[gnuplot] How to change dot size in gnuplot

How to change point size and shape and color in gnuplot.

plot "./points.dat" using 1:2 title with dots

I am using above command to plot graph ,but it shows very small size points.

I tried to use command

set pointsize 20

but still point size is same.

This question is related to gnuplot

The answer is

Use the pointtype and pointsize options, e.g.

plot "./points.dat" using 1:2 pt 7 ps 10  

where pt 7 gives you a filled circle and ps 10 is the size.

See: Plotting data.

The pointsize command scales the size of points, but does not affect the size of dots.

In other words, plot ... with points ps 2 will generate points of twice the normal size, but for plot ... with dots ps 2 the "ps 2" part is ignored.

You could use circular points (pt 7), which look just like dots.