Programs & Examples On #Fpic

GCC -fPIC option

Code that is built into shared libraries should normally be position-independent code, so that the shared library can readily be loaded at (more or less) any address in memory. The -fPIC option ensures that GCC produces such code.

How to recompile with -fPIC

Have a look at this page.

you can try globally adding the flag using: export CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fPIC"

AngularJS : How do I switch views from a controller function?

Firstly you have to create state in app.js as below

.state('login', {
      url: '/',
      templateUrl: 'views/login.html',
      controller: 'LoginCtrl'

and use below code in controller


Hope this will help you

How can I make XSLT work in chrome?

Well it does not work if the XML file (starting by the standard PI:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="..."?>

for referencing the XSL stylesheet) is served as "application/xml". In that case, Chrome will still download the referenced XSL stylesheet, but nothing will be rendered, as it will silently change the document types from "application/xml" into "Document" (!??) and "text/xsl" into "Stylesheet" (!??), and then will attempt to render the XML document as if it was an HTML(5) document, without running first its XSLT processor. And Nothing at all will be displayed in the screen (whose content will continue to show the previous page from which the XML page was referenced, and will continue spinning the icon, as if the document was never completely loaded.

You can perfectly use the Chrome console, that shows that all resources are loaded, but they are incorrectly interpreted.

So yes, Chrome currently only render XML files (with its optional leading XSL stylesheet declaration), only if it is served as "text/xml", but not as "application/xml" as it should for client-side rendered XML with an XSL declaration.

For XML files served as "text/xml" or "application/xml" and that do not contain an XSL stylesheet declaration, Chrome should still use a default stylesheet to render it as a DOM tree, or at least as its text source. But it does not, and here again it attempts to render it as if it was HTML, and bugs immediately on many scripts (including a default internal one) that attempt to access to "document.body" for handling onLoad events and inject some javascript handler in it.

An example of site that does not work as expected (the Common Lisp documentation) in Chrome, but works in IE which supports client-side XSLT:

This index page above is displayed correctly, but all links will drive to XML documents with a basic XSL declaration to an existing XSL stylesheet document, and you can wait indefinitely, thinking that the chapters have problems to be downloaded. All you can do to read the docuemntation is to open the console and read the source code in the Resources tab.

ORACLE IIF Statement

In PL/SQL, there is a trick to use the undocumented OWA_UTIL.ITE function.


    x   VARCHAR2(10);
    x := owa_util.ite('a' = 'b','T','F');


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Return a string method in C#

You're currently trying to access a method like a property


It should be


Alternatively you could turn it into a property using

public string fullName
        string x = firstName + " " + lastName;
        return x;

Spring Boot Rest Controller how to return different HTTP status codes?

One of the way to do this is you can use ResponseEntity as a return object.

@RequestMapping(value="/rawdata/", method = RequestMethod.PUT)

public ResponseEntity<?> create(@RequestBody String data) {

    return new ResponseEntity<>(RestModel, HttpStatus.OK);
    return new ResponseEntity<>(null, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);


PHP - how to create a newline character?

w3school offered this way:

echo nl2br("One line.\n Another line.");

by use of this function you can do it..i tried other ways that said above but they wont help me..

What is log4j's default log file dumping path

To redirect your logs output to a file, you need to use the FileAppender and need to define other file details in your file. Here is a sample properties file for the same:

# Root logger option
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, file

# Direct log messages to a log file
log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n

Follow this tutorial to learn more about log4j usage:

Radio button validation in javascript

You could do something like this

var option=document.getElementsByName('Gender');

if (!(option[0].checked || option[1].checked)) {
    alert("Please Select Your Gender");
    return false;

Convert Xml to DataTable

You can use this code(Recommended)

 MemoryStream objMS = new MemoryStream();
 DataTable oDT = new DataTable();//Your DataTable which you want to convert
 objMS.Position = 0;
 XPathDocument result = new XPathDocument(objMS);

This is another way but first ex. is recommended

StringWriter objSW = new StringWriter();
DataTable oDt = new DataTable();//Your DataTable which you want to convert
string result = objSW.ToString();

Array formula on Excel for Mac

Select the range, press CONTROL+U and then press ?+RETURN.

How to upload images into MySQL database using PHP code

This is the perfect code for uploading and displaying image through MySQL database.

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="image"/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload"/>
        echo " error ";
        $image = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
        $image = addslashes(file_get_contents($image));
    function saveimage($image)
        $qry="insert into tablename (name) values ('$image')";
            echo " <br/>Image uploaded.";
            echo " error ";

How to call javascript function from button click event

You're already prepending the hash sign in your showDialog() function, and you're missing single quotes in your second code snippet. You should also return false from the handler to prevent a postback from occurring. Try:

<asp:Button ID="ButtonAdd" runat="server" Text="Add"
    OnClientClick="showDialog('<%=addPerson.ClientID %>'); return false;" />

Determine .NET Framework version for dll

Decompile it with ILDASM, and look at the version of mscorlib that is being referenced (should be pretty much right at the top).

Open Source Javascript PDF viewer

You can use the Google Docs PDF-viewing widget, if you don't mind having them host the "application" itself.

I had more suggestions, but stack overflow only lets me post one hyperlink as a new user, sorry.

Multipart File Upload Using Spring Rest Template + Spring Web MVC

More based on the feeling, but this is the error you would get if you missed to declare a bean in the context configuration, so try adding

<bean id="multipartResolver" class="org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartResolver">
    <property name="maxUploadSize" value="10000000"/>

Can I use complex HTML with Twitter Bootstrap's Tooltip?

Just as normal, using data-original-title:


<div rel='tooltip' data-original-title='<h1>big tooltip</h1>'>Visible text</div>



The html parameter specifies how the tooltip text should be turned into DOM elements. By default Html code is escaped in tooltips to prevent XSS attacks. Say you display a username on your site and you show a small bio in a tooltip. If the html code isn't escaped and the user can edit the bio themselves they could inject malicious code.

Edit existing excel workbooks and sheets with xlrd and xlwt

As I wrote in the edits of the op, to edit existing excel documents you must use the xlutils module (Thanks Oliver)

Here is the proper way to do it:

#xlrd, xlutils and xlwt modules need to be installed.  
#Can be done via pip install <module>
from xlrd import open_workbook
from xlutils.copy import copy

rb = open_workbook("names.xls")
wb = copy(rb)

s = wb.get_sheet(0)

This replaces the contents of the cell located at a1 in the first sheet of "names.xls" with the text "a1", and then saves the document.

How to decode jwt token in javascript without using a library?

In Node.js (TypeScript):

import { TextDecoder } from 'util';

function decode(jwt: string) {
    const { 0: encodedHeader, 1: encodedPayload, 2: signature, length } = jwt.split('.');

    if (length !== 3) {
        throw new TypeError('Invalid JWT');

    const decode = (input: string): JSON => { return JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(input, 'base64')))); };

    return { header: decode(encodedHeader), payload: decode(encodedPayload), signature: signature };

With jose by panva on GitHub, you could use the minimal import { decode as base64Decode } from 'jose/util/base64url' and replace new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(input, 'base64')) with base64Decode(input). Code should then work in both browser and Node.js.

regex for zip-code

I know this may be obvious for most people who use RegEx frequently, but in case any readers are new to RegEx, I thought I should point out an observation I made that was helpful for one of my projects.

In a previous answer from @kennytm:


…? = The pattern before it is optional (for condition 1)

If you want to allow both standard 5 digit and +4 zip codes, this is a great example.

To match only zip codes in the US 'Zip + 4' format as I needed to do (conditions 2 and 3 only), simply remove the last ? so it will always match the last 5 character group.

A useful tool I recommend for tinkering with RegEx is linked below:

I use this tool frequently when I find RegEx that does something similar to what I need, but could be tailored a bit better. It also has a nifty RegEx reference menu and informative interface that keeps you aware of how your changes impact the matches for the sample text you entered.

If I got anything wrong or missed an important piece of information, please correct me.

How should I cast in VB.NET?

At one time, I remember seeing the MSDN library state to use CStr() because it was faster. I do not know if this is true though.

Relative imports in Python 3

Put this inside your package's file:

# For relative imports to work in Python 3.6
import os, sys; sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))

Assuming your package is like this:

+-- project
¦   +-- package
¦   ¦   +--
¦   ¦   +--
¦   ¦   +--
¦   +--

Now use regular imports in you package, like:

# in
from module1 import class1

This works in both python 2 and 3.

Selenium WebDriver: Wait for complex page with JavaScript to load

The below code works perfectly in my case - my page contains complex java scripts

public void checkPageIsReady() {

  JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;

  //Initially bellow given if condition will check ready state of page.
  if (js.executeScript("return document.readyState").toString().equals("complete")){ 
   System.out.println("Page Is loaded.");

  //This loop will rotate for 25 times to check If page Is ready after every 1 second.
  //You can replace your value with 25 If you wants to Increase or decrease wait time.
  for (int i=0; i<25; i++){ 
   try {
    }catch (InterruptedException e) {} 
   //To check page ready state.
   if (js.executeScript("return document.readyState").toString().equals("complete")){ 

Source - How To Wait For Page To Load/Ready In Selenium WebDriver

FTP/SFTP access to an Amazon S3 Bucket

WinSCp now supports S3 protocol

First, make sure your AWS user with S3 access permissions has an “Access key ID” created. You also have to know the “Secret access key”. Access keys are created and managed on Users page of IAM Management Console.

Make sure New site node is selected.

On the New site node, select Amazon S3 protocol.

Enter your AWS user Access key ID and Secret access key

Save your site settings using the Save button.

Login using the Login button.

What are the differences between struct and class in C++?

Quoting The C++ FAQ,

[7.8] What's the difference between the keywords struct and class?

The members and base classes of a struct are public by default, while in class, they default to private. Note: you should make your base classes explicitly public, private, or protected, rather than relying on the defaults.

Struct and class are otherwise functionally equivalent.

OK, enough of that squeaky clean techno talk. Emotionally, most developers make a strong distinction between a class and a struct. A struct simply feels like an open pile of bits with very little in the way of encapsulation or functionality. A class feels like a living and responsible member of society with intelligent services, a strong encapsulation barrier, and a well defined interface. Since that's the connotation most people already have, you should probably use the struct keyword if you have a class that has very few methods and has public data (such things do exist in well designed systems!), but otherwise you should probably use the class keyword.

how to delete the content of text file without deleting itself

I don't believe you even have to write an empty string to the file.

PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter("filepath.txt");

How do I concatenate strings and variables in PowerShell?

I seem to struggle with this (and many other unintuitive things) every time I use PowerShell after time away from it, so I now opt for:

[string]::Concat("There are ", $count, " items in the list")

delete all from table

This is deletes the table table_name.

Replace it with the name of the table, which shall be deleted.

DELETE FROM table_name;

Checking that a List is not empty in Hamcrest

This is fixed in Hamcrest 1.3. The below code compiles and does not generate any warnings:

// given
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
// then
assertThat(list, is(not(empty())));

But if you have to use older version - instead of bugged empty() you could use:

(import static org.hamcrest.number.OrderingComparison.greaterThan; or
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan;)


// given
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
// then
assertThat(list, hasSize(greaterThan(0)));

The most important thing about above solutions is that it does not generate any warnings. The second solution is even more useful if you would like to estimate minimum result size.

JavaScript or jQuery browser back button click detector

there are a lot of ways how you can detect if user has clicked on the Back button. But everything depends on what your needs. Try to explore links below, they should help you.

Detect if user pressed "Back" button on current page:

Detect if current page is visited after pressing "Back" button on previous("Forward") page:

How do I use the conditional operator (? :) in Ruby?

It is the ternary operator, and it works like in C (the parenthesis are not required). It's an expression that works like:

if_this_is_a_true_value ? then_the_result_is_this : else_it_is_this

However, in Ruby, if is also an expression so: if a then b else c end === a ? b : c, except for precedence issues. Both are expressions.


puts (if 1 then 2 else 3 end) # => 2

puts 1 ? 2 : 3                # => 2

x = if 1 then 2 else 3 end
puts x                        # => 2

Note that in the first case parenthesis are required (otherwise Ruby is confused because it thinks it is puts if 1 with some extra junk after it), but they are not required in the last case as said issue does not arise.

