Programs & Examples On #Pdb palm

HTTP Range header

For folks who are stumbling across Victor Stoddard's answer above in 2019, and become hopeful and doe eyed, note that:

a) Support for X-Content-Duration was removed in Firefox 41:

b) I think it was only supported in Firefox for .ogg audio and .ogv video, not for any other types.

c) I can't see that it was ever supported at all in Chrome, but that may just be a lack of research on my part. But its presence or absence seems to have no effect one way or another for webm or ogv videos as of today in Chrome 71.

d) I can't find anywhere where 'Content-Duration' replaced 'X-Content-Duration' for anything, I don't think 'X-Content-Duration' lived long enough for there to be a successor header name.

I think this means that, as of today if you want to serve webm or ogv containers that contain streams that don't know their duration (e.g. the output of an ffpeg pipe) to Chrome or FF, and you want them to be scrubbable in an HTML 5 video element, you are probably out of luck. Firefox 64.0 makes a half hearted attempt to make these scrubbable whether or not you serve via range requests, but it gets confused and throws up a spinning wheel until the stream is completely downloaded if you seek a few times more than it thinks is appropriate. Chrome doesn't even try, it just nopes out and won't let you scrub at all until the entire stream is finished playing.

Convert Pandas Series to DateTime in a DataFrame

df=pd.read_csv("filename.csv" , parse_dates=["<column name>"])

type(df.<column name>)

example: if you want to convert day which is initially a string to a Timestamp in Pandas

df=pd.read_csv("weather_data2.csv" , parse_dates=["day"])


The output will be pandas.tslib.Timestamp

slashes in url variables

Check out this w3schools page about "HTML URL Encoding Reference":

for / you would escape with %2F

Update TextView Every Second

This Code work for me..

//Get Time and Date
private String getTimeMethod(String formate)
    Date date = new Date();
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(formate);
    String formattedDate= dateFormat.format(date);
    return formattedDate;

//this method is used to refresh Time every Second
private void refreshTime() //Call this method to refresh time
    new Timer().schedule(new TimerTask() {
        public void run() {
            runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    txtV_Time.setText(getTimeMethod("hh:mm:ss a")); //hours,Min and Second with am/pm
                    txtV_Date.setText(getTimeMethod("dd-MMM-yy")); //You have to pass your DateFormate in getTimeMethod()          
    }, 0, 1000);//1000 is a Refreshing Time (1second)

Python xml ElementTree from a string source?

io.StringIO is another option for getting XML into xml.etree.ElementTree:

import io
f = io.StringIO(xmlstring)
tree = ET.parse(f)
root = tree.getroot()

Hovever, it does not affect the XML declaration one would assume to be in tree (although that's needed for ElementTree.write()). See How to write XML declaration using xml.etree.ElementTree.

Error in : figure margins too large, Scatter plot

Just a side-note. Sometimes this "margin" error occurs because you want to save a high-resolution figure (eg. dpi = 300 or res = 300) in R.
In this case, what you need to do is to specify the width and height. (Btw, ggsave() doesn't require this.)

This causes the margin error:

# eg. for tiff()
tiff(filename =  "qq.tiff",
     res = 300,                                                 # the margin error.
     compression = c( "lzw") )
# qq plot for genome wide association study (just an example)
qqman::qq(df$rawp, main = "Q-Q plot of GWAS p-values", cex = .3)

This will fix the margin error:

# eg. for tiff()
tiff(filename =  "qq.tiff",
     res = 300,                                                 # the margin error.
     width = 5, height = 4, units = 'in',                       # fixed
     compression = c( "lzw") )
# qq plot for genome wide association study (just an example)
qqman::qq(df$rawp, main = "Q-Q plot of GWAS p-values", cex = .3)

Multi-threading in VBA

Can't be done natively with VBA. VBA is built in a single-threaded apartment. The only way to get multiple threads is to build a DLL in something other than VBA that has a COM interface and call it from VBA.

INFO: Descriptions and Workings of OLE Threading Models

How to avoid warning when introducing NAs by coercion

In general suppressing warnings is not the best solution as you may want to be warned when some unexpected input will be provided.
Solution below is wrapper for maintaining just NA during data type conversion. Doesn't require any package.

as.num = function(x, na.strings = "NA") {
    na = x %in% na.strings
    x[na] = 0
    x = as.numeric(x)
    x[na] = NA_real_
as.num(c("1", "2", "X"), na.strings="X")
#[1]  1  2 NA

How can I install Apache Ant on Mac OS X?

Use Brew is always good way to install ANT and other needs. To install type below command on terminal.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

after Brew installation , type

brew install ant

This will install Ant on your system. Also you will not need to worry about setting up the path.

Also i have documented on the same - How to Install ANT on Mac OS?

Run a .bat file using python code

  1. It is better to write .bat file in such way that its running is not dependent on current working directory, i.e. I recommend to put this line at the beginning of .bat file:

    cd "%~dp0"
  2. Enclose filepath of .bat file in double quotes, i.e.:

    os.system('"D:\\x\\so here can be spaces\\otr.bat" ["<arg0>" ["<arg1>" ...]]')
  3. To save output of some batch command in another file you can use usual redirection syntax, for example:

    os.system('"...bat" > outputfilename.txt')

    Or directly in your .bat file:

    Application.exe work.xml > outputfilename.txt

javascript: using a condition in switch case

Although in the particular example of the OP's question, switch is not appropriate, there is an example where switch is still appropriate/beneficial, but other evaluation expressions are also required. This can be achieved by using the default clause for the expressions:

switch (foo) {
  case 'bar':
    // do something
  case 'foo':
    // do something
  ... // other plain comparison cases
    if (foo.length > 16) {
      // something specific
    } else if (foo.length < 2) {
      // maybe error
    } else {
      // default action for everything else

ESLint Parsing error: Unexpected token

Originally, the solution was to provide the following config as object destructuring used to be an experimental feature and not supported by default:

  "parserOptions": {
    "ecmaFeatures": {
      "experimentalObjectRestSpread": true

Since version 5, this option has been deprecated.

Now it is enough just to declare a version of ES, which is new enough:

  "parserOptions": {
    "ecmaVersion": 2018

The given key was not present in the dictionary. Which key?

You can try this code

Dictionary<string,string> AllFields = new Dictionary<string,string>();  
string value = (AllFields.TryGetValue(key, out index) ? AllFields[key] : null);

If the key is not present, it simply returns a null value.

Undefined Reference to

  1. Usually headers guards are for header files (i.e., .h ) not for source files ( i.e., .cpp ).
  2. Include the necessary standard headers and namespaces in source files.



class LinearNode
    // .....



#include "LinearNode.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// And now the definitions



class LinearNode; // Forward Declaration
class LinkedList
    // ...



#include "LinearNode.h"
#include "LinkedList.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Definitions

test.cpp is source file is fine. Note that header files are never compiled. Assuming all the files are in a single folder -

g++ LinearNode.cpp LinkedList.cpp test.cpp -o exe.out

Extracting Ajax return data in jQuery

Change the .find to .filter...

Is Java's assertEquals method reliable?

You should always use .equals() when comparing Strings in Java.

JUnit calls the .equals() method to determine equality in the method assertEquals(Object o1, Object o2).

So, you are definitely safe using assertEquals(string1, string2). (Because Strings are Objects)

Here is a link to a great Stackoverflow question regarding some of the differences between == and .equals().

How can I indent multiple lines in Xcode?

For those of you with Spanish keyboard on mac this are the shortcuts:

? + ? + [ for un-indent

? + ? + ] for indent

Fake "click" to activate an onclick method

Once you have selected an element you can call click()



I don't remember if this works on IE, but it should. I don't have a windows machine nearby.

Make docker use IPv4 for port binding


USE docker run -it -p 80:80 --name nginx --net=host -d nginx

that's issue we face with VM some time instead of bridge network try with host that will work for you

tcp     0    0  *             LISTEN      - 
tcp6    0    0 :::80                 :::*                  LISTEN      -  

For loop in multidimensional javascript array

JavaScript does not have such declarations. It would be:

var cubes = ...


But you can do:

for(var i = 0; i < cubes.length; i++)
  for(var j = 0; j < cubes[i].length; j++)


Note that JavaScript allows jagged arrays, like:

  [1, 2, 3],
  [1, 2, 3, 4]

since arrays can contain any type of object, including an array of arbitrary length.

As noted by MDC:

" should not be used to iterate over an Array where index order is important"

If you use your original syntax, there is no guarantee the elements will be visited in numeric order.

possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR

There are two possible reasons for that problem:

  1. did not install aclocal.
    solution:install libtool

    • For ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libtool
    • For centos: sudo yum install libtool
  2. the path to LIBTOOL.m4 is error.

    1. use aclocal --print-ac-dir to check current path to aclocal.(It's usually should be "/usr/share/aclocal" or "/usr/share/aclocal")
    2. Then check if there are *.m4 files.
    3. If not, cp corresponding *.m4 files to this path.( Maybe cp /usr/share/aclocal/*.m4 /usr/local/share/aclocal/ or cp /usr/local/share/aclocal/*.m4 /usr/share/aclocal/)

Hope it helps

How to parse JSON string in Typescript

Type-safe JSON.parse

You can continue to use JSON.parse, as TS is a JS superset. There is still a problem left: JSON.parse returns any, which undermines type safety. Here are two options for stronger types:

1. User-defined type guards (playground)

Custom type guards are the simplest solution and often sufficient for external data validation:

// For example, you expect to parse a given value with `MyType` shape
type MyType = { name: string; description: string; }

// Validate this value with a custom type guard
function isMyType(o: any): o is MyType {
  return "name" in o && "description" in o

A JSON.parse wrapper can then take a type guard as input and return the parsed, typed value:

const safeJsonParse = <T>(guard: (o: any) => o is T) => (text: string): ParseResult<T> => {
  const parsed = JSON.parse(text)
  return guard(parsed) ? { parsed, hasError: false } : { hasError: true }

type ParseResult<T> =
  | { parsed: T; hasError: false; error?: undefined }
  | { parsed?: undefined; hasError: true; error?: unknown }
Usage example:
const json = '{ "name": "Foo", "description": "Bar" }';
const result = safeJsonParse(isMyType)(json) // result: ParseResult<MyType>
if (result.hasError) {
  console.log("error :/")  // further error handling here
} else {
  console.log(result.parsed.description) // result.parsed now has type `MyType`

safeJsonParse might be extended to fail fast or try/catch JSON.parse errors.

2. External libraries

Writing type guard functions manually becomes cumbersome, if you need to validate many different values. There are libraries to assist with this task - examples (no comprehensive list):

More infos

Pandas: convert dtype 'object' to int

Documenting the answer that worked for me based on the comment by @piRSquared.

I needed to convert to a string first, then an integer.

>>> df['purchase'].astype(str).astype(int)

Check if list<t> contains any of another list

If both the list are too big and when we use lamda expression then it will take a long time to fetch . Better to use linq in this case to fetch parameters list:

var items = (from x in parameters
                join y in myStrings on x.Source equals y
                select x)

HTML 5 Favicon - Support?

The answers provided (at the time of this post) are link only answers so I thought I would summarize the links into an answer and what I will be using.

When working to create Cross Browser Favicons (including touch icons) there are several things to consider.

