Programs & Examples On #Elixir

Elixir is an open-source, dynamic, compiled, general purpose functional programming language. It was designed to be fully compatible with the Erlang platform and is well suited to writing fault-tolerant, distributed applications with soft real-time guarantees and the ability for hot-code-swapping.

How to clone all remote branches in Git?

This Bash script helped me out:

for branch in $(git branch --all | grep '^\s*remotes' | egrep --invert-match '(:?HEAD|master)$'); do
    git branch --track "${branch##*/}" "$branch"

It will create tracking branches for all remote branches, except master (which you probably got from the original clone command). I think you might still need to do a

git fetch --all
git pull --all

to be sure.

One liner: git branch -a | grep -v HEAD | perl -ne 'chomp($_); s|^\*?\s*||; if (m|(.+)/(.+)| && not $d{$2}) {print qq(git branch --track $2 $1/$2\n)} else {$d{$_}=1}' | csh -xfs
As usual: test in your setup before copying rm -rf universe as we know it

Credits for one-liner go to user cfi

phpmysql error - #1273 - #1273 - Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_general_ci'

This solution worked for me

1) Click the "Export" tab for the database

2) Click the "Custom" radio button

3) Go the section titled "Format-specific options" and change the dropdown for "Database system or older MySQL server to maximize output compatibility with:" from NONE to MYSQL40.

4) Scroll to the bottom and click "GO".

If it's related to wordpress, more info on why it is happening.

How to programmatically determine the current checked out Git branch

I found two really simple ways to do that:

$ git status | head -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 4


$ git branch | grep "*" | cut -d ' ' -f 2

C# compiler error: "not all code paths return a value"

The compiler doesn't get the intricate logic where you return in the last iteration of the loop, so it thinks that you could exit out of the loop and end up not returning anything at all.

Instead of returning in the last iteration, just return true after the loop:

public static bool isTwenty(int num) {
  for(int j = 1; j <= 20; j++) {
    if(num % j != 0) {
      return false;
  return true;

Side note, there is a logical error in the original code. You are checking if num == 20 in the last condition, but you should have checked if j == 20. Also checking if num % j == 0 was superflous, as that is always true when you get there.

Way to run Excel macros from command line or batch file?

@ Robert: I have tried to adapt your code with a relative path, and created a batch file to run the VBS.

The VBS starts and closes but doesn't launch the macro... Any idea of where the issue could be?

Option Explicit

On Error Resume Next


Sub ExcelMacroExample() 

  Dim xlApp 
  Dim xlBook 

  Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
  Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  strFilePath = objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(".") 
  Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(strFilePath, "Excels\CLIENTES.xlsb") , 0, True) 
  xlApp.Run "open_form"

  Set xlBook = Nothing 
  Set xlApp = Nothing 

End Sub

I removed the "Application.Quit" because my macro is calling a userform taking care of it.



I have actually worked it out, just in case someone wants to run a userform "alike" a stand alone application:

Issues I was facing:

1 - I did not want to use the Workbook_Open Event as the excel is locked in read only. 2 - The batch command is limited that the fact that (to my knowledge) it cannot call the macro.

I first wrote a macro to launch my userform while hiding the application:

Sub open_form()
 Application.Visible = False
 frmAddClient.Show vbModeless
End Sub

I then created a vbs to launch this macro (doing it with a relative path has been tricky):

dim fso
dim curDir
dim WinScriptHost
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
curDir = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".")
set fso = nothing

Set xlObj = CreateObject("Excel.application")
xlObj.Workbooks.Open curDir & "\Excels\CLIENTES.xlsb"
xlObj.Run "open_form"

And I finally did a batch file to execute the VBS...

@echo off
pushd %~dp0
cscript Add_Client.vbs

Note that I have also included the "Set back to visible" in my Userform_QueryClose:

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
    ThisWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
    Application.Visible = True
End Sub

Anyway, thanks for your help, and I hope this will help if someone needs it

Convert IQueryable<> type object to List<T> type?

The List class's constructor can convert an IQueryable for you:

public static List<TResult> ToList<TResult>(this IQueryable source)
    return new List<TResult>(source);

or you can just convert it without the extension method, of course:

var list = new List<T>(queryable);

Multiple glibc libraries on a single host

Setup 1: compile your own glibc without dedicated GCC and use it

This setup might work and is quick as it does not recompile the whole GCC toolchain, just glibc.

But it is not reliable as it uses host C runtime objects such as crt1.o, crti.o, and crtn.o provided by glibc. This is mentioned at: Those objects do early setup that glibc relies on, so I wouldn't be surprised if things crashed in wonderful and awesomely subtle ways.

For a more reliable setup, see Setup 2 below.

Build glibc and install locally:

export glibc_install="$(pwd)/glibc/build/install"

git clone git://
cd glibc
git checkout glibc-2.28
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --prefix "$glibc_install"
make -j `nproc`
make install -j `nproc`

Setup 1: verify the build


#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <assert.h>
#include <gnu/libc-version.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <threads.h>

atomic_int acnt;
int cnt;

int f(void* thr_data) {
    for(int n = 0; n < 1000; ++n) {
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    /* Basic library version check. */
    printf("gnu_get_libc_version() = %s\n", gnu_get_libc_version());

    /* Exercise thrd_create from -pthread,
     * which is not present in glibc 2.27 in Ubuntu 18.04.
     * */
    thrd_t thr[10];
    for(int n = 0; n < 10; ++n)
        thrd_create(&thr[n], f, NULL);
    for(int n = 0; n < 10; ++n)
        thrd_join(thr[n], NULL);
    printf("The atomic counter is %u\n", acnt);
    printf("The non-atomic counter is %u\n", cnt);

Compile and run with

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
gcc \
  -L "${glibc_install}/lib" \
  -I "${glibc_install}/include" \
  -Wl,--rpath="${glibc_install}/lib" \
  -Wl,--dynamic-linker="${glibc_install}/lib/" \
  -std=c11 \
  -o test_glibc.out \
  -v \
  test_glibc.c \
  -pthread \
ldd ./test_glibc.out

The program outputs the expected:

gnu_get_libc_version() = 2.28
The atomic counter is 10000
The non-atomic counter is 8674

Command adapted from but --sysroot made it fail with:

cannot find /home/ciro/glibc/build/install/lib/ inside /home/ciro/glibc/build/install

so I removed it.

ldd output confirms that the ldd and libraries that we've just built are actually being used as expected:

+ ldd test_glibc.out (0x00007ffe4bfd3000) => /home/ciro/glibc/build/install/lib/ (0x00007fc12ed92000) => /home/ciro/glibc/build/install/lib/ (0x00007fc12e9dc000)
        /home/ciro/glibc/build/install/lib/ => /lib64/ (0x00007fc12f1b3000)

The gcc compilation debug output shows that my host runtime objects were used, which is bad as mentioned previously, but I don't know how to work around it, e.g. it contains:


Setup 1: modify glibc

Now let's modify glibc with:

diff --git a/nptl/thrd_create.c b/nptl/thrd_create.c
index 113ba0d93e..b00f088abb 100644
--- a/nptl/thrd_create.c
+++ b/nptl/thrd_create.c
@@ -16,11 +16,14 @@
    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
    <>.  */

+#include <stdio.h>
 #include "thrd_priv.h"

 thrd_create (thrd_t *thr, thrd_start_t func, void *arg)
+  puts("hacked");
   _Static_assert (sizeof (thr) == sizeof (pthread_t),
                   "sizeof (thr) != sizeof (pthread_t)");

Then recompile and re-install glibc, and recompile and re-run our program:

cd glibc/build
make -j `nproc`
make -j `nproc` install

and we see hacked printed a few times as expected.

This further confirms that we actually used the glibc that we compiled and not the host one.

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.

Setup 2: crosstool-NG pristine setup

This is an alternative to setup 1, and it is the most correct setup I've achieved far: everything is correct as far as I can observe, including the C runtime objects such as crt1.o, crti.o, and crtn.o.

In this setup, we will compile a full dedicated GCC toolchain that uses the glibc that we want.

The only downside to this method is that the build will take longer. But I wouldn't risk a production setup with anything less.

crosstool-NG is a set of scripts that downloads and compiles everything from source for us, including GCC, glibc and binutils.

Yes the GCC build system is so bad that we need a separate project for that.

This setup is only not perfect because crosstool-NG does not support building the executables without extra -Wl flags, which feels weird since we've built GCC itself. But everything seems to work, so this is only an inconvenience.

Get crosstool-NG, configure and build it:

git clone
cd crosstool-ng
git checkout a6580b8e8b55345a5a342b5bd96e42c83e640ac5
export CT_PREFIX="$(pwd)/.build/install"
export PATH="/usr/lib/ccache:${PATH}"
./configure --enable-local
make -j `nproc`
./ct-ng x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
./ct-ng menuconfig
env -u LD_LIBRARY_PATH time ./ct-ng build CT_JOBS=`nproc`

The build takes about thirty minutes to two hours.

The only mandatory configuration option that I can see, is making it match your host kernel version to use the correct kernel headers. Find your host kernel version with:

uname -a

which shows me:


so in menuconfig I do:

  • Operating System
    • Version of linux

so I select:


which is the first equal or older version. It has to be older since the kernel is backwards compatible.

Setup 2: optional configurations

The .config that we generated with ./ct-ng x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu has:


To change that, in menuconfig do:

  • C-library
  • Version of glibc

save the .config, and continue with the build.

Or, if you want to use your own glibc source, e.g. to use glibc from the latest git, proceed like this:

  • Paths and misc options
    • Try features marked as EXPERIMENTAL: set to true
  • C-library
    • Source of glibc
      • Custom location: say yes
      • Custom location
        • Custom source location: point to a directory containing your glibc source

where glibc was cloned as:

git clone git://
cd glibc
git checkout glibc-2.28

Setup 2: test it out

Once you have built he toolchain that you want, test it out with:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
PATH="${PATH}:${install_dir}/bin" \
  x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc \
  -Wl,--dynamic-linker="${install_dir}/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/sysroot/lib/" \
  -Wl,--rpath="${install_dir}/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/sysroot/lib" \
  -v \
  -o test_glibc.out \
  test_glibc.c \
  -pthread \
ldd test_glibc.out

Everything seems to work as in Setup 1, except that now the correct runtime objects were used:


Setup 2: failed efficient glibc recompilation attempt

It does not seem possible with crosstool-NG, as explained below.

If you just re-build;

env -u LD_LIBRARY_PATH time ./ct-ng build CT_JOBS=`nproc`

then your changes to the custom glibc source location are taken into account, but it builds everything from scratch, making it unusable for iterative development.

If we do:

./ct-ng list-steps

it gives a nice overview of the build steps:

Available build steps, in order:
  - companion_tools_for_build
  - companion_libs_for_build
  - binutils_for_build
  - companion_tools_for_host
  - companion_libs_for_host
  - binutils_for_host
  - cc_core_pass_1
  - kernel_headers
  - libc_start_files
  - cc_core_pass_2
  - libc
  - cc_for_build
  - cc_for_host
  - libc_post_cc
  - companion_libs_for_target
  - binutils_for_target
  - debug
  - test_suite
  - finish
Use "<step>" as action to execute only that step.
Use "+<step>" as action to execute up to that step.
Use "<step>+" as action to execute from that step onward.

therefore, we see that there are glibc steps intertwined with several GCC steps, most notably libc_start_files comes before cc_core_pass_2, which is likely the most expensive step together with cc_core_pass_1.

In order to build just one step, you must first set the "Save intermediate steps" in .config option for the intial build:

  • Paths and misc options
    • Debug crosstool-NG
      • Save intermediate steps

and then you can try:

env -u LD_LIBRARY_PATH time ./ct-ng libc+ -j`nproc`

but unfortunately, the + required as mentioned at:

Note however that restarting at an intermediate step resets the installation directory to the state it had during that step. I.e., you will have a rebuilt libc - but no final compiler built with this libc (and hence, no compiler libraries like libstdc++ either).

and basically still makes the rebuild too slow to be feasible for development, and I don't see how to overcome this without patching crosstool-NG.

Furthermore, starting from the libc step didn't seem to copy over the source again from Custom source location, further making this method unusable.

Bonus: stdlibc++

A bonus if you're also interested in the C++ standard library: How to edit and re-build the GCC libstdc++ C++ standard library source?

How to get a right click mouse event? Changing EventArgs to MouseEventArgs causes an error in Form1Designer?

