Programs & Examples On #Quantum computing

Quantum Computation deals with considering computation as fundamentally physical, as well as replacing the classical binary digit (bit) with the quantum binary digit (qubit). While the classical bit is either 0 or 1, the qubit can be in a superposition of these states. Computation systems that use quantum phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, can solve certain complex problems very quickly.

The most accurate way to check JS object's type?

The best way to find out the REAL type of an object (including BOTH the native Object or DataType name (such as String, Date, Number, ..etc) AND the REAL type of an object (even custom ones); is by grabbing the name property of the object prototype's constructor:

Native Type Ex1:

var string1 = "Test";




var array1 = [];



Custom Classes:

function CustomClass(){_x000D_
  console.log("Custom Class Object Created!");_x000D_
var custom1 = new CustomClass();_x000D_



How to run .jar file by double click on Windows 7 64-bit?

If you have previously used the right click and opened with \path\to\your\javaw.exe then you will need to remove the following registry key.


Then run

C:\>assoc .jar=jarfile
C:\>ftype jarfile="C:\path\to\your\javaw.exe" -jar "%1" %*

How can I pass some data from one controller to another peer controller

Definitely use a service to share data between controllers, here is a working example. $broadcast is not the way to go, you should avoid using the eventing system when there is a more appropriate way. Use a 'service', 'value' or 'constant' (for global constants).

Here is an example with an input so you can see the data mirror on the page:

var testModule = angular.module('testmodule', []);

    ['$rootScope', '$scope', 'myservice',
    function ($rootScope, $scope, myservice) {
       $scope.myservice = myservice;   

    ['$rootScope', '$scope', 'myservice',
    function ($rootScope, $scope, myservice) {
      $scope.myservice = myservice;

    .service('myservice', function() { = "yyy";

AngularJS - Building a dynamic table based on a json

Just want to share with what I used so far to save your time.

Here are examples of hard-coded headers and dynamic headers (in case if don't care about data structure). In both cases I wrote some simple directive: customSort


.directive("customSort", function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        transclude: true,    
        scope: {
          order: '=',
          sort: '='
        template : 
          ' <a ng-click="sort_by(order)" style="color: #555555;">'+
          '    <span ng-transclude></span>'+
          '    <i ng-class="selectedCls(order)"></i>'+
        link: function(scope) {

        // change sorting order
        scope.sort_by = function(newSortingOrder) {       
            var sort = scope.sort;

            if (sort.sortingOrder == newSortingOrder){
                sort.reverse = !sort.reverse;

            sort.sortingOrder = newSortingOrder;        

        scope.selectedCls = function(column) {
            if(column == scope.sort.sortingOrder){
                return ('icon-chevron-' + ((scope.sort.reverse) ? 'down' : 'up'));
      }// end link

[1st option with static headers]

I used single ng-repeat

This is a good example in Fiddle (Notice, there is no jQuery library!)

enter image description here

                <tr ng-repeat="item in pagedItems[currentPage] | orderBy:sortingOrder:reverse">

[2nd option with dynamic headers]

Demo 2: Fiddle


<table class="table table-striped table-condensed table-hover">
                   <th ng-repeat="header in table_headers"  
                     class="{{}}" custom-sort order="" sort="sort"
                    >{{ }}

                <td colspan="6">
                    <div class="pagination pull-right">
                            <li ng-class="{disabled: currentPage == 0}">
                                <a href ng-click="prevPage()">« Prev</a>

                            <li ng-repeat="n in range(pagedItems.length, currentPage, currentPage + gap) "
                                ng-class="{active: n == currentPage}"
                                <a href ng-bind="n + 1">1</a>

                            <li ng-class="{disabled: (currentPage) == pagedItems.length - 1}">
                                <a href ng-click="nextPage()">Next »</a>
            <pre>pagedItems.length: {{pagedItems.length|json}}</pre>
            <pre>currentPage: {{currentPage|json}}</pre>
            <pre>currentPage: {{sort|json}}</pre>

                <tr ng-repeat="item in pagedItems[currentPage] | orderBy:sort.sortingOrder:sort.reverse">
                     <td ng-repeat="val in item" ng-bind-html-unsafe="item[table_headers[$index].name]"></td>

As a side note:

The ng-bind-html-unsafe is deprecated, so I used it only for Demo (2nd example). You welcome to edit.

String concatenation with Groovy

I always go for the second method (using the GString template), though when there are more than a couple of parameters like you have, I tend to wrap them in ${X} as I find it makes it more readable.

Running some benchmarks (using Nagai Masato's excellent GBench module) on these methods also shows templating is faster than the other methods:

@Grab( 'com.googlecode.gbench:gbench:0.3.0-groovy-2.0' )
import gbench.*

def (foo,bar,baz) = [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]
new BenchmarkBuilder().run( measureCpuTime:false ) {
  // Just add the strings
  'String adder' {
    foo + bar + baz
  // Templating
  'GString template' {
  // I find this more readable
  'Readable GString template' {
  // StringBuilder
  'StringBuilder' {
    new StringBuilder().append( foo )
                       .append( bar )
                       .append( baz )
  'StringBuffer' {
    new StringBuffer().append( foo )
                      .append( bar )
                      .append( baz )

That gives me the following output on my machine:

* Groovy: 2.0.0
* JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (20.6-b01-415, Apple Inc.)
    * JRE: 1.6.0_31
    * Total Memory: 81.0625 MB
    * Maximum Memory: 123.9375 MB
* OS: Mac OS X (10.6.8, x86_64) 

* Warm Up: Auto 
* CPU Time Measurement: Off

String adder               539
GString template           245
Readable GString template  244
StringBuilder              318
StringBuffer               370

So with readability and speed in it's favour, I'd recommend templating ;-)

NB: If you add toString() to the end of the GString methods to make the output type the same as the other metrics, and make it a fairer test, StringBuilder and StringBuffer beat the GString methods for speed. However as GString can be used in place of String for most things (you just need to exercise caution with Map keys and SQL statements), it can mostly be left without this final conversion

Adding these tests (as it has been asked in the comments)

  'GString template toString' {
  'Readable GString template toString' {

Now we get the results:

String adder                        514
GString template                    267
Readable GString template           269
GString template toString           478
Readable GString template toString  480
StringBuilder                       321
StringBuffer                        369

So as you can see (as I said), it is slower than StringBuilder or StringBuffer, but still a bit faster than adding Strings...

But still lots more readable.

Edit after comment by ruralcoder below

Updated to latest gbench, larger strings for concatenation and a test with a StringBuilder initialised to a good size:

@Grab( 'org.gperfutils:gbench:0.4.2-groovy-2.1' )

def (foo,bar,baz) = [ 'foo' * 50, 'bar' * 50, 'baz' * 50 ]
benchmark {
  // Just add the strings
  'String adder' {
    foo + bar + baz
  // Templating
  'GString template' {
  // I find this more readable
  'Readable GString template' {
  'GString template toString' {
  'Readable GString template toString' {
  // StringBuilder
  'StringBuilder' {
    new StringBuilder().append( foo )
                       .append( bar )
                       .append( baz )
  'StringBuffer' {
    new StringBuffer().append( foo )
                      .append( bar )
                      .append( baz )
  'StringBuffer with Allocation' {
    new StringBuffer( 512 ).append( foo )
                      .append( bar )
                      .append( baz )


* Groovy: 2.1.6
* JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (23.21-b01, Oracle Corporation)
    * JRE: 1.7.0_21
    * Total Memory: 467.375 MB
    * Maximum Memory: 1077.375 MB
* OS: Mac OS X (10.8.4, x86_64)

* Warm Up: Auto (- 60 sec)
* CPU Time Measurement: On

                                    user  system  cpu  real

String adder                         630       0  630   647
GString template                      29       0   29    31
Readable GString template             32       0   32    33
GString template toString            429       0  429   443
Readable GString template toString   428       1  429   441
StringBuilder                        383       1  384   396
StringBuffer                         395       1  396   409
StringBuffer with Allocation         277       0  277   286

Regular expression to validate US phone numbers?

The easiest way to match both




is to use alternation ((...|...)): specify them as two mostly-separate options:


By the way, when Americans put the area code in parentheses, we actually put a space after that; for example, I'd write (123) 123-1234, not (123)123-1234. So you might want to write:

^(\([0-9]{3}\) |[0-9]{3}-)[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$

(Though it's probably best to explicitly demonstrate the format that you expect phone numbers to be in.)

Container is running beyond memory limits

I had a really similar issue using HIVE in EMR. None of the extant solutions worked for me -- ie, none of the mapreduce configurations worked for me; and neither did setting yarn.nodemanager.vmem-check-enabled to false.

However, what ended up working was setting, for example:

hive -hiveconf

Another setting to consider tweaking is

Room - Schema export directory is not provided to the annotation processor so we cannot export the schema

In the build.gradle file for your app module, add this to the defaultConfig section (under the android section). This will write out the schema to a schemas subfolder of your project folder.

javaCompileOptions {
    annotationProcessorOptions {
        arguments += ["room.schemaLocation": "$projectDir/schemas".toString()]

Like this:

// ...

android {
    // ... (compileSdkVersion, buildToolsVersion, etc)

    defaultConfig {

        // ... (applicationId, miSdkVersion, etc)
        javaCompileOptions {
            annotationProcessorOptions {
                arguments += ["room.schemaLocation": "$projectDir/schemas".toString()]
    // ... (buildTypes, compileOptions, etc)


// ...

Latest jQuery version on Google's CDN

Here's an updated link.

There are updated now and then, just keep checking for the latest version.

