Programs & Examples On #Strtol

strtol() is the C runtime library function for converting the text representation of a number to a long integer. This SO tag also applies to strtoll(), strtoul(), and strtoull() which perform the same conversion to types "long long", "unsigned long", and "unsigned long long".

Convert a hexadecimal string to an integer efficiently in C?

Hexadecimal to decimal. Don't run it on online compilers, because it won't work.

void main()
    unsigned int i;

How do you specify the Java compiler version in a pom.xml file?

maven-compiler-plugin it's already present in plugins hierarchy dependency in pom.xml. Check in Effective POM.

For short you can use properties like this:


I'm using Maven 3.2.5.

How to replace item in array?

var index = Array.indexOf(Array value);
        if (index > -1) {
          Array.splice(index, 1);

from here you can delete a particular value from array and based on the same index you can insert value in array .

 Array.splice(index, 0, Array value);

How to get a reference to an iframe's window object inside iframe's onload handler created from parent window

You're declaring everything in the parent page. So the references to window and document are to the parent page's. If you want to do stuff to the iframe's, use iframe || iframe.contentWindow to access its window, and iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document to access its document.

There's a word for what's happening, possibly "lexical scope": What is lexical scope?

The only context of a scope is this. And in your example, the owner of the method is doc, which is the iframe's document. Other than that, anything that's accessed in this function that uses known objects are the parent's (if not declared in the function). It would be a different story if the function were declared in a different place, but it's declared in the parent page.

This is how I would write it:

(function () {
  var dom, win, doc, where, iframe;

  iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
  iframe.src = "javascript:false";

  where = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
  where.parentNode.insertBefore(iframe, where);

  win = iframe.contentWindow || iframe;
  doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;;
  doc._l = (function (w, d) {
    return function () {
      w.vanishing_global = new Date().getTime();

      var js = d.createElement("script");
      js.src = 'test-vanishing-global.js?' + w.vanishing_global; = "foobar";
      d.foobar = "foobar:" + Math.random();
      d.foobar = "barfoo:" + Math.random();
  })(win, doc);
  doc.write('<body onload="document._l();"></body>');

The aliasing of win and doc as w and d aren't necessary, it just might make it less confusing because of the misunderstanding of scopes. This way, they are parameters and you have to reference them to access the iframe's stuff. If you want to access the parent's, you still use window and document.

I'm not sure what the implications are of adding methods to a document (doc in this case), but it might make more sense to set the _l method on win. That way, things can be run without a prefix...such as <body onload="_l();"></body>

Looping through rows in a DataView

//You can convert DataView to Table. using DataView.ToTable();

foreach (DataRow drGroup in dtGroups.Rows)
    dtForms.DefaultView.RowFilter = "ParentFormID='" + drGroup["FormId"].ToString() + "'";

    if (dtForms.DefaultView.Count > 0)
        foreach (DataRow drForm in dtForms.DefaultView.ToTable().Rows)
            drNew = dtNew.NewRow();

            drNew["FormId"] = drForm["FormId"];
            drNew["FormCaption"] = drForm["FormCaption"];
            drNew["GroupName"] = drGroup["GroupName"];

// Or You Can Use

// 2.

dtForms.DefaultView.RowFilter = "ParentFormID='" + drGroup["FormId"].ToString() + "'";

DataTable DTFormFilter = dtForms.DefaultView.ToTable();

foreach (DataRow drFormFilter in DTFormFilter.Rows)
                            //Your logic goes here

Is there a pure CSS way to make an input transparent?

The two methods previously described are not enough today. I personnally use :

    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0px;
    outline: none;
    -webkit-box-shadow: none;
    -moz-box-shadow: none;
    box-shadow: none;

It also removes the shadow set on some browsers, hide the text that could be input and make the cursor behave as if the input was not there.

You may want to set width to 0px also.

Tensorflow set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES within jupyter

You can also enable multiple GPU cores, like so:

import os

Regular expression replace in C#

Try this::

sb_trim = Regex.Replace(stw, @"(\D+)\s+\$([\d,]+)\.\d+\s+(.)",
    m => string.Format(
        m.Groups[2].Value.Replace(",", string.Empty),

This is about as clean an answer as you'll get, at least with regexes.

  • (\D+): First capture group. One or more non-digit characters.
  • \s+\$: One or more spacing characters, then a literal dollar sign ($).
  • ([\d,]+): Second capture group. One or more digits and/or commas.
  • \.\d+: Decimal point, then at least one digit.
  • \s+: One or more spacing characters.
  • (.): Third capture group. Any non-line-breaking character.

The second capture group additionally needs to have its commas stripped. You could do this with another regex, but it's really unnecessary and bad for performance. This is why we need to use a lambda expression and string format to piece together the replacement. If it weren't for that, we could just use this as the replacement, in place of the lambda expression:


Shared-memory objects in multiprocessing

I run into the same problem and wrote a little shared-memory utility class to work around it.

I'm using multiprocessing.RawArray (lockfree), and also the access to the arrays is not synchronized at all (lockfree), be careful not to shoot your own feet.

With the solution I get speedups by a factor of approx 3 on a quad-core i7.

Here's the code: Feel free to use and improve it, and please report back any bugs.

Created on 14.05.2013

@author: martin

import multiprocessing
import ctypes
import numpy as np

class SharedNumpyMemManagerError(Exception):

Singleton Pattern
class SharedNumpyMemManager:    

    _initSize = 1024

    _instance = None

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if not cls._instance:
            cls._instance = super(SharedNumpyMemManager, cls).__new__(
                                cls, *args, **kwargs)
        return cls._instance        

    def __init__(self):
        self.lock = multiprocessing.Lock()
        self.cur = 0
        self.cnt = 0
        self.shared_arrays = [None] * SharedNumpyMemManager._initSize

    def __createArray(self, dimensions, ctype=ctypes.c_double):


        # double size if necessary
        if (self.cnt >= len(self.shared_arrays)):
            self.shared_arrays = self.shared_arrays + [None] * len(self.shared_arrays)

        # next handle

        # create array in shared memory segment
        shared_array_base = multiprocessing.RawArray(ctype,

        # convert to numpy array vie ctypeslib
        self.shared_arrays[self.cur] = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_base)

        # do a reshape for correct dimensions            
        # Returns a masked array containing the same data, but with a new shape.
        # The result is a view on the original array
        self.shared_arrays[self.cur] = self.shared_arrays[self.cnt].reshape(dimensions)

        # update cnt
        self.cnt += 1


        # return handle to the shared memory numpy array
        return self.cur

    def __getNextFreeHdl(self):
        orgCur = self.cur
        while self.shared_arrays[self.cur] is not None:
            self.cur = (self.cur + 1) % len(self.shared_arrays)
            if orgCur == self.cur:
                raise SharedNumpyMemManagerError('Max Number of Shared Numpy Arrays Exceeded!')

    def __freeArray(self, hdl):
        # set reference to None
        if self.shared_arrays[hdl] is not None: # consider multiple calls to free
            self.shared_arrays[hdl] = None
            self.cnt -= 1

    def __getArray(self, i):
        return self.shared_arrays[i]

    def getInstance():
        if not SharedNumpyMemManager._instance:
            SharedNumpyMemManager._instance = SharedNumpyMemManager()
        return SharedNumpyMemManager._instance

    def createArray(*args, **kwargs):
        return SharedNumpyMemManager.getInstance().__createArray(*args, **kwargs)

    def getArray(*args, **kwargs):
        return SharedNumpyMemManager.getInstance().__getArray(*args, **kwargs)

    def freeArray(*args, **kwargs):
        return SharedNumpyMemManager.getInstance().__freeArray(*args, **kwargs)

# Init Singleton on module load

if __name__ == '__main__':

    import timeit

    N_PROC = 8
    INNER_LOOP = 10000
    N = 1000

    def propagate(t):
        i, shm_hdl, evidence = t
        a = SharedNumpyMemManager.getArray(shm_hdl)
        for j in range(INNER_LOOP):
            a[i] = i

    class Parallel_Dummy_PF:

        def __init__(self, N):
            self.N = N
            self.arrayHdl = SharedNumpyMemManager.createArray(self.N, ctype=ctypes.c_double)            
            self.pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=N_PROC)

        def update_par(self, evidence):
  , zip(range(self.N), [self.arrayHdl] * self.N, [evidence] * self.N))

        def update_seq(self, evidence):
            for i in range(self.N):
                propagate((i, self.arrayHdl, evidence))

        def getArray(self):
            return SharedNumpyMemManager.getArray(self.arrayHdl)

    def parallelExec():
        pf = Parallel_Dummy_PF(N)

    def sequentialExec():
        pf = Parallel_Dummy_PF(N)

    t1 = timeit.Timer("sequentialExec()", "from __main__ import sequentialExec")
    t2 = timeit.Timer("parallelExec()", "from __main__ import parallelExec")

    print("Sequential: ", t1.timeit(number=1))    
    print("Parallel: ", t2.timeit(number=1))

Read user input inside a loop

Read from the controlling terminal device:

read input </dev/tty

more info:

Does VBA have Dictionary Structure?

VBA has the collection object:

    Dim c As Collection
    Set c = New Collection
    c.Add "Data1", "Key1"
    c.Add "Data2", "Key2"
    c.Add "Data3", "Key3"
    'Insert data via key into cell A1
    Range("A1").Value = c.Item("Key2")

The Collection object performs key-based lookups using a hash so it's quick.

You can use a Contains() function to check whether a particular collection contains a key:

Public Function Contains(col As Collection, key As Variant) As Boolean
    On Error Resume Next
    col(key) ' Just try it. If it fails, Err.Number will be nonzero.
    Contains = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function

Edit 24 June 2015: Shorter Contains() thanks to @TWiStErRob.

Edit 25 September 2015: Added Err.Clear() thanks to @scipilot.

How do I read and parse an XML file in C#?

You could use a DataSet to read XML strings.

var xmlString = File.ReadAllText(FILE_PATH);
var stringReader = new StringReader(xmlString);
var dsSet = new DataSet();

Posting this for the sake of information.

How to properly upgrade node using nvm

? TWO Simple Solutions:

To install the latest version of node and reinstall the old version packages just run the following command.

nvm install node --reinstall-packages-from=node

To install the latest lts (long term support) version of node and reinstall the old version packages just run the following command.

nvm install --lts /* --reinstall-packages-from=node

Here's a GIF to support this answer.


Java 8 stream reverse order

If implemented Comparable<T> (ex. Integer, String, Date), you can do it using Comparator.reverseOrder().

List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4);

How big can a MySQL database get before performance starts to degrade

In general this is a very subtle issue and not trivial whatsoever. I encourage you to read and High Performance MySQL. I really think there is no general answer for this.

I'm working on a project which has a MySQL database with almost 1TB of data. The most important scalability factor is RAM. If the indexes of your tables fit into memory and your queries are highly optimized, you can serve a reasonable amount of requests with a average machine.

The number of records do matter, depending of how your tables look like. It's a difference to have a lot of varchar fields or only a couple of ints or longs.

The physical size of the database matters as well: think of backups, for instance. Depending on your engine, your physical db files on grow, but don't shrink, for instance with innodb. So deleting a lot of rows, doesn't help to shrink your physical files.

There's a lot to this issues and as in a lot of cases the devil is in the details.

Download and save PDF file with Python requests module

Generally, this should work in Python3:

import urllib.request 

Remember that urllib and urllib2 don't work properly after Python2.

If in some mysterious cases requests don't work (happened with me), you can also try using


Here's a decent explanation/solution to find and download all pdf files on a webpage:

C# - Substring: index and length must refer to a location within the string

Here is another suggestion. If you can prepend http:// to your url string you can do this

  string path = "";
  Uri uri = new Uri(path);            
  string expectedString = 

biggest integer that can be stored in a double

9007199254740992 (that's 9,007,199,254,740,992) with no guarantees :)


#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
  double dbl = 0; /* I started with 9007199254000000, a little less than 2^53 */
  while (dbl + 1 != dbl) dbl++;
  printf("%.0f\n", dbl - 1);
  printf("%.0f\n", dbl);
  printf("%.0f\n", dbl + 1);
  return 0;



replace all occurrences in a string

As explained here, you can use:

function replaceall(str,replace,with_this)
    var str_hasil ="";
    var temp;

    for(var i=0;i<str.length;i++) // not need to be equal. it causes the last change: undefined..
        if (str[i] == replace)
            temp = with_this;
                temp = str[i];

        str_hasil += temp;

    return str_hasil;

... which you can then call using:

var str = "50.000.000";

The function will alert "50000000"

onclick event pass <li> id or value

I prefer to use the HTML5 data API, check this documentation:

A example

$('#some-list li').click(function() {_x000D_
  var textLoaded = 'Loading element with id='_x000D_
         + $(this).data('id');_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<ul id='some-list'>_x000D_
  <li data-id='1'>One </li>_x000D_
  <li data-id='2'>Two </li>_x000D_
  <!-- ... more li -->_x000D_
  <li data-id='n'>Other</li>_x000D_
<h1 id='loading-content'></h1>

Is Python interpreted, or compiled, or both?

Almost, we can say Python is interpreted language. But we are using some part of one time compilation process in python to convert complete source code into byte-code like java language.

How to print (using cout) a number in binary form?

Use on-the-fly conversion to std::bitset. No temporary variables, no loops, no functions, no macros.