The first (of course) is Internet Explorer. IE does not support PNG favicons until version 11. So our first line is a conditional comment for favicons in IE 9 and below:

<!--[if IE]><link rel="shortcut icon" href="path/to/favicon.ico"><![endif]-->

To cover the uses of the icon create it at 32x32 pixels. Notice the rel="shortcut icon" for IE to recognize the icon it needs the word shortcut which is not standard. Also we wrap the .ico favicon in a IE conditional comment because Chrome and Safari will use the .ico file if it is present, despite other options available, not what we would like.

The above covers IE up to IE 9. IE 11 accepts PNG favicons, however, IE 10 does not. Also IE 10 does not read conditional comments thus IE 10 won't show a favicon. With IE 11 and Edge available I don't see IE 10 in widespread use, so I ignore this browser.

For the rest of the browsers we are going to use the standard way to cite a favicon:

<link rel="icon" href="path/to/favicon.png">

This icon should be 196x196 pixels in size to cover all devices that may use this icon.

To cover touch icons on mobile devices we are going to use Apple's proprietary way to cite a touch icon:

<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png">

Using rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" will not apply the reflective shine when bookmarked on iOS. To have iOS apply the shine use rel="apple-touch-icon". This icon should be sized to 180x180 pixels as that is the current size recommend by Apple for the latest iPhones and iPads. I have read Blackberry will also use rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed".

As a note: Chrome for Android states:

The apple-touch-* are deprecated, and will be supported only for a short time. (Written as of beta for m31 of Chrome).

Custom Tiles for IE 11+ on Windows 8.1+

IE 11+ on Windows 8.1+ does offer a way to create pinned tiles for your site.

Microsoft recommends creating a few tiles at the following size:

Small: 128 x 128

Medium: 270 x 270

Wide: 558 x 270

Large: 558 x 558

These should be transparent images as we will define a color background next.

Once these images are created you should create an xml file called browserconfig.xml with the following code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <square70x70logo src="images/smalltile.png"/>
      <square150x150logo src="images/mediumtile.png"/>
      <wide310x150logo src="images/widetile.png"/>
      <square310x310logo src="images/largetile.png"/>

Save this xml file in the root of your site. When a site is pinned IE will look for this file. If you want to name the xml file something different or have it in a different location add this meta tag to the head:

<meta name="msapplication-config" content="path-to-browserconfig/custom-name.xml" />

For additional information on IE 11+ custom tiles and using the XML file visit Microsoft's website.

Putting it all together:

To put it all together the above code would look like this:

<!-- For IE 9 and below. ICO should be 32x32 pixels in size -->
<!--[if IE]><link rel="shortcut icon" href="path/to/favicon.ico"><![endif]-->

<!-- Touch Icons - iOS and Android 2.1+ 180x180 pixels in size. --> 
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png">

<!-- Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE 11+ and Opera. 196x196 pixels in size. -->
<link rel="icon" href="path/to/favicon.png">

Windows Phone Live Tiles

If a user is using a Windows Phone they can pin a website to the start screen of their phone. Unfortunately, when they do this it displays a screenshot of your phone, not a favicon (not even the MS specific code referenced above). To make a "Live Tile" for Windows Phone Users for your website one must use the following code:

Here are detailed instructions from Microsoft but here is a synopsis:

Step 1

Create a square image for your website, to support hi-res screens create it at 768x768 pixels in size.

Step 2

Add a hidden overlay of this image. Here is example code from Microsoft:

<div id="TileOverlay" onclick="ToggleTileOverlay()" style='background-color: Highlight; height: 100%; width: 100%; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: fixed; color: black; visibility: hidden'>
  <img src="customtile.png" width="320" height="320" />
  <div style='margin-top: 40px'>
     Add text/graphic asking user to pin to start using the menu...

Step 3

You then can add thew following line to add a pin to start link:

<a href="javascript:ToggleTileOverlay()">Pin this site to your start screen</a>

Microsoft recommends that you detect windows phone and only show that link to those users since it won't work for other users.

Step 4

Next you add some JS to toggle the overlay visibility

function ToggleTileOverlay() {
 var newVisibility =     (document.getElementById('TileOverlay').style.visibility == 'visible') ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
 document.getElementById('TileOverlay').style.visibility =    newVisibility;

Note on Sizes

I am using one size as every browser will scale down the image as necessary. I could add more HTML to specify multiple sizes if desired for those with a lower bandwidth but I am already compressing the PNG files heavily using TinyPNG and I find this unnecessary for my purposes. Also, according to philippe_b's answer Chrome and Firefox have bugs that cause the browser to load all sizes of icons. Using one large icon may be better than multiple smaller ones because of this.

Further Reading

For those who would like more details see the links below:

Adding event listeners to dynamically added elements using jQuery

$(document).on('click', 'selector', handler);

Where click is an event name, and handler is an event handler, like reference to a function or anonymous function function() {}

PS: if you know the particular node you're adding dynamic elements to - you could specify it instead of document.

Centering FontAwesome icons vertically and horizontally

I just managed how to center icons and and making them a container instead of putting them into one.

.fas {
    position: relative;
    color: #EEE;
    font-size: 16px;
.fas:before {
    position: absolute;
    left: calc(50% - .5em);
    top: calc(50% - .5em);
.fas.fa-icon {
    width: 60px;
    height: 60px;
    color: white;
    background-color: black;

How to send data with angularjs $http.delete() request?

I would suggest reading this url$resource

and revaluate how you are calling your delete method of your resources.

ideally you would want to be calling the delete of the resource item itself and by not passing the id of the resource into a catch all delete method

however $http.delete accepts a config object that contains both url and data properties you could either craft the query string there or pass an object/string into the data

maybe something along these lines

$http.delete('/roles/'+roleid, {data: input});

How do I create a MongoDB dump of my database?

Backup/Restore Mongodb with timing.


sudo mongodump --db db_name --out /path_of_your_backup/`date +"%m-%d-%y"`

--db argument for databse name

--out argument for path of output


sudo mongorestore --db db_name --drop /path_of_your_backup/01-01-19/db_name/

--drop argument for drop databse before restore


You can use crontab for timing backup:

sudo crontab -e

It opens with editor(e.g. nano)

3 3 * * * mongodump --out /path_of_your_backup/`date +"%m-%d-%y"`

backup every day at 03:03 AM

Depending on your MongoDB database sizes you may soon run out of disk space with too many backups. That's why it's also recommended to clean the old backups regularly or to compress them. For example, to delete all the backups older than 7 days you can use the following bash command:

3 1 * * * find /path_of_your_backup/ -mtime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \;

delete all the backups older than 7 days

Good Luck.


Can I use CASE statement in a JOIN condition?

Took DonkeyKong's example.

The issue is I needed to use a declared variable. This allows for stating your left and right-hand side of what you need to compare. This is for supporting an SSRS report where different fields must be linked based on the selection by the user.

The initial case sets the field choice based on the selection and then I can set the field I need to match on for the join.

A second case statement could be added for the right-hand side if the variable is needed to choose from different fields

LEFT OUTER JOIN Dashboard_Group_Level_Matching ON
         when @Level  = 'lvl1' then  cw.Lvl1
         when @Level  = 'lvl2' then  cw.Lvl2
         when @Level  = 'lvl3' then  cw.Lvl3
    = Dashboard_Group_Level_Matching.Dashboard_Level_Name

How do you access the value of an SQL count () query in a Java program

I have done it this way (example):

String query="SELECT count( from t1, t2 where and'"[email protected]"'";
int count=0;
try {
    ResultSet rs = DatabaseService.statementDataBase().executeQuery(query);
} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {

Running Command Line in Java

Runtime.getRuntime().exec("java -jar map.jar time.rel test.txt debug");

iPhone - Grand Central Dispatch main thread

Dispatching a block to the main queue is usually done from a background queue to signal that some background processing has finished e.g.

- (void)doCalculation
    //you can use any string instead "com.mycompany.myqueue"
    dispatch_queue_t backgroundQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.mycompany.myqueue", 0);

    dispatch_async(backgroundQueue, ^{
        int result = <some really long calculation that takes seconds to complete>;

        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
            [self updateMyUIWithResult:result];

In this case, we are doing a lengthy calculation on a background queue and need to update our UI when the calculation is complete. Updating UI normally has to be done from the main queue so we 'signal' back to the main queue using a second nested dispatch_async.

There are probably other examples where you might want to dispatch back to the main queue but it is generally done in this way i.e. nested from within a block dispatched to a background queue.

  • background processing finished -> update UI
  • chunk of data processed on background queue -> signal main queue to start next chunk
  • incoming network data on background queue -> signal main queue that message has arrived
  • etc etc

As to why you might want to dispatch to the main queue from the main queue... Well, you generally wouldn't although conceivably you might do it to schedule some work to do the next time around the run loop.

String comparison - Android

String g1="Male";
String g2="Female";
String salutation="";
String gender="Male";
   salutation ="Mr.";
   salutation ="Ms.";

How many parameters are too many?

I stop at three parameters as a general rule of thumb. Any more and it's time to pass an array of parameters or a configuration object instead, which also allows for future parameters to be added without changing the API.

Can you display HTML5 <video> as a full screen background?

Just a comment on this - I've used HTML5 video for a full-screen background and it works a treat - but make sure to use either Height:100% and width:auto or the other way around - to ensure you keep aspect ratio.

As for Ipads -you can (apparently) do this, by having a hidden and then forcing the click event to fire, and having the function of the click event kick off the Load/Play().

P.s - this shouldn't require any plugins and can be done with minimal JS - If you're targeting any mobile device (I would assume you might be..) staying away from any such framework is the way forward.

Blocks and yields in Ruby

Yield can be used as nameless block to return a value in the method. Consider the following code:

Def Up(anarg)

You can create a method "Up" which is assigned one argument. You can now assign this argument to yield which will call and execute an associated block. You can assign the block after the parameter list.

Up("Here is a string"){|x| x.reverse!; puts(x)}

When the Up method calls yield, with an argument, it is passed to the block variable to process the request.

Best way to store password in database

The best security practice is not to store the password at all (not even encrypted), but to store the salted hash (with a unique salt per password) of the encrypted password.

That way it is (practically) impossible to retrieve a plaintext password.

Sourcetree - undo unpushed commits

If you select the log entry to which you want to revert to then you can click on "Reset to this commit". Only use this option if you didn't push the reverse commit changes. If you're worried about losing the changes then you can use the soft mode which will leave a set of uncommitted changes (what you just changed). Using the mixed resets the working copy but keeps those changes, and a hard will just get rid of the changes entirely. Here's some screenshots:

enter image description here

Regular cast vs. static_cast vs. dynamic_cast

dynamic_cast only supports pointer and reference types. It returns NULL if the cast is impossible if the type is a pointer or throws an exception if the type is a reference type. Hence, dynamic_cast can be used to check if an object is of a given type, static_cast cannot (you will simply end up with an invalid value).

C-style (and other) casts have been covered in the other answers.

C# how to change data in DataTable?

Try the SetField method:

table.Rows[i].SetField(column, value);
table.Rows[i].SetField(columnIndex, value);
table.Rows[i].SetField(columnName, value);

This should get the job done and is a bit "cleaner" than using Rows[i][j].

Inheriting from a template class in c++

Rectangle will have to be a template, otherwise it is just one type. It cannot be a non-template whilst its base magically is. (Its base may be a template instantiation, though you seem to want to maintain the base's functionality as a template.)

