Programs & Examples On #Unladen swallow

A disconstinued project for a faster CPython virtual machine.

How do I remove documents using Node.js Mongoose?

I really like this pattern in async/await capable Express/Mongoose apps:

app.delete('/:idToDelete', asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {
  const deletedItem = await YourModel
    .findByIdAndDelete(req.params.idToDelete) // This method is the nice method for deleting
    .catch(err => res.status(400).send(err.message))


How to enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) in the express.js framework on node.js

Recommend using the cors express module. This allows you to whitelist domains, allow/restrict domains specifically to routes, etc.,

Access to the path is denied

I encountered this problem while developing on my local workstation.

After several unsuccessful iisreset invocations, I remedied this situation by rebooting my machine.

In retrospect, an open file handle may have been causing issues.

Change directory in PowerShell

Set-Location -Path 'Q:\MyDir'

In PowerShell cd = Set-Location

Solutions for INSERT OR UPDATE on SQL Server

CREATE TABLE ApplicationsDesSocietes (
   id                   INT IDENTITY(0,1)    NOT NULL,
   applicationId        INT                  NOT NULL,
   societeId            INT                  NOT NULL,
   suppression          BIT                  NULL,

DECLARE @applicationId INT = 81, @societeId INT = 43, @suppression BIT = 0

MERGE dbo.ApplicationsDesSocietes WITH (HOLDLOCK) AS target
--set the SOURCE table one row
USING (VALUES (@applicationId, @societeId, @suppression))
    AS source (applicationId, societeId, suppression)
    --here goes the ON join condition
    ON target.applicationId = source.applicationId and target.societeId = source.societeId
    --place your list of SET here
    SET target.suppression = source.suppression
    --insert a new line with the SOURCE table one row
    INSERT (applicationId, societeId, suppression)
    VALUES (source.applicationId, source.societeId, source.suppression);

Replace table and field names by whatever you need. Take care of the using ON condition. Then set the appropriate value (and type) for the variables on the DECLARE line.


How do you compare structs for equality in C?

You may be tempted to use memcmp(&a, &b, sizeof(struct foo)), but it may not work in all situations. The compiler may add alignment buffer space to a structure, and the values found at memory locations lying in the buffer space are not guaranteed to be any particular value.

But, if you use calloc or memset the full size of the structures before using them, you can do a shallow comparison with memcmp (if your structure contains pointers, it will match only if the address the pointers are pointing to are the same).

Measure execution time for a Java method

Nanotime is in fact not even good for elapsed time because it drifts away signficantly more than currentTimeMillis. Furthermore nanotime tends to provide excessive precision at the expense of accuracy. It is therefore highly inconsistent,and needs refinement.

For any time measuring process,currentTimeMillis (though almost as bad), does better in terms of balancing accuracy and precision.

What's the difference between SHA and AES encryption?

SHA isn't encryption, it's a one-way hash function. AES (Advanced_Encryption_Standard) is a symmetric encryption standard.

AES Reference

Putting a password to a user in PhpMyAdmin in Wamp

Search your installation of PhpMyAdmin for a file called Documentation.txt. This describes how to create a file called and how you can configure the username and password.

Getting the textarea value of a ckeditor textarea with javascript

var campaignTitle= CKEDITOR.instances['CampaignTitle'].getData();

How can I get the current stack trace in Java?

In Java 9 there is a new way:

public static void showTrace() {

  List<StackFrame> frames =
    StackWalker.getInstance( Option.RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE )
               .walk( stream  -> stream.collect( Collectors.toList() ) );

  for ( StackFrame stackFrame : frames )
    System.out.println( stackFrame );

Best way to store data locally in .NET (C#)

Depending on the compelexity of your Account object, I would recomend either XML or Flat file.

If there are just a couple of values to store for each account, you could store them on a properties file, like this:

account.1.somekey=Some value
account.1.someotherkey=Some other value
account.2.somekey=Some value 2
account.2.someotherkey=Some other value 2

... and so forth. Reading from a properties file should be easy, as it maps directly to a string dictionary.

As to where to store this file, the best choise would be to store into AppData folder, inside a subfolder for your program. This is a location where current users will always have access to write, and it's kept safe from other users by the OS itself.

MySQL, Concatenate two columns

$crud->set_relation('id','students','{first_name} {last_name}');
$crud->display_as('student_id','Students Name');

How can I Insert data into SQL Server using VBNet

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class Form2

Dim myconnection As SqlConnection

Dim mycommand As SqlCommand

Dim dr As SqlDataReader

Dim dr1 As SqlDataReader

Dim ra As Integer

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

    myconnection = New SqlConnection("server=localhost;uid=root;pwd=;database=simple")

    'you need to provide password for sql server


    mycommand = New SqlCommand("insert into tbl_cus([name],[class],[phone],[address]) values ('" & TextBox1.Text & "','" & TextBox2.Text & "','" & TextBox3.Text & "','" & TextBox4.Text & "')", myconnection)


    MessageBox.Show("New Row Inserted" & ra)


End Sub

End Class

How to use requirements.txt to install all dependencies in a python project

If you are using Linux OS:

  1. Remove matplotlib==1.3.1 from requirements.txt
  2. Try to install with sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib
  3. Run pip install -r requirements.txt (Python 2), or pip3 install -r requirements.txt (Python 3)
  4. pip freeze > requirements.txt

If you are using Windows OS:

  1. python -m pip install -U pip setuptools
  2. python -m pip install matplotlib

Objective-C ARC: strong vs retain and weak vs assign

The differences between strong and retain:

  • In iOS4, strong is equal to retain
  • It means that you own the object and keep it in the heap until don’t point to it anymore
  • If you write retain it will automatically work just like strong

The differences between weak and assign:

  • A “weak” reference is a reference that you don’t retain and you keep it as long as someone else points to it strongly
  • When the object is “deallocated”, the weak pointer is automatically set to nil
  • A "assign" property attribute tells the compiler how to synthesize the property’s setter implementation

How to compare strings

In C++ the std::string class implements the comparison operators, so you can perform the comparison using == just as you would expect:

if (string == "add") { ... }

When used properly, operator overloading is an excellent C++ feature.

Responsive Image full screen and centered - maintain aspect ratio, not exceed window

yourimg {
position: fixed;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;

and make sure there is no parent tags with position: relative in it

Convert interface{} to int

Adding another answer that uses switch... There are more comprehensive examples out there, but this will give you the idea.

In example, t becomes the specified data type within each case scope. Note, you have to provide a case for only one type at a type, otherwise t remains an interface.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var val interface{} // your starting value
    val = 4

    var i int // your final value

    switch t := val.(type) {
    case int:
        fmt.Printf("%d == %T\n", t, t)
        i = t
    case int8:
        fmt.Printf("%d == %T\n", t, t)
        i = int(t) // standardizes across systems
    case int16:
        fmt.Printf("%d == %T\n", t, t)
        i = int(t) // standardizes across systems
    case int32:
        fmt.Printf("%d == %T\n", t, t)
        i = int(t) // standardizes across systems
    case int64:
        fmt.Printf("%d == %T\n", t, t)
        i = int(t) // standardizes across systems
    case bool:
        fmt.Printf("%t == %T\n", t, t)
        // // not covertible unless...
        // if t {
        //  i = 1
        // } else {
        //  i = 0
        // }
    case float32:
        fmt.Printf("%g == %T\n", t, t)
        i = int(t) // standardizes across systems
    case float64:
        fmt.Printf("%f == %T\n", t, t)
        i = int(t) // standardizes across systems
    case uint8:
        fmt.Printf("%d == %T\n", t, t)
        i = int(t) // standardizes across systems
    case uint16:
        fmt.Printf("%d == %T\n", t, t)
        i = int(t) // standardizes across systems
    case uint32:
        fmt.Printf("%d == %T\n", t, t)
        i = int(t) // standardizes across systems
    case uint64:
        fmt.Printf("%d == %T\n", t, t)
        i = int(t) // standardizes across systems
    case string:
        fmt.Printf("%s == %T\n", t, t)
        // gets a little messy...
        // what is it then?
        fmt.Printf("%v == %T\n", t, t)

    fmt.Printf("i == %d\n", i)

AppFabric installation failed because installer MSI returned with error code : 1603

For me the following method worked, Firstly ensure that windows update service is running from services.msc or you can run this command in an administrator Command Prompt -

net start wuauserv

Next edit the following registry from regedit -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp -> MajorVersion -> Change this value from 10 to 9.

Then try installing the AppFabric and it should work. Note :- revert back to registry value changes you made to ensure there are no problems in future if any.

Sanitizing strings to make them URL and filename safe?

Try this:

function normal_chars($string)
    $string = htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    $string = preg_replace('~&([a-z]{1,2})(acute|cedil|circ|grave|lig|orn|ring|slash|th|tilde|uml);~i', '$1', $string);
    $string = html_entity_decode($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    $string = preg_replace(array('~[^0-9a-z]~i', '~[ -]+~'), ' ', $string);

    return trim($string, ' -');


echo normal_chars('Álix----_Ãxel!?!?'); // Alix Axel
echo normal_chars('áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚ'); // aeiouAEIOU
echo normal_chars('üÿÄËÏÖÜŸåÅ'); // uyAEIOUYaA

Based on the selected answer in this thread: URL Friendly Username in PHP?

How to change package name of an Android Application

The fastest way to do that in Android Studio 1.3:

  1. Change the package name in the manifest
  2. Go to Module Settings[F4]-> Flavors, into Application Id write the same name.
  3. Create new package with that name: [right-click-> new-> package]
  4. Select all java files of your project and then proceed [Right-click-> Refactor-> Move-> {Select package}-> Refactor]

P.S. If you will not follow this order you can end up changing all the java files one by one with new imports and a bunch of compile time errors, so the order is very important.

Postgres Error: More than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression

Technically, to repair your statement, you can add LIMIT 1 to the subquery to ensure that at most 1 row is returned. That would remove the error, your code would still be nonsense.

... 'SELECT store_key FROM store LIMIT 1' ...

Practically, you want to match rows somehow instead of picking an arbitrary row from the remote table store to update every row of your local table customer.
Your rudimentary question doesn't provide enough details, so I am assuming a text column match_name in both tables (and UNIQUE in store) for the sake of this example:

... 'SELECT store_key FROM store
     WHERE match_name = ' || quote_literal(customer.match_name)  ...

But that's an extremely expensive way of doing things.

Ideally, you should completely rewrite the statement.

UPDATE customer c
SET    customer_id = s.store_key
FROM   dblink('port=5432, dbname=SERVER1 user=postgres password=309245'
             ,'SELECT match_name, store_key FROM store')
       AS s(match_name text, store_key integer)
WHERE c.match_name = s.match_name
AND   c.customer_id IS DISTINCT FROM s.store_key;

This remedies a number of problems in your original statement.

  • Obviously, the basic problem leading to your error is fixed.

  • It's almost always better to join in additional relations in the FROM clause of an UPDATE statement than to run correlated subqueries for every individual row.

  • When using dblink, the above becomes a thousand times more important. You do not want to call dblink() for every single row, that's extremely expensive. Call it once to retrieve all rows you need.

  • With correlated subqueries, if no row is found in the subquery, the column gets updated to NULL, which is almost always not what you want.
    In my updated form, the row only gets updated if a matching row is found. Else, the row is not touched.

  • Normally, you wouldn't want to update rows, when nothing actually changes. That's expensively doing nothing (but still produces dead rows). The last expression in the WHERE clause prevents such empty updates:

     AND   c.customer_id IS DISTINCT FROM sub.store_key

How to SSH into Docker?

I guess it is possible. You just need to install a SSH server in each container and expose a port on the host. The main annoyance would be maintaining/remembering the mapping of port to container.

However, I have to question why you'd want to do this. SSH'ng into containers should be rare enough that it's not a hassle to ssh to the host then use docker exec to get into the container.

How to concatenate multiple lines of output to one line?

Probably the best way to do it is using 'awk' tool which will generate output into one line

$ awk ' /pattern/ {print}' ORS=' ' /path/to/file

It will merge all lines into one with space delimiter

Get list of all tables in Oracle?

We can get all tables including column details from below query:

SELECT * FROM user_tab_columns;

Flexbox: how to get divs to fill up 100% of the container width without wrapping?

To prevent the flex items from shrinking, set the flex shrink factor to 0:

The flex shrink factor determines how much the flex item will shrink relative to the rest of the flex items in the flex container when negative free space is distributed. When omitted, it is set to 1.

.boxcontainer .box {
  flex-shrink: 0;

* {_x000D_
  box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
.wrapper {_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
  background-color: #EEEEEE;_x000D_
  border: 2px solid #DDDDDD;_x000D_
  padding: 1rem;_x000D_
.boxcontainer {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  border: 2px solid #BDC3C7;_x000D_
  transition: all 0.4s ease;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
.boxcontainer .box {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  padding: 1rem;_x000D_
  flex-shrink: 0;_x000D_
.boxcontainer .box:first-child {_x000D_
  background-color: #F47983;_x000D_
.boxcontainer .box:nth-child(2) {_x000D_
  background-color: #FABCC1;_x000D_
#slidetrigger:checked ~ .wrapper .boxcontainer {_x000D_
  left: -100%;_x000D_
#overflowtrigger:checked ~ .wrapper {_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" id="overflowtrigger" />_x000D_
<label for="overflowtrigger">Hide overflow</label><br />_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" id="slidetrigger" />_x000D_
<label for="slidetrigger">Slide!</label>_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
  <div class="boxcontainer">_x000D_
    <div class="box">_x000D_
      First bunch of content._x000D_
    <div class="box">_x000D_
      Second load  of content._x000D_

Graphical HTTP client for windows

Have you looked at Fiddler 2 from Microsoft?

Allows you to generate most types of request for testing, including POST. It also supports capturing HTTP requests made by other applications and reusing those for testing.

