

Good news! awk field separator can be a regular expression. You just need to use -F"<separator1>|<separator2>|...":

awk -F"/|=" -vOFS='\t' '{print $3, $5, $NF}' file


tc0001  tomcat7.1
tc0001  tomcat7.2
tc0001  tomcat7.5


  • -F"/|=" sets the input field separator to either / or =. Then, it sets the output field separator to a tab.

  • -vOFS='\t' is using the -v flag for setting a variable. OFS is the default variable for the Output Field Separator and it is set to the tab character. The flag is necessary because there is no built-in for the OFS like -F.

  • {print $3, $5, $NF} prints the 3rd, 5th and last fields based on the input field separator.

See another example:

$ cat file

This file has two fields separators, # and _. If we want to print the second field regardless of the separator being one or the other, let's make both be separators!

$ awk -F"#|_" '{print $2}' file

Where the files are numbered as follows:

hello#how_are_you           i#am_very#well_thank#you
^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^           ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^
  1    2   3   4            1  2   3    4    5    6

Backporting Python 3 open(encoding="utf-8") to Python 2

If you are using six, you can try this, by which utilizing the latest Python 3 API and can run in both Python 2/3:

import six

if six.PY2:
    # FileNotFoundError is only available since Python 3.3
    FileNotFoundError = IOError
    from io import open

fname = 'index.rst'
    with open(fname, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        # do_something_with_f ...
except FileNotFoundError:

And, Python 2 support abandon is just deleting everything related to six.

Remove innerHTML from div

var $div = $('#desiredDiv');
$div.html('<p>This is new HTML.</p>');

That should work just fine.

What should I set JAVA_HOME environment variable on macOS X 10.6?

I just set JAVA_HOME to the output of that command, which should give you the Java path specified in your Java preferences. Here's a snippet from my .bashrc file, which sets this variable:

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)

I haven't experienced any problems with that technique.

Occasionally I do have to change the value of JAVA_HOME to an earlier version of Java. For example, one program I'm maintaining requires 32-bit Java 5 on OS X, so when using that program, I set JAVA_HOME by running:

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.5)

For those of you who don't have java_home in your path add it like this.

sudo ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/java_home /usr/libexec/java_home


Determine if variable is defined in Python

One possible situation where this might be needed:

If you are using finally block to close connections but in the try block, the program exits with sys.exit() before the connection is defined. In this case, the finally block will be called and the connection closing statement will fail since no connection was created.

How to restart Jenkins manually?

JenkinURL/restart will do the restart.

/usr/local/etc/rc.d/jenkins restart

What is the difference between document.location.href and document.location?

document.location is deprecated in favor of window.location, which can be accessed by just location, since it's a global object.

The location object has multiple properties and methods. If you try to use it as a string then it acts like location.href.

.autocomplete is not a function Error

I faced the same problem and try to solve, but unfortunately it wouldn't work anymore ! If you are facing the same problem and can't find the solution, it may help you.

If you configure jquery/jquery-ui globally in webpack, you need to import autocomplete like this

import { autocomplete } from 'webpack-jquery-ui';

And you must include jquery-ui.css in the head section of html, i don't understand why its not working without it!

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">

Hope your problem will be solved.

And make sure you include/install the following three

  1. jquery-ui-css
  2. jquery-ui
  3. jquery

border-radius not working

To add a bit on to @ethanmay 's answer: (

If there are contents within the div that has the curved corners, you have to set overflow: hidden because otherwise the child div's overflow can give the impression that the border-radius isn't working.

<!-- This will look like the border-radius isn't working-->
<div style="border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 10px;">
  <div style="background: red;">

<!-- but here the contents properly fit within the rounded div -->
<div style="border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 10px; overflow: hidden;">
  <div style="background: red;">


How to get current route in react-router 2.0.0-rc5

You can get the current route using

const currentRoute = this.props.routes[this.props.routes.length - 1];

...which gives you access to the props from the lowest-level active <Route ...> component.


<Route path="childpath" component={ChildComponent} />

currentRoute.path returns 'childpath' and currentRoute.component returns function _class() { ... }.

Regex to split a CSV

I needed this answer too, but I found the answers, while informative, a little hard to follow and replicate for other languages. Here is the simplest expression I came up with for a single column out of the CSV line. I am not splitting. I'm building a regex to match a column out of the CSV so I'm not splitting the line:


This matches a single column from the CSV line. The first portion "([^"]*)" of the expression is to match a quoted entry, the second part [^,]* is to match a non-quoted entry. Then either followed by a , or end of line $.

And the accompanying debuggex to test out the expression.

qmake: could not find a Qt installation of ''

As Debian Qt's maintainer please allow me to suggest you to not use qtx-default. Please read qtchooser's man page, the solution is described there. If you are interested in packaging an app you can also take a look at this blog post I made explaining how to do it

# method 1
QT_SELECT=qt5 qmake

# method 2:
export QT_SELECT=qt5
... more qt commands here

# method 3:
make -qt5

To use Qt 4, just replace the qt5 with qt4

Update 20210202: starting from Debian 11 (bullseye) the packages qtx-default do not longer exist. Same goes for Ubuntu, but I don't know in which specific version. If you know of a package that still has the dependency (mostly non-Debian official packages) please file a bug. Same goes for Wiki pages, etc.

C++ convert string to hexadecimal and vice versa

You can try this. It's Working...

#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <iomanip>

namespace {
   const std::string test="hello world";

int main() {
   std::ostringstream result;
   result << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << std::uppercase;
   std::copy(test.begin(), test.end(), std::ostream_iterator<unsigned int>(result, " "));
   std::cout << test << ":" << result.str() << std::endl;

How do I get the current username in .NET using C#?

Just in case someone is looking for user Display Name as opposed to User Name, like me.

Here's the treat :


Add Reference to System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement in your project.

Overwriting my local branch with remote branch

git reset --hard

This is to revert all your local changes to the origin head

android: how to use getApplication and getApplicationContext from non activity / service class

In order to avoid to pass this argument i use class derived from Application

public class MyApplication extends Application {

private static Context sContext;

public void onCreate() {
    sContext=   getApplicationContext();


public static Context getContext() {
    return sContext;

and invoke MyApplication.getContext() in Helper classes.

Don't forget to update the manifest.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<manifest xmlns:android="" 

Using find to locate files that match one of multiple patterns

This works on AIX korn shell.

find *.cbl *.dms -prune -type f -mtime -1

This is looking for *.cbl or *.dms which are 1 day old, in current directory only, skipping the sub-directories.

show loading icon until the page is load?

Element making ajax call can call loading(targetElementId) method as below to put loading/icon in target div and it'll get over written by ajax results when ready. This works great for me.

<div style='display:none;'><div id="loading" class="divLoading"><p>Loading... <img src="loading_image.gif" /></p></div></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function loading(id) {
    jQuery("#" + id).html(jQuery("#loading").html());
    jQuery("#" + id).show();

Laravel 5.2 - Use a String as a Custom Primary Key for Eloquent Table becomes 0

This was added to the upgrade documentation on Dec 29, 2015, so if you upgraded before then you probably missed it.

When fetching any attribute from the model it checks if that column should be cast as an integer, string, etc.

By default, for auto-incrementing tables, the ID is assumed to be an integer in this method:

So the solution is:

class UserVerification extends Model
    protected $primaryKey = 'your_key_name'; // or null

    public $incrementing = false;

    // In Laravel 6.0+ make sure to also set $keyType
    protected $keyType = 'string';

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 5.0

The following solution helped me as I was also getting the same warning. In your project level gradle file, try to change the gradle version in classpath

classpath "" to
classpath ""

Eclipse IDE: How to zoom in on text?

The Eclipse-Fonts extension will add toolbar buttons and keyboard shortcuts for changing font size. You can then use AutoHotkey to make Ctrl+Mousewheel zoom.

Under Help | Install New Software... in the menu, paste the update URL ( into the Works with: text box and press Enter. Expand the tree and select FontsFeature as in the following image:

Eclipse extension installation screen capture

Complete the installation and restart Eclipse, then you should see the A toolbar buttons (circled in red in the following image) and be able to use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+- and Ctrl+= to zoom (although you may have to unbind those keys from Eclipse first).

Eclipse screen capture with the font size toolbar buttons circled

To get Ctrl+MouseWheel zooming, you can use AutoHotkey with the following script:

; Ctrl+MouseWheel zooming in Eclipse.
; Requires Eclipse-Fonts (
; Thank you for the unique window class, SWT/Eclipse.
#IfWinActive ahk_class SWT_Window0
    ^WheelUp:: Send ^{=}
    ^WheelDown:: Send ^-

How do I deal with special characters like \^$.?*|+()[{ in my regex?

Escape with a double backslash

R treats backslashes as escape values for character constants. (... and so do regular expressions. Hence the need for two backslashes when supplying a character argument for a pattern. The first one isn't actually a character, but rather it makes the second one into a character.) You can see how they are processed using cat.

y <- "double quote: \", tab: \t, newline: \n, unicode point: \u20AC"
## [1] "double quote: \", tab: \t, newline: \n, unicode point: €"
## double quote: ", tab:    , newline: 
## , unicode point: €

Further reading: Escaping a backslash with a backslash in R produces 2 backslashes in a string, not 1

To use special characters in a regular expression the simplest method is usually to escape them with a backslash, but as noted above, the backslash itself needs to be escaped.

grepl("\\[", "a[b")
## [1] TRUE

To match backslashes, you need to double escape, resulting in four backslashes.

grepl("\\\\", c("a\\b", "a\nb"))
## [1]  TRUE FALSE

The rebus package contains constants for each of the special characters to save you mistyping slashes.

## [1] "\\["
## [1] "\\\\"

For more examples see:


Your problem can be solved this way:

grepl(OPEN_BRACKET, "a[b")

Form a character class

You can also wrap the special characters in square brackets to form a character class.

grepl("[?]", "a?b")
## [1] TRUE

Two of the special characters have special meaning inside character classes: \ and ^.

Backslash still needs to be escaped even if it is inside a character class.

grepl("[\\\\]", c("a\\b", "a\nb"))
## [1]  TRUE FALSE

Caret only needs to be escaped if it is directly after the opening square bracket.

grepl("[ ^]", "a^b")  # matches spaces as well.
## [1] TRUE
grepl("[\\^]", "a^b") 
## [1] TRUE

rebus also lets you form a character class.

## <regex> [?]

Use a pre-existing character class

If you want to match all punctuation, you can use the [:punct:] character class.

grepl("[[:punct:]]", c("//", "[", "(", "{", "?", "^", "$"))

stringi maps this to the Unicode General Category for punctuation, so its behaviour is slightly different.

stri_detect_regex(c("//", "[", "(", "{", "?", "^", "$"), "[[:punct:]]")

You can also use the cross-platform syntax for accessing a UGC.

stri_detect_regex(c("//", "[", "(", "{", "?", "^", "$"), "\\p{P}")

Use \Q \E escapes

Placing characters between \\Q and \\E makes the regular expression engine treat them literally rather than as regular expressions.

grepl("\\Q.\\E", "a.b")
## [1] TRUE

rebus lets you write literal blocks of regular expressions.

## <regex> \Q.\E

Don't use regular expressions

Regular expressions are not always the answer. If you want to match a fixed string then you can do, for example:

grepl("[", "a[b", fixed = TRUE)
stringr::str_detect("a[b", fixed("["))
stringi::stri_detect_fixed("a[b", "[")

How to establish a connection pool in JDBC?


  • Pooling Mechanism is the way of creating the Objects in advance. When a class is loaded.
  • It improves the application performance [By re using same object's to perform any action on Object-Data] & memory [allocating and de-allocating many objects creates a significant memory management overhead].
  • Object clean-up is not required as we are using same Object, reducing the Garbage collection load.

« Pooling [ Object pool, String Constant Pool, Thread Pool, Connection pool]

String Constant pool

  • String literal pool maintains only one copy of each distinct string value. which must be immutable.
  • When the intern method is invoked, it check object availability with same content in pool using equals method. « If String-copy is available in the Pool then returns the reference. « Otherwise, String object is added to the pool and returns the reference.