Python convert set to string and vice versa

If you do not need the serialized text to be human readable, you can use pickle.

import pickle

s = set([1,2,3])

serialized_s = pickle.dumps(s)
print "serialized:"
print serialized_s

deserialized_s = pickle.loads(serialized_s)
print "deserialized:"
print deserialized_s


set([1, 2, 3])

How can I create a UIColor from a hex string?

swift version. Use as a Function or an Extension.

  func UIColorFromRGB(colorCode: String, alpha: Float = 1.0) -> UIColor{
    var scanner = NSScanner(string:colorCode)
    var color:UInt32 = 0;
    let mask = 0x000000FF
    let r = CGFloat(Float(Int(color >> 16) & mask)/255.0)
    let g = CGFloat(Float(Int(color >> 8) & mask)/255.0)
    let b = CGFloat(Float(Int(color) & mask)/255.0)
    return UIColor(red: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: CGFloat(alpha))
extension UIColor {
    convenience init(colorCode: String, alpha: Float = 1.0){
        var scanner = NSScanner(string:colorCode)
        var color:UInt32 = 0;
        let mask = 0x000000FF
        let r = CGFloat(Float(Int(color >> 16) & mask)/255.0)
        let g = CGFloat(Float(Int(color >> 8) & mask)/255.0)
        let b = CGFloat(Float(Int(color) & mask)/255.0)
        self.init(red: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: CGFloat(alpha))
How to call
let hexColorFromFunction = UIColorFromRGB("F4C124", alpha: 1.0)
let hexColorFromExtension = UIColor(colorCode: "F4C124", alpha: 1.0)
You can also define your Hex Color from interface builder.

enter image description here

How to debug on a real device (using Eclipse/ADT)

With an Android-powered device, you can develop and debug your Android applications just as you would on the emulator.

1. Declare your application as "debuggable" in AndroidManifest.xml.

    ... >

2. On your handset, navigate to Settings > Security and check Unknown sources

enter image description here

3. Go to Settings > Developer Options and check USB debugging
Note that if Developer Options is invisible you will need to navigate to Settings > About Phone and tap on Build number several times until you are notified that it has been unlocked.

enter image description here

4. Set up your system to detect your device.
Follow the instructions below for your OS:

Windows Users

Install the Google USB Driver from the ADT SDK Manager
(Support for: ADP1, ADP2, Verizon Droid, Nexus One, Nexus S).

enter image description here

For devices not listed above, install an OEM driver for your device

Mac OS X

Your device should automatically work; Go to the next step

Ubuntu Linux

Add a udev rules file that contains a USB configuration for each type of device you want to use for development. In the rules file, each device manufacturer is identified by a unique vendor ID, as specified by the ATTR{idVendor} property. For a list of vendor IDs, click here. To set up device detection on Ubuntu Linux:

  1. Log in as root and create this file: /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules.
  2. Use this format to add each vendor to the file:
    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
    In this example, the vendor ID is for HTC. The MODE assignment specifies read/write permissions, and GROUP defines which Unix group owns the device node.
  3. Now execute: chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

Note: The rule syntax may vary slightly depending on your environment. Consult the udev documentation for your system as needed. For an overview of rule syntax, see this guide to writing udev rules.

5. Run the project with your connected device.

With Eclipse/ADT: run or debug your application as usual. You will be presented with a Device Chooser dialog that lists the available emulator(s) and connected device(s).

With ADB: issue commands with the -d flag to target your connected device.

Still need help? Click here for the full guide.

AngularJS toggle class using ng-class

As alternate solution, based on javascript logic operator '&&' which returns the last evaluation, you can also do this like so:

<i ng-class="autoScroll && 'icon-autoscroll' || !autoScroll && 'icon-autoscroll-disabled'"></i>

It's only slightly shorter syntax, but for me easier to read.

Extracting Path from OpenFileDialog path/filename

if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
    strfilename = openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory + openFileDialog1.FileName;

phpMyAdmin - can't connect - invalid setings - ever since I added a root password - locked out

I had this same problem using the Windows XAMPP 1.7.4 -- after setting a password for mysql, I could no longer access phpMyAdmin. I changed the password in from ' ' to the new mysql password, and changed AllowNoPassword from true to false. I still couldn't log in.

However, I saw that there is also a file, and when I also edited the password settings in THAT file I was subsequently able to log in to phpMyAdmin.

plot is not defined

If you want to use a function form a package or module in python you have to import and reference them. For example normally you do the following to draw 5 points( [1,5],[2,4],[3,3],[4,2],[5,1]) in the space:

import matplotlib.pyplot

In your solution

from matplotlib import*

This imports the package matplotlib and "plot is not defined" means there is no plot function in matplotlib you can access directly, but instead if you import as

from matplotlib.pyplot import *

Now you can use any function in matplotlib.pyplot without referencing them with matplotlib.pyplot.

I would recommend you to name imports you have, in this case you can prevent disambiguation and future problems with the same function names. The last and clean version of above example looks like:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

php is null or empty?

PHP 7 isset() vs empty() vs is_null()

enter image description here

How to set a default row for a query that returns no rows?

One table scan method using a left join from defaults to actuals:

CREATE TABLE [stackoverflow-285666] (k int, val varchar(255))

INSERT  INTO [stackoverflow-285666]
VALUES  (1, '1-1')
INSERT  INTO [stackoverflow-285666]
VALUES  (1, '1-2')
INSERT  INTO [stackoverflow-285666]
VALUES  (1, '1-3')
INSERT  INTO [stackoverflow-285666]
VALUES  (2, '2-1')
INSERT  INTO [stackoverflow-285666]
VALUES  (2, '2-2')

SET @k = 0

WHILE @k < 3
        SELECT  @k AS k
               ,COALESCE(ActualValue, DefaultValue) AS [Value]
        FROM    (
                 SELECT 'DefaultValue' AS DefaultValue
                ) AS Defaults
        LEFT JOIN (
                   SELECT   val AS ActualValue
                   FROM     [stackoverflow-285666]
                   WHERE    k = @k
                  ) AS [Values]
                ON 1 = 1

        SET @k = @k + 1

DROP TABLE [stackoverflow-285666]

Gives output:

k           Value
----------- ------------
0           DefaultValue

k           Value
----------- ------------
1           1-1
1           1-2
1           1-3

k           Value
----------- ------------
2           2-1
2           2-2

Remove scrollbars from textarea

I was able to get rid of my scroll bar on the body of text by removing my max-height attribute of my class.

MySQL - Selecting data from multiple tables all with same structure but different data

Your original attempt to span both tables creates an implicit JOIN. This is frowned upon by most experienced SQL programmers because it separates the tables to be combined with the condition of how.

The UNION is a good solution for the tables as they are, but there should be no reason they can't be put into the one table with decent indexing. I've seen adding the correct index to a large table increase query speed by three orders of magnitude.

How can I make a CSS glass/blur effect work for an overlay?

I was able to piece together information from everyone here and further Googling, and I came up with the following which works in Chrome and Firefox: I'm still working on making this work for IE and Opera.

The key is putting the content inside of the div to which the filter is applied:

<div id="mask">
    <p>Lorem ipsum ...</p>
    <img src="" />

And then the CSS:

body {
    background: #300000;
    background: linear-gradient(45deg, #300000, #000000, #300000, #000000);
    color: white;
#mask {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    background-color: black;
    opacity: 0.5;
img {
    filter: blur(10px);
    -webkit-filter: blur(10px);
    -moz-filter: blur(10px);
    -o-filter: blur(10px);
    -ms-filter: blur(10px);
    position: absolute;
    left: 100px;
    top: 100px;
    height: 300px;
    width: auto;

So mask has the filters applied. Also, note the use of url() for a filter with an <svg> tag for the value -- that idea came from If you happen to minify your CSS, you might need to replace any spaces in the SVG filter markup with "%20".

So now, everything inside the mask div is blurred.

How to get last month/year in java?

Use Joda Time Library. It is very easy to handle date, time, calender and locale with it and it will be integrated to java in version 8.

DateTime#minusMonths method would help you get previous month.

DateTime month = new DateTime().minusMonths (1); 

Is there a way to make Firefox ignore invalid ssl-certificates?

If you have a valid but untrusted ssl-certificates you can import it in Extras/Properties/Advanced/Encryption --> View Certificates. After Importing ist as "Servers" you have to "Edit trust" to "Trust the authenticity of this certifikate" and that' it. I always have trouble with recording secure websites with HP VuGen and Performance Center

How to get IntPtr from byte[] in C#

Another way,

GCHandle pinnedArray = GCHandle.Alloc(byteArray, GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr pointer = pinnedArray.AddrOfPinnedObject();
// Do your stuff...

Creating a config file in PHP

Define will make the constant available everywhere in your class without needing to use global, while the variable requires global in the class, I would use DEFINE. but again, if the db params should change during program execution you might want to stick with variable.

org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: Could not execute JDBC batch update

Your Event.hbm.xml says:

<set name="attendees" cascade="all">
    <key column="attendeeId" />
    <one-to-many class="Attendee" />

In plain english, this means that the column Attendee.attendeeId is the foreign key for the association attendees and points to the primary key of Event.

When you add those Attendees to the event, hibernate updates the foreign key to express the changed association. Since that same column is also the primary key of Attendee, this violates the primary key constraint.

Since an Attendee's identity and event participation are independent, you should use separate columns for the primary and foreign key.

Edit: The selects might be because you don't appear to have a version property configured, making it impossible for hibernate to know whether the attendees already exists in the database (they might have been loaded in a previous session), so hibernate emits selects to check. As for the update statements, it was probably easier to implement that way. If you want to get rid of these separate updates, I recommend mapping the association from both ends, and declare the Event-end as inverse.

Are vectors passed to functions by value or by reference in C++

when we pass vector by value in a function as an argument,it simply creates the copy of vector and no any effect happens on the vector which is defined in main function when we call that particular function. while when we pass vector by reference whatever is written in that particular function, every action will going to perform on the vector which is defined in main or other function when we call that particular function.

Autocomplete syntax for HTML or PHP in Notepad++. Not auto-close, autocompelete

In Notepad++ v. 6.4.1 is this possibility in:Settings->Preferences->Auto-Completion and there check Enable auto-completion on each input.

For auto-complete in code press Ctrl + Enter.

(413) Request Entity Too Large | uploadReadAheadSize

For anyone else ever looking for an IIS WCF error 413 : Request entity to large and using a WCF service in Sharepoint, this is the information for you. The settings in the application host and web.config suggested in other sites/posts don't work in SharePoint if using the MultipleBaseAddressBasicHttpBindingServiceHostFactory. You can use SP Powershell to get the SPWebService.Content service, create a new SPWcvSettings object and update the settings as above for your service (they won't exist). Remember to just use the name of the service (e.g. [yourservice.svc]) when creating and adding the settings. See this site for more info

Creating a SearchView that looks like the material design guidelines

It is actually quite easy to do this, if you are using library.

Step - 1

Declare a menu item

<item android:id="@+id/action_search"
    app:actionViewClass="" />

Step - 2

Extend AppCompatActivity and in the onCreateOptionsMenu setup the SearchView.



public class YourActivity extends AppCompatActivity {


    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
        // Retrieve the SearchView and plug it into SearchManager
        final SearchView searchView = (SearchView) MenuItemCompat.getActionView(menu.findItem(;
        SearchManager searchManager = (SearchManager) getSystemService(SEARCH_SERVICE);
        return true;




enter image description here

enter image description here

Pandas left outer join multiple dataframes on multiple columns

Merge them in two steps, df1 and df2 first, and then the result of that to df3.