Live On Coliru

#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>

int main() {
    int a = -58, b = a>>3, c = -315;

    std::cout << "a = " << std::bitset<8>(a)  << std::endl;
    std::cout << "b = " << std::bitset<8>(b)  << std::endl;
    std::cout << "c = " << std::bitset<16>(c) << std::endl;


a = 11000110
b = 11111000
c = 1111111011000101

How to change the height of a <br>?

Here is the correct solution that actually has cross-browser support:

  br {
        line-height: 150%;

Android API 21 Toolbar Padding

A combination of

android:padding="0dp" In the xml for the Toolbar


mToolbar.setContentInsetsAbsolute(0, 0) In the code

This worked for me.

How to Get a Specific Column Value from a DataTable?

I suggest such way based on extension methods:

IEnumerable<Int32> countryIDs =
    .Where(row => row.Field<String>("CountryName") == countryName)
    .Select(row => row.Field<Int32>("CountryID"));

System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll needs to be referenced.

How to sync with a remote Git repository?

Generally git pull is enough, but I'm not sure what layout you have chosen (or has github chosen for you).

What is the point of "Initial Catalog" in a SQL Server connection string?

Setting an Initial Catalog allows you to set the database that queries run on that connection will use by default. If you do not set this for a connection to a server in which multiple databases are present, in many cases you will be required to have a USE statement in every query in order to explicitly declare which database you are trying to run the query on. The Initial Catalog setting is a good way of explicitly declaring a default database.

String.equals() with multiple conditions (and one action on result)


  • Use String.equals():

    if (some_string.equals("john") ||
        some_string.equals("mary") ||
  • Use a regular expression:

    if (some_string.matches("john|mary|peter"))
  • Store a list of strings to be matched against in a Collection and search the collection:

    Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>();
    if (names.contains(some_string))

Creating csv file with php

Just in case if someone is wondering to save the CSV file to a specific path for email attachments. Then it can be done as follows

I know I have added a lot of comments just for newbies :)

I have added an example so that you can summarize well.

$activeUsers = /** Query to get the active users */

/** Following is the Variable to store the Users data as 
    CSV string with newline character delimiter, 

    its good idea of check the delimiter based on operating system */

$userCSVData = "Name,Email,CreatedAt\n";

/** Looping the users and appending to my earlier csv data variable */
foreach ( $activeUsers as $user ) {
    $userCSVData .= $user->name. "," . $user->email. "," . $user->created_at."\n";
/** Here you can use with H:i:s too. But I really dont care of my old file  */
$todayDate  = date('Y-m-d');
/** Create Filname and Path to Store */
$fileName   = 'Active Users '.$todayDate.'.csv';
$filePath   = public_path('uploads/'.$fileName); //I am using laravel helper, in case if your not using laravel then just add absolute or relative path as per your requirements and path to store the file

/** Just in case if I run the script multiple time 
    I want to remove the old file and add new file.

    And before deleting the file from the location I am making sure it exists */
$fp = fopen($filePath, 'w+');
fwrite($fp, $userCSVData); /** Once the data is written it will be saved in the path given */

/** Now you can send email with attachments from the $filePath */

NOTE: The following is a very bad idea to increase the memory_limit and time limit, but I have only added to make sure if anyone faces the problem of connection time out or any other. Make sure to find out some alternative before sticking to it.

You have to add the following at the start of the above script.

ini_set("memory_limit", "10056M");
ini_set('mysql.connect_timeout', '0');
ini_set('max_execution_time', '0');

javascript get x and y coordinates on mouse click

Like this.

function printMousePos(event) {_x000D_
  document.body.textContent =_x000D_
    "clientX: " + event.clientX +_x000D_
    " - clientY: " + event.clientY;_x000D_
document.addEventListener("click", printMousePos);

MouseEvent - MDN

MouseEvent.clientX Read only
The X coordinate of the mouse pointer in local (DOM content) coordinates.

MouseEvent.clientY Read only
The Y coordinate of the mouse pointer in local (DOM content) coordinates.

Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@android:style/TextAppearance.Holo.Widget.ActionBar.Title'

Make sure you've set your target API (different from the target SDK) in the Project Properties (not the manifest) to be at least 4.0/API 14.

Setting the correct PATH for Eclipse

Go to System Properties > Advanced > Enviroment Variables and look under System variables

First, create/set your JAVA_HOME variable

Even though Eclipse doesn't consult the JAVA_HOME variable, it's still a good idea to set it. See How do I run Eclipse? for more information.

If you have not created and/or do not see JAVA_HOME under the list of System variables, do the following:

  1. Click New... at the very bottom
  2. For Variable name, type JAVA_HOME exactly
  3. For Variable value, this could be different depending on what bits your computer and java are.
    • If both your computer and java are 64-bit, type C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60
    • If both your computer and java are 32-bit, type C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60
    • If your computer is 64-bit, but your java is 32-bit, type C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_60

If you have created and/or do see JAVA_HOME, do the following:

  1. Click on the row under System variables that you see JAVA_HOME in
  2. Click Edit... at the very bottom
  3. For Variable value, change it to what was stated in #3 above based on java's and your computer's bits. To repeat:
    • If both your computer and java are 64-bit, change it to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60
    • If both your computer and java are 32-bit, change it to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60
    • If your computer is 64-bit, but your java is 32-bit, change it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_60

Next, add to your PATH variable

  1. Click on the row under System variables with PATH in it
  2. Click Edit... at the very bottom
  3. If you have a newer version of windows:
    • Click New
    • Type in C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_60 OR C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60 depending on the bits of your computer and java (see above ^).
    • Press Enter and Click New again.
    • Type in C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\jre OR C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\jre depending on the bits of your computer and java (see above again ^).
    • Press Enter and press OK on all of the related windows
  4. If you have an older version of windows
    • In the Variable value textbox (or something similar) drag the cursor all the way to the very end
    • Add a semicolon (;) if there isn't one already
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_60 OR C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60
    • Add another semicolon (;)
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\jre OR C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\jre

Changing eclipse.ini

  1. Find your eclipse.ini file and copy-paste it in the same directory (should be named eclipse(1).ini)
  2. Rename eclipse.ini to eclipse.ini.old just in case something goes wrong
  3. Rename eclipse(1).ini to eclipse.ini
  4. Open your newly-renamed eclipse.ini and replace all of it with this:

    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin\javaw.exe

XXMaxPermSize may be deprecated, so it might not work. If eclipse still does not launch, do the following:

  1. Delete the newer eclipse.ini
  2. Rename eclipse.ini.old to eclipse.ini
  3. Open command prompt
  4. type in eclipse -vm C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin\javaw.exe

If the problem remains

Try updating your eclipse and java to the latest version. 8u60 (1.8.0_60) is not the latest version of java. Sometimes, the latest version of java doesn't work with older versions of eclipse and vice versa. Otherwise, leave a comment if you're still having problems. You could also try a fresh reinstallation of Java.

How do I obtain the frequencies of each value in an FFT?

The FFT output coefficients (for complex input of size N) are from 0 to N - 1 grouped as [LOW,MID,HI,HI,MID,LOW] frequency.

I would consider that the element at k has the same frequency as the element at N-k since for real data, FFT[N-k] = complex conjugate of FFT[k].

The order of scanning from LOW to HIGH frequency is





 [N/2] - 1,
 N - ([N/2] - 1) = [N/2]+1,


There are [N/2]+1 groups of frequency from index i = 0 to [N/2], each having the frequency = i * SamplingFrequency / N

So the frequency at bin FFT[k] is:

if k <= [N/2] then k * SamplingFrequency / N
if k >= [N/2] then (N-k) * SamplingFrequency / N

Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string - laravel

This is easy all you need to do is something like this Grab your contents like this

  $result->get(filed1) = 'some modification';
  $result->get(filed2) = 'some modification2';

How to pass parameters to maven build using pom.xml?

mvn install "-Dsomeproperty=propety value"

In pom.xml:

    <someproperty> ${someproperty} </someproperty>

Referred from this question

Where is the WPF Numeric UpDown control?

You can use NumericUpDown control for WPF written by me as a part of WPFControls library.

Clicking a button within a form causes page refresh

I also had the same problem, but gladelly I fixed this by changing the type like from type="submit" to type="button" and it worked.

Share data between html pages

possibly if you want to just transfer data to be used by JavaScript then you can use Hash Tags like this


so once when you are done retriving the data show the message and change the window.location.hash to a suitable value.. now whenever you ll refresh the page the hashtag wont be present
NOTE: when you will use this instead ot query strings the data being sent cannot be retrived/read by the server

extra qualification error in C++

This is because you have the following code:

class JSONDeserializer
    Value JSONDeserializer::ParseValue(TDR type, const json_string& valueString);

This is not valid C++ but Visual Studio seems to accept it. You need to change it to the following code to be able to compile it with a standard compliant compiler (gcc is more compliant to the standard on this point).

class JSONDeserializer
    Value ParseValue(TDR type, const json_string& valueString);

The error come from the fact that JSONDeserializer::ParseValue is a qualified name (a name with a namespace qualification), and such a name is forbidden as a method name in a class.

Why don't self-closing script elements work?

That's because SCRIPT TAG is not a VOID ELEMENT.

In an HTML Document - VOID ELEMENTS do not need a "closing tag" at all!

In xhtml, everything is Generic, therefore they all need termination e.g. a "closing tag"; Including br, a simple line-break, as <br></br> or its shorthand <br />.

However, a Script Element is never a void or a parametric Element, because script tag before anything else, is a Browser Instruction, not a Data Description declaration.

Principally, a Semantic Termination Instruction e.g., a "closing tag" is only needed for processing instructions who's semantics cannot be terminated by a succeeding tag. For instance:

<H1> semantics cannot be terminated by a following <P> because it doesn't carry enough of its own semantics to override and therefore terminate the previous H1 instruction set. Although it will be able to break the stream into a new paragraph line, it is not "strong enough" to override the present font size & style line-height pouring down the stream, i.e leaking from H1 (because P doesn't have it).

This is how and why the "/" (termination) signalling has been invented.

A generic no-description termination Tag like < />, would have sufficed for any single fall off the encountered cascade, e.g.: <H1>Title< /> but that's not always the case, because we also want to be capable of "nesting", multiple intermediary tagging of the Stream: split into torrents before wrapping / falling onto another cascade. As a consequence a generic terminator such as < /> would not be able to determine the target of a property to terminate. For example: <b>bold <i>bold-italic < /> italic </>normal. Would undoubtedly fail to get our intention right and would most probably interpret it as bold bold-itallic bold normal.

This is how the notion of a wrapper ie., container was born. (These notions are so similar that it is impossible to discern and sometimes the same element may have both. <H1> is both wrapper and container at the same time. Whereas <B> only a semantic wrapper). We'll need a plain, no semantics container. And of course the invention of a DIV Element came by.

The DIV element is actually a 2BR-Container. Of course the coming of CSS made the whole situation weirder than it would otherwise have been and caused a great confusion with many great consequences - indirectly!

Because with CSS you could easily override the native pre&after BR behavior of a newly invented DIV, it is often referred to, as a "do nothing container". Which is, naturally wrong! DIVs are block elements and will natively break the line of the stream both before and after the end signalling. Soon the WEB started suffering from page DIV-itis. Most of them still are.

The coming of CSS with its capability to fully override and completely redefine the native behavior of any HTML Tag, somehow managed to confuse and blur the whole meaning of HTML existence...

Suddenly all HTML tags appeared as if obsolete, they were defaced, stripped of all their original meaning, identity and purpose. Somehow you'd gain the impression that they're no longer needed. Saying: A single container-wrapper tag would suffice for all the data presentation. Just add the required attributes. Why not have meaningful tags instead; Invent tag names as you go and let the CSS bother with the rest.

This is how xhtml was born and of course the great blunt, paid so dearly by new comers and a distorted vision of what is what, and what's the damn purpose of it all. W3C went from World Wide Web to What Went Wrong, Comrades?!!

The purpose of HTML is to stream meaningful data to the human recipient.

To deliver Information.

The formal part is there to only assist the clarity of information delivery. xhtml doesn't give the slightest consideration to the information. - To it, the information is absolutely irrelevant.

The most important thing in the matter is to know and be able to understand that xhtml is not just a version of some extended HTML, xhtml is a completely different beast; grounds up; and therefore it is wise to keep them separate.

pip3: command not found but python3-pip is already installed

Probably pip3 is installed in /usr/local/bin/ which is not in the PATH of the sudo (root) user. Use this instead

sudo /usr/local/bin/pip3 install virtualenv

What is the difference between bindParam and bindValue?

The simplest way to put this into perspective for memorization by behavior (in terms of PHP):

  • bindParam: reference
  • bindValue: variable

Variable interpolation in the shell







_ is a valid character in identifiers. Dot is not, so the shell tried to interpolate $filepath_newstap.

You can use set -u to make the shell exit with an error when you reference an undefined variable.

What's the difference between disabled="disabled" and readonly="readonly" for HTML form input fields?

If the value of a disabled textbox needs to be retained when a form is cleared (reset), disabled = "disabled" has to be used, as read-only textbox will not retain the value

For Example:



<input type="text" id="disabledText" name="randombox" value="demo" disabled="disabled" />

Reset button

<button type="reset" id="clearButton">Clear</button>

In the above example, when Clear button is pressed, disabled text value will be retained in the form. Value will not be retained in the case of input type = "text" readonly="readonly"

Android: how to make an activity return results to the activity which calls it?

