Programs & Examples On #System.transactions

You must add a reference to assembly 'netstandard, Version=

I am facing Same Problem i do following Setup Now Application Work fine


<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.7.1">
        <add assembly="netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, 

2- Add Reference

 **C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual


Copy Above Path Dll to Application Bin Folder on web server

Unable to connect to any of the specified mysql hosts. C# MySQL

I found the solution to my problem, I was having the same issue. Previously I had my connection string as this notice the port :3306 needs to be either attached to the server like that or removed from server like that Server=;Port=3306 depending on your .NET environment:


It was running fine until something happened which I am not sure exactly what it is, might be a recent update to my .NET application packages. It looks like format and spacing of the connection string is important. Anyways, the following format seems to be working for me:


Try either of the versions and see which one works for you.

Also I noticed that you are not using camel casing, this could be it. Make sure your property names are in capital casing like that


How do I enable MSDTC on SQL Server?

Can also see here on how to turn on MSDTC from the Control Panel's services.msc.

On the server where the trigger resides, you need to turn the MSDTC service on. You can this by clicking START > SETTINGS > CONTROL PANEL > ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS > SERVICES. Find the service called 'Distributed Transaction Coordinator' and RIGHT CLICK (on it and select) > Start.

Why should I use var instead of a type?

As the others have said, there is no difference in the compiled code (IL) when you use either of the following:

var x1 = new object();
object x2 = new object;

I suppose Resharper warns you because it is [in my opinion] easier to read the first example than the second. Besides, what's the need to repeat the name of the type twice?

Consider the following and you'll get what I mean:

KeyValuePair<string, KeyValuePair<string, int>> y1 = new KeyValuePair<string, KeyValuePair<string, int>>("key", new KeyValuePair<string, int>("subkey", 5));

It's way easier to read this instead:

var y2 = new KeyValuePair<string, KeyValuePair<string, int>>("key", new KeyValuePair<string, int>("subkey", 5));

git repo says it's up-to-date after pull but files are not updated

Try this:

 git fetch --all
 git reset --hard origin/master


git fetch downloads the latest from remote without trying to merge or rebase anything.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Modifying CSS class property values on the fly with JavaScript / jQuery

You can't modify the members of a CSS class on the fly. However, you could introduce a new <style> tag on the page with your new css class implementation, and then switch out the class. Example:


.someClass { border: 1px solid black; font-size: 20px; }

You want to change that class entirely, so you create a new style element:

   .someClassReplacement { border: 1px solid white; font-size: 14px; }       

You then do a simple replacement via jQuery:


Android list view inside a scroll view

In xml:


                    android:layout_below="@+id/rl_delivery_type" >

In Java:

public class NestedListView extends ListView implements View.OnTouchListener, AbsListView.OnScrollListener {

    private int listViewTouchAction;
    private static final int MAXIMUM_LIST_ITEMS_VIEWABLE = 99;

    public NestedListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);
        listViewTouchAction = -1;

    public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem,
                         int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {
        if (getAdapter() != null && getAdapter().getCount() > MAXIMUM_LIST_ITEMS_VIEWABLE) {
            if (listViewTouchAction == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
                scrollBy(0, -1);

    public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {

    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);

        int newHeight = 0;
        final int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);
        int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);
        if (heightMode != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {
            ListAdapter listAdapter = getAdapter();
            if (listAdapter != null && !listAdapter.isEmpty()) {
                int listPosition = 0;
                for (listPosition = 0; listPosition < listAdapter.getCount()
                        && listPosition < MAXIMUM_LIST_ITEMS_VIEWABLE; listPosition++) {
                    View listItem = listAdapter.getView(listPosition, null, this);
                    //now it will not throw a NPE if listItem is a ViewGroup instance
                    if (listItem instanceof ViewGroup) {
                        listItem.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(
                                LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
                    listItem.measure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
                    newHeight += listItem.getMeasuredHeight();
                newHeight += getDividerHeight() * listPosition;
            if ((heightMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) && (newHeight > heightSize)) {
                if (newHeight > heightSize) {
                    newHeight = heightSize;
        } else {
            newHeight = getMeasuredHeight();
        setMeasuredDimension(getMeasuredWidth(), newHeight);

    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
        if (getAdapter() != null && getAdapter().getCount() > MAXIMUM_LIST_ITEMS_VIEWABLE) {
            if (listViewTouchAction == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
                scrollBy(0, 1);
        return false;

Why won't bundler install JSON gem?

When I tried to install the json gem using gem install json separate from just using bundle install I got ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension., looking that up I found using

    apt-get install ruby-dev

did the trick

How to convert password into md5 in jquery?

You need additional plugin for this.

take a look at this plugin

How to format a string as a telephone number in C#

static string FormatPhoneNumber( string phoneNumber ) {

   if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty(phoneNumber) )
      return phoneNumber;

   Regex phoneParser = null;
   string format     = "";

   switch( phoneNumber.Length ) {

      case 5 :
         phoneParser = new Regex(@"(\d{3})(\d{2})");
         format      = "$1 $2";

      case 6 :
         phoneParser = new Regex(@"(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})");
         format      = "$1 $2 $3";

      case 7 :
         phoneParser = new Regex(@"(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})");
         format      = "$1 $2 $3";

      case 8 :
         phoneParser = new Regex(@"(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})");
         format      = "$1 $2 $3";

      case 9 :
         phoneParser = new Regex(@"(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})");
         format      = "$1 $2 $3 $4";

      case 10 :
         phoneParser = new Regex(@"(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})");
         format      = "$1 $2 $3 $4";

      case 11 :
         phoneParser = new Regex(@"(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})");
         format      = "$1 $2 $3 $4";

        return phoneNumber;


   return phoneParser.Replace( phoneNumber, format );


    enter code here

Capture the screen shot using .NET

It's certainly possible to grab a screenshot using the .NET Framework. The simplest way is to create a new Bitmap object and draw into that using the Graphics.CopyFromScreen method.

Sample code:

using (Bitmap bmpScreenCapture = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, 
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpScreenCapture))
                     0, 0,

Caveat: This method doesn't work properly for layered windows. Hans Passant's answer here explains the more complicated method required to get those in your screen shots.

Spring MVC How take the parameter value of a GET HTTP Request in my controller method?

As explained in the documentation, by using an @RequestParam annotation:

public @ResponseBody String byParameter(@RequestParam("foo") String foo) {
    return "Mapped by path + method + presence of query parameter! (MappingController) - foo = "
           + foo;

Replace a value in a data frame based on a conditional (`if`) statement

You have created a factor variable in nm so you either need to avoid doing so or add an additional level to the factor attributes. You should also avoid using <- in the arguments to data.frame()

Option 1:

junk <- data.frame(x = rep(LETTERS[1:4], 3), y =letters[1:12], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
junk$nm[junk$nm == "B"] <- "b"

Option 2:

levels(junk$nm) <- c(levels(junk$nm), "b")
junk$nm[junk$nm == "B"] <- "b"

Remove all spaces from a string in SQL Server

A functional version (udf) that removes spaces, cr, lf, tabs or configurable.

select Common.ufn_RemoveWhitespace(' 234   asdf   wefwef 3  x   ', default) as S

Result: '234asdfwefwef3x'

alter function Common.RemoveWhitespace
    @pString nvarchar(max),
    @pWhitespaceCharsOpt nvarchar(max) = null -- default: tab, lf, cr, space 
returns nvarchar(max) as
    Purpose:   Compress whitespace

    Example:  select Common.ufn_RemoveWhitespace(' 234   asdf   wefwef 3  x   ', default) as s 
              -- Result: 234asdfwefwef3x

    Modified    By          Description
    ----------  ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
    2018.07.24  crokusek    Initial Version 
        @maxLen bigint = 1073741823, -- (2^31 - 1) / 2 (
        @whitespaceChars nvarchar(30) = coalesce(
            char(9) + char(10) + char(13) + char(32));  -- tab, lf, cr, space

        @whitespacePattern nvarchar(30) = '%[' + @whitespaceChars + ']%',
        @nonWhitespacePattern nvarchar(30) = '%[^' + @whitespaceChars + ']%',
        @previousString nvarchar(max) = '';

    while (@pString != @previousString)
        set @previousString = @pString;

            @whiteIndex int = patindex(@whitespacePattern, @pString);

        if (@whiteIndex > 0)
                @whitespaceLength int = nullif(patindex(@nonWhitespacePattern, substring(@pString, @whiteIndex, @maxLen)), 0) - 1;                

            set @pString = 
                substring(@pString, 1, @whiteIndex - 1) + 
                iif(@whiteSpaceLength > 0, substring(@pString, @whiteIndex + @whiteSpaceLength, @maxLen), '');
    return @pString;

php check if array contains all array values from another array

The previous answers are all doing more work than they need to. Just use array_diff. This is the simplest way to do it:

$containsAllValues = !array_diff($search_this, $all);

That's all you have to do.

Importing larger sql files into MySQL

You can import large files this command line way:

mysql -h yourhostname -u username -p databasename < yoursqlfile.sql

String to HashMap JAVA

You can also use JSONObject class from to this will convert your HashMap to JSON string which is well formatted


Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("myNumber", 100);
map.put("myString", "String");

JSONObject json= new JSONObject(map);

String result= json.toString();



{'myNumber':100, 'myString':'String'}

Your can also get key from it like




PHP refresh window? equivalent to F5 page reload?

All you need to do to manually refresh a page is to provide a link pointing to the same page

Like this: Refresh the selection

How can I force a hard reload in Chrome for Android

I'm using window.location.reload(true) according to MDN (and this similar question) it forces page to reload from server.

You can execute this code in the browser by typing javascript:location.reload(true) in the address bar.

What is the difference between Sublime text and Github's Atom

Atom is open source (has been for a few hours by now), whereas Sublime Text is not.

Invoking JavaScript code in an iframe from the parent page

Just for the record, I've ran into the same issue today but this time the page was embedded in an object, not an iframe (since it was an XHTML 1.1 document). Here's how it works with objects:


(sorry for the ugly line breaks, didn't fit in a single line)

Laravel eloquent update record without loading from database

You can simply use Query Builder rather than Eloquent, this code directly update your data in the database :) This is a sample:

            ->where('id', 3)
            ->update(['title' => "Updated Title"]);

You can check the documentation here for more information:

Can I connect to SQL Server using Windows Authentication from Java EE webapp?

look at

What is the URL format used by jTDS?

The URL format for jTDS is:


... domain Specifies the Windows domain to authenticate in. If present and the user name and password are provided, jTDS uses Windows (NTLM) authentication instead of the usual SQL Server authentication (i.e. the user and password provided are the domain user and password). This allows non-Windows clients to log in to servers which are only configured to accept Windows authentication.

If the domain parameter is present but no user name and password are provided, jTDS uses its native Single-Sign-On library and logs in with the logged Windows user's credentials (for this to work one would obviously need to be on Windows, logged into a domain, and also have the SSO library installed -- consult README.SSO in the distribution on how to do this).