You can use the "long-if" form for readability on multiple lines:

question = if question.size > 20 then
  question.slice(0, 20) + "..."

How do I get a list of files in a directory in C++?

I've just asked a similar question and here's my solution based on answer received (using boost::filesystem library):

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::filesystem;

int main()
    path p("D:/AnyFolder");
    for (auto i = directory_iterator(p); i != directory_iterator(); i++)
        if (!is_directory(i->path())) //we eliminate directories in a list
            cout << i->path().filename().string() << endl;

Output is like:


Difference between git stash pop and git stash apply

Assuming there will be no errors thrown, and you want to work on the top stash item in the list of available stashes:

git stash pop = git stash apply + git stash drop

Java 8: Lambda-Streams, Filter by Method with Exception

Extending @marcg solution, you can normally throw and catch a checked exception in Streams; that is, compiler will ask you to catch/re-throw as is you were outside streams!!

public interface Predicate_WithExceptions<T, E extends Exception> {
    boolean test(T t) throws E;

 * .filter(rethrowPredicate(t -> t.isActive()))
public static <T, E extends Exception> Predicate<T> rethrowPredicate(Predicate_WithExceptions<T, E> predicate) throws E {
    return t -> {
        try {
            return predicate.test(t);
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            return throwActualException(exception);

private static <T, E extends Exception> T throwActualException(Exception exception) throws E {
    throw (E) exception;

Then, your example would be written as follows (adding tests to show it more clearly):

public void testPredicate() throws MyTestException {
    List<String> nonEmptyStrings = Stream.of("ciao", "")
            .filter(rethrowPredicate(s -> notEmpty(s)))
    assertEquals(1, nonEmptyStrings.size());
    assertEquals("ciao", nonEmptyStrings.get(0));

private class MyTestException extends Exception { }

private boolean notEmpty(String value) throws MyTestException {
    if(value==null) {
        throw new MyTestException();
    return !value.isEmpty();

public void testPredicateRaisingException() throws MyTestException {
    try {
        Stream.of("ciao", null)
                .filter(rethrowPredicate(s -> notEmpty(s)))
    } catch (MyTestException e) {

How can I join on a stored procedure?

Your stored procedure could easily be used as a view instead. Then you can join it on to anything else you need.


CREATE VIEW vwTenantBalance

 SELECT tenant.ID AS TenantID, SUM(ISNULL(trans.Amount,0)) AS TenantBalance 
 FROM tblTenant tenant
 LEFT JOIN tblTransaction trans
 ON tenant.ID = trans.TenantID
 GROUP BY tenant.ID

The you can do any statement like:

SELECT t.TenantName, t.CarPlateNumber, t.CarColor, t.Sex, t.SSNO, t.Phone, 
    t.Memo, u.UnitNumber, p.PropertyName, TenantBalance
FROM tblTenant t
LEFT JOIN tblRentalUnit u
 ON t.UnitID = u.ID
LEFT JOIN tblProperty p
 ON u.PropertyID = p.ID
LEFT JOIN vwTenantBalance v 
 ON t.ID = v.tenantID
ORDER BY p.PropertyName, t.CarPlateNumber

Is Django for the frontend or backend?

(a) Django is a framework, not a language

(b) I'm not sure what you're missing - there is no reason why you can't have business logic in a web application. In Django, you would normally expect presentation logic to be separated from business logic. Just because it is hosted in the same application server, it doesn't follow that the two layers are entangled.

(c) Django does provide templating, but it doesn't provide rich libraries for generating client-side content.

script to map network drive

Here a JScript variant of JohnB's answer

// Below the MSDN page for MapNetworkDrive Method with link and in case if Microsoft breaks it like every now and then the path to the documentation of now.
// MSDN Library -> Web Development -> Scripting -> JScript and VBScript -> Windows Scripting -> Windows Script Host -> Reference (Windows Script Host) -> Methods (Windows Script Host) -> MapNetworkDrive Method

var WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Network');
function localNameInUse(localName) {
    var driveIterator = WshNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives();
    for (var i=0, l=driveIterator.length; i < l; i += 2) {
        if (driveIterator.Item(i) == localName) {
            return true;
    return false;

function mount(localName, remoteName) {
    if (localNameInUse(localName)) {
        WScript.Echo('"' + localName + '" drive letter already in use.');
    } else {
        WshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive(localName, remoteName);

function unmount(localName) {
    if (localNameInUse(localName)) {

Iterate a list with indexes in Python

If you have multiple lists, you can do this combining enumerate and zip:

list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
list2 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
list3 = [100, 200, 300, 400, 500]
for i, (l1, l2, l3) in enumerate(zip(list1, list2, list3)):
    print(i, l1, l2, l3)
0 1 10 100
1 2 20 200
2 3 30 300
3 4 40 400
4 5 50 500

Note that parenthesis is required after i. Otherwise you get the error: ValueError: need more than 2 values to unpack

How to change the default collation of a table?

MySQL has 4 levels of collation: server, database, table, column. If you change the collation of the server, database or table, you don't change the setting for each column, but you change the default collations.

E.g if you change the default collation of a database, each new table you create in that database will use that collation, and if you change the default collation of a table, each column you create in that table will get that collation.

How to insert default values in SQL table?

CREATE PROC SP_EMPLOYEE                             --By Using TYPE parameter and CASE  in Stored procedure
case D.ISACTIVE when 'Y' then 'ISACTIVE' when 'N' then 'INACTIVE' else 'not' end as ACTIVE

How to get current SIM card number in Android?

Getting the Phone Number, IMEI, and SIM Card ID

TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) 

For SIM card, use the getSimSerialNumber()

    //---get the SIM card ID---
    String simID = tm.getSimSerialNumber();
    if (simID != null)
        Toast.makeText(this, "SIM card ID: " + simID, 

Phone number of your phone, use the getLine1Number() (some device's dont return the phone number)

    //---get the phone number---
    String telNumber = tm.getLine1Number();
    if (telNumber != null)        
        Toast.makeText(this, "Phone number: " + telNumber, 

IMEI number of the phone, use the getDeviceId()

    //---get the IMEI number---
    String IMEI = tm.getDeviceId();
    if (IMEI != null)        
        Toast.makeText(this, "IMEI number: " + IMEI, 

Permissions needed

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>

How to clear APC cache entries?

apc_clear_cache() only works on the same php SAPI that you want you cache cleared. If you have PHP-FPM and want to clear apc cache, you have do do it through one of php scripts, NOT the command line, because the two caches are separated.

I have written CacheTool, a command line tool that solves exactly this problem and with one command you can clear your PHP-FPM APC cache from the commandline (it connects to php-fpm for you, and executes apc functions)

It also works for opcache.

See how it works here:

What is a good way to handle exceptions when trying to read a file in python?

fname = 'filenotfound.txt'
    f = open(fname, 'rb')
except FileNotFoundError:
    print("file {} does not exist".format(fname))

file filenotfound.txt does not exist

exception FileNotFoundError Raised when a file or directory is requested but doesn’t exist. Corresponds to errno ENOENT.
This exception does not exist in Python 2.

Batch / Find And Edit Lines in TXT file

On a native Windows install, you can either use batch(cmd.exe) or vbscript without the need to get external tools. Here's an example in vbscript:

Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFile = "c:\test\file.txt"
Set objFile = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFile)
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
    strLine = objFile.ReadLine
    If InStr(strLine,"ex3")> 0 Then
        strLine = Replace(strLine,"ex3","ex5")
    End If 
    WScript.Echo strLine

Save as myreplace.vbs and on the command line:

c:\test> cscript /nologo myreplace.vbs  > newfile
c:\test> ren newfile file.txt

In Rails, how do you render JSON using a view?

Im new to RoR this is what I found out. you can directly render a json format

  users = User.all
  render json: {allUsers: users} # ! rendering all users

How to set the java.library.path from Eclipse

For a given application launch, you can do it as jim says.

If you want to set it for the entire workspace, you can also set it under

      Installed JREs

Each JRE has a "Default VM arguments" (which I believe are completely ignored if any VM args are set for a run configuration.)

You could even set up different JRE/JDKs with different parameters and have some projects use one, other projects use another.

Return Boolean Value on SQL Select Statement

Given that commonly 1 = true and 0 = false, all you need to do is count the number of rows, and cast to a boolean.

Hence, your posted code only needs a COUNT() function added:

FROM [User]
WHERE (UserID = 20070022)

Check If only numeric values were entered in input. (jQuery)

for future visitors, you can add this functon that allow user to enter only numbers: you will only have to add jquery and the class name to the input check that into

var numero= String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
 var myArray = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9',0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
index = myArray.indexOf(numero);// 1
var longeur= $('.phone_number').val().length;
 text = window.getSelection().toString();
 } if(index>=0&text.length>0){
  }else if(index>=0&longeur<10){
    }else {return false;} });

Error In PHP5 ..Unable to load dynamic library

My problem was solved by the following command

sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt

I have

  • PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.4 with Suhosin-Patch (cli)
  • Ubuntu Desktop 12.04
  • Mysql 5.5

Styling input buttons for iPad and iPhone

Use the below css

input[type="submit"] {_x000D_
  font-size: 20px;_x000D_
  background: pink;_x000D_
  border: none;_x000D_
  padding: 10px 20px;_x000D_
.flat-btn {_x000D_
  -webkit-appearance: none;_x000D_
  -moz-appearance: none;_x000D_
   appearance: none;_x000D_
   border-radius: 0;_x000D_
h2 {_x000D_
  margin: 25px 0 10px;_x000D_
  font-size: 20px;_x000D_
<h2>iOS Styled Button!</h2>_x000D_
<input type="submit" value="iOS Styled Button!" />_x000D_
<h2>No More Style! Button!</h2>_x000D_
<input class="flat-btn" type="submit" value="No More Style! Button!" />

JavaScript: Alert.Show(message) From ASP.NET Code-behind

Calling script only can not do that if the event is PAGE LOAD event specially.

you need to call, Response.Write(script);

so as above, string script = "alert('" + cleanMessage + "');"; Response.Write(script);

will work in at least for a page load event for sure.

How to set breakpoints in inline Javascript in Google Chrome?

Another intuitive simple trick to debug especially script inside html returned by ajax, is to temporary put console.log("test") inside the script.

Once you have fired the event, open up the console tab inside the developer tools. you will see the source file link shown up at the right side of the "test" debug print statement. just click on the source (something like VM4xxx) and you can now set the break point.

P.S.: besides, you can consider to put "debugger" statement if you are using chrome, like what is being suggested by @Matt Ball

How to get Toolbar from fragment?

toolbar = (Toolbar) getView().findViewById(;
AppCompatActivity activity = (AppCompatActivity) getActivity();

Find stored procedure by name

You can use:

select * 
   name like '%name_of_proc%'

if you need the code you can look in the syscomments table

select text 
    syscomments c
    inner join sys.procedures p on p.object_id = c.object_id
where like '%name_of_proc%'

Edit Update:

you can can also use the ansi standard version

    ROUTINE_NAME LIKE '%name_of_proc%'

Find where python is installed (if it isn't default dir)

  1. First search for PYTHON IDLE from search bar
  2. Open the IDLE and use below commands.

    import sys print(sys.path)

  3. It will give you the path where the python.exe is installed. For eg: C:\Users\\...\python.exe

  4. Add the same path to system environment variable.

How to get array keys in Javascript?

I wrote a function what works fine with every instance of Objects (Arrays are those).

