[android] Is it possible to have placeholders in strings.xml for runtime values?

Supplemental Answer

When I first saw %1$s and %2$d in the accepted answer, it made no sense. Here is a little more explanation.

They are called format specifiers. In the xml string they are in the form of

  • %: The percent sign marks the beginning of the format specifier.
  • parameter index: This is a number followed by a dollar sign. If you had three parameters that you wanted to insert into the string, then they would be called 1$, 2$, and 3$. The order you place them in the resource string doesn't matter, only the order that you supply the parameters.
  • format type: There are a lot of ways that you can format things (see the documentation). Here are some common ones:

    • s string
    • d decimal integer
    • f floating point number


We will create the following formatted string where the gray parts are inserted programmatically.

My sister Mary is 12 years old.


<string name="my_xml_string">My sister %1$s is %2$d years old.</string>


String myString = "Mary";
int myInt = 12;
String formatted = getString(R.string.my_xml_string, myString, myInt);


  • I could use getString because I was in an Activity. You can use context.getResources().getString(...) if it is not available.
  • String.format() will also format a String.
  • The 1$ and 2$ terms don't need to be used in that order. That is, 2$ can come before 1$. This is useful when internationalizing an app for languages that use a different word order.
  • You can use a format specifier like %1$s multiple times in the xml if you want to repeat it.
  • Use %% to get the actual % character.
  • For more details read the following helpful tutorial: Android SDK Quick Tip: Formatting Resource Strings

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