How to remove all white spaces in java

The most intuitive way of doing this without using literals or regular expressions:

yourString.replaceAll(" ","");

Graph visualization library in JavaScript

As guruz mentioned, the JIT has several lovely graph/tree layouts, including quite appealing RGraph and HyperTree visualizations.

Also, I've just put up a super simple SVG-based implementation at github (no dependencies, ~125 LOC) that should work well enough for small graphs displayed in modern browsers.

How to pass objects to functions in C++?

Do I need to pass pointers, references, or non-pointer and non-reference values?

This is a question that matters when writing a function and choosing the types of the parameters it takes. That choice will affect how the function is called and it depends on a few things.

The simplest option is to pass objects by value. This basically creates a copy of the object in the function, which has many advantages. But sometimes copying is costly, in which case a constant reference, const&, is usually best. And sometimes you need your object to be changed by the function. Then a non-constant reference, &, is needed.

For guidance on the choice of parameter types, see the Functions section of the C++ Core Guidelines, starting with F.15. As a general rule, try to avoid raw pointers, *.

How to create EditText with cross(x) button at end of it?


EditText mSearchEditText = findViewById(;

public void afterTextChanged(Editable aEditable) {
    int clearIcon = android.R.drawable.ic_notification_clear_all;
    int searchIcon = android.R.drawable.ic_menu_search;
    if (aEditable == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(aEditable.toString())) {
        clearIcon = 0;
        searchIcon = android.R.drawable.ic_menu_search;
    } else {
        clearIcon = android.R.drawable.ic_notification_clear_all;
        searchIcon = 0;
    Drawable leftDrawable =  null;
    if (searchIcon != 0) {
        leftDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(searchIcon);
    Drawable rightDrawable = null;
    if (clearIcon != 0) {
        rightDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(clearIcon);

    mSearchEditText.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(leftDrawable, null, rightDrawable, null);

public boolean onTouch(View aView, MotionEvent aEvent) {
    if (aEvent.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP){
        if (aEvent.getX() > ( mSearchEditText.getWidth() - 
    return false;

SQL Query - how do filter by null or not null

Just like you said

select * from tbl where statusid is null


select * from tbl where statusid is not null

If your statusid is not null, then it will be selected just fine when you have an actual value, no need for any "if" logic if that is what you were thinking

select * from tbl where statusid = 123 -- the record(s) returned will not have null statusid

if you want to select where it is null or a value, try

select * from tbl where statusid = 123 or statusid is null

What is the difference between baud rate and bit rate?

Bits per second is straightforward. It is exactly what it sounds like. If I have 1000 bits and am sending them at 1000 bps, it will take exactly one second to transmit them.

Baud is symbols per second. If these symbols — the indivisible elements of your data encoding — are not bits, the baud rate will be lower than the bit rate by the factor of bits per symbol. That is, if there are 4 bits per symbol, the baud rate will be ¼ that of the bit rate.

This confusion arose because the early analog telephone modems weren't very complicated, so bps was equal to baud. That is, each symbol encoded one bit. Later, to make modems faster, communications engineers invented increasingly clever ways to send more bits per symbol.¹


System 1, bits: Imagine a communication system with a telescope on the near side of a valley and a guy on the far side holding up one hand or the other. Call his left hand "0" and his right hand "1," and you have a system for communicating one binary digit — one bit — at a time.

System 2, baud: Now imagine that the guy on the far side of the valley is holding up playing cards instead of his bare hands. He is using a subset of the cards, ace through 8 in each suit, for a total of 32 cards. Each card — each symbol — encodes 5 bits: 00000 through 11111 in binary.²


The System 2 guy can convey 5 bits of information per card in the same time it takes the System 1 guy to convey one bit by revealing one of his bare hands.

You see how the analogy seems to break down: finding a particular card in a deck and showing it takes longer than simply deciding to show your left or right hand. But, that just provides an opportunity to extend the analogy profitably.

A communications system with many bits per symbol faces a similar difficulty, because the encoding schemes required to send multiple bits per symbol are much more complicated than those that send only one bit at a time. To extend the analogy, then, the guy showing playing cards could have several people behind him sharing the work of finding the next card in the deck, handing him cards as fast as he can show them. The helpers are analogous to the more powerful processors required to produce the many-bits-per-baud encoding schemes.

That is to say, by using more processing power, System 2 can send data 5 times faster than the more primitive System 1.

Historical Vignette

What shall we do with our 5-bit code? It seems natural to an English speaker to use 26 of the 32 available code points for the English alphabet. We can use the remaining 6 code points for a space character and a small set of control codes and symbols.

Or, we could just use Baudot code, a 5-bit code invented by Émile Baudot, after whom the unit "baud" was coined.³

Footnotes and Digressions:

  1. For example, the V.34 standard defined a 3,429 baud mode at 8.4 bits per symbol to achieve 28.8 kbit/sec throughput.

    That standard only talks about the POTS side of the modem. The RS-232 side remains a 1 bit per symbol system, so you could also correctly call it a 28.8k baud modem. Confusing, but technically correct.

  2. I've purposely kept things simple here.

    One thing you might think about is whether the absence of a playing card conveys information. If it does, that implies the existence of some clock or latch signal, so that you can tell the information-carrying absence of a card from the gap between the display of two cards.

    Also, what do you do with the cards left over in a poker deck, 9 through King, and the Jokers? One idea would be to use them as special flags to carry metadata. For example, you'll need a way to indicate a short trailing block. If you need to send 128 bits of information, you're going to need to show 26 cards. The first 25 cards convey 5×25=125 bits, with the 26th card conveying the trailing 3 bits. You need some way to signal that the last two bits in the symbol should be disregarded.

  3. This is why the early analog telephone modems were specified in terms of baud instead of bps: communications engineers had been using that terminology since the telegraph days. They weren't trying to confuse bps and baud; it was simply a fact, in their minds, that these modems were transmitting one bit per symbol.

#1146 - Table 'phpmyadmin.pma_recent' doesn't exist

You have to run the create_tables.sql inside the examples/ folder on phpMyAdmin to create the tables needed for the advanced features. That or disable those features by commenting them on the config file.

Jquery Smooth Scroll To DIV - Using ID value from Link

You can do this:

$('.searchbychar').click(function () {
    var divID = '#' +;
    $('html, body').animate({
        scrollTop: $(divID).offset().top
    }, 2000);


  • You need to prefix a class name with a . (dot) like in your first line of code.
  • $( 'searchbychar' ).click(function() {
  • Also, your code $('.searchbychar').attr('id') will return a string ID not a jQuery object. Hence, you can not apply .offset() method to it.

jQuery autoComplete view all on click?

I found this to work best

var data = [
    { label: "Choice 1", value: "choice_1" },
    { label: "Choice 2", value: "choice_2" },
    { label: "Choice 3", value: "choice_3" }

    source: data,
    minLength: 0
.focus(function() {
    $(this).autocomplete('search', $(this).val())

It searches the labels and places the value into the element $(#example)

How to query data out of the box using Spring data JPA by both Sort and Pageable?

 public List<Model> getAllData(Pageable pageable){
       List<Model> models= new ArrayList<>();
       return models;

Delete the first three rows of a dataframe in pandas


Pandas uses zero based numbering, so 0 is the first row, 1 is the second row and 2 is the third row.

Error: expected type-specifier before 'ClassName'

For future people struggling with a similar problem, the situation is that the compiler simply cannot find the type you are using (even if your Intelisense can find it).

This can be caused in many ways:

  • You forgot to #include the header that defines it.
  • Your inclusion guards (#ifndef BLAH_H) are defective (your #ifndef BLAH_H doesn't match your #define BALH_H due to a typo or copy+paste mistake).
  • Your inclusion guards are accidentally used twice (two separate files both using #define MYHEADER_H, even if they are in separate directories)
  • You forgot that you are using a template (eg. new Vector() should be new Vector<int>())
  • The compiler is thinking you meant one scope when really you meant another (For example, if you have NamespaceA::NamespaceB, AND a <global scope>::NamespaceB, if you are already within NamespaceA, it'll look in NamespaceA::NamespaceB and not bother checking <global scope>::NamespaceB) unless you explicitly access it.
  • You have a name clash (two entities with the same name, such as a class and an enum member).

To explicitly access something in the global namespace, prefix it with ::, as if the global namespace is a namespace with no name (e.g. ::MyType or ::MyNamespace::MyType).

Create a new file in git bash

This is a very simple to create file in git bash at first write touch then file name with extension

for example

touch filename.extension

Conditional WHERE clause in SQL Server

This seemed easier to think about where either of two parameters could be passed into a stored procedure. It seems to work:

AND ((@pol IS NOT NULL AND x.PolicyNo = @pol) OR (@st IS NOT NULL AND x.State = @st))

How do I reverse a commit in git?

Unable to comment on others answers, I'll provide a bit of extra information.

If you want to revert the last commit, you can use git revert head. head refers to the most recent commit in your branch.

The reason you use head~1 when using reset is that you are telling Git to "remove all changes in the commits after" (reset --hard) "the commit one before head" (head~1).

reset is to a commit, revert is on a commit.

As AmpT pointed out, you can also use the commit SHA to identify it, rather than counting how far away from head it is. The SHA can be found in the logs (git log) and a variety of other ways.

You can also always use any other pointers in Git. e.g. a tag or branch. And can also use all of these fun other ways to reference commits

Are all Spring Framework Java Configuration injection examples buggy?

In your test, you are comparing the two TestParent beans, not the single TestedChild bean.

Also, Spring proxies your @Configuration class so that when you call one of the @Bean annotated methods, it caches the result and always returns the same object on future calls.

See here:

React.js create loop through Array

In CurrentGame component you need to change initial state because you are trying use loop for participants but this property is undefined that's why you get error.,

getInitialState: function(){
    return {
       data: {
          participants: [] 

also, as player in .map is Object you should get properties from it {
   return <li key={player.championId}>{player.summonerName}</li>
   // -------------------^^^^^^^^^^^---------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Notepad++ add to every line

Follow these steps:

  1. Press Ctrl+H to bring up the Find/Replace Dialog.
  2. Choose the Regular expression option near the bottom of the dialog.

To add a word, such as test, at the beginning of each line:

  1. Type ^ in the Find what textbox
  2. Type test in the Replace with textbox
  3. Place cursor in the first line of the file to ensure all lines are affected
  4. Click Replace All button

To add a word, such as test, at the end of each line:

  1. Type $ in the Find what textbox
  2. Type test in the Replace with textbox
  3. Place cursor in the first line of the file to ensure all lines are affected
  4. Click Replace All button

Reading *.wav files in Python

Per the documentation, returns a tuple of two items: the first is the sampling rate in samples per second, the second is a numpy array with all the data read from the file:

from import wavfile
samplerate, data ='./output/audio.wav')

Build fails with "Command failed with a nonzero exit code"

I had the error Command LinkStoryboards failed with a nonzero exit code, and found that I was using a reference to a non-existent storyboard. I had recently changed the name of a storyboard file, so changing the reference from the 'old' name to the 'new' name solved it for me.
You may not have exactly the same error as me, but an easy way to find a more detailed explanation of the error is to:

  • Show the issue navigator (while the build time error is showing)
  • Click the error: Click the error in the issue navigator
  • Then, you should see more about your error: Command LinkStoryboards failed with nonzero exit code

I hope this helps. Please, I am aware that I am answering from experience of a different error than this question was asked about, but I believe this advice should help you conquer similar problems!