For me neither the MouseClick or Click event worked, because the events, simply, are not called when you right click. The quick way to do it is:

 private void button1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
            //do something here
        else//left or middle click
            //do something here

You can modify that to do exactly what you want depended on the arguments' values.

WARNING: There is one catch with only using the mouse up event. if you mousedown on the control and then you move the cursor out of the control to release it, you still get the event fired. In order to avoid that, you should also make sure that the mouse up occurs within the control in the event handler. Checking whether the mouse cursor coordinates are within the control's rectangle before you check the buttons will do it properly.

What is the difference between .text, .value, and .value2?

.Text gives you a string representing what is displayed on the screen for the cell. Using .Text is usually a bad idea because you could get ####

.Value2 gives you the underlying value of the cell (could be empty, string, error, number (double) or boolean)

.Value gives you the same as .Value2 except if the cell was formatted as currency or date it gives you a VBA currency (which may truncate decimal places) or VBA date.

Using .Value or .Text is usually a bad idea because you may not get the real value from the cell, and they are slower than .Value2

For a more extensive discussion see my Text vs Value vs Value2

setSupportActionBar toolbar cannot be applied to (android.widget.Toolbar) error

In using toolbar you should extends AppCompatActivity and


How to add title to seaborn boxplot

.set_title('') can be used to add title to Seaborn Plot

import seaborn as sb

Alter table to modify default value of column

ALTER TABLE *table_name*
MODIFY *column_name* DEFAULT *value*;

worked in Oracle



How to add label in chart.js for pie chart

EDIT: My Example.

You should be able to like follows:

var pieData = [{
    value: 30,
    color: "#F38630",
    label: 'Sleep',
    labelColor: 'white',
    labelFontSize: '16'

Include the Chart.js located at:

Alert after page load

With the use of jQuery to handle the document ready event,

<script type="text/javascript">

function onLoadAlert() {
    alert('<%: TempData["Resultat"]%>');


Or, even simpler - put the <script> at the end of body, not in the head.

How to find third or n?? maximum salary from salary table?

Row Number :

SELECT Salary,EmpName
   SELECT Salary,EmpName,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Salary) As RowNum
   ) As A
WHERE A.RowNum IN (2,3)

Sub Query :

FROM Employee Emp1
WHERE (N-1) = (
               SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(Emp2.Salary))
               FROM Employee Emp2
               WHERE Emp2.Salary > Emp1.Salary

Top Keyword :

SELECT TOP 1 salary
      SELECT DISTINCT TOP n salary
      FROM employee
      ORDER BY salary DESC
      ) a
ORDER BY salary

Inline labels in Matplotlib

A simpler approach like the one Ioannis Filippidis do :

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# evenly sampled time at 200ms intervals
tMin=-1 ;tMax=10
t = np.arange(tMin, tMax, 0.1)

# red dashes, blue points default
plt.plot(t, 22*t, 'r--', t, t**2, 'b')

factor=3/4 ;offset=20  # text position in view  
plt.text(textPosition[0],textPosition[1]+offset,'22  t',color='red',fontsize=20)
plt.text(textPosition[0],textPosition[1]+offset, 't^2', bbox=dict(facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5),fontsize=20)

code python 3 on sageCell

Replacing Pandas or Numpy Nan with a None to use with MysqlDB

Another addition: be careful when replacing multiples and converting the type of the column back from object to float. If you want to be certain that your None's won't flip back to np.NaN's apply @andy-hayden's suggestion with using pd.where. Illustration of how replace can still go 'wrong':

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: import numpy as np

In [3]: df = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, np.NAN, np.inf]})

In [4]: df
0  1.0
1  NaN
2  inf

In [5]: df.replace({np.NAN: None})
0     1
1  None
2   inf

In [6]: df.replace({np.NAN: None, np.inf: None})
0  1.0
1  NaN
2  NaN

In [7]: df.where((pd.notnull(df)), None).replace({np.inf: None})
0  1.0
1  NaN
2  NaN

cannot convert data (type interface {}) to type string: need type assertion

Type Assertion

This is known as type assertion in golang, and it is a common practice.

Here is the explanation from a tour of go:

A type assertion provides access to an interface value's underlying concrete value.

t := i.(T)

This statement asserts that the interface value i holds the concrete type T and assigns the underlying T value to the variable t.

If i does not hold a T, the statement will trigger a panic.

To test whether an interface value holds a specific type, a type assertion can return two values: the underlying value and a boolean value that reports whether the assertion succeeded.

t, ok := i.(T)

If i holds a T, then t will be the underlying value and ok will be true.

If not, ok will be false and t will be the zero value of type T, and no panic occurs.

NOTE: value i should be interface type.


Even if i is an interface type, []i is not interface type. As a result, in order to convert []i to its value type, we have to do it individually:

// var items []i
for _, item := range items {
    value, ok := item.(T)


As for performance, it can be slower than direct access to the actual value as show in this stackoverflow answer.

How to clear all inputs, selects and also hidden fields in a form using jQuery?

You can use the reset() method:


or without jQuery:


where myform is the id of the form containing the elements you want to be cleared.

You could also use the :input selector if the fields are not inside a form:


"unrecognized selector sent to instance" error in Objective-C

It looks like you're not memory managing the view controller properly and it is being deallocated at some point - which causes the numberButtonClicked: method to be sent to another object that is now occupying the memory that the view controller was previously occupying...

Make sure you're properly retaining/releasing your view controller.

pass array to method Java

Simply remove the brackets from your original code.


private void PassArray(){
    String[] arrayw = new String[4];
    //populate array
private void PrintA(String[] a){
    //do whatever with array here

That is all.

curl: (35) error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number

Simple answer

If you are behind a proxy server, please set the proxy for curl. The curl is not able to connect to server so it shows wrong version number. Set proxy by opening subl ~/.curlrc or use any other text editor. Then add the following line to file: proxy= proxyserver:proxyport For e.g. proxy =

If you are not behind a proxy, make sure that the curlrc file does not contain the proxy settings.

How do I open workbook programmatically as read-only?

Check out the language reference:

expression.Open(FileName, UpdateLinks, ReadOnly, Format, Password, WriteResPassword, IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended, Origin, Delimiter, Editable, Notify, Converter, AddToMru, Local, CorruptLoad)

Where is Maven Installed on Ubuntu

Here is a bash script for newer Maven copy and paste it...

# @author Yucca Nel


#This installs maven2 & a default JDK 
sudo apt-get install maven2;

#Makes the /usr/lib/mvn in case...
sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/mvn;

#Clean out /tmp...
sudo rm -rf /tmp/*;
cd /tmp;

#Update this line to reflect newer versions of maven
tar -xvf ./*gz;

#Move it to where it to logical location
sudo mv /tmp/apache-maven-3.* /usr/lib/mvn/;

#Link the new Maven to the bin... (update for higher/newer version)...
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/mvn/apache-maven-3.0.3/bin/mvn /usr/bin/mvn;

mvn -version;

exit 0;

How to auto-generate a C# class file from a JSON string

If you install Web Essentials into Visual studio you can go to Edit => Past special => paste JSON as class.

That is probably the easiest there is.

Web Essentials:

How can I display a tooltip message on hover using jQuery?

You can use bootstrap tooltip. Do not forget to initialize it.

<span class="tooltip-r" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="left" title="Explanation">
inside span

Will be shown text Explanation on the left side.

and run it with js:


unsigned int vs. size_t

The size_t type is the type returned by the sizeof operator. It is an unsigned integer capable of expressing the size in bytes of any memory range supported on the host machine. It is (typically) related to ptrdiff_t in that ptrdiff_t is a signed integer value such that sizeof(ptrdiff_t) and sizeof(size_t) are equal.

When writing C code you should always use size_t whenever dealing with memory ranges.

The int type on the other hand is basically defined as the size of the (signed) integer value that the host machine can use to most efficiently perform integer arithmetic. For example, on many older PC type computers the value sizeof(size_t) would be 4 (bytes) but sizeof(int) would be 2 (byte). 16 bit arithmetic was faster than 32 bit arithmetic, though the CPU could handle a (logical) memory space of up to 4 GiB.

Use the int type only when you care about efficiency as its actual precision depends strongly on both compiler options and machine architecture. In particular the C standard specifies the following invariants: sizeof(char) <= sizeof(short) <= sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long) placing no other limitations on the actual representation of the precision available to the programmer for each of these primitive types.

Note: This is NOT the same as in Java (which actually specifies the bit precision for each of the types 'char', 'byte', 'short', 'int' and 'long').

How do I remove a property from a JavaScript object?

Objects in JavaScript can be thought of as maps between keys and values. The delete operator is used to remove these keys, more commonly known as object properties, one at a time.

var obj = {_x000D_
  myProperty: 1    _x000D_
console.log(obj.hasOwnProperty('myProperty')) // true_x000D_
delete obj.myProperty_x000D_
console.log(obj.hasOwnProperty('myProperty')) // false

The delete operator does not directly free memory, and it differs from simply assigning the value of null or undefined to a property, in that the property itself is removed from the object. Note that if the value of a deleted property was a reference type (an object), and another part of your program still holds a reference to that object, then that object will, of course, not be garbage collected until all references to it have disappeared.

delete will only work on properties whose descriptor marks them as configurable.

What is the difference between conversion specifiers %i and %d in formatted IO functions (*printf / *scanf)

These are identical for printf but different for scanf. For printf, both %d and %i designate a signed decimal integer. For scanf, %d and %i also means a signed integer but %i inteprets the input as a hexadecimal number if preceded by 0x and octal if preceded by 0 and otherwise interprets the input as decimal.

Simple java program of pyramid

This code will print a pyramid of dollars.

public static void main(String[] args) {

     for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {
         for(int j=0;j<5-i;j++) {
             System.out.print(" ");
        for(int k=0;k<=i;k++) {
            System.out.print("$ ");



    $ $ 
   $ $ $ 
  $ $ $ $ 
 $ $ $ $ $

How to print a query string with parameter values when using Hibernate

In Java:

Transform your query in TypedQuery if it's a CriteriaQuery (javax.persistence).



Is there a Sleep/Pause/Wait function in JavaScript?

You can't (and shouldn't) block processing with a sleep function. However, you can use setTimeout to kick off a function after a delay:

setTimeout(function(){alert("hi")}, 1000);

Depending on your needs, setInterval might be useful, too.

get string from right hand side

I Had the same problem. This worked for me:

 CASE WHEN length(sp.tele_phone_number) = 10 THEN

Set up git to pull and push all branches

If you are moving branches to a new repo from an old one and do NOT have all the old repo branches local, you will need to track them first.

for remote in `git branch -r | grep -v '\->'`; do git branch --track $remote; done

Then add your new remote repo:

git remote add bb <path-to-new-repo>

Then you can push all using this command:

git push -u bb --all

Or you can configure the repo using the git config commands noted in the other responses here if you are not doing this one time or are only looking to move local branches.

The important point, the other responses only push all LOCAL branches. If the branches only exist on an alternate REMOTE repository they will not move without tracking them first. The for loop presented here will help with that.

In Java, how do I call a base class's method from the overriding method in a derived class?

Just call it using super.

public void myMethod()
    // B stuff
    // B stuff

The import cannot be resolved

Supposing that you are using ECLIPSE:


If you have a version of ANDROID checked, you must change it to a GOOGLE API. Choose a version of GOOGLE APIS compatible with your project's target version.

Getting the .Text value from a TextBox

Use this instead:

string objTextBox = t.Text;

The object t is the TextBox. The object you call objTextBox is assigned the ID property of the TextBox.

So better code would be:

TextBox objTextBox = (TextBox)sender;
string theText = objTextBox.Text;

How can I quickly sum all numbers in a file?

I have not tested this but it should work:

cat f | tr "\n" "+" | sed 's/+$/\n/' | bc

You might have to add "\n" to the string before bc (like via echo) if bc doesn't treat EOF and EOL...


MySQL casts to Decimal:

Cast bare integer to decimal:

select cast(9 as decimal(4,2));       //prints 9.00

Cast Integers 8/5 to decimal:

select cast(8/5 as decimal(11,4));    //prints 1.6000

Cast string to decimal:

select cast(".885" as decimal(11,3));   //prints 0.885

Cast two int variables into a decimal

mysql> select 5 into @myvar1;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select 8 into @myvar2;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select @myvar1/@myvar2;   //prints 0.6250

Cast decimal back to string:

select cast(1.552 as char(10));   //shows "1.552"

How does setTimeout work in Node.JS?