Object.prototype.toArray = function()
      return null;

    var c = [];

    for (var key in this) 
        if ( ( this instanceof Array && this.constructor === Array && key === 'length' ) || !this.hasOwnProperty(key) ) 


    return c;


var a   = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
a[11]   = 4;
a["js"] = 5;


var b = { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3, f: function() { return 4; }, five: 5 };
b[7] = 7;



> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
> [ 7, 1, 2, 3, function () { return 4; }, 5 ]

It may be useful for anyone.

regex to match a single character that is anything but a space

The following should suffice:

[^ ]

If you want to expand that to anything but white-space (line breaks, tabs, spaces, hard spaces):



\S  # Note this is a CAPITAL 'S'!

Get value of a specific object property in C# without knowing the class behind

Use reflection

System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi = item.GetType().GetProperty("name");
String name = (String)(pi.GetValue(item, null));

How to store directory files listing into an array?

You may be tempted to use (*) but what if a directory contains the * character? It's very difficult to handle special characters in filenames correctly.

You can use ls -ls. However, it fails to handle newline characters.

# Store la -ls as an array
readarray -t files <<< $(ls -ls)
for (( i=1; i<${#files[@]}; i++ ))
    # Convert current line to an array
    # Get the filename, joining it together any spaces
    echo $fileName

If all you want is the file name, then just use ls:

for fileName in $(ls); do
    echo $fileName

See this article or this this post for more information about some of the difficulties of dealing with special characters in file names.

How do I get an object's unqualified (short) class name?

If you need to know the class name that was called from inside a class, and don't want the namespace, you can use this one

$calledClass = get_called_class();
$name = strpos($calledClass, '\\') === false ?
    $calledClass : substr($calledClass, strrpos($calledClass, '\\') + 1);

This is great when you have a method inside a class which is extended by other classes. Furthermore, this also works if namespaces aren't used at all.


namespace One\Two {
    class foo
        public function foo()
            $calledClass = get_called_class();
            $name = strpos($calledClass, '\\') === false ?
                $calledClass : substr($calledClass, strrpos($calledClass, '\\') + 1);


namespace Three {
    class bar extends \One\Two\foo
        public function bar()

namespace {
    (new One\Two\foo)->foo();
    (new Three\bar)->bar();

// test.php:11:string 'foo' (length=3)
// test.php:11:string 'bar' (length=3)

How do I explicitly specify a Model's table-name mapping in Rails?

Rails >= 3.2 (including Rails 4+ and 5+):

class Countries < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.table_name = "cc"

Rails <= 3.1:

class Countries < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.set_table_name "cc"

Initializing a struct to 0

I also thought this would work but it's misleading:

myStruct _m1 = {0};

When I tried this:

myStruct _m1 = {0xff};

Only the 1st byte was set to 0xff, the remaining ones were set to 0. So I wouldn't get into the habit of using this.

How can I get the list of files in a directory using C or C++?

One function is enough, you don't need to use any 3rd-party library (for Windows).

#include <Windows.h>

vector<string> get_all_files_names_within_folder(string folder)
    vector<string> names;
    string search_path = folder + "/*.*";
    WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; 
    HANDLE hFind = ::FindFirstFile(search_path.c_str(), &fd); 
    if(hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { 
        do { 
            // read all (real) files in current folder
            // , delete '!' read other 2 default folder . and ..
            if(! (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) {
        }while(::FindNextFile(hFind, &fd)); 
    return names;

PS: as mentioned by @Sebastian, you could change *.* to *.ext in order to get only the EXT-files (i.e. of a specific type) in that directory.

C++ static virtual members?

It is possible. Make two functions: static and virtual

struct Object{     
  struct TypeInformation;
  static  const TypeInformation &GetTypeInformationStatic() const 
      return GetTypeInformationMain1();
  virtual const TypeInformation &GetTypeInformation() const
      return GetTypeInformationMain1();
  static const TypeInformation &GetTypeInformationMain1(); // Main function

struct SomeObject : public Object {     
  static  const TypeInformation &GetTypeInformationStatic() const 
      return GetTypeInformationMain2();
  virtual const TypeInformation &GetTypeInformation() const
      return GetTypeInformationMain2();
  static const TypeInformation &GetTypeInformationMain2(); // Main function

How do I export an Android Studio project?

For Android Studio below 4.1:

From the Top menu Click File and then click Export to Zip File

For Android Studio 4.1 and above:

From the Top menu click File > Manage IDE Settings > Export to Zip File ()

How do I do a simple 'Find and Replace" in MsSQL?

The following query replace each and every a character with a b character.

    Column1 = REPLACE(Column1,'a','b')
    Column1 LIKE '%a%'

This will not work on SQL server 2003.

Logging levels - Logback - rule-of-thumb to assign log levels

I mostly build large scale, high availability type systems, so my answer is biased towards looking at it from a production support standpoint; that said, we assign roughly as follows:

  • error: the system is in distress, customers are probably being affected (or will soon be) and the fix probably requires human intervention. The "2AM rule" applies here- if you're on call, do you want to be woken up at 2AM if this condition happens? If yes, then log it as "error".

  • warn: an unexpected technical or business event happened, customers may be affected, but probably no immediate human intervention is required. On call people won't be called immediately, but support personnel will want to review these issues asap to understand what the impact is. Basically any issue that needs to be tracked but may not require immediate intervention.

  • info: things we want to see at high volume in case we need to forensically analyze an issue. System lifecycle events (system start, stop) go here. "Session" lifecycle events (login, logout, etc.) go here. Significant boundary events should be considered as well (e.g. database calls, remote API calls). Typical business exceptions can go here (e.g. login failed due to bad credentials). Any other event you think you'll need to see in production at high volume goes here.

  • debug: just about everything that doesn't make the "info" cut... any message that is helpful in tracking the flow through the system and isolating issues, especially during the development and QA phases. We use "debug" level logs for entry/exit of most non-trivial methods and marking interesting events and decision points inside methods.

  • trace: we don't use this often, but this would be for extremely detailed and potentially high volume logs that you don't typically want enabled even during normal development. Examples include dumping a full object hierarchy, logging some state during every iteration of a large loop, etc.

As or more important than choosing the right log levels is ensuring that the logs are meaningful and have the needed context. For example, you'll almost always want to include the thread ID in the logs so you can follow a single thread if needed. You may also want to employ a mechanism to associate business info (e.g. user ID) to the thread so it gets logged as well. In your log message, you'll want to include enough info to ensure the message can be actionable. A log like " FileNotFound exception caught" is not very helpful. A better message is "FileNotFound exception caught while attempting to open config file: /usr/local/app/somefile.txt. userId=12344."

There are also a number of good logging guides out there... for example, here's an edited snippet from JCL (Jakarta Commons Logging):

  • error - Other runtime errors or unexpected conditions. Expect these to be immediately visible on a status console.
  • warn - Use of deprecated APIs, poor use of API, 'almost' errors, other runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected, but not necessarily "wrong". Expect these to be immediately visible on a status console.
  • info - Interesting runtime events (startup/shutdown). Expect these to be immediately visible on a console, so be conservative and keep to a minimum.
  • debug - detailed information on the flow through the system. Expect these to be written to logs only.
  • trace - more detailed information. Expect these to be written to logs only.

How can I copy data from one column to another in the same table?

This will update all the rows in that columns if safe mode is not enabled.

UPDATE table SET columnB = columnA;

If safe mode is enabled then you will need to use a where clause. I use primary key as greater than 0 basically all will be updated

UPDATE table SET columnB = columnA where table.column>0;

What are the differences between B trees and B+ trees?

Example from Database system concepts 5th

B+-tree B+tree

corresponding B-tree Btree

Nginx upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream, for large requests

I solved this by setting a higher timeout value for the proxy:

location / {
    proxy_read_timeout 300s;
    proxy_connect_timeout 75s;
    proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;


How do I increase the scrollback buffer in a running screen session?

There is a minimal amount of "default" buffer when you startup a 'screen' session within your 'putty session'. I use screens a lot in my work, so I can tell you that you will not have a combination of 'screen' buffer & 'putty' buffer within your 'screen' session.

Setting the default number of scrollback lines by adding defscrollback 10000 to your ~/.screenrc file is the correct solution.

By the way, I use "defscrollback 200000" in my ./screenrc file.

Easy way to use variables of enum types as string in C?

Try Converting C++ enums to strings. The comments have improvements that solve the problem when enum items have arbitrary values.

Parse query string into an array

There are several possible methods, but for you, there is already a builtin parse_str function

$array = array();
parse_str($string, $array);

How to convert dd/mm/yyyy string into JavaScript Date object?

I found the default JS date formatting didn't work.

So I used toLocaleString with options

const event = new Date();
const options = { dateStyle: 'short' };
const date = event.toLocaleString('en', options);

to get: DD/MM/YYYY format

See docs for more formatting options:

Trigger change() event when setting <select>'s value with val() function

As jQuery won't trigger native change event but only triggers its own change event. If you bind event without jQuery and then use jQuery to trigger it the callbacks you bound won't run !

The solution is then like below (100% working) :

var sortBySelect = document.querySelector("select.your-class"); 
sortBySelect.value = "new value"; 
sortBySelect.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));

Current date without time

String test = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyy");

Jmeter - Run .jmx file through command line and get the summary report in a excel

You can run JMeter from the command line using the -n parameter for 'Non-GUI' and the -t parameter for the test plan file.

    jmeter -n -t "PATHTOJMXFILE"        

If you want to further customize the command line experience, I would direct you to the 'Getting Started' section of their documentation.

How to show progress dialog in Android?

ProgressDialog is now officially deprecated in Android O. I use DelayedProgressDialog from to get the job done.


DelayedProgressDialog progressDialog = new DelayedProgressDialog();, "tag");

Reasons for using the set.seed function

Just adding some addition aspects. Need for setting seed: In the academic world, if one claims that his algorithm achieves, say 98.05% performance in one simulation, others need to be able to reproduce it.


Going through the help file of this function, these are some interesting facts:

(1) set.seed() returns NULL, invisible

(2) "Initially, there is no seed; a new one is created from the current time and the process ID when one is required. Hence different sessions will give different simulation results, by default. However, the seed might be restored from a previous session if a previously saved workspace is restored.", this is why you would want to call set.seed() with same integer values the next time you want a same sequence of random sequence.

importing external ".txt" file in python

You can import modules but not text files. If you want to print the content do the following:

Open a text file for reading:

f = open('words.txt', 'r')

Store content in a variable:

content =

Print content of this file:


After you're done close a file:


Angular HTML binding

Please refer to other answers that are more up-to-date.

This works for me: <div innerHTML = "{{ myVal }}"></div> (Angular2, Alpha 33)

According to another SO: Inserting HTML from server into DOM with angular2 (general DOM manipulation in Angular2), "inner-html" is equivalent to "ng-bind-html" in Angular 1.X

pinpointing "conditional jump or move depends on uninitialized value(s)" valgrind message

Use the valgrind option --track-origins=yes to have it track the origin of uninitialized values. This will make it slower and take more memory, but can be very helpful if you need to track down the origin of an uninitialized value.

Update: Regarding the point at which the uninitialized value is reported, the valgrind manual states:

It is important to understand that your program can copy around junk (uninitialised) data as much as it likes. Memcheck observes this and keeps track of the data, but does not complain. A complaint is issued only when your program attempts to make use of uninitialised data in a way that might affect your program's externally-visible behaviour.

From the Valgrind FAQ:

As for eager reporting of copies of uninitialised memory values, this has been suggested multiple times. Unfortunately, almost all programs legitimately copy uninitialised memory values around (because compilers pad structs to preserve alignment) and eager checking leads to hundreds of false positives. Therefore Memcheck does not support eager checking at this time.

Fine control over the font size in Seaborn plots for academic papers

It is all but satisfying, isn't it? The easiest way I have found to specify when setting the context, e.g.:

sns.set_context("paper", rc={"font.size":8,"axes.titlesize":8,"axes.labelsize":5})   

This should take care of 90% of standard plotting usage. If you want ticklabels smaller than axes labels, set the 'axes.labelsize' to the smaller (ticklabel) value and specify axis labels (or other custom elements) manually, e.g.:


you could define it as a function and load it in your scripts so you don't have to remember your standard numbers, or call it every time.

def set_pubfig:
    sns.set_context("paper", rc={"font.size":8,"axes.titlesize":8,"axes.labelsize":5})   

Of course you can use configuration files, but I guess the whole idea is to have a simple, straightforward method, which is why the above works well.