Your error is in resultCode = Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, you should instance like resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED ==

Subprocess check_output returned non-zero exit status 1

The word check_ in the name means that if the command (the shell in this case that returns the exit status of the last command (yum in this case)) returns non-zero status then it raises CalledProcessError exception. It is by design. If the command that you want to run may return non-zero status on success then either catch this exception or don't use check_ methods. You could use in your case because you are ignoring the captured output, e.g.:

import subprocess

rc =['grep', 'pattern', 'file'],
                     stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
if rc == 0: # found
elif rc == 1: # not found
elif rc > 1: # error

You don't need shell=True to run the commands from your question.

How do I enable C++11 in gcc?

If you are using sublime then this code may work if you add it in build as code for building system. You can use this link for more information.

    "shell_cmd": "g++ \"${file}\" -std=c++1y -o \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}\"",
    "file_regex": "^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$",
    "working_dir": "${file_path}",
    "selector": "source.c, source.c++",

            "name": "Run",
            "shell_cmd": "g++ \"${file}\" -std=c++1y -o \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}\" && \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}\""

Bootstrap 3 - 100% height of custom div inside column

My solution was to make all the parents 100% and set a specific percentage for each row:

html, body,div[class^="container"] ,.column {
    height: 100%;

.row0 {height: 10%;}
.row1 {height: 40%;}
.row2 {height: 50%;}

Font awesome is not showing icon

solved changing the targetted !importantized font-family selector from * { ... } to *:not(i) { ... }

(with scss preprocessor); hope u solved

How to change date format using jQuery?

You don't need any date-specific functions for this, it's just string manipulation:

var parts = fecha2.value.split('-');
var newdate = parts[1]+'-'+parts[2]+'-'+(parseInt(parts[0], 10)%100);

Genymotion error at start 'Unable to load virtualbox'

  1. Close Android Studio (if Android Studio is running)
  2. Run Genymotion as administrator

that's all! simple.

Hibernate Criteria Join with 3 Tables

The fetch mode only says that the association must be fetched. If you want to add restrictions on an associated entity, you must create an alias, or a subcriteria. I generally prefer using aliases, but YMMV:

Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Dokument.class, "dokument");
c.createAlias("dokument.role", "role"); // inner join by default
c.createAlias("", "contact");
c.add(Restrictions.eq("contact.lastName", "Test"));
return c.list();

This is of course well explained in the Hibernate reference manual, and the javadoc for Criteria even has examples. Read the documentation: it has plenty of useful information.

How to retrieve current workspace using Jenkins Pipeline Groovy script?

A quick note for anyone who is using bat in the job and needs to access Workspace:

It won't work.

$WORKSPACE as mentioned here only works with PowerShell. So your code should have powershell for execution

 stage('Verifying Workspace') {
  powershell label: '', script: 'dir $WORKSPACE'

What is the best way to call a script from another script?

As it's already mentioned, runpy is a nice way to run other scripts or modules from current script.

By the way, it's quite common for a tracer or debugger to do this, and under such circumstances methods like importing the file directly or running the file in a subprocess usually do not work.

It also needs attention to use exec to run the code. You have to provide proper run_globals to avoid import error or some other issues. Refer to runpy._run_code for details.

Printing the last column of a line in a file

Not the actual issue here, but might help some one: I was doing awk "{print $NF}", note the wrong quotes. Should be awk '{print $NF}', so that the shell doesn't expand $NF.

Git merge develop into feature branch outputs "Already up-to-date" while it's not

You should first pull the changes from the develop branch and only then merge them to your branch:

git checkout develop 
git pull 
git checkout branch-x
git rebase develop

Or, when on branch-x:

git fetch && git rebase origin/develop

I have an alias that saves me a lot of time. Add to your ~/.gitconfig:

    fr = "!f() { git fetch && git rebase origin/"$1"; }; f"

Now, all that you have to do is:

git fr develop

Calling an executable program using awk

I use the power of awk to delete some of my stopped docker containers. Observe carefully how i construct the cmd string first before passing it to system.

docker ps -a | awk '$3 ~ "/bin/clish" { cmd="docker rm "$1;system(cmd)}'

Here, I use the 3rd column having the pattern "/bin/clish" and then I extract the container ID in the first column to construct my cmd string and passed that to system.

Integer to IP Address - C

Hint: break up the 32-bit integer to 4 8-bit integers, and print them out.

Something along the lines of this (not compiled, YMMV):

int i = 0xDEADBEEF; // some 32-bit integer
          (i >> 24) & 0xFF,
          (i >> 16) & 0xFF,
          (i >> 8) & 0xFF,
          i & 0xFF);

Difference between == and === in JavaScript

Take a look here:

The 3 equal signs mean "equality without type coercion". Using the triple equals, the values must be equal in type as well.

0 == false   // true
0 === false  // false, because they are of a different type
1 == "1"     // true, automatic type conversion for value only
1 === "1"    // false, because they are of a different type
null == undefined // true
null === undefined // false
'0' == false // true
'0' === false // false

Get Android Phone Model programmatically

You can Try following function and its return your phoneModel name in string format.

public String phoneModel() {

    return Build.MODEL;

How to initialize a list of strings (List<string>) with many string values

List<string> animals= new List<string>();

Default value to a parameter while passing by reference in C++

There are two reasons to pass an argument by reference: (1) for performance (in which case you want to pass by const reference) and (2) because you need the ability to change the value of the argument inside the function.

I highly doubt that passing an unsigned long on modern architectures is slowing you down too much. So I'm assuming that you're intending to change the value of State inside the method. The compiler is complaining because the constant 0 cannot be changed, as it's an rvalue ("non-lvalue" in the error message) and unchangeable (const in the error message).

Simply put, you want a method that can change the argument passed, but by default you want to pass an argument that can't change.

To put it another way, non-const references have to refer to actual variables. The default value in the function signature (0) is not a real variable. You're running into the same problem as:

struct Foo {
    virtual ULONG Write(ULONG& State, bool sequence = true);

Foo f;
ULONG s = 5;
f.Write(s); // perfectly OK, because s is a real variable
f.Write(0); // compiler error, 0 is not a real variable
            // if the value of 0 were changed in the function,
            // I would have no way to refer to the new value

If you don't actually intend to change State inside the method you can simply change it to a const ULONG&. But you're not going to get a big performance benefit from that, so I would recommend changing it to a non-reference ULONG. I notice that you are already returning a ULONG, and I have a sneaky suspicion that its value is the value of State after any needed modifications. In which case I would simply declare the method as so:

// returns value of State
virtual ULONG Write(ULONG State = 0, bool sequence = true);

Of course, I'm not quite sure what you're writing or to where. But that's another question for another time.

Is there an equivalent to e.PageX position for 'touchstart' event as there is for click event?

I tried some of the other answers here, but originalEvent was also undefined. Upon inspection, found a TouchList classed property (as suggested by another poster) and managed to get to pageX/Y this way:

var x = e.changedTouches[0].pageX;

Bundling data files with PyInstaller (--onefile)

The most common complaint/question I've seen wrt PyInstaller is "my code can't find a data file which I definitely included in the bundle, where is it?", and it isn't easy to see what/where your code is searching because the extracted code is in a temp location and is removed when it exits. Add this bit of code to see what's included in your onefile and where it is, using @Jonathon Reinhart's resource_path()

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(resource_path("")):
    for file in files:
        print( "  ",file)

Powershell: How can I stop errors from being displayed in a script?

Add -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue to your script and you'll be good to go.

Multiple commands in an alias for bash


alias lock='gnome-screensaver; gnome-screensaver-command --lock'


lock() {
    gnome-screensaver-command --lock

in your .bashrc

The second solution allows you to use arguments.

How to check that a JCheckBox is checked?

Use the isSelected method.

You can also use an ItemListener so you'll be notified when it's checked or unchecked.

How do I search for files in Visual Studio Code?

To search for specifil file types in visual studio code.
Type ctrl+p and then search for something like *.py.
Simple and easy

One line if statement not working

Remove if from if @item.rigged ? "Yes" : "No"

Ternary operator has form condition ? if_true : if_false

How can I copy a file on Unix using C?

There is a way to do this, without resorting to the system call, you need to incorporate a wrapper something like this:

#include <sys/sendfile.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

** About locking mechanism...

int copy_file(const char *source, const char *dest){
   int fdSource = open(source, O_RDWR);

   /* Caf's comment about race condition... */
   if (fdSource > 0){
     if (lockf(fdSource, F_LOCK, 0) == -1) return 0; /* FAILURE */
   }else return 0; /* FAILURE */

   /* Now the fdSource is locked */

   int fdDest = open(dest, O_CREAT);
   off_t lCount;
   struct stat sourceStat;
   if (fdSource > 0 && fdDest > 0){
      if (!stat(source, &sourceStat)){
          int len = sendfile(fdDest, fdSource, &lCount, sourceStat.st_size);
          if (len > 0 && len == sourceStat.st_size){

               /* Sanity Check for Lock, if this is locked -1 is returned! */
               if (lockf(fdSource, F_TEST, 0) == 0){
                   if (lockf(fdSource, F_ULOCK, 0) == -1){
                      /* WHOOPS! WTF! FAILURE TO UNLOCK! */
                      return 1; /* Success */
                   /* WHOOPS! WTF! TEST LOCK IS -1 WTF! */
                   return 0; /* FAILURE */
   return 0; /* Failure */

The above sample (error checking is omitted!) employs open, close and sendfile.

Edit: As caf has pointed out a race condition can occur between the open and stat so I thought I'd make this a bit more robust...Keep in mind that the locking mechanism varies from platform to platform...under Linux, this locking mechanism with lockf would suffice. If you want to make this portable, use the #ifdef macros to distinguish between different platforms/compilers...Thanks caf for spotting this...There is a link to a site that yielded "universal locking routines" here.

How to check the multiple permission at single request in Android M?

You can ask multiple permissions (from different groups) in a single request. For that, you need to add all the permissions to the string array that you supply as the first parameter to the requestPermissions API like this:

requestPermissions(new String[]{

On doing this, you will see the permission popup as a stack of multiple permission popups. Ofcourse you need to handle the acceptance and rejection (including the "Never Ask Again") options of each permissions. The same has been beautifully explained over here.

What to put in a python module docstring?

Think about somebody doing help(yourmodule) at the interactive interpreter's prompt — what do they want to know? (Other methods of extracting and displaying the information are roughly equivalent to help in terms of amount of information). So if you have in

"""This module does blah blah."""

class Blah(object):
  """This class does blah blah."""


>>> import x; help(x)


Help on module x:

    x - This module does blah blah.



    class Blah(__builtin__.object)
     |  This class does blah blah.
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Blah' objects>
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

As you see, the detailed information on the classes (and functions too, though I'm not showing one here) is already included from those components' docstrings; the module's own docstring should describe them very summarily (if at all) and rather concentrate on a concise summary of what the module as a whole can do for you, ideally with some doctested examples (just like functions and classes ideally should have doctested examples in their docstrings).

I don't see how metadata such as author name and copyright / license helps the module's user — it can rather go in comments, since it could help somebody considering whether or not to reuse or modify the module.

How do I get 'date-1' formatted as mm-dd-yyyy using PowerShell?

I think this is only partially true. Changing the format seems to switch the date to a string object which then has no methods like AddDays to manipulate it. So to make this work, you have to switch it back to a date. For example:

Get-Date (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) -format D

Shortcuts in Objective-C to concatenate NSStrings

I keep returning to this post and always end up sorting through the answers to find this simple solution that works with as many variables as needed:

[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@/%@", three, two, one];

For example:

NSString *urlForHttpGet = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"", userName, userId];

How to set textColor of UILabel in Swift

You can use as below and also can use various color just assign

myLabel.textColor = UIColor.yourChoiceOfColor



myLabel.textColor =


[myLabel setTextColor:[UIColor redColor]];

or you can click here to Choose the color,

Excel - Sum column if condition is met by checking other column in same table

SUMIF didn't worked for me, had to use SUMIFS.


TableAmount is the table to sum the values, TableMonth the table where we search the condition and January, of course, the condition to meet.

Hope this can help someone!

What does Include() do in LINQ?

I just wanted to add that "Include" is part of eager loading. It is described in Entity Framework 6 tutorial by Microsoft. Here is the link:

Excerpt from the linked page:

Here are several ways that the Entity Framework can load related data into the navigation properties of an entity:

Lazy loading. When the entity is first read, related data isn't retrieved. However, the first time you attempt to access a navigation property, the data required for that navigation property is automatically retrieved. This results in multiple queries sent to the database — one for the entity itself and one each time that related data for the entity must be retrieved. The DbContext class enables lazy loading by default.

Eager loading. When the entity is read, related data is retrieved along with it. This typically results in a single join query that retrieves all of the data that's needed. You specify eager loading by using the Include method.

Explicit loading. This is similar to lazy loading, except that you explicitly retrieve the related data in code; it doesn't happen automatically when you access a navigation property. You load related data manually by getting the object state manager entry for an entity and calling the Collection.Load method for collections or the Reference.Load method for properties that hold a single entity. (In the following example, if you wanted to load the Administrator navigation property, you'd replace Collection(x => x.Courses) with Reference(x => x.Administrator).) Typically you'd use explicit loading only when you've turned lazy loading off.