The semantics of setTimeout are roughly the same as in a web browser: the timeout arg is a minimum number of ms to wait before executing, not a guarantee. Furthermore, passing 0, a non-number, or a negative number, will cause it to wait a minimum number of ms. In Node, this is 1ms, but in browsers it can be as much as 50ms.

The reason for this is that there is no preemption of JavaScript by JavaScript. Consider this example:

setTimeout(function () {
}, 100)
var end = + 5000
while ( < end) ;
console.log('imma let you finish but blocking the event loop is the best bug of all TIME')

The flow here is:

  1. schedule the timeout for 100ms.
  2. busywait for 5000ms.
  3. return to the event loop. check for pending timers and execute.

If this was not the case, then you could have one bit of JavaScript "interrupt" another. We'd have to set up mutexes and semaphors and such, to prevent code like this from being extremely hard to reason about:

var a = 100;
setTimeout(function () {
  a = 0;
}, 0);
var b = a; // 100 or 0?

The single-threadedness of Node's JavaScript execution makes it much simpler to work with than most other styles of concurrency. Of course, the trade-off is that it's possible for a badly-behaved part of the program to block the whole thing with an infinite loop.

Is this a better demon to battle than the complexity of preemption? That depends.

How to add colored border on cardview?

I solved this by putting two CardViews in a RelativeLayout. One with background of the border color and the other one with the image. (or whatever you wish to use)

Note the margin added to top and start for the second CardView. In my case I decided to use a 2dp thick border.


                android:layout_height="36dp" />



            android:layout_height="32dp" />


Regex Email validation

Just let me know IF it doesn't work :)

public static bool isValidEmail(this string email)

    string[] mail = email.Split(new string[] { "@" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

    if (mail.Length != 2)
        return false;

    //check part before ...@

    if (mail[0].Length < 1)
        return false;

    System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+$");
    if (!regex.IsMatch(mail[0]))
        return false;

    //check part after @...

    string[] domain = mail[1].Split(new string[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.None);

    if (domain.Length < 2)
        return false;

    regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$");

    foreach (string d in domain)
        if (!regex.IsMatch(d))
            return false;

    //get TLD
    if (domain[domain.Length - 1].Length < 2)
        return false;

    return true;


Pass by Reference / Value in C++

Thanks so much everyone for all these input!

I quoted that sentence from a lecture note online:

the first page the 6th slide

" Pass by VALUE The value of a variable is passed along to the function If the function modifies that value, the modifications stay within the scope of that function.

Pass by REFERENCE A reference to the variable is passed along to the function If the function modifies that value, the modifications appear also within the scope of the calling function.


Thanks so much again!

Passing Parameters JavaFX FXML

Yes you can.
You need to add in the first controller:

YourController controller = loader.getController();     

Then in the second one declare a client, then at the bottom of your controller:

public void setclien(Client c) {
    this.client = c;

How to check if an appSettings key exists?

Safely returned default value via generics and LINQ.

public T ReadAppSetting<T>(string searchKey, T defaultValue, StringComparison compare = StringComparison.Ordinal)
    if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys.Any(key => string.Compare(key, searchKey, compare) == 0)) {
        { // see if it can be converted.
            var converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(T));
            if (converter != null) defaultValue = (T)converter.ConvertFromString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.GetValues(searchKey).First());
        catch { } // nothing to do just return the defaultValue
    return defaultValue;

Used as follows:

string LogFileName = ReadAppSetting("LogFile","LogFile");
double DefaultWidth = ReadAppSetting("Width",1280.0);
double DefaultHeight = ReadAppSetting("Height",1024.0);
Color DefaultColor = ReadAppSetting("Color",Colors.Black);

Add a month to a Date

The simplest way is to convert Date to POSIXlt format. Then perform the arithmetic operation as follows:

date_1m_fwd     <- as.POSIXlt("2010-01-01")
date_1m_fwd$mon <- date_1m_fwd$mon +1

Moreover, incase you want to deal with Date columns in data.table, unfortunately, POSIXlt format is not supported.

Still you can perform the add month using basic R codes as follows:

dt <-"2010-01-01"), length.out=5, by="month"))  
dt[,shifted_month:=tail(seq(V1[1], length.out=length(V1)+3, by="month"),length(V1))]

Hope it helps.

Parse XML using JavaScript

The following will parse an XML string into an XML document in all major browsers, including Internet Explorer 6. Once you have that, you can use the usual DOM traversal methods/properties such as childNodes and getElementsByTagName() to get the nodes you want.

var parseXml;
if (typeof window.DOMParser != "undefined") {
    parseXml = function(xmlStr) {
        return ( new window.DOMParser() ).parseFromString(xmlStr, "text/xml");
} else if (typeof window.ActiveXObject != "undefined" &&
       new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")) {
    parseXml = function(xmlStr) {
        var xmlDoc = new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
        xmlDoc.async = "false";
        return xmlDoc;
} else {
    throw new Error("No XML parser found");

Example usage:

var xml = parseXml("<foo>Stuff</foo>");

Which I got from

Code snippet or shortcut to create a constructor in Visual Studio

Type the name of any code snippet and press TAB.

To get code for properties you need to choose the correct option and press TAB twice because Visual Studio has more than one option which starts with 'prop', like 'prop', 'propa', and 'propdp'.

Differences between TCP sockets and web sockets, one more time

When you send bytes from a buffer with a normal TCP socket, the send function returns the number of bytes of the buffer that were sent. If it is a non-blocking socket or a non-blocking send then the number of bytes sent may be less than the size of the buffer. If it is a blocking socket or blocking send, then the number returned will match the size of the buffer but the call may block. With WebSockets, the data that is passed to the send method is always either sent as a whole "message" or not at all. Also, browser WebSocket implementations do not block on the send call.

But there are more important differences on the receiving side of things. When the receiver does a recv (or read) on a TCP socket, there is no guarantee that the number of bytes returned corresponds to a single send (or write) on the sender side. It might be the same, it may be less (or zero) and it might even be more (in which case bytes from multiple send/writes are received). With WebSockets, the recipient of a message is event-driven (you generally register a message handler routine), and the data in the event is always the entire message that the other side sent.

Note that you can do message based communication using TCP sockets, but you need some extra layer/encapsulation that is adding framing/message boundary data to the messages so that the original messages can be re-assembled from the pieces. In fact, WebSockets is built on normal TCP sockets and uses frame headers that contains the size of each frame and indicate which frames are part of a message. The WebSocket API re-assembles the TCP chunks of data into frames which are assembled into messages before invoking the message event handler once per message.

How to write inline if statement for print?

You're simply overcomplicating.

if b:
   print a

No converter found capable of converting from type to type

You may already have this working, but the I created a test project with the classes below allowing you to retrieve the data into an entity, projection or dto.

Projection - this will return the code column twice, once named code and also named text (for example only). As you say above, you don't need the @Projection annotation

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;

public interface DeadlineTypeProjection {
    String getId();

    // can get code and or change name of getter below
    String getCode();

    // Points to the code attribute of entity class
    @Value(value = "#{target.code}")
    String getText();

DTO class - not sure why this was inheriting from your base class and then redefining the attributes. JsonProperty just an example of how you'd change the name of the field passed back to a REST end point

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;

public class DeadlineType {
    String id;

    // Use this annotation if you need to change the name of the property that is passed back from controller
    // Needs to be called code to be used in Repository
    @JsonProperty(value = "text")
    String code;


Entity class

import lombok.Data;

import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.Table;

@Table(name = "deadline_type")
public class ABDeadlineType {

    private String id;
    private String code;

Repository - your repository extends JpaRepository<ABDeadlineType, Long> but the Id is a String, so updated below to JpaRepository<ABDeadlineType, String>

import com.example.demo.entity.ABDeadlineType;
import com.example.demo.projection.DeadlineTypeProjection;
import com.example.demo.transfer.DeadlineType;

import java.util.List;

public interface ABDeadlineTypeRepository extends JpaRepository<ABDeadlineType, String> {

    List<ABDeadlineType> findAll();

    List<DeadlineType> findAllDtoBy();

    List<DeadlineTypeProjection> findAllProjectionBy();


Example Controller - accesses the repository directly to simplify code

@RequestMapping(value = "deadlinetype")
public class DeadlineTypeController {

    private final ABDeadlineTypeRepository abDeadlineTypeRepository;

    public DeadlineTypeController(ABDeadlineTypeRepository abDeadlineTypeRepository) {
        this.abDeadlineTypeRepository = abDeadlineTypeRepository;

    @GetMapping(value = "/list")
    public ResponseEntity<List<ABDeadlineType>> list() {

        List<ABDeadlineType> types = abDeadlineTypeRepository.findAll();
        return ResponseEntity.ok(types);

    @GetMapping(value = "/listdto")
    public ResponseEntity<List<DeadlineType>> listDto() {

        List<DeadlineType> types = abDeadlineTypeRepository.findAllDtoBy();
        return ResponseEntity.ok(types);

    @GetMapping(value = "/listprojection")
    public ResponseEntity<List<DeadlineTypeProjection>> listProjection() {

        List<DeadlineTypeProjection> types = abDeadlineTypeRepository.findAllProjectionBy();
        return ResponseEntity.ok(types);

Hope that helps


How to change to an older version of Node.js

For some reason Brew installs node 5 into a separate directory called node5.

The steps I took to get back to version 5 were: (You will need to look up standard brew installation/uninstallation, but otherwise this process is more straightforward than it looks.)

  1. Install node5 using Brew standard installation, BUT don't brew link, yet.
  2. Uninstall all other versions of node using brew unlink node and brew uninstall node. You might need to use --force to remove one of the versions.
  3. Find the cellar folder on your computer
  4. Delete the node folder in the cellar.
  5. Rename the node5 folder to node.
  6. Then, brew link node

You should be all set with node 5.

Passing a variable from one php include file to another: global vs. not

Here is a pitfall to avoid. In case you need to access your variable $name within a function, you need to say "global $name;" at the beginning of that function. You need to repeat this for each function in the same file.

global $name;

function foo() {
  echo $name;

function bar() {
  echo $name;


will only show errors. The correct way to do that would be:


function foo() {
  global $name;
  echo $name;

function bar() {
  global $name;
  echo $name;


Jenkins - How to access BUILD_NUMBER environment variable

To Answer your first question, Jenkins variables are case sensitive. However, if you are writing a windows batch script, they are case insensitive, because Windows doesn't care about the case.

Since you are not very clear about your setup, let's make the assumption that you are using an ant build step to fire up your ant task. Have a look at the Jenkins documentation (same page that Adarsh gave you, but different chapter) for an example on how to make Jenkins variables available to your ant task.


Hence, I will need to access the environmental variable ${BUILD_NUMBER} to construct the URL.

Why don't you use $BUILD_URL then? Isn't it available in the extended email plugin?

Paused in debugger in chrome?

Another user mentioned this in slight detail but I missed it until I came back here about 3 times over 2 days -

There is a section titled EventListener breakpoints that contains a list of other breakpoints that can be set. It happens that I accidentally enabled one of them on DOM Mutation that was letting me know whenever anything to the DOM was overridden. Unfortunately this led to me disabling a bunch of plug-ins and add-ons before I realized it was just my machine. Hope this helps someone else.

PHP include relative path

function relativepath($to){
    $a=explode("/",$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] );
    $index= array_search("$to",$a);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($a)-$index-2; $i++) {
        $str.= "../";
    return $str;

Here is the best solution i made about that, you just need to specify at which level you want to stop, but the problem is that you have to use this folder name one time.

C++ -- expected primary-expression before ' '


int wordLength = wordLengthFunction(string word);


int wordLength = wordLengthFunction(word);

Deploying website: 500 - Internal server error

If you are using IIS 8.5 it may be that you need to change the ApplicationPool ID setting from ApplicationPoolId to NetworkService

Right click the Application Pool in question, click on "Advanced Settings" and then scroll down to ID - it will probably be set to ApplicationPoolIdentity. Click the button (..) and select NetworkService from the dropdown list instead.

Also make sure that if it is a .NET 2.0 application that you are not referencing the 4.0 framework in your App Pool.

Calling a PHP function from an HTML form in the same file

This is the better way that I use to create submit without loading in a form.

You can use some CSS to stylise the iframe the way you want.

A php result will be loaded into the iframe.

<form method="post" action="test.php" target="view">
  <input type="text" name="anyname" palceholder="Enter your name"/>
  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"/>
<iframe name="view" frameborder="0" style="width:100%">

Get absolute path of initially run script

Just use below :

echo __DIR__;

What values for checked and selected are false?