Note: If you specify these numbers, specifying font_scale in sns.set_context is ignored for all specified font elements, even if you set it.

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 on Xcode 6.1

I just had this error when I opened a (quite) old project, created in Xcode 4~ish, in Xcode 6.4. While the linked Frameworks were visible in the Project sidebar, I overlooked that there were no linked libraries in the Target Build Phases tab. Once I fixed that, it compiled fine.

How to compare two List<String> to each other?

You could also use Except(produces the set difference of two sequences) to check whether there's a difference or not:

IEnumerable<string> inFirstOnly = a1.Except(a2);
IEnumerable<string> inSecondOnly = a2.Except(a1);
bool allInBoth = !inFirstOnly.Any() && !inSecondOnly.Any();

So this is an efficient way if the order and if the number of duplicates does not matter(as opposed to the accepted answer's SequenceEqual). Demo: Ideone

If you want to compare in a case insentive way, just add StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase:

a1.Except(a2, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

Why doesn't Python have a sign function?

You dont need one, you can just use:

if not number == 0:
    sig = number/abs(number)
    sig = 0

Or create a function as described by others:

sign = lambda x: bool(x > 0) - bool(x < 0)

def sign(x):
    return bool(x > 0) - bool(x < 0)

Setting default checkbox value in Objective-C?

Documentation on UISwitch says:

[mySwitch setOn:NO]; 

In Interface Builder, select your switch and in the Attributes inspector you'll find State which can be set to on or off.

grep --ignore-case --only

I'd suggest that the -i means it does match "ABC", but the difference is in the output. -i doesn't manipulate the input, so it won't change "ABC" to "abc" because you specified "abc" as the pattern. -o says it only shows the part of the output that matches the pattern specified, it doesn't say about matching input.

The output of echo "ABC" | grep -i abc is ABC, the -o shows output matching "abc" so nothing shows:

Naos:~ mattlacey$ echo "ABC" | grep -i abc | grep -o abc
Naos:~ mattlacey$ echo "ABC" | grep -i abc | grep -o ABC

How to install Guest addition in Mac OS as guest and Windows machine as host

You need to update your virtualbox sw. On new version, there is VBoxDarwinAdditions.pkg included in a additions iso image, in older versions is missing.

break out of if and foreach

A safer way to approach breaking a foreach or while loop in PHP is to nest an incrementing counter variable and if conditional inside of the original loop. This gives you tighter control than break; which can cause havoc elsewhere on a complicated page.


// Setup a counter
$ImageCounter = 0;

// Increment through repeater fields
while ( condition ):

   // Only print the first while instance
   if ($ImageCounter == 1) {
    echo 'It worked just once';

// Close while statement

ERROR 1148: The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version

I got this error while loading data when using docker[1]. The solution worked after I followed these next steps. Initially, I created the database and table datavault and fdata. When I tried to import the data[2], I got the error[3]. Then I did:

  • SET GLOBAL local_infile = 1;
  • Confirm using SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'local_infile';
  • Then I restarted my mysql session: mysql -P 3306 -u required --local-infile=1 -p, see [4] for user creation.
  • I recreated my table as this solved my problem:
    • use datavault;
    • drop table fdata;
  • Finally I imported the data using [2].

For completeness, I would add I was running the mysql version inside the container via docker exec -it testdb sh. The mysql version was mysql Ver 8.0.17 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - GPL). This was also tested with mysql.exe Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.14, for Win64 (x86_64) which was another version of mysql from WAMP64. The associated commands used are listed in [5].

[1] docker run --name testdb -v //c/Users/C/Downloads/data/csv-data/:/var/data -p 3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mysql:latest

[2] load data local infile '/var/data/mockdata.csv' into table fdata fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '' lines terminated by '\n' IGNORE 1 ROWS;

[3] ERROR 1148 (42000): The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version

[4] The required client was created using:

  • CREATE USER 'required'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
  • GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'required'@'%';
  • You might need this line ALTER USER 'required'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password'; if you run into this error: Authentication plugin ‘caching_sha2_password’ cannot be loaded

[5] Commands using mysql from WAMP64:

  • mysql -urequired -ppassword -P 32775 -h --local-infile=1 where the port is thee mapped port into the host as described by docker ps -a and the host ip was optained using docker-machine ip (This depends on OS and possibly Docker version).
  • Create database datavault2 and table fdata as described above
  • load data local infile 'c:/Users/C/Downloads/data/csv-data/mockdata.csv' into table fdata fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '' lines terminated by '\n';
  • For my record, this other alternative to load the file worked after I have previously created datavault3 and fdata: mysql -urequired -ppassword -P 32775 -h --local-infile datavault3 -e "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'c:/Users/C/Downloads/data/csv-data/mockdata.csv' REPLACE INTO TABLE fdata FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' IGNORE 1 ROWS" and it successfully loaded the data easily checked after running select * from fdata limit 10;.

Change Activity's theme programmatically

user1462299's response works great, but if you include fragments, they will use the original activities theme. To apply the theme to all fragments as well you can override the getTheme() method of the Context instead:

public Resources.Theme getTheme() {
    Resources.Theme theme = super.getTheme();
        theme.applyStyle(, true);
    // you could also use a switch if you have many themes that could apply
    return theme;

You do not need to call setTheme() in the onCreate() Method anymore. You are overriding every request to get the current theme within this context this way.

Git Server Like GitHub? is scala application which implements most of needed for me parts of github

Resetting a setTimeout

To reset the timer, you would need to set and clear out the timer variable

$time_out_handle = 0;
$time_out_handle = window.setTimeout( function(){---}, 60000 );

What is the difference between, and localhost? is normally the IP address assigned to the "loopback" or local-only interface. This is a "fake" network adapter that can only communicate within the same host. It's often used when you want a network-capable application to only serve clients on the same host. A process that is listening on for connections will only receive local connections on that socket.

"localhost" is normally the hostname for the IP address. It's usually set in /etc/hosts (or the Windows equivalent named "hosts" somewhere under %WINDIR%). You can use it just like any other hostname - try "ping localhost" to see how it resolves to has a couple of different meanings, but in this context, when a server is told to listen on that means "listen on every available network interface". The loopback adapter with IP address from the perspective of the server process looks just like any other network adapter on the machine, so a server told to listen on will accept connections on that interface too.

That hopefully answers the IP side of your question. I'm not familiar with Jekyll or Vagrant, but I'm guessing that your port forwarding 8080 => 4000 is somehow bound to a particular network adapter, so it isn't in the path when you connect locally to

Linking a UNC / Network drive on an html page

Setup IIS on the network server and change the path to http://server/path/to/file.txt

EDIT: Make sure you enable directory browsing in IIS

Android customized button; changing text color

Use getColorStateList like this


instead of getColor


Table variable error: Must declare the scalar variable "@temp"

You've declared @TEMP but in your insert statement used @temp. Case sensitive variable names.

Change @temp to @TEMP

how to get bounding box for div element in jquery

You can get the bounding box of any element by calling getBoundingClientRect

var rect = document.getElementById("myElement").getBoundingClientRect();

That will return an object with left, top, width and height fields.

How to read a .properties file which contains keys that have a period character using Shell script

I use simple grep inside function in bash script to receive properties from .properties file.

This properties file I use in two places - to setup dev environment and as application parameters.

I believe that grep may work slow in big loops but it solves my needs when I want to prepare dev environment.

Hope, someone will find this useful.





function prop {
    grep "${1}" env/${ENV}.properties|cut -d'=' -f2

docker create \
    --name=myapp-storage \
    -p $(prop ''):$(prop ''):9000 \
    -h $(prop '') \
    -e STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY="$(prop '')" \
    -e STORAGE_SECRET_KEY="$(prop '')" \
    -e STORAGE_BUCKET="$(prop '')" \
    -v "$(prop '')/storage":/app/storage \

docker create \
    --name=myapp-database \
    -p "$(prop 'app.database.address')":"$(prop 'app.database.port')":5432 \
    -h "$(prop '')" \
    -e POSTGRES_USER="$(prop 'app.database.user')" \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="$(prop 'app.database.pass')" \
    -e POSTGRES_DB="$(prop 'app.database.main')" \
    -e PGDATA="/app/database" \
    -v "$(prop '')/database":/app/database \

File: env/

# Server properties

# Backend properties

# Database properties

# Storage properties


./ dev

How to set a border for an HTML div tag

You need to set more fields then just border-width. The style basically puts the border on the page. Width controls the thickness, and color tells it what color to make the border.

border-style: solid; border-width:thin; border-color: #FFFFFF;

Reading a date using DataReader

Try as given below:

while (MyReader.Read())
    TextBox1.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(MyReader["DateField"]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

in ToString() method you can change data format as per your requirement.

What are Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() and freeMemory()?

The names and values are confusing. If you are looking for the total free memory you will have to calculate this value by your self. It is not what you get from freeMemory();.

See the following guide:

Total designated memory, this will equal the configured -Xmx value:


Current allocated free memory, is the current allocated space ready for new objects. Caution this is not the total free available memory:


Total allocated memory, is the total allocated space reserved for the java process:


Used memory, has to be calculated:

usedMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();

Total free memory, has to be calculated:

freeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() - usedMemory;

A picture may help to clarify:

java runtime memory

jQuery scrollTop() doesn't seem to work in Safari or Chrome (Windows)

how about

var top = $('html').scrollTop() || $('body').scrollTop();

How do you specify the Java compiler version in a pom.xml file?

Generally you don't want to value only the source version (javac -source 1.8 for example) but you want to value both the source and the target version (javac -source 1.8 -target 1.8 for example).
Note that from Java 9, you have a way to convey both information and in a more robust way for cross-compilation compatibility (javac -release 9).
Maven that wraps the javac command provides multiple ways to convey all these JVM standard options.

How to specify the JDK version?

Using maven-compiler-plugin or maven.compiler.source/ properties to specify the source and the target are equivalent.




are equivalent according to the Maven documentation of the compiler plugin since the <source> and the <target> elements in the compiler configuration use the properties maven.compiler.source and if they are defined.


The -source argument for the Java compiler.
Default value is: 1.6.
User property is: maven.compiler.source.


The -target argument for the Java compiler.
Default value is: 1.6.
User property is:

About the default values for source and target, note that since the 3.8.0 of the maven compiler, the default values have changed from 1.5 to 1.6.

<release> tag — new way to specify Java version in maven-compiler-plugin 3.6

You can use the release argument :


You could also declare just the user property maven.compiler.release:


But at this time the last one will not be enough as the maven-compiler-plugin default version you use doesn't rely on a recent enough version.

The Maven release argument conveys release to the Java compiler to access the JVM standard option newly added to Java 9, JEP 247: Compile for Older Platform Versions.

Compiles against the public, supported and documented API for a specific VM version.

This way provides a standard way to specify the same version for the source, the target and the bootstrap JVM options.
Note that specifying the bootstrap is a good practice for cross compilations and it will not hurt if you don't make cross compilations either.

Which is the best way to specify the JDK version?

Java 8 and below

Neither maven.compiler.source/ properties or using the maven-compiler-plugin is better. It changes nothing in the facts since finally the two ways rely on the same properties and the same mechanism : the maven core compiler plugin.

Well, if you don't need to specify other properties or behavior than Java versions in the compiler plugin, using this way makes more sense as this is more concise:


Java 9 and later

The release argument (third point) is a way to strongly consider if you want to use the same version for the source and the target.

forEach() in React JSX does not output any HTML

You need to pass an array of element to jsx. The problem is that forEach does not return anything (i.e it returns undefined). So it's better to use map because map returns an array:

class QuestionSet extends Component {
    <div className="container">
       {, i) => {     
           // Return the element. Also pass key     
           return (<Answer key={answer} answer={answer} />) 

export default QuestionSet;

Java Minimum and Maximum values in Array

Imho one of the simplest Solutions is: -



Efficient method to generate UUID String in JAVA (UUID.randomUUID().toString() without the dashes)

I am amazed to see so many string replace ideas of UUID. How about this:

UUID temp = UUID.randomUUID();
String uuidString = Long.toHexString(temp.getMostSignificantBits())
     + Long.toHexString(temp.getLeastSignificantBits());

This is the fasted way of doing it since the whole toString() of UUID is already more expensive not to mention the regular expression which has to be parsed and executed or the replacing with empty string.