Unable to connect to SQL Express "Error: 26-Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)

Have you Disabled the VIA setting in the SQL configuration manager? If not, do disable it first (if VIA is enabled, you cannot get connected) and yes TCP must be enabled. Give it a try and it should be working fine.

Make the changes only for that's particular instance name.


'printf' vs. 'cout' in C++

People often claim that printf is much faster. This is largely a myth. I just tested it, with the following results:

cout with only endl                     1461.310252 ms
cout with only '\n'                      343.080217 ms
printf with only '\n'                     90.295948 ms
cout with string constant and endl      1892.975381 ms
cout with string constant and '\n'       416.123446 ms
printf with string constant and '\n'     472.073070 ms
cout with some stuff and endl           3496.489748 ms
cout with some stuff and '\n'           2638.272046 ms
printf with some stuff and '\n'         2520.318314 ms

Conclusion: if you want only newlines, use printf; otherwise, cout is almost as fast, or even faster. More details can be found on my blog.

To be clear, I'm not trying to say that iostreams are always better than printf; I'm just trying to say that you should make an informed decision based on real data, not a wild guess based on some common, misleading assumption.

Update: Here's the full code I used for testing. Compiled with g++ without any additional options (apart from -lrt for the timing).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

class TimedSection {
    char const *d_name;
    timespec d_start;
        TimedSection(char const *name) :
            clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &d_start);
        ~TimedSection() {
            timespec end;
            clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end);
            double duration = 1e3 * (end.tv_sec - d_start.tv_sec) +
                              1e-6 * (end.tv_nsec - d_start.tv_nsec);
            std::cerr << d_name << '\t' << std::fixed << duration << " ms\n"; 

int main() {
    const int iters = 10000000;
    char const *text = "01234567890123456789";
        TimedSection s("cout with only endl");
        for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i)
            std::cout << std::endl;
        TimedSection s("cout with only '\\n'");
        for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i)
            std::cout << '\n';
        TimedSection s("printf with only '\\n'");
        for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i)
        TimedSection s("cout with string constant and endl");
        for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i)
            std::cout << "01234567890123456789" << std::endl;
        TimedSection s("cout with string constant and '\\n'");
        for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i)
            std::cout << "01234567890123456789\n";
        TimedSection s("printf with string constant and '\\n'");
        for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i)
        TimedSection s("cout with some stuff and endl");
        for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i)
            std::cout << text << "01234567890123456789" << i << std::endl;
        TimedSection s("cout with some stuff and '\\n'");
        for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i)
            std::cout << text << "01234567890123456789" << i << '\n';
        TimedSection s("printf with some stuff and '\\n'");
        for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i)
            printf("%s01234567890123456789%i\n", text, i);

Regex to match 2 digits, optional decimal, two digits

You mentioned that you want the regex to match each of those strings, yet you previously mention that the is 1-2 digits before the decimal?

This will match 1-2 digits followed by a possible decimal, followed by another 1-2 digits but FAIL on your example of .33


This will match 0-2 digits followed by a possible deciaml, followed by another 1-2 digits and match on your example of .33


Not sure exactly which one you're looking for.

Recommended method for escaping HTML in Java

There is a newer version of the Apache Commons Lang library and it uses a different package name (org.apache.commons.lang3). The StringEscapeUtils now has different static methods for escaping different types of documents ( So to escape HTML version 4.0 string:

import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4;

String output = escapeHtml4("The less than sign (<) and ampersand (&) must be escaped before using them in HTML");

"Insufficient Storage Available" even there is lot of free space in device memory

Does the app necessarily have to be installed in internal storage? If you are not running any service, you could try installing it on the external storage. This can be done by adding the following code in your manifest:


This usually works on Android 2.2 and higher in most of the cases. Be sure that your app will work properly if it is installed on the external storage. You'll get a good idea on what kind of apps can be installed on external storage in App Install Location.

Find the greatest number in a list of numbers

You can actually sort it:


l = [1, 2, 3]

You get:


But still if want to get the max do:


You get:


if second max:


and so on...

Unable to read repository at

I had the same problem. Try to deactivate your Firewall (I had avast!), which worked for me.

(Sorry for my English I'm French :D)

Are HTTP cookies port specific?

I was experiencing a similar problem running (and trying to debug) two different Django applications on the same machine.

I was running them with these commands:

./ runserver 8000
./ runserver 8001

When I did login in the first one and then in the second one I always got logged out the first one and viceversa.

I added this on my /etc/hosts    app1    app2

Then I started the two apps with these commands:

./ runserver app1:8000
./ runserver app2:8001

Problem solved :)

Why use argparse rather than optparse?

Why should I use it instead of optparse? Are their new features I should know about?

@Nicholas's answer covers this well, I think, but not the more "meta" question you start with:

Why has yet another command-line parsing module been created?

That's the dilemma number one when any useful module is added to the standard library: what do you do when a substantially better, but backwards-incompatible, way to provide the same kind of functionality emerges?

Either you stick with the old and admittedly surpassed way (typically when we're talking about complicated packages: asyncore vs twisted, tkinter vs wx or Qt, ...) or you end up with multiple incompatible ways to do the same thing (XML parsers, IMHO, are an even better example of this than command-line parsers -- but the email package vs the myriad old ways to deal with similar issues isn't too far away either;-).

You may make threatening grumbles in the docs about the old ways being "deprecated", but (as long as you need to keep backwards compatibility) you can't really take them away without stopping large, important applications from moving to newer Python releases.

(Dilemma number two, not directly related to your question, is summarized in the old saying "the standard library is where good packages go to die"... with releases every year and a half or so, packages that aren't very, very stable, not needing releases any more often than that, can actually suffer substantially by being "frozen" in the standard library... but, that's really a different issue).

Quadratic and cubic regression in Excel

You need to use an undocumented trick with Excel's LINEST function:

=LINEST(known_y's, [known_x's], [const], [stats])


A regular linear regression is calculated (with your data) as:


which returns a single value, the linear slope (m) according to the formula:

enter image description here

which for your data:

enter image description here


enter image description here

Undocumented trick Number 1

You can also use Excel to calculate a regression with a formula that uses an exponent for x different from 1, e.g. x1.2:

enter image description here

using the formula:

=LINEST(B2:B21, A2:A21^1.2)

which for you data:

enter image description here


enter image description here

You're not limited to one exponent

Excel's LINEST function can also calculate multiple regressions, with different exponents on x at the same time, e.g.:


Note: if locale is set to European (decimal symbol ","), then comma should be replaced by semicolon and backslash, i.e. =LINEST(B2:B21;A2:A21^{1\2})

Now Excel will calculate regressions using both x1 and x2 at the same time:

enter image description here

How to actually do it

The impossibly tricky part there's no obvious way to see the other regression values. In order to do that you need to:

  • select the cell that contains your formula:

    enter image description here

  • extend the selection the left 2 spaces (you need the select to be at least 3 cells wide):

    enter image description here

  • press F2

  • press Ctrl+Shift+Enter

    enter image description here

You will now see your 3 regression constants:

  y = -0.01777539x^2 + 6.864151123x + -591.3531443

Bonus Chatter

I had a function that I wanted to perform a regression using some exponent:

y = m×xk + b

But I didn't know the exponent. So I changed the LINEST function to use a cell reference instead:

=LINEST(B2:B21,A2:A21^F3, true, true)

With Excel then outputting full stats (the 4th paramter to LINEST):

enter image description here

I tell the Solver to maximize R2:

enter image description here

And it can figure out the best exponent. Which for you data:

enter image description here


enter image description here

How to remove specific elements in a numpy array

In case you don't have the indices of the elements you want to remove, you can use the function in1d provided by numpy.

The function returns True if the element of a 1-D array is also present in a second array. To delete the elements, you just have to negate the values returned by this function.

Notice that this method keeps the order from the original array.

In [1]: import numpy as np

        a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
        rm = np.array([3, 4, 7])
        # np.in1d return true if the element of `a` is in `rm`
        idx = np.in1d(a, rm)

Out[1]: array([False, False,  True,  True, False, False,  True, False, False])

In [2]: # Since we want the opposite of what `in1d` gives us, 
        # you just have to negate the returned value

Out[2]: array([1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9])

python 2 instead of python 3 as the (temporary) default python?

Use python command to launch scripts, not shell directly. E.g.

  python2 /usr/bin/command

AFAIK this is the recommended method to workaround scripts with bad env interpreter line.

How can I make a JUnit test wait?

There is a general problem: it's hard to mock time. Also, it's really bad practice to place long running/waiting code in a unit test.

So, for making a scheduling API testable, I used an interface with a real and a mock implementation like this:

public interface Clock {
    public long getCurrentMillis();
    public void sleep(long millis) throws InterruptedException;

public static class SystemClock implements Clock {

    public long getCurrentMillis() {
        return System.currentTimeMillis();

    public void sleep(long millis) throws InterruptedException {

public static class MockClock implements Clock {

    private final AtomicLong currentTime = new AtomicLong(0);

    public MockClock() {
    public MockClock(long currentTime) {

    public long getCurrentMillis() {
        return currentTime.addAndGet(5);

    public void sleep(long millis) {

With this, you could imitate time in your test:

public void testExpiration() {
    MockClock clock = new MockClock();
    SomeCacheObject sco = new SomeCacheObject();
    sco.putWithExpiration("foo", 1000);
    clock.sleep(2000) // wait for 2 seconds

An advanced multi-threading mock for Clock is much more complex, of course, but you can make it with ThreadLocal references and a good time synchronization strategy, for example.

Reliable method to get machine's MAC address in C#

You could go for the NIC ID:

 foreach (NetworkInterface nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()) {
     if (nic.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up){
         if (nic.Id == "yay!")

It's not the MAC address, but it is a unique identifier, if that's what you're looking for.