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=

Another option is to update the Microsoft.AspnNet.Mvc NuGet package. Be careful, because NuGet update does not update the Web.Config. You should update all previous version numbers to updated number. For example if you update from MVC to, then this should be replaced in the Web.Config:

    <sectionGroup name="system.web.webPages.razor" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.RazorWebSectionGroup, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35">
      <section name="host" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.HostSection, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" requirePermission="false" />
      <section name="pages" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.RazorPagesSection, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" requirePermission="false" />

 <host factoryType="System.Web.Mvc.MvcWebRazorHostFactory, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />

    pageParserFilterType="System.Web.Mvc.ViewTypeParserFilter, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"
    pageBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"
    userControlBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35">
    <add assembly="System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" namespace="System.Web.Mvc" tagPrefix="mvc" />

Angular - res.json() is not a function

Had a similar problem where we wanted to update from deprecated Http module to HttpClient in Angular 7. But the application is large and need to change res.json() in a lot of places. So I did this to have the new module with back support.

return this.http.get(this.BASE_URL + url)
        let res = {'results': JSON.stringify(data),
        'json': ()=>{return data;}
       return res; 
      .catch(error => {
        return Promise.reject(error);

Adding a dummy "json" named function from the central place so that all other services can still execute successfully before updating them to accommodate a new way of response handling i.e. without "json" function.

Copying and pasting data using VBA code

'So from this discussion i am thinking this should be the code then.

Sub Button1_Click()
    Dim excel As excel.Application
    Dim wb As excel.Workbook
    Dim sht As excel.Worksheet
    Dim f As Object

    Set f = Application.FileDialog(3)
    f.AllowMultiSelect = False

    Set excel = CreateObject("excel.Application")
    Set wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(f.SelectedItems(1))
    Set sht = wb.Worksheets("Data")

    Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

End Sub

'Let me know if this is correct or a step was missed. Thx.

biggest integer that can be stored in a double

You need to look at the size of the mantissa. An IEEE 754 64 bit floating point number (which has 52 bits, plus 1 implied) can exactly represent integers with an absolute value of less than or equal to 2^53.

Is Android using NTP to sync time?

I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 with Android 4.1.1. Apparently it does NOT sync to ntp. I loaded an app that says my tablet is 20 seconds off of ntp, but it can't set it unless I root the device.

Slick Carousel Uncaught TypeError: $(...).slick is not a function

Recently had the same problem: TypeError: $(...).slick is not a function

Found an interesting solution. Hope, it might be useful to somebody.

In my particular situation there are: jQuery + WHMCS + slick. It works normal standalone, without WHMCS. But after the integration to WHMCS an error appears.

The solution was to use jQuery in noConflict mode.

Ex: Your code:

$(document).ready(function() { 
  $('a').click( function(event) {

Code in noConflict mode:

var $jq = jQuery.noConflict();
$jq(document).ready(function() { 
  $jq('a').click( function(event) {

The solution was found here:

How to show/hide JPanels in a JFrame?

If you want to hide panel on button click, write below code in JButton Action. I assume you want to hide jpanel1.


How to shutdown a Spring Boot Application in a correct way?

As of Spring Boot 2.3 and later, there's a built-in graceful shutdown mechanism.

Pre-Spring Boot 2.3, there is no out-of-the box graceful shutdown mechanism. Some spring-boot starters provide this functionality:


I am the author of nr. 1. The starter is named "Hiatus for Spring Boot". It works on the load balancer level, i.e. simply marks the service as OUT_OF_SERVICE, not interfering with application context in any way. This allows to do a graceful shutdown and means that, if required, the service can be taken out of service for some time and then brought back to life. The downside is that it doesn't stop the JVM, you will have to do it with kill command. As I run everything in containers, this was no big deal for me, because I will have to stop and remove the container anyway.

Nos. 2 and 3 are more or less based on this post by Andy Wilkinson. They work one-way - once triggered, they eventually close the context.

How to open a file for both reading and writing?

Here's how you read a file, and then write to it (overwriting any existing data), without closing and reopening:

with open(filename, "r+") as f:
    data =

Java converting Image to BufferedImage

If you use Kotlin, you can add an extension method to Image in the same manner Sri Harsha Chilakapati suggests.

fun Image.toBufferedImage(): BufferedImage {
    if (this is BufferedImage) {
        return this
    val bufferedImage = BufferedImage(this.getWidth(null), this.getHeight(null), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)

    val graphics2D = bufferedImage.createGraphics()
    graphics2D.drawImage(this, 0, 0, null)

    return bufferedImage

And use it like this:

myImage.toBufferedImage() no protocol

Try instead of db.parse(xml):

Document doc = db.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(**xml**)));

IPC performance: Named Pipe vs Socket

Best results you'll get with Shared Memory solution.

Named pipes are only 16% better than TCP sockets.

Results are get with IPC benchmarking:

  • System: Linux (Linux ubuntu 4.4.0 x86_64 i7-6700K 4.00GHz)
  • Message: 128 bytes
  • Messages count: 1000000

Pipe benchmark:

Message size:       128
Message count:      1000000
Total duration:     27367.454 ms
Average duration:   27.319 us
Minimum duration:   5.888 us
Maximum duration:   15763.712 us
Standard deviation: 26.664 us
Message rate:       36539 msg/s

FIFOs (named pipes) benchmark:

Message size:       128
Message count:      1000000
Total duration:     38100.093 ms
Average duration:   38.025 us
Minimum duration:   6.656 us
Maximum duration:   27415.040 us
Standard deviation: 91.614 us
Message rate:       26246 msg/s

Message Queue benchmark:

Message size:       128
Message count:      1000000
Total duration:     14723.159 ms
Average duration:   14.675 us
Minimum duration:   3.840 us
Maximum duration:   17437.184 us
Standard deviation: 53.615 us
Message rate:       67920 msg/s

Shared Memory benchmark:

Message size:       128
Message count:      1000000
Total duration:     261.650 ms
Average duration:   0.238 us
Minimum duration:   0.000 us
Maximum duration:   10092.032 us
Standard deviation: 22.095 us
Message rate:       3821893 msg/s

TCP sockets benchmark:

Message size:       128
Message count:      1000000
Total duration:     44477.257 ms
Average duration:   44.391 us
Minimum duration:   11.520 us
Maximum duration:   15863.296 us
Standard deviation: 44.905 us
Message rate:       22483 msg/s

Unix domain sockets benchmark:

Message size:       128
Message count:      1000000
Total duration:     24579.846 ms
Average duration:   24.531 us
Minimum duration:   2.560 us
Maximum duration:   15932.928 us
Standard deviation: 37.854 us
Message rate:       40683 msg/s

ZeroMQ benchmark:

Message size:       128
Message count:      1000000
Total duration:     64872.327 ms
Average duration:   64.808 us
Minimum duration:   23.552 us
Maximum duration:   16443.392 us
Standard deviation: 133.483 us
Message rate:       15414 msg/s

Connecting to via command line

Gmail require SMTP communication with their server to be encrypted. Although you're opening up a connection to Gmail's server on port 465, unfortunately you won't be able to communicate with it in plaintext as Gmail require you to use STARTTLS/SSL encryption for the connection.

Postgres: INSERT if does not exist already

You can make use of VALUES - available in Postgres:

INSERT INTO person (name)
    SELECT name FROM person
    VALUES ('Bob')
    SELECT name FROM person;

How to make a background 20% transparent on Android

See screenshot

I have taken three Views. In the first view I set full (no alpha) color, on the second view I set half (0.5 alpha) color, and on the third view I set light color (0.2 alpha).

You can set any color and get color with alpha by using the below code:

File activity_main.xml

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    xmlns:tools = ""
    android:layout_width = "match_parent"
    android:layout_height = "match_parent"
    android:gravity = "center"
    android:orientation = "vertical"
    tools:context = "com.example.temp.MainActivity" >

        android:id = "@+id/fullColorView"
        android:layout_width = "100dip"
        android:layout_height = "100dip" />

        android:id = "@+id/halfalphaColorView"
        android:layout_width = "100dip"
        android:layout_height = "100dip"
        android:layout_marginTop = "20dip" />

        android:id = "@+id/alphaColorView"
        android:layout_width = "100dip"
        android:layout_height = "100dip"
        android:layout_marginTop = "20dip" />



public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    private View fullColorView, halfalphaColorView, alphaColorView;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        fullColorView = (View)findViewById(;
        halfalphaColorView = (View)findViewById(;
        alphaColorView = (View)findViewById(;

        halfalphaColorView.setBackgroundColor(getColorWithAlpha(Color.BLUE, 0.5f));
        alphaColorView.setBackgroundColor(getColorWithAlpha(Color.BLUE, 0.2f));

    private int getColorWithAlpha(int color, float ratio) {
        int newColor = 0;
        int alpha = Math.round(Color.alpha(color) * ratio);
        int r =;
        int g =;
        int b =;
        newColor = Color.argb(alpha, r, g, b);
        return newColor;

Kotlin version:

private fun getColorWithAlpha(color: Int, ratio: Float): Int {
  return Color.argb(Math.round(Color.alpha(color) * ratio),,,


Passing argument to alias in bash

An alias will expand to the string it represents. Anything after the alias will appear after its expansion without needing to be or able to be passed as explicit arguments (e.g. $1).

$ alias foo='/path/to/bar'
$ foo some args

will get expanded to

$ /path/to/bar some args

If you want to use explicit arguments, you'll need to use a function

$ foo () { /path/to/bar "$@" fixed args; }
$ foo abc 123

will be executed as if you had done

$ /path/to/bar abc 123 fixed args

To undefine an alias:

unalias foo

To undefine a function:

unset -f foo

To see the type and definition (for each defined alias, keyword, function, builtin or executable file):

type -a foo

Or type only (for the highest precedence occurrence):

type -t foo

Android Studio marks R in red with error message "cannot resolve symbol R", but build succeeds

Cleaning the Project helped in my case

Go to

Build -> Clean Project

How to add property to a class dynamically?

Just another example how to achieve desired effect

class Foo(object):

    _bar = None

    def bar(self):
        return self._bar

    def bar(self, value):
        self._bar = value

    def __init__(self, dyn_property_name):
        setattr(Foo, dyn_property_name,

So now we can do stuff like:

>>> foo = Foo('baz')
>>> foo.baz = 5
>>> foo.baz

rebase in progress. Cannot commit. How to proceed or stop (abort)?

You told your repository to rebase. It looks like you were on a commit (identified by SHA 9c168a5) and then did git rebase master or git pull --rebase master.

You are rebasing the branch master onto that commit. You can end the rebase via git rebase --abort. This would put back at the state that you were at before you started rebasing.

Installing TensorFlow on Windows (Python 3.6.x)

Update 15.11.2017

It seems that by now it is working like one would expect. Running the following commands using the following pip and python version should work.

Installing with Python 3.6.x


Python: 3.6.3
pip: 9.0.1

Installation Commands

The following commands are based of the following installation guide here.

using cmd

C:> pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow // cpu
C:> pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow-gpu // gpu

using Anaconda

C:> conda create -n tensorflow python=3.5 
C:> activate tensorflow
(tensorflow)C:> pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow
(tensorflow)C:> pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow-gpu 

Additional Information

A list of common installation problems can be found here.

You can find an example console output of a successful tensorflow cpu installation here.

Old response:

Okay to conclude; use version 3.5.2 !
Neither 3.5.1 nor 3.6.x seem to work at the moment.


Python 3.5.2 pip 8.1.1 .. (python 3.5)


// cpu
C:> pip install --upgrade

// gpu
C:> pip install --upgrade

Sorting object property by values

Very short and simple!

var sortedList = {};
Object.keys(list).sort((a,b) => list[a]-list[b]).forEach((key) => {
    sortedList[key] = list[key]; });

Please run `npm cache clean`

As of npm@5, the npm cache self-heals from corruption issues and data extracted from the cache is guaranteed to be valid. If you want to make sure everything is consistent, use npm cache verify instead. On the other hand, if you're debugging an issue with the installer, you can use npm install --cache /tmp/empty-cache to use a temporary cache instead of nuking the actual one.

If you're sure you want to delete the entire cache, rerun:

npm cache clean --force

A complete log of this run can be found in /Users/USERNAME/.npm/_logs/2019-01-08T21_29_30_811Z-debug.log.

Built in Python hash() function

Use hashlib as hash() was designed to be used to:

quickly compare dictionary keys during a dictionary lookup

and therefore does not guarantee that it will be the same across Python implementations.

Angular directives - when and how to use compile, controller, pre-link and post-link

What is the difference between a source template and an instance template?

The fact that Angular allows DOM manipulation means that the input markup into the compilation process sometimes differ from the output. Particularly, some input markup may be cloned a few times (like with ng-repeat) before being rendered to the DOM.

Angular terminology is a bit inconsistent, but it still distinguishes between two types of markups:

  • Source template - the markup to be cloned, if needed. If cloned, this markup will not be rendered to the DOM.
  • Instance template - the actual markup to be rendered to the DOM. If cloning is involved, each instance will be a clone.

The following markup demonstrates this:

<div ng-repeat="i in [0,1,2]">

The source html defines


which serves as the source template.

But as it is wrapped within an ng-repeat directive, this source template will be cloned (3 times in our case). These clones are instance template, each will appear in the DOM and be bound to the relevant scope.

Swift add icon/image in UITextField

for Swift 3.0 add image on leftside of textField

textField.leftView = UIImageView(image: "small-calendar")
textField.leftView?.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 5, width: 20 , height:20)
textField.leftViewMode = .always

Function for 'does matrix contain value X?'

you can do:

A = randi(10, [3 4]);      %# a random matrix
any( A(:)==5 )             %# does A contain 5?

To do the above in a vectorized way, use:

any( bsxfun(@eq, A(:), [5 7 11] )

or as @woodchips suggests:

ismember([5 7 11], A)

Oracle to_date, from mm/dd/yyyy to dd-mm-yyyy

You don't need to muck about with extracting parts of the date. Just cast it to a date using to_date and the format in which its stored, then cast that date to a char in the format you want. Like this:

select to_char(to_date('1/10/2011','mm/dd/yyyy'),'mm-dd-yyyy') from dual

Fastest way to count exact number of rows in a very large table?

In SQL server 2016, I can just check table properties and then select 'Storage' tab - this gives me row count, disk space used by the table, index space used etc.

Guid.NewGuid() vs. new Guid()

[I understand this is an old thread, just adding some more detail] The two answers by Mark and Jon Hanna sum up the differences, albeit it may interest some that


Eventually calls CoCreateGuid (a COM call to Ole32) (reference here) and the actual work is done by UuidCreate.