Example: String to verify Unique Object from pool.

public class StringPoolTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) { // Integer.valueOf(), String.equals()
        String eol = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //java7 System.lineSeparator();

        String s1 = "Yash".intern();
        System.out.format("Val:%s Hash:%s SYS:%s "+eol, s1, s1.hashCode(), System.identityHashCode(s1));
        String s2 = "Yas"+"h".intern();
        System.out.format("Val:%s Hash:%s SYS:%s "+eol, s2, s2.hashCode(), System.identityHashCode(s2));
        String s3 = "Yas".intern()+"h".intern();
        System.out.format("Val:%s Hash:%s SYS:%s "+eol, s3, s3.hashCode(), System.identityHashCode(s3));
        String s4 = "Yas"+"h";
        System.out.format("Val:%s Hash:%s SYS:%s "+eol, s4, s4.hashCode(), System.identityHashCode(s4));

Connection pool using Type-4 Driver using 3rd party libraries[ DBCP2, c3p0, Tomcat JDBC]

Type 4 - The Thin driver converts JDBC calls directly into the vendor-specific database protocol Ex[Oracle - Thick, MySQL - Quora]. wiki

In Connection pool mechanism, when the class is loaded it get's the physical JDBC connection objects and provides a wrapped physical connection object to user. PoolableConnection is a wrapper around the actual connection.

  • getConnection() pick one of the free wrapped-connection form the connection objectpool and returns it.
  • close() instead of closing it returns the wrapped-connection back to pool.

Example: Using ~ DBCP2 Connection Pool with Java 7[try-with-resources]

public class ConnectionPool {
    static final BasicDataSource ds_dbcp2 = new BasicDataSource();
    static final ComboPooledDataSource ds_c3p0 = new ComboPooledDataSource();
    static final DataSource ds_JDBC = new DataSource();

    static Properties prop = new Properties();
    static {
        try {

            ds_dbcp2.setDriverClassName( prop.getProperty("DriverClass") );
            ds_dbcp2.setUrl( prop.getProperty("URL") );
            ds_dbcp2.setUsername( prop.getProperty("UserName") );
            ds_dbcp2.setPassword( prop.getProperty("Password") );
            ds_dbcp2.setInitialSize( 5 );

            ds_c3p0.setDriverClass( prop.getProperty("DriverClass") );
            ds_c3p0.setJdbcUrl( prop.getProperty("URL") );
            ds_c3p0.setUser( prop.getProperty("UserName") );
            ds_c3p0.setPassword( prop.getProperty("Password") );

            PoolProperties pool = new PoolProperties();
            pool.setUrl( prop.getProperty("URL") );
            pool.setDriverClassName( prop.getProperty("DriverClass") );
            pool.setUsername( prop.getProperty("UserName") );
            pool.setPassword( prop.getProperty("Password") );
            pool.setValidationQuery("SELECT 1");// SELECT 1(mysql) select 1 from dual(oracle)

            ds_JDBC.setPoolProperties( pool );
        } catch (IOException e) {   e.printStackTrace();
        } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }

    public static Connection getDBCP2Connection() throws SQLException {
        return ds_dbcp2.getConnection();

    public static Connection getc3p0Connection() throws SQLException {
        return ds_c3p0.getConnection();

    public static Connection getJDBCConnection() throws SQLException {
        return ds_JDBC.getConnection();
public static boolean exists(String UserName, String Password ) throws SQLException {
    boolean exist = false;
    String SQL_EXIST = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=? AND password=?";
    try ( Connection connection = ConnectionPool.getDBCP2Connection();
          PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(SQL_EXIST); ) {
        pstmt.setString(1, UserName );
        pstmt.setString(2, Password );

        try (ResultSet resultSet = pstmt.executeQuery()) {
            exist =; // Note that you should not return a ResultSet here.
    System.out.println("User : "+exist);
    return exist;

jdbc:<DB>:<drivertype>:<HOST>:<TCP/IP PORT>:<dataBaseName> jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:myDBName jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/myDBName

URL         : jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/myDBName
DriverClass : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
UserName    : root
Password    :

Web Application: To avoid connection problem when all the connection's are closed[MySQL "wait_timeout" default 8 hours] in-order to reopen the connection with underlying DB.

You can do this to Test Every Connection by setting testOnBorrow = true and validationQuery= "SELECT 1" and donot use autoReconnect for MySQL server as it is deprecated. issue

===== ===== context.xml ===== =====
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- The contents of this file will be loaded for a web application -->
    <Resource name="jdbc/MyAppDB" auth="Container" 

        initialSize="5" minIdle="5" maxActive="15" maxIdle="10"


            validationQuery="SELECT 1"

        username="yash" password="777"

===== ===== web.xml ===== =====
    <description>DB Connection</description>
===== ===== DBOperations ===== =====
servlet «   init() {}
Normal call used by sevlet  « static {}

static DataSource ds;
static {
    try {
        Context ctx=new InitialContext();
        Context envContext = (Context)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env");
        ds  =   (DataSource) envContext.lookup("jdbc/MyAppDB");
    } catch (NamingException e) {   e.printStackTrace();    }

See these also:

C++11 thread-safe queue

According to the standard condition_variables are allowed to wakeup spuriously, even if the event hasn't occured. In case of a spurious wakeup it will return cv_status::no_timeout (since it woke up instead of timing out), even though it hasn't been notified. The correct solution for this is of course to check if the wakeup was actually legit before proceding.

The details are specified in the standard §30.5.1 [thread.condition.condvar]:

—The function will unblock when signaled by a call to notify_one(), a call to notify_all(), expiration of the absolute timeout (30.2.4) speci?ed by abs_time, or spuriously.


Returns: cv_status::timeout if the absolute timeout (30.2.4) speci?edby abs_time expired, other-ise cv_status::no_timeout.

Creating a LinkedList class from scratch

Hint 1: read the description of linked lists at

Hint 2: the Java implementation of LinkedList is a doubly linked list. Yours is a singly linked list. The algorithms don't directly apply.


... but creating [a linked list class] from scratch makes no sense whatsoever.

It depends on what the required outcome of the work is. If the goal is to produce code that meets certain functional / non-functional requirements, then you are right. If the real goal is for you to learn how to program / design APIs / implement non-trivial data structures, then the utility of the final product is almost entirely irrelevant.

And thus magically we have a linked list

What you actually have there is a open data type, that could be used to build a (sort of) list. But that is not what your teacher wants. And it certainly would not be considered to be a useful list abstraction. A useful abstraction would include:

  • methods to do the things that programmers don't want to have to repeat over and over again, and

  • an abstraction layer that stops programmers "breaking" the list; e.g. by accidentally creating a cycle, or accidentally stitching a sublist in two lists to create an inverted tree.

Try catch statements in C

In C99, you can use setjmp/longjmp for non-local control flow.

Within a single scope, the generic, structured coding pattern for C in the presence of multiple resource allocations and multiple exits uses goto, like in this example. This is similar to how C++ implements destructor calls of automatic objects under the hood, and if you stick to this diligently, it should allow you for a certain degree of cleanness even in complex functions.

Custom UITableViewCell from nib in Swift

swift 4.1.2


Create ImageCell2.swift

Step 1

import UIKit

class ImageCell2: UITableViewCell {

    @IBOutlet weak var imgBookLogo: UIImageView!
    @IBOutlet weak var lblTitle: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var lblPublisher: UILabel!
    override func awakeFromNib() {
        // Initialization code

    override func setSelected(_ selected: Bool, animated: Bool) {
        super.setSelected(selected, animated: animated)


step 2 . According Viewcontroller class

  import UIKit

    class ImageListVC: UIViewController,UITableViewDataSource,UITableViewDelegate {
    @IBOutlet weak var tblMainVC: UITableView!

    var arrBook : [BookItem] = [BookItem]()

    override func viewDidLoad() {
         //Regester Cell
        self.tblMainVC.register(UINib.init(nibName: "ImageCell2", bundle: nil), forCellReuseIdentifier: "ImageCell2")
        // Response Call adn Disply Record
        APIManagerData._APIManagerInstance.getAPIBook { (itemInstance) in
            self.arrBook = itemInstance.arrItem!
    //MARK: DataSource & delegate
    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        return self.arrBook.count
    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
//    [enter image description here][2]
        let cell  = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "ImageCell2") as! ImageCell2
        cell.lblTitle.text = self.arrBook[indexPath.row].title
        cell.lblPublisher.text = self.arrBook[indexPath.row].publisher
        if let authors = self.arrBook[indexPath.row].author {
            for item in authors{
                print(" item \(item)")
        let  url  = self.arrBook[indexPath.row].imageURL
        if url == nil {
            cell.imgBookLogo.kf.setImage(with: URL.init(string: ""), placeholder: UIImage.init(named: "download.jpeg"))
            cell.imgBookLogo.kf.setImage(with: URL(string: url!)!, placeholder: UIImage.init(named: "download.jpeg"))
        return cell
    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
        return 90


Load CSV file with Spark

If your csv data happens to not contain newlines in any of the fields, you can load your data with textFile() and parse it

import csv
import StringIO

def loadRecord(line):
    input = StringIO.StringIO(line)
    reader = csv.DictReader(input, fieldnames=["name1", "name2"])

input = sc.textFile(inputFile).map(loadRecord)

Use ffmpeg to add text subtitles

MKV container supports video and audio codecs Virtually anything and also supports subtitles and DVD menus. So you can just copy codecs from input video to output video with MKV container with subtitles. First you should convert SRT to ASS subtitle format

ffmpeg -i input.ass

and embed ASS subtitles to video

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i input.ass -c:v copy -c:a copy -c:s copy -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map 1:0 -y out.mkv

Also worked with VMW file.

ffmpeg -i input.wmv -i input.ass -c:v copy -c:a copy -c:s copy -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map 1:0 -y out.mkv

see the wiki page Comparison of container formats

Cannot find "Package Explorer" view in Eclipse

Try this

Window > Show View > Package Explorer

it will display the hidden 'Package Explorer' on your eclipse IDE.

• 'Window' is in your Eclipse' menubar.

Sequelize OR condition object

In Sequelize version 5 you might also can use this way (full use Operator Sequelize) :

var condition = 
  [Op.or]: [ 
     LastName: {
      [Op.eq]: "Doe"
     FirstName: {
      [Op.or]: ["John", "Jane"]
        []: 18

And then, you must include this :

const Op = require('Sequelize').Op

and pass it in :


It could beautifully generate SQL like this :

"SELECT * FROM Student WHERE LastName='Doe' OR FirstName in ("John","Jane") OR Age>18"

Open a file with Notepad in C#

this will open the file with the default windows program (notepad if you haven't changed it);


Import a custom class in Java

In the same package you don't need to import the class.

Otherwise, it is very easy. In Eclipse or NetBeans just write the class you want to use and press on Ctrl + Space. The IDE will automatically import the class.

General information:

You can import a class with import keyword after package information:


package your_package;

import anotherpackage.anotherclass;

public class Your_Class {
    private Vector variable;

You can instance the class with:

Anotherclass foo = new Anotherclass();

How to change the commit author for one specific commit?

If the commit that you want to change is not the last commit, then follow the below steps. If your commit is in different branch then first switch to that branch.

git checkout branch_name

Find commit before the commit that you want to change and find its hash. Then issue rebase command.

git rebase -i -p hash of commit

Then an editor will open and enter 'edit' for the commits that you want to change. Leave others with default 'pick' option. Once changed enter 'esc' key and wq! to exit.

Then issue git commit command with amendment option.

git commit --amend --author="Username email" --no-edit

Then issue the following command.

git rebase --continue

Once commit author is updated in the local repository, push the changes to the remote repository.

java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbname

You might have not copied the MySQL connector/J jar file into the lib folder and then this file has to be there in the classpath.

If you have not done so, please let me know I shall elaborate the answer

Programmatically Install Certificate into Mozilla

On Windows 7 with Firefox 10, the cert8.db file is stored at %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\########.default\cert8.db. If you are an administrator, you can probably write a simple WMI application to copy the file to the User's respective folder.

