[javascript] Get The Current Domain Name With Javascript (Not the path, etc.)

I plan on buying two domain names for the same site. Depending on which domain is used I plan on providing slightly different data on the page. Is there a way for me to detect the actual domain name that the page is loading from so that I know what to change my content to?

I've looked around for stuff like this but most of it doesn't work the way I want it to.

For instance when using


on JSFiddle it returns


i.e. the actual path or whatever that is.

This question is related to javascript domain-name

The answer is

for my case the best match is window.location.origin

function getDomain(url, subdomain) {
    subdomain = subdomain || false;

    url = url.replace(/(https?:\/\/)?(www.)?/i, '');

    if (!subdomain) {
        url = url.split('.');

        url = url.slice(url.length - 2).join('.');

    if (url.indexOf('/') !== -1) {
        return url.split('/')[0];

    return url;


Previous version was getting full domain (including subdomain). Now it determines the right domain depending on preference. So that when a 2nd argument is provided as true it will include the subdomain, otherwise it returns only the 'main domain'

If you wish a full domain origin, you can use this:


And if you wish to get only the domain, use can you just this:


But you have other options, take a look at the properties in:


If you want the country domain name - for example to extract  .com  from  stackoverflow.com :


const getCountryDomainName = () => {
  let hostName = window.location.hostname;
  let lastDotIndex = hostName.lastIndexOf('.');
  let countryDomainName = hostName.substr(lastDotIndex+1, hostName.length);
  return countryDomainName;


function getCountryDomainName() {
  let hostName = window.location.hostname;
  let lastDotIndex = hostName.lastIndexOf('.');
  let countryDomainName = hostName.substr(lastDotIndex+1, hostName.length);
  return countryDomainName;

Then, just use the function to assign the value to a var:

const countryDomainName = getCountryDomainName();

Combining a few answers from the above, the following works really well for me for destroying Cookies:

   * Utility method to obtain the domain URI:
  fetchDomainURI() {
    if (window.location.port.length > 0) {
      return window.location.hostname;
    return `.${window.location.hostname.match(/\w*\.\w*$/gi)[0]}`;

Works for IP addresses with ports, e.g., etc, as well as complex domains like app.staging.example.com returning .example.com => allows for cross-domain Cookie setting and destroying.

If you are not interested in the host name (for example www.beta.example.com) but in the domain name (for example example.com), this works for valid host names:

function getDomainName(hostName)
    return hostName.substring(hostName.lastIndexOf(".", hostName.lastIndexOf(".") - 1) + 1);

Since this question asks for domain name, not host name, a correct answer should be


This works for host names like www.example.com too.

You can get it from location object in Javascript easily:

For example URL of this page is:


Then we can get the exact domain with following properties of location object:

location.host = "www.stackoverflow.com"
location.protocol= "http:"

you can make the full domain with:

location.protocol + "//" + location.host

Which in this example returns http://www.stackoverflow.com

I addition of this we can get full URL and also the path with other properties of location object:

location.href= "http://www.stackoverflow.com/questions/11401897/get-the-current-domain-name-with-javascript-not-the-path-etc"    
location.pathname= "questions/11401897/get-the-current-domain-name-with-javascript-not-the-path-etc"

If you are only interested in the domain name and want to ignore the subdomain then you need to parse it out of host and hostname.

The following code does this:

var firstDot = window.location.hostname.indexOf('.');
var tld = ".net";
var isSubdomain = firstDot < window.location.hostname.indexOf(tld);
var domain;

if (isSubdomain) {
    domain = window.location.hostname.substring(firstDot == -1 ? 0 : firstDot + 1);
else {
  domain = window.location.hostname;


I'm new to JavaScript, but cant you just use: document.domain ?


<p id="ourdomain"></p>

var domainstring = document.domain;
document.getElementById("ourdomain").innerHTML = (domainstring);





Depending on what you use on your website.

       Feel free to visit our “<a href="javascript:document.location.href=document.location.origin+'/contact-us'" title="Click to Contact Us" class="coded_link" ><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-newwin"></span>Contact</a>” link

Indeed worked for me whereas I couldn't use PHP

Just tested that it worked thanks to the approach mentioned above in some of the answers, so quick and verified that worked

If you want to get domain name in JavaScript, just use the following code:

var domain_name = document.location.hostname;

If you need to web page URL path so you can access web URL path use this example:

var url = document.URL;

window.location.hostname is a good start. But it includes sub-domains, which you probably want to remove. E.g. if the hostname is www.example.com, you probably want just the example.com bit.

There are, as ever, corner cases that make this fiddly, e.g. bbc.co.uk. The following regex works well for me:

let hostname = window.location.hostname;
// remove any subdomains, e.g. www.example.com -> example.com
let domain = hostname.match(/^(?:.*?\.)?(\w{3,}\.(?:\w{2,8}|\w{2,4}\.\w{2,4}))$/)[1];
console.log("domain: ", domain);

Let's suppose you have this url path:


So, you can serve yourself by the location values, as follow:

window.location.hash: "#2"
window.location.host: "localhost:4200"
window.location.hostname: "localhost"
window.location.href: "http://localhost:4200/landing?query=1#2"
window.location.origin: "http://localhost:4200"
window.location.pathname: "/landing"
window.location.port: "4200"
window.location.protocol: "http:"

window.location.search: "?query=1"

Now we can conclude you're looking for:


What about this function?


This will match only the domain name regardless if its a subdomain or a main domain

I figure it ought to be as simple as this:




window.location has a bunch of properties. See here for a list of them.