Is a regular expression an easier/better way to enforce a simple constraint than the more obvious way?
static bool ValidatePassword( string password )
const int MIN_LENGTH = 8 ;
const int MAX_LENGTH = 15 ;
if ( password == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException() ;
bool meetsLengthRequirements = password.Length >= MIN_LENGTH && password.Length <= MAX_LENGTH ;
bool hasUpperCaseLetter = false ;
bool hasLowerCaseLetter = false ;
bool hasDecimalDigit = false ;
if ( meetsLengthRequirements )
foreach (char c in password )
if ( char.IsUpper(c) ) hasUpperCaseLetter = true ;
else if ( char.IsLower(c) ) hasLowerCaseLetter = true ;
else if ( char.IsDigit(c) ) hasDecimalDigit = true ;
bool isValid = meetsLengthRequirements
&& hasUpperCaseLetter
&& hasLowerCaseLetter
&& hasDecimalDigit
return isValid ;
Which do you think that maintenance programmer 3 years from now who needs to modify the constraint will have an easier time understanding?