Programs & Examples On #Satellite

Why my regexp for hyphenated words doesn't work?

You can use this:


Failed to connect to, reason: errno:111 Connection refused

Just some thoughts on my case.

If you have changed the dbPath and logPath dirs to your custom values (say /data/mongodb/data, /data/mongodb/log), you must chown them to mongodb user, otherwise, the non-existent /data/db/ dir will be used.

sudo chown -R mongodb:mongodb /data/mongodb/

sudo service mongod restart

JAVA Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

This is because of a higher JDK during compile time and lower JDK during runtime. So you just need to update your JDK version, possible to JDK 7

You may also check Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

Multiple markers Google Map API v3 from array of addresses and avoid OVER_QUERY_LIMIT while geocoding on pageLoad

Answer to add multiple markers.


Here's the working Example Geocoding with multiple addresses.

 <script type="text/javascript" src="">
 <script type="text/javascript">
  var delay = 100;
  var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
  var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(21.0000, 78.0000);
  var mapOptions = {
    zoom: 5,
    center: latlng,
    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); 
  var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions);
  var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();

  function geocodeAddress(address, next) {
    geocoder.geocode({address:address}, function (results,status)
         if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
          var p = results[0].geometry.location;
          var lng=p.lng();
        else {
           if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OVER_QUERY_LIMIT) {
          } else {
 function createMarker(add,lat,lng) {
   var contentString = add;
   var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
     position: new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lng),
     map: map,

  google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {


  var locations = [
           'New Delhi, India',
           'Mumbai, India',
           'Bangaluru, Karnataka, India',
           'Hyderabad, Ahemdabad, India',
           'Gurgaon, Haryana, India',
           'Cannaught Place, New Delhi, India',
           'Bandra, Mumbai, India',
           'Nainital, Uttranchal, India',
           'Guwahati, India',
           'West Bengal, India',
           'Jammu, India',
           'Kanyakumari, India',
           'Kerala, India',
           'Himachal Pradesh, India',
           'Shillong, India',
           'Chandigarh, India',
           'Dwarka, New Delhi, India',
           'Pune, India',
           'Indore, India',
           'Orissa, India',
           'Shimla, India',
           'Gujarat, India'
  var nextAddress = 0;
  function theNext() {
    if (nextAddress < locations.length) {
      setTimeout('geocodeAddress("'+locations[nextAddress]+'",theNext)', delay);
    } else {


As we can resolve this issue with setTimeout() function.

Still we should not geocode known locations every time you load your page as said by @geocodezip

Another alternatives of these are explained very well in the following links:

How To Avoid GoogleMap Geocode Limit!

Geocode Multiple Addresses Tutorial By Mike Williams

Example by Google Developers

Using ResourceManager

This SO answer might help in this case.
If the main project already references the resource project, then you could just explicitly work with your generated-resource class in your code, and access its ResourceManager from that. Hence, something along the lines of:

ResourceManager resMan = YeagerTechResources.Resources.ResourceManager;

// then, you could go on working with that
ResourceSet resourceSet = resMan.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, true, true);
// ...

How can I get the "network" time, (from the "Automatic" setting called "Use network-provided values"), NOT the time on the phone?

Now you can get time for the current location but for this you have to set the system's persistent default time zone.setTimeZone(String timeZone) which can be get from

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
 long now = calendar.getTimeInMillis();
 TimeZone current = calendar.getTimeZone();

setAutoTimeEnabled(boolean enabled)

Sets whether or not wall clock time should sync with automatic time updates from NTP.

TimeManager timeManager = TimeManager.getInstance();
 // Use 24-hour time

 // Set clock time to noon
 Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
 calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
 calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
 calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
 calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 12);
 long timeStamp = calendar.getTimeInMillis();

I was looking for that type of answer I read your answer but didn't satisfied and it was bit old. I found the new solution and share it. :)

For more information visit:

Javascript getElementById based on a partial string

Try this.

function getElementsByIdStartsWith(container, selectorTag, prefix) {
    var items = [];
    var myPosts = document.getElementById(container).getElementsByTagName(selectorTag);
    for (var i = 0; i < myPosts.length; i++) {
        //omitting undefined null check for brevity
        if (myPosts[i].id.lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) === 0) {
    return items;

Sample HTML Markup.

<div id="posts">
    <div id="post-1">post 1</div>
    <div id="post-12">post 12</div>
    <div id="post-123">post 123</div>
    <div id="pst-123">post 123</div>

Call it like

var postedOnes = getElementsByIdStartsWith("posts", "div", "post-");

Demo here:

Create an Android GPS tracking application

The source code for the Android mobile application open-gpstracker which you appreciated is available here.

You can checkout the code using SVN client application or via Git:

Debugging the source code will surely help you.

Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture

It happens because the *.res? is excluded from migration.

  • Right click on your ResourceFile
  • Click on the menu item "Include in project"

What does MissingManifestResourceException mean and how to fix it?

Recently ran into the same problem, struggled for a bit, found this topic but no answers were correct for me.

My issue was that when I removed main window from my WPF project (it does not have a main window), I forgot to remove StartupUri from App.xaml. I guess this exception can happen if you have a mistake in StartupUri, so in case if anybody is struggling with this - check your StartupUri in App.xaml.

Node.js: get path from the request

Combining solutions above when using express request:

let url=url.parse(req.originalUrl);
let page = url.parse(uri).path?url.parse(uri).path.match('^[^?]*')[0].split('/').slice(1)[0] : '';

this will handle all cases like


etc. Some examples:

> urls
[ 'http://localhost/page',
  'http://localhost:3000' ]
> => url.parse(uri).path?url.parse(uri).path.match('^[^?]*')[0].split('/').slice(1)[0] : '' )
[ 'page', 'page', 'page', '', '', '', 'page', 'page', '', '' ]

How can I make a link from a <td> table cell

Yes, that's possible, albeit not literally the <td>, but what's in it. The simple trick is, to make sure that the content extends to the borders of the cell (it won't include the borders itself though).

As already explained, this isn't semantically correct. An a element is an inline element and should not be used as block-level element. However, here's an example (but JavaScript plus a td:hover CSS style will be much neater) that works in most browsers:

  <a href="">
    <div style="height:100%;width:100%">
      hello world

PS: it's actually neater to change a in a block-level element using CSS as explained in another solution in this thread. it won't work well in IE6 though, but that's no news ;)

Alternative (non-advised) solution

If your world is only Internet Explorer (rare, nowadays), you can violate the HTML standard and write this, it will work as expected, but will be highly frowned upon and be considered ill-advised (you haven't heard this from me). Any other browser than IE will not render the link, but will show the table correctly.

        <a href=""><td  width="200">hello world</td></a>

What exactly does Perl's "bless" do?

bless associates a reference with a package.

It doesn't matter what the reference is to, it can be to a hash (most common case), to an array (not so common), to a scalar (usually this indicates an inside-out object), to a regular expression, subroutine or TYPEGLOB (see the book Object Oriented Perl: A Comprehensive Guide to Concepts and Programming Techniques by Damian Conway for useful examples) or even a reference to a file or directory handle (least common case).

The effect bless-ing has is that it allows you to apply special syntax to the blessed reference.

For example, if a blessed reference is stored in $obj (associated by bless with package "Class"), then $obj->foo(@args) will call a subroutine foo and pass as first argument the reference $obj followed by the rest of the arguments (@args). The subroutine should be defined in package "Class". If there is no subroutine foo in package "Class", a list of other packages (taken form the array @ISA in the package "Class") will be searched and the first subroutine foo found will be called.

Accessing elements of Python dictionary by index

Given that it is a dictionary you access it by using the keys. Getting the dictionary stored under "Apple", do the following:

>>> mydict["Apple"]
{'American': '16', 'Mexican': 10, 'Chinese': 5}

And getting how many of them are American (16), do like this:

>>> mydict["Apple"]["American"]

How do I use a C# Class Library in a project?

Add a reference to it in your project and a using clause at the top of the CS file where you want to use it.

Adding a reference:

  1. In Visual Studio, click Project, and then Add Reference.
  2. Click the Browse tab and locate the DLL you want to add a reference to.
    NOTE: Apparently using Browse is bad form if the DLL you want to use is in the same project. Instead, right-click the Project and then click Add Reference, then select the appropriate class from the Project tab:
    enter image description here
  3. Click OK.

Adding a using clause:

Add "using [namespace];" to the CS file where you want to reference your library. So, if the library you want to reference has a namespace called MyLibrary, add the following to the CS file:

using MyLibrary;

PHP "pretty print" json_encode

And for PHP 5.3, you can use this function, which can be embedded in a class or used in procedural style:

Multiple maven repositories in one gradle file

In short you have to do like this

repositories {
  maven { url "" }
  maven { url "" }


You need to specify each maven URL in its own curly braces. Here is what I got working with skeleton dependencies for the web services project I’m going to build up:

apply plugin: 'java'

sourceCompatibility = 1.7
version = '1.0'

repositories {
  maven { url "" }
  maven { url "" }

dependencies {
  compile group:'org.restlet.jee', name:'org.restlet', version:'2.1.1'
  compile group:'org.restlet.jee', name:'org.restlet.ext.servlet',version.1.1'
  compile group:'org.springframework', name:'spring-web', version:'3.2.1.RELEASE'
  compile group:'org.slf4j', name:'slf4j-api', version:'1.7.2'
  compile group:'ch.qos.logback', name:'logback-core', version:'1.0.9'
  testCompile group:'junit', name:'junit', version:'4.11'


How to retrieve current workspace using Jenkins Pipeline Groovy script?

I think you can also execute the pwd() function on the particular node:

node {
    def PWD = pwd();

Getting Textarea Value with jQuery

try this:

<a id="send-thoughts" href="">Click</a>
<textarea id="message"></textarea>
<!--<textarea id="#message"></textarea>-->

            jQuery("a#send-thoughts").click(function() {
                //var thought = jQuery("textarea#message").val();
                var thought = $("#message").val();

C++ inheritance - inaccessible base?

You have to do this:

class Bar : public Foo
    // ...

The default inheritance type of a class in C++ is private, so any public and protected members from the base class are limited to private. struct inheritance on the other hand is public by default.

How to maintain state after a page refresh in React.js?

You can "persist" the state using local storage as Omar Suggest, but it should be done once the state has been set. For that you need to pass a callback to the setState function and you need to serialize and deserialize the objects put into local storage.

constructor(props) {
  this.state = {
    allProjects: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('allProjects')) || []

addProject = (newProject) => {

    allProjects: this.state.allProjects.concat(newProject)
  },() => {
    localStorage.setItem('allProjects', JSON.stringify(this.state.allProjects))

How do I display Ruby on Rails form validation error messages one at a time?

ActiveRecord stores validation errors in an array called errors. If you have a User model then you would access the validation errors in a given instance like so:

@user = User.create[params[:user]] # create will automatically call validators

if @user.errors.any? # If there are errors, do something

  # You can iterate through all messages by attribute type and validation message
  # This will be something like:
  # attribute = 'name'
  # message = 'cannot be left blank'
  @user.errors.each do |attribute, message|
    # do stuff for each error

  # Or if you prefer, you can get the full message in single string, like so:
  # message = 'Name cannot be left blank'
  @users.errors.full_messages.each do |message|
    # do stuff for each error

  # To get all errors associated with a single attribute, do the following:
  if @user.errors.include?(:name)
    name_errors = @user.errors[:name]

    if name_errors.kind_of?(Array)
      name_errors.each do |error|
        # do stuff for each error on the name attribute
      error = name_errors
      # do stuff for the one error on the name attribute.

Of course you can also do any of this in the views instead of the controller, should you want to just display the first error to the user or something.

use std::fill to populate vector with increasing numbers

brainsandwich and underscore_d gave very good ideas. Since to fill is to change content, for_each(), the simplest among the STL algorithms, should also fill the bill:

std::vector<int> v(10);
std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), [i=0] (int& x) mutable {x = i++;});    

The generalized capture [i=o] imparts the lambda expression with an invariant and initializes it to a known state (in this case 0). the keyword mutable allows this state to be updated each time lambda is called.

It takes only a slight modification to get a sequence of squares:

std::vector<int> v(10);
std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), [i=0] (int& x) mutable {x = i*i; i++;});

To generate R-like seq is no more difficult, but note that in R, the numeric mode is actually double, so there really isn't a need to parametrize the type. Just use double.

How do you get assembler output from C/C++ source in gcc?

This will generate assembly code with the C code + line numbers interweaved, to more easily see which lines generate what code:

# create assembler code:
g++ -S -fverbose-asm -g -O2 -o test.s
# create asm interlaced with source lines:
as -alhnd test.s > test.lst

Found in Algorithms for programmers, page 3 (which is the overall 15th page of the PDF).

How to get the last value of an ArrayList

There isn't an elegant way in vanilla Java.

Google Guava

The Google Guava library is great - check out their Iterables class. This method will throw a NoSuchElementException if the list is empty, as opposed to an IndexOutOfBoundsException, as with the typical size()-1 approach - I find a NoSuchElementException much nicer, or the ability to specify a default:

lastElement = Iterables.getLast(iterableList);

You can also provide a default value if the list is empty, instead of an exception:

lastElement = Iterables.getLast(iterableList, null);

or, if you're using Options:

lastElementRaw = Iterables.getLast(iterableList, null);
lastElement = (lastElementRaw == null) ? Option.none() : Option.some(lastElementRaw);

`IF` statement with 3 possible answers each based on 3 different ranges



=IF(X2>=85,                  'If the value is in the highest bracket
      0.559,                 'Use the appropriate number
      IF(X2>=80,             'Otherwise, if the number is in the next highest bracket
           0.327,            'Use the appropriate number
           IF(X2>=75,        'Otherwise, if the number is in the next highest bracket
              0.255,         'Use the appropriate number
              -1             'Otherwise, we're not in any of the ranges (Error)

get the selected index value of <select> tag in php

Your form is valid. Only thing that comes to my mind is, after seeing your full html, is that you're passing your "default" value (which is not set!) instead of selecting something. Try as suggested by @Vina in the comment, i.e. giving it a selected option, or writing a default value

<select name="gender">
<option value="default">Select </option>    
<option value="male">   Male   </option>
<option value="female"> Female </option>


<select name="gender">
<option value="male" selected="selected">   Male   </option>
<option value="female"> Female </option>

When you get your $_POST vars, check for them being set; you can assign a default value, or just an empty string in case they're not there.

Most important thing, AVOID SQL INJECTIONS:

$fname   = isset($_POST["fname"]) ? mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['fname']) : '';
$lname   = isset($_POST['lname']) ? mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['lname']) : '';
$email   = isset($_POST['email']) ? mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']) : '';
you might also want to validate e-mail:
if($mail = filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
  $email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']);
  //die ('invalid email address');
  // or whatever, a default value? $email = '';
$paswod  = isset($_POST["paswod"]) ? mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['paswod']) : '';
$gender  = isset($_POST['gender']) ? mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['gender']) : '';

$query = mysql_query("SELECT Email FROM users WHERE Email = '".$email."')";
if(mysql_num_rows($query)> 0)
  echo 'userid is already there';
 $sql = "INSERT INTO users (FirstName, LastName, Email, Password, Gender)
         VALUES ('".$fname."','".$lname."','".$email."','".paswod."','".$gender."')";
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die('Error:'.mysql_error());
echo 'created';

Android: show soft keyboard automatically when focus is on an EditText

    android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible" >



including parameters in OPENQUERY

                   'SELECT field1 FROM TABLENAME') 
                           WHERE field1=@someParameter T1 
                                 INNER JOIN MYSQLSERVER.DATABASE.DBO.TABLENAME           
                                 T2 ON T1.PK = T2.PK

Possible to iterate backwards through a foreach?

No. ForEach just iterates through collection for each item and order depends whether it uses IEnumerable or GetEnumerator().

How to get the cookie value in website

add this function to your global.asax

protected void Application_AuthenticateRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    string cookieName = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName;
    HttpCookie authCookie = Context.Request.Cookies[cookieName];

    if (authCookie == null)
    FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = null;
        authTicket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value);
    if (authTicket == null)
    string[] roles = authTicket.UserData.Split(new char[] { '|' });
    FormsIdentity id = new FormsIdentity(authTicket);
    GenericPrincipal principal = new GenericPrincipal(id, roles);

    Context.User = principal;

then you can use HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name to get username. hope it helps

How do I force git to use LF instead of CR+LF under windows?

You can find the solution to this problem at:

Simplified description of how you can solve this problem on windows:

Global settings for line endings The git config core.autocrlf command is used to change how Git handles line endings. It takes a single argument.

On Windows, you simply pass true to the configuration. For example: C:>git config --global core.autocrlf true

Good luck, I hope I helped.

How to localise a string inside the iOS info.plist file?

Step by step localize Info.plist:

  1. Find in the Xcode the folder Resources (is placed in root)
  2. Select the folder Resources
  3. Then press the main menu File->New->File...
  4. Select in section "Resource" Strings File and press Next
  5. Then in Save As field write InfoPlist ONLY ("I" capital and "P" capital)
  6. Then press Create
  7. Then select the file InfoPlist.strings that created in Resources folder and press in the right menu the button "Localize"
  8. Then you Select the Project from the Project Navigator and select the The project from project list
  9. In the info tab at the bottom you can as many as language you want (There is in section Localizations)
  10. The language you can see in Resources Folder
  11. To localize the values ("key") from info.plist file you can open with a text editor and get all the keys you want to localize
  12. You write any key as the example in any InfoPlist.strings like the above example



That's all work and you have localize your info.plist file!

push multiple elements to array

If you want to add multiple items, you have to use the spread operator

a = [1,2]
b = [3,4,5,6]

The output will be

a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

jquery $(this).id return Undefined

this : is the DOM Element $(this) : Jquery objct, which wrapped with Dom Element, you can check this answer also this vs $(this)

try like this Attr(). Get the value of an attribute for the first element in the set of matched elements.

