Programs & Examples On #Knopflerfish

an easy to use open source certified implementation of the OSGi R4 v4.2 core framework specification, as well as related build tools and applications

passing object by reference in C++

Ok, well it seems that you are confusing pass-by-reference with pass-by-value. Also, C and C++ are different languages. C doesn't support pass-by-reference.

Here are two C++ examples of pass by value:

// ex.1
int add(int a, int b)
    return a + b;

// ex.2
void add(int a, int b, int *result)
    *result = a + b;

void main()
    int result = 0;

    // ex.1
    result = add(2,2); // result will be 4 after call

    // ex.2
    add(2,3,&result); // result will be 5 after call

When ex.1 is called, the constants 2 and 2 are passed into the function by making local copies of them on the stack. When the function returns, the stack is popped off and anything passed to the function on the stack is effectively gone.

The same thing happens in ex.2, except this time, a pointer to an int variable is also passed on the stack. The function uses this pointer (which is simply a memory address) to dereference and change the value at that memory address in order to "return" the result. Since the function needs a memory address as a parameter, then we must supply it with one, which we do by using the & "address-of" operator on the variable result.

Here are two C++ examples of pass-by-reference:

// ex.3
int add(int &a, int &b)
    return a+b;

// ex.4
void add(int &a, int &b, int &result)
    result = a + b;

void main()
    int result = 0;

    // ex.3
    result = add(2,2); // result = 2 after call
    // ex.4
    add(2,3,result); // result = 5 after call

Both of these functions have the same end result as the first two examples, but the difference is in how they are called, and how the compiler handles them.

First, lets clear up how pass-by-reference works. In pass-by-reference, generally the compiler implementation will use a "pointer" variable in the final executable in order to access the referenced variable, (or so seems to be the consensus) but this doesn't have to be true. Technically, the compiler can simply substitute the referenced variable's memory address directly, and I suspect this to be more true than generally believed. So, when using a reference, it could actually produce a more efficient executable, even if only slightly.

Next, obviously the way a function is called when using pass-by-reference is no different than pass-by-value, and the effect is that you have direct access to the original variables within the function. This has the result of encapsulation by hiding the implementation details from the caller. The downside is that you cannot change the passed in parameters without also changing the original variables outside of the function. In functions where you want the performance improvement from not having to copy large objects, but you don't want to modify the original object, then prefix the reference parameters with const.

Lastly, you cannot change a reference after it has been made, unlike a pointer variable, and they must be initialized upon creation.

Hope I covered everything, and that it was all understandable.

Remove last 3 characters of string or number in javascript

you just need to divide the Date Time stamp by 1000 like:

var a = 1437203995000;
a = (a)/1000;

SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column

As @Brian Riley already said you should either remove 1 column in your select

select countrylanguage.language ,sum(country.population*countrylanguage.percentage/100)
from countrylanguage
join country on countrylanguage.countrycode = country.code
group by countrylanguage.language
order by sum(country.population*countrylanguage.percentage) desc ;

or add it to your grouping

select countrylanguage.language, country.code, sum(country.population*countrylanguage.percentage/100)
from countrylanguage
join country on countrylanguage.countrycode = country.code
group by countrylanguage.language, country.code
order by sum(country.population*countrylanguage.percentage) desc ;

Java: Detect duplicates in ArrayList?

If you are looking to avoid having duplicates at all, then you should just cut out the middle process of detecting duplicates and use a Set.

What is the best IDE for PHP?

My personal preference is Eclipse (with various plug-ins) as I am developing in several languages (PHP, Java, and Ruby) and this way I am always used to interface and keyboard shortcuts. This is not a minor thing as you become very productive this way. I haven't used Aptana, but will (hopefully) soon - it does look interesting, though. For others IDEs I have used: jEdit (for little Java), Notepad++ (still for some scripting and short test code runs). And for the features You asked: Eclipse support many source code version servers (Subclipse); your project can be on a Samba share; ZendDebugger/xdebug for debugging.

Oracle DB: How can I write query ignoring case?

In version 12.2 and above, the simplest way to make the query case insensitive is this:


Can an ASP.NET MVC controller return an Image?

UPDATE: There are better options than my original answer. This works outside of MVC quite well but it's better to stick with the built-in methods of returning image content. See up-voted answers.

You certainly can. Try out these steps:

  1. Load the image from disk in to a byte array
  2. cache the image in the case you expect more requests for the image and don't want the disk I/O (my sample doesn't cache it below)
  3. Change the mime type via the Response.ContentType
  4. Response.BinaryWrite out the image byte array

Here's some sample code:

string pathToFile = @"C:\Documents and Settings\some_path.jpg";
byte[] imageData = File.ReadAllBytes(pathToFile);
Response.ContentType = "image/jpg";

Hope that helps!

How do I format a string using a dictionary in python-3.x?

Since the question is specific to Python 3, here's using the new f-string syntax, available since Python 3.6:

>>> geopoint = {'latitude':41.123,'longitude':71.091}
>>> print(f'{geopoint["latitude"]} {geopoint["longitude"]}')
41.123 71.091

Note the outer single quotes and inner double quotes (you could also do it the other way around).

Last non-empty cell in a column

=MATCH("*";A1:A10;-1) for textual data

=MATCH(0;A1:A10;-1) for numerical data

How can I remove "\r\n" from a string in C#? Can I use a regular expression?


string json = "{\r\n \"LOINC_NUM\": \"10362-2\",\r\n}";
var result = JObject.Parse(json.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, string.Empty));

How to remove a file from the index in git?

According to my humble opinion and my work experience with git, staging area is not the same as index. I may be wrong of course, but as I said, my experience in using git and my logic tell me, that index is a structure that follows your changes to your working area(local repository) that are not excluded by ignoring settings and staging area is to keep files that are already confirmed to be committed, aka files in index on which add command was run on. You don't notice and realize that "slight" difference, because you use git commit -a -m "comment" adding indexed and cached files to stage area and committing in one command or using IDEs like IDEA for that too often. And cache is that what keeps changes in indexed files. If you want to remove file from index that has not been added to staging area before, options proposed before match for you, but... If you have done that already, you will need to use

Git restore --staged <file>

And, please, don't ask me where I was 10 years ago... I missed you, this answer is for further generations)

Nesting queries in SQL

The way I see it, the only place for a nested query would be in the WHERE clause, so e.g.

SELECT, country.headofstate
FROM country 
WHERE country.headofstate LIKE 'A%' AND in (SELECT country_id FROM city WHERE population > 100000)

Apart from that, I have to agree with Adrian on: why the heck should you use nested queries?

Inline SVG in CSS

You can also just do this:

<svg viewBox="0 0 32 32">
      <path d="M11.333 13.173c0-2.51 2.185-4.506 4.794-4.506 2.67 0 4.539 2.053 4.539 4.506 0 2.111-0.928 3.879-3.836 4.392v0.628c0 0.628-0.496 1.141-1.163 1.141s-1.163-0.513-1.163-1.141v-1.654c0-0.628 0.751-1.141 1.419-1.141 1.335 0 2.571-1.027 2.571-2.224 0-1.255-1.092-2.224-2.367-2.224-1.335 0-2.367 1.027-2.367 2.224 0 0.628-0.546 1.141-1.214 1.141s-1.214-0.513-1.214-1.141zM15.333 23.333c-0.347 0-0.679-0.143-0.936-0.404s-0.398-0.597-0.398-0.949 0.141-0.689 0.398-0.949c0.481-0.488 1.39-0.488 1.871 0 0.257 0.26 0.398 0.597 0.398 0.949s-0.141 0.689-0.398 0.949c-0.256 0.26-0.588 0.404-0.935 0.404zM16 26.951c-6.040 0-10.951-4.911-10.951-10.951s4.911-10.951 10.951-10.951c6.040 0 10.951 4.911 10.951 10.951s-4.911 10.951-10.951 10.951zM16 3.333c-6.984 0-12.667 5.683-12.667 12.667s5.683 12.667 12.667 12.667c6.984 0 12.667-5.683 12.667-12.667s-5.683-12.667-12.667-12.667z"></path>

switch case statement error: case expressions must be constant expression

Unchecking "Is Library" in the project Properties worked for me.

Background color of text in SVG

Answer by Robert Longson (@RobertLongson) with modifications:

<svg width="100%" height="100%">
    <filter x="0" y="0" width="1" height="1" id="solid">
      <feFlood flood-color="yellow"/>
      <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" operator="xor"/>
  <text filter="url(#solid)" x="20" y="50" font-size="50"> solid background </text>
  <text x="20" y="50" font-size="50">solid background</text>

and we have no bluring and no heavy "getBBox" :) Padding is provided by white spaces in text-element with filter. It's worked for me

Join between tables in two different databases?

SELECT <...>
FROM A.table1 t1 JOIN B.table2 t2 ON t2.column2 = t1.column1;

Just make sure that in the SELECT line you specify which table columns you are using, either by full reference, or by alias. Any of the following will work:

SELECT t1.*,t2.column2
SELECT A.table1.column1, t2.*

Fetching data from MySQL database to html dropdown list

What you are asking is pretty straight forward

  1. execute query against your db to get resultset or use API to get the resultset

  2. loop through the resultset or simply the result using php

  3. In each iteration simply format the output as an element

the following refernce should help

HTML option tag

Getting Datafrom MySQL database

hope this helps :)

Plotting in a non-blocking way with Matplotlib

I spent a long time looking for solutions, and found this answer.

It looks like, in order to get what you (and I) want, you need the combination of plt.ion(), (not with block=False) and, most importantly, plt.pause(.001) (or whatever time you want). The pause is needed because the GUI events happen while the main code is sleeping, including drawing. It's possible that this is implemented by picking up time from a sleeping thread, so maybe IDEs mess with that—I don't know.

Here's an implementation that works for me on python 3.5:

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

def main():

    x = np.arange(-50, 51)
    for pow in range(1,5):   # plot x^1, x^2, ..., x^4
        y = [Xi**pow for Xi in x]
        plt.plot(x, y)
        input("Press [enter] to continue.")

if __name__ == '__main__':

React - How to force a function component to render?

I used a third party library called use-force-update to force render my react functional components. Worked like charm. Just use import the package in your project and use like this.

import useForceUpdate from 'use-force-update';

const MyButton = () => {

  const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();

  const handleClick = () => {
    alert('I will re-render now.');

  return <button onClick={handleClick} />;

Android Location Manager, Get GPS location ,if no GPS then get to Network Provider location

Main Class:

public class AndroidLocationActivity extends Activity {

Button btnGPSShowLocation;
Button btnNWShowLocation;

AppLocationService appLocationService;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    appLocationService = new AppLocationService(

    btnGPSShowLocation = (Button) findViewById(;
    btnGPSShowLocation.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View arg0) {

            Location gpsLocation = appLocationService

            if (gpsLocation != null) {
                double latitude = gpsLocation.getLatitude();
                double longitude = gpsLocation.getLongitude();
                        "Mobile Location (GPS): \nLatitude: " + latitude
                                + "\nLongitude: " + longitude,
            } else {


    btnNWShowLocation = (Button) findViewById(;
    btnNWShowLocation.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View arg0) {

            Location nwLocation = appLocationService

            if (nwLocation != null) {
                double latitude = nwLocation.getLatitude();
                double longitude = nwLocation.getLongitude();
                        "Mobile Location (NW): \nLatitude: " + latitude
                                + "\nLongitude: " + longitude,

            } else {



public void showSettingsAlert(String provider) {
    AlertDialog.Builder alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(

    alertDialog.setTitle(provider + " SETTINGS");

            + " is not enabled! Want to go to settings menu?");

            new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                    Intent intent = new Intent(

            new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
    return true;



Next Class:

public class AppLocationService extends Service implements LocationListener {

protected LocationManager locationManager;
Location location;

private static final long MIN_DISTANCE_FOR_UPDATE = 10;
private static final long MIN_TIME_FOR_UPDATE = 1000 * 60 * 2;

public AppLocationService(Context context) {
    locationManager = (LocationManager) context

public Location getLocation(String provider) {
    if (locationManager.isProviderEnabled(provider)) {
        if (locationManager != null) {
            location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(provider);
            return location;
    return null;

public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {

public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {

public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {

public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {

public IBinder onBind(Intent arg0) {
    return null;


Don't forget to add in your manifest.

<!-- to get location using GPS -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

<!-- to get location using NetworkProvider -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Could not find the main class, program will exit

Ha, I found what the problem was. I made my program using jdk1.7, but I had jre6 installed. I went and upgraded to jre7, and now it works fine :)


java -jar jarname.jar

line was working in the command prompt because my java path was set to the jdk folder.

Remove multiple whitespaces

All you need is to run it as follows:

echo preg_replace('/\s{2,}/', ' ', "This is   a Text \n and so on \t     Text text."); // This is a Text and so on Text text.

raw_input function in Python

raw_input is a form of input that takes the argument in the form of a string whereas the input function takes the value depending upon your input. Say, a=input(5) returns a as an integer with value 5 whereas a=raw_input(5) returns a as a string of "5"

input() error - NameError: name '...' is not defined


input function in Python 2.7, evaluates whatever your enter, as a Python expression. If you simply want to read strings, then use raw_input function in Python 2.7, which will not evaluate the read strings.

