[sql] SQL query to select distinct row with minimum value

I want an SQL statement to get the row with a minimum value.

Consider this table:

id  game   point
1    x      5
1    z      4
2    y      6
3    x      2
3    y      5
3    z      8

How do I select the ids that have the minimum value in the point column, grouped by game? Like the following:

id  game   point    
1    z      4
2    y      5
3    x      2   

This question is related to sql database greatest-n-per-group

The answer is


SELECT tbl.*
FROM TableName tbl
    SELECT Id, MIN(Point) MinPoint
    FROM TableName
  ) tbl1
  ON tbl1.id = tbl.id
WHERE tbl1.MinPoint = tbl.Point

As this is tagged with sql only, the following is using ANSI SQL and a window function:

select id, game, point
from (
  select id, game, point, 
         row_number() over (partition by game order by point) as rn
  from games
) t
where rn = 1;


select id, game, min(point) from t
group by id 

Ken Clark's answer didn't work in my case. It might not work in yours either. If not, try this:

from table T

  select id, MIN(point) MinPoint
  from table T
  group by AccountId
  ) NewT on T.id = NewT.id and T.point = NewT.MinPoint

ORDER BY game desc

SELECT * from room
  select DISTINCT hotelNo, MIN(price) MinPrice
  from room
 Group by hotelNo
  ) NewT   
 on room.hotelNo = NewT.hotelNo and room.price = NewT.MinPrice;

FIRST_VALUE(ID) OVER (Partition by Game ORDER BY Point) AS ID,
FIRST_VALUE(Point) OVER (Partition by Game ORDER BY Point) AS Point

This is portable - at least between ORACLE and PostgreSQL:

select t.* from table t 
where not exists(select 1 from table ti where ti.attr > t.attr);

This will work

select * from table 
where (id,point) IN (select id,min(point) from table group by id);

This is another way of doing the same thing, which would allow you to do interesting things like select the top 5 winning games, etc.

     FROM Table
 ) X 
 WHERE RowNum = 1

You can now correctly get the actual row that was identified as the one with the lowest score and you can modify the ordering function to use multiple criteria, such as "Show me the earliest game which had the smallest score", etc.

This alternative approach uses SQL Server's OUTER APPLY clause. This way, it

  1. creates the distinct list of games, and
  2. fetches and outputs the record with the lowest point number for that game.

The OUTER APPLY clause can be imagined as a LEFT JOIN, but with the advantage that you can use values of the main query as parameters in the subquery (here: game).

SELECT colMinPointID
  SELECT game
  FROM table
  GROUP BY game
) As rstOuter
  SELECT TOP 1 id As colMinPointID
  FROM table As rstInner
  WHERE rstInner.game = rstOuter.game
  ORDER BY points
) AS rstMinPoints

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