How can I convert a Unix timestamp to DateTime and vice versa?

See IdentityModel.EpochTimeExtensions

public static class EpochTimeExtensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts the given date value to epoch time.
    /// </summary>
    public static long ToEpochTime(this DateTime dateTime)
        var date = dateTime.ToUniversalTime();
        var ticks = date.Ticks - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).Ticks;
        var ts = ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
        return ts;

    /// <summary>
    /// Converts the given date value to epoch time.
    /// </summary>
    public static long ToEpochTime(this DateTimeOffset dateTime)
        var date = dateTime.ToUniversalTime();
        var ticks = date.Ticks - new DateTimeOffset(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero).Ticks;
        var ts = ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
        return ts;

    /// <summary>
    /// Converts the given epoch time to a <see cref="DateTime"/> with <see cref="DateTimeKind.Utc"/> kind.
    /// </summary>
    public static DateTime ToDateTimeFromEpoch(this long intDate)
        var timeInTicks = intDate * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
        return new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddTicks(timeInTicks);

    /// <summary>
    /// Converts the given epoch time to a UTC <see cref="DateTimeOffset"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public static DateTimeOffset ToDateTimeOffsetFromEpoch(this long intDate)
        var timeInTicks = intDate * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
        return new DateTimeOffset(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero).AddTicks(timeInTicks);

SQL Server : check if variable is Empty or NULL for WHERE clause

If you can use some dynamic query, you can use LEN . It will give false on both empty and null string. By this way you can implement the option parameter.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[psProducts] 
(@SearchType varchar(50))

DECLARE @Query nvarchar(max) = N'
    FROM [Product] P'
    -- if @Searchtype is not null then use the where clause
    SET @Query = CASE WHEN LEN(@SearchType) > 0 THEN @Query + ' WHERE p.[Type] = ' + ''''+ @SearchType + '''' ELSE @Query END   

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @Query
    PRINT @Query

What is the best method to merge two PHP objects?

a solution To preserve,both methods and properties from merged onjects is to create a combinator class that can

  • take any number of objects on __construct
  • access any method using __call
  • accsess any property using __get

class combinator{
function __construct(){       
    $this->melt =  array_reverse(func_get_args());
      // array_reverse is to replicate natural overide
public function __call($method,$args){
    forEach($this->melt as $o){
        if(method_exists($o, $method)){
            return call_user_func_array([$o,$method], $args);
            //return $o->$method($args);
public function __get($prop){
        foreach($this->melt as $o){
          if(isset($o->$prop))return $o->$prop;
        return 'undefined';

simple use

class c1{
    public $pc1='pc1';
    function mc1($a,$b){echo __METHOD__." ".($a+$b);}
class c2{
    public $pc2='pc2';
    function mc2(){echo __CLASS__." ".__METHOD__;}

$comb=new combinator(new c1, new c2);

$comb->non_existing_method();  //  silent
echo $comb->pc2;

CORS error :Request header field Authorization is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response

If you don't want to install the cors library and instead want to fix your original code, the other step you are missing is that Access-Control-Allow-Origin:* is wrong. When passing Authentication tokens (e.g. JWT) then you must explicitly state every url that is calling your server. You can't use "*" when doing authentication tokens.

org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to start component [StandardServer[8005]]A child container failed during start

One of the problems that can cause this is when you forget to put the / character in the WebServlet annotation @WebServlet("/example") @WebServlet("example") I hope it works, it worked for me.

How to create a new branch from a tag?

I have resolve the problem as below 1. Get the tag from your branch 2. Write below command

Example: git branch <Hotfix branch> <TAG>
    git branch hotfix_4.4.3 v4.4.3
    git checkout hotfix_4.4.3

or you can do with other command

git checkout -b <Hotfix branch> <TAG>
-b stands for creating new branch to local 

once you ready with your hotfix branch, It's time to move that branch to github, you can do so by writing below command

git push --set-upstream origin hotfix_4.4.3

Javascript get the text value of a column from a particular row of an html table


Should be:


But I get the distinct impression that the row/cell you need is the one clicked by the user. If so, the simplest way to achieve this would be attaching an event to the cells in your table:

function alertInnerHTML(e)
    e = e || window.event;//IE

var theTbl = document.getElementById('tblBlah');
for(var i=0;i<theTbl.length;i++)
    for(var j=0;j<theTbl.rows[i].cells.length;j++)
        theTbl.rows[i].cells[j].onclick = alertInnerHTML;

That makes all table cells clickable, and alert it's innerHTML. The event object will be passed to the alertInnerHTML function, in which the this object will be a reference to the cell that was clicked. The event object offers you tons of neat tricks on how you want the click event to behave if, say, there's a link in the cell that was clicked, but I suggest checking the MDN and MSDN (for the window.event object)

How to decompile a whole Jar file?

Something like:

jar -xf foo.jar && find . -iname "*.class" | xargs /opt/local/bin/jad -r


How can I match a string with a regex in Bash?

if [[ $STR == *pattern* ]]
    echo "It is the string!"
    echo "It's not him!"

Works for me! GNU bash, version 4.3.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

Is there a way to perform "if" in python's lambda

An easy way to perform an if in lambda is by using list comprehension.

You can't raise an exception in lambda, but this is a way in Python 3.x to do something close to your example:

f = lambda x: print(x) if x==2 else print("exception")

Another example:

return 1 if M otherwise 0

f = lambda x: 1 if x=="M" else 0

Importing large sql file to MySql via command line

You can import .sql file using the standard input like this:

mysql -u <user> -p<password> <dbname> < file.sql

Note: There shouldn't space between <-p> and <password>


Note for suggested edits: This answer was slightly changed by suggested edits to use inline password parameter. I can recommend it for scripts but you should be aware that when you write password directly in the parameter (-p<password>) it may be cached by a shell history revealing your password to anyone who can read the history file. Whereas -p asks you to input password by standard input.

In Java, remove empty elements from a list of Strings

Another way to do this now that we have Java 8 lambda expressions.

arrayList.removeIf(item -> item == null || "".equals(item));

How does numpy.newaxis work and when to use it?

newaxis object in the selection tuple serves to expand the dimensions of the resulting selection by one unit-length dimension.

It is not just conversion of row matrix to column matrix.

Consider the example below:

In [1]:x1 = np.arange(1,10).reshape(3,3)
Out[1]: array([[1, 2, 3],
               [4, 5, 6],
               [7, 8, 9]])

Now lets add new dimension to our data,

In [2]:x1_new = x1[:,np.newaxis]
Out[2]:array([[[1, 2, 3]],

              [[4, 5, 6]],

              [[7, 8, 9]]])

You can see that newaxis added the extra dimension here, x1 had dimension (3,3) and X1_new has dimension (3,1,3).

How our new dimension enables us to different operations:

In [3]:x2 = np.arange(11,20).reshape(3,3)
Out[3]:array([[11, 12, 13],
              [14, 15, 16],
              [17, 18, 19]]) 

Adding x1_new and x2, we get:

In [4]:x1_new+x2
Out[4]:array([[[12, 14, 16],
               [15, 17, 19],
               [18, 20, 22]],

              [[15, 17, 19],
               [18, 20, 22],
               [21, 23, 25]],

              [[18, 20, 22],
               [21, 23, 25],
               [24, 26, 28]]])

Thus, newaxis is not just conversion of row to column matrix. It increases the dimension of matrix, thus enabling us to do more operations on it.

Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView?

In my case, creating canvas every time worked for me, even though it's not memory-friendly

Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.image);
imageBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight(), bm.getConfig());
canvas = new Canvas(imageBitmap);
canvas.drawBitmap(bm, 0, 0, null);

Oracle Convert Seconds to Hours:Minutes:Seconds

You should check out this site. The TO_TIMESTAMP section could be useful for you!


TO_TIMESTAMP ( string , [ format_mask ] [ 'nlsparam' ] )

Multiple models in a view

Another way is to use:

@model Tuple<LoginViewModel,RegisterViewModel>

I have explained how to use this method both in the view and controller for another example: Two models in one view in ASP MVC 3

In your case you could implement it using the following code:

In the view:

@using YourProjectNamespace.Models;
@model Tuple<LoginViewModel,RegisterViewModel>

@using (Html.BeginForm("Login1", "Auth", FormMethod.Post))
        @Html.TextBoxFor(tuple => tuple.Item2.Name, new {@Name="Name"})
        @Html.TextBoxFor(tuple => tuple.Item2.Email, new {@Name="Email"})
        @Html.PasswordFor(tuple => tuple.Item2.Password, new {@Name="Password"})

@using (Html.BeginForm("Login2", "Auth", FormMethod.Post))
        @Html.TextBoxFor(tuple => tuple.Item1.Email, new {@Name="Email"})
        @Html.PasswordFor(tuple => tuple.Item1.Password, new {@Name="Password"})

Note that I have manually changed the Name attributes for each property when building the form. This needs to be done, otherwise it wouldn't get properly mapped to the method's parameter of type model when values are sent to the associated method for processing. I would suggest using separate methods to process these forms separately, for this example I used Login1 and Login2 methods. Login1 method requires to have a parameter of type RegisterViewModel and Login2 requires a parameter of type LoginViewModel.

if an actionlink is required you can use:

@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id=Model.Item1.Id })

in the controller's method for the view, a variable of type Tuple needs to be created and then passed to the view.


public ActionResult Details()
    var tuple = new Tuple<LoginViewModel, RegisterViewModel>(new LoginViewModel(),new RegisterViewModel());
    return View(tuple);

or you can fill the two instances of LoginViewModel and RegisterViewModel with values and then pass it to the view.

see if two files have the same content in python

Yes, I think hashing the file would be the best way if you have to compare several files and store hashes for later comparison. As hash can clash, a byte-by-byte comparison may be done depending on the use case.

