[javascript] Last segment of URL in jquery

How do I get the last segment of a url? I have the following script which displays the full url of the anchor tag clicked:

$(".tag_name_goes_here").live('click', function(event)

If the url is


how do I only get it to display the "file" part of the url in the alert box?

This question is related to javascript jquery

The answer is


I believe it's safer to remove the tail slash('/') before doing substring. Because I got an empty string in my scenario.

window.alert((window.location.pathname).replace(/\/$/, "").substr((window.location.pathname.replace(/\/$/, "")).lastIndexOf('/') + 1));

// https://x.com/boo/?q=foo&s=bar = boo
// https://x.com/boo?q=foo&s=bar = boo
// https://x.com/boo/ = boo
// https://x.com/boo = boo

const segment = new 

Works for me.

window.alert(this.pathname.substr(this.pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));

Use the native pathname property because it's simplest and has already been parsed and resolved by the browser. $(this).attr("href") can return values like ../.. which would not give you the correct result.

If you need to keep the search and hash (e.g. foo?bar#baz from http://quux.com/path/to/foo?bar#baz) use this:

window.alert(this.pathname.substr(this.pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + this.search + this.hash);

You can do this with simple paths (w/0) querystrings etc.

Granted probably overly complex and probably not performant, but I wanted to use reduce for the fun of it.

    .filter(x => x !== "")
    .reduce((_, part, i, arr) => {
      if (i == arr.length - 1) return part;
    }, "");
  1. Split the string on path separators.
  2. Filter out empty string path parts (this could happen with trailing slash in path).
  3. Reduce the array of path parts to the last one.

Updated raddevus answer :

var loc = window.location.href;
loc = loc.lastIndexOf('/') == loc.length - 1 ? loc.substr(0, loc.length - 1) : loc.substr(0, loc.length + 1);
var targetValue = loc.substr(loc.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

Prints last path of url as string :

test.com/path-name = path-name

test.com/path-name/ = path-name

To get the last segment of your current window:

window.location.href.substr(window.location.href.lastIndexOf('/') +1)

var urlChunks = 'mywebsite/folder/file'.split('/');
alert(urlChunks[urlChunks.length - 1]);

var parts = 'http://mywebsite/folder/file'.split('/');_x000D_
var lastSegment = parts.pop() || parts.pop();  // handle potential trailing slash_x000D_


var url = $(this).attr("href");
var part = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

var pathname = window.location.pathname; // Returns path only
var url      = window.location.href;     // Returns full URL

Copied from this answer

If you aren't worried about generating the extra elements using the split then filter could handle the issue you mention of the trailing slash (Assuming you have browser support for filter).

url.split('/').filter(function (s) { return !!s }).pop()

Javascript has the function split associated to string object that can help you:

var url = "http://mywebsite/folder/file";
var array = url.split('/');

var lastsegment = array[array.length-1];

Returns the last segment, regardless of trailing slashes:

var val = 'http://mywebsite/folder/file//'.split('/').filter(Boolean).pop();_x000D_

Building on Frédéric's answer using only javascript:

var url = document.URL

window.alert(url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));

Or you could use a regular expression:

alert(href.replace(/.*\//, ''));

The other answers may work if the path is simple, consisting only of simple path elements. But when it contains query params as well, they break.

Better use URL object for this instead to get a more robust solution. It is a parsed interpretation of the present URL:

Input: const href = 'https://stackoverflow.com/boo?q=foo&s=bar'

const segments = new URL(href).pathname.split('/');
const last = segments.pop() || segments.pop(); // Handle potential trailing slash

Output: 'boo'

This works for all common browsers. Only our dying IE doesn't support that (and won't). For IE there is a polyfills available, though (if you care at all).

I don't really know if regex is the right way to solve this issue as it can really affect efficiency of your code, but the below regex will help you fetch the last segment and it will still give you the last segment even if the URL is followed by an empty /. The regex that I came up with is:


Get the Last Segment using RegEx

str.replace(/.*\/(\w+)\/?$/, '$1');

$1 means using the capturing group. using in RegEx (\w+) create the first group then the whole string replace with the capture group.

let str = 'http://mywebsite/folder/file';
let lastSegment = str.replace(/.*\/(\w+)\/?$/, '$1');

Just another solution with regex.

var href = location.href;

I know it is old but if you want to get this from an URL you could simply use:

document.location.pathname.substring(document.location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/.') + 1);

document.location.pathname gets the pathname from the current URL. lastIndexOf get the index of the last occurrence of the following Regex, in our case is /.. The dot means any character, thus, it will not count if the / is the last character on the URL. substring will cut the string between two indexes.

if the url is http://localhost/madukaonline/shop.php?shop=79

console.log(location.search); will bring ?shop=79

so the simplest way is to use location.search

you can lookup for more info here and here

you can first remove if there is / at the end and then get last part of url

let locationLastPart = window.location.pathname
if (locationLastPart.substring(locationLastPart.length-1) == "/") {
  locationLastPart = locationLastPart.substring(0, locationLastPart.length-1);
locationLastPart = locationLastPart.substr(locationLastPart.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

I know, it is too late, but for others: I highly recommended use PURL jquery plugin. Motivation for PURL is that url can be segmented by '#' too (example: angular.js links), i.e. url could looks like




And with PURL you can easy decide (segment/fsegment) which segment you want to get.

For "classic" last segment you could write:

    var url = $.url('http://test.com/dir/index.html?key=value');
    var lastSegment = url.segment().pop(); // index.html

// Store original location in loc like: http://test.com/one/ (ending slash)
var loc = location.href; 
// If the last char is a slash trim it, otherwise return the original loc
loc = loc.lastIndexOf('/') == (loc.length -1) ? loc.substr(0,loc.length-1) : loc.substr(0,loc.lastIndexOf('/'));
var targetValue = loc.substr(loc.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

targetValue = one

If your url looks like:






Then loc ends up looking like: http://test.com/one

Now, since you want the last item, run the next step to load the value (targetValue) you originally wanted.

var targetValue = loc.substr(loc.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

I am using regex and split:

var last_path = location.href.match(/./(.[\w])/)[1].split("#")[0].split("?")[0]

In the end it will ignore # ? & / ending urls, which happens a lot. Example:

https://cardsrealm.com/profile/cardsRealm -> Returns cardsRealm

https://cardsrealm.com/profile/cardsRealm#hello -> Returns cardsRealm

https://cardsrealm.com/profile/cardsRealm?hello -> Returns cardsRealm

https://cardsrealm.com/profile/cardsRealm/ -> Returns cardsRealm