How to highlight text using javascript

function stylizeHighlightedString() {

    var text = window.getSelection();

    // For diagnostics
    var start = text.anchorOffset;
    var end = text.focusOffset - text.anchorOffset;

    range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);

    var selectionContents = range.extractContents();
    var span = document.createElement("span");

    span.appendChild(selectionContents); = "yellow"; = "black";


How to convert list of numpy arrays into single numpy array?

I checked some of the methods for speed performance and find that there is no difference! The only difference is that using some methods you must carefully check dimension.


|            | shape (10000)  |  shape (1,10000)  |
| np.concat  |    0.18280     |      0.17960      |
|  np.stack  |    0.21501     |      0.16465      |
| np.vstack  |    0.21501     |      0.17181      |
|  np.array  |    0.21656     |      0.16833      |

As you can see I tried 2 experiments - using np.random.rand(10000) and np.random.rand(1, 10000) And if we use 2d arrays than np.stack and np.array create additional dimension - result.shape is (1,10000,10000) and (10000,1,10000) so they need additional actions to avoid this.


from time import perf_counter
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook
import numpy as np
l = []
for i in tqdm_notebook(range(10000)):
    new_np = np.random.rand(10000)

start = perf_counter()
stack = np.stack(l, axis=0 )
print(f'np.stack: {perf_counter() - start:.5f}')

start = perf_counter()
vstack = np.vstack(l)
print(f'np.vstack: {perf_counter() - start:.5f}')

start = perf_counter()
wrap = np.array(l)
print(f'np.array: {perf_counter() - start:.5f}')

start = perf_counter()
l = [el.reshape(1,-1) for el in l]
conc = np.concatenate(l, axis=0 )
print(f'np.concatenate: {perf_counter() - start:.5f}')

Make Error 127 when running trying to compile code

Error 127 means one of two things:

  1. file not found: the path you're using is incorrect. double check that the program is actually in your $PATH, or in this case, the relative path is correct -- remember that the current working directory for a random terminal might not be the same for the IDE you're using. it might be better to just use an absolute path instead.
  2. ldso is not found: you're using a pre-compiled binary and it wants an interpreter that isn't on your system. maybe you're using an x86_64 (64-bit) distro, but the prebuilt is for x86 (32-bit). you can determine whether this is the answer by opening a terminal and attempting to execute it directly. or by running file -L on /bin/sh (to get your default/native format) and on the compiler itself (to see what format it is).

if the problem is (2), then you can solve it in a few diff ways:

  1. get a better binary. talk to the vendor that gave you the toolchain and ask them for one that doesn't suck.
  2. see if your distro can install the multilib set of files. most x86_64 64-bit distros allow you to install x86 32-bit libraries in parallel.
  3. build your own cross-compiler using something like crosstool-ng.
  4. you could switch between an x86_64 & x86 install, but that seems a bit drastic ;).

Add target="_blank" in CSS

Another way to use target="_blank" is:



<a href="" onclick="'_blank'">Your Text<a>

WiX tricks and tips

Installing to C:\ProductName

Some applications need to be installed to C:\ProductName or something similar, but 99.9% (if not 100%) of the examples in the net install to C:\Program Files\CompanyName\ProductName.

The following code can be used to set the TARGETDIR property to the root of the C: drive (taken from the WiX-users list):

<CustomAction Id="AssignTargetDir" Property="TARGETDIR" Value="C:\" Execute="firstSequence" />
    <Custom Action="AssignTargetDir" Before="CostInitialize">TARGETDIR=""</Custom>
    <Custom Action="AssignTargetDir" Before="CostInitialize">TARGETDIR=""</Custom>

NOTE: By default, TARGETDIR does not point to C:\! It rather points to ROOTDRIVE which in turn points to the root of the drive with the most free space (see here) - and this is not necessarily the C: drive. There might be another hard drive, partition, or USB drive!

Then, somewhere below your <Product ...> tag, you need the following directory tags as usual:

<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
    <Directory Id="APPLICATIONFOLDER" Name="$(var.ProductName)">
        <!-- your content goes here... -->

Cast IList to List

List<SubProduct> subProducts= (List<SubProduct>)Model.subproduct;

The implicit conversion failes because List<> implements IList, not viceversa. So you can say IList<T> foo = new List<T>(), but not List<T> foo = (some IList-returning method or property).

Open S3 object as a string with Boto3

This isn't in the boto3 documentation. This worked for me:


object being an s3 object:

Django download a file

Simple using html like this downloads the file mentioned using static keyword

<a href="{% static 'bt.docx' %}" class="btn btn-secondary px-4 py-2 btn-sm">Download CV</a>

Saving image to file

You can try with this code

Image.Save("myfile.png", ImageFormat.Png)

Link :

How to call MVC Action using Jquery AJAX and then submit form in MVC?

Your C# action "Save" doesn't execute because your AJAX url is pointing to "/Home/SaveDetailedInfo" and not "/Home/Save".

To call another action from within an action you can maybe try this solution: link

Here's another better solution : link

public ActionResult SaveDetailedInfo(Option[] Options)
    return Json(new { status = "Success", message = "Success" });

public ActionResult Save()
    return RedirectToAction("SaveDetailedInfo", Options);


Initial ajax call url: "/Home/Save"
on success callback: 
   make new ajax url: "/Home/SaveDetailedInfo"

How to set an iframe src attribute from a variable in AngularJS

select template; iframe controller, ng model update


angularapp.controller('FieldCtrl', function ($scope, $sce) {
        var iframeclass = '';
        $scope.loadTemplate = function() {
            if ($scope.template.length > 0) {
                // add iframe classs
                iframeclass = $scope.template.split('.')[0];
                $scope.activeTemplate = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl($scope.template);
            } else {

    // custom directive
    angularapp.directive('myChange', function() {
        return function(scope, element) {
            element.bind('input', function() {
                // the iframe function
                    name: element[0].name,
                    value: element[0].value


   window.update = function(data) {
        $scope.$apply(function() {
            $scope[] = (data.value.length > 0) ? data.value: defaults[];

Check this link:

How to find specific lines in a table using Selenium?

You want:

int rowNumber=...;
string value = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@id='productOrderContainer']/table/tbody/tr[" + rowNumber +"]/div[id='something']")).getText();

In other words, locate <DIV> with the id "something" contained within the rowNumberth <TR> of the <TABLE> contained within the <DIV> with the id "productOrderContainer", and then get its text value (which is what I believe you mean by "get me the value in <div id='something'>"

Android - Start service on boot

Just to make searching easier, as mentioned in comments, this is not possible since 3.1

How to validate IP address in Python?

I think this would do it...

def validIP(address):
    parts = address.split(".")
    if len(parts) != 4:
        return False
    for item in parts:
        if not 0 <= int(item) <= 255:
            return False
    return True

jQuery select2 get value of select tag?

Above solutions did not work for me with latest select2 (4.0.13)

With jQuery you can use this solution to retrieve value according to documentation:


How to make remote REST call inside Node.js? any CURL?

Look at http.request

var options = {
  host: url,
  port: 80,
  path: '/resource?id=foo&bar=baz',
  method: 'POST'

http.request(options, function(res) {
  console.log('STATUS: ' + res.statusCode);
  console.log('HEADERS: ' + JSON.stringify(res.headers));
  res.on('data', function (chunk) {
    console.log('BODY: ' + chunk);

Merging dictionaries in C#

or :

public static IDictionary<TKey, TValue> Merge<TKey, TValue>( IDictionary<TKey, TValue> x, IDictionary<TKey, TValue> y)
        return x
            .Except(x.Join(y, z => z.Key, z => z.Key, (a, b) => a))
            .ToDictionary(z => z.Key, z => z.Value);

the result is a union where for duplicate entries "y" wins.

Adding a Method to an Existing Object Instance

Module new is deprecated since python 2.6 and removed in 3.0, use types


In the example below I've deliberately removed return value from patch_me() function. I think that giving return value may make one believe that patch returns a new object, which is not true - it modifies the incoming one. Probably this can facilitate a more disciplined use of monkeypatching.

import types

class A(object):#but seems to work for old style objects too

def patch_me(target):
    def method(target,x):
        print "x=",x
        print "called from", target
    target.method = types.MethodType(method,target)
    #add more if needed

a = A()
print a
#out: <__main__.A object at 0x2b73ac88bfd0>  
patch_me(a)    #patch instance
#out: x= 5
#out: called from <__main__.A object at 0x2b73ac88bfd0>
A.method(6)        #can patch class too
#out: x= 6
#out: called from <class '__main__.A'>

Properly Handling Errors in VBA (Excel)

You've got one truly marvelous answer from ray023, but your comment that it's probably overkill is apt. For a "lighter" version....

Block 1 is, IMHO, bad practice. As already pointed out by osknows, mixing error-handling with normal-path code is Not Good. For one thing, if a new error is thrown while there's an Error condition in effect you will not get an opportunity to handle it (unless you're calling from a routine that also has an error handler, where the execution will "bubble up").

Block 2 looks like an imitation of a Try/Catch block. It should be okay, but it's not The VBA Way. Block 3 is a variation on Block 2.

Block 4 is a bare-bones version of The VBA Way. I would strongly advise using it, or something like it, because it's what any other VBA programmer inherting the code will expect. Let me present a small expansion, though:

Private Sub DoSomething()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler

'Dim as required

'functional code that might throw errors

    'any always-execute (cleanup?) code goes here -- analagous to a Finally block.
    'don't forget to do this -- you don't want to fall into error handling when there's no error
    Exit Sub

    'can Select Case on Err.Number if there are any you want to handle specially

    'display to user
    MsgBox "Something's wrong: " & vbCrLf & Err.Description

    'or use a central DisplayErr routine, written Public in a Module
    DisplayErr Err.Number, Err.Description

    Resume ExitSub
End Sub

Note that second Resume. This is a trick I learned recently: It will never execute in normal processing, since the Resume <label> statement will send the execution elsewhere. It can be a godsend for debugging, though. When you get an error notification, choose Debug (or press Ctl-Break, then choose Debug when you get the "Execution was interrupted" message). The next (highlighted) statement will be either the MsgBox or the following statement. Use "Set Next Statement" (Ctl-F9) to highlight the bare Resume, then press F8. This will show you exactly where the error was thrown.

As to your objection to this format "jumping around", A) it's what VBA programmers expect, as stated previously, & B) your routines should be short enough that it's not far to jump.

Remove row lines in twitter bootstrap

bootstrap.min.css is more specific than your own stylesheet if you just use .table td. So use this instead:

.table>tbody>tr>th, .table>tbody>tr>td {
    border-top: none;

Java Spring Boot: How to map my app root (“/”) to index.html?

It would have worked out of the box if you hadn't used @EnableWebMvc annotation. When you do that you switch off all the things that Spring Boot does for you in WebMvcAutoConfiguration. You could remove that annotation, or you could add back the view controller that you switched off:

public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {

How is using OnClickListener interface different via XML and Java code?

These are exactly the same. android:onClick was added in API level 4 to make it easier, more Javascript-web-like, and drive everything from the XML. What it does internally is add an OnClickListener on the Button, which calls your DoIt method.

Here is what using a android:onClick="DoIt" does internally:

Button button= (Button) findViewById(;
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {

The only thing you trade off by using android:onClick, as usual with XML configuration, is that it becomes a bit more difficult to add dynamic content (programatically, you could decide to add one listener or another depending on your variables). But this is easily defeated by adding your test within the DoIt method.

