Programs & Examples On #Sql server express

Microsoft SQL Server Express is a freely downloadable and distributable version of Microsoft's SQL Server relational database management system. It is targeted for embedded and smaller-scale applications, having a number of technical restrictions.

Connecting to SQL Server Express - What is my server name?

by default -

you can also log in to sql express using server name as:


or log in to sql server simply as


How do I fix a "Performance counter registry hive consistency" when installing SQL Server R2 Express?

Save the execution file on your desktop Make sure you note the name of your file Go to start and type cmd right click on it

select run as administrator press enter

then you something below

C:\Users\your computer name\Desktop>

If you are seeing


make sure you change it using CD

type the name of your file

C:\Users\your computer name\Desktop>the name of the file your copy.exe/ACTION=install /SKIPRULES=PerfMonCounterNotCorruptedCheck

Making a DateTime field in a database automatic?

Just right click on that column and select properties and write getdate()in Default value or image:

enter image description here

If you want do it in CodeFirst in EF you should add this attributes befor of your column definition:


this attributes can found in System.ComponentModel.Dataannotion.Schema.

In my opinion first one is better:))

Default instance name of SQL Server Express

Should be .\SQLExpress or localhost\SQLExpress no $ sign at the end

See also here

SQL Server® 2016, 2017 and 2019 Express full download

Once you start the web installer there's an option to download media, that being the full installation package. There's even download options for what kind of package to download.

How can I schedule a daily backup with SQL Server Express?

Eduardo Molteni had a great answer:

Using Windows Scheduled Tasks:

In the batch file

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.EXE" -S 
(local)\SQLExpress -i D:\dbbackups\SQLExpressBackups.sql

In SQLExpressBackups.sql

BACKUP DATABASE MyDataBase1 TO  DISK = N'D:\DBbackups\MyDataBase1.bak' 

BACKUP DATABASE MyDataBase2 TO  DISK = N'D:\DBbackups\MyDataBase2.bak' 


How do I view executed queries within SQL Server Management Studio?

More clear query, targeting Studio sql queries is :

SELECT text  FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions es
  INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections ec
      ON es.session_id = ec.session_id
  CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ec.most_recent_sql_handle) 
  where program_name like '%Query'

Delete rows from multiple tables using a single query (SQL Express 2005) with a WHERE condition

    FROM customer_details
        LEFT JOIN customer_booking on TB1.cust_id = TB2.fk_cust_id
    WHERE TB1.cust_id = $id

How can I do a BEFORE UPDATED trigger with sql server?

T-SQL supports only AFTER and INSTEAD OF triggers, it does not feature a BEFORE trigger, as found in some other RDBMSs.

I believe you will want to use an INSTEAD OF trigger.

How can I determine installed SQL Server instances and their versions?

-- T-SQL Query to find list of Instances Installed on a machine

( Value nvarchar(100),
 InstanceNames nvarchar(100),
 Data nvarchar(100))

Insert into @GetInstances
EXECUTE xp_regread
  @rootkey = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
  @key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server',
  @value_name = 'InstalledInstances'

Select InstanceNames from @GetInstances 

SQL Insert Query Using C#


String query = "INSERT INTO dbo.SMS_PW (id,username,password,email) VALUES (@id,@username, @password, @email)";
using(SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using(SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection))
    //a shorter syntax to adding parameters
    command.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.NChar).Value = "abc";

    command.Parameters.Add("@username", SqlDbType.NChar).Value = "abc";

    //a longer syntax for adding parameters
    command.Parameters.Add("@password", SqlDbType.NChar).Value = "abc";

    command.Parameters.Add("@email", SqlDbType.NChar).Value = "abc";

    //make sure you open and close(after executing) the connection

ASP.NET 4.5 has not been registered on the Web server

run visual studio in admin rights and execute following "commandaspnet_regiis -i"

SQL Server after update trigger

CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[after_update] ON [dbo].[MYTABLE]

    FROM inserted D

    SET mytable.CHANGED_ON = GETDATE()
    WHERE ID = @ID

How to create a connection string in c#

string connectionstring="DataSource=severname;InitialCatlog=databasename;Uid=; password=;"
SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection(connectionstring)

CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105)

This same problem occurs when the owners of the file have been deleted. When this happens, if you go to the file's properties, you will see a SID rather than a user name. Take ownership of the file (giving yourself FULL CONTROL). Once that is done you can do whatever you need to do with the file.

I've had this work when logging in as the administrator didn't do the trick.

Enable tcp\ip remote connections to sql server express already installed database with code or script(query)

I tested below code with SQL Server 2008 R2 Express and I believe we should have solution for all 6 steps you outlined. Let's take on them one-by-one:

1 - Enable TCP/IP

We can enable TCP/IP protocol with WMI:

set wmiComputer = GetObject( _
    "winmgmts:" _
    & "\\.\root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement10")
set tcpProtocols = wmiComputer.ExecQuery( _
    "select * from ServerNetworkProtocol " _
    & "where InstanceName = 'SQLEXPRESS' and ProtocolName = 'Tcp'")

if tcpProtocols.Count = 1 then
    ' set tcpProtocol = tcpProtocols(0)
    ' I wish this worked, but unfortunately 
    ' there's no int-indexed Item property in this type

    ' Doing this instead
    for each tcpProtocol in tcpProtocols
        dim setEnableResult
            setEnableResult = tcpProtocol.SetEnable()
            if setEnableResult <> 0 then 
                Wscript.Echo "Failed!"
            end if
end if

2 - Open the right ports in the firewall

I believe your solution will work, just make sure you specify the right port. I suggest we pick a different port than 1433 and make it a static port SQL Server Express will be listening on. I will be using 3456 in this post, but please pick a different number in the real implementation (I feel that we will see a lot of applications using 3456 soon :-)

3 - Modify TCP/IP properties enable a IP address

We can use WMI again. Since we are using static port 3456, we just need to update two properties in IPAll section: disable dynamic ports and set the listening port to 3456:

set wmiComputer = GetObject( _
    "winmgmts:" _
    & "\\.\root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement10")
set tcpProperties = wmiComputer.ExecQuery( _
    "select * from ServerNetworkProtocolProperty " _
    & "where InstanceName='SQLEXPRESS' and " _
    & "ProtocolName='Tcp' and IPAddressName='IPAll'")

for each tcpProperty in tcpProperties
    dim setValueResult, requestedValue

    if tcpProperty.PropertyName = "TcpPort" then
        requestedValue = "3456"
    elseif tcpProperty.PropertyName ="TcpDynamicPorts" then
        requestedValue = ""
    end if

    setValueResult = tcpProperty.SetStringValue(requestedValue)
    if setValueResult = 0 then 
        Wscript.Echo "" & tcpProperty.PropertyName & " set."
        Wscript.Echo "" & tcpProperty.PropertyName & " failed!"
    end if

Note that I didn't have to enable any of the individual addresses to make it work, but if it is required in your case, you should be able to extend this script easily to do so.

Just a reminder that when working with WMI, WBEMTest.exe is your best friend!

4 - Enable mixed mode authentication in sql server

I wish we could use WMI again, but unfortunately this setting is not exposed through WMI. There are two other options:

  1. Use LoginMode property of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server class, as described here.

  2. Use LoginMode value in SQL Server registry, as described in this post. Note that by default the SQL Server Express instance is named SQLEXPRESS, so for my SQL Server 2008 R2 Express instance the right registry key was HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQLServer.

5 - Change user (sa) default password

You got this one covered.

6 - Finally (connect to the instance)

Since we are using a static port assigned to our SQL Server Express instance, there's no need to use instance name in the server address anymore.

SQLCMD -U sa -P newPassword -S,3456

Please let me know if this works for you (fingers crossed!).

SQL Server Express CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'

What login are you connecting to SQL Server as? You need to connect with a login that has sufficient privileges to create a database. Network Service is probably not good enough, unless you go into SQL Server and add them as a login with sufficient rights.

Get most recent file in a directory on Linux

Presuming you don't care about hidden files that start with a .

ls -rt | tail -n 1


ls -Art | tail -n 1

How to scroll to bottom in a ScrollView on activity startup

It needs to be done as following:

    getScrollView().post(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {

This way the view is first updated and then scrolls to the "new" bottom.

Is there an "exists" function for jQuery?

I had a case where I wanted to see if an object exists inside of another so I added something to the first answer to check for a selector inside the selector..

// Checks if an object exists.
// Usage:
//     $(selector).exists()
// Or:
//     $(selector).exists(anotherSelector);
jQuery.fn.exists = function(selector) {
    return selector ? this.find(selector).length : this.length;

What is the difference between atomic / volatile / synchronized?


volatile is a keyword. volatile forces all threads to get latest value of the variable from main memory instead of cache. No locking is required to access volatile variables. All threads can access volatile variable value at same time.

Using volatile variables reduces the risk of memory consistency errors, because any write to a volatile variable establishes a happens-before relationship with subsequent reads of that same variable.

This means that changes to a volatile variable are always visible to other threads. What's more, it also means that when a thread reads a volatile variable, it sees not just the latest change to the volatile, but also the side effects of the code that led up the change.

When to use: One thread modifies the data and other threads have to read latest value of data. Other threads will take some action but they won't update data.


AtomicXXX classes support lock-free thread-safe programming on single variables. These AtomicXXX classes (like AtomicInteger) resolves memory inconsistency errors / side effects of modification of volatile variables, which have been accessed in multiple threads.

When to use: Multiple threads can read and modify data.


synchronized is keyword used to guard a method or code block. By making method as synchronized has two effects:

  1. First, it is not possible for two invocations of synchronized methods on the same object to interleave. When one thread is executing a synchronized method for an object, all other threads that invoke synchronized methods for the same object block (suspend execution) until the first thread is done with the object.

  2. Second, when a synchronized method exits, it automatically establishes a happens-before relationship with any subsequent invocation of a synchronized method for the same object. This guarantees that changes to the state of the object are visible to all threads.

When to use: Multiple threads can read and modify data. Your business logic not only update the data but also executes atomic operations

AtomicXXX is equivalent of volatile + synchronized even though the implementation is different. AmtomicXXX extends volatile variables + compareAndSet methods but does not use synchronization.

Related SE questions:

Difference between volatile and synchronized in Java

Volatile boolean vs AtomicBoolean

Good articles to read: ( Above content is taken from these documentation pages)

Unable to login to SQL Server + SQL Server Authentication + Error: 18456

After enabling "SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode"(check above answers on how to), navigate to the following.

  1. Computer Mangement(in Start Menu)
  2. Services And Applications
  3. SQL Server Configuration Manager
  4. SQL Server Network Configuration
  5. Protocols for MSSQLSERVER
  6. Right click on TCP/IP and Enable it.

Finally restart the SQL Server.

How to check task status in Celery?

Answer of 2020:

def mytask(arg1):

def sleeper(arg1):
    process = mytask.apply_async(args=(arg1,)) #mytask.delay(arg1)
    state = process.state
    return f"Thanks for your patience, your job {process.task_id} \
             is being processed. Status {state}"

babel-loader jsx SyntaxError: Unexpected token

Add "babel-preset-react"

npm install babel-preset-react

and add "presets" option to babel-loader in your webpack.config.js

(or you can add it to your .babelrc or package.js:

Here is an example webpack.config.js:

    test: /\.jsx?$/,         // Match both .js and .jsx files
    exclude: /node_modules/, 
    loader: "babel", 

Recently Babel 6 was released and there was a major change:

If you are using react 0.14, you should use ReactDOM.render() (from require('react-dom')) instead of React.render():


Rule.query has already been deprecated in favour of Rule.options. Usage in webpack 4 is as follows:

npm install babel-loader babel-preset-react

Then in your webpack configuration (as an entry in the module.rules array in the module.exports object)

    test: /\.jsx?$/,
    exclude: /node_modules/,
    use: [
        loader: 'babel-loader',
        options: {
          presets: ['react']

Change hash without reload in jQuery

You can simply assign it a new value as follows,


How do I call ::CreateProcess in c++ to launch a Windows executable?

There is an example at

Just replace the argv[1] with your constant or variable containing the program.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>

void _tmain( int argc, TCHAR *argv[] )

    ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) );
    si.cb = sizeof(si);
    ZeroMemory( &pi, sizeof(pi) );

    if( argc != 2 )
        printf("Usage: %s [cmdline]\n", argv[0]);

    // Start the child process. 
    if( !CreateProcess( NULL,   // No module name (use command line)
        argv[1],        // Command line
        NULL,           // Process handle not inheritable
        NULL,           // Thread handle not inheritable
        FALSE,          // Set handle inheritance to FALSE
        0,              // No creation flags
        NULL,           // Use parent's environment block
        NULL,           // Use parent's starting directory 
        &si,            // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
        &pi )           // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
        printf( "CreateProcess failed (%d).\n", GetLastError() );

    // Wait until child process exits.
    WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, INFINITE );

    // Close process and thread handles. 
    CloseHandle( pi.hProcess );
    CloseHandle( pi.hThread );

How to escape single quotes within single quoted strings

Since one cannot put single quotes within single quoted strings, the simplest and most readable option is to use a HEREDOC string

command=$(cat <<'COMMAND'
urxvt -fg '#111111' -bg '#111111'

alias rxvt=$command

In the code above, the HEREDOC is sent to the cat command and the output of that is assigned to a variable via the command substitution notation $(..)

Putting a single quote around the HEREDOC is needed since it is within a $()

Java NoSuchAlgorithmException - SunJSSE,$DefaultSSLContext

I had the similar issue. The problem was in the passwords: the Keystore and private key used different passwords. (KeyStore explorer was used)

After creating Keystore with the same password as private key had the issue was resolved.

How should the ViewModel close the form?

I implemented Joe White's solution, but ran into problems with occasional "DialogResult can be set only after Window is created and shown as dialog" errors.

I was keeping the ViewModel around after the View was closed and occasionally I later opened a new View using the same VM. It appears that closing the new View before the old View had been garbage collected resulted in DialogResultChanged trying to set the DialogResult property on the closed window, thus provoking the error.

My solution was to change DialogResultChanged to check the window's IsLoaded property:

private static void DialogResultChanged(
    DependencyObject d,
    DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    var window = d as Window;
    if (window != null && window.IsLoaded)
        window.DialogResult = e.NewValue as bool?;

After making this change any attachments to closed dialogs are ignored.