In [33]: s1 = pd.merge(df1, df2, how='left', on=['Year', 'Week', 'Colour'])

I dropped year from df3 since you don't need it for the last join.

In [39]: df = pd.merge(s1, df3[['Week', 'Colour', 'Val3']],
                       how='left', on=['Week', 'Colour'])

In [40]: df
   Year Week Colour  Val1  Val2 Val3
0  2014    A    Red    50   NaN  NaN
1  2014    B    Red    60   NaN   60
2  2014    B  Black    70   100   10
3  2014    C    Red    10    20  NaN
4  2014    D  Green    20   NaN   20

[5 rows x 6 columns]

Converting a PDF to PNG

To convert pdf to image files use following commands:

For PNG gs -sDEVICE=png16m -dTextAlphaBits=4 -r300 -o a.png a.pdf

For JPG gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -dTextAlphaBits=4 -r300 -o a.jpg a.pdf

If you have multiple pages add to name %03d gs -o a%03d.jpg a.pdf

What each option means:

  • sDEVICE={jpeg,pngalpha,png16m...} - filetype
  • -o - output file (%stdout to stdout)
  • -dTextAlphaBits=4 - font antialiasing.
  • -r300 - 300 dpi

When using SASS how can I import a file from a different directory?

Look into using the includePaths parameter...

"The SASS compiler uses each path in loadPaths when resolving SASS @imports."

How to find Current open Cursors in Oracle

Here's how to find open cursors that have been parsed. You need to be logged in as a user with access to v$open_cursor and v$session.


SELECT s.machine, oc.user_name, oc.sql_text, count(1) 
FROM v$open_cursor oc, v$session s
WHERE oc.sid = s.sid
GROUP BY user_name, sql_text, machine
ORDER BY count(1) DESC

If gives you part of the SQL text so it can be useful for identifying leaky applications. If a cursor has not been parsed, then it does not appear here. Note that Oralce will sometimes keep things open longer than you do.

Reading a JSP variable from JavaScript




or full example

<script language="javascript"> 

function access(){ 
  <% String str="Hello World"; %>
   var s="<%=str%>"; 


<body onload="access()"> 


Note: sanitize the input before rendering it, it may open whole lot of XSS possibilities

TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON in nodejs

Came across this issue in my Node Api call when I missed to use await keyword in a async method in front of call returning Promise. I solved it by adding await keyword.

ProgressDialog in AsyncTask

This question is already answered and most of the answers here are correct but they don't solve one major issue with config changes. Have a look at this article if you would like to write a async task in a better way.

Enzyme - How to access and set <input> value?

I solved in a very simple way:

  1. Set the value from props:
  const wrapper: ShallowWrapper = shallow(<ProfileViewClass name: 'Sample Name' />);
  1. Html code:
  <input type='text' defaultValue={} className='edituser-name' />
  1. Access the attribute from wrapper.find(element).props().attribute-name:
  it('should render user name', () => {


Android: Clear Activity Stack

For Xamarin Developers, you can use:

intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.NewTask | ActivityFlags.ClearTask);

Getting first and last day of the current month

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
var startDate = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1);
var endDate = startDate.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

For homebrew mysql installs, where's my.cnf?


sudo find / -name my.cnf

Usually the first result is the correct one. Should be in


How to link to specific line number on github

Related to how to link to the of a GitHub repository to a specific line number of code

You have three cases:

  1. We can link to (custom commit)

    But Link will ALWAYS link to old file version, which will NOT contains new updates in the master branch for example. Example:
  2. We can link to (custom branch) like (master-branch). But the link will ALWAYS link to the latest file version which will contain new updates. Due to new updates, the link may point to an invalid business line number. Example:
  3. GitHub can NOT make AUTO-link to any file either to (custom commit) nor (master-branch) Because of following business issues:

    • line business meaning, to link to it in the new file
    • length of target highlighted code which can be changed

How to export a MySQL database to JSON?

Another possibility is using the MySQL Workbench.

There is a JSON export option at the object browser context menu and at the result grid menu.

More information on MySQL documentation: Data export and import.

How do you get an iPhone's device name

Here is class structure of UIDevice

+ (UIDevice *)currentDevice;

@property(nonatomic,readonly,strong) NSString    *name;              // e.g. "My iPhone"
@property(nonatomic,readonly,strong) NSString    *model;             // e.g. @"iPhone", @"iPod touch"
@property(nonatomic,readonly,strong) NSString    *localizedModel;    // localized version of model
@property(nonatomic,readonly,strong) NSString    *systemName;        // e.g. @"iOS"
@property(nonatomic,readonly,strong) NSString    *systemVersion;

Setting Curl's Timeout in PHP

See documentation:

CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT - The number of seconds to wait while trying to connect. Use 0 to wait indefinitely.
CURLOPT_TIMEOUT - The maximum number of seconds to allow cURL functions to execute.

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 0); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 400); //timeout in seconds

also don't forget to enlarge time execution of php script self:

set_time_limit(0);// to infinity for example

How to add multiple classes to a ReactJS Component?

If you wanna use a double conditional css module is always somehow confusing so i would advise you to follow this pattern

import styles from "./styles.module.css"

const Conditonal=({large, redColor}) => {
  <div className={[large && styles.large] + [redColor && styles.color]>

export default Conditonal

and if its just one conditonal statement with two class name, use this

import styles from "./styles.module.css"

const Conditonal=({redColor}) => {
  <div className={styles.large + [redColor && styles.color]>

export default Conditonal

Get timezone from users browser using moment(timezone).js

All current answers provide the offset differece at current time, not at a given date.

moment(date).utcOffset() returns the time difference in minutes between browser time and UTC at the date passed as argument (or today, if no date passed).

Here's a function to parse correct offset at the picked date:

function getUtcOffset(date) {
  return moment(date)

How to implement LIMIT with SQL Server?

In SQL there's no LIMIT keyword exists. If you only need a limited number of rows you should use a TOP keyword which is similar to a LIMIT.

Numpy: Get random set of rows from 2D array

If you want to generate multiple random subsets of rows, for example if your doing RANSAC.

num_pop = 10
num_samples = 2
pop_in_sample = 3
rows_to_sample = np.random.random([num_pop, 5])
random_numbers = np.random.random([num_samples, num_pop])
samples = np.argsort(random_numbers, axis=1)[:, :pop_in_sample]
# will be shape [num_samples, pop_in_sample, 5]
row_subsets = rows_to_sample[samples, :]

Calculate the mean by group

   dive     speed
1 dive1 0.7059729
2 dive2 0.5473777

Read .mat files in Python

There is a nice package called mat4py which can easily be installed using

pip install mat4py

It is straightforward to use (from the website):

Load data from a MAT-file

The function loadmat loads all variables stored in the MAT-file into a simple Python data structure, using only Python’s dict and list objects. Numeric and cell arrays are converted to row-ordered nested lists. Arrays are squeezed to eliminate arrays with only one element. The resulting data structure is composed of simple types that are compatible with the JSON format.

Example: Load a MAT-file into a Python data structure:

from mat4py import loadmat

data = loadmat('datafile.mat')

The variable data is a dict with the variables and values contained in the MAT-file.

Save a Python data structure to a MAT-file

Python data can be saved to a MAT-file, with the function savemat. Data has to be structured in the same way as for loadmat, i.e. it should be composed of simple data types, like dict, list, str, int, and float.

Example: Save a Python data structure to a MAT-file:

from mat4py import savemat

savemat('datafile.mat', data)

The parameter data shall be a dict with the variables.

how to fetch data from database in Hibernate

The correct way from hibernate doc:

    Session s = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
    Transaction tx = null;
    try {

        tx = s.beginTransaction();        

        // here get object
        List<Employee> list = s.createCriteria(Employee.class).list();


    } catch (HibernateException ex) {
        if (tx != null) {
        Logger.getLogger("con").info("Exception: " + ex.getMessage());
    } finally {

HibernateUtil code (can find at Google):

            public class HibernateUtil {

                private static final SessionFactory tmrSessionFactory;
                private static final Ejb3Configuration tmrEjb3Config;
                private static final EntityManagerFactory tmrEntityManagerFactory;

                static {

                    try {

                        tmrSessionFactory = new Configuration().configure("tmr.cfg.xml").buildSessionFactory();
                        tmrEjb3Config = new Ejb3Configuration().configure("tmr.cfg.xml");
                        tmrEntityManagerFactory = tmrEjb3Config.buildEntityManagerFactory();

                    } catch (HibernateException ex) {
                        Logger.getLogger("app").log(Level.WARN, ex.getMessage());
                        throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);

                public static SessionFactory getSessionFactory() {
                    return tmrSessionFactory;

                /* getters and setters here */


How to configure slf4j-simple

This is a sample which you can place on the classpath (uncomment the properties you wish to use):

# SLF4J's SimpleLogger configuration file
# Simple implementation of Logger that sends all enabled log messages, for all defined loggers, to System.err.

# Default logging detail level for all instances of SimpleLogger.
# Must be one of ("trace", "debug", "info", "warn", or "error").
# If not specified, defaults to "info".

# Logging detail level for a SimpleLogger instance named "xxxxx".
# Must be one of ("trace", "debug", "info", "warn", or "error").
# If not specified, the default logging detail level is used.

# Set to true if you want the current date and time to be included in output messages.
# Default is false, and will output the number of milliseconds elapsed since startup.

# The date and time format to be used in the output messages.
# The pattern describing the date and time format is the same that is used in java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
# If the format is not specified or is invalid, the default format is used.
# The default format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS Z.
#org.slf4j.simpleLogger.dateTimeFormat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS Z

# Set to true if you want to output the current thread name.
# Defaults to true.

# Set to true if you want the Logger instance name to be included in output messages.
# Defaults to true.

# Set to true if you want the last component of the name to be included in output messages.
# Defaults to false.

What are best practices that you use when writing Objective-C and Cocoa?

The Apple-provided samples I saw treated the App delegate as a global data store, a data manager of sorts. That's wrongheaded. Create a singleton and maybe instantiate it in the App delegate, but stay away from using the App delegate as anything more than application-level event handling. I heartily second the recommendations in this blog entry. This thread tipped me off.

Install GD library and freetype on Linux

Things are pretty much simpler unless they are made confusing.

To Install GD library in Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install php5-gd

To Install Freetype in Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev:i386

How to center an iframe horizontally?

The simplest code to align the iframe element:

<div align="center"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="1px"></iframe></div>

How do I apply the for-each loop to every character in a String?

In Java 8 we can solve it as:

String str = "xyz";
str.chars().forEachOrdered(i -> System.out.print((char)i));    

The method chars() returns an IntStream as mentioned in doc:

Returns a stream of int zero-extending the char values from this sequence. Any char which maps to a surrogate code point is passed through uninterpreted. If the sequence is mutated while the stream is being read, the result is undefined.

Why use forEachOrdered and not forEach ?

The behaviour of forEach is explicitly nondeterministic where as the forEachOrdered performs an action for each element of this stream, in the encounter order of the stream if the stream has a defined encounter order. So forEach does not guarantee that the order would be kept. Also check this question for more.

We could also use codePoints() to print, see this answer for more details.

How to print a list in Python "nicely"

If you need the text (for using with curses for example):

import pprint

myObject = []

myText = pprint.pformat(myObject)

Then myText variable will something alike php var_dump or print_r. Check the documentation for more options, arguments.