Guid.Empty is meant to be used to check if a Guid contains all zeroes. This could also be done via comparing the value of the Guid in question with new Guid()

So, if you need a unique identifier, the answer is Guid.NewGuid()

Initializing default values in a struct

You don't even need to define a constructor

struct foo {
    bool a = true;
    bool b = true;
    bool c;
 } bar;

To clarify: these are called brace-or-equal-initializers (because you may also use brace initialization instead of equal sign). This is not only for aggregates: you can use this in normal class definitions. This was added in C++11.

Are there benefits of passing by pointer over passing by reference in C++?

Clarifications to the preceding posts:

References are NOT a guarantee of getting a non-null pointer. (Though we often treat them as such.)

While horrifically bad code, as in take you out behind the woodshed bad code, the following will compile & run: (At least under my compiler.)

bool test( int & a)
  return (&a) == (int *) NULL;

  int * i = (int *)NULL;
  cout << ( test(*i) ) << endl;

The real issue I have with references lies with other programmers, henceforth termed IDIOTS, who allocate in the constructor, deallocate in the destructor, and fail to supply a copy constructor or operator=().

Suddenly there's a world of difference between foo(BAR bar) and foo(BAR & bar). (Automatic bitwise copy operation gets invoked. Deallocation in destructor gets invoked twice.)

Thankfully modern compilers will pick up this double-deallocation of the same pointer. 15 years ago, they didn't. (Under gcc/g++, use setenv MALLOC_CHECK_ 0 to revisit the old ways.) Resulting, under DEC UNIX, in the same memory being allocated to two different objects. Lots of debugging fun there...

More practically:

  • References hide that you are changing data stored someplace else.
  • It's easy to confuse a Reference with a Copied object.
  • Pointers make it obvious!

IIS URL Rewrite and Web.config

1) Your existing web.config: you have declared rewrite map .. but have not created any rules that will use it. RewriteMap on its' own does absolutely nothing.

2) Below is how you can do it (it does not utilise rewrite maps -- rules only, which is fine for small amount of rewrites/redirects):

This rule will do SINGLE EXACT rewrite (internal redirect) /page to /page.html. URL in browser will remain unchanged.

            <rule name="SpecificRewrite" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="^page$" />
                <action type="Rewrite" url="/page.html" />

This rule #2 will do the same as above, but will do 301 redirect (Permanent Redirect) where URL will change in browser.

            <rule name="SpecificRedirect" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="^page$" />
                <action type="Redirect" url="/page.html" />

Rule #3 will attempt to execute such rewrite for ANY URL if there are such file with .html extension (i.e. for /page it will check if /page.html exists, and if it does then rewrite occurs):

            <rule name="DynamicRewrite" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="(.*)" />
                    <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.html" matchType="IsFile" />
                <action type="Rewrite" url="/{R:1}.html" />

Laravel 5.1 - Checking a Database Connection

You can also run this:

php artisan migrate:status

It makes a db connection connection to get migrations from migrations table. It'll throw an exception if the connection fails.

How can I get all element values from Request.Form without specifying exactly which one with .GetValues("ElementIdName")

You can get all keys in the Request.Form and then compare and get your desired values.

Your method body will look like this: -

List<int> listValues = new List<int>();
foreach (string key in Request.Form.AllKeys)
    if (key.StartsWith("List"))

Converting a string to a date in JavaScript

Pass it as an argument to Date():

var st = "date in some format"
var dt = new Date(st);

You can access the date, month, year using, for example: dt.getMonth().

Eclipse and Windows newlines

You could give it a try. The problem is that Windows inserts a carriage return as well as a line feed when given a new line. Unix-systems just insert a line feed. So the extra carriage return character could be the reason why your eclipse messes up with the newlines.

Grab one or two files from your project and convert them. You could use Notepad++ to do so. Just open the file, go to Format->Convert to Unix (when you are using windows).

In Linux just try this on a command line:

sed 's/$'"/`echo \\\r`/" >

How to stop mysqld

What worked for me on CentOS 6.4 was running service mysqld stop as the root user.

I found my answer on nixCraft.

How to import data from text file to mysql database

LOAD DATA INFILE '/home/userlap/data2/worldcitiespop.txt' INTO TABLE cc FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','LINES TERMINATED BY '\r \n' IGNORE 1 LINES;
  • IGNORE 1 LINES to skip over an initial header line containing column names
  • FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' is to read the comma-delimited file
  • If you have generated the text file on a Windows system, you might have to use LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' to read the file properly, because Windows programs typically use two characters as a line terminator. Some programs, such as WordPad, might use \r as a line terminator when writing files. To read such files, use LINES TERMINATED BY '\r'.

How to append rows in a pandas dataframe in a for loop?

Suppose your data looks like this:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame([])
for i in range(5):
    data = dict(zip(np.random.choice(10, replace=False, size=5),
                    np.random.randint(10, size=5)))
    data = pd.DataFrame(data.items())
    data = data.transpose()
    data.columns = data.iloc[0]
    data = data.drop(data.index[[0]])
    df = df.append(data)
# 0   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
# 1   6 NaN NaN   8   5 NaN NaN   7   0 NaN
# 1 NaN   9   6 NaN   2 NaN   1 NaN NaN   2
# 1 NaN   2   2   1   2 NaN   1 NaN NaN NaN
# 1   6 NaN   6 NaN   4   4   0 NaN NaN NaN
# 1 NaN   9 NaN   9 NaN   7   1   9 NaN NaN

Then it could be replaced with

data = []
for i in range(5):
    data.append(dict(zip(np.random.choice(10, replace=False, size=5),
                         np.random.randint(10, size=5))))
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

In other words, do not form a new DataFrame for each row. Instead, collect all the data in a list of dicts, and then call df = pd.DataFrame(data) once at the end, outside the loop.

Each call to df.append requires allocating space for a new DataFrame with one extra row, copying all the data from the original DataFrame into the new DataFrame, and then copying data into the new row. All that allocation and copying makes calling df.append in a loop very inefficient. The time cost of copying grows quadratically with the number of rows. Not only is the call-DataFrame-once code easier to write, it's performance will be much better -- the time cost of copying grows linearly with the number of rows.

VBA Convert String to Date

I used this code:

ws.Range("A:A").FormulaR1C1 = "=DATEVALUE(RC[1])"

column A will be mm/dd/yyyy

RC[1] is column B, the TEXT string, eg, 01/30/12, THIS IS NOT DATE TYPE

PowerShell : retrieve JSON object by field value

I just asked the same question here: It has a good solution. I hope it helps ^^. In resume, you can use this:

The Json file in my case was called jsonfile.json:

    "CARD_MODEL_SUBTITLE": "Configure your download",
    "CARD_MODEL_SELECT": "Select Model",
    "CARD_LANG_TITLE": "Select Language",
    "CARD_LANG_DEVICE_LANG": "Your device",
    "CARD_YEAR_TITLE": "Select Model Year",
    "CARD_YEAR_LATEST": "(Latest)",
    "STEPS_MODEL": "Model",
    "STEPS_LANGUAGE": "Language",
    "STEPS_YEAR": "Model Year",
    "BUTTON_BACK": "Back",
    "BUTTON_NEXT": "Next",
    "BUTTON_CLOSE": "Close"


$json = (Get-Content "jsonfile.json" -Raw) | ConvertFrom-Json




Thanks to mjolinor.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of recursion?

Any algorithm implemented using recursion can also be implemented using iteration.

Why not to use recursion

  1. It is usually slower due to the overhead of maintaining the stack.
  2. It usually uses more memory for the stack.

Why to use recursion

  1. Recursion adds clarity and (sometimes) reduces the time needed to write and debug code (but doesn't necessarily reduce space requirements or speed of execution).
  2. Reduces time complexity.
  3. Performs better in solving problems based on tree structures.

For example, the Tower of Hanoi problem is more easily solved using recursion as opposed to iteration.

Calling C++ class methods via a function pointer

I don't think anyone has explained here that one issue is that you need "member pointers" rather than normal function pointers.

Member pointers to functions are not simply function pointers. In implementation terms, the compiler cannot use a simple function address because, in general, you don't know the address to call until you know which object to dereference for (think virtual functions). You also need to know the object in order to provide the this implicit parameter, of course.

Having said that you need them, now I'll say that you really need to avoid them. Seriously, member pointers are a pain. It is much more sane to look at object-oriented design patterns that achieve the same goal, or to use a boost::function or whatever as mentioned above - assuming you get to make that choice, that is.

If you are supplying that function pointer to existing code, so you really need a simple function pointer, you should write a function as a static member of the class. A static member function doesn't understand this, so you'll need to pass the object in as an explicit parameter. There was once a not-that-unusual idiom along these lines for working with old C code that needs function pointers

class myclass
    virtual void myrealmethod () = 0;

    static void myfunction (myclass *p);

void myclass::myfunction (myclass *p)
  p->myrealmethod ();

Since myfunction is really just a normal function (scope issues aside), a function pointer can be found in the normal C way.

EDIT - this kind of method is called a "class method" or a "static member function". The main difference from a non-member function is that, if you reference it from outside the class, you must specify the scope using the :: scope resolution operator. For example, to get the function pointer, use &myclass::myfunction and to call it use myclass::myfunction (arg);.

This kind of thing is fairly common when using the old Win32 APIs, which were originally designed for C rather than C++. Of course in that case, the parameter is normally LPARAM or similar rather than a pointer, and some casting is needed.

How to send Basic Auth with axios

I just faced this issue, doing some research I found that the data values has to be sended as URLSearchParams, I do it like this:

getAuthToken: async () => {
const data = new URLSearchParams();
data.append('grant_type', 'client_credentials');
const fetchAuthToken = await axios({
  method: 'POST',
  auth: {
    username: PAYMENT_CLIENT_ID,
    password: PAYMENT_SECRET,
  headers: {
    Accept: 'application/json',
    'Accept-Language': 'en_US',
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
  withCredentials: true,
return fetchAuthToken;



For complete the accepted answer, Had the same issue. First specified the remote

git remote add origin

git fetch 

Then get the code

git pull origin master

Is it not possible to stringify an Error using JSON.stringify?

You can also just redefine those non-enumerable properties to be enumerable.

Object.defineProperty(Error.prototype, 'message', {
    configurable: true,
    enumerable: true

and maybe stack property too.

C++ obtaining milliseconds time on Linux -- clock() doesn't seem to work properly

As an update,appears that on windows clock() measures wall clock time (with CLOCKS_PER_SEC precision)

while on Linux it measures cpu time across cores used by current process

and (it appears, and as noted by the original poster) actually with less precision than CLOCKS_PER_SEC, though maybe this depends on the specific version of Linux.

How to remove word wrap from textarea?

textarea {
  white-space: pre;
  overflow-wrap: normal;
  overflow-x: scroll;

white-space: nowrap also works if you don't care about whitespace, but of course you don't want that if you're working with code (or indented paragraphs or any content where there might deliberately be multiple spaces) ... so i prefer pre.

overflow-wrap: normal (was word-wrap in older browsers) is needed in case some parent has changed that setting; it can cause wrapping even if pre is set.

also -- contrary to the currently accepted answer -- textareas do often wrap by default. pre-wrap seems to be the default on my browser.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document'

You are allowed to use IDs that start with a digit in your HTML5 documents:

The value must be unique amongst all the IDs in the element's home subtree and must contain at least one character. The value must not contain any space characters.

There are no other restrictions on what form an ID can take; in particular, IDs can consist of just digits, start with a digit, start with an underscore, consist of just punctuation, etc.

But querySelector method uses CSS3 selectors for querying the DOM and CSS3 doesn't support ID selectors that start with a digit:

In CSS, identifiers (including element names, classes, and IDs in selectors) can contain only the characters [a-zA-Z0-9] and ISO 10646 characters U+00A0 and higher, plus the hyphen (-) and the underscore (_); they cannot start with a digit, two hyphens, or a hyphen followed by a digit.

Use a value like b22 for the ID attribute and your code will work.

Since you want to select an element by ID you can also use .getElementById method:


Dynamically adding properties to an ExpandoObject

Here is a sample helper class which converts an Object and returns an Expando with all public properties of the given object.

    public static class dynamicHelper
            public static ExpandoObject convertToExpando(object obj)
                //Get Properties Using Reflections
                BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance;
                PropertyInfo[] properties = obj.GetType().GetProperties(flags);

                //Add Them to a new Expando
                ExpandoObject expando = new ExpandoObject();
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
                    AddProperty(expando, property.Name, property.GetValue(obj));

                return expando;

            public static void AddProperty(ExpandoObject expando, string propertyName, object propertyValue)
                //Take use of the IDictionary implementation
                var expandoDict = expando as IDictionary;
                if (expandoDict.ContainsKey(propertyName))
                    expandoDict[propertyName] = propertyValue;
                    expandoDict.Add(propertyName, propertyValue);


//Create Dynamic Object
dynamic expandoObj= dynamicHelper.convertToExpando(myObject);

//Add Custom Properties
dynamicHelper.AddProperty(expandoObj, "dynamicKey", "Some Value");

How do I concatenate two text files in PowerShell?

Simply use the Get-Content and Set-Content cmdlets:

Get-Content inputFile1.txt, inputFile2.txt | Set-Content joinedFile.txt

You can concatenate more than two files with this style, too.

If the source files are named similarly, you can use wildcards:

Get-Content inputFile*.txt | Set-Content joinedFile.txt

Note 1: PowerShell 5 and older versions allowed this to be done more concisely using the aliases cat and sc for Get-Content and Set-Content respectively. However, these aliases are problematic because cat is a system command in *nix systems, and sc is a system command in Windows systems - therefore using them is not recommended, and in fact sc is no longer even defined as of PowerShell Core (v7). The PowerShell team recommends against using aliases in general.

Note 2: Be careful with wildcards - if you try to output to examples.txt (or similar that matches the pattern), PowerShell will get into an infinite loop! (I just tested this.)

Note 3: Outputting to a file with > does not preserve character encoding! This is why using Set-Content is recommended.

How to track down a "double free or corruption" error

You can use gdb, but I would first try Valgrind. See the quick start guide.

Briefly, Valgrind instruments your program so it can detect several kinds of errors in using dynamically allocated memory, such as double frees and writes past the end of allocated blocks of memory (which can corrupt the heap). It detects and reports the errors as soon as they occur, thus pointing you directly to the cause of the problem.

