[html] Link to reload current page

Is it possible to have a normal link pointing to the current location?

I have currently found 2 solutions, but one of them includes JavaScript and in the other you have to know the absolute path to the page:

<a href="#" onclick="window.location.reload(true);">1</a>
<a href="/foobar/">2</a>
<a href="#">3 (of course not working)</a>

Is there any way of doing this, without using JavaScript or knowing the absolute path?

This question is related to html hyperlink

The answer is

<a href=".">refresh current page</a>

or if you want to pass parameters:

<a href=".?curreny='usd'">refresh current page</a>

While the accepted answer didn't work for me in IE9, this did:

<a href="?">link</a>

There is no global way of doing this unfortunately with only HTML. You can try doing <a href="">test</a> however it only works in some browsers.

Just add target="_blank" and the link will open a new page keeping the original page.

<a href="<?php echo $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; ?>">Click me</a>

One more solution

<a href="javascript:history.go(0)">Reload</a>

<a href="/home" target="_self">Reload the page</a>

For me, the answers previously provided here, were opening a new tab/window (probably because of my browser settings). But i wanted to reload/refresh on the same page. So, the above solutions did not work for me.

However, the good news is, the following (either of two) worked for me.

  1. <a onclick="javascript:window.location.reload();"> refresh</a>
  2. <a onclick="window.location.href=this">refresh</a>

One way using JavaScript:

<a href="javascript:window.location.reload(true)">Reload</a>

try This

<a href="javascript:window.location.href=window.location.href">

If you are using php/smarty templates, u could do something like this:

<a href="{{$smarty.server.REQUEST_URI}}{if $smarty.server.REQUEST_URI|strstr:"?"}&{else}?{/if}newItem=1">Add New Item</a>

Completely idempotent url that preserves path, parameters, and anchor.

 <a href="javascript:"> click me </a>

it only uses a little tiny bit of JS.

EDIT: this does not reload the page. It is a link that does nothing.

<a href="/">Same domain, just like refresh</a>

Seems to work only if your website is index.html, index.htm or index.php (any default page).

But it seems that . is the same thing and more accepted

<a href=".">Same domain, just like refresh, (more used)</a>

Both work perfect on Chrome when domain is both http:// and https://

use this for reload / refresh current page

<a href="#" onclick="window.location.reload(true);">

or use

<a href="">refresh</a>

You can use a form to do a POST to the same URL.

 <form  method="POST" name="refresh" id="refresh">
 <input type="submit" value="Refresh" />

This gives you a button that refreshes the current page. It is a bit annoying because if the user presses the browser refresh button, they will get a do you want to resubmit the form message.

<a href="">Refresh!</a>

Leave the href="" blank and it will refresh the page.
Also works if some info is passed using forms.

None of the other answers will preseve any querystring values. Try

<a href="javascript:window.location.href=window.location.href">

Admittedly this does involve javascript but, unless your users have script disabled, this is pretty straightforward.

You could do this: <a href="">This page</a>

but I don't think it preserves GET and POST data.


<a href="page1.html"> Link </a>

*page1.html -> type the name of the file you are working on (your current HTML file)

I use JS to show only the div with a specific id in the tags page in a jekyll site. With a set of links in the same page, you show the corresponding element:

function hide_others() {
    selected = location.hash.slice(1);
    if (selected) {
        $('#' + selected).show();
    else {

links use links like:

<a href="javascript:window.location.href='/tags.html#{{ tag[0] }}-ref'; hide_others()">{{ tag[0] }}</a>

<a href="/">Clicking me refreshes the page</a>

<a href="?">Click Me To Reload the page</a>