Programs & Examples On #User instance

How to split a string with any whitespace chars as delimiters

Something in the lines of


This groups all white spaces as a delimiter.

So if I have the string:

"Hello[space character][tab character]World"

This should yield the strings "Hello" and "World" and omit the empty space between the [space] and the [tab].

As VonC pointed out, the backslash should be escaped, because Java would first try to escape the string to a special character, and send that to be parsed. What you want, is the literal "\s", which means, you need to pass "\\s". It can get a bit confusing.

The \\s is equivalent to [ \\t\\n\\x0B\\f\\r].

How / can I display a console window in Intellij IDEA?

In IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1.1:

  1. View->Tool Windows->Debug (Alt+5)
  2. on top right of Debug Window, click "Restore Console View" which is only show a icon like below:

Restore Console View

ASP.NET Temporary files cleanup

Yes, it's safe to delete these, although it may force a dynamic recompilation of any .NET applications you run on the server.

For background, see the Understanding ASP.NET dynamic compilation article on MSDN.

How to return part of string before a certain character?

Another method could be to split the string by ":" and then pop off the end. var newString = string.split(":").pop();

Why does a base64 encoded string have an = sign at the end

It serves as padding.

A more complete answer is that a base64 encoded string doesn't always end with a =, it will only end with one or two = if they are required to pad the string out to the proper length.

Select All Rows Using Entity Framework

Entity Framework has one beautiful thing for it, like :

var users = context.Users; 

This will select all rows in Table User, then you can use your .ToList() etc.

For newbies to Entity Framework, it is like :

PortalEntities context = new PortalEntities();
var users = context.Users;

This will select all rows in Table User


There are two ways to use this variable:

  • passing it as a command line argument just like Job mentioned:

    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=< install_path > ..

  • assigning value to it in CMakeLists.txt:

    SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX < install_path >)

    But do remember to place it BEFORE PROJECT(< project_name>) command, otherwise it will not work!

Retrieving a random item from ArrayList

Here's a better way of doing things:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;

public class facultyquotes
    private ArrayList<String> quotes;
    private String quote1;
    private String quote2;
    private String quote3;
    private String quote4;
    private String quote5;
    private String quote6;
    private String quote7;
    private String quote8;
    private String quote9;
    private String quote10;
    private String quote11;
    private String quote12;
    private String quote13;
    private String quote14;
    private String quote15;
    private String quote16;
    private String quote17;
    private String quote18;
    private String quote19;
    private String quote20;
    private String quote21;
    private String quote22;
    private String quote23;
    private String quote24;
    private String quote25;
    private String quote26;
    private String quote27;
    private String quote28;
    private String quote29;
    private String quote30;
    private int n;
    Random random;

    String teacher;

        quotes=new ArrayList<>();
        random=new Random();
        n=random.nextInt(3) + 0;
        quote1="life is hard";
        quote2="trouble shall come to an end";
        quote3="never give lose and never get lose";
        quote4="gamble with the devil and win";
        quote5="If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs.";
        quote6="The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.";
        quote7="When I dare to be powerful – to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.";
        quote8="Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect";
        quote9="Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.";
        quote10="I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.";
        quote11="If you don’t value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talents. Value what you know & start charging for it.";
        quote12="A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.";
        quote13="No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.";
        quote14="Let him who would enjoy a good future waste none of his present.";
        quote15="Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.";
        quote16="Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.";
        quote17="The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.";
        quote18="Success is about creating benefit for all and enjoying the process. If you focus on this & adopt this definition, success is yours.";
        quote19="I used to want the words ‘She tried’ on my tombstone. Now I want ‘She did it.";
        quote20="It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.";
        quote21="You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.";
        quote22="The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.";
        quote23="Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.";
        quote24="If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.";
        quote25="The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.";
        quote26="If you genuinely want something, don’t wait for it – teach yourself to be impatient.";
        quote27="Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.";
        quote28="But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.";
        quote29="There is nothing permanent except change.";
        quote30="You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.";


    public void setTeacherandQuote(String teacher)

    public void printRandomQuotes()
        System.out.println(quotes.get(n++)+"  ~ "+ teacher);  

    public void printAllQuotes()
        for (String i : quotes)

AFNetworking Post Request

// For Image with parameter /// AFMultipartFormData

NSDictionary *dictParam =@{@"user_id":strGlobalUserId,@"name":[dictParameter objectForKey:@"Name"],@"contact":[dictParameter objectForKey:@"Contact Number"]};

AFHTTPSessionManager *manager = [[AFHTTPSessionManager alloc] initWithBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:webServiceUrl]];
[manager.requestSerializer setValue:strGlobalLoginToken forHTTPHeaderField:@"Authorization"];
manager.responseSerializer.acceptableContentTypes = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"application/json", @"text/json", @"text/javascript",@"text/html",@"text/plain",@"application/rss+xml", nil];
[manager POST:@"update_profile" parameters:dictParam constructingBodyWithBlock:^(id<AFMultipartFormData>  _Nonnull formData) {
    if (Imagedata.length>0) {
        [formData appendPartWithFileData:Imagedata name:@"profile_pic" fileName:@"photo.jpg" mimeType:@"image/jpeg"];
} progress:nil
      success:^(NSURLSessionDataTask * _Nonnull task, id  _Nullable responseObject)
     NSLog(@"update_profile %@", responseObject);

     if ([[[[responseObject objectForKey:@"response"] objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:@"status"] isEqualToString:@"true"])
         [self presentViewController:[global SimpleAlertviewcontroller:@"" Body:[[[responseObject objectForKey:@"response"] objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:@"response_msg"] handler:^(UIAlertAction *action) {
             [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];

         }] animated:YES completion:nil];

         [self presentViewController:[global SimpleAlertviewcontroller:@"" Body:[[[responseObject objectForKey:@"response"] objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:@"response_msg"] handler:^(UIAlertAction *action) {
         }] animated:YES completion:nil];

     [SVProgressHUD dismiss];

 } failure:^(NSURLSessionDataTask  *_Nullable task, NSError  *_Nonnull error)
     [SVProgressHUD dismiss];

How to print out all the elements of a List in Java? -> x.getName()).forEach(System.out::println);

HTML5 Audio stop function

As a side note and because I was recently using the stop method provided in the accepted answer, according to this link:

by setting currentTime manually one may fire the 'canplaythrough' event on the audio element. In the link it mentions Firefox, but I encountered this event firing after setting currentTime manually on Chrome. So if you have behavior attached to this event you might end up in an audio loop.

Calculating Distance between two Latitude and Longitude GeoCoordinates

The GeoCoordinate class (.NET Framework 4 and higher) already has GetDistanceTo method.

var sCoord = new GeoCoordinate(sLatitude, sLongitude);
var eCoord = new GeoCoordinate(eLatitude, eLongitude);

return sCoord.GetDistanceTo(eCoord);

The distance is in meters.

You need to reference System.Device.

How to iterate through two lists in parallel?

You can bundle the nth elements into a tuple or list using comprehension, then pass them out with a generator function.

def iterate_multi(*lists):
    for i in range(min(map(len,lists))):
        yield tuple(l[i] for l in lists)

for l1, l2, l3 in iterate_multi([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]):

Best practices for styling HTML emails

I've fought the HTML email battle before. Here are some of my tips about styling for maximum compatibility between email clients.

  • Inline styles are you best friend. Absolutely don't link style sheets and do not use a <style> tag (GMail, for example, strips that tag and all it's contents).

  • Against your better judgement, use and abuse tables. <div>s just won't cut it (especially in Outlook).

  • Don't use background images, they're spotty and will annoy you.

  • Remember that some email clients will automatically transform typed out hyperlinks into links (if you don't anchor <a> them yourself). This can sometimes achieve negative effects (say if you're putting a style on each of the hyperlinks to appear a different color).

  • Be careful hyperlinking an actual link with something different. For example, don't type out and then link it to Some clients will flag the message as Spam or Junk.

  • Save your images in as few colors as possible to save on size.

  • If possible, embed your images in your email. The email won't have to reach out to an external web server to download them and they won't appear as attachments to the email.

And lastly, test, test, test! Each email client does things way differently than a browser would do.

Can you use a trailing comma in a JSON object?

PHP coders may want to check out implode(). This takes an array joins it up using a string.

From the docs...

$array = array('lastname', 'email', 'phone');
echo implode(",", $array); // lastname,email,phone

Execute external program

This is not right. Here's how you should use Runtime.exec(). You might also try its more modern cousin, ProcessBuilder:

Java Runtime.getRuntime().exec() alternatives

How to make a DIV always float on the screen in top right corner?

Use position: fixed, and anchor it to the top and right sides of the page:

#fixed-div {
    position: fixed;
    top: 1em;
    right: 1em;

IE6 does not support position: fixed, however. If you need this functionality in IE6, this purely-CSS solution seems to do the trick. You'll need a wrapper <div> to contain some of the styles for it to work, as seen in the stylesheet.

Accidentally committed .idea directory files into git

You can remove it from the repo and commit the change.

git rm .idea/ -r --cached
git add -u .idea/
git commit -m "Removed the .idea folder"

After that, you can push it to the remote and every checkout/clone after that will be ok.

Stash only one file out of multiple files that have changed with Git?

Just in case you actually mean discard changes whenever you use git stash (and don't really use git stash to stash it temporarily), in that case you can use

git checkout -- <file>


That git stash is just a quicker and simple alternative to branching and doing stuff.

Force "portrait" orientation mode

Set force Portrait or Landscape mode, Add lines respectively.

Import below line:


Add Below line just above setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);

For Portrait:

setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT);//Set Portrait

For Landscap:

setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE);//Set Landscape

This will definitely work.

What's a Good Javascript Time Picker?

Sorry guys.. maybe it's a bit late.. I've been using NoGray.. it's cool..

How to configure Docker port mapping to use Nginx as an upstream proxy?

Just found an article from Anand Mani Sankar wich shows a simple way of using nginx upstream proxy with docker composer.

Basically one must configure the instance linking and ports at the docker-compose file and update upstream at nginx.conf accordingly.

Google Play on Android 4.0 emulator

I do this in a more permanent way - instead of installing the APKs each time with adb, permanently add them to the system image that the emulator uses. You will need Yaffey on Windows, or a similar utility on other systems, to modify YAFFS2 images. Copy GoogleLoginService.apk, GoogleServicesFramework.apk, and Phonesky.apk (or Vending.apk in older versions of Android) to the /system/app folder of the system.img file of the emulator. Afterwards I can start the emulator normally, without messing with adb, and Play Store is always there.

Obtaining the Google Play app from your device

Downloading Google Apps from some Internet site may not be quite legal, but if you have a phone or tablet with a corresponding Android version, just pull them out of your device:

adb -d root
adb -d pull /system/app/GoogleLoginService.apk
adb -d pull /system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk
adb -d pull /system/app/Phonesky.apk

You must have root-level access (run adb root) to the device in order to pull these files from it.

Adding it to the image

Now start yaffey on Windows or a similar utility on Linux or Mac, and open system.img for the emulator image you want to modify. I modify most often the one in [...]\android-sdk\system-images\android-17\x86.

Rename the original system.img to system-original.img. Under yaffey, copy the APK files you pulled from your device to /app folder. Save your modified image as system.img in the original folder. Then start your emulator (in my case it would be Android 4.2 emulator with Intel Atom processor running under Intel HAX, super-fast on Windows machines) and you'll have Play Store there. I did not find it necessary to delete SdkSetup.apk and SdkSetup.odex - the Play Store and other services still work fine for me with these files present.

When finished with your testing, to alleviate your conscience guilty of temporarily pirating the Google Apps from your device, you may delete the modified system.img and restore the original from system-original.img.

Selenium WebDriver: Wait for complex page with JavaScript to load

If anyone actually knew a general and always-applicable answer, it would have been implemented everywhere ages ago and would make our lives SO much easier.

There are many things you can do, but every single one of them has a problem:

  1. As Ashwin Prabhu said, if you know the script well, you can observe its behaviour and track some of its variables on window or document etc. This solution, however, is not for everyone and can be used only by you and only on a limited set of pages.

  2. Your solution by observing the HTML code and whether it has or hasn't been changed for some time is not bad (also, there is a method to get the original and not-edited HTML directly by WebDriver), but:

    • It takes a long time to actually assert a page and could prolong the test significantly.
    • You never know what the right interval is. The script might be downloading something big that takes more than 500 ms. There are several scripts on our company's internal page that take several seconds in IE. Your computer may be temporarily short on resources - say that an antivirus will make your CPU work fully, then 500 ms may be too short even for a noncomplex scripts.
    • Some scripts are never done. They call themselves with some delay (setTimeout()) and work again and again and could possibly change the HTML every time they run. Seriously, every "Web 2.0" page does it. Even Stack Overflow. You could overwrite the most common methods used and consider the scripts that use them as completed, but ... you can't be sure.
    • What if the script does something other than changing the HTML? It could do thousands of things, not just some innerHTML fun.
  3. There are tools to help you on this. Namely Progress Listeners together with nsIWebProgressListener and some others. The browser support for this, however, is horrible. Firefox began to try to support it from FF4 onwards (still evolving), IE has basic support in IE9.