Git: Merge a Remote branch locally

If you already fetched your remote branch and do git branch -a,
you obtain something like :

* 8.0
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/8.0

After that, you can use rep_mirror/8.0 to designate locally your remote branch.

The trick is that remotes/rep_mirror/8.0 doesn't work but rep_mirror/8.0 does.

So, a command like git merge -m "my msg" rep_mirror/8.0 do the merge.

(note : this is a comment to @VonC answer. I put it as another answer because code blocks don't fit into the comment format)

Combine two tables for one output

You'll need to use UNION to combine the results of two queries. In your case:

SELECT ChargeNum, CategoryID, SUM(Hours)
FROM KnownHours
GROUP BY ChargeNum, CategoryID
SELECT ChargeNum, 'Unknown' AS CategoryID, SUM(Hours)
FROM UnknownHours
GROUP BY ChargeNum

Note - If you use UNION ALL as in above, it's no slower than running the two queries separately as it does no duplicate-checking.

npm start error with create-react-app

It occurred to me but none of the above worked.

        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

npm ERR! [email protected] start: `react-scripts start`
npm ERR! spawn ENOENT

Error: spawn ENOENT
    at errnoException (child_process.js:1000:11)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:791:34)

This happens because you might have installed react-scripts globally.

To make this work...

  1. Go to your C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming
  2. Delete npm and npm-cache directories... (don't worry you can install npm globally later)
  3. Go back to your application directory and remove node_modules folder
  4. Now enter npm install to install the dependencies (delete package-lock.json if its already created)
  5. Now run npm install --save react react-dom react-scripts
  6. Get it started with npm start

This should get you back on track... Happy Coding

How do I get the output of a shell command executed using into a variable from Jenkinsfile (groovy)?

Easiest way is use this way

my_var=`echo 2` echo $my_var output : 2

note that is not simple single quote is back quote ( ` ).

OpenSSL and error in reading openssl.conf file

Just add to your command line the parameter -config c:\your_openssl_path\openssl.cfg, changing your_openssl_path to the real installed path.

PostgreSQL: Drop PostgreSQL database through command line

When it says users are connected, what does the query "select * from pg_stat_activity;" say? Are the other users besides yourself now connected? If so, you might have to edit your pg_hba.conf file to reject connections from other users, or shut down whatever app is accessing the pg database to be able to drop it. I have this problem on occasion in production. Set pg_hba.conf to have a two lines like this:

local   all         all                               ident
host    all         all          reject

and tell pgsql to reload or restart (i.e. either sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql reload or pg_ctl reload) and now the only way to connect to your machine is via local sockets. I'm assuming you're on linux. If not this may need to be tweaked to something other than local / ident on that first line, to something like host ... yourusername.

Now you should be able to do:

psql postgres
drop database mydatabase;

jQuery AJAX cross domain

This is possible, but you need to use JSONP, not JSON. Stefan's link pointed you in the right direction. The jQuery AJAX page has more information on JSONP.

Remy Sharp has a detailed example using PHP.

Does `anaconda` create a separate PYTHONPATH variable for each new environment?

No, the only thing that needs to be modified for an Anaconda environment is the PATH (so that it gets the right Python from the environment bin/ directory, or Scripts\ on Windows).

The way Anaconda environments work is that they hard link everything that is installed into the environment. For all intents and purposes, this means that each environment is a completely separate installation of Python and all the packages. By using hard links, this is done efficiently. Thus, there's no need to mess with PYTHONPATH because the Python binary in the environment already searches the site-packages in the environment, and the lib of the environment, and so on.

Proper way to declare custom exceptions in modern Python?

See a very good article "The definitive guide to Python exceptions". The basic principles are:

  • Always inherit from (at least) Exception.
  • Always call BaseException.__init__ with only one argument.
  • When building a library, define a base class inheriting from Exception.
  • Provide details about the error.
  • Inherit from builtin exceptions types when it makes sense.

There is also information on organizing (in modules) and wrapping exceptions, I recommend to read the guide.

Copying text to the clipboard using Java

This works for me and is quite simple:

Import these:

import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard;

And then put this snippet of code wherever you'd like to alter the clipboard:

String myString = "This text will be copied into clipboard";
StringSelection stringSelection = new StringSelection(myString);
Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
clipboard.setContents(stringSelection, null);

Convert bytes to bits in python

input_str = "ABC"
[bin(byte) for byte in bytes(input_str, "utf-8")]

Will give:

['0b1000001', '0b1000010', '0b1000011']

How to put a new line into a wpf TextBlock control?

Using System.Environment.NewLine is the only solution that worked for me. When I tried \r\n, it just repeated the actual \r\n in the text box.

How do I rename a Git repository?

For Amazon AWS codecommit users,

aws codecommit update-repository-name --old-name MyDemoRepo --new-name MyRenamedDemoRepo

Reference: here

Difference between static STATIC_URL and STATIC_ROOT on Django

STATICFILES_DIRS: You can keep the static files for your project here e.g. the ones used by your templates.

STATIC_ROOT: leave this empty, when you do collectstatic, it will search for all the static files on your system and move them here. Your static file server is supposed to be mapped to this folder wherever it is located. Check it after running collectstatic and you'll find the directory structure django has built.


As pointed out by @DarkCygnus, STATIC_ROOT should point at a directory on your filesystem, the folder should be empty since it will be populated by Django.

STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles')


STATIC_ROOT = '/opt/web/project/static_files'

--------End Edit -----------------

STATIC_URL: '/static/' is usually fine, it's just a prefix for static files.

PHP Warning: include_once() Failed opening '' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR')

This should work if current file is located in same directory where initcontrols is:

$base_dir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)  . $ds . '..') . $ds;
$file = "{$base_dir}initcontrols{$ds}header_myworks.php"; 
echo $plHeader;?>   

CSS disable hover effect

Here is way to to unset the hover effect.

.table-hover > tbody > tr.hidden-table:hover > td {
    background-color: unset !important;
    color: unset !important;

Why does background-color have no effect on this DIV?

Change it to:

<div style="background-color:black; overflow:hidden;" onmouseover="this.bgColor='white'">
<div style="float:left">hello</div>
<div style="float:right">world</div>

Basically the outer div only contains floats. Floats are removed from the normal flow. As such the outer div really contains nothing and thus has no height. It really is black but you just can't see it.

The overflow:hidden property basically makes the outer div enclose the floats. The other way to do this is:

<div style="background-color:black" onmouseover="this.bgColor='white'">
<div style="float:left">hello</div>
<div style="float:right">world</div>
<div style="clear:both></div>

Oh and just for completeness, you should really prefer classes to direct CSS styles.

Regular expression to match numbers with or without commas and decimals in text


\b------->word boundary

\d+------>one or digit

,-------->containing commas,


sddsgg 70,000 sdsfdsf fdgfdg70,00

sfsfsd 5,44,4343 5.7788,44 555

It will match:





How to check type of files without extensions in python?

There are Python libraries that can recognize files based on their content (usually a header / magic number) and that don't rely on the file name or extension.

If you're addressing many different file types, you can use python-magic. That's just a Python binding for the well-established magic library. This has a good reputation and (small endorsement) in the limited use I've made of it, it has been solid.

There are also libraries for more specialized file types. For example, the Python standard library has the imghdr module that does the same thing just for image file types.

If you need dependency-free (pure Python) file type checking, see filetype.

What is a good practice to check if an environmental variable exists or not?

Use the first; it directly tries to check if something is defined in environ. Though the second form works equally well, it's lacking semantically since you get a value back if it exists and only use it for a comparison.

You're trying to see if something is present in environ, why would you get just to compare it and then toss it away?

That's exactly what getenv does:

Get an environment variable, return None if it doesn't exist. The optional second argument can specify an alternate default.

(this also means your check could just be if getenv("FOO"))

you don't want to get it, you want to check for it's existence.

Either way, getenv is just a wrapper around environ.get but you don't see people checking for membership in mappings with:

from os import environ
if environ.get('Foo') is not None:

To summarize, use:

if "FOO" in os.environ:

if you just want to check for existence, while, use getenv("FOO") if you actually want to do something with the value you might get.

Display Images Inline via CSS

Place this css in your page:

   #client_logos {
    display: inline-block;


<p><img class="alignnone" style="display: inline; margin: 0 10px;" title="heartica_logo" src="" alt="" width="150" height="50" /><img class="alignnone" style="display: inline; margin: 0 10px;" title="mouseflow_logo" src="" alt="" width="150" height="50" /><img class="alignnone" style="display: inline; margin: 0 10px;" title="mouseflow_logo" src="" alt="" width="150" height="50" /></p>


<div id="client_logos">
<img style="display: inline; margin: 0 5px;" title="heartica_logo" src="" alt="" width="150" height="50" />
<img style="display: inline; margin: 0 5px;" title="mouseflow_logo" src="" alt="" width="150" height="50" />
<img style="display: inline; margin: 0 5px;" title="piiholo_logo" src="" alt="" width="150" height="50" />

How to install latest version of Node using Brew

You can use nodebrew. It can switch node versions too.

MySql: Tinyint (2) vs tinyint(1) - what is the difference?

About the INT, TINYINT... These are different data types, INT is 4-byte number, TINYINT is 1-byte number. More information here - INTEGER, INT, SMALLINT, TINYINT, MEDIUMINT, BIGINT.

The syntax of TINYINT data type is TINYINT(M), where M indicates the maximum display width (used only if your MySQL client supports it).

Numeric Type Attributes.

Python FileNotFound

try block should be around open. Not around prompt.

while True:
    prompt = input("\n Hello to Sudoku valitator,"
    "\n \n Please type in the path to your file and press 'Enter': ")
        sudoku = open(prompt, 'r').readlines()
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("Wrong file or file path")

How to do HTTP authentication in android?

I've not met that particular package before, but it says it's for client-side HTTP authentication, which I've been able to do on Android using the APIs, like so:

Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator(){
    protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
        return new PasswordAuthentication("myuser","mypass".toCharArray());
HttpURLConnection c = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection();

Obviously your getPasswordAuthentication() should probably do something more intelligent than returning a constant.

If you're trying to make a request with a body (e.g. POST) with authentication, beware of Android issue 4326. I've linked a suggested fix to the platform there, but there's a simple workaround if you only want Basic auth: don't bother with Authenticator, and instead do this:

c.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "basic " +
        Base64.encode("myuser:mypass".getBytes(), Base64.NO_WRAP));

How to make a div with a circular shape?

.circle {
    border-radius: 50%;
    width: 500px;
    height: 500px;
    background: red;

<div class="circle"></div>

see this FIDDLE

Functional style of Java 8's Optional.ifPresent and if-not-Present?

Java 9 introduces

ifPresentOrElse if a value is present, performs the given action with the value, otherwise performs the given empty-based action.

See excellent Optional in Java 8 cheat sheet.

It provides all answers for most use cases.

Short summary below

ifPresent() - do something when Optional is set

opt.ifPresent(x -> print(x)); 

filter() - reject (filter out) certain Optional values.

opt.filter(x -> x.contains("ab")).ifPresent(this::print);

map() - transform value if present -> t.length() > 1).ifPresent(this::print);

orElse()/orElseGet() - turning empty Optional to default T

int len =;
int len = opt.
    orElseGet(() -> slowDefault());     //orElseGet(this::slowDefault)

orElseThrow() - lazily throw exceptions on empty Optional

filter(s -> !s.isEmpty()).
map(s -> s.charAt(0)).

Refresh Excel VBA Function Results

Okay, found this one myself. You can use Ctrl+Alt+F9 to accomplish this.

Remove all HTMLtags in a string (with the jquery text() function)

I found in my specific case that I just needed to trim the content. Maybe not the answer asked in the question. But I thought I should add this answer anyway.


PowerShell script to check the status of a URL

Below is the PowerShell code that I use for basic web URL testing. It includes the ability to accept invalid certs and get detailed information about the results of checking the certificate.

$CertificateValidatorClass = @'
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

namespace CertificateValidation
    public class CertificateValidationResult
        public string Subject { get; internal set; }
        public string Thumbprint { get; internal set; }
        public DateTime Expiration { get; internal set; }
        public DateTime ValidationTime { get; internal set; }
        public bool IsValid { get; internal set; }
        public bool Accepted { get; internal set; }
        public string Message { get; internal set; }

        public CertificateValidationResult()
            ValidationTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

    public static class CertificateValidator
        private static ConcurrentStack<CertificateValidationResult> certificateValidationResults = new ConcurrentStack<CertificateValidationResult>();

        public static CertificateValidationResult[] CertificateValidationResults
                return certificateValidationResults.ToArray();

        public static CertificateValidationResult LastCertificateValidationResult
                CertificateValidationResult lastCertificateValidationResult = null;
                certificateValidationResults.TryPeek(out lastCertificateValidationResult);

                return lastCertificateValidationResult;

        public static bool ServicePointManager_ServerCertificateValidationCallback(object sender, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate certificate, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain chain, System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
            StringBuilder certificateValidationMessage = new StringBuilder();
            bool allowCertificate = true;

            if (sslPolicyErrors != System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.None)
                if ((sslPolicyErrors & System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNameMismatch) == System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNameMismatch)
                    certificateValidationMessage.AppendFormat("The remote certificate name does not match.\r\n", certificate.Subject);

                if ((sslPolicyErrors & System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateChainErrors) == System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateChainErrors)
                    certificateValidationMessage.AppendLine("The certificate chain has the following errors:");
                    foreach (System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatus chainStatus in chain.ChainStatus)
                        certificateValidationMessage.AppendFormat("\t{0}", chainStatus.StatusInformation);

                        if (chainStatus.Status == System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags.Revoked)
                            allowCertificate = false;

                if ((sslPolicyErrors & System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNotAvailable) == System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNotAvailable)
                    certificateValidationMessage.AppendLine("The remote certificate was not available.");
                    allowCertificate = false;

                certificateValidationMessage.AppendLine("The remote certificate is valid.");