Generally byte-by-byte comparison would be sufficient and efficient, which filecmp module already does + other things too.

See e.g.

>>> import filecmp
>>> filecmp.cmp('file1.txt', 'file1.txt')
>>> filecmp.cmp('file1.txt', 'file2.txt')

Speed consideration: Usually if only two files have to be compared, hashing them and comparing them would be slower instead of simple byte-by-byte comparison if done efficiently. e.g. code below tries to time hash vs byte-by-byte

Disclaimer: this is not the best way of timing or comparing two algo. and there is need for improvements but it does give rough idea. If you think it should be improved do tell me I will change it.

import random
import string
import hashlib
import time

def getRandText(N):
    return  "".join([random.choice(string.printable) for i in xrange(N)])

randText1 = getRandText(N)
randText2 = getRandText(N)

def cmpHash(text1, text2):
    hash1 = hashlib.md5()
    hash1 = hash1.hexdigest()

    hash2 = hashlib.md5()
    hash2 = hash2.hexdigest()

    return  hash1 == hash2

def cmpByteByByte(text1, text2):
    return text1 == text2

for cmpFunc in (cmpHash, cmpByteByByte):
    st = time.time()
    for i in range(10):
        cmpFunc(randText1, randText2)
    print cmpFunc.func_name,time.time()-st

and the output is

cmpHash 0.234999895096
cmpByteByByte 0.0


The ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION part is REQUIRED in certain programs that use delayed expansion, that is, that takes the value of variables that were modified inside IF or FOR commands by enclosing their names in exclamation-marks.

If you enable this expansion in a script that does not require it, the script behaves different only if it contains names enclosed in exclamation-marks !LIKE! !THESE!. Usually the name is just erased, but if a variable with the same name exist by chance, then the result is unpredictable and depends on the value of such variable and the place where it appears.

The SETLOCAL part is REQUIRED in just a few specialized (recursive) programs, but is commonly used when you want to be sure to not modify any existent variable with the same name by chance or if you want to automatically delete all the variables used in your program. However, because there is not a separate command to enable the delayed expansion, programs that require this must also include the SETLOCAL part.

How to restart kubernetes nodes?

I had an onpremises HA installation, a master and a worker stopped working returning a NOTReady status. Checking the kubelet logs on the nodes I found out this problem:

failed to run Kubelet: Running with swap on is not supported, please disable swap! or set --fail-swap-on flag to false

Disabling swap on nodes with

swapoff -a

and restarting the kubelet

systemctl restart kubelet

did the work.

How can I find last row that contains data in a specific column?

Simple and quick:

Dim lastRow as long
lastRow = Cells.Find("*",SearchOrder:=xlByRows,SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row

Example use:

cells(lastRow,1)="Ultima Linha, Last Row. Youpi!!!!"


Range("A" & lastRow).Value = "FIM, THE END"

Create a new line in Java's FileWriter

Try System.getProperty( "line.separator" )

   writer.write(System.getProperty( "line.separator" ));

How do I put an image into my picturebox using ImageLocation?

if you provide a bad path or a broken link, if the compiler cannot find the image, the picture box would display an X icon on its body.

PictureBox picture = new PictureBox
            Name = "pictureBox",
            Size = new Size(100, 50),
            Location = new Point(14, 17),
            Image = Image.FromFile(@"c:\Images\test.jpg"),
            SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage


PictureBox picture = new PictureBox
            Name = "pictureBox",
            Size = new Size(100, 50),
            Location = new Point(14, 17),
            ImageLocation = @"c:\Images\test.jpg",
            SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage

i'm not sure where you put images in your folder structure but you can find the path as bellow

 picture.ImageLocation = Path.Combine(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath, "Resources\Images\1.jpg");

Setting JDK in Eclipse

JDK 1.8 have some more enrich feature which doesn't support to many eclipse .

If you didn't find java compliance level as 1.8 in java compiler ,then go ahead and install the below eclipse 32bit or 64 bit depending on your system supports.

  1. Install jdk 1.8 and then set the JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH in environment variable.
  2. Download eclipse-jee-neon-3-win32 and unzip : supports to java 1.8
  3. Or download Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse ( and unzip :Supports java 1.8 with 64 bit OS
  4. Right click your project > properties
  5. Select “Java Compiler” on left and set java compliance level to 1.8 [select from the dropdown 1.8]
  6. Try running one java program supports to java 8 like lambda expression as below and if no compilation error ,means your eclipse supports to java 1.8, something like this:

    interface testI{
        void show();
    /*class A implements testI{
        public void show(){
    public class LambdaDemo1 {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            testI test ;
            /*test= new A();
            test = () ->System.out.println("Hello,how are you?"); //lambda 

Why when a constructor is annotated with @JsonCreator, its arguments must be annotated with @JsonProperty?

It is possible to avoid constructor annotations with jdk8 where optionally the compiler will introduce metadata with the names of the constructor parameters. Then with jackson-module-parameter-names module Jackson can use this constructor. You can see an example at post Jackson without annotations

error : expected unqualified-id before return in c++

Just for the sake of people who landed here for the same reason I did:

Don't use reserved keywords

I named a function in my class definition delete(), which is a reserved keyword and should not be used as a function name. Renaming it to deletion() (which also made sense semantically in my case) resolved the issue.

For a list of reserved keywords:

I quote: "Since they are used by the language, these keywords are not available for re-definition or overloading. "

ImportError: Couldn't import Django

Looks like you have not activated your virtualenv when using the runserver command.

Windows: <virtualenv dir>\Scripts\activate.bat

Linux: source <virtualenv dir>\bin\activate

You should see (name of virtualenv) as a prefix to your current directory:

(virtualenv) E:\video course\Python\code\web_worker\MxOnline>python runserver

EXCEL Multiple Ranges - need different answers for each range

Nested if's in Excel Are ugly:

=If(G2 < 1, .1, IF(G2 < 5,.15,if(G2 < 15,.2,if(G2 < 30,.5,if(G2 < 100,.1,1.3)))))

That should cover it.

What is C# analog of C++ std::pair?

On order to get the above to work (I needed a pair as the key of a dictionary). I had to add:

    public override Boolean Equals(Object o)
        Pair<T, U> that = o as Pair<T, U>;
        if (that == null)
            return false;
            return this.First.Equals(that.First) && this.Second.Equals(that.Second);

and once I did that I also added

    public override Int32 GetHashCode()
        return First.GetHashCode() ^ Second.GetHashCode();

to suppress a compiler warning.

Set font-weight using Bootstrap classes

You should use bootstarp's variables to control your font-weight if you want a more customized value and/or you're following a scheme that needs to be repeated ; Variables are used throughout the entire project as a way to centralize and share commonly used values like colors, spacing, or font stacks;

you can find all the documentation at

How do I remove quotes from a string?

str_replace('"', "", $string);
str_replace("'", "", $string);

I assume you mean quotation marks?

Otherwise, go for some regex, this will work for html quotes for example:

preg_replace("/<!--.*?-->/", "", $string);

C-style quotes:

preg_replace("/\/\/.*?\n/", "\n", $string);

CSS-style quotes:

preg_replace("/\/*.*?\*\//", "", $string);

bash-style quotes:

preg-replace("/#.*?\n/", "\n", $string);

Etc etc...

OpenMP set_num_threads() is not working

The omp_get_num_threads() function returns the number of threads that are currently in the team executing the parallel region from which it is called. You are calling it outside of the parallel region, which is why it returns 1.

AngularJS : Initialize service with asynchronous data

You can use JSONP to asynchronously load service data. The JSONP request will be made during the initial page load and the results will be available before your application starts. This way you won't have to bloat your routing with redundant resolves.

You html would look like this:

<script src=""></script>

function MyService {
  this.getData = function(){
MyService.setData = function(data) { = data;

.service('MyService', MyService)

<script src="/some_data.php?jsonp=MyService.setData"></script>

How to assign an exec result to a sql variable?

I had the same question. While there are good answers here I decided to create a table-valued function. With a table (or scalar) valued function you don't have to change your stored proc. I simply did a select from the table-valued function. Note that the parameter (MyParameter is optional).

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[MyDateFunction] 
(@MyParameter varchar(max))
    --- Query your table or view or whatever and select the results.
    SELECT DateValue FROM MyTable WHERE ID = @MyParameter;

To assign to your variable you simply can do something like:

Declare @MyDate datetime;
SET @MyDate = (SELECT DateValue FROM MyDateFunction(@MyParameter));

You can also use a scalar valued function:

CREATE FUNCTION TestDateFunction()  
RETURNS datetime  
    RETURN (SELECT GetDate());

Then you can simply do

Declare @MyDate datetime;
SET @MyDate = (Select dbo.TestDateFunction());

CSS Circle with border

Here is a jsfiddle so you can see an example of this working.

HTML code:

<div class="circle"></div>

CSS code:

.circle {_x000D_
        /*This creates a 1px solid red border around your element(div) */_x000D_
        border:1px solid red;_x000D_
        background-color: #FFFFFF;_x000D_
        height: 100px;_x000D_
        /* border-radius 50% will make it fully rounded. */_x000D_
        border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
        -webkit-border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
        width: 100px;_x000D_
<div class='circle'></div>

Trying to use INNER JOIN and GROUP BY SQL with SUM Function, Not Working

Two ways to do it...





How do I update a GitHub forked repository?

Since November 2013 there has been an unofficial feature request open with GitHub to ask them to add a very simple and intuitive method to keep a local fork in sync with upstream:

Note: Since the feature request is unofficial it is also advisable to contact [email protected] to add your support for a feature like this to be implemented. The unofficial feature request above could be used as evidence of the amount of interest in this being implemented.

