Programs & Examples On #Connection string

A string containing information necessary for connecting to a service, usually database.

Entity Framework change connection at runtime

I have two extension methods to convert the normal connection string to the Entity Framework format. This version working well with class library projects without copying the connection strings from app.config file to the primary project. This is VB.Net but easy to convert to C#.

Public Module Extensions

    Public Function ToEntityConnectionString(ByRef sqlClientConnStr As String, ByVal modelFileName As String, Optional ByVal multipleActiceResultSet As Boolean = True)
        Dim sqlb As New SqlConnectionStringBuilder(sqlClientConnStr)
        Return ToEntityConnectionString(sqlb, modelFileName, multipleActiceResultSet)
    End Function

    Public Function ToEntityConnectionString(ByRef sqlClientConnStrBldr As SqlConnectionStringBuilder, ByVal modelFileName As String, Optional ByVal multipleActiceResultSet As Boolean = True)
        sqlClientConnStrBldr.MultipleActiveResultSets = multipleActiceResultSet
        sqlClientConnStrBldr.ApplicationName = "EntityFramework"

        Dim metaData As String = "metadata=res://*/{0}.csdl|res://*/{0}.ssdl|res://*/{0}.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string='{1}'"
        Return String.Format(metaData, modelFileName, sqlClientConnStrBldr.ConnectionString)
    End Function

End Module

After that I create a partial class for DbContext:

Partial Public Class DlmsDataContext

    Public Shared Property ModelFileName As String = "AvrEntities" ' (AvrEntities.edmx)

    Public Sub New(ByVal avrConnectionString As String)
        MyBase.New(CStr(avrConnectionString.ToEntityConnectionString(ModelFileName, True)))
    End Sub

End Class

Creating a query:

Dim newConnectionString As String = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DB;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=pass"

Using ctx As New DlmsDataContext(newConnectionString)
    ' ...
End Using

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user

You can also get this error if your SQL Server has not been configured to use Mixed mode authentication - it doesn't actually tell you that this is not enabled!

How to fix error ::Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0::

If you're using EF and Publish Profiles, you could have a blank connection string entry in your publish profile. Annoying but entirely possible.

Escape quote in web.config connection string

Use &quot; instead of " to escape it.

web.config is an XML file so you should use XML escaping.

connectionString="Server=dbsrv;User ID=myDbUser;Password=somepass&quot;word"

See this forum thread.


&quot; should work, but as it doesn't, have you tried some of the other string escape sequences for .NET? \" and ""?

Update 2:

Try single quotes for the connectionString:

connectionString='Server=dbsrv;User ID=myDbUser;Password=somepass"word'


connectionString='Server=dbsrv;User ID=myDbUser;Password=somepass&quot;word'

Update 3:

From MSDN (SqlConnection.ConnectionString Property):

To include values that contain a semicolon, single-quote character, or double-quote character, the value must be enclosed in double quotation marks. If the value contains both a semicolon and a double-quote character, the value can be enclosed in single quotation marks.


connectionString="Server=dbsrv;User ID=myDbUser;Password='somepass&quot;word'"

The issue is not with web.config, but the format of the connection string. In a connection string, if you have a " in a value (of the key-value pair), you need to enclose the value in '. So, while Password=somepass"word does not work, Password='somepass"word' does.

Connect to SQL Server Database from PowerShell

I did remove integrated security ... my goal is to log onto a sql server using a connection string WITH active directory username / password. When I do that it always fails. Does not matter the format ... sam company\user ... upn [email protected] ... basic username.

How to increase time in web.config for executing sql query

You can do one thing.

  1. In the AppSettings.config (create one if doesn't exist), create a key value pair.
  2. In the Code pull the value and convert it to Int32 and assign it to command.TimeOut.

like:- In appsettings.config ->

   <add key="SqlCommandTimeOut" value="240"/>

In Code ->

command.CommandTimeout = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SqlCommandTimeOut"]);

That should do it.

Note:- I faced most of the timeout issues when I used SqlHelper class from microsoft application blocks. If you have it in your code and are facing timeout problems its better you use sqlcommand and set its timeout as described above. For all other scenarios sqlhelper should do fine. If your client is ok with waiting a little longer than what sqlhelper class offers you can go ahead and use the above technique.

example:- Use this -

 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(completequery);

 cmd.CommandTimeout =  Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SqlCommandTimeOut"]);

 SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(sqlConnectionString);
 SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
 adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(completequery, con);

Instead of

DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sqlConnectionString, CommandType.Text, completequery);

Update: Also refer to @Triynko answer below. It is important to check that too.

How can I set an SQL Server connection string?

.NET DataProvider -- Standard Connection with username and password

using System.Data.SqlClient;

SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
conn.ConnectionString =
  "Data Source=ServerName;" +
  "Initial Catalog=DataBaseName;" +
  "User id=UserName;" +

.NET DataProvider -- Trusted Connection

SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
conn.ConnectionString =
  "Data Source=ServerName;" +
  "Initial Catalog=DataBaseName;" +
  "Integrated Security=SSPI;";

Refer to the documentation.

VB.NET Connection string (Web.Config, App.Config)

Public Function connectDB() As OleDbConnection

        Dim Con As New OleDbConnection
        'Con.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=" & DBNAME & ";Data Source=" & DBSERVER & ";Pwd=" & DBPWD & ""
        Con.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=DBNAME;Data Source=DBSERVER-TOSH;User ID=Sa;Pwd= & DBPWD"
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
        Return Con
    End Function

How to read connection string in .NET Core?

The way that I found to resolve this was to use AddJsonFile in a builder at Startup (which allows it to find the configuration stored in the appsettings.json file) and then use that to set a private _config variable

public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)
        var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
            .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)
            .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{env.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true)
        _config = builder.Build();

And then I could set the configuration string as follows:

var connectionString = _config.GetConnectionString("DbContextSettings:ConnectionString"); 

This is on dotnet core 1.1

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE'

The SQL Server login required is DOMAIN\machinename$. This is the how the calling NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE appears to SQL Server (and file servers etc)



What is the point of "Initial Catalog" in a SQL Server connection string?

Setting an Initial Catalog allows you to set the database that queries run on that connection will use by default. If you do not set this for a connection to a server in which multiple databases are present, in many cases you will be required to have a USE statement in every query in order to explicitly declare which database you are trying to run the query on. The Initial Catalog setting is a good way of explicitly declaring a default database.

SSIS how to set connection string dynamically from a config file

These answers are right, but old and works for Depoloyement Package Model. What I Actually needed is to change the server name, database name of a connection manager and i found this very helpful:

Better for people using SQL Server 2012-2014-2016 ... with Deployment Project Model

Should I set max pool size in database connection string? What happens if I don't?

Currently your application support 100 connections in pool. Here is what conn string will look like if you want to increase it to 200:

public static string srConnectionString = 
                "server=localhost;database=mydb;uid=sa;pwd=mypw;Max Pool Size=200;";

You can investigate how many connections with database your application use, by executing sp_who procedure in your database. In most cases default connection pool size will be enough.

Keyword not supported: "data source" initializing Entity Framework Context

Believe it or not, renaming LinqPad.exe.config to LinqPad.config solved this problem.

Java JDBC - How to connect to Oracle using Service Name instead of SID

This discussion helped me resolve the issue I was struggling with for days. I looked around all over the internet until I found the answered by Jim Tough on May 18 '11 at 15:17. With that answer I was able to connect. Now I want to give back and help others with a complete example. Here goes:

import java.sql.*; 

public class MyDBConnect {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {

        try { 
            String dbURL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=whatEverYourHostNameIs)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=yourServiceName)))";
            String strUserID = "yourUserId";
            String strPassword = "yourPassword";
            Connection myConnection=DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL,strUserID,strPassword);

            Statement sqlStatement = myConnection.createStatement();
            String readRecordSQL = "select * from sa_work_order where WORK_ORDER_NO = '1503090' ";  
            ResultSet myResultSet = sqlStatement.executeQuery(readRecordSQL);
            while ( {
                System.out.println("Record values: " + myResultSet.getString("WORK_ORDER_NO"));

        } catch (Exception e) {

Connection string using Windows Authentication

For connecting to a sql server database via Windows authentication basically needs which server you want to connect , what is your database name , Integrated Security info and provider name.

Basically this works:

<add name="MyConnectionString"
         connectionString="data source=ServerName;
   Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;Integrated Security=True;"
         providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Setting Integrated Security field true means basically you want to reach database via Windows authentication, if you set this field false Windows authentication will not work.

It is also working different according which provider you are using.

  • SqlClient both Integrated Security=true; or IntegratedSecurity=SSPI; is working.

  • OleDb it is Integrated Security=SSPI;

  • Odbc it is Trusted_Connection=yes;
  • OracleClient it is Integrated Security=yes;

Integrated Security=true throws an exception when used with the OleDb provider.

SQL providerName in web.config

System.Data.SqlClient is the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server. ie .NET library for SQL Server.

I don't know where providerName=SqlServer comes from. Could you be getting this confused with the provider keyword in your connection string? (I know I was :) )

In the web.config you should have the System.Data.SqlClient as the value of the providerName attribute. It is the .NET Framework Data Provider you are using.

      connectionString="data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true" 


What is the MySQL JDBC driver connection string?


If you don't have any properties ignore it then it will be like


jdbc:mysql is the protocol is the host and 3306 is the port number test is the database

How to fix "The ConnectionString property has not been initialized"

Use [] instead of () as below example.

SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["FADB_ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
            DataTable data = new DataTable();
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

Read connection string from web.config

First add this:

using System.Configuration;

keyword not supported data source

This problem can occur when you reference your web.config (or app.config) connection strings by index...

var con = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[0].ConnectionString;

The zero based connection string is not always the one in your config file as it inherits others by default from further up the stack.

The recommended approaches are to access your connection by name...

var con = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnection"].ConnectionString;

or to clear the connnectionStrings element in your config file first...

    <add name="MyConnection" connectionString="...

Create a jTDS connection string

SQLServer runs the default instance over port 1433. If you specify the port as port 1433, SQLServer will only look for the default instance. The name of the default instance was created at setup and usually is SQLEXPRESSxxx_xx_ENU.

The instance name also matches the folder name created in Program Files -> Microsoft SQL Server. So if you look there and see one folder named SQLEXPRESSxxx_xx_ENU it is the default instance.

Folders named MSSQL12.myInstanceName (for SQLServer 2012) are named instances in SQL Server and are not accessed via port 1433.

So if your program is accessing a default instance in the database, specify port 1433, and you may not need to specify the instance name.

If your program is accessing a named instance (not the default instance) in the database DO NOT specify the port but you must specify the instance name.

I hope this clarifies some of the confusion emanating from the errors above.

Entity Framework Timeouts

This is what I've fund out. Maybe it will help to someone:

So here we go:

If You use LINQ with EF looking for some exact elements contained in the list like this:

await context.MyObject1.Include("MyObject2").Where(t => IdList.Contains(t.MyObjectId)).ToListAsync();

everything is going fine until IdList contains more than one Id.

The “timeout” problem comes out if the list contains just one Id. To resolve the issue use if condition to check number of ids in IdList.


if (IdList.Count == 1)
    result = await entities. MyObject1.Include("MyObject2").Where(t => IdList.FirstOrDefault()==t. MyObjectId).ToListAsync();
    result = await entities. MyObject1.Include("MyObject2").Where(t => IdList.Contains(t. MyObjectId)).ToListAsync();


Simply try to use Sql Profiler and check the Select statement generated by Entity frameeork. …

What is the difference between Integrated Security = True and Integrated Security = SSPI?

Note that connection strings are specific to what and how you are connecting to data. These are connecting to the same database but the first is using .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server. Integrated Security=True will not work for OleDb.

  • Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb;Integrated Security=True
  • Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=.;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb

When in doubt use the Visual Studio Server Explorer Data Connections.

What is the connection string for localdb for version 11

This is a fairly old thread, but since I was reinstalling my Visual Studio 2015 Community today, I thought I might add some info on what to use on VS2015, or what might work in general.

To see which instances were installed by default, type sqllocaldb info inside a command prompt. On my machine, I get two instances, the first one named MSSQLLocalDB.

C:\>sqllocaldb info

You can also create a new instance if you wish, using sqllocaldb create "some_instance_name", but the default one will work just fine:

// if not using a verbatim string literal, don't forget to escape backslashes
@"Server=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Integrated Security=true;"

Error: "Could Not Find Installable ISAM"

Try putting single quotes around the data source:

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='D:\ptdb\Program Tracking Database.mdb';

The problem tends to be white space which does have meaning to the parser.

If you had other attributes (e.g., Extended Properties), their values may also have to be enclosed in single quotes:

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='D:\ptdb\Program Tracking Database.mdb'; Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;';

You could equally well use double quotes; however, you'll probably have to escape them, and I find that more of a Pain In The Algorithm than using singles.

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server

Sql Server fire this error when your application don't have enough rights to access the database. there are several reason about this error . To fix this error you should follow the following instruction.

  1. Try to connect sql server from your server using management studio . if you use windows authentication to connect sql server then set your application pool identity to server administrator .

  2. if you use sql server authentication then check you connection string in web.config of your web application and set user id and password of sql server which allows you to log in .

  3. if your database in other server(access remote database) then first of enable remote access of sql server form sql server property from sql server management studio and enable TCP/IP form sql server configuration manager .

  4. after doing all these stuff and you still can't access the database then check firewall of server form where you are trying to access the database and add one rule in firewall to enable port of sql server(by default sql server use 1433 , to check port of sql server you need to check sql server configuration manager network protocol TCP/IP port).

  5. if your sql server is running on named instance then you need to write port number with sql serer name for example 117.312.21.21/nameofsqlserver,1433.

  6. If you are using cloud hosting like amazon aws or microsoft azure then server or instance will running behind cloud firewall so you need to enable 1433 port in cloud firewall if you have default instance or specific port for sql server for named instance.

  7. If you are using amazon RDS or SQL azure then you need to enable port from security group of that instance.

  8. If you are accessing sql server through sql server authentication mode them make sure you enabled "SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode" sql server instance property. enter image description here

    1. Restart your sql server instance after making any changes in property as some changes will require restart.

if you further face any difficulty then you need to provide more information about your web site and sql server .

Setting up connection string in ASP.NET to SQL SERVER

Connection in WebConfig

Add the your connection string to the <connectionStrings> element in the Web.config file.

<add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=Login;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;"   providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

In Class.Cs

public static string ConnectionString{
return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;}

Get ConnectionString from appsettings.json instead of being hardcoded in .NET Core 2.0 App

How about passing it as dp injection into that class? in ConfigureServices:


create class to hold json strings:

public class MyOptions
    public MyOptions()

    public string Option1 { get; set; }
    public string Option2 { get; set; }

Add strings to json file:

"option1": "somestring",
"option2": "someothersecretstring"

In classes that need these strings, pass in as constructor:

public class SomeClass
 private readonly MyOptions _options;

    public SomeClass(IOptions<MyOptions> options)
        _options = options.Value;           

 public void UseStrings()
   var option1 = _options.Option1;
    var option2 = _options.Option2;

error: the details of the application error from being viewed remotely

Dear olga is clear what the message says. Turn off the custom errors to see the details about this error for fix it, and then you close them back. So add mode="off" as:

        <customErrors mode="Off"/>

Relative answer: Deploying website: 500 - Internal server error

By the way: The error message declare that the web.config is not the one you type it here. Maybe you have forget to upload your web.config ? And remember to close the debug flag on the web.config that you use for online pages.