$(document).ready(function () {
    $(".inputs").click(function () {
         alert(" or " + $(this).attr("id"));


How to create a custom exception type in Java?

You just need to create a class which extends Exception (for a checked exception) or any subclass of Exception, or RuntimeException (for a runtime exception) or any subclass of RuntimeException.

Then, in your code, just use

if (word.contains(" "))
    throw new MyException("some message");

Read the Java tutorial. This is basic stuff that every Java developer should know:

Sql Query to list all views in an SQL Server 2005 database

join sys.views v on = iv.Table_Name
where iv.Table_Catalog = 'Your database name'

What is limiting the # of simultaneous connections my ASP.NET application can make to a web service?

Might it be possible that you're using a WCF-based web service reference? By default, the ServiceThrottlingBehavior.MaxConcurrentCalls is 16.

You could try updating your service reference behavior's <serviceThrottling> element

    maxConcurrentInstances="999" />

(Note that I'd recommend the settings above.) See MSDN for more information how to configure an appropriate <behavior> element.

Error while trying to run project: Unable to start program. Cannot find the file specified

I am only posting this because I had a specific issue with the command line arguments I was passing in. Being inexperienced with the command line I was using "<" and ">" in my arguments and it was redirecting the file on me. Hope this helps someone.

Error "File google-services.json is missing from module root folder. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it"

Very Simple Just go to Tools->Firebase->Connect to firebase than click on sync now THIS WILL SURELY WORK.

Get-WmiObject : The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)


I was running into the exact same error message when trying to execute the following script (partial) against a remote VM that was configured to be in the WORKGROUP.

Restart-Computer -ComputerName MyComputer -Authentication Default -Credential $cred -force

I noticed I could run the script from another VM in the same WORKGROUP when I disabled the firewall but still couldn't do it from a machine on the domain. Those two things along with Stackflow suggestions is what brought me to the following solution:

Note: Change these settings at your own risk. You should understand the security implications of these changes before applying them.

On the remote machine:

  • Make sure you re-enable your Firewall if you've disabled it during testing.
  • Run Enable-PSRemoting from PowerShell with success
  • Go into wf.msc (Windows Firewall with Advanced Security)
  • Confirm the Private/Public inbound 'Windows Management Instrumentation (DCOM-In)' rule is enabled AND make sure the 'Remote Address' property is 'Any' or something more secure.
  • Confirm the Private/Public inbound 'Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI-In)' rule is enabled AND make sure the 'Remote Address' property is 'Any' or something more secure.

Optional: You may also need to perform the following if you want to run commands like 'Enter-PSSession'.

  • Confirm the Private/Public inbound 'Windows Management Instrumentation (ASync-In)' rule is enabled AND make sure the 'Remote Address' property is 'Any' or something more secure.
  • Open up an Inbound TCP port to 5985

IMPORTANT! - It's taking my remote VM about 2 minutes or so after it reboots to respond to the 'Enter-PSSession' command even though other networking services are starting up without problems. Give it a couple minutes and then try.

Side Note: Before I changed the 'Remote Address' property to 'Any', both of the rules were set to 'Local subnet'.

What do the result codes in SVN mean?

There is also an 'E' status

E = File existed before update

This can happen if you have manually created a folder that would have been created by performing an update.

How do I disable directory browsing?

Create an .htaccess file containing the following line:

Options -Indexes

That is one option. Another option is editing your apache configuration file.

In order to do so, you first need to open it with the command:

vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Then find the line: Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

Change that line to: Options FollowSymLinks

Lastly save and exit the file, and restart apache server with this command:

sudo service httpd restart

(You have a guide with screenshots here.)

How to read PDF files using Java?

with Apache PDFBox it goes like this:

PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(new File("test.pdf"));
if (!document.isEncrypted()) {
    PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper();
    String text = stripper.getText(document);
    System.out.println("Text:" + text);

Adding attribute in jQuery

$('#someid').attr('disabled', 'true');

How to pass IEnumerable list to controller in MVC including checkbox state?

Use a list instead and replace your foreach loop with a for loop:

@model IList<BlockedIPViewModel>

@using (Html.BeginForm()) 

    @for (var i = 0; i < Model.Count; i++) 
                @Html.HiddenFor(x => x[i].IP)           
                @Html.CheckBoxFor(x => x[i].Checked)
                @Html.DisplayFor(x => x[i].IP)
        <input type="submit" value="Unblock IPs" />

Alternatively you could use an editor template:

@model IEnumerable<BlockedIPViewModel>

@using (Html.BeginForm()) 
        <input type="submit" value="Unblock IPs" />

and then define the template ~/Views/Shared/EditorTemplates/BlockedIPViewModel.cshtml which will automatically be rendered for each element of the collection:

@model BlockedIPViewModel
        @Html.HiddenFor(x => x.IP)
        @Html.CheckBoxFor(x => x.Checked)
        @Html.DisplayFor(x => x.IP)

The reason you were getting null in your controller is because you didn't respect the naming convention for your input fields that the default model binder expects to successfully bind to a list. I invite you to read the following article.

Once you have read it, look at the generated HTML (and more specifically the names of the input fields) with my example and yours. Then compare and you will understand why yours doesn't work.

How does strtok() split the string into tokens in C?

Here is my implementation which uses hash table for the delimiter, which means it O(n) instead of O(n^2) (here is a link to the code):


#define DICT_LEN 256

int *create_delim_dict(char *delim)
    int *d = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*DICT_LEN);
    memset((void*)d, 0, sizeof(int)*DICT_LEN);

    int i;
    for(i=0; i< strlen(delim); i++) {
        d[delim[i]] = 1;
    return d;

char *my_strtok(char *str, char *delim)

    static char *last, *to_free;
    int *deli_dict = create_delim_dict(delim);

    if(!deli_dict) {
        /*this check if we allocate and fail the second time with entering this function */
        if(to_free) {
        return NULL;

    if(str) {
        last = (char*)malloc(strlen(str)+1);
        if(!last) {
            return NULL;
        to_free = last;
        strcpy(last, str);

    while(deli_dict[*last] && *last != '\0') {
    str = last;
    if(*last == '\0') {
        deli_dict = NULL;
        to_free = NULL;
        return NULL;
    while (*last != '\0' && !deli_dict[*last]) {

    *last = '\0';

    return str;

int main()
    char * str = "- This, a sample string.";
    char *del = " ,.-";
    char *s = my_strtok(str, del);
    while(s) {
        printf("%s\n", s);
        s = my_strtok(NULL, del);
    return 0;

C# Threading - How to start and stop a thread

This is how I do it...

public class ThreadA {
    public ThreadA(object[] args) {
    public void Run() {
        while (true) {
            Thread.sleep(1000); // wait 1 second for something to happen.
            if(conditionToExitReceived) // what im waiting for...
        //perform cleanup if there is any...

Then to run this in its own thread... ( I do it this way because I also want to send args to the thread)

private void FireThread(){
    Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.startThread));
private void (startThread){
    new ThreadA(args).Run();

The thread is created by calling "FireThread()"

The newly created thread will run until its condition to stop is met, then it dies...

You can signal the "main" with delegates, to tell it when the thread has died.. so you can then start the second one...

Best to read through : This MSDN Article

how to get the host url using javascript from the current page

let path = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':' + window.location.port;

Python Inverse of a Matrix

It is a pity that the chosen matrix, repeated here again, is either singular or badly conditioned:

A = matrix( [[1,2,3],[11,12,13],[21,22,23]])

By definition, the inverse of A when multiplied by the matrix A itself must give a unit matrix. The A chosen in the much praised explanation does not do that. In fact just looking at the inverse gives a clue that the inversion did not work correctly. Look at the magnitude of the individual terms - they are very, very big compared with the terms of the original A matrix...

It is remarkable that the humans when picking an example of a matrix so often manage to pick a singular matrix!

I did have a problem with the solution, so looked into it further. On the ubuntu-kubuntu platform, the debian package numpy does not have the matrix and the linalg sub-packages, so in addition to import of numpy, scipy needs to be imported also.

If the diagonal terms of A are multiplied by a large enough factor, say 2, the matrix will most likely cease to be singular or near singular. So

A = matrix( [[2,2,3],[11,24,13],[21,22,46]])

becomes neither singular nor nearly singular and the example gives meaningful results... When dealing with floating numbers one must be watchful for the effects of inavoidable round off errors.

Thanks for your contribution,


android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException with android 4.2

Use StrictMode Something like this:-

   if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 9) {
        StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();


How can I hide the Adobe Reader toolbar when displaying a PDF in the .NET WebBrowser control?

It appears the default setting for Adobe Reader X is for the toolbars not to be shown by default unless they are explicitly turned on by the user. And even when I turn them back on during a session, they don't show up automatically next time. As such, I suspect you have a preference set contrary to the default.

The state you desire, with the top and left toolbars not shown, is called "Read Mode". If you right-click on the document itself, and then click "Page Display Preferences" in the context menu that is shown, you'll be presented with the Adobe Reader Preferences dialog. (This is the same dialog you can access by opening the Adobe Reader application, and selecting "Preferences" from the "Edit" menu.) In the list shown in the left-hand column of the Preferences dialog, select "Internet". Finally, on the right, ensure that you have the "Display in Read Mode by default" box checked:

   Adobe Reader Preferences dialog

You can also turn off the toolbars temporarily by clicking the button at the right of the top toolbar that depicts arrows pointing to opposing corners:

   Adobe Reader Read Mode toolbar button

Finally, if you have "Display in Read Mode by default" turned off, but want to instruct the page you're loading not to display the toolbars (i.e., override the user's current preferences), you can append the following to the URL:


So, for example, the following code will disable both the top toolbar (called "toolbar") and the left-hand toolbar (called "navpane"). However, if the user knows the keyboard combination (F8, and perhaps other methods as well), they will still be able to turn them back on.

string url = @"";

You can read more about the parameters that are available for customizing the way PDF files open here on Adobe's developer website.

Convert a python UTC datetime to a local datetime using only python standard library?

You can't do it with standard library. Using pytz module you can convert any naive/aware datetime object to any other time zone. Lets see some examples using Python 3.

Naive objects created through class method utcnow()

To convert a naive object to any other time zone, first you have to convert it into aware datetime object. You can use the replace method for converting a naive datetime object to an aware datetime object. Then to convert an aware datetime object to any other timezone you can use astimezone method.

The variable pytz.all_timezones gives you the list of all available time zones in pytz module.

import datetime,pytz

dtobj1=datetime.datetime.utcnow()   #utcnow class method

dtobj3=dtobj1.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) #replace method

dtobj_hongkong=dtobj3.astimezone(pytz.timezone("Asia/Hong_Kong")) #astimezone method

Naive objects created through class method now()

Because now method returns current date and time, so you have to make the datetime object timezone aware first. The localize function converts a naive datetime object into a timezone-aware datetime object. Then you can use the astimezone method to convert it into another timezone.

mytimezone=pytz.timezone("Europe/Vienna") #my current timezone
dtobj4=mytimezone.localize(dtobj2)        #localize function

dtobj_hongkong=dtobj4.astimezone(pytz.timezone("Asia/Hong_Kong")) #astimezone method

TypeError: 'function' object is not subscriptable - Python

You have two objects both named bank_holiday -- one a list and one a function. Disambiguate the two.

bank_holiday[month] is raising an error because Python thinks bank_holiday refers to the function (the last object bound to the name bank_holiday), whereas you probably intend it to mean the list.

How to align footer (div) to the bottom of the page?


My original answer is from a long time ago, and the links are broken; updating it so that it continues to be useful.

I'm including updated solutions inline, as well as a working examples on JSFiddle. Note: I'm relying on a CSS reset, though I'm not including those styles inline. Refer to normalize.css

Solution 1 - margin offset


<div id="wrapper">
  <div id="content">
    <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<footer id="footer">
  <div id="footer-content">Sticky Footer</div>


html, body {
  margin: 0px;
  padding: 0px;
  min-height: 100%;
  height: 100%;

#wrapper {
  background-color: #e3f2fd;
  min-height: 100%;
  height: auto !important;
  margin-bottom: -50px; /* the bottom margin is the negative value of the footer's total height */

#wrapper:after {
  content: "";
  display: block;
  height: 50px; /* the footer's total height */

#content {
  height: 100%;

#footer {
  height: 50px; /* the footer's total height */

#footer-content {
  background-color: #f3e5f5;
  border: 1px solid #ab47bc;
  height: 32px; /* height + top/bottom paddding + top/bottom border must add up to footer height */
  padding: 8px;

Solution 2 - flexbox


<div id="content">
  <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<footer id="footer">Sticky Footer</footer>


html {
  height: 100%;

body {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  min-height: 100%;

#content {
  background-color: #e3f2fd;
  flex: 1;
  padding: 20px;

#footer {
  background-color: #f3e5f5;
  padding: 20px;

Here's some links with more detailed explanations and different approaches:


Is this what you mean?

This method uses only 15 lines of CSS and hardly any HTML markup. Even better, it's completely valid CSS, and it works in all major browsers. Internet Explorer 5 and up, Firefox, Safari, Opera and more.

This footer will stay at the bottom of the page permanently. This means that if the content is more than the height of the browser window, you will need to scroll down to see the footer... but if the content is less than the height of the browser window, the footer will stick to the bottom of the browser window instead of floating up in the middle of the page.

Let me know if you need help with the implementation. I hope this helps.

Setting std=c99 flag in GCC

How about alias gcc99= gcc -std=c99?

What are the basic rules and idioms for operator overloading?

The General Syntax of operator overloading in C++

You cannot change the meaning of operators for built-in types in C++, operators can only be overloaded for user-defined types1. That is, at least one of the operands has to be of a user-defined type. As with other overloaded functions, operators can be overloaded for a certain set of parameters only once.

Not all operators can be overloaded in C++. Among the operators that cannot be overloaded are: . :: sizeof typeid .* and the only ternary operator in C++, ?:

Among the operators that can be overloaded in C++ are these:

  • arithmetic operators: + - * / % and += -= *= /= %= (all binary infix); + - (unary prefix); ++ -- (unary prefix and postfix)
  • bit manipulation: & | ^ << >> and &= |= ^= <<= >>= (all binary infix); ~ (unary prefix)
  • boolean algebra: == != < > <= >= || && (all binary infix); ! (unary prefix)
  • memory management: new new[] delete delete[]
  • implicit conversion operators
  • miscellany: = [] -> ->* , (all binary infix); * & (all unary prefix) () (function call, n-ary infix)

However, the fact that you can overload all of these does not mean you should do so. See the basic rules of operator overloading.

In C++, operators are overloaded in the form of functions with special names. As with other functions, overloaded operators can generally be implemented either as a member function of their left operand's type or as non-member functions. Whether you are free to choose or bound to use either one depends on several criteria.2 A unary operator @3, applied to an object x, is invoked either as operator@(x) or as x.operator@(). A binary infix operator @, applied to the objects x and y, is called either as operator@(x,y) or as x.operator@(y).4

Operators that are implemented as non-member functions are sometimes friend of their operand’s type.

1 The term “user-defined” might be slightly misleading. C++ makes the distinction between built-in types and user-defined types. To the former belong for example int, char, and double; to the latter belong all struct, class, union, and enum types, including those from the standard library, even though they are not, as such, defined by users.

2 This is covered in a later part of this FAQ.

3 The @ is not a valid operator in C++ which is why I use it as a placeholder.

4 The only ternary operator in C++ cannot be overloaded and the only n-ary operator must always be implemented as a member function.

Continue to The Three Basic Rules of Operator Overloading in C++.

Change arrow colors in Bootstraps carousel

If you are using bootstrap.min.css for carousel-

<a class="left carousel-control" href="#carouselExample" data-slide="prev">
  <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span>
  <span class="sr-only">Previous</span>
<a class="right carousel-control" href="#carouselExample" data-slide="next">
  <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span>
  <span class="sr-only">Next</span>

Open the bootstrap.min.css file and find the property "glyphicon-chevron-right" and add the property "color:red"

How can I copy the output of a command directly into my clipboard?

I always wanted to do this and found a nice and easy way of doing it. I wrote down the complete procedure just in case anyone else needs it.

First install a 16 kB program called xclip:

sudo apt-get install xclip

You can then pipe the output into xclip to be copied into the clipboard:

cat file | xclip

To paste the text you just copied, you shall use:

xclip -o

To simplify life, you can set up an alias in your .bashrc file as I did:

alias "c=xclip"
alias "v=xclip -o"

To see how useful this is, imagine I want to open my current path in a new terminal window (there may be other ways of doing it like Ctrl+T on some systems, but this is just for illustration purposes):

Terminal 1:
pwd | c

Terminal 2:
cd `v`

Notice the ` ` around v. This executes v as a command first and then substitutes it in-place for cd to use.

Only copy the content to the X clipboard

cat file | xclip

If you want to paste somewhere else other than a X application, try this one:

cat file | xclip -selection clipboard

how do you insert null values into sql server

If you're using SSMS (or old school Enterprise Manager) to edit the table directly, press CTRL+0 to add a null.

React Native Responsive Font Size

Why not using PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(/* size in dp */);, it's just the same as pd units in Android.

php implode (101) with quotes

I think this is what you are trying to do

$array = array('lastname', 'email', 'phone');
echo "'" . implode("','", explode(',', $array)) . "'";

Programmatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard

Adding this to your code android:focusableInTouchMode="true" will make sure that your keypad doesn't appear on startup for your edittext box. You want to add this line to your linear layout that contains the EditTextBox. You should be able to play with this to solve both your problems. I have tested this. Simple solution.

ie: In your app_list_view.xml file


------------------ EDIT: To Make keyboard appear on startup -----------------------

This is to make they Keyboard appear on the username edittextbox on startup. All I've done is added an empty Scrollview to the bottom of the .xml file, this puts the first edittext into focus and pops up the keyboard. I admit this is a hack, but I am assuming you just want this to work. I've tested it, and it works fine.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="" 
        android:hint="Password" />

If you are looking for a more eloquent solution, I've found this question which might help you out, it is not as simple as the solution above but probably a better solution. I haven't tested it but it apparently works. I think it is similar to the solution you've tried which didn't work for you though.