FFmpeg: How to split video efficiently?

Here is a perfect way to split the video. I have done it previously, and it's working well for me.

ffmpeg -i C:\xampp\htdocs\videoCutting\movie.mp4 -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:05 -async 1 C:\xampp\htdocs\videoCutting\SampleVideoNew.mp4 (For cmd). shell_exec('ffmpeg -i C:\xampp\htdocs\videoCutting\movie.mp4 -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:05 -async 1 C:\xampp\htdocs\videoCutting\SampleVideoNew.mp4') (for php).

Please follow this and I am sure it will work perfectly.

How to word wrap text in HTML?

You can use a soft hyphen like so:


This will appear as


if the containing box isn't big enough, or as


if it is.

How to fix "'System.AggregateException' occurred in mscorlib.dll"

The accepted answer will work if you can easily reproduce the issue. However, as a matter of best practice, you should be catching any exceptions (and logging) that are executed within a task. Otherwise, your application will crash if anything unexpected occurs within the task.

   throw new Exception("I didn't account for this");

However, if we do this, at least the application does not crash.

   try {
      throw new Exception("I didn't account for this");
   catch(Exception ex) {
      //Log ex

How do I convert a pandas Series or index to a Numpy array?

You can use df.index to access the index object and then get the values in a list using df.index.tolist(). Similarly, you can use df['col'].tolist() for Series.

How can I get date and time formats based on Culture Info?

You can retrieve the format strings from the CultureInfo DateTimeFormat property, which is a DateTimeFormatInfo instance. This in turn has properties like ShortDatePattern and ShortTimePattern, containing the format strings:

CultureInfo us = new CultureInfo("en-US");
string shortUsDateFormatString = us.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern;
string shortUsTimeFormatString = us.DateTimeFormat.ShortTimePattern;

CultureInfo uk = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
string shortUkDateFormatString = uk.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern;
string shortUkTimeFormatString = uk.DateTimeFormat.ShortTimePattern;

If you simply want to format the date/time using the CultureInfo, pass it in as your IFormatter when converting the DateTime to a string, using the ToString method:

string us = myDate.ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US"));
string uk = myDate.ToString(new CultureInfo("en-GB"));

How do I specify C:\Program Files without a space in it for programs that can't handle spaces in file paths?


Sometimes you can quote the filename.

"C:\Program Files\Something"

Some programs will tolerate the quotes. Since you didn't provide any specific program, it's impossible to tell if quotes will work for you.

Passing parameter to controller action from a Html.ActionLink

Addition to the accepted answer:

if you are going to use

 @Html.ActionLink("LinkName", "ActionName", "ControllerName", new { @id = idValue, @secondParam= = 2 },null)

this will create actionlink where you can't create new custom attribute or style for the link.

However, the 4th parameter in ActionLink extension will solve that problem. Use the 4th parameter for customization in your way.

 @Html.ActionLink("LinkName", "ActionName", "ControllerName", new { @id = idValue, @secondParam= = 2 }, new { @class = "btn btn-info", @target = "_blank" })

T-SQL string replace in Update

update YourTable
    set YourColumn = replace(YourColumn, '@domain2', '@domain1')
    where charindex('@domain2', YourColumn) <> 0

How can I update my ADT in Eclipse?

You have updated the android sdk but not updated the adt to match with it.

You can update the adt from here

You might need to update the software source for your adt update

Go to eclipse > help > Check for updates.

It should list the latest update of adt. If it is not working try the same *Go to eclipse > help > Install new software * but now please do the follwing:

It will list the updates available- which should ideally be adt 20.xx

Eclipse will restart and hopefully everything should work fine for you.

Updating Python on Mac

You can also use:

brew upgrade python3

Replace forward slash "/ " character in JavaScript string?

You can just replace like this,

 var someString = "23/03/2012";
 someString.replace(/\//g, "-");

It works for me..

Removing the title text of an iOS UIBarButtonItem

This worked for me in iOS 7+:

In viewDidLoad:

self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem.title = @" ";

Yes, that's a space between the quotes.

Difference between const reference and normal parameter

The difference is more prominent when you are passing a big struct/class.

struct MyData {
    int a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;
    long array[1234];
void DoWork(MyData md);
void DoWork(const MyData& md);

when you use use 'normal' parameter, you pass the parameter by value and hence creating a copy of the parameter you pass. if you are using const reference, you pass it by reference and the original data is not copied.

in both cases, the original data cannot be modified from inside the function.

In certain cases, the original data might be able to get modified as pointed out by Charles Bailey in his answer.

Convert String array to ArrayList

String[] words= new String[]{"ace","boom","crew","dog","eon"};
List<String> wordList = Arrays.asList(words);

Object passed as parameter to another class, by value or reference?

An Object if passed as a value type then changes made to the members of the object inside the method are impacted outside the method also. But if the object itself is set to another object or reinitialized then it will not be reflected outside the method. So i would say object as a whole is passed as Valuetype only but object members are still reference type.

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Class1 objc ;
         objc = new Class1();
        objc.empName = "name1";
        checkobj( objc);
        MessageBox.Show(objc.empName);  //propert value changed; but object itself did not change
    private void checkobj ( Class1 objc)
        objc.empName = "name 2";
        Class1 objD = new Class1();
        objD.empName ="name 3";
        objc = objD ;
        MessageBox.Show(objc.empName);  //name 3

Where is the file in a Spring Boot project?

Spring Boot will automatically find and load and application.yaml files from the following locations when your application starts:

  1. The classpath root
  2. The classpath /config package
  3. The current directory
  4. The /config subdirectory in the current directory
  5. Immediate child directories of the /config subdirectory

The list is ordered by precedence (with values from lower items overriding earlier ones).

More info you can find here

Calculating and printing the nth prime number

int counter = 0;

for(int i = 1; ; i++) {

    if(counter == userInput) {

Edit: Your prime function could use a bit of work. Here's one that I have written:

private static boolean isPrime(long n) {
    if(n < 2)
        return false;

    for (long i = 2; i * i <= n; i++) {
        if (n % i == 0)
            return false;
    return true;

Note - you only need to go up to sqrt(n) when looking at factors, hence the i * i <= n

Spring MVC - How to get all request params in a map in Spring controller?

The HttpServletRequest object provides a map of parameters already. See request.getParameterMap() for more details.

What is the preferred Bash shebang?


as most scripts do not need specific bash feature and should be written for sh.

Also, this makes scripts work on the BSDs, which do not have bash per default.

What is the difference between range and xrange functions in Python 2.X?

range(): range(1, 10) returns a list from 1 to 10 numbers & hold whole list in memory.

xrange(): Like range(), but instead of returning a list, returns an object that generates the numbers in the range on demand. For looping, this is lightly faster than range() and more memory efficient. xrange() object like an iterator and generates the numbers on demand.(Lazy Evaluation)

In [1]: range(1,10)

Out[1]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

In [2]: xrange(10)

Out[2]: xrange(10)

In [3]: print xrange.__doc__

xrange([start,] stop[, step]) -> xrange object

How can I update npm on Windows?

You can update your npm to the latest stable version with the following command:

 npm install npm@latest -g

Use PowerShell to run it. This command doesn't need windows administrator privileges and you can verify the result with npm -v

Error during installing HAXM, VT-X not working

There is a tool called Speccy. I went to the CPU tab in Speccy and checked whether virtualization is "Supported, Enabled". Originally it was "Supported, Disabled", so I went to BIOS --> Security menu and enabled virtualization. In my Lenovo Thinkpad, F12 brings the BIOS.

Enabling virtualization helped me to overcome this error. Other answers here recommeds to check "Hyper-V" also.

enter image description here

How to redirect on another page and pass parameter in url from table?

Bind the button, this is done with jQuery:

$("#my-table input[type='button']").click(function(){
    var parameter = $(this).val();
    window.location = "" + parameter;

How to change the Title of the window in Qt?

void    QWidget::setWindowTitle ( const QString & )

EDIT: If you are using QtDesigner, on the property tab, there is an editable property called windowTitle which can be found under the QWidget section. The property tab can usually be found on the lower right part of the designer window.

Username and password in https url

When you put the username and password in front of the host, this data is not sent that way to the server. It is instead transformed to a request header depending on the authentication schema used. Most of the time this is going to be Basic Auth which I describe below. A similar (but significantly less often used) authentication scheme is Digest Auth which nowadays provides comparable security features.

With Basic Auth, the HTTP request from the question will look something like this:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic Zm9vOnBhc3N3b3Jk

The hash like string you see there is created by the browser like this: base64_encode(username + ":" + password).

To outsiders of the HTTPS transfer, this information is hidden (as everything else on the HTTP level). You should take care of logging on the client and all intermediate servers though. The username will normally be shown in server logs, but the password won't. This is not guaranteed though. When you call that URL on the client with e.g. curl, the username and password will be clearly visible on the process list and might turn up in the bash history file.

When you send passwords in a GET request as e.g. the username and password will always turn up in server logs of your webserver, application server, caches, ... unless you specifically configure your servers to not log it. This only applies to servers being able to read the unencrypted http data, like your application server or any middleboxes such as loadbalancers, CDNs, proxies, etc. though.

Basic auth is standardized and implemented by browsers by showing this little username/password popup you might have seen already. When you put the username/password into an HTML form sent via GET or POST, you have to implement all the login/logout logic yourself (which might be an advantage and allows you to more control over the login/logout flow for the added "cost" of having to implement this securely again). But you should never transfer usernames and passwords by GET parameters. If you have to, use POST instead. The prevents the logging of this data by default.

When implementing an authentication mechanism with a user/password entry form and a subsequent cookie-based session as it is commonly used today, you have to make sure that the password is either transported with POST requests or one of the standardized authentication schemes above only.

Concluding I could say, that transfering data that way over HTTPS is likely safe, as long as you take care that the password does not turn up in unexpected places. But that advice applies to every transfer of any password in any way.

Powershell: convert string to number

I demonstrate how to receive a string, for example "-484876800000" and tryparse the string to make sure it can be assigned to a long. I calculate the Date from universaltime and return a string. When you convert a string to a number, you must decide the numeric type and precision and test if the string data can be parse, otherwise, it will throw and error.

function universalToDate
 param (

    if ($paramValue)
        [long]$returnedLong = 0
        [bool]$result = [long]::TryParse($paramValue,[ref]$returnedLong)
        if ($result -eq 1)

HTTP 1.0 vs 1.1

A key compatibility issue is support for persistent connections. I recently worked on a server that "supported" HTTP/1.1, yet failed to close the connection when a client sent an HTTP/1.0 request. When writing a server that supports HTTP/1.1, be sure it also works well with HTTP/1.0-only clients.

Unexpected token }

You have endless loop in place:

function save() {
    var filename = id('filename').value;
    var name = id('name').value;
    var text = id('text').value;
    save(filename, name, text);

No idea what you're trying to accomplish with that endless loop but first of all get rid of it and see if things are working.

Keyboard shortcut to clear cell output in Jupyter notebook

Depends if you consider the command palette a short-cut. I do.

  1. Press 'control-shift-p', that opens the command palette.
  2. Then type 'clear cell output'. That will let you select the command to clear the output.

enter image description here

bad operand types for binary operator "&" java

Because & has a lesser priority than ==.

Your code is equivalent to a[0] & (1 == 0), and unless a[0] is a boolean this won't compile...

You need to:

(a[0] & 1) == 0

etc etc.