Also, a solution that worked for me from

  1. Copied CERTUTIL.EXE from the NSS zip file ( ) to C:\Temp\CertImport (I also placed the certificates I want to import there)

  2. Copied all the dll's from the NSS zip file to C\:Windows\System32

  3. Created a BAT file in %Appdata%\mozilla\firefox\profiles with this script...

    Set FFProfdir=%Appdata%\mozilla\firefox\profiles 
    Set CERTDIR=C:\Temp\CertImport 
    DIR /A:D /B > "%Temp%\FFProfile.txt" 
    FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in (%Temp%\FFProfile.txt) do ( 
    CD /d "%FFProfDir%\%%i" 
    COPY cert8.db cert8.db.orig /y 
    For %%x in ("%CertDir%\Cert1.crt") do "%Certdir%\certutil.exe" -A -n "Cert1" -i "%%x" -t "TCu,TCu,TCu" -d . 
    For %%x in ("%CertDir%\Cert2.crt") do "%Certdir%\certutil.exe" -A -n "Cert2" -i "%%x" -t "TCu,TCu,TCu" -d . 
    DEL /f /q "%Temp%\FFProfile.txt" 
  4. Executed the BAT file with good results.

angular 2 sort and filter

This isn't added out of the box because the Angular team wants Angular 2 to run minified. OrderBy runs off of reflection which breaks with minification. Check out Miško Heverey's response on the matter.

I've taken the time to create an OrderBy pipe that supports both single and multi-dimensional arrays. It also supports being able to sort on multiple columns of the multi-dimensional array.

<li *ngFor="let person of people | orderBy : ['-lastName', 'age']">{{person.firstName}} {{person.lastName}}, {{person.age}}</li>

This pipe does allow for adding more items to the array after rendering the page, and still sort the arrays with the new items correctly.

I have a write up on the process here.

And here's a working demo: and

EDIT: Added new demo to

EDIT 2: Updated ngFor to new syntax

Getting "NoSuchMethodError: org.hamcrest.Matcher.describeMismatch" when running test in IntelliJ 10.5

This worked for me after struggling a bit




How can I return two values from a function in Python?

I think you what you want is a tuple. If you use return (i, card), you can get these two results by:

i, card = select_choice()

How to set the max size of upload file

None of the configuration above worked for me with a Spring application.

Implementing this code in the main application class (the one annotated with @SpringBootApplication) did the trick.

EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer containerCustomizer() throws Exception {
     return (ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainer container) -> {

              if (container instanceof TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) {

                  TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory tomcat = (TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) container;
                          (connector) -> {

You can change the accepted size in the statement:


Can we pass parameters to a view in SQL?

I realized this task for my needs as follows

set nocount on;

  declare @ToDate date = dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,getdate())-1,0)

declare @year varchar(4)  = year(@ToDate)
declare @month varchar(2) = month(@ToDate)

declare @sql nvarchar(max)
set @sql = N'
    create or alter view dbo.wTempLogs
    select * from dbo.y2019
        year(LogDate) = ''_year_''
        month(LogDate) = ''_month_''    '

select @sql = replace(replace(@sql,'_year_',@year),'_month_',@month)

execute sp_executesql @sql

declare @errmsg nvarchar(max)
    set @errMsg = @sql
    raiserror (@errMsg, 0,1) with nowait

Iteration ng-repeat only X times in AngularJs

in the html :

<div ng-repeat="t in getTimes(4)">text</div>

and in the controller :

     return new Array(n);


with angularjs > 1.2.x

<div ng-repeat="t in getTimes(4) track by $index">TEXT</div>

Quoting backslashes in Python string literals

Another way to end a string with a backslash is to end the string with a backslash followed by a space, and then call the .strip() function on the string.

I was trying to concatenate two string variables and have them separated by a backslash, so i used the following:

newString = string1 + "\ ".strip() + string2

How to Identify port number of SQL server

Visually you can open "SQL Server Configuration Manager" and check properties of "Network Configuration":

SQL Server Configuration

Get the difference between two dates both In Months and days in sql

See the query below (assumed @dt1 >= @dt2);

Declare @dt1 datetime = '2013-7-3'
Declare @dt2 datetime = '2013-5-2'

select abs(DATEDIFF(DD, @dt2, @dt1)) Days,
case when @dt1 >= @dt2
    then case when DAY(@dt2)<=DAY(@dt1)
        then Convert(varchar, DATEDIFF(MONTH, @dt2, @dt1)) + CONVERT(varchar, ' Month(s) ') + Convert(varchar, DAY(@dt1)-DAY(@dt2)) + CONVERT(varchar, 'Day(s).')
        else Convert(varchar, DATEDIFF(MONTH, @dt2, @dt1)-1) + CONVERT(varchar, ' Month(s) ') + convert(varchar, abs(DATEDIFF(DD, @dt1, DateAdd(Month, -1, @dt1))) - (DAY(@dt2)-DAY(@dt1))) + CONVERT(varchar, 'Day(s).')
    else 'See asumption: @dt1 must be >= @dt2'
end In_Months_Days


Days | In_Months_Days

62   |   2 Month(s) 1Day(s).

Parallel.ForEach vs Task.Factory.StartNew

The first is a much better option.

Parallel.ForEach, internally, uses a Partitioner<T> to distribute your collection into work items. It will not do one task per item, but rather batch this to lower the overhead involved.

The second option will schedule a single Task per item in your collection. While the results will be (nearly) the same, this will introduce far more overhead than necessary, especially for large collections, and cause the overall runtimes to be slower.

FYI - The Partitioner used can be controlled by using the appropriate overloads to Parallel.ForEach, if so desired. For details, see Custom Partitioners on MSDN.

The main difference, at runtime, is the second will act asynchronous. This can be duplicated using Parallel.ForEach by doing:

Task.Factory.StartNew( () => Parallel.ForEach<Item>(items, item => DoSomething(item)));

By doing this, you still take advantage of the partitioners, but don't block until the operation is complete.

How is OAuth 2 different from OAuth 1?

Eran Hammer-Lahav has done an excellent job in explaining the majority of the differences in his article Introducing OAuth 2.0. To summarize, here are the key differences:

More OAuth Flows to allow better support for non-browser based applications. This is a main criticism against OAuth from client applications that were not browser based. For example, in OAuth 1.0, desktop applications or mobile phone applications had to direct the user to open their browser to the desired service, authenticate with the service, and copy the token from the service back to the application. The main criticism here is against the user experience. With OAuth 2.0, there are now new ways for an application to get authorization for a user.

OAuth 2.0 no longer requires client applications to have cryptography. This hearkens back to the old Twitter Auth API, which didn't require the application to HMAC hash tokens and request strings. With OAuth 2.0, the application can make a request using only the issued token over HTTPS.

OAuth 2.0 signatures are much less complicated. No more special parsing, sorting, or encoding.

OAuth 2.0 Access tokens are "short-lived". Typically, OAuth 1.0 Access tokens could be stored for a year or more (Twitter never let them expire). OAuth 2.0 has the notion of refresh tokens. While I'm not entirely sure what these are, my guess is that your access tokens can be short lived (i.e. session based) while your refresh tokens can be "life time". You'd use a refresh token to acquire a new access token rather than have the user re-authorize your application.

Finally, OAuth 2.0 is meant to have a clean separation of roles between the server responsible for handling OAuth requests and the server handling user authorization. More information about that is detailed in the aforementioned article.

MySQL, Concatenate two columns

In query, CONCAT_WS() function.

This function not only add multiple string values and makes them a single string value. It also let you define separator ( ” “, ” , “, ” – “,” _ “, etc.).

Syntax –

CONCAT_WS( SEPERATOR, column1, column2, ... )


CONCAT_WS( " ", subject, year ) AS subject_year 
FROM table

How to get the MD5 hash of a file in C++?

Using Crypto++, you could do the following:

#include <sha.h>
#include <iostream> 

SHA256 sha; 
while ( !f.eof() ) { 
   char buff[4096];
   int numchars =; 
   sha.Update(buff, numchars); 
char hash[size]; 
cout << hash <<endl; 

I have a need for something very similar, because I can't read in multi-gigabyte files just to compute a hash. In theory I could memory map them, but I have to support 32bit platforms - that's still problematic for large files.

Opacity CSS not working in IE8

You can also add a polyfil to enable native opacity usage in IE6-8.

This is a stand alone polyfil that does not require jQuery or other libraries. There are several small caveats it does not operate on in-line styles and for any style sheets that need opacity polyfil'd they must adhere to the same-origin security policy.

Usage is dead simple

<!--[if lte IE 8]>
    <script src=""></script>

    a.transparentLink { opacity: 0.5; }

<a class="transparentLink" href="#"> foo </a>

Better way to check if a Path is a File or a Directory?

I see, I'm 10 years too late to the party. I was facing the situation, where from some property I can receive either a file name or a full file path. If there is no path provided, I have to check the file-existence by attaching a "global" directory-path provided by another property.

In my case

var isFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName (str) == str;

did the trick. Ok, it's not magic, but perhaps this could save someone a few minutes of figuring out. Since this is merely a string-parsing, so Dir-names with dots may give false positives...

Linq to SQL how to do "where [column] in (list of values)"

 var filterTransNos = (from so in db.SalesOrderDetails
                    where  ItemDescription.Contains(ItemDescription)
                            select new { so.TransNo }).AsEnumerable();    

listreceipt = listreceipt.Where(p => filterTransNos.Any(p2 => p2.TransNo == p.TransNo)).ToList();

javascript code to check special characters

Directly from the w3schools website:

   var str = "The best things in life are free";
   var patt = new RegExp("e");
   var res = patt.test(str);

To combine their example with a regular expression, you could do the following:

function checkUserName() {
    var username = document.getElementsByName("username").value;
    var pattern = new RegExp(/[~`!#$%\^&*+=\-\[\]\\';,/{}|\\":<>\?]/); //unacceptable chars
    if (pattern.test(username)) {
        alert("Please only use standard alphanumerics");
        return false;
    return true; //good user input

Javascript use variable as object name

You can't do this in general, except at the window scope, where you can write window[objname].value = 'value';

ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server (111)

I have got a same question like you, I use wireshark to capture my sent TCP packets, I found when I use mysql bin to connect the remote host, it connects remote's 3307 port, that's my falut in /etc/mysql/my.cnf, 3307 is another project mysql port, but I change that config in my.cnf [client] part, when I use -P option to specify 3306 port, it's OK.

How do I undo a checkout in git?

Try this first:

git checkout master

(If you're on a different branch than master, use the branch name there instead.)

If that doesn't work, try...

For a single file:

git checkout HEAD /path/to/file

For the entire repository working copy:

git reset --hard HEAD

And if that doesn't work, then you can look in the reflog to find your old head SHA and reset to that:

git reflog
git reset --hard <sha from reflog>

HEAD is a name that always points to the latest commit in your current branch.

Volatile vs Static in Java

Declaring a static variable in Java, means that there will be only one copy, no matter how many objects of the class are created. The variable will be accessible even with no Objects created at all. However, threads may have locally cached values of it.

When a variable is volatile and not static, there will be one variable for each Object. So, on the surface it seems there is no difference from a normal variable but totally different from static. However, even with Object fields, a thread may cache a variable value locally.

This means that if two threads update a variable of the same Object concurrently, and the variable is not declared volatile, there could be a case in which one of the thread has in cache an old value.

Even if you access a static value through multiple threads, each thread can have its local cached copy! To avoid this you can declare the variable as static volatile and this will force the thread to read each time the global value.

However, volatile is not a substitute for proper synchronisation!
For instance:

private static volatile int counter = 0;

private void concurrentMethodWrong() {
  counter = counter + 5;
  //do something
  counter = counter - 5;

Executing concurrentMethodWrong concurrently many times may lead to a final value of counter different from zero!
To solve the problem, you have to implement a lock:

private static final Object counterLock = new Object();

private static volatile int counter = 0;

private void concurrentMethodRight() {
  synchronized (counterLock) {
    counter = counter + 5;
  //do something
  synchronized (counterLock) {
    counter = counter - 5;

Or use the AtomicInteger class.

How to connect to mysql with laravel?

I spent a lot of time trying to figure this one out. Finally, I tried shutting down my development server and booting it up again. Frustratingly, this worked for me. I came to the conclusion, that after editing the .env file in Laravel 5, you have to exit the server, and run php artisan serve again.

chrome : how to turn off user agent stylesheet settings?

