Programs & Examples On #Mondrian

Mondrian is an open source OLAP (online analytical processing) server, written in Java. It supports the MDX (multidimensional expressions) query language and the XML for Analysis and olap4j interface specifications. It reads from SQL and other data sources and aggregates data in a memory cache. It is owned and maintained by Pentaho

Random date in C#

This is in slight response to Joel's comment about making a slighly more optimized version. Instead of returning a random date directly, why not return a generator function which can be called repeatedly to create a random date.

Func<DateTime> RandomDayFunc()
    DateTime start = new DateTime(1995, 1, 1); 
    Random gen = new Random(); 
    int range = ((TimeSpan)(DateTime.Today - start)).Days; 
    return () => start.AddDays(gen.Next(range));

Detect Click into Iframe using JavaScript

Here is solution using suggested approaches with hover+blur and active element tricks, not any libraries, just pure js. Works fine for FF/Chrome. Mostly approache is same as @Mohammed Radwan proposed, except that I use different method proposed by @zone117x to track iframe click for FF, because window.focus is not working without addition user settings:

Makes a request to bring the window to the front. It may fail due to user settings and the window isn't guaranteed to be frontmost before this method returns.

Here is compound method:

function () {
    const state = {};

    (function (setup) {
        if (typeof window.addEventListener !== 'undefined') {
            window.addEventListener('load', setup, false);
        } else if (typeof document.addEventListener !== 'undefined') {
            document.addEventListener('load', setup, false);
        } else if (typeof window.attachEvent !== 'undefined') {
            window.attachEvent('onload', setup);
        } else {
            if (typeof window.onload === 'function') {
                const oldonload = onload;
                window.onload = function () {
            } else {
                window.onload = setup;
    })(function () {
        state.isOverIFrame = false;
        state.firstBlur = false;
        state.hasFocusAcquired = false;


        document.body.addEventListener('click', onClick);

        if (typeof window.attachEvent !== 'undefined') {
            top.attachEvent('onblur', function () {
                state.firstBlur = true;
                state.hasFocusAcquired = false;
            top.attachEvent('onfocus', function () {
                state.hasFocusAcquired = true;
        } else if (typeof window.addEventListener !== 'undefined') {
            top.addEventListener('blur', function () {
                state.firstBlur = true;
                state.hasFocusAcquired = false;
            }, false);
            top.addEventListener('focus', function () {
                state.hasFocusAcquired = true;

        setInterval(findIFramesAndBindListeners, 500);

    function isFF() {
        return !== -1;

    function isActiveElementChanged() {
        const prevActiveTag = document.activeElement.tagName.toUpperCase();
        const currActiveTag = document.activeElement.tagName.toUpperCase();
        return !prevActiveTag.includes('BODY') && currActiveTag.includes('BODY');

    function onMouseOut() {
        if (!state.firstBlur && isFF() && isActiveElementChanged()) {
            console.log('firefox first click');
        } else {
        state.isOverIFrame = false;

    function onMouseOver() {
        state.isOverIFrame = true;

    function onIFrameClick() {
        if (state.isOverIFrame) {

    function onClick() {

    function findIFramesAndBindListeners() {
        return Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'))
            .forEach(function (element) {
                element.onmouseover = onMouseOver;
                element.onmouseout = onMouseOut;

AmazonS3 putObject with InputStream length example

For uploading, the S3 SDK has two putObject methods:

PutObjectRequest(String bucketName, String key, File file)


PutObjectRequest(String bucketName, String key, InputStream input, ObjectMetadata metadata)

The inputstream+ObjectMetadata method needs a minimum metadata of Content Length of your inputstream. If you don't, then it will buffer in-memory to get that information, this could cause OOM. Alternatively, you could do your own in-memory buffering to get the length, but then you need to get a second inputstream.

Not asked by the OP (limitations of his environment), but for someone else, such as me. I find it easier, and safer (if you have access to temp file), to write the inputstream to a temp file, and put the temp file. No in-memory buffer, and no requirement to create a second inputstream.

AmazonS3 s3Service = new AmazonS3Client(awsCredentials);
File scratchFile = File.createTempFile("prefix", "suffix");
try {
    FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(inputStream, scratchFile);    
    PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, id, scratchFile);
    PutObjectResult putObjectResult = s3Service.putObject(putObjectRequest);

} finally {
    if(scratchFile.exists()) {

JavaScript sleep/wait before continuing

JS does not have a sleep function, it has setTimeout() or setInterval() functions.

If you can move the code that you need to run after the pause into the setTimeout() callback, you can do something like this:

//code before the pause
    //do what you need here
}, 2000);

see example here :

This won't halt the execution of your script, but due to the fact that setTimeout() is an asynchronous function, this code

    console.log("THIS IS");
}, 2000);

will print this in the console:


(note that DOG is printed before THIS IS)

You can use the following code to simulate a sleep for short periods of time:

function sleep(milliseconds) {
  var start = new Date().getTime();
  for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
    if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds){

now, if you want to sleep for 1 second, just use:



please note that this code will keep your script busy for n milliseconds. This will not only stop execution of Javascript on your page, but depending on the browser implementation, may possibly make the page completely unresponsive, and possibly make the entire browser unresponsive. In other words this is almost always the wrong thing to do.

How is the default max Java heap size determined?


As of Java 8u191 you now have the options:


that can be used to size the heap as a percentage of the usable physical RAM. (which is same as the RAM installed less what the kernel uses).

See Release Notes for Java8 u191 for more information. Note that the options are mentioned under a Docker heading but in fact they apply whether you are in Docker environment or in a traditional environment.

The default value for MaxRAMPercentage is 25%. This is extremely conservative.

My own rule: If your host is more or less dedicated to running the given java application, then you can without problems increase dramatically. If you are on Linux, only running standard daemons and have installed RAM from somewhere around 1 Gb and up then I wouldn't hesitate to use 75% for the JVM's heap. Again, remember that this is 75% of the RAM available, not the RAM installed. What is left is the other user land processes that may be running on the host and the other types of memory that the JVM needs (eg for stack). All together, this will typically fit nicely in the 25% that is left. Obviously, with even more installed RAM the 75% is a safer and safer bet. (I wish the JDK folks had implemented an option where you could specify a ladder)

Setting the MaxRAMPercentage option look like this:

java -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=75.0  ....

Note that these percentage values are of 'double' type and therefore you must specify them with a decimal dot. You get a somewhat odd error if you use "75" instead of "75.0".

SQL-Server: Error - Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use

For me, the solution is:

  1. Check Overwrite the existing database(WITH REPLACE) in optoins tab at left hand side.

  2. Uncheck all other options.

  3. Select source and destination database.

  4. Click ok.

That's it.

@font-face not working

By using the .. operator, you've have duplicated the folder path - and will get something like this : /wp-content/themes/wp-content/themes/twentysixteen/fonts/.

Use the console in your browser to see for this error.

How to get folder path for ClickOnce application

To find the folder location, you can just run the app, open the task manager (CTRL-SHIFT-ESC), select the app and right-click|Open file location.

Bootstrap: change background color

You could hard code it.

<div class="col-md-6" style="background-color:blue;">

<div class="col-md-6" style="background-color:white;">

How to sort an array of objects by multiple fields?

Here 'AffiliateDueDate' and 'Title' are columns, both are sorted in ascending order.

array.sort(function(a, b) {

               if (a.AffiliateDueDate > b.AffiliateDueDate ) return 1;
               else if (a.AffiliateDueDate < b.AffiliateDueDate ) return -1;
               else if (a.Title > b.Title ) return 1;
               else if (a.Title < b.Title ) return -1;
               else return 0;

Xcode warning: "Multiple build commands for output file"

One of simple way is,

  • Go to App target
  • Go to Build Phases
  • Output files
  • Delete path of out put files, then build project. It will run successfully.

Get characters after last / in url

Here's a beautiful dynamic function I wrote to remove last part of url or path.

 * remove the last directories
 * @param $path the path
 * @param $level number of directories to remove
 * @return string
private function removeLastDir($path, $level)
    if(is_int($level) && $level > 0){
        $path = preg_replace('#\/[^/]*$#', '', $path);
        return $this->removeLastDir($path, (int) $level - 1);
    return $path;

Anaconda Navigator won't launch (windows 10)

Faced the same problem. 'conda update' does not work; It gives the error : "CondaValueError: no package names supplied"

On executing the following commands, I was able to launch the Anaconda navigator:

conda update -n base conda

conda update anaconda-navigator

Jersey stopped working with InjectionManagerFactory not found

Choose which DI to inject stuff into Jersey:

Spring 4:


Spring 3:




Wrapping a react-router Link in an html button

While this will render in a web browser, beware that:
??Nesting an html button in an html a (or vice-versa) is not valid html ??. If you want to keep your html semantic to screen readers, use another approach.

Do wrapping in the reverse way and you get the original button with the Link attached. No CSS changes required.

 <Link to="/dashboard">
     <button type="button">
          Click Me!

Here button is HTML button. It is also applicable to the components imported from third party libraries like Semantic-UI-React.

 import { Button } from 'semantic-ui-react'
 <Link to="/dashboard">
     <Button style={myStyle}>
        <p>Click Me!</p>

Convert Month Number to Month Name Function in SQL

Use this statement to convert Month numeric value to Month name.


How do I reference a cell range from one worksheet to another using excel formulas?

Its quite simple but not easy to discover --- Go here to read more. its from the official microsoft website

Step 1 - Click the cell or range of the source sheet (that contains the data you want to link to)

Step 2 Press Ctrl+C, or go to the Home tab, and in the Clipboard group, click Copy Button image .

Step 3 Clipboard group on the Home tab

Step 4 Press Ctrl+V, or go to the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Paste Link Button. By default, the Paste Options Button image button appears when you paste copied data.

Step 5 Click the Paste Options button, and then click Paste Link .

Change text from "Submit" on input tag

The value attribute is used to determine the rendered label of a submit input.

<input type="submit" class="like" value="Like" />

Note that if the control is successful (this one won't be as it has no name) this will also be the submitted value for it.

To have a different submitted value and label you need to use a button element, in which the textNode inside the element determines the label. You can include other elements (including <img> here).

<button type="submit" class="like" name="foo" value="bar">Like</button>

Note that support for <button> is dodgy in older versions of Internet Explorer.

Creating a custom JButton in Java

Yes, this is possible. One of the main pros for using Swing is the ease with which the abstract controls can be created and manipulates.

Here is a quick and dirty way to extend the existing JButton class to draw a circle to the right of the text.

package test;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Graphics;

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class MyButton extends JButton {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private Color circleColor = Color.BLACK;

    public MyButton(String label) {

    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

        Dimension originalSize = super.getPreferredSize();
        int gap = (int) (originalSize.height * 0.2);
        int x = originalSize.width + gap;
        int y = gap;
        int diameter = originalSize.height - (gap * 2);

        g.fillOval(x, y, diameter, diameter);

    public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
        Dimension size = super.getPreferredSize();
        size.width += size.height;
        return size;

    /*Test the button*/
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MyButton button = new MyButton("Hello, World!");

        JFrame frame = new JFrame();
        frame.setSize(400, 400);

        Container contentPane = frame.getContentPane();
        contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());



Note that by overriding paintComponent that the contents of the button can be changed, but that the border is painted by the paintBorder method. The getPreferredSize method also needs to be managed in order to dynamically support changes to the content. Care needs to be taken when measuring font metrics and image dimensions.

For creating a control that you can rely on, the above code is not the correct approach. Dimensions and colours are dynamic in Swing and are dependent on the look and feel being used. Even the default Metal look has changed across JRE versions. It would be better to implement AbstractButton and conform to the guidelines set out by the Swing API. A good starting point is to look at the javax.swing.LookAndFeel and javax.swing.UIManager classes.

Understanding the anatomy of LookAndFeel is useful for writing controls: Creating a Custom Look and Feel

Add a property to a JavaScript object using a variable as the name?