Because they don't immediately retrieve the property values, lazy loading and explicit loading are also both known as deferred loading.

What is the difference between YAML and JSON?

Since this question now features prominently when searching for YAML and JSON, it's worth noting one rarely-cited difference between the two: license. JSON purports to have a license which JSON users must adhere to (including the legally-ambiguous "shall be used for Good, not Evil"). YAML carries no such license claim, and that might be an important difference (to your lawyer, if not to you).

Are there any worse sorting algorithms than Bogosort (a.k.a Monkey Sort)?

Quantum Bogosort

A sorting algorithm that assumes that the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is correct:

  1. Check that the list is sorted. If not, destroy the universe.

At the conclusion of the algorithm, the list will be sorted in the only universe left standing. This algorithm takes worst-case O(N) and average-case O(1) time. In fact, the average number of comparisons performed is 2: there's a 50% chance that the universe will be destroyed on the second element, a 25% chance that it'll be destroyed on the third, and so on.

Hibernate Auto Increment ID

Hibernate defines five types of identifier generation strategies:

AUTO - either identity column, sequence or table depending on the underlying DB

TABLE - table holding the id

IDENTITY - identity column

SEQUENCE - sequence

identity copy – the identity is copied from another entity

Example using Table

@GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.TABLE , generator="employee_generator")
private Long employeeId;

for more details, check the link.

Postgresql -bash: psql: command not found

It can be due to psql not being in PATH

$ locate psql

Then create a link in /usr/bin

ln -s /usr/lib/postgresql/9.6/bin/psql /usr/bin/psql

Then try to execute psql it should work.

How can I see an the output of my C programs using Dev-C++?

Use #include conio.h

Then add getch(); before return 0;

In Java, how do you determine if a thread is running?

You can use: Thread.currentThread().isAlive();. Returns true if this thread is alive; false otherwise.

Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions. Error in SQL Server

This could a permission issue. The user needs at least ALTER permission to truncate a table. Another option is to call DELETE FROM instead of TRUNCATE TABLE, but this operation is slower because it writes to the Log file, whereas TRUNCATE does not write to the log file.

The minimum permission required is ALTER on table_name. TRUNCATE TABLE permissions default to the table owner, members of the sysadmin fixed server role, and the db_owner and db_ddladmin fixed database roles, and are not transferable. However, you can incorporate the TRUNCATE TABLE statement within a module, such as a stored procedure, and grant appropriate permissions to the module using the EXECUTE AS clause.

How to sort a list/tuple of lists/tuples by the element at a given index?

In order to sort a list of tuples (<word>, <count>), for count in descending order and word in alphabetical order:

data = [
('betty', 1),
('bought', 1),
('a', 1),
('bit', 1),
('of', 1),
('butter', 2),
('but', 1),
('the', 1),
('was', 1),
('bitter', 1)]

I use this method:

sorted(data, key=lambda tup:(-tup[1], tup[0]))

and it gives me the result:

[('butter', 2),
('a', 1),
('betty', 1),
('bit', 1),
('bitter', 1),
('bought', 1),
('but', 1),
('of', 1),
('the', 1),
('was', 1)]

Open File Dialog, One Filter for Multiple Excel Extensions?

Use a semicolon

OpenFileDialog of = new OpenFileDialog();
of.Filter = "Excel Files|*.xls;*.xlsx;*.xlsm";

Synchronous XMLHttpRequest warning and <script>

UPDATE: This has been fixed in jQuery 3.x. If you have no possibility to upgrade to any version above 3.0, you could use following snippet BUT be aware that now you will lose sync behaviour of script loading in the targeted content.

You could fix it, setting explicitly async option of xhr request to true:

$.ajaxPrefilter(function( options, original_Options, jqXHR ) {
    options.async = true;

Password Strength Meter

Update: created a js fiddle here to see it live:

I went through tons of google searches and didn't find anything satisfying. i like how passpack have done it so essentially reverse-engineered their approach, here we go:

function scorePassword(pass) {
    var score = 0;
    if (!pass)
        return score;

    // award every unique letter until 5 repetitions
    var letters = new Object();
    for (var i=0; i<pass.length; i++) {
        letters[pass[i]] = (letters[pass[i]] || 0) + 1;
        score += 5.0 / letters[pass[i]];

    // bonus points for mixing it up
    var variations = {
        digits: /\d/.test(pass),
        lower: /[a-z]/.test(pass),
        upper: /[A-Z]/.test(pass),
        nonWords: /\W/.test(pass),

    var variationCount = 0;
    for (var check in variations) {
        variationCount += (variations[check] == true) ? 1 : 0;
    score += (variationCount - 1) * 10;

    return parseInt(score);

Good passwords start to score around 60 or so, here's function to translate that in words:

function checkPassStrength(pass) {
    var score = scorePassword(pass);
    if (score > 80)
        return "strong";
    if (score > 60)
        return "good";
    if (score >= 30)
        return "weak";

    return "";

you might want to tune this a bit but i found it working for me nicely

Dynamically load JS inside JS

My guess is that in your DOM-only solution you did something like:

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = something;
//do stuff with the script

First of all, that won't work because the script is not added to the document tree, so it won't be loaded. Furthermore, even when you do, execution of javascript continues while the other script is loading, so its content will not be available to you until that script is fully loaded.

You can listen to the script's load event, and do things with the results as you would. So:

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.onload = function () {
    //do stuff with the script
script.src = something;

document.head.appendChild(script); //or something of the likes

How to iterate over array of objects in Handlebars?

This fiddle has both each and direct json.

Below are the two ways of iterating over array. One is with direct json passing and another is naming the json array while passing to content holder.

Eg1: The below example is directly calling json key (data) inside small_data variable.

In html use the below code:

<div id="small-content-placeholder"></div>

The below can be placed in header or body of html:

<script id="small-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">

The below one is on document ready:

var small_source   = $("#small-template").html();
var small_template = Handlebars.compile(small_source);

The below is the json:

var small_data = {
            data: [
                {username: "alan1", firstName: "Alan", lastName: "Johnson", email: "[email protected]" },
                {username: "alan2", firstName: "Alan", lastName: "Johnson", email: "[email protected]" }

Finally attach the json to content holder:


Eg2: Iteration using each.

Consider the below json.

var big_data = [
                name: "users1",
                details: [
                    {username: "alan1", firstName: "Alan", lastName: "Johnson", email: "[email protected]" },
                    {username: "allison1", firstName: "Allison", lastName: "House", email: "[email protected]" },
                    {username: "ryan1", firstName: "Ryan", lastName: "Carson", email: "[email protected]" }
                name: "users2",
                details: [
                    {username: "alan2", firstName: "Alan", lastName: "Johnson", email: "[email protected]" },
                    {username: "allison2", firstName: "Allison", lastName: "House", email: "[email protected]" },
                    {username: "ryan2", firstName: "Ryan", lastName: "Carson", email: "[email protected]" }

While passing the json to content holder just name it in this way:


And the template looks like :

<script id="big-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
            {{#each big_data}}

Reset MySQL root password using ALTER USER statement after install on Mac

Mysql 5.7.24 get root first login

step 1: get password from log

 grep root@localhost /var/log/mysqld.log
        2019-01-17T09:58:34.459520Z 1 [Note] A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: wHkJHUxeR4)w

step 2: login with him to mysql

mysql -uroot -p'wHkJHUxeR4)w'

step 3: you put new root password


you get ERROR 1819 (HY000): Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements

how fix it?

run this SET GLOBAL validate_password_policy=LOW;

Try Again SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('xxxxx');

Spring Boot: Is it possible to use external files in arbitrary directories with a fat jar?

This may be coming in Late but I think I figured out a better way to load external configurations especially when you run your spring-boot app using java jar myapp.war instead of @PropertySource("")

The configuration would be loaded form the root of the project or from the location the war/jar file is being run from

public class Application implements EnvironmentAware {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {, args);

    public void setEnvironment(Environment environment) {
        //Set up Relative path of Configuration directory/folder, should be at the root of the project or the same folder where the jar/war is placed or being run from
        String configFolder = "config";
        //All static property file names here
        List<String> propertyFiles = Arrays.asList("","");
        //This is also useful for appending the profile names
        Arrays.asList(environment.getActiveProfiles()).stream().forEach(environmentName -> propertyFiles.add(String.format("", environmentName))); 
        for (String configFileName : propertyFiles) {
            File configFile = new File(configFolder, configFileName);
  "looking for configuration %s from %s", configFileName, configFolder));
            FileSystemResource springResource = new FileSystemResource(configFile);
            LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Config file : {0}", (configFile.exists() ? "FOund" : "Not Found"));
            if (configFile.exists()) {
                try {
          "Loading configuration file %s", configFileName));
                    PropertiesFactoryBean pfb = new PropertiesFactoryBean();
                    Properties properties = pfb.getObject();
                    PropertiesPropertySource externalConfig = new PropertiesPropertySource("externalConfig", properties);
                    ((ConfigurableEnvironment) environment).getPropertySources().addFirst(externalConfig);
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            } else {
      "Cannot find Configuration file %s... \n\n\n\n", configFileName));




Hope it helps.

Where are logs located?

  • Ensure debug mode is on - either add APP_DEBUG=true to .env file or set an environment variable

  • Log files are in storage/logs folder. laravel.log is the default filename. If there is a permission issue with the log folder, Laravel just halts. So if your endpoint generally works - permissions are not an issue.

  • In case your calls don't even reach Laravel or aren't caused by code issues - check web server's log files (check your Apache/nginx config files to see the paths).

  • If you use PHP-FPM, check its log files as well (you can see the path to log file in PHP-FPM pool config).

Does --disable-web-security Work In Chrome Anymore?

If you want to automate this: Kill chrome from task Manager First. In Windows - Right Click (or Shift+right click, in-case of taskbar) on Chrome Icon. Select Properties. In "Target" text-box, add --disable-web-security flag.

So text in text-box should look like

C:\Users\njadhav\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome SxS\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security

Click Ok and launch chrome.

How do you check if a JavaScript Object is a DOM Object?

if you are using jQuery, try this

$('<div>').is('*') // true
$({tagName: 'a'}).is('*') // false
$({}).is('*') // false
$([]).is('*') // false
$(0).is('*') // false
$(NaN).is('*') // false

How do I use Notepad++ (or other) with msysgit?

Here is a solution with Cygwin:

#!/bin/dash -e
if [ "$1" ]
then k=$(cygpath -w "$1")
elif [ "$#" != 0 ]
then k=
Notepad2 ${k+"$k"}
  1. If no path, pass no path

  2. If path is empty, pass empty path

  3. If path is not empty, convert to Windows format.

Then I set these variables:

export GIT_EDITOR='dash /usr/local/bin/'
  1. EDITOR allows script to work with Git

  2. GIT_EDITOR allows script to work with Hub commands


How to fill in proxy information in cntlm config file?

For me just using cntlm -H wasn't generating the right hash, but it does with the command below providing the user name.

If you need to generate a new password hash for cntlm, because you have change it or you've been forced to update it, you can just type the below command and update your cntlm.conf configuration file with the output:

$ cntlm -u test -H
PassLM          D2AABAF8828482D5552C4BCA4AEBFB11
PassNT          83AC305A1582F064C469755F04AE5C0A
PassNTLMv2      4B80D9370D353EE006D714E39715A5CB    # Only for user 'test', domain ''

How to fix "The ConnectionString property has not been initialized"

You get this error when a datasource attempts to bind to data but cannot because it cannot find the connection string. In my experience, this is not usually due to an error in the web.config (though I am not 100% sure of this).

If you are programmatically assigning a datasource (such as a SqlDataSource) or creating a query (i.e. using a SqlConnection/SqlCommand combination), make sure you assigned it a ConnectionString.

var connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[nameOfString].ConnectionString);

If you are hooking up a databound element to a datasource (i.e. a GridView or ComboBox to a SqlDataSource), make sure the datasource is assigned to one of your connection strings.

Post your code (for the databound element and the web.config to be safe) and we can take a look at it.

EDIT: I think the problem is that you are trying to get the Connection String from the AppSettings area, and programmatically that is not where it exists. Try replacing that with ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString (if ConnectionString is the name of your connection string.)

Java String array: is there a size of method?

All the above answers are proper. The important thing to observe is arrays have length attribute but not length method. Whenever you use strings and arrays in java the three basic models you might face are:

  1. String s=new String("vidyasagar");
    System.out.println(s.length()); // In this case we are using only String. No length attribute for Strings. we have to use length() method.
  2. int[] s=new int[10]; System.out.println(s.length); //here we use length attribute of arrays.
  3. String[] s=new String[10];
    System.out.println(s.length); // Here even though data type is String, it's not a single String. s is a reference for array of Strings. So we use length attribute of arrays to express how many strings can fit in that array.

convert a list of objects from one type to another using lambda expression

List<target> targetList = new List<target>(originalList.Cast<target>());

Convert Char to String in C

Here is a working exemple :

printf("-%s-", (char[2]){'A', 0});

This will display -A-

How to rename a single column in a data.frame?

This is an old question, but it is worth noting that you can now use setnames from the data.table package.


setnames(DF, "oldName", "newName")

# or since the data.frame in question is just one column: 
setnames(DF, "newName")

# And for reference's sake, in general (more than once column)
nms <- c("", "", etc...)
setnames(DF, nms)

Maven error: Not authorized, ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized

The issue may happen while fetching dependencies from a remote repository. In my case, the repository did not need any authentication and it has been resolved by removing the servers section in the settings.xml file:


ps: I guess your target is mvn clean install instead of maven install clean

How to re-create database for Entity Framework?