(yes, Java does hava a boolean & operator -- a non shortcut logical and)

Rollback a Git merge

git revert -m 1 88113a64a21bf8a51409ee2a1321442fd08db705

But may have unexpected side-effects. See --mainline parent-number option in

Perhaps a brute but effective way would be to check out the left parent of that commit, make a copy of all the files, checkout HEAD again, and replace all the contents with the old files. Then git will tell you what is being rolled back and you create your own revert commit :) !

stdlib and colored output in C

If you use same color for whole program , you can define printf() function.

   #define ah_red "\e[31m"
   #define printf(X) printf(ah_red "%s",X);
   #int main()
        return 0;

How to select data from 30 days?

You should be using DATEADD is Sql server so if try this simple select you will see the affect

Select DATEADD(Month, -1, getdate())


2013-04-20 14:08:07.177

in your case try this query

WHERE id_city='34324' AND datetime >= DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE())
WHERE id_city='34324' AND datetime >= DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE())
) x

Occurrences of substring in a string

Do you really have to handle the matching yourself ? Especially if all you need is the number of occurences, regular expressions are tidier :

String str = "helloslkhellodjladfjhello";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("hello");
Matcher m = p.matcher(str);
int count = 0;
while (m.find()){
    count +=1;

textarea character limit

I think that doing this might be easier than most people think!

Try this:

var yourTextArea = document.getElementById("usertext").value;
// In case you want to limit the number of characters in no less than, say, 10
// or no more than 400.        
    if (yourTextArea.length < 10 || yourTextArea.length > 400) {
        alert("The field must have no less than 10 and no more than 400 characters.");
        return false;

Please let me know it this was useful. And if so, vote up! Thx!


git stash changes apply to new branch?

Is the standard procedure not working?

  • make changes
  • git stash save
  • git branch xxx HEAD
  • git checkout xxx
  • git stash pop


  • make changes
  • git stash
  • git checkout -b xxx
  • git stash pop

Receiving JSON data back from HTTP request

Building on @Panagiotis Kanavos' answer, here's a working method as example which will also return the response as an object instead of a string:

using System.Text;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json; // Nuget Package

public static async Task<object> PostCallAPI(string url, object jsonObject)
        using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
            var content = new StringContent(jsonObject.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
            var response = await client.PostAsync(url, content);
            if (response != null)
                var jsonString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<object>(jsonString);
    catch (Exception ex)
    return null;

Keep in mind that this is only an example and that you'd probably would like to use HttpClient as a shared instance instead of using it in a using-clause.

Hiding a sheet in Excel 2007 (with a password) OR hide VBA code in Excel

Here is what you do in Excel 2003:

  1. In your sheet of interest, go to Format -> Sheet -> Hide and hide your sheet.
  2. Go to Tools -> Protection -> Protect Workbook, make sure Structure is selected, and enter your password of choice.

Here is what you do in Excel 2007:

  1. In your sheet of interest, go to Home ribbon -> Format -> Hide & Unhide -> Hide Sheet and hide your sheet.
  2. Go to Review ribbon -> Protect Workbook, make sure Structure is selected, and enter your password of choice.

Once this is done, the sheet is hidden and cannot be unhidden without the password. Make sense?

If you really need to keep some calculations secret, try this: use Access (or another Excel workbook or some other DB of your choice) to calculate what you need calculated, and export only the "unclassified" results to your Excel workbook.

How to deal with persistent storage (e.g. databases) in Docker

As of Docker Compose 1.6, there is now improved support for data volumes in Docker Compose. The following compose file will create a data image which will persist between restarts (or even removal) of parent containers:

Here is the blog announcement: Compose 1.6: New Compose file for defining networks and volumes

Here's an example compose file:

version: "2"

    restart: on-failure:10
    image: postgres:9.4
      - "db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data"
    restart: on-failure:10
    build: .
    command: gunicorn mypythonapp.wsgi:application -b :8000 --reload
      - .:/code
      - "8000:8000"
      - db


As far as I can understand: This will create a data volume container (db_data) which will persist between restarts.

If you run: docker volume ls you should see your volume listed:

local               mypthonapp_db-data

You can get some more details about the data volume:

docker volume inspect mypthonapp_db-data
    "Name": "mypthonapp_db-data",
    "Driver": "local",
    "Mountpoint": "/mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/volumes/mypthonapp_db-data/_data"

Some testing:

# Start the containers
docker-compose up -d

# .. input some data into the database
docker-compose run --rm web python migrate
docker-compose run --rm web python createsuperuser

# Stop and remove the containers:
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm -f

# Start it back up again
docker-compose up -d

# Verify the data is still there
(it is)

# Stop and remove with the -v (volumes) tag:

docker-compose stop
docker=compose rm -f -v

# Up again ..
docker-compose up -d

# Check the data is still there:
(it is).


  • You can also specify various drivers in the volumes block. For example, You could specify the Flocker driver for db_data:

        driver: flocker
  • As they improve the integration between Docker Swarm and Docker Compose (and possibly start integrating Flocker into the Docker eco-system (I heard a rumor that Docker has bought Flocker), I think this approach should become increasingly powerful.

Disclaimer: This approach is promising, and I'm using it successfully in a development environment. I would be apprehensive to use this in production just yet!

latex large division sign in a math formula

Another option is to use \dfrac instead of \frac, which makes the whole fraction larger and hence more readable.

And no, I don't know if there is an option to get something in between \frac and \dfrac, sorry.

explode string in jquery

What is row?

Either of these could be correct.

1) I assume that you capture your ajax response in a javascript variable 'row'. If that is the case, this would hold true.

var result=row.split('|');


2) Use this where $(row) is a jQuery object.

var result=$(row).val().split('|');

[As mentioned in the other answer, you may have to use $(row).val() or $(row).text() or $(row).html() etc. depending on what $(row) is.]

Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in

As mentioned in comments, this is a scoping issue. Specifically, $con is not in scope within your getPosts function.

You should pass your connection object in as a dependency, eg

function getPosts(mysqli $con) {
    // etc

I would also highly recommend halting execution if your connection fails or if errors occur. Something like this should suffice

mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR | MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT); // throw exceptions


How do I use the Simple HTTP client in Android?

public static void connect(String url)

    HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();

    // Prepare a request object
    HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(url); 

    // Execute the request
    HttpResponse response;
    try {
        response = httpclient.execute(httpget);
        // Examine the response status

        // Get hold of the response entity
        HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
        // If the response does not enclose an entity, there is no need
        // to worry about connection release

        if (entity != null) {

            // A Simple JSON Response Read
            InputStream instream = entity.getContent();
            String result= convertStreamToString(instream);
            // now you have the string representation of the HTML request

    } catch (Exception e) {}

    private static String convertStreamToString(InputStream is) {
     * To convert the InputStream to String we use the BufferedReader.readLine()
     * method. We iterate until the BufferedReader return null which means
     * there's no more data to read. Each line will appended to a StringBuilder
     * and returned as String.
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    String line = null;
    try {
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            sb.append(line + "\n");
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
    return sb.toString();

How to put two divs side by side

<div style="display: inline">
    <div style="width:80%; display: inline-block; float:left; margin-right: 10px;"></div>
    <div style="width: 19%; display: inline-block; border: 1px solid red"></div>

How to create a HTML Table from a PHP array?

     <? foreach ($shop as $row) : ?>
       <td><? echo $row[0]; ?></td>
       <td><? echo $row[1]; ?></td>
       <td><? echo $row[2]; ?></td>
     <? endforeach; ?>

Pandas: sum DataFrame rows for given columns

Create a list of column names you want to add up.


If you want the sum for certain rows, specify the rows using ':'

Is there a foreach loop in Go?

Go has a foreach-like syntax. It supports arrays/slices, maps and channels.

Iterate over array or slice:

// index and value
for i, v := range slice {}

// index only
for i := range slice {}

// value only
for _, v := range slice {}

Iterate over a map:

// key and value
for key, value := range theMap {}

// key only
for key := range theMap {}

// value only
for _, value := range theMap {}

Iterate over a channel:

for v := range theChan {}

Iterating over a channel is equivalent to receiving from a channel until it is closed:

for {
    v, ok := <-theChan
    if !ok {

C# Help reading foreign characters using StreamReader

I solved my problem of reading portuguese characters, changing the source file on notepad++.

enter image description here


    var url = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~/Content/data.json");
    string s = string.Empty;
    using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(url, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8,true))
          s = sr.ReadToEnd();

How to display full (non-truncated) dataframe information in html when converting from pandas dataframe to html?

The following code results in the error below:

pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)

FutureWarning: Passing a negative integer is deprecated in version 1.0 and will not be supported in future version. Instead, use None to not limit the column width.

Instead, use:

pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)

This accomplishes the task and complies with versions of pandas following version 1.0.

How to detect a mobile device with JavaScript?

Another possibility is to use mobile-detect.js. Try the demo.

Browser usage:

<script src="mobile-detect.js"></script>
    var md = new MobileDetect(window.navigator.userAgent);
    // ... see below

Node.js / Express:

var MobileDetect = require('mobile-detect'),
    md = new MobileDetect(req.headers['user-agent']);
// ... see below


var md = new MobileDetect(
    'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.3; en-in; SonyEricssonMT11i' +
    ' Build/4.1.A.0.562) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko)' +
    ' Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30');

// more typically we would instantiate with 'window.navigator.userAgent'
// as user-agent; this string literal is only for better understanding

console.log( );          // 'Sony'
console.log( );           // 'Sony'
console.log( md.tablet() );          // null
console.log( md.userAgent() );       // 'Safari'
console.log( md.os() );              // 'AndroidOS'
console.log('iPhone') );      // false
console.log('bot') );         // false
console.log( md.version('Webkit') );         // 534.3
console.log( md.versionStr('Build') );       // '4.1.A.0.562'
console.log( md.match('playstation|xbox') ); // false

PHP 7: Missing VCRUNTIME140.dll

I had the same issue, I changed the ports, restarted the services but in vein, only worked for me when I updated the Microsoft Visual c++ filesFrom There yoy can modify MVC

How do I make a splash screen?

Abdullah's answer is great. But i want to add some more details to it with my answer.

Implementing a Splash Screen

Implementing a splash screen the right way is a little different than you might imagine. The splash view that you see has to be ready immediately, even before you can inflate a layout file in your splash activity.

So you will not use a layout file. Instead, specify your splash screen’s background as the activity’s theme background. To do this, first create an XML drawable in res/drawable.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">




It just a layerlist with logo in center background color with it.

Now open styles.xml and add this style

<style name="SplashTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar">
        <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/background_splash</item>

This theme will have to actionbar and with background that we just created above.

And in manifest you need to set SplashTheme to activity that you want to use as splash.

    <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

    <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

Then inside your activity code navigate user to the specific screen after splash using intent.

public class SplashActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Intent intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);

That's the right way to do. I used these references for answer.

  2. Thanks to these guys for pushing me into right direction. I want to help others because accepted answer isn't a recommended to do splash screen.

Chart.js v2 hide dataset labels

add: = false;

in the starting of your script code;

Aligning rotated xticklabels with their respective xticks

An easy, loop-free alternative is to use the horizontalalignment Text property as a keyword argument to xticks[1]. In the below, at the commented line, I've forced the xticks alignment to be "right".

x = np.arange(n)
y = np.sin(np.linspace(-3,3,n))
xlabels = ['Long ticklabel %i' % i for i in range(n)]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x,y, 'o-')

        ["this label extends way past the figure's left boundary",
        "bad motorfinger", "green", "in the age of octopus diplomacy", "x"], 
        horizontalalignment="right")    # here

(yticks already aligns the right edge with the tick by default, but for xticks the default appears to be "center".)