Get connection string from App.config

First you have to add System.Configuration reference to your project and then use below code to get connection string.

_connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MYSQLConnection"].ConnectionString.ToString();

How should I edit an Entity Framework connection string?

No, you can't edit the connection string in the designer. The connection string is not part of the EDMX file it is just referenced value from the configuration file and probably because of that it is just readonly in the properties window.

Modifying configuration file is common task because you sometimes wants to make change without rebuilding the application. That is the reason why configuration files exist.

Difference between `npm start` & `node app.js`, when starting app?

The documentation has been updated. My answer has substantial changes vs the accepted answer: I wanted to reflect documentation is up-to-date, and accepted answer has a few broken links.

Also, I didn't understand when the accepted answer said "it defaults to node server.js". I think the documentation clarifies the default behavior:


Start a package


npm start [-- <args>]


This runs an arbitrary command specified in the package's "start" property of its "scripts" object. If no "start" property is specified on the "scripts" object, it will run node server.js.

In summary, running npm start could do one of two things:

  1. npm start {command_name}: Run an arbitrary command (i.e. if such command is specified in the start property of package.json's scripts object)
  2. npm start: Else if no start property exists (or no command_name is passed): Run node server.js, (which may not be appropriate, for example the OP doesn't have server.js; the OP runs nodeapp.js )
  3. I said I would list only 2 items, but are other possibilities (i.e. error cases). For example, if there is no package.json in the directory where you run npm start, you may see an error: npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '.\package.json'

How do I get a background location update every n minutes in my iOS application?

I used xs2bush's method of getting an interval (using timeIntervalSinceDate) and expanded on it a little bit. I wanted to make sure that I was getting the required accuracy that I needed and also that I was not running down the battery by keeping the gps radio on more than necessary.

I keep location running continuously with the following settings:

locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyThreeKilometers;
locationManager.distanceFilter = 5;

this is a relatively low drain on the battery. When I'm ready to get my next periodic location reading, I first check to see if the location is within my desired accuracy, if it is, I then use the location. If it's not, then I increase the accuracy with this:

locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyNearestTenMeters;
locationManager.distanceFilter = 0;

get my location and then once I have the location I turn the accuracy back down again to minimize the drain on the battery. I have written a full working sample of this and also I have written the source for the server side code to collect the location data, store it to a database and allow users to view gps data in real time or retrieve and view previously stored routes. I have clients for iOS, android, windows phone and java me. All clients are natively written and they all work properly in the background. The project is MIT licensed.

The iOS project is targeted for iOS 6 using a base SDK of iOS 7. You can get the code here.

Please file an issue on github if you see any problems with it. Thanks.

how to check the version of jar file?

You need to unzip it and check its META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file, e.g.

unzip -p file.jar | head

or more specific:

unzip -p file.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 13: ordinal not in range(128)

When on Ubuntu 18.04 using Python3.6 I have solved the problem doing both:

with open(filename, encoding="utf-8") as lines:

and if you are running the tool as command line:

export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8

Note that if you are in Python2.7 you have do to handle this differently. First you have to set the default encoding:

import sys

and then to load the file you must use to set the encoding:

import io
with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as lines:

You still need to export the env

export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8

Add views in UIStackView programmatically

I just came across very similar problem. Just like mentioned before the stack view's dimensions depend one intrinsic content size of the arranged subviews. Here is my solution in Swift 2.x and following view structure:

view - UIView

customView - CustomView:UIView

stackView - UISTackView

arranged subviews - custom UIView subclasses

    //: [Previous](@previous)

import Foundation
import UIKit
import XCPlayground

/**Container for stack view*/
class CustomView:UIView {

    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)

        super.init(frame: CGRectZero)



/**Custom Subclass*/
class CustomDrawing:UIView{
    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)


    func setup(){
       // self.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()
        print("setup \(frame)")

    override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
        let ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
        CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, 0, 0)
        CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, CGRectGetWidth(bounds), CGRectGetHeight(bounds))



//: [Next](@next)
let stackView = UIStackView()
stackView.distribution = .FillProportionally
stackView.alignment = .Center
stackView.axis = .Horizontal
stackView.spacing = 10

//container view
let view = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0,0,320,640))
view.backgroundColor = UIColor.darkGrayColor()
//now custom view

let customView = CustomView()


customView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
customView.widthAnchor.constraintEqualToConstant(220).active = true
customView.heightAnchor.constraintEqualToConstant(60).active = true
customView.centerXAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(view.centerXAnchor).active = true
customView.centerYAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(view.centerYAnchor).active = true
customView.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor()

//add a stack view
stackView.centerXAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(customView.centerXAnchor).active = true
stackView.centerYAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(customView.centerYAnchor).active = true
stackView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

let c1 = CustomDrawing()
c1.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
c1.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
c1.widthAnchor.constraintEqualToConstant(30).active = true
c1.heightAnchor.constraintEqualToConstant(30).active = true

let c2 = CustomDrawing()
c2.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
c2.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor()
c2.widthAnchor.constraintEqualToConstant(30).active = true
c2.heightAnchor.constraintEqualToConstant(30).active = true


XCPlaygroundPage.currentPage.liveView = view

How to change working directory in Jupyter Notebook?

on Jupyter notebook, try this:

pwd                  #this shows the current directory 

if this is not the directory you like and you would like to change, try this:

import os 

Then try pwd again to see if the directory is what you want.

It works for me.

Converting to upper and lower case in Java

WordUtils.capitalizeFully(str) from apache commons-lang has the exact semantics as required.

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found

For Windows 10 x64 and Python:

Open a Visual Studio x64 command prompt, and use dumpbin:

dumpbin /dependents [Python Module DLL or PYD file]

If you do not have Visual Studio installed, it is possible to download dumpbin elsewhere, or use another utility such as Dependency Walker.

Note that all other answers (to date) are simply random stabs in the dark, whereas this method is closer to a sniper rifle with night vision.

Case study 1

  1. I switched on Address Sanitizer for a Python module that I wrote using C++ using MSVC and CMake.

  2. It was giving this error: ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found

  3. Opened a Visual Studio x64 command prompt.

  4. Under Windows, a .pyd file is a .dll file in disguise, so we want to run dumpbin on this file.

  5. cd MyLibrary\build\\Debug

  6. dumpbin /dependents MyLibrary.cp37-win_amd64.pyd which prints this:

    Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.27.29112.0
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Dump of file MyLibrary.cp37-win_amd64.pyd
    File Type: DLL
      Image has the following dependencies:
         1000 .00cfg
        D6000 .data
         7000 .idata
        46000 .pdata
       341000 .rdata
        23000 .reloc
         1000 .rsrc
       856000 .text
  7. Searched for clang_rt.asan_dbg_dynamic-x86_64.dll, copied it into the same directory, problem solved.

  8. Alternatively, could update the environment variable PATH to point to the directory with the missing .dll.

Please feel free to add your own case studies here! I've made it a community wiki answer.

How to return first 5 objects of Array in Swift?

I slightly changed Markus' answer to update it for the latest Swift version, as var inside your method declaration is no longer supported:

extension Array {
    func takeElements(elementCount: Int) -> Array {
        if (elementCount > count) {
            return Array(self[0..<count])
        return Array(self[0..<elementCount])

How to automatically import data from uploaded CSV or XLS file into Google Sheets

(Mar 2017) The accepted answer is not the best solution. It relies on manual translation using Apps Script, and the code may not be resilient, requiring maintenance. If your legacy system autogenerates CSV files, it's best they go into another folder for temporary processing (importing [uploading to Google Drive & converting] to Google Sheets files).

My thought is to let the Drive API do all the heavy-lifting. The Google Drive API team released v3 at the end of 2015, and in that release, insert() changed names to create() so as to better reflect the file operation. There's also no more convert flag -- you just specify MIMEtypes... imagine that!

The documentation has also been improved: there's now a special guide devoted to uploads (simple, multipart, and resumable) that comes with sample code in Java, Python, PHP, C#/.NET, Ruby, JavaScript/Node.js, and iOS/Obj-C that imports CSV files into Google Sheets format as desired.

Below is one alternate Python solution for short files ("simple upload") where you don't need the apiclient.http.MediaFileUpload class. This snippet assumes your auth code works where your service endpoint is DRIVE with a minimum auth scope of

# filenames & MIMEtypes
DST_FILENAME = 'inventory'
SHT_MIMETYPE = 'application/'
CSV_MIMETYPE = 'text/csv'

# Import CSV file to Google Drive as a Google Sheets file
rsp = DRIVE.files().create(body=METADATA, media_body=SRC_FILENAME).execute()
if rsp:
    print('Imported %r to %r (as %s)' % (SRC_FILENAME, DST_FILENAME, rsp['mimeType']))

Better yet, rather than uploading to My Drive, you'd upload to one (or more) specific folder(s), meaning you'd add the parent folder ID(s) to METADATA. (Also see the code sample on this page.) Finally, there's no native .gsheet "file" -- that file just has a link to the online Sheet, so what's above is what you want to do.

If not using Python, you can use the snippet above as pseudocode to port to your system language. Regardless, there's much less code to maintain because there's no CSV parsing. The only thing remaining is to blow away the CSV file temp folder your legacy system wrote to.

Javascript to stop HTML5 video playback on modal window close

I'm not sure whether ZohoGorganzola's solution is correct; however, you may want to try getting at the element directly rather than trying to invoke a method on the jQuery collection, so instead of




How to import a class from default package

  1. Create "root" package (folder) in your project, for example.

    package source; (.../path_to_project/source/)

  2. Move YourClass.class into a source folder. (.../path_to_project/source/YourClass.class)

  3. Import like this

    import source.YourClass;

PHP salt and hash SHA256 for login password

You couldn't login because you did't get proper solt text at login time. There are two options, first is define static salt, second is if you want create dynamic salt than you have to store the salt somewhere (means in database) with associate with user. Than you concatenate user solt+password_hash string now with this you fire query with username in your database table.

How to change the timeout on a .NET WebClient object


using (var client = new TimeoutWebClient(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))
    return await client.DownloadStringTaskAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false);


using System;
using System.Net;

namespace Utilities
    public class TimeoutWebClient : WebClient
        public TimeSpan Timeout { get; set; }

        public TimeoutWebClient(TimeSpan timeout)
            Timeout = timeout;

        protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri uri)
            var request = base.GetWebRequest(uri);
            if (request == null)
                return null;

            var timeoutInMilliseconds = (int) Timeout.TotalMilliseconds;

            request.Timeout = timeoutInMilliseconds;
            if (request is HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest)
                httpWebRequest.ReadWriteTimeout = timeoutInMilliseconds;

            return request;

But I recommend a more modern solution:

using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public static async Task<string> ReadGetRequestDataAsync(Uri uri, TimeSpan? timeout = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    using var source = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken);
    if (timeout != null)

    using var client = new HttpClient();
    using var response = await client.GetAsync(uri, source.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);

    return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

It will throw an OperationCanceledException after a timeout.

Java Minimum and Maximum values in Array

Here you haven't print the max and min values. Print the max and min values in the getMaxVal and getMin val methods or after the call. This is the output.

Enter the numbers now.
Max: 5
Min: 0
Max: 5
Min: 0
Max: 7
Min: 0
Max: 7
Min: 0
Max: 90
Min: 0
Max: 90
Min: 0
Max: 100
Min: 0
Max: 100
Min: 0
Max: 100
Min: 0
Max: 100
Min: 3
These are the numbers you have entered.
5 3 7 3 90 43 100 45 23 22

Also when you are declaring an array, it has all 0s initially.

How to search JSON tree with jQuery

I found ifaour's example of jQuery.each() to be helpful, but would add that jQuery.each() can be broken (that is, stopped) by returning false at the point where you've found what you're searching for:

$.each(json.people.person, function(i, v) {
        if ( == "Peter") {
            // found it...
            return false; // stops the loop

Calculating sum of repeated elements in AngularJS ng-repeat

In Template

<td>Total: {{ getTotal() }}</td>

In Controller

$scope.getTotal = function(){
    var total = 0;
    for(var i = 0; i < $scope.cart.products.length; i++){
        var product = $scope.cart.products[i];
        total += (product.price * product.quantity);
    return total;

Add custom message to thrown exception while maintaining stack trace in Java


throw new Exception("transction: " + transNbr, E); 

What does -> mean in C++?

  1. Access operator applicable to (a) all pointer types, (b) all types which explicitely overload this operator
  2. Introducer for the return type of a local lambda expression:

    std::vector<MyType> seq;
    // fill with instances...  
    std::sort(seq.begin(), seq.end(),
                [] (const MyType& a, const MyType& b) -> bool {
                    return a.Content < b.Content;
  3. introducing a trailing return type of a function in combination of the re-invented auto:

    struct MyType {
        // declares a member function returning std::string
        auto foo(int) -> std::string;

JQuery Parsing JSON array

Use the parseJSON method:

var json = '["City1","City2","City3"]';
var arr = $.parseJSON(json);

Then you have an array with the city names.

Date to milliseconds and back to date in Swift

let dateTimeStamp = NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970:Double(currentTimeInMiliseconds())/1000)  //UTC time  //YOUR currentTimeInMiliseconds METHOD
let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.timeZone = NSTimeZone.localTimeZone() 
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
dateFormatter.dateStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.FullStyle
dateFormatter.timeStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.ShortStyle

let strDateSelect = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(dateTimeStamp)
print("Local Time", strDateSelect) //Local time

let dateFormatter2 = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter2.timeZone = NSTimeZone(name: "UTC") as NSTimeZone!
dateFormatter2.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"

let date3 = dateFormatter.dateFromString(strDateSelect)

no module named zlib

For the case I met, I found there are missing modules after make. So I did the following:

  1. install zlib-devel
  2. make and install python again.

How do you represent a JSON array of strings?

Your JSON object in this case is a list. JSON is almost always an object with attributes; a set of one or more key:value pairs, so you most likely see a dictionary:

{ "MyStringArray" : ["somestring1", "somestring2"] }

then you can ask for the value of "MyStringArray" and you would get back a list of two strings, "somestring1" and "somestring2".

Cmake doesn't find Boost

I struggled with this problem for a while myself. It turned out that cmake was looking for Boost library files using Boost's naming convention, in which the library name is a function of the compiler version used to build it. Our Boost libraries were built using GCC 4.9.1, and that compiler version was in fact present on our system; however, GCC 4.4.7 also happened to be installed. As it happens, cmake's FindBoost.cmake script was auto-detecting the GCC 4.4.7 installation instead of the GCC 4.9.1 one, and thus was looking for Boost library files with "gcc44" in the file names, rather than "gcc49".

The simple fix was to force cmake to assume that GCC 4.9 was present, by setting Boost_COMPILER to "-gcc49" in CMakeLists.txt. With this change, FindBoost.cmake looked for, and found, my Boost library files.

Run git pull over all subdirectories

I use this

for dir in $(find . -name ".git")
do cd ${dir%/*}
    echo $PWD
    git pull
    echo ""
    cd - > /dev/null


TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars while plot showing

dataframe['column'].squeeze() should solve this. It basically changes the dataframe column to a list.

Spring RestTemplate - how to enable full debugging/logging of requests/responses?

Besides the HttpClient logging described in the other answer, you can also introduce a ClientHttpRequestInterceptor that reads the body of the request and the response and logs it. You might want to do this if other stuff also uses the HttpClient, or if you want a custom logging format. Caution: you will want to give the RestTemplate a BufferingClientHttpRequestFactory such that you can read the response twice.