While this question is premised by not caring about the data, sometimes maintenance of the data is essential.

If so, I wrote a list of steps on how to recover from Entity Framework nightmare when the database already has tables with the same name here: How to recover from Entity Framework nightmare - database already has tables with the same name

Apparently... a moderator saw fit to delete my post so I'll paste it here:

How to recover from Entity Framework nightmare - database already has tables with the same name

Description: If you're like us when your team is new to EF, you'll end up in a state where you either can't create a new local database or you can't apply updates to your production database. You want to get back to a clean EF environment and then stick to basics, but you can't. If you get it working for production, you can't create a local db, and if you get it working for local, your production server gets out of sync. And finally, you don't want to delete any production server data.

Symptom: Can't run Update-Database because it's trying to run the creation script and the database already has tables with the same name.

Error Message: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): There is already an object named '' in the database.

Problem Background: EF understands where the current database is at compared to where the code is at based on a table in the database called dbo.__MigrationHistory. When it looks at the Migration Scripts, it tries to reconsile where it was last at with the scripts. If it can't, it just tries to apply them in order. This means, it goes back to the initial creation script and if you look at the very first part in the UP command, it'll be the CreeateTable for the table that the error was occurring on.

To understand this in more detail, I'd recommend watching both videos referenced here:

Solution: What we need to do is to trick EF into thinking that the current database is up to date while not applying these CreateTable commands. At the same time, we still want those commands to exist so we can create new local databases.

Step 1: Production DB clean First, make a backup of your production db. In SSMS, Right-Click on the database, Select "Tasks > Export Data-tier application..." and follow the prompts. Open your production database and delete/drop the dbo.__MigrationHistory table.

Step 2: Local environment clean Open your migrations folder and delete it. I'm assuming you can get this all back from git if necessary.

Step 3: Recreate Initial In the Package Manager, run "Enable-Migrations" (EF will prompt you to use -ContextTypeName if you have multiple contexts). Run "Add-Migration Initial -verbose". This will Create the initial script to create the database from scratch based on the current code. If you had any seed operations in the previous Configuration.cs, then copy that across.

Step 4: Trick EF At this point, if we ran Update-Database, we'd be getting the original error. So, we need to trick EF into thinking that it's up to date, without running these commands. So, go into the Up method in the Initial migration you just created and comment it all out.

Step 5: Update-Database With no code to execute on the Up process, EF will create the dbo.__MigrationHistory table with the correct entry to say that it ran this script correctly. Go and check it out if you like. Now, uncomment that code and save. You can run Update-Database again if you want to check that EF thinks its up to date. It won't run the Up step with all of the CreateTable commands because it thinks it's already done this.

Step 6: Confirm EF is ACTUALLY up to date If you had code that hadn't yet had migrations applied to it, this is what I did...

Run "Add-Migration MissingMigrations" This will create practically an empty script. Because the code was there already, there was actually the correct commands to create these tables in the initial migration script, so I just cut the CreateTable and equivalent drop commands into the Up and Down methods.

Now, run Update-Database again and watch it execute your new migration script, creating the appropriate tables in the database.

Step 7: Re-confirm and commit. Build, test, run. Ensure that everything is running then commit the changes.

Step 8: Let the rest of your team know how to proceed. When the next person updates, EF won't know what hit it given that the scripts it had run before don't exist. But, assuming that local databases can be blown away and re-created, this is all good. They will need to drop their local database and add create it from EF again. If they had local changes and pending migrations, I'd recommend they create their DB again on master, switch to their feature branch and re-create those migration scripts from scratch.

How do I convert a C# List<string[]> to a Javascript array?

This worked for me in ASP.NET Core MVC.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var ar = @Html.Raw(Json.Serialize(Model.Addresses));

Error occurred during initialization of VM (java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object)

Try placing the desired java directory in PATH before not needed java directories in your PATH.

How to export table as CSV with headings on Postgresql?

From psql command line:

\COPY my_table TO 'filename' CSV HEADER

no semi-colon at the end.

Return value from a VBScript function

To return a value from a VBScript function, assign the value to the name of the function, like this:

Function getNumber
    getNumber = "423"
End Function

What are .dex files in Android?

.dex file

Compiled Android application code file.

Android programs are compiled into .dex (Dalvik Executable) files, which are in turn zipped into a single .apk file on the device. .dex files can be created automatically by Android, by translating the compiled applications written in the Java programming language.

Can a background image be larger than the div itself?

Not really - the background image is bounded by the element it's applied to, and the overflow properties only apply to the content (i.e. markup) within an element.

You can add another div into your footer div and apply the background image to that, though, and have that overflow instead.

How to show only next line after the matched one?

grep /Pattern/ | tail -n 2 | head -n 1

Tail first 2 and then head last one to get exactly first line after match.

Change border-bottom color using jquery?

$("selector").css("border-bottom-color", "#fff");
  1. construct your jQuery object which provides callable methods first. In this case, say you got an #mydiv, then $("#mydiv")
  2. call the .css() method provided by jQuery to modify specified object's css property values.

Link to a section of a webpage


Use <section>.

and use <a href="page.html#tips">Visit the Useful Tips Section</a>

Python DNS module import error

On Debian 7 Wheezy, I had to do:

pip install --upgrade dnspython

even if python-dns package was installed.

SQL query to select distinct row with minimum value

This alternative approach uses SQL Server's OUTER APPLY clause. This way, it

  1. creates the distinct list of games, and
  2. fetches and outputs the record with the lowest point number for that game.

The OUTER APPLY clause can be imagined as a LEFT JOIN, but with the advantage that you can use values of the main query as parameters in the subquery (here: game).

SELECT colMinPointID
  SELECT game
  FROM table
  GROUP BY game
) As rstOuter
  SELECT TOP 1 id As colMinPointID
  FROM table As rstInner
  ORDER BY points
) AS rstMinPoints

TensorFlow not found using pip

If your command pip install --upgrade tensorflowcompiles, then your version of tensorflow should be the newest. I personally prefer to use anaconda. You can easily install and upgrade tensorflow as follows:

 conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow  # to install
 conda upgrade -c conda-forge tensorflow  # to upgrade

Also if you want to use it with your GPU you have an easy install:

 conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-gpu

I've been using it for a while now and I have never had any problem.

error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL': value '0' doesn't match value '2' in main.obj

Like all the other answers, I checked my Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor directives.
In my case I had the NDEBUG correctly defined in Release, but I also had: _SECURE_SCL=1.

Removing that one fixed the issue.

How to access the php.ini file in godaddy shared hosting linux

It's an older question, but if anyone has a problem with setting this, their documentation is outdated. I made a copy of the php.ini file named php5.ini and now it works.

How to import JsonConvert in C# application?

If you are developing a .Net Core WebApi or WebSite you dont not need to install newtownsoft.json to perform json serialization/deserealization

Just make sure that your controller method returns a JsonResult and call return Json(<objectoToSerialize>); like this example

namespace WebApi.Controllers
    public class AccountsController : Controller
        // GET: api/Transaction
        public JsonResult Get()
            List<Account> lstAccounts;

            lstAccounts = AccountsFacade.GetAll();

            return Json(lstAccounts);

If you are developing a .Net Framework WebApi or WebSite you need to use NuGet to download and install the newtonsoft json package

"Project" -> "Manage NuGet packages" -> "Search for "newtonsoft json". -> click "install".

namespace WebApi.Controllers
    public class AccountsController : Controller
        // GET: api/Transaction
        public JsonResult Get()
            List<Account> lstAccounts;

            lstAccounts = AccountsFacade.GetAll();

            //This line is different !! 
            return new JsonConvert.SerializeObject(lstAccounts);

More details can be found here -

Iterate over object in Angular

Angular 6.1.0+ Answer

Use the built-in keyvalue-pipe like this:

<div *ngFor="let item of myObject | keyvalue">
    Key: <b>{{item.key}}</b> and Value: <b>{{item.value}}</b>

or like this:

<div *ngFor="let item of myObject | keyvalue:mySortingFunction">
    Key: <b>{{item.key}}</b> and Value: <b>{{item.value}}</b>

where mySortingFunction is in your .ts file, for example:

mySortingFunction = (a, b) => {
  return a.key > b.key ? -1 : 1;


You won't need to register this in any module, since Angular pipes work out of the box in any template.

It also works for Javascript-Maps.

When to use React "componentDidUpdate" method?

I have used componentDidUpdate() in highchart.

Here is a simple example of this component.

import React, { PropTypes, Component } from 'react';
window.Highcharts = require('highcharts');

export default class Chartline extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      chart: ''

  public componentDidUpdate() {
    // console.log(this.props.candidate, 'this.props.candidate')
    if (this.props.category) {
      const category = this.props.category ? this.props.category : {};
      console.log('category', category);
      window.Highcharts.chart('jobcontainer_' + category._id, {
        title: {
          text: ''
        plotOptions: {
          series: {
            cursor: 'pointer'
        chart: {
          defaultSeriesType: 'spline'
        xAxis: {
          // categories: candidate.dateArr,
          categories: ['Day1', 'Day2', 'Day3', 'Day4', 'Day5', 'Day6', 'Day7'],
          showEmpty: true
        labels: {
          style: {
            color: 'white',
            fontSize: '25px',
            fontFamily: 'SF UI Text'
        series: [
            name: 'Low',
            color: '#9B260A',
            data: category.lowcount
            name: 'High',
            color: '#0E5AAB',
            data: category.highcount
            name: 'Average',
            color: '#12B499',
            data: category.averagecount
  public render() {
    const category = this.props.category ? this.props.category : {};
    console.log('render category', category);
    return <div id={'jobcontainer_' + category._id} style={{ maxWidth: '400px', height: '180px' }} />;

How to revert the last migration?

You can revert by migrating to the previous migration.

For example, if your last two migrations are:

  • 0010_previous_migration
  • 0011_migration_to_revert

Then you would do:

./ migrate my_app 0010_previous_migration 

You can then delete migration 0011_migration_to_revert.

If you're using Django 1.8+, you can show the names of all the migrations with

./ showmigrations my_app

To reverse all migrations for an app, you can run:

./ migrate my_app zero

Nginx no-www to www and www to no-www

HTTP Solution

From the documentation, "the right way is to define a separate server for":

server {
    listen       80;
    return       301$request_uri;

server {
    listen       80;

HTTPS Solution

For those who want a solution including https://...

server {
        listen 80;
        # $scheme will get the http protocol
        # and 301 is best practice for tablet, phone, desktop and seo
        return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;

server {
        listen 80;
        # here goes the rest of your config file
        # example 
        location / {

            rewrite ^/cp/login?$ /cp/login.php last;
            # etc etc...


Note: I have not originally included https:// in my solution since we use loadbalancers and our https:// server is a high-traffic SSL payment server: we do not mix https:// and http://.

To check the nginx version, use nginx -v.

Strip www from url with nginx redirect

server {
    rewrite ^(.*)$1 permanent;

server {
    #The rest of your configuration goes here#

So you need to have TWO server codes.

Add the www to the url with nginx redirect

If what you need is the opposite, to redirect from to, you can use this:

server {
    rewrite ^(.*)$1 permanent;

server {
    #The rest of your configuration goes here#

As you can imagine, this is just the opposite and works the same way the first example. This way, you don't get SEO marks down, as it is complete perm redirect and move. The no WWW is forced and the directory shown!

Some of my code shown below for a better view:

server {
    rewrite ^(.*)$1 permanent;
server {
       listen 80;
       index index.php index.html;
       # now pull the site from one directory #
       root /var/www/;
       # done #
       location = /favicon.ico {
                log_not_found off;
                access_log off;

How to specify non-default shared-library path in GCC Linux? Getting "error while loading shared libraries" when running

There are two ways to achieve that:

  • Use -rpath linker option:

gcc XXX.c -o xxx.out -L$HOME/.usr/lib -lXX -Wl,-rpath=/home/user/.usr/lib

  • Use LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable - put this line in your ~/.bashrc file:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/.usr/lib

This will work even for a pre-generated binaries, so you can for example download some packages from the, unpack the binaries and shared libraries into your home directory, and launch them without recompiling.

For a quick test, you can also do (in bash at least):

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/.usr/lib ./xxx.out

which has the advantage of not changing your library path for everything else.

Disable F5 and browser refresh using JavaScript

From the site Enrique posted:

document.attachEvent("onkeydown", my_onkeydown_handler);
function my_onkeydown_handler() {
    switch (event.keyCode) {
        case 116 : // 'F5'
            event.returnValue = false;
            event.keyCode = 0;
            window.status = "We have disabled F5";

Passing data to a bootstrap modal

Here is a cleaner way to do it if you are using Bootstrap 3.2.0.


<a href="#my_modal" data-toggle="modal" data-book-id="my_id_value">Open Modal</a>

Modal JavaScript

//triggered when modal is about to be shown
$('#my_modal').on('', function(e) {

    //get data-id attribute of the clicked element
    var bookId = $(e.relatedTarget).data('book-id');

    //populate the textbox

Remove sensitive files and their commits from Git history

I recommend this script by David Underhill, worked like a charm for me.