Hope this is what you are looking for.


Problems using Maven and SSL behind proxy

It happens because your maven plugin try to connect to an HTTPS remote repository ( or (

Some time ago, you could to change these URL's to use HTTP instead use HTTPS, but since January 15th 2020, these URL's doesn't work any more, only the HTTPS URL's.

As an easy way to fix this problem, you can use the insecure Maven URL in the settings.xml file. So, you need to change ALL of yours references above mencioned to:

TIP: Your JAVA_HOME variable always needs to point to your JDK path, not to your JRE path, for example: "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_80".

Show Hide div if, if statement is true

This does not need jquery, you could set a variable inside the if and use it in html or pass it thru your template system if any

$query3 = mysql_query($query3);
$numrows = mysql_num_rows($query3);
if ($numrows > 0){
    $fvisit = mysql_fetch_array($result3);
 }else {



later in html

  <div id="results" <?php if ($showDivFlag===false){?>style="display:none"<?php } ?>>

Unique random string generation

I am surprised why there is not a CrytpoGraphic solution in place. GUID is unique but not cryptographically safe. See this Dotnet Fiddle.

var bytes = new byte[40]; // byte size
using (var crypto = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider())

var base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);

In case you want to Prepend with a Guid:

var result = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + base64;

A cleaner alphanumeric string:

result = Regex.Replace(result,"[^A-Za-z0-9]","");

Turn off textarea resizing

It can done easy by just using html draggable attribute

<textarea name="mytextarea" draggable="false"></textarea>

Default value is true.

Formatting struct timespec

The following will return an ISO8601 and RFC3339-compliant UTC timestamp, including nanoseconds.

It uses strftime(), which works with struct timespec just as well as with struct timeval because all it cares about is the number of seconds, which both provide. Nanoseconds are then appended (careful to pad with zeros!) as well as the UTC suffix 'Z'.

Example output: 2021-01-19T04:50:01.435561072Z

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

int utc_system_timestamp(char[]);

int main(void) {
    char buf[31];
    printf("%s\n", buf);

// Allocate exactly 31 bytes for buf
int utc_system_timestamp(char buf[]) {
        const int bufsize = 31;
        struct timespec now;
        struct tm tm;
        int retval = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
        gmtime_r(&now.tv_sec, &tm);
        strftime(buf, bufsize, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.", &tm);
        sprintf(buf, "%s%09luZ", buf, now.tv_nsec);
        return retval;

Subscript out of range error in this Excel VBA script

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    Dim Data As Object, Employee As Object

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Set Data = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data")

    Set Employee = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Employee Names")

    Data.Range("AK1").Value = "Lookup"

    Data.Range("AK2:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Formula = "=VLOOKUP(E2,'Employee Names'!$A:$A,1,0)"

    Data.Range("AK2:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Value = Data.Range("AK2:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Value

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:="<>"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=37, Criteria1:="#N/A"

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    Data.AutoFilter.Range.Offset(1, 0).Rows.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Delete (xlShiftUp)


    Data.AutoFilterMode = False


    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:="="

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=12, Criteria1:="<>"

    Worksheets("Data").Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Copy

    Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "DrfeeRequested"

    Set Dr = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("DrfeeRequested")

    Dr.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    Data.AutoFilterMode = False

    'DrfeeRequested.AutoFilterMode = False


    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=13, Criteria1:="<>"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Copy

    Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "RateLockfollowup"
    Set Ratefolup = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("RateLockfollowup")

    Ratefolup.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    Data.AutoFilterMode = False


    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=19, Criteria1:="="

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=13, Criteria1:="<>"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Copy

    Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "Lockedlefollowup"
    Set Lockfolup = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Lockedlefollowup")

    Lockfolup.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    Data.AutoFilterMode = False


    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=19, Criteria1:="="

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Copy

    Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "Hoifollowup"

    Set Hoifolup = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Hoifollowup")

    Hoifolup.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    Data.AutoFilterMode = False


    TodayDT = Format(Now())

    Weekdy = Weekday(Now())

    If Weekdy = 2 Then
       LastTwoDays = Now() - Weekday(Now(), 3)
    ElseIf Weekdy = 3 Then
       LastTwoDays = Now() - Weekday(Now(), 3)
    ElseIf Weekdy = 4 Then
       LastTwoDays = Now() - Weekday(Now(), 3)
    ElseIf Weekdy = 5 Then
       LastTwoDays = Now() - Weekday(Now(), 3)
    ElseIf Weekdy = 6 Then
       LastTwoDays = Now() - Weekday(Now(), 3)
       MsgBox "Today Satuarday OR Sunday Data is not Available"
    End If

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=12, Criteria1:="="

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=11, Criteria1:="<>"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=11, Criteria1:=" TodayDT", Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="LastTwoDays"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Copy

    Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "DRfeefollowup"

    Set Drfreefolup = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("DRfeefollowup")

    Drfreefolup.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    Data.AutoFilterMode = False

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=15, Criteria1:="yes"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=19, Criteria1:="x"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=12, Criteria1:="<>"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=13, Criteria1:="<>"

    'Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).AutoFilter Field:=14, criterial:="<>"

    Data.Range("A1:AK" & Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Copy

    Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "Drworkblefiles"

    Set Drworkblefiles = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Drworkblefiles")

    Drworkblefiles.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

    Application.CutCopyMode = False


   End Sub

 Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

    Sheets("Data").Range("A1:AJ" & Sheets("Data").Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row).Clear

    MsgBox "Please paste new data in data sheet"

End Sub

What is a good game engine that uses Lua?

Heroes of Might and Magic V used modified Silent Storm engine. I think you can find many good engines listed in wikipedia: Lua-scriptable game engines

Finding the source code for built-in Python functions?

As mentioned by @Jim, the file organization is described here. Reproduced for ease of discovery:

For Python modules, the typical layout is:

Modules/_<module>.c (if there’s also a C accelerator module)

For extension-only modules, the typical layout is:


For builtin types, the typical layout is:


For builtin functions, the typical layout is:


Some exceptions:

builtin type int is at Objects/longobject.c
builtin type str is at Objects/unicodeobject.c
builtin module sys is at Python/sysmodule.c
builtin module marshal is at Python/marshal.c
Windows-only module winreg is at PC/winreg.c

Staging Deleted files

Use git rm foo to stage the file for deletion. (This will also delete the file from the file system, if it hadn't been previously deleted. It can, of course, be restored from git, since it was previously checked in.)

To stage the file for deletion without deleting it from the file system, use git rm --cached foo

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IList'

If using a where clause be sure to include .First() if you do not want a IQueryable object.

How to extract .war files in java? ZIP vs JAR

If you look at the JarFile API you'll see that it's a subclass of the ZipFile class.

The jar-specific classes mostly just add jar-specific functionality, like direct support for manifest file attributes and so on.

It's OOP "in action"; since jar files are zip files, the jar classes can use zip functionality and provide additional utility.

Comparing two branches in Git?

git diff branch_1..branch_2

That will produce the diff between the tips of the two branches. If you'd prefer to find the diff from their common ancestor to test, you can use three dots instead of two:

git diff branch_1...branch_2

Mockito : how to verify method was called on an object created within a method?

Yes, if you really want / need to do it you can use PowerMock. This should be considered a last resort. With PowerMock you can cause it to return a mock from the call to the constructor. Then do the verify on the mock. That said, csturtz's is the "right" answer.

Here is the link to Mock construction of new objects

How do you connect localhost in the Android emulator?

Use for default AVD and for Genymotion

error: passing xxx as 'this' argument of xxx discards qualifiers

The objects in the std::set are stored as const StudentT. So when you try to call getId() with the const object the compiler detects a problem, mainly you're calling a non-const member function on const object which is not allowed because non-const member functions make NO PROMISE not to modify the object; so the compiler is going to make a safe assumption that getId() might attempt to modify the object but at the same time, it also notices that the object is const; so any attempt to modify the const object should be an error. Hence compiler generates an error message.

The solution is simple: make the functions const as:

int getId() const {
    return id;
string getName() const {
    return name;

This is necessary because now you can call getId() and getName() on const objects as:

void f(const StudentT & s)
     cout << s.getId();   //now okay, but error with your versions
     cout << s.getName(); //now okay, but error with your versions

As a sidenote, you should implement operator< as :

inline bool operator< (const StudentT & s1, const StudentT & s2)
    return  s1.getId() < s2.getId();

Note parameters are now const reference.

Changing minDate and maxDate on the fly using jQuery DatePicker

I know you are using Datepicker, but for some people who are just using HTML5 input date like me, there is an example how you can do the same: JSFiddle Link

  var start_date = $(this).val();
    min: start_date

/*  prop() method works since jquery 1.6, if you are using a previus version, you can use attr() method.*/

Unfortunately MyApp has stopped. How can I solve this?

Note: This answer is using Android Studio 2.2.2

Note 2: I am considering that your device is successfully connected.

The first thing you do when your application crashes is look into the LogCat, at the bottom of Android Studio there's a toolbar with a list of menus:


Click on the "Android Monitor" (The one I underlined in the image above. ^)

Now, you'll get something like this:


Change "Verbose" to "Error" Now it will only show you logged errors. Don't worry about all these errors (if you got them) now.


Ok. Now, do what you did to crash your app. After your app crashes, go to your logcat. You should find a new crash log that has a lot of at:x.x.x: and Caused by: TrumpIsPresidentException for example. Go to that Caused by: statement in your logcat.


Next to that Caused By:, there should be the Exception that happened. In my case, it's a RuntimeException and under it there should be a line which contains a blue link such as:


If that Caused by: DOESN'T have a line with a blue text somewhere under it, then look for another Caused by: that does.

Click on that blue link. It should take you to where the problem occured. In my case, it was due to this line:

throw new RuntimeException();

So, now I know why it's crashing. It's because I'm throwing the exception myself. This was an obvious error.

However, let's say I got another error:


I checked my logcat, I clicked on the blue link it gave me, and it took me here:


So, now I want to debug. According to this StackOverflow question, a NullPointerException says that something is null.

So, let's find out what is null. There's two possibilities. Either mTextView is null, or myString is null. To find out, before the mTextView.setText(mString) line, I add these two lines:

Log.d("AppDebug","mTextView is null: " + String.valueOf(mTextView == null);
Log.d("AppDebug","myString is null: " + String.valueOf(myString== null);

Now, like we did previously (We changed Verose to Error), we want to change "Error" to "Debug". Since we're logging by debugging. Here's all the Log methods:

  d means Debug
  e means error
  w means warning
  v means verbose
  i means information
  wtf means "What a terrible failure". This is similar to Log.e

So, since we used Log.d, we're checking in Debug. That's why we changed it to debug.

Notice Log.d has a first parameter,in our case "AppDebug". Click on the "No Filters" drop down menu on the top-right of the logcat. Select "Edit Filter Configuration", give a name to your filter, and in "Log Tag" put "App Debug". Click "OK". Now, you should see two lines in the logcat:

yourPackageNameAndApp: mTextView is null: true
yourPackageNameAndApp: myString is null: false

So now we know that mTextView is null.

I observe my code, now I notice something.

I have private TextView mTextView declared at the top of my class. But, I'm not defining it.

Basically I forgot to do this in my onCreate():

mTextView = (TextView) findViewById(;

So THAT'S why mTextView is null, because I forgot to tell my app what it is. So I add that line, run my app, and now the app doesn't crash.

How do I decode a base64 encoded string?

The m000493 method seems to perform some kind of XOR encryption. This means that the same method can be used for both encrypting and decrypting the text. All you have to do is reverse m0001cd:

string p0 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String("OBFZDT..."));

string result = m000493(p0, "_p0lizei.");
//    result == "gaia^unplugged^Ta..."

with return m0001cd(builder3.ToString()); changed to return builder3.ToString();.

How to view the Folder and Files in GAC?

I'm a day late and a dollar short on this one. If you want to view the folder structure of the GAC in Windows Explorer, you can do this by using the registry:

  1. Launch regedit.
  2. Navigate to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion
  3. Add a DWORD called DisableCacheViewer and set the value to 1.

For a temporary view, you can substitute a drive for the folder path, which strips away the special directory properties.

  1. Launch a Command Prompt at your account's privilege level.
  2. Type SUBST Z: C:\Windows\assembly
    • Z can be any free drive letter.
  3. Open My Computer and look in the new substitute directory.
  4. To remove the virtual drive from Command Prompt, type SUBST Z: /D

As for why you'd want to do something like this, I've used this trick to compare GAC'd DLLs between different machines to make sure they're truly the same.

Division of integers in Java

If you don't explicitly cast one of the two values to a float before doing the division then an integer division will be used (so that's why you get 0). You just need one of the two operands to be a floating point value, so that the normal division is used (and other integer value is automatically turned into a float).

Just try with

float completed = 50000.0f;

and it will be fine.

What's the difference between Cache-Control: max-age=0 and no-cache?

By the way, it's worth noting that some mobile devices, particularly Apple products like iPhone/iPad completely ignore headers like no-cache, no-store, Expires: 0, or whatever else you may try to force them to not re-use expired form pages.

This has caused us no end of headaches as we try to get the issue of a user's iPad say, being left asleep on a page they have reached through a form process, say step 2 of 3, and then the device totally ignores the store/cache directives, and as far as I can tell, simply takes what is a virtual snapshot of the page from its last state, that is, ignoring what it was told explicitly, and, not only that, taking a page that should not be stored, and storing it without actually checking it again, which leads to all kinds of strange Session issues, among other things.

I'm just adding this in case someone comes along and can't figure out why they are getting session errors with particularly iphones and ipads, which seem by far to be the worst offenders in this area.

I've done fairly extensive debugger testing with this issue, and this is my conclusion, the devices ignore these directives completely.

Even in regular use, I've found that some mobiles also totally fail to check for new versions via say, Expires: 0 then checking last modified dates to determine if it should get a new one.

It simply doesn't happen, so what I was forced to do was add query strings to the css/js files I needed to force updates on, which tricks the stupid mobile devices into thinking it's a file it does not have, like: my.css?v=1, then v=2 for a css/js update. This largely works.

User browsers also, by the way, if left to their defaults, as of 2016, as I continuously discover (we do a LOT of changes and updates to our site) also fail to check for last modified dates on such files, but the query string method fixes that issue. This is something I've noticed with clients and office people who tend to use basic normal user defaults on their browsers, and have no awareness of caching issues with css/js etc, almost invariably fail to get the new css/js on change, which means the defaults for their browsers, mostly MSIE / Firefox, are not doing what they are told to do, they ignore changes and ignore last modified dates and do not validate, even with Expires: 0 set explicitly.

This was a good thread with a lot of good technical information, but it's also important to note how bad the support for this stuff is in particularly mobile devices. Every few months I have to add more layers of protection against their failure to follow the header commands they receive, or to properly interpet those commands.

Using jQuery to build table rows from AJAX response(json)

Try it like this:

$.each(response, function(i, item) {
    $('<tr>').html("<td>" + response[i].rank + "</td><td>" + response[i].content + "</td><td>" + response[i].UID + "</td>").appendTo('#records_table');


Multiple commands in an alias for bash

The other answers answer the question adequately, but your example looks like the second command depends on the first one being exiting successfully. You may want to try a short-circuit evaluation in your alias:

alias lock='gnome-screensaver && gnome-screensaver-command --lock'

Now the second command will not even be attempted unless the first one is successful. A better description of short-circuit evaluation is described in this SO question.

How to use jquery or ajax to update razor partial view in c#/ for a MVC project

You can also use Url.Action for the path instead like so:

        url: "@Url.Action("Holiday", "Calendar", new { area = "", year= (val * 1) + 1 })",                
        type: "GET",           
        success: function (partialViewResult) {            

Why doesn't Python have multiline comments?

Because the # convention is a common one, and there really isn't anything you can do with a multiline comment that you can't with a #-sign comment. It's a historical accident, like the ancestry of /* ... */ comments going back to PL/I,

Celery Received unregistered task of type (run example)

I had the same problem: The reason of "Received unregistered task of type.." was that celeryd service didn't find and register the tasks on service start (btw their list is visible when you start ./ celeryd --loglevel=info ).

These tasks should be declared in CELERY_IMPORTS = ("tasks", ) in settings file.
If you have a special file it has to be declared on celeryd service start as as digivampire wrote.

Failed to serialize the response in Web API with Json

Add the below line

this.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;

Two way to use ProxyCreationEnabled as false.

  1. Add it inside of DBContext Constructor

    public ProductEntities() : base("name=ProductEntities")
        this.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;


  1. Add the line inside of Get method

    public IEnumerable<Brand_Details> Get()
        using (ProductEntities obj = new ProductEntities())
            this.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
            return obj.Brand_Details.ToList();

Change the background color in a twitter bootstrap modal?

For Angular(7+) Project:

::ng-deep {
    opacity: 0.7 !important;

Otherwise you can use: {
    opacity: 0.7 !important;

PHP - remove all non-numeric characters from a string

Use \D to match non-digit characters.

preg_replace('~\D~', '', $str);

Reading data from a website using C#

The WebClient class should be more than capable of handling the functionality you describe, for example:

System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
byte[] raw = wc.DownloadData("");

string webData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(raw);

or (further to suggestion from Fredrick in comments)

System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
string webData = wc.DownloadString("");

When you say it took 30 seconds, can you expand on that a little more? There are many reasons as to why that could have happened. Slow servers, internet connections, dodgy implementation etc etc.