If you are using Python 3.x, raw_input has been renamed to input. Quoting the Python 3.0 release notes,

raw_input() was renamed to input(). That is, the new input() function reads a line from sys.stdin and returns it with the trailing newline stripped. It raises EOFError if the input is terminated prematurely. To get the old behavior of input(), use eval(input())

In Python 2.7, there are two functions which can be used to accept user inputs. One is input and the other one is raw_input. You can think of the relation between them as follows

input = eval(raw_input)

Consider the following piece of code to understand this better

>>> dude = "thefourtheye"
>>> input_variable = input("Enter your name: ")
Enter your name: dude
>>> input_variable

input accepts a string from the user and evaluates the string in the current Python context. When I type dude as input, it finds that dude is bound to the value thefourtheye and so the result of evaluation becomes thefourtheye and that gets assigned to input_variable.

If I enter something else which is not there in the current python context, it will fail will the NameError.

>>> input("Enter your name: ")
Enter your name: dummy
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'dummy' is not defined

Security considerations with Python 2.7's input:

Since whatever user types is evaluated, it imposes security issues as well. For example, if you have already loaded os module in your program with import os, and then the user types in


this will be evaluated as a function call expression by python and it will be executed. If you are executing Python with elevated privileges, /etc/hosts file will be deleted. See, how dangerous it could be?

To demonstrate this, let's try to execute input function again.

>>> dude = "thefourtheye"
>>> input("Enter your name: ")
Enter your name: input("Enter your name again: ")
Enter your name again: dude

Now, when input("Enter your name: ") is executed, it waits for the user input and the user input is a valid Python function invocation and so that is also invoked. That is why we are seeing Enter your name again: prompt again.

So, you are better off with raw_input function, like this

input_variable = raw_input("Enter your name: ")

If you need to convert the result to some other type, then you can use appropriate functions to convert the string returned by raw_input. For example, to read inputs as integers, use the int function, like shown in this answer.

In python 3.x, there is only one function to get user inputs and that is called input, which is equivalent to Python 2.7's raw_input.

What's the best way to validate an XML file against an XSD file?

Using Woodstox, configure the StAX parser to validate against your schema and parse the XML.

If exceptions are caught the XML is not valid, otherwise it is valid:

// create the XSD schema from your schema file
XMLValidationSchemaFactory schemaFactory = XMLValidationSchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLValidationSchema.SCHEMA_ID_W3C_SCHEMA);
XMLValidationSchema validationSchema = schemaFactory.createSchema(schemaInputStream);

// create the XML reader for your XML file
WstxInputFactory inputFactory = new WstxInputFactory();
XMLStreamReader2 xmlReader = (XMLStreamReader2) inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(xmlInputStream);

try {
    // configure the reader to validate against the schema

    // parse the XML
    while (xmlReader.hasNext()) {;

    // no exceptions, the XML is valid

} catch (XMLStreamException e) {

    // exceptions, the XML is not valid

} finally {

Note: If you need to validate multiple files, you should try to reuse your XMLInputFactory and XMLValidationSchema in order to maximize the performance.

Spring - No EntityManager with actual transaction available for current thread - cannot reliably process 'persist' call

Just a note for other users searching for answers for thie error. Another common issue is:

You generally cannot call an @transactional method from within the same class.

(There are ways and means using AspectJ but refactoring will be way easier)

So you'll need a calling class and class that holds the @transactional methods.

What is an example of the simplest possible example?

Here is my submission!

if you put this code into a file called hello.js and run it using node hello.js it should print out the message hello, it has been sent through 2 sockets.

The code shows how to handle the variables for a hello message bounced from the client to the server via the section of code labelled //Mirror.

The variable names are declared locally rather than all at the top because they are only used in each of the sections between the comments. Each of these could be in a separate file and run as its own node.

// Server_x000D_
var io1 = require('').listen(8321);_x000D_
io1.on('connection', function(socket1) {_x000D_
  socket1.on('bar', function(msg1) {_x000D_
// Mirror_x000D_
var ioIn = require('').listen(8123);_x000D_
var ioOut = require('');_x000D_
var socketOut = ioOut.connect('http://localhost:8321');_x000D_
ioIn.on('connection', function(socketIn) {_x000D_
  socketIn.on('foo', function(msg) {_x000D_
    socketOut.emit('bar', msg);_x000D_
// Client_x000D_
var io2 = require('');_x000D_
var socket2 = io2.connect('http://localhost:8123');_x000D_
var msg2 = "hello";_x000D_
socket2.emit('foo', msg2);

Why does JPA have a @Transient annotation?

I will try to answer the question of "why". Imagine a situation where you have a huge database with a lot of columns in a table, and your project/system uses tools to generate entities from database. (Hibernate has those, etc...) Now, suppose that by your business logic you need a particular field NOT to be persisted. You have to "configure" your entity in a particular way. While Transient keyword works on an object - as it behaves within a java language, the @Transient only designed to answer the tasks that pertains only to persistence tasks.

How do I detect if software keyboard is visible on Android Device or not?

a may be using :

public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {

    String.format("conf: %s", newConfig));

    if (newConfig.hardKeyboardHidden != hardKeyboardHidden) {

        hardKeyboardHidden = newConfig.hardKeyboardHidden;

    if (newConfig.keyboardHidden != keyboardHidden) {

        keyboardHidden = newConfig.hardKeyboardHidden;


public static final int KEYBOARDHIDDEN_UNDEFINED = 0;
public static final int KEYBOARDHIDDEN_NO = 1;
public static final int KEYBOARDHIDDEN_YES = 2;
public static final int KEYBOARDHIDDEN_SOFT = 3;

private void onKeyboardChange(int keyboardHidden) {


private void onHardwareKeyboardChange(int hardKeyboardHidden) {


Running python script inside ipython

In python there is no difference between modules and scripts; You can execute both scripts and modules. The file must be on the pythonpath AFAIK because python must be able to find the file in question. If python is executed from a directory, then the directory is automatically added to the pythonpath.

Refer to What is the best way to call a Python script from another Python script? for more information about modules vs scripts

There is also a builtin function execfile(filename) that will do what you want

simple vba code gives me run time error 91 object variable or with block not set

You need Set with objects:

 Set rng = Sheet8.Range("A12")

Sheet8 is fine.


Back to previous page with header( "Location: " ); in PHP

Just a little addition: I believe it's a common and known thing to add exit; after the header function in case we don't want the rest of the code to load or execute...

header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

How do I use the lines of a file as arguments of a command?

In my bash shell the following worked like a charm:

cat input_file | xargs -I % sh -c 'command1 %; command2 %; command3 %;'

where input_file is


As evident, this allows you to execute multiple commands with each line from input_file, a nice little trick I learned here.

How do I parse a string with a decimal point to a double?

I think 100% correct conversion isn't possible, if the value comes from a user input. e.g. if the value is 123.456, it can be a grouping or it can be a decimal point. If you really need 100% you have to describe your format and throw an exception if it is not correct.

But I improved the code of JanW, so we get a little bit more ahead to the 100%. The idea behind is, that if the last separator is a groupSeperator, this would be more an integer type, than a double.

The added code is in the first if of GetDouble.

void Main()
    List<string> inputs = new List<string>() {
        "1 234 567,89",
        "1 234 567.89",

    foreach(string input in inputs) {


public static double GetDouble(string value, double defaultValue) {
    double result;
    string output;

    // Check if last seperator==groupSeperator
    string groupSep = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator;
    if (value.LastIndexOf(groupSep) + 4 == value.Count())
        bool tryParse = double.TryParse(value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, out result);
        result = tryParse ? result : defaultValue;
        // Unify string (no spaces, only . )
        output = value.Trim().Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace(",", ".");

        // Split it on points
        string[] split = output.Split('.');

        if (split.Count() > 1)
            // Take all parts except last
            output = string.Join(string.Empty, split.Take(split.Count()-1).ToArray());

            // Combine token parts with last part
            output = string.Format("{0}.{1}", output, split.Last());
        // Parse double invariant
        result = double.Parse(output, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
    return result;

How do I refresh a DIV content?

This one $("#yourDiv").load(" #yourDiv > *"); is the best if you are planning to just reload a <div>

Make sure to use an id and not a class. Also, remember to paste <script src=""></script> in the <head> section of the html file, if you haven't already. In opposite case it won't work.

bower command not found

I am using node version manager. I was getting this error message because I had switched to a different version of node. When I switched back to the version of node where I installed bower, this error went away. In my case, the command was nvm use stable

Pass in an enum as a method parameter

public string CreateFile(string id, string name, string description, SupportedPermissions supportedPermissions)
    file = new File
       Name = name,
        Id = id,
        Description = description,
        SupportedPermissions = supportedPermissions

    return file.Id;

Meaning of Choreographer messages in Logcat

In my case I have these messages when I show the sherlock action bar inderterminate progressbar. Since its not my library, I decided to hide the Choreographer outputs.

You can hide the Choreographer outputs onto the Logcat view, using this filter expression :


I used a regex explained elsewhere : Regular expression to match a line that doesn't contain a word?

package javax.mail and javax.mail.internet do not exist

For anyone still looking to use the aforementioned IMAP library but need to use gradle, simply add this line to your modules gradle file (not the main gradle file)

compile group: 'javax.mail', name: 'mail', version: '1.4.1'

The links to download the .jar file were dead for me, so had to go with an alternate route.

Hope this helps :)

How do I 'foreach' through a two-dimensional array?

As others have suggested, you could use nested for-loops or redeclare your multidimensional array as a jagged one.

However, I think it's worth pointing out that multidimensional arrays are enumerable, just not in the way that you want. For example:

string[,] table = {
                      { "aa", "aaa" },
                      { "bb", "bbb" }

foreach (string s in table)

/* Output is:

How to assign from a function which returns more than one value?

How about using assign?

functionReturningTwoValues <- function(a, b) {
  assign(a, 1, pos=1)
  assign(b, 2, pos=1)

You can pass the names of the variable you want to be passed by reference.

> functionReturningTwoValues('a', 'b')
> a
[1] 1
> b
[1] 2

If you need to access the existing values, the converse of assign is get.

How to cherry pick a range of commits and merge into another branch?

git cherry-pick FIRST^..LAST works only for simple scenarios.

To achieve a decent "merge it into the integration branch" while having the usal comfort with things like auto-skipping of already integrated picks, transplanting diamond-merges, interactive control ...) better use a rebase. One answer here pointed to that, however the protocol included a dicey git branch -f and a juggling with a temp branch. Here a straight robust method:

git rebase -i FIRST LAST~0 --onto integration
git rebase @ integration

The -i allows for interactive control. The ~0 ensures a detached rebase (not moving the / another branch) in case LAST is a branch name. It can be omitted otherwise. The second rebase command just moves the integration branch ref in safe manner forward to the intermediate detached head - it doesn't introduce new commits. To rebase a complex structure with merge diamonds etc. consider --rebase-merges or --rebase-merges=rebase-cousins in the first rebase.

How To Upload Files on GitHub

I didn't find the above answers sufficiently explicit, and it took me some time to figure it out for myself. The most useful page I found was:

I'm on a Unix box, using the command line. I expect this will all work on a Mac command line. (Mac or Window GUI looks to be available at but I haven't tested this, and don't know how transferable this will be to the GUI.)

Step 1: Create a Github account Step 2: Create a new repository, typically with a README and LICENCE file created in the process. Step 3: Install "git" software. (Links in answers above and online help at github should suffice to do these steps, so I don't provide detailed instructions.) Step 4: Tell git who you are:

git config --global "<NAME>"
git config --global "<email>"

I think the e-mail must be one of the addresses you have associated with the github account. I used the same name as I used in github, but I think (not sure) that this is not required. Optionally you can add caching of credentials, so you don't need to type in your github account name and password so often.

Create and navigate to some top level working directory:

mkdir <working>
cd <working>

Import the nearly empty repository from github:

git clone<user>/<repository>

This might ask for credentials (if github repository is not 'public'.) Move to directory, and see what we've done:

cd <repository>
ls -a
git remote -v

(The 'ls' and 'git remote' commands are optional, they just show you stuff) Copy the 10000 files and millions of lines of code that you want to put in the repository:

cp -R <path>/src .
git status -s

(assuming everything you want is under a directory named "src".) (The second command again is optional and just shows you stuff)

Add all the files you just copied to git, and optionally admire the the results:

git add src
git status -s

Commit all the changes:

git commit -m "<commit comment>"

Push the changes

git push origin master

"Origin" is an alias for your github repository which was automatically set up by the "git clone" command. "master" is the branch you are pushing to. Go look at github in your browser and you should see all the files have been added.