Run javascript script (.js file) in mongodb including another file inside js

for running mutilple js files

cd /root/migrate/

ls -1 *.js | sed 's/.js$//' | while read name; do
     start=`date +%s`
     mongo localhost:27017/wbars $name.js;
     end=`date +%s`
     runtime=$(printf '%dh:%dm:%ds\n' $(($runtime1/3600)) $(($secs%3600/60)) $(($secs%60)))
     echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@ $runtime $name.js completed @@@@@@@@@@@
     echo "$name.js completed"
     echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
     echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
     echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

Create table using Javascript

This is how to loop through a javascript object and put the data into a table, code modified from @Vanuan's answer.

    function createTable(objectArray, fields, fieldTitles) {_x000D_
      let body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];_x000D_
      let tbl = document.createElement('table');_x000D_
      let thead = document.createElement('thead');_x000D_
      let thr = document.createElement('tr');_x000D_
      for (p in objectArray[0]){_x000D_
        let th = document.createElement('th');_x000D_
      let tbdy = document.createElement('tbody');_x000D_
      let tr = document.createElement('tr');_x000D_
      objectArray.forEach((object) => {_x000D_
        let n = 0;_x000D_
        let tr = document.createElement('tr');_x000D_
        for (p in objectArray[0]){_x000D_
          var td = document.createElement('td');_x000D_
          td.setAttribute("style","border: 1px solid green");_x000D_
        tbdy.appendChild(tr);    _x000D_
      return tbl;_x000D_
                  {name: 'Banana', price: '3.04'}, // k[0]_x000D_
                  {name: 'Orange', price: '2.56'},  // k[1]_x000D_
                  {name: 'Apple', price: '1.45'}_x000D_

Python: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

Python don't have a great support for recursion because of it's lack of TRE (Tail Recursion Elimination).

This means that each call to your recursive function will create a function call stack and because there is a limit of stack depth (by default is 1000) that you can check out by sys.getrecursionlimit (of course you can change it using sys.setrecursionlimit but it's not recommended) your program will end up by crashing when it hits this limit.

As other answer has already give you a much nicer way for how to solve this in your case (which is to replace recursion by simple loop) there is another solution if you still want to use recursion which is to use one of the many recipes of implementing TRE in python like this one.

N.B: My answer is meant to give you more insight on why you get the error, and I'm not advising you to use the TRE as i already explained because in your case a loop will be much better and easy to read.

Allow 2 decimal places in <input type="number">

Step 1: Hook your HTML number input box to an onchange event

myHTMLNumberInput.onchange = setTwoNumberDecimal;

or in the HTML code

<input type="number" onchange="setTwoNumberDecimal" min="0" max="10" step="0.25" value="0.00" />

Step 2: Write the setTwoDecimalPlace method

function setTwoNumberDecimal(event) {
    this.value = parseFloat(this.value).toFixed(2);

You can alter the number of decimal places by varying the value passed into the toFixed() method. See MDN docs.

toFixed(2); // 2 decimal places
toFixed(4); // 4 decimal places
toFixed(0); // integer

How to define servlet filter order of execution using annotations in WAR

The Servlet 3.0 spec doesn't seem to provide a hint on how a container should order filters that have been declared via annotations. It is clear how about how to order filters via their declaration in the web.xml file, though.

Be safe. Use the web.xml file order filters that have interdependencies. Try to make your filters all order independent to minimize the need to use a web.xml file.

How can I use MS Visual Studio for Android Development?

From the Android documentation:

The recommended way to develop an Android application is to use Eclipse with the ADT plugin... However, if you'd rather develop your application in another IDE, such as IntelliJ, or in a basic editor, such as Emacs, you can do that instead.

Currently, there are plug-ins for IntelliJ IDEA and NetBeans, but you can still use the tools in /tools to build, debug, monitor, measure and start the emulator.

Reading HTTP headers in a Spring REST controller

The error that you get does not seem to be related to the RequestHeader.

And you seem to be confusing Spring REST services with JAX-RS, your method signature should be something like:

@RequestMapping(produces = "application/json", method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "data")
public ResponseEntity<Data> getData(@RequestHeader(value="User-Agent") String userAgent, @RequestParam(value = "ID", defaultValue = "") String id) {
    // your code goes here

And your REST class should have annotations like:


Regarding the actual question, another way to get HTTP headers is to insert the HttpServletRequest into your method and then get the desired header from there.


@RequestMapping(produces = "application/json", method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "data")
public ResponseEntity<Data> getData(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam(value = "ID", defaultValue = "") String id) {
    String userAgent = request.getHeader("user-agent");

Don't worry about the injection of the HttpServletRequest because Spring does that magic for you ;)

Scraping html tables into R data frames using the XML package

Another option using Xpath.


theurl <- ""
webpage <- getURL(theurl)
webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(webpage)); close(tc)

pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){}, useInternalNodes = TRUE)

# Extract table header and contents
tablehead <- xpathSApply(pagetree, "//*/table[@class='wikitable sortable']/tr/th", xmlValue)
results <- xpathSApply(pagetree, "//*/table[@class='wikitable sortable']/tr/td", xmlValue)

# Convert character vector to dataframe
content <-, ncol = 8, byrow = TRUE))

# Clean up the results
content[,1] <- gsub(" ", "", content[,1])
tablehead <- gsub(" ", "", tablehead)
names(content) <- tablehead

Produces this result

> head(content)
   Opponent Played Won Drawn Lost Goals for Goals against % Won
1 Argentina     94  36    24   34       148           150 38.3%
2  Paraguay     72  44    17   11       160            61 61.1%
3   Uruguay     72  33    19   20       127            93 45.8%
4     Chile     64  45    12    7       147            53 70.3%
5      Peru     39  27     9    3        83            27 69.2%
6    Mexico     36  21     6    9        69            34 58.3%

Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component VS2012 when debugging

I just encountered this same issue. Turned out the Project URL on the Web property sheet was malformed.

I had just removed a port number, forgot to delete the preceding colon and tried running with: http://localhost:/XYZ

Seems like lots of different issues result in this error message.

Laravel Eloquent groupBy() AND also return count of each group

This works for me (Laravel 5.1):

$user_info = Usermeta::groupBy('browser')->select('browser', DB::raw('count(*) as total'))->get();

Get names of all files from a folder with Ruby

this code returns only filenames with their extension (without a global path)


Dynamically add script tag with src that may include document.write

Here is a minified snippet, same code as Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel uses:


Replace with your script path.

sendKeys() in Selenium web driver

Try using Robot class in java for pressing TAB key. Use the below code.

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//label[text()='User Name:']/following::div/input")).sendKeys("UserName");

Robot robot = new Robot();

How to sign an android apk file

Here is a guide on how to manually sign an APK. It includes info about the new apk-signer introduced in build-tools 24.0.3 (10/2016)

Automated Process:

Use this tool (uses the new apksigner from Google):

Disclaimer: Im the developer :)

Manual Process:

Step 1: Generate Keystore (only once)

You need to generate a keystore once and use it to sign your unsigned apk. Use the keytool provided by the JDK found in %JAVA_HOME%/bin/

keytool -genkey -v -keystore my.keystore -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias app

Step 2 or 4: Zipalign

zipalign which is a tool provided by the Android SDK found in e.g. %ANDROID_HOME%/sdk/build-tools/24.0.2/ is a mandatory optimzation step if you want to upload the apk to the Play Store.

zipalign -p 4 my.apk my-aligned.apk

Note: when using the old jarsigner you need to zipalign AFTER signing. When using the new apksigner method you do it BEFORE signing (confusing, I know). Invoking zipalign before apksigner works fine because apksigner preserves APK alignment and compression (unlike jarsigner).

You can verify the alignment with

zipalign -c 4 my-aligned.apk

Step 3: Sign & Verify

Using build-tools 24.0.2 and older

Use jarsigner which, like the keytool, comes with the JDK distribution found in %JAVA_HOME%/bin/ and use it like so:

jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my.keystore my-app.apk my_alias_name

and can be verified with

jarsigner -verify -verbose my_application.apk

Using build-tools 24.0.3 and newer

Android 7.0 introduces APK Signature Scheme v2, a new app-signing scheme that offers faster app install times and more protection against unauthorized alterations to APK files (See here and here for more details). Threfore Google implemented their own apk signer called apksigner (duh!) The script file can be found in %ANDROID_HOME%/sdk/build-tools/24.0.3/ (the .jar is in the /lib subfolder). Use it like this

apksigner sign --ks my.keystore my-app.apk --ks-key-alias alias_name

and can be verified with

apksigner verify my-app.apk

The official documentation can be found here.

Find unused npm packages in package.json

fiskeben wrote:

The downside is that it's not fully automatic, i.e. it doesn't extract package names from package.json and check them. You need to do this for each package yourself.

Let's make Fiskeben's answer automated if for whatever reason depcheck is not working properly! (E.g. I tried it with Typescript and it gave unnecessary parsing errors)

For parsing package.json we can use the software jq. The below shell script requires a directory name where to start.



find . \
    -path ./node_modules -prune -or \
    -path ./build -prune -or \
    \( -name "*.ts" -or -name "*.js" -or -name "*.json" \) -print > $FILES

function check {
    cat package.json \
        | jq "{} + .$1 | keys" \
        | sed -n 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p' > $PACKAGES

    echo "--------------------------"
    echo "Checking $1..."
    while read PACKAGE
        RES=$(cat $FILES | xargs -I {} egrep -i "(import|require).*['\"]$PACKAGE[\"']" '{}' | wc -l)
        if [ $RES = 0 ]
            echo -e "UNUSED\t\t $PACKAGE"
            echo -e "USED ($RES)\t $PACKAGE"
    done < $PACKAGES

check "dependencies"
check "devDependencies"
check "peerDependencies"

First it creates two temporary files where we can cache package names and files.

It starts with the find command. The first and second line make it ignore the node_modules and build folders (or whatever you want). The third line contains allowed extensions, you can add more here e.g. JSX or JSON files.

A function will read dependendy types.

First it cats the package.json. Then, jq gets the required dependency group. ({} + is there so that it won't throw an error if e.g. there are no peer dependencies in the file.)

After that, sed extracts the parts between the quotes, the package name. -n and .../p tells it to print the matching parts and nothing else from jq's JSON output. Then we read this list of package names into a while loop.

RES is the number of occurrences of the package name in quotes. Right now it's import/require ... 'package'/"package". It does the job for most cases.

Then we simply count the number of result lines then print the result.


  • Won't find files in different imports e.g. tsconfig.json files (lib option)
  • You have to grep manually for only ^USED and UNUSED files.
  • It's slow for large projects - shell scripts often don't scale well. But hopefully you won't be running this many times.

Syntax error on print with Python 3

In Python 3, print became a function. This means that you need to include parenthesis now like mentioned below:

print("Hello World")

Storing JSON in database vs. having a new column for each key

the drawback of the approach is exactly what you mentioned :

it makes it VERY slow to find things, since each time you need to perform a text-search on it.

value per column instead matches the whole string.

Your approach (JSON based data) is fine for data you don't need to search by, and just need to display along with your normal data.

Edit: Just to clarify, the above goes for classic relational databases. NoSQL use JSON internally, and are probably a better option if that is the desired behavior.

Difference between string and text in rails?

The accepted answer is awesome, it properly explains the difference between string vs text (mostly the limit size in the database, but there are a few other gotchas), but I wanted to point out a small issue that got me through it as that answer didn't completely do it for me.

The max size :limit => 1 to 4294967296 didn't work exactly as put, I needed to go -1 from that max size. I'm storing large JSON blobs and they might be crazy huge sometimes.

Here's my migration with the larger value in place with the value MySQL doesn't complain about.

Note the 5 at the end of the limit instead of 6

class ChangeUserSyncRecordDetailsToText < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
  def up
    change_column :user_sync_records, :details, :text, :limit => 4294967295

  def down
    change_column :user_sync_records, :details, :string, :limit => 1000

Is it possible to have placeholders in strings.xml for runtime values?

Formatting and Styling

Yes, see the following from String Resources: Formatting and Styling

If you need to format your strings using String.format(String, Object...), then you can do so by putting your format arguments in the string resource. For example, with the following resource:

<string name="welcome_messages">Hello, %1$s! You have %2$d new messages.</string>

In this example, the format string has two arguments: %1$s is a string and %2$d is a decimal number. You can format the string with arguments from your application like this:

Resources res = getResources();
String text = String.format(res.getString(R.string.welcome_messages), username, mailCount);

Basic Usage

Note that getString has an overload that uses the string as a format string:

String text = res.getString(R.string.welcome_messages, username, mailCount);


If you need to handle plurals, use this:

<plurals name="welcome_messages">
    <item quantity="one">Hello, %1$s! You have a new message.</item>
    <item quantity="other">Hello, %1$s! You have %2$d new messages.</item>

The first mailCount param is used to decide which format to use (single or plural), the other params are your substitutions:

Resources res = getResources();
String text = res.getQuantityString(R.plurals.welcome_messages, mailCount, username, mailCount);

See String Resources: Plurals for more details.

Matching strings with wildcard

It is necessary to take into consideration, that Regex IsMatch gives true with XYZ, when checking match with Y*. To avoid it, I use "^" anchor

isMatch(str1, "^" + str2.Replace("*", ".*?"));  

So, full code to solve your problem is

    bool isMatchStr(string str1, string str2)
        string s1 = str1.Replace("*", ".*?");
        string s2 = str2.Replace("*", ".*?");
        bool r1 = Regex.IsMatch(s1, "^" + s2);
        bool r2 = Regex.IsMatch(s2, "^" + s1);
        return r1 || r2;

Why did I get the compile error "Use of unassigned local variable"?

See this thread concerning uninitialized bools, but it should answer your question.

Local variables are not initialized unless you call their constructors (new) or assign them a value.

Fastest way to check if a string is JSON in PHP?

Answer to the Question

The function json_last_error returns the last error occurred during the JSON encoding and decoding. So the fastest way to check the valid JSON is

// decode the JSON data
// set second parameter boolean TRUE for associative array output.
$result = json_decode($json);

if (json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
    // JSON is valid

// OR this is equivalent

if (json_last_error() === 0) {
    // JSON is valid

Note that json_last_error is supported in PHP >= 5.3.0 only.