And I guess I could come up with another flawed solution soon. The fact is - there's no definite answer on when to say "now the page is complete" because of the everlasting scripts doing their work. Pick the one that serves you best, but beware of its shortcomings.

How to generate different random numbers in a loop in C++?

Stop seeding the generator every time. Pull the srand call out of the loop

Flatten nested dictionaries, compressing keys

Variation of this Flatten nested dictionaries, compressing keys with max_level and custom reducer.

  def flatten(d, max_level=None, reducer='tuple'):
      if reducer == 'tuple':
          reducer_seed = tuple()
          reducer_func = lambda x, y: (*x, y)
          raise ValueError(f'Unknown reducer: {reducer}')

      def impl(d, pref, level):
        return reduce(
            lambda new_d, kv:
                (max_level is None or level < max_level)
                and isinstance(kv[1], dict)
                and {**new_d, **impl(kv[1], reducer_func(pref, kv[0]), level + 1)}
                or {**new_d, reducer_func(pref, kv[0]): kv[1]},

      return impl(d, reducer_seed, 0)

Implement specialization in ER diagram

So I assume your permissions table has a foreign key reference to admin_accounts table. If so because of referential integrity you will only be able to add permissions for account ids exsiting in the admin accounts table. Which also means that you wont be able to enter a user_account_id [assuming there are no duplicates!]

how to use javascript Object.defineProperty

defineProperty is a method on Object which allow you to configure the properties to meet some criterias. Here is a simple example with an employee object with two properties firstName & lastName and append the two properties by overriding the toString method on the object.

var employee = {
    firstName: "Jameel",
    lastName: "Moideen"
employee.toString=function () {
    return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

You will get Output as : Jameel Moideen

I am going to change the same code by using defineProperty on the object

var employee = {
    firstName: "Jameel",
    lastName: "Moideen"
Object.defineProperty(employee, 'toString', {
    value: function () {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
    writable: true,
    enumerable: true,
    configurable: true

The first parameter is the name of the object and then second parameter is name of the property we are adding , in our case it’s toString and then the last parameter is json object which have a value going to be a function and three parameters writable,enumerable and configurable.Right now I just declared everything as true.

If u run the example you will get Output as : Jameel Moideen

Let’s understand why we need the three properties such as writable,enumerable and configurable.


One of the very annoying part of the javascript is , if you change the toString property to something else for example

enter image description here

if you run this again , everything gets breaks. Let’s change writable to false. If run the same again you will get the correct output as ‘Jameel Moideen’ . This property will prevent overwrite this property later.


if you print all the keys inside the object , you can see all the properties including toString.


enter image description here

if you set enumerable to false , you can hide toString property from everybody else. If run this again you will get firstName,lastName


if someone later redefined the object on later for example enumerable to true and run it. You can see toString property came again.

var employee = {
    firstName: "Jameel",
    lastName: "Moideen"
Object.defineProperty(employee, 'toString', {
    value: function () {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
    writable: false,
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true

//change enumerable to false
Object.defineProperty(employee, 'toString', {

    enumerable: true

enter image description here

you can restrict this behavior by set configurable to false.

Orginal reference of this information is from my personal Blog

Global npm install location on windows?

These are typical npm paths if you install a package globally:

Windows XP -             %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\npm\node_modules
Newer Windows Versions - %AppData%\npm\node_modules
or -                     %AppData%\roaming\npm\node_modules

Sum all values in every column of a data.frame in R

We can use dplyr to select only numeric columns and purr to get sum for all columns. (can be used to get what ever value for all columns, such as mean, min, max, etc. )


people %>%
    select_if(is.numeric) %>%

Or another easy way by only using dplyr

people %>%
    summarize_if(is.numeric, sum, na.rm=TRUE)

Fastest way to add an Item to an Array

For those who didn't know what next, just add new module file and put @jor code (with my little hacked, supporting 'nothing' array) below.

Module ArrayExtension
    <Extension()> _
    Public Sub Add(Of T)(ByRef arr As T(), item As T)
        If arr IsNot Nothing Then
            Array.Resize(arr, arr.Length + 1)
            arr(arr.Length - 1) = item
            ReDim arr(0)
            arr(0) = item
        End If

    End Sub
End Module

How to get the entire document HTML as a string?

I am using outerHTML for elements (the main <html> container), and XMLSerializer for anything else including <!DOCTYPE>, random comments outside the <html> container, or whatever else might be there. It seems that whitespace isn't preserved outside the <html> element, so I'm adding newlines by default with sep="\n".

function get_document_html(sep="\n") {_x000D_
    let html = "";_x000D_
    let xml = new XMLSerializer();_x000D_
    for (let n of document.childNodes) {_x000D_
        if (n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)_x000D_
            html += n.outerHTML + sep;_x000D_
            html += xml.serializeToString(n) + sep;_x000D_
    return html;_x000D_
console.log(get_document_html().slice(0, 200));

Python Library Path

I think you're looking for sys.path

import sys
print (sys.path)

Instagram API: How to get all user media?

Instagram developer console has provided the solution for it.

To use this in PHP, here is the code snippet,

** Add this code snippet after your first curl call
** assume the response of the first call is stored in $userdata
** $access_token have your access token

$maximumNumberOfPost = 33; // it can be 20, depends on your instagram application
$no_of_images = 50 // Enter the number of images you want

if ($no_of_images > $maximumNumberOfPost) {

    $ImageArray = [];
    $next_url = $userdata->pagination->next_url;
    while ($no_of_images > $maximumNumberOfPost) {
           $originalNumbersOfImage = $no_of_images;
           $no_of_images = $no_of_images - $maximumNumberOfPost;
           $next_url = str_replace("count=" . $originalNumbersOfImage, "count=" . $no_of_images, $next_url);
           $chRepeat = curl_init();
           curl_setopt_array($chRepeat, [
                             CURLOPT_URL => $next_url,
                             CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => [
                                    "Authorization: Bearer $access_token"
                              CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true
            $userRepeatdata = curl_exec($chRepeat);
            if ($userRepeatdata) {
                      $userRepeatdata = json_decode($userRepeatdata);
                      $next_url = $userRepeatdata->pagination->next_url;
                     if (isset($userRepeatdata->data) && $userRepeatdata->data) {
                          $ImageArray = $userRepeatdata->data;


Re-render React component when prop changes

componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { // your code here}

I think that is the event you need. componentWillReceiveProps triggers whenever your component receive something through props. From there you can have your checking then do whatever you want to do.

Qt jpg image display

  1. Add Label (a QLabel) to the dialog where you want to show the image. This QLabel will actually display the image. Resize it to the size you want the image to appear.

  2. Add the image to your resources in your project.

  3. Now go into QLabel properties and select the image you added to resources for pixmap property. Make sure to check the next property scaledContents to shrink the image in the size you want to see it.

That's all, the image will now show up.

Transitions on the CSS display property

You can concatenate two transitions or more, and visibility is what comes handy this time.

div {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #eee;_x000D_
div > ul {_x000D_
  visibility: hidden;_x000D_
  opacity: 0;_x000D_
  transition: visibility 0s, opacity 0.5s linear;_x000D_
div:hover > ul {_x000D_
  visibility: visible;_x000D_
  opacity: 1;_x000D_
    <li>Item 1</li>_x000D_
    <li>Item 2</li>_x000D_
    <li>Item 3</li>_x000D_

(Don't forget the vendor prefixes to the transition property.)

More details are in this article.

How can I handle the warning of file_get_contents() function in PHP?

Step 1: check the return code: if($content === FALSE) { // handle error here... }

Step 2: suppress the warning by putting an error control operator (i.e. @) in front of the call to file_get_contents(): $content = @file_get_contents($site);

How do you kill all current connections to a SQL Server 2005 database?

Here's how to reliably this sort of thing in MS SQL Server Management Studio 2008 (may work for other versions too):

  1. In the Object Explorer Tree, right click the root database server (with the green arrow), then click activity monitor.
  2. Open the processes tab in the activity monitor, select the 'databases' drop down menu, and filter by the database you want.
  3. Right click the DB in Object Explorer and start a 'Tasks -> Take Offline' task. Leave this running in the background while you...
  4. Safely shut down whatever you can.
  5. Kill all remaining processes from the process tab.
  6. Bring the DB back online.
  7. Rename the DB.
  8. Bring your service back online and point it to the new DB.

Laravel 5 How to switch from Production mode

Laravel 5 gets its enviroment related variables from the .env file located in the root of your project. You just need to set APP_ENV to whatever you want, for example:


This is used to identify the current enviroment. If you want to display errors, you'll need to enable debug mode in the same file:


The role of the .env file is to allow you to have different settings depending on which machine you are running your application. So on your production server, the .env file settings would be different from your local development enviroment.

Unable to call the built in mb_internal_encoding method?

If you don't know how to enable php_mbstring extension in windows, open your php.ini and remove the semicolon before the extension:

change this


to this


after modification, you need to reset your php server.

What is the function __construct used for?

Note: Parent constructors are not called implicitly if the child class defines a constructor. In order to run a parent constructor, a call to parent::__construct() within the child constructor is required. If the child does not define a constructor then it may be inherited from the parent class just like a normal class method (if it was not declared as private).

How do I kill an Activity when the Back button is pressed?

public boolean onKeyDown(int keycode, KeyEvent event) {
    if (keycode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {
    return super.onKeyDown(keycode, event);

My app closed with above code.

How do I determine height and scrolling position of window in jQuery?

from (Note: The difference between the use for the window and the document object)

$(window).height();   // returns height of browser viewport
$(document).height(); // returns height of HTML document


$(window).scrollTop() // return the number of pixels scrolled vertically

Eclipse Indigo - Cannot install Android ADT Plugin

Go to Help->Install Software. Add the following link .

Then press next and accept the license, it installs some of the software required then you will be gud to go.

After the eclipse restarts it prompts you to download the android sdk required or give the path of android sdk if already it is downloaded.

This works all the time what ever may be the version.

How to download source in ZIP format from GitHub?

To clone that repository via a URL like that: yes, you do need a client, and that client is Git. That will let you make changes, your own branches, merge back in sync with other developers, maintain your own source that you can easily keep up to date without downloading the whole thing each time and writing over your own changes etc. A ZIP file won't let you do that.

It is mostly meant for people who want to develop the source rather than people who just want to get the source one off and not make changes.

But it just so happens you can get a ZIP file as well:

Click on and then click on the green Clone or Download button. See here:

enter image description here

Remove element of a regular array

LINQ one-line solution:

myArray = myArray.Where((source, index) => index != 1).ToArray();

The 1 in that example is the index of the element to remove -- in this example, per the original question, the 2nd element (with 1 being the second element in C# zero-based array indexing).

A more complete example:

string[] myArray = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" };
int indexToRemove = 1;
myArray = myArray.Where((source, index) => index != indexToRemove).ToArray();

After running that snippet, the value of myArray will be { "a", "c", "d", "e" }.

Connecting to SQL Server Express - What is my server name?

by default -

you can also log in to sql express using server name as:


or log in to sql server simply as


Saving Excel workbook to constant path with filename from two fields


Sub save()
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAS Filename:="C:\-docs\cmat\Desktop\New folder\" & Range("C5").Text & chr(32) & Range("C8").Text &".xls", FileFormat:= _
  xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False _
 , CreateBackup:=False
End Sub

If you want to save the workbook with the macros use the below code

Sub save()
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Users\" & Environ$("username") & _
    "\Desktop\" & Range("C5").Text & Chr(32) & Range("C8").Text & ".xlsm", FileFormat:= _
    xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, Password:=vbNullString, WriteResPassword:=vbNullString, _
    ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False
End Sub

if you want to save workbook with no macros and no pop-up use this

Sub save()
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Users\" & Environ$("username") & _
    "\Desktop\" & Range("C5").Text & Chr(32) & Range("C8").Text & ".xls", _
    FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

Center align a column in twitter bootstrap

I tried the approaches given above, but these methods fail when dynamically the height of the content in one of the cols increases, it basically pushes the other cols down.

for me the basic table layout solution worked.

// Apply this to the enclosing row
.row-centered {
  text-align: center;
  display: table-row;
// Apply this to the cols within the row
.col-centered {
  display: table-cell;
  float: none;
  vertical-align: top;

Passing parameters in Javascript onClick event

This happens because the i propagates up the scope once the function is invoked. You can avoid this issue using a closure.

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
   var link = document.createElement('a');
   link.setAttribute('href', '#');
   link.innerHTML = i + '';
   link.onclick = (function() {
      var currentI = i;
      return function() { 
          onClickLink(currentI + '');

Or if you want more concise syntax, I suggest you use Nick Craver's solution.

Create Table from View

If you just want to snag the schema and make an empty table out of it, use a false predicate, like so:

SELECT * INTO myNewTable FROM myView WHERE 1=2

Add ... if string is too long PHP

The PHP way of doing this is simple:

$out = strlen($in) > 50 ? substr($in,0,50)."..." : $in;

But you can achieve a much nicer effect with this CSS:

.ellipsis {
    overflow: hidden;
    white-space: nowrap;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;

Now, assuming the element has a fixed width, the browser will automatically break off and add the ... for you.