C# ASP.NET MVC Return to Previous Page

I am assuming (please correct me if I am wrong) that you want to re-display the edit page if the edit fails and to do this you are using a redirect.

You may have more luck by just returning the view again rather than trying to redirect the user, this way you will be able to use the ModelState to output any errors too.


Updated based on feedback. You can place the previous URL in the viewModel, add it to a hidden field then use it again in the action that saves the edits.

For instance:

public ActionResult Index()
    return View();

[HttpGet] // This isn't required
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
   // load object and return in view
   ViewModel viewModel = Load(id);

   // get the previous url and store it with view model
   viewModel.PreviousUrl = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer;

   return View(viewModel);

public ActionResult Edit(ViewModel viewModel)
   // Attempt to save the posted object if it works, return index if not return the Edit view again

   bool success = Save(viewModel);
   if (success)
       return Redirect(viewModel.PreviousUrl);
      ModelState.AddModelError("There was an error");
      return View(viewModel);

The BeginForm method for your view doesn't need to use this return URL either, you should be able to get away with:

@model ViewModel

@using (Html.BeginForm())
    <input type="hidden" name="PreviousUrl" value="@Model.PreviousUrl" />

Going back to your form action posting to an incorrect URL, this is because you are passing a URL as the 'id' parameter, so the routing automatically formats your URL with the return path.

This won't work because your form will be posting to an controller action that won't know how to save the edits. You need to post to your save action first, then handle the redirect within it.

Assign keyboard shortcut to run procedure

F5 is a standard shortcut to run a macro in VBA editor. I don't think you can add a shortcut key in editor itself. If you want to run the macro from excel, you can assign a shortcut from there.

In excel press alt+F8 to open macro dialog box. select the macro for which you want to assign shortcut key and click options. there you can assign a shortcut to the macro.

What exactly are DLL files, and how do they work?

A DLL is a library that contains code and data that can be used by more than one program at the same time. For example, in Windows operating systems, the Comdlg32 DLL performs common dialog box related functions. Therefore, each program can use the functionality that is contained in this DLL to implement an Open dialog box. This helps promote code reuse and efficient memory usage.

By using a DLL, a program can be modularized into separate components. For example, an accounting program may be sold by module. Each module can be loaded into the main program at run time if that module is installed. Because the modules are separate, the load time of the program is faster, and a module is only loaded when that functionality is requested.

Additionally, updates are easier to apply to each module without affecting other parts of the program. For example, you may have a payroll program, and the tax rates change each year. When these changes are isolated to a DLL, you can apply an update without needing to build or install the whole program again.

Does IMDB provide an API?

Yes, but not for free.

.....annual fees ranging from $15,000 to higher depending on the audience for the data and which data are being licensed.

URL :-

How to verify if $_GET exists?

Normally it is quite good to do:

echo isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : 'wtf';

This is so when assigning the var to other variables you can do defaults all in one breath instead of constantly using if statements to just give them a default value if they are not set.

Multiplication on command line terminal

For more advanced and precise math consider using bc(1).

echo "3 * 2.19" | bc -l 

Vagrant ssh authentication failure

Unable to run vagrant up because it gets stuck and times out? I recently had a "water in laptop incident" and had to migrate to a new one(on a MAC by the way). I successfully got all my projects up and running beside the one, which was using vagrant.

$ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
    default: Adapter 1: nat
    default: Adapter 2: hostonly
==> default: Forwarding ports...
    default: 8000 (guest) => 8877 (host) (adapter 1)
    default: 8001 (guest) => 8878 (host) (adapter 1)
    default: 8080 (guest) => 7777 (host) (adapter 1)
    default: 5432 (guest) => 2345 (host) (adapter 1)
    default: 5000 (guest) => 8855 (host) (adapter 1)
    default: 22 (guest) => 2222 (host) (adapter 1)
==> default: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> default: Booting VM...
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
    default: SSH address:
    default: SSH username: vagrant
    default: SSH auth method: private key
    default: Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying...
    default: Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying...
    default: Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying...

It couldn't authenticate, retried again and again and eventually gave up.

This is how I got it back in shape in 3 steps:

1 - Find the IdentityFile used by Vagrant:

$ vagrant ssh-config

Host default
  User vagrant
  Port 2222
  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  PasswordAuthentication no
  IdentityFile /Users/ned/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key
  IdentitiesOnly yes
  LogLevel FATAL

2 - Check the public key in the IdentityFile:

$ ssh-keygen -y -f <path-to-insecure_private_key>

It'd output something like this:

ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nyc2EAAA...9gE98OHlnVYCzRdK8jlqm8hQ==

3 - Log in to the Vagrant guest with the password vagrant:

ssh -p 2222 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null [email protected]
The authenticity of host '[]:2222 ([]:2222)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is dc:48:73:c3:18:e4:9d:34:a2:7d:4b:20:6a:e7:3d:3e.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password: vagrant
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-31-generic x86_64)

NOTE: if vagrant guest is configured to disallow password authentication you need to open VBox' GUI, double click guest name, login as vagrant/vagrant, then sudo -s and edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and look for PasswordAuthentication no line (usually at the end of the file), replace no with yes and restart sshd (i.e. systemctl reload sshd or /etc/init.d/sshd restart).

4 - Add the public key to the /home/vagrant/authorized_keys file.

$ echo "ssh-rsa AA2EAAA...9gEdK8jlqm8hQ== vagrant" > /home/vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys

5 - Exit (CTRL+d) and stop the Vagrant guest and then bring it back up.

IMPORTANT if you use any provisioning tools (i.e. Ansible etc) disable it before restarting your guest as Vagrant will think your guest is not provisioned because of use of insecure private key. It will reinstall the key and then run your provisioner!

$ vagrant halt
$ vagrant up

Hopefully you will have your arms in the air now...

I got this, with just a minor amend, from Ned Batchelders article - Ned you are a champ!

Redirecting 404 error with .htaccess via 301 for SEO etc

You will need to know something about the URLs, like do they have a specific directory or some query string element because you have to match for something. Otherwise you will have to redirect on the 404. If this is what is required then do something like this in your .htaccess:

ErrorDocument 404 /index.php

An error page redirect must be relative to root so you cannot use

If you have a pattern to match too then use 301 instead of 302 because 301 is permanent and 302 is temporary. A 301 will get the old URLs removed from the search engines and the 302 will not.

Mod Rewrite Reference:

jQuery validation: change default error message

Instead of changing the plugin source code you can include an additional js file in the format like those in the downloads localization folder and include that one after loading the validation.js

jQuery.extend(jQuery.validator.messages, {
    required: ...,
    maxlength: jQuery.validator.format(...),

How to work offline with TFS

If the code has already been checked out by the user that if offline and they have the latest version on their local hd, then they just need to browse to the solution location and open the solution by double clicking sln file. The solution will open in disconnected mode.

Replacing last character in a String with java

You can simply use substring:

  fieldName = fieldName.substring(0,fieldName.length() - 1);

Make sure to reassign your field after performing substring as Strings are immutable in java

Change the Value of h1 Element within a Form with JavaScript

You may try the following:

document.getElementById("your_h1_id").innerHTML = "your new text here"

Sorting an array in C?

In C, you can use the built in qsort command:

int compare( const void* a, const void* b)
     int int_a = * ( (int*) a );
     int int_b = * ( (int*) b );

     if ( int_a == int_b ) return 0;
     else if ( int_a < int_b ) return -1;
     else return 1;

qsort( a, 6, sizeof(int), compare )


To answer the second part of your question: an optimal (comparison based) sorting algorithm is one that runs with O(n log(n)) comparisons. There are several that have this property (including quick sort, merge sort, heap sort, etc.), but which one to use depends on your use case.

As a side note, you can sometime do better than O(n log(n)) if you know something about your data - see the wikipedia article on Radix Sort

Convert line endings

Doing this with POSIX is tricky:

  • POSIX Sed does not support \r or \15. Even if it did, the in place option -i is not POSIX

  • POSIX Awk does support \r and \15, however the -i inplace option is not POSIX

  • d2u and dos2unix are not POSIX utilities, but ex is

  • POSIX ex does not support \r, \15, \n or \12

To remove carriage returns:

awk 'BEGIN{RS="^$";ORS="";getline;gsub("\r","");print>ARGV[1]}' file

To add carriage returns:

awk 'BEGIN{RS="^$";ORS="";getline;gsub("\n","\r&");print>ARGV[1]}' file

How to format current time using a yyyyMMddHHmmss format?

Time package in Golang has some methods that might be worth looking.

func (Time) Format

func (t Time) Format(layout string) string Format returns a textual representation of the time value formatted according to layout, which defines the format by showing how the reference time,

Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006 would be displayed if it were the value; it serves as an example of the desired output. The same display rules will then be applied to the time value. Predefined layouts ANSIC, UnixDate, RFC3339 and others describe standard and convenient representations of the reference time. For more information about the formats and the definition of the reference time, see the documentation for ANSIC and the other constants defined by this package.

Source (

I also found an example of defining the layout (

func ExampleTime_Format() {
        // layout shows by example how the reference time should be represented.
        const layout = "Jan 2, 2006 at 3:04pm (MST)"
        t := time.Date(2009, time.November, 10, 15, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
        // Output:
    // Nov 10, 2009 at 3:00pm (PST)
        // Nov 10, 2009 at 11:00pm (UTC)

Angular ngClass and click event for toggling class

ngClass should be wrapped in square brackets as this is a property binding. Try this:

<div class="my_class" (click)="clickEvent($event)"  [ngClass]="{'active': toggle}">                
     Some content

In your component:

     //define the toogle property
     private toggle : boolean = false;

    //define your method
       //if you just want to toggle the class; change toggle variable.
       this.toggle = !this.toggle;       

Hope that helps.

brew install mysql on macOS

I had the same issue after I tried to restart mysql.

I use the following two aliases in my .profile for convenience

alias mysql-stop='launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist'
alias mysql-start='launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist' 

After stoping mysql and then trying to restart I experienced the issue you were having. I looked into the launchctl load and it was reporting a “nothing found to load” error.

After a quick search I found this..

So I updated me mysql-start alias as follows

alias mysql-start='launchctl load -w -F ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist'

This solved my issue which may be useful for you.

initialize a numpy array

numpy.fromiter() is what you are looking for:

big_array = numpy.fromiter(xrange(5), dtype="int")

It also works with generator expressions, e.g.:

big_array = numpy.fromiter( (i*(i+1)/2 for i in xrange(5)), dtype="int" )

If you know the length of the array in advance, you can specify it with an optional 'count' argument.

jQuery return ajax result into outside variable

You are missing a comma after

'data': { 'request': "", 'target': 'arrange_url', 'method': 'method_target' }

Also, if you want return_first to hold the result of your anonymous function, you need to make a function call:

var return_first = function () {
    var tmp = null;
        'async': false,
        'type': "POST",
        'global': false,
        'dataType': 'html',
        'url': "ajax.php?first",
        'data': { 'request': "", 'target': 'arrange_url', 'method': 'method_target' },
        'success': function (data) {
            tmp = data;
    return tmp;

Note () at the end.

MySQL equivalent of DECODE function in Oracle

If additional table doesn't fit, you can write your own function for translation.

The plus of sql function over case is, that you can use it in various places, and keep translation logic in one place.

Loop and get key/value pair for JSON array using jQuery

Parse the JSON string and you can loop through the keys.

var resultJSON = '{"FirstName":"John","LastName":"Doe","Email":"[email protected]","Phone":"123 dead drive"}';_x000D_
var data = JSON.parse(resultJSON);_x000D_
for (var key in data)_x000D_
    //console.log(key + ' : ' + data[key]);_x000D_
    alert(key + ' --> ' + data[key]);_x000D_

how to Call super constructor in Lombok

Lombok does not support that also indicated by making any @Value annotated class final (as you know by using @NonFinal).

The only workaround I found is to declare all members final yourself and use the @Data annotation instead. Those subclasses need to be annotated by @EqualsAndHashCode and need an explicit all args constructor as Lombok doesn't know how to create one using the all args one of the super class:

public class A {
    private final int x;
    private final int y;

@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public class B extends A {
    private final int z;

    public B(int x, int y, int z) {
        super(x, y);
        this.z = z;

Especially the constructors of the subclasses make the solution a little untidy for superclasses with many members, sorry.

Cloning git repo causes error - Host key verification failed. fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

The issue could be that Github isn't present in your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file.

Append GitHub to the list of authorized hosts:

ssh-keyscan -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

How to use Apple's new San Francisco font on a webpage

Apple's new system font is not publicly exposed. Apple has started abstracting system font names:

The motivation for this abstraction is so the operating system can make better choices on which face to use at a given weight. Apple is also working on font features, such as selectable “6" and “9" glyphs or non-monospaced numbers. It’s my guess that they’d like to bring these features to the web, as well.

Safari and Firefox use SF for -apple-system; Chrome recognizes BlinkMacSystemFont:

body {
    font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, sans-serif;

There are also other variations:

font-family: -apple-system-body
font-family: -apple-system-headline
font-family: -apple-system-subheadline
font-family: -apple-system-caption1
font-family: -apple-system-caption2
font-family: -apple-system-footnote
font-family: -apple-system-short-body
font-family: -apple-system-short-headline
font-family: -apple-system-short-subheadline
font-family: -apple-system-short-caption1
font-family: -apple-system-short-footnote
font-family: -apple-system-tall-body

You can demo these at the following fiddle; most are not supported yet:

I got my info from Craig Hockenberry's article which has a lot of great info about using the font:

Also, some great info on the Surfin' Safari blog about using abstracted system fonts:

And apparently Apple is working with the W3C to standardize using a generic "system" font name in CSS.

Download the SF font .otf files for your own personal use:

Replace non ASCII character from string

This would be the Unicode solution

String s = "A função, Ãugent";
String r = s.replaceAll("\\P{InBasic_Latin}", "");

\p{InBasic_Latin} is the Unicode block that contains all letters in the Unicode range U+0000..U+007F (see

\P{InBasic_Latin} is the negated \p{InBasic_Latin}

z-index not working with position absolute

Opacity changes the context of your z-index, as does the static positioning. Either add opacity to the element that doesn't have it or remove it from the element that does. You'll also have to either make both elements static positioned or specify relative or absolute position. Here's some background on contexts:

Grant all on a specific schema in the db to a group role in PostgreSQL

You found the shorthand to set privileges for all existing tables in the given schema. The manual clarifies:

(but note that ALL TABLES is considered to include views and foreign tables).

Bold emphasis mine. serial columns are implemented with nextval() on a sequence as column default and, quoting the manual:

For sequences, this privilege allows the use of the currval and nextval functions.

So if there are serial columns, you'll also want to grant USAGE (or ALL PRIVILEGES) on sequences


Note: identity columns in Postgres 10 or later use implicit sequences that don't require additional privileges. (Consider upgrading serial columns.)

What about new objects?

You'll also be interested in DEFAULT PRIVILEGES for users or schemas:


This sets privileges for objects created in the future automatically - but not for pre-existing objects.

Default privileges are only applied to objects created by the targeted user (FOR ROLE my_creating_role). If that clause is omitted, it defaults to the current user executing ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES. To be explicit:


Note also that all versions of pgAdmin III have a subtle bug and display default privileges in the SQL pane, even if they do not apply to the current role. Be sure to adjust the FOR ROLE clause manually when copying the SQL script.

Reading images in python

From documentation:

Matplotlib can only read PNGs natively. Further image formats are supported via the optional dependency on Pillow.

So in case of PNG we may use plt.imread(). In other cases it's probably better to use Pillow directly.