With the advent of ES2015 Object.assign and computed property names the OP's code boils down to:

var obj = Object.assign.apply({}, $(itemsFromDom).map((i, el) => ({[]: el.value})));

C# List of objects, how do I get the sum of a property

Another alternative:

myPlanetsList.Select(i => i.Moons).Sum();

How to suppress Pandas Future warning ?

@bdiamante's answer may only partially help you. If you still get a message after you've suppressed warnings, it's because the pandas library itself is printing the message. There's not much you can do about it unless you edit the Pandas source code yourself. Maybe there's an option internally to suppress them, or a way to override things, but I couldn't find one.

For those who need to know why...

Suppose that you want to ensure a clean working environment. At the top of your script, you put pd.reset_option('all'). With Pandas 0.23.4, you get the following:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> pd.reset_option('all')
html.border has been deprecated, use display.html.border instead
(currently both are identical)

C:\projects\stackoverflow\venv\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ FutureWarning: html.bord
er has been deprecated, use display.html.border instead
(currently both are identical)

  warnings.warn(d.msg, FutureWarning)

: boolean
    use_inf_as_null had been deprecated and will be removed in a future
    version. Use `use_inf_as_na` instead.

C:\projects\stackoverflow\venv\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ FutureWarning:
: boolean
    use_inf_as_null had been deprecated and will be removed in a future
    version. Use `use_inf_as_na` instead.

  warnings.warn(d.msg, FutureWarning)


Following the @bdiamante's advice, you use the warnings library. Now, true to it's word, the warnings have been removed. However, several pesky messages remain:

>>> import warnings
>>> warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> pd.reset_option('all')
html.border has been deprecated, use display.html.border instead
(currently both are identical)

: boolean
    use_inf_as_null had been deprecated and will be removed in a future
    version. Use `use_inf_as_na` instead.


In fact, disabling all warnings produces the same output:

>>> import warnings
>>> warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=Warning)
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> pd.reset_option('all')
html.border has been deprecated, use display.html.border instead
(currently both are identical)

: boolean
    use_inf_as_null had been deprecated and will be removed in a future
    version. Use `use_inf_as_na` instead.


In the standard library sense, these aren't true warnings. Pandas implements its own warnings system. Running grep -rn on the warning messages shows that the pandas warning system is implemented in core/

$ grep -rn "html.border has been deprecated"
core/ has been deprecated, use display.html.border instead

Further chasing shows that I don't have time for this. And you probably don't either. Hopefully this saves you from falling down the rabbit hole or perhaps inspires someone to figure out how to truly suppress these messages!

How to see log files in MySQL?

In my (I have LAMP installed) /etc/mysql/my.cnf file I found following, commented lines in [mysqld] section:

general_log_file        = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
general_log             = 1

I had to open this file as superuser, with terminal:

sudo geany /etc/mysql/my.cnf

(I prefer to use Geany instead of gedit or VI, it doesn't matter)

I just uncommented them & save the file then restart MySQL with

sudo service MySQL restart

Run several queries, open the above file (/var/log/mysql/mysql.log) and the log was there :)

Calling Scalar-valued Functions in SQL

Make sure you have the correct database selected. You may have the master database selected if you are trying to run it in a new query window.

How to parse JSON without JSON.NET library?

Have you tried using JavaScriptSerializer ? There's also DataContractJsonSerializer

Intersection and union of ArrayLists in Java

I think you should use a Set to hold the files if you want to do intersection and union on them. Then you can use Guava's Sets class to do union, intersection and filtering by a Predicate as well. The difference between these methods and the other suggestions is that all of these methods create lazy views of the union, intersection, etc. of the two sets. Apache Commons creates a new collection and copies data to it. retainAll changes one of your collections by removing elements from it.

How to decrypt Hash Password in Laravel

Short answer is that you don't 'decrypt' the password (because it's not encrypted - it's hashed).

The long answer is that you shouldn't send the user their password by email, or any other way. If the user has forgotten their password, you should send them a password reset email, and allow them to change their password on your website.

Laravel has most of this functionality built in (see the Laravel documentation - I'm not going to replicate it all here. Also available for versions 4.2 and 5.0 of Laravel).

For further reading, check out this 'blogoverflow' post: Why passwords should be hashed.

c# search string in txt file

If your pair of lines will only appear once in your file, you could use

    .SkipWhile(line => !line.Contains("CustomerEN"))
    .Skip(1) // optional
    .TakeWhile(line => !line.Contains("CustomerCh"));

If you could have multiple occurrences in one file, you're probably better off using a regular foreach loop - reading lines, keeping track of whether you're currently inside or outside a customer etc:

List<List<string>> groups = new List<List<string>>();
List<string> current = null;
foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines(pathToFile))
    if (line.Contains("CustomerEN") && current == null)
        current = new List<string>();
    else if (line.Contains("CustomerCh") && current != null)
        current = null;
    if (current != null)

Terminating a script in PowerShell

Exit will exit PowerShell too. If you wish to "break" out of just the current function or script - use Break :)

If ($Breakout -eq $true)
     Write-Host "Break Out!"
ElseIf ($Breakout -eq $false)
     Write-Host "No Breakout for you!"
    Write-Host "Breakout wasn't defined..."

Why does Git say my master branch is "already up to date" even though it is not?

Just a friendly reminder if you have files locally that aren't in github and yet your git status says

Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working tree clean

It can happen if the files are in .gitignore

Try running

cat .gitignore 

and seeing if these files show up there. That would explain why git doesn't want to move them to the remote.

How to add two edit text fields in an alert dialog

I found another set of examples for customizing an AlertDialog from a guy named Mossila. I think they're better than Google's examples. To quickly see Google's API demos, you must import their demo jar(s) into your project, which you probably don't want.

But Mossila's example code is fully self-contained. It can be directly cut-and-pasted into your project. It just works! Then you only need to tweak it to your needs. See here

What is the difference between List and ArrayList?

There's no difference between list implementations in both of your examples. There's however a difference in a way you can further use variable myList in your code.

When you define your list as:

List myList = new ArrayList();

you can only call methods and reference members that are defined in the List interface. If you define it as:

ArrayList myList = new ArrayList();

you'll be able to invoke ArrayList-specific methods and use ArrayList-specific members in addition to those whose definitions are inherited from List.

Nevertheless, when you call a method of a List interface in the first example, which was implemented in ArrayList, the method from ArrayList will be called (because the List interface doesn't implement any methods).

That's called polymorphism. You can read up on it.

Is there a goto statement in Java?

Because although the Java language doesn't use it, JVM bytecode does.

What good are SQL Server schemas?

I don't see the benefit in aliasing out users tied to Schemas. Here is why....

Most people connect their user accounts to databases via roles initially, As soon as you assign a user to either the sysadmin, or the database role db_owner, in any form, that account is either aliased to the "dbo" user account, or has full permissions on a database. Once that occurs, no matter how you assign yourself to a scheme beyond your default schema (which has the same name as your user account), those dbo rights are assigned to those object you create under your user and schema. Its kinda pointless.....and just a namespace and confuses true ownership on those objects. Its poor design if you ask me....whomever designed it.

What they should have done is created "Groups", and thrown out schemas and role and just allow you to tier groups of groups in any combination you like, then at each tier tell the system if permissions are inherited, denied, or overwritten with custom ones. This would have been so much more intuitive and allowed DBA's to better control who the real owners are on those objects. Right now its implied in most cases the dbo default SQL Server user has those rights....not the user.

Sort rows in data.table in decreasing order on string key `order(-x,v)` gives error on data.table 1.9.4 or earlier

You can only use - on the numeric entries, so you can use decreasing and negate the ones you want in increasing order:

      x y v
 [1,] c 1 7
 [2,] c 3 8
 [3,] c 6 9
 [4,] b 1 1
 [5,] b 3 2
 [6,] b 6 3
 [7,] a 1 4
 [8,] a 3 5
 [9,] a 6 6

Redirect Windows cmd stdout and stderr to a single file

You want:

dir > a.txt 2>&1

The syntax 2>&1 will redirect 2 (stderr) to 1 (stdout). You can also hide messages by redirecting to NUL, more explanation and examples on MSDN.

Where is the correct location to put in an Eclipse project?

You do not want to have the packaged with your project deployable -- that is a bad idea, as other posters have mentioned.

Find the root Tomcat installation that Eclipse is pointing to when it runs your application, and add the file in the proper place there. For Tomcat 7, the right place is


What is the difference between const and readonly in C#?

Const: Absolute constant value during the application life time.

Readonly: It can be changed in running time.

Display text on MouseOver for image in html

You can use CSS hover in combination with an image background.


    display: block;

.image  a {
    display: none;

.image  a:hover {
    display: block;


<div class="image"><a href="#">Text you want on mouseover</a></div>

The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel

For .Net v4.0 I noticed, setting the value of ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol to (SecurityProtocolType)3072 but before creating the HttpWebRequest object helped.

What does "collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" mean?

Try running task manager to determine if your program is still running.

If it is running then stop it and run it again. the [Error] ld returned 1 exit status will not come back

Spark Dataframe distinguish columns with duplicated name

This is how we can join two Dataframes on same column names in PySpark.

df = df1.join(df2, ['col1','col2','col3'])

If you do printSchema() after this then you can see that duplicate columns have been removed.

Javascript Audio Play on click


<button onclick="play()">Play File</button>
<audio id="audio" src=""></audio>


let play = function(){document.getElementById("audio").play()}

Better/Faster to Loop through set or list?

For simplicity's sake: newList = list(set(oldList))

But there are better options out there if you'd like to get speed/ordering/optimization instead:

send mail to multiple receiver with HTML mailto

"There are no safe means of assigning multiple recipients to a single mailto: link via HTML. There are safe, non-HTML, ways of assigning multiple recipients from a mailto: link."

For a quick fix to your problem, change your ; to a comma , and eliminate the spaces between email addresses

<a href='mailto:[email protected],[email protected]'>Email Us</a>

What is the difference between Hibernate and Spring Data JPA

Hibernate is a JPA implementation, while Spring Data JPA is a JPA data access abstraction. Spring Data JPA cannot work without a JPA provider.

Spring Data offers a solution to the DDD Repository pattern or the legacy GenericDao custom implementations. It can also generate JPA queries on your behalf through method name conventions.

With Spring Data, you may use Hibernate, EclipseLink, or any other JPA provider. A very interesting benefit of using Spring or Java EE is that you can control transaction boundaries declaratively using the @Transactional annotation.

Spring JDBC is much more lightweight, and it's intended for native querying, and if you only intend to use JDBC alone, then you are better off using Spring JDBC to deal with the JDBC verbosity.

Therefore, Hibernate and Spring Data are complementary rather than competitors.

bundle install fails with SSL certificate verification error

The reason is old rubygems. You need to update system part using non ssl source first:

gem update --system --source (temporarily updating system part using non-ssl connection).

Now you're ready to use gem update.

Getting Hour and Minute in PHP

print date('H:i');
$var = date('H:i');

Should do it, for the current time. Use a lower case h for 12 hour clock instead of 24 hour.

More date time formats listed here.

Npm Error - No matching version found for

Removing package-lock.json should be the last resort, at least for projects that have reached production status. After having the same error as described in this question, I found that my package-lock.json was corrupt, even though it was generated. One of the packages had itself as an empty dependency, in this example jsdoc:

        "jsdoc": {
        "version": "x.y.z",
        . . . . . . 
        "dependencies": {
            . . . . . ,
            "jsdoc": {},
            "taffydb": {
             . . . . . 

Please note I have omitted irrelevant parts of the code in this example.

I just removed the empty dependency "jsdoc": {}, and it was OK again.