The empty string is false as a rule.

Apparently the empty string is not respected as empty in all browsers and the presence of the checked attribute is taken to mean checked. So the entire attribute must either be present or omitted.

How to play CSS3 transitions in a loop?

CSS transitions only animate from one set of styles to another; what you're looking for is CSS animations.

You need to define the animation keyframes and apply it to the element:

@keyframes changewidth {
  from {
    width: 100px;

  to {
    width: 300px;

div {
  animation-duration: 0.1s;
  animation-name: changewidth;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-direction: alternate;

Check out the link above to figure out how to customize it to your liking, and you'll have to add browser prefixes.

Drop all the tables, stored procedures, triggers, constraints and all the dependencies in one sql statement

Try this

Select 'ALTER TABLE ' + Table_Name  +'  drop constraint ' + Constraint_Name  from Information_Schema.CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE

Select 'drop Procedure ' + specific_name  from Information_Schema.Routines where specific_name not like 'sp%' AND specific_name not like 'fn_%'

Select 'drop View ' + table_name  from Information_Schema.tables where Table_Type = 'VIEW'

SELECT 'DROP TRIGGER ' + name FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'tr'

Select 'drop table ' + table_name  from Information_Schema.tables where Table_Type = 'BASE TABLE'

phpMyAdmin access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

This is the Different Solution, Check if your Services are running correctly, if WAMP icon showing orange color, and 2 out of 3 services are running it's showing, then this solution will work . Root cause:

If in your system mysql was there, later you installed WAMP then again one MYSQL will install as WAMP package, default port for MYSQL is 3306 , So in both mysql the port will be 3306, which is a port conflict, So just change the port it will work fine. Steps to change the Port.

  1. Right click the WAMP icon.
  2. Chose Tool
  3. Change the port in Port used by MySql Section

Setting the target version of Java in ant javac

Use "target" attribute and remove the 'compiler' attribute. See here. So it should go something like this:

<target name="compile">
  <javac target="1.5" srcdir=.../>

Hope this helps

How do you exit from a void function in C++?

void foo() {
  /* do some stuff */
  if (!condition) {

You can just use the return keyword just like you would in any other function.

PHP Header redirect not working

Alternatively, not to think about a newline or space somewhere in the file, you can buffer the output. Basically, you call ob_start() at the very beginning of the file and ob_end_flush() at the end. You can find more details at ob-start function description.

Edit: If you use buffering, you can output HTML before and after header() function - buffering will then ignore the output and return only the redirection header.

svn : how to create a branch from certain revision of trunk

append the revision using an "@" character:

svn copy http://src@REV http://dev

Or, use the -r [--revision] command line argument.

Close a div by clicking outside

You need

$('body').click(function(e) {
    if (!$('.popup').length){

Horizontal scroll on overflow of table

On a responsive site for mobiles the whole thing has to be positioned absolute on a relative div. And fixed height. Media Query set for relevance.

@media only screen and (max-width: 480px){_x000D_

Can Flask have optional URL parameters?

Almost the same as skornos, but with variable declarations for a more explicit answer. It can work with Flask-RESTful extension:

from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Resource, Api

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

class UserAPI(Resource):
    def show(userId, username=None):

api.add_resource(UserAPI, '/<userId>', '/<userId>/<username>', endpoint='user')

if __name__ == '__main__':

The add_resource method allows pass multiples URLs. Each one will be routed to your Resource.

Error in <my code> : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable

You don't define the vector, url, before trying to subset it. url is also a function in the base package, so url[i] is attempting to subset that function... which doesn't make sense.

You probably defined url in your prior R session, but forgot to copy that code to your script.

SELECT using 'CASE' in SQL

which platform ?

   END AS FRUIT     

How to center align the ActionBar title in Android?

My solution will be to keep text part of tool bar separate, to define style and say, center or whichever alignment. It can be done in XML itself. Some paddings can be specified after doing calculations when you have actions that are visible always. I have moved two attributes from toolbar to its child TextView. This textView can be provided id to be accessed from fragments.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout xmlns:android=""


            app:popupTheme="@style/AppTheme.PopupOverlay" >
                tools:ignore="RtlSymmetry" />

        android:layout_height="match_parent" />


How do I get current scope dom-element in AngularJS controller?

The better and correct solution is to have a directive. The scope is the same, whether in the controller of the directive or the main controller. Use $element to do DOM operations. The method defined in the directive controller is accessible in the main controller.

Example, finding a child element:

var app = angular.module('myapp', []);
app.directive("testDir", function () {
    function link(scope, element) { 

    return {
        restrict: "AE", 
        link: link, 
            $scope.name2 = 'this is second name';
            var barGridSection = $element.find('#barGridSection'); //helps to find the child element.

app.controller('mainController', function ($scope) {
$'this is first name'

Calculate time difference in Windows batch file

As answered here: How can I use a Windows batch file to measure the performance of console application?

Below batch "program" should do what you want. Please note that it outputs the data in centiseconds instead of milliseconds. The precision of the used commands is only centiseconds.

Here is an example output:

STARTTIME: 13:42:52,25
ENDTIME: 13:42:56,51
STARTTIME: 4937225 centiseconds
ENDTIME: 4937651 centiseconds
DURATION: 426 in centiseconds

Here is the batch script:

@echo off

rem The format of %TIME% is HH:MM:SS,CS for example 23:59:59,99

rem here begins the command you want to measure
dir /s > nul
rem here ends the command you want to measure


rem output as time

rem convert STARTTIME and ENDTIME to centiseconds
set /A STARTTIME=(1%STARTTIME:~0,2%-100)*360000 + (1%STARTTIME:~3,2%-100)*6000 + (1%STARTTIME:~6,2%-100)*100 + (1%STARTTIME:~9,2%-100)
set /A ENDTIME=(1%ENDTIME:~0,2%-100)*360000 + (1%ENDTIME:~3,2%-100)*6000 + (1%ENDTIME:~6,2%-100)*100 + (1%ENDTIME:~9,2%-100)

rem calculating the duratyion is easy

rem we might have measured the time inbetween days

rem now break the centiseconds down to hors, minutes, seconds and the remaining centiseconds
set /A DURATIONH=%DURATION% / 360000
set /A DURATIONM=(%DURATION% - %DURATIONH%*360000) / 6000
set /A DURATIONS=(%DURATION% - %DURATIONH%*360000 - %DURATIONM%*6000) / 100

rem some formatting

rem outputing
echo STARTTIME: %STARTTIME% centiseconds
echo ENDTIME: %ENDTIME% centiseconds
echo DURATION: %DURATION% in centiseconds

goto :EOF

Best Practices for mapping one object to another

I would opt for AutoMapper, an open source and free mapping library which allows to map one type into another, based on conventions (i.e. map public properties with the same names and same/derived/convertible types, along with many other smart ones). Very easy to use, will let you achieve something like this:

Model model = Mapper.Map<Model>(dto);

Not sure about your specific requirements, but AutoMapper also supports custom value resolvers, which should help you writing a single, generic implementation of your particular mapper.

Hibernate: ids for this class must be manually assigned before calling save()

Assign primary key in hibernate

Make sure that the attribute is primary key and Auto Incrementable in the database. Then map it into the data class with the annotation with @GeneratedValue annotation using IDENTITY.

@Table(name = "client")
data class Client(
        @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Column(name = "id") private val id: Int? = null



How to use Morgan logger?

Seems you too are confused with the same thing as I was, the reason I stumbled upon this question. I think we associate logging with manual logging as we would do in Java with log4j (if you know java) where we instantiate a Logger and say log 'this'.

Then I dug in morgan code, turns out it is not that type of a logger, it is for automated logging of requests, responses and related data. When added as a middleware to an express/connect app, by default it should log statements to stdout showing details of: remote ip, request method, http version, response status, user agent etc. It allows you to modify the log using tokens or add color to them by defining 'dev' or even logging out to an output stream, like a file.

For the purpose we thought we can use it, as in this case, we still have to use:


Or if you want to make the output pretty for objects:

var util = require("util");

Linux c++ error: undefined reference to 'dlopen'

this doesn't work:

gcc -ldl dlopentest.c

But this does:

gcc dlopentest.c -ldl

That's one annoying "feature" for sure

I was struggling with it when writing heredoc syntax and found some interesting facts. With CC=Clang, this works:

$CC -ldl -x c -o app.exe - << EOF
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
  if(dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL))
    printf(" loading succeeded\n");
    printf(" loading failed\n");
  return 0;


as well as all of these:

  • $CC -ldl -x c -o app.exe - << EOF
  • $CC -x c -ldl -o app.exe - << EOF
  • $CC -x c -o app.exe -ldl - << EOF
  • $CC -x c -o app.exe - -ldl << EOF

However, with CC=gcc, only the last variant works; -ldl after - (the stdin argument symbol).

Testing web application on Mac/Safari when I don't own a Mac

Unfortunately you cannot run MacOS X on anything but a genuine Mac.

MacOS X Server however can be run in VMWare. A stopgap solution would be to install it inside a VM. But you should be aware that MacOS X Server and MacOS X are not exactly the same, and your testing is not going to be exactly what the user has. Not to mention the $499 price tag.

Simplest way is to buy yourself a cheap mac mini or a laptop with a broken screen used on ebay, plug it onto your network and access it via VNC to do your testing.

Activating Anaconda Environment in VsCode

Unfortunately, this does not work on macOS. Despite the fact that I have export CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV='$HOME/anaconda3/envs/dev' in my .zshrc and "python.pythonPath": "${env.CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV}/bin/python", in my VSCode prefs, the built-in terminal does not use that environment's Python, even if I have started VSCode from the command line where that variable is set.

PHP PDO with foreach and fetch

This is because you are reading a cursor, not an array. This means that you are reading sequentially through the results and when you get to the end you would need to reset the cursor to the beginning of the results to read them again.

If you did want to read over the results multiple times, you could use fetchAll to read the results into a true array and then it would work as you are expecting.

Uncaught TypeError: data.push is not a function

make sure you push into an Array only and if their is error like Uncaught TypeError: data.push is not a function** then check for type of data you can do this by consol.log(data) hope this will help

Convert Little Endian to Big Endian

Below is an other approach that was useful for me

convertLittleEndianByteArrayToBigEndianByteArray (byte littlendianByte[], byte bigEndianByte[], int ArraySize){
    int i =0;

    for(i =0;i<ArraySize;i++){
      bigEndianByte[i] = (littlendianByte[ArraySize-i-1] << 7 & 0x80) | (littlendianByte[ArraySize-i-1] << 5 & 0x40) |
                            (littlendianByte[ArraySize-i-1] << 3 & 0x20) | (littlendianByte[ArraySize-i-1] << 1 & 0x10) |
                            (littlendianByte[ArraySize-i-1] >>1 & 0x08) | (littlendianByte[ArraySize-i-1] >> 3 & 0x04) |
                            (littlendianByte[ArraySize-i-1] >>5 & 0x02) | (littlendianByte[ArraySize-i-1] >> 7 & 0x01) ;

Post-increment and pre-increment within a 'for' loop produce same output

Because in either case the increment is done after the body of the loop and thus doesn't affect any of the calculations of the loop. If the compiler is stupid, it might be slightly less efficient to use post-increment (because normally it needs to keep a copy of the pre value for later use), but I would expect any differences to be optimized away in this case.

It might be handy to think of how the for loop is implemented, essentially translated into a set of assignments, tests, and branch instructions. In pseudo-code the pre-increment would look like:

      set i = 0
test: if i >= 5 goto done
      call printf,"%d",i
      set i = i + 1
      goto test
done: nop

Post-increment would have at least another step, but it would be trivial to optimize away

      set i = 0
test: if i >= 5 goto done
      call printf,"%d",i
      set j = i   // store value of i for later increment
      set i = j + 1  // oops, we're incrementing right-away
      goto test
done: nop

Convert integers to strings to create output filenames at run time

I've tried @Alejandro and @user2361779 already but it gives me an unsatisfied result such as file 1.txt or file1 .txt instead of file1.txt. However i find the better solution:

integer :: i
character(len=5) :: char_i     ! use your maximum expected len
character(len=32) :: filename

write(char_i, '(I5)') i        ! convert integer to char
write(filename, '("path/to/file/", A, ".dat")') trim(adjustl(char_i))


e.g. set i = 10 and write(char_i, '(I5)') i

char_i                gives  "   10" ! this is original value of char_i

adjustl(char_i)       gives  "10   " ! adjust char_i to the left

trim(adjustl(char_i)) gives  "10"    ! adjust char_i to the left then remove blank space on the right

I think this is a simplest solution that give you a dynamical length filename without any legacy blank spaces from integer to string conversion process.