            CertificateValidationResult certificateValidationResult = new CertificateValidationResult
                    Subject = certificate.Subject,
                    Thumbprint = certificate.GetCertHashString(),
                    Expiration = DateTime.Parse(certificate.GetExpirationDateString()),
                    IsValid = (sslPolicyErrors == System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.None),
                    Accepted = allowCertificate,
                    Message = certificateValidationMessage.ToString()

            return allowCertificate;

        public static void SetDebugCertificateValidation()
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = ServicePointManager_ServerCertificateValidationCallback;

        public static void SetDefaultCertificateValidation()
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = null;

        public static void ClearCertificateValidationResults()

function Set-CertificateValidationMode
    Sets the certificate validation mode.
    Set the certificate validation mode to one of three modes with the following behaviors:
        Default -- Performs the .NET default validation of certificates. Certificates are not checked for revocation and will be rejected if invalid.
        CheckRevocationList -- Cerftificate Revocation Lists are checked and certificate will be rejected if revoked or invalid.
        Debug -- Certificate Revocation Lists are checked and revocation will result in rejection. Invalid certificates will be accepted. Certificate validation
                 information is logged and can be retrieved from the certificate handler.
    Set-CertificateValidationMode Debug
    The mode for certificate validation.
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $false)]
        [ValidateSet('Default', 'CheckRevocationList', 'Debug')]
        [string] $Mode

        $isValidatorClassLoaded = (([System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | ?{ $_.GlobalAssemblyCache -eq $false }) | ?{ $_.DefinedTypes.FullName -contains 'CertificateValidation.CertificateValidator' }) -ne $null

        if ($isValidatorClassLoaded -eq $false)
            Add-Type -TypeDefinition $CertificateValidatorClass

        switch ($Mode)
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CheckCertificateRevocationList = $true
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CheckCertificateRevocationList = $true
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CheckCertificateRevocationList = $false

function Clear-CertificateValidationResults
    Clears the collection of certificate validation results.
    Clears the collection of certificate validation results.
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $false)]

        $isValidatorClassLoaded = (([System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | ?{ $_.GlobalAssemblyCache -eq $false }) | ?{ $_.DefinedTypes.FullName -contains 'CertificateValidation.CertificateValidator' }) -ne $null

        if ($isValidatorClassLoaded -eq $false)
            Add-Type -TypeDefinition $CertificateValidatorClass

        Sleep -Milliseconds 20

function Get-CertificateValidationResults
    Gets the certificate validation results for all operations performed in the PowerShell session since the Debug cerificate validation mode was enabled.
    Gets the certificate validation results for all operations performed in the PowerShell session since the Debug certificate validation mode was enabled in reverse chronological order.
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $false)]

        $isValidatorClassLoaded = (([System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | ?{ $_.GlobalAssemblyCache -eq $false }) | ?{ $_.DefinedTypes.FullName -contains 'CertificateValidation.CertificateValidator' }) -ne $null

        if ($isValidatorClassLoaded -eq $false)
            Add-Type -TypeDefinition $CertificateValidatorClass

        return [CertificateValidation.CertificateValidator]::CertificateValidationResults

function Test-WebUrl
    Tests and reports information about the provided web URL.
    Tests a web URL and reports the time taken to get and process the request and response, the HTTP status, and the error message if an error occurred.
    Test-WebUrl ''
    '' | Test-WebUrl
    .PARAMETER HostName
    The Hostname to add to the back connection hostnames list.
    .PARAMETER UseDefaultCredentials
    If present the default Windows credential will be used to attempt to authenticate to the URL; otherwise, no credentials will be presented.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Uri] $Url,
        [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestMethod] $Method = 'Get',
        [switch] $UseDefaultCredentials

        [bool] $succeeded = $false
        [string] $statusCode = $null
        [string] $statusDescription = $null
        [string] $message = $null
        [int] $bytesReceived = 0
        [Timespan] $timeTaken = [Timespan]::Zero 

        $timeTaken = Measure-Command `
                    [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HtmlWebResponseObject] $response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials:$UseDefaultCredentials -Method $Method -Uri $Url
                    $succeeded = $true
                    $statusCode = $response.StatusCode.ToString('D')
                    $statusDescription = $response.StatusDescription
                    $bytesReceived = $response.RawContent.Length

                    Write-Verbose "$($Url.ToString()): $($statusCode) $($statusDescription) $($message)"
                catch [System.Net.WebException]
                    $message = $Error[0].Exception.Message
                    [System.Net.HttpWebResponse] $exceptionResponse = $Error[0].Exception.GetBaseException().Response

                    if ($exceptionResponse -ne $null)
                        $statusCode = $exceptionResponse.StatusCode.ToString('D')
                        $statusDescription = $exceptionResponse.StatusDescription
                        $bytesReceived = $exceptionResponse.ContentLength

                        if ($statusCode -in '401', '403', '404')
                            $succeeded = $true
                        Write-Warning "$($Url.ToString()): $($message)"

        return [PSCustomObject] @{ Url = $Url; Succeeded = $succeeded; BytesReceived = $bytesReceived; TimeTaken = $timeTaken.TotalMilliseconds; StatusCode = $statusCode; StatusDescription = $statusDescription; Message = $message; }

Set-CertificateValidationMode Debug

Write-Host 'Testing web sites:'
'', '', '', '', '', '', '' | Test-WebUrl | ft -AutoSize

Write-Host 'Certificate validation results (most recent first):'
Get-CertificateValidationResults | ft -AutoSize

Windows equivalent of OS X Keychain?

Actually, looking through MSDN, the functions they recommend using (instead of Protected Storage) are:

  • CryptProtectData
  • CryptUnprotectData

The link for CryptProtectData is at CryptProtectData function.

Mapping a JDBC ResultSet to an object

Use Statement Fetch Size , if you are retrieving more number of records. like this.

Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

Apart from that i dont see an issue with the way you are doing in terms of performance

In terms of Neat. Always use seperate method delegate to map the resultset to POJO object. which can be reused later in the same class


private User mapResultSet(ResultSet rs){
     User user = new User();
     // Map Results
     return user;

If you have the same name for both columnName and object's fieldName , you could also write reflection utility to load the records back to POJO. and use MetaData to read the columnNames . but for small scale projects using reflection is not an problem. but as i said before there is nothing wrong with the way you are doing.

Converting char[] to byte[]

char[] ch = ?
new String(ch).getBytes();


new String(ch).getBytes("UTF-8");

to get non-default charset.

Update: Since Java 7: new String(ch).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

Retrieve data from a ReadableStream object?

Some people may find an async example useful:

var response = await fetch("");
var body = await response.json(); // .json() is asynchronous and therefore must be awaited

json() converts the response's body from a ReadableStream to a json object.

The await statements must be wrapped in an async function, however you can run await statements directly in the console of Chrome (as of version 62).

jQuery Upload Progress and AJAX file upload

Uploading files is actually possible with AJAX these days. Yes, AJAX, not some crappy AJAX wannabes like swf or java.

This example might help you out:

(It also includes the drag/drop interface but that's easily ignored.)

Basically what it comes down to is this:

<input id="files" type="file" />

document.getElementById('files').addEventListener('change', function(e) {
    var file = this.files[0];
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    (xhr.upload || xhr).addEventListener('progress', function(e) {
        var done = e.position || e.loaded
        var total = e.totalSize ||;
        console.log('xhr progress: ' + Math.round(done/total*100) + '%');
    xhr.addEventListener('load', function(e) {
        console.log('xhr upload complete', e, this.responseText);
    });'post', '/URL-HERE', true);


So basically what it comes down to is this =)


Where file is typeof Blob:

Another (better IMO) way is to use FormData. This allows you to 1) name a file, like in a form and 2) send other stuff (files too), like in a form.

var fd = new FormData;
fd.append('photo1', file);
fd.append('photo2', file2);
fd.append('other_data', 'foo bar');

FormData makes the server code cleaner and more backward compatible (since the request now has the exact same format as normal forms).

All of it is not experimental, but very modern. Chrome 8+ and Firefox 4+ know what to do, but I don't know about any others.

This is how I handled the request (1 image per request) in PHP:

if ( isset($_FILES['file']) ) {
    $filename = basename($_FILES['file']['name']);
    $error = true;

    // Only upload if on my home win dev machine
    if ( isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) ) {
        $path = 'uploads/'.$filename;
        $error = !move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $path);

    $rsp = array(
        'error' => $error, // Used in JS
        'filename' => $filename,
        'filepath' => '/tests/uploads/' . $filename, // Web accessible
    echo json_encode($rsp);

Function ereg_replace() is deprecated - How to clear this bug?

IIRC they suggest using the preg_ functions instead (in this case, preg_replace).

Why doesn't height: 100% work to expand divs to the screen height?

Here's another solution for people who don't want to use html, body, .blah { height: 100% }.

.app {_x000D_
  position: fixed;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  right: 0;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  bottom: 0;_x000D_
  overflow-y: auto;_x000D_
.full-height {_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
.test {_x000D_
  width: 10px;_x000D_
  background: red;_x000D_
<div class="app">_x000D_
  <div class="full-height test">_x000D_
  Scroll works too_x000D_

addClass and removeClass in jQuery - not removing class

I would recomend to cache the jQuery objects you use more than once. For Instance:

    $(document).on("click", ".clickable", function () {

would be:

    var doc = $(document);
    doc.on('click', '.clickable', function(){
       var currentClickedObject = $(this);

its actually more code, BUT it is muuuuuuch faster because you dont have to "walk" through the whole jQuery library in order to get the $(this) object.

React native text going off my screen, refusing to wrap. What to do?

Another solution that I found to this issue is by wrapping the Text inside a View. Also set the style of the View to flex: 1.

Check if a key is down?

In addition to using keyup and keydown listeners to track when is key goes down and back up, there are actually some properties that tell you if certain keys are down.

window.onmousemove = function (e) {
  if (!e) e = window.event;
  if (e.shiftKey) {/*shift is down*/}
  if (e.altKey) {/*alt is down*/}
  if (e.ctrlKey) {/*ctrl is down*/}
  if (e.metaKey) {/*cmd is down*/}

This are available on all browser generated event objects, such as those from keydown, keyup, and keypress, so you don't have to use mousemove.

I tried generating my own event objects with document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent') and document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent') and looking for e.shiftKey and such, but I had no luck.

I'm using Chrome 17 on Mac

How to upgrade PowerShell version from 2.0 to 3.0

The latest PowerShell version as of Sept 2015 is PowerShell 4.0. It's bundled with Windows Management Framework 4.0.

Here's the download page for PowerShelll 4.0 for all versions of Windows. For Windows 7, there are 2 links on that page, 1 for x64 and 1 for x86.

enter image description here

Where can I set environment variables that crontab will use?

For me I had to set the environment variable for a php application. I resloved it by adding the following code to my crontab.

$ sudo  crontab -e



* * * * * /home/deploy/my_app/cron/cron.doSomethingWonderful.php

and inside doSomethingWonderful.php I could get the environment value with:

echo $_SERVER['ENVIRONMENT_VAR']; # => "production"

I hope this helps!

How to remove a row from JTable?

mmm is very simple guys

for( int i = model.getRowCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )

How do I link object files in C? Fails with "Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64"

Add foo1.c , foo2.c , foo3.c and makefile in one folder the type make in bash

if you do not want to use the makefile, you can run the command

gcc -c foo1.c foo2.c foo3.c


gcc -o output foo1.o foo2.o foo3.o


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void funk1();

void funk1() {
    printf ("\nfunk1\n");

int main(void) {

    char *arg2;
    size_t nbytes = 100;

    while ( 1 ) {

        printf ("\nargv2 = %s\n" , arg2);
        printf ("\n:> ");
        getline (&arg2 , &nbytes , stdin);
        if( strcmp (arg2 , "1\n") == 0 ) {
            funk1 ();
        } else if( strcmp (arg2 , "2\n") == 0 ) {
            funk2 ();
        } else if( strcmp (arg2 , "3\n") == 0 ) {
            funk3 ();
        } else if( strcmp (arg2 , "4\n") == 0 ) {
            funk4 ();
        } else {
            funk5 ();


#include <stdio.h>
void funk2(){
void funk3(){


#include <stdio.h>

void funk4(){
void funk5(){


outputTest: foo1.o foo2.o foo3.o
    gcc -o output foo1.o foo2.o foo3.o
    make removeO

outputTest.o: foo1.c foo2.c foo3.c
    gcc -c foo1.c foo2.c foo3.c

    rm -f *.o output

    rm -f *.o

What is Shelving in TFS?

Shelving is a way of saving all of the changes on your box without checking in. The changes are persisted on the server. At any later time you or any of your team-mates can "unshelve" them back onto any one of your machines.

It's also great for review purposes. On my team for a check in we shelve up our changes and send out an email with the change description and name of the changeset. People on the team can then view the changeset and give feedback.

FYI: The best way to review a shelveset is with the following command

tfpt review /shelveset:shelvesetName;userName

tfpt is a part of the Team Foundation Power Tools

Codeigniter unset session


finished with non zero exit value

I ran to same problem today and try to clean and rebuild project.

I did not solve my problem. I got it solved with change the compileSdkVersion, buildToolsVersion, targetSdkVersion and values instead on my Gradle app file. Then I ran clean and rebuild the project afterwards.

How to create temp table using Create statement in SQL Server?

Same thing, Just start the table name with # or ##:

CREATE TABLE #TemporaryTable          -- Local temporary table - starts with single #
    Col1 int,
    Col2 varchar(10)

CREATE TABLE ##GlobalTemporaryTable   -- Global temporary table - note it starts with ##.
    Col1 int,
    Col2 varchar(10)

Temporary table names start with # or ## - The first is a local temporary table and the last is a global temporary table.

Here is one of many articles describing the differences between them.

Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Angular.js $http

I've had success with express and editing the res.header. Mine matches yours pretty closely but I have a different Allow-Headers as noted below:

res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");

I'm also using Angular and Node/Express, but I don't have the headers called out in the Angular code only the node/express

How to have conditional elements and keep DRY with Facebook React's JSX?

Just leave banner as being undefined and it does not get included.

Print "hello world" every X seconds

The easiest way would be to set the main thread to sleep 3000 milliseconds (3 seconds):

for(int i = 0; i< 10; i++) {
    try {
        //sending the actual Thread of execution to sleep X milliseconds
    } catch(InterruptedException ie) {}
    System.out.println("Hello world!"):

This will stop the thread at least X milliseconds. The thread could be sleeping more time, but that's up to the JVM. The only thing guaranteed is that the thread will sleep at least those milliseconds. Take a look at the Thread#sleep doc:

Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified number of milliseconds, subject to the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers.