What is the best way to iterate over a dictionary?

If you want to use for loop, you can do this:

var keyList=new List<string>(dictionary.Keys);
for (int i = 0; i < keyList.Count; i++)
   var key= keyList[i];
   var value = dictionary[key];

'NoneType' object is not subscriptable?

The [0] needs to be inside the ).

how does array[100] = {0} set the entire array to 0?

If your compiler is GCC you can also use following syntax:

int array[256] = {[0 ... 255] = 0};

Please look at, and note that this is a compiler-specific feature.

How to Create Multiple Where Clause Query Using Laravel Eloquent?

In Laravel 5.3 (and still true as of 7.x) you can use more granular wheres passed as an array:

    ['column_1', '=', 'value_1'],
    ['column_2', '<>', 'value_2'],

Personally I haven't found use-case for this over just multiple where calls, but fact is you can use it.

Since June 2014 you can pass an array to where

As long as you want all the wheres use and operator, you can group them this way:

$matchThese = ['field' => 'value', 'another_field' => 'another_value', ...];

// if you need another group of wheres as an alternative:
$orThose = ['yet_another_field' => 'yet_another_value', ...];


$results = User::where($matchThese)->get();

// with another group
$results = User::where($matchThese)

The above will result in such query:

  WHERE (field = value AND another_field = another_value AND ...)
  OR (yet_another_field = yet_another_value AND ...)

AngularJS/javascript converting a date String to date object

I know this is in the above answers, but my point is that I think all you need is

new Date(collectionDate);

if your goal is to convert a date string into a date (as per the OP "How do I convert it to a date object?").

Reset git proxy to default configuration

Remove both http and https setting by using commands.

git config --global --unset http.proxy

git config --global --unset https.proxy

SwiftUI - How do I change the background color of a View?

Xcode 11.5

Simply use ZStack to add background color or images to your main view in SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {

Order of execution of tests in TestNG

use: preserve-order="true" enabled="true" that would run test cases in the manner in which you have written.

<suite name="Sanity" verbose="1" parallel="" thread-count="">   
<test name="Automation" preserve-order="true"  enabled="true">
            <listener class-name="com.yourtest.testNgListner.RetryListener" />
        <parameter name="BrowserName" value="chrome" />
            <class name="com.yourtest.Suites.InitilizeClass" />
            <class name="com.yourtest.Suites.SurveyTestCases" />
                <include name="valid_Login" />
                <include name="verifyManageSurveyPage" />
                <include name="verifySurveyDesignerPage" />
                <include name="cloneAndDeleteSurvey" />
                <include name="createAndDelete_Responses" />
                <include name="previewSurvey" />
                <include name="verifySurveyLink" />
                <include name="verifySurveyResponses" />
                <include name="verifySurveyReports" />

Remove all the elements that occur in one list from another

Python has a language feature called List Comprehensions that is perfectly suited to making this sort of thing extremely easy. The following statement does exactly what you want and stores the result in l3:

l3 = [x for x in l1 if x not in l2]

l3 will contain [1, 6].

How can I get current date in Android?

You can use following code to get a date in the format you want.

String date = String.valueOf(android.text.format.DateFormat.format("dd-MM-yyyy", new java.util.Date()));

Truncating a table in a stored procedure

try the below code

execute immediate 'truncate table tablename' ;

Specified cast is not valid.. how to resolve this

If you are expecting double, decimal, float, integer why not use the one which accomodates all namely decimal (128 bits are enough for most numbers you are looking at).

instead of (double)value use decimal.Parse(value.ToString()) or Convert.ToDecimal(value)

What is DOM Event delegation?

The delegation concept

If there are many elements inside one parent, and you want to handle events on them of them - don’t bind handlers to each element. Instead, bind the single handler to their parent, and get the child from This site provides useful info about how to implement event delegation.

Select statement to find duplicates on certain fields

This is a fun solution with SQL Server 2005 that I like. I'm going to assume that by "for every record except for the first one", you mean that there is another "id" column that we can use to identify which row is "first".

    , field1
    , field2
    , field3
    SELECT id
        , field1
        , field2
        , field3
        , RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY field1, field2, field3 ORDER BY id ASC) AS [rank]
    FROM table_name
) a
WHERE [rank] > 1

mysqli_select_db() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given

Your arguments are in the wrong order. The connection comes first according to the docs


// 1. Create a database connection
$connection = mysqli_connect(DB_SERVER,DB_USER,DB_PASS);

if (!$connection) {
    error_log("Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_error($connection));
    die('Internal server error');

// 2. Select a database to use 
$db_select = mysqli_select_db($connection, DB_NAME);
if (!$db_select) {
    error_log("Database selection failed: " . mysqli_error($connection));
    die('Internal server error');


iPhone system font

Category UIFontSystemFonts for UIFont (UIInterface.h) provides several convenient predefined sizes.

@interface UIFont (UIFontSystemFonts)
 + (CGFloat)labelFontSize;
 + (CGFloat)buttonFontSize;
 + (CGFloat)smallSystemFontSize;
 + (CGFloat)systemFontSize;

I use it for chat messages (labels) and it work well when I need to get size of text blocks.

 [UIFont systemFontOfSize:[UIFont labelFontSize]];

Happy coding!

CreateProcess: No such file or directory

try to put the path in the system variables instead of putting in user variables in environment variables.

IIS7 Permissions Overview - ApplicationPoolIdentity

ApplicationPoolIdentity is actually the best practice to use in IIS7+. It is a dynamically created, unprivileged account. To add file system security for a particular application pool see's "Application Pool Identities". The quick version:

If the application pool is named "DefaultAppPool" (just replace this text below if it is named differently)

  1. Open Windows Explorer
  2. Select a file or directory.
  3. Right click the file and select "Properties"
  4. Select the "Security" tab
  5. Click the "Edit" and then "Add" button
  6. Click the "Locations" button and make sure you select the local machine. (Not the Windows domain if the server belongs to one.)
  7. Enter "IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool" in the "Enter the object names to select:" text box. (Don't forget to change "DefaultAppPool" here to whatever you named your application pool.)
  8. Click the "Check Names" button and click "OK".

Change text color with Javascript?

<div id="about">About Snakelane</div>

<input type="image" src="" onclick="init()" id="btn">
var about;   
function init() { 
    about = document.getElementById("about"); = 'blue';

How to change Status Bar text color in iOS

extension UIApplication {

    var statusBarView: UIView? {
        return value(forKey: "statusBar") as? UIView

Avoid line break between html elements

nobr is too unreliable, use tables

          <td> something </td>
          <td> something </td>

It all goes on the same line, everything is level with eachother, and you have much more freedom if you want to change something later.

How to create a box when mouse over text in pure CSS?

You can easily make this CSS Tool Tip through simple code :-

    <!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>JS Bin</title>
<!--[if IE]>
  <script src=""></script>
    position:relative; /*this is the key*/
  } span{display: none} span{ /*the span will display just on :hover state*/
    border:5px solid #0cf;
    background-color:#cff; color:#000;
    text-align: center;
  } span:after{ /*the span will display just on :hover state*/
    border-bottom:5px solid #0cf;
    border-right:5px solid #0cf;

<a href="#" class="info">Shailender Arora <span>TOOLTIP</span></a>

Bootstrap 3.0 - Fluid Grid that includes Fixed Column Sizes

Why not just set the left two columns to a fixed with in your own css and then make a new grid layout of the full 12 columns for the rest of the content?

<div class="row">
    <div class="fixed-1">Left 1</div>
    <div class="fixed-2">Left 2</div>
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-1"></div>
        <div class="col-md-11"></div>

Access to Image from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy

A solution to this is to serve your code, and make it run on a server, you could use web server for chrome to easily serve your pages.

invalid target release: 1.7

Other than setting JAVA_HOME environment variable, you got to make sure you are using the correct JDK in your Maven run configuration. Go to Run -> Run Configuration, select your Maven Build configuration, go to JRE tab and set the correct Runtime JRE.

Maven run configuration

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ECHO in

Missing ; after var_dump($row)

How to create helper file full of functions in react native?

To achieve what you want and have a better organisation through your files, you can create a index.js to export your helper files.

Let's say you have a folder called /helpers. Inside this folder you can create your functions divided by content, actions, or anything you like.


/* Utils.js */
/* This file contains functions you can use anywhere in your application */

function formatName(label) {
   // your logic

function formatDate(date) {
   // your logic

// Now you have to export each function you want
export {

Let's create another file which has functions to help you with tables:

/* Table.js */
/* Table file contains functions to help you when working with tables */

function getColumnsFromData(data) {
   // your logic

function formatCell(data) {
   // your logic

// Export each function
export {

Now the trick is to have a index.js inside the helpers folder:

/* Index.js */
/* Inside this file you will import your other helper files */

// Import each file using the * notation
// This will import automatically every function exported by these files
import * as Utils from './Utils.js';
import * as Table from './Table.js';

// Export again
export {

Now you can import then separately to use each function:

import { Table, Utils } from 'helpers';

const columns = Table.getColumnsFromData(data);

const myName = Utils.formatName(someNameVariable);

Hope it can help to organise your files in a better way.

Java multiline string

Pluses are converted to StringBuilder.append, except when both strings are constants so the compiler can combine them at compile time. At least, that's how it is in Sun's compiler, and I would suspect most if not all other compilers would do the same.


String a="Hello";
String b="Goodbye";
String c=a+b;

normally generates exactly the same code as:

String a="Hello";
String b="Goodbye":
StringBuilder temp=new StringBuilder();
String c=temp.toString();

On the other hand:

String c="Hello"+"Goodbye";

is the same as:

String c="HelloGoodbye";

That is, there's no penalty in breaking your string literals across multiple lines with plus signs for readability.

IIS7 URL Redirection from root to sub directory

You need to download this from Microsoft:

The tool is called "Microsoft URL Rewrite Module 2.0 for IIS 7" and is described as follows by Microsoft: "URL Rewrite Module 2.0 provides a rule-based rewriting mechanism for changing requested URL’s before they get processed by web server and for modifying response content before it gets served to HTTP clients"

Message Queue vs. Web Services?

Message queues are ideal for requests which may take a long time to process. Requests are queued and can be processed offline without blocking the client. If the client needs to be notified of completion, you can provide a way for the client to periodically check the status of the request.

Message queues also allow you to scale better across time. It improves your ability to handle bursts of heavy activity, because the actual processing can be distributed across time.

Note that message queues and web services are orthogonal concepts, i.e. they are not mutually exclusive. E.g. you can have a XML based web service which acts as an interface to a message queue. I think the distinction your looking for is Message Queues versus Request/Response, the latter is when the request is processed synchronously.