You could go a level lower and implement something like this:

HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");

using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(webRequest.GetRequestStream(), Encoding.UTF8))

string responseData = string.Empty;
HttpWebResponse httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();
using (StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
    responseData = responseReader.ReadToEnd();

However, at the end of the day the WebClient class wraps up this functionality for you. So I would suggest that you use WebClient and investigate the causes of the 30 second delay.

Custom "confirm" dialog in JavaScript?

You might want to consider abstracting it out into a function like this:

function dialog(message, yesCallback, noCallback) {
    var dialog = $('#modal_dialog').dialog();

    $('#btnYes').click(function() {
    $('#btnNo').click(function() {

You can then use it like this:

dialog('Are you sure you want to do this?',
    function() {
        // Do something
    function() {
        // Do something else

How can I change Mac OS's default Java VM returned from /usr/libexec/java_home

I've been there too and searched everywhere how /usr/libexec/java_home works but I couldn't find any information on how it determines the available Java Virtual Machines it lists.

I've experimented a bit and I think it simply executes a ls /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines and then inspects the ./<version>/Contents/Info.plist of all runtimes it finds there.

It then sorts them descending by the key JVMVersion contained in the Info.plist and by default it uses the first entry as its default JVM.

I think the only thing we might do is to change the plist: sudo vi /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0.jdk/Contents/Info.plist and then modify the JVMVersion from 1.8.0 to something else that makes it sort it to the bottom instead of the top, like !1.8.0.

Something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
            <string>!1.8.0</string>   <!-- changed from '1.8.0' to '!1.8.0' -->`

and then it magically disappears from the top of the list:

/usr/libexec/java_home -verbose
Matching Java Virtual Machines (3):
    1.7.0_45, x86_64:   "Java SE 7" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home
    1.7.0_09, x86_64:   "Java SE 7" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_09.jdk/Contents/Home
    !1.8.0, x86_64: "Java SE 8" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0.jdk/Contents/Home

Now you will need to logout/login and then:

java -version
java version "1.7.0_45"


Of course I have no idea if something else breaks now or if the 1.8.0-ea version of java still works correctly.

You probably should not do any of this but instead simply deinstall 1.8.0.

However so far this has worked for me.

Java string replace and the NUL (NULL, ASCII 0) character?

I think it should be the case. To erase the character, you should use replace(".", "") instead.

What is :: (double colon) in Python when subscripting sequences?

seq[::n] is a sequence of each n-th item in the entire sequence.


>>> range(10)[::2]
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]

The syntax is:


So you can do (in Python 2):

>>> range(100)[5:18:2]
[5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17]

Differences between action and actionListener

ActionListener gets fired first, with an option to modify the response, before Action gets called and determines the location of the next page.

If you have multiple buttons on the same page which should go to the same place but do slightly different things, you can use the same Action for each button, but use a different ActionListener to handle slightly different functionality.

Here is a link that describes the relationship:

CSS opacity only to background color, not the text on it?

For Less users only:

If you don't like to set your colors using RGBA, but rather using HEX, there are solutions.

You could use a mixin like:

.transparentBackgroundColorMixin(@alpha,@color) {
  background-color: rgba(red(@color), green(@color), blue(@color), @alpha);

And use it like:

.myClass {

Actually this is what a built-in Less function also provide:

.myClass {
    background-color: fade(#FFFFFF, 50%);

See How do I convert a hexadecimal color to rgba with the Less compiler?

File upload progress bar with jQuery

Here is a more complete looking jquery 1.11.x $.ajax() usage:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function uploadProgressHandler(event) {
        $("#loaded_n_total").html("Uploaded " + event.loaded + " bytes of " +;
        var percent = (event.loaded / * 100;
        var progress = Math.round(percent);
        $("#uploadProgressBar").html(progress + " percent na ang progress");
        $("#uploadProgressBar").css("width", progress + "%");
        $("#status").html(progress + "% uploaded... please wait");

    function loadHandler(event) {
        $("#uploadProgressBar").css("width", "0%");

    function errorHandler(event) {
        $("#status").html("Upload Failed");

    function abortHandler(event) {
        $("#status").html("Upload Aborted");

    $("#uploadFile").click(function (event) {
        var file = $("#fileUpload")[0].files[0];
        var formData = new FormData();
        formData.append("file1", file);

            url: 'http://testarea.local/UploadWithProgressBar1/file_upload_parser.php',
            method: 'POST',
            type: 'POST',
            data: formData,
            contentType: false,
            processData: false,
            xhr: function () {
                var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
                xhr.addEventListener("load", loadHandler, false);
                xhr.addEventListener("error", errorHandler, false);
                xhr.addEventListener("abort", abortHandler, false);

                return xhr;

How to insert data using wpdb

You have to check your quotes properly,

$sql = $wpdb->prepare(
    "INSERT INTO `wp_submitted_form`      
 values ($name, $email, $phone, $country, $course, $message, $datesent)");

OR you can use like,

$sql = "INSERT INTO `wp_submitted_form`
   values ($name, $email, $phone, $country, $course, $message, $datesent)";



No output to console from a WPF application?

I use Console.WriteLine() for use in the Output window...

How to read all rows from huge table?

I did it like below. Not the best way i think, but it works :)

    Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://....");
    PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("select * from " + tabName + " where id > ? order by id");
    int lastId = 0;
    for (;;) {
        s.setInt(1, lastId);
        ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery();

        int lastIdBefore = lastId;
        while ( {
            lastId = Integer.parseInt(rs.getObject(1).toString());
            // ...

        if (lastIdBefore == lastId) {

The program can't start because cygwin1.dll is missing... in Eclipse CDT

You can compile with either Cygwin's g++ or MinGW (via stand-alone or using Cygwin package). However, in order to run it, you need to add the Cygwin1.dll (and others) PATH to the system Windows PATH, before any cygwin style paths.

Thus add: ;C:\cygwin64\bin to the end of your Windows system PATH variable.

Also, to compile for use in CMD or PowerShell, you may need to use:

x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++.exe -static -std=c++11 -o prog_name.exe

(This invokes the cross-compiler, if installed.)

How can I echo HTML in PHP?

echo '


echo "<html>\n<body>\n</body>\n</html>\n";

switch case statement error: case expressions must be constant expression

Unchecking "Is Library" in the project Properties worked for me.

Get index of a key in json

Its too late, but it may be simple and useful

var json = { "key1" : "watevr1", "key2" : "watevr2", "key3" : "watevr3" };
var keytoFind = "key2";
var index = Object.keys(json).indexOf(keytoFind);

What is the difference between private and protected members of C++ classes?

The reason that MFC favors protected, is because it is a framework. You probably want to subclass the MFC classes and in that case a protected interface is needed to access methods that are not visible to general use of the class.

vertical align middle in <div>

.container { 
  height: 200px;
  position: relative;
  border: 3px solid green; 

.center {
  margin: 0;
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
<h2>Centering Div inside Div, horizontally and vertically without table</h2>
<p>1. Positioning and the transform property to vertically and horizontally center</p>
<p>2. CSS Layout - Horizontal & Vertical Align</p>

<div class="container">
  <div class="center">
    <p>I am vertically and horizontally centered.</p>

How to join three table by laravel eloquent model

$articles =DB::table('articles')
                ->join('categories','', '=', '')
                ->join('user', 'articles.user_id', '=', '')
                ->select('','articles.title','articles.body','user.user_name', 'categories.category_name')
return view('myarticlesview',['articles'=>$articles]);

Why cannot change checkbox color whatever I do?

Checkboxes are not able to be styled. You would need a third party js plugin there are many available.

If you want to do this yourself it basically involves hiding the checkbox creating an element and styling that as you want then binding its click event to two functions one to change its look and another to activate the click event of the checkbox.

The same problem will arise when trying to style that little down arrow on a drop-down select element.

How can I stop redis-server?

For OSX, I created the following aliases for starting and stopping redis (installed with Homebrew):

alias redstart='redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis/6379.conf'
alias redstop='redis-cli -h -p 6379 shutdown'

This has worked great for local development!

Homebrew now has homebrew-services that can be used to start, stop and restart services. homebrew-services

brew services is automatically installed when run.

brew services start|run redis 
brew services stop redis
brew services restart redis

If you use run, then it will not start it at login (nor boot). start will start the redis service and add it at login and boot.

Is a new line = \n OR \r\n?

\n is used for Unix systems (including Linux, and OSX).

\r\n is mainly used on Windows.

\r is used on really old Macs.

PHP_EOL constant is used instead of these characters for portability between platforms.

What's wrong with foreign keys?

This is an issue of upbringing. If somewhere in your educational or professional career you spent time feeding and caring for databases (or worked closely with talented folks who did), then the fundamental tenets of entities and relationships are well-ingrained in your thought process. Among those rudiments is how/when/why to specify keys in your database (primary, foreign and perhaps alternate). It's second nature.

If, however, you've not had such a thorough or positive experience in your past with RDBMS-related endeavors, then you've likely not been exposed to such information. Or perhaps your past includes immersion in an environment that was vociferously anti-database (e.g., "those DBAs are idiots - we few, we chosen few java/c# code slingers will save the day"), in which case you might be vehemently opposed to the arcane babblings of some dweeb telling you that FKs (and the constraints they can imply) really are important if you'd just listen.

Most everyone was taught when they were kids that brushing your teeth was important. Can you get by without it? Sure, but somewhere down the line you'll have less teeth available than you could have if you had brushed after every meal. If moms and dads were responsible enough to cover database design as well as oral hygiene, we wouldn't be having this conversation. :-)

php is null or empty?

Use empty -


$a = '';
if(empty($a)) {
    echo 'is empty';

Delete forked repo from GitHub

Answer is NO. It won't affect the original/main repository where you forked from. (Functionally, it will be incorrect if such an access is provided to a non-owner).

Just wanted to add this though.

Warning: It will delete the local commits and branches you created on your forked repo. So, before deleting make sure there is a backup of that code with you if it is important.

Best way would be getting a git backup of forked repo using:

git bundle 

or other methods that are familiar.

Detect click inside/outside of element with single event handler

This question can be answered with X and Y coordinates and without JQuery:

       var isPointerEventInsideElement = function (event, element) {
            var pos = {
                x: event.targetTouches ? event.targetTouches[0].pageX : event.pageX,
                y: event.targetTouches ? event.targetTouches[0].pageY : event.pageY
            var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
            return  pos.x < rect.right && pos.x > rect.left && pos.y < rect.bottom && pos.y >;

        document.querySelector('#my-element').addEventListener('click', function (event) {
           console.log(isPointerEventInsideElement(event, document.querySelector('#my-any-child-element')))

Angular ng-if not true

use this

ng-if="area == false"


ng-if="area == true"

this may help someone

remove item from array using its name / value

Try this:

var COUNTRY_ID = 'AL';

countries.results = 
  countries.results.filter(function(el){ return != COUNTRY_ID; });

C# how to convert File.ReadLines into string array?

Change string[] lines = File.ReadLines("c:\\file.txt"); to IEnumerable<string> lines = File.ReadLines("c:\\file.txt"); The rest of your code should work fine.

How do I make a transparent canvas in html5?

Iif you want a particular <canvas id="canvasID"> to be always transparent you just have to set


Instead, if you want some particular elements inside the canvas area to be transparent, you have to set transparency when you draw, i.e.

context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 200, 0.5)";

How do I check if the mouse is over an element in jQuery?

I couldn't use any of the suggestions above.
Why I prefer my solution?
This method checks if mouse is over an element at any time chosen by You.
Mouseenter and :hover are cool, but mouseenter triggers only if you move the mouse, not when element moves under the mouse.
:hover is pretty sweet but ... IE

So I do this:

No 1. store mouse x, y position every time it's moved when you need to,
No 2. check if mouse is over any of elements that match the query do stuff ... like trigger a mouseenter event

// define mouse x, y variables so they are traced all the time
var mx = 0; //  mouse X position
var my = 0; //  mouse Y position

// update mouse x, y coordinates every time user moves the mouse
    mx = e.pageX;
    my = e.pageY;

// check is mouse is over an element at any time You need (wrap it in function if You need to)
    boxX = $(this).offset().left;
    boxY = $(this).offset().top;
    boxW = $(this).innerWidth();
    boxH = $(this).innerHeight();
    if ((boxX <= mx) &&
        (boxX + 1000 >= mx) &&
        (boxY <= my) &&
        (boxY + boxH >= my))
        // mouse is over it so you can for example trigger a mouseenter event

How can I run a PHP script in the background after a form is submitted?

If you can access the server over ssh and can run your own scripts you can make a simple fifo server using php (although you will have to recompile php with posix support for fork).

The server can be written in anything really, you probably can easily do it in python.

Or the simplest solution would be sending an HttpRequest and not reading the return data but the server might destroy the script before it finish processing.

Example server :

define('FIFO_PATH', '/home/user/input.queue');
define('FORK_COUNT', 10);

if(file_exists(FIFO_PATH)) {
    die(FIFO_PATH . ' exists, please delete it and try again.' . "\n");

if(!file_exists(FIFO_PATH) && !posix_mkfifo(FIFO_PATH, 0666)){
    die('Couldn\'t create the listening fifo.' . "\n");

$pids = array();
$fp = fopen(FIFO_PATH, 'r+');
for($i = 0; $i < FORK_COUNT; ++$i) {
    $pids[$i] = pcntl_fork();
    if(!$pids[$i]) {
        echo "process(" . posix_getpid() . ", id=$i)\n";
        while(true) {
            $line = chop(fgets($fp));
            if($line == 'quit' || $line === false) break;
            echo "processing (" . posix_getpid() . ", id=$i) :: $line\n";
        //  $data = json_decode($line);
        //  processData($data);
foreach($pids as $pid){
    pcntl_waitpid($pid, $status);

Example client :

define('FIFO_PATH', '/home/user/input.queue');
if(!file_exists(FIFO_PATH)) {
    die(FIFO_PATH . ' doesn\'t exist, please make sure the fifo server is running.' . "\n");

function postToQueue($data) {
    $fp = fopen(FIFO_PATH, 'w+');
    stream_set_blocking($fp, false); //don't block
    $data = json_encode($data) . "\n";
    if(fwrite($fp, $data) != strlen($data)) {
        echo "Couldn't the server might be dead or there's a bug somewhere\n";
$i = 1000;
while(--$i) {
    postToQueue(array('xx'=>21, 'yy' => array(1,2,3)));

Which MySQL data type to use for storing boolean values

BOOL and BOOLEAN are synonyms of TINYINT(1). Zero is false, anything else is true. More information here.

Elegant Python function to convert CamelCase to snake_case?

A horrendous example using regular expressions (you could easily clean this up :) ):

def f(s):
    return + "_" +

p = re.compile("([A-Z]+[a-z]+)([A-Z]?)")
print p.sub(f, "CamelCase")
print p.sub(f, "getHTTPResponseCode")

Works for getHTTPResponseCode though!

Alternatively, using lambda:

p = re.compile("([A-Z]+[a-z]+)([A-Z]?)")
print p.sub(lambda x: + "_" +, "CamelCase")
print p.sub(lambda x: + "_" +, "getHTTPResponseCode")

EDIT: It should also be pretty easy to see that there's room for improvement for cases like "Test", because the underscore is unconditionally inserted.

Create request with POST, which response codes 200 or 201 and content

The idea is that the response body gives you a page that links you to the thing:

201 Created

The 201 (Created) status code indicates that the request has been fulfilled and has resulted in one or more new resources being created. The primary resource created by the request is identified by either a Location header field in the response or, if no Location field is received, by the effective request URI.

This means that you would include a Location in the response header that gives the URL of where you can find the newly created thing:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Sat, 02 Apr 2016 12:22:40 GMT

Response body

They then go on to mention what you should include in the response body:

The 201 response payload typically describes and links to the resource(s) created.

For the human using the browser, you give them something they can look at, and click, to get to their newly created resource:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Sat, 02 Apr 2016 12:22:40 GMT
Content-Type: text/html

Your answer has been saved! 
Click <A href="/a/36373586/12597">here</A> to view it.

If the page will only be used by a robot, the it makes sense to have the response be computer readable:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Sat, 02 Apr 2016 12:22:40 GMT
Content-Type: application/xml


Or, if you prefer:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Sat, 02 Apr 2016 12:22:40 GMT
Content-Type: application/json

   "questionID": 1860645, 
   "answerID": 36373586,
   "primary": "/a/36373586/12597",
   "additional": [

The response is entirely up to you; it's arbitrarily what you'd like.

Cache friendly

Finally there's the optimization that I can pre-cache the created resource (because I already have the content; I just uploaded it). The server can return a date or ETag which I can store with the content I just uploaded:

See Section 7.2 for a discussion of the meaning and purpose of validator header fields, such as ETag and Last-Modified, in a 201 response.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Sat, 02 Apr 2016 12:22:40 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Last-Modified: Sat, 02 Apr 2016 12:22:39 GMT 

Your answer has been saved! 
Click <A href="/a/36373586/12597">here</A> to view it.

And ETag s are purely arbitrary values. Having them be different when a resource changes (and caches need to be updated) is all that matters. The ETag is usually a hash (e.g. SHA2). But it can be a database rowversion, or an incrementing revision number. Anything that will change when the thing changes.

"Cannot GET /" with Connect on Node.js

You may be here because you're reading the Apress PRO AngularJS book...

