Looks like I got all the possible issues with that installation.
Troubleshooting: look at actual log file (in the log provided by the installer look for LOGFILE=...):
Process.Start: C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe /quiet /norestart /i "c:\2964b29c3cd7dcb37c9e\Packages\AppFabric-1.1-for-Windows-Server-64.msi" ADDDEFAULT=Worker,WorkerAdmin,CacheService,CacheClient,CacheAdmin,Setup /l*vx "c:\Temp\AppServerSetup1_1(2014-07-09 11-58-09).log" LOGFILE="c:\Temp\AppServerSetup1_1_CustomActions(2014-07-09 11-58-09).log" INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server" LANGID=en-US
After you located the actual log file, check for errors. I had to:
done. Hope that helps.