Full program to check the exact ERROR

It is always good to know the exact error during the development time. Here is full program to check the exact error based on PHP docs.

function json_validate($string)
    // decode the JSON data
    $result = json_decode($string);

    // switch and check possible JSON errors
    switch (json_last_error()) {
        case JSON_ERROR_NONE:
            $error = ''; // JSON is valid // No error has occurred
        case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH:
            $error = 'The maximum stack depth has been exceeded.';
            $error = 'Invalid or malformed JSON.';
        case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR:
            $error = 'Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded.';
        case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX:
            $error = 'Syntax error, malformed JSON.';
        // PHP >= 5.3.3
        case JSON_ERROR_UTF8:
            $error = 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded.';
        // PHP >= 5.5.0
            $error = 'One or more recursive references in the value to be encoded.';
        // PHP >= 5.5.0
        case JSON_ERROR_INF_OR_NAN:
            $error = 'One or more NAN or INF values in the value to be encoded.';
            $error = 'A value of a type that cannot be encoded was given.';
            $error = 'Unknown JSON error occured.';

    if ($error !== '') {
        // throw the Exception or exit // or whatever :)

    // everything is OK
    return $result;

Testing with Valid JSON INPUT

$json = '[{"user_id":13,"username":"stack"},{"user_id":14,"username":"over"}]';
$output = json_validate($json);


    [0] => stdClass Object
            [user_id] => 13
            [username] => stack

    [1] => stdClass Object
            [user_id] => 14
            [username] => over

Testing with invalid JSON

$json = '{background-color:yellow;color:#000;padding:10px;width:650px;}';
$output = json_validate($json);

Invalid OUTPUT

Syntax error, malformed JSON.

Extra note for (PHP >= 5.2 && PHP < 5.3.0)

Since json_last_error is not supported in PHP 5.2, you can check if the encoding or decoding returns boolean FALSE. Here is an example

// decode the JSON data
$result = json_decode($json);
if ($result === FALSE) {
    // JSON is invalid

Hope this is helpful. Happy Coding!

How to examine processes in OS X's Terminal?

Try the top command. It's an interactive command that will display the running processes.

You may also use the Apple's "Activity Monitor" application (located in /Applications/Utilities/).

It provides an actually quite nice GUI. You can see all the running processes, filter them by users, get extended informations about them (CPU, memory, network, etc), monitor them, etc...

Probably your best choice, unless you want to stick with the terminal (in such a case, read the top or ps manual, as those commands have a bunch of options).

The endpoint reference (EPR) for the Operation not found is

This can be solved by disabling validation

    <!-- . . . -->
    <parameter name="disableOperationValidation">true</parameter>

Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:crashlyticsStoreDeobsDebug' if I enable the proguard

I had the same issue a few days ago and I found this thread Twitter Developer Forum that points to some incompatibility with versions of gradle/build-tools/crashalics.

My problem was slightly different from yours as I'm not using alpha-3 I'm using 1.5. But on my update I also changed to the latest gradle distribution

So probably/maybe you can fix it by changing to the latest gradle version. But If it does not work, you'll really have to be patient and wait until build tools V2.0 is not in alpha anymore OR the Crashalitycs team, fix the incompatibility.

what does "dead beef" mean?

It's a made up expression using only the letters A-F, often used when a recognisable hexadecimal number is required. Some systems use it for various purposes such as showing memory which has been freed and should not be referenced again. In a debugger this value showing up could be a sign that you have made an error. From Wikipedia:

0xDEADBEEF ("dead beef") is used by IBM RS/6000 systems, Mac OS on 32-bit PowerPC processors and the Commodore Amiga as a magic debug value. On Sun Microsystems' Solaris, it marks freed kernel memory. On OpenVMS running on Alpha processors, DEAD_BEEF can be seen by pressing CTRL-T.

The number 0xDEADBEEF is equal to the less recognisable decimal number 3735928559 (unsigned) or -559038737 (signed).

Auto-refreshing div with jQuery - setTimeout or another method?

$(document).ready(function() {
  $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false }); // This part addresses an IE bug.  without it, IE will only load the first number and will never refresh
  setInterval(function() {
  }, 3000); // the "3000" 

Spring JUnit: How to Mock autowired component in autowired component

Spring Boot 1.4 introduced testing annotation called @MockBean. So now mocking and spying on Spring beans is natively supported by Spring Boot.

How do I make a list of data frames?

You can also access specific columns and values in each list element with [ and [[. Here are a couple of examples. First, we can access only the first column of each data frame in the list with lapply(ldf, "[", 1), where 1 signifies the column number.

ldf <- list(d1 = d1, d2 = d2)  ## create a named list of your data frames
lapply(ldf, "[", 1)
# $d1
#   y1
# 1  1
# 2  2
# 3  3
# $d2
#   y1
# 1  3
# 2  2
# 3  1

Similarly, we can access the first value in the second column with

lapply(ldf, "[", 1, 2)
# $d1
# [1] 4
# $d2
# [1] 6

Then we can also access the column values directly, as a vector, with [[

lapply(ldf, "[[", 1)
# $d1
# [1] 1 2 3
# $d2
# [1] 3 2 1

How to secure phpMyAdmin

In newer versions of phpMyAdmin access permissions for user-names + ip-addresses can be set up inside the phpMyAdmin's file. This is a much better and more robust method of restricting access (over hard-coding URLs and IP addresses into Apache's httpd.conf).

Here is a full example of how to switch to white-listing all users (no one outside this list will be allowed access), and also how to restrict user root to the local system and network only.

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] = 'deny,allow';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules'] = array(
    'deny % from all', // deny everyone by default, then -

    'allow % from', // allow all local users
    'allow % from ::1',

    //'allow % from SERVER_ADDRESS', // allow all from server IP

    // allow user:root access from these locations (local network)
    'allow root from localhost',
    'allow root from',
    'allow root from',
    'allow root from',
    'allow root from',

    'allow root from ::1',

    // add more usernames and their IP (or IP ranges) here -    

Source: How to Install and Secure phpMyAdmin on localhost for Windows

This gives you much more fine-grained access restrictions than Apache's URL permissions or an .htaccess file can provide, at the MySQL user name level.

Make sure that the user you are login in with, has its MySQL Host: field set to or ::1, as phpMyAdmin and MySQL are on the same system.

No restricted globals

Perhaps you could try passing location into the component as a prop. Below I use ...otherProps. This is the spread operator, and is valid but unneccessary if you passed in your props explicitly it's just there as a place holder for demonstration purposes. Also, research destructuring to understand where ({ location }) came from.

import React from 'react';
import withRouter from 'react-router-dom';

const MyComponent = ({ location, ...otherProps }) => (whatever you want to render)

export withRouter(MyComponent);

Ignore Typescript Errors "property does not exist on value of type"

There are several ways to handle this problem. If this object is related to some external library, the best solution would be to find the actual definitions file (great repository here) for that library and reference it, e.g.:

/// <reference path="/path/to/jquery.d.ts" >

Of course, this doesn't apply in many cases.

If you want to 'override' the type system, try the following:

declare var y;

This will let you make any calls you want on var y.

From inside of a Docker container, how do I connect to the localhost of the machine?

Here is my solution : it works for my case

  • set local mysql server to public access by comment #bind-address = in /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d

  • restart mysql server sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

  • run the following command to open user root access any host mysql -uroot -proot GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'root' WITH GRANT OPTION; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

  • create sh script :


    HOSTIP=`ip -4 addr show scope global dev eth0 | grep inet | awk '{print \$2}' | cut -d / -f 1`

      docker run -it -d --name web-app \
                  --add-host=local:${HOSTIP} \
                  -p 8080:8080 \
                  -e DATABASE_HOST=${HOSTIP} \
                  -e DATABASE_PORT=3306 \
                  -e DATABASE_NAME=demo \
                  -e DATABASE_USER=root \
                  -e DATABASE_PASSWORD=root \

  • run with docker-composer

    version: '2.1'

    tomcatwar: extra_hosts: - "local:" image: sopheamak/springboot_docker_mysql
    ports: - 8080:8080 environment: - DATABASE_HOST=local - DATABASE_USER=root - DATABASE_PASSWORD=root - DATABASE_NAME=demo - DATABASE_PORT=3306

How can I get the last day of the month in C#?

public static class DateTimeExtensions
    public static DateTime LastDayOfMonth(this DateTime date)
        return date.AddDays(1-(date.Day)).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

What is the boundary in multipart/form-data?

multipart/form-data contains boundary to separate name/value pairs. The boundary acts like a marker of each chunk of name/value pairs passed when a form gets submitted. The boundary is automatically added to a content-type of a request header.

The form with enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute will have a request header Content-Type : multipart/form-data; boundary --- WebKit193844043-h (browser generated vaue).

The payload passed looks something like this:

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

    Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”file”; filename=”captcha”

    Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”action”


On the webservice side, it's consumed in @Consumes("multipart/form-data") form.

Beware, when testing your webservice using chrome postman, you need to check the form data option(radio button) and File menu from the dropdown box to send attachment. Explicit provision of content-type as multipart/form-data throws an error. Because boundary is missing as it overrides the curl request of post man to server with content-type by appending the boundary which works fine.

See RFC1341 sec7.2 The Multipart Content-Type

How to improve Netbeans performance?

If its on a corporate machine - make sure that the caches aren't stored on the network

Move all files except one

This could be simpler and easy to remember and it works for me.

mv $(ls ~/folder | grep -v ~/folder/exclude.png) ~/destination

"FATAL: Module not found error" using modprobe

The best thing is to actually use the kernel makefile to install the module:

Here is are snippets to add to your Makefile

around the top add:

PWD=$(shell pwd)
VER=$(shell uname -r)
# Later if you want to package the module binary you can provide an INSTALL_ROOT
# INSTALL_ROOT=/tmp/install-root

around the end add:

        $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_BUILD) M=$(PWD) \
           INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$(INSTALL_ROOT) modules_install

and then you can issue

    sudo make install

this will put it either in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/

or /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/misc/

and run depmod appropriately

Changing CSS for last <li>

If you know there are three li's in the list you're looking at, for example, you could do this:

li + li + li { /* Selects third to last li */

In IE6 you can use expressions:

li {
    color: expression(this.previousSibling ? 'red' : 'green'); /* 'green' if last child */

I would recommend using a specialized class or Javascript (not IE6 expressions), though, until the :last-child selector gets better support.

Xampp localhost/dashboard

Here's what's actually happening localhost means that you want to open htdocs. First it will search for any file named index.php or index.html. If one of those exist it will open the file. If neither of those exist then it will open all folder/file inside htdocs directory which is what you want.

So, the simplest solution is to rename index.php or index.html to index2.php etc.

Push JSON Objects to array in localStorage

var arr = [ 'a', 'b', 'c'];
arr.push('d'); // insert as last item

Bootstrap NavBar with left, center or right aligned items

I needed something similar (left, center and right aligned items), but with ability to mark centered items as active. What worked for me was:

<nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">
  <div class="navbar-header">
    <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">
      <span class="icon-bar"></span>
      <span class="icon-bar"></span>
      <span class="icon-bar"></span>
  <div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
    <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
      <li class="navbar-left"><a href="#">Left 1</a></li>
      <li class="navbar-left"><a href="#">Left 2</a></li>
      <li class="active"><a href="#">Center 1</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Center 2</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Center 3</a></li>
      <li class="navbar-right"><a href="#">Right 1</a></li>
      <li class="navbar-right"><a href="#">Right 2</a></li>


@media (min-width: 768px) {
  .navbar-nav {
    width: 100%;
    text-align: center;
  .navbar-nav > li {
    float: none;
    display: inline-block;
  .navbar-nav > li.navbar-right {
    float: right !important;

Argument Exception "Item with Same Key has already been added"

This error is fairly self-explanatory. Dictionary keys are unique and you cannot have more than one of the same key. To fix this, you should modify your code like so:

Dictionary<string, string> rct3Features = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Dictionary<string, string> rct4Features = new Dictionary<string, string>();

foreach (string line in rct3Lines) 
    string[] items = line.Split(new String[] { " " }, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);

    if (!rct3Features.ContainsKey(items[0]))
        rct3Features.Add(items[0], items[1]);

    ////To print out the dictionary (to see if it works)
    //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in rct3Features)
    //    Console.WriteLine(item.Key + " " + item.Value);

This simple if statement ensures that you are only attempting to add a new entry to the Dictionary when the Key (items[0]) is not already present.

Combine two pandas Data Frames (join on a common column)

You can use merge to combine two dataframes into one:

import pandas as pd
pd.merge(restaurant_ids_dataframe, restaurant_review_frame, on='business_id', how='outer')

where on specifies field name that exists in both dataframes to join on, and how defines whether its inner/outer/left/right join, with outer using 'union of keys from both frames (SQL: full outer join).' Since you have 'star' column in both dataframes, this by default will create two columns star_x and star_y in the combined dataframe. As @DanAllan mentioned for the join method, you can modify the suffixes for merge by passing it as a kwarg. Default is suffixes=('_x', '_y'). if you wanted to do something like star_restaurant_id and star_restaurant_review, you can do:

 pd.merge(restaurant_ids_dataframe, restaurant_review_frame, on='business_id', how='outer', suffixes=('_restaurant_id', '_restaurant_review'))

The parameters are explained in detail in this link.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Note the failing URL:

Failed ... http://localhost:8080/RetailSmart/jsp/Jquery/jquery.multiselect.css

Now examine one of your links:

<link href="../Jquery/jquery.multiselect.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

The "../" is shorthand for "The containing directory", or "Up one directory". This is a relative URL. At a guess, you have a file in /jsp/<somefolder>/ which contains the <link /> and <style /> elements.

I recommend using an absolute URL:

<link href="/RetailSmart/Jquery/jquery.multiselect.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

The reason for using an absolute url is that I'm guessing the links are contained in some common file. If you attempt to correct your relative pathing by adding a second "../", you may break any files contained in /jsp.

Is 'bool' a basic datatype in C++?

bool is a fundamental datatype in C++. Converting true to an integer type will yield 1, and converting false will yield 0 (4.5/4 and 4.7/4). In C, until C99, there was no bool datatype, and people did stuff like

enum bool {
    false, true

So did the Windows API. Starting with C99, we have _Bool as a basic data type. Including stdbool.h will typedef #define that to bool and provide the constants true and false. They didn't make bool a basic data-type (and thus a keyword) because of compatibility issues with existing code.

Elegant Python function to convert CamelCase to snake_case?