Twitter bootstrap hide element on small devices

For Bootstrap 4.0 there is a change

See the docs:

In order to hide the content on mobile and display on the bigger devices you have to use the following classes:

d-none d-sm-block

The first class set display none all across devices and the second one display it for devices "sm" up (you could use md, lg, etc. instead of sm if you want to show on different devices.

I suggest to read about that before migration:

What does the "$" sign mean in jQuery or JavaScript?

In JavaScript it has no special significance (no more than a or Q anyway). It is just an uninformative variable name.

In jQuery the variable is assigned a copy of the jQuery function. This function is heavily overloaded and means half a dozen different things depending on what arguments it is passed. In this particular example you are passing it a string that contains a selector, so the function means "Create a jQuery object containing the element with the id Text".

Naming returned columns in Pandas aggregate function?

This will drop the outermost level from the hierarchical column index:

df = data.groupby(...).agg(...)
df.columns = df.columns.droplevel(0)

If you'd like to keep the outermost level, you can use the ravel() function on the multi-level column to form new labels:

df.columns = ["_".join(x) for x in df.columns.ravel()]

For example:

import pandas as pd
import pandas.rpy.common as com
import numpy as np

data = com.load_data('Loblolly')
#     height  age Seed
# 1     4.51    3  301
# 15   10.89    5  301
# 29   28.72   10  301
# 43   41.74   15  301
# 57   52.70   20  301

df = data.groupby('Seed').agg(
     'height':['mean', 'std']})
#       age     height           
#       sum        std       mean
# Seed                           
# 301    78  22.638417  33.246667
# 303    78  23.499706  34.106667
# 305    78  23.927090  35.115000
# 307    78  22.222266  31.328333
# 309    78  23.132574  33.781667

df.columns = df.columns.droplevel(0)


      sum        std       mean
301    78  22.638417  33.246667
303    78  23.499706  34.106667
305    78  23.927090  35.115000
307    78  22.222266  31.328333
309    78  23.132574  33.781667

Alternatively, to keep the first level of the index:

df = data.groupby('Seed').agg(
     'height':['mean', 'std']})
df.columns = ["_".join(x) for x in df.columns.ravel()]


      age_sum   height_std  height_mean
301        78    22.638417    33.246667
303        78    23.499706    34.106667
305        78    23.927090    35.115000
307        78    22.222266    31.328333
309        78    23.132574    33.781667

PHP Pass variable to next page

Sessions would be the only good way, you could also use GET/POST but that would be potentially insecure.

Passing data in the session If the data doesn't need to be passed to the client-side, then sessions may be more appropriate. Simply call session_start() at the start of each page, and you can get and set data into the $_SESSION array.

Security Since you state your value is actually a filename, you need to be aware of the security ramifications. If the filename has arrived from the client-side, assume the user has tampered with the value. Check it for validity! What happens when the user passes the path to an important system file or a file under their control? Can your script be used to "probe" the server for files that do or do not exist?

As you are clearly just getting started here, it is worth reminding that this goes for any data which arrives in $_GET, $_POST or $_COOKIE - assume your worst enemy crafted the contents of those arrays, and code accordingly!

Html.RenderPartial() syntax with Razor

Html.RenderPartial() is a void method - you can check whether a method is a void method by placing your mouse over the call to RenderPartial in your code and you will see the text (extension) void HtmlHelper.RenderPartial...

Void methods require a semicolon at the end of the calling code.

In the Webforms view engine you would have encased your Html.RenderPartial() call within the bee stings <% %>

like so

<% Html.RenderPartial("Path/to/my/partial/view"); %>

when you are using the Razor view engine the equivalent is


How to pass multiple parameters in thread in VB

In addition to what Dario stated about the Delegates you could execute a delegate with several parameters:

Predefine your delegate:

Private Delegate Sub TestThreadDelegate(ByRef goodList As List(Of String), ByVal coolvalue As Integer)

Get a handle to the delegate, create parameters in an array, DynamicInvoke on the Delegate:

Dim tester As TestThreadDelegate = AddressOf Me.testthread
Dim params(1) As Object
params(0) = New List(Of String)
params(1) = 0


Git Pull vs Git Rebase

git pull and git rebase are not interchangeable, but they are closely connected.

git pull fetches the latest changes of the current branch from a remote and applies those changes to your local copy of the branch. Generally this is done by merging, i.e. the local changes are merged into the remote changes. So git pull is similar to git fetch & git merge.

Rebasing is an alternative to merging. Instead of creating a new commit that combines the two branches, it moves the commits of one of the branches on top of the other.

You can pull using rebase instead of merge (git pull --rebase). The local changes you made will be rebased on top of the remote changes, instead of being merged with the remote changes.

Atlassian has some excellent documentation on merging vs. rebasing.

Replace Default Null Values Returned From Left Outer Join

In case of MySQL or SQLite the correct keyword is IFNULL (not ISNULL).

 SELECT iar.Description, 
      IFNULL(iai.Quantity,0) as Quantity, 
      IFNULL(iai.Quantity * rpl.RegularPrice,0) as 'Retail', 
    FROM InventoryAdjustmentReason iar
    LEFT OUTER JOIN InventoryAdjustmentItem iai  on (iar.Id = iai.InventoryAdjustmentReasonId)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Item i on (i.Id = iai.ItemId)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportPriceLookup rpl on (rpl.SkuNumber = i.SkuNo)
WHERE iar.StoreUse = 'yes'

How can I convert a Timestamp into either Date or DateTime object?

You can also get DateTime object from timestamp, including your current daylight saving time:

public DateTime getDateTimeFromTimestamp(Long value) {
    TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
    long offset = timeZone.getOffset(value);
    if (offset < 0) {
        value -= offset;
    } else {
        value += offset;
    return new DateTime(value);

How can I find the version of php that is running on a distinct domain name?

There is a possibility to find the PHP version of other domain by checking "X-Powered-By" response header in the browser through developer tools as other already mentioned it. If it is not exposed through the php.ini configuration there is no way you can get it unless you have access to the server.

Run an exe from C# code



Compiling the Code

Copy the code and paste it into the Main method of a console application. Replace "mspaint.exe" with the path to the application you want to run.

Android ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class on path

I had this issue in IntelliJ IDEA. This is how I solved it:

Project Properties > Facets > Click the Android Facet created from the external library you are adding > Check the box 'Library Module'.

JavaScript: undefined !== undefined?

var a;

typeof a === 'undefined'; // true
a === undefined; // true
typeof a === typeof undefined; // true
typeof a === typeof sdfuwehflj; // true

How to use 'find' to search for files created on a specific date?

You can't. The -c switch tells you when the permissions were last changed, -a tests the most recent access time, and -m tests the modification time. The filesystem used by most flavors of Linux (ext3) doesn't support a "creation time" record. Sorry!

Append an object to a list in R in amortized constant time, O(1)?

This is a very interesting question and I hope my thought below could contribute an way of solution to it. This method do give a flat list without indexing, but it does have list and unlist to avoid the nesting structures. I'm not sure about the speed since I don't know how to benchmark it.

for(i in 1:3){
  a_list<-list(unlist(list(unlist(a_list,recursive = FALSE),list(rnorm(2))),recursive = FALSE))

[1] -0.8098202  1.1035517

[1] 0.6804520 0.4664394

[1] 0.15592354 0.07424637

How do I loop through a date range?

Iterate every 15 minutes

DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse("2018-06-24 06:00");
        DateTime endDate = DateTime.Parse("2018-06-24 11:45");

        while (startDate.AddMinutes(15) <= endDate)

            Console.WriteLine(startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"));
            startDate = startDate.AddMinutes(15);

Run cURL commands from Windows console

First you need to download the cURL executable. For Windows 64bit, download it from here and for Windows 32bit download from here After that, save the curl.exe file on your C: drive.

To use it, just open the command prompt and type in:


json_decode returns NULL after webservice call

i had a similar problem, got it to work after adding '' (single quotes) around the json_encode string. Following from my js file:

var myJsVar  = <?php echo json_encode($var); ?> ;    -------> NOT WORKING  
var myJsVar = '<?php echo json_encode($var); ?>' ;    -------> WORKING

just thought of posting it in case someone stumbles upon this post like me :)

What is the difference between JOIN and UNION?

Union Operation is combined result of the Vertical Aggregate of the rows, Union Operation is combined result of the Horizontal Aggregate of the Columns.

Responsive width Facebook Page Plugin

Facebook's new "Page Plugin" width ranges from 180px to 500px as per the documentation.

  • If configured below 180px it would enforce a minimum width of 180px
  • If configured above 500px it would enforce a maximum width of 500px

With Adaptive Width checked, ex:

enter image description here

Unlike like-box, this plugin enforces its limits by sticking to the boundary values if mis-configured.

For small screens / Responsive behaviors

  • When rendering on smaller screens, enforce desiered width on the plugin container and plugin would try to fit in.

  • The plugin renders at a smaller width (to fit in smaller screens) automatically, if the container is of slimmer than the configured width.

  • You can scale down the container on mobile and the plugin will fit in as long as it gets the minimum of 180px to fit in.

Without Adaptive Width

enter image description here

  • The plugin will render at the width specified, irrespective of the container width

Why use static_cast<int>(x) instead of (int)x?

  1. Allows casts to be found easily in your code using grep or similar tools.
  2. Makes it explicit what kind of cast you are doing, and engaging the compiler's help in enforcing it. If you only want to cast away const-ness, then you can use const_cast, which will not allow you to do other types of conversions.
  3. Casts are inherently ugly -- you as a programmer are overruling how the compiler would ordinarily treat your code. You are saying to the compiler, "I know better than you." That being the case, it makes sense that performing a cast should be a moderately painful thing to do, and that they should stick out in your code, since they are a likely source of problems.

See Effective C++ Introduction

Remove characters from a string

I know this is old but if you do a split then join it will remove all occurrences of a particular character ie:

var str = theText.split('A').join('')

will remove all occurrences of 'A' from the string, obviously it's not case sensitive

Trigger 404 in Spring-MVC controller?

I'd recommend throwing HttpClientErrorException, like this

@RequestMapping(value = "/sample/")
public void sample() {
    if (somethingIsWrong()) {
        throw new HttpClientErrorException(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);

You must remember that this can be done only before anything is written to servlet output stream.

What is The difference between ListBox and ListView

A ListView is basically like a ListBox (and inherits from it), but it also has a View property. This property allows you to specify a predefined way of displaying the items. The only predefined view in the BCL (Base Class Library) is GridView, but you can easily create your own.

Another difference is the default selection mode: it's Single for a ListBox, but Extended for a ListView

Java: How to check if object is null?

Use google guava libs to handle is-null-check (deamon's update)

Drawable drawable = Optional.of(Common.getDrawableFromUrl(this, product.getMapPath())).or(getRandomDrawable());

How do I check if a property exists on a dynamic anonymous type in c#?

This is working for me-:

  public static bool IsPropertyExist(dynamic dynamicObj, string property)
               var value=dynamicObj[property].Value;
               return true;
           catch (RuntimeBinderException)

               return false;


No numeric types to aggregate - change in groupby() behaviour?