  1. Open Chrome dev tools
  2. Click gear icon on bottom right
  3. In General section, check or uncheck "Show user agent styles".

How do you align left / right a div without using float?

you could use things like display: inline-block but I think you would need to set up another div to move it over, if there is nothing going to the left of the button you could use margins to move it into place.

Alternatively but not a good solution, you could position tags; put the encompassing div as position: relative and then the div of the button as position: absolute; right: 0, but like I said this is probably not the best solution


<div class="parent">
  <div>Left Div</div>
  <div class="right">Right Div</div>


.parent {
  position: relative;
.right {
    position: absolute;
    right: 0;

How to execute a bash command stored as a string with quotes and asterisk

Use an array, not a string, as given as guidance in BashFAQ #50.

Using a string is extremely bad security practice: Consider the case where password (or a where clause in the query, or any other component) is user-provided; you don't want to eval a password containing $(rm -rf .)!

Just Running A Local Command

cmd=( mysql AMORE -u username -ppassword -h localhost -e "SELECT  host  FROM amoreconfig" )

Printing Your Command Unambiguously

cmd=( mysql AMORE -u username -ppassword -h localhost -e "SELECT  host  FROM amoreconfig" )
printf 'Proposing to run: '
printf '%q ' "${cmd[@]}"
printf '\n'

Running Your Command Over SSH (Method 1: Using Stdin)

cmd=( mysql AMORE -u username -ppassword -h localhost -e "SELECT  host  FROM amoreconfig" )
printf -v cmd_str '%q ' "${cmd[@]}"
ssh other_host 'bash -s' <<<"$cmd_str"

Running Your Command Over SSH (Method 2: Command Line)

cmd=( mysql AMORE -u username -ppassword -h localhost -e "SELECT  host  FROM amoreconfig" )
printf -v cmd_str '%q ' "${cmd[@]}"
ssh other_host "bash -c $cmd_str"

Can I use DIV class and ID together in CSS?

#y.x should work. And it's convenient too. You can make a page with different kinds of output. You can give a certain element an id, but give it different classes depending on the look you want.

querySelector, wildcard element match?

I just wrote this short script; seems to work.

 * Find all the elements with a tagName that matches.
 * @param {RegExp} regEx  regular expression to match against tagName
 * @returns {Array}       elements in the DOM that match
function getAllTagMatches(regEx) {
  return'*')).filter(function (el) { 
    return el.tagName.match(regEx);
getAllTagMatches(/^di/i); // Returns an array of all elements that begin with "di", eg "div"

E: Unable to locate package npm

Encountered this in Ubuntu for Windows, try running first

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade


sudo apt-get install npm

ssl.SSLError: tlsv1 alert protocol version

For Mac OS X

1) Update to Python 3.6.5 using the native app installer downloaded from the official Python language website

I've found that the installer is taking care of updating the links and symlinks for the new Python a lot better than homebrew.

2) Install a new certificate using "./Install Certificates.command" which is in the refreshed Python 3.6 directory

> cd "/Applications/Python 3.6/"
> sudo "./Install Certificates.command"

Scraping html tables into R data frames using the XML package


# Download page using RCurl
# You may need to set proxy details, etc.,  in the call to getURL
theurl <- ""
webpage <- getURL(theurl)
# Process escape characters
webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(webpage)); close(tc)

# Parse the html tree, ignoring errors on the page
pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){})

# Navigate your way through the tree. It may be possible to do this more efficiently using getNodeSet
body <- pagetree$children$html$children$body 
divbodyContent <- body$children$div$children[[1]]$children$div$children[[4]]
tables <- divbodyContent$children[names(divbodyContent)=="table"]

#In this case, the required table is the only one with class "wikitable sortable"  
tableclasses <- sapply(tables, function(x) x$attributes["class"])
thetable  <- tables[which(tableclasses=="wikitable sortable")]$table

#Get columns headers
headers <- thetable$children[[1]]$children
columnnames <- unname(sapply(headers, function(x) x$children$text$value))

# Get rows from table
content <- c()
for(i in 2:length(thetable$children))
   tablerow <- thetable$children[[i]]$children
   opponent <- tablerow[[1]]$children[[2]]$children$text$value
   others <- unname(sapply(tablerow[-1], function(x) x$children$text$value)) 
   content <- rbind(content, c(opponent, others))

# Convert to data frame
colnames(content) <- columnnames

Edited to add:

Sample output

                     Opponent Played Won Drawn Lost Goals for Goals against  % Won
    1               Argentina     94  36    24   34       148           150  38.3%
    2                Paraguay     72  44    17   11       160            61  61.1%
    3                 Uruguay     72  33    19   20       127            93  45.8%

How to define a List bean in Spring?

Stacker posed a great answer, I would go one step farther to make it more dynamic and use Spring 3 EL Expression.

<bean id="listBean" class="java.util.ArrayList">

I was trying to figure out how I could do this with the util:list but couldn't get it work due to conversion errors.

Sublime text 3. How to edit multiple lines?

Select multiple lines by clicking first line then holding shift and clicking last line. Then press:


or on MAC: CMD+SHIFT+L (as per comments)

Alternatively you can select lines and go to SELECTION MENU >> SPLIT INTO LINES.

Now you can edit multiple lines, move cursors etc. for all selected lines.

Open Form2 from Form1, close Form1 from Form2

on the form2.buttonclick put


form1 should have object of form2.

you need to subscribe Closing event of form2.

and in closing method put


Java generics: multiple generic parameters?

Yes - it's possible (though not with your method signature) and yes, with your signature the types must be the same.

With the signature you have given, T must be associated to a single type (e.g. String or Integer) at the call-site. You can, however, declare method signatures which take multiple type parameters

public <S, T> void func(Set<S> s, Set<T> t)

Note in the above signature that I have declared the types S and T in the signature itself. These are therefore different to and independent of any generic types associated with the class or interface which contains the function.

public class MyClass<S, T> {
   public        void foo(Set<S> s, Set<T> t); //same type params as on class
   public <U, V> void bar(Set<U> s, Set<V> t); //type params independent of class

You might like to take a look at some of the method signatures of the collection classes in the java.util package. Generics is really rather a complicated subject, especially when wildcards (? extends and ? super) are considered. For example, it's often the case that a method which might take a Set<Number> as a parameter should also accept a Set<Integer>. In which case you'd see a signature like this:

public void baz(Set<? extends T> s);

There are plenty of questions already on SO for you to look at on the subject!

Not sure what the point of returning an int from the function is, although you could do that if you want!

Why is PHP session_destroy() not working?

Well, this seems a new problem for me, using a new php server. In the past never had an issue with sessions not ending.

In a test of sessions, I setup a session, ran a session count++ and closed the session. Reloaded the page and to my surprise the variable remained.

I tried the following suggestion posted by mc10

$_SESSION = array(); // Clears the $_SESSION variable

However, that did not work. I did not think it could work as the session was not active after destroying it, so I reversed it.

$_SESSION = array();

That worked, reloading the page starting sessios and reviewing the set variables all showed them empty/not-set.

Really not sure why session_destroy() does not work on this PHP Version 5.3.14 server.

Don't really care as long as I know how to clear the sessions.

Making a request to a RESTful API using python

Using requests:

import requests
url = ''
data = '''{
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "text": {
            "record.document": "SOME_JOURNAL"
          "text": {
            "record.articleTitle": "farmers"
      "must_not": [],
      "should": []
  "from": 0,
  "size": 50,
  "sort": [],
  "facets": {}
response =, data=data)

Depending on what kind of response your API returns, you will then probably want to look at response.text or response.json() (or possibly inspect response.status_code first). See the quickstart docs here, especially this section.

How to get exact browser name and version?

I would like to suggest you this amazing class. This worked very well for me.

I am publishing the code I used with the copyright notice of original author. You can get latest code from the link above.

 * File: Browser.php
 * Author: Chris Schuld (
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Chris Schuld  ([email protected])
 * Typical Usage:
 *   $browser = new Browser();
 *   if( $browser->getBrowser() == Browser::BROWSER_FIREFOX && $browser->getVersion() >= 2 ) {
 *      echo 'You have FireFox version 2 or greater';
 *   }

class Browser {
    private $_agent = '';
    private $_browser_name = '';
    private $_version = '';
    private $_platform = '';
    private $_os = '';
    private $_is_aol = false;
    private $_is_mobile = false;
    private $_is_robot = false;
    private $_aol_version = '';

    const BROWSER_UNKNOWN = 'unknown';
    const VERSION_UNKNOWN = 'unknown';

    const BROWSER_OPERA = 'Opera'; 
    const BROWSER_OPERA_MINI = 'Opera Mini';
    const BROWSER_WEBTV = 'WebTV';
    const BROWSER_IE = 'Internet Explorer'; 
    const BROWSER_POCKET_IE = 'Pocket Internet Explorer';
    const BROWSER_KONQUEROR = 'Konqueror';
    const BROWSER_ICAB = 'iCab';
    const BROWSER_OMNIWEB = 'OmniWeb';
    const BROWSER_FIREBIRD = 'Firebird';
    const BROWSER_FIREFOX = 'Firefox';
    const BROWSER_ICEWEASEL = 'Iceweasel';
    const BROWSER_SHIRETOKO = 'Shiretoko';
    const BROWSER_MOZILLA = 'Mozilla';
    const BROWSER_AMAYA = 'Amaya';
    const BROWSER_LYNX = 'Lynx';
    const BROWSER_SAFARI = 'Safari';
    const BROWSER_IPHONE = 'iPhone';
    const BROWSER_IPOD = 'iPod';
    const BROWSER_IPAD = 'iPad';
    const BROWSER_CHROME = 'Chrome';
    const BROWSER_ANDROID = 'Android';
    const BROWSER_GOOGLEBOT = 'GoogleBot';
    const BROWSER_SLURP = 'Yahoo! Slurp';
    const BROWSER_W3CVALIDATOR = 'W3C Validator';
    const BROWSER_BLACKBERRY = 'BlackBerry';
    const BROWSER_ICECAT = 'IceCat';
    const BROWSER_NOKIA_S60 = 'Nokia S60 OSS Browser';
    const BROWSER_NOKIA = 'Nokia Browser';
    const BROWSER_MSN = 'MSN Browser';
    const BROWSER_MSNBOT = 'MSN Bot';

    const BROWSER_NETSCAPE_NAVIGATOR = 'Netscape Navigator';
    const BROWSER_GALEON = 'Galeon';
    const BROWSER_NETPOSITIVE = 'NetPositive';
    const BROWSER_PHOENIX = 'Phoenix';

    const PLATFORM_UNKNOWN = 'unknown';
    const PLATFORM_WINDOWS = 'Windows';
    const PLATFORM_WINDOWS_CE = 'Windows CE';
    const PLATFORM_APPLE = 'Apple';
    const PLATFORM_LINUX = 'Linux';
    const PLATFORM_OS2 = 'OS/2';
    const PLATFORM_BEOS = 'BeOS';
    const PLATFORM_IPHONE = 'iPhone';
    const PLATFORM_IPOD = 'iPod';
    const PLATFORM_IPAD = 'iPad';
    const PLATFORM_BLACKBERRY = 'BlackBerry';
    const PLATFORM_NOKIA = 'Nokia';
    const PLATFORM_FREEBSD = 'FreeBSD';
    const PLATFORM_OPENBSD = 'OpenBSD';
    const PLATFORM_NETBSD = 'NetBSD';
    const PLATFORM_SUNOS = 'SunOS';
    const PLATFORM_OPENSOLARIS = 'OpenSolaris';
    const PLATFORM_ANDROID = 'Android';

    const OPERATING_SYSTEM_UNKNOWN = 'unknown';

    public function Browser($useragent="") {
        if( $useragent != "" ) {
        else {

    * Reset all properties
    public function reset() {
        $this->_agent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : "";
        $this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_UNKNOWN;
        $this->_version = self::VERSION_UNKNOWN;
        $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_UNKNOWN;
        $this->_os = self::OPERATING_SYSTEM_UNKNOWN;
        $this->_is_aol = false;
        $this->_is_mobile = false;
        $this->_is_robot = false;
        $this->_aol_version = self::VERSION_UNKNOWN;