''.join('_'+c.lower() if c.isupper() else c for c in "DeathToCamelCase").strip('_')
re.sub("(.)([A-Z])", r'\1_\2', 'DeathToCamelCase').lower()

Sending emails with Javascript

You can use this free service:

  1. Include the script:

<script src=""></script>

  1. Send an email using:
  "[email protected]",
  "[email protected]",
  "This is a subject",
  "this is the body",

Can I set the cookies to be used by a WKWebView?

Below code is work well in my project Swift5. try load url by WKWebView below:

    private func loadURL(urlString: String) {
        let url = URL(string: urlString)
        guard let urlToLoad = url else { fatalError("Cannot find any URL") }

        // Cookies configuration
        var urlRequest = URLRequest(url: urlToLoad)
        if let cookies = HTTPCookieStorage.shared.cookies(for: urlToLoad) {
            let headers = HTTPCookie.requestHeaderFields(with: cookies)
            for header in headers { urlRequest.addValue(header.value, forHTTPHeaderField: header.key) }


push multiple elements to array

var a=[];


jQuery show/hide options from one select drop down, when option on other select dropdown is slected

How about:


$("#column_select").change(function () {
        .not("option[value*='" + this.value + "']").hide();



(assuming the third option should have a value col3)



  • Use the .change() event to define an event handler that executes when the value of select#column_select changes.
  • .show() all options in the second select.
  • .hide() all options in the second select whose value does not contain the value of the selected option in select#column_select, using the attribute contains selector.

Map a 2D array onto a 1D array

You need to decide whether the array elements will be stored in row order or column order and then be consistent about it.

The C language uses row order for Multidimensional arrays

To simulate this with a single dimensional array, you multiply the row index by the width, and add the column index thus:

 int array[width * height];

 int SetElement(int row, int col, int value)
    array[width * row + col] = value;  

How to generate javadoc comments in Android Studio

i recommendated Dokka for geneate javadoc with comment and more

Check/Uncheck a checkbox on datagridview

The code bellow allows the user to un-/check the checkboxes in the DataGridView, if the Cells are created in code

private void gvData_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
    DataGridViewCheckBoxCell chk = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)gvData.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0];

    if (chk.Value == chk.TrueValue)
        gvData.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value = chk.FalseValue;
        gvData.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value = chk.TrueValue;


Update query using Subquery in Sql Server

you can join both tables even on UPDATE statements,

SET     a.marks = b.marks
FROM    tempDataView a
        INNER JOIN tempData b
            ON a.Name = b.Name

for faster performance, define an INDEX on column marks on both tables.


UPDATE  tempDataView 
SET     marks = 
          SELECT marks 
          FROM tempData b 
          WHERE tempDataView.Name = b.Name

How to use log4net in core 2.0

I've figured out what the issue is the namespace is ambigious in the loggerFactory.AddLog4Net(). Here is a brief summary of how I added log4Net to my Asp.Net Core project.

  1. Add the nugget package Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Log4Net.AspNetCore
  2. Add the log4net.config file in your root application folder

  3. Open the Startup.cs file and change the Configure method to add log4net support with this line loggerFactory.AddLog4Net

First you have to import the package using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using the using statement

Here is the entire method, you have to prefix the ILoggerFactory interface with the namespace

 public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, NorthwindContext context, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)

R: "Unary operator error" from multiline ggplot2 command

Try to consolidate the syntax in a single line. this will clear the error

mysql delete under safe mode

Googling around, the popular answer seems to be "just turn off safe mode":

DELETE FROM instructor WHERE salary BETWEEN 13000 AND 15000;

If I'm honest, I can't say I've ever made a habit of running in safe mode. Still, I'm not entirely comfortable with this answer since it just assumes you should go change your database config every time you run into a problem.

So, your second query is closer to the mark, but hits another problem: MySQL applies a few restrictions to subqueries, and one of them is that you can't modify a table while selecting from it in a subquery.

Quoting from the MySQL manual, Restrictions on Subqueries:

In general, you cannot modify a table and select from the same table in a subquery. For example, this limitation applies to statements of the following forms:

UPDATE t ... WHERE col = (SELECT ... FROM t ...);

Exception: The preceding prohibition does not apply if you are using a subquery for the modified table in the FROM clause. Example:

UPDATE t ... WHERE col = (SELECT * FROM (SELECT ... FROM t...) AS _t ...);

Here the result from the subquery in the FROM clause is stored as a temporary table, so the relevant rows in t have already been selected by the time the update to t takes place.

That last bit is your answer. Select target IDs in a temporary table, then delete by referencing the IDs in that table:

DELETE FROM instructor WHERE id IN (
    SELECT id FROM instructor WHERE salary BETWEEN 13000 AND 15000
  ) AS temp

SQLFiddle demo.

Float to String format specifier

In C#, float is an alias for System.Single (a bit like intis an alias for System.Int32).

Error: Cannot find module 'ejs'

i had the same problem. So i did the following and it worked for me.


  1. run " npm init " in the project directory if not already done.
  2. install ejs and express as follows:

npm install ejs --save
npm install express --save

by doing so it creates the required dependencies in the package.json file

How to decode Unicode escape sequences like "\u00ed" to proper UTF-8 encoded characters?

There is also a solution:

function entity2utf8onechar($unicode_c){
    $unicode_c_val = intval($unicode_c);
    $f=0x80; // 10000000
    $str = "";
    // U-00000000 - U-0000007F:   0xxxxxxx
    if($unicode_c_val <= 0x7F){         $str = chr($unicode_c_val);     }     //U-00000080 - U-000007FF:  110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
    else if($unicode_c_val >= 0x80 && $unicode_c_val <= 0x7FF){         $h=0xC0; // 11000000
        $c1 = $unicode_c_val >> 6 | $h;
        $c2 = ($unicode_c_val & 0x3F) | $f;
        $str = chr($c1).chr($c2);
    } else if($unicode_c_val >= 0x800 && $unicode_c_val <= 0xFFFF){         $h=0xE0; // 11100000
        $c1 = $unicode_c_val >> 12 | $h;
        $c2 = (($unicode_c_val & 0xFC0) >> 6) | $f;
        $c3 = ($unicode_c_val & 0x3F) | $f;
    //U-00010000 - U-001FFFFF:  11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
    else if($unicode_c_val >= 0x10000 && $unicode_c_val <= 0x1FFFFF){         $h=0xF0; // 11110000
        $c1 = $unicode_c_val >> 18 | $h;
        $c2 = (($unicode_c_val & 0x3F000) >>12) | $f;
        $c3 = (($unicode_c_val & 0xFC0) >>6) | $f;
        $c4 = ($unicode_c_val & 0x3F) | $f;
        $str = chr($c1).chr($c2).chr($c3).chr($c4);
    //U-00200000 - U-03FFFFFF:  111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
    else if($unicode_c_val >= 0x200000 && $unicode_c_val <= 0x3FFFFFF){         $h=0xF8; // 11111000
        $c1 = $unicode_c_val >> 24 | $h;
        $c2 = (($unicode_c_val & 0xFC0000)>>18) | $f;
        $c3 = (($unicode_c_val & 0x3F000) >>12) | $f;
        $c4 = (($unicode_c_val & 0xFC0) >>6) | $f;
        $c5 = ($unicode_c_val & 0x3F) | $f;
        $str = chr($c1).chr($c2).chr($c3).chr($c4).chr($c5);
    //U-04000000 - U-7FFFFFFF:  1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
    else if($unicode_c_val >= 0x4000000 && $unicode_c_val <= 0x7FFFFFFF){         $h=0xFC; // 11111100
        $c1 = $unicode_c_val >> 30 | $h;
        $c2 = (($unicode_c_val & 0x3F000000)>>24) | $f;
        $c3 = (($unicode_c_val & 0xFC0000)>>18) | $f;
        $c4 = (($unicode_c_val & 0x3F000) >>12) | $f;
        $c5 = (($unicode_c_val & 0xFC0) >>6) | $f;
        $c6 = ($unicode_c_val & 0x3F) | $f;
        $str = chr($c1).chr($c2).chr($c3).chr($c4).chr($c5).chr($c6);
    return $str;
function entities2utf8($unicode_c){
    $unicode_c = preg_replace("/\&\#([\da-f]{5})\;/es", "entity2utf8onechar('\\1')", $unicode_c);
    return $unicode_c;

Get my phone number in android

Robi Code is work for me, just put if !null so that if phone number is null, user can fill the phone number by him/her self.

editTextPhoneNumber = (EditText) findViewById(;
TelephonyManager tMgr;
tMgr= (TelephonyManager)getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
String mPhoneNumber = tMgr.getLine1Number();
if (mPhoneNumber != null){

Node.js project naming conventions for files & folders

Most people use camelCase in JS. If you want to open-source anything, I suggest you to use this one :-)

Get a json via Http Request in NodeJS

Just tell request that you are using json:true and forget about header and parse

var options = {
    hostname: '',
    port: app.get('port'),
    path: '/users',
    method: 'GET',
request(options, function(error, response, body){
    if(error) console.log(error);
    else console.log(body);

and the same for post

var options = {
    hostname: '',
    port: app.get('port'),
    path: '/users',
    method: 'POST',
    json: {"name":"John", "lastname":"Doe"}
request(options, function(error, response, body){
    if(error) console.log(error);
    else console.log(body);

Save internal file in my own internal folder in Android

First Way:

You didn't create the directory. Also, you are passing an absolute path to openFileOutput(), which is wrong.

Second way:

You created an empty file with the desired name, which then prevented you from creating the directory. Also, you are passing an absolute path to openFileOutput(), which is wrong.

Third way:

You didn't create the directory. Also, you are passing an absolute path to openFileOutput(), which is wrong.

Fourth Way:

You didn't create the directory. Also, you are passing an absolute path to openFileOutput(), which is wrong.

Fifth way:

You didn't create the directory. Also, you are passing an absolute path to openFileOutput(), which is wrong.

Correct way:

  1. Create a File for your desired directory (e.g., File path=new File(getFilesDir(),"myfolder");)
  2. Call mkdirs() on that File to create the directory if it does not exist
  3. Create a File for the output file (e.g., File mypath=new File(path,"myfile.txt");)
  4. Use standard Java I/O to write to that File (e.g., using new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(mypath))) invalid stream header: 54657374

Clearly you aren't sending the data with ObjectOutputStream: you are just writing the bytes.

  • If you read with readObject() you must write with writeObject().
  • If you read with readUTF() you must write with writeUTF().
  • If you read with readXXX() you must write with writeXXX(), for most values of XXX.

Why is <deny users="?" /> included in the following example?

ASP.NET grants access from the configuration file as a matter of precedence. In case of a potential conflict, the first occurring grant takes precedence. So,

deny user="?" 

denies access to the anonymous user. Then

allow users="dan,matthew" 

grants access to that user. Finally, it denies access to everyone. This shakes out as everyone except dan,matthew is denied access.

Edited to add: and as @Deviant points out, denying access to unauthenticated is pointless, since the last entry includes unauthenticated as well. A good blog entry discussing this topic can be found at: Guru Sarkar's Blog

How to generate and validate a software license key?

There are many ways to generate license keys, but very few of those ways are truly secure. And it's a pity, because for companies, license keys have almost the same value as real cash.

Ideally, you would want your license keys to have the following properties:

  1. Only your company should be able to generate license keys for your products, even if someone completely reverse engineers your products (which WILL happen, I speak from experience). Obfuscating the algorithm or hiding an encryption key within your software is really out of the question if you are serious about controlling licensing. If your product is successful, someone will make a key generator in a matter of days from release.

  2. A license key should be useable on only one computer (or at least you should be able to control this very tightly)

  3. A license key should be short and easy to type or dictate over the phone. You don't want every customer calling the technical support because they don't understand if the key contains a "l" or a "1". Your support department would thank you for this, and you will have lower costs in this area.

So how do you solve these challenges ?

  1. The answer is simple but technically challenging: digital signatures using public key cryptography. Your license keys should be in fact signed "documents", containing some useful data, signed with your company's private key. The signatures should be part of the license key. The product should validate the license keys with the corresponding public key. This way, even if someone has full access to your product's logic, they cannot generate license keys because they don't have the private key. A license key would look like this: BASE32(CONCAT(DATA, PRIVATE_KEY_ENCRYPTED(HASH(DATA)))) The biggest challenge here is that the classical public key algorithms have large signature sizes. RSA512 has an 1024-bit signature. You don't want your license keys to have hundreds of characters. One of the most powerful approaches is to use elliptic curve cryptography (with careful implementations to avoid the existing patents). ECC keys are like 6 times shorter than RSA keys, for the same strength. You can further reduce the signature sizes using algorithms like the Schnorr digital signature algorithm (patent expired in 2008 - good :) )

  2. This is achievable by product activation (Windows is a good example). Basically, for a customer with a valid license key, you need to generate some "activation data" which is a signed message embedding the computer's hardware id as the signed data. This is usually done over the internet, but only ONCE: the product sends the license key and the computer hardware id to an activation server, and the activation server sends back the signed message (which can also be made short and easy to dictate over the phone). From that moment on, the product does not check the license key at startup, but the activation data, which needs the computer to be the same in order to validate (otherwise, the DATA would be different and the digital signature would not validate). Note that the activation data checking do not require verification over the Internet: it is sufficient to verify the digital signature of the activation data with the public key already embedded in the product.

  3. Well, just eliminate redundant characters like "1", "l", "0", "o" from your keys. Split the license key string into groups of characters.

Global Git ignore

Remember that running the command

git config --global core.excludesfile '~/.gitignore'

will just set up the global file, but will NOT create it. For Windows check your Users directory for the .gitconfig file, and edit it to your preferences. In my case It's like that:

  excludesfile = c:/Users/myuser/Dropbox/Apps/Git/.gitignore

exception in thread 'main' java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:


package com.beans;

public class Flower{

packages :=> com.beans,
java class Name:=>,
Folder structure (assuming):=> C:\com\beans\Flower.*(both .java/.class exist here)

then there are two ways of executing it:

1. Goto top Folder (here its C:\>),
     then : C:> java com.beans.Flower 
2. Executing from innermost folder "beans" here (C:\com\beans:>),
     then: C:\com\beans:> java -cp ./../.. com.beans.Flower

python requests get cookies

Alternatively, you can use requests.Session and observe cookies before and after a request:

>>> import requests
>>> session = requests.Session()
>>> print(session.cookies.get_dict())
>>> response = session.get('')
>>> print(session.cookies.get_dict())
{'PREF': 'ID=5514c728c9215a9a:FF=0:TM=1406958091:LM=1406958091:S=KfAG0U9jYhrB0XNf', 'NID': '67=TVMYiq2wLMNvJi5SiaONeIQVNqxSc2RAwVrCnuYgTQYAHIZAGESHHPL0xsyM9EMpluLDQgaj3db_V37NjvshV-eoQdA8u43M8UwHMqZdL-S2gjho8j0-Fe1XuH5wYr9v'}

How do I convert from a money datatype in SQL server?