How are you generating your data?

See how the output shows that your data is of 'object' type? the groupby operations specifically check whether each column is a numeric dtype first.

In [31]: data
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 2557 entries, 2004-01-01 00:00:00 to 2010-12-31 00:00:00
Freq: <1 DateOffset>
Columns: 360 entries, -89.75 to 89.75
dtypes: object(360)

look ?

Did you initialize an empty DataFrame first and then filled it? If so that's probably why it changed with the new version as before 0.9 empty DataFrames were initialized to float type but now they are of object type. If so you can change the initialization to DataFrame(dtype=float).

You can also call frame.astype(float)

Sort a List of objects by multiple fields

You just need to have your class inherit from Comparable.

then implement the compareTo method the way you like.

How can I get the iOS 7 default blue color programmatically?

Get the color automatically by using this code:

static let DefaultButtonColor = UIButton(type: UIButtonType.System).titleColorForState(.Normal)!

Change the color of a bullet in a html list?

Just use CSS:

<li style='color:#e0e0e0'>something</li>

Meaning of numbers in "col-md-4"," col-xs-1", "col-lg-2" in Bootstrap

The Bootstrap grid system has four classes:
xs (for phones)
sm (for tablets)
md (for desktops)
lg (for larger desktops)

The classes above can be combined to create more dynamic and flexible layouts.

Tip: Each class scales up, so if you wish to set the same widths for xs and sm, you only need to specify xs.

OK, the answer is easy, but read on:

col-lg- stands for column large = 1200px
col-md- stands for column medium = 992px
col-xs- stands for column extra small = 768px

The pixel numbers are the breakpoints, so for example col-xs is targeting the element when the window is smaller than 768px(likely mobile devices)...

I also created the image below to show how the grid system works, in this examples I use them with 3, like col-lg-6 to show you how the grid system work in the page, look at how lg, md and xs are responsive to the window size:

Bootstrap grid system, col-*-6

How to have EditText with border in Android Lollipop

A quick and dirty solution I have used is to place the EditText inside of a FrameLayout. The margins of the EditText control the thickness of the border and the border color is determined by the background color of the FrameLayout.



        android:textSize="24sp" />

But I would recommend, and the vast majority of the time I do, drawables for borders. Elite's answer is what I would go for in that case.

font-weight is not working properly?

I removed the text-transform: uppercase; and then set it to bold/bolder, and this seemed to work.

DataGridView checkbox column - value and functionality

1) How do I make it so that the whole column is "checked" by default?

var doWork = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();
doWork.Name = "IncludeDog" //Added so you can find the column in a row
doWork.HeaderText = "Include Dog";
doWork.FalseValue = "0";
doWork.TrueValue = "1";

//Make the default checked
doWork.CellTemplate.Value = true;
doWork.CellTemplate.Style.NullValue = true;

dataGridView1.Columns.Insert(0, doWork);

2) How can I make sure I'm only getting values from the "checked" rows?

foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows)
    if (row.IsNewRow) continue;//If editing is enabled, skip the new row

    //The Cell's Value gets it wrong with the true default, it will return         
    //false until the cell changes so use FormattedValue instead.
    if (Convert.ToBoolean(row.Cells["IncludeDog"].FormattedValue))
        //Do stuff with row

static function in C

pmg is spot on about encapsulation; beyond hiding the function from other translation units (or rather, because of it), making functions static can also confer performance benefits in the presence of compiler optimizations.

Because a static function cannot be called from anywhere outside of the current translation unit (unless the code takes a pointer to its address), the compiler controls all the call points into it.

This means that it is free to use a non-standard ABI, inline it entirely, or perform any number of other optimizations that might not be possible for a function with external linkage.

How to open specific tab of bootstrap nav tabs on click of a particuler link using jQuery?

You may access through tab Id as well, But that id is unique for same page. Here is an example for same


In above example #product_details is nav tab id

Replace whitespace with a comma in a text file in Linux

What about something like this :

cat texte.txt | sed -e 's/\s/,/g' > texte-new.txt

(Yes, with some useless catting and piping ; could also use < to read from the file directly, I suppose -- used cat first to output the content of the file, and only after, I added sed to my command-line)

EDIT : as @ghostdog74 pointed out in a comment, there's definitly no need for thet cat/pipe ; you can give the name of the file to sed :

sed -e 's/\s/,/g' texte.txt > texte-new.txt

If "texte.txt" is this way :

$ cat texte.txt
this is a text
in which I want to replace
spaces by commas

You'll get a "texte-new.txt" that'll look like this :

$ cat texte-new.txt

I wouldn't go just replacing the old file by the new one (could be done with sed -i, if I remember correctly ; and as @ghostdog74 said, this one would accept creating the backup on the fly) : keeping might be wise, as a security measure (even if it means having to rename it to something like "texte-backup.txt")

Embed image in a <button> element

try this

   <input type="button" style="background-image:url('your_url')"/>

What is the difference between i++ & ++i in a for loop?

JLS§14.14.1, The basic for Statement, makes it clear that the ForUpdate expression(s) are evaluated and the value(s) are discarded. The effect is to make the two forms identical in the context of a for statement.

Two way sync with rsync

You could try csync, it is the sync engine under the hood of owncloud.

Difference between CLOB and BLOB from DB2 and Oracle Perspective?

They can be considered as equivalent. The limits in size are the same:

  • Maximum length of CLOB (in bytes or OCTETS)) 2 147 483 647
  • Maximum length of BLOB (in bytes) 2 147 483 647

There is also the DBCLOBs, for double byte characters.


How do I add a custom script to my package.json file that runs a javascript file?

Lets say in scripts you want to run 2 commands with a single command:

  "start":"any command",
  "singleCommandToRunTwoCommand":"some command here && npm start"

Now go to your terminal and run there npm run singleCommandToRunTwoCommand.

Android Recyclerview vs ListView with Viewholder

Reuses cells while scrolling up/down - this is possible with implementing View Holder in the listView adapter, but it was an optional thing, while in the RecycleView it's the default way of writing adapter.

Decouples list from its container - so you can put list items easily at run time in the different containers (linearLayout, gridLayout) with setting LayoutManager.


mRecyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(;
mRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));
mRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(new GridLayoutManager(this, 2));
mRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(new GridLayoutManager(this, 3));
  • Animates common list actions.

  • Animations are decoupled and delegated to ItemAnimator.

There is more about RecyclerView, but I think these points are the main ones.


i) LinearLayoutManager - which supports both vertical and horizontal lists,

ii) StaggeredLayoutManager - which supports Pinterest like staggered lists,

iii) GridLayoutManager - which supports displaying grids as seen in Gallery apps.

And the best thing is that we can do all these dynamically as we want.

CSS center content inside div

There are many ways to center any element. I listed some

  1. Set it's width to some value and add margin: 0 auto.

.partners {_x000D_
    width: 80%;_x000D_
    margin: 0 auto;_x000D_

  1. Split into 3 column layout

.partners {_x000D_
    width: 80%;_x000D_
    margin-left: 10%;_x000D_

  1. Use bootstrap layout

<div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col-sm-4"></div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-sm-4">Your Content / Image here</div>_x000D_

JavaScript URL Decode function

var uri = "my test.asp?name=ståle&car=saab";_x000D_

Android Stop Emulator from Command Line

Use adb kill-server. It should helps. or

adb -s emulator-5554 emu kill, where emulator-5554 is the emulator name.

For Ubuntu users I found a good command to stop all running emulators (Thanks to @uwe)

adb devices | grep emulator | cut -f1 | while read line; do adb -s $line emu kill; done

Facebook Open Graph Error - Inferred Property

In case it helps anyone I had the same error. It turns out my page had not been scrapped by Facebook in awhile and it was an old error. There was a scrape again button on the page that fixed it.

Checking if object is empty, works with ng-show but not from controller?

If you couldn't have the items OBJ equal to null, you can do this:

$scope.isEmpty = function (obj) {
    for (var i in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) return false;
    return true;

and in the view you can do:

<div ng-show="isEmpty(items)"></div>

You can do

var ob = {};

Only if your browser supports ECMAScript 5. For Example, IE 8 doesn't support this feature.

See for more infos

How to change the datetime format in pandas

Below code changes to 'datetime' type and also formats in the given format string. Works well!


How to Store Historical Data

Supporting historical data directly within an operational system will make your application much more complex than it would otherwise be. Generally, I would not recommend doing it unless you have a hard requirement to manipulate historical versions of a record within the system.

If you look closely, most requirements for historical data fall into one of two categories:

  • Audit logging: This is better off done with audit tables. It's fairly easy to write a tool that generates scripts to create audit log tables and triggers by reading metadata from the system data dictionary. This type of tool can be used to retrofit audit logging onto most systems. You can also use this subsystem for changed data capture if you want to implement a data warehouse (see below).

  • Historical reporting: Reporting on historical state, 'as-at' positions or analytical reporting over time. It may be possible to fulfil simple historical reporting requirements by quering audit logging tables of the sort described above. If you have more complex requirements then it may be more economical to implement a data mart for the reporting than to try and integrate history directly into the operational system.

    Slowly changing dimensions are by far the simplest mechanism for tracking and querying historical state and much of the history tracking can be automated. Generic handlers aren't that hard to write. Generally, historical reporting does not have to use up-to-the-minute data, so a batched refresh mechanism is normally fine. This keeps your core and reporting system architecture relatively simple.

If your requirements fall into one of these two categories, you are probably better off not storing historical data in your operational system. Separating the historical functionality into another subsystem will probably be less effort overall and produce transactional and audit/reporting databases that work much better for their intended purpose.

When to use dynamic vs. static libraries

For an excellent discussion of this topic have a read of this article from Sun.

It goes into all the benefits including being able to insert interposing libraries. More detail on interposing can be found in this article here.

How to specify the bottom border of a <tr>?

What I want to say here is like some kind of add-on on @Suciu Lucian's answer.

The weird situation I ran into is that when I apply the solution of @Suciu Lucian in my file, it works in Chrome but not in Safari (and did not try in Firefox). After I studied the guide of styling table border published by, I found something alternative:

  border-spacing: 0;

table.myTable td{
  border-bottom:1px solid red;

Yes you have to style the td instead of the tr.

CFLAGS, CCFLAGS, CXXFLAGS - what exactly do these variables control?

Minimal example

And just to make what Mizux said as a minimal example:


#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {


#include <iostream>

int main(void) {
    std::cout << "hello" << std::endl;

Then, without any Makefile:

make CFLAGS='-g -O3' \
     CXXFLAGS='-ggdb3 -O0' \
     CPPFLAGS='-DX=1 -DY=2' \
     CCFLAGS='--asdf' \
     main_c \


cc -g -O3 -DX=1 -DY=2   main_c.c   -o main_c
g++ -ggdb3 -O0 -DX=1 -DY=2   main_cpp.cpp   -o main_cpp

So we understand that:

  • make had implicit rules to make main_c and main_cpp from main_c.c and main_cpp.cpp
  • CFLAGS and CPPFLAGS were used as part of the implicit rule for .c compilation
  • CXXFLAGS and CPPFLAGS were used as part of the implicit rule for .cpp compilation
  • CCFLAGS is not used

Those variables are only used in make's implicit rules automatically: if compilation had used our own explicit rules, then we would have to explicitly use those variables as in:

main_c: main_c.c
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $<

main_cpp: main_c.c
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $<

to achieve a similar affect to the implicit rules.

