[sql] SQL Left Join first match only

I have a query against a large number of big tables (rows and columns) with a number of joins, however one of tables has some duplicate rows of data causing issues for my query. Since this is a read only realtime feed from another department I can't fix that data, however I am trying to prevent issues in my query from it.

Given that, I need to add this crap data as a left join to my good query. The data set looks like:

IDNo    FirstName   LastName    ...
uqx     bob     smith
abc     john        willis
ABC     john        willis
aBc     john        willis
WTF     jeff        bridges
sss     bill        doe
ere     sally       abby
wtf     jeff        bridges

(about 2 dozen columns, and 100K rows)

My first instinct was to perform a distinct gave me about 80K rows:

FROM people P

But when I try the following, I get all the rows back:

FROM people P


FROM people P

I then thought I would do a FIRST() aggregate function on all the columns, however that feels wrong too. Syntactically am I doing something wrong here?

Update: Just wanted to note: These records are duplicates based on a non-key / non-indexed field of ID listed above. The ID is a text field which although has the same value, it is a different case than the other data causing the issue.

This question is related to sql sql-server tsql join greatest-n-per-group

The answer is

After careful consideration this dillema has a few different solutions:

Aggregate Everything Use an aggregate on each column to get the biggest or smallest field value. This is what I am doing since it takes 2 partially filled out records and "merges" the data.


  UPPER(IDNo) AS user_id
, MAX(FirstName) AS name_first
, MAX(LastName) AS name_last
, MAX(entry) AS row_num
FROM people P

Get First (or Last record)


-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- Notes
-- entry: Auto-Number primary key some sort of unique PK is required for this method
-- IDNo:  Should be primary key in feed, but is not, we are making an upper case version
-- This gets the first entry to get last entry, change MIN() to MAX()
-- ------------------------------------------------------

     ,MIN(P2.entry) AS rownum
  FROM (
        UPPER(P.IDNo) AS user_id 
      , P.entry 
    FROM people P
  ) AS P2
LEFT JOIN people PData
ON PData.entry = PC.rownum

Add an identity column (PeopleID) and then use a correlated subquery to return the first value for each value.

FROM People p
WHERE PeopleID = (
    SELECT MIN(PeopleID) 
    FROM People 
    WHERE IDNo = p.IDNo

Depending on the nature of the duplicate rows, it looks like all you want is to have case-sensitivity on those columns. Setting the collation on these columns should be what you're after:

SELECT DISTINCT p.IDNO COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, p.FirstName COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, p.LastName COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
FROM people P


distinct is not a function. It always operates on all columns of the select list.

Your problem is a typical "greatest N per group" problem which can easily be solved using a window function:

select ...
from (
  select IDNo,
         row_number() over (partition by lower(idno) order by firstname) as rn 
  from people 
) t
where rn = 1;

Using the order by clause you can select which of the duplicates you want to pick.

The above can be used in a left join, see below:

select ...
from x
  left join (
    select IDNo,
           row_number() over (partition by lower(idno) order by firstname) as rn 
    from people 
  ) p on p.idno = x.idno and p.rn = 1
where ...

Try this

 FROM people P 
              FROM people)

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