[1] You find that described in the xticks documentation if you search for the phrase "Text properties".

Rewrite left outer join involving multiple tables from Informix to Oracle

Write one table per join, like this:

select tab1.a,tab2.b,tab3.c,tab4.d 
  table1 tab1
  inner join table2 tab2 on tab2.fg = tab1.fg
  left join table3 tab3 on = and tab3.desc = "XYZ"
  left join table4 tab4 on tab4.xya = tab3.xya and =
  left join table5 tab5 on tab5.dd = tab3.dd and tab5.kk = tab4.kk

Note that while my query contains actual left join, your query apparently doesn't. Since the conditions are in the where, your query should behave like inner joins. (Although I admit I don't know Informix, so maybe I'm wrong there).

The specfific Informix extension used in the question works a bit differently with regards to left joins. Apart from the exact syntax of the join itself, this is mainly in the fact that in Informix, you can specify a list of outer joined tables. These will be left outer joined, and the join conditions can be put in the where clause. Note that this is a specific extension to SQL. Informix also supports 'normal' left joins, but you can't combine the two in one query, it seems.

In Oracle this extension doesn't exist, and you can't put outer join conditions in the where clause, since the conditions will be executed regardless.

So look what happens when you move conditions to the where clause:

select tab1.a,tab2.b,tab3.c,tab4.d 
  table1 tab1
  inner join table2 tab2 on tab2.fg = tab1.fg
  left join table3 tab3 on =
  left join table4 tab4 on tab4.xya = tab3.xya
  left join table5 tab5 on tab5.dd = tab3.dd and tab5.kk = tab4.kk
  tab3.desc = "XYZ" and =

Now, only rows will be returned for which those two conditions are true. They cannot be true when no row is found, so if there is no matching row in table3 and/or table4, or if ss is null in either of the two, one of these conditions is going to return false, and no row is returned. This effectively changed your outer join to an inner join, and as such changes the behavior significantly.

PS: left join and left outer join are the same. It means that you optionally join the second table to the first (the left one). Rows are returned if there is only data in the 'left' part of the join. In Oracle you can also right [outer] join to make not the left, but the right table the leading table. And there is and even full [outer] join to return a row if there is data in either table.

Override using CSS

As per my knowledge Inline sytle comes first so css class should not work.

Use Jquery as


   $("#demoFour li").css("display","inline");

You can also try 

#demoFour li { display:inline !important;}

Html: Difference between cell spacing and cell padding

Cell spacing and margin is the space between cells.

Cell padding is space inside cells, between the cell border (even if invisible) and the cell content, such as text.

How do I `jsonify` a list in Flask?

Flask's jsonify() method now serializes top-level arrays as of this commit, available in Flask 0.11 onwards.

For convenience, you can either pass in a Python list: jsonify([1,2,3]) Or pass in a series of args: jsonify(1,2,3)

Both will be serialized to a JSON top-level array: [1,2,3]

Details here:

Ignore fields from Java object dynamically while sending as JSON from Spring MVC

Add the @JsonIgnoreProperties("fieldname") annotation to your POJO.

Or you can use @JsonIgnore before the name of the field you want to ignore while deserializing JSON. Example:

@JsonProperty(value = "user_password")
public String getUserPassword() {
    return userPassword;

GitHub example

How to get input text value on click in ReactJS

There are two ways to go about doing this.

  1. Create a state in the constructor that contains the text input. Attach an onChange event to the input box that updates state each time. Then onClick you could just alert the state object.

  2. handleClick: function() { alert(this.refs.myInput.value); },

Declare and initialize a Dictionary in Typescript

Typescript fails in your case because it expects all the fields to be present. Use Record and Partial utility types to solve it.

Record<string, Partial<IPerson>>

interface IPerson {
   firstName: string;
   lastName: string;

var persons: Record<string, Partial<IPerson>> = {
   "p1": { firstName: "F1", lastName: "L1" },
   "p2": { firstName: "F2" }


  1. Record type creates a dictionary/hashmap.
  2. Partial type says some of the fields may be missing.


If you wish to make last name optional you can append a ? Typescript will know that it's optional.

lastName?: string;

How do I convert a date/time to epoch time (unix time/seconds since 1970) in Perl?

This is the simplest way to get unix time:

use Time::Local;

Note the reverse order of the arguments and that January is month 0. For many more options, see the DateTime module from CPAN.

As for parsing, see the Date::Parse module from CPAN. If you really need to get fancy with date parsing, the Date::Manip may be helpful, though its own documentation warns you away from it since it carries a lot of baggage (it knows things like common business holidays, for example) and other solutions are much faster.

If you happen to know something about the format of the date/times you'll be parsing then a simple regular expression may suffice but you're probably better off using an appropriate CPAN module. For example, if you know the dates will always be in YMDHMS order, use the CPAN module DateTime::Format::ISO8601.

For my own reference, if nothing else, below is a function I use for an application where I know the dates will always be in YMDHMS order with all or part of the "HMS" part optional. It accepts any delimiters (eg, "2009-02-15" or "2009.02.15"). It returns the corresponding unix time (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT) or -1 if it couldn't parse it (which means you better be sure you'll never legitimately need to parse the date 1969-12-31 23:59:59). It also presumes two-digit years XX up to "69" refer to "20XX", otherwise "19XX" (eg, "50-02-15" means 2050-02-15 but "75-02-15" means 1975-02-15).

use Time::Local;

sub parsedate { 
  my($s) = @_;
  my($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second);

  if($s =~ m{^\s*(\d{1,4})\W*0*(\d{1,2})\W*0*(\d{1,2})\W*0*
                 (\d{0,2})\W*0*(\d{0,2})\W*0*(\d{0,2})}x) {
    $year = $1;  $month = $2;   $day = $3;
    $hour = $4;  $minute = $5;  $second = $6;
    $hour |= 0;  $minute |= 0;  $second |= 0;  # defaults.
    $year = ($year<100 ? ($year<70 ? 2000+$year : 1900+$year) : $year);
    return timelocal($second,$minute,$hour,$day,$month-1,$year);  
  return -1;

Optimal way to concatenate/aggregate strings

You can use += to concatenate strings, for example:

declare @test nvarchar(max)
set @test = ''
select @test += name from names

if you select @test, it will give you all names concatenated

EXEC sp_executesql with multiple parameters

Here is a simple example:

EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@p1 INT, @p2 INT, @p3 INT', @p1, @p2, @p3;

Your call will be something like this

EXEC sp_executesql @statement, N'@LabID int, @BeginDate date, @EndDate date, @RequestTypeID varchar', @LabID, @BeginDate, @EndDate, @RequestTypeID

How does MySQL process ORDER BY and LIMIT in a query?

You could add [asc] or [desc] at the end of the order by to get the earliest or latest records

For example, this will give you the latest records first


Append the LIMIT clause after ORDER BY

How to check in Javascript if one element is contained within another

I came across a wonderful piece of code to check whether or not an element is a child of another element. I have to use this because IE doesn't support the .contains element method. Hope this will help others as well.

Below is the function:

function isChildOf(childObject, containerObject) {
  var returnValue = false;
  var currentObject;

  if (typeof containerObject === 'string') {
    containerObject = document.getElementById(containerObject);
  if (typeof childObject === 'string') {
    childObject = document.getElementById(childObject);

  currentObject = childObject.parentNode;

  while (currentObject !== undefined) {
    if (currentObject === document.body) {

    if ( == {
      returnValue = true;

    // Move up the hierarchy
    currentObject = currentObject.parentNode;

  return returnValue;

Getting String value from enum in Java

I believe enum have a .name() in its API, pretty simple to use like this example:

private int security;
public String security(){ return Security.values()[security].name(); }
public void setSecurity(int security){ = security; }

    private enum Security {

With this you can simply call 

and it returns high/low as String, in this example

How do I install Python 3 on an AWS EC2 instance?

Note: This may be obsolete for current versions of Amazon Linux 2 since late 2018 (see comments), you can now directly install it via yum install python3.

In Amazon Linux 2, there isn't a python3[4-6] in the default yum repos, instead there's the Amazon Extras Library.

sudo amazon-linux-extras install python3

If you want to set up isolated virtual environments with it; using yum install'd virtualenv tools don't seem to reliably work.

virtualenv --python=python3 my_venv

Calling the venv module/tool is less finicky, and you could double check it's what you want/expect with python3 --version beforehand.

python3 -m venv my_venv

Other things it can install (versions as of 18 Jan 18):

[ec2-user@x ~]$ amazon-linux-extras list
  0  ansible2   disabled  [ =2.4.2 ]
  1  emacs   disabled  [ =25.3 ]
  2  memcached1.5   disabled  [ =1.5.1 ]
  3  nginx1.12   disabled  [ =1.12.2 ]
  4  postgresql9.6   disabled  [ =9.6.6 ]
  5  python3=latest  enabled  [ =3.6.2 ]
  6  redis4.0   disabled  [ =4.0.5 ]
  7  R3.4   disabled  [ =3.4.3 ]
  8  rust1   disabled  [ =1.22.1 ]
  9  vim   disabled  [ =8.0 ]
 10  golang1.9   disabled  [ =1.9.2 ]
 11  ruby2.4   disabled  [ =2.4.2 ]
 12  nano   disabled  [ =2.9.1 ]
 13  php7.2   disabled  [ =7.2.0 ]
 14  lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2   disabled  [ =10.2.10_7.2.0 ]

SQL to add column and comment in table in single command

You can use below query to update or create comment on already created table.


COMMENT ON COLUMN TableName.ColumnName IS 'comment text';


COMMENT ON COLUMN TAB_SAMBANGI.MY_COLUMN IS 'This is a comment on my column...';

Provisioning Profiles menu item missing from Xcode 5

If you like to manually manage your profiles (mostly to clean up):

  • Open Windows/Devices in Xcode 6
  • Select your device
  • Show Provisioning Profiles:
  • open provisioning profiles
  • You'll get + and - buttons to add/remove profiles:
  • profiles

No longer supported ... you can also download Apple's iPhone Configuration Utility 3.5 for Mac OS X, it still has "Provisioning Profiles" and works with Xcode 5 -- it's now gone from Apples site but you can find an alternative download link in @suda's comment.

Python : Trying to POST form using requests

Send a POST request with content type = 'form-data':

import requests
files = {
    'username': (None, 'myusername'),
    'password': (None, 'mypassword'),
response ='', files=files)

Only allow specific characters in textbox

You can probably use the KeyDown event, KeyPress event or KeyUp event. I would first try the KeyDown event I think.

You can set the Handled property of the event args to stop handling the event.

How can I round down a number in Javascript?