Find object by its property in array of objects with AngularJS way

How about plain JavaScript? More about Array.prototype.filter().

var myArray = [{'id': '73', 'name': 'john'}, {'id': '45', 'name': 'Jass'}]_x000D_
var item73 = myArray.filter(function(item) {_x000D_
  return === '73';_x000D_
// even nicer with ES6 arrow functions:_x000D_
// var item73 = myArray.filter(i => === '73')[0];_x000D_
console.log(item73); // {"id": "73", "name": "john"}

How to trigger event in JavaScript?

var btn = document.getElementById('btn-test');
var event = new Event(null);

event.initEvent('beforeinstallprompt', true, true);
btn.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', null, false);

this will imediattely trigger an event 'beforeinstallprompt'

Different ways of clearing lists

It appears to me that del will give you the memory back, while assigning a new list will make the old one be deleted only when the gc runs.matter.

This may be useful for large lists, but for small list it should be negligible.

Edit: As Algorias, it doesn't matter.

Note that

del old_list[ 0:len(old_list) ]

is equivalent to

del old_list[:]

Simplest way to wait some asynchronous tasks complete, in Javascript?

If you are using Babel or such transpilers and using async/await you could do :

function onDrop() {

async function dropAll( collections ) {
   const drops = => conn.collection(col).drop(onDrop) );
   await drops;
   console.log("all dropped");

Create list of single item repeated N times

Itertools has a function just for that:

import itertools
it = itertools.repeat(e,n)

Of course itertools gives you a iterator instead of a list. [e] * n gives you a list, but, depending on what you will do with those sequences, the itertools variant can be much more efficient.

How do you check if a variable is an array in JavaScript?

I noticed someone mentioned jQuery, but I didn't know there was an isArray() function. It turns out it was added in version 1.3.

jQuery implements it as Peter suggests:

isArray: function( obj ) {
    return === "[object Array]";

Having put a lot of faith in jQuery already (especially their techniques for cross-browser compatibility) I will either upgrade to version 1.3 and use their function (providing that upgrading doesn’t cause too many problems) or use this suggested method directly in my code.

Many thanks for the suggestions.

How to get a list of images on docker registry v2

I wrote an easy-to-use command line tool for listing images in various ways (like list all images, list all tags of those images, list all layers of those tags).

It also allows you to delete unused images in various ways, like delete only older tags of a single image or from all images etc. This is convenient when you are filling your registry from a CI server and want to keep only latest/stable versions.

It is written in python and does not need you to download bulky big custom registry images.

Efficient way of having a function only execute once in a loop

Depending on the situation, an alternative to the decorator could be the following:

from itertools import chain, repeat

func_iter = chain((myFunction,), repeat(lambda *args, **kwds: None))
while True:

The idea is based on iterators, which yield the function once (or using repeat(muFunction, n) n-times), and then endlessly the lambda doing nothing.

The main advantage is that you don't need a decorator which sometimes complicates things, here everything happens in a single (to my mind) readable line. The disadvantage is that you have an ugly next in your code.

Performance wise there seems to be not much of a difference, on my machine both approaches have an overhead of around 130 ns.

Running Node.Js on Android

I just had a jaw-drop moment - Termux allows you to install NodeJS on an Android device!

It seems to work for a basic Websocket Speed Test I had on hand. The http served by it can be accessed both locally and on the network.

There is a medium post that explains the installation process

Basically: 1. Install termux 2. apt install nodejs 3. node it up!

One restriction I've run into - it seems the shared folders don't have the necessary permissions to install modules. It might just be a file permission thing. The private app storage works just fine.

Hibernate openSession() vs getCurrentSession()

As explained in this forum post, 1 and 2 are related. If you set hibernate.current_session_context_class to thread and then implement something like a servlet filter that opens the session - then you can access that session anywhere else by using the SessionFactory.getCurrentSession().

SessionFactory.openSession() always opens a new session that you have to close once you are done with the operations. SessionFactory.getCurrentSession() returns a session bound to a context - you don't need to close this.

If you are using Spring or EJBs to manage transactions you can configure them to open / close sessions along with the transactions.

You should never use one session per web app - session is not a thread safe object - cannot be shared by multiple threads. You should always use "one session per request" or "one session per transaction"

Count number of rows within each group

There are plenty of wonderful answers here already, but I wanted to throw in 1 more option for those wanting to add a new column to the original dataset that contains the number of times that row is repeated.

df1$counts <- sapply(X = paste(df1$Year, df1$Month), 
                     FUN = function(x) { sum(paste(df1$Year, df1$Month) == x) })

The same could be accomplished by combining any of the above answers with the merge() function.

Nuget connection attempt failed "Unable to load the service index for source"

I had the same error message while scaffolding Identity to my ASP.NET Core MVC project. Since my connection was not behind a proxy, removing/editing proxy configurations didn't make sense. And I didn't want to delete a file or uninstall PMC either. While looking around I realized a "Clear All Nuget Cache(s)" button on Tools --> Options --> NuGet Package Manager --> General. After pressing the button I had to wait for some time for the operation to complete. After that I tried to scaffold the Identity again but it didn't work. Then I decided to restart VS and voila :)

enter image description here

How to negate the whole regex?


this is for the given regex.
the \b is to find word boundary.
the positive look ahead (?=\w) is here to avoid spaces.
the negative look ahead over the original regex is to prevent matches of it.
and finally the (\w*) is to catch all the words that are left.
the group that will hold the words is group 3.
the simple (?!pattern) will not work as any sub-string will match
the simple ^(?!(?:m{2}|t)$).*$ will not work as it's granularity is full lines

How to convert char to integer in C?

In the old days, when we could assume that most computers used ASCII, we would just do

int i = c[0] - '0';

But in these days of Unicode, it's not a good idea. It was never a good idea if your code had to run on a non-ASCII computer.

Edit: Although it looks hackish, evidently it is guaranteed by the standard to work. Thanks @Earwicker.

Imshow: extent and aspect

From plt.imshow() official guide, we know that aspect controls the aspect ratio of the axes. Well in my words, the aspect is exactly the ratio of x unit and y unit. Most of the time we want to keep it as 1 since we do not want to distort out figures unintentionally. However, there is indeed cases that we need to specify aspect a value other than 1. The questioner provided a good example that x and y axis may have different physical units. Let's assume that x is in km and y in m. Hence for a 10x10 data, the extent should be [0,10km,0,10m] = [0, 10000m, 0, 10m]. In such case, if we continue to use the default aspect=1, the quality of the figure is really bad. We can hence specify aspect = 1000 to optimize our figure. The following codes illustrate this method.

%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.imshow(data, origin = 'lower',  extent = [0, 10000, 0, 10], aspect = 1000)

enter image description here

Nevertheless, I think there is an alternative that can meet the questioner's demand. We can just set the extent as [0,10,0,10] and add additional xy axis labels to denote the units. Codes as follows.

plt.imshow(data, origin = 'lower',  extent = [0, 10, 0, 10])

enter image description here

To make a correct figure, we should always bear in mind that x_max-x_min = x_res * data.shape[1] and y_max - y_min = y_res * data.shape[0], where extent = [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max]. By default, aspect = 1, meaning that the unit pixel is square. This default behavior also works fine for x_res and y_res that have different values. Extending the previous example, let's assume that x_res is 1.5 while y_res is 1. Hence extent should equal to [0,15,0,10]. Using the default aspect, we can have rectangular color pixels, whereas the unit pixel is still square!

plt.imshow(data, origin = 'lower',  extent = [0, 15, 0, 10])
# Or we have similar x_max and y_max but different data.shape, leading to different color pixel res.
plt.imshow(data, origin = 'lower',  extent = [0, 5, 0, 5])

enter image description here enter image description here

The aspect of color pixel is x_res / y_res. setting its aspect to the aspect of unit pixel (i.e. aspect = x_res / y_res = ((x_max - x_min) / data.shape[1]) / ((y_max - y_min) / data.shape[0])) would always give square color pixel. We can change aspect = 1.5 so that x-axis unit is 1.5 times y-axis unit, leading to a square color pixel and square whole figure but rectangular pixel unit. Apparently, it is not normally accepted.

plt.imshow(data, origin = 'lower',  extent = [0, 15, 0, 10], aspect = 1.5)

enter image description here

The most undesired case is that set aspect an arbitrary value, like 1.2, which will lead to neither square unit pixels nor square color pixels.

plt.imshow(data, origin = 'lower',  extent = [0, 15, 0, 10], aspect = 1.2)

enter image description here

Long story short, it is always enough to set the correct extent and let the matplotlib do the remaining things for us (even though x_res!=y_res)! Change aspect only when it is a must.

Correct way to use get_or_create?

get_or_create() returns a tuple:

customer.source, created  = Source.objects.get_or_create(name="Website")
  • created ? has a boolean value, is created or not.

  • customer.source ? has an object of get_or_create() method.

How to send 500 Internal Server Error error from a PHP script

PHP 5.4 has a function called http_response_code, so if you're using PHP 5.4 you can just do:


I've written a polyfill for this function (Gist) if you're running a version of PHP under 5.4.

To answer your follow-up question, the HTTP 1.1 RFC says:

The reason phrases listed here are only recommendations -- they MAY be replaced by local equivalents without affecting the protocol.

That means you can use whatever text you want (excluding carriage returns or line feeds) after the code itself, and it'll work. Generally, though, there's usually a better response code to use. For example, instead of using a 500 for no record found, you could send a 404 (not found), and for something like "conditions failed" (I'm guessing a validation error), you could send something like a 422 (unprocessable entity).