As is described in a comment to this question by KnarfaLingus:


The connect module has been reorganized. do:

npm install connect 

and also

npm install serve-static

Afterward your server.js can be written as:

var connect = require('connect');
var serveStatic = require('serve-static'); 
var app = connect(); 




Although I do it, as the book suggests, in a more concise way like this:

var connect = require('connect');
var serveStatic = require('serve-static');


Alternate table with new not null Column in existing table in SQL

Choose either:

a) Create not null with some valid default value
b) Create null, fill it, alter to not null

Pass a data.frame column name to a function

Personally I think that passing the column as a string is pretty ugly. I like to do something like:

get.max <- function(column,data=NULL){
    column<-eval(substitute(column),data, parent.frame())

which will yield:

> get.max(mpg,mtcars)
[1] 33.9
> get.max(c(1,2,3,4,5))
[1] 5

Notice how the specification of a data.frame is optional. you can even work with functions of your columns:

> get.max(1/mpg,mtcars)
[1] 0.09615385

How to make a HTML list appear horizontally instead of vertically using CSS only?

Using display: inline-flex

#menu ul {_x000D_
  list-style: none;_x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
  padding: 0;_x000D_
  display: inline-flex_x000D_
<div id="menu">_x000D_
    <li>1 menu item</li>_x000D_
    <li>2 menu item</li>_x000D_
    <li>3 menu item</li>_x000D_

Using display: inline-block

#menu ul {_x000D_
  list-style: none;_x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
  padding: 0;_x000D_
#menu li {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
<div id="menu">_x000D_
    <li>1 menu item</li>_x000D_
    <li>2 menu item</li>_x000D_
    <li>3 menu item</li>_x000D_
_x000D_ cannot be cast to

You can also try this one.

override fun registerWith( registry: PluginRegistry) {
        GeneratedPluginRegistrant.registerWith(registry as FlutterEngine)       

I think this one is far better solution than creating a new class.

Python in Xcode 4+?

This thread is old, but to chime in for Xcode Version 8.3.3, Tyler Crompton's method in the accepted answer still works (some of the names are very slightly different, but not enough to matter).

2 points where I struggled slightly:

Step 16: If the python executable you want is greyed out, right click it and select quick look. Then close the quick look window, and it should now be selectable.

Step 19: If this isn’t working for you, you can enter the name of just the python file in the Arguments tab, and then enter the project root directory explicitly in the Options tab under Working Directory--check the “Use custom working directory” box, and type in your project root directory in the field below it.

How can I exclude directories from grep -R?

A simpler way would be to filter your results using "grep -v".

grep -i needle -R * | grep -v node_modules

What are alternatives to ExtJS?

Nothing compares to in terms of community size and presence on StackOverflow. Despite previous controversy, Ext JS now has a GPLv3 open source license. Its learning curve is long, but it can be quite rewarding once learned. Ext JS lacks a Material Design theme, and the team has repeatedly refused to release the source code on GitHub. For mobile, one must use the separate Sencha Touch library.

Have in mind also that,

large JavaScript libraries, such as YUI, have been receiving less attention from the community. Many developers today look at large JavaScript libraries as walled gardens they don’t want to be locked into.

-- Announcement of YUI development being ceased

That said, below are a number of Ext JS alternatives currently available.

Leading client widget libraries

  1. Blueprint is a React-based UI toolkit developed by big data analytics company Palantir in TypeScript, and "optimized for building complex data-dense interfaces for desktop applications". Actively developed on GitHub as of May 2019, with comprehensive documentation. Components range from simple (chips, toast, icons) to complex (tree, data table, tag input with autocomplete, date range picker. No accordion or resizer.

    Blueprint targets modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 11, and Microsoft Edge) and is licensed under a modified Apache license.

    Sandbox / demoGitHubDocs

  2. Webix - an advanced, easy to learn, mobile-friendly, responsive and rich free&open source JavaScript UI components library. Webix spun off from DHTMLX Touch (a project with 8 years of development behind it - see below) and went on to become a standalone UI components framework. The GPL3 edition allows commercial use and lets non-GPL applications using Webix keep their license, e.g. MIT, via a license exemption for FLOSS. Webix has 55 UI widgets, including trees, grids, treegrids and charts. Funding comes from a commercial edition with some advanced widgets (Pivot, Scheduler, Kanban, org chart etc.). Webix has an extensive list of free and commercial widgets, and integrates with most popular frameworks (React, Vue, Meteor, etc) and UI components.


    Skins look modern, and include a Material Design theme. The Touch theme also looks quite Material Design-ish. See also the Skin Builder.

    Minimal GitHub presence, but includes the library code, and the documentation (which still needs major improvements). Webix suffers from a having a small team and a lack of marketing. However, they have been responsive to user feedback, both on GitHub and on their forum.

    The library was lean (128Kb gzip+minified for all 55 widgets as of ~2015), faster than ExtJS, dojo and others, and the design is pleasant-looking. The current version of Webix (v6, as of Nov 2018) got heavier (400 - 676kB minified but NOT gzipped).

    The demos on look and function great. The developer, XB Software, uses Webix in solutions they build for paying customers, so there's likely a good, funded future ahead of it.

    Webix aims for backwards compatibility down to IE8, and as a result carries some technical debt.

    WikipediaGitHubPlayground/sandboxAdmin dashboard demoDemosWidget samples

  3. react-md - MIT-licensed Material Design UI components library for React. Responsive, accessible. Implements components from simple (buttons, cards) to complex (sortable tables, autocomplete, tags input, calendars). One lead author, ~1900 GitHub stars.

  4. - jQuery-based UI toolkit with 40+ basic open-source widgets, plus commercial professional widgets (grids, trees, charts etc.). Responsive&mobile support. Works with Bootstrap and AngularJS. Modern, with Material Design themes. The documentation is available on GitHub, which has enabled numerous contributions from users (4500+ commits, 500+ PRs as of Jan 2015).

    enter image description here

    Well-supported commercially, claiming millions of developers, and part of a large family of developer tools. Telerik has received many accolades, is a multi-national company (Bulgaria, US), was acquired by Progress Software, and is a thought leader.

    A Kendo UI Professional developer license costs $700 and posting access to most forums is conditioned upon having a license or being in the trial period.

    [Wikipedia] • GitHub/TelerikDemosPlaygroundTools

  5. OpenUI5 - jQuery-based UI framework with 180 widgets, Apache 2.0-licensed and fully-open sourced and funded by German software giant SAP SE.


    The community is much larger than that of Webix, SAP is hiring developers to grow OpenUI5, and they presented OpenUI5 at OSCON 2014.

    The desktop themes are rather lackluster, but the Fiori design for web and mobile looks clean and neat.

    WikipediaGitHubMobile-first controls demosDesktop controls demosSO

  6. DHTMLX - JavaScript library for building rich Web and Mobile apps. Looks most like ExtJS - check the demos. Has been developed since 2005 but still looks modern. All components except TreeGrid are available under GPLv2 but advanced features for many components are only available in the commercial PRO edition - see for example the tree. Claims to be used by many Fortune 500 companies.


    Minimal presence on GitHub (the main library code is missing) and StackOverflow but active forum. The documentation is not available on GitHub, which makes it difficult to improve by the community.

  7. Polymer, a Web Components polyfill, plus Polymer Paper, Google's implementation of the Material design. Aimed at web and mobile apps. Doesn't have advanced widgets like trees or even grids but the controls it provides are mobile-first and responsive. Used by many big players, e.g. IBM or USA Today.

    Polymer Paper Elements

  8. Ant Design claims it is "a design language for background applications", influenced by "nature" and helping designers "create low-entropy atmosphere for developer team". That's probably a poor translation from Chinese for "UI components for enterprise web applications". It's a React UI library written in TypeScript, with many components, from simple (buttons, cards) to advanced (autocomplete, calendar, tag input, table).

    The project was born in China, is popular with Chinese companies, and parts of the documentation are available only in Chinese. Quite popular on GitHub, yet it makes the mistake of splitting the community into Chinese and English chat rooms. The design looks Material-ish, but fonts are small and the information looks lost in a see of whitespace.

  9. PrimeUI - collection of 45+ rich widgets based on jQuery UI. Apache 2.0 license. Small GitHub community. 35 premium themes available.

  10. qooxdoo - "a universal JavaScript framework with a coherent set of individual components", developed and funded by German hosting provider 1&1 (see the contributors, one of the world's largest hosting companies. GPL/EPL (a business-friendly license).

    Mobile themes look modern but desktop themes look old (gradients).


    WikipediaGitHubWeb/Mobile/Desktop demosWidgets Demo browserWidget browserSOPlaygroundCommunity

  11. jQuery UI - easy to pick up; looks a bit dated; lacks advanced widgets. Of course, you can combine it with independent widgets for particular needs, e.g. trees or other UI components, but the same can be said for any other framework.

  12. + Angular UI. While Angular is backed by Google, it's being radically revamped in the upcoming 2.0 version, and "users will need to get to grips with a new kind of architecture. It's also been confirmed that there will be no migration path from Angular 1.X to 2.0". Moreover, the consensus seems to be that Angular 2 won't really be ready for use until a year or two from now. Angular UI has relatively few widgets (no trees, for example).

  13. DojoToolkit and their powerful Dijit set of widgets. Completely open-sourced and actively developed on GitHub, but development is now (Nov 2018) focused on the new framework, which has very few basic widgets. BSD/AFL license. Development started in 2004 and the Dojo Foundation is being sponsored by IBM, Google, and others - see Wikipedia. 7500 questions here on SO.

    Dojo Dijit

    Themes look desktop-oriented and dated - see the theme tester in dijit. The official theme previewer is broken and only shows "Claro". A Bootstrap theme exists, which looks a lot like Bootstrap, but doesn't use Bootstrap classes. In Jan 2015, I started a thread on building a Material Design theme for Dojo, which got quite popular within the first hours. However, there are questions regarding building that theme for the current Dojo 1.10 vs. the next Dojo 2.0. The response to that thread shows an active and wide community, covering many time zones.

    Unfortunately, Dojo has fallen out of popularity and fewer companies appear to use it, despite having (had?) a strong foothold in the enterprise world. In 2009-2012, its learning curve was steep and the documentation needed improvements; while the documentation has substantially improved, it's unclear how easy it is to pick up Dojo nowadays.

    With a Material Design theme, Dojo (2.0?) might be the killer UI components framework.

    WikipediaGitHubThemesDemosDesktop widgetsSO

  14. Enyo - front-end library aimed at mobile and TV apps (e.g. large touch-friendly controls). Developed by LG Electronix and Apache-licensed on GitHub.

  15. The radical Cappuccino - Objective-J (a superset of JavaScript) instead of HTML+CSS+DOM

  16. Mochaui, MooTools UI Library User Interface Library. <300 GitHub stars.

  17. CrossUI - cross-browser JS framework to develop and package the exactly same code and UI into Web Apps, Native Desktop Apps (Windows, OS X, Linux) and Mobile Apps (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry). Open sourced LGPL3. Featured RAD tool (form builder etc.). The UI looks desktop-, not web-oriented. Actively developed, small community. No presence on GitHub.

  18. ZinoUI - simple widgets. The DataTable, for instance, doesn't even support sorting.

  19. Wijmo - good-looking commercial widgets, with old (jQuery UI) widgets open-sourced on GitHub (their development stopped in 2013). Developed by ComponentOne, a division of GrapeCity. See Wijmo Complete vs. Open.

  20. CxJS - commercial JS framework based on React, Babel and webpack offering form elements, form validation, advanced grid control, navigational elements, tooltips, overlays, charts, routing, layout support, themes, culture dependent formatting and more.


Widgets - Demo Apps - Examples - GitHub

Full-stack frameworks

  1. SproutCore - developed by Apple for web applications with native performance, handling large data sets on the client. Powers Not intended for widgets.

  2. Wakanda: aimed at business/enterprise web apps - see What is Wakanda?. Architecture:

  3. Servoy - "a cross platform frontend development and deployment environment for SQL databases". Boasts a "full WYSIWIG (What You See Is What You Get) UI designer for HTML5 with built-in data-binding to back-end services", responsive design, support for HTML6 Web Components, Websockets and mobile platforms. Written in Java and generates JavaScript code using various JavaBeans.

  4. SmartClient/SmartGWT - mobile and cross-browser HTML5 UI components combined with a Java server. Aimed at building powerful business apps - see demos.

  5. Vaadin - full-stack Java/GWT + JavaScript/HTML3 web app framework

  6. Backbase - portal software

  7. Shiny - front-end library on top R, with visualization, layout and control widgets

  8. ZKOSS: Java+jQuery+Bootstrap framework for building enterprise web and mobile apps.

CSS libraries + minimal widgets

These libraries don't implement complex widgets such as tables with sorting/filtering, autocompletes, or trees.

  1. Bootstrap

  2. Foundation for Apps - responsive front-end framework on top of AngularJS; more of a grid/layout/navigation library

  3. UI Kit - similar to Bootstrap, with fewer widgets, but with official off-canvas.

Libraries using HTML Canvas

Using the canvas elements allows for complete control over the UI, and great cross-browser compatibility, but comes at the cost of missing native browser functionality, e.g. page search via Ctrl/Cmd+F.

  1. Zebra - demos

No longer developed as of Dec 2014

  1. Yahoo! User Interface - YUI, launched in 2005, but no longer maintained by the core contributors - see the announcement, which highlights reasons why large UI widget libraries are perceived as walled gardens that developers don't want to be locked into.
  2. echo3, GitHub. Supports writing either server-side Java applications that don't require developer knowledge of HTML, HTTP, or JavaScript, or client-side JavaScript-based applications do not require a server, but can communicate with one via AJAX. Last update: July 2013.
  3. ampleSDK
  4. Simpler widgets
  5. JxLib
  6. rialto
  7. Simple UI kit
  8. Prototype-ui

Other lists

SSRS Conditional Formatting Switch or IIF

To dynamically change the color of a text box goto properties, goto font/Color and set the following expression

=SWITCH(Fields!CurrentRiskLevel.Value = "Low", "Green",
Fields!CurrentRiskLevel.Value = "Moderate", "Blue",
Fields!CurrentRiskLevel.Value = "Medium", "Yellow",
Fields!CurrentRiskLevel.Value = "High", "Orange",
Fields!CurrentRiskLevel.Value = "Very High", "Red"

Same way for tolerance

=SWITCH(Fields!Tolerance.Value = "Low", "Red",
Fields!Tolerance.Value = "Moderate", "Orange",
Fields!Tolerance.Value = "Medium", "Yellow",
Fields!Tolerance.Value = "High", "Blue",
Fields!Tolerance.Value = "Very High", "Green")

How can I run a PHP script inside a HTML file?

     echo '<p>Hello World</p>' 

As simple as placing something along those lines within your HTML assuming your server is set-up to execute PHP in files with the HTML extension.

vba pass a group of cells as range to function

There is another way to pass multiple ranges to a function, which I think feels much cleaner for the user. When you call your function in the spreadsheet you wrap each set of ranges in brackets, for example: calculateIt( (A1,A3), (B6,B9) )

The above call assumes your two Sessions are in A1 and A3, and your two Customers are in B6 and B9.

To make this work, your function needs to loop through each of the Areas in the input ranges. For example:

Function calculateIt(Sessions As Range, Customers As Range) As Single

    ' check we passed the same number of areas
    If (Sessions.Areas.Count <> Customers.Areas.Count) Then
        calculateIt = CVErr(xlErrNA)
        Exit Function
    End If

    Dim mySession, myCustomers As Range

    ' run through each area and calculate
    For a = 1 To Sessions.Areas.Count

        Set mySession = Sessions.Areas(a)
        Set myCustomers = Customers.Areas(a)

        ' calculate them...
    Next a

End Function

The nice thing is, if you have both your inputs as a contiguous range, you can call this function just as you would a normal one, e.g. calculateIt(A1:A3, B6:B9).

Hope that helps :)

How to get a DOM Element from a JQuery Selector

You can access the raw DOM element with:


or more simply:


There isn't actually a lot you need this for however (in my experience). Take your checkbox example:

$(":checkbox").click(function() {
  if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
    // do stuff

is more "jquery'ish" and (imho) more concise. What if you wanted to number them?

$(":checkbox").each(function(i, elem) {
  $(elem).data("index", i);
$(":checkbox").click(function() {
  if ($(this).is(":checked") && $(this).data("index") == 0) {
    // do stuff

Some of these features also help mask differences in browsers too. Some attributes can be different. The classic example is AJAX calls. To do this properly in raw Javascript has about 7 fallback cases for XmlHttpRequest.

javascript popup alert on link click

You can use the onclick attribute, just return false if you don't want continue;

<script type="text/javascript">
function confirm_alert(node) {
    return confirm("Please click on OK to continue.");
<a href="" onclick="return confirm_alert(this);">Click Me</a>

How to annotate MYSQL autoincrement field with JPA annotations

I tried every thing, but still I was unable to do that, I am using mysql, jpa with hibernate, I resolved my issue by assigning value of id 0 in constructor Following is my id declaration code

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;

Joda DateTime to Timestamp conversion

It is a common misconception that time (a measurable 4th dimension) is different over the world. Timestamp as a moment in time is unique. Date however is influenced how we "see" time but actually it is "time of day".

An example: two people look at the clock at the same moment. The timestamp is the same, right? But one of them is in London and sees 12:00 noon (GMT, timezone offset is 0), and the other is in Belgrade and sees 14:00 (CET, Central Europe, daylight saving now, offset is +2).

Their perception is different but the moment is the same.

You can find more details in this answer.


OK, it's not a duplicate of this question but it is pointless since you are confusing the terms "Timestamp = moment in time (objective)" and "Date[Time] = time of day (subjective)".