How to get UTC+0 date in Java 8?



The troublesome old date-time classes bundled with the earliest versions of Java have been supplanted by the java.time classes built into Java 8 and later. See Oracle Tutorial. Much of the functionality has been back-ported to Java 6 & 7 in ThreeTen-Backport and further adapted to Android in ThreeTenABP.


An Instant represents a moment on the timeline in UTC with a resolution of up to nanoseconds.

Instant instant =;

The toString method generates a String object with text representing the date-time value using one of the standard ISO 8601 formats.

String output = instant.toString();  


The Instant class is a basic building-block class in java.time. This should be your go-to class when handling date-time as generally the best practice is to track, store, and exchange date-time values in UTC.


But Instant has limitations such as no formatting options for generating strings in alternate formats. For more flexibility, convert from Instant to OffsetDateTime. Specify an offset-from-UTC. In java.time that means a ZoneOffset object. Here we want to stick with UTC (+00) so we can use the convenient constant ZoneOffset.UTC.

OffsetDateTime odt = instant.atOffset( ZoneOffset.UTC );


Or skip the Instant class. ZoneOffset.UTC )

Now with an OffsetDateTime object in hand, you can use DateTimeFormatter to create String objects with text in alternate formats. Search Stack Overflow for many examples of using DateTimeFormatter.


When you want to display wall-clock time for some particular time zone, apply a ZoneId to get a ZonedDateTime.

In this example we apply Montréal time zone. In the summer, under Daylight Saving Time (DST) nonsense, the zone has an offset of -04:00. So note how the time-of-day is four hours earlier in the output, 15 instead of 19 hours. Instant and the ZonedDateTime both represent the very same simultaneous moment, just viewed through two different lenses.

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );
ZonedDateTime zdt = instant.atZone( z );



While you should avoid the old date-time classes, if you must you can convert using new methods added to the old classes. Here we use java.util.Date.from( Instant ) and java.util.Date::toInstant.

java.util.Date utilDate = java.util.Date.from( instant );

And going the other direction.

Instant instant= utilDate.toInstant();

Similarly, look for new methods added to GregorianCalendar (subclass of Calendar) to convert to and from java.time.ZonedDateTime.

Table of types of date-time classes in modern java.time versus legacy.

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes. Hibernate 5 & JPA 2.2 support java.time.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

Check whether a path is valid in Python without creating a file at the path's target

try os.path.exists this will check for the path and return True if exists and False if not.

Twitter Bootstrap Responsive Background-Image inside Div

This should work

background: url("youimage.png") no-repeat center center fixed;
-webkit-background-size: 100% auto;
-moz-background-size: 100% auto;
-o-background-size: 100% auto;
 background-size: 100% auto;

Java JTextField with input hint

You could create your own:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.FocusListener;
import javax.swing.*;

public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    final JFrame frame = new JFrame();

    frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

    final JTextField textFieldA = new HintTextField("A hint here");
    final JTextField textFieldB = new HintTextField("Another hint here");

    frame.add(textFieldA, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    frame.add(textFieldB, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    JButton btnGetText = new JButton("Get text");

    btnGetText.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        String message = String.format("textFieldA='%s', textFieldB='%s'",
            textFieldA.getText(), textFieldB.getText());
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, message);

    frame.add(btnGetText, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

class HintTextField extends JTextField implements FocusListener {

  private final String hint;
  private boolean showingHint;

  public HintTextField(final String hint) {
    this.hint = hint;
    this.showingHint = true;

  public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
    if(this.getText().isEmpty()) {
      showingHint = false;
  public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
    if(this.getText().isEmpty()) {
      showingHint = true;

  public String getText() {
    return showingHint ? "" : super.getText();

If you're still on Java 1.5, replace the this.getText().isEmpty() with this.getText().length() == 0.

How to build x86 and/or x64 on Windows from command line with CMAKE?

Besides CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM variable, there is also the -A switch

cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64

  -A <platform-name>           = Specify platform name if supported by

Android: show/hide status bar/power bar

For Some People, Showing status bar by clearing FLAG_FULLSCREEN may not work,

Here is the solution that worked for me, (Documentation) (Flag Reference)

Hide Status Bar

// Hide Status Bar
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 16) {
else {
   View decorView = getWindow().getDecorView();
  // Hide Status Bar.
   int uiOptions = View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN;

Show Status Bar

   if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 16) {
    else {
       View decorView = getWindow().getDecorView();
      // Show Status Bar.
       int uiOptions = View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_VISIBLE;

A simple algorithm for polygon intersection

The way I worked about the same problem

  1. breaking the polygon into line segments
  2. find intersecting line using IntervalTrees or LineSweepAlgo
  3. finding a closed path using GrahamScanAlgo to find a closed path with adjacent vertices
  4. Cross Reference 3. with DinicAlgo to Dissolve them

note: my scenario was different given the polygons had a common vertice. But Hope this can help

Build not visible in itunes connect

Check your schema that you have selected release not debug.

How to scroll page in flutter

Use LayoutBuilder and Get the output you want

Wrap the SingleChildScrollView with LayoutBuilder and implement the Builder function.

we can use a LayoutBuilder to get the box contains or the amount of space available.

    builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints){
      return SingleChildScrollView(
        child: Stack(
          children: <Widget>[
              height: constraints.maxHeight,

How to extract this specific substring in SQL Server?

select substring(your_field, CHARINDEX(';',your_field)+1 ,CHARINDEX('[',your_field)-CHARINDEX(';',your_field)-1) from your_table

Can't get the others to work. I believe you just want what is in between ';' and '[' in all cases regardless of how long the string in between is. After specifying the field in the substring function, the second argument is the starting location of what you will extract. That is, where the ';' is + 1 (fourth position - the c), because you don't want to include ';'. The next argument takes the location of the '[' (position 14) and subtracts the location of the spot after the ';' (fourth position - this is why I now subtract 1 in the query). This basically says substring(field,location I want substring to begin, how long I want substring to be). I've used this same function in other cases. If some of the fields don't have ';' and '[', you'll want to filter those out in the "where" clause, but that's a little different than the question. If your ';' was say... ';;;', you would use 3 instead of 1 in the example. Hope this helps! Read error: ssl=0x9524b800: I/O error during system call, Connection reset by peer

My problem was with TIMEZONE in emulator genymotion. Change TIMEZONE ANDROID EMULATOR equal TIMEZONE SERVER, solved problem.

reference Received fatal alert: handshake_failure

I am getting similar errors recently because recent JDKs (and browsers, and the Linux TLS stack, etc.) refuse to communicate with some servers in my customer's corporate network. The reason of this is that some servers in this network still have SHA-1 certificates.

Please see:

If this would be your current case (recent JDK vs deprecated certificate encription) then your best move is to update your network to the proper encription technology.

In case that you should provide a temporal solution for that, please see another answers to have an idea about how to make your JDK trust or distrust certain encription algorithms:

How to force java server to accept only tls 1.2 and reject tls 1.0 and tls 1.1 connections

Anyway I insist that, in case that I have guessed properly your problem, this is not a good solution to the problem and that your network admin should consider removing these deprecated certificates and get a new one.

Clean out Eclipse workspace metadata

In some cases, I could prevent Eclipse from crashing during startup by deleting a .snap file in your workspace meta-data (.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.snap).

See also (the bug has been closed, but happened to me recently)

build maven project with propriatery libraries included

A good way to achieve this is to have a Maven mirror server such as Sonatype Nexus. It is free and very easy to setup (Java web app). With Nexus one can have private (team, corporate etc) repository with a capability of deploying third party and internal apps into it, while also registering other Maven repositories as part of the same server. This way the local Maven settings would reference only the one private Nexus server and all the dependencies will be resolved using it.

jQuery .css("margin-top", value) not updating in IE 8 (Standards mode)

try this method

$("your id or class name").css({ 'margin-top': '18px' });  

Using sed, how do you print the first 'N' characters of a line?

Don't use sed, use cut:

grep .... | cut -c 1-N

If you MUST use sed:

grep ... | sed -e 's/^\(.\{12\}\).*/\1/'

How to get the xml node value in string

You should use .Load and not .LoadXML


"The LoadXml method is for loading an XML string directly. You want to use the Load method instead."

ref : Link

Calling a parent window function from an iframe

<a onclick=";" href="#" >Call Me </a>

See window.parent

Returns a reference to the parent of the current window or subframe.

If a window does not have a parent, its parent property is a reference to itself.

When a window is loaded in an <iframe>, <object>, or <frame>, its parent is the window with the element embedding the window.

Difference between & and && in Java?

&& == logical AND

& = bitwise AND

How to pass parameters to maven build using pom.xml?

mvn install "-Dsomeproperty=propety value"

In pom.xml:

    <someproperty> ${someproperty} </someproperty>

Referred from this question

Static linking vs dynamic linking

It is pretty simple, really. When you make a change in your source code, do you want to wait 10 minutes for it to build or 20 seconds? Twenty seconds is all I can put up with. Beyond that, I either get out the sword or start thinking about how I can use separate compilation and linking to bring it back into the comfort zone.

How to install python modules without root access?

Important question. The server I use (Ubuntu 12.04) had easy_install3 but not pip3. This is how I installed Pip and then other packages to my home folder

  1. Asked admin to install Ubuntu package python3-setuptools

  2. Installed pip

Like this:

 easy_install3 --prefix=$HOME/.local pip
 mkdir -p $HOME/.local/lib/python3.2/site-packages
 easy_install3 --prefix=$HOME/.local pip
  1. Add Pip (and other Python apps to path)

Like this:

echo PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" > $HOME/.profile
  1. Install Python package

like this

pip3 install --user httpie

# test httpie package

How to read data when some numbers contain commas as thousand separator?

We can also use readr::parse_number, the columns must be characters though. If we want to apply it for multiple columns we can loop through columns using lapply

df[2:3] <- lapply(df[2:3], readr::parse_number)

#  a        b        c
#1 a    12234       12
#2 b      123  1234123
#3 c     1234     1234
#4 d 13456234    15342
#5 e    12312 12334512

Or use mutate_at from dplyr to apply it to specific variables.

df %>% mutate_at(2:3, readr::parse_number)
df %>% mutate_at(vars(b:c), readr::parse_number)


df <- data.frame(a = letters[1:5], 
                 b = c("12,234", "123", "1,234", "13,456,234", "123,12"),
                 c = c("12", "1,234,123","1234", "15,342", "123,345,12"), 
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

What to do about Eclipse's "No repository found containing: ..." error messages?

Updating from Kepler SR1 to Kepler SR2 solved this for me. I've just installed over the existing installation, so none of my settings were harmed.

Win8.1, 64bit

HTML5 Video autoplay on iPhone

iOs 10+ allow video autoplay inline. but you have to turn off "Low power mode" on your iPhone.

How to remove constraints from my MySQL table?

Some ORM's or frameworks use a different naming convention for foreign keys than the default FK_[parent table]_[referenced table]_[referencing field], because they can be altered.

Laravel for example uses [parent table]_[referencing field]_foreign as naming convention. You can show the names of the foreign keys by using this query, as shown here:


Then remove the foreign key by running the before mentioned DROP FOREIGN KEY query and its proper name.

Nodejs cannot find installed module on Windows

I had the same issue, trying to install bower with npm install -g bower

I think this was because node was installed by another user, not me.

I uninstalled node, and then I reinstalled it. During installation, I saw this text for the option Add to PATH > npm modules:

Message in node installation

enter image description here

After node installation, I executed npm install -g bower again. And now bower works.

Sure is not necessary reinstall node with own user, like me. Solution must be via NODE_PATH or PATH variables, as other users have explained.

This is only to remark that this problem occurs only if node has been installed by another user (or if during installation the option Add to PATH > npm modules has not been marked).

How to save data in an android app

use this methods to use sharedPreferences very easily.

private val sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences("myPreferences", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)

fun put(key: String, value: String) = sharedPreferences.edit().putString(key, value).apply()

fun put(key: String, value: Int) = sharedPreferences.edit().putInt(key, value).apply()

fun put(key: String, value: Float) = sharedPreferences.edit().putFloat(key, value).apply()

fun put(key: String, value: Boolean) = sharedPreferences.edit().putBoolean(key, value).apply()

fun put(key: String, value: Long) = sharedPreferences.edit().putLong(key, value).apply()

fun getString(key: String, defaultValue: String? = null): String? = sharedPreferences.getString(key, defaultValue)

fun getInt(key: String, defaultValue: Int = -1): Int = sharedPreferences.getInt(key, defaultValue)

fun getFloat(key: String, defaultValue: Float = -1F): Float = sharedPreferences.getFloat(key, defaultValue)

fun getBoolean(key: String, defaultValue: Boolean = false): Boolean = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(key, defaultValue)

fun getLong(key: String, defaultValue: Long = -1L): Long = sharedPreferences.getLong(key, defaultValue)

fun clearAll() = sharedPreferences.edit().clear().apply()

put them in a class and get context in its constructor.