    * Check to see if the specific browser is valid
    * @param string $browserName
    * @return boolean
    function isBrowser($browserName) { return( 0 == strcasecmp($this->_browser_name, trim($browserName))); }

    * The name of the browser.  All return types are from the class contants
    * @return string Name of the browser
    public function getBrowser() { return $this->_browser_name; }
    * Set the name of the browser
    * @param $browser The name of the Browser
    public function setBrowser($browser) { return $this->_browser_name = $browser; }
    * The name of the platform.  All return types are from the class contants
    * @return string Name of the browser
    public function getPlatform() { return $this->_platform; }
    * Set the name of the platform
    * @param $platform The name of the Platform
    public function setPlatform($platform) { return $this->_platform = $platform; }
    * The version of the browser.
    * @return string Version of the browser (will only contain alpha-numeric characters and a period)
    public function getVersion() { return $this->_version; }
    * Set the version of the browser
    * @param $version The version of the Browser
    public function setVersion($version) { $this->_version = preg_replace('/[^0-9,.,a-z,A-Z-]/','',$version); }
    * The version of AOL.
    * @return string Version of AOL (will only contain alpha-numeric characters and a period)
    public function getAolVersion() { return $this->_aol_version; }
    * Set the version of AOL
    * @param $version The version of AOL
    public function setAolVersion($version) { $this->_aol_version = preg_replace('/[^0-9,.,a-z,A-Z]/','',$version); }
    * Is the browser from AOL?
    * @return boolean
    public function isAol() { return $this->_is_aol; }
    * Is the browser from a mobile device?
    * @return boolean
    public function isMobile() { return $this->_is_mobile; }
    * Is the browser from a robot (ex Slurp,GoogleBot)?
    * @return boolean
    public function isRobot() { return $this->_is_robot; }
    * Set the browser to be from AOL
    * @param $isAol
    public function setAol($isAol) { $this->_is_aol = $isAol; }
     * Set the Browser to be mobile
     * @param boolean
    protected function setMobile($value=true) { $this->_is_mobile = $value; }
     * Set the Browser to be a robot
     * @param boolean
    protected function setRobot($value=true) { $this->_is_robot = $value; }
    * Get the user agent value in use to determine the browser
    * @return string The user agent from the HTTP header
    public function getUserAgent() { return $this->_agent; }
    * Set the user agent value (the construction will use the HTTP header value - this will overwrite it)
    * @param $agent_string The value for the User Agent
    public function setUserAgent($agent_string) {
        $this->_agent = $agent_string;
     * Used to determine if the browser is actually "chromeframe"
     * @return boolean
    public function isChromeFrame() {
        return( strpos($this->_agent,"chromeframe") !== false );
    * Returns a formatted string with a summary of the details of the browser.
    * @return string formatted string with a summary of the browser
    public function __toString() {
        return "<strong>Browser Name:</strong>{$this->getBrowser()}<br/>\n" .
               "<strong>Browser Version:</strong>{$this->getVersion()}<br/>\n" .
               "<strong>Browser User Agent String:</strong>{$this->getUserAgent()}<br/>\n" .
     * Protected routine to calculate and determine what the browser is in use (including platform)
    protected function determine() {
     * Protected routine to determine the browser type
     * @return boolean
     protected function checkBrowsers() {
        return (
            $this->checkBrowserWebTv() ||
            $this->checkBrowserInternetExplorer() ||
            $this->checkBrowserOpera() ||
            $this->checkBrowserGaleon() ||
            $this->checkBrowserNetscapeNavigator9Plus() ||
            $this->checkBrowserFirefox() ||
            $this->checkBrowserChrome() ||
            $this->checkBrowserOmniWeb() ||

            // common mobile
            $this->checkBrowserAndroid() ||
            $this->checkBrowseriPad() ||
            $this->checkBrowseriPod() ||
            $this->checkBrowseriPhone() ||
            $this->checkBrowserBlackBerry() ||
            $this->checkBrowserNokia() ||

            // common bots
            $this->checkBrowserGoogleBot() ||
            $this->checkBrowserMSNBot() ||
            $this->checkBrowserSlurp() ||

            // WebKit base check (post mobile and others)
            $this->checkBrowserSafari() ||

            // everyone else
            $this->checkBrowserNetPositive() ||
            $this->checkBrowserFirebird() ||
            $this->checkBrowserKonqueror() ||
            $this->checkBrowserIcab() ||
            $this->checkBrowserPhoenix() ||
            $this->checkBrowserAmaya() ||
            $this->checkBrowserLynx() ||
            $this->checkBrowserShiretoko() ||
            $this->checkBrowserIceCat() ||
            $this->checkBrowserW3CValidator() ||
            $this->checkBrowserMozilla() /* Mozilla is such an open standard that you must check it last */

    protected function checkBrowserBlackBerry() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'blackberry') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode("/",stristr($this->_agent,"BlackBerry"));
            $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            $this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_BLACKBERRY;
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkForAol() {

        if( stripos($this->_agent,'aol') !== false ) {
            $aversion = explode(' ',stristr($this->_agent, 'AOL'));
            $this->setAolVersion(preg_replace('/[^0-9\.a-z]/i', '', $aversion[1]));
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserGoogleBot() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'googlebot') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'googlebot'));
            $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            $this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_GOOGLEBOT;
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserMSNBot() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,"msnbot") !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode("/",stristr($this->_agent,"msnbot"));
            $aversion = explode(" ",$aresult[1]);
            $this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_MSNBOT;
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserW3CValidator() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'W3C-checklink') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'W3C-checklink'));
            $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            $this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_W3CVALIDATOR;
            return true;
        else if( stripos($this->_agent,'W3C_Validator') !== false ) {
            // Some of the Validator versions do not delineate w/ a slash - add it back in
            $ua = str_replace("W3C_Validator ", "W3C_Validator/", $this->_agent);
            $aresult = explode('/',stristr($ua,'W3C_Validator'));
            $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            $this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_W3CVALIDATOR;
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserSlurp() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'slurp') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Slurp'));
            $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            $this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_SLURP;
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserInternetExplorer() {

        // Test for v1 - v1.5 IE
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'microsoft internet explorer') !== false ) {
            $aresult = stristr($this->_agent, '/');
            if( preg_match('/308|425|426|474|0b1/i', $aresult) ) {
            return true;
        // Test for versions > 1.5
        else if( stripos($this->_agent,'msie') !== false && stripos($this->_agent,'opera') === false ) {
            // See if the browser is the odd MSN Explorer
            if( stripos($this->_agent,'msnb') !== false ) {
                $aresult = explode(' ',stristr(str_replace(';','; ',$this->_agent),'MSN'));
                $this->setBrowser( self::BROWSER_MSN );
                return true;
            $aresult = explode(' ',stristr(str_replace(';','; ',$this->_agent),'msie'));
            $this->setBrowser( self::BROWSER_IE );
            return true;
        // Test for Pocket IE
        else if( stripos($this->_agent,'mspie') !== false || stripos($this->_agent,'pocket') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode(' ',stristr($this->_agent,'mspie'));
            $this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS_CE );
            $this->setBrowser( self::BROWSER_POCKET_IE );

            if( stripos($this->_agent,'mspie') !== false ) {
            else {
                $aversion = explode('/',$this->_agent);
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserOpera() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'opera mini') !== false ) {
            $resultant = stristr($this->_agent, 'opera mini');
            if( preg_match('/\//',$resultant) ) {
                $aresult = explode('/',$resultant);
                $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            else {
                $aversion = explode(' ',stristr($resultant,'opera mini'));
            $this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_OPERA_MINI;
            return true;
        else if( stripos($this->_agent,'opera') !== false ) {
            $resultant = stristr($this->_agent, 'opera');
            if( preg_match('/Version\/(10.*)$/',$resultant,$matches) ) {
            else if( preg_match('/\//',$resultant) ) {
                $aresult = explode('/',str_replace("("," ",$resultant));
                $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            else {
                $aversion = explode(' ',stristr($resultant,'opera'));
            $this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_OPERA;
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserChrome() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'Chrome') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Chrome'));
            $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserWebTv() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'webtv') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'webtv'));
            $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserNetPositive() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'NetPositive') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'NetPositive'));
            $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserGaleon() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'galeon') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode(' ',stristr($this->_agent,'galeon'));
            $aversion = explode('/',$aresult[0]);
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserKonqueror() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'Konqueror') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode(' ',stristr($this->_agent,'Konqueror'));
            $aversion = explode('/',$aresult[0]);
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserIcab() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'icab') !== false ) {
            $aversion = explode(' ',stristr(str_replace('/',' ',$this->_agent),'icab'));
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserOmniWeb() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'omniweb') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'omniweb'));
            $aversion = explode(' ',isset($aresult[1])?$aresult[1]:"");
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserPhoenix() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'Phoenix') !== false ) {
            $aversion = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Phoenix'));
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserFirebird() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'Firebird') !== false ) {
            $aversion = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Firebird'));
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserNetscapeNavigator9Plus() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'Firefox') !== false && preg_match('/Navigator\/([^ ]*)/i',$this->_agent,$matches) ) {
            return true;
        else if( stripos($this->_agent,'Firefox') === false && preg_match('/Netscape6?\/([^ ]*)/i',$this->_agent,$matches) ) {
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserShiretoko() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'Mozilla') !== false && preg_match('/Shiretoko\/([^ ]*)/i',$this->_agent,$matches) ) {
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserIceCat() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'Mozilla') !== false && preg_match('/IceCat\/([^ ]*)/i',$this->_agent,$matches) ) {
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserNokia() {
        if( preg_match("/Nokia([^\/]+)\/([^ SP]+)/i",$this->_agent,$matches) ) {
            if( stripos($this->_agent,'Series60') !== false || strpos($this->_agent,'S60') !== false ) {
            else {
                $this->setBrowser( self::BROWSER_NOKIA );
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserFirefox() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'safari') === false ) {
            if( preg_match("/Firefox[\/ \(]([^ ;\)]+)/i",$this->_agent,$matches) ) {
                return true;
            else if( preg_match("/Firefox$/i",$this->_agent,$matches) ) {
                return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserIceweasel() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'Iceweasel') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Iceweasel'));
            $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserMozilla() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'mozilla') !== false  && preg_match('/rv:[0-9].[0-9][a-b]?/i',$this->_agent) && stripos($this->_agent,'netscape') === false) {
            $aversion = explode(' ',stristr($this->_agent,'rv:'));
            return true;
        else if( stripos($this->_agent,'mozilla') !== false && preg_match('/rv:[0-9]\.[0-9]/i',$this->_agent) && stripos($this->_agent,'netscape') === false ) {
            $aversion = explode('',stristr($this->_agent,'rv:'));
            return true;
        else if( stripos($this->_agent,'mozilla') !== false  && preg_match('/mozilla\/([^ ]*)/i',$this->_agent,$matches) && stripos($this->_agent,'netscape') === false ) {
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserLynx() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'lynx') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Lynx'));
            $aversion = explode(' ',(isset($aresult[1])?$aresult[1]:""));
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserAmaya() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'amaya') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Amaya'));
            $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserSafari() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'Safari') !== false && stripos($this->_agent,'iPhone') === false && stripos($this->_agent,'iPod') === false ) {
            $aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Version'));
            if( isset($aresult[1]) ) {
                $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            else {
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowseriPhone() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'iPhone') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Version'));
            if( isset($aresult[1]) ) {
                $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            else {
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowseriPad() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'iPad') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Version'));
            if( isset($aresult[1]) ) {
                $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            else {
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowseriPod() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'iPod') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Version'));
            if( isset($aresult[1]) ) {
                $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            else {
            return true;
        return false;

    protected function checkBrowserAndroid() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent,'Android') !== false ) {
            $aresult = explode(' ',stristr($this->_agent,'Android'));
            if( isset($aresult[1]) ) {
                $aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);
            else {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Determine the user's platform
    protected function checkPlatform() {
        if( stripos($this->_agent, 'windows') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS;
        else if( stripos($this->_agent, 'iPad') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_IPAD;
        else if( stripos($this->_agent, 'iPod') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_IPOD;
        else if( stripos($this->_agent, 'iPhone') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_IPHONE;
        elseif( stripos($this->_agent, 'mac') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_APPLE;
        elseif( stripos($this->_agent, 'android') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_ANDROID;
        elseif( stripos($this->_agent, 'linux') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_LINUX;
        else if( stripos($this->_agent, 'Nokia') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_NOKIA;
        else if( stripos($this->_agent, 'BlackBerry') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_BLACKBERRY;
        elseif( stripos($this->_agent,'FreeBSD') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_FREEBSD;
        elseif( stripos($this->_agent,'OpenBSD') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_OPENBSD;
        elseif( stripos($this->_agent,'NetBSD') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_NETBSD;
        elseif( stripos($this->_agent, 'OpenSolaris') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_OPENSOLARIS;
        elseif( stripos($this->_agent, 'SunOS') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_SUNOS;
        elseif( stripos($this->_agent, 'OS\/2') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_OS2;
        elseif( stripos($this->_agent, 'BeOS') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_BEOS;
        elseif( stripos($this->_agent, 'win') !== false ) {
            $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS;


How do I ignore a directory with SVN?