Optionally remove the directory you did all this in, to reclaim disk space:

cd ..
rm -r <working>

Concatenating variables in Bash

Try doing this, there's no special character to concatenate in bash :



If you don't put brackets, you will ask to concatenate $arg112 + $argendoffile (I guess that's not what you asked) like in the following example :


The brackets are delimiters for the variables when needed. When not needed, you can use it or not.

another solution

(less portable : require bash > 3.1)

$ arg1=foo
$ arg2=bar
$ mystring="$arg1"
$ mystring+="12"
$ mystring+="$arg2"
$ mystring+="endoffile"
$ echo "$mystring"



Check out this Article, it shows how to mimic SQL ROW_NUMBER() with a partition by in MySQL. I ran into this very same scenario in a WordPress Implementation. I needed ROW_NUMBER() and it wasn't there.

The example in the article is using a single partition by field. To partition by additional fields you could do something like this:

  SELECT  @row_num := IF(@prev_value=concat_ws('',t.col1,t.col2),@row_num+1,1) AS RowNumber
         ,@prev_value := concat_ws('',t.col1,t.col2)
    FROM table1 t,
         (SELECT @row_num := 1) x,
         (SELECT @prev_value := '') y
   ORDER BY t.col1,t.col2,t.col3,t.col4 

Using concat_ws handles null's. I tested this against 3 fields using an int, date, and varchar. Hope this helps. Check out the article as it breaks this query down and explains it.

Numeric for loop in Django templates

Just incase anyone else comes across this question… I've created a template tag which lets you create a range(...):

Accepts the same arguments as the 'range' builtin and creates a list containing
the result of 'range'.

    {% mkrange [start,] stop[, step] as context_name %}

For example:
    {% mkrange 5 10 2 as some_range %}
    {% for i in some_range %}
      {{ i }}: Something I want to repeat\n
    {% endfor %}

    5: Something I want to repeat 
    7: Something I want to repeat 
    9: Something I want to repeat

Python: json.loads returns items prefixing with 'u'

Everything is cool, man. The 'u' is a good thing, it indicates that the string is of type Unicode in python 2.x.

Error on renaming database in SQL Server 2008 R2

Another way to close all connections:

Administrative Tools > View Local Services

Stop/Start the "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)" service

Address in mailbox given [] does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2. when email is in a variable

Your problem may be that the .env file is not loading properly and using the MAIL_USERNAME.

To check if your .env file is loading the email address properly add this line to your controller and refresh the page.


If it shows up null try running the following command from command line and trying again.

php artisan cache:clear

How to run Node.js as a background process and never die?

another solution disown the job

$ nohup node server.js &
[1] 1711
$ disown -h %1

How to include a child object's child object in Entity Framework 5

With EF Core in .NET Core you can use the keyword ThenInclude :

return DatabaseContext.Applications
 .Include(a => a.Children).ThenInclude(c => c.ChildRelationshipType);

Include childs from childrens collection :

return DatabaseContext.Applications
 .Include(a => a.Childrens).ThenInclude(cs => cs.ChildRelationshipType1)
 .Include(a => a.Childrens).ThenInclude(cs => cs.ChildRelationshipType2);

comparing strings in vb

I would suggest using the String.Compare method. Using that method you can also control whether to to have it perform case-sensitive comparisons or not.


Dim str1 As String = "String one"
Dim str2 As String = str1
Dim str3 As String = "String three"
Dim str4 As String = str3

If String.Compare(str1, str2) = 0 And String.Compare(str3, str4) = 0 Then
    MessageBox.Show("str1 = str2 And str3 = str4")
End If

Edit: if you want to perform a case-insensitive search you can use the StringComparison parameter:

If String.Compare(str1, str2, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) = 0 And String.Compare(str3, str4, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) = 0 Then

How does Python return multiple values from a function?

Here It is actually returning tuple.

If you execute this code in Python 3:

def get():
    a = 3
    b = 5
    return a,b
number = get()

Output :

<class 'tuple'>
(3, 5)

But if you change the code line return [a,b] instead of return a,b and execute :

def get():
    a = 3
    b = 5
    return [a,b]
number = get()

Output :

<class 'list'>
[3, 5]

It is only returning single object which contains multiple values.

There is another alternative to return statement for returning multiple values, use yield( to check in details see this What does the "yield" keyword do in Python?)

Sample Example :

def get():
    for i in range(5):
        yield i
number = get()
for i in number:

Output :

<class 'generator'>
<generator object get at 0x7fbe5a1698b8>

Hide/Show components in react native

constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      visible: true,

declare visible false so by default modal / view are hide

example = () => {

 this.setState({ visible: !this.state.visible })


**Function call **

{this.state.visible == false ?
              onPress= {() => this.example()}>   // call function
                            show view

              onPress= {() => this.example()}>
                            hide view

How to import jquery using ES6 syntax?

Import jquery (I installed with 'npm install [email protected]')

import 'jquery/jquery.js';

Put all your code that depends on jquery inside this method

+function ($) { 
    // your code

or declare variable $ after import

var $ = window.$

What is the best way to auto-generate INSERT statements for a SQL Server table?

The first link to sp_generate_inserts is pretty cool, here is a really simple version:

DECLARE @Fields VARCHAR(max); SET @Fields = '[QueueName], [iSort]' -- your fields, keep []
DECLARE @Table  VARCHAR(max); SET @Table  = 'Queues'               -- your table

SELECT @S = ISNULL(@S + '' UNION '', ''INSERT INTO ' + @Table + '(' + @Fields + ')'') + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 
 ''SELECT '' + ' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@Fields, ',', ' + '', '' + '), '[', ''''''''' + CAST('),']',' AS VARCHAR(max)) + ''''''''') +' FROM ' + @Table + '


On my system, I get this result:

INSERT INTO Queues([QueueName], [iSort])
SELECT 'WD: Auto Capture', '10' UNION 
SELECT 'Car/Lar', '11' UNION 
SELECT 'Scan Line', '21' UNION 
SELECT 'Dynamic Template', '23' UNION 
SELECT 'Fix MICR (Supervisor)', '42' UNION 
SELECT 'Foreign MICR', '43' UNION 

How to beautifully update a JPA entity in Spring Data?

Even better then @Tanjim Rahman answer you can using Spring Data JPA use the method T getOne(ID id)

Customer customerToUpdate = customerRepository.getOne(id);

Is's better because getOne(ID id) gets you only a reference (proxy) object and does not fetch it from the DB. On this reference you can set what you want and on save() it will do just an SQL UPDATE statement like you expect it. In comparsion when you call find() like in @Tanjim Rahmans answer spring data JPA will do an SQL SELECT to physically fetch the entity from the DB, which you dont need, when you are just updating.

Spring mvc @PathVariable

suppose you want to write a url to fetch some order, you can say

where 123 is orderId.

So now the url you will use in spring mvc controller would look like


Now order id can be declared a path variable

@RequestMapping(value = " /order/{orderId}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String getOrder(@PathVariable String orderId){
//fetch order

if you use url, then orderId variable will be populated by value 123 by spring

Also note that PathVariable differs from requestParam as pathVariable is part of URL. The same url using request param would look like

Spring Official Reference

Unable to capture screenshot. Prevented by security policy. Galaxy S6. Android 6.0

You must have either disabled, froze or uninstalled FaceProvider in settings>applications>all
This will only happen if it's frozen, either uninstall it, or enable it.

Get first and last day of month using threeten, LocalDate

 LocalDate monthstart = LocalDate.of(year,month,1);
 LocalDate monthend = monthstart.plusDays(monthstart.lengthOfMonth()-1);

Is there a max size for POST parameter content?

Yes there is 2MB max and it can be increased by configuration change like this. If your POST body is not in form of multipart file then you might need to add the max-http-post configuration for tomcat in the application yml configuration file.

Increase max size of each multipart file to 10MB and total payload size of 100MB max

      multipart:max-file-size: 10MB
      multipart:max-request-size: 100MB

Setting max size of post requests which might just be the formdata in string format to ~10 MB

        max-http-post-size: 100000000 # max-http-form-post-size: 10MB for new version

You might need to add this for the latest sprintboot version ->

server: tomcat: max-http-form-post-size: 10MB

What's the difference between REST & RESTful

REST based Services/Architecture vs. RESTFUL Services/Architecture

To differentiate or compare these 2, you should know what REST is.

REST (REpresentational State Transfer) is basically an architectural style of development having some principles:

  • It should be stateless

  • It should access all the resources from the server using only URI

  • It does not have inbuilt encryption

  • It does not have session

  • It uses one and only one protocol - HTTP

  • For performing CRUD operations, it should use HTTP verbs such as get, post, put and delete

  • It should return the result only in the form of JSON or XML, atom, OData etc. (lightweight data )

REST based services follow some of the above principles and not all

RESTFUL services means it follows all the above principles.

It is similar to the concept of:

Object oriented languages support all the OOP concepts, examples: C++, C#

Object-based languages support some of the OOP features, examples: JavaScript, VB


ASP Dot NET MVC 4 is REST-Based while Microsoft WEB API is RESTFul.

MVC supports only some of the above REST principles whereas WEB API supports all the above REST Principles.

MVC only supports the following from the REST API

  • We can access the resource using URI

  • It supports the HTTP verb to access the resource from server

  • It can return the results in the form of JSON, XML, that is the HTTPResponse.

However, at the same time in MVC

  • We can use the session

  • We can make it stateful

  • We can return video or image from the controller action method which basically violates the REST principles

That is why MVC is REST-Based whereas WEB API supports all the above principles and is RESTFul.

How to save a bitmap on internal storage

You might be able to use the following for decoding, compressing and saving an image:

     public void onClick(View view) {
                InputStream image_stream = null;
                try {
                    image_stream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(myUri);
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

                Bitmap image= BitmapFactory.decodeStream(image_stream );
                // path to sd card
                File path=Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
                //create a file
                File  dir=new File(path+"/ComDec/");
                Date date=new Date();
                File file=new File(dir,date+".jpg");

                OutputStream out=null;
                    out=new FileOutputStream(file);

                    MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage(getContentResolver(), image," yourTitle "," yourDescription");


                catch (IOException e)
                Toast.makeText(SecondActivity.this,"Image Save Successfully",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Java regex email

FWIW, here is the Java code we use to validate email addresses. The Regexp's are very similar:

public static final Pattern VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_REGEX = 
    Pattern.compile("^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,6}$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);

public static boolean validate(String emailStr) {
        Matcher matcher = VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_REGEX.matcher(emailStr);
        return matcher.find();

Works fairly reliably.

How do you send a Firebase Notification to all devices via CURL?

One way to do that is to make all your users' devices subscribe to a topic. That way when you target a message to a specific topic, all devices will get it. I think this how the Notifications section in the Firebase console does it.

How do I set adaptive multiline UILabel text?

It should work. Try this

var label:UILabel = UILabel(frame: CGRectMake(10
    ,100, 300, 40));
label.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center;
label.numberOfLines = 0;
label.font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(16.0);
label.text = "First label\nsecond line";

event.preventDefault() function not working in IE

FWIW, in case anyone revisits this question later, you might also check what you are handing to your onKeyPress handler function.

I ran into this error when I mistakenly passed onKeyPress(this) instead of onKeyPress(event).

Just something else to check.

What does "Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead" mean?

The better option is create a new table copy the rows to the destination table, drop the actual table and rename the newly created table . This method is good for small tables,

"Application tried to present modally an active controller"?

In my case, I was presenting the rootViewController of an UINavigationController when I was supposed to present the UINavigationController itself.

Split text with '\r\n'

I took a more compact approach to split an input resulting from a text area into a list of string . You can use this if suits your purpose.

the problem is you cannot split by \r\n so i removed the \n beforehand and split only by \r

var serials = model.List.Replace("\n","").Split('\r').ToList<string>();

I like this approach because you can do it in just one line.

Read Numeric Data from a Text File in C++

It can depend, especially on whether your file will have the same number of items on each row or not. If it will, then you probably want a 2D matrix class of some sort, usually something like this:

class array2D { 
    std::vector<double> data;
    size_t columns;
    array2D(size_t x, size_t y) : columns(x), data(x*y) {}

    double &operator(size_t x, size_t y) {
       return data[y*columns+x];

Note that as it's written, this assumes you know the size you'll need up-front. That can be avoided, but the code gets a little larger and more complex.

In any case, to read the numbers and maintain the original structure, you'd typically read a line at a time into a string, then use a stringstream to read numbers from the line. This lets you store the data from each line into a separate row in your array.

If you don't know the size ahead of time or (especially) if different rows might not all contain the same number of numbers:

11 12 13
23 34 56 78

You might want to use a std::vector<std::vector<double> > instead. This does impose some overhead, but if different rows may have different sizes, it's an easy way to do the job.

std::vector<std::vector<double> > numbers;

std::string temp;

while (std::getline(infile, temp)) {
    std::istringstream buffer(temp);
    std::vector<double> line((std::istream_iterator<double>(buffer)),


...or, with a modern (C++11) compiler, you can use brackets for line's initialization:

    std::vector<double> line{std::istream_iterator<double>(buffer),

How to iterate through an ArrayList of Objects of ArrayList of Objects?

When using Java8 it would be more easier and a single liner only.

    gunList.get(2).getBullets().forEach(n -> System.out.println(n));

bash: npm: command not found?

You need to install Node . Visiti this link

[1]: and follow the instructions.

CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in milliseconds

Postgres: SELECT (extract(epoch from now())*1000)::bigint;

Should a RESTful 'PUT' operation return something

The HTTP specification (RFC 2616) has a number of recommendations that are applicable. Here is my interpretation:

  • HTTP status code 200 OK for a successful PUT of an update to an existing resource. No response body needed. (Per Section 9.6, 204 No Content is even more appropriate.)
  • HTTP status code 201 Created for a successful PUT of a new resource, with the most specific URI for the new resource returned in the Location header field and any other relevant URIs and metadata of the resource echoed in the response body. (RFC 2616 Section 10.2.2)
  • HTTP status code 409 Conflict for a PUT that is unsuccessful due to a 3rd-party modification, with a list of differences between the attempted update and the current resource in the response body. (RFC 2616 Section 10.4.10)
  • HTTP status code 400 Bad Request for an unsuccessful PUT, with natural-language text (such as English) in the response body that explains why the PUT failed. (RFC 2616 Section 10.4)

Comprehensive beginner's virtualenv tutorial?

Here's another good one:

This one shows how to use pip and a pip requirements file with virtualenv; Scobal's two suggested tutorials are both very helpful but are both easy_install-centric.

Note that none of these tutorials explain how to run a different version of Python within a virtualenv - for this, see this SO question: Use different Python version with virtualenv

ORA-00979 not a group by expression

In addition to the other answers, this error can result if there's an inconsistency in an order by clause. For instance:

    substr(year_month, 1, 4)
    ,count(*) as tot
group by
    substr(year_month, 1, 4)
order by

How to change dot size in gnuplot

The pointsize command scales the size of points, but does not affect the size of dots.

In other words, plot ... with points ps 2 will generate points of twice the normal size, but for plot ... with dots ps 2 the "ps 2" part is ignored.

You could use circular points (pt 7), which look just like dots.

Why does NULL = NULL evaluate to false in SQL server

How old is Frank? I don't know (null).

How old is Shirley? I don't know (null).

Are Frank and Shirley the same age?

Correct answer should be "I don't know" (null), not "no", as Frank and Shirley might be the same age, we simply don't know.

A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: SIGSEGV, libjvm

It can happen because of native method calling in your application. For example, in Qtjambi if you use QApplication.quit() instead of QApplication.closeAllWindows() for closing a Java application it generates an error log.

In this case, you can get a stack trace right to your method that called the native code and caused the crash. Just look in the log file it tells you about:

# An error report file with more information is saved as hs_err_pid24139.log.

The stack trace looks quite unusual, since it has native code mixed with VM code and your code, but each line is prefixed so you can tell which lines are your own code. There's a key at the top of the stack trace to explain the prefixes:

Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, A=aot compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)

Variable's memory size in Python

Regarding the internal structure of a Python long, check sys.int_info (or sys.long_info for Python 2.7).

>>> import sys
>>> sys.int_info
sys.int_info(bits_per_digit=30, sizeof_digit=4)

Python either stores 30 bits into 4 bytes (most 64-bit systems) or 15 bits into 2 bytes (most 32-bit systems). Comparing the actual memory usage with calculated values, I get

>>> import math, sys
>>> a=0
>>> sys.getsizeof(a)
>>> a=2**100
>>> sys.getsizeof(a)
>>> a=2**1000
>>> sys.getsizeof(a)
>>> 24+4*math.ceil(100/30)
>>> 24+4*math.ceil(1000/30)

There are 24 bytes of overhead for 0 since no bits are stored. The memory requirements for larger values matches the calculated values.

If your numbers are so large that you are concerned about the 6.25% unused bits, you should probably look at the gmpy2 library. The internal representation uses all available bits and computations are significantly faster for large values (say, greater than 100 digits).

INSERT INTO TABLE from comma separated varchar-list

Something like this should work:

INSERT INTO #IMEIS (imei) VALUES ('val1'), ('val2'), ...


Apparently this syntax is only available starting on SQL Server 2008.

How to comment/uncomment in HTML code

Yes, to comment structural metadata out,

Using <script>/* ... */</script> in .html

Comment out large sections of HTML (Comment Out Block)

my personal way in a .html file is opening: <script>/* and close it with */</script>

<script>/* hiding code go here */</script>

Is a workaround to the problem since is not HTML.

Considering your code in .html...

  <!-- Here starts the sidebar -->
  <div id="sidebar">

  <!-- Here starts the main contents pane -->
  <div id="main-contents">

  <!-- Here starts the footer -->
  <div id="footer">

And in a case is HTML inside PHP file using comment tag <?/* or <?php /* and close it with */?> . Remember that the file must be .php extension and don't work in .html.

<?/* hiding code go here */?>

Considering your code in .php...

  <!-- Here starts the sidebar -->
  <div id="sidebar">

  <!-- Here starts the main contents pane -->
  <div id="main-contents">

  <!-- Here starts the footer -->
  <div id="footer">

Is worth nothing that is not HTML but a common developer practice is to comment out parts of metadata so that it will not be rendered and/or executed in the browser. In HTML, commenting out multiple lines can be time-consuming. It is useful to exclude pieces of template structural metadata containing comments, CSS or code and systematically commenting out to find the source of an error. It is considered a bad practice to comment blocks out and it is recommended to use a version control system. The attribute "type" is required in HTML4 and optional in HTML5.

git checkout master error: the following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout

Try git checkout -f master.

-f or --force


When switching branches, proceed even if the index or the working tree differs from HEAD. This is used to throw away local changes.

When checking out paths from the index, do not fail upon unmerged entries; instead, unmerged entries are ignored.

Get string after character

For the text after the first = and before the next =

cut -d "=" -f2 <<< "$your_str"


sed -e 's#.*=\(\)#\1#' <<< "$your_str"

For all text after the first = regardless of if there are multiple =

cut -d "=" -f2- <<< "$your_str"

Arrow operator (->) usage in C

The -> operator makes the code more readable than the * operator in some situations.

Such as: (quoted from the EDK II project)

  IN EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL          *This,
  IN UINT32                         MediaId,
  IN EFI_LBA                        Lba,
  IN UINTN                          BufferSize,
  OUT VOID                          *Buffer

  /// The revision to which the block IO interface adheres. All future
  /// revisions must be backwards compatible. If a future version is not
  /// back wards compatible, it is not the same GUID.
  UINT64              Revision;
  /// Pointer to the EFI_BLOCK_IO_MEDIA data for this device.

  EFI_BLOCK_RESET     Reset;
  EFI_BLOCK_READ      ReadBlocks;
  EFI_BLOCK_WRITE     WriteBlocks;
  EFI_BLOCK_FLUSH     FlushBlocks;


The _EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL struct contains 4 function pointer members.

Suppose you have a variable struct _EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL * pStruct, and you want to use the good old * operator to call it's member function pointer. You will end up with code like this:


But with the -> operator, you can write like this:


Which looks better?

"Cloning" row or column vectors


>>> n = 1000
>>> x = np.arange(n)
>>> reps = 10000

Zero-cost allocations

A view does not take any additional memory. Thus, these declarations are instantaneous:

# New axis
x[np.newaxis, ...]

# Broadcast to specific shape
np.broadcast_to(x, (reps, n))

Forced allocation

If you want force the contents to reside in memory:

>>> %timeit np.array(np.broadcast_to(x, (reps, n)))
10.2 ms ± 62.3 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

>>> %timeit np.repeat(x[np.newaxis, :], reps, axis=0)
9.88 ms ± 52.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

>>> %timeit np.tile(x, (reps, 1))
9.97 ms ± 77.3 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

All three methods are roughly the same speed.


>>> a = np.arange(reps * n).reshape(reps, n)
>>> x_tiled = np.tile(x, (reps, 1))

>>> %timeit np.broadcast_to(x, (reps, n)) * a
17.1 ms ± 284 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

>>> %timeit x[np.newaxis, :] * a
17.5 ms ± 300 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

>>> %timeit x_tiled * a
17.6 ms ± 240 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

All three methods are roughly the same speed.


If you want to replicate before a computation, consider using one of the "zero-cost allocation" methods. You won't suffer the performance penalty of "forced allocation".

append multiple values for one key in a dictionary

Here is an alternative way of doing this using the not in operator:

# define an empty dict
years_dict = dict()

for line in list:
    # here define what key is, for example,
    key = line[0]
    # check if key is already present in dict
    if key not in years_dict:
        years_dict[key] = []
    # append some value 

Method List in Visual Studio Code

Invoke Code's Go to symbol command:

  • macOS: cmd+shift+o (the letter o, not zero)

  • Windows/Linux: ctrl+shift+o

Typing a colon (:) after invoking Go to symbol will group symbols by type (classes, interfaces, methods, properties, variables). Then just scroll to the methods section.

Has anyone ever got a remote JMX JConsole to work?

I'm trying to JMC to run the Flight Recorder (JFR) to profile NiFi on a remote server that doesn't offer a graphical environment on which to run JMC.

Based on the other answers given here, and upon much trial and error, here is what I'm supplying to the JVM (conf/bootstrap.conf)when I launch NiFi:
java.arg.96=-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=  (the IP address of my server running NiFi)

I did put this in /etc/hosts, though I doubt it's needed:   localhost

Then, upon launching JMC, I create a remote connection with these properties:

Port: 9098
User: (nothing)
Password: (ibid)

Incidentally, if I click the Custom JMX service URL, I see:


This finally did it for me.

How to hide app title in android?


<activity android:name=".ActivityName" 

Serializing/deserializing with memory stream

This code works for me:

public void Run()
    Dog myDog = new Dog();
    myDog.Name= "Foo";
    myDog.Color = DogColor.Brown;

    System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", myDog.ToString());

    MemoryStream stream = SerializeToStream(myDog);

    Dog newDog = (Dog)DeserializeFromStream(stream);

    System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", newDog.ToString());

Where the types are like this:

public enum DogColor

public class Dog
    public String Name
        get; set;

    public DogColor Color

    public override String ToString()
        return String.Format("Dog: {0}/{1}", Name, Color);

and the utility methods are:

public static MemoryStream SerializeToStream(object o)
    MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
    IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
    formatter.Serialize(stream, o);
    return stream;

public static object DeserializeFromStream(MemoryStream stream)
    IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
    stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
    object o = formatter.Deserialize(stream);
    return o;

How to use onSavedInstanceState example please

Store information:

static final String PLAYER_SCORE = "playerScore";
static final String PLAYER_LEVEL = "playerLevel";

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Save the user's current game state
    savedInstanceState.putInt(PLAYER_SCORE, mCurrentScore);
    savedInstanceState.putInt(PLAYER_LEVEL, mCurrentLevel);

// Always call the superclass so it can save the view hierarchy state

If you don't want to restore information in your onCreate-Method:

Here are the examples: Recreating an Activity

Instead of restoring the state during onCreate() you may choose to implement onRestoreInstanceState(), which the system calls after the onStart() method. The system calls onRestoreInstanceState() only if there is a saved state to restore, so you do not need to check whether the Bundle is null

public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Always call the superclass so it can restore the view hierarchy

// Restore state members from saved instance
mCurrentScore = savedInstanceState.getInt(PLAYER_SCORE);
mCurrentLevel = savedInstanceState.getInt(PLAYER_LEVEL);

Usage of unicode() and encode() functions in Python

You are using encode("utf-8") incorrectly. Python byte strings (str type) have an encoding, Unicode does not. You can convert a Unicode string to a Python byte string using uni.encode(encoding), and you can convert a byte string to a Unicode string using s.decode(encoding) (or equivalently, unicode(s, encoding)).

If fullFilePath and path are currently a str type, you should figure out how they are encoded. For example, if the current encoding is utf-8, you would use:

path = path.decode('utf-8')
fullFilePath = fullFilePath.decode('utf-8')

If this doesn't fix it, the actual issue may be that you are not using a Unicode string in your execute() call, try changing it to the following:

cur.execute(u"update docs set path = :fullFilePath where path = :path", locals())

Strip HTML from Text JavaScript

I think the easiest way is to just use Regular Expressions as someone mentioned above. Although there's no reason to use a bunch of them. Try:

stringWithHTML = stringWithHTML.replace(/<\/?[a-z][a-z0-9]*[^<>]*>/ig, "");

How do I create a multiline Python string with inline variables?

This is what you want:

>>> string1 = "go"
>>> string2 = "now"
>>> string3 = "great"
>>> mystring = """
... I will {string1} there
... I will go {string2}
... {string3}
... """
>>> locals()
{'__builtins__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>, 'string3': 'great', '__package__': None, 'mystring': "\nI will {string1} there\nI will go {string2}\n{string3}\n", '__name__': '__main__', 'string2': 'now', '__doc__': None, 'string1': 'go'}
>>> print(mystring.format(**locals()))

I will go there
I will go now

MySQL Error 1264: out of range value for column

The value 3172978990 is greater than 2147483647 – the maximum value for INT – hence the error. MySQL integer types and their ranges are listed here.

Also note that the (10) in INT(10) does not define the "size" of an integer. It specifies the display width of the column. This information is advisory only.