We could also name those variables however we want: but since Make already treats them magically in the implicit rules, those make good name choices.

Tested in Ubuntu 16.04, GNU Make 4.1.

what is reverse() in Django

The existing answers are quite clear. Just in case you do not know why it is called reverse: It takes an input of a url name and gives the actual url, which is reverse to having a url first and then give it a name.

How can I echo the whole content of a .html file in PHP?

Just use:


That will echo it as well. This also has the benefit of executing any PHP in the file.

If you need to do anything with the contents, use file_get_contents(),

For example,

    $pagecontents = file_get_contents("/path/to/file.html");

    echo str_replace("Banana", "Pineapple", $pagecontents);


This doesn't execute code in that file, so be careful if you expect that to work.

I usually use:


as then I can move files without breaking the includes.

Add content to a new open window

in parent.html:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var output = "data";
        var OpenWindow ="child.html", "mywin", '');
        OpenWindow.dataFromParent = output; // dataFromParent is a variable in child.html

in child.html:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var dataFromParent;    
    function init() {

TypeError: no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer

This error shows up when you are treating an array or string as a Hash. In this line myHash.each do |item| you are assigning item to a two-element array [key, value], so item[:symbol] throws an error.

Android setOnClickListener method - How does it work?

It works like this. View.OnClickListenere is defined -

public interface OnClickListener {
    void onClick(View v);

As far as we know you cannot instantiate an object OnClickListener, as it doesn't have a method implemented. So there are two ways you can go by - you can implement this interface which will override onClick method like this:

public class MyListener implements View.OnClickListener {
    public void onClick (View v) {
         // your code here;

But it's tedious to do it each time as you want to set a click listener. So in order to avoid this you can provide the implementation for the method on spot, just like in an example you gave.

setOnClickListener takes View.OnClickListener as its parameter.

How to recursively find and list the latest modified files in a directory with subdirectories and times

GNU find (see man find) has a -printf parameter for displaying the files in Epoch mtime and relative path name.

redhat> find . -type f -printf '%T@ %P\n' | sort -n | awk '{print $2}'

How do I animate constraint changes?

Working and just tested solution for Swift 3 with Xcode 8.3.3:

self.calendarViewHeight.constant = 56.0

UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5, delay: 0.0, options: UIViewAnimationOptions.curveEaseIn, animations: {
    }, completion: nil)

Just keep in mind that self.calendarViewHeight is a constraint referred to a customView (CalendarView). I called the .layoutIfNeeded() on self.view and NOT on self.calendarView

Hope this help.

How can I restart a Java application?

Old question and all of that. But this is yet another way that offers some advantages.

On Windows, you could ask the task scheduler to start your app again for you. This has the advantage of waiting a specific amount of time before the app is restarted. You can go to task manager and delete the task and it stops repeating.

SimpleDateFormat hhmm = new SimpleDateFormat("kk:mm");    
Calendar aCal = Calendar.getInstance(); 
aCal.add(Calendar.SECOND, 65);
String nextMinute = hhmm.format(aCal.getTime()); //Task Scheduler Doesn't accept seconds and won't do current minute.
String[] create = {"c:\\windows\\system32\\schtasks.exe", "/CREATE", "/F", "/TN", "RestartMyProg", "/SC", "ONCE", "/ST", nextMinute, "/TR", "java -jar c:\\my\\dev\\RestartTest.jar"};  
Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(create, null, null);
System.out.println("Exit Now");
try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (Exception e){} // just so you can see it better

Django URLs TypeError: view must be a callable or a list/tuple in the case of include()

You may also get this error if you have a name clash of a view and a module. I've got the error when i distribute my view files under views folder, /views/, /views/ and imported some model named in which happened to be a name of a view in So naming the view functions as v_table(request,id) helped.

Bypass invalid SSL certificate errors when calling web services in .Net

I was having same error using DownloadString; and was able to make it works as below with suggestions on this page

System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient();            
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return true; };
string sHttpResonse = client.DownloadString(sUrl);

Is there a limit on an Excel worksheet's name length?

Renaming a worksheet manually in Excel, you hit a limit of 31 chars, so I'd suggest that that's a hard limit.

How can I get the corresponding table header (th) from a table cell (td)?

Find matching th for a td, taking into account colspan index issues.

$('table').on('click', 'td', get_TH_by_TD)_x000D_
function get_TH_by_TD(e){_x000D_
   var idx = $(this).index(),_x000D_
       th, th_colSpan = 0;_x000D_
   for( var i=0; i < this.offsetParent.tHead.rows[0].cells.length; i++ ){_x000D_
      th = this.offsetParent.tHead.rows[0].cells[i];_x000D_
      th_colSpan += th.colSpan;_x000D_
      if( th_colSpan >= (idx + this.colSpan) )_x000D_
   console.log( th );_x000D_
   return th;_x000D_
table{ width:100%; }_x000D_
th, td{ border:1px solid silver; padding:5px; }
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p>Click a TD:</p>_x000D_
    <thead> _x000D_
            <th colspan="2"></th>_x000D_
            <th colspan="2">Address</th>_x000D_
            <th colspan="2">Other</th>_x000D_
    </thead> _x000D_
            <td>Jon Snow</td>_x000D_
            <td>High Street</td>_x000D_

Is JavaScript object-oriented?

Objects in JavaScript inherit directly from objects. What can be more object oriented?

How to save the contents of a div as a image?

There are several of this same question (1, 2). One way of doing it is using canvas. Here's a working solution. Here you can see some working examples of using this library.

Remove all subviews?

For ios6 using autolayout I had to add a little bit of code to remove the constraints too.

NSMutableArray * constraints_to_remove = [ @[] mutableCopy] ;
for( NSLayoutConstraint * constraint in tagview.constraints) {
    if( [tagview.subviews containsObject:constraint.firstItem] ||
       [tagview.subviews containsObject:constraint.secondItem] ) {
        [constraints_to_remove addObject:constraint];
[tagview removeConstraints:constraints_to_remove];

[ [tagview subviews] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(removeFromSuperview)];

I'm sure theres a neater way to do this, but it worked for me. In my case I could not use a direct [tagview removeConstraints:tagview.constraints] as there were constraints set in XCode that were getting cleared.

How do I make a https post in Node Js without any third party module?

For example, like this:

const querystring = require('querystring');
const https = require('https');

var postData = querystring.stringify({
    'msg' : 'Hello World!'

var options = {
  hostname: '',
  port: 443,
  path: '/post.php',
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
       'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
       'Content-Length': postData.length

var req = https.request(options, (res) => {
  console.log('statusCode:', res.statusCode);
  console.log('headers:', res.headers);

  res.on('data', (d) => {

req.on('error', (e) => {


Check if a value is in an array or not with Excel VBA

The below function would return '0' if there is no match and a 'positive integer' in case of matching:

Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arr As Variant) As Integer IsInArray = InStr(Join(arr, ""), stringToBeFound) End Function ______________________________________________________________________________

Note: the function first concatenates the entire array content to a string using 'Join' (not sure if the join method uses looping internally or not) and then checks for a macth within this string using InStr.

Get values from a listbox on a sheet

The accepted answer doesn't cut it because if a user de-selects a row the list is not updated accordingly.

Here is what I suggest instead:

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
    Dim lItem As Long

    For lItem = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
        If ListBox1.Selected(lItem) = True Then
        End If
End Sub

Courtesy of

Conda uninstall one package and one package only

You can use conda remove --force.

The documentation says:

--force               Forces removal of a package without removing packages
                      that depend on it. Using this option will usually
                      leave your environment in a broken and inconsistent

CSS:Defining Styles for input elements inside a div


divContainer input[type="text"] {

CSS2 add a class "text" to the text inputs then in your css


What is the best way to update the entity in JPA

That depends on what you want to do, but as you said, getting an entity reference using find() and then just updating that entity is the easiest way to do that.

I'd not bother about performance differences of the various methods unless you have strong indications that this really matters.

Return a 2d array from a function

That code isn't going to work, and it's not going to help you learn proper C++ if we fix it. It's better if you do something different. Raw arrays (especially multi-dimensional arrays) are difficult to pass correctly to and from functions. I think you'll be much better off starting with an object that represents an array but can be safely copied. Look up the documentation for std::vector.

In your code, you could use vector<vector<int> > or you could simulate a 2-D array with a 36-element vector<int>.

Change/Get check state of CheckBox

This is an example of how I use this kind of thing:


<input type="checkbox" id="ThisIsTheId" value="X" onchange="ThisIsTheFunction(,this.checked)">


function ThisIsTheFunction(temp,temp2) {
  if(temp2 == true) {
    document.getElementById(temp).style.visibility = "visible";
  } else {
    document.getElementById(temp).style.visibility = "hidden";

Difference between innerText, innerHTML and value?

The innerText property returns the actual text value of an html element while the innerHTML returns the HTML content. Example below:

var element = document.getElementById('hello');_x000D_
element.innerText = '<strong> hello world </strong>';_x000D_
console.log('The innerText property will not parse the html tags as html tags but as normal text:\n' + element.innerText);_x000D_
console.log('The innerHTML element property will encode the html tags found inside the text of the element:\n' + element.innerHTML);_x000D_
element.innerHTML = '<strong> hello world </strong>';_x000D_
console.log('The <strong> tag we put above has been parsed using the innerHTML property so the .innerText will not show them \n ' + element.innerText);_x000D_
<p id="hello"> Hello world _x000D_

Multiple distinct pages in one HTML file

Have you considered iframes or segregating your content and using a simple show/hide?

Edit If you want to use an iframe, you can have the contents of page1 and page2 in one html file. Then you can decide what to show or hide by reading the property of the iframe. So your code can be like this :

For Page 1 : iframe.src = "mypage.html?show=1"

For Page 2 : iframe.src = "mypage.html?show=2"

Now, when your iframe loads, you can use the"=")[1], to get the value of the page number and show the contents accordingly. This is just to show that iframes can also be used but the usage is more complex than the normal show/hide using div structures.

PHP - remove all non-numeric characters from a string

You can use preg_replace in this case;

$res = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", "Every 6 Months" );

$res return 6 in this case.

If want also to include decimal separator or thousand separator check this example:

$res = preg_replace("/[^0-9.]/", "", "$ 123.099");

$res returns "123.099" in this case

Include period as decimal separator or thousand separator: "/[^0-9.]/"

Include coma as decimal separator or thousand separator: "/[^0-9,]/"

Include period and coma as decimal separator and thousand separator: "/[^0-9,.]/"

enable cors in .htaccess

Thanks to Devin, I figured out the solution for my SLIM application with multi domain access.