Virtual Serial Port for Linux

You may want to look at Tibbo VSPDL for creating a linux virtual serial port using a Kernel driver -- it seems pretty new, and is available for download right now (beta version). Not sure about the license at this point, or whether they want to make it available commercially only in the future.

There are other commercial alternatives, such as

In Open Source, Remserial (GPL) may also do what you want, using Unix PTY's. It transmits the serial data in "raw form" to a network socket; STTY-like setup of terminal parameters must be done when creating the port, changing them later like described in RFC 2217 does not seem to be supported. You should be able to run two remserial instances to create a virtual nullmodem like com0com, except that you'll need to set up port speed etc in advance.

Socat (also GPL) is like an extended variant of Remserial with many many more options, including a "PTY" method for redirecting the PTY to something else, which can be another instance of Socat. For Unit tets, socat is likely nicer than remserial because you can directly cat files into the PTY. See the PTY example on the manpage. A patch exists under "contrib" to provide RFC2217 support for negotiating serial line settings.

How to call a javaScript Function in jsp on page load without using <body onload="disableView()">

Either use window.onload this way

    window.onload = function() {
        // ...

or alternatively

    window.onload = functionName;

(yes, without the parentheses)

Or just put the script at the very bottom of page, right before </body>. At that point, all HTML DOM elements are ready to be accessed by document functions.



How to deal with SettingWithCopyWarning in Pandas

Some may want to simply suppress the warning:

class SupressSettingWithCopyWarning:
    def __enter__(self):
        pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = 'warn'

with SupressSettingWithCopyWarning():
    #code that produces warning

ldap query for group members

The good way to get all the members from a group is to, make the DN of the group as the searchDN and pass the "member" as attribute to get in the search function. All of the members of the group can now be found by going through the attribute values returned by the search. The filter can be made generic like (objectclass=*).

how to convert binary string to decimal?

parseInt() with radix is a best solution (as was told by many):

But if you want to implement it without parseInt, here is an implementation:

  function bin2dec(num){
    return num.split('').reverse().reduce(function(x, y, i){
      return (y === '1') ? x + Math.pow(2, i) : x;
    }, 0);

I got error "The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint"

To DELETE, without changing the references, you should first delete or otherwise alter (in a manner suitable for your purposes) all relevant rows in other tables.

To TRUNCATE you must remove the references. TRUNCATE is a DDL statement (comparable to CREATE and DROP) not a DML statement (like INSERT and DELETE) and doesn't cause triggers, whether explicit or those associated with references and other constraints, to be fired. Because of this, the database could be put into an inconsistent state if TRUNCATE was allowed on tables with references. This was a rule when TRUNCATE was an extension to the standard used by some systems, and is mandated by the the standard, now that it has been added.

Is it possible to save HTML page as PDF using JavaScript or jquery?

Ya its very easy to do with javascript. Hope this code is useful to you.

You'll need the JSpdf library.

<div id="content">
     <h3>Hello, this is a H3 tag</h3>

    <p>a pararaph</p>
<div id="editor"></div>
<button id="cmd">Generate PDF</button>

    var doc = new jsPDF();
    var specialElementHandlers = {
        '#editor': function (element, renderer) {
            return true;

    $('#cmd').click(function () {
        doc.fromHTML($('#content').html(), 15, 15, {
            'width': 170,
                'elementHandlers': specialElementHandlers

    // This code is collected but useful, click below to jsfiddle link.

jsfiddle link here

Generate an integer that is not among four billion given ones

Statistically informed algorithms solve this problem using fewer passes than deterministic approaches.

If very large integers are allowed then one can generate a number that is likely to be unique in O(1) time. A pseudo-random 128-bit integer like a GUID will only collide with one of the existing four billion integers in the set in less than one out of every 64 billion billion billion cases.

If integers are limited to 32 bits then one can generate a number that is likely to be unique in a single pass using much less than 10 MB. The odds that a pseudo-random 32-bit integer will collide with one of the 4 billion existing integers is about 93% (4e9 / 2^32). The odds that 1000 pseudo-random integers will all collide is less than one in 12,000 billion billion billion (odds-of-one-collision ^ 1000). So if a program maintains a data structure containing 1000 pseudo-random candidates and iterates through the known integers, eliminating matches from the candidates, it is all but certain to find at least one integer that is not in the file.

Using global variables in a function

Reference the class namespace where you want the change to show up.

In this example, runner is using max from the file config. I want my test to change the value of max when runner is using it.


max = 15000


from main import config
def check_threads():
    return max < thread_count 


from main import runner                # <----- 1. add file
from main.runner import check_threads
class RunnerTest(unittest):
   def test_threads(self):
       runner.max = 0                  # <----- 2. set global 

Java client certificates over HTTPS/SSL

Finally solved it ;). Got a strong hint here (Gandalfs answer touched a bit on it as well). The missing links was (mostly) the first of the parameters below, and to some extent that I overlooked the difference between keystores and truststores.

The self-signed server certificate must be imported into a truststore:

keytool -import -alias gridserver -file gridserver.crt -storepass $PASS -keystore gridserver.keystore

These properties need to be set (either on the commandline, or in code): # very verbose debug$PASS$PASS

Working example code:

SSLSocketFactory sslsocketfactory = (SSLSocketFactory) SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();
URL url = new URL("https://gridserver:3049/cgi-bin/");
HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection)url.openConnection();
InputStream inputstream = conn.getInputStream();
InputStreamReader inputstreamreader = new InputStreamReader(inputstream);
BufferedReader bufferedreader = new BufferedReader(inputstreamreader);

String string = null;
while ((string = bufferedreader.readLine()) != null) {
    System.out.println("Received " + string);

Resolving require paths with webpack

Got this solved using Webpack 2 :

   resolve: {
      extensions: ['', '.js'],
        modules: [__dirname , 'node_modules']

How can I add reflection to a C++ application?

If you declare a pointer to a function like this:

int (*func)(int a, int b);

You can assign a place in memory to that function like this (requires libdl and dlopen)

#include <dlfcn.h>

int main(void)
    void *handle;
    char *func_name = "bla_bla_bla";
    handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
    *(void **)(&func) = dlsym(handle, func_name);
    return func(1,2);

To load a local symbol using indirection, you can use dlopen on the calling binary (argv[0]).

The only requirement for this (other than dlopen(), libdl, and dlfcn.h) is knowing the arguments and type of the function.

Jquery Ajax, return success/error from controller

When you return value from server to jQuery's Ajax call you can also use the below code to indicate a server error:

return StatusCode(500, "My error");


return StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "My error");


Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
return Json(new { responseText = "my error" });

Codes other than Http Success codes (e.g. 200[OK]) will trigger the function in front of error: in client side (ajax).

you can have ajax call like:

        type: "POST",
        url: "/General/ContactRequestPartial",
        data: {
            HashId: id
       success: function (response)  {
            console.log("Custom message : " + response.responseText);
        }, //Is Called when Status Code is 200[OK] or other Http success code
        error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)  {
            console.log("Custom error : " + jqXHR.responseText + " Status: " + textStatus + " Http error:" + errorThrown);
        }, //Is Called when Status Code is 500[InternalServerError] or other Http Error code

Additionally you can handle different HTTP errors from jQuery side like:

        type: "POST",
        url: "/General/ContactRequestPartial",
        data: {
            HashId: id
        statusCode: {
            500: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)  {
                console.log("Custom error : " + jqXHR.responseText + " Status: " + textStatus + " Http error:" + errorThrown);
            501: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)  {
                console.log("Custom error : " + jqXHR.responseText + " Status: " + textStatus + " Http error:" + errorThrown);

statusCode: is useful when you want to call different functions for different status codes that you return from server.

You can see list of different Http Status codes here:Wikipedia

Additional resources:

  1. Returning Server-Side Errors from AJAX Calls
  2. Returning a JsonResult within the Error function of JQuery Ajax
  3. Handling Ajax errors with jQuery

Getting path of captured image in Android using camera intent

Try like this

Pass Camera Intent like below

Intent intent = new Intent(this);
startActivityForResult(intent, REQ_CAMERA_IMAGE);

And after capturing image Write an OnActivityResult as below

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {  
    if (requestCode == CAMERA_REQUEST && resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
        Bitmap photo = (Bitmap) data.getExtras().get("data"); 

        Uri tempUri = getImageUri(getApplicationContext(), photo);

        File finalFile = new File(getRealPathFromURI(tempUri));


public Uri getImageUri(Context inContext, Bitmap inImage) {
    ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    inImage.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, bytes);
    String path = Images.Media.insertImage(inContext.getContentResolver(), inImage, "Title", null);
    return Uri.parse(path);

public String getRealPathFromURI(Uri uri) {
    String path = "";
    if (getContentResolver() != null) {
        Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(uri, null, null, null, null);
        if (cursor != null) {
            int idx = cursor.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DATA);
            path = cursor.getString(idx);
    return path;

And check log


Lots of people are asking how to not get a thumbnail. You need to add this code instead for the getImageUri method:

public Uri getImageUri(Context inContext, Bitmap inImage) {
    Bitmap OutImage = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(inImage, 1000, 1000,true);
    String path = MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage(inContext.getContentResolver(), OutImage, "Title", null);
    return Uri.parse(path);

The other method Compresses the file. You can adjust the size by changing the number 1000,1000

Get value of div content using jquery

Try this to get value of div content using jquery.

    // Show text content of formatted paragraph_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p class="plain">Exploring the zoo, we saw every kangaroo jump and quite a few carried babies. </p>_x000D_
    <p class="formatted">Exploring the zoo<strong>, we saw every kangaroo</strong> jump <em><sup> and quite a </sup></em>few carried <a href="#"> babies</a>.</p>_x000D_
    <button type="button" class="showplaintext">Get Plain Text</button>_x000D_
    <button type="button" class="showformattedtext">Get Formatted Text</button>

Taken from @ Get the text inside an element using jQuery

Python name 'os' is not defined

The problem is that you forgot to import os. Add this line of code:

import os

And everything should be fine. Hope this helps!

Get page title with Selenium WebDriver using Java

You can do it easily by Assertion using Selenium Testng framework.


1.Create Firefox browser session

2.Initialize expected title name.

3.Navigate to "" [As per you requirement, you can change] and wait for some time (15 seconds) to load the page completely.

4.Get the actual title name using "driver.getTitle()" and store it in String variable.

5.Apply the Assertion like below, Assert.assertTrue(actualGooglePageTitlte.equalsIgnoreCase(expectedGooglePageTitle ),"Page title name not matched or Problem in loading grid");

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import com.myapplication.Utilty;

public class PageTitleVerification
private static WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

public void test01_GooglePageTitleVerify()
String expectedGooglePageTitle = "Google";      
Utility.waitForElementInDOM(driver, "Google Search", 15);   
//Get page title
String actualGooglePageTitlte=driver.getTitle();
System.out.println("Google page title" + actualGooglePageTitlte);   
//Verify expected page title and actual page title is same  
),"Page title not matched or Problem in loading url page");     

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

public class Utility {

/*Wait for an element to be present in DOM before specified time (in seconds ) has 
elapsed */
public static void waitForElementInDOM(WebDriver driver,String elementIdentifier, 
long timeOutInSeconds) 
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, timeOutInSeconds );
//this will wait for element to be visible for 15 seconds        
catch(NoSuchElementException e)

Verify External Script Is Loaded

Simply check if the global variable is available, if not check again. In order to prevent the maximum callstack being exceeded set a 100ms timeout on the check:

function check_script_loaded(glob_var) {
    if(typeof(glob_var) !== 'undefined') {
    // do your thing
    } else {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 100)

Get most recent file in a directory on Linux

I needed to do it too, and I found these commands. these work for me:

If you want last file by its date of creation in folder(access time) :

ls -Aru | tail -n 1  

And if you want last file that has changes in its content (modify time) :

ls -Art | tail -n 1  

Executing Javascript from Python

You can also use Js2Py which is written in pure python and is able to both execute and translate javascript to python. Supports virtually whole JavaScript even labels, getters, setters and other rarely used features.

import js2py

js = """
function escramble_758(){
var a,b,c
a='+1 '
""".replace("document.write", "return ")

result = js2py.eval_js(js)  # executing JavaScript and converting the result to python string 

Advantages of Js2Py include portability and extremely easy integration with python (since basically JavaScript is being translated to python).

To install:

pip install js2py

Changing width property of a :before css selector using JQuery

One option is to use an attribute on the image, and modify that using jQuery. Then take that value in CSS:

HTML (note I'm assuming .cloumn is a div but it could be anything):

<div class="column" bf-width=100 >
    <img src="..." />


// General use:
$('.column').attr('bf-width', 100);
// With your image, along the lines of:
$('.column').attr('bf-width', $('img').width());

And then in order to use that value in CSS:

.column:before {
    content: attr(data-content) 'px';
    /* ... */

This will grab the attribute value from .column, and apply it on the before.

Sources: CSS attr (note the examples with before), jQuery attr.

Alternative to itoa() for converting integer to string C++?

?++11 finally resolves this providing std::to_string. Also boost::lexical_cast is handy tool for older compilers.

Setting CSS pseudo-class rules from JavaScript

A function to cope with the cross-browser stuff:

addCssRule = function(/* string */ selector, /* string */ rule) {
  if (document.styleSheets) {
    if (!document.styleSheets.length) {
      var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];

    var i = document.styleSheets.length-1;
    var ss = document.styleSheets[i];

    var l=0;
    if (ss.cssRules) {
      l = ss.cssRules.length;
    } else if (ss.rules) {
      // IE
      l = ss.rules.length;

    if (ss.insertRule) {
      ss.insertRule(selector + ' {' + rule + '}', l);
    } else if (ss.addRule) {
      // IE
      ss.addRule(selector, rule, l);

Turn on torch/flash on iPhone

Here's a shorter version you can now use to turn the light on or off:

AVCaptureDevice *device = [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
if ([device hasTorch]) {
    [device lockForConfiguration:nil];
    [device setTorchMode:AVCaptureTorchModeOn];  // use AVCaptureTorchModeOff to turn off
    [device unlockForConfiguration];

UPDATE: (March 2015)

With iOS 6.0 and later, you can control the brightness or level of the torch using the following method:

- (void)setTorchToLevel:(float)torchLevel
    AVCaptureDevice *device = [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
    if ([device hasTorch]) {
        [device lockForConfiguration:nil];
        if (torchLevel <= 0.0) {
            [device setTorchMode:AVCaptureTorchModeOff];
        else {
            if (torchLevel >= 1.0)
                torchLevel = AVCaptureMaxAvailableTorchLevel;
            BOOL success = [device setTorchModeOnWithLevel:torchLevel   error:nil];
        [device unlockForConfiguration];

You may also want to monitor the return value (success) from setTorchModeOnWithLevel:. You may get a failure if you try to set the level too high and the torch is overheating. In that case setting the level to AVCaptureMaxAvailableTorchLevel will set the level to the highest level that is allowed given the temperature of the torch.