I found this approach direct and useful.


How to stretch children to fill cross-axis?

  • The children of a row-flexbox container automatically fill the container's vertical space.

  • Specify flex: 1; for a child if you want it to fill the remaining horizontal space:

.wrapper {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-direction: row;_x000D_
  align-items: stretch;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 5em;_x000D_
  background: #ccc;_x000D_
.wrapper > .left_x000D_
  background: #fcc;_x000D_
.wrapper > .right_x000D_
  background: #ccf;_x000D_
  flex: 1; _x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
  <div class="left">Left</div>_x000D_
  <div class="right">Right</div>_x000D_

  • Specify flex: 1; for both children if you want them to fill equal amounts of the horizontal space:

.wrapper {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-direction: row;_x000D_
  align-items: stretch;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 5em;_x000D_
  background: #ccc;_x000D_
.wrapper > div _x000D_
  flex: 1; _x000D_
.wrapper > .left_x000D_
  background: #fcc;_x000D_
.wrapper > .right_x000D_
  background: #ccf;_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
  <div class="left">Left</div>_x000D_
  <div class="right">Right</div>_x000D_

Reading a cell value in Excel vba and write in another Cell

I have this function for this case ..

Function GetValue(r As Range, Tag As String) As Integer
Dim c, nRet As String
Dim n, x As Integer
Dim bNum As Boolean

c = r.Value
n = InStr(c, Tag)
For x = n + 1 To Len(c)
  Select Case Mid(c, x, 1)
    Case ":":    bNum = True
    Case " ": Exit For
    Case Else: If bNum Then nRet = nRet & Mid(c, x, 1)
  End Select
GetValue = val(nRet)
End Function

To fill cell BC .. (assumed that you check cell A1)

Worksheets("Übersicht_2013").Cells(i, "BC") = GetValue(range("A1"),"S")

Is there a CSS parent selector?

No, you cannot select the parent in CSS only.

But as you already seem to have an .active class, it would be easier to move that class to the li (instead of the a). That way you can access both the li and the a via CSS only.

How to convert Nonetype to int or string?

In some situations it is helpful to have a function to convert None to int zero:

def nz(value):

    Convert None to int zero else return value.

    if value == None:
        return 0
    return value

How to Initialize char array from a string

const char S[] = "ABCD";

This should work. i use this notation only and it works perfectly fine for me. I don't know how you are using.

Modifying a file inside a jar

most of the answers above saying you can't do it for class file.

Even if you want to update class file you can do that also. All you need to do is that drag and drop the class file from your workspace in the jar.

In case you want to verify your changes in class file , you can do it using a decompiler like jd-gui.

How does GPS in a mobile phone work exactly?

GPS, the Global Positioning System run by the United States Military, is free for civilian use, though the reality is that we're paying for it with tax dollars.

However, GPS on cell phones is a bit more murky. In general, it won't cost you anything to turn on the GPS in your cell phone, but when you get a location it usually involves the cell phone company in order to get it quickly with little signal, as well as get a location when the satellites aren't visible (since the gov't requires a fix even if the satellites aren't visible for emergency 911 purposes). It uses up some cellular bandwidth. This also means that for phones without a regular GPS receiver, you cannot use the GPS at all if you don't have cell phone service.

For this reason most cell phone companies have the GPS in the phone turned off except for emergency calls and for services they sell you (such as directions).

This particular kind of GPS is called assisted GPS (AGPS), and there are several levels of assistance used.


A normal GPS receiver listens to a particular frequency for radio signals. Satellites send time coded messages at this frequency. Each satellite has an atomic clock, and sends the current exact time as well.

The GPS receiver figures out which satellites it can hear, and then starts gathering those messages. The messages include time, current satellite positions, and a few other bits of information. The message stream is slow - this is to save power, and also because all the satellites transmit on the same frequency and they're easier to pick out if they go slow. Because of this, and the amount of information needed to operate well, it can take 30-60 seconds to get a location on a regular GPS.

When it knows the position and time code of at least 3 satellites, a GPS receiver can assume it's on the earth's surface and get a good reading. 4 satellites are needed if you aren't on the ground and you want altitude as well.


As you saw above, it can take a long time to get a position fix with a normal GPS. There are ways to speed this up, but unless you're carrying an atomic clock with you all the time, or leave the GPS on all the time, then there's always going to be a delay of between 5-60 seconds before you get a location.

In order to save cost, most cell phones share the GPS receiver components with the cellular components, and you can't get a fix and talk at the same time. People don't like that (especially when there's an emergency) so the lowest form of GPS does the following:

  1. Get some information from the cell phone company to feed to the GPS receiver - some of this is gross positioning information based on what cellular towers can 'hear' your phone, so by this time they already phone your location to within a city block or so.
  2. Switch from cellular to GPS receiver for 0.1 second (or some small, practically unoticable period of time) and collect the raw GPS data (no processing on the phone).
  3. Switch back to the phone mode, and send the raw data to the phone company
  4. The phone company processes that data (acts as an offline GPS receiver) and send the location back to your phone.

This saves a lot of money on the phone design, but it has a heavy load on cellular bandwidth, and with a lot of requests coming it requires a lot of fast servers. Still, overall it can be cheaper and faster to implement. They are reluctant, however, to release GPS based features on these phones due to this load - so you won't see turn by turn navigation here.

More recent designs include a full GPS chip. They still get data from the phone company - such as current location based on tower positioning, and current satellite locations - this provides sub 1 second fix times. This information is only needed once, and the GPS can keep track of everything after that with very little power. If the cellular network is unavailable, then they can still get a fix after awhile. If the GPS satellites aren't visible to the receiver, then they can still get a rough fix from the cellular towers.

But to completely answer your question - it's as free as the phone company lets it be, and so far they do not charge for it at all. I doubt that's going to change in the future. In the higher end phones with a full GPS receiver you may even be able to load your own software and access it, such as with mologogo on a motorola iDen phone - the J2ME development kit is free, and the phone is only $40 (prepaid phone with $5 credit). Unlimited internet is about $10 a month, so for $40 to start and $10 a month you can get an internet tracking system. (Prices circa August 2008)

It's only going to get cheaper and more full featured from here on out...

Re: Google maps and such

Yes, Google maps and all other cell phone mapping systems require a data connection of some sort at varying times during usage. When you move far enough in one direction, for instance, it'll request new tiles from its server. Your average phone doesn't have enough storage to hold a map of the US, nor the processor power to render it nicely. iPhone would be able to if you wanted to use the storage space up with maps, but given that most iPhones have a full time unlimited data plan most users would rather use that space for other things.

Count character occurrences in a string in C++

I would have done something like that :)

const char* str = "bla_bla_blabla_bla";
char* p = str;    
unsigned int count = 0;
while (*p != '\0')
    if (*p++ == '_')

throwing exceptions out of a destructor

As an addition to the main answers, which are good, comprehensive and accurate, I would like to comment about the article you reference - the one that says "throwing exceptions in destructors is not so bad".

The article takes the line "what are the alternatives to throwing exceptions", and lists some problems with each of the alternatives. Having done so it concludes that because we can't find a problem-free alternative we should keep throwing exceptions.

The trouble is is that none of the problems it lists with the alternatives are anywhere near as bad as the exception behaviour, which, let's remember, is "undefined behaviour of your program". Some of the author's objections include "aesthetically ugly" and "encourage bad style". Now which would you rather have? A program with bad style, or one which exhibited undefined behaviour?

Android: show soft keyboard automatically when focus is on an EditText

You can create a focus listener on the EditText on the AlertDialog, then get the AlertDialog's Window. From there you can make the soft keyboard show by calling setSoftInputMode.

final AlertDialog dialog = ...;

editText.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
    public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
        if (hasFocus) {

How do I use Node.js Crypto to create a HMAC-SHA1 hash?

Gwerder's solution wont work because hash =; happens before the stream is done being finalized. Thus AngraX's issues. Also the hmac.write statement is un-necessary in this example.

Instead do this:

var crypto    = require('crypto');
var hmac;
var algorithm = 'sha1';
var key       = 'abcdeg';
var text      = 'I love cupcakes';
var hash;

hmac = crypto.createHmac(algorithm, key);

// readout format:
//or also commonly: hmac.setEncoding('base64');

// callback is attached as listener to stream's finish event:
hmac.end(text, function () {
    hash =;
    // something with the hash...

More formally, if you wish, the line

hmac.end(text, function () {

could be written

hmac.end(text, 'utf8', function () {

because in this example text is a utf string

Tomcat request timeout

For anyone who doesn't like none of the solutions posted above like me then you can simply implement a timer yourself and stop the request execution by throwing a runtime exception. Something like below:

                     timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
                       public void run() {
                     }, /* specify time of the requst */ 1000);
                 catch(Exception e)
                   throw new RuntimeException("the request is taking longer than usual");


or preferably use the java guava timeLimiter here

How do you run a single query through mysql from the command line?

here's how you can do it with a cool shell trick:

mysql -uroot -p mydb_production <<< 'select * from users'

'<<<' instructs the shell to take whatever follows it as stdin, similar to piping from echo.

use the -t flag to enable table-format output

What does "publicPath" in Webpack do?

The webpack2 documentation explains this in a much cleaner way:

webpack has a highly useful configuration that let you specify the base path for all the assets on your application. It's called publicPath.

form action with javascript

It has been almost 8 years since the question was asked, but I will venture an answer not previously given. The OP said this doesn't work:


And the OP said that this code continued to fail despite trying all the good advice he got. So I will venture a guess. The action is calling checkout() as a static method of the simpleCart class; but maybe checkout() is actually an instance member, and not static. It depends how he defined checkout().

By the way, simpleCart is presumably a class name, and by convention class names have an initial capital letter, so let's use that convention, here. Let's use the name SimpleCart.

Here is some sample code that illustrates defining checkout() as an instance member. This was the correct way to do it, prior to ECMA-6:

function SimpleCart() {
SimpleCart.prototype.checkout = function() { ... };

Many people have used a different technique, as illustrated in the following. This was popular, and it worked, but I advocate against it, because instances are supposed to be defined on the prototype, just once, while the following technique defines the member on this and does so repeatedly, with every instantiation.

function SimpleCart() {
    this.checkout = function() { ... };

And here is an instance definition in ECMA-6, using an official class:

class SimpleCart {
    constructor() { ... }
    checkout()    { ... }

Compare to a static definition in ECMA-6. The difference is just one word:

class SimpleCart {
    constructor() { ... }
    static checkout()    { ... }

And here is a static definition the old way, pre-ECMA-6. Note that the checkout() method is defined outside of the function. It is a member of the function object, not the prototype object, and that's what makes it static.

function SimpleCart() {
SimpleCart.checkout = function() { ... };

Because of the way it is defined, a static function will have a different concept of what the keyword this references. Note that instance member functions are called using the this keyword:


Static member functions are called using the class name:


The problem is that the OP wants to put the call into HTML, where it will be in global scope. He can't use the keyword this because this would refer to the global scope (which is window).

action="javascript:this.checkout()" // not as intended
action="javascript:window.checkout()" // same thing

There is no easy way to use an instance member function in HTML. You can do stuff in combination with JavaScript, creating a registry in the static scope of the Class, and then calling a surrogate static method, while passing an argument to that surrogate that gives the index into the registry of your instance, and then having the surrogate call the actual instance member function. Something like this:

// In Javascript:
SimpleCart.registry[1234] = new SimpleCart();

// In HTML

// In Javascript
SimpleCart.checkout = function(myIndex) {
    var myThis = SimpleCart.registry[myIndex];

You could also store the index as an attribute on the element.

But usually it is easier to just do nothing in HTML and do everything in JavaScript with .addEventListener() and use the .bind() capability.

How do I prevent and/or handle a StackOverflowException?

From Microsoft:

Starting with the .NET Framework version 2.0, a StackOverflowException object cannot be caught by a try-catch block and the corresponding process is terminated by default. Consequently, users are advised to write their code to detect and prevent a stack overflow. For example, if your application depends on recursion, use a counter or a state condition to terminate the recursive loop.

I'm assuming the exception is happening within an internal .NET method, and not in your code.

You can do a couple things.

  • Write code that checks the xsl for infinite recursion and notifies the user prior to applying a transform (Ugh).
  • Load the XslTransform code into a separate process (Hacky, but less work).

You can use the Process class to load the assembly that will apply the transform into a separate process, and alert the user of the failure if it dies, without killing your main app.

EDIT: I just tested, here is how to do it:


// This is just an example, obviously you'll want to pass args to this.
Process p1 = new Process();
p1.StartInfo.FileName = "ApplyTransform.exe";
p1.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
p1.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;


if (p1.ExitCode == 1)    
   Console.WriteLine("StackOverflow was thrown");

ApplyTransform Process:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException);
        throw new StackOverflowException();

    // We trap this, we can't save the process, 
    // but we can prevent the "ILLEGAL OPERATION" window 
    static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
        if (e.IsTerminating)

JavaScript Regular Expression Email Validation

You can also try this expression, I have tested it against many email addresses.

var pattern = /^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@([A-Za-z0-9-]+\.)+([A-Za-z0-9]{2,4}|museum)$/;

How to call javascript function on page load in

Calling JavaScript function on code behind i.e. On Page_Load

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "Javascript", "javascript:FUNCTIONNAME(); ", true);

If you have UpdatePanel there then try like this

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "Javascript", "javascript:FUNCTIONNAME(); ", true);

View Blog Article : How to Call javascript function from code behind in c#

Cron job every three days

I am not a cron specialist, but how about:

0 */72 * * *

It will run every 72 hours non-interrupted.

Adding padding to a tkinter widget only on one side

There are multiple ways of doing that you can use either place or grid or even the packmethod.

Sample code:

from tkinter import *
root = Tk()

l = Label(root, text="hello" )
l.pack(padx=6, pady=4) # where padx and pady represent the x and y axis respectively
# well you can also use side=LEFT inside the pack method of the label widget.