To fix the error, change your datatype to VARCHAR. Phone and Fax numbers should be stored as strings. See this discussion.

generate days from date range

Can create a procedure also to create calendar table with timestmap different from day. If you want a table for each quarter


2019-01-22 08:45:00
2019-01-22 09:00:00
2019-01-22 09:15:00
2019-01-22 09:30:00
2019-01-22 09:45:00
2019-01-22 10:00:00

you can use

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `generate_calendar_table`()

select unix_timestamp('2014-01-01 00:00:00') into @startts;
select unix_timestamp('2025-01-01 00:00:00') into @endts;

if ( @startts < @endts ) then

    DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS calendar_table_tmp;

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE calendar_table_tmp (ts int, dt datetime); 

    WHILE ( @startts < @endts)
        SET @startts = @startts + 900;
        INSERT calendar_table_tmp VALUES (@startts, from_unixtime(@startts));

END if;


and then manipulate through

select ts, dt from calendar_table_tmp;

that give you also ts

'1548143100', '2019-01-22 08:45:00'
'1548144000', '2019-01-22 09:00:00'
'1548144900', '2019-01-22 09:15:00'
'1548145800', '2019-01-22 09:30:00'
'1548146700', '2019-01-22 09:45:00'
'1548147600', '2019-01-22 10:00:00'

from here you can start to add other information such as

select ts, dt, weekday(dt) as wd from calendar_table_tmp;

or create a real table with create table statement

How to generate class diagram from project in Visual Studio 2013?

For creating real UML class diagrams:

In Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate you can do this without any external tools.

  • In the menu, click on Architecture, New Diagram Select UML Class Diagram
  • This will ask you to create a new Modeling Project if you don't have one already.

You will have a empty UMLClassDiagram.classdiagram.

  • Again, go to Architecture, Windows, Architecture Explorer.
  • A window will pop up with your namespaces, Choose Class View.
  • Then a list of sub-namespaces will appear, if any. Choose one, select the classes and drag them to the empty UMLClassDiagram1.classdiagram window.

Reference: Create UML Class Diagrams from Code

Convert `List<string>` to comma-separated string

Follow this:

       List<string> name = new List<string>();   



        string nameOfString = (string.Join(",", name.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()));

How to convert a Kotlin source file to a Java source file

  1. open kotlin file in android studio
  2. go to tools -> kotlin ->kotlin bytecode
  3. in the new window that open beside your kotlin file , click the decompile button . it will create java equivalent of your kotlin file .

JAX-WS client : what's the correct path to access the local WSDL?

Thanks a ton for Bhaskar Karambelkar's answer which explains in detail and fixed my issue. But also I would like to re phrase the answer in three simple steps for someone who is in a hurry to fix

  1. Make your wsdl local location reference as wsdlLocation= "http://localhost/wsdl/yourwsdlname.wsdl"
  2. Create a META-INF folder right under the src. Put your wsdl file/s in a folder under META-INF, say META-INF/wsdl
  3. Create an xml file jax-ws-catalog.xml under META-INF as below

    <catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog" prefer="system"> <system systemId="http://localhost/wsdl/yourwsdlname.wsdl" uri="wsdl/yourwsdlname.wsdl" /> </catalog>

Now package your jar. No more reference to the local directory, it's all packaged and referenced within

Set adb vendor keys

If you have an AVD, this might help.

Open the AVD Manager from Android Studio. Choose the dropdown in the right most of your device row. Then do Wipe Data. Restart your virtual device, and ADB will work.

AngularJS. How to call controller function from outside of controller component

Dmitry's answer works fine. I just made a simple example using the same technique.


<button onclick="call()">Call Controller's method from outside</button>
<div  id="container" ng-app="" ng-controller="testController">


function call() {
    var scope = angular.element(document.getElementById('container')).scope();
        scope.msg = scope.msg + ' I am the newly addded message from the outside of the controller.';

function testController($scope) {
    $scope.msg = "Hello from a controller method.";
    $scope.returnHello = function() {
        return $scope.msg ; 

How to configure Docker port mapping to use Nginx as an upstream proxy?

Just found an article from Anand Mani Sankar wich shows a simple way of using nginx upstream proxy with docker composer.

Basically one must configure the instance linking and ports at the docker-compose file and update upstream at nginx.conf accordingly.

Oracle sqlldr TRAILING NULLCOLS required, but why?

You have defined 5 fields in your control file. Your fields are terminated by a comma, so you need 5 commas in each record for the 5 fields unless TRAILING NULLCOLS is specified, even though you are loading the ID field with a sequence value via the SQL String.

RE: Comment by OP

That's not my experience with a brief test. With the following control file:

load data
infile *
into table T_new
fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"'
( A,

Produced the following output:

Table T_NEW, loaded from every logical record.
Insert option in effect for this table: INSERT

   Column Name                  Position   Len  Term Encl Datatype
------------------------------ ---------- ----- ---- ---- ---------------------
A                                   FIRST     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER            
B                                    NEXT     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER            
C                                    NEXT     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER            
D                                    NEXT     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER            
ID                                   NEXT     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER            
    SQL string for column : "ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL"

Record 1: Rejected - Error on table T_NEW, column ID.
Column not found before end of logical record (use TRAILING NULLCOLS)
Record 2: Rejected - Error on table T_NEW, column ID.
Column not found before end of logical record (use TRAILING NULLCOLS)
Record 3: Rejected - Error on table T_NEW, column ID.
Column not found before end of logical record (use TRAILING NULLCOLS)
Record 5: Discarded - all columns null.

Table T_NEW:
  1 Row successfully loaded.
  3 Rows not loaded due to data errors.
  0 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed.
  1 Row not loaded because all fields were null.

Note that the only row that loaded correctly had 5 commas. Even the 3rd row, with all data values present except ID, the data does not load. Unless I'm missing something...

I'm using 10gR2.

"unexpected token import" in Nodejs5 and babel?

It may be that you're running uncompiled files. Let's start clean!

In your work directory create:

  • Two folders. One for precompiled es2015 code. The other for babel's output. We'll name them "src" and "lib" respectively.
  • A package.json file with the following object:

      "scripts": {
          "transpile-es2015": "babel src -d lib"
      "devDependencies": {
          "babel-cli": "^6.18.0",
          "babel-preset-latest": "^6.16.0"
  • A file named ".babelrc" with the following instructions: {"presets": ["latest"]}

  • Lastly, write test code in your src/index.js file. In your case: import co from 'co'.

Through your console:

  • Install your packages: npm install
  • Transpile your source directory to your output directory with the -d (aka --out-dir) flag as, already, specified in our package.json: npm run transpile-es2015
  • Run your code from the output directory! node lib/index.js

Post-increment and pre-increment within a 'for' loop produce same output

Yes, you'll get exactly same outputs for both. why do you think they should give you different outputs?

Post-increment or pre-increment matters in situations like this:

int j = ++i;
int k = i++;

where you provide some value, either by assigning or by passing an argument. You do neither in your for loops. It gets incremented only. Post- and pre- don't make sense there!

How do I include the string header?

The C++ string class is std::string. To use it you need to include the <string> header.

For the fundamentals of how to use std::string, you'll want to consult a good introductory C++ book.

How do I see all foreign keys to a table or column?

For a Table:


For a Column:


Basically, we changed REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME with REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME in the where clause.

Access the css ":after" selector with jQuery

You can add style for :after a like html code.
For example:

var value = 22;
body.append('<style>.wrapper:after{border-top-width: ' + value + 'px;}</style>');

Comparing two integer arrays in Java

For the sake of completeness, you should have a method which can check all arrays:

    public static <E> boolean compareArrays(E[] array1, E[] array2) {
      boolean b = true;
      for (int i = 0; i < array2.length; i++) {
        if (array2[i].equals(array1[i]) ) {// For String Compare
        } else {
           b = false;
      return b;

How do I create and store md5 passwords in mysql

I'm not amazing at PHP, but I think this is what you do:

$password = md5($password)

and $password would be the $_POST['password'] or whatever

How to check if a table exists in a given schema

For PostgreSQL 9.3 or less...Or who likes all normalized to text

Three flavors of my old SwissKnife library: relname_exists(anyThing), relname_normalized(anyThing) and relnamechecked_to_array(anyThing). All checks from pg_catalog.pg_class table, and returns standard universal datatypes (boolean, text or text[]).

 * From my old SwissKnife Lib to your SwissKnife. License CC0.
 * Check and normalize to array the free-parameter relation-name.
 * Options: (name); (name,schema), (""). Ignores schema2 in ("",schema2).
CREATE FUNCTION relname_to_array(text,text default NULL) RETURNS text[] AS $f$
     SELECT array[n.nspname::text, c.relname::text]
     FROM   pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace,
            regexp_split_to_array($1,'\.') t(x) -- not work with quoted names
              WHEN COALESCE(x[2],'')>'' THEN n.nspname = x[1]      AND c.relname = x[2]
              WHEN $2 IS NULL THEN           n.nspname = 'public'  AND c.relname = $1
              ELSE                           n.nspname = $2        AND c.relname = $1
$f$ language SQL IMMUTABLE;

CREATE FUNCTION relname_exists(text,text default NULL) RETURNS boolean AS $wrap$
  SELECT EXISTS (SELECT relname_to_array($1,$2))
$wrap$ language SQL IMMUTABLE;

CREATE FUNCTION relname_normalized(text,text default NULL,boolean DEFAULT true) RETURNS text AS $wrap$
  SELECT COALESCE(array_to_string(relname_to_array($1,$2), '.'), CASE WHEN $3 THEN '' ELSE NULL END)
$wrap$ language SQL IMMUTABLE;

What exactly is LLVM?

According to 'Getting Started With LLVM Core Libraries' book (c):

In fact, the name LLVM might refer to any of the following:

  • The LLVM project/infrastructure: This is an umbrella for several projects that, together, form a complete compiler: frontends, backends, optimizers, assemblers, linkers, libc++, compiler-rt, and a JIT engine. The word "LLVM" has this meaning, for example, in the following sentence: "LLVM is comprised of several projects".

  • An LLVM-based compiler: This is a compiler built partially or completely with the LLVM infrastructure. For example, a compiler might use LLVM for the frontend and backend but use GCC and GNU system libraries to perform the final link. LLVM has this meaning in the following sentence, for example: "I used LLVM to compile C programs to a MIPS platform".

  • LLVM libraries: This is the reusable code portion of the LLVM infrastructure. For example, LLVM has this meaning in the sentence: "My project uses LLVM to generate code through its Just-in-Time compilation framework".

  • LLVM core: The optimizations that happen at the intermediate language level and the backend algorithms form the LLVM core where the project started. LLVM has this meaning in the following sentence: "LLVM and Clang are two different projects".

  • The LLVM IR: This is the LLVM compiler intermediate representation. LLVM has this meaning when used in sentences such as "I built a frontend that translates my own language to LLVM".

How do I return multiple values from a function?

"Best" is a partially subjective decision. Use tuples for small return sets in the general case where an immutable is acceptable. A tuple is always preferable to a list when mutability is not a requirement.

For more complex return values, or for the case where formality is valuable (i.e. high value code) a named tuple is better. For the most complex case an object is usually best. However, it's really the situation that matters. If it makes sense to return an object because that is what you naturally have at the end of the function (e.g. Factory pattern) then return the object.

As the wise man said:

Premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming.

How do I to insert data into an SQL table using C# as well as implement an upload function?

You should use parameters in your query to prevent attacks, like if someone entered '); drop table ArticlesTBL;--' as one of the values.

string query = "INSERT INTO ArticlesTBL (ArticleTitle, ArticleContent, ArticleType, ArticleImg, ArticleBrief,  ArticleDateTime, ArticleAuthor, ArticlePublished, ArticleHomeDisplay, ArticleViews)";
query += " VALUES (@ArticleTitle, @ArticleContent, @ArticleType, @ArticleImg, @ArticleBrief, @ArticleDateTime, @ArticleAuthor, @ArticlePublished, @ArticleHomeDisplay, @ArticleViews)";

SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(query, myConnection);
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ArticleTitle", ArticleTitleTextBox.Text);
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ArticleContent", ArticleContentTextBox.Text);
// ... other parameters

Exploits of a Mom


The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead

  1. Why is this happening?

    The entire ext/mysql PHP extension, which provides all functions named with the prefix mysql_, was officially deprecated in PHP v5.5.0 and removed in PHP v7.

    It was originally introduced in PHP v2.0 (November 1997) for MySQL v3.20, and no new features have been added since 2006. Coupled with the lack of new features are difficulties in maintaining such old code amidst complex security vulnerabilities.

    The manual has contained warnings against its use in new code since June 2011.

  2. How can I fix it?

    As the error message suggests, there are two other MySQL extensions that you can consider: MySQLi and PDO_MySQL, either of which can be used instead of ext/mysql. Both have been in PHP core since v5.0, so if you're using a version that is throwing these deprecation errors then you can almost certainly just start using them right away—i.e. without any installation effort.

    They differ slightly, but offer a number of advantages over the old extension including API support for transactions, stored procedures and prepared statements (thereby providing the best way to defeat SQL injection attacks). PHP developer Ulf Wendel has written a thorough comparison of the features. has an excellent tutorial on migrating from ext/mysql to PDO.