Show spinner GIF during an $http request in AngularJS?

Based on Josh David Miller response:

<div class="spinner" ng-show="loading">
  <div class="loader" ></div>

<div ng-view=""></div>



Add this css:

    .loader {
  border: 16px solid #f3f3f3;
  border-radius: 50%;
  border-top: 16px solid #3498db;
  border-bottom : 16px solid black;
  width: 80px;
  height: 80px;
  -webkit-animation: spin 2s linear infinite;
  animation: spin 2s linear infinite;
  position: absolute;
  top: 45%;
  left: 45%;

@-webkit-keyframes spin {
  0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }
  100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); }

@keyframes spin {
  0% { transform: rotate(0deg); }
  100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }

  width: 100%;
height: 100%;
z-index: 10000;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
background: white;
opacity: 0.6;

And just in your angular add:

$rootScope.loading = false; $rootScope.loading = true; -> when $http.get ends.

Combine Date and Time columns using python pandas

The answer really depends on what your column types are. In my case, I had datetime and timedelta.

> df[['Date','Time']].dtypes
Date     datetime64[ns]
Time    timedelta64[ns]

If this is your case, then you just need to add the columns:

> df['Date'] + df['Time']

Unescape HTML entities in Javascript?

The question doesn't specify the origin of x but it makes sense to defend, if we can, against malicious (or just unexpected, from our own application) input. For example, suppose x has a value of &amp; <script>alert('hello');</script>. A safe and simple way to handle this in jQuery is:

var x    = "&amp; <script>alert('hello');</script>";
var safe = $('<div />').html(x).text();

// => "& alert('hello');"

Found via I can't see many reasons to avoid using this solution given it is at least as short, if not shorter than some alternatives and provides defence against XSS.

(I originally posted this as a comment, but am adding it as an answer since a subsequent comment in the same thread requested that I do so).

UPDATE and REPLACE part of a string

CREATE TABLE tbl_PersonalDetail
(ID INT IDENTITY ,[Date] nvarchar(20), Name nvarchar(20), GenderID int);

INSERT INTO Tbl_PersonalDetail VALUES(N'18-4-2015', N'Monay', 2),
                                     (N'31-3-2015', N'Monay', 2),
                                     (N'28-12-2015', N'Monay', 2),
                                     (N'19-4-2015', N'Monay', 2)

DECLARE @Date Nvarchar(200)

SET @Date = (SELECT [Date] FROM Tbl_PersonalDetail WHERE ID = 2)

Update Tbl_PersonalDetail SET [Date] = (REPLACE(@Date , '-','/')) WHERE ID = 2 

How do I create a list of random numbers without duplicates?

A very simple function that also solves your problem

from random import randint

data = []

def unique_rand(inicial, limit, total):

        data = []

        i = 0

        while i < total:
            number = randint(inicial, limit)
            if number not in data:
                i += 1

        return data

data = unique_rand(1, 60, 6)



prints something like 

[34, 45, 2, 36, 25, 32]


What is the result of % in Python?

Python - Basic Operators

Modulus - Divides left hand operand by right hand operand and returns remainder

a = 10 and b = 20

b % a = 0

pass array to method Java

class test
    void passArr()
        int arr1[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};

    void printArr(int[] arr2)
        for(int i=0;i<arr2.length;i++)
            System.out.println(arr2[i]+"  ");

    public static void main(String[] args)
        test ob=new test();

JavaScript: remove event listener

I think you may need to define the handler function ahead of time, like so:

var myHandler = function(event) {
    if(click == 50) { 
        this.removeEventListener('click', myHandler);
canvas.addEventListener('click', myHandler);

This will allow you to remove the handler by name from within itself.

Where can I find the assembly System.Web.Extensions dll?

I had this issue when converting an older project to use a new version of Visual Studio. Upon conversion, the project target framework was set to 2.0

I was able to solve this issue by changing the target framework to be 3.5.

How to change line width in ggplot?

If you want to modify the line width flexibly you can use "scale_size_manual," this is the same procedure for picking the color, fill, alpha, etc.


x = seq(0,10,0.05)

df <- data.frame(A = 2 * x + 10,
                 B = x**2 - x*6,
                 C = 30 - x**1.5,
                 X = x)

df = gather(df,A,B,C,key="Model",value="Y")

ggplot( df, aes (x=X, y=Y, size=Model, colour=Model ))+
  scale_size_manual( values = c(4,2,1) ) +
  scale_color_manual( values = c("orange","red","navy") ) 

Parsing JSON Array within JSON Object

private static String readAll(Reader rd) throws IOException {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    int cp;
    while ((cp = != -1) {
      sb.append((char) cp);
    return sb.toString();

 String jsonText = readAll(inputofyourjsonstream);
 JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonText);
 JSONArray arr = json.getJSONArray("sources");

Your arr would looks like: [ { "id":1001, "name":"jhon" }, { "id":1002, "name":"jhon" } ] You can use:


to get the objects inside of the array.

Limit the size of a file upload (html input element)

const input = document.getElementById('input')_x000D_
input.addEventListener('change', (event) => {_x000D_
  const target = event.target_x000D_
   if (target.files && target.files[0]) {_x000D_
      /*Maximum allowed size in bytes_x000D_
        5MB Example_x000D_
        Change first operand(multiplier) for your needs*/_x000D_
      const maxAllowedSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024;_x000D_
      if (target.files[0].size > maxAllowedSize) {_x000D_
       // Here you can ask your users to load correct file_x000D_
        target.value = ''_x000D_
<input type="file" id="input" />

Copy directory contents into a directory with python

The python libs are obsolete with this function. I've done one that works correctly:

import os
import shutil

def copydirectorykut(src, dst):
    nom= src+'.txt'
    fitx= open(nom, 'w')

    for item in list:
        fitx.write("%s\n" % item)


    f = open(nom,'r')
    for line in f.readlines():
        if "." in line:
            if not os.path.exists(dst+'/'+line[:-1]):

using jquery $.ajax to call a PHP function

You may use my library that does that automatically, I've been improving it for the past 2 years

   'phpfunction' => function($data){
      /* Do your thing */
      return PheryResponse::factory(); // do your dom manipulation, return JSON, etc

The javascript would be simple as


You can pass all the dynamic javascript part to the server, with a query builder like chainable interface, and you may pass any type of data back to the PHP. For example, some functions that would take too much space in the javascript side, could be called in the server using this (in this example, mcrypt, that in javascript would be almost impossible to accomplish):

function mcrypt(variable, content, key){
  phery.remote('mcrypt_encrypt', {'var': variable, 'content': content, 'key':key || false});

//would use it like (you may keep the key on the server, safer, unless it's encrypted for the user)
window.variable = '';
mcrypt('variable', 'This must be encoded and put inside variable', 'my key');

and in the server

  'mcrypt_encrypt' => function($data){
     $r = new PheryResponse;

     $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
     $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND);
     $encrypted = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $data['key'] ? : 'my key', $data['content'], MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv);
     return $r->set_var($data['variable'], $encrypted);
     // or call a callback with the data, $r->call($data['callback'], $encrypted);

Now the variable will have the encrypted data.

How to get the integer value of day of week

The correct answer, is indeed the correct answer to get the int value.

But, if you're just checking to make sure it's Sunday for example... Consider using the following code, instead of casting to an int. This provides much more readability.

if (yourDateTimeObject.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
    // You can easily see you're checking for sunday, and not just "0"

Reliable method to get machine's MAC address in C#

We use WMI to get the mac address of the interface with the lowest metric, e.g. the interface windows will prefer to use, like this:

public static string GetMACAddress()
    ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled=true");
    IEnumerable<ManagementObject> objects = searcher.Get().Cast<ManagementObject>();
    string mac = (from o in objects orderby o["IPConnectionMetric"] select o["MACAddress"].ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
    return mac;

Or in Silverlight (needs elevated trust):

public static string GetMACAddress()
    string mac = null;
    if ((Application.Current.IsRunningOutOfBrowser) && (Application.Current.HasElevatedPermissions) && (AutomationFactory.IsAvailable))
        dynamic sWbemLocator = AutomationFactory.CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWBemLocator");
        dynamic sWbemServices = sWbemLocator.ConnectServer(".");
        sWbemServices.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3; //impersonate

        string query = "SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled=true";
        dynamic results = sWbemServices.ExecQuery(query);

        int mtu = int.MaxValue;
        foreach (dynamic result in results)
            if (result.IPConnectionMetric < mtu)
                mtu = result.IPConnectionMetric;
                mac = result.MACAddress;
    return mac;

how to convert object to string in java

toString() is a debug info string. The default implementation returns the class name and the system identity hash. Collections return all elements but arrays not.

Also be aware of NullPointerException creating the log!

In this case a Arrays.toString() may help:

Object temp = data.getParameterValue("request");
String log = temp == null ? "null" : (temp.getClass().isArray() ? Arrays.toString((Object[])temp) : temp.toString());"end " + temp);

You can also use Arrays.asList():

Object temp = data.getParameterValue("request");
Object log = temp == null ? null : (temp.getClass().isArray() ? Arrays.asList((Object[])temp) : temp);"end " + temp);

This may result in a ClassCastException for primitive arrays (int[], ...).

jQuery deferreds and promises - .then() vs .done()


adds handlers to be called only when Deferred is resolved. You can add multiple callbacks to be called.

var url = '';

function doneCallback(result) {
    console.log('Result 1 ' + result);

You can also write above like this,

function ajaxCall() {
    var url = '';
    return $.ajax(url);

$.when(ajaxCall()).then(doneCallback, failCallback);


adds handlers to be called when Deferred is resolved, rejected or still in progress.

var url = '';
$.ajax(url).then(doneCallback, failCallback);

function doneCallback(result) {
    console.log('Result ' + result);

function failCallback(result) {
    console.log('Result ' + result);

How can I get Maven to stop attempting to check for updates for artifacts from a certain group from maven-central-repo?

I had some trouble similar to this,


Setting the updatePolicy to "never" did not work. Removing these repo was the way I solved it. ps: I was following this tutorial about web services (btw, probably the best tutorial for ws for java)

Is there a way to represent a directory tree in a Github

Not directly, no. You'd have to hand create it and put it in yourself. Assuming you are using a *nix box locally and are using utf, then tree will generate it nicely (I believe that is what generated the example you used above).

Assuming you mean the as the documentation target, then I think the only way you could automate it would be a git pre-commit hook that ran tree and embedded it into your readme file. You'd want to do a diff to make sure you only updated the readme if the output changed.

Otoh if you are maintaining seperate docs via github pages, then what you could do, is switch to using jekyll (or another generator) locally and pushing the static pages yourself. Then you could potentially implement the changes you want either as a plugin / shell script* / manual changes (if they won't vary much), or use the same method as above.

*If you integrate it into a commit hook, you can avoid adding any extra steps to changing your pages.

Why is this jQuery click function not working?

Proper Browser Reload

Just a quick check as well if you keep your js files separately: make sure to reload your resources properly. Browsers will usually cache files, so just assure that i.e. a former typo is corrected in your loaded resources.

See this answer for permanent cache disabling in Chrome/Chromium. Otherwise you can generally force a full reload with Ctrl+F5 or Shift+F5 as mentioned in this answer.

Copy entire contents of a directory to another using php

For Linux servers you just need one line of code to copy recursively while preserving permission:

exec('cp -a '.$source.' '.$dest);

Another way of doing it is:

foreach ($iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST) as $item)
    if ($item->isDir())
        copy($item, $dest.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$iterator->getSubPathName());

but it's slower and does not preserve permissions.

Python regular expressions return true/false

One way to do this is just to test against the return value. Because you're getting <_sre.SRE_Match object at ...> it means that this will evaluate to true. When the regular expression isn't matched you'll the return value None, which evaluates to false.

import re

if"c", "abcdef"):
    print "hi"

Produces hi as output.

VSCode regex find & replace submatch math?

Just to add another example:

I was replacing src attr in img html tags, but i needed to replace only the src and keep any text between the img declaration and src attribute.

I used the find+replace tool (ctrl+h) as in the image: Find and replace

How do I register a .NET DLL file in the GAC?

From Wikipedia:

gacutil.exe is the .NET utility used to work with the GAC.

One can check the availability of a shared assembly in GAC by using the command:

gacutil.exe /l "assemblyName"

One can register a shared assembly in the GAC by using the command:

gacutil.exe /i "assemblyName"

Or by dropping an assembly file into the following location using the GUI:


Other options for this utility will be briefly described if you use the /? flag, that is:

gacutil.exe /?

How can I force users to access my page over HTTPS instead of HTTP?

Using this is NOT enough:

if($_SERVER["HTTPS"] != "on")
    header("Location: https://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);

If you have any http content (like an external http image source), the browser will detect a possible threat. So be sure all your ref and src inside your code are https

Spring application context external properties?