It adds these commands in addition natacado's filter-branch to clean up the mess it leaves behind:

rm -rf .git/refs/original/
git reflog expire --all
git gc --aggressive --prune

Full script (all credit to David Underhill)

set -o errexit

# Author: David Underhill
# Script to permanently delete files/folders from your git repository.  To use 
# it, cd to your repository's root and then run the script with a list of paths
# you want to delete, e.g., git-delete-history path1 path2

if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
    exit 0

# make sure we're at the root of git repo
if [ ! -d .git ]; then
    echo "Error: must run this script from the root of a git repository"
    exit 1

# remove all paths passed as arguments from the history of the repo
git filter-branch --index-filter \
"git rm -rf --cached --ignore-unmatch $files" HEAD

# remove the temporary history git-filter-branch
# otherwise leaves behind for a long time
rm -rf .git/refs/original/ && \
git reflog expire --all && \
git gc --aggressive --prune

The last two commands may work better if changed to the following:

git reflog expire --expire=now --all && \
git gc --aggressive --prune=now

Pure Javascript listen to input value change

As a basic example...


<input type="text" name="Thing" value="" />


/* event listener */
document.getElementsByName("Thing")[0].addEventListener('change', doThing);

/* function */
function doThing(){
   alert('Horray! Someone wrote "' + this.value + '"!');

Here's a fiddle:

How to analyse the heap dump using jmap in java

If you just run jmap -histo:live or jmap -histo, it outputs the contents on the console!

Can I change the height of an image in CSS :before/:after pseudo-elements?

Instead of setting the width and height of the background image, you can set width and the height of the element itself.

.pdflink::after {
  content: '';
  background-image: url(/images/pdf.png);
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background-size: contain;

Quicksort: Choosing the pivot

It depends on your requirements. Choosing a pivot at random makes it harder to create a data set that generates O(N^2) performance. 'Median-of-three' (first, last, middle) is also a way of avoiding problems. Beware of relative performance of comparisons, though; if your comparisons are costly, then Mo3 does more comparisons than choosing (a single pivot value) at random. Database records can be costly to compare.

Update: Pulling comments into answer.

mdkess asserted:

'Median of 3' is NOT first last middle. Choose three random indexes, and take the middle value of this. The whole point is to make sure that your choice of pivots is not deterministic - if it is, worst case data can be quite easily generated.

To which I responded:

  • Analysis Of Hoare's Find Algorithm With Median-Of-Three Partition (1997) by P Kirschenhofer, H Prodinger, C Martínez supports your contention (that 'median-of-three' is three random items).

  • There's an article described at that is about 'The Worst Case Permutation for Median-of-Three Quicksort' by Hannu Erkiö, published in The Computer Journal, Vol 27, No 3, 1984. [Update 2012-02-26: Got the text for the article. Section 2 'The Algorithm' begins: 'By using the median of the first, middle and last elements of A[L:R], efficient partitions into parts of fairly equal sizes can be achieved in most practical situations.' Thus, it is discussing the first-middle-last Mo3 approach.]

  • Another short article that is interesting is by M. D. McIlroy, "A Killer Adversary for Quicksort", published in Software-Practice and Experience, Vol. 29(0), 1–4 (0 1999). It explains how to make almost any Quicksort behave quadratically.

  • AT&T Bell Labs Tech Journal, Oct 1984 "Theory and Practice in the Construction of a Working Sort Routine" states "Hoare suggested partitioning around the median of several randomly selected lines. Sedgewick [...] recommended choosing the median of the first [...] last [...] and middle". This indicates that both techniques for 'median-of-three' are known in the literature. (Update 2014-11-23: The article appears to be available at IEEE Xplore or from Wiley — if you have membership or are prepared to pay a fee.)

  • 'Engineering a Sort Function' by J L Bentley and M D McIlroy, published in Software Practice and Experience, Vol 23(11), November 1993, goes into an extensive discussion of the issues, and they chose an adaptive partitioning algorithm based in part on the size of the data set. There is a lot of discussion of trade-offs for various approaches.

  • A Google search for 'median-of-three' works pretty well for further tracking.

Thanks for the information; I had only encountered the deterministic 'median-of-three' before.

Regular expression for excluding special characters

The negated set of everything that is not alphanumeric & underscore for ASCII chars:


For email or username validation i've used the following expression that allows 4 standard special characters - _ . @


For a strict alphanumeric only expression use:


Test @

How to shift a column in Pandas DataFrame

This is how I do it:

df_ext = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.date_range(df.index[-1], periods=8, closed='right'))
df2 = pd.concat([df, df_ext], axis=0, sort=True)
df2["forecast"] = df2["some column"].shift(7)

Basically I am generating an empty dataframe with the desired index and then just concatenate them together. But I would really like to see this as a standard feature in pandas so I have proposed an enhancement to pandas.

Android: crashes with getApplicationContext

I don't think this is a timing issue around a null application context

Try extending Application within your app (or just use it if you already have)

public class MyApp extends Application

Make the instance available as a private singleton. This is never null

private static MyApp appInstance;

Make a static helper in MyApp (which will use the singleton)

    public static void showProgressDialog( CharSequence title, CharSequence message )
    prog =, title, message, true); // Never Do This!


Also, check out android engineer's answer here: WindowManager$BadTokenException

One cause of this error may be trying to display an application window/dialog through a Context that is not an Activity.

Now, i agree, it does not make sense that the method takes a Context param, instead of Activity..

Regex pattern inside SQL Replace function?

You can use PATINDEX to find the first index of the pattern (string's) occurrence. Then use STUFF to stuff another string into the pattern(string) matched.

Loop through each row. Replace each illegal characters with what you want. In your case replace non numeric with blank. The inner loop is if you have more than one illegal character in a current cell that of the loop.

DECLARE @counter int

SET @counter = 0


    WHILE 1 = 1
        DECLARE @RetVal varchar(50)

        SET @RetVal =  (SELECT Column = STUFF(Column, PATINDEX('%[^0-9.]%', Column),1, '')
        FROM Table
        WHERE ID_COLUMN = @counter)

        IF(@RetVal IS NOT NULL)       
          UPDATE Table SET
          Column = @RetVal
          WHERE ID_COLUMN = @counter

    SET @counter = @counter + 1

Caution: This is slow though! Having a varchar column may impact. So using LTRIM RTRIM may help a bit. Regardless, it is slow.

Credit goes to this StackOverFlow answer.

EDIT Credit also goes to @srutzky

Edit (by @Tmdean) Instead of doing one row at a time, this answer can be adapted to a more set-based solution. It still iterates the max of the number of non-numeric characters in a single row, so it's not ideal, but I think it should be acceptable in most situations.

    WITH q AS
        (SELECT ID_Column, PATINDEX('%[^0-9.]%', Column) AS n
        FROM Table)
    UPDATE Table
    SET Column = STUFF(Column, q.n, 1, '')
    FROM q
    WHERE Table.ID_Column = q.ID_Column AND q.n != 0;


You can also improve efficiency quite a lot if you maintain a bit column in the table that indicates whether the field has been scrubbed yet. (NULL represents "Unknown" in my example and should be the column default.)

DECLARE @done bit = 0;
WHILE @done = 0 BEGIN
    WITH q AS
        (SELECT ID_Column, PATINDEX('%[^0-9.]%', Column) AS n
        FROM Table
        WHERE COALESCE(Scrubbed_Column, 0) = 0)
    UPDATE Table
    SET Column = STUFF(Column, q.n, 1, ''),
        Scrubbed_Column = 0
    FROM q
    WHERE Table.ID_Column = q.ID_Column AND q.n != 0;

    IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 SET @done = 1;

    -- if Scrubbed_Column is still NULL, then the PATINDEX
    -- must have given 0
    UPDATE table
    SET Scrubbed_Column = CASE
        WHEN Scrubbed_Column IS NULL THEN 1
        ELSE NULLIF(Scrubbed_Column, 0)

If you don't want to change your schema, this is easy to adapt to store intermediate results in a table valued variable which gets applied to the actual table at the end.

Byte Array to Hex String

Consider the hex() method of the bytes type on Python 3.5 and up:

>>> array_alpha = [ 133, 53, 234, 241 ]
>>> print(bytes(array_alpha).hex())

EDIT: it's also much faster than hexlify (modified @falsetru's benchmarks above)

from timeit import timeit
N = 10000
print("bytearray + hexlify ->", timeit(
    setup='import binascii; data = bytearray(range(255))',
print("byte + hex          ->", timeit(
    setup='data = bytes(range(255))',


bytearray + hexlify -> 0.011218150997592602
byte + hex          -> 0.005952142993919551

apache not accepting incoming connections from outside of localhost

SELinux prevents Apache (and therefore all Apache modules) from making remote connections by default.

# setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1

What is REST? Slightly confused

The basic idea is that instead of having an ongoing connection to the server, you make a request, get some data, show that to a user, but maybe not all of it, and then when the user does something which calls for more data, or to pass some up to the server, the client initiates a change to a new state.

Xcode Objective-C | iOS: delay function / NSTimer help?

Less code is better code.

[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.06];


Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.06)

What is the difference between json.dump() and json.dumps() in python?

There isn't much else to add other than what the docs say. If you want to dump the JSON into a file/socket or whatever, then you should go with dump(). If you only need it as a string (for printing, parsing or whatever) then use dumps() (dump string)

As mentioned by Antti Haapala in this answer, there are some minor differences on the ensure_ascii behaviour. This is mostly due to how the underlying write() function works, being that it operates on chunks rather than the whole string. Check his answer for more details on that.


Serialize obj as a JSON formatted stream to fp (a .write()-supporting file-like object

If ensure_ascii is False, some chunks written to fp may be unicode instances


Serialize obj to a JSON formatted str

If ensure_ascii is False, the result may contain non-ASCII characters and the return value may be a unicode instance

ASP.NET MVC DropDownListFor with model of type List<string>

If you have a List of type string that you want in a drop down list I do the following:

EDIT: Clarified, making it a fuller example.

public class ShipDirectory
    public string ShipDirectoryName { get; set; }
    public List<string> ShipNames { get; set; }

ShipDirectory myShipDirectory = new ShipDirectory()
    ShipDirectoryName = "Incomming Vessels",
    ShipNames = new List<string>(){"A", "A B"},

myShipDirectory.ShipNames.Add("Aunt Bessy");

@Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.ShipNames, new SelectList(Model.ShipNames), "Select a Ship...", new { @style = "width:500px" })

Which gives a drop down list like so:

<select id="ShipNames" name="ShipNames" style="width:500px">
    <option value="">Select a Ship...</option>
    <option>A B</option>
    <option>Aunt Bessy</option>

To get the value on a controllers post; if you are using a model (e.g. MyViewModel) that has the List of strings as a property, because you have specified x => x.ShipNames you simply have the method signature as (because it will be serialised/deserialsed within the model):

public ActionResult MyActionName(MyViewModel model)

Access the ShipNames value like so: model.ShipNames

If you just want to access the drop down list on post then the signature becomes:

public ActionResult MyActionName(string ShipNames)

EDIT: In accordance with comments have clarified how to access the ShipNames property in the model collection parameter.

Use of exit() function

Write header file #include<process.h> and replace exit(); with exit(0);. This will definitely work in Turbo C; for other compilers I don't know.

How to pass data from Javascript to PHP and vice versa?

Passing data from PHP is easy, you can generate JavaScript with it. The other way is a bit harder - you have to invoke the PHP script by a Javascript request.

An example (using traditional event registration model for simplicity):

<!-- headers etc. omitted -->
function callPHP(params) {
    var httpc = new XMLHttpRequest(); // simplified for clarity
    var url = "get_data.php";"POST", url, true); // sending as POST

    httpc.onreadystatechange = function() { //Call a function when the state changes.
        if(httpc.readyState == 4 && httpc.status == 200) { // complete and no errors
            alert(httpc.responseText); // some processing here, or whatever you want to do with the response
<a href="#" onclick="callPHP('lorem=ipsum&foo=bar')">call PHP script</a>
<!-- rest of document omitted -->

Whatever get_data.php produces, that will appear in httpc.responseText. Error handling, event registration and cross-browser XMLHttpRequest compatibility are left as simple exercises to the reader ;)

See also Mozilla's documentation for further examples

error: RPC failed; curl transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining

Changing git clone protocol to try.

for example, this error happened when "git clone https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

you can try with "git clone git://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", maybe ok then.

How can I get the name of an object in Python?

Here's another way to think about it. Suppose there were a name() function that returned the name of its argument. Given the following code:

def f(a):
    return a

b = "x"
c = b
d = f(c)

e = [f(b), f(c), f(d)]

What should name(e[2]) return, and why?

Wordpress plugin install: Could not create directory

CentOS7 or Ubuntu 16


WordPress uses ftp to install themes and plugins.
So the ftpd should have been configured to create-directory

vim /etc/pure-ftpd.confg

and if it is no then should be yes

# Are anonymous users allowed to create new directories?
AnonymousCanCreateDirs       yes


sudo systemctl restart pure-ftpd


Maybe there is an ownership issue with the parent directories. Find the Web Server user name and group name if it is Apache Web Server

apachectl -S

it will print

User: name="apache" id=997
Group: name="apache" id=1000

on Ubuntu it is

User: name="www-data" id=33 not_used
Group: name="www-data" id=33 not_used


sudo chown -R apache:apache directory-name


Sometimes it is because of directories permissions. So try

sudo chmod -R 755 directory-name

in some cases 755 does not work. (It should & I do not no why) so try

sudo chmod -R 777 directory-name


Maybe it is because of php safe mode. So turn it off in the root of your domain

vim php.ini

then add

safe_mode = Off

For not entering FTP username and password each time installing a theme we can configure WordPress to use it directly by adding


to the wp-config.php file.