How to find the operating system version using JavaScript?

var OSName = "Unknown";
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 10.0")!= -1) OSName="Windows 10";
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 6.3") != -1) OSName="Windows 8.1";
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 6.2") != -1) OSName="Windows 8";
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 6.1") != -1) OSName="Windows 7";
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 6.0") != -1) OSName="Windows Vista";
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 5.1") != -1) OSName="Windows XP";
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 5.0") != -1) OSName="Windows 2000";
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac")            != -1) OSName="Mac/iOS";
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("X11")            != -1) OSName="UNIX";
if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Linux")          != -1) OSName="Linux";

What are queues in jQuery?

This thread helped me a lot with my problem, but I've used $.queue in a different way and thought I would post what I came up with here. What I needed was a sequence of events (frames) to be triggered, but the sequence to be built dynamically. I have a variable number of placeholders, each of which should contain an animated sequence of images. The data is held in an array of arrays, so I loop through the arrays to build each sequence for each of the placeholders like this:

/* create an empty queue */
var theQueue = $({});
/* loop through the data array */
for (var i = 0; i < ph.length; i++) {
    for (var l = 0; l < ph[i].length; l++) {
        /* create a function which swaps an image, and calls the next function in the queue */
        theQueue.queue("anim", new Function("cb", "$('ph_"+i+"' img').attr('src', '/images/"+i+"/"+l+".png');cb();"));
        /* set the animation speed */
/* start the animation */

This is a simplified version of the script I have arrived at, but should show the principle - when a function is added to the queue, it is added using the Function constructor - this way the function can be written dynamically using variables from the loop(s). Note the way the function is passed the argument for the next() call, and this is invoked at the end. The function in this case has no time dependency (it doesn't use $.fadeIn or anything like that), so I stagger the frames using $.delay.

Validate date in dd/mm/yyyy format using JQuery Validate

If you use the moment js library it can easily be done like this -

jQuery.validator.addMethod("validDate", function(value, element) {
        return this.optional(element) || moment(value,"DD/MM/YYYY").isValid();
    }, "Please enter a valid date in the format DD/MM/YYYY");

Position Relative vs Absolute?

Both “relative” and “absolute” positioning are really relative, just with different framework. “Absolute” positioning is relative to the position of another, enclosing element. “Relative” positioning is relative to the position that the element itself would have without positioning.

It depends on your needs and goals which one you use. “Relative” position is suitable when you wish to displace an element from the position it would otherwise have in the flow of elements, e.g. to make some characters appear in a superscript position. “Absolute” positioning is suitable for placing an element in some system of coordinates set by another element, e.g. to “overprint” an image with some text.

As a special, use “relative” positioning with no displacement (just setting position: relative) to make an element a frame of reference, so that you can use “absolute” positioning for elements that are inside it (in markup).

Convert this string to datetime

Use DateTime::createFromFormat

$date = date_create_from_format('d/m/Y:H:i:s', $s);

C# Create New T()

Take a look at new Constraint

public class MyClass<T> where T : new()
    protected T GetObject()
        return new T();

T could be a class that does not have a default constructor: in this case new T() would be an invalid statement. The new() constraint says that T must have a default constructor, which makes new T() legal.

You can apply the same constraint to a generic method:

public static T GetObject<T>() where T : new()
    return new T();

If you need to pass parameters:

protected T GetObject(params object[] args)
    return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), args);

Javascript communication between browser tabs/windows

There is also an experimental technology called Broadcast Channel API that is designed specifically for communication between different browser contexts with same origin. You can post messages to and recieve messages from another browser context without having a reference to it:

var channel = new BroadcastChannel("foo");
channel.onmessage = function( e ) {
  // Process messages from other contexts.
// Send message to other listening contexts.
channel.postMessage({ value: 42, type: "bar"});

Obviously this is experiental technology and is not supported accross all browsers yet.

Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'xlim' values

This error appears when the column contains character, if you check the data type it would be of type 'chr' converting the column to 'Factor' would solve this issue.

For e.g. In case you plot 'City' against 'Sales', you have to convert column 'City' to type 'Factor'

How to create a project from existing source in Eclipse and then find it?

If you creating a new project based on an existing Maven structure :

Create the project using a general project wizard and give the project the same name as just created.

If you try to create the project as a Maven project via m2e will receive an error that project/pom already exists.

Formatting Numbers by padding with leading zeros in SQL Server

As clean as it could get and give scope of replacing with variables:

Select RIGHT(REPLICATE('0',6) + EmployeeID, 6) from dbo.RequestItems

Execute combine multiple Linux commands in one line

You can separate your commands using a semi colon:

cd /my_folder;rm *.jar;svn co path to repo;mvn compile package install

Was that what you mean?

Equivalent of typedef in C#

No, there's no true equivalent of typedef. You can use 'using' directives within one file, e.g.

using CustomerList = System.Collections.Generic.List<Customer>;

but that will only impact that source file. In C and C++, my experience is that typedef is usually used within .h files which are included widely - so a single typedef can be used over a whole project. That ability does not exist in C#, because there's no #include functionality in C# that would allow you to include the using directives from one file in another.

Fortunately, the example you give does have a fix - implicit method group conversion. You can change your event subscription line to just:

gcInt.MyEvent += gcInt_MyEvent;


Read lines from a text file but skip the first two lines

You can use random access.

Open "C:\docs\TESTFILE.txt" For Random As #1 

    Position = 3    ' Define record number.
    Get #1, Position, ARecord    ' Read record.

Close #1

Is header('Content-Type:text/plain'); necessary at all?

Setting the Content-Type header will affect how a web browser treats your content. When most mainstream web browsers encounter a Content-Type of text/plain, they'll render the raw text source in the browser window (as opposed to the source rendered at HTML). It's the difference between seeing




Additionally, when using the XMLHttpRequest object, your Content-Type header will affect how the browser serializes the returned results. Prior to the takeover of AJAX frameworks like jQuery and Prototype, a common problem with AJAX responses was a Content-Type set to text/html instead of text/xml. Similar problems would likely occur if the Content-Type was text/plain.

Hidden Features of C#?

RealProxy lets you create your own proxies for existing types.

This is super-advanced and I haven't seen anyone else use it -- which may mean that it's also really not that useful for most folks -- but it's one of those things that's good to know.

Basically, the .NET RealProxy class lets you create what is called a transparent proxy to another type. Transparent in this case means that it looks completely like the proxied target object to its client -- but it's really not: it's an instance of your class, which is derived from RealProxy.

This lets you apply powerful and comprehensive interception and "intermediation" services between the client and any methods or properties invoked on the real target object. Couple this power with the factory pattern (IoC etc), and you can hand back transparent proxies instead of real objects, allowing you to intercept all calls to the real objects and perform actions before and after each method invocation. In fact, I believe this is the very functionality .NET uses for remoting across app domain, process, and machine boundaries: .NET intercepts all access, sends serialized info to the remote object, receives the response, and returns it to your code.

Maybe an example will make it clear how this can be useful: I created a reference service stack for my last job as enterprise architect which specified the standard internal composition (the "stack") of any new WCF services across the division. The model mandated that the data access layer for (say) the Foo service implement IDAL<Foo>: create a Foo, read a Foo, update a Foo, delete a Foo. Service developers used supplied common code (from me) that would locate and load the required DAL for a service:

IDAL<T> GetDAL<T>(); // retrieve data access layer for entity T

Data access strategies in that company had often been, well, performance-challenged. As an architect, I couldn't watch over every service developer to make sure that he/she wrote a performant data access layer. But what I could do within the GetDAL factory pattern was create a transparent proxy to the requested DAL (once the common service model code located the DLL and loaded it), and use high-performance timing APIs to profile all calls to any method of the DAL. Ranking laggards then is just a matter of sorting DAL call timings by descending total time. The advantage to this over development profiling (e.g. in the IDE) is that it can be done in the production environment as well, to ensure SLAs.

Here is an example of test code I wrote for the "entity profiler," which was common code to create a profiling proxy for any type with a single line:

[Test, Category("ProfileEntity")]
public void MyTest()
    // this is the object that we want profiled.
    // we would normally pass this around and call
    // methods on this instance.
    DALToBeProfiled dal = new DALToBeProfiled();

    // To profile, instead we obtain our proxy
    // and pass it around instead.
    DALToBeProfiled dalProxy = (DALToBeProfiled)EntityProfiler.Instance(dal);

    // or...
    DALToBeProfiled dalProxy2 = EntityProfiler<DALToBeProfiled>.Instance(dal);

    // Now use proxy wherever we would have used the original...
    // All methods' timings are automatically recorded
    // with a high-resolution timer

    // Output profiling results

Again, this lets you intercept all methods and properties called by the client on the target object! In your RealProxy-derived class, you have to override Invoke:

    Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure)] // per FxCop
public override IMessage Invoke(IMessage msg)
    IMethodCallMessage msgMethodCall = msg as IMethodCallMessage;
    Debug.Assert(msgMethodCall != null); // should not be null - research Invoke if this trips. KWB 2009.05.28

    // The MethodCallMessageWrapper
    // provides read/write access to the method 
    // call arguments. 
    MethodCallMessageWrapper mc =
        new MethodCallMessageWrapper(msgMethodCall);

    // This is the reflected method base of the called method. 
    MethodInfo mi = (MethodInfo)mc.MethodBase;

    IMessage retval = null;

    // Pass the call to the method and get our return value
    string profileName = ProfileClassName + "." + mi.Name;

    using (ProfileManager.Start(profileName))
        IMessage myReturnMessage =
           RemotingServices.ExecuteMessage(_target, msgMethodCall);

        retval = myReturnMessage;

    return retval;

Isn't it fascinating what .NET can do? The only restriction is that the target type must be derived from MarshalByRefObject. I hope this is helpful to someone.

Regular expression include and exclude special characters

You haven't actually asked a question, but assuming you have one, this could be your answer...

Assuming all characters, except the "Special Characters" are allowed you can write

String regex = "^[^<>'\"/;`%]*$";

Why use Select Top 100 Percent?

Kindly try the below, Hope it will work for you.

              ( SELECT COUNT(foo) 
                  From MyTable 
                 WHERE ISNUMERIC (foo) = 1) * 
                  FROM bar WITH(NOLOCK) 
              ORDER BY foo
                 WHERE CAST(foo AS int) > 100

If condition inside of map() React

You're mixing if statement with a ternary expression, that's why you're having a syntax error. It might be easier for you to understand what's going on if you extract mapping function outside of your render method:

renderItem = (id) => {
    // just standard if statement
    if (this.props.schema.collectionName.length < 0) {
        return (
    return (

Then just call it when mapping:

render() {
    return (
            <div className="box">
                            id =>
                            // note: this is only passed when in top level of document
                            ] === this.props.parentDocumentId

Of course, you could have used the ternary expression as well, it's a matter of preference. What you use, however, affects the readability, so make sure to check different ways and tips to properly do conditional rendering in react and react native.

Two color borders

Yep: Use the outline property; it acts as a second border outside of your border. Beware, tho', it can interact in a wonky fashion with margins, paddings and drop-shadows. In some browsers you might have to use a browser-specific prefix as well; in order to make sure it picks up on it: -webkit-outline and the like (although WebKit in particular doesn't require this).

This can also be useful in the case where you want to jettison the outline for certain browsers (such as is the case if you want to combine the outline with a drop shadow; in WebKit the outline is inside of the shadow; in FireFox it is outside, so -moz-outline: 0 is useful to ensure that you don't get a gnarly line around your beautiful CSS drop shadow).

.someclass {
  border: 1px solid blue;
  outline: 1px solid darkblue;

Edit: Some people have remarked that outline doesn't jive well with IE < 8. While this is true; supporting IE < 8 really isn't something you should be doing.

PHP server on local machine?

I often use following command to spin my PHP Laravel framework :

$ php artisan serve --port=8080
$ php -S localhost:8080 -t public/

In above command : - Artisan is command-line interface included with Laravel which use serve to call built in php server

To Run with built-in web server.

 php -S <addr>:<port> -T

-S : Switch to Run with built-in web server.
-T : Switch to specify document root for built-in web server.