  3. I understand that it's possible to suppress deprecation errors by setting error_reporting in php.ini to exclude E_DEPRECATED:

    error_reporting = E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED

    What will happen if I do that?

    Yes, it is possible to suppress such error messages and continue using the old ext/mysql extension for the time being. But you really shouldn't do this—this is a final warning from the developers that the extension may not be bundled with future versions of PHP (indeed, as already mentioned, it has been removed from PHP v7). Instead, you should take this opportunity to migrate your application now, before it's too late.

    Note also that this technique will suppress all E_DEPRECATED messages, not just those to do with the ext/mysql extension: therefore you may be unaware of other upcoming changes to PHP that would affect your application code. It is, of course, possible to only suppress errors that arise on the expression at issue by using PHP's error control operator—i.e. prepending the relevant line with @—however this will suppress all errors raised by that expression, not just E_DEPRECATED ones.

What should you do?

  • You are starting a new project.

    There is absolutely no reason to use ext/mysql—choose one of the other, more modern, extensions instead and reap the rewards of the benefits they offer.

  • You have (your own) legacy codebase that currently depends upon ext/mysql.

    It would be wise to perform regression testing: you really shouldn't be changing anything (especially upgrading PHP) until you have identified all of the potential areas of impact, planned around each of them and then thoroughly tested your solution in a staging environment.

    • Following good coding practice, your application was developed in a loosely integrated/modular fashion and the database access methods are all self-contained in one place that can easily be swapped out for one of the new extensions.

      Spend half an hour rewriting this module to use one of the other, more modern, extensions; test thoroughly. You can later introduce further refinements to reap the rewards of the benefits they offer.

    • The database access methods are scattered all over the place and cannot easily be swapped out for one of the new extensions.

      Consider whether you really need to upgrade to PHP v5.5 at this time.

      You should begin planning to replace ext/mysql with one of the other, more modern, extensions in order that you can reap the rewards of the benefits they offer; you might also use it as an opportunity to refactor your database access methods into a more modular structure.

      However, if you have an urgent need to upgrade PHP right away, you might consider suppressing deprecation errors for the time being: but first be sure to identify any other deprecation errors that are also being thrown.

  • You are using a third party project that depends upon ext/mysql.

    Consider whether you really need to upgrade to PHP v5.5 at this time.

    Check whether the developer has released any fixes, workarounds or guidance in relation to this specific issue; or, if not, pressure them to do so by bringing this matter to their attention. If you have an urgent need to upgrade PHP right away, you might consider suppressing deprecation errors for the time being: but first be sure to identify any other deprecation errors that are also being thrown.

    It is absolutely essential to perform regression testing.

How can I write a regex which matches non greedy?

The other answers here presuppose that you have a regex engine which supports non-greedy matching, which is an extension introduced in Perl 5 and widely copied to other modern languages; but it is by no means ubiquitous.

Many older or more conservative languages and editors only support traditional regular expressions, which have no mechanism for controlling greediness of the repetition operator * - it always matches the longest possible string.

The trick then is to limit what it's allowed to match in the first place. Instead of .* you seem to be looking for


which still matches as many of something as possible; but the something is not just . "any character", but instead "any character which isn't >".

Depending on your application, you may or may not want to enable an option to permit "any character" to include newlines.

Even if your regular expression engine supports non-greedy matching, it's better to spell out what you actually mean. If this is what you mean, you should probably say this, instead of rely on non-greedy matching to (hopefully, probably) Do What I Mean.

For example, a regular expression with a trailing context after the wildcard like .*?><br/> will jump over any nested > until it finds the trailing context (here, ><br/>) even if that requires straddling multiple > instances and newlines if you let it, where [^>]*><br/> (or even [^\n>]*><br/> if you have to explicitly disallow newline) obviously can't and won't do that.

Of course, this is still not what you want if you need to cope with <img title="quoted string with > in it" src="other attributes"> and perhaps <img title="nested tags">, but at that point, you should finally give up on using regular expressions for this like we all told you in the first place.

Checking something isEmpty in Javascript?

const isEmpty = val => val == null || !(Object.keys(val) || val).length;

jQuery access input hidden value

If you have an HiddenField you need to:

To access HiddenField Value:

$('#<%=HF.ClientID%>').val()  // HF = your hiddenfield ID

To set HiddenFieldValue

$('#<%=HF.ClientID%>').val('some value')   // HF = your hiddenfield ID

Get DOS path instead of Windows path

run cmd.exe and do the following:

> cd "long path name"
> command

Then will come up and display only short paths.


How can I change a button's color on hover?

a.button a:hover means "a link that's being hovered over that is a child of a link with the class button".

Go instead for a.button:hover.

How to pass multiple parameters to a get method in ASP.NET Core

You can simply do the following:

    public async Task<IActionResult> GetAsync()
        string queryString = Request.QueryString.ToString().ToLower();

        return Ok(await DoMagic.GetAuthorizationTokenAsync(new Uri($"{queryString}")));

If you need to access each element separately, simply refer to Request.Query.

Convert integer into byte array (Java)

This will help you.

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class MyClass
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        byte [] hbhbytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(16666666).array();


Creating instance list of different objects

You could create a list of Object like List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(). As all classes implementation extends implicit or explicit from java.lang.Object class, this list can hold any object, including instances of Employee, Integer, String etc.

When you retrieve an element from this list, you will be retrieving an Object and no longer an Employee, meaning you need to perform a explicit cast in this case as follows:

List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
list.add(new Employee());

Object retrievedObject = list.get(2);
Employee employee = (Employee)list.get(2); // explicit cast

How to replace all occurrences of a string in Javascript?

You can try like this:

Example data:

var text = "heloo,hai,hei"

text = text.replace(/[,]+/g, '')


text.forEach((value) => {
  hasil = hasil.replace(',', '')

Why does adb return offline after the device string?

also make sure adb isn't running in your processes automatically. If it's there right click open file location, figure out what is starting it, kill it with fire. Run the updated adb from an updated android sdk platform tools. This was the issue with mine, hope it helps someone.

Android open pdf file

String dir="/Attendancesystem";

 public void displaypdf() {

        File file = null;
            file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+dir+ "/sample.pdf");
        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), file.toString() , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        if(file.exists()) {
            Intent target = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
            target.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(file), "application/pdf");

            Intent intent = Intent.createChooser(target, "Open File");
            try {
            } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
                // Instruct the user to install a PDF reader here, or something
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "File path is incorrect." , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Java: Integer equals vs. ==

The issue is that your two Integer objects are just that, objects. They do not match because you are comparing your two object references, not the values within. Obviously .equals is overridden to provide a value comparison as opposed to an object reference comparison.

Join String list elements with a delimiter in one step

Or Joiner from Google Guava.

Joiner joiner = Joiner.on("+");
String join = joiner.join(joinList);

PHP function to get the subdomain of a URL

Suppose current url =

    $host = array_reverse(explode('.', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']));

    if (count($host) >= 3){
       echo "Main domain is = ".$host[1].".".$host[0]." & subdomain is = ".$host[2];
       // Main domain is = & subdomain is = sub
    } else {
       echo "Main domain is = ".$host[1].".".$host[0]." & subdomain not found";
       // "Main domain is = & subdomain not found";

How to make sure docker's time syncs with that of the host?

Docker Usage

Here's a complete example which builds a docker image for a go app in a multistage build. It shows how to include the timezone in your image.

FROM golang:latest as builder


    GOOS=linux \

COPY go.mod .
COPY go.sum .

RUN go mod download

COPY . .

RUN go build -a -installsuffix cgo -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -o main

### Certs
FROM alpine:latest as locals

RUN apk --update --no-cache add ca-certificates

RUN apk add --no-cache tzdata

### App
FROM scratch 

WORKDIR /root/

COPY --from=locals /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

COPY --from=builder app/main .

COPY --from=builder app/templates ./templates

COPY --from=locals /usr/share/zoneinfo /usr/share/zoneinfo

ENV TZ=Asia/Singapore


CMD ["./main"]

How do I use cascade delete with SQL Server?

If the one to many relationship is from T1 to T2 then it doesn't represent a function and therefore cannot be used to deduce or infer an inverse function that guarantees the resulting T2 value doesn't omit tuples of T1 join T2 that are deductively valid, because there is no deductively valid inverse function. ( representing functions was the purpose of primary keys. ) The answer in SQL think is yes you can do it. The answer in relational think is no you can't do it. See points of ambiguity in Codd 1970. The relationship would have to be many-to-one from T1 to T2.

Can Python test the membership of multiple values in a list?

how can you be pythonic without lambdas! .. not to be taken seriously .. but this way works too:

orig_array = [ ..... ]
test_array = [ ... ]

filter(lambda x:x in test_array, orig_array) == test_array

leave out the end part if you want to test if any of the values are in the array:

filter(lambda x:x in test_array, orig_array)

Get data from JSON file with PHP

$data = file_get_contents ("file.json");
        $json = json_decode($data, true);
        foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
            if (!is_array($value)) {
                echo $key . '=>' . $value . '<br/>';
            } else {
                foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
                    echo $key . '=>' . $val . '<br/>';

How to hash some string with sha256 in Java?

You can use MessageDigest in the following way:

public static String getSHA256(String data){
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
        byte byteData[] = md.digest();

        for (int i = 0; i < byteData.length; i++) {
         sb.append(Integer.toString((byteData[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1));
    } catch(Exception e){
    return sb.toString();

Synchronous XMLHttpRequest warning and <script>

In my case if i append script tag like this :

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = 'url/test.js';

i get that warning but if i append script tag to head first then change src warning gone !

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = 'url/test.js';

works fine!!

How can I exclude a directory from Visual Studio Code "Explore" tab?

Use files.exclude:

  • Go to File -> Preferences -> Settings (or on Mac Code -> Preferences -> Settings)
  • Pick the workspace settings tab
  • Add this code to the settings.json file displayed on the right side:

    // Place your settings in this file to overwrite default and user settings.
        "settings": {
            "files.exclude": {
                "**/.git": true,         // this is a default value
                "**/.DS_Store": true,    // this is a default value
                "**/node_modules": true, // this excludes all folders 
                                        // named "node_modules" from 
                                        // the explore tree
                // alternative version
                "node_modules": true    // this excludes the folder 
                                        // only from the root of
                                        // your workspace 

If you chose File -> Preferences -> User Settings then you configure the exclude folders globally for your current user.

Monitor the Graphics card usage

From Unix.SE: A simple command-line utility called gpustat now exists:

It is free software (MIT license) and is packaged in pypi. It is a wrapper of nvidia-smi.

Angular window resize event

Here is an update to @GiridharKamik answer above with the latest version of Rxjs.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable, BehaviorSubject, fromEvent } from 'rxjs';
import { pluck, distinctUntilChanged, map } from 'rxjs/operators';

export class WindowService {
    height$: Observable<number>;
    constructor() {
        const windowSize$ = new BehaviorSubject(getWindowSize());

        this.height$ = windowSize$.pipe(pluck('height'), distinctUntilChanged());

        fromEvent(window, 'resize').pipe(map(getWindowSize))


function getWindowSize() {
    return {
        height: window.innerHeight
        //you can sense other parameters here

How can I change the text inside my <span> with jQuery?

$('#abc span').html('A new text for the span.');

Creating a thumbnail from an uploaded image

function getExtension($str) 

          $i = strrpos($str,".");
         if (!$i) { return ""; } 

         $l = strlen($str) - $i;
         $ext = substr($str,$i+1,$l);
         return $ext;

$valid_formats = array("jpg", "png", "gif", "bmp","jpeg","PNG","JPG","JPEG","GIF","BMP");
if(isset($_POST) and $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST")
        $name = $_FILES['photoimg']['name'];
        $size = $_FILES['photoimg']['size'];

                 $ext = getExtension($name);
                        $actual_image_name = time().substr(str_replace(" ", "_", $txt), 5).".".$ext;
                        $tmp = $_FILES['photoimg']['tmp_name'];
                        if(move_uploaded_file($tmp, $path.$actual_image_name))

                            mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (uid, profile_image) VALUES ('$session_id' , '$actual_image_name')");

                                echo "<img src='uploads/".$actual_image_name."'  class='preview'>";
                            echo "Fail upload folder with read access.";
                    echo "Image file size max 1 MB";                    
                    echo "Invalid file format..";   

            echo "Please select image..!";


How to solve "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" for Spring Data Maven Builds

In Eclipse Luna 4.4.0, you can chose to ignore this error in preferences

Window > Preferences > Maven > Errors/Warnings > Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration. Select Ignore / Warning / Error as you wish.

Also, in the quick fix (Ctrl + 1) for this error, it gives an option to mark goal as ignored in Eclipse build in Eclipse preferences (experimental)

This is a cleaner way, as it doesn't modify your pom.xml.

You will need to do a Maven > Update project to fix the same error in any other project as well.

In STS(Spring-tool-suite), you can choose to ignore this error in preferences

Window > Preferences > Maven > Errors/Warnings > Plugin execution not covered by life-cycle configuration. Select Ignore / Warning / Error as your wish. Then. Right click the project click Maven and update the project then error will gone.