Python debugging tips

Winpdb is very nice, and contrary to its name it's completely cross-platform.

It's got a very nice prompt-based and GUI debugger, and supports remote debugging.

java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text could not be parsed at index 21

Your original problem was wrong pattern symbol "h" which stands for the clock hour (range 1-12). In this case, the am-pm-information is missing. Better, use the pattern symbol "H" instead (hour of day in range 0-23). So the pattern should rather have been like:

uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX (best pattern also suitable for strict mode)

How to name variables on the fly?

Another tricky solution is to name elements of list and attach it:

list_name = list(

names(list_name) <- paste("orca", seq_along(list_name), sep="")

#   Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
# 1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa
# 2          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa
# 3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa
# 4          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa
# 5          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa
# 6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4  setosa


When a web browser moves from one website to another and between pages of a website, it can optionally pass the URL it came from. This is called the HTTP_REFERER, So if you don't redirect from one page to another it might be missing

If the HTTP_REFERER has been set then it will be displayed. If it is not then you won't see anything. If it's not set and you have error reporting set to show notices, you'll see an error like this instead:

 Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER in /path/to/filename.php

To prevent this error when notices are on (I always develop with notices on), you can do this:

  if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
      echo $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];


 echo isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '';

It can be useful to use the HTTP_REFERER variable for logging etc purposes using the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] superglobal variable. However it is important to know it's not always set so if you program with notices on then you'll need to allow for this in your code

Maven:Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources

What worked for me is to add include tag in order to specify exactly what I want to filter.

It seems the resource plugin has problems going through the whole src/main/resource folder, probably due to some specific files inside.


EditText, inputType values (xml)

You can use the properties tab in eclipse to set various values.

here are all the possible values

  • none
  • text
  • textCapCharacters
  • textCapWords
  • textCapSentences
  • textAutoCorrect
  • textAutoComplete
  • textMultiLine
  • textImeMultiLine
  • textNoSuggestions
  • textUri
  • textEmailAddress
  • textEmailSubject
  • textShortMessage
  • textLongMessage
  • textPersonName
  • textPostalAddress
  • textPassword
  • textVisiblePassword
  • textWebEditText
  • textFilter
  • textPhonetic
  • textWebEmailAddress
  • textWebPassword
  • number
  • numberSigned
  • numberDecimal
  • numberPassword
  • phone
  • datetime
  • date
  • time

Check here for explanations:

Get remote registry value

If you need user's SID and browse remote HKEY_USERS folder, you can follow this script :

<# Replace following with yours and userAccountName with remote username #>
$userLogin = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount(““,”userAccountName“)
$userSID = $userLogin.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])

<# We will open HKEY_USERS and with accurate user’s SID from remoteComputer #>
$remoteRegistry = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey(‘Users’,”remoteComputer“)

<# We will then retrieve LocalName value from Control Panel / International subkeys #>

$key = $userSID.value+”\Control Panel\International”
$openKey = $remoteRegistry.OpenSubKey($key)

<# We can now retrieve any values #>

$localName = $openKey.GetValue(‘LocaleName’)

Source :

Extract XML Value in bash script

I agree with Charles Duffy that a proper XML parser is the right way to go.

But as to what's wrong with your sed command (or did you do it on purpose?).

  • $data was not quoted, so $data is subject to shell's word splitting, filename expansion among other things. One of the consequences being that the spacing in the XML snippet is not preserved.

So given your specific XML structure, this modified sed command should work

title=$(sed -ne '/title/{s/.*<title>\(.*\)<\/title>.*/\1/p;q;}' <<< "$data")

Basically for the line that contains title, extract the text between the tags, then quit (so you don't extract the 2nd <title>)

Git push hangs when pushing to Github?

This occurred for me when my computer's disk space was full. Delete some files & empty the trash to fix.

jQuery: checking if the value of a field is null (empty)

The value of a field can not be null, it's always a string value.

The code will check if the string value is the string "NULL". You want to check if it's an empty string instead:

if ($('#person_data[document_type]').val() != ''){}


if ($('#person_data[document_type]').val().length != 0){}

If you want to check if the element exist at all, you should do that before calling val:

var $d = $('#person_data[document_type]');
if ($d.length != 0) {
  if ($d.val().length != 0 ) {...}

Create table with jQuery - append

i prefer the most readable and extensible way using jquery.
Also, you can build fully dynamic content on the fly.
Since jquery version 1.4 you can pass attributes to elements which is,
imho, a killer feature. Also the code can be kept cleaner.


        var tablerows = new Array();

        $.each(['result1', 'result2', 'result3'], function( index, value ) {
            tablerows.push('<tr><td>' + value + '</td></tr>');

        var table =  $('<table/>', {
           html:  tablerows

        var div = $('<div/>', {
            id: 'here_table',
            html: table



Addon: passing more than one "html" tag you've to use array notation like: e.g.

var div = $('<div/>', {
            id: 'here_table',
            html: [ div1, div2, table ]

best Rgds.

How can I pad an integer with zeros on the left?

Although many of the above approaches are good, but sometimes we need to format integers as well as floats. We can use this, particularly when we need to pad particular number of zeroes on left as well as right of decimal numbers.

import java.text.NumberFormat;  
public class NumberFormatMain {  

public static void main(String[] args) {  
    int intNumber = 25;  
    float floatNumber = 25.546f;  
    NumberFormat format=NumberFormat.getInstance();  

    System.out.println("Formatted Integer : "+format.format(intNumber).replace(",",""));  
    System.out.println("Formatted Float   : "+format.format(floatNumber).replace(",",""));  

Check for column name in a SqlDataReader object

In your particular situation (all procedures has the same columns except 1 which has additional 1 column), it will be better and faster to check reader. FieldCount property to distinguish between them.

const int NormalColCount=.....
if(reader.FieldCount > NormalColCount)
// Do something special

I know it is an old post but I decided to answer to help other in the same situation. you can also (for performance reason) mix this solution with the solution iterating solution.

Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: - Angular 2

Solved myself. Done some small structural changes also. Route from Component1 to Component2 is done by a single <router-outlet>. Component2 to Comonent3 and Component4 is done by multiple <router-outlet name= "xxxxx"> The resulting contents are :


    <a routerLink="/two" class="dash-item">Go to 2</a>


 <a [routerLink]="['/two', {outlets: {'nameThree': ['three']}}]">In Two...Go to 3 ...       </a>
 <a [routerLink]="['/two', {outlets: {'nameFour': ['four']}}]">   In Two...Go to 4 ...</a>

 <router-outlet name="nameThree"></router-outlet>
 <router-outlet name="nameFour"></router-outlet>

The '/two' represents the parent component and ['three']and ['four'] represents the link to the respective children of component2 . Component3.html and Component4.html are the same as in the question.


const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    redirectTo: 'one',
    pathMatch: 'full'
    path: 'two',
    component: ClassTwo, children: [

            path: 'three',
            component: ClassThree,
            outlet: 'nameThree'
            path: 'four',
            component: ClassFour,
            outlet: 'nameFour'

How can I view live MySQL queries?

Even though an answer has already been accepted, I would like to present what might even be the simplest option:

$ mysqladmin -u bob -p -i 1 processlist

This will print the current queries on your screen every second.

  • -u The mysql user you want to execute the command as
  • -p Prompt for your password (so you don't have to save it in a file or have the command appear in your command history)
  • i The interval in seconds.
  • Use the --verbose flag to show the full process list, displaying the entire query for each process. (Thanks, nmat)

There is a possible downside: fast queries might not show up if they run between the interval that you set up. IE: My interval is set at one second and if there is a query that takes .02 seconds to run and is ran between intervals, you won't see it.

Use this option preferably when you quickly want to check on running queries without having to set up a listener or anything else.

Batch script loop

DOS doesn't offer very elegant mechanisms for this, but I think you can still code a loop for 100 or 200 iterations with reasonable effort. While there's not a numeric for loop, you can use a character string as a "loop variable."

Code the loop using GOTO, and for each iteration use SET X=%X%@ to add yet another @ sign to an environment variable X; and to exit the loop, compare the value of X with a string of 100 (or 200) @ signs.

I never said this was elegant, but it should work!

Question mark and colon in statement. What does it mean?

This is the conditional operator expression.

(condition) ? [true path] : [false path];

For example

 string value = someBooleanExpression ? "Alpha" : "Beta";

So if the boolean expression is true, value will hold "Alpha", otherwise, it holds "Beta".

For a common pitfall that people fall into, see this question in the C# tag wiki.

Count characters in textarea

Seems like the most reusable and elegant solution combines the abive to take MaxLength from the Input attribute and then reference the Span element with a predictable id....

Then to use, all you need to do is add '.countit' to the Input class and 'counter_' + [input-ID] to your span


<textarea class="countit" name="name" maxlength='6' id="post"></textarea>
<span>characters remaining: <span id="counter_name"></span></span>
<textarea class="countit" name="post" maxlength='20' id="post"></textarea>
<span>characters remaining: <span id="counter_post"></span></span>
<textarea class="countit" name="desc" maxlength='10' id="desc"></textarea>
<span>characters remaining: <span id="counter_desc"></span></span>


$(".countit").keyup(function () {
  var maxlength = $(this).attr("maxlength");
  var currentLength = $(this).val().length;

  if( currentLength >= maxlength ){
    $("#counter_" + $(this).attr("id")).html(currentLength + ' / ' + maxlength);
    $("#counter_" + $(this).attr("id")).html(maxlength - currentLength + " chars left");

Calculate correlation for more than two variables?

You might want to look at Quick-R, which has a lot of nice little tutorials on how you can do basic statistics in R. For example on correlations:

'React' must be in scope when using JSX react/react-in-jsx-scope?

Add below setting to .eslintrc.js / .eslintrc.json to ignore these errors:

  rules: {
    // suppress errors for missing 'import React' in files
   "react/react-in-jsx-scope": "off",
    // allow jsx syntax in js files (for next.js project)
   "react/jsx-filename-extension": [1, { "extensions": [".js", ".jsx"] }], //should add ".ts" if typescript project

Why? If you're using NEXT.js then you do not require to import React at top of files, nextjs does that for you.

Django templates: If false?

Just ran into this again (certain I had before and came up with a less-than-satisfying solution).

For a tri-state boolean semantic (for example, using models.NullBooleanField), this works well:

{% if test.passed|lower == 'false' %} ... {% endif %}

Or if you prefer getting excited over the whole thing...

{% if test.passed|upper == 'FALSE' %} ... {% endif %}

Either way, this handles the special condition where you don't care about the None (evaluating to False in the if block) or True case.

Difference between JSON.stringify and JSON.parse

JSON.stringify() Converts an object into a string.

JSON.parse() Converts a JSON string into an object.

What is the best IDE for C Development / Why use Emacs over an IDE?

If you are looking for a free, nice looking, cross-platform editor, try Komodo Edit. It is not as powerful as Komodo IDE, however that isn't free. See feature chart.

Another free, extensible editor is jEdit. Crossplatform as it is 100% pure Java. Not the fastest IDE on earth, but for Java actually very fast, very flexible, not that nice looking though.

Both have very sophisticated code folding, syntax highlighting (for all languages you can think of!) and are very flexible regarding configuring it for you personal needs. jEdit is BTW very easy to extend to add whatever feature you may need there (it has an ultra simple scripting language, that looks like Java, but is actually "scripted").

How to make overlay control above all other controls?

<Canvas Panel.ZIndex="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="570">
  <!-- YOUR XAML CODE -->

VSCode regex find & replace submatch math?

To augment Benjamin's answer with an example:

Find        Carrots(With)Dip(Are)Yummy
Replace     Bananas$1Mustard$2Gross
Result      BananasWithMustardAreGross

Anything in the parentheses can be a regular expression.

How to get index using LINQ?

Here is a little extension I just put together.

public static class PositionsExtension
    public static Int32 Position<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
                                          Func<TSource, bool> predicate)
        return Positions<TSource>(source, predicate).FirstOrDefault();
    public static IEnumerable<Int32> Positions<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, 
                                                        Func<TSource, bool> predicate)
        if (typeof(TSource) is IDictionary)
            throw new Exception("Dictionaries aren't supported");

        if (source == null)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("source is null");
        if (predicate == null)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("predicate is null");
        var found = source.Where(predicate).First();
        var query = source.Select((item, index) => new
                Found = ReferenceEquals(item, found),
                Index = index

            }).Where( it => it.Found).Select( it => it.Index);
        return query;

Then you can call it like this.

IEnumerable<Int32> indicesWhereConditionIsMet = 
      ListItems.Positions(item => item == this);

Int32 firstWelcomeMessage ListItems.Position(msg =>               

php implode (101) with quotes

Don't know if it's quicker, but, you could save a line of code with your method:


$array = array('lastname', 'email', 'phone');
$comma_separated = implode("','", $array);
$comma_separated = "'".$comma_separated."'";


$array = array('lastname', 'email', 'phone');
$comma_separated = "'".implode("','", $array)."'";

How to call a function within class?

Since these are member functions, call it as a member function on the instance, self.

def isNear(self, p):

angular.service vs angular.factory

app.factory('fn', fn) vs. app.service('fn',fn)


With factories, Angular will invoke the function to get the result. It is the result that is cached and injected.

 var obj = fn();
 return obj;

With services, Angular will invoke the constructor function by calling new. The constructed function is cached and injected.

  var obj = new fn();
  return obj;


Factories typically return an object literal because the return value is what's injected into controllers, run blocks, directives, etc

  app.factory('fn', function(){
         var foo = 0;
         var bar = 0;
         function setFoo(val) {
               foo = val;
         function setBar (val){
               bar = val;
         return {
                setFoo: setFoo,
                serBar: setBar

Service functions typically do not return anything. Instead, they perform initialization and expose functions. Functions can also reference 'this' since it was constructed using 'new'.

app.service('fn', function () {
         var foo = 0;
         var bar = 0;
         this.setFoo = function (val) {
               foo = val;
         this.setBar = function (val){
               bar = val;


When it comes to using factories or services they are both very similar. They are injected into a controllers, directives, run block, etc, and used in client code in pretty much the same way. They are also both singletons - meaning the same instance is shared between all places where the service/factory is injected.

So which should you prefer? Either one - they are so similar that the differences are trivial. If you do choose one over the other, just be aware how they are constructed, so that you can implement them properly.

Are table names in MySQL case sensitive?

Table names in MySQL are file system entries, so they are case insensitive if the underlying file system is.

The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required?

enter image description here Make sure that Access less secure app is allowed.

        MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
        mail.From = new MailAddress("[email protected]");
        mail.Sender = new MailAddress("[email protected]");
        mail.IsBodyHtml = true;
        mail.Subject = "Email Sent";
        mail.Body = "Body content from";

        SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient("", 587);
        smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;

        smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "xx");
        smtp.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
        smtp.EnableSsl = true;

        smtp.Timeout = 30000;

        catch (SmtpException e)
            textBox1.Text= e.Message;

OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application

The file is not an executable file. You need to specify a file like python.exe

try following:

import sys[sys.executable, '', 'htmlfilename.htm'])

What's the bad magic number error?

I had a strange case of Bad Magic Number error using a very old (1.5.2) implementation. I generated a .pyo file and that triggered the error. Bizarrely, the problem was solved by changing the name of the module. The offending name was If I generated an sms.pyo from that module, Bad Magic Number error was the result. When I changed the name to, the error went away. I checked back and forth to see if somehow interfered with any other module with the same name but I could not find any name collision. Even though the source of this problem remained a mistery for me, I recommend trying a module name change.

how to check if a form is valid programmatically using jQuery Validation Plugin

2015 answer: we have this out of the box on modern browsers, just use the HTML5 CheckValidity API from jQuery. I've also made a jquery-html5-validity module to do this:

npm install jquery-html5-validity


var $ = require('jquery')

then you can run:



How to declare a type as nullable in TypeScript?