In htaccess:

SetEnvIf Origin "http(s)?://(www\.)?(|allowed.domain.two)$" AccessControlAllowOrigin=$0$1
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin %{AccessControlAllowOrigin}e env=AccessControlAllowOrigin
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true

in index.php

// Access-Control headers are received during OPTIONS requests

        header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS");         

        header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: {$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS']}");
// instead of mapping:
$app->options('/(:x+)', function() use ($app) {
    //...return correct headers...

Changing Locale within the app itself

Through the original question is not exactly about the locale itself all other locale related questions are referencing to this one. That's why I wanted to clarify the issue here. I used this question as a starting point for my own locale switching code and found out that the method is not exactly correct. It works, but only until any configuration change (e.g. screen rotation) and only in that particular Activity. Playing with a code for a while I have ended up with the following approach:

I have extended and added the following code:

public class MyApplication extends Application
    private Locale locale = null;

    public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig)
        if (locale != null)
            newConfig.locale = locale;
            getBaseContext().getResources().updateConfiguration(newConfig, getBaseContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics());

    public void onCreate()

        SharedPreferences settings = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);

        Configuration config = getBaseContext().getResources().getConfiguration();

        String lang = settings.getString(getString(R.string.pref_locale), "");
        if (! "".equals(lang) && ! config.locale.getLanguage().equals(lang))
            locale = new Locale(lang);
            config.locale = locale;
            getBaseContext().getResources().updateConfiguration(config, getBaseContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics());

This code ensures that every Activity will have custom locale set and it will not be reset on rotation and other events.

I have also spent a lot of time trying to make the preference change to be applied immediately but didn't succeed: the language changed correctly on Activity restart, but number formats and other locale properties were not applied until full application restart.

Changes to AndroidManifest.xml

Don't forget to add android:configChanges="layoutDirection|locale" to every activity at AndroidManifest, as well as the android:name=".MyApplication" to the <application> element.

How to disable <br> tags inside <div> by css?

You could alter your CSS to render them less obtrusively, e.g.

div p,
div br {
    display: inline;

or - as my commenter points out:

div br {
    display: none;

but then to achieve the example of what you want, you'll need to trim the p down, so:

div br {
    display: none;
div p {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;

Convert row names into first column

dplyr::as_data_frame(df, rownames = "your_row_name") will give you even simpler result.

XMLHttpRequest Origin null is not allowed Access-Control-Allow-Origin for file:/// to file:/// (Serverless)

You can try putting 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin':'*' in response.writeHead(, {[here]}).

Maven Installation OSX Error Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

The problem is because you haven't set JAVA_HOME in Mac properly. In order to do that, you should do set it like this:

export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_40.jdk/Contents/Home

In my case my JDK installation is jdk1.8.0_40, make sure you type yours.

Then you can use maven commands.


Use table name in MySQL SELECT "AS"

To declare a string literal as an output column, leave the Table off and just use Test. It doesn't need to be associated with a table among your joins, since it will be accessed only by its column alias. When using a metadata function like getColumnMeta(), the table name will be an empty string because it isn't associated with a table.

  'Test' AS `field3` 
FROM `Test`;

Note: I'm using single quotes above. MySQL is usually configured to honor double quotes for strings, but single quotes are more widely portable among RDBMS.

If you must have a table alias name with the literal value, you need to wrap it in a subquery with the same name as the table you want to use:

  /* subquery wraps all fields to put the literal inside a table */
  (SELECT field1, field2, 'Test' AS field3 FROM Test) AS Test

Now field3 will come in the output as Test.field3.

Are duplicate keys allowed in the definition of binary search trees?

Many algorithms will specify that duplicates are excluded. For example, the example algorithms in the MIT Algorithms book usually present examples without duplicates. It is fairly trivial to implement duplicates (either as a list at the node, or in one particular direction.)

Most (that I've seen) specify left children as <= and right children as >. Practically speaking, a BST which allows either of the right or left children to be equal to the root node, will require extra computational steps to finish a search where duplicate nodes are allowed.

It is best to utilize a list at the node to store duplicates, as inserting an '=' value to one side of a node requires rewriting the tree on that side to place the node as the child, or the node is placed as a grand-child, at some point below, which eliminates some of the search efficiency.

You have to remember, most of the classroom examples are simplified to portray and deliver the concept. They aren't worth squat in many real-world situations. But the statement, "every element has a key and no two elements have the same key", is not violated by the use of a list at the element node.

So go with what your data structures book said!


Universal Definition of a Binary Search Tree involves storing and search for a key based on traversing a data structure in one of two directions. In the pragmatic sense, that means if the value is <>, you traverse the data structure in one of two 'directions'. So, in that sense, duplicate values don't make any sense at all.

This is different from BSP, or binary search partition, but not all that different. The algorithm to search has one of two directions for 'travel', or it is done (successfully or not.) So I apologize that my original answer didn't address the concept of a 'universal definition', as duplicates are really a distinct topic (something you deal with after a successful search, not as part of the binary search.)

Google Play on Android 4.0 emulator

It is simple for me i downloaded the apk file in my computer and drag that file to emulator it install the google play for me Hope it help some one

How do you get centered content using Twitter Bootstrap?

My preferred method for centering blocks of information while maintaining responsiveness (mobile compatibility) is to place two empty span1 divs before and after the content you wish to center.

<div class="row-fluid">

    <div class="span1">

        <div class="span10">
          <div class="hero-unit">
            <h1>Reading Resources</h1>
            <p>Read here...</p>

    <div class="span1">


What are file descriptors, explained in simple terms?

File descriptors are nothing but references for any open resource. As soon as you open a resource the kernel assumes you will be doing some operations on it. All the communication via your program and the resource happens over an interface and this interface is provided by the file-descriptor.

Since a process can open more than one resource, it is possible for a resource to have more than one file-descriptors.
You can view all file-descriptors linked to the process by simply running, ls -li /proc/<pid>/fd/ here pid is the process-id of your process

How do I clear this setInterval inside a function?


Back to previous page with header( "Location: " ); in PHP


header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

Note that this may not work with secure pages (HTTPS) and it's a pretty bad idea overall as the header can be hijacked, sending the user to some other destination. The header may not even be sent by the browser.

Ideally, you will want to either:

  • Append the return address to the request as a query variable (eg. ?back=/list)
  • Define a return page in your code (ie. all successful form submissions redirect to the listing page)
  • Provide the user the option of where they want to go next (eg. Save and continue editing or just Save)

C# catch a stack overflow exception

The right way is to fix the overflow, but....

You can give yourself a bigger stack:-

using System.Threading;
Thread T = new Thread(threadDelegate, stackSizeInBytes);

You can use System.Diagnostics.StackTrace FrameCount property to count the frames you've used and throw your own exception when a frame limit is reached.

Or, you can calculate the size of the stack remaining and throw your own exception when it falls below a threshold:-

class Program
    static int n;
    static int topOfStack;
    const int stackSize = 1000000; // Default?

    // The func is 76 bytes, but we need space to unwind the exception.
    const int spaceRequired = 18*1024; 

    unsafe static void Main(string[] args)
        int var;
        topOfStack = (int)&var;


    unsafe static void recurse()
        int remaining;
        remaining = stackSize - (topOfStack - (int)&remaining);
        if (remaining < spaceRequired)
            throw new Exception("Cheese");

Just catch the Cheese. ;)

Count the number of all words in a string

You can use strsplit and sapply functions

sapply(strsplit(str1, " "), length)

exclude @Component from @ComponentScan

Using explicit types in scan filters is ugly for me. I believe more elegant approach is to create own marker annotation:

public @interface IgnoreDuringScan {

Mark component that should be excluded with it:

class Foo {

And exclude this annotation from your component scan:

@ComponentScan(excludeFilters = @Filter(IgnoreDuringScan.class))
public class MySpringConfiguration {}

JQuery: detect change in input field

Same functionality i recently achieved using below function.

I wanted to enable SAVE button on edit.

  1. Change event is NOT advisable as it will ONLY be fired if after editing, mouse is clicked somewhere else on the page before clicking SAVE button.
  2. Key Press doesnt handle Backspace, Delete and Paste options.
  3. Key Up handles everything including tab, Shift key.

Hence i wrote below function combining keypress, keyup (for backspace, delete) and paste event for text fields.

Hope it helps you.

function checkAnyFormFieldEdited() {
     * If any field is edited,then only it will enable Save button
    $(':text').keypress(function(e) { // text written

    $(':text').keyup(function(e) {
        if (e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 46) { //backspace and delete key
        } else { // rest ignore
    $(':text').bind('paste', function(e) { // text pasted

    $('select').change(function(e) { // select element changed

    $(':radio').change(function(e) { // radio changed

    $(':password').keypress(function(e) { // password written
    $(':password').bind('paste', function(e) { // password pasted

} cannot identify image file - Python?

In my case.. I already had "from PIL import Image" in my code.

The error occurred for me because the image file was still in use (locked) by a previous operation in my code. I had to add a small delay or attempt to open the file in append mode in a loop, until that did not fail. Once that did not fail, it meant the file was no longer in use and I could continue and let PIL open the file. Here are the functions I used to check if the file is in use and wait for it to be available.

def is_locked(filepath):
    locked = None
    file_object = None
    if os.path.exists(filepath):
            buffer_size = 8
            # Opening file in append mode and read the first 8 characters.
            file_object = open(filepath, 'a', buffer_size)
            if file_object:
                locked = False
        except IOError as message:
            locked = True
            if file_object:
    return locked

def wait_for_file(filepath):
    wait_time = 1
    while is_locked(filepath):

Spring MVC: how to create a default controller for index page?

The solution I use in my SpringMVC webapps is to create a simple DefaultController class like the following: -

public class DefaultController {

    private final String redirect;

    public DefaultController(String redirect) {
        this.redirect = redirect;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/")
    public ModelAndView redirectToMainPage() {
        return new ModelAndView("redirect:/" + redirect);


The redirect can be injected in using the following spring configuration: -

<bean class="com.adoreboard.farfisa.controller.DefaultController">
    <constructor-arg name="redirect" value="${default.redirect:loginController}"/>

The ${default.redirect:loginController} will default to loginController but can be changed by inserting default.redirect=something_else into a spring properties file / setting an environment variable etc.

As @Mike has mentioned above I have also: -

  • Got rid of <welcome-file-list> ... </welcome-file-list> section in the web.xml file.
  • Don't have any files sitting in WebContent that would be considered default pages (index.html, index.jsp, default.html, etc)

This solution lets Spring worry more about redirects which may or may not be what you like.

How to disable scrolling temporarily?

As of Chrome 56 and other modern browsers, you have to add passive:false to the addEventListener call to make preventDefault work. So I use this to stop scrolling on mobile:

function preventDefault(e){

function disableScroll(){
    document.body.addEventListener('touchmove', preventDefault, { passive: false });
function enableScroll(){
    document.body.removeEventListener('touchmove', preventDefault, { passive: false });

Looping over arrays, printing both index and value

In bash 4, you can use associative arrays:

declare -A foo
for key in "${!foo[@]}"
    echo "key: $key, value: ${foo[$key]}"

# output
# $ key: 0, value bar.
# $ key: 35, value baz.

In bash 3, this works (also works in zsh):

map=( )

for keyvalue in "${map[@]}" ; do
    echo "key: $key, value $value."