Group by & count function in sqlalchemy

If you are using Table.query property:

from sqlalchemy import func
Table.query.with_entities(Table.column, func.count(Table.column)).group_by(Table.column).all()

If you are using session.query() method (as stated in miniwark's answer):

from sqlalchemy import func
session.query(Table.column, func.count(Table.column)).group_by(Table.column).all()

How to resize Twitter Bootstrap modal dynamically based on the content

I had the same problem with bootstrap 3 and the modal-body div's height not wanting to be greater than 442px. This was all the css needed to fix it in my case:

.modal-body {
    overflow-y: auto;

Disable F5 and browser refresh using JavaScript

If you want to disable ctrl+f5 , ctrl+R , f5 ,backspace then you can use this simple code. This code is working in Mozila as well as Chrome . Add this code inside your body tag:

<body onkeydown="return (event.keyCode == 154)">

Powershell's Get-date: How to get Yesterday at 22:00 in a variable?

I saw in at least one other place that people don't realize Date-Time takes in times as well, so I figured I'd share it here since it's really short to do so:

Get-Date # Following the OP's example, let's say it's Friday, March 12, 2010 9:00:00 AM
(Get-Date '22:00').AddDays(-1) # Thursday, March 11, 2010 10:00:00 PM

It's also the shortest way to strip time information and still use other parameters of Get-Date. For instance you can get seconds since 1970 this way (Unix timestamp):

Get-Date '0:00' -u '%s' # 1268352000

Or you can get an ISO 8601 timestamp:

Get-Date '0:00' -f 's' # 2010-03-12T00:00:00

Then again if you reverse the operands, it gives you a little more freedom with formatting with any date object:

'The sortable timestamp: {0:s}Z{1}Vs measly human format: {0:D}' -f (Get-Date '0:00'), "`r`n"
# The sortable timestamp: 2010-03-12T00:00:00Z
# Vs measly human format: Friday, March 12, 2010

However if you wanted to both format a Unix timestamp (via -u aka -UFormat), you'll need to do it separately. Here's an example of that:

'ISO 8601: {0:s}Z{1}Unix: {2}' -f (Get-Date '0:00'), "`r`n", (Get-Date '0:00' -u '%s')
# ISO 8601: 2010-03-12T00:00:00Z
# Unix: 1268352000

Hope this helps!

Convert binary to ASCII and vice versa

This is my way to solve your task:

str = "0b110100001100101011011000110110001101111"
str = "0" + str[2:]
message = ""
while str != "":
    i = chr(int(str[:8], 2))
    message = message + i
    str = str[8:]
print message

Numpy - Replace a number with NaN


A==NDV will produce a boolean array that can be used as an index for A

mysqli_fetch_array while loop columns

Try this...

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {

How to write a cron that will run a script every day at midnight?

from the man page

linux$ man -S 5 crontab

   cron(8) examines cron entries once every minute.

   The time and date fields are:

          field          allowed values
          -----          --------------
          minute         0-59
          hour           0-23
          day of month   1-31
          month          1-12 (or names, see below)
          day of week    0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)
   # run five minutes after midnight, every day
   5 0 * * *       $HOME/bin/daily.job >> $HOME/tmp/out 2>&1

It is good to note the special "nicknames" that can be used (documented in the man page), particularly "@reboot" which has no time and date alternative.

   # Run once after reboot.
   @reboot         /usr/local/sbin/

You can also use this trick to run your cron job multiple times per minute.

   # Run every minute at 0, 20, and 40 second intervals
   * * * * *       sleep 00; /usr/local/sbin/
   * * * * *       sleep 20; /usr/local/sbin/
   * * * * *       sleep 40; /usr/local/sbin/

To add a cron job, you can do one of three things:

  1. add a command to a user's crontab, as shown above (and from the crontab, section 5, man page).

    • edit a user's crontab as root with crontab -e -u <username>
    • or edit the current user's crontab with just crontab -e
    • You can set the editor with the EDITOR environment variable
      • env EDITOR=nano crontab -e -u <username>
      • or set the value of EDITOR for your entire shell session
        1. export EDITOR=vim
        2. crontab -e
    • Make scripts executable with chmod a+x <file>

  1. create a script/program as a cron job, and add it to the system's anacron /etc/cron.*ly directories

    • anacron /etc/cron.*ly directories:
      • /etc/cron.daily
      • /etc/cron.hourly
      • /etc/cron.monthly
      • /etc/cron.weekly
    • as in:
      • /etc/cron.daily/
      • chmod a+x /etc/cron.daily/ -- make it executable
    • See also the anacron man page: man anacron
    • Make scripts executable with chmod a+x <file>
    • When do these cron.*ly script run?
      • For RHEL/CentOS 5.x, they are configured in /etc/crontab or /etc/anacrontab to run at a set time
      • RHEL/CentOS 6.x+ and Fedora 17+ Linux systems only define this in /etc/anacrontab, and define cron.hourly in /etc/cron.d/0hourly

  1. Or, One can create system crontables in /etc/cron.d.

    • The previously described crontab syntax (with additionally providing a user to execute each job as) is put into a file, and the file is dropped into the /etc/cron.d directory.
    • These are easy to manage in system packaging (e.g. RPM packages), so may usually be application specific.
    • The syntax difference is that a user must be specified for the cron job after the time/date fields and before the command to execute.
    • The files added to /etc/cron.d do not need to be executable.
    • Here is an example job that is executed as the user someuser, and the use of /bin/bash as the shell is forced.

   File: /etc/cron.d/myapp-cron
   # use /bin/bash to run commands, no matter what /etc/passwd says
   # Execute a nightly (11:00pm) cron job to scrub application records
   00 23 * * * someuser /opt/myapp/bin/scrubrecords.php

Where is svcutil.exe in Windows 7?

If you are using vs 2010 then you can get it in

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools

SELECT last id, without INSERT

You can get maximum column value and increment it:

InnoDB uses the following algorithm to initialize the auto-increment counter for a table t that contains an AUTO_INCREMENT column named ai_col: After a server startup, for the first insert into a table t, InnoDB executes the equivalent of this statement:


InnoDB increments by one the value retrieved by the statement and assigns it to the column and to the auto-increment counter for the table. If the table is empty, InnoDB uses the value 1.

Also you can use SHOW TABLE STATUS and its "Auto_increment" value.

How do I remove carriage returns with Ruby?

What do you get when you do puts lines? That will give you a clue.

By default opens the file in text mode, so your \r\n characters will be automatically converted to \n. Maybe that's the reason lines are always equal to lines2. To prevent Ruby from parsing the line ends use the rb mode:

C:\> copy con lala.txt

C:\> irb
irb(main):001:0> text ='lala.txt').read
=> "a\nfile\nwith\nmany\nlines\n"
irb(main):002:0> bin ='lala.txt', 'rb').read
=> "a\r\nfile\r\nwith\r\nmany\r\nlines\r\n"

But from your question and code I see you simply need to open the file with the default modifier. You don't need any conversion and may use the shorter

Set CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS options using CMake

You need to set the flags after the project command in your CMakeLists.txt.

Also, if you're calling include(${QT_USE_FILE}) or add_definitions(${QT_DEFINITIONS}), you should include these set commands after the Qt ones since these would append further flags. If that is the case, you maybe just want to append your flags to the Qt ones, so change to e.g.

set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -O0 -ggdb")

Permission denied error on Github Push

In could able to resolve this issue with giving username and password in below url.

Please replace username and password with your Github credentials:

git remote set-url origin https://<username>:<password><username>/FirstRepository.git

Printf long long int in C with GCC?

For portable code, the macros in inttypes.h may be used. They expand to the correct ones for the platform.

E.g. for 64 bit integer, the macro PRId64 can be used.

int64_t n = 7;
printf("n is %" PRId64 "\n", n);

What is initial scale, user-scalable, minimum-scale, maximum-scale attribute in meta tag?

viewport meta tag on mobile browser,

The initial-scale property controls the zoom level when the page is first loaded. The maximum-scale, minimum-scale, and user-scalable properties control how users are allowed to zoom the page in or out.

Superscript in CSS only?

The CSS property font-variant-position is under consideration and may eventually be the answer to this question. As of early 2017, only Firefox supports it, though.

.super {
    font-variant-position: super;

See MDN.

What is size_t in C?

To go into why size_t needed to exist and how we got here:

In pragmatic terms, size_t and ptrdiff_t are guaranteed to be 64 bits wide on a 64-bit implementation, 32 bits wide on a 32-bit implementation, and so on. They could not force any existing type to mean that, on every compiler, without breaking legacy code.

A size_t or ptrdiff_t is not necessarily the same as an intptr_t or uintptr_t. They were different on certain architectures that were still in use when size_t and ptrdiff_t were added to the Standard in the late ’80s, and becoming obsolete when C99 added many new types but not gone yet (such as 16-bit Windows). The x86 in 16-bit protected mode had a segmented memory where the largest possible array or structure could be only 65,536 bytes in size, but a far pointer needed to be 32 bits wide, wider than the registers. On those, intptr_t would have been 32 bits wide but size_t and ptrdiff_t could be 16 bits wide and fit in a register. And who knew what kind of operating system might be written in the future? In theory, the i386 architecture offers a 32-bit segmentation model with 48-bit pointers that no operating system has ever actually used.

The type of a memory offset could not be long because far too much legacy code assumes that long is exactly 32 bits wide. This assumption was even built into the UNIX and Windows APIs. Unfortunately, a lot of other legacy code also assumed that a long is wide enough to hold a pointer, a file offset, the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970, and so on. POSIX now provides a standardized way to force the latter assumption to be true instead of the former, but neither is a portable assumption to make.

It couldn’t be int because only a tiny handful of compilers in the ’90s made int 64 bits wide. Then they really got weird by keeping long 32 bits wide. The next revision of the Standard declared it illegal for int to be wider than long, but int is still 32 bits wide on most 64-bit systems.

It couldn’t be long long int, which anyway was added later, since that was created to be at least 64 bits wide even on 32-bit systems.

So, a new type was needed. Even if it weren’t, all those other types meant something other than an offset within an array or object. And if there was one lesson from the fiasco of 32-to-64-bit migration, it was to be specific about what properties a type needed to have, and not use one that meant different things in different programs.

Disable beep of Linux Bash on Windows 10

In addition to what jgr208 said, you may have a ~/.profile file already and ~/.bash_profile may not be present, as was the case with me.

In this case, add setterm -blength 0 to the .profile.

If you create a .bash_profile, your .profile will be ignored and anything Windows wrote there will not work.

Renaming branches remotely in Git

Sure. Just rename the branch locally, push the new branch, and push a deletion of the old.

The only real issue is that other users of the repository won't have local tracking branches renamed.

How to delete last item in list?

just simply use list.pop() now if you want it the other way use : list.popleft()

Multiplying Two Columns in SQL Server

select InitialPayment * MonthlyPayRate as SomeRandomCalculation from Payment

What are the differences between delegates and events?

An event in .net is a designated combination of an Add method and a Remove method, both of which expect some particular type of delegate. Both C# and can auto-generate code for the add and remove methods which will define a delegate to hold the event subscriptions, and add/remove the passed in delegagte to/from that subscription delegate. will also auto-generate code (with the RaiseEvent statement) to invoke the subscription list if and only if it is non-empty; for some reason, C# doesn't generate the latter.

Note that while it is common to manage event subscriptions using a multicast delegate, that is not the only means of doing so. From a public perspective, a would-be event subscriber needs to know how to let an object know it wants to receive events, but it does not need to know what mechanism the publisher will use to raise the events. Note also that while whoever defined the event data structure in .net apparently thought there should be a public means of raising them, neither C# nor makes use of that feature.

Postgresql: password authentication failed for user "postgres"

I had faced similar issue. While accessing any database I was getting below prompt after updating password "password authentication failed for user “postgres”" in PGAdmin


  1. Shut down postgres server
  2. Re-run pgadmin
  3. pgadmin will ask for password.
  4. Please enter current password of mentioned user

Hope it will resolve your issue

enter image description here

Setting the Textbox read only property to true using JavaScript

Try This :-

set Read Only False ( Editable TextBox)


set Read Only true(Not Editable )

var v1=document.getElementById("txtID");

This can work on IE and Firefox also.

MySQL - Rows to Columns

I make that into Group By hostId then it will show only first row with values,

A   B  C
1  10
2      3

Convert text to columns in Excel using VBA

If someone is facing issue using texttocolumns function in UFT. Please try using below function.

myxl.Workbooks.Open myexcel.xls
myxl.Application.Visible = false `enter code here`
set mysheet = myxl.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
Set objRange = myxl.Range("A1").EntireColumn
Set objRange2 = mysheet.Range("A1")
objRange.TextToColumns objRange2,1,1, , , , true

Here we are using coma(,) as delimiter.