Union type is in my mind best option in this case:

interface Employee{
   id: number;
   name: string;
   salary: number | null;

// Both cases are valid
let employe1: Employee = { id: 1, name: 'John', salary: 100 };
let employe2: Employee = { id: 1, name: 'John', salary: null };

EDIT : For this to work as expected, you should enable the strictNullChecks in tsconfig.

Empty brackets '[]' appearing when using .where

Stuarts' answer is correct, but if you are not sure if you are saving the titles in lowercase, you can also make a case insensitive search

There are a lot of answered questions in Stack Overflow with more data on this:

Example 1

Example 2

How to get share counts using graph API

when i used FQL I found the problem (but it is still problem) the documentation says that the number shown is the sum of:

  • number of likes of this URL
  • number of shares of this URL (this includes copy/pasting a link back to Facebook)
  • number of likes and comments on stories on Facebook about this URL
  • number of inbox messages containing this URL as an attachment.

but on my website the shown number is sum of these 4 counts + number of shares (again)

Error inflating when extending a class

I had the same problem extending a TextEdit. For me the mistake was I did non add "public" to the constructor. In my case it works even if I define only one constructor, the one with arguments Context and AttributeSet. The wired thing is that the bug reveals itself only when I build an APK (singed or not) and I transfer it to the devices. When the application is run via AndroidStudio -> RunApp on a USB connected device the app works.

How to extract text from a PDF?

The best thing I can currently think of (within the list of "simple" tools) is Ghostscript (current version is v.8.71) and the PostScript utility program Ghostscript ships it in its lib subdirectory. Try this (on Windows):

gswin32c.exe ^
   -q ^
   -sFONTPATH=c:/windows/fonts ^
   -dSAFER ^
   -dCOMPLEX ^
   -f ^
   -dFirstPage=3 ^
   -dLastPage=7 ^
   input.pdf ^
   -dQUIET ^
   -c quit

This command processes pages 3-7 of input.pdf. Read the comments in the file itself to see what the "weird" numbers and additional infos mean (they indicate strings, positions, widths, colors, pictures, rectangles, fonts and page breaks...). To get a "simple" text output, replace the -dCOMPLEX part by -dSIMPLE.

Git: How to commit a manually deleted file?

It says right there in the output of git status:

#   (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)

so just do:

git rm <filename>

Jquery open popup on button click for bootstrap

Give an ID to uniquely identify the button, lets say myBtn

// when DOM is ready
$(document).ready(function () {

     // Attach Button click event listener 

         // show Modal


Drop multiple tables in one shot in MySQL

declare @sql1 nvarchar(max) 
SELECT @sql1 =
           select ' drop table dbo.[' + name + ']'

           FROM sys.sysobjects AS sobjects
           WHERE (xtype = 'U') AND (name LIKE 'GROUP_BASE_NEW_WORK_%')
           for xml path('')
     1, 1, '')

  execute sp_executesql @sql1

How to import multiple csv files in a single load?

Using Spark 2.0+, we can load multiple CSV files from different directories using df =['directory_1','directory_2','directory_3'.....], header=True). For more information, refer the documentation here

What's the difference between Sender, From and Return-Path?

A minor update to this: a sender should never set the Return-Path: header. There's no such thing as a Return-Path: header for a message in transit. That header is set by the MTA that makes final delivery, and is generally set to the value of the 5321.From unless the local system needs some kind of quirky routing.

It's a common misunderstanding because users rarely see an email without a Return-Path: header in their mailboxes. This is because they always see delivered messages, but an MTA should never see a Return-Path: header on a message in transit. See

decompiling DEX into Java sourcecode

Since Dheeraj Bhaskar's answer is relatively old as many years past.

Here is my latest (2019 year) answer:

Main Logic

from dex to java sourcecode, currently has two kind of solution:

  • One Step: directly convert dex to java sourcecode
  • Two Step: first convert dex to jar, second convert jar to java sourcecode

One step solution: dex directly to java sourcecode



  1. download, unzip it, in bin folder can see command line jadx or GUI version jadx-gui, double click to run GUI version: jadx-gui

  1. open dex file

then can show java source code:

  1. File -> save as gradle project

then got java sourcecode:

Two Step solution

Step1: dex to jar



download dex2jar zip, unzip got, then:

  • apk to jar: sh -f ~/path/to/apk_to_decompile.apk
  • dex to jar: sh -f ~/path/to/dex_to_decompile.dex


?  v3.4.8 /Users/crifan/dev/dev_tool/android/reverse_engineering/dex-tools/dex-tools-2.1-SNAPSHOT/ -f com.huili.readingclub8825612.dex
dex2jar com.huili.readingclub8825612.dex -> ./com.huili.readingclub8825612-dex2jar.jar
?  v3.4.8 ll
-rw-------  1 crifan  staff   9.5M  3 21 10:00 com.huili.readingclub8825612-dex2jar.jar
-rw-------  1 crifan  staff   8.4M  3 19 14:04 com.huili.readingclub8825612.dex

Step2: jar to java sourcecode



here demo Procyon convert jar to java source code:

download procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar

then using syntax:

java -jar /path/to/procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar -jar your_to_decompile.jar -o outputFolderName


java -jar /Users/crifan/dev/dev_tool/android/reverse_engineering/Procyon/procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar -jar com.huili.readingclub8825612-dex2jar.jar -o com.huili.readingclub8825612

using editor VSCode to open exported source code, look like this:


Conversion correctness : Jadx > Procyon > CRF > JD-GUI

Recommend use: (One step solution's) Jadx

for more detailed explanation, please refer my online Chinese ebook: ??????????

#if DEBUG vs. Conditional("DEBUG")

With the first example, SetPrivateValue won't exist in the build if DEBUG is not defined, with the second example, calls to SetPrivateValue won't exist in the build if DEBUG is not defined.

With the first example, you'll have to wrap any calls to SetPrivateValue with #if DEBUG as well.

With the second example, the calls to SetPrivateValue will be omitted, but be aware that SetPrivateValue itself will still be compiled. This is useful if you're building a library, so an application referencing your library can still use your function (if the condition is met).

If you want to omit the calls and save the space of the callee, you could use a combination of the two techniques:

public void SetPrivateValue(int value){
    #if DEBUG
    // method body here

unable to install pg gem

  • Ubuntu 20.10 (pop!_os)
  • Ruby 2.7.2
  • Rails 3.1.0
  • Postgresql 12

Uninstall and then reinstall postgresql-client libpq5 libpq-dev

sudo apt remove postgresql-client libpq5 libpq-dev
sudo apt install postgresql-client libpq5 libpq-dev

Then install the pg gem again pointing at /usr/lib to find the pg library:

gem install pg  --   --with-pg-lib=/usr/lib

Output (what you should see after the previous command):

Building native extensions with: '--with-pg-lib=/usr/lib'
This could take a while...
Successfully installed pg-1.2.3
Parsing documentation for pg-1.2.3
Installing ri documentation for pg-1.2.3
Done installing documentation for pg after 1 seconds
1 gem installed

Gem should install, then continue with normal bundle install or update:

bundle install
bundle update

OpenJDK8 for windows

Go to this link

Download version tar.gz for windows and just extract files to the folder by your needs. On the left pane, you can select which version of openjdk to download

Tutorial: unzip as expected. You need to set system variable PATH to include your directory with openjdk so you can type java -version in console.

JDK vs OpenJDK

How can I disable the Maven Javadoc plugin from the command line?

It seems, that the simple way


does not work with the release-plugin. in this case you have to pass the parameter as an "argument"

mvn release:perform -Darguments="-Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true"

Rails - Could not find a JavaScript runtime?

if you already install nodejs from source for example, and execjs isn't recognizing it you might want to try this tip:

Extracting columns from text file with different delimiters in Linux

You can use cut with a delimiter like this:

with space delim:

cut -d " " -f1-100,1000-1005 infile.csv > outfile.csv

with tab delim:

cut -d$'\t' -f1-100,1000-1005 infile.csv > outfile.csv

I gave you the version of cut in which you can extract a list of intervals...

Hope it helps!

Django DoesNotExist

Nice way to handle not found error in Django.

from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404

def get_data(request):
    obj = get_object_or_404(Model, pk=1)

Hash and salt passwords in C#

Use the System.Web.Helpers.Crypto NuGet package from Microsoft. It automatically adds salt to the hash.

You hash a password like this: var hash = Crypto.HashPassword("foo");

You verify a password like this: var verified = Crypto.VerifyHashedPassword(hash, "foo");

Convert from List into IEnumerable format

IEnumerable<Book> _Book_IE;
List<Book> _Book_List;

If it's the generic variant:

_Book_IE = _Book_List;

If you want to convert to the non-generic one:

IEnumerable ie = (IEnumerable)_Book_List;

jQuery, get ID of each element in a class using .each?

Try this, replacing .myClassName with the actual name of the class (but keep the period at the beginning).

$('.myClassName').each(function() {
    alert( );

So if the class is "test", you'd do $('.test').each(func....

This is the specific form of .each() that iterates over a jQuery object.

The form you were using iterates over any type of collection. So you were essentially iterating over an array of characters t,e,s,t.

Using that form of $.each(), you would need to do it like this:

$.each($('.myClassName'), function() {
    alert( );

...which will have the same result as the example above.

The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required

HttpWebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(uirTradeStream) as HttpWebRequest;

webRequest.Proxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy;

webRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("user", "password");

webRequest.Proxy.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("user", "password");

It is successful.

"Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP." error when loading a local file

In an Android app — for example, to allow JavaScript to have access to assets via file:///android_asset/ — use setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs(true) on the WebSettings that you get from calling getSettings() on the WebView.

Get Value of a Edit Text field

I hope this one should work:


I tried Integer.getInteger() method instead of valueOf() - it didn't work.

How to use bluetooth to connect two iPhone?

Check out the BeamIt open source project. It will connect via bluetooth and WIFI (although it claims it does not do WIFI) and I have verified that it works well in my projects. It will allow peer to peer contact easily.

As for multiple connections, it is possible, but you will have to edit the BeamIt source code to make it possible. I suggest reading the GameKit programming guide

How do I deal with special characters like \^$.?*|+()[{ in my regex?

I think the easiest way to match the characters like


are using character classes from within R. Consider the following to clean column headers from a data file, which could contain spaces, and punctuation characters:

> library(stringr)
> colnames(order_table) <- str_replace_all(colnames(order_table),"[:punct:]|[:space:]","")

This approach allows us to string character classes to match punctation characters, in addition to whitespace characters, something you would normally have to escape with \\ to detect. You can learn more about the character classes at this cheatsheet below, and you can also type in ?regexp to see more info about this.

Returning http status code from Web Api controller

Change the GetXxx API method to return HttpResponseMessage and then return a typed version for the full response and the untyped version for the NotModified response.

    public HttpResponseMessage GetComputingDevice(string id)
        ComputingDevice computingDevice =
                .SingleOrDefault(c => c.AssetId == id);

        if (computingDevice == null)
            return this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

        if (this.Request.ClientHasStaleData(computingDevice.ModifiedDate))
            return this.Request.CreateResponse<ComputingDevice>(
                HttpStatusCode.OK, computingDevice);
            return this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotModified);

*The ClientHasStale data is my extension for checking ETag and IfModifiedSince headers.

The MVC framework should still serialize and return your object.


I think the generic version is being removed in some future version of the Web API.

How do I concatenate multiple C++ strings on one line?

Something like this works for me

namespace detail {
    void concat_impl(std::ostream&) { /* do nothing */ }

    template<typename T, typename ...Args>
    void concat_impl(std::ostream& os, const T& t, Args&&... args)
        os << t;
        concat_impl(os, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
} /* namespace detail */

template<typename ...Args>
std::string concat(Args&&... args)
    std::ostringstream os;
    detail::concat_impl(os, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
    return os.str();
// ...
std::string s{"Hello World, "};
s = concat(s, myInt, niceToSeeYouString, myChar, myFoo);

File Upload using AngularJS

We have used HTML, CSS and AngularJS. Following example shows about how to upload the file using AngularJS.


      <script src = ""></script>

   <body ng-app = "myApp">

      <div ng-controller = "myCtrl">
         <input type = "file" file-model = "myFile"/>
         <button ng-click = "uploadFile()">upload me</button>

         var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);

         myApp.directive('fileModel', ['$parse', function ($parse) {
            return {
               restrict: 'A',
               link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
                  var model = $parse(attrs.fileModel);
                  var modelSetter = model.assign;

                  element.bind('change', function(){
                        modelSetter(scope, element[0].files[0]);

         myApp.service('fileUpload', ['$http', function ($http) {
            this.uploadFileToUrl = function(file, uploadUrl){
               var fd = new FormData();
               fd.append('file', file);

               $, fd, {
                  transformRequest: angular.identity,
                  headers: {'Content-Type': undefined}



         myApp.controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', 'fileUpload', function($scope, fileUpload){
            $scope.uploadFile = function(){
               var file = $scope.myFile;

               console.log('file is ' );

               var uploadUrl = "/fileUpload";
               fileUpload.uploadFileToUrl(file, uploadUrl);



jQuery ajax post file field

This should help. How can I upload files asynchronously?

As the post suggest I recommend a plugin located here

How to force the input date format to dd/mm/yyyy?

To have a constant date format irrespective of the computer settings, you must use 3 different input elements to capture day, month, and year respectively. However, you need to validate the user input to ensure that you have a valid date as shown bellow

<input id="txtDay" type="text" placeholder="DD" />

<input id="txtMonth" type="text" placeholder="MM" />

<input id="txtYear" type="text" placeholder="YYYY" />
<button id="but" onclick="validateDate()">Validate</button>

  function validateDate() {
    var date = new Date(document.getElementById("txtYear").value, document.getElementById("txtMonth").value, document.getElementById("txtDay").value);

    if (date == "Invalid Date") {
        alert("jnvalid date");


Custom UITableViewCell from nib in Swift

This line add in TableView cell:

static var nib  : UINib{

           return UINib(nibName: identifier, bundle: nil)


       static var identifier : String{

           return String(describing: self)



And register in viewcontroller like

//This line use in viewdid load

tableview.register(TopDealLikedTableViewCell.nib, forCellReuseIdentifier: TopDealLikedTableViewCell.identifier)

// cell for row at indexpath

if let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier:

    TopDealLikedTableViewCell.identifier) as? TopDealLikedTableViewCell{

           return cell


return UITableViewCell() mvc3 return raw html to view

That looks fine, unless you want to pass it as Model string

public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        string model = "<HTML></HTML>";
        return View(model);

@model string
    ViewBag.Title = "Index";


Checking if float is an integer

if (f <= LONG_MIN || f >= LONG_MAX || f == (long)f) /* it's an integer */

How do I shrink my SQL Server Database?

This is an old question but I just happened upon it.

The really short and a correct answer is already given and has the most votes. That is how you shrink a transaction log, and that was probably the OPs problem. And when the transaction log has grown out of control, it often needs to be shrunk back, but care should be taken to prevent future situations of a log growing out of control. This question on explains that. Basically - Don't let it get that large in the first place through proper recovery model, transaction log maintenance, transaction management, etc.