You can try to use this function if you need to round down to a specific number of decimal places

function roundDown(number, decimals) {
    decimals = decimals || 0;
    return ( Math.floor( number * Math.pow(10, decimals) ) / Math.pow(10, decimals) );


alert(roundDown(999.999999)); // 999
alert(roundDown(999.999999, 3)); // 999.999
alert(roundDown(999.999999, -1)); // 990

How to add and remove classes in Javascript without jQuery

I'm using this simple code for this task:

CSS Code

.demo {
     background: tomato;
     color: white;

Javascript code

function myFunction() {
    /* Assign element to x variable by id  */
    var x = document.getElementById('para);

    if (x.hasAttribute('class') {      
    } else {
        x.setAttribute('class', 'demo');

Rails 2.3.4 Persisting Model on Validation Failure

In your controller, render the new action from your create action if validation fails, with an instance variable, @car populated from the user input (i.e., the params hash). Then, in your view, add a logic check (either an if block around the form or a ternary on the helpers, your choice) that automatically sets the value of the form fields to the params values passed in to @car if car exists. That way, the form will be blank on first visit and in theory only be populated on re-render in the case of error. In any case, they will not be populated unless @car is set.

"ImportError: no module named 'requests'" after installing with pip

I had this error before when I was executing a python3 script, after this:

sudo pip3 install requests

the problem solved, If you are using python3, give a shot.

while EOF in JAVA?


This is correct in java programming language

Swift - how to make custom header for UITableView?

Did you set the section header height in the viewDidLoad?

self.tableView.sectionHeaderHeight = 70

Plus you should replace




Finally you have to check your frames

let view = UIView(frame: CGRect.zeroRect)

and eventually the desired text color as it seems to be currently white on white.

Multiple actions were found that match the request in Web Api

For example => TestController

        public string TestMethod(int arg0)
            return "";

        public string TestMethod2(string arg0)
            return "";

        public string TestMethod3(int arg0,string arg1)
            return "";

If you can only change WebApiConfig.cs file.

                name: "DefaultApi",
                routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/",
                defaults: null

Thats it :)

And Result : enter image description here

How do I connect to an MDF database file?

string sqlCon = @"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;" +
                Integrated Security=True;
                Connect Timeout=30;
                User Instance=True";
SqlConnection Con = new SqlConnection(sqlCon);

The filepath should have |DataDirectory| which actually links to "current project directory\App_Data\" or "current project directory" and get the .mdf file.....Place the .mdf in either of these places and should work in visual studio 2010.And when you use the standalone application on production system, then the current path where the executable file is, should have the .mdf file.

Does a valid XML file require an XML declaration?

In XML 1.0, the XML Declaration is optional. See section 2.8 of the XML 1.0 Recommendation, where it says it "should" be used -- which means it is recommended, but not mandatory. In XML 1.1, however, the declaration is mandatory. See section 2.8 of the XML 1.1 Recommendation, where it says "MUST" be used. It even goes on to state that if the declaration is absent, that automatically implies the document is an XML 1.0 document.

Note that in an XML Declaration the encoding and standalone are both optional. Only the version is mandatory. Also, these are not attributes, so if they are present they must be in that order: version, followed by any encoding, followed by any standalone.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="yes"?>

If you don't specify the encoding in this way, XML parsers try to guess what encoding is being used. The XML 1.0 Recommendation describes one possible way character encoding can be autodetected. In practice, this is not much of a problem if the input is encoded as UTF-8, UTF-16 or US-ASCII. Autodetection doesn't work when it encounters 8-bit encodings that use characters outside the US-ASCII range (e.g. ISO 8859-1) -- avoid creating these if you can.

The standalone indicates whether the XML document can be correctly processed without the DTD or not. People rarely use it. These days, it is a bad to design an XML format that is missing information without its DTD.


A "prolog error/invalid utf-8 encoding" error indicates that the actual data the parser found inside the file did not match the encoding that the XML declaration says it is. Or in some cases the data inside the file did not match the autodetected encoding.

Since your file contains a byte-order-mark (BOM) it should be in UTF-16 encoding. I suspect that your declaration says <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> which is obviously incorrect when the file has been changed into UTF-16 by NotePad. The simple solution is to remove the encoding and simply say <?xml version="1.0"?>. You could also edit it to say encoding="UTF-16" but that would be wrong for the original file (which wasn't in UTF-16) or if the file somehow gets changed back to UTF-8 or some other encoding.

Don't bother trying to remove the BOM -- that's not the cause of the problem. Using NotePad or WordPad to edit XML is the real problem!

Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin:jar:2.4

On my side it was coming from an error in my settings.xml file. I had a bad tag. Just removed it, refreshed and i was good to go.

How to write PNG image to string with the PIL?

save() can take a file-like object as well as a path, so you can use an in-memory buffer like a StringIO:

buf = StringIO.StringIO(), format='JPEG')
jpeg = buf.getvalue()

\r\n, \r and \n what is the difference between them?

A carriage return (\r) makes the cursor jump to the first column (begin of the line) while the newline (\n) jumps to the next line and eventually to the beginning of that line. So to be sure to be at the first position within the next line one uses both.

How can I install a local gem?

if you download the project file from github or other scm host site, use gem build to build the project first, so you can get a whatever.gem file in current directory. Then gem install it!

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject Error

You need to include xmlbeans-xxx.jar and if you have downloaded the POI binary zip, you will get the xmlbeans-xxx.jar in ooxml-lib folder (eg: \poi-3.11\ooxml-lib)

This jar is used for XML binding which is applicable for .xlsx files.

MySQL config file location - redhat linux server

On RH systems, MySQL configuration file is located under /etc/my.cnf by default.

How to force an entire layout View refresh?

Just set your content view in onresume

setContentView(R.layout.yourview) inside onResume..


public void onResume(){

Parse HTML table to Python list?

Sven Marnach excellent solution is directly translatable into ElementTree which is part of recent Python distributions:

from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

s = """<table>
  <tr><th>Event</th><th>Start Date</th><th>End Date</th></tr>

table = ET.XML(s)
rows = iter(table)
headers = [col.text for col in next(rows)]
for row in rows:
    values = [col.text for col in row]
    print(dict(zip(headers, values)))

same output as Sven Marnach's answer...

How to add a “readonly” attribute to an <input>?

You can disable the readonly by using the .removeAttr;


Allow only numbers to be typed in a textbox

You also can use some HTML5 attributes, some browsers might already take advantage of them (type="number" min="0").

Whatever you do, remember to re-check your inputs on the server side: you can never assume the client-side validation has been performed.

Complex nesting of partials and templates

UPDATE: Check out AngularUI's new project to address this problem

For subsections it's as easy as leveraging strings in ng-include:

<ul id="subNav">
  <li><a ng-click="subPage='section1/subpage1.htm'">Sub Page 1</a></li>
  <li><a ng-click="subPage='section1/subpage2.htm'">Sub Page 2</a></li>
  <li><a ng-click="subPage='section1/subpage3.htm'">Sub Page 3</a></li>
<ng-include src="subPage"></ng-include>

Or you can create an object in case you have links to sub pages all over the place:

$scope.pages = { page1: 'section1/subpage1.htm', ... };
<ul id="subNav">
  <li><a ng-click="subPage='page1'">Sub Page 1</a></li>
  <li><a ng-click="subPage='page2'">Sub Page 2</a></li>
  <li><a ng-click="subPage='page3'">Sub Page 3</a></li>
<ng-include src="pages[subPage]"></ng-include>

Or you can even use $routeParams

$routeProvider.when('/home', ...);
$routeProvider.when('/home/:tab', ...);
$scope.params = $routeParams;
<ul id="subNav">
  <li><a href="#/home/tab1">Sub Page 1</a></li>
  <li><a href="#/home/tab2">Sub Page 2</a></li>
  <li><a href="#/home/tab3">Sub Page 3</a></li>
<ng-include src=" '/home/' + tab + '.html' "></ng-include>

You can also put an ng-controller at the top-most level of each partial

Find and replace strings in vim on multiple lines

Replace All:


Find each occurrence of 'foo' (in all lines), and replace it with 'bar'.

For specific lines:


Change each 'foo' to 'bar' for all lines from line 6 to line 10 inclusive.

How can I reorder a list?

If you do not care so much about efficiency, you could rely on numpy's array indexing to make it elegant:

a = ['123', 'abc', 456]
order = [2, 0, 1]
a2 = list( np.array(a, dtype=object)[order] )

forcing web-site to show in landscape mode only

I had to play with the widths of my main containers:

html {
  @media only screen and (orientation: portrait) and (max-width: 555px) {
    transform: rotate(90deg);
    width: calc(155%);
    .content {
      width: calc(155%);

Converting a JS object to an array using jQuery


Object.keys(myObj).map(function(x) { return myObj[x]; })


Object.keys(myObj).map(x => myObj[x])

Most efficient way to append arrays in C#?

You can't append to an actual array - the size of an array is fixed at creation time. Instead, use a List<T> which can grow as it needs to.

Alternatively, keep a list of arrays, and concatenate them all only when you've grabbed everything.

See Eric Lippert's blog post on arrays for more detail and insight than I could realistically provide :)

sql select with column name like

This will show you the table name and column name

select table_name,column_name from information_schema.columns
where column_name like '%breakfast%'

Node.js Best Practice Exception Handling

One instance where using a try-catch might be appropriate is when using a forEach loop. It is synchronous but at the same time you cannot just use a return statement in the inner scope. Instead a try and catch approach can be used to return an Error object in the appropriate scope. Consider:

function processArray() {
    try { 
       [1, 2, 3].forEach(function() { throw new Error('exception'); }); 
    } catch (e) { 
       return e; 

It is a combination of the approaches described by @balupton above.

Android - java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: starting Intent

if we make the particular activity as


it will be the launching activity. Click on the module name just to the left of the run button and click on "Edit configurations..." Now make sure "Launch default Activity" is selected.

how to get file path from sd card in android

maybe you are having the same problem i had, my tablet has a SD card on it, in /mnt/sdcard and the sd card external was in /mnt/extcard, you can look it on the android file manager, going to your sd card and see the path to it.

Hope it helps.

C++ equivalent of StringBuffer/StringBuilder?

Since std::string in C++ is mutable you can use that. It has a += operator and an append function.

If you need to append numerical data use the std::to_string functions.

If you want even more flexibility in the form of being able to serialise any object to a string then use the std::stringstream class. But you'll need to implement your own streaming operator functions for it to work with your own custom classes.

Get difference between two dates in months using Java

If you can't use JodaTime, you can do the following:

Calendar startCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
Calendar endCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();

int diffYear = endCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) - startCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int diffMonth = diffYear * 12 + endCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) - startCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);

Note that if your dates are 2013-01-31 and 2013-02-01, you get a distance of 1 month this way, which may or may not be what you want.

What's the difference between implementation and compile in Gradle?

Gradle 3.0 introduced next changes:

  • compile -> api

    api keyword is the same as deprecated compile which expose this dependency for all levels

  • compile -> implementation

    Is preferable way because has some advantages. implementation expose dependency only for one level up at build time (the dependency is available at runtime). As a result you have a faster build(no need to recompile consumers which are higher then 1 level up)

  • provided -> compileOnly

    This dependency is available only in compile time(the dependency is not available at runtime). This dependency can not be transitive and be .aar. It can be used with compile time annotation processor and allows you to reduce a final output file

  • compile -> annotationProcessor

    Very similar to compileOnly but also guarantees that transitive dependency are not visible for consumer

  • apk -> runtimeOnly

    Dependency is not available in compile time but available at runtime.

[POM dependency type]

MySQL Select Query - Get only first 10 characters of a value

Using the below line

SELECT LEFT(subject , 10) FROM tbl 

MySQL Doc.

Extend a java class from one file in another java file

You don't.

If you want to extend Person with Student, just do:

public class Student extends Person

And make sure, when you compile both classes, one can find the other one.

What IDE are you using?