Print a div content using Jquery

Without using any plugin you can opt this logic.

$("#btn").click(function () {
    //Hide all other elements other than printarea.

How to upper case every first letter of word in a string?

Here is the code

    String source = "hello good old world";
    StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();

    String[] strArr = source.split(" ");
    for (String str : strArr) {
        char[] stringArray = str.trim().toCharArray();
        stringArray[0] = Character.toUpperCase(stringArray[0]);
        str = new String(stringArray);

        res.append(str).append(" ");

    System.out.print("Result: " + res.toString().trim());

Python; urllib error: AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'read'

I got the same error {AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'read'} in python3. This worked for me later without using json:

from urllib.request import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = 'https://someurl/'
page = urlopen(url)
html =
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

Capture key press (or keydown) event on DIV element

Here example on plain JS:

document.querySelector('#myDiv').addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {_x000D_
#myDiv {_x000D_
  outline: none;_x000D_
<div _x000D_
  Press me and start typing_x000D_

How to change UIPickerView height

I use a mask layer to change it's display size

// swift 3.x
let layer = CALayer()
layer.frame = CGRect(x: 0,y:0, width: displayWidth, height: displayHeight)
layer.backgroundColor =
pickerView.layer.mask = layer

Android - Best and safe way to stop thread

This situation isn't in any way different from the standard Java. You can use the standard way to stop a thread:

class WorkerThread extends Thread {
    volatile boolean running = true;

    public void run() {
        // Do work...
        if (!running) return;
        //Continue doing the work

The main idea is to check the value of the field from time to time. When you need to stop your thread, you set running to false. Also, as Chris has pointed out, you can use the interruption mechanism.

By the way, when you use AsyncTask, your apporach won't differ much. The only difference is that you will have to call isCancel() method from your task instead of having a special field. If you call cancel(true), but don't implement this mechanism, the thread still won't stop by itself, it will run to the end.

XPath: How to select elements based on their value?

The condition below:

//Element[@attribute1="abc" and @attribute2="xyz" and Data]

checks for the existence of the element Data within Element and not for element value Data.

Instead you can use

//Element[@attribute1="abc" and @attribute2="xyz" and text()="Data"]

SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed

Here's how you can fix it on Windows: (created by Fletcher Nichol)


The Manual Way (Boring)

Download the cacert.pem file from Save this file to C:\RailsInstaller\cacert.pem.

Now make ruby aware of your certificate authority bundle by setting SSL_CERT_FILE. To set this in your current command prompt session, type:

set SSL_CERT_FILE=C:\RailsInstaller\cacert.pem

To make this a permanent setting, add this in your control panel.

URL to compose a message in Gmail (with full Gmail interface and specified to, bcc, subject, etc.)

It's worth pointing out that if you have multiple Gmail accounts, you may want to use the URL approach because you can customize which account to compose from.


Or if you know the email address you are sending from, replace the numeric index with the email address:[email protected]/#inbox?compose=new

How to save a data.frame in R?

There are several ways. One way is to use save() to save the exact object. e.g. for data frame foo:


Then load it with:


You could also use write.table() or something like that to save the table in plain text, or dput() to obtain R code to reproduce the table.

How does C#'s random number generator work?

I was just wondering how the random number generator in C# works.

That's implementation-specific, but the wikipedia entry for pseudo-random number generators should give you some ideas.

I was also curious how I could make a program that generates random WHOLE INTEGER numbers from 1-100.

You can use Random.Next(int, int):

Random rng = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    Console.WriteLine(rng.Next(1, 101));

Note that the upper bound is exclusive - which is why I've used 101 here.

You should also be aware of some of the "gotchas" associated with Random - in particular, you should not create a new instance every time you want to generate a random number, as otherwise if you generate lots of random numbers in a short space of time, you'll see a lot of repeats. See my article on this topic for more details.

How do you create a temporary table in an Oracle database?

    (startdate DATE,
     enddate DATE,
     class CHAR(20))

Custom style to jquery ui dialogs


You can add a class (such as "success-dialog" in my example) to div#success, either directly in your HTML, or in your JavaScript by adding to the dialogClass option, as I've done.

    height: 50,
    width: 350,
    modal: true,
    resizable: true,
    dialogClass: 'no-close success-dialog'

Then just add the success-dialog class to your CSS rules as appropriate. To indicate an element with two (or more) classes applied to it, just write them all together, with no spaces in between. For example:

.ui-dialog.success-dialog {
    font-family: Verdana,Arial,sans-serif;
    font-size: .8em;

How to call a RESTful web service from Android?

Recently discovered that a third party library - Square Retrofit can do the job very well.

Defining REST endpoint

public interface GitHubService {
   List<Repo> listRepos(@Path("user") String user,Callback<List<User>> cb);

Getting the concrete service

RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()
GitHubService service = restAdapter.create(GitHubService.class);

Calling the REST endpoint

List<Repo> repos = service.listRepos("octocat",new Callback<List<User>>() { 
    public void failure(final RetrofitError error) {
        android.util.Log.i("example", "Error, body: " + error.getBody().toString());
    public void success(List<User> users, Response response) {
        // Do something with the List of Users object returned
        // you may populate your adapter here

The library handles the json serialization and deserailization for you. You may customize the serialization and deserialization too.

Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
    .registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new DateTypeAdapter())

RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()
    .setConverter(new GsonConverter(gson))

Flutter does not find android sdk

I've set up my Android SDK manually with the command line, and I was able to solve this kind of errors while I tried to set up my development environment, if you want to solve it as I did, just follow the next steps that I posted in a GitHub Comment in a related issue:

I hope this can help anyone need it! Bye!

make: *** No rule to make target `all'. Stop

Your makefile should ideally be named makefile, not make. Note that you can call your makefile anything you like, but as you found, you then need the -f option with make to specify the name of the makefile. Using the default name of makefile just makes life easier.

Getting file size in Python?

You may use os.stat() function, which is a wrapper of system call stat():

import os

def getSize(filename):
    st = os.stat(filename)
    return st.st_size

include external .js file in node.js app

If you just want to test a library from the command line, you could do:

cat somelibrary.js mytestfile.js | node

How to create a date object from string in javascript

You definitely want to use the second expression since months in JS are enumerated from 0.

Also you may use Date.parse method, but it uses different date format:

var timestamp = Date.parse("11/30/2011");
var dateObject = new Date(timestamp);

Session only cookies with Javascript

Yes, that is correct.

Not putting an expires part in will create a session cookie, whether it is created in JavaScript or on the server.


check if directory exists and delete in one command unix


bash -c '[ -d my_mystery_dirname ] && run_this_command'

This will work if you can run bash on the remote machine....

In bash, [ -d something ] checks if there is directory called 'something', returning a success code if it exists and is a directory. Chaining commands with && runs the second command only if the first one succeeded. So [ -d somedir ] && command runs the command only if the directory exists.

How can I find my php.ini on wordpress?

If you have access to our webroot, create a file asdf.php with

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

in it and point your webbrowser to it. You should see all info in the first section.

  • Configuration File (php.ini) Path
  • Loaded Configuration File
  • Scan this dir for additional .ini files
  • Additional .ini files parsed

This works for any php application and is therefore the universal way to find our php.ini

Console.log(); How to & Debugging javascript

I like to add these functions in the head.

jQuery.fn.log=function (msg){console.log("%s: %o", msg,this);return this;};

Now log won't break IE I can enable it or disable it in one place I can log inline

$(".classname").log(); //show an array of all elements with classname class

enable or disable checkbox in html

The HTML parser simply doesn't interpret the inlined javascript like this.

You may do this :

<td><input type="checkbox" id="repriseCheckBox" name="repriseCheckBox"/></td>

<script>document.getElementById("repriseCheckBox").disabled=checkStat == 1 ? true : false;</script>

How to plot two columns of a pandas data frame using points?

For this (and most plotting) I would not rely on the Pandas wrappers to matplotlib. Instead, just use matplotlib directly:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter(df['col_name_1'], df['col_name_2']) # Depending on whether you use IPython or interactive mode, etc.

and remember that you can access a NumPy array of the column's values with df.col_name_1.values for example.

I ran into trouble using this with Pandas default plotting in the case of a column of Timestamp values with millisecond precision. In trying to convert the objects to datetime64 type, I also discovered a nasty issue: < Pandas gives incorrect result when asking if Timestamp column values have attr astype >.

get name of a variable or parameter


1) Without touching System.Reflection namespace,

GETNAME(new { myInput });

public static string GETNAME<T>(T myInput) where T : class
    if (myInput == null)
        return string.Empty;

    return myInput.ToString().TrimStart('{').TrimEnd('}').Split('=')[0].Trim();

2) The below one can be faster though (from my tests)

GETNAME(new { variable });
public static string GETNAME<T>(T myInput) where T : class
    if (myInput == null)
        return string.Empty;

    return typeof(T).GetProperties()[0].Name;

You can also extend this for properties of objects (may be with extension methods):

new { myClass.MyProperty1 }.GETNAME();

You can cache property values to improve performance further as property names don't change during runtime.

The Expression approach is going to be slower for my taste. To get parameter name and value together in one go see this answer of mine

Check if key exists in JSON object using jQuery

if(typeof theObject['key'] != 'undefined'){
     //key exists, do stuff


if(typeof theObject.key != 'undefined'){
    //object exists, do stuff

I'm writing here because no one seems to give the right answer..

I know it's old...

Somebody might question the same thing..

How to show form input fields based on select value?


   var selection = $(this).val();
   if(selection == 'other')


Does Python support short-circuiting?

Short-circuiting behavior in operator and, or:

Let's first define a useful function to determine if something is executed or not. A simple function that accepts an argument, prints a message and returns the input, unchanged.

>>> def fun(i):
...     print "executed"
...     return i

One can observe the Python's short-circuiting behavior of and, or operators in the following example:

>>> fun(1)
>>> 1 or fun(1)    # due to short-circuiting  "executed" not printed
>>> 1 and fun(1)   # fun(1) called and "executed" printed 
>>> 0 and fun(1)   # due to short-circuiting  "executed" not printed 

Note: The following values are considered by the interpreter to mean false:

        False    None    0    ""    ()    []     {}

Short-circuiting behavior in function: any(), all():

Python's any() and all() functions also support short-circuiting. As shown in the docs; they evaluate each element of a sequence in-order, until finding a result that allows an early exit in the evaluation. Consider examples below to understand both.

The function any() checks if any element is True. It stops executing as soon as a True is encountered and returns True.

>>> any(fun(i) for i in [1, 2, 3, 4])   # bool(1) = True
>>> any(fun(i) for i in [0, 2, 3, 4])   
executed                               # bool(0) = False
executed                               # bool(2) = True
>>> any(fun(i) for i in [0, 0, 3, 4])

The function all() checks all elements are True and stops executing as soon as a False is encountered:

>>> all(fun(i) for i in [0, 0, 3, 4])
>>> all(fun(i) for i in [1, 0, 3, 4])

Short-circuiting behavior in Chained Comparison:

Additionally, in Python

Comparisons can be chained arbitrarily; for example, x < y <= z is equivalent to x < y and y <= z, except that y is evaluated only once (but in both cases z is not evaluated at all when x < y is found to be false).

>>> 5 > 6 > fun(3)    # same as:  5 > 6 and 6 > fun(3)
False                 # 5 > 6 is False so fun() not called and "executed" NOT printed
>>> 5 < 6 > fun(3)    # 5 < 6 is True 
executed              # fun(3) called and "executed" printed
>>> 4 <= 6 > fun(7)   # 4 <= 6 is True  
executed              # fun(3) called and "executed" printed
>>> 5 < fun(6) < 3    # only prints "executed" once
>>> 5 < fun(6) and fun(6) < 3 # prints "executed" twice, because the second part executes it again

One more interesting point to note :- Logical and, or operators in Python returns an operand's value instead of a Boolean (True or False). For example:

Operation x and y gives the result if x is false, then x, else y

Unlike in other languages e.g. &&, || operators in C that return either 0 or 1.