How to round each item in a list of floats to 2 decimal places?

If you really want an iterator-free solution, you can use numpy and its array round function.

import numpy as np
myList = list(np.around(np.array(myList),2))

React PropTypes : Allow different types of PropTypes for one prop

For documentation purpose, it's better to list the string values that are legal:

size: PropTypes.oneOfType([
    PropTypes.oneOf([ 'SMALL', 'LARGE' ]),

Hashset vs Treeset

Why have apples when you can have oranges?

Seriously guys and gals - if your collection is large, read and written to gazillions of times, and you're paying for CPU cycles, then the choice of the collection is relevant ONLY if you NEED it to perform better. However, in most cases, this doesn't really matter - a few milliseconds here and there go unnoticed in human terms. If it really mattered that much, why aren't you writing code in assembler or C? [cue another discussion]. So the point is if you're happy using whatever collection you chose, and it solves your problem [even if it's not specifically the best type of collection for the task] knock yourself out. The software is malleable. Optimise your code where necessary. Uncle Bob says Premature Optimisation is the root of all evil. Uncle Bob says so

Laravel Mail::send() sending to multiple to or bcc addresses

Try this:

$toemail = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $request->toemail));

How to get "GET" request parameters in JavaScript?

The function here returns the parameter by name. With tiny changes you will be able to return base url, parameter or anchor.

function getUrlParameter(name) {
    var urlOld          = window.location.href.split('?');
    urlOld[1]           = urlOld[1] || '';
    var urlBase         = urlOld[0];
    var urlQuery        = urlOld[1].split('#');
    urlQuery[1]         = urlQuery[1] || '';
    var parametersString = urlQuery[0].split('&');
    if (parametersString.length === 1 && parametersString[0] === '') {
        parametersString = [];
    // console.log(parametersString);
    var anchor          = urlQuery[1] || '';

    var urlParameters = {};
    jQuery.each(parametersString, function (idx, parameterString) {
        paramName   = parameterString.split('=')[0];
        paramValue  = parameterString.split('=')[1];
        urlParameters[paramName] = paramValue;
    return urlParameters[name];

how to convert 2d list to 2d numpy array?

np.array() is even more powerful than what unutbu said above. You also could use it to convert a list of np arrays to a higher dimention array, the following is a simple example:



aList=[aArray, bArray]


xArray's shape is (2,3), it's a standard np array. This operation avoids a loop programming.


You can use ORDER BY inside the GROUP_CONCAT function in this way:

SELECT li.client_id, group_concat(li.percentage ORDER BY li.views ASC) AS views, 
group_concat(li.percentage ORDER BY li.percentage ASC) 
FROM li GROUP BY client_id

Rails has_many with alias name

You could do this two different ways. One is by using "as"

has_many :tasks, :as => :jobs


def jobs

Obviously the first one would be the best way to handle it.

iPhone UILabel text soft shadow

In Swift 3, you can create an extension:

import UIKit

extension UILabel {
    func shadow() {
        self.layer.shadowColor = self.textColor.cgColor
        self.layer.shadowOffset =
        self.layer.shadowRadius = 3.0
        self.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.5
        self.layer.masksToBounds = false
        self.layer.shouldRasterize = true

and use it via:


LINQ: Distinct values

I'm a bit late to the answer, but you may want to do this if you want the whole element, not only the values you want to group by:

var query = doc.Elements("whatever")
               .GroupBy(element => new {
                             id = (int) element.Attribute("id"),
                             category = (int) element.Attribute("cat") })
               .Select(e => e.First());

This will give you the first whole element matching your group by selection, much like Jon Skeets second example using DistinctBy, but without implementing IEqualityComparer comparer. DistinctBy will most likely be faster, but the solution above will involve less code if performance is not an issue.

Connect to SQL Server through PDO using SQL Server Driver

$servername = "";
$username = "";
$password = "";
$database = "";
$port = "1433";
try {
    $conn = new PDO("sqlsrv:server=$servername,$port;Database=$database;ConnectionPooling=0", $username, $password,
            PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true,
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    echo ("Error connecting to SQL Server: " . $e->getMessage());

Python math module

pow is built into the language(not part of the math library). The problem is that you haven't imported math.

Try this:

import math

ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables

You're probably trying to to update the same row of the target table multiple times. I just encountered the very same problem in a merge statement I developed. Make sure your update does not touch the same record more than once in the execution of the merge.

How do I convert a float to an int in Objective C?

what's wrong with:

int myInt = myFloat;

bear in mind this'll use the default rounding rule, which is towards zero (i.e. -3.9f becomes -3)

Return Result from Select Query in stored procedure to a List

Building on some of the responds here, i'd like to add an alternative way. Creating a generic method using reflection, that can map any Stored Procedure response to a List. That is, a List of any type you wish, as long as the given type contains similarly named members to the Stored Procedure columns in the response. Ideally, i'd probably use Dapper for this - but here goes:

private static SqlConnection getConnectionString() // Should be gotten from config in secure storage.
            SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
            builder.DataSource = "it.hurts.when.IP";
            builder.UserID = "someDBUser";
            builder.Password = "someDBPassword";
            builder.InitialCatalog = "someDB";
            return new SqlConnection(builder.ConnectionString);

        public static List<T> ExecuteSP<T>(string SPName, List<SqlParameter> Params)
                DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();

                using (SqlConnection Connection = getConnectionString())
                    // Open connection

                    // Create command from params / SP
                    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SPName, Connection);

                    // Add parameters
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                    // Make datatable for conversion
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);

                    // Close connection

                // Convert to list of T
                var retVal = ConvertToList<T>(dataTable);
                return retVal;
            catch (SqlException e)
                Console.WriteLine("ConvertToList Exception: " + e.ToString());
                return new List<T>();

        /// <summary>
        /// Converts datatable to List<someType> if possible.
        /// </summary>
        public static List<T> ConvertToList<T>(DataTable dt)
            try // Necesarry unfotunately.
                var columnNames = dt.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>()
                    .Select(c => c.ColumnName)

                var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties();

                return dt.AsEnumerable().Select(row =>
                        var objT = Activator.CreateInstance<T>();

                        foreach (var pro in properties)
                            if (columnNames.Contains(pro.Name))
                                if (row[pro.Name].GetType() == typeof(System.DBNull)) pro.SetValue(objT, null, null);
                                else pro.SetValue(objT, row[pro.Name], null);

                        return objT;
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to write data to list. Often this occurs due to type errors (DBNull, nullables), changes in SP's used or wrongly formatted SP output.");
                Console.WriteLine("ConvertToList Exception: " + e.ToString());
                return new List<T>();


Excel VBA Open a Folder

I use this to open a workbook and then copy that workbook's data to the template.

Private Sub CommandButton24_Click()
Set Template = ActiveWorkbook
 With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
    .InitialFileName = "I:\Group - Finance" ' Yu can select any folder you want
    .Title = "Your Title"
    If Not .Show Then
        MsgBox "No file selected.": Exit Sub
    End If
    Workbooks.OpenText .SelectedItems(1)

'The below is to copy the file into a new sheet in the workbook and paste those values in sheet 1

    Set myfile = ActiveWorkbook
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Copy after:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)

End With

Ruby objects and JSON serialization (without Rails)

To get the build in classes (like Array and Hash) to support as_json and to_json, you need to require 'json/add/core' (see the readme for details)

What is the meaning of "int(a[::-1])" in Python?

Assuming a is a string. The Slice notation in python has the syntax -


So, when you do a[::-1], it starts from the end towards the first taking each element. So it reverses a. This is applicable for lists/tuples as well.

Example -

>>> a = '1234'
>>> a[::-1]

Then you convert it to int and then back to string (Though not sure why you do that) , that just gives you back the string.

Java: convert seconds to minutes, hours and days

Thanks guys for all the help, I really appreciate but I actually did some thinking and start doing some pseudo code and came up with this.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Project {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//variable declaration  
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
final int MIN = 60, HRS = 3600, DYS = 84600;
int input, days, seconds, minutes, hours, rDays, rHours;

System.out.println("Enter amount of seconds!");
input = scan.nextInt();

days = input/DYS;
rDays = input%DYS;
hours = rDays/HRS;
rHours = rDays%HRS;
minutes = rHours/MIN;
seconds = rHours%MIN;

if (input >= DYS) {
    System.out.println(input + " seconds equals to " + days + " days " + hours + " hours " + minutes + " minutes " + seconds + " seconds");

else if (input >= HRS && input < DYS) {
    System.out.println(input + " seconds equals to " + hours + " hours " + minutes + " minutes " + seconds + " seconds");

else if (input >= MIN && input < HRS) {
    System.out.println(input + " seconds equals to " + minutes + " minutes " + seconds + " seconds");

else if (input < MIN) {
    System.out.println(input + " seconds equals to seconds");



I know it looks really noobie but keep in mind I'm still new not just Java but programming entirely, and who knew pseudo code was actually really helpful.

Java: Getting a substring from a string starting after a particular character

what have you tried? it's very simple:

String s = "/abc/def/ghfj.doc";
s.substring(s.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)

Sort collection by multiple fields in Kotlin

Use sortedWith to sort a list with Comparator.

You can then construct a comparator using several ways:

  • compareBy, thenBy construct the comparator in a chain of calls:

    list.sortedWith(compareBy<Person> { it.age }.thenBy { }.thenBy { it.address })
  • compareBy has an overload which takes multiple functions:

    list.sortedWith(compareBy({ it.age }, { }, { it.address }))

How to replace all occurrences of a string in Javascript?