To place a widget to on basis of columns and rows , use the grid method:

but = Button(root, text="hello" )
but.grid(row=0, column=1)

LINQ order by null column where order is ascending and nulls should be last

It really helps to understand the LINQ query syntax and how it is translated to LINQ method calls.

It turns out that

var products = from p in _context.Products
               where p.ProductTypeId == 1
               orderby p.LowestPrice.HasValue descending
               orderby p.LowestPrice descending
               select p;

will be translated by the compiler to

var products = _context.Products
                       .Where(p => p.ProductTypeId == 1)
                       .OrderByDescending(p => p.LowestPrice.HasValue)
                       .OrderByDescending(p => p.LowestPrice)
                       .Select(p => p);

This is emphatically not what you want. This sorts by Product.LowestPrice.HasValue in descending order and then re-sorts the entire collection by Product.LowestPrice in descending order.

What you want is

var products = _context.Products
                       .Where(p => p.ProductTypeId == 1)
                       .OrderByDescending(p => p.LowestPrice.HasValue)
                       .ThenBy(p => p.LowestPrice)
                       .Select(p => p);

which you can obtain using the query syntax by

var products = from p in _context.Products
               where p.ProductTypeId == 1
               orderby p.LowestPrice.HasValue descending,
               select p;

For details of the translations from query syntax to method calls, see the language specification. Seriously. Read it.

Cross-browser bookmark/add to favorites JavaScript

How about using a drop-in solution like ShareThis or AddThis? They have similar functionality, so it's quite possible they already solved the problem.

AddThis's code has a huge if/else browser version fork for saving favorites, though, with most branches ending in prompting the user to manually add the favorite themselves, so I am thinking that no such pure JavaScript implementation exists.

Otherwise, if you only need to support IE and Firefox, you have IE's window.externalAddFavorite( ) and Mozilla's window.sidebar.addPanel( ).

When to use static methods

If you apply static keyword with any method, it is known as static method.

  1. A static method belongs to the class rather than object of a class.
  2. A static method invoked without the need for creating an instance of a class.
  3. static method can access static data member and can change the value of it.
  4. A static method can be accessed just using the name of a class dot static name . . . example : Student9.change();
  5. If you want to use non-static fields of a class, you must use a non-static method.

//Program of changing the common property of all objects(static field).

class Student9{  
 int rollno;  
 String name;  
 static String college = "ITS";  

 static void change(){  
 college = "BBDIT";  

 Student9(int r, String n){  
 rollno = r;  
 name = n;  

 void display (){System.out.println(rollno+" "+name+" "+college);}  

public static void main(String args[]){  

Student9 s1 = new Student9 (111,"Indian");  
Student9 s2 = new Student9 (222,"American");  
Student9 s3 = new Student9 (333,"China");  

}  }

O/P: 111 Indian BBDIT 222 American BBDIT 333 China BBDIT

html "data-" attribute as javascript parameter


<div data-uid="aaa" data-name="bbb", data-value="ccc" onclick="fun(this)">


function fun(obj) {
    var uid= $(obj).attr('data-uid');
    var name= $(obj).attr('data-name');
    var value= $(obj).attr('data-value');

but I'm using jQuery.

When to throw an exception?

My little guidelines are heavily influenced by the great book "Code complete":

  • Use exceptions to notify about things that should not be ignored.
  • Don't use exceptions if the error can be handled locally
  • Make sure the exceptions are at the same level of abstraction as the rest of your routine.
  • Exceptions should be reserved for what's truly exceptional.

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '...' is therefore not allowed access

You need to add this at start of your php page "login.php"

<?php header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); ?>

How to submit an HTML form without redirection

Place a hidden iFrame at the bottom of your page and target it in your form:

<iframe name="hiddenFrame" width="0" height="0" border="0" style="display: none;"></iframe>

<form action="/Car/Edit/17" id="myForm" method="post" name="myForm" target="hiddenFrame"> ... </form>

Quick and easy. Keep in mind that while the target attribute is still widely supported (and supported in HTML5), it was deprecated in HTML 4.01.

So you really should be using Ajax to future-proof.

Linux configure/make, --prefix?

In my situation, --prefix= failed to update the path correctly under some warnings or failures. please see the below link for the answer.

Python Checking a string's first and last character

When you set a string variable, it doesn't save quotes of it, they are a part of its definition. so you don't need to use :1

Display current time in 12 hour format with AM/PM

Just replace below statement and it will work.

SimpleDateFormat formatDate = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a");

How to horizontally align ul to center of div?

ul {
      text-align: center;
      list-style: inside;

How to rearrange Pandas column sequence?

You could also do something like this:

df = df[['x', 'y', 'a', 'b']]

You can get the list of columns with:

cols = list(df.columns.values)

The output will produce something like this:

['a', 'b', 'x', 'y']

...which is then easy to rearrange manually before dropping it into the first function

How do I check in JavaScript if a value exists at a certain array index?

To check if it has never been defined or if it was deleted:

if(typeof arrayName[index]==="undefined"){
     //the index is not in the array

also works with associative arrays and arrays where you deleted some index

To check if it was never been defined, was deleted OR is a null or logical empty value (NaN, empty string, false):

if(typeof arrayName[index]==="undefined"||arrayName[index]){
     //the index is not defined or the value an empty value

Download image from the site in .NET/C#

        private static void DownloadRemoteImageFile(string uri, string fileName)
            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
            HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

            if ((response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK ||
                response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Moved ||
                response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Redirect) &&
                response.ContentType.StartsWith("image", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) 
                using (Stream inputStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                using (Stream outputStream = File.OpenWrite(fileName))
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
                    int bytesRead;
                        bytesRead = inputStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                        outputStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                    } while (bytesRead != 0);

How to capitalize the first letter of text in a TextView in an Android Application

Please create a custom TextView and use it :

public class CustomTextView extends TextView {

    public CapitalizedTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public void setText(CharSequence text, BufferType type) {
        if (text.length() > 0) {
            text = String.valueOf(text.charAt(0)).toUpperCase() + text.subSequence(1, text.length());
        super.setText(text, type);

Input and output numpy arrays to h5py

A cleaner way to handle file open/close and avoid memory leaks:


import numpy as np
import h5py

data_to_write = np.random.random(size=(100,20)) # or some such


with h5py.File('name-of-file.h5', 'w') as hf:
    hf.create_dataset("name-of-dataset",  data=data_to_write)


with h5py.File('name-of-file.h5', 'r') as hf:
    data = hf['name-of-dataset'][:]

Multiline TextView in Android?

Why don't you declare a string instead of writing a long lines into the layout file. For this you have to declare a line of code into layout file 'android:text="@string/text"' and go to the \\app\src\main\res\values\strings.xml and add a line of code ' Your multiline text here' Also use '\n' to break the line from any point else the line will automatically be adjusted.

Is ini_set('max_execution_time', 0) a bad idea?

Reason is to have some value other than zero. General practice to have it short globally and long for long working scripts like parsers, crawlers, dumpers, exporting & importing scripts etc.

  1. You can halt server, corrupt work of other people by memory consuming script without even knowing it.
  2. You will not be seeing mistakes where something, let's say, infinite loop happened, and it will be harder to diagnose.
  3. Such site may be easily DoSed by single user, when requesting pages with long execution time

Simulate low network connectivity for Android

for and mac OS user you can use Network Link Conditioner which could be downloaded from apple. set it as a AP on mac and any divices could connected it.

you can either use facebook open source tools ATC

SQL Server - Adding a string to a text column (concat equivalent)

hmm, try doing CAST(' ' AS TEXT) + [myText]

Although, i am not completely sure how this will pan out.

I also suggest against using the Text datatype, use varchar instead.

If that doesn't work, try ' ' + CAST ([myText] AS VARCHAR(255))

How to Count Duplicates in List with LINQ

You can use "group by" + "orderby". See LINQ 101 for details

var list = new List<string> {"a", "b", "a", "c", "a", "b"};
var q = from x in list
        group x by x into g
        let count = g.Count()
        orderby count descending
        select new {Value = g.Key, Count = count};
foreach (var x in q)
    Console.WriteLine("Value: " + x.Value + " Count: " + x.Count);

In response to this post (now deleted):

If you have a list of some custom objects then you need to use custom comparer or group by specific property.

Also query can't display result. Show us complete code to get a better help.

Based on your latest update:

You have this line of code:

group xx by xx into g

Since xx is a custom object system doesn't know how to compare one item against another. As I already wrote, you need to guide compiler and provide some property that will be used in objects comparison or provide custom comparer. Here is an example:

Note that I use Foo.Name as a key - i.e. objects will be grouped based on value of Name property.

There is one catch - you treat 2 objects to be duplicate based on their names, but what about Id ? In my example I just take Id of the first object in a group. If your objects have different Ids it can be a problem.

//Using extension methods
var q = list.GroupBy(x => x.Name)
            .Select(x => new {Count = x.Count(), 
                              Name = x.Key, 
                              ID = x.First().ID})
            .OrderByDescending(x => x.Count);

//Using LINQ
var q = from x in list
        group x by x.Name into g
        let count = g.Count()
        orderby count descending
        select new {Name = g.Key, Count = count, ID = g.First().ID};

foreach (var x in q)
    Console.WriteLine("Count: " + x.Count + " Name: " + x.Name + " ID: " + x.ID);

Laravel whereIn OR whereIn

$query = DB::table('dms_stakeholder_permissions');
$query->select(DB::raw('group_concat(dms_stakeholder_permissions.fid) as fid'),'dms_stakeholder_permissions.rights');
$query->orWhere(function($subquery)  use ($stakeholderId){

 $result = $query->get();

return $result;

// OUTPUT @input $stakeholderId = 1

//select group_concat(dms_stakeholder_permissions.fid) as fid, dms_stakeholder_permissionss.rights from dms_stakeholder_permissions where dms_stakeholder_permissions.stakeholder_id = 4 or (dms_stakeholder_permissions.stakeholder_id = 1 and dms_stakeholder_permissions.rights in (1, 2, 3))

How can I check for NaN values?

With python < 2.6 I ended up with

def isNaN(x):
    return str(float(x)).lower() == 'nan'

This works for me with python 2.5.1 on a Solaris 5.9 box and with python 2.6.5 on Ubuntu 10

The backend version is not supported to design database diagrams or tables

I was having the same problem, although I solved out by creating the table using a script query instead of doing it graphically. See the snipped below:

USE [Database_Name]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table_Name](
[tableID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[column_2] [datatype] NOT NULL,
[column_3] [datatype] NOT NULL,

[tableID] ASC

How can I check if a background image is loaded?

I've located a solution that worked better for me, and which has the advantage of being usable with several images (case not illustrated in this example).

From @adeneo's answer on this question :

If you have an element with a background image, like this

<div id="test" style="background-image: url(link/to/image.png)"><div>

You can wait for the background to load by getting the image URL and using it for an image object in javascript with an onload handler

var src = $('#test').css('background-image');
var url = src.match(/\((.*?)\)/)[1].replace(/('|")/g,'');

var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
    alert('image loaded');
img.src = url;
if (img.complete) img.onload();

Is right click a Javascript event?

As others have mentioned, the right mouse button can be detected through the usual mouse events (mousedown, mouseup, click). However, if you're looking for a firing event when the right-click menu is brought up, you're looking in the wrong place. The right-click/context menu is also accessible via the keyboard (shift+F10 or context menu key on Windows and some Linux). In this situation, the event that you're looking for is oncontextmenu:

window.oncontextmenu = function ()
    return false;     // cancel default menu

As for the mouse events themselves, browsers set a property to the event object that is accessible from the event handling function:

document.body.onclick = function (e) {
    var isRightMB;
    e = e || window.event;

    if ("which" in e)  // Gecko (Firefox), WebKit (Safari/Chrome) & Opera
        isRightMB = e.which == 3; 
    else if ("button" in e)  // IE, Opera 
        isRightMB = e.button == 2; 

    alert("Right mouse button " + (isRightMB ? "" : " was not") + "clicked!");

window.oncontextmenu - MDC

Hide html horizontal but not vertical scrollbar

<div style="width:100px;height:100px;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto;background-color:#000000">

What is the difference between a URI, a URL and a URN?

A URI identifies a resource either by location, or a name, or both. More often than not, most of us use URIs that defines a location to a resource. The fact that a URI can identify a resources by both name and location has lead to a lot of the confusion in my opinion. A URI has two specializations known as URL and URN.

A URL is a specialization of URI that defines the network location of a specific resource. Unlike a URN, the URL defines how the resource can be obtained. We use URLs every day in the form of, etc. But a URL doesn’t have to be an HTTP URL, it can be, etc.

How do Common Names (CN) and Subject Alternative Names (SAN) work together?

CABForum Baseline Requirements

I see no one has mentioned the section in the Baseline Requirements yet. I feel they are important.

Q: SSL - How do Common Names (CN) and Subject Alternative Names (SAN) work together?
A: Not at all. If there are SANs, then CN can be ignored. -- At least if the software that does the checking adheres very strictly to the CABForum's Baseline Requirements.

(So this means I can't answer the "Edit" to your question. Only the original question.)

CABForum Baseline Requirements, v. 1.2.5 (as of 2 April 2015), page 9-10:

9.2.2 Subject Distinguished Name Fields
a. Subject Common Name Field
Certificate Field: subject:commonName (OID
Required/Optional: Deprecated (Discouraged, but not prohibited)
Contents: If present, this field MUST contain a single IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain Name that is one of the values contained in the Certificate’s subjectAltName extension (see Section 9.2.1).

EDIT: Links from @Bruno's comment

RFC 2818: HTTP Over TLS, 2000, Section 3.1: Server Identity:

If a subjectAltName extension of type dNSName is present, that MUST be used as the identity. Otherwise, the (most specific) Common Name field in the Subject field of the certificate MUST be used. Although the use of the Common Name is existing practice, it is deprecated and Certification Authorities are encouraged to use the dNSName instead.

RFC 6125: Representation and Verification of Domain-Based Application Service Identity within Internet Public Key Infrastructure Using X.509 (PKIX) Certificates in the Context of Transport Layer Security (TLS), 2011, Section 6.4.4: Checking of Common Names:

[...] if and only if the presented identifiers do not include a DNS-ID, SRV-ID, URI-ID, or any application-specific identifier types supported by the client, then the client MAY as a last resort check for a string whose form matches that of a fully qualified DNS domain name in a Common Name field of the subject field (i.e., a CN-ID).