You can use file prefix to load the external application context file some thing like this

  <context:property-placeholder location="file:///C:/Applications/external/"/>

How can I pass parameters to a partial view in mvc 4

Here is an extension method that will convert an object to a ViewDataDictionary.

public static ViewDataDictionary ToViewDataDictionary(this object values)
    var dictionary = new ViewDataDictionary();
    foreach (PropertyDescriptor property in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(values))
        dictionary.Add(property.Name, property.GetValue(values));
    return dictionary;

You can then use it in your view like so:

@Html.Partial("_MyPartial", new
    Property1 = "Value1",
    Property2 = "Value2"

Which is much nicer than the new ViewDataDictionary { { "Property1", "Value1" } , { "Property2", "Value2" }} syntax.

Then in your partial view, you can use ViewBag to access the properties from a dynamic object rather than indexed properties, e.g.


MYSQL Sum Query with IF Condition

Try with a CASE in this way :

    WHEN PaymentType = "credit card" 
    THEN TotalAmount 
    ELSE 0 
END) AS CreditCardTotal,

Should give what you are looking for ...

How to properly add include directories with CMake

Add include_directories("/your/path/here").

This will be similar to calling gcc with -I/your/path/here/ option.

Make sure you put double quotes around the path. Other people didn't mention that and it made me stuck for 2 days. So this answer is for people who are very new to CMake and very confused.

ASP.NET - How to write some html in the page? With Response.Write?

Use a literal control and write your html like this:

literal1.text = "<h2><p>Notify:</p> alert</h2>";

Changing the background color of a drop down list transparent in html

Or maybe

 background: transparent !important;
 color: #ffffff;

How to pass arguments to entrypoint in docker-compose.yml

I was facing the same issue with jenkins ssh slave 'jenkinsci/ssh-slave'. However, my case was a bit complicated because it was necessary to pass an argument which contained spaces. I've managed to do it like below (entrypoint in dockerfile is in exec form):

command: ["some argument with space which should be treated as one"]

How do I read image data from a URL in Python?

To directly get image as numpy array without using PIL

import requests, io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

response = requests.get(url).content
img = plt.imread(io.BytesIO(response), format='JPG')

How to push object into an array using AngularJS

Push only work for array .

Make your arrayText object to Array Object.

Try Like this


this.arrayText = [{
  text1: 'Hello',
  text2: 'world',

this.addText = function(text) {
this.form = {
  text1: '',
  text2: ''


<div ng-controller="TestController as testCtrl">
  <form ng-submit="addText(form)">
    <input type="text" ng-model="form.text1" value="Lets go">
    <input type="text" ng-model="form.text2" value="Lets go again">
    <input type="submit" value="add">

How to change the commit author for one specific commit?

You can change author of last commit using the command below.

git commit --amend --author="Author Name <[email protected]>"

However, if you want to change more than one commits author name, it's a bit tricky. You need to start an interactive rebase then mark commits as edit then amend them one by one and finish.

Start rebasing with git rebase -i. It will show you something like this.

Change the pick keyword to edit for the commits you want to change the author name.

Then close the editor. For the beginners, hit Escape then type :wq and hit Enter.

Then you will see your terminal like nothing happened. Actually you are in the middle of an interactive rebase. Now it's time to amend your commit's author name using the command above. It will open the editor again. Quit and continue rebase with git rebase --continue. Repeat the same for the commit count you want to edit. You can make sure that interactive rebase finished when you get the No rebase in progress? message.

Create a simple Login page using eclipse and mysql

You Can simply Use One Jsp Page To accomplish the task.

<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@page import="java.sql.*"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>JSP Page</title>
        String username=request.getParameter("user_name");
        String password=request.getParameter("password");
        String role=request.getParameter("role");
            Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/t_fleet","root","root");
            Statement st=con.createStatement();
            String query="select * from tbl_login where user_name='"+username+"' and password='"+password+"' and role='"+role+"'";
            ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery(query);
                session.setAttribute( "user_name",rs.getString(2));

        catch(Exception e)


I have use username, password and role to get into the system. One more thing to implement is you can do page permission checking through jsp and javascript function.

Search all the occurrences of a string in the entire project in Android Studio

You can open the Find in Path dialog by pressing:

Ctrl + Shift + F

How to use default Android drawables

As far as i remember, the documentation advises against using the menu icons from android.R.drawable directly and recommends copying them to your drawables folder. The main reason is that those icons and names can be subject to change and may not be available in future releases.

Warning: Because these resources can change between platform versions, you should not reference these icons using the Android platform resource IDs (i.e. menu icons under android.R.drawable). If you want to use any icons or other internal drawable resources, you should store a local copy of those icons or drawables in your application resources, then reference the local copy from your application code. In that way, you can maintain control over the appearance of your icons, even if the system's copy changes.


What is the meaning of <> in mysql query?

<> is standard ANSI SQL and stands for not equal or !=.

Get Locale Short Date Format using javascript

If your question about <input type="date"> field, here is script for getting filed value="" attribute:

(new Date()).toISOString().split('T')[0]

You can use the Intl object (ecma-402) to get data-date-pattern="":

(new Intl.DateTimeFormat()).resolved.pattern // "M/d/y" for "en-US" in Google Chrome

And finnaly, to format date in current l10n, data-date="":

(new Intl.DateTimeFormat()).format(new Date());


How can I get a list of all functions stored in the database of a particular schema in PostgreSQL?

After some searching, I was able to find the information_schema.routines table and the information_schema.parameters tables. Using those, one can construct a query for this purpose. LEFT JOIN, instead of JOIN, is necessary to retrieve functions without parameters.

SELECT routines.routine_name, parameters.data_type, parameters.ordinal_position
FROM information_schema.routines
    LEFT JOIN information_schema.parameters ON routines.specific_name=parameters.specific_name
WHERE routines.specific_schema='my_specified_schema_name'
ORDER BY routines.routine_name, parameters.ordinal_position;

Last segment of URL in jquery

You can do this with simple paths (w/0) querystrings etc.

Granted probably overly complex and probably not performant, but I wanted to use reduce for the fun of it.

    .filter(x => x !== "")
    .reduce((_, part, i, arr) => {
      if (i == arr.length - 1) return part;
    }, "");
  1. Split the string on path separators.
  2. Filter out empty string path parts (this could happen with trailing slash in path).
  3. Reduce the array of path parts to the last one.

How do I search for names with apostrophe in SQL Server?

Brackets are used around identifiers, so your code will look for the field %'% in the Header table. You want to use a string insteaed. To put an apostrophe in a string literal you use double apostrophes.

FROM Header WHERE userID LIKE '%''%'

Debian 8 (Live-CD) what is the standard login and password?

I am using Debian 8 live off a USB. I was locked out of the system after 10 min of inactivity. The password that was required to log back in to the system for the user was:

login : Debian Live User
password : live

I hope this helps

Oracle PL/SQL - Are NO_DATA_FOUND Exceptions bad for stored procedure performance?

Since SELECT INTO assumes that a single row will be returned, you can use a statement of the form:

SELECT MAX(column)
  INTO var
  FROM table
 WHERE conditions;

THEN ...

The SELECT will give you the value if one is available, and a value of NULL instead of a NO_DATA_FOUND exception. The overhead introduced by MAX() will be minimal-to-zero since the result set contains a single row. It also has the advantage of being compact relative to a cursor-based solution, and not being vulnerable to concurrency issues like the two-step solution in the original post.

How can I use Oracle SQL developer to run stored procedures?

There are two possibilities, both from Quest Software, TOAD & SQL Navigator:

Here is the TOAD Freeware download:

And the SQL Navigator (trial version):

get string value from HashMap depending on key name

This is another example of how to use keySet(), get(), values() and entrySet() functions to obtain Keys and Values in a Map:

        Map<Integer, String> testKeyset = new HashMap<Integer, String>();

        testKeyset.put(1, "first");
        testKeyset.put(2, "second");
        testKeyset.put(3, "third");
        testKeyset.put(4, "fourth");

        // Print a single value relevant to a specified Key. (uses keySet())
        for(int mapKey: testKeyset.keySet())

        // Print all values regardless of the key.
        for(String mapVal: testKeyset.values())

        // Displays the Map in Key-Value pairs (e.g: [1=first, 2=second, 3=third, 4=fourth])

How do you properly return multiple values from a Promise?

Two things you can do, return an object

    .then( afterSomething )
    .then( afterSomethingElse );

function processAsync (amazingData) {
     return {
         amazingData: amazingData, 
         processedData: processedData

function afterSomething( amazingData ) {
    return processAsync( amazingData );

function afterSomethingElse( dataObj ) {
    let amazingData = dataObj.amazingData,
        processedData = dataObj.proccessedData;

Use the scope!

var amazingData;
  .then( afterSomething )
  .then( afterSomethingElse )

function afterSomething( returnedAmazingData ) {
  amazingData = returnedAmazingData;
  return processAsync( amazingData );
function afterSomethingElse( processedData ) {
  //use amazingData here

Customize the Authorization HTTP header

Kindly try below on postman :-

In header section example work for me..

Authorization : JWT eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyIkX18iOnsic3RyaWN0TW9kZSI6dHJ1ZSwiZ2V0dGVycyI6e30sIndhc1BvcHVsYXRlZCI6ZmFsc2UsImFjdGl2ZVBhdGhzIjp7InBhdGhzIjp7InBhc3N3b3JkIjoiaW5pdCIsImVtYWlsIjoiaW5pdCIsIl9fdiI6ImluaXQiLCJfaWQiOiJpbml0In0sInN0YXRlcyI6eyJpZ25vcmUiOnt9LCJkZWZhdWx0Ijp7fSwiaW5pdCI6eyJfX3YiOnRydWUsInBhc3N3b3JkIjp0cnVlLCJlbWFpbCI6dHJ1ZSwiX2lkIjp0cnVlfSwibW9kaWZ5Ijp7fSwicmVxdWlyZSI6e319LCJzdGF0ZU5hbWVzIjpbInJlcXVpcmUiLCJtb2RpZnkiLCJpbml0IiwiZGVmYXVsdCIsImlnbm9yZSJdfSwiZW1pdHRlciI6eyJkb21haW4iOm51bGwsIl9ldmVudHMiOnt9LCJfZXZlbnRzQ291bnQiOjAsIl9tYXhMaXN0ZW5lcnMiOjB9fSwiaXNOZXciOmZhbHNlLCJfZG9jIjp7Il9fdiI6MCwicGFzc3dvcmQiOiIkMmEkMTAkdTAybWNnWHFjWVQvdE41MlkzZ2l3dVROd3ZMWW9ZTlFXejlUcThyaDIwR09IMlhHY3haZWUiLCJlbWFpbCI6Im1hZGFuLmRhbGUxQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsIl9pZCI6IjU5MjEzYzYyYWM2ODZlMGMyNzI2MjgzMiJ9LCJfcHJlcyI6eyIkX19vcmlnaW5hbF9zYXZlIjpbbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGxdLCIkX19vcmlnaW5hbF92YWxpZGF0ZSI6W251bGxdLCIkX19vcmlnaW5hbF9yZW1vdmUiOltudWxsXX0sIl9wb3N0cyI6eyIkX19vcmlnaW5hbF9zYXZlIjpbXSwiJF9fb3JpZ2luYWxfdmFsaWRhdGUiOltdLCIkX19vcmlnaW5hbF9yZW1vdmUiOltdfSwiaWF0IjoxNDk1MzUwNzA5LCJleHAiOjE0OTUzNjA3ODl9.BkyB0LjKB4FIsCtnM5FcpcBLvKed_j7rCCxZddwiYnU

The application may be doing too much work on its main thread

I got same issue while developing an app which uses a lot of drawable png files on grid layout. I also tried to optimize my code as far as possible.. but it didn't work out for me.. Then i tried to reduce the size of those png.. and guess its working absolutely fine.. So my suggestion is to reduce size of drawable resources if any..

How can I find the product GUID of an installed MSI setup?

If you have too many installers to find what you are looking for easily, here is some powershell to provide a filter and narrow it down a little by display name.

$filter = "*core*sdk*"; (Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall).Name | % { $path = "Registry::$_"; Get-ItemProperty $path } | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -like $filter } | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, PsChildName

text box input height

I came here looking for making an input that's actually multiple lines. Turns out I didn't want an input, I wanted a textarea. You can set height or line-height as other answers specify, but it'll still just be one line of a textbox. If you want actual multiple lines, use a textarea instead. The following is an example of a 3-row textarea with a width of 500px (should be a good part of the page, not necessary to set this and will have to change it based on your requirements).

<textarea name="roleExplanation" style="width: 500px" rows="3">This role is for facility managers and holds the highest permissions in the application.</textarea>

How can I parse JSON with C#?

The following from the msdn site should I think help provide some native functionality for what you are looking for. Please note it is specified for Windows 8. One such example from the site is listed below.

JsonValue jsonValue = JsonValue.Parse("{\"Width\": 800, \"Height\": 600, \"Title\": \"View from 15th Floor\", \"IDs\": [116, 943, 234, 38793]}");
double width = jsonValue.GetObject().GetNamedNumber("Width");
double height = jsonValue.GetObject().GetNamedNumber("Height");
string title = jsonValue.GetObject().GetNamedString("Title");
JsonArray ids = jsonValue.GetObject().GetNamedArray("IDs");

It utilizes the Windows.Data.JSON namespace.

Can I avoid the native fullscreen video player with HTML5 on iPhone or android?

I don't know about android, but Safari on the iPhone or iPod touch will play all videos full screen because of the small screen size. On the iPad it will play the video on the page but allow the user to make it full screen.

JPA - Persisting a One to Many relationship

One way to do that is to set the cascade option on you "One" side of relationship:

class Employee {

   @OneToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST})
   private Set<Vehicles> vehicles = new HashSet<Vehicles>();


by this, when you call

Employee savedEmployee = employeeDao.persistOrMerge(newEmployee);

it will save the vehicles too.

How to use a different version of python during NPM install?

You can use --python option to npm like so:

npm install --python=python2.7

or set it to be used always:

npm config set python python2.7

Npm will in turn pass this option to node-gyp when needed.

(note: I'm the one who opened an issue on Github to have this included in the docs, as there were so many questions about it ;-) )

Web colors in an Android color xml resource file

If you are just looking for the available colors that already exist with


then you need to look in android.jar >> android >> R.class >> R >> color.

Here is the list that come with Android 4.4W I'm using:


How to enable mbstring from php.ini?

All XAMPP packages come with Multibyte String (php_mbstring.dll) extension installed.

If you have accidentally removed DLL file from php/ext folder, just add it back (get the copy from XAMPP zip archive - its downloadable).

If you have deleted the accompanying INI configuration line from php.ini file, add it back as well:


Also, ensure to restart your webserver (Apache) using XAMPP control panel.

Additional Info on Enabling PHP Extensions

  • install extension (e.g. put php_mbstring.dll into /XAMPP/php/ext directory)
  • in php.ini, ensure extension directory specified (e.g. extension_dir = "ext")
  • ensure correct build of DLL file (e.g. 32bit thread-safe VC9 only works with DLL files built using exact same tools and configuration: 32bit thread-safe VC9)
  • ensure PHP API versions match (If not, once you restart the webserver you will receive related error.)

Psql could not connect to server: No such file or directory, 5432 error?

WARNING: This will remove the database

Use command:

rm -rf /usr/local/var/postgres && initdb /usr/local/var/postgres -E utf8

How to crop(cut) text files based on starting and ending line-numbers in cygwin?

You can use wc -l to figure out the total # of lines.

You can then combine head and tail to get at the range you want. Let's assume the log is 40,000 lines, you want the last 1562 lines, then of those you want the first 838. So:

tail -1562 MyHugeLogFile.log | head -838 | ....

Or there's probably an easier way using sed or awk.

Error: More than one module matches. Use skip-import option to skip importing the component into the closest module

I was getting below error when trying to create a new component under a folder.

error: More than one module matches. Use skip-import option to skip importing the component into the closest module.

I have used below command and new component got created successfully under a folder.

 ng g c folderName/my_newComponent ---module ../app

Use LINQ to get items in one List<>, that are not in another List<>

Bit late to the party but a good solution which is also Linq to SQL compatible is:

List<string> list1 = new List<string>() { "1", "2", "3" };
List<string> list2 = new List<string>() { "2", "4" };

List<string> inList1ButNotList2 = (from o in list1
                                   join p in list2 on o equals p into t
                                   from od in t.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                   where od == null
                                   select o).ToList<string>();

List<string> inList2ButNotList1 = (from o in list2
                                   join p in list1 on o equals p into t
                                   from od in t.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                   where od == null
                                   select o).ToList<string>();

List<string> inBoth = (from o in list1
                       join p in list2 on o equals p into t
                       from od in t.DefaultIfEmpty()
                       where od != null
                       select od).ToList<string>();

Kudos to

Difference between Pragma and Cache-Control headers?

Stop using (HTTP 1.0) Replaced with (HTTP 1.1 since 1999)
Expires: [date] Cache-Control: max-age=[seconds]
Pragma: no-cache Cache-Control: no-cache

If it's after 1999, and you're still using Expires or Pragma, you're doing it wrong.

I'm looking at you Stackoverflow:

200 OK
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: application/json
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-Request-Guid: a3433194-4a03-4206-91ea-6a40f9bfd824
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15552000
Content-Length: 54
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2018 19:03:12 GMT
Via: 1.1 varnish
Connection: keep-alive
X-Served-By: cache-yyz8333-YYZ
X-Cache: MISS
X-Cache-Hits: 0
X-Timer: S1522782193.766958,VS0,VE30
Vary: Fastly-SSL
X-DNS-Prefetch-Control: off
Cache-Control: private

tl;dr: Pragma is a legacy of HTTP/1.0 and hasn't been needed since Internet Explorer 5, or Netscape 4.7. Unless you expect some of your users to be using IE5: it's safe to stop using it.

  • Expires: [date] (deprecated - HTTP 1.0)
  • Pragma: no-cache (deprecated - HTTP 1.0)
  • Cache-Control: max-age=[seconds]
  • Cache-Control: no-cache (must re-validate the cached copy every time)

And the conditional requests:

  • Etag (entity tag) based conditional requests
    • Server: Etag: W/“1d2e7–1648e509289”
    • Client: If-None-Match: W/“1d2e7–1648e509289”
    • Server: 304 Not Modified
  • Modified date based conditional requests
    • Server: last-modified: Thu, 09 May 2019 19:15:47 GMT
    • Client: If-Modified-Since: Fri, 13 Jul 2018 10:49:23 GMT
    • Server: 304 Not Modified

last-modified: Thu, 09 May 2019 19:15:47 GMT

Catch multiple exceptions in one line (except block)

One of the way to do this is..

   You do your operations here;
except(Exception1[, Exception2[,...ExceptionN]]]):
   If there is any exception from the given exception list, 
   then execute this block.
   If there is no exception then execute this block. 

and another way is to create method which performs task executed by except block and call it through all of the except block that you write..

   You do your operations here;
except Exception1:
except Exception2:
except Exception3:
   If there is no exception then execute this block. 

def functionname( parameters ):
   //your task..
   return [expression]

I know that second one is not the best way to do this, but i'm just showing number of ways to do this thing.

Why doesn't git recognize that my file has been changed, therefore git add not working

well we don't have enough to answer this question so I will give you several guesses:

1) you stashed your changes, to fix type: git stash pop

2) you had changes and you committed them, you should be able to see your commit in git log

3) you had changes did some sort of git reset --hard or other, your changes may be there in the reflog, type git reflog --all followed by checking out or cherry-picking the ref if you ever do find it.

4) you have checked out the same repo several times, and you are in the wrong one.

Convert string to JSON Object


var myjson = '{"TeamList" : [{"teamid" : "1","teamname" : "Barcelona"}]}';
var newJ= $.parseJSON(myjson);

Encoding as Base64 in Java

GZIP + Base64

The length of the string in a Base64 format is greater then original: 133% on average. So it makes sense to first compress it with GZIP, and then encode to Base64. It gives a reduction of up to 77% for strings greater than 200 characters and more. Example:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    byte[] original = randomString(100).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

    byte[] base64 = encodeToBase64(original);
    byte[] gzipToBase64 = encodeToBase64(encodeToGZIP(original));

    byte[] fromBase64 = decodeFromBase64(base64);
    byte[] fromBase64Gzip = decodeFromGZIP(decodeFromBase64(gzipToBase64));

    // test
    System.out.println("Original: " + original.length + " bytes, 100%");
    System.out.println("Base64: " + base64.length + " bytes, "
            + (base64.length * 100 / original.length) + "%");
    System.out.println("GZIP+Base64: " + gzipToBase64.length + " bytes, "
            + (gzipToBase64.length * 100 / original.length) + "%");

    //Original: 3700 bytes, 100%
    //Base64: 4936 bytes, 133%
    //GZIP+Base64: 2868 bytes, 77%

    System.out.println(Arrays.equals(original, fromBase64)); // true
    System.out.println(Arrays.equals(original, fromBase64Gzip)); // true
public static byte[] decodeFromBase64(byte[] arr) {
    return Base64.getDecoder().decode(arr);

public static byte[] encodeToBase64(byte[] arr) {
    return Base64.getEncoder().encode(arr);
public static byte[] decodeFromGZIP(byte[] arr) throws IOException {
    ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(arr);
    GZIPInputStream gzip = new GZIPInputStream(bais);
    return gzip.readAllBytes();

public static byte[] encodeToGZIP(byte[] arr) throws IOException {
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(baos);
    return baos.toByteArray();
public static String randomString(int count) {
    StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        str.append(" ").append(UUID.randomUUID().toString());
    return str.toString();

Array of char* should end at '\0' or "\0"?

Null termination is a bad design pattern best left in the history books. There's still plenty of inertia behind c-strings, so it can't be avoided there. But there's no reason to use it in the OP's example.

Don't use any terminator, and use sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]) to get the number of elements.

How to find the privileges and roles granted to a user in Oracle?

Look at

Check USER_SYS_PRIVS, USER_TAB_PRIVS, USER_ROLE_PRIVS tables with these select statements


How can I replace every occurrence of a String in a file with PowerShell?

The one above only runs for "One File" only, but you can also run this for multiple files within your folder:

Get-ChildItem 'C:yourfile*.xml' -Recurse | ForEach {
     (Get-Content $_ | ForEach  { $_ -replace '[MYID]', 'MyValue' }) |
     Set-Content $_

getting integer values from textfield

As You're getting values from textfield as jTextField3.getText();.

As it is a textField it will return you string format as its format says:

String getText()

      Returns the text contained in this TextComponent.

So, convert your String to Integer as:

int jml = Integer.parseInt(jTextField3.getText());

instead of directly setting

   int jml = jTextField3.getText();

Is there a WebSocket client implemented for Python?

Autobahn has a good websocket client implementation for Python as well as some good examples. I tested the following with a Tornado WebSocket server and it worked.

from twisted.internet import reactor
from autobahn.websocket import WebSocketClientFactory, WebSocketClientProtocol, connectWS

class EchoClientProtocol(WebSocketClientProtocol):

   def sendHello(self):
      self.sendMessage("Hello, world!")

   def onOpen(self):

   def onMessage(self, msg, binary):
      print "Got echo: " + msg
      reactor.callLater(1, self.sendHello)

if __name__ == '__main__':

   factory = WebSocketClientFactory("ws://localhost:9000")
   factory.protocol = EchoClientProtocol

Create a user with all privileges in Oracle

There are 2 differences:

2 methods creating a user and granting some privileges to him

create user userName identified by password;
grant connect to userName;


grant connect to userName identified by password;

do exactly the same. It creates a user and grants him the connect role.

different outcome

resource is a role in oracle, which gives you the right to create objects (tables, procedures, some more but no views!). ALL PRIVILEGES grants a lot more of system privileges.

To grant a user all privileges run you first snippet or

grant all privileges to userName identified by password;

Display tooltip on Label's hover?

Are you find with using standard tooltip? You could use title attribute like

<label for="male" title="Hello This Will Have Some Value">Hello...</label>

You could add the title attribute of same value to the element that label is for as well.

How can I convert a timestamp from yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss:SSSZ format to MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.SSS format? From ISO8601 to UTC

Use DateFormat. (Sorry, but the brevity of the question does not warrant a longer or more detailed answer.)

Using multiple case statements in select query

There are two ways to write case statements, you seem to be using a combination of the two

case a.updatedDate
    when 1760 then 'Entered on' + a.updatedDate
    when 1710 then 'Viewed on' + a.updatedDate
    else 'Last Updated on' + a.updateDate


    when a.updatedDate = 1760 then 'Entered on' + a.updatedDate
    when a.updatedDate = 1710 then 'Viewed on' + a.updatedDate
    else 'Last Updated on' + a.updateDate

are equivalent. They may not work because you may need to convert date types to varchars to append them to other varchars.

How to make a stable two column layout in HTML/CSS

Here you go:

    #left {_x000D_
      width: 200px;_x000D_
      float: left;_x000D_
    #right {_x000D_
      margin-left: 200px;_x000D_
      /* Change this to whatever the width of your left column is*/_x000D_
    .clear {_x000D_
      clear: both;_x000D_
  <div id="container">_x000D_
    <div id="left">_x000D_
    <div id="right">_x000D_
      <div style="background-color: red; height: 10px;">Hello</div>_x000D_
    <div class="clear"></div>_x000D_

See it in action here:

javaw.exe cannot find path

Just update your eclipse.ini file (you can find it in the root-directory of eclipse) by this:


for example:

C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_09/jre/bin/javaw.exe

Use jQuery to change a second select list based on the first select list option

I have found the solution as followiing... working for me perfectly :)

$("#selectbox1").change(function() {
    var id = $(this).val();
 });   });

How to execute an Oracle stored procedure via a database link

The syntax is

EXEC mySchema.myPackage.myProcedure@myRemoteDB( 'someParameter' );

How to retrieve Key Alias and Key Password for signed APK in android studio(migrated from Eclipse)

Yes, you can find your lost key in the task artifacts from Android Studio.


for updated verssion of android studio the path is:


Open the file and search with the part of the password that you remember.

Sample(this will be in that bin file): signingConfig.keyAlias?"key name"?signingConfig.keyPassword?"key password"?signingConfig.storePassword?"Store Password"?

You can search with this string “signingConfig.storePassword” or any string given in the sample string

Note: I have experienced the same thing and I am able to find it in the above path. In case if you didn't find may be you cleared all the cache and temp files.

write multiple lines in a file in python

another way which, at least to me, seems more intuitive:

target.write('''line 1
line 2
line 3''')

What is %2C in a URL?

It's the ASCII keycode in hexadecimal for a comma (,).

You should use your language's URL encoding methods when placing strings in URLs.

You can see a handy list of characters with man ascii. It has this compact diagram available for mapping hexadecimal codes to the character:

   2 3 4 5 6 7       
0:   0 @ P ` p     
1: ! 1 A Q a q     
2: " 2 B R b r     
3: # 3 C S c s     
4: $ 4 D T d t     
5: % 5 E U e u     
6: & 6 F V f v     
7: ' 7 G W g w     
8: ( 8 H X h x     
9: ) 9 I Y i y     
A: * : J Z j z
B: + ; K [ k {
C: , < L \ l |
D: - = M ] m }
E: . > N ^ n ~
F: / ? O _ o DEL

You can also quickly check a character's hexadecimal equivalent with:

$ echo -n , | xxd -p

How to run Visual Studio post-build events for debug build only

You can pass the configuration name to the post-build script and check it in there to see if it should run.

Pass the configuration name with $(ConfigurationName).

Checking it is based on how you are implementing the post-build step -- it will be a command-line argument.

SSL handshake fails with - a verisign chain certificate - that contains two CA signed certificates and one self-signed certificate

About the server can deliver to the clients the root cert or not, extracted from the RFC-5246 'The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2' doc it says:

This is a sequence (chain) of certificates. The sender's certificate MUST come first in the list. Each following certificate MUST directly certify the one preceding it. Because certificate validation requires that root keys be distributed independently, the self-signed certificate that specifies the root certificate authority MAY be omitted from the chain, under the
assumption that the remote end must already possess it in order to validate it in any case.

About the term 'MAY', extracted from the RFC-2119 "Best Current Practice" says:

This word, or the adjective "OPTIONAL", mean that an item is truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the item because a
particular marketplace requires it or because the vendor feels that
it enhances the product while another vendor may omit the same item.
An implementation which does not include a particular option MUST be
prepared to interoperate with another implementation which does
include the option, though perhaps with reduced functionality. In the same vein an implementation which does include a particular option
MUST be prepared to interoperate with another implementation which
does not include the option (except, of course, for the feature the
option provides.)

In conclusion, the root may be at the certification path delivered by the server in the handshake.

A practical use.
Think about, not in navigator user terms, but on a transfer tool at a server in a militarized zone with limited internet access.
The server, playing the client role at the transfer, receives all the certs path from the server.
All the certs in the chain should be checked to be trusted, root included.
The only way to check this is the root be included at the certs path in transfer time, being matched against a previously declared as 'trusted' local copy of them.

How to put space character into a string name in XML?


Works like a charm.

Edit: Wrong. Actually, it only works when the content is comprised of white spaces only.


How to fill in proxy information in cntlm config file?

Here is a guide on how to use cntlm

What is cntlm?

cntlm is an NTLM/NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy

It takes the address of your proxy and opens a listening socket, forwarding each request to the parent proxy

Why cntlm?

Using cntlm we make it possible to run tools like choro, pip3, apt-get from a command line

pip3 install requests
choco install git

The main advantage of cntlm is password protection.

With cntlm you can use password hashes.

So NO PLAINTEXT PASSWORD in %HTTP_PROXY% and %HTTPS_PROXY% environment variables

Install cntlm

You can get the latest cntlm release from sourceforge

Note! Username and domain

My username is zezulinsky

My domain is local

When I run commands I use zezulinsky@local

Place your username when you run commands

Generate password hash

Run a command

cntlm -u zezulinsky@local -H

Enter your password:


As a result you are getting hashed password:

PassLM          AB7D42F42QQQQ407552C4BCA4AEBFB11
PassNT          PE78D847E35FA7FA59710D1231AAAF99
PassNTLMv2      46738B2E607F9093296AA4C319C3A259

Verify your generated hash is valid

Run a command

cntlm -u zezulinsky@local -M

Enter your password


The result output

Config profile  1/4... OK (HTTP code: 301)
----------------------------[ Profile  0 ]------
Auth            NTLMv2
PassNTLMv2      46738B2E607F9093296AA4C319C3A259

Note! check that PassNTLMv2 hash is the same The resulting hash is the same for both commands

PassNTLMv2      46738B2E607F9093296AA4C319C3A259

Change configuration file

Place generated hashes into the cntlm.ini configuration file

C:\Program Files (x86)\Cntlm\cntlm.ini

Here is how your cntlm.ini should look like

Username    zezulinsky
Domain      local
PassLM      AB7D42F42QQQQ407552C4BCA4AEBFB11
PassNT      PE78D847E35FA7FA59710D1231AAAF99
PassNTLMv2  46738B2E607F9093296AA4C319C3A259

Proxy       PROXYSERVER:8080
NoProxy     localhost, 127.0.0.*
Listen      3128

Note! newline at the end of cntlm.ini

It is important to add a newline at the end of the cntlm.ini configuration file

Set your environment variables


Check that your cntlm works

Stop all the processes named cntlm.exe with process explorer

Run the command

cntlm -u zezulinsky@local -H

The output looks like

cygwin warning:
  MS-DOS style path detected: C:\Program Files (x86)\Cntlm\cntlm.ini
  Preferred POSIX equivalent is: /Cntlm/cntlm.ini
  CYGWIN environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" turns off this warning.
  Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths:
section: local, Username = 'zezulinsky'
section: local, Domain = 'local'
section: local, PassLM = 'AB7D42F42QQQQ407552C4BCA4AEBFB11'
section: local, PassNT = 'PE78D847E35FA7FA59710D1231AAAF99'
section: local, PassNTLMv2 = '46738B2E607F9093296AA4C319C3A259'
section: local, Proxy = 'PROXYSERVER:8080'
section: local, NoProxy = 'localhost, 10.*, 127.0.0.*
section: local, Listen = '3128'
Default config file opened successfully
cntlm: Proxy listening on
Adding no-proxy for: 'localhost'
Adding no-proxy for: '10.*'
Adding no-proxy for: '127.0.0.*'
cntlm: Workstation name used: MYWORKSTATION
cntlm: Using following NTLM hashes: NTLMv2(1) NT(0) LM(0)
cntlm: PID 1234: Cntlm ready, staying in the foreground

Open a new cmd and run a command:

pip3 install requests

You should have requests python package installed

Restart your machine

Congrats, now you have cntlm installed and configured

Define preprocessor macro through CMake?

For a long time, CMake had the add_definitions command for this purpose. However, recently the command has been superseded by a more fine grained approach (separate commands for compile definitions, include directories, and compiler options).

An example using the new add_compile_definitions:



add_compile_definitions(OPENCV_VERSION=${OpenCV_VERSION} WITH_OPENCV2)

The good part about this is that it circumvents the shabby trickery CMake has in place for add_definitions. CMake is such a shabby system, but they are finally finding some sanity.

Find more explanation on which commands to use for compiler flags here:

Likewise, you can do this per-target as explained in Jim Hunziker's answer.

'' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

This is a very common question seen on Stackoverflow.

The important part here is not the command displayed in the error, but what the actual error tells you instead.

a Quick breakdown on why this error is received.

cmd.exe Being a terminal window relies on input and system Environment variables, in order to perform what you request it to do. it does NOT know the location of everything and it also does not know when to distinguish between commands or executable names which are separated by whitespace like space and tab or commands with whitespace as switch variables.

How do I fix this:

When Actual Command/executable fails

First we make sure, is the executable actually installed? If yes, continue with the rest, if not, install it first.

If you have any executable which you are attempting to run from cmd.exe then you need to tell cmd.exe where this file is located. There are 2 ways of doing this.

  1. specify the full path to the file.


  2. Add the location of the file to your environment Variables.

------> Control Panel-> System-> Advanced System Settings->Environment Variables

In the System Variables Window, locate path and select edit

Now simply add your path to the end of the string, seperated by a semicolon ; as:


Save the changes and exit. You need to make sure that ANY cmd.exe windows you had open are then closed and re-opened to allow it to re-import the environment variables. Now you should be able to run mycommand.exe from any path, within cmd.exe as the environment is aware of the path to it.

When C:\Program or Similar fails

This is a very simple error. Each string after a white space is seen as a different command in cmd.exe terminal, you simply have to enclose the entire path in double quotes in order for cmd.exe to see it as a single string, and not separate commands.

So to execute C:\Program Files\My-App\Mobile.exe simply run as:

"C:\Program Files\My-App\Mobile.exe"

How to populate HTML dropdown list with values from database

<select name="owner">
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
echo "<option value=\"owner1\">" . $row['username'] . "</option>";

What is a quick way to force CRLF in C# / .NET?

This is a quick way to do that, I mean.

It does not use an expensive regex function. It also does not use multiple replacement functions that each individually did loop over the data with several checks, allocations, etc.

So the search is done directly in one for loop. For the number of times that the capacity of the result array has to be increased, a loop is also used within the Array.Copy function. That are all the loops. In some cases, a larger page size might be more efficient.

public static string NormalizeNewLine(this string val)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
        return val;

    const int page = 6;
    int a = page;
    int j = 0;
    int len = val.Length;
    char[] res = new char[len];

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        char ch = val[i];

        if (ch == '\r')
            int ni = i + 1;
            if (ni < len && val[ni] == '\n')
                res[j++] = '\r';
                res[j++] = '\n';
                if (a == page) // Ensure capacity
                    char[] nres = new char[res.Length + page];
                    Array.Copy(res, 0, nres, 0, res.Length);
                    res = nres;
                    a = 0;

                res[j++] = '\r';
                res[j++] = '\n';
        else if (ch == '\n')
            int ni = i + 1;
            if (ni < len && val[ni] == '\r')
                res[j++] = '\r';
                res[j++] = '\n';
                if (a == page) // Ensure capacity
                    char[] nres = new char[res.Length + page];
                    Array.Copy(res, 0, nres, 0, res.Length);
                    res = nres;
                    a = 0;

                res[j++] = '\r';
                res[j++] = '\n';
            res[j++] = ch;

    return new string(res, 0, j);

I now that '\n\r' is not actually used on basic platforms. But who would use two types of linebreaks in succession to indicate two linebreaks?

If you want to know that, then you need to take a look before to know if the \n and \r both are used separately in the same document.

How to get the filename without the extension from a path in Python?

A multiple extension aware procedure. Works for str and unicode paths. Works in Python 2 and 3.

import os

def file_base_name(file_name):
    if '.' in file_name:
        separator_index = file_name.index('.')
        base_name = file_name[:separator_index]
        return base_name
        return file_name

def path_base_name(path):
    file_name = os.path.basename(path)
    return file_base_name(file_name)


>>> path_base_name('file')
>>> path_base_name(u'file')
>>> path_base_name('file.txt')
>>> path_base_name(u'file.txt')
>>> path_base_name('file.tar.gz')
>>> path_base_name('file.a.b.c.d.e.f.g')
>>> path_base_name('relative/path/file.ext')
>>> path_base_name('/absolute/path/file.ext')
>>> path_base_name('Relative\\Windows\\Path\\file.txt')
>>> path_base_name('C:\\Absolute\\Windows\\Path\\file.txt')
>>> path_base_name('/path with spaces/file.ext')
>>> path_base_name('C:\\Windows Path With Spaces\\file.txt')
>>> path_base_name('some/path/file name with')
'file name with spaces'

Download a file from NodeJS Server using Express

For static files like pdfs, Word docs, etc. just use Express's static function in your config:

// Express config
var app = express().configure(function () {
    this.use('/public', express.static('public')); // <-- This right here

And then just put all your files inside that 'public' folder, for example:


And then a regular old link will allow the user to download it:

<a href="public/docs/my_word_doc.docx">My Word Doc</a>

Python, HTTPS GET with basic authentication

using only standard modules and no manual header encoding

...which seems to be the intended and most portable way

the concept of python urllib is to group the numerous attributes of the request into various managers/directors/contexts... which then process their parts:

import urllib.request, ssl

# to avoid verifying ssl certificates
httpsHa = urllib.request.HTTPSHandler(context= ssl._create_unverified_context())

# setting up realm+urls+user-password auth
# (top_level_url may be sequence, also the complete url, realm None is default)
top_level_url = 'https://ip:port_or_domain'
# of the std managers, this can send user+passwd in one go,
# not after HTTP req->401 sequence
password_mgr = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithPriorAuth()
password_mgr.add_password(None, top_level_url, "user", "password", is_authenticated=True)

handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr)
# create OpenerDirector
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(handler, httpsHa)

url = top_level_url + '/some_url?some_query...'
response =


cocoapods - 'pod install' takes forever

I fixed this issue like that:

rm -fr ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods && \
gem update --system && \
gem update && \
gem cleanup && \
pod setup


Setting environment variables in Linux using Bash

export VAR=value will set VAR to value. Enclose it in single quotes if you want spaces, like export VAR='my val'. If you want the variable to be interpolated, use double quotes, like export VAR="$MY_OTHER_VAR".

How do I execute .js files locally in my browser?

Around 1:51 in the video, notice how she puts a <script> tag in there? The way it works is like this:

Create an html file (that's just a text file with a .html ending) somewhere on your computer. In the same folder that you put index.html, put a javascript file (that's just a textfile with a .js ending - let's call it game.js). Then, in your index.html file, put some html that includes the script tag with game.js, like Mary did in the video. index.html should look something like this:

        <script src="game.js"></script>

Now, double click on that file in finder, and it should open it up in your browser. To open up the console to see the output of your javascript code, hit Command-alt-j (those three buttons at the same time).

Good luck on your journey, hope it's as fun for you as it has been for me so far :)

Remove elements from collection while iterating

Old Timer Favorite (it still works):

List<String> list;

for(int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) 


  1. It only iterates over the list once
  2. No extra objects created, or other unneeded complexity
  3. No problems with trying to use the index of a removed item, because... well, think about it!

android: how to use getApplication and getApplicationContext from non activity / service class

The getApplication() method is located in the Activity class, that's why you can't access it from your helper class.

If you really need to access your application context from your helper, you should hold a reference to the activity's context and pass it on invocation to the helper.

Running MSBuild fails to read SDKToolsPath

I suspect the targets file is overriding the tools path, I had a quick look in this file and is sets the SDKToolsPath to $TargetFrameworkSDKToolsDirectory under some of the targets in there. I don't think you should need to set these in the environment anyway, but they may need fixing in your project files.

Note that according to this page Nant does not support .Net 4.0, could this be the real problem?

Sorry, I know this doesn't really answer your question:(

Passing a 2D array to a C++ function

Single dimensional array decays to a pointer pointer pointing to the first element in the array. While a 2D array decays to a pointer pointing to first row. So, the function prototype should be -

void myFunction(double (*myArray) [10]);

I would prefer std::vector over raw arrays.

Regular expression to detect semi-colon terminated C++ for & while loops

Another thought that ignores parentheses and treats the for as a construct holding three semicolon-delimited values:


This option works even when split over multiple lines (once MULTILINE enabled), but assumes that for ( ... ; ... ; ... ) is the only valid construct, so wouldn't work with a for ( x in y ) construct, or other deviations.

Also assumes that there are no functions containing semi-colons as arguments, such as:

for ( var i = 0; i < ListLen('a;b;c',';') ; i++ );

Whether this is a likely case depends on what you're actually doing this for.

Simple linked list in C++

Both functions are wrong. First of all function initNode has a confusing name. It should be named as for example initList and should not do the task of addNode. That is, it should not add a value to the list.

In fact, there is not any sense in function initNode, because the initialization of the list can be done when the head is defined:

Node *head = nullptr;


Node *head = NULL;

So you can exclude function initNode from your design of the list.

Also in your code there is no need to specify the elaborated type name for the structure Node that is to specify keyword struct before name Node.

Function addNode shall change the original value of head. In your function realization you change only the copy of head passed as argument to the function.

The function could look as:

void addNode(Node **head, int n)
    Node *NewNode = new Node {n, *head};
    *head = NewNode;

Or if your compiler does not support the new syntax of initialization then you could write

void addNode(Node **head, int n)
    Node *NewNode = new Node;
    NewNode->x = n;
    NewNode->next = *head;
    *head = NewNode;

Or instead of using a pointer to pointer you could use a reference to pointer to Node. For example,

void addNode(Node * &head, int n)
    Node *NewNode = new Node {n, head};
    head = NewNode;

Or you could return an updated head from the function:

Node * addNode(Node *head, int n)
    Node *NewNode = new Node {n, head};
    head = NewNode;
    return head;

And in main write:

head = addNode(head, 5);

JavaScript for detecting browser language preference

I have a hack that I think uses very little code and is quite reliable.

Put your site's files in a subdirectory. SSL into your server and create symlinks to that subdirectory where your files are stored that indicate your languages.

Something like this:

ln -s /var/www/yourhtml /var/www/en
ln -s /var/www/yourhtml /var/www/sp
ln -s /var/www/yourhtml /var/www/it

Use your web server to read HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE and redirect to these "different subdirectories" according to the language value it provides.

Now you can use Javascript's window.location.href to get your url and use it in conditionals to reliably identify the preferred language.

url_string = window.location.href;
if (url_string = "") {
    document.getElementById("page-wrapper").className = "italian";

How to create a sticky navigation bar that becomes fixed to the top after scrolling

You could use position: sticky

#navbar {
  position: sticky;
  top: 0px;

The #navbar should be a direct child of the body though.

Passing variables, creating instances, self, The mechanics and usage of classes: need explanation

class Foo          (object):
    # ^class name  #^ inherits from object

    bar = "Bar" #Class attribute.

    def __init__(self):
        #        #^ The first variable is the class instance in methods.  
        #        #  This is called "self" by convention, but could be any name you want.
        #^ double underscore (dunder) methods are usually special.  This one 
        #  gets called immediately after a new instance is created.

        self.variable = "Foo" #instance attribute.
        print self.variable,  #< references class attribute = " Bar is now Baz"   #< is now an instance attribute
        print self.variable,  

    def method(self, arg1, arg2):
        #This method has arguments.  You would call it like this:  instance.method(1, 2)
        print "in method (args):", arg1, arg2
        print "in method (attributes):", self.variable,

a = Foo() # this calls __init__ (indirectly), output:
                 # Foo bar
                 # Foo  Bar is now Baz
print a.variable # Foo
a.variable = "bar"
a.method(1, 2) # output:
               # in method (args): 1 2
               # in method (attributes): bar  Bar is now Baz
Foo.method(a, 1, 2) #<--- Same as a.method(1, 2).  This makes it a little more explicit what the argument "self" actually is.

class Bar(object):
    def __init__(self, arg):
        self.arg = arg
        self.Foo = Foo()

b = Bar(a)
b.arg.variable = "something"
print a.variable # something
print b.Foo.variable # Foo

JTable won't show column headers

Put your JTable inside a JScrollPane. Try this:

add(new JScrollPane(scrTbl));

When is the finalize() method called in Java?

The Java finalize() method is not a destructor and should not be used to handle logic that your application depends on. The Java spec states there is no guarantee that the finalize method is called at all during the livetime of the application.

What you problably want is a combination of finally and a cleanup method, as in:

MyClass myObj;

try {
    myObj = new MyClass();

    // ...
} finally {
    if (null != myObj) {

This will correctly handle the situation when the MyClass() constructor throws an exception.

How to check that a string is parseable to a double?

Apache, as usual, has a good answer from Apache Commons-Lang in the form of NumberUtils.isCreatable(String).

Handles nulls, no try/catch block required.

Loop through all nested dictionary values?

As said by Niklas, you need recursion, i.e. you want to define a function to print your dict, and if the value is a dict, you want to call your print function using this new dict.

Something like :

def myprint(d):
    for k, v in d.items():
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            print("{0} : {1}".format(k, v))

Opening PDF String in new window with javascript

var byteCharacters = atob(;
var byteNumbers = new Array(byteCharacters.length);
for (var i = 0; i < byteCharacters.length; i++) {
  byteNumbers[i] = byteCharacters.charCodeAt(i);
var byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers);
var file = new Blob([byteArray], { type: 'application/pdf;base64' });
var fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);;

You return a base64 string from the API or another source. You can also download it.

ASP.NET MVC Bundle not rendering script files on staging server. It works on development server

I ran into the same problem, and I'm not sure why, but it turned out to be that the script link generated by Scripts.Render did not have a .js extension. Because it also does not have a Type attribute the browser was just unable to use it (chrome and firefox).

To resolve this, I changed my bundle configuration to generate compiled files with a js extension, e.g.

            var coreScripts = new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/coreAssets.js")

        var coreStyles = new StyleBundle("~/bundles/coreStyles.css")

Notice in new StyleBundle(... instead of saying ~/bundles/someBundle, I am saying ~/bundlers/someBundle.js or ~/bundles/someStyles.css..

This causes the link generated in the src attribute to have .js or .css on it when optimizations are enabled, as such the browsers know based on the file extension what mime/type to use on the get request and everything works.

If I take off the extension, everything breaks. That's because @Scripts and @Styles doesn't render all the necessary attributes to understand a src to a file with no extension.

Pinging servers in Python

Make Sure pyping is installed or install it pip install pyping

import pyping

response ='Your IP')

if response.ret_code == 0:

Select row on click react-table

if u want to have multiple selection on select row..

import React from 'react';
import ReactTable from 'react-table';
import 'react-table/react-table.css';
import { ReactTableDefaults } from 'react-table';
import matchSorter from 'match-sorter';

class ThreatReportTable extends React.Component{


  this.state = {
    selected: [],
    row: []

  const columns = this.props.label;

  const data =;

  Object.assign(ReactTableDefaults, {
    defaultPageSize: 10,
    pageText: false,
    previousText: '<',
    nextText: '>',
    showPageJump: false,
    showPagination: true,
    defaultSortMethod: (a, b, desc) => {
    return b - a;


    <ReactTable className='threatReportTable'
        data= {data}
        getTrProps={(state, rowInfo, column) => {

        return {
          onClick: (e) => {

            var a = this.state.selected.indexOf(rowInfo.index);

            if (a == -1) {
              // this.setState({selected: array.concat(this.state.selected, [rowInfo.index])});
              this.setState({selected: [...this.state.selected, rowInfo.index]});
              // Pass props to the React component


            var array = this.state.selected;

            if(a != -1){
              array.splice(a, 1);
              this.setState({selected: array});

          // #393740 - Lighter, selected row
          // #302f36 - Darker, not selected row
          style: {background: this.state.selected.indexOf(rowInfo.index) != -1 ? '#393740': '#302f36'},


        noDataText = "No available threats"


  export default ThreatReportTable;

Convert integer to hex and hex to integer

Below are two functions: dbo.HexToInt and dbo.IntToHex, I use them for such conversion:

if OBJECT_ID('dbo.HexToInt') is not null
    drop function dbo.HexToInt
create function dbo.HexToInt (@chars varchar(max))
returns int
    declare @char varchar(1), @len int, @i int, @r int, @tmp int, @pow int
    set @chars = RTRIM(LTRIM(@chars))
    set @len = LEN(@chars)
    set @i = 1
    set @r = 0
    while @i <= @len
        set @pow = @len - @i
        set @char = SUBSTRING(@chars, @i, 1)
        if @char = '0'
            set @tmp = 0
        else if @char = '1'
            set @tmp = 1
        else if @char = '2'
            set @tmp = 2
        else if @char = '3'
            set @tmp = 3
        else if @char = '4'
            set @tmp = 4
        else if @char = '5'
            set @tmp = 5
        else if @char = '6'
            set @tmp = 6
        else if @char = '7'
            set @tmp = 7
        else if @char = '8'
            set @tmp = 8
        else if @char = '9'
            set @tmp = 9
        else if @char = 'A'
            set @tmp = 10
        else if @char = 'B'
            set @tmp = 11
        else if @char = 'C'
            set @tmp = 12
        else if @char = 'D'
            set @tmp = 13
        else if @char = 'E'
            set @tmp = 14
        else if @char = 'F'
            set @tmp = 15
        set @r = @r + @tmp * POWER(16,@pow)
        set @i = @i + 1     
    return @r

And the second one:

if OBJECT_ID('dbo.IntToHex') is not null
    drop function dbo.IntToHex
create function dbo.IntToHex (@val int)
returns varchar(max)
    declare @r varchar(max), @tmp int, @v1 int, @v2 int, @char varchar(1)
    set @tmp = @val
    set @r = ''
    while 1=1
        set @v1 = @tmp / 16
        set @v2 = @tmp % 16
        if @v2 = 0
            set @char = '0'
        else if @v2 = 1
            set @char = '1'
        else if @v2 = 2
            set @char = '2'
        else if @v2 = 3
            set @char = '3'
        else if @v2 = 4
            set @char = '4'
        else if @v2 = 5
            set @char = '5'
        else if @v2 = 6
            set @char = '6'
        else if @v2 = 7
            set @char = '7'
        else if @v2 = 8
            set @char = '8'
        else if @v2 = 9
            set @char = '9'
        else if @v2 = 10
            set @char = 'A'
        else if @v2 = 11
            set @char = 'B'
        else if @v2 = 12
            set @char = 'C'
        else if @v2 = 13
            set @char = 'D'
        else if @v2 = 14
            set @char = 'E'
        else if @v2 = 15
            set @char = 'F'
        set @tmp = @v1 
        set @r = @char + @r
        if @tmp = 0
    return @r