How do I get the number of elements in a list?

How to get the size of a list?

To find the size of a list, use the builtin function, len:

items = []

And now:


returns 3.


Everything in Python is an object, including lists. All objects have a header of some sort in the C implementation.

Lists and other similar builtin objects with a "size" in Python, in particular, have an attribute called ob_size, where the number of elements in the object is cached. So checking the number of objects in a list is very fast.

But if you're checking if list size is zero or not, don't use len - instead, put the list in a boolean context - it treated as False if empty, True otherwise.

From the docs


Return the length (the number of items) of an object. The argument may be a sequence (such as a string, bytes, tuple, list, or range) or a collection (such as a dictionary, set, or frozen set).

len is implemented with __len__, from the data model docs:


Called to implement the built-in function len(). Should return the length of the object, an integer >= 0. Also, an object that doesn’t define a __nonzero__() [in Python 2 or __bool__() in Python 3] method and whose __len__() method returns zero is considered to be false in a Boolean context.

And we can also see that __len__ is a method of lists:


returns 3.

Builtin types you can get the len (length) of

And in fact we see we can get this information for all of the described types:

>>> all(hasattr(cls, '__len__') for cls in (str, bytes, tuple, list, 
                                            range, dict, set, frozenset))

Do not use len to test for an empty or nonempty list

To test for a specific length, of course, simply test for equality:

if len(items) == required_length:

But there's a special case for testing for a zero length list or the inverse. In that case, do not test for equality.

Also, do not do:

if len(items): 

Instead, simply do:

if items:     # Then we have some items, not empty!


if not items: # Then we have an empty list!

I explain why here but in short, if items or if not items is both more readable and more performant.

How do I get a TextBox to only accept numeric input in WPF?

If you do not want to write a lot of code to do a basic function (I don't know why people make long methods) you can just do this:

  1. Add namespace:

    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
  2. In XAML, set a TextChanged property:

    <TextBox x:Name="txt1" TextChanged="txt1_TextChanged"/>
  3. In WPF under txt1_TextChanged method, add Regex.Replace:

    private void txt1_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
        txt1.Text = Regex.Replace(txt1.Text, "[^0-9]+", "");

Displaying the build date

In 2018 some of the above solutions do not work anymore or do not work with .NET Core.

I use the following approach which is simple and works for my .NET Core 2.0 project.

Add the following to your .csproj inside the PropertyGroup :


This defines a PropertyFunction which you can access in your pre build command.

Your pre-build looks like this

echo $(today) > $(ProjectDir)BuildTimeStamp.txt

Set the property of the BuildTimeStamp.txt to Embedded resource.

Now you can read the time stamp like this

public static class BuildTimeStamp
        public static string GetTimestamp()
            var assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); 

            var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("NamespaceGoesHere.BuildTimeStamp.txt");

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                return reader.ReadToEnd();

What is IPV6 for localhost and

For use in a /etc/hosts file as a simple ad blocking technique to cause a domain to fail to resolve, the address has been widely used because it causes the request to immediately fail without even trying, because it's not a valid or routable address. This is in comparison to using in that place, where it will at least check to see if your own computer is listening on the requested port 80 before failing with 'connection refused.' Either of those addresses being used in the hosts file for the domain will stop any requests from being attempted over the actual network, but has gained favor because it's more 'optimal' for the above reason. "127" IPs will attempt to hit your own computer, and any other IP will cause a request to be sent to the router to try to route it, but for there's nowhere to even send a request to.

All that being said, having any IP listed in your hosts file for the domain to be blocked is sufficient, and you wouldn't need or want to also put an ipv6 address in your hosts file unless -- possibly -- you don't have ipv4 enabled at all. I'd be really surprised if that was the case, though. And still though, I think having the host appear in /etc/hosts with a bad ipv4 address when you don't have ipv4 enabled would still give you the result you are looking for which is for it to fail, instead of looking up the real DNS of say, and getting back either a v4 or v6 IP.

How to insert programmatically a new line in an Excel cell in C#?

You need to insert the character code that Excel uses, which IIRC is 10 (ten).

EDIT: OK, here's some code. Note that I was able to confirm that the character-code used is indeed 10, by creating a cell containing:



...and then selecting it and executing this in the VBA immediate window:


So, the code you need to insert that value into another cell in VBA would be:

ActiveCell.Value = "A" & vbLf & "B"

(since vbLf is character code 10).

I know you're using C# but I find it's much easier to figure out what to do if you first do it in VBA, since you can try it out "interactively" without having to compile anything. Whatever you do in C# is just replicating what you do in VBA so there's rarely any difference. (Remember that the C# interop stuff is just using the same underlying COM libraries as VBA).

Anyway, the C# for this would be:

oCell.Value = "A\nB";

Spot the difference :-)

EDIT 2: Aaaargh! I just re-read the post and saw that you're using the Aspose library. Sorry, in that case I've no idea.

What’s the best way to check if a file exists in C++? (cross platform)

I would reconsider trying to find out if a file exists. Instead, you should try to open it (in Standard C or C++) in the same mode you intend to use it. What use is knowing that the file exists if, say, it isn't writable when you need to use it?

How to integrate Dart into a Rails app

If you run pub build --mode=debug the build directory contains the application without symlinks. The Dart code should be retained when --mode=debug is used.

Here is some discussion going on about this topic too Dart and it's place in Rails Assets Pipeline

Use of "this" keyword in C++

Either way works, but many places have coding standards in place that will guide the developer one way or the other. If such a policy is not in place, just follow your heart. One thing, though, it REALLY helps the readability of the code if you do use it. especially if you are not following a naming convention on class-level variable names.

Generate random int value from 3 to 6

DECLARE @min INT = 3;
DECLARE @max INT = 6;
SELECT @min + ROUND(RAND() * (@max - @min), 0);

Step by step

DECLARE @min INT = 3;
DECLARE @max INT = 6;

DECLARE @rand DECIMAL(19,4) = RAND();
DECLARE @difference INT = @max - @min;
DECLARE @chunk INT = ROUND(@rand * @difference, 0);
DECLARE @result INT = @min + @chunk; 
SELECT @result;

Note that a user-defined function thus not allow the use of RAND(). A workaround for this (source: is to create a view first.

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vw_RandomSeed]
SELECT        RAND() AS seed

and then create the random function

CREATE FUNCTION udf_RandomNumberBetween
    @min INT,
    @max INT
    RETURN @min + ROUND((SELECT TOP 1 seed FROM vw_RandomSeed) * (@max - @min), 0);

How to parse JSON with VBA without external libraries?

There are two issues here. The first is to access fields in the array returned by your JSON parse, the second is to rename collections/fields (like sentences) away from VBA reserved names.

Let's address the second concern first. You were on the right track. First, replace all instances of sentences with jsentences If text within your JSON also contains the word sentences, then figure out a way to make the replacement unique, such as using "sentences":[ as the search string. You can use the VBA Replace method to do this.

Once that's done, so VBA will stop renaming sentences to Sentences, it's just a matter of accessing the array like so:

'first, declare the variables you need:
Dim jsent as Variant

'Get arr all setup, then
For Each jsent in arr.jsentences

C# - insert values from file into two arrays

var Text = File.ReadAllLines("Path"); foreach (var i in Text) {    var SplitText = i.Split().Where(x=> x.Lenght>1).ToList();    //@Array1 add SplitText[0]    //@Array2 add SpliteText[1]   }  

vertical & horizontal lines in matplotlib

This may be a common problem for new users of Matplotlib to draw vertical and horizontal lines. In order to understand this problem, you should be aware that different coordinate systems exist in Matplotlib.

The method axhline and axvline are used to draw lines at the axes coordinate. In this coordinate system, coordinate for the bottom left point is (0,0), while the coordinate for the top right point is (1,1), regardless of the data range of your plot. Both the parameter xmin and xmax are in the range [0,1].

On the other hand, method hlines and vlines are used to draw lines at the data coordinate. The range for xmin and xmax are the in the range of data limit of x axis.

Let's take a concrete example,

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x = np.linspace(0, 5, 100)
y = np.sin(x)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.plot(x, y)
ax.axhline(y=0.5, xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0, color='r')
ax.hlines(y=0.6, xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0, color='b')

It will produce the following plot: enter image description here

The value for xmin and xmax are the same for the axhline and hlines method. But the length of produced line is different.

How to implement a lock in JavaScript

I've had success mutex-promise.

I agree with other answers that you might not need locking in your case. But it's not true that one never needs locking in Javascript. You need mutual exclusivity when accessing external resources that do not handle concurrency.

Inserting code in this LaTeX document with indentation

You could also use the verbatim environment


Abort trap 6 error in C

Try this:

void drawInitialNim(int num1, int num2, int num3){
    int board[3][50] = {0}; // This is a local variable. It is not possible to use it after returning from this function. 

    int i, j, k;

    for(i=0; i<num1; i++)
        board[0][i] = 'O';
    for(i=0; i<num2; i++)
        board[1][i] = 'O';
    for(i=0; i<num3; i++)
        board[2][i] = 'O';

    for (j=0; j<3;j++) {
        for (k=0; k<50; k++) {
            if(board[j][k] != 0)
                printf("%c", board[j][k]);

Python time measure function

There is an easy tool for timing.

It can work like a decorator:

from pytimer import Timer
def matmul(a,b, times=100):
    for i in range(times):,b)        



It can also work like a plug-in timer with namespace control(helpful if you are inserting it to a function which has a lot of codes and may be called anywhere else).

timer = Timer()                                           
def any_function():                                       

    for i in range(10):                                   

        timer.reset()                                    ,1000)), np.zeros((1000,500)))
        timer.checkpoint('block1')                        ,1000)), np.zeros((1000,500))),1000)), np.zeros((1000,500)))
        timer.checkpoint('block2')                       ,1000)), np.zeros((1000,1000)))

    for j in range(20):                                  ,1000)), np.zeros((1000,500)))

for i in range(2):                                        


========Timing Summary of Default Timer========
========Timing Summary of Default Timer========

Hope it will help

JavaScript: Global variables after Ajax requests

It seems that your problem is simply a concurrency issue. The post function takes a callback argument to tell you when the post has been finished. You cannot make the alert in global scope like this and expect that the post has already been finished. You have to move it to the callback function.

Vue.js: Conditional class style binding

Use the object syntax.

v-bind:class="{'fa-checkbox-marked': content['cravings'],  'fa-checkbox-blank-outline': !content['cravings']}"

When the object gets more complicated, extract it into a method.


        return {
            'fa-checkbox-marked': this.content['cravings'],  
            'fa-checkbox-blank-outline': !this.content['cravings']}

Finally, you could make this work for any content property like this.


    return {
      'fa-checkbox-marked': this.content[property],
      'fa-checkbox-blank-outline': !this.content[property]

mailto link with HTML body

As you can see in RFC 6068, this is not possible at all:

The special <hfname> "body" indicates that the associated <hfvalue> is the body of the message. The "body" field value is intended to contain the content for the first text/plain body part of the message. The "body" pseudo header field is primarily intended for the generation of short text messages for automatic processing (such as "subscribe" messages for mailing lists), not for general MIME bodies.

How to use terminal commands with Github?

To add all file at a time, use git add -A

To check git whole status, use git log

Automatically add all files in a folder to a target using CMake?

Extension for @Kleist answer:

Since CMake 3.12 additional option CONFIGURE_DEPENDS is supported by commands file(GLOB) and file(GLOB_RECURSE). With this option there is no needs to manually re-run CMake after addition/deletion of a source file in the directory - CMake will be re-run automatically on next building the project.

However, the option CONFIGURE_DEPENDS implies that corresponding directory will be re-checked every time building is requested, so build process would consume more time than without CONFIGURE_DEPENDS.

Even with CONFIGURE_DEPENDS option available CMake documentation still does not recommend using file(GLOB) or file(GLOB_RECURSE) for collect the sources.

Running multiple commands in one line in shell

Another option is typing Ctrl+V Ctrl+J at the end of each command.

Example (replace # with Ctrl+V Ctrl+J):

$ echo 1#
echo 2#
echo 3



This will execute the commands regardless if previous ones failed.

Same as: echo 1; echo 2; echo 3

If you want to stop execution on failed commands, add && at the end of each line except the last one.

Example (replace # with Ctrl+V Ctrl+J):

$ echo 1 &&#
failed-command &&#
echo 2


failed-command: command not found

In zsh you can also use Alt+Enter or Esc+Enter instead of Ctrl+V Ctrl+J

How to put text over images in html?

Using absolute as position is not responsive + mobile friendly. I would suggest using a div with a background-image and then placing text in the div will place text over the image. Depending on your html, you might need to use height with vh value

Python function as a function argument?