Parameter binding on left joins with array in Laravel Query Builder

You don't have to bind parameters if you use query builder or eloquent ORM. However, if you use DB::raw(), ensure that you binding the parameters.

Try the following:

$array = array(1,2,3);       $query = DB::table('offers');             $query->select('id', 'business_id', 'address_id', 'title', 'details', 'value', 'total_available', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'terms', 'type', 'coupon_code', 'is_barcode_available', 'is_exclusive', 'userinformations_id', 'is_used');             $query->leftJoin('user_offer_collection', function ($join) use ($array)             {                 $join->on('user_offer_collection.offers_id', '=', '')                       ->whereIn('user_offer_collection.user_id', $array);             });       $query->get(); 

Can a normal Class implement multiple interfaces?

Of course... Almost all classes implements several interfaces. On any page of java documentation on Oracle you have a subsection named "All implemented interfaces".

Here an example of the Date class.

DateTimeFormat in TypeScript

This should work...

var displayDate = new Date().toLocaleDateString();


But I suspect you are trying it on something else, for example:

var displayDate =; // No!


What is cURL in PHP?

cURL is a library that lets you make HTTP requests in PHP. Everything you need to know about it (and most other extensions) can be found in the PHP manual.

In order to use PHP's cURL functions you need to install the » libcurl package. PHP requires that you use libcurl 7.0.2-beta or higher. In PHP 4.2.3, you will need libcurl version 7.9.0 or higher. From PHP 4.3.0, you will need a libcurl version that's 7.9.8 or higher. PHP 5.0.0 requires a libcurl version 7.10.5 or greater.

You can make HTTP requests without cURL, too, though it requires allow_url_fopen to be enabled in your php.ini file.

// Make a HTTP GET request and print it (requires allow_url_fopen to be enabled)
print file_get_contents('');

How to load html string in a webview?

To load your data in WebView. Call loadData() method of WebView

wv.loadData(yourData, "text/html", "UTF-8");

You can check this example

[Edit 1]

You should add -- \ -- before -- " -- for example --> name=\"spanish press\"

below string worked for me

String webData =  "<!DOCTYPE html><head> <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" " +
"content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"> <html><head><meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1250\">"+
 "<meta name=\"spanish press\" content=\"spain, spanish newspaper, news,economy,politics,sports\"><title></title></head><body id=\"body\">"+
"<script src=\"\"></script>slkassldkassdksasdkasskdsk</body></html>";

How to hide elements without having them take space on the page?

The answer to this question is saying to use display:none and display:block, but this does not help for someone who is trying to use css transitions to show and hide content using the visibility property.

This also drove me crazy, because using display kills any css transitions.

One solution is to add this to the class that's using visibility:


For this to work is does depend on the layout, but it should keep the empty content within the div it resides in.

Using Notepad++ to validate XML against an XSD

  1. In Notepad++ go to Plugins > Plugin manager > Show Plugin Manager then find Xml Tools plugin. Tick the box and click Install

    enter image description here

  2. Open XML document you want to validate and click Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M (Or use Menu if this is your preference Plugins > XML Tools > Validate Now).
    Following dialog will open: enter image description here

  3. Click on .... Point to XSD file and I am pretty sure you'll be able to handle things from here.

Hope this saves you some time.

EDIT: Plugin manager was not included in some versions of Notepad++ because many users didn't like commercials that it used to show. If you want to keep an older version, however still want plugin manager, you can get it on github, and install it by extracting the archive and copying contents to plugins and updates folder.
In version 7.7.1 plugin manager is back under a different guise... Plugin Admin so now you can simply update notepad++ and have it back.

enter image description here

NodeJS: How to decode base64 encoded string back to binary?

As of Node.js v6.0.0 using the constructor method has been deprecated and the following method should instead be used to construct a new buffer from a base64 encoded string:

var b64string = /* whatever */;
var buf = Buffer.from(b64string, 'base64'); // Ta-da

For Node.js v5.11.1 and below

Construct a new Buffer and pass 'base64' as the second argument:

var b64string = /* whatever */;
var buf = new Buffer(b64string, 'base64'); // Ta-da

If you want to be clean, you can check whether from exists :

if (typeof Buffer.from === "function") {
    // Node 5.10+
    buf = Buffer.from(b64string, 'base64'); // Ta-da
} else {
    // older Node versions, now deprecated
    buf = new Buffer(b64string, 'base64'); // Ta-da

How to find out the location of currently used MySQL configuration file in linux

mysqld --help --verbose will find only location of default configuration file. What if you use 2 MySQL instances on the same server? It's not going to help.

Good article about figuring it out:

"How to find MySQL configuration file?"

Recommendation for compressing JPG files with ImageMagick

Just saying for those who using Imagick class in PHP:

$im -> gaussianBlurImage(0.8, 10);      //blur
$im -> setImageCompressionQuality(85);  //set compress quality to 85

How to install libusb in Ubuntu

you can creat symlink to your libusb after locate it in your system :

sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/ 

sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/

CSS Div Background Image Fixed Height 100% Width

But the thing is that the .chapter class is not dynamic you're declaring a height:1200px

so it's better to use background:cover and set with media queries specific height's for popular resolutions.

'Conda' is not recognized as internal or external command

If you have a newer version of the Anaconda Navigator, open the Anaconda Prompt program that came in the install. Type all the usual conda update/conda install commands there.

I think the answers above explain this, but I could have used a very simple instruction like this. Perhaps it will help others.

Does Index of Array Exist

The answers here are straightforward but only apply to a 1 dimensional array. For multi-dimensional arrays, checking for null is a straightforward way to tell if the element exists. Example code here checks for null. Note the try/catch block is [probably] overkill but it makes the block bomb-proof.

public ItemContext GetThisElement(int row,
    int col)
    ItemContext ctx = null;
    if (rgItemCtx[row, col] != null)
          ctx = rgItemCtx[row, col];
        catch (SystemException sex)
          ctx = null;
          // perhaps do something with sex properties

    return (ctx);

How to remove error about glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 not found

This problem happens because IIS does not know about woff and woff2 file mime types.

Solution 1:

Add these lines in your web.config project:

      <remove fileExtension=".woff" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="application/font-woff" />
      <remove fileExtension=".woff2" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff2" mimeType="font/woff2" />

Solution 2:

On IIS project page:

Step 1: Go to your project IIS home page and double click on MIME Types button:

Step 1

Step 2: Click on Add button from Actions menu: Step 2

Step 3: In the middle of the screen appears a window and in this window you need to add the two lines from solution 1: Step 3

How can I use a search engine to search for special characters? doesn't ignore special characters, at least if the whole string is between ""*222%23%22

How to exclude a directory from ant fileset, based on directories contents

The following approach works for me:

<exclude name="**/dir_name_to_exclude/**" />

Truncating all tables in a Postgres database

Explicit cursors are rarely needed in plpgsql. Use the simpler and faster implicit cursor of a FOR loop:

Note: Since table names are not unique per database, you have to schema-qualify table names to be sure. Also, I limit the function to the default schema 'public'. Adapt to your needs, but be sure to exclude the system schemas pg_* and information_schema.

Be very careful with these functions. They nuke your database. I added a child safety device. Comment the RAISE NOTICE line and uncomment EXECUTE to prime the bomb ...

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_truncate_tables(_username text)
   _tbl text;
   _sch text;
   FOR _sch, _tbl IN 
      SELECT schemaname, tablename
      FROM   pg_tables
      WHERE  tableowner = _username
      -- dangerous, test before you execute!
      RAISE NOTICE '%',  -- once confident, comment this line ...
      -- EXECUTE         -- ... and uncomment this one
         format('TRUNCATE TABLE %I.%I CASCADE', _sch, _tbl);
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

format() requires Postgres 9.1 or later. In older versions concatenate the query string like this:

'TRUNCATE TABLE ' || quote_ident(_sch) || '.' || quote_ident(_tbl)  || ' CASCADE';

Single command, no loop

Since we can TRUNCATE multiple tables at once we don't need any cursor or loop at all:

Aggregate all table names and execute a single statement. Simpler, faster:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_truncate_tables(_username text)
   -- dangerous, test before you execute!
   RAISE NOTICE '%',  -- once confident, comment this line ...
   -- EXECUTE         -- ... and uncomment this one
       || string_agg(format('%I.%I', schemaname, tablename), ', ')
       || ' CASCADE'
   FROM   pg_tables
   WHERE  tableowner = _username
   AND    schemaname = 'public'
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


SELECT truncate_tables('postgres');

Refined query

You don't even need a function. In Postgres 9.0+ you can execute dynamic commands in a DO statement. And in Postgres 9.5+ the syntax can be even simpler:

   -- dangerous, test before you execute!
   RAISE NOTICE '%',  -- once confident, comment this line ...
   -- EXECUTE         -- ... and uncomment this one
   (SELECT 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' || string_agg(oid::regclass::text, ', ') || ' CASCADE'
    FROM   pg_class
    WHERE  relkind = 'r'  -- only tables
    AND    relnamespace = 'public'::regnamespace

About the difference between pg_class, pg_tables and information_schema.tables:

About regclass and quoted table names:

For repeated use

Create a "template" database (let's name it my_template) with your vanilla structure and all empty tables. Then go through a DROP / CREATE DATABASE cycle:


This is extremely fast, because Postgres copies the whole structure on the file level. No concurrency issues or other overhead slowing you down.

If concurrent connections keep you from dropping the DB, consider:

Link to reload current page

If you are using php/smarty templates, u could do something like this:

<a href="{{$smarty.server.REQUEST_URI}}{if $smarty.server.REQUEST_URI|strstr:"?"}&{else}?{/if}newItem=1">Add New Item</a>

Reading a column from CSV file using JAVA

If you are using Java 7+, you may want to use NIO.2, e.g.:


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    File file = new File("test.csv");

    List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(file.toPath(), 

    for (String line : lines) {
        String[] array = line.split(",", -1);




Minimum and maximum date

From the spec, §

A Date object contains a Number indicating a particular instant in time to within a millisecond. Such a Number is called a time value. A time value may also be NaN, indicating that the Date object does not represent a specific instant of time.

Time is measured in ECMAScript in milliseconds since 01 January, 1970 UTC. In time values leap seconds are ignored. It is assumed that there are exactly 86,400,000 milliseconds per day. ECMAScript Number values can represent all integers from –9,007,199,254,740,992 to 9,007,199,254,740,992; this range suffices to measure times to millisecond precision for any instant that is within approximately 285,616 years, either forward or backward, from 01 January, 1970 UTC.

The actual range of times supported by ECMAScript Date objects is slightly smaller: exactly –100,000,000 days to 100,000,000 days measured relative to midnight at the beginning of 01 January, 1970 UTC. This gives a range of 8,640,000,000,000,000 milliseconds to either side of 01 January, 1970 UTC.

The exact moment of midnight at the beginning of 01 January, 1970 UTC is represented by the value +0.

The third paragraph being the most relevant. Based on that paragraph, we can get the precise earliest date per spec from new Date(-8640000000000000), which is Tuesday, April 20th, 271,821 BCE (BCE = Before Common Era, e.g., the year -271,821).

Using os.walk() to recursively traverse directories in Python

import os

dir = os.getcwd()
list = sorted(os.listdir(dir))
marks = ""

for s_list in list:
    print marks + s_list
    marks += "---"
    tree_list = sorted(os.listdir(dir + "/" + s_list))
    for i in tree_list:
        print marks + i

Request Monitoring in Chrome

don't know as of which chrome version this is available, but i found a setting 'Console - Log XMLHttpRequests' (clicking on the icon in the bottom right corner of developer tools in chrome on mac)

What is the alternative for ~ (user's home directory) on Windows command prompt?

Just wrote a script to do this without too much typing while maintaining portability as setting ~ to be %userprofile% needs a manual setup on each Windows PC while cloning and setting the directory as part of the PATH is mechanical.

Setting different color for each series in scatter plot on matplotlib

You can always use the plot() function like so:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

x = np.arange(10)
ys = [i+x+(i*x)**2 for i in range(10)]
for y in ys:
    plt.plot(x, y, 'o')

plot as scatter but changes colors

How do you format a Date/Time in TypeScript?

Here is another option for Angular (using own formatting function) - this one is for format:

YYYY-mm-dd hh:nn:ss

-you can adjust to your formats, just re-order the lines and change separators

dateAsYYYYMMDDHHNNSS(date): string {
  return date.getFullYear()
            + '-' + this.leftpad(date.getMonth() + 1, 2)
            + '-' + this.leftpad(date.getDate(), 2)
            + ' ' + this.leftpad(date.getHours(), 2)
            + ':' + this.leftpad(date.getMinutes(), 2)
            + ':' + this.leftpad(date.getSeconds(), 2);

leftpad(val, resultLength = 2, leftpadChar = '0'): string {
  return (String(leftpadChar).repeat(resultLength)
        + String(val)).slice(String(val).length);

For current time stamp use like this:

const curTime = this.dateAsYYYYMMDDHHNNSS(new Date());

Will output e.g: 2018-12-31 23:00:01

Access is denied when attaching a database

When you login as sa (or any Sql Server account), you're functioning as the SQL Server service account, when you're logged in as you, you have the permissions of your account. For some reason you don't have the appropriate file access but the service account does.

Select statement to find duplicates on certain fields

try this query to have sepratley count of each SELECT statements :

select field1,count(field1) as field1Count,field2,count(field2) as field2Counts,field3, count(field3) as field3Counts
from table_name
group by field1,field2,field3
having count(*) > 1

docker entrypoint running bash script gets "permission denied"

I faced same issue & it resolved by

ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "/"]

For the Dockerfile in the original question it should be like:

ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "/usr/src/app/"]

Stop on first error

Maybe you want set -e:

This tells bash that it should exit the script if any statement returns a non-true return value. The benefit of using -e is that it prevents errors snowballing into serious issues when they could have been caught earlier. Again, for readability you may want to use set -o errexit.

How to add a button dynamically using jquery

the $("body").append(r) statement should be within the test function, also there was misplaced " in the test method

function test() {
    var r=$('<input/>').attr({
        type: "button",
        id: "field",
        value: 'new'

Demo: Fiddle

In that case try a more jQuery-ish solution

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
              $('#mybutton').one('click', function(){
                  var r=$('<input/>').attr({
                      type: "button",
                      id: "field",
                      value: 'new'
        <button id="mybutton">Insert after</button> 

Demo: Plunker

geom_smooth() what are the methods available?