This can be achieved using regular expressions. A few combinations that might help someone:

var word = "this,\\ .is*a*test,    '.and? / only /     'a \ test?";
var stri = "This      is    a test         and only a        test";

To replace all non alpha characters,

console.log(word.replace(/([^a-z])/g,' ').replace(/ +/g, ' ')); 
Result: [this is a test and only a test]

To replace multiple continuous spaces with one space,

console.log(stri.replace(/  +/g,' ')); 
Result: [This is a test and only a test]

To replace all * characters,

Result: [this,\ .isatest,    '.and? / only /     'a  test?]

To replace question marks (?)

Result: [this,\ .is*a*test,    '.and# / only /     'a  test#]

To replace quotation marks,

Result: [this,\ .is*a*test,    #.and? / only /     #a  test?]

To replace all ' characters,

Result: [this\ .is*a*test    '.and? / only /     'a  test?]

To replace a specific word,

Result: [this,\ .is*a*,    '.and? / only /     'a  ?]

To replace back-slash,

Result: [this, .is*a*test,    '.and? / only /     'a  test?]

To replace forward slash,

Result: [this,\ .is*a*test,    '.and?  only      'a  test?]

To replace all spaces,

console.log(word.replace(/ /g,'#'));  
Result: [this,\*a*test,####'.and?#/#only#/#####'a##test?]

To replace dots,

Result: [this,\ #is*a*test,    '#and? / only /     'a  test?]

Should I use scipy.pi, numpy.pi, or math.pi?

>>> import math
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import scipy
>>> math.pi == np.pi == scipy.pi

So it doesn't matter, they are all the same value.

The only reason all three modules provide a pi value is so if you are using just one of the three modules, you can conveniently have access to pi without having to import another module. They're not providing different values for pi.

Linq to Entities join vs groupjoin

According to eduLINQ:

The best way to get to grips with what GroupJoin does is to think of Join. There, the overall idea was that we looked through the "outer" input sequence, found all the matching items from the "inner" sequence (based on a key projection on each sequence) and then yielded pairs of matching elements. GroupJoin is similar, except that instead of yielding pairs of elements, it yields a single result for each "outer" item based on that item and the sequence of matching "inner" items.

The only difference is in return statement:


var lookup = inner.ToLookup(innerKeySelector, comparer); 
foreach (var outerElement in outer) 
    var key = outerKeySelector(outerElement); 
    foreach (var innerElement in lookup[key]) 
        yield return resultSelector(outerElement, innerElement); 


var lookup = inner.ToLookup(innerKeySelector, comparer); 
foreach (var outerElement in outer) 
    var key = outerKeySelector(outerElement); 
    yield return resultSelector(outerElement, lookup[key]); 

Read more here:

Disabled form fields not submitting data

Use the CSS pointer-events:none on fields you want to "disable" (possibly together with a greyed background) which allows the POST action, like:

<input type="text" class="disable">



How to generate UML diagrams (especially sequence diagrams) from Java code?

ObjectAid UML Explorer

Is what I used. It is easily installed from the repository:

Name:     ObjectAid UML Explorer

And produces quite nice UML diagrams:


Description from the website:

The ObjectAid UML Explorer is different from other UML tools. It uses the UML notation to show a graphical representation of existing code that is as accurate and up-to-date as your text editor, while being very easy to use. Several unique features make this possible:

  • Your source code and libraries are the model that is displayed, they are not reverse engineered into a different format.
  • If you update your code in Eclipse, your diagram is updated as well; there is no need to reverse engineer source code.
  • Refactoring updates your diagram as well as your source code. When you rename a field or move a class, your diagram simply reflects the changes without going out of sync.
  • All diagrams in your Eclipse workspace are updated with refactoring changes as appropriate. If necessary, they are checked out of your version control system.
  • Diagrams are fully integrated into the Eclipse IDE. You can drag Java classes from any other view onto the diagram, and diagram-related information is shown in other views wherever applicable.

Powershell v3 Invoke-WebRequest HTTPS error

An alternative implementation in pure (without Add-Type of source):

#requires -Version 5
#requires -PSEdition Desktop

class TrustAllCertsPolicy : System.Net.ICertificatePolicy {
    [bool] CheckValidationResult([System.Net.ServicePoint] $a,
                                 [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate] $b,
                                 [System.Net.WebRequest] $c,
                                 [int] $d) {
        return $true
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = [TrustAllCertsPolicy]::new()

How to load image to WPF in runtime?

Make sure that your sas.png is marked as Build Action: Content and Copy To Output Directory: Copy Always in its Visual Studio Properties...

I think the C# source code goes like this...

Image image = new Image();
image.Source = (new ImageSourceConverter()).ConvertFromString("pack://application:,,,/Bilder/sas.png") as ImageSource;

and XAML should be

<Image Height="200" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="12,12,0,0" 
       Name="image1" Stretch="Fill" VerticalAlignment="Top" 
       Width="350" />  


Dynamically I think XAML would provide best way to load Images ...

<Image Source="{Binding Converter={StaticResource MyImageSourceConverter}}"

where image.DataContext is string path.

MyImage.DataContext = "pack://application:,,,/Bilder/sas.png";

public class MyImageSourceConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value_, Type targetType_, 
    object parameter_, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture_)
        return (new ImageSourceConverter()).ConvertFromString (value.ToString());

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, 
    object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
          throw new NotImplementedException();

Now as you set a different data context, Image would be automatically loaded at runtime.

MySQL ORDER BY rand(), name ASC

Instead of using a subquery, you could use two separate queries, one to get the number of rows and the other to select the random rows.

SELECT COUNT(id) FROM users; #id is the primary key

Then, get a random twenty rows.

$start_row = mt_rand(0, $total_rows - 20);

The final query:

SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT $start_row, 20;

Executing multiple SQL queries in one statement with PHP

This may be created sql injection point "SQL Injection Piggy-backed Queries". attackers able to append multiple malicious sql statements. so do not append user inputs directly to the queries.

Security considerations

The API functions mysqli_query() and mysqli_real_query() do not set a connection flag necessary for activating multi queries in the server. An extra API call is used for multiple statements to reduce the likeliness of accidental SQL injection attacks. An attacker may try to add statements such as ; DROP DATABASE mysql or ; SELECT SLEEP(999). If the attacker succeeds in adding SQL to the statement string but mysqli_multi_query is not used, the server will not execute the second, injected and malicious SQL statement.


How to parse the AndroidManifest.xml file inside an .apk package

With the latest SDK-Tools, you can now use a tool called the apkanalyzer to print out the AndroidManifest.xml of an APK (as well as other parts, such as resources).

[android sdk]/tools/bin/apkanalyzer manifest print [app.apk]


All libraries must use the exact same version specification

Highlight the error and press "ALT+ENTER", you'll see an option to:

Add Library dependency > Edit Intention settings

This will bring you to a menu where you'll see the specific problem support dependency that differs with support-compat. Create its dependency in gradle (com 'XXX') and set it's version to match that of support-compat. Sync gradle and you're done.

HTTP Status 500 - Servlet.init() for servlet Dispatcher threw exception

You map your dispatcher on *.do:


but your controller is mapped on an url without .do:


Try changing this to:


How do I unload (reload) a Python module?

It can be especially difficult to delete a module if it is not pure Python.

Here is some information from: How do I really delete an imported module?

You can use sys.getrefcount() to find out the actual number of references.

>>> import sys, empty, os
>>> sys.getrefcount(sys)
>>> sys.getrefcount(os)
>>> sys.getrefcount(empty)

Numbers greater than 3 indicate that it will be hard to get rid of the module. The homegrown "empty" (containing nothing) module should be garbage collected after

>>> del sys.modules["empty"]
>>> del empty

as the third reference is an artifact of the getrefcount() function.

Setting up FTP on Amazon Cloud Server

Great Article... worked like a breeze on Amazon Linux AMI.

Two more useful commands:

To change the default FTP upload folder

Step 1:

edit /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf

Step 2: Create a new entry at the bottom of the page:


To apply read, write, delete permission to the files under folder so that you can manage using a FTP device

find /var/www/html -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \;

Insert current date in datetime format mySQL

"datetime" expects the date to be formated like this: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

so format your date like that when you are inserting.

Android Studio AVD - Emulator: Process finished with exit code 1

None of the solutions worked for me. I ended up downloading a different emulator image.

First I had arm64-v8a, which was giving this error. I download armeabi-v7a, which worked fine.

Unfortunately I was not able to install HAXM accelerator as organization's softwares were blocking the installation. Hence, had to go with arm.

Add bottom line to view in SwiftUI / Swift / Objective-C / Xamarin

In SwiftUI, The simplest implementation would be,

struct MyTextField: View {
  var myPlaceHolder: String
  @Binding var text: String

  var underColor: Color
  var height: CGFloat

  var body: some View {
    VStack {
        TextField(self.myPlaceHolder, text: $text)
        .padding(.horizontal, 24)

        Rectangle().frame(height: self.height)
            .padding(.horizontal, 24).foregroundColor(self.underColor)


MyTextField(myPlaceHolder: "PlaceHolder", text: self.$text, underColor: .red, height: 3)

Example Implementation

How to set up java logging using a properties file? (java.util.logging)

I have tried your code in above code don't use [preferences.load(configFile);] statement and it will is running sample code

public static void main(String[]s)

    Logger log = Logger.getLogger("MyClass");
    try {
    FileInputStream fis =  new FileInputStream("");
    log.addHandler(new java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler());
    log.setUseParentHandlers(false);"starting myApp");

    catch(IOException e) {

Select distinct rows from datatable in Linq

var Test = (from row in Dataset1.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
            select row.Field<string>("attribute1_name") + row.Field<int>("attribute2_name")).Distinct();

JQuery: 'Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation' at ajax request - several elements

From the jQuery docs for processData:

processData Boolean
Default: true
By default, data passed in to the data option as an object (technically, anything other than a string) will be processed and transformed into a query string, fitting to the default content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". If you want to send a DOMDocument, or other non-processed data, set this option to false.