>>> 3 and 5    # Second operand evaluated and returned 
>>> 3  and ()
>>> () and 5   # Second operand NOT evaluated as first operand () is  false
()             # so first operand returned 

Similarly or operator return left most value for which bool(value) == True else right most false value (according to short-circuiting behavior), examples:

>>> 2 or 5    # left most operand bool(2) == True
>>> 0 or 5    # bool(0) == False and bool(5) == True
>>> 0 or ()

So, how is this useful? One example is given in Practical Python By Magnus Lie Hetland:
Let’s say a user is supposed to enter his or her name, but may opt to enter nothing, in which case you want to use the default value '<Unknown>'. You could use an if statement, but you could also state things very succinctly:

In [171]: name = raw_input('Enter Name: ') or '<Unknown>'
Enter Name: 

In [172]: name
Out[172]: '<Unknown>'

In other words, if the return value from raw_input is true (not an empty string), it is assigned to name (nothing changes); otherwise, the default '<Unknown>' is assigned to name.

Make file echo displaying "$PATH" string

In the manual for GNU make, they talk about this specific example when describing the value function:

The value function provides a way for you to use the value of a variable without having it expanded. Please note that this does not undo expansions which have already occurred; for example if you create a simply expanded variable its value is expanded during the definition; in that case the value function will return the same result as using the variable directly.

The syntax of the value function is:

 $(value variable)

Note that variable is the name of a variable; not a reference to that variable. Therefore you would not normally use a ‘$’ or parentheses when writing it. (You can, however, use a variable reference in the name if you want the name not to be a constant.)

The result of this function is a string containing the value of variable, without any expansion occurring. For example, in this makefile:


         @echo $(FOO)
         @echo $(value FOO)

The first output line would be ATH, since the “$P” would be expanded as a make variable, while the second output line would be the current value of your $PATH environment variable, since the value function avoided the expansion.

UIView background color in Swift

The response by @Miknash and @wolfgang gutierrez barrera was helpful to me. Only difference was I had to add rgbValue: to the function call.

UIColorFromHex(rgbValue: 0xA6D632,alpha: 1 ) like so

How to enable Logger.debug() in Log4j

If you are coming here because you are using Apache commons logging with log4j and log4j isn't working as you expect then check that you actually have a log4j.jar in your run-time classpath. That one had me puzzled for a little while. I have now configured the runner in my dev environment to include -Dlog4j.debug in the Java command line so I can always see that Log4j is being initialized correctly

On a CSS hover event, can I change another div's styling?

This can not be done purely with css. This is a behaviour, which affects the styling of the page.

With jquery you can quickly implement the behavior from your question:

$(function() {
  $('#a').hover(function() {
    $('#b').css('background-color', 'yellow');
  }, function() {
    // on mouseout, reset the background colour
    $('#b').css('background-color', '');

DataTable, How to conditionally delete rows

Extension method based on Linq

public static void DeleteRows(this DataTable dt, Func<DataRow, bool> predicate)
    foreach (var row in dt.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().Where(predicate).ToList())

Then use:

DataTable dt = GetSomeData();
dt.DeleteRows(r => r.Field<double>("Amount") > 123.12 && r.Field<string>("ABC") == "XYZ");

Creating a list of pairs in java

If you want multiplicities, you can put it in map that maps pair to ammount. This way there will only be one pair of given values, but it can represent multiple occurances.

Then if you have lot of repeatet values and want to perform some operation on all values, you can save lot of computations.

SQL Server format decimal places with commas

SQL (or to be more precise, the RDBMS) is not meant to be the right choice for formatting the output. The database should deliver raw data which then should be formatted (or more general: processed) in the destination application.

However, depending on the specific system you use, you may write a UDF (user defined function) to achive what you want. But please bear in mind that you then are in fact returning a varchar, which you will not be able to further process (e.g. summarize).

Sort an array in Java

int[] array = {2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 2, 34, 2, 56, 98, 32, 54};

for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < array.length; j++) {
        if (array[i] < array[j]) {
            int temp = array[i];
            array[i] = array[j];
            array[j] = temp;

How to set the range of y-axis for a seaborn boxplot?

It is standard matplotlib.pyplot:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.ylim(10, 40)

Or simpler, as mwaskom comments below:

ax.set(ylim=(10, 40))

enter image description here

Combine hover and click functions (jQuery)?

var hoverAndClick = function() {
    // Your actions here
} ;

$("#target").hover( hoverAndClick ).click( hoverAndClick ) ;

How to prepare a Unity project for git?

On the Unity Editor open your project and:

  1. Enable External option in Unity ? Preferences ? Packages ? Repository (only if Unity ver < 4.5)
  2. Switch to Visible Meta Files in Edit ? Project Settings ? Editor ? Version Control Mode
  3. Switch to Force Text in Edit ? Project Settings ? Editor ? Asset Serialization Mode
  4. Save Scene and Project from File menu.
  5. Quit Unity and then you can delete the Library and Temp directory in the project directory. You can delete everything but keep the Assets and ProjectSettings directory.

If you already created your empty git repo on-line (eg. now it's time to upload your code. Open a command prompt and follow the next steps:

cd to/your/unity/project/folder

git init

git add *

git commit -m "First commit"

git remote add origin [email protected]:username/project.git

git push -u origin master

You should now open your Unity project while holding down the Option or the Left Alt key. This will force Unity to recreate the Library directory (this step might not be necessary since I've seen Unity recreating the Library directory even if you don't hold down any key).

Finally have git ignore the Library and Temp directories so that they won’t be pushed to the server. Add them to the .gitignore file and push the ignore to the server. Remember that you'll only commit the Assets and ProjectSettings directories.

And here's my own .gitignore recipe for my Unity projects:

# =============== #
# Unity generated #
# =============== #

# ===================================== #
# Visual Studio / MonoDevelop generated #
# ===================================== #

# ============ #
# OS generated #
# ============ #

Make outer div be automatically the same height as its floating content

Firstly, I highly recommend you do your CSS styling in an external CSS file, rather than doing it inline. It's much easier to maintain and can be more reusable using classes.

Working off Alex's answer (& Garret's clearfix) of "adding an element at the end with clear: both", you can do it like so:

    <div id='outerdiv' style='border: 1px solid black; background-color: black;'>
        <div style='width: 300px; border: red 1px dashed; float: left;'>

        <div style='width: 300px; border: red 1px dashed; float: right;'>
        <div style='clear:both;'></div>

This works (but as you can see inline CSS isn't so pretty).

How to build and use Google TensorFlow C++ api

I use a hack/workaround to avoid having to build the whole TF library myself (which saves both time (it's set up in 3 minutes), disk space, installing dev dependencies, and size of the resulting binary). It's officially unsupported, but works well if you just want to quickly jump in.

Install TF through pip (pip install tensorflow or pip install tensorflow-gpu). Then find its library (TF 0.* - 1.0) or (TF 1.1+). In my case (Ubuntu) it's located at /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ Then create a symlink to this library called somewhere where your build system finds it (e.g. /usr/lib/local). The prefix lib is important! You can also give it another lib*.so name - if you call it, you may get better compatibility with other programs written to work with TF.

Then create a C++ project as you are used to (CMake, Make, Bazel, whatever you like).

And then you're ready to just link against this library to have TF available for your projects (and you also have to link against python2.7 libraries)! In CMake, you e.g. just add target_link_libraries(target _pywrap_tensorflow python2.7).

The C++ header files are located around this library, e.g. in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/include/.

Once again: this way is officially unsupported and you may run in various issues. The library seems to be statically linked against e.g. protobuf, so you may run in odd link-time or run-time issues. But I am able to load a stored graph, restore the weights and run inference, which is IMO the most wanted functionality in C++.

Django URLs TypeError: view must be a callable or a list/tuple in the case of include()

Your code is

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^$', 'myapp.views.home'),
    url(r'^contact/$', ''),
    url(r'^login/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.login'),

change it to following as you're importing include() function :

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^$', views.home),
    url(r'^login/$', views.login),

Server cannot set status after HTTP headers have been sent IIS7.5

I remember the part from this exception : "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by" occurring in PHP. It occurred when the headers were already sent in the redirection phase and any other output was generated e.g.:

echo "hello"; header("Location:");

Pardon me and do correct me if I am wrong but I am still learning MS Technologies and I was trying to help.

Make a Bash alias that takes a parameter?

The question is simply asked wrong. You don't make an alias that takes parameters because alias just adds a second name for something that already exists. The functionality the OP wants is the function command to create a new function. You do not need to alias the function as the function already has a name.

I think you want something like this :

function trash() { mv "$@" ~/.Trash; }

That's it! You can use parameters $1, $2, $3, etc, or just stuff them all with $@

What is the difference between Views and Materialized Views in Oracle?

A view uses a query to pull data from the underlying tables.

A materialized view is a table on disk that contains the result set of a query.

Materialized views are primarily used to increase application performance when it isn't feasible or desirable to use a standard view with indexes applied to it. Materialized views can be updated on a regular basis either through triggers or by using the ON COMMIT REFRESH option. This does require a few extra permissions, but it's nothing complex. ON COMMIT REFRESH has been in place since at least Oracle 10.

Get hostname of current request in node.js Express

First of all, before providing an answer I would like to be upfront about the fact that by trusting headers you are opening the door to security vulnerabilities such as phishing. So for redirection purposes, don't use values from headers without first validating the URL is authorized.

Then, your operating system hostname might not necessarily match the DNS one. In fact, one IP might have more than one DNS name. So for HTTP purposes there is no guarantee that the hostname assigned to your machine in your operating system configuration is useable.

The best choice I can think of is to obtain your HTTP listener public IP and resolve its name via DNS. See the dns.reverse method for more info. But then, again, note that an IP might have multiple names associated with it.

How do I replace NA values with zeros in an R dataframe?

if you want to assign a new name after changing the NAs in a specific column in this case column V3, use you can do also like this$ <- ifelse($V3),0,1)

What's the fastest way to read a text file line-by-line?

To find the fastest way to read a file line by line you will have to do some benchmarking. I have done some small tests on my computer but you cannot expect that my results apply to your environment.

Using StreamReader.ReadLine

This is basically your method. For some reason you set the buffer size to the smallest possible value (128). Increasing this will in general increase performance. The default size is 1,024 and other good choices are 512 (the sector size in Windows) or 4,096 (the cluster size in NTFS). You will have to run a benchmark to determine an optimal buffer size. A bigger buffer is - if not faster - at least not slower than a smaller buffer.

const Int32 BufferSize = 128;
using (var fileStream = File.OpenRead(fileName))
  using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(fileStream, Encoding.UTF8, true, BufferSize)) {
    String line;
    while ((line = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null)
      // Process line

The FileStream constructor allows you to specify FileOptions. For example, if you are reading a large file sequentially from beginning to end, you may benefit from FileOptions.SequentialScan. Again, benchmarking is the best thing you can do.

Using File.ReadLines

This is very much like your own solution except that it is implemented using a StreamReader with a fixed buffer size of 1,024. On my computer this results in slightly better performance compared to your code with the buffer size of 128. However, you can get the same performance increase by using a larger buffer size. This method is implemented using an iterator block and does not consume memory for all lines.

var lines = File.ReadLines(fileName);
foreach (var line in lines)
  // Process line

Using File.ReadAllLines

This is very much like the previous method except that this method grows a list of strings used to create the returned array of lines so the memory requirements are higher. However, it returns String[] and not an IEnumerable<String> allowing you to randomly access the lines.

var lines = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);
for (var i = 0; i < lines.Length; i += 1) {
  var line = lines[i];
  // Process line

Using String.Split

This method is considerably slower, at least on big files (tested on a 511 KB file), probably due to how String.Split is implemented. It also allocates an array for all the lines increasing the memory required compared to your solution.

using (var streamReader = File.OpenText(fileName)) {
  var lines = streamReader.ReadToEnd().Split("\r\n".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
  foreach (var line in lines)
    // Process line

My suggestion is to use File.ReadLines because it is clean and efficient. If you require special sharing options (for example you use FileShare.ReadWrite), you can use your own code but you should increase the buffer size.

JQuery - Get select value

var nationality = $("#dancerCountry").val(); should work. Are you sure that the element selector is working properly? Perhaps you should try:

var nationality = $('select[name="dancerCountry"]').val();

How to update json file with python

The issue here is that you've opened a file and read its contents so the cursor is at the end of the file. By writing to the same file handle, you're essentially appending to the file.