Since I spent a while trying to get this to work, it should be noted that if the files already exist in SVN, you need to svn delete them, and then edit the svn:ignore property.

I know that seems obvious, but they kept showing up as ? in my svn status list, when I thought it would just ignore them locally.

Jasmine.js comparing arrays

Just did the test and it works with toEqual

please find my test:

describe('toEqual', function() {
    it('passes if arrays are equal', function() {
        var arr = [1, 2, 3];
        expect(arr).toEqual([1, 2, 3]);

Just for information:

toBe() versus toEqual(): toEqual() checks equivalence. toBe(), on the other hand, makes sure that they're the exact same object.

docker container ssl certificates

Mount the certs onto the Docker container using -v:

docker run -v /host/path/to/certs:/container/path/to/certs -d IMAGE_ID "update-ca-certificates"

jQuery iframe load() event?

That's the same behavior I've seen: iframe's load() will fire first on an empty iframe, then the second time when your page is loaded.

Edit: Hmm, interesting. You could increment a counter in your event handler, and a) ignore the first load event, or b) ignore any duplicate load event.

How to Apply global font to whole HTML document

Best practice I think is to set the font to the body:

body {
    font: normal 10px Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

and if you decide to change it for some element it could be easily overwrited:

h2, h3 {
    font-size: 14px;

How to use the start command in a batch file?

I think this other Stack Overflow answer would solve your problem: How do I run a bat file in the background from another bat file?

Basically, you use the /B and /C options:

START /B CMD /C CALL "foo.bat" [args [...]] >NUL 2>&1

What linux shell command returns a part of a string?

In bash you can try this:

#       0123456789.....
#       0-based indexing.

echo ${stringZ:0:2} # prints ab

More samples in The Linux Documentation Project

How to get an input text value in JavaScript

All the above solutions are useful. And they used the line lol = document.getElementById('lolz').value; inside the function function kk().

What I suggest is, you may call that variable from another function fun_inside()

function fun_inside()
lol = document.getElementById('lolz').value;
function kk(){

It can be useful when you built complex projects.

How to check if a std::thread is still running?

An easy solution is to have a boolean variable that the thread sets to true on regular intervals, and that is checked and set to false by the thread wanting to know the status. If the variable is false for to long then the thread is no longer considered active.

A more thread-safe way is to have a counter that is increased by the child thread, and the main thread compares the counter to a stored value and if the same after too long time then the child thread is considered not active.

Note however, there is no way in C++11 to actually kill or remove a thread that has hanged.

Edit How to check if a thread has cleanly exited or not: Basically the same technique as described in the first paragraph; Have a boolean variable initialized to false. The last thing the child thread does is set it to true. The main thread can then check that variable, and if true do a join on the child thread without much (if any) blocking.

Edit2 If the thread exits due to an exception, then have two thread "main" functions: The first one have a try-catch inside which it calls the second "real" main thread function. This first main function sets the "have_exited" variable. Something like this:

bool thread_done = false;

void *thread_function(void *arg)
    void *res = nullptr;

        res = real_thread_function(arg);
    catch (...)

    thread_done = true;

    return res;

Error: Configuration with name 'default' not found in Android Studio

I also facing this issue but i follow the following steps:-- 1) I add module(Library) to a particular folder name ThirdPartyLib

To resolve this issue i go settings.gradle than just add follwing:-

project(':').projectDir = new File('ThirdPartyLib/')

:- is module name...

Current time in microseconds in java

Java support microseconds through TimeUnit enum.

Here is the java doc: Enum TimeUnit

You can get microseconds in java by this way:

long microsenconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMicros(System.currentTimeMillis());

You also can convert microseconds back to another time units, for example:

long seconds = TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.toSeconds(microsenconds);

Serializing and submitting a form with jQuery and PHP

You can use this function

var datastring = $("#contactForm").serialize();
    type: "POST",
    url: "your url.php",
    data: datastring,
    dataType: "json",
    success: function(data) {
        //var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data); if the dataType is not specified as json uncomment this
        // do what ever you want with the server response
    error: function() {
        alert('error handling here');

return type is json

EDIT: I use event.preventDefault to prevent the browser getting submitted in such scenarios.

Adding more data to the answer.

dataType: "jsonp" if it is a cross-domain call.

beforeSend: // this is a pre-request call back function

complete: // a function to be called after the request code that has to be executed regardless of success or error can go here

async: // by default, all requests are sent asynchronously

cache: // by default true. If set to false, it will force requested pages not to be cached by the browser.

Find the official page here

How to get first character of string?

const x = 'some string';_x000D_
console.log(x.substring(0, 1));

Input from the keyboard in command line application

This works in xCode v6.2, I think that's Swift v1.2

func input() -> String {
    var keyboard = NSFileHandle.fileHandleWithStandardInput()
    var inputData = keyboard.availableData
    return NSString(data: inputData, encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding)! as String

What do the return values of Comparable.compareTo mean in Java?

Official Definition

From the reference docs of Comparable.compareTo(T):

Compares this object with the specified object for order. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.

The implementor must ensure sgn(x.compareTo(y)) == -sgn(y.compareTo(x)) for all x and y. (This implies that x.compareTo(y) must throw an exception iff y.compareTo(x) throws an exception.)

The implementor must also ensure that the relation is transitive: (x.compareTo(y)>0 && y.compareTo(z)>0) implies x.compareTo(z)>0.

Finally, the implementor must ensure that x.compareTo(y)==0 implies that sgn(x.compareTo(z)) == sgn(y.compareTo(z)), for all z.

It is strongly recommended, but not strictly required that (x.compareTo(y)==0) == (x.equals(y)). Generally speaking, any class that implements the Comparable interface and violates this condition should clearly indicate this fact. The recommended language is "Note: this class has a natural ordering that is inconsistent with equals."

In the foregoing description, the notation sgn(expression) designates the mathematical signum function, which is defined to return one of -1, 0, or 1 according to whether the value of expression is negative, zero or positive.

My Version

In short:



  • a negative int if this < that
  • 0 if this == that
  • a positive int if this > that

where the implementation of this method determines the actual semantics of < > and == (I don't mean == in the sense of java's object identity operator)



will yield something smaller than 0 as abc is alphabetically before def.


will yield something larger than 0 because 2 is larger than 1.

Some additional points

Note: It is good practice for a class that implements Comparable to declare the semantics of it's compareTo() method in the javadocs.

Note: you should read at least one of the following:

Warning: you should never rely on the return values of compareTo being -1, 0 and 1. You should always test for x < 0, x == 0, x > 0, respectively.

How to find the path of Flutter SDK

If you suppose unzipped the flutter zip file in folder called "Flutter". Your Flutter SDK Path will be <path_of_unzipped_file>\Flutter\flutter

Upload DOC or PDF using PHP

$folder = "Resume/";
$temp = explode(".", $_FILES["uploaded"]["name"]);
$newfilename = round(microtime(true)).'.'. end($temp);
$db_path ="$folder".$newfilename  ;
//remove the .
$listtype = array(
if ( is_uploaded_file( $_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'] ) )
if($key = array_search($_FILES['uploaded']['type'],$listtype))
{if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']  ['tmp_name'],"$folder".$newfilename))
$sql ="INSERT INTO tb_upload
(filePath) VALUES ('$db_path')";
echo "File Type Should Be .Docx or .Pdf or .Rtf Or .Doc";

drag drop files into standard html file input

I know some trick works in Chrome:

When dropping files into drop zone you get a dataTransfer.files object, that is a FileList type of object, that contains all the files you dragged. Meanwhile, <input type="file" /> element has the property files, that is the same FileList type object.

So, you can simply assign the dataTransfer.files object to the input.files property.

SQLAlchemy: how to filter date field?

if you want to get the whole period:

    from sqlalchemy import and_, func

    query = DBSession.query(User).filter(and_( >= '1985-01-17'),\
                                     <= '1988-01-17'))

That means range: 1985-01-17 00:00 - 1988-01-17 23:59

How to `wget` a list of URLs in a text file?

Quick man wget gives me the following:


-i file


Read URLs from a local or external file. If - is specified as file, URLs are read from the standard input. (Use ./- to read from a file literally named -.)

If this function is used, no URLs need be present on the command line. If there are URLs both on the command line and in an input file, those on the command lines will be the first ones to be retrieved. If --force-html is not specified, then file should consist of a series of URLs, one per line.


So: wget -i text_file.txt

How to get keyboard input in pygame?

Try this:

if keys[K_LEFT]:
    if count == 10:
        count +=1
    if location==-1:
if keys[K_RIGHT]:
    if count == 10:
        count +=1
    if location==5:

This will mean you only move 1/10 of the time. If it still moves to fast you could try increasing the value you set "count" too.

Is there a method that calculates a factorial in Java?

Although factorials make a nice exercise for the beginning programmer, they're not very useful in most cases, and everyone knows how to write a factorial function, so they're typically not in the average library.

Detect if a browser in a mobile device (iOS/Android phone/tablet) is used

I believe that a much more reliable way to detect mobile devices is to look at the navigator.userAgent string. For example, on my iPhone the user agent string is:

Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.2.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14F89 Safari/602.1

Note that this string contains two telltale keywords: iPhone and Mobile. Other user agent strings for devices that I don't have are provided at:

Using this string, I set a JavaScript Boolean variable bMobile on my website to either true or false using the following code:

var bMobile =   // will be true if running on a mobile device
  navigator.userAgent.indexOf( "Mobile" ) !== -1 || 
  navigator.userAgent.indexOf( "iPhone" ) !== -1 || 
  navigator.userAgent.indexOf( "Android" ) !== -1 || 
  navigator.userAgent.indexOf( "Windows Phone" ) !== -1 ;

In C#, how to check if a TCP port is available?

If I'm not very much mistaken, you can use System.Network.whatever to check.

However, this will always incur a race condition.

The canonical way of checking is try to listen on that port. If you get an error that port wasn't open.

I think this is part of why bind() and listen() are two separate system calls.

Error: Tablespace for table xxx exists. Please DISCARD the tablespace before IMPORT


However, the easier option is this: restart MySQL, then do the same four steps as follows:

1) created a dummy table in the database;
2) discarded its tablespace;
3) moved the .ibd file into the database folder on the system;
4) attached the tablespace back to the table

This way, the tablespace id on the data dictionary and the file matched; thus importing the tablespace succeeded.

This can give you greater confidence in dealing with some of the InnoDB "gotcha's" during the recovery process or even file transfers.


SwiftUI - How do I change the background color of a View?

Xcode 11.5

Simply use ZStack to add background color or images to your main view in SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {

if statement checks for null but still throws a NullPointerException

You can use StringUtils:

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

if (StringUtils.isBlank(str)) {

System.out.println("String is empty");

} else { 

System.out.println("String is not empty");


Have a look here also: StringUtils.isBlank() vs String.isEmpty()

isBlank examples:

StringUtils.isBlank(null)      = true
StringUtils.isBlank("")        = true  
StringUtils.isBlank(" ")       = true  
StringUtils.isBlank("bob")     = false  
StringUtils.isBlank("  bob  ") = false

Prevent double curly brace notation from displaying momentarily before angular.js compiles/interpolates document

You also can use ng-attr-src="{{variable}}" instead of src="{{variable}}" and the attribute will only be generated once the compiler compiled the templates. This is mentioned here in the documentation:

Error loading the SDK when Eclipse starts

The issue is still coming for API 23. To get rid from this we have to uninstall android Wear packages for both API 22 and API 23 also (till current update).

enter image description here

How to prevent downloading images and video files from my website?