How to perform string interpolation in TypeScript?

In JavaScript you can use template literals:

let value = 100;
console.log(`The size is ${ value }`);

Google Android USB Driver and ADB

Locate the following file

C:\Users\[your name]\.android\adb_usb.ini

And make the following changes:

# USE 'android update adb' TO GENERATE.

I added 0x2207 to the file. This number is part of the hardware id, which can be found under the device's hardware information.

Mine was:


(I tried executing android update adb, but it did nothing.)

SQL query to get most recent row for each instance of a given key

Can't post comments yet, but @Cristi S's answer works a treat for me.

In my scenario, I needed to keep only the most recent 3 records in Lowest_Offers for all product_ids.

Need to rework his SQL to delete - thought that this would be ok, but syntax is wrong.

DELETE from (
SELECT product_id, id, date_checked,
  ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY product_id ORDER BY date_checked DESC) rn
FROM lowest_offers
) tmp WHERE > 3;

How to increase space between dotted border dots

This is an old, but still very relevant topic. The current top answer works well, but only for very small dots. As Bhojendra Rauniyar already pointed out in the comments, for larger (>2px) dots, the dots appear square, not round. I found this page searching for spaced dots, not spaced squares (or even dashes, as some answers here use).

Building on this, I used radial-gradient. Also, using the answer from Ukuser32, the dot-properties can easily be repeated for all four borders. Only the corners are not perfect.

div {_x000D_
    padding: 1em;_x000D_
        radial-gradient(circle at 2.5px, #000 1.25px, rgba(255,255,255,0) 2.5px),_x000D_
        radial-gradient(circle, #000 1.25px, rgba(255,255,255,0) 2.5px),_x000D_
        radial-gradient(circle at 2.5px, #000 1.25px, rgba(255,255,255,0) 2.5px),_x000D_
        radial-gradient(circle, #000 1.25px, rgba(255,255,255,0) 2.5px);_x000D_
    background-position: top, right, bottom, left;_x000D_
    background-size: 15px 5px, 5px 15px;_x000D_
    background-repeat: repeat-x, repeat-y;_x000D_
<div>Some content with round, spaced dots as border</div>

The radial-gradient expects:

  • the shape and optional position
  • two or more stops: a color and radius

Here, I wanted a 5 pixel diameter (2.5px radius) dot, with 2 times the diameter (10px) between the dots, adding up to 15px. The background-size should match these.

The two stops are defined such that the dot is nice and smooth: solid black for half the radius and than a gradient to the full radius.

Prevent RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts

I took this snippet from AskApache and put it into a seperate .conf file of my local Apache webserver (in my case /etc/apache2/others/preventcaching.conf):

<FilesMatch "\.(html|htm|js|css)$">
FileETag None
<ifModule mod_headers.c>
Header unset ETag
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
Header set Pragma "no-cache"
Header set Expires "Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT"

For development this works fine with no need to change the code. As for the production, I might use @dvtoever's approach.

Are there pointers in php?

PHP passes Arrays and Objects by reference (pointers). If you want to pass a normal variable Ex. $var = 'boo'; then use $boo = &$var;.

Detect when input has a 'readonly' attribute

You can just use the attribute selector and then test the length:

$('input[readonly]').length == 0 // --> ok
$('input[readonly]').length > 0  // --> not ok

How to make correct date format when writing data to Excel

This is an old thread. By this time, people either use OpenXML. OpenXML is much better. Well, many people like me are stuck because the initial developers use the interops.

I had same struggle for couple hours. I have tried everything here and other usage. It still gave me numerical representation.

Then I found out that I set the style. The style property ruined everything. I just added the NumberFormatproperty

Here is what I did. It works

                //set the font style and size
                Excel.Style styleDate = MyBook.Styles.Add("StyleDate");
                styleDate.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy";//remember to include this when setting style property
                styleDate.Font.Size = 10;
                styleDate.Font.Name = "Arial"

                //the function will return datetime value from database or whatever
                DateTime DtVal= GetdatetimeVal(); 

                xlWorkSheet.Cells[Row, Col].Style = styleDate
                xlWorkSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = DtVal;

How to get public directory?

Use public_path()

For reference:

// Path to the project's root folder    
echo base_path();

// Path to the 'app' folder    
echo app_path();        

// Path to the 'public' folder    
echo public_path();

// Path to the 'storage' folder    
echo storage_path();

// Path to the 'storage/app' folder    
echo storage_path('app');

Concatenating variables in Bash

Try doing this, there's no special character to concatenate in bash :



If you don't put brackets, you will ask to concatenate $arg112 + $argendoffile (I guess that's not what you asked) like in the following example :


The brackets are delimiters for the variables when needed. When not needed, you can use it or not.

another solution

(less portable : require bash > 3.1)

$ arg1=foo
$ arg2=bar
$ mystring="$arg1"
$ mystring+="12"
$ mystring+="$arg2"
$ mystring+="endoffile"
$ echo "$mystring"


Use string in switch case in java

Evaluating String variables with a switch statement have been implemented in Java SE 7, and hence it only works in java 7. You can also have a look at how this new feature is implemented in JDK 7.

Select multiple columns by labels in pandas

How do I select multiple columns by labels in pandas?

Multiple label-based range slicing is not easily supported with pandas, but position-based slicing is, so let's try that instead:

loc = df.columns.get_loc
df.iloc[:, np.r_[loc('A'):loc('C')+1, loc('E'), loc('G'):loc('I')+1]]

          A         B         C         E         G         H         I
0 -1.666330  0.321260 -1.768185 -0.034774  0.023294  0.533451 -0.241990
1  0.911498  3.408758  0.419618 -0.462590  0.739092  1.103940  0.116119
2  1.243001 -0.867370  1.058194  0.314196  0.887469  0.471137 -1.361059
3 -0.525165  0.676371  0.325831 -1.152202  0.606079  1.002880  2.032663
4  0.706609 -0.424726  0.308808  1.994626  0.626522 -0.033057  1.725315
5  0.879802 -1.961398  0.131694 -0.931951 -0.242822 -1.056038  0.550346
6  0.199072  0.969283  0.347008 -2.611489  0.282920 -0.334618  0.243583
7  1.234059  1.000687  0.863572  0.412544  0.569687 -0.684413 -0.357968
8 -0.299185  0.566009 -0.859453 -0.564557 -0.562524  0.233489 -0.039145
9  0.937637 -2.171174 -1.940916 -1.553634  0.619965 -0.664284 -0.151388

Note that the +1 is added because when using iloc the rightmost index is exclusive.

Comments on Other Solutions

  • filter is a nice and simple method for OP's headers, but this might not generalise well to arbitrary column names.

  • The "location-based" solution with loc is a little closer to the ideal, but you cannot avoid creating intermediate DataFrames (that are eventually thrown out and garbage collected) to compute the final result range -- something that we would ideally like to avoid.

  • Lastly, "pick your columns directly" is good advice as long as you have a manageably small number of columns to pick. It will, however not be applicable in some cases where ranges span dozens (or possibly hundreds) of columns.

What is PEP8's E128: continuation line under-indented for visual indent?

PEP-8 recommends you indent lines to the opening parentheses if you put anything on the first line, so it should either be indenting to the opening bracket:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
                       url(r'^$', listing, name='investment-listing'))

or not putting any arguments on the starting line, then indenting to a uniform level:

urlpatterns = patterns(
    url(r'^$', listing, name='investment-listing'),

urlpatterns = patterns(
    '', url(r'^$', listing, name='investment-listing'))

I suggest taking a read through PEP-8 - you can skim through a lot of it, and it's pretty easy to understand, unlike some of the more technical PEPs.

Best way to store time (hh:mm) in a database

IMHO what the best solution is depends to some extent on how you store time in the rest of the database (and the rest of your application)

Personally I have worked with SQLite and try to always use unix timestamps for storing absolute time, so when dealing with the time of day (like you ask for) I do what Glen Solsberry writes in his answer and store the number of seconds since midnight

When taking this general approach people (including me!) reading the code are less confused if I use the same standard everywhere

How to return a dictionary | Python

What's going on is that you're returning right after the first line of the file doesn't match the id you're looking for. You have to do this:

def query(id):
    for line in file:
        table = {}
        (table["ID"],table["name"],table["city"]) = line.split(";")
        if id == int(table["ID"]):
             return table
    # ID not found; close file and return empty dict
    return {}

Encrypt and Decrypt text with RSA in PHP

If you are using PHP >= 7.2 consider using inbuilt sodium core extension for encrption.

It is modern and more secure. You can find more information here - and here -

Example PHP 7.2 sodium encryption class -


 * Simple sodium crypto class for PHP >= 7.2
 * @author MRK
class crypto {

     * @return type
    static public function create_encryption_key() {
        return base64_encode(sodium_crypto_secretbox_keygen());

     * Encrypt a message
     * @param string $message - message to encrypt
     * @param string $key - encryption key created using create_encryption_key()
     * @return string
    static function encrypt($message, $key) {
        $key_decoded = base64_decode($key);
        $nonce = random_bytes(

        $cipher = base64_encode(
                $nonce .
                        $message, $nonce, $key_decoded
        return $cipher;

     * Decrypt a message
     * @param string $encrypted - message encrypted with safeEncrypt()
     * @param string $key - key used for encryption
     * @return string
    static function decrypt($encrypted, $key) {
        $decoded = base64_decode($encrypted);
        $key_decoded = base64_decode($key);
        if ($decoded === false) {
            throw new Exception('Decryption error : the encoding failed');
            throw new Exception('Decryption error : the message was truncated');
        $nonce = mb_substr($decoded, 0, SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES, '8bit');
        $ciphertext = mb_substr($decoded, SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES, null, '8bit');

        $plain = sodium_crypto_secretbox_open(
                $ciphertext, $nonce, $key_decoded
        if ($plain === false) {
            throw new Exception('Decryption error : the message was tampered with in transit');
        return $plain;


Sample Usage -


$key = crypto::create_encryption_key();

$string = 'Sri Lanka is a beautiful country !';

echo $enc = crypto::encrypt($string, $key); 
echo crypto::decrypt($enc, $key);

Run Command Line & Command From VBS

The problem is on this line: "cmd.exe /C copy "S:Claims\Sound.wav" "C:\WINDOWS\Media\Sound.wav"

Your first quote next to "S:Claims" ends the string; you need to escape the quotes around your files with a second quote, like this: "cmd.exe /C copy ""S:\Claims\Sound.wav"" ""C:\WINDOWS\Media\Sound.wav"" "

You also have a typo in S:Claims\Sound.wav, should be S:\Claims\Sound.wav.

I also assume the apostrophe before Dim oShell and after Set oShell = Nothing are typos as well.

Custom date format with jQuery validation plugin

You can create your own custom validation method using the addMethod function. Say you wanted to validate "dd/mm/yyyy":

    function(value, element) {
        // put your own logic here, this is just a (crappy) example
        return value.match(/^\d\d?\/\d\d?\/\d\d\d\d$/);
    "Please enter a date in the format dd/mm/yyyy."

And then on your form add:

        rules : {
            myDate : {
                australianDate : true

Is there an API to get bank transaction and bank balance?

Also check out the open financial exchange (ofx)

This is what apps like quicken, ms money etc use.

Why does adb return offline after the device string?

What did me in is was that multiple unrelated software packages just happened to install adb.exe -- in particular for me (on Windoze), the phone OEM driver installation package "helpfully" also installed adb.exe into C:\windows, and this directory appears in %PATH% long before the platform-tools directory of my android SDK. Unsurprisingly, the adb.exe included in the phone OEM driver package is MUCH older than the one in the updated android sdk. So adb worked just fine for me until one day something caused me to update the windows drivers for my phone. Once I did that, absolutely NOTHING would make my phone status change from "offline" -- but the problem had nothing to do with the driver. It was simply that the driver package had installed a different adb.exe - and a MUCH older one - into a directory with higher precedence. To fix my installation I simply altered the PATH environment variable to make the sdk's adb.exe have priority. A quick check suggested to me that "lots" of different packages include adb.exe, so be careful not to insert an older one into your toolchain unintentionally.

I must really be getting old: I don't ever remember such a stupid issue taking so endlessly long to uncover.

SSRS - Checking whether the data is null

Or in your SQL query wrap that field with IsNull or Coalesce (SQL Server).

Either way works, I like to put that logic in the query so the report has to do less.

SQL: How to get the count of each distinct value in a column?

  COUNT(*) AS `num`

How to update Python?

The best solution is to install the different Python versions in multiple paths.

eg. C:\Python27 for 2.7, and C:\Python33 for 3.3.

Read this for more info: How to run multiple Python versions on Windows

iOS application: how to clear notifications?

It might also make sense to add a call to clearNotifications in applicationDidBecomeActive so that in case the application is in the background and comes back it will also clear the notifications.

- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
    [self clearNotifications];

Java ArrayList replace at specific index

public void setItem(List<Item> dataEntity, Item item) {
    int itemIndex = dataEntity.indexOf(item);
    if (itemIndex != -1) {
        dataEntity.set(itemIndex, item);

PHP __get and __set magic methods

It's because $bar is a public property.

$foo->bar = 'test';

There is no need to call the magic method when running the above.

Deleting public $bar; from your class should correct this.

How to override and extend basic Django admin templates?

The best way to do it is to put the Django admin templates inside your project. So your templates would be in templates/admin while the stock Django admin templates would be in say template/django_admin. Then, you can do something like the following:


{% extends 'django_admin/change_form.html' %}

Your stuff here

If you're worried about keeping the stock templates up to date, you can include them with svn externals or similar.