The easiest solution would be to close the file after you've read it in, then reopen it for writing.

with open("replayScript.json", "r") as jsonFile:
    data = json.load(jsonFile)

data["location"] = "NewPath"

with open("replayScript.json", "w") as jsonFile:
    json.dump(data, jsonFile)

Alternatively, you can use seek() to move the cursor back to the beginning of the file then start writing, followed by a truncate() to deal with the case where the new data is smaller than the previous.

with open("replayScript.json", "r+") as jsonFile:
    data = json.load(jsonFile)

    data["location"] = "NewPath"  # rewind
    json.dump(data, jsonFile)

What is the difference between ManualResetEvent and AutoResetEvent in .NET?

The short answer is yes. The most important difference is that an AutoResetEvent will only allow one single waiting thread to continue. A ManualResetEvent on the other hand will keep allowing threads, several at the same time even, to continue until you tell it to stop (Reset it).

MS SQL Date Only Without Time

DATEADD(d, 0, DATEDIFF(d, 0, [tstamp]))

Edit: While this will remove the time portion of your datetime, it will also make the condition non SARGable. If that's important for this query, an indexed view or a between clause is more appropriate.

Crop image in android

This library: Android-Image-Cropper is very powerful to CropImages. It has 3,731 stars on github at this time.

You will crop your images with a few lines of code.

1 - Add the dependecies into buid.gradle (Module: app)

compile 'com.theartofdev.edmodo:android-image-cropper:2.7.+'

2 - Add the permissions into AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

3 - Add CropImageActivity into AndroidManifest.xml

<activity android:name="com.theartofdev.edmodo.cropper.CropImageActivity"

4 - Start the activity with one of the cases below, depending on your requirements.

// start picker to get image for cropping and then use the image in cropping activity

// start cropping activity for pre-acquired image saved on the device

// for fragment (DO NOT use `getActivity()`)
.start(getContext(), this);

5 - Get the result in onActivityResult

public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
  if (requestCode == CropImage.CROP_IMAGE_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE) {
    CropImage.ActivityResult result = CropImage.getActivityResult(data);
    if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
      Uri resultUri = result.getUri();
    } else if (resultCode == CropImage.CROP_IMAGE_ACTIVITY_RESULT_ERROR_CODE) {
      Exception error = result.getError();

You can do several customizations, as set the Aspect Ratio or the shape to RECTANGLE, OVAL and a lot more.

latex large division sign in a math formula

Another option is to use \dfrac instead of \frac, which makes the whole fraction larger and hence more readable.

And no, I don't know if there is an option to get something in between \frac and \dfrac, sorry.

Docker remove <none> TAG images

100% works: docker images | grep none | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker rmi -f

Why does Maven have such a bad rep?

I've certainly bitched & moaned about maven in the past. But now, I wouldn't be without it. I feel that the benefits far outweigh any problems. Chiefly:

  • Standardized project structure.
    • Given a new developer joining a project:
      • When you say it's a Maven project, then developer knows the project layout and how to build and package the project
      • When you say it's an Ant project, then developer will have to wait for you to explain more or will have to go through the build.xml to figure things out.
    • Of course, it's always possible to impose on company-wide standard with Ant but I think more often than not, you will be re-inventing the proverbial wheel.
  • Dependency management.
    • Not just with external libraries but also with internal libraries/modules. Be sure to use a Maven repository proxy server such as Nexus or Artifactory.
    • It's possible to do some of this with Ivy. In fact, if all you need is a dependency management, you're probably better off using Ivy.
  • Particularly within a project. I've found it quite useful to break out little subprojects, and maven handles this well. It's much more difficult with ant.
  • Standardized artifact management (especially in conjunction with nexus or artifactory)
  • The release-plugin is wonderful.
  • The Eclipse & NetBeans integration is quite good.
  • Integration with hudson is superb. Particularly the trend graphs for things like findbugs.
  • It's a minor point, but the fact that maven embeds details like the version number inside the jar or war (not just in the filename) by default is tremendously helpful.

The downsides for me are chiefly:

  • The command line is quite unhelpful. This put me off a lot to begin with.
  • The XML format is very verbose. I can see why it was done that way, but it's still a pain to read.
    • That said, it's got an XSD for easy editing in an IDE.
  • It's difficult to get your head round it in the beginning. Things like the lifecycle, for example.

I truly believe that it's worth spending a little bit of time getting to know maven.

jQuery.ajax returns 400 Bad Request

Add this to your ajax call:

contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json"

How to reference static assets within vue javascript

Of course src="@/assets/images/x.jpg works, but better way is: src="~assets/images/x.jpg

GitHub "fatal: remote origin already exists"

update the origin if it exist already using this command

git remote set-url origin

How to find difference between two columns data?

select previous, Present, previous-Present as Difference from tablename


select previous, Present, previous-Present as Difference from #TEMP1

Clearing input in vuejs form

What you need is to set this.text to an empty string in your submitForm function:

            text: this.text,
            completed: false
    this.text = "";

    // To prevent the form from submitting

Remember that binding works both ways: The (input) view can update the (string) model, or the model can update the view.

How do I add an active class to a Link from React Router?

I didn't like the idea of creating a custom component, because if you have a different wrapping element you would have to create another custom component etc. Also, it is just overkill. So I just did it with css and activeClassName:

<li className="link-wrapper">  <!-- add a class to the wrapper -->
  <Link to="something" activeClassName="active">Something</Link>

And then just add some css: > {
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    color: white;
    background-color: blue;

Technically this doesn't style the li, but it makes the anchor fill the li and styles it.

What are the differences between Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio?

For me, Visual Studio on Mac doesn't support Node.js (editing and debugging) whereas Visual Studio Code does this very well.

Converting EditText to int? (Android)

I'm very sleepy and tired right now but wouldn't this work?:

EditText et = (EditText)findViewById(;
String sTextFromET = et.getText().toString();
int nIntFromET = new Integer(sTextFromET).intValue();


    int nIntFromET = Integer.parseInt(sTextFromET);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
    // handle the exception

Difference between null and empty ("") Java String

This concept can be better understood from mathematics. Have you ever tried dividing a number (not zero) by 0 using a calculator e.g 7/0? You will get a result that looks like something this: undefined, not a number, null etc. This means that the operation is impossible, for some reasons (let's leave those reasons to be discussed another day).

Now, perform this: 0/7. You will get the output, 0. This means that the operation is possible and can be executed, but you the answer is just 0 because nothing is left after the division. There is a valid output and that output is zero.

In the first example, not only was the output invalid, the operation was not possible to execute. This is akin to null string in java. The second example is akin to empty string.

Python if not == vs if !=

>>> from dis import dis
>>> dis(compile('not 10 == 20', '', 'exec'))
  1           0 LOAD_CONST               0 (10)
              3 LOAD_CONST               1 (20)
              6 COMPARE_OP               2 (==)
              9 UNARY_NOT
             10 POP_TOP
             11 LOAD_CONST               2 (None)
             14 RETURN_VALUE
>>> dis(compile('10 != 20', '', 'exec'))
  1           0 LOAD_CONST               0 (10)
              3 LOAD_CONST               1 (20)
              6 COMPARE_OP               3 (!=)
              9 POP_TOP
             10 LOAD_CONST               2 (None)
             13 RETURN_VALUE

Here you can see that not x == y has one more instruction than x != y. So the performance difference will be very small in most cases unless you are doing millions of comparisons and even then this will likely not be the cause of a bottleneck.

find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ;

I need this so often that I created a function in my ~/.bashrc file:

chmodf() {
        find $2 -type f -exec chmod $1 {} \;
chmodd() {
        find $2 -type d -exec chmod $1 {} \;

Now I can use these shortcuts:

chmodd 0775 .
chmodf 0664 .

Close Window from ViewModel

System.Environment.Exit(0); in view model would work.

Convert Pixels to Points

System.Drawing.Graphics has DpiX and DpiY properties. DpiX is pixels per inch horizontally. DpiY is pixels per inch vertically. Use those to convert from points (72 points per inch) to pixels.

Ex: 14 horizontal points = (14 * DpiX) / 72 pixels

Test if a string contains a word in PHP?

Use strpos. If the string is not found it returns false, otherwise something that is not false. Be sure to use a type-safe comparison (===) as 0 may be returned and it is a falsy value:

if (strpos($string, $substring) === false) {
    // substring is not found in string

if (strpos($string, $substring2) !== false) {
    // substring2 is found in string

Step out of current function with GDB

You can use the finish command.

finish: Continue running until just after function in the selected stack frame returns. Print the returned value (if any). This command can be abbreviated as fin.

(See 5.2 Continuing and Stepping.)

Best way to repeat a character in C#

What about using extension method?

public static class StringExtensions
   public static string Repeat(this char chatToRepeat, int repeat) {

       return new string(chatToRepeat,repeat);
   public  static string Repeat(this string stringToRepeat,int repeat)
       var builder = new StringBuilder(repeat*stringToRepeat.Length);
       for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {
       return builder.ToString();

You could then write :

Debug.WriteLine('-'.Repeat(100)); // For Chars  
Debug.WriteLine("Hello".Repeat(100)); // For Strings

Note that a performance test of using the stringbuilder version for simple characters instead of strings gives you a major preformance penality : on my computer the difference in mesured performance is 1:20 between: Debug.WriteLine('-'.Repeat(1000000)) //char version and
Debug.WriteLine("-".Repeat(1000000)) //string version

How to enable C++11 in Qt Creator?

Add this to your .pro file

QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11


CONFIG += c++11

How can I account for period (AM/PM) using strftime?

format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %p'

The format is using %H instead of %I. Since %H is the "24-hour" format, it's likely just discarding the %p information. It works just fine if you change the %H to %I.

Remove characters from C# string

Its a powerful method I usually use in the same case:

private string Normalize(string text)
        return string.Join("",
            from ch in text
            where char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) || char.IsWhiteSpace(ch)
            select ch);


Spring JPA @Query with LIKE

@Query("select b.equipSealRegisterId from EquipSealRegister b where b.sealName like %?1% and b.deleteFlag = '0'" )
    List<String>findBySeal(String sealname);

I have tried this code and it works.

How big can a MySQL database get before performance starts to degrade

2GB and about 15M records is a very small database - I've run much bigger ones on a pentium III(!) and everything has still run pretty fast.. If yours is slow it is a database/application design problem, not a mysql one.

How to specify a port to run a create-react-app based project?

You can specify a environment variable named PORT to specify the port on which the server will run.

$ export PORT=3005 #Linux
$ $env:PORT=3005 # Windows - Powershell

What is the best alternative IDE to Visual Studio

If you're into C# and VB.Net and don't mind open source then you could use SharpDevelop. It does a pretty good job!

PHP JSON String, escape Double Quotes for JS output

This is a solutions that takes care of single and double quotes:

$php_data = array("title"=>"Example string's with \"special\" characters");

$escaped_data = json_encode( $php_data, JSON_HEX_QUOT|JSON_HEX_APOS );
$escaped_data = str_replace("\u0022", "\\\"", $escaped_data );
$escaped_data = str_replace("\u0027", "\\'",  $escaped_data );
// no need to use JSON.parse()...
var js_data = <?= $escaped_data ?>;
alert(js_data.title); // should alert `Example string's with "special" characters`

How to decode Unicode escape sequences like "\u00ed" to proper UTF-8 encoded characters?

print_r(json_decode('{"t":"\u00ed"}')); // -> stdClass Object ( [t] => í )

Nginx no-www to www and www to no-www

Ghost blog

in order to make nginx recommended method with return 301 $scheme://$request_uri; work with Ghost you will need to add in your main server block:

proxy_set_header    X-Real-IP           $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-For     $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header    Host                $http_host;
proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-Proto   $scheme;
proxy_set_header    X-NginX-Proxy       true;

proxy_pass_header   X-CSRF-TOKEN;
proxy_buffering     off;
proxy_redirect      off;  

I can't install python-ldap

For most systems, the build requirements are now mentioned in python-ldap's documentation, in the "Installing" section.

If anything is missing for your system (or your system is missing entirely), please let maintainer know! (As of 2018, I am the maintainer, so a comment here should be enough. Or you can send a pull request or mail.)

How do I display an alert dialog on Android?

The code which David Hedlund has posted gave me the error:

Unable to add window — token null is not valid

If you are getting the same error use the below code. It works!!

runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

        if (!isFinishing()){
            new AlertDialog.Builder(YourActivity.this)
              .setTitle("Your Alert")
              .setMessage("Your Message")
              .setPositiveButton("ok", new OnClickListener() {
                  public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                      // Whatever...