Let's look at your original question code broken down like this:

// Get the "original" value from database.
Timestamp momentFromDB = rs.getTimestamp("anytimestampcolumn");

// Turn it into a Joda DateTime with time zone.
DateTime dt = new DateTime(momentFromDB, DateTimeZone.forID("anytimezone"));

// And then turn it back into a timestamp but "with time zone".
Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(dt.getMillis());

I haven't run this code but I am certain it will print true and the same number of milliseconds each time:

System.out.println("momentFromDB == dt : " + (momentFromDB.getTime() == dt.getTimeInMillis());
System.out.println("momentFromDB == ts : " + (momentFromDB.getTime() == ts.getTime()));
System.out.println("dt == ts : " + (dt.getTimeInMillis() == ts.getTime()));

System.out.println("momentFromDB [ms] : " + momentFromDB.getTime());
System.out.println("ts [ms] : " + ts.getTime());
System.out.println("dt [ms] : " + dt.getTimeInMillis());

But as you said yourself printing them out as strings will result in "different" time because DateTime applies the time zone. That's why "time" is stored and transferred as Timestamp objects (which basically wraps a long) and displayed or entered as Date[Time].

In your own answer you are artificially adding an offset and creating a "wrong" time. If you use that timestamp to create another DateTime and print it out it will be offset twice.

// Turn it back into a Joda DateTime with time zone.
DateTime dt = new DateTime(ts, DateTimeZone.forID("anytimezone"));

P.S. If you have the time go through the very complex Joda Time source code to see how it holds the time (millis) and how it prints it.

JUnit Test as proof

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

public class WorldTimeTest {
    private static final int MILLIS_IN_HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60;
    private static final String ISO_FORMAT_NO_TZ = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS";
    private static final String ISO_FORMAT_WITH_TZ = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX";

    private TimeZone londonTimeZone;
    private TimeZone newYorkTimeZone;
    private TimeZone sydneyTimeZone;
    private long nowInMillis;
    private Date now;

    public static SimpleDateFormat createDateFormat(String pattern, TimeZone timeZone) throws Exception {
        SimpleDateFormat result = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
        // Must explicitly set the time zone with "setCalendar()".
        return result;

    public static SimpleDateFormat createDateFormat(String pattern) throws Exception {
        return createDateFormat(pattern, TimeZone.getDefault());

    public static SimpleDateFormat createDateFormat() throws Exception {
        return createDateFormat(ISO_FORMAT_WITH_TZ, TimeZone.getDefault());

    public void printSystemInfo() throws Exception {
        final String[] propertyNames = {
                "", "java.runtime.version", "", "java.vm.version",
                "", "os.version", "os.arch",
                "user.language", "", "user.script", "user.variant",
                "user.language.format", "", "user.script.format",
                "user.timezone" };

        System.out.println("System Information:");
        for (String name : propertyNames) {
            if (name == null || name.length() == 0) {
            String value = System.getProperty(name);
            if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
                System.out.println("  " + name + " = " + value);

        final TimeZone defaultTZ = TimeZone.getDefault();
        final int defaultOffset = defaultTZ.getOffset(nowInMillis) / MILLIS_IN_HOUR;
        final int userOffset = TimeZone.getTimeZone(System
                .getProperty("user.timezone")).getOffset(nowInMillis) / MILLIS_IN_HOUR;
        final Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault();

        System.out.println("  default.timezone-offset (hours) = " + userOffset);
        System.out.println("  default.timezone = " + defaultTZ.getDisplayName());
        System.out.println(" = " + defaultTZ.getID());
        System.out.println("  default.timezone-offset (hours) = " + defaultOffset);
        System.out.println("  default.locale = "
                + defaultLocale.getLanguage() + "_" + defaultLocale.getCountry()
                + " (" + defaultLocale.getDisplayLanguage()
                + "," + defaultLocale.getDisplayCountry() + ")");
        System.out.println("  now = " + nowInMillis + " [ms] or "
                + createDateFormat().format(now));

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        // Remember this moment.
        now = new Date();
        nowInMillis = now.getTime(); // == System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Print out some system information.

        // "Europe/London" time zone is DST aware, we'll use fixed offset.
        londonTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
        // The same applies to "America/New York" time zone ...
        newYorkTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-5");
        // ... and for the "Australia/Sydney" time zone.
        sydneyTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+10");

    public void testDateFormatting() throws Exception {
        int londonOffset = londonTimeZone.getOffset(nowInMillis) / MILLIS_IN_HOUR; // in hours
        Calendar londonCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(londonTimeZone);

        int newYorkOffset = newYorkTimeZone.getOffset(nowInMillis) / MILLIS_IN_HOUR;
        Calendar newYorkCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(newYorkTimeZone);

        int sydneyOffset = sydneyTimeZone.getOffset(nowInMillis) / MILLIS_IN_HOUR;
        Calendar sydneyCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(sydneyTimeZone);

        // Check each time zone offset.
        assertThat(londonOffset, equalTo(0));
        assertThat(newYorkOffset, equalTo(-5));
        assertThat(sydneyOffset, equalTo(10));

        // Check that calendars are not equals (due to time zone difference).
        assertThat(londonCalendar, not(equalTo(newYorkCalendar)));
        assertThat(londonCalendar, not(equalTo(sydneyCalendar)));

        // Check if they all point to the same moment in time, in milliseconds.
        assertThat(londonCalendar.getTimeInMillis(), equalTo(nowInMillis));
        assertThat(newYorkCalendar.getTimeInMillis(), equalTo(nowInMillis));
        assertThat(sydneyCalendar.getTimeInMillis(), equalTo(nowInMillis));

        // Check if they all point to the same moment in time, as Date.
        assertThat(londonCalendar.getTime(), equalTo(now));
        assertThat(newYorkCalendar.getTime(), equalTo(now));
        assertThat(sydneyCalendar.getTime(), equalTo(now));

        // Check if hours are all different (skip local time because
        // this test could be executed in those exact time zones).

        // Display London time in multiple forms.
        SimpleDateFormat dfLondonNoTZ = createDateFormat(ISO_FORMAT_NO_TZ, londonTimeZone);
        SimpleDateFormat dfLondonWithTZ = createDateFormat(ISO_FORMAT_WITH_TZ, londonTimeZone);
        System.out.println("London (" + londonTimeZone.getDisplayName(false, TimeZone.SHORT)
                + ", " + londonOffset + "):");
        System.out.println("  time (ISO format w/o TZ) = "
                + dfLondonNoTZ.format(londonCalendar.getTime()));
        System.out.println("  time (ISO format w/ TZ)  = "
                + dfLondonWithTZ.format(londonCalendar.getTime()));
        System.out.println("  time (default format)    = "
                + londonCalendar.getTime() + " / " + londonCalendar.toString());
        // Using system default time zone.
        System.out.println("  time (default TZ)        = "
                + createDateFormat(ISO_FORMAT_NO_TZ).format(londonCalendar.getTime())
                + " / " + createDateFormat().format(londonCalendar.getTime()));

        // Display New York time in multiple forms.
        SimpleDateFormat dfNewYorkNoTZ = createDateFormat(ISO_FORMAT_NO_TZ, newYorkTimeZone);
        SimpleDateFormat dfNewYorkWithTZ = createDateFormat(ISO_FORMAT_WITH_TZ, newYorkTimeZone);
        System.out.println("New York (" + newYorkTimeZone.getDisplayName(false, TimeZone.SHORT)
                + ", " + newYorkOffset + "):");
        System.out.println("  time (ISO format w/o TZ) = "
                + dfNewYorkNoTZ.format(newYorkCalendar.getTime()));
        System.out.println("  time (ISO format w/ TZ)  = "
                + dfNewYorkWithTZ.format(newYorkCalendar.getTime()));
        System.out.println("  time (default format)    = "
                + newYorkCalendar.getTime() + " / " + newYorkCalendar.toString());
        // Using system default time zone.
        System.out.println("  time (default TZ)        = "
                + createDateFormat(ISO_FORMAT_NO_TZ).format(newYorkCalendar.getTime())
                + " / " + createDateFormat().format(newYorkCalendar.getTime()));

        // Display Sydney time in multiple forms.
        SimpleDateFormat dfSydneyNoTZ = createDateFormat(ISO_FORMAT_NO_TZ, sydneyTimeZone);
        SimpleDateFormat dfSydneyWithTZ = createDateFormat(ISO_FORMAT_WITH_TZ, sydneyTimeZone);
        System.out.println("Sydney (" + sydneyTimeZone.getDisplayName(false, TimeZone.SHORT)
                + ", " + sydneyOffset + "):");
        System.out.println("  time (ISO format w/o TZ) = "
                + dfSydneyNoTZ.format(sydneyCalendar.getTime()));
        System.out.println("  time (ISO format w/ TZ)  = "
                + dfSydneyWithTZ.format(sydneyCalendar.getTime()));
        System.out.println("  time (default format)    = "
                + sydneyCalendar.getTime() + " / " + sydneyCalendar.toString());
        // Using system default time zone.
        System.out.println("  time (default TZ)        = "
                + createDateFormat(ISO_FORMAT_NO_TZ).format(sydneyCalendar.getTime())
                + " / " + createDateFormat().format(sydneyCalendar.getTime()));

    public void testDateParsing() throws Exception {
        // Create date parsers that look for time zone information in a date-time string.
        final SimpleDateFormat londonFormatTZ = createDateFormat(ISO_FORMAT_WITH_TZ, londonTimeZone);
        final SimpleDateFormat newYorkFormatTZ = createDateFormat(ISO_FORMAT_WITH_TZ, newYorkTimeZone);
        final SimpleDateFormat sydneyFormatTZ = createDateFormat(ISO_FORMAT_WITH_TZ, sydneyTimeZone);

        // Create date parsers that ignore time zone information in a date-time string.
        final SimpleDateFormat londonFormatLocal = createDateFormat(ISO_FORMAT_NO_TZ, londonTimeZone);
        final SimpleDateFormat newYorkFormatLocal = createDateFormat(ISO_FORMAT_NO_TZ, newYorkTimeZone);
        final SimpleDateFormat sydneyFormatLocal = createDateFormat(ISO_FORMAT_NO_TZ, sydneyTimeZone);

        // We are looking for the moment this millenium started, the famous Y2K,
        // when at midnight everyone welcomed the New Year 2000, i.e. 2000-01-01 00:00:00.
        // Which of these is the right one?
        // a) "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00"
        // b) "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000-05:00"
        // c) "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000+10:00"
        // None of them? All of them?
        // For those who guessed it - yes, it is a trick question because we didn't specify
        // the "where" part, or what kind of time (local/global) we are looking for.
        // The first (a) is the local Y2K moment in London, which is at the same time global.
        // The second (b) is the local Y2K moment in New York, but London is already celebrating for 5 hours.
        // The third (c) is the local Y2K moment in Sydney, and they started celebrating 15 hours before New York did.
        // The point here is that each answer is correct because everyone thinks of that moment in terms of "celebration at midnight".
        // The key word here is "midnight"! That moment is actually a "time of day" moment illustrating our perception of time based on the movement of our Sun.

        // These are global Y2K moments, i.e. the same moment all over the world, UTC/GMT midnight.
        final String MIDNIGHT_GLOBAL = "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00";
        final Date milleniumInLondon = londonFormatTZ.parse(MIDNIGHT_GLOBAL);
        final Date milleniumInNewYork = newYorkFormatTZ.parse(MIDNIGHT_GLOBAL);
        final Date milleniumInSydney = sydneyFormatTZ.parse(MIDNIGHT_GLOBAL);

        // Check if they all point to the same moment in time.
        // And that parser ignores its own configured time zone and uses the information from the date-time string.
        assertThat(milleniumInNewYork, equalTo(milleniumInLondon));
        assertThat(milleniumInSydney, equalTo(milleniumInLondon));

        // These are all local Y2K moments, a.k.a. midnight at each location on Earth, with time zone information.
        final String MIDNIGHT_LONDON = "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00";
        final String MIDNIGHT_NEW_YORK = "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000-05:00";
        final String MIDNIGHT_SYDNEY = "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000+10:00";
        final Date midnightInLondonTZ = londonFormatLocal.parse(MIDNIGHT_LONDON);
        final Date midnightInNewYorkTZ = newYorkFormatLocal.parse(MIDNIGHT_NEW_YORK);
        final Date midnightInSydneyTZ = sydneyFormatLocal.parse(MIDNIGHT_SYDNEY);

        // Check if they all point to the same moment in time.
        assertThat(midnightInNewYorkTZ, not(equalTo(midnightInLondonTZ)));
        assertThat(midnightInSydneyTZ, not(equalTo(midnightInLondonTZ)));

        // Check if the time zone offset is correct.
        assertThat(midnightInLondonTZ.getTime() - midnightInNewYorkTZ.getTime(),
                equalTo((long) newYorkTimeZone.getOffset(milleniumInLondon.getTime())));
        assertThat(midnightInLondonTZ.getTime() - midnightInSydneyTZ.getTime(),
                equalTo((long) sydneyTimeZone.getOffset(milleniumInLondon.getTime())));

        // These are also local Y2K moments, just withouth the time zone information.
        final String MIDNIGHT_ANYWHERE = "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000";
        final Date midnightInLondon = londonFormatLocal.parse(MIDNIGHT_ANYWHERE);
        final Date midnightInNewYork = newYorkFormatLocal.parse(MIDNIGHT_ANYWHERE);
        final Date midnightInSydney = sydneyFormatLocal.parse(MIDNIGHT_ANYWHERE);

        // Check if these are the same as the local moments with time zone information.
        assertThat(midnightInLondon, equalTo(midnightInLondonTZ));
        assertThat(midnightInNewYork, equalTo(midnightInNewYorkTZ));
        assertThat(midnightInSydney, equalTo(midnightInSydneyTZ));

        // Check if they all point to the same moment in time.
        assertThat(midnightInNewYork, not(equalTo(midnightInLondon)));
        assertThat(midnightInSydney, not(equalTo(midnightInLondon)));

        // Check if the time zone offset is correct.
        assertThat(midnightInLondon.getTime() - midnightInNewYork.getTime(),
                equalTo((long) newYorkTimeZone.getOffset(milleniumInLondon.getTime())));
        assertThat(midnightInLondon.getTime() - midnightInSydney.getTime(),
                equalTo((long) sydneyTimeZone.getOffset(milleniumInLondon.getTime())));

        // Final check - if Y2K moment is in London ..
        final String Y2K_LONDON = "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z";
        // .. New York local time would be still 5 hours in 1999 ..
        final String Y2K_NEW_YORK = "1999-12-31T19:00:00.000-05:00";
        // .. and Sydney local time would be 10 hours in 2000.
        final String Y2K_SYDNEY = "2000-01-01T10:00:00.000+10:00";

        final String londonTime = londonFormatTZ.format(milleniumInLondon);
        final String newYorkTime = newYorkFormatTZ.format(milleniumInLondon);
        final String sydneyTime = sydneyFormatTZ.format(milleniumInLondon);

        // WHat do you think, will the test pass?
        assertThat(londonTime, equalTo(Y2K_LONDON));
        assertThat(newYorkTime, equalTo(Y2K_NEW_YORK));
        assertThat(sydneyTime, equalTo(Y2K_SYDNEY));

SQL Server: How to use UNION with two queries that BOTH have a WHERE clause?

The answer is misleading because it attempts to fix a problem that is not a problem. You actually CAN have a WHERE CLAUSE in each segment of a UNION. You cannot have an ORDER BY except in the last segment. Therefore, this should work...

select top 2 t1.ID, t1.ReceivedDate
from Table t1
where t1.Type = 'TYPE_1'
-----remove this-- order by ReceivedDate desc
select top 2 t2.ID,  t2.ReceivedDate --- add second column
  from Table t2
 where t2.Type = 'TYPE_2'
order by ReceivedDate desc

How to run or debug php on Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

XDebug changed some configuration settings.

Old settings:

xdebug.remote_enable = 1
xdebug.remote_autostart = 1
xdebug.remote_port = 9000

New settings:


So you should paste the latter in php.ini file. More info: XDebug Changed Configuration Settings

Troubleshooting "program does not contain a static 'Main' method" when it clearly does...?

In my case (where none of the proposed solutions fit), the problem was I used async/await where the signature for main method looked this way:

static async void Main(string[] args)

I simply removed async so the main method looked this way:

static void Main(string[] args)

I also removed all instances of await and used .Result for async calls, so my console application could compile happily.

Difference between save and saveAndFlush in Spring data jpa

On saveAndFlush, changes will be flushed to DB immediately in this command. With save, this is not necessarily true, and might stay just in memory, until flush or commit commands are issued.

But be aware, that even if you flush the changes in transaction and do not commit them, the changes still won't be visible to the outside transactions until the commit in this transaction.

In your case, you probably use some sort of transactions mechanism, which issues commit command for you if everything works out fine.

How to display a PDF via Android web browser without "downloading" first

  Try this, worked for me.

    WebView view = (WebView) findViewById(;

                  +"your document link(pdf,doc,docx...etc)");

hadoop copy a local file system folder to HDFS

You can use :


Syntax:$hadoop fs –copyFromLocal

EX: $hadoop fs –copyFromLocal localfile1 HDIR

2. Copying data From HDFS to Local

Sys: $hadoop fs –copyToLocal < new file name>

EX: $hadoop fs –copyToLocal hdfs/filename myunx;

Error with multiple definitions of function

This problem happens because you are calling fun.cpp instead of fun.hpp. So c++ compiler finds func.cpp definition twice and throws this error.

Change line 3 of your main.cpp file, from #include "fun.cpp" to #include "fun.hpp" .

How to determine whether an object has a given property in JavaScript

Object has property:

If you are testing for properties that are on the object itself (not a part of its prototype chain) you can use .hasOwnProperty():

if (x.hasOwnProperty('y')) { 
  // ......

Object or its prototype has a property:

You can use the in operator to test for properties that are inherited as well.

if ('y' in x) {
  // ......

How do I get the MAX row with a GROUP BY in LINQ query?