How to get the current time in Python

>>> import datetime, time
>>> time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S:%MS", time.localtime())
>>> print time

Missing visible-** and hidden-** in Bootstrap v4

Unfortunately all classes hidden-*-up and hidden-*-down were removed from Bootstrap (as of Bootstrap Version 4 Beta, in Version 4 Alpha and Version 3 these classes still existed).

Instead, new classes d-* should be used, as mentioned here:

I found out that the new approach is less useful under some circumstances. The old approach was to HIDE elements while the new approach is to SHOW elements. Showing elements is not that easy with CSS since you need to know if the element is displayed as block, inline, inline-block, table etc.

You might want to restore the former "hidden-*" styles known from Bootstrap 3 with this CSS:

 * Restore Bootstrap 3 "hidden" utility classes.

/* Breakpoint XS */
@media (max-width: 575px)
    .hidden-xs-down, .hidden-sm-down, .hidden-md-down, .hidden-lg-down, .hidden-xl-down, 
    .hidden-unless-sm, .hidden-unless-md, .hidden-unless-lg, .hidden-unless-xl
        display: none !important;


/* Breakpoint SM */
@media (min-width: 576px) and (max-width: 767px)
    .hidden-sm-down, .hidden-md-down, .hidden-lg-down, .hidden-xl-down, 
    .hidden-xs-up, .hidden-sm-up, 
    .hidden-unless-xs, .hidden-unless-md, .hidden-unless-lg, .hidden-unless-xl
        display: none !important;

/* Breakpoint MD */
@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px)
    .hidden-md-down, .hidden-lg-down, .hidden-xl-down, 
    .hidden-xs-up, .hidden-sm-up, .hidden-md-up, 
    .hidden-unless-xs, .hidden-unless-sm, .hidden-unless-lg, .hidden-unless-xl
        display: none !important;

/* Breakpoint LG */
@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px)
    .hidden-lg-down, .hidden-xl-down, 
    .hidden-xs-up, .hidden-sm-up, .hidden-md-up, .hidden-lg-up, 
    .hidden-unless-xs, .hidden-unless-sm, .hidden-unless-md, .hidden-unless-xl
        display: none !important;

/* Breakpoint XL */
@media (min-width: 1200px)
    .hidden-xs-up, .hidden-sm-up, .hidden-md-up, .hidden-lg-up, .hidden-xl-up, 
    .hidden-unless-xs, .hidden-unless-sm, .hidden-unless-md, .hidden-unless-lg
        display: none !important;

The classes hidden-unless-* were not included in Bootstrap 3, but they are useful as well and should be self-explanatory.

Curl : connection refused restricts access on every interface on port 8000 except development computer. change it to this will allow connection from curl.

Does PHP have threading?

I have a PHP threading class that's been running flawlessly in a production environment for over two years now.

EDIT: This is now available as a composer library and as part of my MVC framework, Hazaar MVC.


Remove category & tag base from WordPress url - without a plugin

If you use Yoast SEO plugin just go to:

Search Appearance > Taxonomies > Category URLs.

And select remove from Strip the category base (usually /category/) from the category URL.

Regarding the tag removal I did not found any solution yet.

Select multiple elements from a list

mylist[c(5,7,9)] should do it.

You want the sublists returned as sublists of the result list; you don't use [[]] (or rather, the function is [[) for that -- as Dason mentions in comments, [[ grabs the element.

Angularjs error Unknown provider

Make sure you are loading those modules ( and myApp.directives) as dependencies of your main app module, like this:

angular.module('myApp', ['myApp.directives', '']);


html button to send email

 <form action="mailto:[email protected]" method="post"               enctype="text/plain">
<input type="text" name="name"><br>
<input type="text" name="mail"><br>
<input type="text" name="comment" size="50"><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Send">
<input type="reset" value="Reset">

Wait for a process to finish

I found "kill -0" does not work if the process is owned by root (or other), so I used pgrep and came up with:

while pgrep -u root process_name > /dev/null; do sleep 1; done

This would have the disadvantage of probably matching zombie processes.

How to get the nth element of a python list or a default if not available

A cheap solution is to really make a dict with enumerate and use .get() as usual, like

 dict(enumerate(l)).get(7, my_default)

C#: how to get first char of a string?

getting a char from a string may depend on the enconding (string default is UTF-16)

string str = new String(new char[] { '\uD800', '\uDC00', 'z' });
string first = str.Substring(0, char.IsHighSurrogate(str[0]) ? 2 : 1);

Xcopy Command excluding files and folders

It is same as above answers, but is simple in steps





to copy all above folders to c:\DST\ except folder1 and folder2.

Step1: create a file c:\list.txt with below content, one folder name per one line



Step2: Go to command pompt and run as below xcopy c:\SRC*.* c:\DST*.* /EXCLUDE:c:\list.txt

C++ program converts fahrenheit to celsius

Best way would be

#include <iostream>                        
using namespace std;                       

int main() {                               
    float celsius;                         
    float fahrenheit;

    cout << "Enter Celsius temperature: "; 
    cin >> celsius;
    fahrenheit = (celsius * 1.8) + 32;// removing division for the confusion
    cout << "Fahrenheit = " << fahrenheit << endl;

    return 0;                             


Integer expression expected error in shell script

Try this:

If [ $a -lt 4 ] || [ $a -gt 64 ] ; then \n
     Something something \n
elif [ $a -gt 4 ] || [ $a -lt 64 ] ; then \n
     Something something \n
else \n
    Yes it works for me :) \n

Efficient way to update all rows in a table

As Marcelo suggests:

UPDATE mytable
SET new_column = <expr containing old_column>;

If this takes too long and fails due to "snapshot too old" errors (e.g. if the expression queries another highly-active table), and if the new value for the column is always NOT NULL, you could update the table in batches:

UPDATE mytable
SET new_column = <expr containing old_column>
WHERE new_column IS NULL
AND ROWNUM <= 100000;

Just run this statement, COMMIT, then run it again; rinse, repeat until it reports "0 rows updated". It'll take longer but each update is less likely to fail.


A better alternative that should be more efficient is to use the DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE API.

Sample code (from Oracle docs):

  l_sql_stmt VARCHAR2(1000);
  l_try NUMBER;
  l_status NUMBER;

  -- Create the TASK

  -- Chunk the table by ROWID

  -- Execute the DML in parallel
  l_sql_stmt := 'update EMPLOYEES e 
      SET e.salary = e.salary + 10
      WHERE rowid BETWEEN :start_id AND :end_id';
                                 parallel_level => 10);

  -- If there is an error, RESUME it for at most 2 times.
  l_try := 0;
  l_status := DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE.TASK_STATUS('mytask');
  WHILE(l_try < 2 and l_status != DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE.FINISHED) 
    l_try := l_try + 1;
    l_status := DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE.TASK_STATUS('mytask');

  -- Done with processing; drop the task


Oracle Docs:

How to modify JsonNode in Java?

The @Sharon-Ben-Asher answer is ok.

But in my case, for an array i have to use:

((ArrayNode) jsonNode).add("value");

POI setting Cell Background to a Custom Color

You can set custom color using this-

check out this - click hear

XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();

IndexedColorMap colorMap = workbook.getStylesSource().getIndexedColors();
Font tableHeadOneFontStyle = workbook.createFont();
        tableHeadOneFontStyle.setBold( true );
        tableHeadOneFontStyle.setColor( IndexedColors.BLACK.getIndex() );

XSSFCellStyle tableHeaderOneColOneStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();
        tableHeaderOneColOneStyle.setFont( tableHeadOneFontStyle );
                .setFillForegroundColor( new XSSFColor( new java.awt.Color( 255, 231, 153 ), colorMap ) );
        tableHeaderOneColOneStyle.setFillPattern( FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND );
        tableHeaderOneColOneStyle = setLeftRightBorderColor( tableHeaderOneColOneStyle );
        tableHeaderOneColOneStyle = alignCenter( tableHeaderOneColOneStyle );

Maximum number of threads per process in Linux?

Use nbio non-blocking i/o library or whatever, if you need more threads for doing I/O calls that block

Regex for not empty and not whitespace

A little late, but here's a regex I found that returns 0 matches for empty or white spaces:


You can test this out at regex101

How can I autoformat/indent C code in vim?

I like indent as mentioned above, but most often I want to format only a small section of the file that I'm working on. Since indent can take code from stdin, its really simple:

  1. Select the block of code you want to format with V or the like.
  2. Format by typing :!indent.

astyle takes stdin too, so you can use the same trick there.

How to read a PEM RSA private key from .NET

You might take a look at JavaScience's source for OpenSSLKey

There's code in there that does exactly what you want to do.

In fact, they have a lot of crypto source code available here.

Source code snippet:

//------- Parses binary ans.1 RSA private key; returns RSACryptoServiceProvider  ---
public static RSACryptoServiceProvider DecodeRSAPrivateKey(byte[] privkey)
        byte[] MODULUS, E, D, P, Q, DP, DQ, IQ ;

        // ---------  Set up stream to decode the asn.1 encoded RSA private key  ------
        MemoryStream  mem = new MemoryStream(privkey) ;
        BinaryReader binr = new BinaryReader(mem) ;    //wrap Memory Stream with BinaryReader for easy reading
        byte bt = 0;
        ushort twobytes = 0;
        int elems = 0;
        try {
                twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16();
                if (twobytes == 0x8130) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Sequence is 30 81)
                        binr.ReadByte();        //advance 1 byte
                else if (twobytes == 0x8230)
                        binr.ReadInt16();       //advance 2 bytes
                        return null;

                twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16();
                if (twobytes != 0x0102) //version number
                        return null;
                bt = binr.ReadByte();
                if (bt !=0x00)
                        return null;

                //------  all private key components are Integer sequences ----
                elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);
                MODULUS = binr.ReadBytes(elems);

                elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);
                E = binr.ReadBytes(elems) ;

                elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);
                D = binr.ReadBytes(elems) ;

                elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);
                P = binr.ReadBytes(elems) ;

                elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);
                Q = binr.ReadBytes(elems) ;

                elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);
                DP = binr.ReadBytes(elems) ;

                elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);
                DQ = binr.ReadBytes(elems) ;

                elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);
                IQ = binr.ReadBytes(elems) ;

                Console.WriteLine("showing components ..");
                if (verbose) {
                        showBytes("\nModulus", MODULUS) ;
                        showBytes("\nExponent", E);
                        showBytes("\nD", D);
                        showBytes("\nP", P);
                        showBytes("\nQ", Q);
                        showBytes("\nDP", DP);
                        showBytes("\nDQ", DQ);
                        showBytes("\nIQ", IQ);

                // ------- create RSACryptoServiceProvider instance and initialize with public key -----
                RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
                RSAParameters RSAparams = new RSAParameters();
                RSAparams.Modulus =MODULUS;
                RSAparams.Exponent = E;
                RSAparams.D = D;
                RSAparams.P = P;
                RSAparams.Q = Q;
                RSAparams.DP = DP;
                RSAparams.DQ = DQ;
                RSAparams.InverseQ = IQ;
                return RSA;
        catch (Exception) {
                return null;
        finally {

Create comma separated strings C#?

If you put all your values in an array, at least you can use string.Join.

string[] myValues = new string[] { ... };
string csvString = string.Join(",", myValues);

You can also use the overload of string.Join that takes params string as the second parameter like this:

string csvString = string.Join(",", value1, value2, value3, ...);

How to convert a "dd/mm/yyyy" string to datetime in SQL Server?

SELECT convert(datetime, '23/07/2009', 103)

Limit the size of a file upload (html input element)

var uploadField = document.getElementById("file");

uploadField.onchange = function() {
    if(this.files[0].size > 2097152){
       alert("File is too big!");
       this.value = "";

This example should work fine. I set it up for roughly 2MB, 1MB in Bytes is 1,048,576 so you can multiply it by the limit you need.