How to prune local tracking branches that do not exist on remote anymore

Following is an adaptation of @wisbucky's answer for Windows users:

for /f "tokens=1" %i in ('git branch -vv ^| findstr ": gone]"') DO git branch %i -d

I use posh-git and unfortunately PS doesn't like the naked for, so I created a plain 'ol command script named PruneOrphanBranches.cmd:

for /f "tokens=1" %%i in ('git branch -vv ^| findstr ": gone]"') DO CALL :ProcessBranch %%i %1


IF /I "%2%"=="-d" (
    git branch %1 %2
) ELSE (
    CALL :OutputMessage %1

ECHO Will delete branch [%1] 


Call it with no parameters to see a list, and then call it with "-d" to perform the actual deletion or "-D" for any branches that are not fully merged but which you want to delete anyway.

How can I check if a View exists in a Database?

You can check the availability of the view in various ways


use sys.objects

   FROM   sys.objects
   WHERE  OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID('[schemaName].[ViewName]')
          AND Type_Desc = 'VIEW'
    PRINT 'View Exists'

use sysobjects

   FROM   sysobjects
   WHERE  NAME = '[schemaName].[ViewName]'
          AND xtype = 'V'
    PRINT 'View Exists'

use sys.views

   FROM sys.views
   WHERE OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID(N'[schemaName].[ViewName]')
    PRINT 'View Exists'


   WHERE  table_name = 'ViewName'
          AND table_schema = 'schemaName'
    PRINT 'View Exists'


   SELECT OBJECT_ID('ViewName', 'V')
    PRINT 'View Exists'

use sys.sql_modules

   FROM   sys.sql_modules
   WHERE  OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID('[schemaName].[ViewName]')
   PRINT 'View Exists'

Getting content/message from HttpResponseMessage

By the answer of rudivonstaden

txtBlock.Text = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

but if you don't want to make the method async you can use

txtBlock.Text = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

Wait() it's important, bec?use we are doing async operations and we must wait for the task to complete before going ahead.

Setting the value of checkbox to true or false with jQuery

Try this:


<input type="checkbox" value="FALSE" />


$("input[type='checkbox']").on('change', function(){
  $(this).val(this.checked ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");


Please bear in mind that unchecked checkbox will not be submitted in regular form, and you should use hidden filed in order to do it.

Phone mask with jQuery and Masked Input Plugin

Using jQuery Mask Plugin there is two possible ways to implement it:

1- Following Anatel's recomendations:

2- Or without following Anatel's recomendations:

All examples above was coded using jQuery Mask Plugin and it can be downloaded at:

Freeze the top row for an html table only (Fixed Table Header Scrolling)

You can use CSS position: sticky; for the first row of the table MDN ref:

.table-class tr:first-child>td{
    position: sticky;
    top: 0;

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader

Some old gradle tools cannot copy .so files into build folder by somehow, manually copying these files into build folder as below can solve the problem:

build/intermediates/rs/{build config}/{support architecture}/

build config: beta/production/sit/uat

support architecture: armeabi/armeabi-v7a/mips/x86

Cannot open local file - Chrome: Not allowed to load local resource

There is a workaround using Web Server for Chrome.
Here are the steps:

  1. Add the Extension to chrome.
  2. Choose the folder (C:\images) and launch the server on your desired port.

Now easily access your local file:

function run(){
   // 8887 is the port number you have launched your serve
   var URL = "";, null);


PS: You might need to select the CORS Header option from advanced setting incase you face any cross origin access error.

Going from MM/DD/YYYY to DD-MMM-YYYY in java

Below should work.

SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
Date oldDate = df.parse(df.format(date)); //this date is your old date object

Check if inputs form are empty jQuery

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('input[type="text"]').blur(function () {
    if (!$(this).val()) {
    } else {

 .error {
   border: 1px solid #ff0000;

Virtual network interface in Mac OS X

Take a look at this tutorial, it's for FreeBSD but also applies to OS X.

moment.js get current time in milliseconds?

var timeArr = moment().format('x');

returns the Unix Millisecond Timestamp as per the format() documentation.

Android widget: How to change the text of a button

I had a button in my layout.xml that was defined as a View as in:

final View myButton = findViewById(;

I was not able to change the text on it until I also defined it as a button:

final View vButton = findViewById(;
final Button bButton = (Button) findViewById(;

When I needed to change the text, I used the bButton.setText("Some Text"); and when I wanted to alter the view, I used the vButton.

Worked great!

PostgreSQL how to see which queries have run

While using Django with postgres 10.6, logging was enabled by default, and I was able to simply do:

tail -f /var/log/postgresql/*

Ubuntu 18.04, django 2+, python3+

How to use std::sort to sort an array in C++

sorting method without std::sort:

// sorting myArray ascending
int iTemp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE; i++)
    for (int j = i + 1; j <= ARRAYSIZE; j++)
        // for descending sort change '<' with '>'
        if (myArray[j] < myArray[i])
            iTemp = myArray[i];
            myArray[i] = myArray[j];
            myArray[j] = iTemp;

Run complete example:

#include <iostream> // std::cout, std::endl /* */
#include <cstdlib>  // srand(), rand()      /* */
#include <ctime>    // time()               /* */

int main()
    const int ARRAYSIZE = 10;
    int myArray[ARRAYSIZE];

    // populate myArray with random numbers from 1 to 1000
    for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE; i++)
        myArray[i] = rand()% 1000 + 1;

    // print unsorted myArray
    std::cout << "unsorted myArray: " << std::endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE; i++)
        std::cout << "[" << i << "] -> " << myArray[i] << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

    // sorting myArray ascending
    int iTemp = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE; i++)
        for (int j = i + 1; j <= ARRAYSIZE; j++)
            // for descending sort change '<' with '>'
            if (myArray[j] < myArray[i])
                iTemp = myArray[i];
                myArray[i] = myArray[j];
                myArray[j] = iTemp;

    // print sorted myArray
    std::cout << "sorted myArray: " << std::endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE; i++)
        std::cout << "[" << i << "] -> " << myArray[i] << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

    return 0;

Finding the index of elements based on a condition using python list comprehension

For me it works well:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3])
>>> np.where(a > 2)[0]
[2 5]

How to decrease prod bundle size?

Its works 100% ng build --prod --aot --build-optimizer --vendor-chunk=true

What is the purpose of Order By 1 in SQL select statement?

As mentioned in other answers ORDER BY 1 orders by the first column.

I came across another example of where you might use it though. We have certain queries which need to be ordered select the same column. You would get a SQL error if ordering by Name in the below.

SELECT Name, Name FROM Segment ORDER BY 1

Export multiple classes in ES6 modules

For exporting the instances of the classes you can use this syntax:

// export index.js
const Foo = require('./my/module/foo');
const Bar = require('./my/module/bar');

module.exports = {
    Foo : new Foo(),
    Bar : new Bar()

// import and run method
const {Foo,Bar} = require('module_name');

Can HTML be embedded inside PHP "if" statement?

I know this is an old post, but I really hate that there is only one answer here that suggests not mixing html and php. Instead of mixing content one should use template systems, or create a basic template system themselves.

In the php

  $var1 = 'Alice'; $var2 = 'apples'; $var3 = 'lunch'; $var4 = 'Bob';

  if ($var1 == 'Alice') {
    $html = file_get_contents('/path/to/file.html'); //get the html template
    $template_placeholders = array('##variable1##', '##variable2##', '##variable3##', '##variable4##'); // variable placeholders inside the template
    $template_replace_variables = array($var1, $var2, $var3, $var4); // the variables to pass to the template
    $html_output = str_replace($template_placeholders, $template_replace_variables, $html); // replace the placeholders with the actual variable values.

  echo $html_output;

In the html (/path/to/file.html)

<p>##variable1## ate ##variable2## for ##variable3## with ##variable4##.</p>

The output of this would be:

Alice ate apples for lunch with Bob.

How to find when a web page was last updated

For me it was the


in the page source.

View Page Source

React onClick and preventDefault() link refresh/redirect?

A full version of the solution will be wrapping the method upvotes inside onClick, passing e and use native e.preventDefault();

upvotes = (e, arg1, arg2, arg3 ) => {
    //do something...

    return (<a type="simpleQuery" onClick={ e => this.upvotes(e, arg1, arg2, arg3) }>

mkdir's "-p" option

Note that -p is an argument to the mkdir command specifically, not the whole of Unix. Every command can have whatever arguments it needs.

In this case it means "parents", meaning mkdir will create a directory and any parents that don't already exist.

How to check if the URL contains a given string?

window.location isn't a String, but it has a toString() method. So you can do it like this:




From the old Mozilla docs:

Location objects have a toString method returning the current URL. You can also assign a string to window.location. This means that you can work with window.location as if it were a string in most cases. Sometimes, for example when you need to call a String method on it, you have to explicitly call toString.

Removing object properties with Lodash

You can easily do this using _.pick:

var model = {
  fname: null,
  lname: null

var credentials = {
  fname: 'abc',
  lname: 'xyz',
  age: 2

var result = _.pick(credentials, _.keys(model));

console.log('result =', result);
<script src=""></script>

But you can simply use pure JavaScript (specially if you use ECMAScript 6), like this:

const model = {
  fname: null,
  lname: null

const credentials = {
  fname: 'abc',
  lname: 'xyz',
  age: 2

const newModel = {};

Object.keys(model).forEach(key => newModel[key] = credentials[key]);

console.log('newModel =', newModel);

byte[] to hex string

I like using extension methods for conversions like this, even if they just wrap standard library methods. In the case of hexadecimal conversions, I use the following hand-tuned (i.e., fast) algorithms:

public static string ToHex(this byte[] bytes)
    char[] c = new char[bytes.Length * 2];

    byte b;

    for(int bx = 0, cx = 0; bx < bytes.Length; ++bx, ++cx) 
        b = ((byte)(bytes[bx] >> 4));
        c[cx] = (char)(b > 9 ? b + 0x37 + 0x20 : b + 0x30);

        b = ((byte)(bytes[bx] & 0x0F));
        c[++cx]=(char)(b > 9 ? b + 0x37 + 0x20 : b + 0x30);

    return new string(c);

public static byte[] HexToBytes(this string str)
    if (str.Length == 0 || str.Length % 2 != 0)
        return new byte[0];

    byte[] buffer = new byte[str.Length / 2];
    char c;
    for (int bx = 0, sx = 0; bx < buffer.Length; ++bx, ++sx)
        // Convert first half of byte
        c = str[sx];
        buffer[bx] = (byte)((c > '9' ? (c > 'Z' ? (c - 'a' + 10) : (c - 'A' + 10)) : (c - '0')) << 4);

        // Convert second half of byte
        c = str[++sx];
        buffer[bx] |= (byte)(c > '9' ? (c > 'Z' ? (c - 'a' + 10) : (c - 'A' + 10)) : (c - '0'));

    return buffer;



Tested on Postgresql 9.3

Is it possible to get all arguments of a function as single object inside that function?

You can also convert it to an array if you prefer. If Array generics are available:

var args = Array.slice(arguments)


var args =;

from Mozilla MDN:

You should not slice on arguments because it prevents optimizations in JavaScript engines (V8 for example).

Why can't I reference System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations?

If you tried to update visual studio from vs2008 to vs2010. And your app uses framework 3.5 (and you don't want to upgrade it), and also used WCF RIA Services BETA... I have bad news... you MUST upgrade to WCF RIA Services v1 (BETA does not work on vs2010)... and due to this... you also have to install Silverlight 4 + upgrade to framework 4.0

See this:

PHP/MySQL insert row then get 'id'

I found an answer in the above link

The answer is:

mysql_query("INSERT INTO tablename (columnname) values ('$value')");        
echo $Id=mysql_insert_id();

redirect COPY of stdout to log file from within bash script itself

Using the accepted answer my script kept returning exceptionally early (right after 'exec > >(tee ...)') leaving the rest of my script running in the background. As I couldn't get that solution to work my way I found another solution/work around to the problem:

# Logging setup
mkfifo ${logfile}.pipe
tee < ${logfile}.pipe $logfile &
exec &> ${logfile}.pipe
rm ${logfile}.pipe

# Rest of my script

This makes output from script go from the process, through the pipe into the sub background process of 'tee' that logs everything to disc and to original stdout of the script.

