SQLServer runs the default instance over port 1433. If you specify the port as port 1433, SQLServer will only look for the default instance. The name of the default instance was created at setup and usually is SQLEXPRESSxxx_xx_ENU.
The instance name also matches the folder name created in Program Files -> Microsoft SQL Server. So if you look there and see one folder named SQLEXPRESSxxx_xx_ENU it is the default instance.
Folders named MSSQL12.myInstanceName (for SQLServer 2012) are named instances in SQL Server and are not accessed via port 1433.
So if your program is accessing a default instance in the database, specify port 1433, and you may not need to specify the instance name.
If your program is accessing a named instance (not the default instance) in the database DO NOT specify the port but you must specify the instance name.
I hope this clarifies some of the confusion emanating from the errors above.