Here is the jsfiddle example for more clearence:

Log4j, configuring a Web App to use a relative path

Just a comment on Iker's solution.

ServletContext is a good solution for your problem. But I don't think it is good for maintains. Most of the time log files are required to be saved for long time.

Since ServletContext makes the file under the deployed file, it will be removed when server is redeployed. My suggest is to go with rootPath's parent folder instead of child one.

Run local java applet in browser (chrome/firefox) "Your security settings have blocked a local application from running"

In my case, this has been resolved by going to control panel > java > security > then add url in the exception site list. Then apply. Test again the site and it should now allow you to run the local java.

Angular.js vs Knockout.js vs Backbone.js

It depends on the nature of your application. And, since you did not describe it in great detail, it is an impossible question to answer. I find Backbone to be the easiest, but I work in Angular all day. Performance is more up to the coder than the framework, in my opinion.

Are you doing heavy DOM manipulation? I would use jQuery and Backbone.

Very data driven app? Angular with its nice data binding.

Game programming? None - direct to canvas; maybe a game engine.

How to import an excel file in to a MySQL database

Not sure if you have all this setup, but for me I am using PHP and MYSQL. So I use a PHP class PHPExcel. This takes a file in nearly any format, xls, xlsx, cvs,... and then lets you read and / or insert.

So what I wind up doing is loading the excel in to a phpexcel object and then loop through all the rows. Based on what I want, I write a simple SQL insert command to insert the data in the excel file into my table.

On the front end it is a little work, but its just a matter of tweaking some of the existing code examples. But when you have it dialed in making changes to the import is simple and fast.

Python Save to file

You can use this function:

def saveListToFile(listname, pathtosave):
    file1 = open(pathtosave,"w") 
    for i in listname:

# to save:
saveListToFile(list, path)

Jackson Vs. Gson

Jackson and Gson are the most complete Java JSON packages regarding actual data binding support; many other packages only provide primitive Map/List (or equivalent tree model) binding. Both have complete support for generic types, as well, as enough configurability for many common use cases.

Since I am more familiar with Jackson, here are some aspects where I think Jackson has more complete support than Gson (apologies if I miss a Gson feature):

  • Extensive annotation support; including full inheritance, and advanced "mix-in" annotations (associate annotations with a class for cases where you can not directly add them)
  • Streaming (incremental) reading, writing, for ultra-high performance (or memory-limited) use cases; can mix with data binding (bind sub-trees) -- EDIT: latest versions of Gson also include streaming reader
  • Tree model (DOM-like access); can convert between various models (tree <-> java object <-> stream)
  • Can use any constructors (or static factory methods), not just default constructor
  • Field and getter/setter access (earlier gson versions only used fields, this may have changed)
  • Out-of-box JAX-RS support
  • Interoperability: can also use JAXB annotations, has support/work-arounds for common packages (joda, ibatis, cglib), JVM languages (groovy, clojure, scala)
  • Ability to force static (declared) type handling for output
  • Support for deserializing polymorphic types (Jackson 1.5) -- can serialize AND deserialize things like List correctly (with additional type information)
  • Integrated support for binary content (base64 to/from JSON Strings)

When should we use mutex and when should we use semaphore

While @opaxdiablo answer is totally correct I would like to point out that the usage scenario of both things is quite different. The mutex is used for protecting parts of code from running concurrently, semaphores are used for one thread to signal another thread to run.

/* Task 1 */
    // Safely use shared resource

/* Task 2 */
   // Safely use shared resource
pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex_thing); // unlock mutex

The semaphore scenario is different:

/* Task 1 - Producer */
sema_post(&sem);   // Send the signal

/* Task 2 - Consumer */
sema_wait(&sem);   // Wait for signal

See for further explanations

How Do I Make Glyphicons Bigger? (Change Size?)

Yes, and basically you can also use inline style:

<span style="font-size: 15px" class="glyphicon glyphicon-cog"></span>

How can I save multiple documents concurrently in Mongoose/Node.js?

Mongoose 4.4 added a method called insertMany

Shortcut for validating an array of documents and inserting them into MongoDB if they're all valid. This function is faster than .create() because it only sends one operation to the server, rather than one for each document.

Quoting vkarpov15 from issue #723:

The tradeoffs are that insertMany() doesn't trigger pre-save hooks, but it should have better performance because it only makes 1 round-trip to the database rather than 1 for each document.

The method's signature is identical to create:

Model.insertMany([ ... ], (err, docs) => {

Or, with promises:

Model.insertMany([ ... ]).then((docs) => {
}).catch((err) => {

Maven error in eclipse (pom.xml) : Failure to transfer org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:pom:2.12.4

For Unix Users

find ~/.m2 -name "*.lastUpdated" -exec grep -q "Could not transfer" {} \; -print -exec rm {} \;

Right-click your project and choose Update Dependencies

For Windows

  • CD (change directory) to .m2\repository
  • execute the command for /r %i in (*.lastUpdated) do del %i
  • Then right-click your project and choose Update Dependencies

Can I add an image to an ASP.NET button?

I dont know if I quite get what the issue is. You can add an image into the ASP button but it depends how its set up as to whether it fits in properly. putting in a background images to asp buttons regularly gives you a dodgy shaped button or a background image with a text overlay because its missing an image tag. such as the image with "SUBMIT QUERY" over the top of it.

As an easy way of doing it I use a "blankspace.gif" file across my website. its a 1x1 pixel blank gif file and I resize it to replace an image on the website.

as I dont use CSS to replace an image I use CSS Sprites to reduce queries. My website was originally 150kb for the homepage and had about 140-150 requests to load the home page. By creating a sprite I killed off the requests compressed the image size to a fraction of the size and it works perfect and any of the areas you need an image file to size it up properly just use the same blankspace.gif image.

<asp:ImageButton class="signup" ID="btn_newsletter" ImageUrl="~/xx/xx/blankspace.gif" Width="87px" Height="28px" runat="server" /

If you see the above the class loads the background image in the css but this leaves the button with the "submit Query" text over it as it needs an image so replacing it with a preloaded image means you got rid of the request and still have the image in the css.


PHP Converting Integer to Date, reverse of strtotime

I guess you are asking why is 1388516401 equal to 2014-01-01...?

There is an historical reason for that. There is a 32-bit integer variable, called time_t, that keeps the count of the time elapsed since 1970-01-01 00:00:00. Its value expresses time in seconds. This means that in 2014-01-01 00:00:01 time_t will be equal to 1388516401.

This leads us for sure to another interesting fact... In 2038-01-19 03:14:07 time_t will reach 2147485547, the maximum value for a 32-bit number. Ever heard about John Titor and the Year 2038 problem? :D

Get GMT Time in Java



The Answer by Damilola is correct in suggesting you use the java.time framework built into Java 8 and later. But that Answer uses the ZonedDateTime class which is overkill if you just want UTC rather than any particular time zone.

The troublesome old date-time classes are now legacy, supplanted by the java.time classes.


The Instant class represents a moment on the timeline in UTC with a resolution of nanoseconds (up to nine (9) digits of a decimal fraction).

Simple code:

Instant instant = ;

instant.toString(): 2016-11-29T23:18:14.604Z

You can think of Instant as the building block to which you can add a time zone (ZoneID) to get a ZonedDateTime.

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );
ZonedDateTime zdt = instant.atZone( z );

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to java.time.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

  • Java SE 8 and SE 9 and later
    • Built-in.
    • Part of the standard Java API with a bundled implementation.
    • Java 9 adds some minor features and fixes.
  • Java SE 6 and SE 7
    • Much of the java.time functionality is back-ported to Java 6 & 7 in ThreeTen-Backport.
  • Android

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.

How can I make a button have a rounded border in Swift?

import UIKit

class RoundedButton: UIButton {
    @IBInspectable var cornerRadius: CGFloat = 8
    @IBInspectable var borderColor: UIColor? = .lightGray
    override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
        layer.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
        layer.masksToBounds = true
        layer.borderWidth = 1
        layer.borderColor = borderColor?.cgColor

CS0120: An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method, or property 'foo'

You start a thread which runs the static method SumData. However, SumData calls SetTextboxText which isn't static. Thus you need an instance of your form to call SetTextboxText.

How to execute a shell script from C in Linux?

If you're ok with POSIX, you can also use popen()/pclose()

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void) {
/* ls -al | grep '^d' */
  FILE *pp;
  pp = popen("ls -al", "r");
  if (pp != NULL) {
    while (1) {
      char *line;
      char buf[1000];
      line = fgets(buf, sizeof buf, pp);
      if (line == NULL) break;
      if (line[0] == 'd') printf("%s", line); /* line includes '\n' */
  return 0;

How can I enable the MySQLi extension in PHP 7?

sudo phpenmod mysqli
sudo service apache2 restart

  • phpenmod moduleName enables a module to PHP 7 (restart Apache after that sudo service apache2 restart)
  • phpdismod moduleName disables a module to PHP 7 (restart Apache after that sudo service apache2 restart)
  • php -m lists the loaded modules

C# Reflection: How to get class reference from string?

You will want to use the Type.GetType method.

Here is a very simple example:

using System;
using System.Reflection;

class Program
    static void Main()
        Type t = Type.GetType("Foo");
        MethodInfo method 
             = t.GetMethod("Bar", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);

        method.Invoke(null, null);

class Foo
    public static void Bar()

I say simple because it is very easy to find a type this way that is internal to the same assembly. Please see Jon's answer for a more thorough explanation as to what you will need to know about that. Once you have retrieved the type my example shows you how to invoke the method.

creating json object with variables

Try this to see how you can create a object from strings.

var firstName = "xx";
var lastName  = "xy";
var phone     = "xz";
var adress    = "x1";
var obj = {"firstName":firstName, "lastName":lastName, "phone":phone, "address":adress};

NumPy ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()

try this=> numpy.array(yourvariable) followed by the command to compare, whatever you wish to.

Sequelize, convert entity to plain object

Best and the simple way of doing is :

Just use the default way from Sequelize

    where: {
        nodeid: node.nodeid
    raw : true // <----------- Magic is here
}).success(function (sensors) {

Note : [options.raw] : Return raw result. See sequelize.query for more information.

For the nested result/if we have include model , In latest version of sequlize ,

    where: {
        nodeid: node.nodeid
    include : [
        { model : someModel }
    raw : true , // <----------- Magic is here
    nest : true // <----------- Magic is here
}).success(function (sensors) {

Git: Remove committed file after push

If you want to remove the file from the remote repo, first remove it from your project with --cache option and then push it:

git rm --cache /path/to/file
git commit -am "Remove file"
git push

(This works even if the file was added to the remote repo some commits ago) Remember to add to .gitignore the file extensions that you don't want to push.

Best font for coding

Inconsolata ( is a great monospaced font for programming. Earlier versions tend to act weird on OS X, but the newer versions work out very well.

Node.js Web Application examples/tutorials

The Node Knockout competition wrapped up recently, and many of the submissions are available on github. The competition site doesn't appear to be working right now, but I'm sure you could Google up a few entries to check out.

How can I use regex to get all the characters after a specific character, e.g. comma (",")


might do. (Matches everything after the last comma).

Explanation: [^,] matches every character except for ,. The * denotes that the regexp matches any number of repetition of [^,]. The $ sign matches the end of the line.

"401 Unauthorized" on a directory

For me the Anonymous User access was fine at the server level, but varied at just one of my "virtual" folders.

Took me quite a bit of foundering about and then some help from a colleague to learn that IIS has "authentication" settings at the virtual folder level too - hopefully this helps someone else with my predicament.

jquery change class name

I think he wants to replace a class name.