In methods chain form:

db.Serials.GroupBy(i => i.Serial_Number).Select(g => new
        Serial_Number = g.Key,
        uid = g.Max(row => row.uid)

SOAP PHP fault parsing WSDL: failed to load external entity?

try this. works for me

$options = array(
    'cache_wsdl' => 0,
    'trace' => 1,
    'stream_context' => stream_context_create(array(
          'ssl' => array(
               'verify_peer' => false,
                'verify_peer_name' => false,
                'allow_self_signed' => true

$client = new SoapClient(url, $options);

Get the name of a pandas DataFrame

Here is a sample function: ' = file` : Sixth line in the code below

def df_list(): filename_list = current_stage_files(PATH) df_list = [] for file in filename_list: df = pd.read_csv(PATH+file) = file df_list.append(df) return df_list

deleting rows in numpy array

I might be too late to answer this question, but wanted to share my input for the benefit of the community. For this example, let me call your matrix 'ANOVA', and I am assuming you're just trying to remove rows from this matrix with 0's only in the 5th column.

indx = []
for i in range(len(ANOVA)):
    if int(ANOVA[i,4]) == int(0):

ANOVA = [x for x in ANOVA if not x in indx]

Predicate Delegates in C#

What is Predicate Delegate?

1) Predicate is a feature that returns true or false.This concept has come in .net 2.0 framework. 2) It is being used with lambda expression (=>). It takes generic type as an argument. 3) It allows a predicate function to be defined and passed as a parameter to another function. 4) It is a special case of a Func, in that it takes only a single parameter and always returns a bool.

In C# namespace:

namespace System
    public delegate bool Predicate<in T>(T obj);

It is defined in the System namespace.

Where should we use Predicate Delegate?

We should use Predicate Delegate in the following cases:

1) For searching items in a generic collection. e.g.

var employeeDetails = employees.Where(o=>o.employeeId == 1237).FirstOrDefault();

2) Basic example that shortens the code and returns true or false:

Predicate<int> isValueOne = x => x == 1;

now, Call above predicate:

Console.WriteLine(isValueOne.Invoke(1)); // -- returns true.

3) An anonymous method can also be assigned to a Predicate delegate type as below:

Predicate<string> isUpper = delegate(string s) { return s.Equals(s.ToUpper());};
    bool result = isUpper("Hello Chap!!");

Any best practices about predicates?

Use Func, Lambda Expressions and Delegates instead of Predicates.

How to Compare two strings using a if in a stored procedure in sql server 2008?

declare @temp as varchar
  set @temp='Measure'
  if(@temp = 'Measure')
Select Measure from Measuretable
Select OtherMeasure from Measuretable

Creating a mock HttpServletRequest out of a url string?

Here it is how to use MockHttpServletRequest:

// given
MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest();

// when
String url = request.getRequestURL() + '?' + request.getQueryString(); // assuming there is always queryString.

// then
assertThat(url, is(""));

How to use LocalBroadcastManager?

How to change your global broadcast to LocalBroadcast

1) Create Instance

LocalBroadcastManager localBroadcastManager = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this);

2) For registering BroadcastReceiver


registerReceiver(new YourReceiver(),new IntentFilter("YourAction"));


localBroadcastManager.registerReceiver(new YourReceiver(),new IntentFilter("YourAction"));

3) For sending broadcast message





4) For unregistering broadcast message





Have bash script answer interactive prompts

In my situation I needed to answer some questions without Y or N but with text or blank. I found the best way to do this in my situation was to create a shellscript file. In my case I called it

I was needing to answer some questions for a doctrine schema exporter so my file looked like this.

-- This is an example only --

php vendor/bin/mysql-workbench-schema-export mysqlworkbenchfile.mwb ./doctrine << EOF
`#Export to Doctrine Annotation Format`                                     1
`#Would you like to change the setup configuration before exporting`        y
`#Log to console`                                                           y
`#Log file`                                                                 testing.log
`#Filename [%entity%.%extension%]`
`#Indentation [4]`
`#Use tabs [no]`
`#Eol delimeter (win, unix) [win]`
`#Backup existing file [yes]`
`#Add generator info as comment [yes]`
`#Skip plural name checking [no]`
`#Use logged storage [no]`
`#Sort tables and views [yes]`
`#Export only table categorized []`
`#Enhance many to many detection [yes]`
`#Skip many to many tables [yes]`
`#Bundle namespace []`
`#Entity namespace []`
`#Repository namespace []`
`#Use automatic repository [yes]`
`#Skip column with relation [no]`
`#Related var name format [%name%%related%]`
`#Nullable attribute (auto, always) [auto]`
`#Generated value strategy (auto, identity, sequence, table, none) [auto]`
`#Default cascade (persist, remove, detach, merge, all, refresh, ) [no]`
`#Use annotation prefix [ORM\]`
`#Skip getter and setter [no]`
`#Generate entity serialization [yes]`
`#Generate extendable entity [no]`                                          y
`#Quote identifier strategy (auto, always, none) [auto]`
`#Extends class []`
`#Property typehint [no]`

The thing I like about this strategy is you can comment what your answers are and using EOF a blank line is just that (the default answer). Turns out by the way this exporter tool has its own JSON counterpart for answering these questions, but I figured that out after I did this =).

to run the script simply be in the directory you want and run 'sh' in terminal.

In short by using << EOL & EOF in combination with Return Lines you can answer each question of the prompt as necessary. Each new line is a new answer.

My example just shows how this can be done with comments also using the ` character so you remember what each step is.

Note the other advantage of this method is you can answer with more then just Y or N ... in fact you can answer with blanks!

Hope this helps someone out.

How to clear the entire array?

Only use Redim statement

 Dim aFirstArray() As Variant

Redim aFirstArray(nRows,nColumns)

Windows equivalent of linux cksum command

In the year 2019, Microsoft offers the following solution for Windows 10. This solution works for SHA256 checksum.

Press the Windows key. Type PowerShell. Select Windows Powershell. Press Enter key. Paste the command

Get-FileHash C:\Users\Donald\Downloads\File-to-be-checked-by-sha256.exe | Format-List

Replace File-to-be-checked-by-sha256.exe by the name of your file to be checked.

Replace the path to your path where the file is. Press Enter key. Powershell shows then the following

Algorithm : SHA256 Hash : 123456789ABCDEFGH1234567890... Path : C:\Users\Donald\Downloads\File-to-be-checked-by-sha256.exe

How to edit data in result grid in SQL Server Management Studio

First of all right click the tale select 'Edit All Rows', select 'Query Designer -> Pane -> SQL ', after that you can edit the query output in the grid.

jquery get all input from specific form

Use HTML Form "elements" attribute:

$.each($("form").elements, function(){ 

Now it's not necessary to provide such names as "input, textarea, select ..." etc.

XML Parsing - Read a Simple XML File and Retrieve Values

Are you familiar with the DataSet class?

The DataSet can also load XML documents and you may find it easier to iterate.

DataSet dt = new DataSet();

Calculating the sum of two variables in a batch script

You can solve any equation including adding with this code:

@echo off

title Richie's Calculator 3.0


echo Welcome to Richie's Calculator 3.0

echo Press any key to begin calculating...


echo Enter An Equation

echo Example: 1+1

set /p 

set /a sum=%equation%


echo The Answer Is:

echo %sum%


echo Press any key to return to the main menu



goto main

The program can’t start because MSVCR71.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this program

Based on this page:

  • Run regedit (remember to run it as the administrator)
  • Expand SOFTWARE
  • Expand Microsoft
  • Expand Windows
  • Expand CurrentVersion
  • Expand App Paths
  • At App Paths, add a new KEY called sqldeveloper.exe
  • Expand sqldeveloper.exe
  • Modify the (DEFAULT) value to the full pathway to the sqldeveloper executable (See example below step 11)
  • Create a new STRING VALUE called PATH and set it value to the sqldeveloper pathway + \jdk\jre\bin

Stop node.js program from command line

Ctrl+Z suspends it, which means it can still be running.

Ctrl+C will actually kill it.

you can also kill it manually like this:

ps aux | grep node

Find the process ID (second from the left):

kill -9 PROCESS_ID

This may also work

killall node

Java - Using Accessor and Mutator methods

Let's go over the basics: "Accessor" and "Mutator" are just fancy names fot a getter and a setter. A getter, "Accessor", returns a class's variable or its value. A setter, "Mutator", sets a class variable pointer or its value.

So first you need to set up a class with some variables to get/set:

public class IDCard
    private String mName;
    private String mFileName;
    private int mID;


But oh no! If you instantiate this class the default values for these variables will be meaningless. B.T.W. "instantiate" is a fancy word for doing:

IDCard test = new IDCard();

So - let's set up a default constructor, this is the method being called when you "instantiate" a class.

public IDCard()
    mName = "";
    mFileName = "";
    mID = -1;

But what if we do know the values we wanna give our variables? So let's make another constructor, one that takes parameters:

public IDCard(String name, int ID, String filename)
    mName = name;
    mID = ID;
    mFileName = filename;

Wow - this is nice. But stupid. Because we have no way of accessing (=reading) the values of our variables. So let's add a getter, and while we're at it, add a setter as well:

public String getName()
    return mName;

public void setName( String name )
    mName = name;

Nice. Now we can access mName. Add the rest of the accessors and mutators and you're now a certified Java newbie. Good luck.

Passing $_POST values with cURL

    function executeCurl($arrOptions) {

        $mixCH = curl_init();

        foreach ($arrOptions as $strCurlOpt => $mixCurlOptValue) {
            curl_setopt($mixCH, $strCurlOpt, $mixCurlOptValue);

        $mixResponse = curl_exec($mixCH);
        return $mixResponse;

    // If any HTTP authentication is needed.
    $username = 'http-auth-username';
    $password = 'http-auth-password';

    $requestType = 'POST'; // This can be PUT or POST

    // This is a sample array. You can use $arrPostData = $_POST
    $arrPostData = array(
        'key1'  => 'value-1-for-k1y-1',
        'key2'  => 'value-2-for-key-2',
        'key3'  => array(
                'key31'   => 'value-for-key-3-1',
                'key32'   => array(
                    'key321' => 'value-for-key321'
        'key4'  => array(
            'key'   => 'value'

    // You can set your post data
    $postData = http_build_query($arrPostData); // Raw PHP array

    $postData = json_encode($arrPostData); // Only USE this when request JSON data.

    $mixResponse = executeCurl(array(
        CURLOPT_URL => '',
        CURLOPT_HTTPGET => true,
        CURLOPT_VERBOSE => true,
        CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER => true,
        CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => $requestType,
        CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS  => $postData,
        CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER  => array(
            "X-HTTP-Method-Override: " . $requestType,
            'Content-Type: application/json', // Only USE this when requesting JSON data

        // If HTTP authentication is required, use the below lines.
        CURLOPT_USERPWD  => $username. ':' . $password

    // $mixResponse contains your server response.

Handling Dialogs in WPF with MVVM

I've implemented a Behavior that listens to a Message from the ViewModel. It's based on Laurent Bugnion solution, but since it doesn't use code behind and is more reusable, I think it's more elegant.

How to make WPF behave as if MVVM is supported out of the box

How to load CSS Asynchronously

Async CSS Loading Approaches

there are several ways to make a browser load CSS asynchronously, though none are quite as simple as you might expect.

<link rel="preload" href="mystyles.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'">

How can I determine the direction of a jQuery scroll event?

This is simple and easy detection for when the user scrolls away from the top of the page and for when they return to the top.

$(window).scroll(function() {
    if($(window).scrollTop() > 0) {
        // User has scrolled
    } else {
        // User at top of page

what innerHTML is doing in javascript?

You can collect or set the content of a selected tag.

As a Pseudo idea, its similar to having many boxes within a room and imply the idea 'everything within that box'

How to get an Array with jQuery, multiple <input> with the same name

Q:How to access name array text field

<input type="text" id="task" name="task[]" />

Answer - Using Input name array :


Is it possible to have SSL certificate for IP address, not domain name?

The C/A Browser forum sets what is and is not valid in a certificate, and what CA's should reject.

According to their Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted Certificates document, CAs must, since 2015, not issue certificats where the common name, or common alternate names fields contains a reserved IP or internal name, where reserved IP addresses are IPs that IANA has listed as reserved - which includes all NAT IPs - and internal names are any names that don't resolve on the public DNS.

Public IP addresses CAN be used (and the baseline requirements doc specifies what kinds of checks a CA must perform to ensure the applicant owns the IP).

Count number of objects in list


Get or set the length of vectors (including lists) and factors, and of any other R object for which a method has been defined.


Get the length of each element of a list or atomic vector (is.atomic) as an integer or numeric vector.

How to check if a Ruby object is a Boolean

This gem adds a Boolean class to Ruby with useful methods.


require 'boolean'

Then your


will work exactly as you expect.

In Visual Studio Code How do I merge between two local branches?

Actually you can do with VS Code the following:

Merge Local Branch with VS Code

How do I convert an integer to binary in JavaScript?

I used a different approach to come up with something that does this. I've decided to not use this code in my project, but I thought I'd leave it somewhere relevant in case it is useful for someone.

  • Doesn't use bit-shifting or two's complement coercion.
  • You choose the number of bits that comes out (it checks for valid values of '8', '16', '32', but I suppose you could change that)
  • You choose whether to treat it as a signed or unsigned integer.
  • It will check for range issues given the combination of signed/unsigned and number of bits, though you'll want to improve the error handling.
  • It also has the "reverse" version of the function which converts the bits back to the int. You'll need that since there's probably nothing else that will interpret this output :D

function intToBitString(input, size, unsigned) {_x000D_
 if ([8, 16, 32].indexOf(size) == -1) {_x000D_
  throw "invalid params";_x000D_
 var min = unsigned ? 0 : - (2 ** size / 2);_x000D_
        var limit = unsigned ? 2 ** size : 2 ** size / 2;_x000D_
 if (!Number.isInteger(input) || input < min || input >= limit) {_x000D_
  throw "out of range or not an int";_x000D_
 if (!unsigned) {_x000D_
  input += limit;_x000D_
 var binary = input.toString(2).replace(/^-/, '');_x000D_
 return binary.padStart(size, '0');_x000D_
function bitStringToInt(input, size, unsigned) {_x000D_
 if ([8, 16, 32].indexOf(size) == -1) {_x000D_
  throw "invalid params";_x000D_
 input = parseInt(input, 2);_x000D_
 if (!unsigned) {_x000D_
  input -= 2 ** size / 2;_x000D_
 return input;_x000D_
// EXAMPLES_x000D_
var res;_x000D_
res = intToBitString(10, 8, true);_x000D_
console.log("intToBitString(res, 8, true)");_x000D_
console.log("reverse:", bitStringToInt(res, 8, true));_x000D_
res = intToBitString(127, 8, true);_x000D_
console.log("intToBitString(res, 8, true)");_x000D_
console.log("reverse:", bitStringToInt(res, 8, true));_x000D_
res = intToBitString(127, 8, false);_x000D_
console.log("intToBitString(res, 8, false)");_x000D_
console.log("reverse:", bitStringToInt(res, 8, false));_x000D_
res = intToBitString(-128, 8, false);_x000D_
console.log("intToBitString(res, 8, true)");_x000D_
console.log("reverse:", bitStringToInt(res, 8, true));_x000D_
res = intToBitString(5000, 16, true);_x000D_
console.log("intToBitString(res, 16, true)");_x000D_
console.log("reverse:", bitStringToInt(res, 16, true));_x000D_
res = intToBitString(5000, 32, true);_x000D_
console.log("intToBitString(res, 32, true)");_x000D_
console.log("reverse:", bitStringToInt(res, 32, true));_x000D_

Plot mean and standard deviation

You may find an answer with this example :

Demo of errorbar function with different ways of specifying error bars.

Errors can be specified as a constant value (as shown in ``),
or as demonstrated in this example, they can be specified by an N x 1 or 2 x N,
where N is the number of data points.

N x 1:
    Error varies for each point, but the error values are symmetric (i.e. the
    lower and upper values are equal).

2 x N:
    Error varies for each point, and the lower and upper limits (in that order)
    are different (asymmetric case)

In addition, this example demonstrates how to use log scale with errorbar.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# example data
x = np.arange(0.1, 4, 0.5)
y = np.exp(-x)
# example error bar values that vary with x-position
error = 0.1 + 0.2 * x
# error bar values w/ different -/+ errors
lower_error = 0.4 * error
upper_error = error
asymmetric_error = [lower_error, upper_error]

fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True)
ax0.errorbar(x, y, yerr=error, fmt='-o')
ax0.set_title('variable, symmetric error')

ax1.errorbar(x, y, xerr=asymmetric_error, fmt='o')
ax1.set_title('variable, asymmetric error')

Which plots this:

enter image description here

How to fix broken paste clipboard in VNC on Windows

Many times you must have observed that clipboard operations like copy/cut and paste suddenly stops workings with the vncviewer. The main reason for this there is a program called as vncconfig responsible for these clipboard transfers. Some times the program may get closed because of some bug in vnc or some other reasons like you closed that window.

To get those clipboard operations back you need to run the program "vncconfig &".

After this your clipboard actions should work fine with out any problems.

Run "vncconfig &" on the client.

Count how many files in directory PHP

Try this.

// Directory
$directory = "/dir";

// Returns array of files
$files = scandir($directory);

// Count number of files and store them to variable..
$num_files = count($files)-2;

Not counting the '.' and '..'.

HTTP Ajax Request via HTTPS Page

I've created a module called cors-bypass, that allows you to do this without the need for a server. It uses postMessage to send cross-domain events, which is used to provide mock HTTP APIs (fetch, WebSocket, XMLHTTPRequest etc.).

It fundamentally does the same as the answer by Endless, but requires no code changes to use it.