But the bigger question in my mind when reading this question about shrinking the data file (or even the log file) is why? and what bad things happen when you try? It appears as though shrink operations were done. Now in this case it makes sense in a sense - because MSDE/Express editions are capped at max DB size. But the right answer may be to look at the right version for your needs. And if you stumble upon this question looking to shrink your production database and this isn't the reason why, you should ask yourself the why? question.

I don't want someone searching the web for "how to shrink a database" coming across this and thinking it is a cool or acceptable thing to do.

Shrinking Data Files is a special task that should be reserved for special occasions. Consider that when you shrink a database, you are effectively fragmenting your indexes. Consider that when you shrink a database you are taking away the free space that a database may someday grow right back into - effectively wasting your time and incurring the performance hit of a shrink operation only to see the DB grow again.

I wrote about this concept in several blog posts about shrinking databases. This one called "Don't touch that shrink button" comes to mind first. I talk about these concepts outlined here - but also the concept of "Right-Sizing" your database. It is far better to decide what your database size needs to be, plan for future growth and allocate it to that amount. With Instant File Initialization available in SQL Server 2005 and beyond for data files, the cost of growths is lower - but I still prefer to have a proper initial application - and I'm far less scared of white space in a database than I am of shrinking in general with no thought first. :)

SSIS Excel Connection Manager failed to Connect to the Source

My answer is very similar to the one from @biscoop, but I am going to elaborate a bit as it may apply to the question or to other people.

I had a .xls that was an extraction from one of our webapps. The Excel connection would not work (error message: "no tables or views could be loaded"). As a side note, when opening the file, there would be a warning stating that the file was from an online source and that the content needed activation.

I tried to save the same file as an .xlsx and it worked. I tried to save the same file with another name as an .xls and it worked too. So as a last test I only opened the source .xls file, clicking save and the connection worked.

Short answer: just try and see if opening the file and saving does the trick.

Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog

Yes the code above will work .But if you are updating your progressbar in onProgressUpdate of Asynctask and you press back button or finish your activity AsyncTask looses its track with your UI .And when you go back to your activity, even if download is running in background you will see no update on progressbar. So on OnResume() try to run a thread like runOnUIThread with a timer task that updates ur progressbar with values updating from the AsyncTask running background.

private void updateProgressBar(){
    Runnable runnable = new updateProgress();
    background = new Thread(runnable);

public class updateProgress implements Runnable {
    public void run() {
            //while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
            try {
                Message msg = new Message();
                progress = getProgressPercentage();        
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            } catch (Exception e) {

private Handler handler = new Handler(){
    public void handleMessage(Message msg) {

Don't forget to Destroy the thread when ur activity is not visible.

private void destroyRunningThreads() {
    if (background != null) {

Concatenate two string literals

The difference between a string (or to be precise, std::string) and a character literal is that for the latter there is no + operator defined. This is why the second example fails.

In the first case, the compiler can find a suitable operator+ with the first argument being a string and the second a character literal (const char*) so it used that. The result of that operation is again a string, so it repeats the same trick when adding "!" to it.

Find object by its property in array of objects with AngularJS way

How about plain JavaScript? More about Array.prototype.filter().

var myArray = [{'id': '73', 'name': 'john'}, {'id': '45', 'name': 'Jass'}]_x000D_
var item73 = myArray.filter(function(item) {_x000D_
  return === '73';_x000D_
// even nicer with ES6 arrow functions:_x000D_
// var item73 = myArray.filter(i => === '73')[0];_x000D_
console.log(item73); // {"id": "73", "name": "john"}

how to loop through rows columns in excel VBA Macro

I'd recommend the Range object's AutoFill method for this:

rngSource.AutoFill Destination:=rngDest

Specify the Source range that contains the values or formulas you want to fill down, and the Destination range as the whole range that you want the cells filled to. The Destination range must include the Source range. You can fill across as well as down.

It works exactly the same way as it would if you manually "dragged" the cells at the corner with the mouse; absolute and relative formulas work as expected.

Here's an example:

'Set some example values'
Range("A1").Value = "1"
Range("B1").Formula = "=NOW()"
Range("C1").Formula = "=B1+A1"

'AutoFill the values / formulas to row 20'
Range("A1:C1").AutoFill Destination:=Range("A1:C20")

Hope this helps.

python NameError: global name '__file__' is not defined

If you're exec'ing a file via command line, you can use this hack

import traceback

def get_this_filename():
        raise NotImplementedError("No error")
    except Exception as e:
        exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
        filename = traceback.extract_tb(exc_traceback)[-1].filename
    return filename

This worked for me in the UnrealEnginePython console, calling py.exec

Changing API level Android Studio

Gradle Scripts ->
build.gradle (Module: app) ->
minSdkVersion (Your min sdk version)

How can I get current location from user in iOS

You use the CoreLocation framework to access location information about your user. You will need to instantiate a CLLocationManager object and call the asynchronous startUpdatingLocation message. You will get callbacks with the user's location via the CLLocationManagerDelegate that you supply.

Making a div vertically scrollable using CSS

You have it covered aside from using the wrong property. The scrollbar can be triggered with any property overflow, overflow-x, or overflow-y and each can be set to any of visible, hidden, scroll, auto, or inherit. You are currently looking at these two:

  • auto - This value will look at the width and height of the box. If they are defined, it won't let the box expand past those boundaries. Instead (if the content exceeds those boundaries), it will create a scrollbar for either boundary (or both) that exceeds its length.

  • scroll - This values forces a scrollbar, no matter what, even if the content does not exceed the boundary set. If the content doesn't need to be scrolled, the bar will appear as "disabled" or non-interactive.

If you always want the vertical scrollbar to appear:

You should use overflow-y: scroll. This forces a scrollbar to appear for the vertical axis whether or not it is needed. If you can't actually scroll the context, it will appear as a"disabled" scrollbar.

If you only want a scrollbar to appear if you can scroll the box:

Just use overflow: auto. Since your content by default just breaks to the next line when it cannot fit on the current line, a horizontal scrollbar won't be created (unless it's on an element that has word-wrapping disabled). For the vertical bar,it will allow the content to expand up to the height you have specified. If it exceeds that height, it will show a vertical scrollbar to view the rest of the content, but will not show a scrollbar if it does not exceed the height.

What are the time complexities of various data structures?


  • Set, Check element at a particular index: O(1)
  • Searching: O(n) if array is unsorted and O(log n) if array is sorted and something like a binary search is used,
  • As pointed out by Aivean, there is no Delete operation available on Arrays. We can symbolically delete an element by setting it to some specific value, e.g. -1, 0, etc. depending on our requirements
  • Similarly, Insert for arrays is basically Set as mentioned in the beginning


  • Add: Amortized O(1)
  • Remove: O(n)
  • Contains: O(n)
  • Size: O(1)

Linked List:

  • Inserting: O(1), if done at the head, O(n) if anywhere else since we have to reach that position by traveseing the linkedlist linearly.
  • Deleting: O(1), if done at the head, O(n) if anywhere else since we have to reach that position by traveseing the linkedlist linearly.
  • Searching: O(n)

Doubly-Linked List:

  • Inserting: O(1), if done at the head or tail, O(n) if anywhere else since we have to reach that position by traveseing the linkedlist linearly.
  • Deleting: O(1), if done at the head or tail, O(n) if anywhere else since we have to reach that position by traveseing the linkedlist linearly.
  • Searching: O(n)


  • Push: O(1)
  • Pop: O(1)
  • Top: O(1)
  • Search (Something like lookup, as a special operation): O(n) (I guess so)

Queue/Deque/Circular Queue:

  • Insert: O(1)
  • Remove: O(1)
  • Size: O(1)

Binary Search Tree:

  • Insert, delete and search: Average case: O(log n), Worst Case: O(n)

Red-Black Tree:

  • Insert, delete and search: Average case: O(log n), Worst Case: O(log n)

Heap/PriorityQueue (min/max):

  • Find Min/Find Max: O(1)
  • Insert: O(log n)
  • Delete Min/Delete Max: O(log n)
  • Extract Min/Extract Max: O(log n)
  • Lookup, Delete (if at all provided): O(n), we will have to scan all the elements as they are not ordered like BST


  • Insert/Delete: O(1) amortized
  • Re-size/hash: O(n)
  • Contains: O(1)

How to Run Terminal as Administrator on Mac Pro

To switch to root so that all subsequent commands are executed with high privileges instead of using sudo before each command use following command and then provide the password when prompted.

sudo -i

User will change and remain root until you close the terminal. Execute exit commmand which will change the user back to original user without closing terminal.

How to output oracle sql result into a file in windows?

Having the same chore on windows 10, and windows server 2012. I found the following solution:

echo quit |sqlplus schemaName/schemaPassword@sid @plsqlScript.sql > outputFile.log


echo quit | send the quit command to exit sqlplus after the script completes

sqlplus schemaName/schemaPassword@sid @plsqlScript.sql execute plssql script plsqlScript.sql in schema schemaName with password schemaPassword connecting to SID sid

> outputFile.log redirect sqlplus output to log file outputFile.log

How to undo a successful "git cherry-pick"?

If possible, avoid hard resets. Hard resets are one of the very few destructive operations in git. Luckily, you can undo a cherry-pick without resets and avoid anything destructive.

Note the hash of the cherry-pick you want to undo, say it is ${bad_cherrypick}. Do a git revert ${bad_cherrypick}. Now the contents of your working tree are as they were before your bad cherry-pick.

Repeat your git cherry-pick ${wanted_commit}, and when you're happy with the new cherry-pick, do a git rebase -i ${bad_cherrypick}~1. During the rebase, delete both ${bad_cherrypick} and its corresponding revert.

The branch you are working on will only have the good cherry-pick. No resets needed!

how to select first N rows from a table in T-SQL?

FROM Users

Note that if you don't specify an ORDER BY clause then any 10 rows could be returned, because "first 10 rows" doesn't really mean anything until you tell the database what ordering to use.

Code for Greatest Common Divisor in Python

The algorithms with m-n can runs awfully long.

This one performs much better:

def gcd(x, y):
    while y != 0:
        (x, y) = (y, x % y)
    return x

Get The Current Domain Name With Javascript (Not the path, etc.)

If you want to get domain name in JavaScript, just use the following code:

var domain_name = document.location.hostname;

If you need to web page URL path so you can access web URL path use this example:

var url = document.URL;

Using python's mock patch.object to change the return value of a method called within another method

There are two ways you can do this; with patch and with patch.object

Patch assumes that you are not directly importing the object but that it is being used by the object you are testing as in the following
def some_fn():
    return 'some_fn'

class Foo(object):
    def method_1(self):
        return some_fn()
import foo
class Bar(object):
    def method_2(self):
        tmp = foo.Foo()
        return tmp.method_1()
import bar
from mock import patch

def test_bar(mock_some_fn):
    mock_some_fn.return_value = 'test-val-1'
    tmp = bar.Bar()
    assert tmp.method_2() == 'test-val-1'
    mock_some_fn.return_value = 'test-val-2'
    assert tmp.method_2() == 'test-val-2'

If you are directly importing the module to be tested, you can use patch.object as follows:
import foo
from mock import patch

@patch.object(foo, 'some_fn')
def test_foo(test_some_fn):
    test_some_fn.return_value = 'test-val-1'
    tmp = foo.Foo()
    assert tmp.method_1() == 'test-val-1'
    test_some_fn.return_value = 'test-val-2'
    assert tmp.method_1() == 'test-val-2'

In both cases some_fn will be 'un-mocked' after the test function is complete.

Edit: In order to mock multiple functions, just add more decorators to the function and add arguments to take in the extra parameters

@patch.object(foo, 'some_fn')
@patch.object(foo, 'other_fn')
def test_foo(test_other_fn, test_some_fn):

Note that the closer the decorator is to the function definition, the earlier it is in the parameter list.

'str' object has no attribute 'decode'. Python 3 error?

Use it by this Method:


Environ Function code samples for VBA

Environ() gets you the value of any environment variable. These can be found by doing the following command in the Command Prompt:


If you wanted to get the username, you would do:


If you wanted to get the fully qualified name, you would do:

Environ("userdomain") & "\" & Environ("username")


Why don't self-closing script elements work?

Difference between 'true XHTML', 'faux XHTML' and HTML as well as importance of the server-sent MIME type had been already described here well. If you want to try it out right now, here is simple editable snippet with live preview including self-closed script tag for capable browsers:

div { display: flex; }_x000D_
div + div {flex-direction: column; }
<div>Mime type: <label><input type="radio" onchange="t.onkeyup()" id="x" checked  name="mime"> application/xhtml+xml</label>_x000D_
<label><input type="radio" onchange="t.onkeyup()" name="mime"> text/html</label></div>_x000D_
<div><textarea id="t" rows="4" _x000D_
><?xml version="1.0"?>_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""_x000D_
[<!ENTITY x "true XHTML">]>_x000D_
<html xmlns="">_x000D_
    <span id="greet" swapto="Hello">Hell, NO :(</span> &x;._x000D_
    <script src="data:text/javascript,(g=document.getElementById('greet')).innerText=g.getAttribute('swapto')" />_x000D_
    Nice to meet you!_x000D_
    <!-- _x000D_
      Previous text node and all further content falls into SCRIPT element content in text/html mode, so is not rendered. Because no end script tag is found, no script runs in text/html_x000D_
<iframe id="i" height="80"></iframe>_x000D_

You should see Hello, true XHTML. Nice to meet you! below textarea.

For incapable browsers you can copy content of the textarea and save it as a file with .xhtml (or .xht) extension (thanks Alek for this hint).

Return JSON with error status code MVC

A simple way to send a error to Json is control Http Status Code of response object and set a custom error message.


public JsonResult Create(MyObject myObject) 
  return Json(new { IsCreated = True, Content = ViewGenerator(myObject));

  //Use input may be wrong but nothing crashed
  return Json(new { IsCreated = False, Content = ViewGenerator(myObject));  

  Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
  return Json(new { IsCreated = false, ErrorMessage = 'My error message');


     type: "POST",
     dataType: "json",
     url: "MyController/Create",
     data: JSON.stringify(myObject),
     success: function (result) {
    //... ALL FINE
    //... Use input may be wrong but nothing crashed
    error: function (error) {
            alert("Error:" + erro.responseJSON.ErrorMessage ); //Error

Position an element relative to its container

You are right that CSS positioning is the way to go. Here's a quick run down:

position: relative will layout an element relative to itself. In other words, the elements is laid out in normal flow, then it is removed from normal flow and offset by whatever values you have specified (top, right, bottom, left). It's important to note that because it's removed from flow, other elements around it will not shift with it (use negative margins instead if you want this behaviour).

However, you're most likely interested in position: absolute which will position an element relative to a container. By default, the container is the browser window, but if a parent element either has position: relative or position: absolute set on it, then it will act as the parent for positioning coordinates for its children.

To demonstrate:

#container {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid red;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
#box {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 50px;_x000D_
  left: 20px;_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_
  <div id="box">absolute</div>_x000D_

In that example, the top left corner of #box would be 100px down and 50px left of the top left corner of #container. If #container did not have position: relative set, the coordinates of #box would be relative to the top left corner of the browser view port.

Get Base64 encode file-data from Input Form

I used FileReader to display image on click of the file upload button not using any Ajax requests. Following is the code hope it might help some one.