Program to find largest and smallest among 5 numbers without using array

You could use list (or vector), which is not an array:

using namespace std;
int main()
    list<int> l;

    list<int>::iterator it_max = max_element(l.begin(), l.end());
    list<int>::iterator it_min = min_element(l.begin(), l.end());

    cout << "Max: " << *it_max << endl;
    cout << "Min: " << *it_min << endl;

Using SQL LIKE and IN together

You can do it by in one query by stringing together the individual LIKEs with ORs:

SELECT * FROM tablename
WHERE column LIKE 'M510%'
OR    column LIKE 'M615%'
OR    column LIKE 'M515%'
OR    column LIKE 'M612%';

Just be aware that things like LIKE and per-row functions don't always scale that well. If your table is likely to grow large, you may want to consider adding another column to your table to store the first four characters of the field independently.

This duplicates data but you can guarantee it stays consistent by using insert and update triggers. Then put an index on that new column and your queries become:

SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE newcolumn IN ('M510','M615','M515','M612');

This moves the cost-of-calculation to the point where it's necessary (when the data changes), not every single time you read it. In fact, you could go even further and have your new column as a boolean indicating that it was one of the four special types (if that group of specials will change infrequently). Then the query would be an even faster:

SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE is_special = 1;

This tradeoff of storage requirement for speed is a useful trick for larger databases - generally, disk space is cheap, CPU grunt is precious, and data is read far more often than written. By moving the cost-of-calculation to the write stage, you amortise the cost across all the reads.

Joining 2 SQL SELECT result sets into one

SELECT table1.col_a, table1.col_b, table2.col_c 
  FROM table1 
  INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.col_a = table2.col_a

Running the new Intel emulator for Android

The same began to happen to me about one week ago, without apparent reason (99% sure that I didn't upgrade anything); after being able to run the emulator for some time it just stopped working without an apparent reason.

I tried to install the Intel thingie, but the installer reported that my machine doesn't support Intel VM, despite the fact that it has an Intel i3 processor and that virtualization is enabled (perhaps XP is too old an OS for that, although MS VM, Oracle's Virtual Box and VMWare have been installed an working in this machine with the same OS).

I just edited the VD to emulate an Arm processor, and everything is working again.

Perhaps not the optimal solution, but it works!

error code 1292 incorrect date value mysql

I happened to be working in localhost , in windows 10, using WAMP, as it turns out, Wamp has a really accessible configuration interface to change the MySQL configuration. You just need to go to the Wamp panel, then to MySQL, then to settings and change the mode to sql-mode: none.(essentially disabling the strict mode) The following picture illustrates this.

enter image description here

Find records with a date field in the last 24 hours

You simply select dates that are higher than the current time minus 1 day.

SELECT * FROM news WHERE date >= now() - INTERVAL 1 DAY;

What is the difference between '/' and '//' when used for division?

The double slash, //, is floor division:

>>> 7//3

How to call an element in a numpy array?


Using slicing:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> arr = np.array([[1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8,9,10]])
>>> arr[0,0]
>>> arr[1,1]
>>> arr[1,0]
>>> arr[1,-1]
>>> arr[1,-2]

In Long:

Hopefully this helps in your understanding:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.array([ [1,2,3], [4,5,6] ])
array([[1, 2, 3],
       [4, 5, 6]])
>>> x = np.array([ [1,2,3], [4,5,6] ])
>>> x[1][2] # 2nd row, 3rd column 
>>> x[1,2] # Similarly

But to appreciate why slicing is useful, in more dimensions:

>>> np.array([ [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]], [[7,8,9],[10,11,12]] ])
array([[[ 1,  2,  3],
        [ 4,  5,  6]],

       [[ 7,  8,  9],
        [10, 11, 12]]])
>>> x = np.array([ [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]], [[7,8,9],[10,11,12]] ])

>>> x[1][0][2] # 2nd matrix, 1st row, 3rd column
>>> x[1,0,2] # Similarly

>>> x[1][0:2][2] # 2nd matrix, 1st row, 3rd column
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: index 2 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 2

>>> x[1, 0:2, 2] # 2nd matrix, 1st and 2nd row, 3rd column
array([ 9, 12])

>>> x[1, 0:2, 1:3] # 2nd matrix, 1st and 2nd row, 2nd and 3rd column
array([[ 8,  9],
       [11, 12]])

How to show progress dialog in Android?

This is the good way to use dialog

private class YourAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {

   ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog(IncidentFormActivity.this);

    protected void onPreExecute() {
        //set message of the dialog
        //show dialog;

   protected Void doInBackground(Void... args) {
    // do background work here
    return null;

   protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {
     // do UI work here
     if(dialog != null && dialog.isShowing()){


How do I remove a single breakpoint with GDB?

You can delete all breakpoints using

del <start_breakpoint_num> - <end_breakpoint_num>

To view the start_breakpoint_num and end_breakpoint_num use:

info break

How to insert image in mysql database(table)?

You can try something like this..

CREATE TABLE 'sample'.'picture' ( 
'caption' VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, 
 PRIMARY KEY('idpicture')) TYPE = InnoDB;

or refer to the following links for tutorials and sample, that might help you.,17671,27914

How to check if an integer is within a range?

There's filter_var() as well and it's the native function which checks range. It doesn't give exactly what you want (never returns true), but with "cheat" we can change it.

I don't think it's a good code as for readability, but I show it's as a possibility:

return (filter_var($someNumber, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, ['options' => ['min_range' => $min, 'max_range' => $max]]) !== false)

Just fill $someNumber, $min and $max. filter_var with that filter returns either boolean false when number is outside range or the number itself when it's within range. The expression (!== false) makes function return true, when number is within range.

If you want to shorten it somehow, remember about type casting. If you would use != it would be false for number 0 within range -5; +5 (while it should be true). The same would happen if you would use type casting ((bool)).

(bool)filter_var($someNumber, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, ['options' => ['min_range' => $min, 'max_range' => $max]])
if (filter_var($someNumber, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, ['options' => ['min_range' => $min, 'max_range' => $max]])) ...

Imagine that (from other answer):

if(in_array($userScore, range(-5, 5))) echo 'your score is correct'; else echo 'incorrect, enter again';

If user would write empty value ($userScore = '') it would be correct, as in_array is set here for default, non-strict more and that means that range creates 0 as well, and '' == 0 (non-strict), but '' !== 0 (if you would use strict mode). It's easy to miss such things and that's why I wrote a bit about that. I was learned that strict operators are default, and programmer could use non-strict only in special cases. I think it's a good lesson. Most examples here would fail in some cases because non-strict checking.

Still I like filter_var and you can use above (or below if I'd got so "upped" ;)) functions and make your own callback which you would use as FILTER_CALLBACK filter. You could return bool or even add openRange parameter. And other good point: you can use other functions, e.g. checking range of every number of array or POST/GET values. That's really powerful tool.

Best Python IDE on Linux

Probably the new PyCharm from the makers of IntelliJ and ReSharper.

Convert System.Drawing.Color to RGB and Hex Value

You could keep it simple and use the native color translator:

Color red = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FF0000");
string redHex = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(red);

Then break the three color pairs into integer form:

int value = int.Parse(hexValue, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

Selecting the last value of a column

Similar answer to caligari's answer, but we can tidy it up by just specifying the full column range:


ADB Android Device Unauthorized

I was stuck on this for quite some time, and I was able to side-step the issue completely by copying the adbkey from a computer that my phone would connect to.

adding multiple event listeners to one element

function myFunction(e){_x000D_

You should be using e.stopPropagation() because if not, your function will fired twice on mobile

What is the Angular equivalent to an AngularJS $watch?

In Angular 2, change detection is automatic... $scope.$watch() and $scope.$digest() R.I.P.

Unfortunately, the Change Detection section of the dev guide is not written yet (there is a placeholder near the bottom of the Architecture Overview page, in section "The Other Stuff").

Here's my understanding of how change detection works:

  • Zone.js "monkey patches the world" -- it intercepts all of the asynchronous APIs in the browser (when Angular runs). This is why we can use setTimeout() inside our components rather than something like $timeout... because setTimeout() is monkey patched.
  • Angular builds and maintains a tree of "change detectors". There is one such change detector (class) per component/directive. (You can get access to this object by injecting ChangeDetectorRef.) These change detectors are created when Angular creates components. They keep track of the state of all of your bindings, for dirty checking. These are, in a sense, similar to the automatic $watches() that Angular 1 would set up for {{}} template bindings.
    Unlike Angular 1, the change detection graph is a directed tree and cannot have cycles (this makes Angular 2 much more performant, as we'll see below).
  • When an event fires (inside the Angular zone), the code we wrote (the event handler callback) runs. It can update whatever data it wants to -- the shared application model/state and/or the component's view state.
  • After that, because of the hooks Zone.js added, it then runs Angular's change detection algorithm. By default (i.e., if you are not using the onPush change detection strategy on any of your components), every component in the tree is examined once (TTL=1)... from the top, in depth-first order. (Well, if you're in dev mode, change detection runs twice (TTL=2). See ApplicationRef.tick() for more about this.) It performs dirty checking on all of your bindings, using those change detector objects.
    • Lifecycle hooks are called as part of change detection.
      If the component data you want to watch is a primitive input property (String, boolean, number), you can implement ngOnChanges() to be notified of changes.
      If the input property is a reference type (object, array, etc.), but the reference didn't change (e.g., you added an item to an existing array), you'll need to implement ngDoCheck() (see this SO answer for more on this).
      You should only change the component's properties and/or properties of descendant components (because of the single tree walk implementation -- i.e., unidirectional data flow). Here's a plunker that violates that. Stateful pipes can also trip you up here.
  • For any binding changes that are found, the Components are updated, and then the DOM is updated. Change detection is now finished.
  • The browser notices the DOM changes and updates the screen.

Other references to learn more:

PHP __get and __set magic methods

From the PHP manual:

  • __set() is run when writing data to inaccessible properties.
  • __get() is utilized for reading data from inaccessible properties.

This is only called on reading/writing inaccessible properties. Your property however is public, which means it is accessible. Changing the access modifier to protected solves the issue.

Can I nest a <button> element inside an <a> using HTML5?

Explanation and working solution here: Howto: div with onclick inside another div with onclick javascript

by executing this script in your inner click handler:

 if (!e) var e = window.event;
 e.cancelBubble = true;
 if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();

Regular Expression to select everything before and up to a particular text

Up to and including txt you would need to change your regex like so:


How to find out if an item is present in a std::vector?

You can use the find function, found in the std namespace, ie std::find. You pass the std::find function the begin and end iterator from the vector you want to search, along with the element you're looking for and compare the resulting iterator to the end of the vector to see if they match or not.

std::find(vector.begin(), vector.end(), item) != vector.end()

You're also able to dereference that iterator and use it as normal, like any other iterator.

How to include the reference of DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll on Mono2.10?

Well, In my applications I just need to Add a reference to "DocumentFormat.OpenXml" under .Net tab and both references (DocumentFormat.OpenXml and WindowsBase) are always added automatically. But They are not included within the Bin folder. So when the Application is published to an external server I always place DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll under the Bin folder manually. Or set the reference "Copy Local" property to true.

AngularJS Dropdown required validation

You need to add a name attribute to your dropdown list, then you need to add a required attribute, and then you can reference the error using myForm.[input name].$error.required:


        <form name="myForm" ng-controller="Ctrl" ng-submit="save(myForm)" novalidate>
        <input type="text" name="txtServiceName" ng-model="ServiceName" required>
<span ng-show="myForm.txtServiceName.$error.required">Enter Service Name</span>
          <select name="service_id" class="Sitedropdown" style="width: 220px;"          
                  ng-options="service.ServiceID as service.ServiceName for service in services"
            <option value="">Select Service</option> 
          <span ng-show="myForm.service_id.$error.required">Select service</span>



        function Ctrl($scope) {
          $ = [
            {ServiceID: 1, ServiceName: 'Service1'},
            {ServiceID: 2, ServiceName: 'Service2'},
            {ServiceID: 3, ServiceName: 'Service3'}

    $ = function(myForm) {
    console.log('Selected Value: '+ myForm.service_id.$modelValue);
    alert('Data Saved! without validate');

Here's a working plunker.

How to set up a cron job to run an executable every hour?

Did you mean the executable fails to run , if invoked from any other directory? This is rather a bug on the executable. One potential reason could be the executable requires some shared libraires from the installed folder. You may check environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Why does my JavaScript code receive a "No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource" error, while Postman does not?

Encountered the same error in different use case.

Use Case: In chrome when tried to call Spring REST end point in angular.

enter image description here

Solution: Add @CrossOrigin("*") annotation on top of respective Controller Class.

enter image description here

How can I run a html file from terminal?

For those like me, who have reached this thread because they want to serve an html file from linux terminal or want to view it using a terminal command, use these steps:-

1)If you want to view your html using a browser:-
Navigate to the directory containing the html file
If you have chrome installed, Use:-

google-chrome <filename>.html


firefox <filename>.html

2)If you want to serve html file and view it using a browser
Navigate to the directory containing the html file
And Simply type the following on the Terminal:-

pushd <filename>.html; python3 -m http.server 9999; popd;

Then click the I.P. address OR localhost:9999 (Whatever is the result after executing the above commands). Or type on the terminal :-


Using the second method, anyone else connected to the same network can also view your file by using the URL:- ""