Something like this would work:



Getting an option text/value with JavaScript

In jquery you could try this $("#select_id>option:selected").text()

Setting width as a percentage using jQuery

Here is an alternative that worked for me:

$('div#somediv').css({'width': '70%'});

PHP Error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array (array and object issues)

There might two issues

1) $blogs may be a stdObject


2) The properties of the array might be the stdObject

Try using var_dump($blogs) and see the actual problem if the properties of array have stdObject try like this


Set up git to pull and push all branches

If you are pushing from one remote origin to another, you can use this:

git push newremote refs/remotes/oldremote/*:refs/heads/*

This worked for me. Reffer to this:

Fast way to get the min/max values among properties of object

There's no way to find the maximum / minimum in the general case without looping through all the n elements (if you go from, 1 to n-1, how do you know whether the element n isn't larger (or smaller) than the current max/min)?

You mentioned that the values change every couple of seconds. If you know exactly which values change, you can start with your previous max/min values, and only compare with the new ones, but even in this case, if one of the values which were modified was your old max/min, you may need to loop through them again.

Another alternative - again, only if the number of values which change are small - would be to store the values in a structure such as a tree or a heap, and as the new values arrive you'd insert (or update) them appropriately. But whether you can do that is not clear based on your question.

If you want to get the maximum / minimum element of a given list while looping through all elements, then you can use something like the snippet below, but you will not be able to do that without going through all of them

var list = { "a":4, "b":0.5 , "c":0.35, "d":5 };
var keys = Object.keys(list);
var min = list[keys[0]]; // ignoring case of empty list for conciseness
var max = list[keys[0]];
var i;

for (i = 1; i < keys.length; i++) {
    var value = list[keys[i]];
    if (value < min) min = value;
    if (value > max) max = value;

Float a div above page content


position: absolute;
top: ...px;
left: ...px;

To position the div. Make sure it doesn't have a parent tag with position: relative;

hibernate: LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy

It seems only your DAO are using session. Thus a new session is open then close for each call to a DAO method. Thus the execution of the program can be resumed as:

// open a session, get the number of entity and close the session
int startingCount = sfdao.count();

// open a session, create a new entity and close the session
sfdao.create( sf );

// open a session, read an entity and close the session
SecurityFiling sf2 = sf.getId() );

// open a session, delete an entity and close the session
sfdao.delete( sf );


By default, collection and association in an entity are lazy: they are loaded from the database on demand. Thus:

sf.getSfSubmissionType().equals( sf2.getSfSubmissionType() )

is throwing an exception because it request a new loading from the database, and the session associated with the loading of the entity has already been closed.

There is two approaches to resolve this problem:

  • create a session to enclosed all our code. Thus it would mean changing your DAO content to avoid opening a second session

  • create a session then update (i.e. reconnect) your entity to this session before the assertions.


Java - Opposite of .contains (does not contain)

It seems that Luiggi Mendoza and joey rohan both already answered this, but I think it can be clarified a little.

You can write it as a single if statement:

if (inventory.contains("bread") && !inventory.contains("water")) {
    // do something

C++ error: undefined reference to 'clock_gettime' and 'clock_settime'

Add -lrt to the end of g++ command line. This links in the "Real Time" shared library.

How do I find out my python path using python?

Works in windows 10, essentially identical to vanuan's answer, but cleaner (taken from somewhere, can't remember where..):

import sys
for p in sys.path:

How can I tell jackson to ignore a property for which I don't have control over the source code?

Using Java Class

new ObjectMapper().configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false)

Using Annotation


How to fetch FetchType.LAZY associations with JPA and Hibernate in a Spring Controller

You have some options

  • Write a method on repository that return a initialized entity as R.J suggested.

More work, best performance.

  • Use OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter to keep session open for the entire request.

Less work, usually acceptable in web enviroments.

  • Use a helper class to initialize entities when required.

Less work, useful when OEMIV is not at option, for example in a Swing application, but may be useful too on repository implementations to initialize any entity in one shot.

For the last option, I wrote a utility class, JpaUtils to initilize entities at some deph.

For example:

public class RepositoryHelper {

    private EntityManager em;

    public void intialize(Object entity, int depth) {
        JpaUtils.initialize(em, entity, depth);

Error 500: Premature end of script headers

I bumped into this problem using PHP-FPM and Apache after increasing Apache's default LimitRequestFieldSize and LimitRequestLine values.

The only reason I did this (apache says don't mess) is because Yii2 has some pjax problems with POST requests. As a workaround, I decided to increase these limits and use gigantic GET headers.

php-fpm barfed up the 500 error though.

Raising a number to a power in Java

we can use

Math.pow(2, 4);

this mean 2 to the power 4 (2^4)

answer = 16

No Application Encryption Key Has Been Specified

Simply run this command:

php artisan key:generate

Git: how to reverse-merge a commit?

If you don't want to commit, or want to commit later (commit message will still be prepared for you, which you can also edit):

git revert -n <commit>

"No resource identifier found for attribute 'showAsAction' in package 'android'"

remove android:showAsAction="never" from res/menu folder from every xml file.

Set active tab style with AngularJS

I recommend using the state.ui module which not only support multiple and nested views but also make this kind of work very easy (code below quoted) :

<ul class="nav">
    <li ng-class="{ active: $state.includes('contacts') }"><a href="#{{$state.href('contacts')}}">Contacts</a></li>
    <li ng-class="{ active: $state.includes('about') }"><a href="#{{$state.href('about')}}">About</a></li>

Worth reading.

Automatically open Chrome developer tools when new tab/new window is opened

Yep,there is a way you could do it

  1. Right click->Inspect->sources(tab)

  2. Towards Your right there will be a "pause script execution button" The button highlighted in the image directed by this link is the script execution button which can be paused or played as per necessity.Try it Yourself

I hope it helps!Peace

  • P.S:This is for the first time.From the second time onwards the dev tool loads automatically

how much memory can be accessed by a 32 bit machine?

Basically, the term "x-bit machine" does not depend on your machine. That is why we do not need to change our processors or other hardware in order to migrate from a 32bit system to a 64bit one (or vice versa).

32bit and 64bit stands for the addressing capability of the OS running on your machine.

However, it still does not mean that a x-bit operating system is capable to address 2^x GB memory. Because the 'B' in "GB" means "byte" and not "bit". 1 byte equals 8 bits.

Actually a 32bit system can not even address 2^32/8 = 2^29 GB memory space while there should some memory be reserved to the OS.

It is something just below 3 GB.

What does "Changes not staged for commit" mean

Follow the steps below:

1- git stash
2- git add .
3- git commit -m "your commit message"

SQL Server remove milliseconds from datetime

select * from table
     where DATEADD(ms, DATEDIFF(ms, '20000101', date), '20000101') > '2010-07-20 03:21:52'

You'll have to trim milliseconds before comparison, which will be slow over many rows

Do one of these to fix this:

  • created a computed column with the expressions above to compare against
  • remove milliseconds on insert/update to avoid the read overhead
  • If SQL Server 2008, use datetime2(0)

How to solve ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED when trying to connect to localhost running IISExpress - Error 502 (Cannot debug from Visual Studio)?

I've solved by going to Project Properties -> Debug, after enable SSL and use the address in your browser

enter image description here

Hadoop: «ERROR : JAVA_HOME is not set»

I tried changing /etc/environment:


on the slave node, it works.

How to iterate through range of Dates in Java?

public static final void generateRange(final Date dateFrom, final Date dateTo)
    final Calendar current = Calendar.getInstance();

    while (!current.getTime().after(dateTo))
        // TODO

        current.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);

Group by with multiple columns using lambda

Further to aduchis answer above - if you then need to filter based on those group by keys, you can define a class to wrap the many keys.

return customers.GroupBy(a => new CustomerGroupingKey(a.Country, a.Gender))
                .Where(a => a.Key.Country == "Ireland" && a.Key.Gender == "M")
                .SelectMany(a => a)

Where CustomerGroupingKey takes the group keys:

    private class CustomerGroupingKey
        public CustomerGroupingKey(string country, string gender)
            Country = country;
            Gender = gender;

        public string Country { get; }

        public string Gender { get; }

key_load_public: invalid format

There is a simple solution if you can install and use puttygen tool. Below are the steps. You should have the passphrase of the private key.

step 1: Download latest puttygen and open puttygen

step 2: Load your existing private key file, see below image

Load an existing private key

step 3: Enter passphrase for key if asked and hit ok

enter paasphrase

step 4: as shown in the below image select "conversion" menu tab and select "Export OpenSSH key"

save OpenSSH file

Save new private key file at preferred location and use accordingly.

Convert blob URL to normal URL

another way to create a data url from blob url may be using canvas.

var canvas = document.createElement("canvas")
var context = canvas.getContext("2d")
context.drawImage(img, 0, 0) // i assume that img.src is your blob url
var dataurl = canvas.toDataURL("your prefer type", your prefer quality)

as what i saw in mdn, canvas.toDataURL is supported well by browsers. (except ie<9, always ie<9)

Add an index (numeric ID) column to large data frame

Well, if I understand you correctly. You can do something like the following.

To show it, I first create a data.frame with your example

df <- 
scan(what = character(), sep = ",", text =
"001, 34, 3,
002, 4, 4,
034, 3, 3,
001, 12, 4,
002, 1, 3,
034, 2, 2,")

df <-, 6, 4, byrow = TRUE))
colnames(df) <- c("user_id", "number_of_logins", "number_of_images", "web")  

You can then run one of the following lines to add a column (at the end of the data.frame) with the row number as the generated user id. The second lines simply adds leading zeros.

df$generated_uid  <- 1:nrow(df)
df$generated_uid2 <- sprintf("%03d", 1:nrow(df))

If you absolutely want the generated user id to be the first column, you can add the column like so:

df <- cbind("generated_uid3" = sprintf("%03d", 1:nrow(df)), df)

or simply rearrage the columns.

Apache is downloading php files instead of displaying them

I had this problem and if you actually never played with your server configuration settings, then your problem is 90% in your .htaccess file

You either modify .htaccess file LOCALLY, ore delete it (LOCALLY)

jQuery: checking if the value of a field is null (empty)

_helpers: {
        //Check is string null or empty
        isStringNullOrEmpty: function (val) {
            switch (val) {
                case "":
                case 0:
                case "0":
                case null:
                case false:
                case undefined:
                case typeof this === 'undefined':
                    return true;
                default: return false;

        //Check is string null or whitespace
        isStringNullOrWhiteSpace: function (val) {
            return this.isStringNullOrEmpty(val) || val.replace(/\s/g, "") === '';

        //If string is null or empty then return Null or else original value
        nullIfStringNullOrEmpty: function (val) {
            if (this.isStringNullOrEmpty(val)) {
                return null;
            return val;

Utilize this helpers to achieve that.

Multiple github accounts on the same computer?

In case you don't want to mess with the ~/.ssh/config file mentioned here, you could instead run git config core.sshCommand "ssh -i ~/.ssh/custom_id_rsa" in the repo where you want to commit from a different account.

The rest of the setup is the same:

  1. Create a new SSH key for the second account with ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh -f ~/.ssh/custom_id_rsa

  2. Sign in to github with your other account, go to , and paste the contents of ~/.ssh/

  3. Make sure you're using SSH instead of HTTPS as remote url: git remote set-url origin [email protected]:upstream_project_teamname/upstream_project.git

How to add elements to an empty array in PHP?

Both array_push and the method you described will work.

$customArray = array();
$customArray[] = 20;
$customArray[] = 21;

Above is correct, but below one is for further understanding

$customArray = array();
    $cart[] = $i;  
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

Is object empty?

here my solution

function isEmpty(value) {
    if( === '[object Array]') {
        return value.length == 0;
    } else if(value != null && typeof value === 'object') {
        return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value).length  == 0;
    } else {
        return !(value || (value === 0));


HTML select drop-down with an input field

You can use input text with "list" attribute, which refers to the datalist of values.