The method argument specifies the parameter of the smooth statistic. You can see stat_smooth for the list of all possible arguments to the method argument.

ValueError: Length of values does not match length of index | Pandas DataFrame.unique()

The error comes up when you are trying to assign a list of numpy array of different length to a data frame, and it can be reproduced as follows:

A data frame of four rows:

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1,2,3,4]})

Now trying to assign a list/array of two elements to it:

df['B'] = [3,4]   # or df['B'] = np.array([3,4])

Both errors out:

ValueError: Length of values does not match length of index

Because the data frame has four rows but the list and array has only two elements.

Work around Solution (use with caution): convert the list/array to a pandas Series, and then when you do assignment, missing index in the Series will be filled with NaN:

df['B'] = pd.Series([3,4])

#   A     B
#0  1   3.0
#1  2   4.0
#2  3   NaN          # NaN because the value at index 2 and 3 doesn't exist in the Series
#3  4   NaN

For your specific problem, if you don't care about the index or the correspondence of values between columns, you can reset index for each column after dropping the duplicates:

df.apply(lambda col: col.drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True))

#   A     B
#0  1   1.0
#1  2   5.0
#2  7   9.0
#3  8   NaN

How can I reverse the order of lines in a file?

EDIT the following generates a randomly sorted list of numbers from 1 to 10:

seq 1 10 | sort -R | tee /tmp/lst |cat <(cat /tmp/lst) <(echo '-------') **...**

where dots are replaced with actual command which reverses the list


seq 1 10 | sort -R | tee /tmp/lst |cat <(cat /tmp/lst) <(echo '-------') \

python: using [::-1] on sys.stdin

seq 1 10 | sort -R | tee /tmp/lst |cat <(cat /tmp/lst) <(echo '-------') \
<(python -c "import sys; print(''.join(([line for line in sys.stdin])[::-1]))")

mysql.h file can't be found

For those who are using Eclipse IDE.

After installing the full MySQL together with mysql client and mysql server and any mysql dev libraries,

You will need to tell Eclipse IDE about the following

  • Where to find mysql.h
  • Where to find libmysqlclient library
  • The path to search for libmysqlclient library

Here is how you go about it.

To Add mysql.h

1. GCC C Compiler -> Includes -> Include paths(-l) then click + and add path to your mysql.h In my case it was /usr/include/mysql

enter image description here

To add mysqlclient library and search path to where mysqlclient library see steps 3 and 4.

2. GCC C Linker -> Libraries -> Libraries(-l) then click + and add mysqlcient

enter image description here

3. GCC C Linker -> Libraries -> Library search path (-L) then click + and add search path to mysqlcient. In my case it was /usr/lib64/mysql because I am using a 64 bit Linux OS and a 64 bit MySQL Database.

Otherwise, if you are using a 32 bit Linux OS, you may find that it is found at /usr/lib/mysql

enter image description here

How to set bootstrap navbar active class with Angular JS?


 * Main AngularJS Web Application

var app = angular.module('yourWebApp', [

 * Setup Main Menu

app.controller('MainNavCtrl', [ '$scope', '$location', function ( $scope, $location) {
    $scope.menuItems = [
            name: 'Home',
            url:  '/home',
            title: 'Welcome to our Website'
            name: 'ABOUT',
            url:  '/about',
            title: 'Know about our work culture'
            name:   'CONTACT',
            url:    '/contact',
            title:  'Get in touch with us'

    $scope.isActive = function (viewLocation) {
        return viewLocation === $location.path();


  <div class="navbar-collapse collapse" ng-controller="MainNavCtrl">
    <ul id="add-magic-line" class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
      <li data-ng-class="{current_page_item: isActive('{{ menuItem.url }}')}" data-ng-repeat="menuItem in menuItems">
        <a data-ng-href="#{{menuItem.url}}" title="{{menuItem.title}}">

Remove Select arrow on IE

I would suggest mine solution that you can find in this GitHub repo. This works also for IE8 and IE9 with a custom arrow that comes from an icon font.

Examples of Custom Cross Browser Drop-down in action: check them with all your browsers to see the cross-browser feature.

Anyway, let's start with the modern browsers and then we will see the solution for the older ones.

Drop-down Arrow for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer 10+

For these browser, it is easy to set the same background image for the drop-down in order to have the same arrow.

To do so, you have to reset the browser's default style for the select tag and set new background rules (like suggested before).

select {
    /* you should keep these firsts rules in place to maintain cross-browser behaviour */
    -webkit-appearance: none;
    -moz-appearance: none;
    -o-appearance: none;
    appearance: none;
    background-image: url('<custom_arrow_image_url_here>');
    background-position: 98% center;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    outline: none;

The appearance rules are set to none to reset browsers default ones, if you want to have the same aspect for each arrow, you should keep them in place.

The background rules in the examples are set with SVG inline images that represent different arrows. They are positioned 98% from left to keep some margin to the right border (you can easily modify the position as you wish).

In order to maintain the correct cross-browser behavior, the only other rule that have to be left in place is the outline. This rule resets the default border that appears (in some browsers) when the element is clicked. All the others rules can be easily modified if needed.

Drop-down Arrow for Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) and Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) using Icon Font

This is the harder part... Or maybe not.

There is no standard rule to hide the default arrows for these browsers (like the select::-ms-expand for IE10+). The solution is to hide the part of the drop-down that contains the default arrow and insert an arrow icon font (or a SVG, if you prefer) similar to the SVG that is used in the other browsers (see the select CSS rule for more details about the inline SVG used).

The very first step is to set a class that can recognize the browser: this is the reason why I have used the conditional IE IFs at the beginning of the code. These IFs are used to attach specific classes to the html tag to recognize the older IE browser.

After that, every select in the HTML have to be wrapped by a div (or whatever tag that can wraps an element). At this wrapper just add the class that contains the icon font.

<div class="selectTagWrapper prefix-icon-arrow-down-fill">

In easy words, this wrapper is used to simulate the select tag.

To act like a drop-down, the wrapper must have a border, because we hide the one that comes from the select.

Notice that we cannot use the select border because we have to hide the default arrow lengthening it 25% more than the wrapper. Consequently its right border should not be visible because we hide this 25% more by the overflow: hidden rule applied to the select itself.

The custom arrow icon-font is placed in the pseudo class :before where the rule content contains the reference for the arrow (in this case it is a right parenthesis).

We also place this arrow in an absolute position to center it as much as possible (if you use different icon fonts, remember to adjust them opportunely by changing top and left values and the font size).

.ie8 .prefix-icon-arrow-down-fill:before,
.ie9 .prefix-icon-arrow-down-fill:before {
    content: ")";
    position: absolute;
    top: 43%;
    left: 93%;
    font-size: 6px;

You can easily create and substitute the background arrow or the icon font arrow, with every one that you want simply changing it in the background-image rule or making a new icon font file by yourself.

Play audio with Python

This is the easiest & best iv'e found. It supports Linux/pulseaudio, Mac/coreaudio, and Windows/WASAPI.

import soundfile as sf
import soundcard as sc

default_speaker = sc.default_speaker()
samples, samplerate ='bell.wav'), samplerate=samplerate)

See and for tons of other super-useful features.

How do I format a number with commas in T-SQL?

I'd recommend Replace in lieu of Substring to avoid string length issues:

REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar(20), (CAST(SUM(table.value) AS money)), 1), '.00', '')

How to pause in C?

If you are making a console window program, you can use system("pause");

Import PEM into Java Key Store

First, convert your certificate in a DER format :

openssl x509 -outform der -in certificate.pem -out certificate.der

And after, import it in the keystore :

keytool -import -alias your-alias -keystore cacerts -file certificate.der

Apache: The requested URL / was not found on this server. Apache

I had the same problem, but believe it or not is was a case of case sensitivity.

This on localhost: http://localhost/.../getdata.php?id=3

Did not behave the same as this on the server: http://server/.../getdata.php?id=3

Changing the server url to this (notice the capital D in getData) solved my issue. http://localhost/.../getData.php?id=3

How to rename files and folder in Amazon S3?

Below is the code example to rename file on s3. My file was part-000* because of spark o/p file, then i copy it to another file name on same location and delete the part-000*:

import boto3
client = boto3.client('s3')
response = client.list_objects(
name = response["Contents"][0]["Key"]
copy_source = {'Bucket': 'lsph', 'Key': name}
client.copy_object(Bucket='lsph', CopySource=copy_source, 
client.delete_object(Bucket='lsph', Key=name)

Angular 2 optional route parameter

It's recommended to use a query parameter when the information is optional.

Route Parameters or Query Parameters?

There is no hard-and-fast rule. In general,

prefer a route parameter when

  • the value is required.
  • the value is necessary to distinguish one route path from another.

prefer a query parameter when

  • the value is optional.
  • the value is complex and/or multi-variate.


You just need to take out the parameter from the route path.

    path: '/user/',
    component: User,
    as: 'User'

"Failed to install the following Android SDK packages as some licences have not been accepted" error

I just done File -> Invalidate caches and restart Then install missing packages. Worked for me.

Java ArrayList of Arrays?

This works very well.

ArrayList<String[]> a = new ArrayList<String[]>();
    a.add(new String[3]);
    a.get(0)[0] = "Zubair";
    a.get(0)[1] = "Borkala";
    a.get(0)[2] = "Kerala";

Result will be


Enabling HTTPS on express.js

This is my working code for express 4.0.

express 4.0 is very different from 3.0 and others.

4.0 you have /bin/www file, which you are going to add https here.

"npm start" is standard way you start express 4.0 server.

readFileSync() function should use __dirname get current directory

while require() use ./ refer to current directory.

First you put private.key and public.cert file under /bin folder, It is same folder as WWW file.


This is trivial when you use SUMPRODUCT. Por ejemplo:


You could put the above formula in cell B3, where A3 is the name you want to find in worksheet2.

How to add external JS scripts to VueJS Components

There is a vue component for this usecase

        <VueScriptComponent script='<script type="text/javascript"> alert("Peekaboo!"); </script>'/>

import VueScriptComponent from 'vue-script-component'

export default {
  components: {

Writing MemoryStream to Response Object

The problem for me was that my stream was not set to the origin before download.

Response.ContentType = "Application/msword";
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=myfile.docx");



Vector of Vectors to create matrix

try this. m = row, n = col

vector<vector<int>> matrix(m, vector<int>(n));

for(i = 0;i < m; i++)
   for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
      cin >> matrix[i][j];
   cout << endl;
cout << "::matrix::" << endl;
for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
        cout << matrix[i][j] << " ";
    cout << endl;

execJs: 'Could not find a JavaScript runtime' but execjs AND therubyracer are in Gemfile

I had the same problem. Adding the gems 'execjs' and 'therubyracer' not work for me. apt-get install nodejs - also dosn't works. I'm using 64bit ubuntu 10.04.

But it helped me the following: 1. I created empty folder (for example "java"). 2. From the terminal in folder that I created I do:

$ git clone git://
$ cd node
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

After that I run "bundle install" as usual (from folder with ruby&rails project). And the problem was resolved. Ruby did not have to reinstall.

How to change the default GCC compiler in Ubuntu?

I found this problem while trying to install a new clang compiler. Turns out that both the Debian and the LLVM maintainers agree that the alternatives system should be used for alternatives, NOT for versioning.

The solution they propose is something like this:
where /usr/lib/llvm-3.7/bin is a directory that got created by the llvm-3.7 package, and which contains all the tools with their non-suffixed names. With that, llvm-config (version 3.7) appears with its plain name in your PATH. No need to muck around with symlinks, nor to call the llvm-config-3.7 that got installed in /usr/bin.

Also, check for a package named llvm-defaults (or gcc-defaults), which might offer other way to do this (I didn't use it).

How do I PHP-unserialize a jQuery-serialized form?

This is in reply to user1256561. Thanks for your idea.. however i have not taken care of the url decode stuff mentioned in step3.

so here is the php code that will decode the serialized form data, if anyone else needs it. By the way, use this code at your own discretion.

function xyz($strfromAjaxPOST)
    $array = "";
    $returndata = "";
    $strArray = explode("&", $strfromPOST);
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($strArray as $str)
        $array = explode("=", $str);
        $returndata[$i] = $array[0];
        $i = $i + 1;
        $returndata[$i] = $array[1];
        $i = $i + 1;

The url post data input will be like: attribute1=value1&attribute2=value2&attribute3=value3 and so on

Output of above code will still be in an array and you can modify it to get it assigned to any variable you want and it depends on how you want to use this data further.

    [0] => attribute1
    [1] => value1
    [2] => attribute2
    [3] => value2
    [4] => attribute3
    [5] => value3

Set a:hover based on class

Try this:

.menu a.main-nav-item:hover { }

In order to understand how this works it is important to read this the way the browser does. The a defines the element, the .main-nav-item qualifies the element to only those which have that class, and finally the psuedo-class :hover is applied to the qualified expression that comes before.

Basically it boils down to this:

Apply this hover rule to all anchor elements with the class main-nav-item that are a descendant child of any element with the class menu.

How can I display a messagebox in ASP.NET?

Try This Code:Successfully

Written on click Button.

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(),"alertMessage", "alert('Record Inserted Successfully');", true);

How do I configure Apache 2 to run Perl CGI scripts?

I'm guessing you've taken a look at mod_perl?

Have you tried the following tutorial?

EDIT: In relation to your posting - perhaps you could include a sample of the code inside your .cgi file. Perhaps even the first few lines?

Is there a way to break a list into columns?

The mobile-first way is to use CSS Columns to create an experience for smaller screens then use Media Queries to increase the number of columns at each of your layout's defined breakpoints.

ul {_x000D_
  column-count: 2;_x000D_
  column-gap: 2rem;_x000D_
@media screen and (min-width: 768px)) {_x000D_
  ul {_x000D_
    column-count: 3;_x000D_
    column-gap: 5rem;_x000D_

Go doing a GET request and building the Querystring

Use r.URL.Query() when you appending to existing query, if you are building new set of params use the url.Values struct like so

package main

import (

func main() {
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET","", nil)
    if err != nil {

    // if you appending to existing query this works fine 
    q := req.URL.Query()
    q.Add("api_key", "key_from_environment_or_flag")
    q.Add("another_thing", "foo & bar")

    // or you can create new url.Values struct and encode that like so
    q := url.Values{}
    q.Add("api_key", "key_from_environment_or_flag")
    q.Add("another_thing", "foo & bar")

    req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()

    // Output: