[github] Is there a way to represent a directory tree in a Github README.md?

For those who want a quick solution:

There is a way to get a output to the console similar to the output from tree, by typing the following command into your terminal:

ls -R YOURFOLDER | grep ':$' | sed -e 's/:$//' -e 's/[^\/]*\//|  /g' -e 's/|  \([^|]\)/|–– \1/g' 

This alternative is mentioned in this documentation: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/tree/

Then the output can be copied and encapsuled inside a .md file with code block back tics, like mentioned in Jonathas B.C.'s answer.

But be aware that it also outputs all node modules folders in a node project. And in tree you can do something like

tree -I node_modules

to exlude the node modules folder.