Functions in Python are first-class objects. But your function definition is a bit off.

def myfunc(anotherfunc, extraArgs, extraKwArgs):
  return anotherfunc(*extraArgs, **extraKwArgs)

Scrollable Menu with Bootstrap - Menu expanding its container when it should not

Do everything in the inline of UL tag

<ul class="dropdown-menu scrollable-menu" role="menu" style="height: auto;max-height: 200px; overflow-x: hidden;">
                <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Another action</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Something else here</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Another action</a></li>

Make an image responsive - the simplest way

Use Bootstrap to have a hustle free with your images as shown. Use class img-responsive and you are done:

<img src="cinqueterre.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="Cinque Terre" width="304" height="236">

Iterate through pairs of items in a Python list

Nearly verbatim from Iterate over pairs in a list (circular fashion) in Python:

def pairs(seq):
    i = iter(seq)
    prev = next(i)
    for item in i:
        yield prev, item
        prev = item

Set SSH connection timeout

The problem may be that ssh is trying to connect to all the different IPs that resolves to. For example on my machine:

# ssh -v -o ConnectTimeout=1 -o ConnectionAttempts=1
OpenSSH_5.9p1, OpenSSL 0.9.8t 18 Jan 2012
debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
debug1: connect to address port 22: Connection timed out
debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
debug1: connect to address port 22: Connection timed out
debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
debug1: connect to address port 22: Connection timed out
debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
debug1: connect to address port 22: Connection timed out
debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
debug1: connect to address port 22: Connection timed out
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out

If I run it with a specific IP, it returns much faster.

EDIT: I've timed it (with time) and the results are:

  • - 5.086 seconds
  • - 1.054 seconds

HashMap with multiple values under the same key

Can be done using an identityHashMap, subjected to the condition that the keys comparison will be done by == operator and not equals().

Concatenate a NumPy array to another NumPy array

I had the same issue, and I couldn't comment on @Sven Marnach answer (not enough rep, gosh I remember when Stackoverflow first started...) anyway.

Adding a list of random numbers to a 10 X 10 matrix.

myNpArray = np.zeros([1, 10])
for x in range(1,11,1):
    randomList = [list(np.random.randint(99, size=10))]
    myNpArray = np.vstack((myNpArray, randomList))
myNpArray = myNpArray[1:]

Using np.zeros() an array is created with 1 x 10 zeros.

array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]])

Then a list of 10 random numbers is created using np.random and assigned to randomList. The loop stacks it 10 high. We just have to remember to remove the first empty entry.


array([[31., 10., 19., 78., 95., 58.,  3., 47., 30., 56.],
       [51., 97.,  5., 80., 28., 76., 92., 50., 22., 93.],
       [64., 79.,  7., 12., 68., 13., 59., 96., 32., 34.],
       [44., 22., 46., 56., 73., 42., 62.,  4., 62., 83.],
       [91., 28., 54., 69., 60., 95.,  5., 13., 60., 88.],
       [71., 90., 76., 53., 13., 53., 31.,  3., 96., 57.],
       [33., 87., 81.,  7., 53., 46.,  5.,  8., 20., 71.],
       [46., 71., 14., 66., 68., 65., 68., 32.,  9., 30.],
       [ 1., 35., 96., 92., 72., 52., 88., 86., 94., 88.],
       [13., 36., 43., 45., 90., 17., 38.,  1., 41., 33.]])

So in a function:

def array_matrix(random_range, array_size):
    myNpArray = np.zeros([1, array_size])
    for x in range(1, array_size + 1, 1):
        randomList = [list(np.random.randint(random_range, size=array_size))]
        myNpArray = np.vstack((myNpArray, randomList))
    return myNpArray[1:]

a 7 x 7 array using random numbers 0 - 1000

array_matrix(1000, 7)

array([[621., 377., 931., 180., 964., 885., 723.],
       [298., 382., 148., 952., 430., 333., 956.],
       [398., 596., 732., 422., 656., 348., 470.],
       [735., 251., 314., 182., 966., 261., 523.],
       [373., 616., 389.,  90., 884., 957., 826.],
       [587., 963.,  66., 154., 111., 529., 945.],
       [950., 413., 539., 860., 634., 195., 915.]])

Do I use <img>, <object>, or <embed> for SVG files?

If you need your SVGs to be fully styleable with CSS they have to be inline in the DOM. This can be achieved through SVG injection, which uses Javascript to replace a HTML element (usually an <img> element) with the contents of an SVG file after the page has loaded.

Here is a minimal example using SVGInject:

  <script src="svg-inject.min.js"></script>
  <img src="image.svg" onload="SVGInject(this)" />

After the image is loaded the onload="SVGInject(this) will trigger the injection and the <img> element will be replaced by the contents of the file provided in the src attribute. This works with all browsers that support SVG.

Disclaimer: I am the co-author of SVGInject

SQL: how to use UNION and order by a specific select?

SELECT id FROM a -- returns 1,4,2,3
SELECT id FROM b -- returns 2,1
order by 2,1

How to do scanf for single char in C

Provides a space before %c conversion specifier so that compiler will ignore white spaces. The program may be written as below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
    char ch;
    printf("Enter one char");
    scanf(" %c", &ch); /*Space is given before %c*/
return 0;

How to run binary file in Linux

Or, the file is of a filetype and/or architecture that you just cannot run with your hardware and/or there is also no fallback binfmt_misc entry to handle the particular format in some other way. Use file(1) to determine.

How to filter files when using scp to copy dir recursively?

Below command for files.

scp `find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.log" \! -name "hs_err_pid2801.log" -type f` root@IP:/tmp/test/

  1. IP will be destination server IP address.
  2. -name "*.log" for include files.
  3. \! -name "hs_err_pid2801.log" for exclude files.
  4. . is current working dir.
  5. -type f for file type.

Below command for directory.

scp -r `find . -maxdepth 1 -name "lo*" \! -name "localhost" -type d` root@IP:/tmp/test/

you can customize above command as per your requirement.

How to handle errors with boto3?

You need to do something when it fails to handle the issue. Right now you are returning the actual exception. For example, if its not a problem that the user exists already and you want to use it as a get_or_create function maybe you handle the issue by returning the existing user object.

    user = iam_conn.create_user(UserName=username)
    return user
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:

    #this exception could actually be other things other than exists, so you want to evaluate it further in your real code.
    if e.message.startswith(
        'enough of the exception message to identify it as the one you want')

        print('that user already exists.')
        user = iam_conn.get_user(UserName=username)
        return user

    elif e.message.some_other_condition:

         #something else
         #unhandled ClientError
except SomeOtherExceptionTypeYouCareAbout as e:
    #handle it

# any unhandled exception will raise here at this point.
# if you want a general handler

except Exception as e:
    #handle it.

That said, maybe it is a problem for your app, in which case you want to want to put the exception handler around the code that called your create user function and let the calling function determine how to deal with it, for example, by asking the user to input another username, or whatever makes sense for your application.

Recommended way to save uploaded files in a servlet application

Store it anywhere in an accessible location except of the IDE's project folder aka the server's deploy folder, for reasons mentioned in the answer to Uploaded image only available after refreshing the page:

  1. Changes in the IDE's project folder does not immediately get reflected in the server's work folder. There's kind of a background job in the IDE which takes care that the server's work folder get synced with last updates (this is in IDE terms called "publishing"). This is the main cause of the problem you're seeing.

  2. In real world code there are circumstances where storing uploaded files in the webapp's deploy folder will not work at all. Some servers do (either by default or by configuration) not expand the deployed WAR file into the local disk file system, but instead fully in the memory. You can't create new files in the memory without basically editing the deployed WAR file and redeploying it.

  3. Even when the server expands the deployed WAR file into the local disk file system, all newly created files will get lost on a redeploy or even a simple restart, simply because those new files are not part of the original WAR file.

It really doesn't matter to me or anyone else where exactly on the local disk file system it will be saved, as long as you do not ever use getRealPath() method. Using that method is in any case alarming.

The path to the storage location can in turn be definied in many ways. You have to do it all by yourself. Perhaps this is where your confusion is caused because you somehow expected that the server does that all automagically. Please note that @MultipartConfig(location) does not specify the final upload destination, but the temporary storage location for the case file size exceeds memory storage threshold.

So, the path to the final storage location can be definied in either of the following ways:

  • Hardcoded:

      File uploads = new File("/path/to/uploads");
  • Environment variable via SET UPLOAD_LOCATION=/path/to/uploads:

      File uploads = new File(System.getenv("UPLOAD_LOCATION"));
  • VM argument during server startup via -Dupload.location="/path/to/uploads":

      File uploads = new File(System.getProperty("upload.location"));
  • *.properties file entry as upload.location=/path/to/uploads:

      File uploads = new File(properties.getProperty("upload.location"));
  • web.xml <context-param> with name upload.location and value /path/to/uploads:

      File uploads = new File(getServletContext().getInitParameter("upload.location"));
  • If any, use the server-provided location, e.g. in JBoss AS/WildFly:

      File uploads = new File(System.getProperty(""), "uploads");

Either way, you can easily reference and save the file as follows:

File file = new File(uploads, "somefilename.ext");

try (InputStream input = part.getInputStream()) {
    Files.copy(input, file.toPath());

Or, when you want to autogenerate an unique file name to prevent users from overwriting existing files with coincidentally the same name:

File file = File.createTempFile("somefilename-", ".ext", uploads);

try (InputStream input = part.getInputStream()) {
    Files.copy(input, file.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

How to obtain part in JSP/Servlet is answered in How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet? and how to obtain part in JSF is answered in How to upload file using JSF 2.2 <h:inputFile>? Where is the saved File?

Note: do not use Part#write() as it interprets the path relative to the temporary storage location defined in @MultipartConfig(location).

See also:

AngularJs: Reload page

My solution to avoid the infinite loop was to create another state which have made the redirection:

$stateProvider.state('app.admin.main', {
    url: '/admin/main',
    authenticate: 'admin',
    controller: ($state, $window) => {
      $state.go('app.admin.overview').then(() => {

Create listview in fragment android

The inflate() method takes three parameters:

  1. The id of a layout XML file (inside R.layout),
  2. A parent ViewGroup into which the fragment's View is to be inserted,

  3. A third boolean telling whether the fragment's View as inflated from the layout XML file should be inserted into the parent ViewGroup.

In this case we pass false because the View will be attached to the parent ViewGroup elsewhere, by some of the Android code we call (in other words, behind our backs). When you pass false as last parameter to inflate(), the parent ViewGroup is still used for layout calculations of the inflated View, so you cannot pass null as parent ViewGroup .

 View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_photos, container, false);

So, You need to call rootView in here

ListView lv = (ListView)rootView.findViewById(;

Is there a way to take a screenshot using Java and save it to some sort of image?

Believe it or not, you can actually use java.awt.Robot to "create an image containing pixels read from the screen." You can then write that image to a file on disk.

I just tried it, and the whole thing ends up like:

Rectangle screenRect = new Rectangle(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize());
BufferedImage capture = new Robot().createScreenCapture(screenRect);
ImageIO.write(capture, "bmp", new File(args[0]));

NOTE: This will only capture the primary monitor. See GraphicsConfiguration for multi-monitor support.

What is the size limit of a post request?

The url portion of a request (GET and POST) can be limited by both the browser and the server - generally the safe size is 2KB as there are almost no browsers or servers that use a smaller limit.

The body of a request (POST) is normally* limited by the server on a byte size basis in order to prevent a type of DoS attack (note that this means character escaping can increase the byte size of the body). The most common server setting is 10MB, though all popular servers allow this to be increased or decreased via a setting file or panel.

*Some exceptions exist with older cell phone or other small device browsers - in those cases it is more a function of heap space reserved for this purpose on the device then anything else.

How to write a UTF-8 file with Java?

Try using FileUtils.write from Apache Commons.

You should be able to do something like:

File f = new File("output.txt"); 
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(f, document.outerHtml(), "UTF-8");

This will create the file if it does not exist.

Operand type clash: int is incompatible with date + The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint

Try wrapping your dates in single quotes, like this:


It should be able to parse the date this way.

Check if value exists in Postgres array

Watch out for the trap I got into: When checking if certain value is not present in an array, you shouldn't do:

SELECT value_variable != ANY('{1,2,3}'::int[])

but use

SELECT value_variable != ALL('{1,2,3}'::int[])


How to echo print statements while executing a sql script

What about using mysql -v to put mysql client in verbose mode ?

Python Library Path

You can also make additions to this path with the PYTHONPATH environment variable at runtime, in addition to:

import sys

Using C++ base class constructors?

You'll need to declare constructors in each of the derived classes, and then call the base class constructor from the initializer list:

class D : public A
    D(const string &val) : A(0) {}
    D( int val ) : A( val ) {}

D variable1( "Hello" );
D variable2( 10 );

C++11 allows you to use the using A::A syntax you use in your decleration of D, but C++11 features aren't supported by all compilers just now, so best to stick with the older C++ methods until this feature is implemented in all the compilers your code will be used with.

Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 13]

If you want to use python3+ to install the packages you need to use pip3 install package_name

And to solve the errno 13 you have to add --user at the end

pip3 install package_name --user


For any project in python it's highly recommended to work on a Virtual enviroment, is a tool that helps to keep dependencies required by different projects separate by creating isolated python virtual environments for them.

In order to create one with python3+ you have to use the following command:

virtualenv enviroment_name -p python3

And then you work on it just by activating it:

source enviroment_name/bin/activate

Once the virtual environment is activated, the name of your virtual environment will appear on left side of terminal. This will let you know that the virtual environment is currently active. Now you can install dependencies related to the project in this virtual environment by just using pip.

pip install package_name