$(document).ready(function($) {
    $.extend( true, jQuery.fn, {        
        imagePreview: function( options ){          
            var defaults = {};
            if( options ){
                $.extend( true, defaults, options );
            $.each( this, function(){
                var $this = $( this );              
                $this.bind( 'change', function( evt ){

                    var files =; // FileList object
                    // Loop through the FileList and render image files as thumbnails.
                    for (var i = 0, f; f = files[i]; i++) {
                        // Only process image files.
                        if (!f.type.match('image.*')) {
                        var reader = new FileReader();
                        // Closure to capture the file information.
                        reader.onload = (function(theFile) {
                            return function(e) {
                                // Render thumbnail.
                        // Read in the image file as a data URL.

    $( '#fileinput' ).imagePreview();

Why can't I see the "Report Data" window when creating reports?

I was also same problem in Visual Studio 2013, Then Suddenly got an Idea.. Click on Report to make focus on it. Simple Press Alt+Ctrl+D

Create SQL identity as primary key?

If you're using T-SQL, the only thing wrong with your code is that you used braces {} instead of parentheses ().

PS: Both IDENTITY and PRIMARY KEY imply NOT NULL, so you can omit that if you wish.

How to attach source or JavaDoc in eclipse for any jar file e.g. JavaFX?

  1. Download jar file containing the JavaDocs.
  2. Open the Build Path page of the project (right click, properties, Java build path).
  3. Open the Libraries tab.
  4. Expand the node of the library in question (JavaFX).
  5. Select JavaDoc location and click edit.
  6. Enter the location to the file which contains the Javadoc (the one you just downloaded).

What's the difference between import java.util.*; and import java.util.Date; ?

The toString() implementation of java.util.Date does not depend on the way the class is imported. It always returns a nice formatted date.

The toString() you see comes from another class.

Specific import have precedence over wildcard imports.

in this case

import other.Date
import java.util.*

new Date();

refers to other.Date and not java.util.Date.

The odd thing is that

import other.*
import java.util.*

Should give you a compiler error stating that the reference to Date is ambiguous because both other.Date and java.util.Date matches.

HTML5 Video Stop onClose

For a JQM+PhoneGap app the following worked for me.

The following was the minimum I had to go to get this to work. I was actually experiencing a stall due to the buffering while spawning ajax requests when the user pressed the back button. Pausing the video in Chrome and the Android browser kept it buffering. The non-async ajax request would get stuck waiting for the buffering to finish, which it never would.

Binding this to the beforepagehide event fixed it.

 $("#SOME_JQM_PAGE").live("pagebeforehide", function(event)
           $("video").each(function () 
               logger.debug("PAUSE VIDEO");
               this.src = "";

This will clear every video tag on the page.

The important part is this.src = "";

How to get cumulative sum

For SQL Server 2012 onwards it could be easy:

SELECT id, SomeNumt, sum(SomeNumt) OVER (ORDER BY id) as CumSrome FROM @t

because ORDER BY clause for SUM by default means RANGE UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW for window frame ("General Remarks" at

The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application

If you are using eclipse and maven for handling dependencies, you may need to take these extra steps to make sure eclipse copies the dependencies properly Maven dependencies not visible in WEB-INF/lib (namely the Deployment Assembly for Dynamic web application)

Style input element to fill remaining width of its container

Easiest way to achieve this would be :


label{ float: left; }

    display: block;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding-right: 5px;
    padding-left: 10px;

span > input{ width: 100%; }


    <label>label</label><span><input type="text" /></span>
    <label>longer label</label><span><input type="text" /></span>

Looks like :

How do you create an asynchronous method in C#?

If you didn't want to use async/await inside your method, but still "decorate" it so as to be able to use the await keyword from outside, TaskCompletionSource.cs:

public static Task<T> RunAsync<T>(Func<T> function)
    if (function == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(“function”); 
    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<T>(); 
    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ =>          
           T result = function(); 
        catch(Exception exc) { tcs.SetException(exc); } 
   return tcs.Task; 

From here and here

To support such a paradigm with Tasks, we need a way to retain the Task façade and the ability to refer to an arbitrary asynchronous operation as a Task, but to control the lifetime of that Task according to the rules of the underlying infrastructure that’s providing the asynchrony, and to do so in a manner that doesn’t cost significantly. This is the purpose of TaskCompletionSource.

I saw it's also used in the .NET source, e.g. WebClient.cs:

    [HostProtection(ExternalThreading = true)]
    public Task<string> UploadStringTaskAsync(Uri address, string method, string data)
        // Create the task to be returned
        var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>(address);

        // Setup the callback event handler
        UploadStringCompletedEventHandler handler = null;
        handler = (sender, e) => HandleCompletion(tcs, e, (args) => args.Result, handler, (webClient, completion) => webClient.UploadStringCompleted -= completion);
        this.UploadStringCompleted += handler;

        // Start the async operation.
        try { this.UploadStringAsync(address, method, data, tcs); }
            this.UploadStringCompleted -= handler;

        // Return the task that represents the async operation
        return tcs.Task;

Finally, I also found the following useful:

I get asked this question all the time. The implication is that there must be some thread somewhere that’s blocking on the I/O call to the external resource. So, asynchronous code frees up the request thread, but only at the expense of another thread elsewhere in the system, right? No, not at all.

To understand why asynchronous requests scale, I’ll trace a (simplified) example of an asynchronous I/O call. Let’s say a request needs to write to a file. The request thread calls the asynchronous write method. WriteAsync is implemented by the Base Class Library (BCL), and uses completion ports for its asynchronous I/O. So, the WriteAsync call is passed down to the OS as an asynchronous file write. The OS then communicates with the driver stack, passing along the data to write in an I/O request packet (IRP).

This is where things get interesting: If a device driver can’t handle an IRP immediately, it must handle it asynchronously. So, the driver tells the disk to start writing and returns a “pending” response to the OS. The OS passes that “pending” response to the BCL, and the BCL returns an incomplete task to the request-handling code. The request-handling code awaits the task, which returns an incomplete task from that method and so on. Finally, the request-handling code ends up returning an incomplete task to ASP.NET, and the request thread is freed to return to the thread pool.

Introduction to Async/Await on ASP.NET

If the target is to improve scalability (rather than responsiveness), it all relies on the existence of an external I/O that provides the opportunity to do that.

could not extract ResultSet in hibernate

Try using inner join in your Query

    Query query=session.createQuery("from Product as p INNER JOIN p.catalog as c 
    WHERE c.idCatalog= :id and p.productName like :XXX");
    query.setParameter("id", 7);
    query.setParameter("xxx", "%"+abc+"%");
    List list = query.list();

also in the hibernate config file have

<!--hibernate.cfg.xml -->
<property name="show_sql">true</property>

To display what is being queried on the console.

finding multiples of a number in Python

Based on mathematical concepts, I understand that:

  • all natural numbers that, divided by n, having 0 as remainder, are all multiples of n

Therefore, the following calculation also applies as a solution (multiples between 1 and 100):

>>> multiples_5 = [n for n in range(1, 101) if n % 5 == 0]
>>> multiples_5
[5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100]

For further reading:

Python 2.7 getting user input and manipulating as string without quotations

Use raw_input() instead of input():

testVar = raw_input("Ask user for something.")

input() actually evaluates the input as Python code. I suggest to never use it. raw_input() returns the verbatim string entered by the user.

c++ string array initialization

In C++11 and above, you can also initialize std::vector with an initializer list. For example:

using namespace std; // for example only

for (auto s : vector<string>{"one","two","three"} ) 
    cout << s << endl;

So, your example would become:

void foo(vector<string> strArray){
  // some code

vector<string> s {"hi", "there"}; // Works
foo(s); // Works

foo(vector<string> {"hi", "there"}); // also works

Download file using libcurl in C/C++

Just for those interested you can avoid writing custom function by passing NULL as last parameter (if you do not intend to do extra processing of returned data).
In this case default internal function is used.



#include <stdio.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>

int main(void)
    CURL *curl;
    FILE *fp;
    CURLcode res;
    char *url = "";
    char outfilename[FILENAME_MAX] = "page.html";
    curl = curl_easy_init();                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
    if (curl)
        fp = fopen(outfilename,"wb");
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, NULL);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, fp);
        res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
    return 0;

find the array index of an object with a specific key value in underscore

you can use indexOf method from lodash

var tv = [{id:1},{id:2}]
var voteID = 2;
var data = _.find(tv, function(voteItem){ return == voteID; });
var index=_.indexOf(tv,data);

PostgreSQL delete with inner join

This worked for me:

DELETE from m_productprice
WHERE  m_pricelist_version_id='1000020'
       AND m_product_id IN (SELECT m_product_id
                            FROM   m_product
                            WHERE  upc = '7094'); 

Set folder browser dialog start location

Found on

With reflection this works and sets the real RootFolder!

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace YourNamespace
    public class RootFolderBrowserDialog

        #region Public Properties

        /// <summary>
        ///   The description of the dialog.
        /// </summary>
        public string Description { get; set; } = "Chose folder...";

        /// <summary>
        ///   The ROOT path!
        /// </summary>
        public string RootPath { get; set; } = "";

        /// <summary>
        ///   The SelectedPath. Here is no initialization possible.
        /// </summary>
        public string SelectedPath { get; private set; } = "";

        #endregion Public Properties

        #region Public Methods

        /// <summary>
        ///   Shows the dialog...
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>OK, if the user selected a folder or Cancel, if no folder is selected.</returns>
        public DialogResult ShowDialog()
            var shellType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Shell.Application");
            var shell = Activator.CreateInstance(shellType);
            var folder = shellType.InvokeMember(
                             "BrowseForFolder", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,
                             shell, new object[] { 0, Description, 0, RootPath, });
            if (folder is null)
                return DialogResult.Cancel;
                var folderSelf = folder.GetType().InvokeMember(
                                     "Self", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null,
                                     folder, null);
                SelectedPath = folderSelf.GetType().InvokeMember(
                                   "Path", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null,
                                   folderSelf, null) as string;
                // maybe ensure that SelectedPath is set
                return DialogResult.OK;

        #endregion Public Methods


Missing styles. Is the correct theme chosen for this layout?

What I usually do is the following: a Gradle Clean, Rebuild and Sync all my Gradle files. After that I restart Android Studio, and I go to:

Select Theme -> Project Themes -> AppTheme

How to remove rows with any zero value

Well, you could swap your 0's for NA and then use one of those solutions, but for sake of a difference, you could notice that a number will only have a finite logarithm if it is greater than 0, so that rowSums of the log will only be finite if there are no zeros in a row.


Class vs. static method in JavaScript

ES6 supports now class & static keywords like a charm :

class Foo {
    constructor() {}

    talk() {
        console.log("i am not static");

    static saying() {

    static get speech() {
        return "i am static method";


How to remove multiple indexes from a list at the same time?

lst = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'];
lst = lst[0:2] + lst[6:]

This is a single step operation. It does not use a loop and therefore executes fast. It uses list slicing.

Tkinter: "Python may not be configured for Tk"

Had the same issue on Fedora with Python 2.7. Turns out some extra packages are required:

sudo dnf install tk-devel tkinter

After installing the packages, this hello-world example seems to be working fine on Python 2.7:

$ cat
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
w = Label(root, text="Hello, world!")
$ python --version
Python 2.7.8
$ python

And through X11 forwarding, it looks like this:

Hello World through X11

Note that in Python 3, the module name is lowercase, and other packages are probably required...

from tkinter import *

Maintaining href "open in new tab" with an onClick handler in React

You have two options here, you can make it open in a new window/tab with JS:

<td onClick={()=>"someLink", "_blank")}>text</td>

But a better option is to use a regular link but style it as a table cell:

<a style={{display: "table-cell"}} href="someLink" target="_blank">text</a>

SQL Select between dates

Or you can cast your string to Date format with date function. Even the date is stored as TEXT in the DB. Like this (the most workable variant):

SELECT * FROM test WHERE date(date) 
BETWEEN date('2011-01-11') AND date('2011-8-11')

HTML: Select multiple as dropdown

Because you're using multiple. Despite it still technically being a dropdown, it doesn't look or act like a standard dropdown. Rather, it populates a list box and lets them select multiple options.

Size determines how many options appear before they have to click down or up to see the other options.

I have a feeling what you want to achieve is only going to be possible with a JavaScript plugin.

Some examples:

jQuery multiselect drop down menu

python 3.x ImportError: No module named 'cStringIO'

From Python 3.0 changelog;

The StringIO and cStringIO modules are gone. Instead, import the io module and use io.StringIO or io.BytesIO for text and data respectively.

From the Python 3 email documentation it can be seen that io.StringIO should be used instead:

from io import StringIO
from email.generator import Generator
fp = StringIO()
g = Generator(fp, mangle_from_=True, maxheaderlen=60)
text = fp.getvalue()


change type of input field with jQuery

Nowadays, you can just use

$("#password").prop("type", "text");

But of course, you should really just do this

<input type="password" placeholder="Password" />

in all but IE. There are placeholder shims out there to mimic that functionality in IE as well.

Remove menubar from Electron app

The menu can be hidden or auto-hidden (like in Slack or VS Code - you can press Alt to show/hide the menu).

Relevant methods:

---- win.setMenu(menu) - Sets the menu as the window’s menu bar, setting it to null will remove the menu bar. (This will remove the menu completly)


---- win.setAutoHideMenuBar(hide) - Sets whether the window menu bar should hide itself automatically. Once set the menu bar will only
when users press the single Alt key.



There is also the method for making a frameless window as shown bellow:

(no close button no anything. Can be what we want (better design))

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600, frame: false })


Edit: (new)

win.removeMenu() Linux Windows Remove the window's menu bar.

Added win.removeMenu() to remove application menus instead of using win.setMenu(null)

That is added from v5 as per:

Electron v7 bug

For Electron 7.1.1 use Menu.setApplicationMenu instead of win.removeMenu()

as per this thread:

And the big note is: you have to call it before creating the BrowserWindow! Or it will not work!

const {app, BrowserWindow, Menu} = require('electron')


const browserWindow = new BrowserWindow({/*...*/});

UPDATE (Setting autoHideMenuBar on BrowserWindow construction)

As by @kcpr comment! We can set the property and many on the constructor

That's available on the latest stable version of electron by now which is 8.3!
But too in old versions i checked for v1, v2, v3, v4!
It's there in all versions!

As per this link

And for the v8.3

The doc link

From the doc for the option:

autoHideMenuBar Boolean (optional) - Auto hide the menu bar unless the Alt key is pressed. Default is false.

Here a snippet to illustrate it:

let browserWindow = new BrowserWindow({
    width: 800,
    height: 600,
    autoHideMenuBar: true // <<< here

bootstrap 3 tabs not working properly

for some weird reason bootstrap tabs were not working for me until i was using href like:-

<li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="#a" data-toggle="tab">First</a></li>

but it started working as soon as i replaced href with data-target like:-

<li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" data-target="#a" data-toggle="tab">First</a></li>

How to add an empty column to a dataframe?

an even simpler solution is:

df = df.reindex(columns = header_list)                

where "header_list" is a list of the headers you want to appear.

any header included in the list that is not found already in the dataframe will be added with blank cells below.

so if

header_list = ['a','b','c', 'd']

then c and d will be added as columns with blank cells

Apache shutdown unexpectedly

In my situation I had moved the htdocs to a new location updated in httpd.conf, which worked fine. I then received the same error after updating the httpd-vhost.conf file.

I found that the error was caused by a typo in the vhost configuration file. Previously I changed all "DocumentRoot" ’s to the new htdocs location, but had forgot to update the new location for "ErrorLog". After correcting the missing path, Apache was running smooth again.