Put your image or video in flash format. Works great.

Multipart File Upload Using Spring Rest Template + Spring Web MVC

More based on the feeling, but this is the error you would get if you missed to declare a bean in the context configuration, so try adding

<bean id="multipartResolver" class="org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartResolver">
    <property name="maxUploadSize" value="10000000"/>

Checking something isEmpty in Javascript?

just put the variable inside the if condition, if variable has any value it will return true else false.

if ({ // if you are checking for string use this if( == "") condition
 alert("Has Value");
 alert("No Value");

How can I simulate a click to an anchor tag?

None of the above solutions address the generic intention of the original request. What if we don't know the id of the anchor? What if it doesn't have an id? What if it doesn't even have an href parameter (e.g. prev/next icon in a carousel)? What if we want to apply the action to multiple anchors with different models in an agnostic fashion? Here's an example that does something instead of a click, then later simulates the click (for any anchor or other tag):

var clicker = null;
    clicker=$(this); // capture the clicked dom object
    /* ... do something ... */
    e.preventDefault(); // prevent original click action
clicker[0].click(); // this repeats the original click. [0] is necessary.

Format number to 2 decimal places

When formatting number to 2 decimal places you have two options TRUNCATE and ROUND. You are looking for TRUNCATE function.


Without rounding:

TRUNCATE(0.166, 2)
-- will be evaluated to 0.16

TRUNCATE(0.164, 2)
-- will be evaluated to 0.16


With rounding:

ROUND(0.166, 2)
-- will be evaluated to 0.17

ROUND(0.164, 2)
-- will be evaluated to 0.16


Hash and salt passwords in C#

I created a class that has the following method:

  1. Create Salt

  2. Hash Input

  3. Validate input

    public class CryptographyProcessor
        public string CreateSalt(int size)
            //Generate a cryptographic random number.
            RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
            byte[] buff = new byte[size];
            return Convert.ToBase64String(buff);
        public string GenerateHash(string input, string salt)
            byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input + salt);
            SHA256Managed sHA256ManagedString = new SHA256Managed();
            byte[] hash = sHA256ManagedString.ComputeHash(bytes);
            return Convert.ToBase64String(hash);
        public bool AreEqual(string plainTextInput, string hashedInput, string salt)
            string newHashedPin = GenerateHash(plainTextInput, salt);
            return newHashedPin.Equals(hashedInput); 

List of installed gems?

There's been a method for this for ages:

ruby -e 'puts Gem::Specification.all_names'

Calculate the display width of a string in Java

And now for something completely different. The following assumes arial font, and makes a wild guess based on a linear interpolation of character vs width.

// Returns the size in PICA of the string, given space is 200 and 'W' is 1000.
// see

static int picaSize(String s)
    // the following characters are sorted by width in Arial font
    String lookup = " .:,;'^`!|jl/\\i-()JfIt[]?{}sr*a\"ce_gFzLxkP+0123456789<=>~qvy$SbduEphonTBCXY#VRKZN%GUAHD@OQ&wmMW";
    int result = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i)
        int c = lookup.indexOf(s.charAt(i));
        result += (c < 0 ? 60 : c) * 7 + 200;
    return result;

Interesting, but perhaps not very practical.

Validating an XML against referenced XSD in C#

You need to create an XmlReaderSettings instance and pass that to your XmlReader when you create it. Then you can subscribe to the ValidationEventHandler in the settings to receive validation errors. Your code will end up looking like this:

using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.IO;

public class ValidXSD
    public static void Main()

        // Set the validation settings.
        XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
        settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
        settings.ValidationFlags |= XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessInlineSchema;
        settings.ValidationFlags |= XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessSchemaLocation;
        settings.ValidationFlags |= XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ReportValidationWarnings;
        settings.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler(ValidationCallBack);

        // Create the XmlReader object.
        XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create("inlineSchema.xml", settings);

        // Parse the file. 
        while (reader.Read()) ;

    // Display any warnings or errors.
    private static void ValidationCallBack(object sender, ValidationEventArgs args)
        if (args.Severity == XmlSeverityType.Warning)
            Console.WriteLine("\tWarning: Matching schema not found.  No validation occurred." + args.Message);
            Console.WriteLine("\tValidation error: " + args.Message);


Move seaborn plot legend to a different position?

Building on @user308827's answer: you can use legend=False in factorplot and specify the legend through matplotlib:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

titanic = sns.load_dataset("titanic")

g = sns.factorplot("class", "survived", "sex",
                   data=titanic, kind="bar",
                   size=6, palette="muted",
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
g.set_ylabels("survival probability")

How to check if std::map contains a key without doing insert?

Potatoswatter's answer is all right, but I prefer to use find or lower_bound instead. lower_bound is especially useful because the iterator returned can subsequently be used for a hinted insertion, should you wish to insert something with the same key.

map<K, V>::iterator iter(my_map.lower_bound(key));
if (iter == my_map.end() || key < iter->first) {    // not found
    // ...
    my_map.insert(iter, make_pair(key, value));     // hinted insertion
} else {
    // ... use iter->second here

ByRef argument type mismatch in Excel VBA

I suspect you haven't set up last_name properly in the caller.

With the statement Worksheets(data_sheet).Range("C2").Value = ProcessString(last_name)

this will only work if last_name is a string, i.e.

Dim last_name as String

appears in the caller somewhere.

The reason for this is that VBA passes in variables by reference by default which means that the data types have to match exactly between caller and callee.

Two fixes:

1) Force ByVal -- Change your function to pass variable ByVal:
Public Function ProcessString(ByVal input_string As String) As String, or

2) Dim varname -- put Dim last_name As String in the caller before you use it.

(1) works because for ByVal, a copy of input_string is taken when passing to the function which will coerce it into the correct data type. It also leads to better program stability since the function cannot modify the variable in the caller.

how to get javaScript event source element?

I believe the solution by @slipset was correct, but wasn't cross-browser ready.

According to, events (when referenced outside markup events) are cross-browser ready once you assure it's defined with this simple line: event = event || window.event.

So the complete cross-browser ready function would look like this:

function doSomething(param){
  event = event || window.event;
  var source = || event.srcElement;

Adding a UISegmentedControl to UITableView

   self.tableView.tableHeaderView = segmentedControl; 

If you want it to obey your width and height properly though enclose your segmentedControl in a UIView first as the tableView likes to mangle your view a bit to fit the width.

enter image description here enter image description here

SQL Query To Obtain Value that Occurs more than once

I think this answer can also work (it may require a little bit of modification though) :

SELECT * FROM Students AS S1 WHERE EXISTS(SELECT Lastname, count(*) FROM Students AS S2 GROUP BY Lastname HAVING COUNT(*) > 3 WHERE S2.Lastname = S1.Lastname)

Unicode via CSS :before

The code points used in icon font tricks are usually Private Use code points, which means that they have no generally defined meaning and should not be used in open information interchange, only by private agreement between interested parties. However, Private Use code points can be represented as any other Unicode value, e.g. in CSS using a notation like \f066, as others have answered. You can even enter the code point as such, if your document is UTF-8 encoded and you know how to type an arbitrary Unicode value by its number in your authoring environment (but of course it would normally be displayed using a symbol for an unknown character).

However, this is not the normal way of using icon fonts. Normally you use a CSS file provided with the font and use constructs like <span class="icon-resize-small">foo</span>. The CSS code will then take care of inserting the symbol at the start of the element, and you don’t need to know the code point number.

C++ equivalent of StringBuffer/StringBuilder?

A convenient string builder for c++

Like many people answered before, std::stringstream is the method of choice. It works good and has a lot of conversion and formatting options. IMO it has one pretty inconvenient flaw though: You can not use it as a one liner or as an expression. You always have to write:

std::stringstream ss;
ss << "my data " << 42;
std::string myString( ss.str() );

which is pretty annoying, especially when you want to initialize strings in the constructor.

The reason is, that a) std::stringstream has no conversion operator to std::string and b) the operator << ()'s of the stringstream don't return a stringstream reference, but a std::ostream reference instead - which can not be further computed as a string stream.

The solution is to override std::stringstream and to give it better matching operators:

namespace NsStringBuilder {
template<typename T> class basic_stringstream : public std::basic_stringstream<T>
    basic_stringstream() {}

    operator const std::basic_string<T> () const                                { return std::basic_stringstream<T>::str();                     }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (bool _val)                             { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (char _val)                             { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (signed char _val)                      { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (unsigned char _val)                    { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (short _val)                            { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (unsigned short _val)                   { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (int _val)                              { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (unsigned int _val)                     { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (long _val)                             { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (unsigned long _val)                    { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (long long _val)                        { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (unsigned long long _val)               { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (float _val)                            { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (double _val)                           { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (long double _val)                      { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (void* _val)                            { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (std::streambuf* _val)                  { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (std::ostream& (*_val)(std::ostream&))  { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (std::ios& (*_val)(std::ios&))          { std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (std::ios_base& (*_val)(std::ios_base&)){ std::basic_stringstream<T>::operator << (_val); return *this; }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (const T* _val)                         { return static_cast<basic_stringstream<T>&>(std::operator << (*this,_val)); }
    basic_stringstream<T>& operator<<   (const std::basic_string<T>& _val)      { return static_cast<basic_stringstream<T>&>(std::operator << (*this,_val.c_str())); }

typedef basic_stringstream<char>        stringstream;
typedef basic_stringstream<wchar_t>     wstringstream;

With this, you can write things like

std::string myString( NsStringBuilder::stringstream() << "my data " << 42 )

even in the constructor.

I have to confess I didn't measure the performance, since I have not used it in an environment which makes heavy use of string building yet, but I assume it won't be much worse than std::stringstream, since everything is done via references (except the conversion to string, but thats a copy operation in std::stringstream as well)

How to prevent user from typing in text field without disabling the field?


<asp:TextBox ID="txtDateOfBirth" runat="server" onkeydown="javascript:preventInput(event);" onpaste="return false;"


function preventInput(evnt) {
//Checked In IE9,Chrome,FireFox
if (evnt.which != 9) evnt.preventDefault();}

Check If array is null or not in php

Right code of two ppl before ^_^

/* return true if values of array are empty
function is_array_empty($arr){
      foreach($arr as $value){
            return false;
   return true;

Real time data graphing on a line chart with html5

There are several charting libraries that can be used : gRaphael, Highcharts and the one mentioned by others. These libraries are quite easy to use and well-documented (lets say 1 on the difficulty scale).

AFAIK, these libs are not "real-time" because they don't give the possibility to add new points on the fly. To add new point, you need to redraw the full chart. But I think this is not a problem because redrawing the chart is fast. I've made some tries with gRaphael and I didn't notice any problem with this approach. If you update rate is 10s that should work ok (but it may depends on the complexity of your charts).

If redrawing the full chart is a problem, you may have to develop a chart by yourself with a vector graphics lib like Raphael or paper.js. That will be a bit harder than using a charting lib but should be feasible. (Let say 5 on the difficulty scale).

As you are getting the data on a fixed intervall, you can use a regular ajax lib. jQuery is ok for me but there are some other choices. That may not be the best choice for a non-fixed interval and in this case you may have to look at something like but it would have consequences on the server side too.

Note1: Raphael, gRaphael and Highcharts are not purely HTML5 but SVG/VML but I guess this is an acceptable choice too.

Note2: it seems that Highchart doesn't require to redraw the chart when inserting new points. See

How can I convert a string to upper- or lower-case with XSLT?

For ANSI character encoding:

 translate(//variable, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞŸŽŠŒ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿžšœ')

How to identify platform/compiler from preprocessor macros?

Here's what I use:

#ifdef _WIN32 // note the underscore: without it, it's not msdn official!
    // Windows (x64 and x86)
#elif __unix__ // all unices, not all compilers
    // Unix
#elif __linux__
    // linux
#elif __APPLE__
    // Mac OS, not sure if this is covered by __posix__ and/or __unix__ though...

