I know this question is from a while ago, but thought this might help someone. I think the easiest way to do this is via a trigger. E.g.:
Create Function ignore_dups() Returns Trigger
As $$
If Exists (
hundred h
-- Assuming all three fields are primary key
h.name = NEW.name
And h.hundred_slug = NEW.hundred_slug
And h.status = NEW.status
) Then
Return NULL;
End If;
Return NEW;
$$ Language plpgsql;
Create Trigger ignore_dups
Before Insert On hundred
For Each Row
Execute Procedure ignore_dups();
Execute this code from a psql prompt (or however you like to execute queries directly on the database). Then you can insert as normal from Python. E.g.:
sql = "Insert Into hundreds (name, name_slug, status) Values (%s, %s, %s)"
cursor.execute(sql, (hundred, hundred_slug, status))
Note that as @Thomas_Wouters already mentioned, the code above takes advantage of parameters rather than concatenating the string.