Implementing autocomplete

Update: This answer has led to the development of ng2-completer an Angular2 autocomplete component. This is the list of existing autocomplete components for Angular2:

  1. ng2-completer
  2. ng2-auto-complete
  3. ng2-typeahead

Credit goes to @dan-cancro for coming up with the idea

Keeping the original answer for those who wish to create their own directive:

To display autocomplete list we first need an attribute directive that will return the list of suggestions based on the input text and then display them in a dropdown. The directive has 2 options to display the list:

  1. Obtain a reference to the nativeElement and manipulate the DOM directly
  2. Dynamically load a list component using DynamicComponentLoader

It looks to me that 2nd way is a better choice as it uses angular 2 core mechanisms instead of bypassing them by working directly with the DOM and therefore I'll use this method.

This is the directive code:

"use strict";
import {Directive, DynamicComponentLoader, Input, ComponentRef, Output, EventEmitter, OnInit, ViewContainerRef} from "@angular/core";
import {Promise} from "es6-promise";
import {AutocompleteList} from "./autocomplete-list";

    selector: "[ng2-autocomplete]", // The attribute for the template that uses this directive
    host: {
        "(keyup)": "onKey($event)" // Liten to keyup events on the host component
export class AutocompleteDirective implements OnInit {
    // The search function should be passed as an input
    @Input("ng2-autocomplete") public search: (term: string) => Promise<Array<{ text: string, data: any }>>;
    // The directive emits ng2AutocompleteOnSelect event when an item from the list is selected
    @Output("ng2AutocompleteOnSelect") public selected = new EventEmitter();

    private term = "";
    private listCmp: ComponentRef<AutocompleteList> = undefined;
    private refreshTimer: any = undefined;
    private searchInProgress = false;
    private searchRequired = false;

    constructor( private viewRef: ViewContainerRef, private dcl: DynamicComponentLoader) { }
     * On key event is triggered when a key is released on the host component
     * the event starts a timer to prevent concurrent requests
    public onKey(event: any) {
        if (!this.refreshTimer) {
            this.refreshTimer = setTimeout(
            () => {
                if (!this.searchInProgress) {
                } else {
                    // If a request is in progress mark that a new search is required
                    this.searchRequired = true;
        this.term =;
        if (this.term === "" && this.listCmp) {
            // clean the list if the search term is empty

    public ngOnInit() {
        // When an item is selected remove the list
        this.selected.subscribe(() => {

     * Call the search function and handle the results
    private doSearch() {
        this.refreshTimer = undefined;
        // if we have a search function and a valid search term call the search
        if ( && this.term !== "") {
            this.searchInProgress = true;
            .then((res) => {
                this.searchInProgress = false;
                // if the term has changed during our search do another search
                if (this.searchRequired) {
                    this.searchRequired = false;
                } else {
                    // display the list of results
            .catch(err => {
                console.log("search error:", err);

     * Display the list of results
     * Dynamically load the list component if it doesn't exist yet and update the suggestions list
    private displayList(list: Array<{ text: string, data: any }>) {
        if (!this.listCmp) {
            this.dcl.loadNextToLocation(AutocompleteList, this.viewRef)
            .then(cmp => {
                // The component is loaded
                this.listCmp = cmp;
                // Emit the selectd event when the component fires its selected event
                    .subscribe(selectedItem => {

        } else {

     * Update the suggestions list in the list component
    private updateList(list: Array<{ text: string, data: any }>) {
        if (this.listCmp) {
            (<AutocompleteList>(this.listCmp.instance)).list = list;

     * remove the list component
    private removeList() {
        this.searchInProgress = false;
        this.searchRequired = false;
        if (this.listCmp) {
            this.listCmp = undefined;

The directive dynamically loads a dropdown component, this is a sample of such a component using bootstrap 4:

"use strict";
import {Component, Output, EventEmitter} from "@angular/core";

    selector: "autocomplete-list",
    template: `<div class="dropdown-menu  search-results">
                    <a *ngFor="let item of list" class="dropdown-item" (click)="onClick(item)">{{item.text}}</a>
               </div>`, // Use a bootstrap 4 dropdown-menu to display the list
    styles: [".search-results { position: relative; right: 0; display: block; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; font-size: .9rem;}"]
export class AutocompleteList  {
    // Emit a selected event when an item in the list is selected
    @Output() public selected = new EventEmitter();

    public list;

     * Listen for a click event on the list
    public onClick(item: {text: string, data: any}) {

To use the directive in another component you need to import the directive, include it in the components directives and provide it with a search function and event handler for the selection:

 "use strict";
import {Component} from "@angular/core";

import {AutocompleteDirective} from "../component/ng2-autocomplete/autocomplete";

    selector: "my-cmp",
    directives: [AutocompleteDirective],
    template: `<input class="form-control" type="text" [ng2-autocomplete]="search()" (ng2AutocompleteOnSelect)="onItemSelected($event)" autocomplete="off">`
export class MyComponent  {

     * generate a search function that returns a Promise that resolves to array of text and optionally additional data
    public search() {
        return (filter: string): Promise<Array<{ text: string, data: any }>> => {
            // do the search
            resolve({text: "one item", data: null});

     * handle item selection
    public onItemSelected(selected: { text: string, data: any }) {
        console.log("selected: ", selected.text);

Update: code compatible with angular2 rc.1

Best way to detect when a user leaves a web page?

What you can do, is open up a WebSocket connection when the page loads, optionally send data through the WebSocket identifying the current user, and check when that connection is closed on the server.

How do I sort a two-dimensional (rectangular) array in C#?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int[,] arr = { { 20, 9, 11 }, { 30, 5, 6 } };
            for (int i = 0; i < arr.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < arr.GetLength(1); j++)
                    Console.Write("{0,3}", arr[i, j]);

            for (int i = 0; i < arr.GetLength(0); i++) // Array Sorting
                for (int j = arr.GetLength(1) - 1; j > 0; j--)

                    for (int k = 0; k < j; k++)
                        if (arr[i, k] > arr[i, k + 1])
                            int temp = arr[i, k];
                            arr[i, k] = arr[i, k + 1];
                            arr[i, k + 1] = temp;

            for (int i = 0; i < arr.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < arr.GetLength(1); j++)
                    Console.Write("{0,3}", arr[i, j]);

Understanding __get__ and __set__ and Python descriptors

Why do I need the descriptor class?

It gives you extra control over how attributes work. If you're used to getters and setters in Java, for example, then it's Python's way of doing that. One advantage is that it looks to users just like an attribute (there's no change in syntax). So you can start with an ordinary attribute and then, when you need to do something fancy, switch to a descriptor.

An attribute is just a mutable value. A descriptor lets you execute arbitrary code when reading or setting (or deleting) a value. So you could imagine using it to map an attribute to a field in a database, for example – a kind of ORM.

Another use might be refusing to accept a new value by throwing an exception in __set__ – effectively making the "attribute" read only.

What is instance and owner here? (in __get__). What is the purpose of these parameters?

This is pretty subtle (and the reason I am writing a new answer here - I found this question while wondering the same thing and didn't find the existing answer that great).

A descriptor is defined on a class, but is typically called from an instance. When it's called from an instance both instance and owner are set (and you can work out owner from instance so it seems kinda pointless). But when called from a class, only owner is set – which is why it's there.

This is only needed for __get__ because it's the only one that can be called on a class. If you set the class value you set the descriptor itself. Similarly for deletion. Which is why the owner isn't needed there.

How would I call/use this example?

Well, here's a cool trick using similar classes:

class Celsius:

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        return 5 * (instance.fahrenheit - 32) / 9

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        instance.fahrenheit = 32 + 9 * value / 5

class Temperature:

    celsius = Celsius()

    def __init__(self, initial_f):
        self.fahrenheit = initial_f

t = Temperature(212)
t.celsius = 0

(I'm using Python 3; for python 2 you need to make sure those divisions are / 5.0 and / 9.0). That gives:


Now there are other, arguably better ways to achieve the same effect in python (e.g. if celsius were a property, which is the same basic mechanism but places all the source inside the Temperature class), but that shows what can be done...

Check whether a variable is a string in Ruby

You can do:


And the more general:


HAProxy redirecting http to https (ssl)

If you want to rewrite the url, you have to change your site virtualhost adding this lines:

### Enabling mod_rewrite
Options FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on

### Rewrite http:// => https://
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}$1 [R=301,NC,L]

But, if you want to redirect all your requests on the port 80 to the port 443 of the web servers behind the proxy, you can try this example conf on your haproxy.cfg:

# Global #
    maxconn 100
    spread-checks 50
    nbproc 4

# Defaults #
    maxconn 100
    log global
    mode http
    option dontlognull
    retries 3
    contimeout 60000
    clitimeout 60000
    srvtimeout 60000

# Frontend: HTTP-IN #
frontend http-in
    bind *:80
    option logasap
    option httplog
    option httpclose
    log global
    default_backend sslwebserver

backend sslwebserver
    option httplog
    option forwardfor
    option abortonclose
    log global
    balance roundrobin
    # Server List
    server sslws01 webserver01:443 check
    server sslws02 webserver02:443 check
    server sslws03 webserver03:443 check

I hope this help you

jQuery on window resize

jQuery has a resize event handler which you can attach to the window, .resize(). So, if you put $(window).resize(function(){/* YOUR CODE HERE */}) then your code will be run every time the window is resized.

So, what you want is to run the code after the first page load and whenever the window is resized. Therefore you should pull the code into its own function and run that function in both instances.

// This function positions the footer based on window size
function positionFooter(){
    var $containerHeight = $(window).height();
    if ($containerHeight <= 818) {
            position: 'static',
            bottom: 'auto',
            left: 'auto'
    else {
            position: 'absolute',
            bottom: '3px',
            left: '0px'

$(document).ready(function () {
    positionFooter();//run when page first loads

$(window).resize(function () {
    positionFooter();//run on every window resize

See: Cross-browser window resize event - JavaScript / jQuery

How to wait for a JavaScript Promise to resolve before resuming function?

I'm wondering if there is any way to get a value from a Promise or wait (block/sleep) until it has resolved, similar to .NET's IAsyncResult.WaitHandle.WaitOne(). I know JavaScript is single-threaded, but I'm hoping that doesn't mean that a function can't yield.

The current generation of Javascript in browsers does not have a wait() or sleep() that allows other things to run. So, you simply can't do what you're asking. Instead, it has async operations that will do their thing and then call you when they're done (as you've been using promises for).

Part of this is because of Javascript's single threadedness. If the single thread is spinning, then no other Javascript can execute until that spinning thread is done. ES6 introduces yield and generators which will allow some cooperative tricks like that, but we're quite a ways from being able to use those in a wide swatch of installed browsers (they can be used in some server-side development where you control the JS engine that is being used).

Careful management of promise-based code can control the order of execution for many async operations.

I'm not sure I understand exactly what order you're trying to achieve in your code, but you could do something like this using your existing kickOff() function, and then attaching a .then() handler to it after calling it:

function kickOff() {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 1000);
  }).then(function() {
    $("#output").append(" middle");
    return " end";

kickOff().then(function(result) {
    // use the result here

This will return output in a guaranteed order - like this:


Update in 2018 (three years after this answer was written):

If you either transpile your code or run your code in an environment that supports ES7 features such as async and await, you can now use await to make your code "appear" to wait for the result of a promise. It is still developing with promises. It does still not block all of Javascript, but it does allow you to write sequential operations in a friendlier syntax.

Instead of the ES6 way of doing things:

someFunc().then(someFunc2).then(result => {
    // process result here
}).catch(err => {
    // process error here

You can do this:

// returns a promise
async function wrapperFunc() {
    try {
        let r1 = await someFunc();
        let r2 = await someFunc2(r1);
        // now process r2
        return someValue;     // this will be the resolved value of the returned promise
    } catch(e) {
        throw e;      // let caller know the promise was rejected with this reason

wrapperFunc().then(result => {
    // got final result
}).catch(err => {
    // got error

pandas: filter rows of DataFrame with operator chaining

This is unappealing as it requires I assign df to a variable before being able to filter on its values.

df[df["column_name"] != 5].groupby("other_column_name")

seems to work: you can nest the [] operator as well. Maybe they added it since you asked the question.

How to disable RecyclerView scrolling?

For stop scrolling by touch but keep scrolling via commands :

if (appTopBarMessagesRV == null) { appTopBarMessagesRV = findViewById(;

        appTopBarMessagesRV.addOnItemTouchListener(new RecyclerView.SimpleOnItemTouchListener() {
            public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(RecyclerView rv, MotionEvent e) {

                if ( rv.getScrollState() == RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING)
                     // Stop  scrolling by touch

                    return false;
                return  true;

Git, How to reset origin/master to a commit?

Assuming that your branch is called master both here and remotely, and that your remote is called origin you could do:

git reset --hard <commit-hash>
git push -f origin master

However, you should avoid doing this if anyone else is working with your remote repository and has pulled your changes. In that case, it would be better to revert the commits that you don't want, then push as normal.

When is a language considered a scripting language?

Even Java is "a scripting language", because it is implemented in C"

Although I hesitate to attempt to improve on mgb's near-perfect answer, the fact is that nothing is better than C for implementation, yet the language is rather low-level and close to the hardware. Pure genius, for sure, but to develop modern SW we want a higher level language that stands on the shoulders of C, so to speak.

So, you have Python, Ruby, Perl, and yes, even Java, all implemented in C. People don't insult Java by calling it a scripting language but it is. If you want a powerful, modern, dynamic, reflective, blah blah blah language you probably are running something like Ruby that is either interpreted directly in C or compiled down to something that is interpreted/JIT compiled, by some C program.

The other distinction people make is to call the dynamically-typed languages "scripting languages".

How can I convert a DOM element to a jQuery element?

var elm = document.createElement("div");
var jelm = $(elm);//convert to jQuery Element
var htmlElm = jelm[0];//convert to HTML Element

Better way to generate array of all letters in the alphabet

import java.util.*;
public class Experiments{

List uptoChar(int i){
       char c='a'; 
        List list = new LinkedList();
         for(;;) {
        return list;

    public static void main (String [] args) {

        Experiments experiments = new Experiments();