EDIT: Although the above might work for the basics, remember to verify what macro you want to check for by looking at the Boost.Predef reference pages. Or just use Boost.Predef directly.

Get statistics for each group (such as count, mean, etc) using pandas GroupBy?

Quick Answer:

The simplest way to get row counts per group is by calling .size(), which returns a Series:


Usually you want this result as a DataFrame (instead of a Series) so you can do:

df.groupby(['col1', 'col2']).size().reset_index(name='counts')

If you want to find out how to calculate the row counts and other statistics for each group continue reading below.

Detailed example:

Consider the following example dataframe:

In [2]: df
  col1 col2  col3  col4  col5  col6
0    A    B  0.20 -0.61 -0.49  1.49
1    A    B -1.53 -1.01 -0.39  1.82
2    A    B -0.44  0.27  0.72  0.11
3    A    B  0.28 -1.32  0.38  0.18
4    C    D  0.12  0.59  0.81  0.66
5    C    D -0.13 -1.65 -1.64  0.50
6    C    D -1.42 -0.11 -0.18 -0.44
7    E    F -0.00  1.42 -0.26  1.17
8    E    F  0.91 -0.47  1.35 -0.34
9    G    H  1.48 -0.63 -1.14  0.17

First let's use .size() to get the row counts:

In [3]: df.groupby(['col1', 'col2']).size()
col1  col2
A     B       4
C     D       3
E     F       2
G     H       1
dtype: int64

Then let's use .size().reset_index(name='counts') to get the row counts:

In [4]: df.groupby(['col1', 'col2']).size().reset_index(name='counts')
  col1 col2  counts
0    A    B       4
1    C    D       3
2    E    F       2
3    G    H       1

Including results for more statistics

When you want to calculate statistics on grouped data, it usually looks like this:

In [5]: (df
   ...: .groupby(['col1', 'col2'])
   ...: .agg({
   ...:     'col3': ['mean', 'count'], 
   ...:     'col4': ['median', 'min', 'count']
   ...: }))
            col4                  col3      
          median   min count      mean count
col1 col2                                   
A    B    -0.810 -1.32     4 -0.372500     4
C    D    -0.110 -1.65     3 -0.476667     3
E    F     0.475 -0.47     2  0.455000     2
G    H    -0.630 -0.63     1  1.480000     1

The result above is a little annoying to deal with because of the nested column labels, and also because row counts are on a per column basis.

To gain more control over the output I usually split the statistics into individual aggregations that I then combine using join. It looks like this:

In [6]: gb = df.groupby(['col1', 'col2'])
   ...: counts = gb.size().to_frame(name='counts')
   ...: (counts
   ...:  .join(gb.agg({'col3': 'mean'}).rename(columns={'col3': 'col3_mean'}))
   ...:  .join(gb.agg({'col4': 'median'}).rename(columns={'col4': 'col4_median'}))
   ...:  .join(gb.agg({'col4': 'min'}).rename(columns={'col4': 'col4_min'}))
   ...:  .reset_index()
   ...: )
  col1 col2  counts  col3_mean  col4_median  col4_min
0    A    B       4  -0.372500       -0.810     -1.32
1    C    D       3  -0.476667       -0.110     -1.65
2    E    F       2   0.455000        0.475     -0.47
3    G    H       1   1.480000       -0.630     -0.63


The code used to generate the test data is shown below:

In [1]: import numpy as np
   ...: import pandas as pd 
   ...: keys = np.array([
   ...:         ['A', 'B'],
   ...:         ['A', 'B'],
   ...:         ['A', 'B'],
   ...:         ['A', 'B'],
   ...:         ['C', 'D'],
   ...:         ['C', 'D'],
   ...:         ['C', 'D'],
   ...:         ['E', 'F'],
   ...:         ['E', 'F'],
   ...:         ['G', 'H'] 
   ...:         ])
   ...: df = pd.DataFrame(
   ...:     np.hstack([keys,np.random.randn(10,4).round(2)]), 
   ...:     columns = ['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4', 'col5', 'col6']
   ...: )
   ...: df[['col3', 'col4', 'col5', 'col6']] = \
   ...:     df[['col3', 'col4', 'col5', 'col6']].astype(float)


If some of the columns that you are aggregating have null values, then you really want to be looking at the group row counts as an independent aggregation for each column. Otherwise you may be misled as to how many records are actually being used to calculate things like the mean because pandas will drop NaN entries in the mean calculation without telling you about it.

Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $routeProvider

In angular 1.4 +, in addition to adding the dependency

angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute'])

,we also need to reference the separate angular-route.js file

<script src="angular.js">
<script src="angular-route.js">


converting list to json format - quick and easy way

For me, it worked to use Newtonsoft.Json:

using Newtonsoft.Json;
// ...
var output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ListOfMyObject);

How to check if a float value is a whole number

All the answers are good but a sure fire method would be

def whole (n):
     return (n*10)%10==0

The function returns True if it's a whole number else False....I know I'm a bit late but here's one of the interesting methods which I made...

Edit: as stated by the comment below, a cheaper equivalent test would be:

def whole(n):
    return n%1==0

How to replace sql field value

To avoid update names that contain .com like [email protected] to [email protected], you can do this:

UPDATE Yourtable
SET Email = LEFT(@Email, LEN(@Email) - 4) + REPLACE(RIGHT(@Email, 4), '.com', '.org')

How can I generate Javadoc comments in Eclipse?

For me the /**<NEWLINE> or Shift-Alt-J (or ?-?-J on a Mac) approach works best.

I dislike seeing Javadoc comments in source code that have been auto-generated and have not been updated with real content. As far as I am concerned, such javadocs are nothing more than a waste of screen space.

IMO, it is much much better to generate the Javadoc comment skeletons one by one as you are about to fill in the details.

Git submodule push

A submodule is nothing but a clone of a git repo within another repo with some extra meta data (gitlink tree entry, .gitmodules file )

$ cd your_submodule
$ git checkout master
$ git commit -a -m "commit in submodule"
$ git push
$ cd ..
$ git add your_submodule
$ git commit -m "Updated submodule"

Single line if statement with 2 actions

Sounds like you really want a Dictionary<int, string> or possibly a switch statement...

You can do it with the conditional operator though:

userType = user.Type == 0 ? "Admin"
         : user.Type == 1 ? "User"
         : user.Type == 2 ? "Employee"
         : "The default you didn't specify";

While you could put that in one line, I'd strongly urge you not to.

I would normally only do this for different conditions though - not just several different possible values, which is better handled in a map.

Why do table names in SQL Server start with "dbo"?

It's new to SQL 2005 and offers a simplified way to group objects, especially for the purpose of securing the objects in that "group".

The following link offers a more in depth explanation as to what it is, why we would use it:

Understanding the Difference between Owners and Schemas in SQL Server

Auto start print html page using javascript

For me, adding <script>window.print();</script> to the end of the page worked.

I didn't need the type="text/javascript" attribute, or even for the page to be wrapped in a <body> tag. However, all of my previous attempts to intuitively use the answers suggested here, of just writing window.onload=window.print or longer versions such as window.onload=()=>window.print(); did not work, and of course calling print on the newly created window does not wait for the contents to load.

What Regex would capture everything from ' mark to the end of a line?

This will capture everything up to the ' in backreference 1 - and everything after the ' in backreference 2. You may need to escape the apostrophes though depending on language (\')


Quick modification: if the line doesn't have an ' - backreference 1 should still catch the whole line.

^ - start of string
([^']*) - capture any number of not ' characters
'? - match the ' 0 or 1 time
(.*) - capture any number of characters
$ - end of string

Add support library to Android Studio project

In Android Studio 1.0, this worked for me :-
Open the build.gradle (Module : app) file and paste this (at the end) :-

dependencies {
    compile ""

Note that this dependencies is different from the dependencies inside buildscript in build.gradle (Project)
When you edit the gradle file, a message shows that you must sync the file. Press "Sync now"

Source :

clear table jquery

I needed this:

$('#myTable tbody > tr').remove();

It deletes all rows except the header.

How to restart remote MySQL server running on Ubuntu linux?

sudo service mysql stop;
sudo service mysql start;

If the above process will not work let's check one the given code above you can stop Mysql server and again start server

Order a List (C#) by many fields?

Yes, you can do it by specifying the comparison method. The advantage is the sorted object don't have to be IComparable

   aListOfObjects.Sort((x, y) =>
       int result = x.A.CompareTo(y.A);
       return result != 0 ? result : x.B.CompareTo(y.B);

How do I create an Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file in C# without installing Microsoft Office?

If you are happy with the xlsx format, try my GitHub project, EPPlus. It started with the source from ExcelPackage, but today it's a total rewrite. It supports ranges, cell styling, charts, shapes, pictures, named ranges, AutoFilter and a lot of other stuff.

Parse query string in JavaScript

I wanted to pick up specific links within a DOM element on a page, send those users to a redirect page on a timer and then pass them onto the original clicked URL. This is how I did it using regular javascript incorporating one of the methods above.

Page with links: Head

  function replaceLinks() {   
var content = document.getElementById('mainContent');
            var nodes = content.getElementsByTagName('a');
        for (var i = 0; i < document.getElementsByTagName('a').length; i++) {
                href = nodes[i].href;
                if (href.indexOf("") != -1) {

                    nodes[i].href="" + "?url=" + nodes[i];



<body onload="replaceLinks()">

Redirect page Head

   function getQueryVariable(variable) {
        var query =;
        var vars = query.split('&');
        for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
            var pair = vars[i].split('=');
            if (decodeURIComponent(pair[0]) == variable) {
                return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
        console.log('Query variable %s not found', variable);
    function delayer(){
        window.location = getQueryVariable('url')


<body onload="setTimeout('delayer()', 1000)">

Youtube iframe wmode issue

Try adding ?wmode=transparent to the end of the URL. Worked for me.

Open an html page in default browser with VBA?

I find the most simple is

shell "explorer.exe URL"

This also works to open local folders.

JWT refresh token flow

Based in this implementation with Node.js of JWT with refresh token:

1) In this case they use a uid and it's not a JWT. When they refresh the token they send the refresh token and the user. If you implement it as a JWT, you don't need to send the user, because it would inside the JWT.

2) They implement this in a separated document (table). It has sense to me because a user can be logged in in different client applications and it could have a refresh token by app. If the user lose a device with one app installed, the refresh token of that device could be invalidated without affecting the other logged in devices.

3) In this implementation it response to the log in method with both, access token and refresh token. It seams correct to me.

Replace all whitespace with a line break/paragraph mark to make a word list

You can also do it with xargs:

cat old | xargs -n1 > new


xargs -n1 < old > new

Java Reflection Performance

Yes, always will be slower create an object by reflection because the JVM cannot optimize the code on compilation time. See the Sun/Java Reflection tutorials for more details.

See this simple test:

public class TestSpeed {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        Object instance = new TestSpeed();
        long endTime = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.println(endTime - startTime + "ns");

        startTime = System.nanoTime();
        try {
            Object reflectionInstance = Class.forName("TestSpeed").newInstance();
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        endTime = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.println(endTime - startTime + "ns");

Search and replace a particular string in a file using Perl

A one liner:

perl -pi.back -e 's/<PREF>/ABCD/g;' inputfile

Reading and displaying data from a .txt file

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("<Filename>"));

Then, you can use in.readLine(); to read a single line at a time. To read until the end, write a while loop as such:

String line;
while((line = in.readLine()) != null)

How to add data via $.ajax ( serialize() + extra data ) like this

You can do it like this:

postData[postData.length] = { name: "variable_name", value: variable_value };

What's the difference between a method and a function?

A class is the collection of some data and function optionally with a constructor.

While you creating an instance (copy,replication) of that particular class the constructor initialize the class and return an object.

Now the class become object (without constructor) & Functions are known as method in the object context.

So basically

Class <==new==>Object

Function <==new==>Method

In java the it is generally told as that the constructor name same as class name but in real that constructor is like instance block and static block but with having a user define return type(i.e. Class type)

While the class can have an static block,instance block,constructor, function The object generally have only data & method.

Photoshop text tool adds punctuation to the beginning of text

This is a paragraph option. Go to Window>Paragraph then a small window will pop up. You will have two buttons on the bottom. One with a arrow on the left of P and one on the right. Select the right one.