<input type="text" name="city" list="cityname">_x000D_
    <datalist id="cityname">_x000D_
      <option value="Boston">_x000D_
      <option value="Cambridge">_x000D_

This creates a free text input field that also has a drop-down to select predefined choices. Attribution for example and more information:

What is the difference between baud rate and bit rate?

This topic is confusing because there are 3 terms in use when people think there are just 2, namely:

"bit rate": units are bits per second

"baud": units are symbols per second

"Baud rate": units are bits per second

"Baud rate" is really a marketing term rather than an engineering term. "Baud rate" was used by modem manufactures in a similar way to megapixels is used for digital cameras. So the higher the "Baud rate" the better the modem was perceived to be.

The engineering unit "baud" is already a rate (symbols per second) which distinguishes it from the "Baud rate" term. However, you can see from the answers that people are confusing these 2 terms together such as baud/sec which is wrong.

From an engineering point of view, I recommend people use the term "bit rate" for "RS-232" and consign to history the term "Baud rate". Use the term "baud" for modulation schemes but avoid it for "RS-232".

In other words, "bit rate" and "Baud rate" are the same thing which means how many bits are transmitted along a wire in one second. Note that bits per second (bps) is the low-level line rate and not the information data rate because asynchronous "RS-232" has start and stop bits that frame the 8 data bits of information so bps includes all bits transmitted.

Get average color of image via Javascript

Less accurate but fastest way to get average color of the image with datauri support:

function get_average_rgb(img) {
    var context = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d');
    if (typeof img == 'string') {
        var src = img;
        img = new Image;
        img.setAttribute('crossOrigin', ''); 
        img.src = src;
    context.imageSmoothingEnabled = true;
    context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 1, 1);
    return context.getImageData(1, 1, 1, 1).data.slice(0,3);

Programmatically change the src of an img tag

its ok now

function edit()
    var inputs = document.myform;
    for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
        inputs[i].disabled = false;

    var edit_save = document.getElementById("edit-save");

       edit_save.src = "../template/save.png";                              

casting int to char using C++ style casting

You should use static_cast<char>(i) to cast the integer i to char.

reinterpret_cast should almost never be used, unless you want to cast one type into a fundamentally different type.

Also reinterpret_cast is machine dependent so safely using it requires complete understanding of the types as well as how the compiler implements the cast.

For more information about C++ casting see:

Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window'

Here I got the error: Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window': The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded.

Because you didn't pass a base64-encoded string. Look at your functions: both download and dataURItoBlob do expect a data URI for some reason; you however are passing a plain html markup string to download in your example.

Not only is HTML invalid as base64, you are calling .split(',')[1] on it which will yield undefined - and "undefined" is not a valid base64-encoded string either.

I don't know, but I read that I need to encode my string to base64

That doesn't make much sense to me. You want to encode it somehow, only to decode it then?

What should I call and how?

Change the interface of your download function back to where it received the filename and text arguments.

Notice that the BlobBuilder does not only support appending whole strings (so you don't need to create those ArrayBuffer things), but also is deprecated in favor of the Blob constructor.

Can I put a name on my saved file?

Yes. Don't use the Blob constructor, but the File constructor.

function download(filename, text) {
    try {
        var file = new File([text], filename, {type:"text/plain"});
    } catch(e) {
        // when File constructor is not supported
        file = new Blob([text], {type:"text/plain"});
    var url  = window.URL.createObjectURL(file);

download('test.html', "<html>" + document.documentElement.innerHTML + "</html>");

See JavaScript blob filename without link on what to do with that object url, just setting the current location to it doesn't work.

How does Java resolve a relative path in new File()?

When your path starts with a root dir i.e. C:\ in windows or / in Unix or in java resources path, it is considered to be an absolute path. Everything else is relative, so

new File("test.txt") is the same as new File("./test.txt")

new File("test/../test.txt") is the same as new File("./test/../test.txt")

The major difference between getAbsolutePath and getCanonicalPath is that the first one concatenates a parent and a child path, so it may contain dots: .. or .. getCanonicalPath will always return the same path for a particular file.

Note: File.equals uses an abstract form of a path (getAbsolutePath) to compare files, so this means that two File objects for the same might not be equal and Files are unsafe to use in collections like Map or Set.

Easy way of running the same junit test over and over?

Anything wrong with:

void itWorks() {
    // stuff

void itWorksRepeatably() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

Unlike the case where you are testing each of an array of values, you don't particularly care which run failed.

No need to do in configuration or annotation what you can do in code.

How to write multiple conditions in with "else if"

As you've discovered, you can't do that. You can do:

libtest_LIBS = 


libtest_LIBS +=

libtest_LIBS +=

Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection)

Most of the cases issue is due to problem with hostname . Please check the hostname ,some times database team will maintain many hostname for connecting same database . Please check with database team regarding this connection issue.

I can't install pyaudio on Windows? How to solve "error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required."?

First run your IDE or CMD as Administrator and run the following:

pip install pipwin
pipwin install pyaudio

Recursively add the entire folder to a repository

Check the .gitignore file, if the subdirectory is ignored.

Then try again

git add --all
git commit -am "<commit message>"
git push

What's the best way to set a single pixel in an HTML5 canvas?

function setPixel(imageData, x, y, r, g, b, a) {
    var index = 4 * (x + y * imageData.width);[index+0] = r;[index+1] = g;[index+2] = b;[index+3] = a;

How can I set the initial value of Select2 when using AJAX?

What I've done is more clean and needs to make two arrays :

  • one contains a list of Object with id and a text (in my case its id and name, depending of your templateResult) (its what you get from ajax query)
  • the second is only an array of ids (selection value)

I initialize select2 using the first array as data, and the second as the val.

An example function with as parameters a dict of id:name.

function initMyList(values) {
    var selected = [];
    var initials = [];

    for (var s in values) {
        initials.push({id: s, name: values[s].name});

        data: initials,
        ajax: {
            url: "/path/to/value/",
            dataType: 'json',
            delay: 250,
            data: function (params) {
                return {
                    term: params.term,
                    page: || 1,
            processResults: function (data, params) {
       = || 1;

                return {
                    results: data.items,
                    pagination: {
                        more: ( * 30) < data.total_count
            cache: true
        minimumInputLength: 1,
        tokenSeparators: [",", " "],
        placeholder: "Select none, one or many values",
        templateResult: function (item) { return; },
        templateSelection: function (item) { return; },
        matcher: function(term, text) { return != -1; },


You can feed the initials value using ajax calls, and use jquery promises to do the select2 initialization.

How to add new line into txt file

No new line:

File.AppendAllText("file.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString());

and then to get a new line after OK:

File.AppendAllText("file.txt", string.Format("{0}{1}", "OK", Environment.NewLine));

Calling constructors in c++ without new

In append to JaredPar answer

1-usual ctor, 2nd-function-like-ctor with temporary object.

Compile this source somewhere here with different compilers

// turn off rvo for clang, gcc with '-fno-elide-constructors'

#include <stdio.h>
class Thing {
    Thing(const char*){puts(__FUNCTION__ );}
    Thing(const Thing&){puts(__FUNCTION__ );}   
int main(int /*argc*/, const char** /*argv*/) {
    Thing myThing = Thing("asdf");

And you will see the result.

From ISO/IEC 14882 2003-10-15

8.5, part 12

Your 1st,2nd construction are called direct-initialization

12.1, part 13

A functional notation type conversion (5.2.3) can be used to create new objects of its type. [Note: The syntax looks like an explicit call of the constructor. ] ... An object created in this way is unnamed. [Note: 12.2 describes the lifetime of temporary objects. ] [Note: explicit constructor calls do not yield lvalues, see 3.10. ]

Where to read about RVO:

12 Special member functions / 12.8 Copying class objects/ Part 15

When certain criteria are met, an implementation is allowed to omit the copy construction of a class object, even if the copy constructor and/or destructor for the object have side effects.

Turn off it with compiler flag from comment to view such copy-behavior)

Regular expression to match characters at beginning of line only

There's are ambiguities in the question.

What is your input string? Is it the entire file? Or is it 1 line at a time? Some of the answers are assuming the latter. I want to answer the former.

What would you like to return from your regular expression? The fact that you want a true / false on whether a match was made? Or do you want to extract the entire line whose start begins with CTR? I'll answer you only want a true / false match.

To do this, we just need to determine if the CTR occurs at either the start of a file, or immediately following a new line.


python ValueError: invalid literal for float()

Watch out for possible unintended literals in your argument

for example you can have a space within your argument, rendering it to a string / literal:

float(' 0.33')

After making sure the unintended space did not make it into the argument, I was left with:


Like this it works like a charm.

Take away is: Pay Attention for unintended literals (e.g. spaces that you didn't see) within your input.

Reading a date using DataReader

I know that this is an old question, but I'm surprised that no answer mentions GetDateTime:

Gets the value of the specified column as a DateTime object.

Which you can use like:

while (MyReader.Read())
    TextBox1.Text = MyReader.GetDateTime(columnPosition).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

Compare two files in Visual Studio

I had this problem as well. No TFS, but I found this article helpful.

Specifically, step 1b.

Open a Visual Studio command prompt and navigate to the Common7/IDE folder and type

tf diff /configure

initializing a Guava ImmutableMap

Notice that your error message only contains five K, V pairs, 10 arguments total. This is by design; the ImmutableMap class provides six different of() methods, accepting between zero and five key-value pairings. There is not an of(...) overload accepting a varags parameter because K and V can be different types.

You want an ImmutableMap.Builder:

ImmutableMap<String,String> myMap = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder()
    .put("key1", "value1") 
    .put("key2", "value2") 
    .put("key3", "value3") 
    .put("key4", "value4") 
    .put("key5", "value5") 
    .put("key6", "value6") 
    .put("key7", "value7") 
    .put("key8", "value8") 
    .put("key9", "value9")

App can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer

Open terminal, go to extracted folder of eclipse and run the following command:

./eclipse -clean

How to fix "Headers already sent" error in PHP


(copied from: source)


1) there should not be any output (i.e. echo.. or HTML codes) before the header(.......); command.

2) remove any white-space(or newline) before <?php and after ?> tags.

3) GOLDEN RULE! - check if that php file (and also, if you include other files) have UTF8 without BOM encoding (and not just UTF-8). That is problem in many cases (because UTF8 encoded file has something special character in the start of php file, which your text-editor doesnt show)!!!!!!!!!!!

4) After header(...); you must use exit;

5) always use 301 or 302 reference:

header("location:",  true,  301 );  exit;

6) Turn on error reporting, and find the error. Your error may be caused by a function that is not working. When you turn on error reporting, you should always fix top-most error first. For example, it might be "Warning: date_default_timezone_get(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings." - then farther on down you may see "headers not sent" error. After fixing top-most (1st) error, re-load your page. If you still have errors, then again fix the top-most error.

7) If none of above helps, use JAVSCRIPT redirection(however, strongly non-recommended method), may be the last chance in custom cases...:

echo "<script type='text/javascript'>'';</script>"; exit;

How to reload current page?

Without specifying the path you can do:

constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router) { }

reload() {
  this.router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = () => false;
  this.router.onSameUrlNavigation = 'reload';
  this.router.navigate(['./'], { relativeTo: this.route });

And if you use query params you can do:

reload() {
  this.router.navigate(['./'], { relativeTo: this.route, queryParamsHandling: 'preserve' });

Object Required Error in excel VBA

In order to set the value of integer variable we simply assign the value to it. eg g1val = 0 where as set keyword is used to assign value to object.

Sub test()

Dim g1val, g2val As Integer

  g1val = 0
  g2val = 0

    For i = 3 To 18

     If g1val > Cells(33, i).Value Then
        g1val = g1val
       g1val = Cells(33, i).Value
     End If

    Next i

    For j = 32 To 57
        If g2val > Cells(31, j).Value Then
           g2val = g2val
          g2val = Cells(31, j).Value
        End If
    Next j

End Sub

How do I clone a Django model instance object and save it to the database?