How can I bring my application window to the front?

this works:

if (WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized)
    WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
    TopMost = true;
    TopMost = false;

Parse large JSON file in Nodejs

To process a file line-by-line, you simply need to decouple the reading of the file and the code that acts upon that input. You can accomplish this by buffering your input until you hit a newline. Assuming we have one JSON object per line (basically, format B):

var stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath, {flags: 'r', encoding: 'utf-8'});
var buf = '';

stream.on('data', function(d) {
    buf += d.toString(); // when data is read, stash it in a string buffer
    pump(); // then process the buffer

function pump() {
    var pos;

    while ((pos = buf.indexOf('\n')) >= 0) { // keep going while there's a newline somewhere in the buffer
        if (pos == 0) { // if there's more than one newline in a row, the buffer will now start with a newline
            buf = buf.slice(1); // discard it
            continue; // so that the next iteration will start with data
        processLine(buf.slice(0,pos)); // hand off the line
        buf = buf.slice(pos+1); // and slice the processed data off the buffer

function processLine(line) { // here's where we do something with a line

    if (line[line.length-1] == '\r') line=line.substr(0,line.length-1); // discard CR (0x0D)

    if (line.length > 0) { // ignore empty lines
        var obj = JSON.parse(line); // parse the JSON
        console.log(obj); // do something with the data here!

Each time the file stream receives data from the file system, it's stashed in a buffer, and then pump is called.

If there's no newline in the buffer, pump simply returns without doing anything. More data (and potentially a newline) will be added to the buffer the next time the stream gets data, and then we'll have a complete object.

If there is a newline, pump slices off the buffer from the beginning to the newline and hands it off to process. It then checks again if there's another newline in the buffer (the while loop). In this way, we can process all of the lines that were read in the current chunk.

Finally, process is called once per input line. If present, it strips off the carriage return character (to avoid issues with line endings – LF vs CRLF), and then calls JSON.parse one the line. At this point, you can do whatever you need to with your object.

Note that JSON.parse is strict about what it accepts as input; you must quote your identifiers and string values with double quotes. In other words, {name:'thing1'} will throw an error; you must use {"name":"thing1"}.

Because no more than a chunk of data will ever be in memory at a time, this will be extremely memory efficient. It will also be extremely fast. A quick test showed I processed 10,000 rows in under 15ms.

How to get the GL library/headers?

What operating system?

Here on Ubuntu, I have

$ dpkg -S /usr/include/GL/gl.h 
mesa-common-dev: /usr/include/GL/gl.h

but not the difference in a) capitalization and b) forward/backward slashes. Your example is likely to be wrong in its use of backslashes.

Vue Js - Loop via v-for X times (in a range)

You can use the native JS slice method:

<div v-for="item in shoppingItems.slice(0,10)">

The slice() method returns the selected elements in an array, as a new array object.

Based on tip in the migration guide:

Detect If Browser Tab Has Focus

Cross Browser jQuery Solution! Raw available at GitHub

Fun & Easy to Use!

The following plugin will go through your standard test for various versions of IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.. and establish your declared methods accordingly. It also deals with issues such as:

  • onblur|.blur/onfocus|.focus "duplicate" calls
  • window losing focus through selection of alternate app, like word
    • This tends to be undesirable simply because, if you have a bank page open, and it's onblur event tells it to mask the page, then if you open calculator, you can't see the page anymore!
  • Not triggering on page load

Use is as simple as: Scroll Down to 'Run Snippet'

$.winFocus(function(event, isVisible) {
    console.log("Combo\t\t", event, isVisible);

//  OR Pass False boolean, and it will not trigger on load,
//  Instead, it will first trigger on first blur of current tab_window
$.winFocus(function(event, isVisible) {
    console.log("Combo\t\t", event, isVisible);
}, false);

//  OR Establish an object having methods "blur" & "focus", and/or "blurFocus"
//  (yes, you can set all 3, tho blurFocus is the only one with an 'isVisible' param)
    blur: function(event) {
        console.log("Blur\t\t", event);
    focus: function(event) {
        console.log("Focus\t\t", event);

//  OR First method becoms a "blur", second method becoms "focus"!
$.winFocus(function(event) {
    console.log("Blur\t\t", event);
function(event) {
    console.log("Focus\t\t", event);

/*    Begin Plugin    */_x000D_
;;(function($){$.winFocus||($.extend({winFocus:function(){var a=!0,b=[];$(document).data("winFocus")||$(document).data("winFocus",$.winFocus.init());for(x in arguments)"object"==typeof arguments[x]?(arguments[x].blur&&$.winFocus.methods.blur.push(arguments[x].blur),arguments[x].focus&&$.winFocus.methods.focus.push(arguments[x].focus),arguments[x].blurFocus&&$.winFocus.methods.blurFocus.push(arguments[x].blurFocus),arguments[x].initRun&&(a=arguments[x].initRun)):"function"==typeof arguments[x]?b.push(arguments[x]):_x000D_
"boolean"==typeof arguments[x]&&(a=arguments[x]);b&&(1==b.length?$.winFocus.methods.blurFocus.push(b[0]):($.winFocus.methods.blur.push(b[0]),$.winFocus.methods.focus.push(b[1])));if(a)$.winFocus.methods.onChange()}}),$.winFocus.init=function(){$.winFocus.props.hidden in document?document.addEventListener("visibilitychange",$.winFocus.methods.onChange):($.winFocus.props.hidden="mozHidden")in document?document.addEventListener("mozvisibilitychange",$.winFocus.methods.onChange):($.winFocus.props.hidden=_x000D_
"webkitHidden")in document?document.addEventListener("webkitvisibilitychange",$.winFocus.methods.onChange):($.winFocus.props.hidden="msHidden")in document?document.addEventListener("msvisibilitychange",$.winFocus.methods.onChange):($.winFocus.props.hidden="onfocusin")in document?document.onfocusin=document.onfocusout=$.winFocus.methods.onChange:window.onpageshow=window.onpagehide=window.onfocus=window.onblur=$.winFocus.methods.onChange;return $.winFocus},$.winFocus.methods={blurFocus:[],blur:[],focus:[],_x000D_
exeCB:function(a){$.winFocus.methods.blurFocus&&$.each($.winFocus.methods.blurFocus,function(b,c){this.apply($.winFocus,[a,!a.hidden])});a.hidden&&$.winFocus.methods.blur&&$.each($.winFocus.methods.blur,function(b,c){this.apply($.winFocus,[a])});!a.hidden&&$.winFocus.methods.focus&&$.each($.winFocus.methods.focus,function(b,c){this.apply($.winFocus,[a])})},onChange:function(a){var b={focus:!1,focusin:!1,pageshow:!1,blur:!0,focusout:!0,pagehide:!0};if(a=a||window.event)a.hidden=a.type in b?b[a.type]:_x000D_
document[$.winFocus.props.hidden],$(window).data("visible",!a.hidden),$.winFocus.methods.exeCB(a);else try{$,new Event("visibilitychange"))}catch(c){}}},$.winFocus.props={hidden:"hidden"})})(jQuery);_x000D_
/*    End Plugin      */_x000D_
// Simple example_x000D_
$(function() {_x000D_
 $.winFocus(function(event, isVisible) {_x000D_
  $('td tbody').empty();_x000D_
  $.each(event, function(i) {_x000D_
   $('td tbody').append(_x000D_
    $('<tr />').append(_x000D_
     $('<th />', { text: i }),_x000D_
     $('<td />', { text: this.toString() })_x000D_
  if (isVisible) _x000D_
   $("#isVisible").stop().delay(100).fadeOut('fast', function(e) {_x000D_
  else {_x000D_
body { background: #AAF; }_x000D_
table { width: 100%; }_x000D_
table table { border-collapse: collapse; margin: 0 auto; width: auto; }_x000D_
tbody > tr > th { text-align: right; }_x000D_
td { width: 50%; }_x000D_
th, td { padding: .1em .5em; }_x000D_
td th, td td { border: 1px solid; }_x000D_
.visible { background: #FFA; }
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<h3>See Console for Event Object Returned</h3>_x000D_
        <th><p>Is Visible?</p></th>_x000D_
        <td><p id="isVisible">TRUE</p></td>_x000D_
        <td colspan="2">_x000D_
                        <th colspan="2">Event Data <span style="font-size: .8em;">{ See Console for More Details }</span></th>_x000D_

Using the rJava package on Win7 64 bit with R

For me, setting JAVA_HOME did the trick (instead of unsetting, as in another answer given here). Either in Windows:

set JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\"

Or inside R:

Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre7\\")

But what's probably the best solution (since rJava 0.9-4) is overriding within R the Windows JAVA_HOME setting altogether:

options(java.home="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre7\\")

xcode-select active developer directory error

I had two instance of Xcode installed and When I tried to create a build with netbeans it showed me the error "supported version of xcode and command line tools not found netbeans"

I followed the following steps:

  1. "xcode-select --print-path" is equal to "/Applications/"
  2. "/Applications/" exists
  3. "xcodebuild -version" starts with "Xcode"

after 1 I found that it is pointing me to

so here is the solution which worked like a charm:

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/

Append text to file from command line without using io redirection

If you just want to tack something on by hand, then the sed answer will work for you. If instead the text is in file(s) (say file1.txt and file2.txt):

Using Perl:

perl -e 'open(OUT, ">>", "outfile.txt"); print OUT while (<>);' file*.txt

N.B. while the >> may look like an indication of redirection, it is just the file open mode, in this case "append".

Right to Left support for Twitter Bootstrap 3

We Announce the AryaBootstrap,

The last version is based on bootstrap 4.3.1

AryaBootstrap is a bootstrap with dual layout align support and, used for LTR and RTL web design.

add "dir" to html, thats the only action you need to do.

Checkout the AryaBootstrap Website at:

AryaBootstrap at GitHub:

SPAN vs DIV (inline-block)

According to the HTML spec, <span> is an inline element and <div> is a block element. Now that can be changed using the display CSS property but there is one issue: in terms of HTML validation, you can't put block elements inside inline elements so:


is not strictly valid even if you change the <div> to inline or inline-block.

So, if your element is inline or inline-block use a <span>. If it's a block level element, use a <div>.

There is an error in XML document (1, 41)

In my case I had a float value expected where xml had a null value so be sure to search for float and int data type in your xsd map

What is the difference between _tmain() and main() in C++?

_tmain does not exist in C++. main does.

_tmain is a Microsoft extension.

main is, according to the C++ standard, the program's entry point. It has one of these two signatures:

int main();
int main(int argc, char* argv[]);

Microsoft has added a wmain which replaces the second signature with this:

int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[]);

And then, to make it easier to switch between Unicode (UTF-16) and their multibyte character set, they've defined _tmain which, if Unicode is enabled, is compiled as wmain, and otherwise as main.

As for the second part of your question, the first part of the puzzle is that your main function is wrong. wmain should take a wchar_t argument, not char. Since the compiler doesn't enforce this for the main function, you get a program where an array of wchar_t strings are passed to the main function, which interprets them as char strings.

Now, in UTF-16, the character set used by Windows when Unicode is enabled, all the ASCII characters are represented as the pair of bytes \0 followed by the ASCII value.

And since the x86 CPU is little-endian, the order of these bytes are swapped, so that the ASCII value comes first, then followed by a null byte.

And in a char string, how is the string usually terminated? Yep, by a null byte. So your program sees a bunch of strings, each one byte long.

In general, you have three options when doing Windows programming:

  • Explicitly use Unicode (call wmain, and for every Windows API function which takes char-related arguments, call the -W version of the function. Instead of CreateWindow, call CreateWindowW). And instead of using char use wchar_t, and so on
  • Explicitly disable Unicode. Call main, and CreateWindowA, and use char for strings.
  • Allow both. (call _tmain, and CreateWindow, which resolve to main/_tmain and CreateWindowA/CreateWindowW), and use TCHAR instead of char/wchar_t.

The same applies to the string types defined by windows.h: LPCTSTR resolves to either LPCSTR or LPCWSTR, and for every other type that includes char or wchar_t, a -T- version always exists which can be used instead.

Note that all of this is Microsoft specific. TCHAR is not a standard C++ type, it is a macro defined in windows.h. wmain and _tmain are also defined by Microsoft only.

Find a value in DataTable

Maybe you can filter rows by possible columns like this :

DataRow[] filteredRows = 
  datatable.Select(string.Format("{0} LIKE '%{1}%'", columnName, value));

JavaScript string newline character?

Get a line separator for the current browser:

function getLineSeparator() {
  var textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
  textarea.value = "\n"; 
  return textarea.value;

How to enable NSZombie in Xcode?

Here's a video and explaination how to use Instruments and NSZombie to find and fix memory crashes on iOS:

Find the PID of a process that uses a port on Windows

After some fiddling with a script I came to this action. Copy and save it in a .bat file:

FOR /F "usebackq tokens=5" %%i IN (`netstat -aon ^| find "3306"`) DO taskkill /F /PID %%i

Change 'find "3306"' in the port number which needs to be free. Then run the file as administrator. It will kill all the processes running on this port.

Oracle PL/SQL string compare issue

Let's fill in the gaps in your code, by adding the other branches in the logic, and see what happens:

  2   str1  varchar2(4000);
  3   str2  varchar2(4000);
  4  BEGIN
  5     str1:='';
  6     str2:='sdd';
  7     IF(str1<>str2) THEN
  8      dbms_output.put_line('The two strings is not equal');
  9     ELSIF (str1=str2) THEN
 10      dbms_output.put_line('The two strings are the same');
 11     ELSE
 12      dbms_output.put_line('Who knows?');
 13     END IF;
 14   END;
 15  /
Who knows?

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


So the two strings are neither the same nor are they not the same? Huh?

It comes down to this. Oracle treats an empty string as a NULL. If we attempt to compare a NULL and another string the outcome is not TRUE nor FALSE, it is NULL. This remains the case even if the other string is also a NULL.

How to create a zip archive of a directory in Python?

Well, after reading the suggestions I came up with a very similar way that works with 2.7.x without creating "funny" directory names (absolute-like names), and will only create the specified folder inside the zip.

Or just in case you needed your zip to contain a folder inside with the contents of the selected directory.

def zipDir( path, ziph ) :
 Inserts directory (path) into zipfile instance (ziph)
 for root, dirs, files in os.walk( path ) :
  for file in files :
   ziph.write( os.path.join( root, file ) , os.path.basename( os.path.normpath( path ) ) + "\\" + file )

def makeZip( pathToFolder ) :
 Creates a zip file with the specified folder
 zipf = zipfile.ZipFile( pathToFolder + '', 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED )
 zipDir( pathToFolder, zipf )
 print( "Zip file saved to: " + pathToFolder)

makeZip( "c:\\path\\to\\folder\\to\\insert\\into\\zipfile" )


It's worth to mention that CLOB / BLOB data types and their sizes are supported by MySQL 5.0+, so you can choose the proper data type for your need.

Data Type   Date Type   Storage Required
(CLOB)      (BLOB)

TINYTEXT    TINYBLOB    L + 1 bytes, where L < 2**8  (255)
TEXT        BLOB        L + 2 bytes, where L < 2**16 (64 K)
MEDIUMTEXT  MEDIUMBLOB  L + 3 bytes, where L < 2**24 (16 MB)
LONGTEXT    LONGBLOB    L + 4 bytes, where L < 2**32 (4 GB)

where L stands for the byte length of a string

How do you access the matched groups in a JavaScript regular expression?

One line solution:

const matches = (text,regex) => [...text.matchAll(regex)].map(([match])=>match)

So you can use this way (must use /g):

matches("something format_abc", /(?:^|\s)format_(.*?)(?:\s|$)/g)


[" format_abc"]