Example usage:

import { Client, WebSocket } from 'cors-bypass'

const client = new Client()

await client.openServerInNewTab({
  serverUrl: '',
  adapterUrl: ''

const ws = new WebSocket('ws://')
ws.onopen = () => ws.send('hello')
ws.onmessage = ({ data }) => console.log('received', data)

Delete specific line number(s) from a text file using sed?

This is very often a symptom of an antipattern. The tool which produced the line numbers may well be replaced with one which deletes the lines right away. For example;

grep -nh error logfile | cut -d: -f1 | deletelines logfile

(where deletelines is the utility you are imagining you need) is the same as

grep -v error logfile

Having said that, if you are in a situation where you genuinely need to perform this task, you can generate a simple sed script from the file of line numbers. Humorously (but perhaps slightly confusingly) you can do this with sed.

sed 's%$%d%' linenumbers

This accepts a file of line numbers, one per line, and produces, on standard output, the same line numbers with d appended after each. This is a valid sed script, which we can save to a file, or (on some platforms) pipe to another sed instance:

sed 's%$%d%' linenumbers | sed -f - logfile

On some platforms, sed -f does not understand the option argument - to mean standard input, so you have to redirect the script to a temporary file, and clean it up when you are done, or maybe replace the lone dash with /dev/stdin or /proc/$pid/fd/1 if your OS (or shell) has that.

As always, you can add -i before the -f option to have sed edit the target file in place, instead of producing the result on standard output. On *BSDish platforms (including OSX) you need to supply an explicit argument to -i as well; a common idiom is to supply an empty argument; -i ''.

Using SQL LIKE and IN together

For a perfectly dynamic solution, this is achievable by combining a cursor and a temp table. With this solution you do not need to know the starting position nor the length, and it is expandable without having to add any OR's to your SQL query.

For this example, let's say you want to select the ID, Details & creation date from a table where a certain list of text is inside 'Details'.

First create a table FilterTable with the search strings in a column called Search.

As the question starter requested:

insert into [DATABASE].dbo.FilterTable
select 'M510' union
select 'M615' union
select 'M515' union 
select 'M612'

Then you can filter your data as following:


CREATE TABLE #Result (ID uniqueIdentifier, Details nvarchar(MAX), Created datetime)

DECLARE DataCursor CURSOR local forward_only FOR  
SELECT '%' + Search + '%'
FROM [DATABASE].dbo.FilterTable

OPEN DataCursor   


    insert into #Result
        select ID, Details, Created
        from [DATABASE].dbo.Table (nolock)
        where Details like @DATA


CLOSE DataCursor   

select * from #Result
drop table #Result

Hope this helped


My understanding is that HEAD points the current branch, while ORIG_HEAD is used to store the previous HEAD before doing "dangerous" operations.

For example git-rebase and git-am record the original tip of branch before they apply any changes.

Changing the CommandTimeout in SQL Management studio

If you are getting a timeout while on the table designer, change the "Transaction time-out after" value under Tools --> Options --> Designers --> Table and Database Designers

This will get rid of this message: "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."

enter image description here

Get list from pandas DataFrame column headers

It's interesting but df.columns.values.tolist() is almost 3 times faster then df.columns.tolist() but I thought that they are the same:

In [97]: %timeit df.columns.values.tolist()
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.97 µs per loop

In [98]: %timeit df.columns.tolist()
10000 loops, best of 3: 9.67 µs per loop

How can I create database tables from XSD files?

Commercial Product: Altova's XML Spy.

Note that there's no general solution to this. An XSD can easily describe something that does not map to a relational database.

While you can try to "automate" this, your XSD's must be designed with a relational database in mind, or it won't work out well.

If the XSD's have features that don't map well you'll have to (1) design a mapping of some kind and then (2) write your own application to translate the XSD's into DDL.

Been there, done that. Work for hire -- no open source available.

Calculate correlation for more than two variables?

Use the same function (cor) on a data frame, e.g.:

> cor(VADeaths)
             Rural Male Rural Female Urban Male Urban Female
Rural Male    1.0000000    0.9979869  0.9841907    0.9934646
Rural Female  0.9979869    1.0000000  0.9739053    0.9867310
Urban Male    0.9841907    0.9739053  1.0000000    0.9918262
Urban Female  0.9934646    0.9867310  0.9918262    1.0000000

Or, on a data frame also holding discrete variables, (also sometimes referred to as factors), try something like the following:

> cor(mtcars[,unlist(lapply(mtcars, is.numeric))])
            mpg        cyl       disp         hp        drat         wt        qsec         vs          am       gear        carb
mpg   1.0000000 -0.8521620 -0.8475514 -0.7761684  0.68117191 -0.8676594  0.41868403  0.6640389  0.59983243  0.4802848 -0.55092507
cyl  -0.8521620  1.0000000  0.9020329  0.8324475 -0.69993811  0.7824958 -0.59124207 -0.8108118 -0.52260705 -0.4926866  0.52698829
disp -0.8475514  0.9020329  1.0000000  0.7909486 -0.71021393  0.8879799 -0.43369788 -0.7104159 -0.59122704 -0.5555692  0.39497686
hp   -0.7761684  0.8324475  0.7909486  1.0000000 -0.44875912  0.6587479 -0.70822339 -0.7230967 -0.24320426 -0.1257043  0.74981247
drat  0.6811719 -0.6999381 -0.7102139 -0.4487591  1.00000000 -0.7124406  0.09120476  0.4402785  0.71271113  0.6996101 -0.09078980
wt   -0.8676594  0.7824958  0.8879799  0.6587479 -0.71244065  1.0000000 -0.17471588 -0.5549157 -0.69249526 -0.5832870  0.42760594
qsec  0.4186840 -0.5912421 -0.4336979 -0.7082234  0.09120476 -0.1747159  1.00000000  0.7445354 -0.22986086 -0.2126822 -0.65624923
vs    0.6640389 -0.8108118 -0.7104159 -0.7230967  0.44027846 -0.5549157  0.74453544  1.0000000  0.16834512  0.2060233 -0.56960714
am    0.5998324 -0.5226070 -0.5912270 -0.2432043  0.71271113 -0.6924953 -0.22986086  0.1683451  1.00000000  0.7940588  0.05753435
gear  0.4802848 -0.4926866 -0.5555692 -0.1257043  0.69961013 -0.5832870 -0.21268223  0.2060233  0.79405876  1.0000000  0.27407284
carb -0.5509251  0.5269883  0.3949769  0.7498125 -0.09078980  0.4276059 -0.65624923 -0.5696071  0.05753435  0.2740728  1.00000000

How to handle static content in Spring MVC?

The Problem is with URLPattern

Change your URL pattern on your servlet mapping from "/" to "/*"

How to get file creation date/time in Bash/Debian?

even better:

lsct () 
    debugfs -R 'stat <'`ls -i "$1" | (read a b;echo -n $a)`'>' `df "$1" | (read a; read a b; echo "$a")` 2> /dev/null | grep --color=auto crtime | ( read a b c d;
    echo $d )

lsct /etc

Wed Jul 20 19:25:48 2016

[Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to

You need to add query.addEntity(SwitcherServiceSource.class) before calling the .list() on query.

Adding two numbers concatenates them instead of calculating the sum

  <input type="text" name="num1" id="num1" onkeyup="sum()">
  <input type="text" name="num2" id="num2" onkeyup="sum()">
  <input type="text" name="num2" id="result">

     function sum()

        var number1 = document.getElementById('num1').value;
        var number2 = document.getElementById('num2').value;

        if (number1 == '') {
           number1 = 0
           var num3 = parseInt(number1) + parseInt(number2);
           document.getElementById('result').value = num3;
        else if(number2 == '')
           number2 = 0;
           var num3 = parseInt(number1) + parseInt(number2);
           document.getElementById('result').value = num3;
           var num3 = parseInt(number1) + parseInt(number2);
           document.getElementById('result').value = num3;


What are these ^M's that keep showing up in my files in emacs?

Someone is not converting their line-ending characters correctly.

I assume it's the Windows folk as they love their CRLF. Unix loves LF and Mac loved CR until it was shown the Unix way.

Can I safely delete contents of Xcode Derived data folder?

 $ du -h -d=1 ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/*

shows at least two folders are huge:

 1.5G   /Users/horace/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
 9.4G   /Users/horace/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport

Feel free to remove stuff in the folders:

 rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*

and some in:

 open ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS\ DeviceSupport/

How to use EditText onTextChanged event when I press the number?

Here, I wrote something similar to what u need:

    inputBoxNumberEt.setText(".     ");
    inputBoxNumberEt.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {

        boolean ignoreChange = false;

        public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {

        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start,
                                      int count, int after) {

        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start,
                                  int before, int count) {
            if (!ignoreChange) {
                String string = s.toString();
                string = string.replace(".", "");
                string = string.replace(" ", "");
                if (string.length() == 0)
                    string = ".     ";
                else if (string.length() == 1)
                    string = ".  " + string;
                else if (string.length() == 2)
                    string = "." + string;
                else if (string.length() > 2)
                    string = string.substring(0, string.length() - 2) + "." + string.substring(string.length() - 2, string.length());
                ignoreChange = true;
                ignoreChange = false;

How to import a bak file into SQL Server Express

I had the same error. What worked for me is when you go for the SMSS GUI option, look at General, Files in Options settings. After I did that (replace DB, set location) all went well.

How to prevent robots from automatically filling up a form?

An easy-to-implement but not fool-proof (especially on "specific" attacks) way of solving anti-spam is tracking the time between form-submit and page-load.

Bots request a page, parse the page and submit the form. This is fast.

Humans type in a URL, load the page, wait before the page is fully loaded, scroll down, read content, decide wether to comment/fill in the form, require time to fill in the form, and submit.

The difference in time can be subtle; and how to track this time without cookies requires some way of server-side database. This may be an impact in performance.
Also you need to tweak the threshold-time.

"CSV file does not exist" for a filename with embedded quotes

Just change the CSV file name. Once I changed it for me, it worked fine. Previously I gave data.csv then I changed it to CNC_1.csv.

How to redirect Valgrind's output to a file?

You can also set the options --log-fd if you just want to read your logs with a less. For example :

valgrind --log-fd=1 ls | less

C++ queue - simple example

std::queue<myclass*> that's it

What are the uses of the exec command in shell scripts?

Just to augment the accepted answer with a brief newbie-friendly short answer, you probably don't need exec.

If you're still here, the following discussion should hopefully reveal why. When you run, say,

sh -c 'command'

you run a sh instance, then start command as a child of that sh instance. When command finishes, the sh instance also finishes.

sh -c 'exec command'

runs a sh instance, then replaces that sh instance with the command binary, and runs that instead.

Of course, both of these are useless in this limited context; you simply want


There are some fringe situations where you want the shell to read its configuration file or somehow otherwise set up the environment as a preparation for running command. This is pretty much the sole situation where exec command is useful.

ENVIRONMENT=$(some complex task)
exec command

This does some stuff to prepare the environment so that it contains what is needed. Once that's done, the sh instance is no longer necessary, and so it's a (minor) optimization to simply replace the sh instance with the command process, rather than have sh run it as a child process and wait for it, then exit as soon as it finishes.

Similarly, if you want to free up as much resources as possible for a heavyish command at the end of a shell script, you might want to exec that command as an optimization.

If something forces you to run sh but you really wanted to run something else, exec something else is of course a workaround to replace the undesired sh instance (like for example if you really wanted to run your own spiffy gosh instead of sh but yours isn't listed in /etc/shells so you can't specify it as your login shell).

The second use of exec to manipulate file descriptors is a separate topic. The accepted answer covers that nicely; to keep this self-contained, I'll just defer to the manual for anything where exec is followed by a redirect instead of a command name.

How to get a unique computer identifier in Java (like disk ID or motherboard ID)?

The OSHI project provides platform-independent hardware utilities.

Maven dependency:


For instance, you could use something like the following code to identify a machine uniquely:

import oshi.SystemInfo;
import oshi.hardware.CentralProcessor;
import oshi.hardware.ComputerSystem;
import oshi.hardware.HardwareAbstractionLayer;

class ComputerIdentifier
    static String generateLicenseKey()
        SystemInfo systemInfo = new SystemInfo();
        OperatingSystem operatingSystem = systemInfo.getOperatingSystem();
        HardwareAbstractionLayer hardwareAbstractionLayer = systemInfo.getHardware();
        CentralProcessor centralProcessor = hardwareAbstractionLayer.getProcessor();
        ComputerSystem computerSystem = hardwareAbstractionLayer.getComputerSystem();

        String vendor = operatingSystem.getManufacturer();
        String processorSerialNumber = computerSystem.getSerialNumber();
        String processorIdentifier = centralProcessor.getIdentifier();
        int processors = centralProcessor.getLogicalProcessorCount();

        String delimiter = "#";

        return vendor +
                delimiter +
                processorSerialNumber +
                delimiter +
                processorIdentifier +
                delimiter +

    public static void main(String[] arguments)
        String identifier = generateLicenseKey();

Output for my machine:

Microsoft#57YRD12#Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3#8

Your output will be different since at least the processor serial number will differ.

Regex any ASCII character

You can use the [[:ascii:]] class.

Service will not start: error 1067: the process terminated unexpectedly

In my case the error 1067 was caused with a specific version of Tomcat 7.0.96 32-bit in combination with AdoptOpenJDK. Spent two hours on it, un-installing, re-installing and trying different Java settings but Tomcat would not start. See... ASF Bugzilla – Bug 63625 seems to point at the issue though they refer to seeing a different error.

I tried 7.0.99 32-bit and it started straight away with the same AdoptOpenJDK 32-bit binary install.

Search All Fields In All Tables For A Specific Value (Oracle)

Modifying the code to search case-insensitively using a LIKE query instead of finding exact matches...

  match_count INTEGER;
  -- Type the owner of the tables you want to search.
  v_owner VARCHAR2(255) :='USER';
  -- Type the data type you're looking for (in CAPS). Examples include: VARCHAR2, NUMBER, etc.
  v_data_type VARCHAR2(255) :='VARCHAR2';
  -- Type the string you are looking for.
  v_search_string VARCHAR2(4000) :='Test';
  dbms_output.put_line( 'Starting the search...' );
  FOR t IN (SELECT table_name, column_name FROM all_tab_cols where owner=v_owner and data_type = v_data_type) LOOP
    'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '||t.table_name||' WHERE LOWER('||t.column_name||') LIKE :1'
    INTO match_count
    USING LOWER('%'||v_search_string||'%');
    IF match_count > 0 THEN
      dbms_output.put_line( t.table_name ||' '||t.column_name||' '||match_count );
    END IF;

How do I decrease the size of my sql server log file?

I had the same problem, my database log file size was about 39 gigabyte, and after shrinking (both database and files) it reduced to 37 gigabyte that was not enough, so I did this solution: (I did not need the ldf file (log file) anymore)

(**Important) : Get a full backup of your database before the process.

  1. Run "checkpoint" on that database.

  2. Detach that database (right click on the database and chose tasks >> Detach...) {if you see an error, do the steps in the end of this text}

  3. Move MyDatabase.ldf to another folder, you can find it in your hard disk in the same folder as your database (Just in case you need it in the future for some reason such as what user did some task).

  4. Attach the database (right click on Databases and chose Attach...)

  5. On attach dialog remove the .ldf file (which shows 'file not found' comment) and click Ok. (don`t worry the ldf file will be created after the attachment process.)

  6. After that, a new log file create with a size of 504 KB!!!.

In step 2, if you faced an error that database is used by another user, you can: this command on master database "sp_who2" and see what process using your database. the process number, for example it is 52 and type "kill 52", now your database is free and ready to detach.

If the number of processes using your database is too much:

1.Open services (type services in windows start) find SQL Server ... process and reset it (right click and chose reset).

  1. Immediately click Ok button in the detach dialog box (that showed the detach error previously).

How do I comment out a block of tags in XML?

You can use that style of comment across multiple lines (which exists also in HTML)

    <band height="20">
         I am a multi-line XML comment
            <reportElement x="180" y="0" width="200" height="20"/>
            <text><![CDATA[Hello World!]]></text>

How to convert PDF files to images

Regarding PDFiumSharp: After elaboration I was able to create PNG files from a PDF solution.

This is my code:

using PDFiumSharp;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;

public class Program
    static public void Main(String[] args)
        var renderfoo = new Renderfoo()
        renderfoo.RenderPDFAsImages(@"C:\Temp\example.pdf", @"C:\temp");

public class Renderfoo

    public void RenderPDFAsImages(string Inputfile, string OutputFolder)
        string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Inputfile);

        using (PDFiumSharp.PdfDocument doc = new PDFiumSharp.PdfDocument(Inputfile))
            for (int i = 0; i < doc.Pages.Count; i++)
                var page = doc.Pages[i];
                using (var bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap((int)page.Width, (int)page.Height))
                    var grahpics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
                    var targetFile = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, fileName + "_" + i + ".png");


For starters, you need to take the following steps to get the PDFium wrapper up and running:

  • Run the Custom Code tool for both tt files via right click in Visual Studio
  • Compile the GDIPlus Project
  • Copy the compiled assemblies (from the GDIPlus project) to your project
  • Reference both PDFiumSharp and PDFiumsharp.GdiPlus assemblies in your project

  • Make sure that pdfium_x64.dll and/or pdfium_x86.dll are both found in your project output directory.

How to efficiently concatenate strings in go

Expanding on cd1's answer: You might use append() instead of copy(). append() makes ever bigger advance provisions, costing a little more memory, but saving time. I added two more benchmarks at the top of yours. Run locally with

go test -bench=. -benchtime=100ms

On my thinkpad T400s it yields:

BenchmarkAppendEmpty    50000000         5.0 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendPrealloc 50000000         3.5 ns/op
BenchmarkCopy           20000000        10.2 ns/op