Note that 'exec &>' redirects both stdout and stderr, we could redirect them separately if we like, or change to 'exec >' if we just want stdout.

Even thou the pipe is removed from the file system in the beginning of the script it will continue to function until the processes finishes. We just can't reference it using the file name after the rm-line.

error "Could not get BatchedBridge, make sure your bundle is packaged properly" on start of app

For me the problem was that 'adb' was not recognised - check this answer.

To fix this add C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools to Environment Variables

jQuery - find child with a specific class




How to control border height?

not bad .. but try this one ... (should works for all but ist just -webkit included)

<input type="text" style="
  background: transparent;
border-bottom: 1px solid #B5D5FF;
border-left: 1px solid;
border-right: 1px solid;
border-left-color: #B5D5FF;
border-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff 50%, #B5D5FF 0%) 1 repeat;

//Feel free to edit and add all other browser..

How to Get True Size of MySQL Database?

None of the answers include the overhead size and the metadata sizes of tables.

Here is a more accurate estimation of the "disk space" allocated by a database.

SELECT ROUND((SUM(data_length+index_length+data_free) + (COUNT(*) * 300 * 1024))/1048576+150, 2) AS MegaBytes FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema = 'DATABASE-NAME'

Cannot truncate table because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint?

TRUNCATE table1;
TRUNCATE table2;

reference - truncate foreign key constrained table

Working for me in MYSQL

What is the equivalent of "!=" in Excel VBA?

Try to use <> instead of !=.

Visual Studio Code - Convert spaces to tabs

If you want to use tabs instead of spaces

Try this:

  1. Go to File ? Preferences ? Settings or just press Ctrl + ,
  2. In the Search settings bar on top insert editor.insertSpaces
  3. You will see something like this: Editor: Insert Spaces and it will be probably checked. Just uncheck it as show in image below

Editor: Insert Spaces

  1. Reload Visual Studio Code (Press F1 ? type reload window ? press Enter)

If it doesn't worked try this:

It's probably because of installed plugin JS-CSS-HTML Formatter

(You can check it by going to File ? Preferences ? Extensions or just pressing Ctrl + Shift + X, in the Enabled list you will find JS-CSS-HTML Formatter)

If so you can modify this plugin:

  1. Press F1 ? type Formatter config ? press Enter (it will open the file formatter.json)
  2. Modify the file like this:
 4|    "indent_size": 1,
 5|    "indent_char": "\t"
24|    "indent_size": 1,
25|    "indentCharacter": "\t",
26|    "indent_char": "\t",
34|    "indent_size": 1,
35|    "indent_char": "\t",
36|    "indent_character": "\t"
  1. Save it (Go to File ? Save or just press Ctrl + S)
  2. Reload Visual Studio Code (Press F1 ? type reload window ? press Enter)

center MessageBox in parent form

I have changed a little bit previous answer and compose WPF version of the MessageBoxEx. This code works for me great. Feel free to notify about issues of the code.

Please note: I use GeneralObjects.MainWindowInstance at ctor to initialize class with my main window, but actually I use it for any window due to some kind of cache for last parent window. Therefore you can simple remove out everything from ctor.

public class MessageBoxEx
    private static HwndSource source_ = null;
    private static HwndSourceHook hook_ = null;

    static MessageBoxEx()
            // create cached 

            hook_ = new HwndSourceHook(HwndSourceHook);
            if (null == source_ ||
                null == hook_)
                source_ = null;
                hook_ = null;


    private static void createHwndSource_(Window owner)
        source_ = (HwndSource)PresentationSource.FromVisual(owner);

    public static void Initialize_(Window owner = null)
            if (null != owner)
                if(source_.RootVisual != owner)

            if (null == source_ ||
                null == hook_)
                source_ = null;
                hook_ = null;

        if (null != source_ &&
            null != hook_)


    public static MessageBoxResult Show(string messageBoxText)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(Window owner, string messageBoxText)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(owner, messageBoxText);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, button);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(Window owner, string messageBoxText, string caption)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(owner, messageBoxText, caption);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, button, icon);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(Window owner, string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(owner, messageBoxText, caption, button);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon, MessageBoxResult defaultResult)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, button, icon, defaultResult);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(Window owner, string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(owner, messageBoxText, caption, button, icon);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon, MessageBoxResult defaultResult, System.Windows.MessageBoxOptions options)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, button, icon, defaultResult, options);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(Window owner, string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon, MessageBoxResult defaultResult)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(owner, messageBoxText, caption, button, icon, defaultResult);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(Window owner, string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon, MessageBoxResult defaultResult, System.Windows.MessageBoxOptions options)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(owner, messageBoxText, caption, button, icon, defaultResult, options);

    private enum WM : int
        WM_ACTIVATE = 0x0006

    private static IntPtr HwndSourceHook(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)

        if ((int)WM.WM_ACTIVATE == msg &&
            source_.Handle == hwnd &&
            0 == (int)wParam)

                // remove hook at once after moved message box window.
        return IntPtr.Zero;

    private static extern bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hWnd, ref Rectangle lpRect);

    private static extern int MoveWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, bool bRepaint);

    private static void CenterWindow(IntPtr hChildWnd)
        System.Drawing.Rectangle recChild = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);

        bool success = GetWindowRect(hChildWnd, ref recChild);

        int width = recChild.Width - recChild.X;
        int height = recChild.Height - recChild.Y;

        System.Drawing.Rectangle recParent = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
        success = GetWindowRect(source_.Handle, ref recParent);

        System.Drawing.Point ptCenter = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
        ptCenter.X = recParent.X + ((recParent.Width - recParent.X) / 2);
        ptCenter.Y = recParent.Y + ((recParent.Height - recParent.Y) / 2);

        System.Drawing.Point ptStart = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
        ptStart.X = (ptCenter.X - (width / 2));
        ptStart.Y = (ptCenter.Y - (height / 2));

        // I have commented this code because of I have 2 monitors
        // so If application located at 1st monitor
        // message box can appear at second one.

        ptStart.X = (ptStart.X < 0) ? 0 : ptStart.X;
        ptStart.Y = (ptStart.Y < 0) ? 0 : ptStart.Y;

        int result = MoveWindow(hChildWnd, ptStart.X, ptStart.Y, width,
                                height, false);



How to autoplay HTML5 mp4 video on Android?

I used the following code:

// get the video
var video = document.querySelector('video');
// use the whole window and a *named function*
window.addEventListener('touchstart', function videoStart() {;
  console.log('first touch');
  // remove from the window and call the function we are removing
  this.removeEventListener('touchstart', videoStart);

There doesn't seem to be a way to auto-start anymore.

This makes it so that the first time they touch the screen the video will play. It will also remove itself on first run so that you can avoid multiple listeners adding up.

How do I solve the "server DNS address could not be found" error on Windows 10?

There might be a problem with your DNS servers of the ISP. A computer by default uses the ISP's DNS servers. You can manually configure your DNS servers. It is free and usually better than your ISP.

  1. Go to Control Panel ? Network and Internet ? Network and Sharing Centre
  2. Click on Change Adapter settings.
  3. Right click on your connection icon (Wireless Network Connection or Local Area Connection) and select properties.
  4. Select Internet protocol version 4.
  5. Click on "Use the following DNS server address" and type either of the two DNS given below.

Google Public DNS

Preferred DNS server :
Alternate DNS server :


Preferred DNS server :
Alternate DNS server :

Is there an addHeaderView equivalent for RecyclerView?

There is one more solution that covers all the use cases above: CompoundAdapter:

You can create a AdapterGroup that holds your Adapter as it is, along with an adapter with a single item to represent the header. The code is easy and readable:

AdapterGroup adapterGroup = new AdapterGroup();
adapterGroup.addAdapter(new CommentAdapter(...));


AdapterGroup allows nesting too, so for a adapter with sections, you may create a AdapterGroup per section. Then put all the sections in a root AdapterGroup.

Does Python support short-circuiting?

Yes, Python does support Short-circuit evaluation, minimal evaluation, or McCarthy evaluation for Boolean operators. It is used to reduce the number of evaluations for computing the output of boolean expression. Example -

Base Functions

def a(x):
    return x

def b(x):
    return x 


if(a(True) and b(True)):

if(a(False) and b(True)):





if(a(True) or b(False)):

if(a(False) or b(True)):




How do I convert a String to a BigInteger?

If you may want to convert plaintext (not just numbers) to a BigInteger you will run into an exception, if you just try to: new BigInteger("not a Number")

In this case you could do it like this way:

public  BigInteger stringToBigInteger(String string){
    byte[] asciiCharacters = string.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
    StringBuilder asciiString = new StringBuilder();
    for(byte asciiCharacter:asciiCharacters){
    BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(asciiString.toString());
    return bigInteger;

Giving multiple conditions in for loop in Java

If you want to do that why not go with a while, for ease of mind? :P No, but seriously I didn't know that and seems kinda nice so thanks, nice to know!

How to pass table value parameters to stored procedure from .net code

Use this code to create suitable parameter from your type:

private SqlParameter GenerateTypedParameter(string name, object typedParameter)
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();

    var properties = typedParameter.GetType().GetProperties().ToList();
    properties.ForEach(p =>
        dt.Columns.Add(p.Name, Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(p.PropertyType) ?? p.PropertyType);
    var row = dt.NewRow();
    properties.ForEach(p => { row[p.Name] = (p.GetValue(typedParameter) ?? DBNull.Value); });

    return new SqlParameter
        Direction = ParameterDirection.Input,
        ParameterName = name,
        Value = dt,
        SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured

JSON character encoding - is UTF-8 well-supported by browsers or should I use numeric escape sequences?

Reading the json rfc ( it is clear that the preferred encoding is utf-8.

FYI, RFC 4627 is no longer the official JSON spec. It was obsoleted in 2014 by RFC 7159, which was then obsoleted in 2017 by RFC 8259, which is the current spec.

RFC 8259 states:

8.1. Character Encoding

JSON text exchanged between systems that are not part of a closed ecosystem MUST be encoded using UTF-8 [RFC3629].

Previous specifications of JSON have not required the use of UTF-8 when transmitting JSON text. However, the vast majority of JSON-based software implementations have chosen to use the UTF-8 encoding, to the extent that it is the only encoding that achieves interoperability.

Implementations MUST NOT add a byte order mark (U+FEFF) to the beginning of a networked-transmitted JSON text. In the interests of interoperability, implementations that parse JSON texts MAY ignore the presence of a byte order mark rather than treating it as an error.

How to compare two columns in Excel and if match, then copy the cell next to it

It might be easier with vlookup. Try this:


The IFERROR() is for no matches, so that it throws "" in such cases.

VLOOKUP's first parameter is the value to 'look for' in the reference table, which is column G and H.

VLOOKUP will thus look for D2 in column G and return the value in the column index 2 (column G has column index 1, H will have column index 2), meaning that the value from column H will be returned.

The last parameter is 0 (or equivalently FALSE) to mean an exact match. That's what you need as opposed to approximate match.

What is the difference between min SDK version/target SDK version vs. compile SDK version?

The formula is

minSdkVersion <= targetSdkVersion <= compileSdkVersion

minSdkVersion - is a marker that defines a minimum Android version on which application will be able to install. Also it is used by Lint to prevent calling API that doesn’t exist. Also it has impact on Build Time. So you can use build flavors to override minSdkVersion to maximum during the development. It will help to make build faster using all improvements that the Android team provides for us. For example some features Java 8 are available only from specific version of minSdkVersion.

targetSdkVersion - If AndroidOS version is >= targetSdkVersion it says Android system to turn on specific(new) behavior changes. *Please note that some of new behaviors will be turned on by default even if thought targetSdkVersion is <, you should read official doc.