API pagination best practices

You have several problems.

First, you have the example that you cited.

You also have a similar problem if rows are inserted, but in this case the user get duplicate data (arguably easier to manage than missing data, but still an issue).

If you are not snapshotting the original data set, then this is just a fact of life.

You can have the user make an explicit snapshot:

POST /createquery

Which results:

HTTP/1.1 301 Here's your query

Then you can page that all day long, since it's now static. This can be reasonably light weight, since you can just capture the actual document keys rather than the entire rows.

If the use case is simply that your users want (and need) all of the data, then you can simply give it to them:

GET /query/12345?all=true

and just send the whole kit.

What is the difference between the HashMap and Map objects in Java?

In your second example the "map" reference is of type Map, which is an interface implemented by HashMap (and other types of Map). This interface is a contract saying that the object maps keys to values and supports various operations (e.g. put, get). It says nothing about the implementation of the Map (in this case a HashMap).

The second approach is generally preferred as you typically wouldn't want to expose the specific map implementation to methods using the Map or via an API definition.

Google Maps: Set Center, Set Center Point and Set more points

Try using this code for v3:

gMap = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map')); 
gMap.setZoom(13);      // This will trigger a zoom_changed on the map
gMap.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(37.4419, -122.1419));

What is the difference between Dim, Global, Public, and Private as Modular Field Access Modifiers?

Dim and Private work the same, though the common convention is to use Private at the module level, and Dim at the Sub/Function level. Public and Global are nearly identical in their function, however Global can only be used in standard modules, whereas Public can be used in all contexts (modules, classes, controls, forms etc.) Global comes from older versions of VB and was likely kept for backwards compatibility, but has been wholly superseded by Public.

Read a HTML file into a string variable in memory

You can do it the simple way:

string pathToHTMLFile = @"C:\temp\someFile.html";
string htmlString = File.ReadAllText(pathToHTMLFile);

Or you could stream it in with FileStream/StreamReader:

using (FileStream fs = File.Open(pathToHTMLFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs))
        htmlString = sr.ReadToEnd();

This latter method allows you to open the file while still permitting others to perform Read/Write operations on the file. I can't imagine an HTML file being very big, but it has the added benefit of streaming the file instead of capturing it as one large chunk like the first method.

What is the difference between Release and Debug modes in Visual Studio?

The main difference is when compiled in debug mode, pdb files are also created which allow debugging (so you can step through the code when its running). This however means that the code isn't optimized as much.

Get the Application Context In Fragment In Android?

In Kotlin we can get application context in fragment using this


How do I import .sql files into SQLite 3?

Use sqlite3 database.sqlite3 < db.sql. You'll need to make sure that your files contain valid SQL for SQLite.

Numpy `ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shape ...`

If X and beta do not have the same shape as the second term in the rhs of your last line (i.e. nsample), then you will get this type of error. To add an array to a tuple of arrays, they all must be the same shape.

I would recommend looking at the numpy broadcasting rules.

LaTeX package for syntax highlighting of code in various languages

You can use the listings package. It supports many different languages and there are lots of options for customising the output.



How do I restart nginx only after the configuration test was successful on Ubuntu?

At least on Debian the nginx startup script has a reload function which does:

  log_daemon_msg "Reloading $DESC configuration" "$NAME"
  start-stop-daemon --stop --signal HUP --quiet --pidfile $PID \
   --oknodo --exec $DAEMON
  log_end_msg $?

Seems like all you'd need to do is call service nginx reload instead of restart since it calls test_nginx_config.

Five equal columns in twitter bootstrap

Five columns are clearly not the part of bootstrap by design.

But with Bootstrap v4 (alpha), there are 2 things to help with a complicated grid layout

  1. Flex (, the new element type (official -
  2. Responsive utilities (

In simple term, I'm using

.flexc { display: flex; align-items: center; padding: 0; justify-content: center; }
.flexc a { display: block; flex: auto; text-align: center; flex-basis: 0; }
<div class="container flexc hidden-sm-down">
  <!-- content to show in MD and larger viewport -->
  <a href="#">Link/Col 1</a>
  <a href="#">Link/Col 2</a>
  <a href="#">Link/Col 3</a>
  <a href="#">Link/Col 4</a>
  <a href="#">Link/Col 5</a>
<div class="container hidden-md-up">
  <!-- content to show in SM and smaller viewport, I don't think 5 cols in smaller viewport are gonna be alright :) -->

Be it 5,7,9,11,13 or something odds, it'll be okay. I'm quite sure that 12-grids standard is able to serve more than 90% of use case - so let's design that way - develop more easier too!

The nice flex tutorial is here ""

Macro to Auto Fill Down to last adjacent cell

ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlUp)).Select

How do I clone a specific Git branch?

Create a branch on the local system with that name. e.g. say you want to get the branch named branch-05142011

git branch branch-05142011 origin/branch-05142011

It'll give you a message:

$ git checkout --track origin/branch-05142011
Branch branch-05142011 set up to track remote branch refs/remotes/origin/branch-05142011.
Switched to a new branch "branch-05142011"

Now just checkout the branch like below and you have the code

git checkout branch-05142011

css 100% width div not taking up full width of parent

html, body{ 

This tells the html to be 100% wide. But 100% refers to the whole browser window width, so no more than that.

You may want to set a min width instead.

html, body{ 

So it will be 100% as a minimum, bot more if needed.

sorting integers in order lowest to highest java

Take Inputs from User and Insertion Sort. Here is how it works:

package com.learning.constructor;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class InsertionSortArray {

public static void main(String[] args) {    

Scanner s=new Scanner(;

System.out.println("enter number of elements");

int n=s.nextInt();

int arr[]=new int[n];

System.out.println("enter elements");

for(int i=0;i<n;i++){//for reading array


System.out.print("Your Array Is: ");
//for(int i: arr){ //for printing array
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
    System.out.print(arr[i] + ",");


    int[] input = arr;

private static void printNumbers(int[] input) {

    for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
        System.out.print(input[i] + ", ");

public static void insertionSort(int array[]) {
    int n = array.length;
    for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) {
        int key = array[j];
        int i = j-1;
        while ( (i > -1) && ( array [i] > key ) ) {
            array [i+1] = array [i];
        array[i+1] = key;


How to pass a file path which is in assets folder to File(String path)?

Unless you unpack them, assets remain inside the apk. Accordingly, there isn't a path you can feed into a File. The path you've given in your question will work with/in a WebView, but I think that's a special case for WebView.

You'll need to unpack the file or use it directly.

If you have a Context, you can use context.getAssets().open("myfoldername/myfilename"); to open an InputStream on the file. With the InputStream you can use it directly, or write it out somewhere (after which you can use it with File).

How to style the <option> with only CSS?

I've played around with select items before and without overriding the functionality with JavaScript, I don't think it's possible in Chrome. Whether you use a plugin or write your own code, CSS only is a no go for Chrome/Safari and as you said, Firefox is better at dealing with it.

Checking if a textbox is empty in Javascript

your validation should be occur before your event suppose you are going to submit your form.

anyway if you want this on onchange, so here is code.

function valid(id)
    var textVal=document.getElementById(id).value;
    if (!textVal.match(/\S/)) 
        alert("Field is blank");
        return false;
        return true;

Append a single character to a string or char array in java?

First of all you use here two strings: "" marks a string it may be ""-empty "s"- string of lenght 1 or "aaa" string of lenght 3, while '' marks chars . In order to be able to do String str = "a" + "aaa" + 'a' you must use method Character.toString(char c) as @Thomas Keene said so an example would be String str = "a" + "aaa" + Character.toString('a')

Calculate number of hours between 2 dates in PHP

//Calculate number of hours between pass and now
$dayinpass = "2013-06-23 05:09:12";
$today = time();
$dayinpass= strtotime($dayinpass);
echo round(abs($today-$dayinpass)/60/60);

how to initialize a char array?

memset(msg, 0, 65546)

Build tree array from flat array in javascript



( BONUS3 : User "Elias Rabl" says this is the fastest solution, see his answer below )

Here it is:

const createDataTree = dataset => {
  const hashTable = Object.create(null);
  dataset.forEach(aData => hashTable[aData.ID] = {...aData, childNodes: []});
  const dataTree = [];
  dataset.forEach(aData => {
    if(aData.parentID) hashTable[aData.parentID].childNodes.push(hashTable[aData.ID])
    else dataTree.push(hashTable[aData.ID])
  return dataTree;

Here is a test, it might help you to understand how the solution works :

it('creates a correct shape of dataTree', () => {
  const dataSet = [{
    "ID": 1,
    "Phone": "(403) 125-2552",
    "City": "Coevorden",
    "Name": "Grady"
  }, {
    "ID": 2,
    "parentID": 1,
    "Phone": "(979) 486-1932",
    "City": "Chelm",
    "Name": "Scarlet"

  const expectedDataTree = [{
    "ID": 1,
    "Phone": "(403) 125-2552",
    "City": "Coevorden",
    "Name": "Grady",
    childNodes: [{
      "ID": 2,
      "parentID": 1,
      "Phone": "(979) 486-1932",
      "City": "Chelm",
      "Name": "Scarlet",
      childNodes : []


Android 8: Cleartext HTTP traffic not permitted

After changed API version 9.0 getting the error Cleartext HTTP traffic to YOUR-API.DOMAIN.COM not permitted (targetSdkVersion="28"). in xamarin, and android studio.

Two steps to solve this error in xamarin, and android studio.

Step 1: Create file resources/xml/network_security_config.xml

In network_security_config.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
    <domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>

Step 2: update AndroidManifest.xml -

Add android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" on application tag. e.g:

<application android:label="your App Name" android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config">

How to set a parameter in a HttpServletRequest?

As mentioned in the previous posts, using an HttpServletReqiestWrapper is the way to go, however the missed part in those posts was that apart from overriding the method getParameter(), you should also override other parameter related methods to produce a consistent response. e.g. the value of a param added by the custom request wrapper should also be included in the parameters map returned by the method getParameterMap(). Here is an example:

   public class AddableHttpRequest extends HttpServletRequestWrapper {

    /** A map containing additional request params this wrapper adds to the wrapped request */
    private final Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();

     * Constructs a request object wrapping the given request.
     * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the request is null
    AddableHttpRequest(final HttpServletRequest request) {

    public String getParameter(final String name) {
        // if we added one with the given name, return that one
        if ( params.get( name ) != null ) {
            return params.get( name );
        } else {
            // otherwise return what's in the original request
            return super.getParameter(name);


    public Map<String, String> getParameterMap() {
        // defaulf impl, should be overridden for an approprivate map of request params
        return super.getParameterMap();

    public Enumeration<String> getParameterNames() {
        // defaulf impl, should be overridden for an approprivate map of request params names
        return super.getParameterNames();

    public String[] getParameterValues(final String name) {
        // defaulf impl, should be overridden for an approprivate map of request params values
        return super.getParameterValues(name);