Reliable way to convert a file to a byte[]

looks good enough as a generic version. You can modify it to meet your needs, if they're specific enough.

also test for exceptions and error conditions, such as file doesn't exist or can't be read, etc.

you can also do the following to save some space:

 byte[] bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filename);

Read/write files within a Linux kernel module

Since version 4.14 of Linux kernel, vfs_read and vfs_write functions are no longer exported for use in modules. Instead, functions exclusively for kernel's file access are provided:

# Read the file from the kernel space.
ssize_t kernel_read(struct file *file, void *buf, size_t count, loff_t *pos);

# Write the file from the kernel space.
ssize_t kernel_write(struct file *file, const void *buf, size_t count,
            loff_t *pos);

Also, filp_open no longer accepts user-space string, so it can be used for kernel access directly (without dance with set_fs).

Convert a binary NodeJS Buffer to JavaScript ArrayBuffer

NodeJS, at one point (I think it was v0.6.x) had ArrayBuffer support. I created a small library for base64 encoding and decoding here, but since updating to v0.7, the tests (on NodeJS) fail. I'm thinking of creating something that normalizes this, but till then, I suppose Node's native Buffer should be used.

How do I access (read, write) Google Sheets spreadsheets with Python?

Take a look at gspread port for api v4 - pygsheets. It should be very easy to use rather than the google client.

Sample example

import pygsheets

gc = pygsheets.authorize()

# Open spreadsheet and then workseet
sh ='my new ssheet')
wks = sh.sheet1

# Update a cell with value (just to let him know values is updated ;) )
wks.update_cell('A1', "Hey yank this numpy array")

# update the sheet with array
wks.update_cells('A2', my_nparray.to_list())

# share the sheet with your friend
sh.share("[email protected]")

See the docs here.

Author here.

How to restrict SSH users to a predefined set of commands after login?

Why don't you write your own login-shell? It would be quite simple to use Bash for this, but you can use any language.

Example in Bash

Use your favorite editor to create the file /root/ (this can be any name or path, but should be chown root:root and chmod 700):


commands=("man" "pwd" "ls" "whoami")
timestamp(){ date +'%Y-%m-%s %H:%M:%S'; }
log(){ echo -e "$(timestamp)\t$1\t$(whoami)\t$2" > /var/log/rbash.log; }
    # Provide an option to exit the shell
    if [[ "$ln" == "exit" ]] || [[ "$ln" == "q" ]]
    # You can do exact string matching for some alias:
    elif [[ "$ln" == "help" ]]
        echo "Type exit or q to quit."
        echo "Commands you can use:"
        echo "  help"
        echo "  echo"
        echo "${commands[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | awk '{print "  " $0}'
    # You can use custom regular expression matching:
    elif [[ "$ln" =~ ^echo\ .*$ ]]
        echo "$ln" # Beware, these double quotes are important to prevent malicious injection
        # For example, optionally you can log this command
        log COMMAND "echo $ln"
    # Or you could even check an array of commands:
        for cmd in "${commands[@]}"
            if [[ "$cmd" == "$ln" ]]
        if $ok
            log DENIED "$cmd"

# Optionally show a friendly welcome-message with instructions since it is a custom shell
echo "$(timestamp) Welcome, $(whoami). Type 'help' for information."

# Optionally log the login
log LOGIN "$@"

# Optionally log the logout
trap "trap=\"\";log LOGOUT;exit" EXIT

# Optionally check for '-c custom_command' arguments passed directly to shell
# Then you can also use ssh user@host custom_command, which will execute /root/
if [[ "$1" == "-c" ]]
    trycmd "$@"
    while echo -n "> " && read ln
        trycmd "$ln"

All you have to do is set this executable as your login shell. For example, edit your /etc/passwd file, and replace your current login shell of that user /bin/bash with /root/

This is just a simple example, but you can make it as advanced as you want, the idea is there. Be careful to not lock yourself out by changing login shell of your own and only user. And always test weird symbols and commands to see if it is actually secure.

You can test it with: su -s /root/

Beware, make sure to match the whole command, and be careful with wildcards! Better exclude Bash-symbols such as ;, &, &&, ||, $, and backticks to be sure.

Depending on the freedom you give the user, it won't get much safer than this. I've found that often I only needed to make a user that has access to only a few relevant commands, and in that case this is really the better solution. However, do you wish to give more freedom, a jail and permissions might be more appropriate. Mistakes are easily made, and only noticed when it's already too late.

How to instantiate, initialize and populate an array in TypeScript?

A simple solution could be:

interface bar {
    length: number;

let bars: bar[];
bars = [];

Change background colour for Visual Studio

And the correct answer is (Visual Studio 2010):

From the menus:

Tools -> Options --> Environment -> Fonts and Colors:

Select "Plain Text".

On the right of that, under "Item backgroud:" hit the dropdown list.

As you will see, the "default" list of colours in here are way too strong for a background, so you'll have to hit "Custom...".

I highly recommend a very, very pale creamy yellow colour. When you've dragged the crosshair over the exact colour you wish, hit the hue arrow sidebar indicator on the right of the colour palette in order to view your selected colour in the "Color" indicator.

If you wish to save this colour for future reference, click on a vacant white space under "Custom Colours:", and hit the "Add to Custom Colors" button. Your newly selected colour will be saved here. Click OK twice.

Tip: In order to overwrite any of these custom colours with a new one, make sure you click the required square so the dotted surround appears, before adding the new colour to the palette position.

My work is done here.


Creating a LINQ select from multiple tables

If the anonymous type causes trouble for you, you can create a simple data class:

public class PermissionsAndPages
     public ObjectPermissions Permissions {get;set}
     public Pages Pages {get;set}

and then in your query:

select new PermissionsAndPages { Permissions = op, Page = pg };

Then you can pass this around:

return queryResult.SingleOrDefault(); // as PermissionsAndPages

How do I use T-SQL's Case/When?

   WHEN xyz.something = 1 THEN 'SOMETEXT'
   WHEN xyz.somethingelse = 1 THEN 'SOMEOTHERTEXT'
   WHEN xyz.somethingelseagain = 2 THEN 'SOMEOTHERTEXTGOESHERE'
   END AS ColumnName;

Convert pandas DataFrame into list of lists

you can do it like this:

map(list, df.values)

How to access remote server with local phpMyAdmin client?

Go to file \phpMyAdmin\ at the very bottom, change the hosting details such as host, username, password etc.

ASP.NET document.getElementById('<%=Control.ClientID%>'); returns null

Is Button1 visible? I mean, from the server side. Make sure Button1.Visible is true.

Controls that aren't Visible won't be rendered in HTML, so although they are assigned a ClientID, they don't actually exist on the client side.

fork() child and parent processes

It is printing twice because you are calling printf twice, once in the execution of your program and once in the fork. Try taking your fork() out of the printf call.

Objects are not valid as a React child. If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead

I hope it will help someone else.

This error seems to occur also when you UNintentionally send an object to React child components.

Example of it is passing to child component new Date('....') as follows:

 const data = {name: 'ABC', startDate: new Date('2011-11-11')}
 <GenInfo params={data}/>

If you send it as value of a child component parameter you would be sending a complex Object and you may get the same error as stated above.

Check if you are passing something similar (that generates Object under the hood).

Sum values in foreach loop php

Use +=

$val = 0;

foreach($arr as $var) {
   $val += $var; 

echo $val;

How to save a new sheet in an existing excel file, using Pandas?

Can do it without using ExcelWriter, using tools in openpyxl This can make adding fonts to the new sheet much easier using openpyxl.styles

import pandas as pd
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from openpyxl.utils.dataframe import dataframe_to_rows

#Location of original excel sheet
fileLocation =r'C:\workspace\data.xlsx'

#Location of new file which can be the same as original file

data = {'Name':['Tom','Paul','Jeremy'],'Age':[32,43,34],'Salary':[20000,34000,32000]}

#The dataframe you want to add
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

#Load existing sheet as it is
book = load_workbook(fileLocation)
#create a new sheet
sheet = book.create_sheet("Sheet Name")

#Load dataframe into new sheet
for row in dataframe_to_rows(df, index=False, header=True):

#Save the modified excel at desired location

Find index of last occurrence of a substring in a string

The more_itertools library offers tools for finding indices of all characters or all substrings.


import more_itertools as mit

s = "hello"
pred = lambda x: x == "l"



Now there is the rlocate tool available:

next(mit.rlocate(s, pred))
# 3

A complementary tool is locate:

list(mit.locate(s, pred))[-1]
# 3

mit.last(mit.locate(s, pred))
# 3


There is also a window_size parameter available for locating the leading item of several items:

s = "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"
substring = "chuck"
pred = lambda *args: args == tuple(substring)

next(mit.rlocate(s, pred=pred, window_size=len(substring)))
# 59

What does 'foo' really mean?

foo is used as a place-holder name, usually in example code to signify that the object being named, or the choice of name, is not part of the crux of the example. foo is often followed by bar, baz, and even bundy, if more than one such name is needed. Wikipedia calls these names Metasyntactic Variables. Python programmers supposedly use spam, eggs, ham, instead of foo, etc.

There are good uses of foo in SA.

I have also seen foo used when the programmer can't think of a meaningful name (as a substitute for tmp, say), but I consider that to be a misuse of foo.

XML shape drawable not rendering desired color

In drawable I use this xml code to define the border and background:

<shape xmlns:android=""> 
  <stroke android:width="4dp" android:color="#D8FDFB" /> 
  <padding android:left="7dp" android:top="7dp" 
    android:right="7dp" android:bottom="7dp" /> 
  <corners android:radius="4dp" /> 
  <solid android:color="#f0600000"/> 

How do I get the object if it exists, or None if it does not exist?

you could use exists with a filter:

#returns False or True depending on if there is anything in the QS

just an alternative for if you only want to know if it exists

Shared folder between MacOSX and Windows on Virtual Box

At first I was stuck trying to figure out out to "insert" the Guest Additions CD image in Windows because I presumed it was a separate download that I would have to mount or somehow attach to the virtual CD drive. But just going through the Mac VirtualBox Devices menu and picking "Insert Guest Additions CD Image..." seemed to do the trick. Nothing to mount, nothing to "insert".

Elsewhere I found that the Guest Additions update was part of the update package, so I guess the new VB found the new GA CD automatically when Windows went looking. I wish I had known that to start.

Also, it appears that when I installed the Guest Additions on my Linked Base machine, it propagated to the other machines that were based on it. Sweet. Only one installation for multiple "machines".

I still haven't found that documented, but it appears to be the case (probably I'm not looking for the right explanation terms because I don't already know the explanation). How that works should probably be a different thread.

How to remove focus from single editText

check this question and the selected answer: Stop EditText from gaining focus at Activity startup It's ugly but it works, and as far as I know there's no better solution.

how to add key value pair in the JSON object already declared

You can add more key value pair in the same object without replacing old ones in following way:

var obj = {};

obj = {
"1": "aa",
"2": "bb"

obj["3"] = "cc";

Below is the code and jsfiddle link to sample demo that will add more key value pairs to the already existed obj on clicking of button:

var obj = {
    "1": "aa",
    "2": "bb"

var noOfItems = Object.keys(obj).length;

$('#btnAddProperty').on('click', function() {
    obj[noOfItems] = $.trim($('#txtName').val());

Check if a given key already exists in a dictionary

I would recommend using the setdefault method instead. It sounds like it will do everything you want.

>>> d = {'foo':'bar'}
>>> q = d.setdefault('foo','baz') #Do not override the existing key
>>> print q #The value takes what was originally in the dictionary
>>> print d
{'foo': 'bar'}
>>> r = d.setdefault('baz',18) #baz was never in the dictionary
>>> print r #Now r has the value supplied above
>>> print d #The dictionary's been updated
{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 18}

Why is this error, 'Sequence contains no elements', happening?

If this is the offending line:

db.Responses.Where(y => y.ResponseId.Equals(item.ResponseId)).First();

Then it's because there is no object in Responses for which the ResponseId == item.ResponseId, and you can't get the First() record if there are no matches.

Try this instead:

var response
  = db.Responses.Where(y => y.ResponseId.Equals(item.ResponseId)).FirstOrDefault();

if (response != null)
    // take some alternative action
    temp.Response = response;

The FirstOrDefault() extension returns an objects default value if no match is found. For most objects (other than primitive types), this is null.

How to stop the task scheduled in java.util.Timer class

timer.cancel();  //Terminates this timer,discarding any currently scheduled tasks.

timer.purge();   // Removes all cancelled tasks from this timer's task queue.