For example:

  • Starting in Android 6.0 (API level 23) Runtime Permissions were introduced. If you set targetSdkVersion to 22 or lower your application does not ask a user for some permission in run time.

  • Starting in Android 8.0 (API level 26), all notifications must be assigned to a channel or it will not appear. On devices running Android 7.1 (API level 25) and lower, users can manage notifications on a per-app basis only (effectively each app only has one channel on Android 7.1 and lower).

  • Starting in Android 9 (API level 28), Web-based data directories separated by process. If targetSdkVersion is 28+ and you create several WebView in different processes you will get java.lang.RuntimeException

compileSdkVersion - actually it is SDK Platform version and tells Gradle which Android SDK use to compile. When you want to use new features or debug .java files from Android SDK you should take care of compileSdkVersion. One more example is using AndroidX that forces to use compileSdkVersion - level 28. compileSdkVersion is not included in your APK: it is purely used at compile time. Changing your compileSdkVersion does not change runtime behavior. It can generate for example new compiler warnings/errors. Therefore it is strongly recommended that you always compile with the latest SDK. You’ll get all the benefits of new compilation checks on existing code, avoid newly deprecated APIs, and be ready to use new APIs. One more fact is compileSdkVersion >= Support Library version

You can read more about it here. Also I would recommend you to take a look at the example of migration to Android 8.0.


In C - check if a char exists in a char array

Assuming your input is a standard null-terminated C string, you want to use strchr:

#include <string.h>

char* foo = "abcdefghijkl";
if (strchr(foo, 'a') != NULL)
  // do stuff

If on the other hand your array is not null-terminated (i.e. just raw data), you'll need to use memchr and provide a size:

#include <string.h>

char foo[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' }; // note last element isn't '\0'
if (memchr(foo, 'a', sizeof(foo)))
  // do stuff

Quickest way to compare two generic lists for differences

If only combined result needed, this will work too:

var set1 = new HashSet<T>(list1);
var set2 = new HashSet<T>(list2);
var areEqual = set1.SetEquals(set2);

where T is type of lists element.

Change value of input placeholder via model?

Since AngularJS does not have directive DOM manipulations as jQuery does, a proper way to modify attributes of one element will be using directive. Through link function of a directive, you have access to both element and its attributes.

Wrapping you whole input inside one directive, you can still introduce ng-model's methods through controller property.

This method will help to decouple the logic of ngmodel with placeholder from controller. If there is no logic between them, you can definitely go as Wagner Francisco said.

Unit Testing C Code

Minunit is an incredibly simple unit testing framework. I'm using it to unit test c microcontroller code for avr.

How can I calculate an md5 checksum of a directory?

md5sum worked fine for me, but I had issues with sort and sorting file names. So instead I sorted by md5sum result. I also needed to exclude some files in order to create comparable results.

find . -type f -print0 \ | xargs -r0 md5sum \ | grep -v ".env" \ | grep -v "vendor/autoload.php" \ | grep -v "vendor/composer/" \ | sort -d \ | md5sum

xcopy file, rename, suppress "Does xxx specify a file name..." message

xcopy will allow you to copy a single file into a specifed folder it just wont allow you to define a destination name. If you require the destination name just rename it before you copy it.

ren "bin\development\whee.config.example" whee.config

xcopy /R/Y "bin\development\whee.config" "TestConnectionExternal\bin\Debug\"

Reset Excel to default borders

In case anyone still needs the VBA way of doing this:

The properties, assuming you selected something, are:

With Selection
    .interior.pattern = xlNone
    .Borders(xl<side>).Linestyle = xlNone
End Selection

Where <side> can be for example DiagonalDown or EdgeTop, so

-> Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).Linestyle = xlNone

would reset the Top Edge.

How to use shell commands in Makefile

Also, in addition to torek's answer: one thing that stands out is that you're using a lazily-evaluated macro assignment.

If you're on GNU Make, use the := assignment instead of =. This assignment causes the right hand side to be expanded immediately, and stored in the left hand variable.

FILES := $(shell ...)  # expand now; FILES is now the result of $(shell ...)

FILES = $(shell ...)   # expand later: FILES holds the syntax $(shell ...)

If you use the = assignment, it means that every single occurrence of $(FILES) will be expanding the $(shell ...) syntax and thus invoking the shell command. This will make your make job run slower, or even have some surprising consequences.

Find the directory part (minus the filename) of a full path in access 97

This seems to work. The above doesn't in Excel 2010.

Function StripFilename(sPathFile As String) As String
'given a full path and file, strip the filename off the end and return the path
Dim filesystem As Object

Set filesystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")

StripFilename = filesystem.GetParentFolderName(sPathFile) & "\"

Exit Function

End Function

Validating email addresses using jQuery and regex


function isValidEmailAddress(emailAddress) {
    var pattern = /^([a-z\d!#$%&'*+\-\/=?^_`{|}~\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+(\.[a-z\d!#$%&'*+\-\/=?^_`{|}~\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+)*|"((([ \t]*\r\n)?[ \t]+)?([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7e\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))*(([ \t]*\r\n)?[ \t]+)?")@(([a-z\d\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]|[a-z\d\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF][a-z\d\-._~\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]*[a-z\d\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])\.)+([a-z\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]|[a-z\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF][a-z\d\-._~\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]*[a-z\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])\.?$/i;
    return pattern.test(emailAddress);

if( !isValidEmailAddress( emailaddress ) ) { /* do stuff here */ }

How to import a csv file using python with headers intact, where first column is a non-numerical

Python's csv module handles data row-wise, which is the usual way of looking at such data. You seem to want a column-wise approach. Here's one way of doing it.

Assuming your file is named myclone.csv and contains


this code should give you an idea or two:

>>> import csv
>>> f = open('myclone.csv', 'rb')
>>> reader = csv.reader(f)
>>> headers = next(reader, None)
>>> headers
['workers', 'constant', 'age']
>>> column = {}
>>> for h in headers:
...    column[h] = []
>>> column
{'workers': [], 'constant': [], 'age': []}
>>> for row in reader:
...   for h, v in zip(headers, row):
...     column[h].append(v)
>>> column
{'workers': ['w0', 'w1', 'w2', 'w3'], 'constant': ['7.334', '5.235', '3.2225', '0'], 'age': ['-1.406', '-4.936', '-1.478', '0']}
>>> column['workers']
['w0', 'w1', 'w2', 'w3']
>>> column['constant']
['7.334', '5.235', '3.2225', '0']
>>> column['age']
['-1.406', '-4.936', '-1.478', '0']

To get your numeric values into floats, add this

converters = [str.strip] + [float] * (len(headers) - 1)

up front, and do this

for h, v, conv in zip(headers, row, converters):

for each row instead of the similar two lines above.

MVC ajax post to controller action method

I found this way of using ajax which helped me as it was better in use as not having complex json syntaxes

function GetAjaxDataPromise(url, postData) {
    var promise = $.post(url, postData, function (promise, status) {
    return promise;
$(function () {
    $("#btnGet5").click(function () {
        var promises = GetAjaxDataPromise('@Url.Action("AjaxMethod", "Home")', { EmpId: $("#txtId").val(), EmpName: $("#txtName").val(), EmpSalary: $("#txtSalary").val() });
        promises.done(function (response) {
            alert("Hello: " + response.EmpName + " Your Employee Id Is: " + response.EmpId + "And Your Salary Is: " + response.EmpSalary);

This method comes with jquery promise the best part was on controller we can received data by using separate parameters or just by using a model class.

    public JsonResult AjaxMethod(PersonModel personModel)
        PersonModel person = new PersonModel
            EmpId = personModel.EmpId,
            EmpName = personModel.EmpName,
            EmpSalary = personModel.EmpSalary
        return Json(person);


    public JsonResult AjaxMethod(string empId, string empName, string empSalary)
        PersonModel person = new PersonModel
            EmpId = empId,
            EmpName = empName,
            EmpSalary = empSalary
        return Json(person);

It works for both of the cases. SO you must try out this way. Got the reference from Using Ajax With Asp.Net MVC

There are few more ways of using Ajax explained there other than this one which you must try.

ArrayAdapter in android to create simple listview

But again main doubt why TextView resource id it needs?

Look at the constructor and the params.

public ArrayAdapter (Context context, int resource, int textViewResourceId, T[] objects)

Added in API level 1 Constructor


context The current context.

resource The resource ID for a layout file containing a layout to use when instantiating views.

textViewResourceId The id of the TextView within the layout resource to be populated objects The objects to represent in the ListView. refers to the id of text in android resource. So you need not have the one in your activity.

Here's the full list

ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
        android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,, values);

this refers to activity context

android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 simple_list_item_1 is the layout in android.R.layout. refers to the android resource id.

values is a string array from the link you provided

How to convert a string Date to long millseconds

Try below code

        SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat("your_string_format", Locale.getDefault());
        Date d = null;
        try {
            d = f.parse(date);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
        long timeInMillis = d.getTime();

version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by ...)

GCC 4.9 introduces a newer C++ ABI version than your system libstdc++ has, so you need to tell the loader to use this newer version of the library by adding that path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you straight off where the libstdc++ so for your GCC 4.9 installation is located, as this depends on how you configured GCC. So you need something in the style of:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/lib/gcc-4.9.0/lib:/home/user/lib/boost_1_55_0/stage/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Note the actual path may be different (there might be some subdirectory hidden under there, like `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.9.0´ or similar).

java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name 'property_file name', locale en_US

With Eclipse and Windows:

you have to copy 2 files - - here : C:\Eclipse\CONTENER\TOMCAT\apache-tomcat-7\lib

Mongodb find() query : return only unique values (no duplicates)

I think you can use db.collection.distinct(fields,query)

You will be able to get the distinct values in your case for NetworkID.

It should be something like this :


SQL Error: ORA-00936: missing expression

You did two mistakes . I think you misplace FROM and WHERE keywords.

SELECT DISTINCT Description, Date as treatmentDate
     FROM doothey.Patient P, doothey.Account A, doothey.AccountLine AL,  doothey.Item.I --Here you use "." operator to "I" alias 
  WHERE  -- WHERE should be located here. 
   P.PatientID = A.PatientID
    AND A.AccountNo = AL.AccountNo
    AND AL.ItemNo = I.ItemNo
    AND (p.FamilyName = 'Stange' AND p.GivenName = 'Jessie');

How do I invoke a Java method when given the method name as a string?

This sounds like something that is doable with the Java Reflection package.

Particularly under Invoking Methods by Name:

import java.lang.reflect.*;

public class method2 {
  public int add(int a, int b)
     return a + b;

  public static void main(String args[])
     try {
       Class cls = Class.forName("method2");
       Class partypes[] = new Class[2];
        partypes[0] = Integer.TYPE;
        partypes[1] = Integer.TYPE;
        Method meth = cls.getMethod(
          "add", partypes);
        method2 methobj = new method2();
        Object arglist[] = new Object[2];
        arglist[0] = new Integer(37);
        arglist[1] = new Integer(47);
        Object retobj 
          = meth.invoke(methobj, arglist);
        Integer retval = (Integer)retobj;
     catch (Throwable e) {

how to set select element as readonly ('disabled' doesnt pass select value on server)

You can simulate a readonly select box using the CSS pointer-events property:

    pointer-events: none;

The HTML tabindex property will also prevent it from being selected by keyboard tabbing:

<select tabindex="-1">

    pointer-events: none;_x000D_
/* irrelevent styling */_x000D_
  box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
  background: #fafafa;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #ccc;_x000D_
  color: #555;_x000D_
input, select_x000D_
  width: 20rem;_x000D_
  padding: 0.5rem;_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 1rem;_x000D_
  <input type="text" value="this is a normal text box">_x000D_
  <input type="text" readonly value="this is a readonly text box">_x000D_
  <select readonly tabindex="-1">_x000D_
    <option>This is a readonly select box</option>_x000D_
    <option>Option 2</option>_x000D_
    <option>This is a normal select box</option>_x000D_
    <option>Option 2</option>_x000D_