To clone a model with multiple inheritance levels, i.e. >= 2, or ModelC below

class ModelA(models.Model):
    info1 = models.CharField(max_length=64)

class ModelB(ModelA):
    info2 = models.CharField(max_length=64)

class ModelC(ModelB):
    info3 = models.CharField(max_length=64)

Please refer the question here.

How can I pass a username/password in the header to a SOAP WCF Service

There is probably a smarter way, but you can add the headers manually like this:

var client = new IdentityProofingService.IdentityProofingWSClient();

using (new OperationContextScope(client.InnerChannel))
        new SecurityHeader("UsernameToken-49", "12345/userID", "password123"));
    client.invokeIdentityService(new IdentityProofingRequest());

Here, SecurityHeader is a custom implemented class, which needs a few other classes since I chose to use attributes to configure the XML serialization:

public class SecurityHeader : MessageHeader
    private readonly UsernameToken _usernameToken;

    public SecurityHeader(string id, string username, string password)
        _usernameToken = new UsernameToken(id, username, password);

    public override string Name
        get { return "Security"; }

    public override string Namespace
        get { return ""; }

    protected override void OnWriteHeaderContents(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, MessageVersion messageVersion)
        XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(UsernameToken));
        serializer.Serialize(writer, _usernameToken);

[XmlRoot(Namespace = "")]
public class UsernameToken
    public UsernameToken()

    public UsernameToken(string id, string username, string password)
        Id = id;
        Username = username;
        Password = new Password() {Value = password};

    [XmlAttribute(Namespace = "")]
    public string Id { get; set; }

    public string Username { get; set; }

    public Password Password { get; set; }

public class Password
    public Password()
        Type = "";

    public string Type { get; set; }

    public string Value { get; set; }

I have not added the Nonce bit to the UsernameToken XML, but it is very similar to the Password one. The Created element also needs to be added still, but it's a simple [XmlElement].

UIScrollView scroll to bottom programmatically

Xamarin.iOS version for UICollectionView of the accepted answer for ease in copying and pasting

var bottomOffset = new CGPoint (0, CollectionView.ContentSize.Height - CollectionView.Frame.Size.Height + CollectionView.ContentInset.Bottom);          
CollectionView.SetContentOffset (bottomOffset, false);

Export SQL query data to Excel

For anyone coming here looking for how to do this in C#, I have tried the following method and had success in dotnet core 2.0.3 and entity framework core 2.0.3

First create your model class.

public class User
    public string Name { get; set; }  
    public int Address { get; set; }  
    public int ZIP { get; set; }  
    public string Gender { get; set; }  

Then install EPPlus Nuget package. (I used version 4.0.5, probably will work for other versions as well.)

Install-Package EPPlus -Version 4.0.5

The create ExcelExportHelper class, which will contain the logic to convert dataset to Excel rows. This class do not have dependencies with your model class or dataset.

public class ExcelExportHelper
        public static string ExcelContentType
            { return "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"; }

        public static DataTable ListToDataTable<T>(List<T> data)
            PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(T));
            DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();

            for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; i++)
                PropertyDescriptor property = properties[i];
                dataTable.Columns.Add(property.Name, Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(property.PropertyType) ?? property.PropertyType);

            object[] values = new object[properties.Count];
            foreach (T item in data)
                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    values[i] = properties[i].GetValue(item);

            return dataTable;

        public static byte[] ExportExcel(DataTable dataTable, string heading = "", bool showSrNo = false, params string[] columnsToTake)

            byte[] result = null;
            using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage())
                ExcelWorksheet workSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(String.Format("{0} Data", heading));
                int startRowFrom = String.IsNullOrEmpty(heading) ? 1 : 3;

                if (showSrNo)
                    DataColumn dataColumn = dataTable.Columns.Add("#", typeof(int));
                    int index = 1;
                    foreach (DataRow item in dataTable.Rows)
                        item[0] = index;

                // add the content into the Excel file  
                workSheet.Cells["A" + startRowFrom].LoadFromDataTable(dataTable, true);

                // autofit width of cells with small content  
                int columnIndex = 1;
                foreach (DataColumn column in dataTable.Columns)
                    int maxLength;
                    ExcelRange columnCells = workSheet.Cells[workSheet.Dimension.Start.Row, columnIndex, workSheet.Dimension.End.Row, columnIndex];
                        maxLength = columnCells.Max(cell => cell.Value.ToString().Count());
                    catch (Exception) //nishanc
                        maxLength = columnCells.Max(cell => (cell.Value +"").ToString().Length);

                    if (maxLength < 150)


                // format header - bold, yellow on black  
                using (ExcelRange r = workSheet.Cells[startRowFrom, 1, startRowFrom, dataTable.Columns.Count])
                    r.Style.Font.Bold = true;
                    r.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

                // format cells - add borders  
                using (ExcelRange r = workSheet.Cells[startRowFrom + 1, 1, startRowFrom + dataTable.Rows.Count, dataTable.Columns.Count])
                    r.Style.Border.Top.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                    r.Style.Border.Bottom.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                    r.Style.Border.Left.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                    r.Style.Border.Right.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;


                // removed ignored columns  
                for (int i = dataTable.Columns.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (i == 0 && showSrNo)
                    if (!columnsToTake.Contains(dataTable.Columns[i].ColumnName))
                        workSheet.DeleteColumn(i + 1);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(heading))
                    workSheet.Cells["A1"].Value = heading;
                   // workSheet.Cells["A1"].Style.Font.Size = 20;

                    workSheet.InsertColumn(1, 1);
                    workSheet.InsertRow(1, 1);
                    workSheet.Column(1).Width = 10;

                result = package.GetAsByteArray();

            return result;

        public static byte[] ExportExcel<T>(List<T> data, string Heading = "", bool showSlno = false, params string[] ColumnsToTake)
            return ExportExcel(ListToDataTable<T>(data), Heading, showSlno, ColumnsToTake);

Now add this method where you want to generate the excel file, probably for a method in the controller. You can pass parameters for your stored procedure as well. Note that the return type of the method is FileContentResult. Whatever query you execute, important thing is you must have the results in a List.

public async Task<FileContentResult> Create([Bind("Id,StartDate,EndDate")] GetReport getReport)
    DateTime startDate = getReport.StartDate;
    DateTime endDate = getReport.EndDate;

    // call the stored procedure and store dataset in a List.
    List<User> users = _context.Reports.FromSql("exec dbo.SP_GetEmpReport @start={0}, @end={1}", startDate, endDate).ToList();
    //set custome column names
    string[] columns = { "Name", "Address", "ZIP", "Gender"};
    byte[] filecontent = ExcelExportHelper.ExportExcel(users, "Users", true, columns);
    // set file name.
    return File(filecontent, ExcelExportHelper.ExcelContentType, "Report.xlsx"); 

More details can be found here

Javascript: output current datetime in YYYY/mm/dd hh:m:sec format

With jQuery date format :

$ Date(), 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss');


React - How to force a function component to render?

You can now, using React hooks

Using react hooks, you can now call useState() in your function component.

useState() will return an array of 2 things:

  1. A value, representing the current state.
  2. Its setter. Use it to update the value.

Updating the value by its setter will force your function component to re-render,
just like forceUpdate does:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

//create your forceUpdate hook
function useForceUpdate(){
    const [value, setValue] = useState(0); // integer state
    return () => setValue(value => value + 1); // update the state to force render

function MyComponent() {
    // call your hook here
    const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();
    return (
            {/*Clicking on the button will force to re-render like force update does */}
            <button onClick={forceUpdate}>
                Click to re-render

You can find a demo here.

The component above uses a custom hook function (useForceUpdate) which uses the react state hook useState. It increments the component's state's value and thus tells React to re-render the component.


In an old version of this answer, the snippet used a boolean value, and toggled it in forceUpdate(). Now that I've edited my answer, the snippet use a number rather than a boolean.

Why ? (you would ask me)

Because once it happened to me that my forceUpdate() was called twice subsequently from 2 different events, and thus it was reseting the boolean value at its original state, and the component never rendered.

This is because in the useState's setter (setValue here), React compare the previous state with the new one, and render only if the state is different.

How to get a table cell value using jQuery?

a less-jquerish approach:

$('#mytable tr').each(function() {
    if (!this.rowIndex) return; // skip first row
    var customerId = this.cells[0].innerHTML;

this can obviously be changed to work with not-the-first cells.

How to find the size of integer array

int len=sizeof(array)/sizeof(int);

Should work.

How can I send an inner <div> to the bottom of its parent <div>?

Make the outer div position="relative" and the inner div position="absolute" and set it's bottom="0".

How to add 'libs' folder in Android Studio?

also, to get the right arrow, right click and "Add as Library".enter image description here

Error: "an object reference is required for the non-static field, method or property..."

The error message means that you need to invoke volteado and siprimo on an instance of the Program class. E.g.:

Program p = new Program();
long av = p.volteado(a); // av is "a" but swapped

if (p.siprimo(a) == false && p.siprimo(av) == false)

They cannot be invoked directly from the Main method because Main is static while volteado and siprimo are not.

The easiest way to fix this is to make the volteado and siprimo methods static:

private static bool siprimo(long a)

private static bool volteado(long a)

Attribute 'nowrap' is considered outdated. A newer construct is recommended. What is it?

Although there's CSS defines a text-wrap property, it's not supported by any major browser, but maybe vastly supported white-space property solves your problem.

Rename a file in C#

In my case, I want the name of the renamed file to be unique, so I add a date-time stamp to the name. This way, the filename of the 'old' log is always unique:

if (File.Exists(clogfile))
    Int64 fileSizeInBytes = new FileInfo(clogfile).Length;
    if (fileSizeInBytes > 5000000)
        string path = Path.GetFullPath(clogfile);
        string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(clogfile);
        System.IO.File.Move(clogfile, Path.Combine(path, string.Format("{0}{1}.log", filename, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"))));

what is difference between success and .done() method of $.ajax

success only fires if the AJAX call is successful, i.e. ultimately returns a HTTP 200 status. error fires if it fails and complete when the request finishes, regardless of success.

In jQuery 1.8 on the jqXHR object (returned by $.ajax) success was replaced with done, error with fail and complete with always.

However you should still be able to initialise the AJAX request with the old syntax. So these do similar things:

// set success action before making the request
  url: '...',
  success: function(){
    alert('AJAX successful');

// set success action just after starting the request
var jqxhr = $.ajax( "..." )
  .done(function() { alert("success"); });

This change is for compatibility with jQuery 1.5's deferred object. Deferred (and now Promise, which has full native browser support in Chrome and FX) allow you to chain asynchronous actions:

    done(function(p) { return $.ajax("child/" +; }).
    done(function(c) { alert("success: " +; });

This chain of functions is easier to maintain than a nested pyramid of callbacks you get with success.

However, please note that done is now deprecated in favour of the Promise syntax that uses then instead:

    then(function(p) { return $.ajax("child/" +; }).
    then(function(c) { alert("success: " +; }).
    catch(function(err) { alert("error: " + err.message); });

This is worth adopting because async and await extend promises improved syntax (and error handling):

try {
    var p = await $.ajax("parent");
    var x = await $.ajax("child/" +;
    var c = await someOtherDeferredFunction(x);
    alert("success: " +;
catch(err) { 
    alert("error: " + err.message); 

jquery background-color change on focus and blur

Tested Code:



$('input:text').focus(function () {
    $(this).css({ 'background': 'Black' });

$('input:text').blur(function () {
    $(this).css({ 'background': 'red' });

Tested in version:


iPhone UILabel text soft shadow

Apply the (soft) shadow on the view's layer, like this:

UILabel *label = [[UIabel alloc] init];
label.layer.shadowColor = [[UIColor whiteColor] CGColor];
label.layer.shadowOpacity = 1.0;