Looks like you are going to have to use processData to send your data to the server, or modify your php script to support querystring encoded parameters.

How to trust a apt repository : Debian apt-get update error public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY <id>

I had the same problem of "gpg: keyserver timed out" with a couple of different servers. Finally, it turned out that I didn't need to do that manually at all. On a Debian system, the simple solution which fixed it was just (as root or precede with sudo):

aptitude install debian-archive-keyring

In case it is some other keyring you need, check out

apt-cache search keyring | grep debian

My squeeze system shows all these:

debian-archive-keyring       - GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive
debian-edu-archive-keyring   - GnuPG archive keys of the Debian Edu archive
debian-keyring               - GnuPG keys of Debian Developers
debian-ports-archive-keyring - GnuPG archive keys of the debian-ports archive
emdebian-archive-keyring     - GnuPG archive keys for the emdebian repository

Swift programmatically navigate to another view controller/scene


The Strings in double quotes always confuse me, so I think answer to this question needs some graphical presentation to clear this out.

For a banking app, I have a LoginViewController and a BalanceViewController. Each have their respective screens.

The app starts and shows the Login screen. When login is successful, app opens the Balance screen.

Here is how it looks:

enter image description here

enter image description here

The login success is handled like this:

let storyBoard: UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Balance", bundle: nil)
let balanceViewController = storyBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "balance") as! BalanceViewController
self.present(balanceViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

As you can see, the storyboard ID 'balance' in small letters is what goes in the second line of the code, and this is the ID which is defined in the storyboard settings, as in the attached screenshot.

The term 'Balance' with capital 'B' is the name of the storyboard file, which is used in the first line of the code.

We know that using hard coded Strings in code is a very bad practice, but somehow in iOS development it has become a common practice, and Xcode doesn't even warn about them.

configure Git to accept a particular self-signed server certificate for a particular https remote


  1. Get the self signed certificate
  2. Put it into some (e.g. ~/git-certs/cert.pem) file
  3. Set git to trust this certificate using http.sslCAInfo parameter

In more details:

Get self signed certificate of remote server

Assuming, the server URL is and you want to access it over port 443.

There are multiple options, how to get it.

Get certificate using openssl

$ openssl s_client -connect

Catch the output into a file cert.pem and delete all but part between (and including) -BEGIN CERTIFICATE- and -END CERTIFICATE-

Content of resulting file ~/git-certs/cert.pem may look like this:


Get certificate using your web browser

I use Redmine with Git repositories and I access the same URL for web UI and for git command line access. This way, I had to add exception for that domain into my web browser.

Using Firefox, I went to Options -> Advanced -> Certificates -> View Certificates -> Servers, found there the selfsigned host, selected it and using Export button I got exactly the same file, as created using openssl.

Note: I was a bit surprised, there is no name of the authority visibly mentioned. This is fine.

Having the trusted certificate in dedicated file

Previous steps shall result in having the certificate in some file. It does not matter, what file it is as long as it is visible to your git when accessing that domain. I used ~/git-certs/cert.pem

Note: If you need more trusted selfsigned certificates, put them into the same file:


This shall work (but I tested it only with single certificate).

Configure git to trust this certificate

$ git config --global http.sslCAInfo /home/javl/git-certs/cert.pem

You may also try to do that system wide, using --system instead of --global.

And test it: You shall now be able communicating with your server without resorting to:

$ git config --global http.sslVerify false #NO NEED TO USE THIS

If you already set your git to ignorance of ssl certificates, unset it:

$ git config --global --unset http.sslVerify

and you may also check, that you did it all correctly, without spelling errors:

$ git config --global --list

what should list all variables, you have set globally. (I mispelled http to htt).

Change background image opacity

You can also simply use this:

.bg_rgba {
  background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)), url('');
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  border: 1px solid black;
<div class='bg_rgba'></div>

You can change the opacity of the color to your preference.

Connecting to remote MySQL server using PHP

It is very easy to connect remote MySQL Server Using PHP, what you have to do is:

  1. Create a MySQL User in remote server.

  2. Give Full privilege to the User.

  3. Connect to the Server using PHP Code (Sample Given Below)

$link = mysql_connect('your_my_sql_servername or IP Address', 'new_user_which_u_created', 'password');
if (!$link) {
    die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

echo 'Connected successfully';

mysql_select_db('sandsbtob',$link) or die ("could not open db".mysql_error());
// we connect to localhost at port 3306

How to declare a constant in Java

Anything that is static is in the class level. You don't have to create instance to access static fields/method. Static variable will be created once when class is loaded.

Instance variables are the variable associated with the object which means that instance variables are created for each object you create. All objects will have separate copy of instance variable for themselves.

In your case, when you declared it as static final, that is only one copy of variable. If you change it from multiple instance, the same variable would be updated (however, you have final variable so it cannot be updated).

In second case, the final int a is also constant , however it is created every time you create an instance of the class where that variable is declared.

Have a look on this Java tutorial for better understanding ,

SQL Stored Procedure: If variable is not null, update statement

Use a T-SQL IF:


Take a look at the MSDN docs.

Is there any way to install Composer globally on Windows?

Sure. Just put composer.phar somewhere like C:\php\composer.phar, then make a batch file somewhere within the PATH called composer.bat which does the following:

php "%~dp0composer.phar" %*

The "%*" repeats all of the arguments passed to the shell script.

Then you can run around doing composer update all ya want!

Leaflet changing Marker color

I found the SVG marker/icon to be best one yet. It is very flexible and allows any color you like. You can customize the entire icon without much of a hassle:

function createIcon(markerColor) {
  /* ...Code ommitted ... */

  return new L.DivIcon.SVGIcon({
            color: markerColor,
            iconSize: [15,30],
            circleRatio: 0.35

HTTP Error 404.3-Not Found in IIS 7.5

In windows server 2012, even after installing you might run into this issue.

Check for "Http activation" feature. This feature is present under Web services as well.

Make sure you add the above and everything should be awesome for you !!!

GROUP BY + CASE statement

Aliases can be used only if they were introduced in the preceding step. So aliases in the SELECT clause can be used in the ORDER BY but not the GROUP BY clause.

Reference: Microsoft T-SQL Documentation for further reading.


Hope this helps.

Error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

I had the exact same symptom, and this was my problem, very tricky to track down, so I hope it helps someone.

I was using JQuery parseJSON() and the content I was attempting to parse was actually not JSON, but an error page that was being returned.

How to send UTF-8 email?

If not HTML, then UTF-8 is not recommended. koi8-r and windows-1251 only without problems. So use html mail.

$headers['Content-Type']='text/html; charset=UTF-8';
$body='<html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>ESP Notufy - ESP ?????????</title></head><body>'.$text.'</body></html>';

$mail_object=& Mail::factory('smtp',
    array ('host' => $host,
        'auth' => true,
        'username' => $username,
        'password' => $password));
$mail_object->send($recipents, $headers, $body);

Android - how do I investigate an ANR?

Basic on @Horyun Lee answer, I wrote a small python script to help to investigate ANR from traces.txt.

The ANRs will output as graphics by graphviz if you have installed grapvhviz on your system.

$ ./ --format png ./traces.txt

A png will output like below if there are ANRs detected in file traces.txt. It's more intuitive.

enter image description here

The sample traces.txt file used above was get from here.

Best way to reset an Oracle sequence to the next value in an existing column?

These two procedures let me reset the sequence and reset the sequence based on data in a table (apologies for the coding conventions used by this client):

   l_num   NUMBER;
   EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select ' || p_name || '.nextval from dual' INTO l_num;

   -- Added check for 0 to avoid "ORA-04002: INCREMENT must be a non-zero integer"
   IF (p_val - l_num - 1) != 0
      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter sequence ' || p_name || ' increment by ' || (p_val - l_num - 1) || ' minvalue 0';
   END IF;

   EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select ' || p_name || '.nextval from dual' INTO l_num;

   EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter sequence ' || p_name || ' increment by 1 ';

   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Sequence ' || p_name || ' is now at ' || p_val);

   nextnum   NUMBER;
   EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT MAX(' || col_name || ') + 1 AS n FROM ' || table_name INTO nextnum;

   SET_SEQ_TO(seq_name, nextnum);

java howto ArrayList push, pop, shift, and unshift

I was facing with this problem some time ago and I found java.util.LinkedList is best for my case. It has several methods, with different namings, but they're doing what is needed:

push()    -> LinkedList.addLast(); // Or just LinkedList.add();
pop()     -> LinkedList.pollLast();
shift()   -> LinkedList.pollFirst();
unshift() -> LinkedList.addFirst();

How to quickly form groups (quartiles, deciles, etc) by ordering column(s) in a data frame

You can use the quantile() function, but you need to handle rounding/precision when using cut(). So

temp <- data.frame(name=letters[1:12], value=rnorm(12), quartile=rep(NA, 12))
brks <- with(temp, quantile(value, probs = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)))
temp <- within(temp, quartile <- cut(value, breaks = brks, labels = 1:4, 
                                     include.lowest = TRUE))


> head(temp)
  name       value quartile
1    a -0.56047565        1
2    b -0.23017749        2
3    c  1.55870831        4
4    d  0.07050839        2
5    e  0.12928774        3
6    f  1.71506499        4

PHP Using RegEx to get substring of a string

$matches = array();
preg_match('/id=([0-9]+)\?/', $url, $matches);

This is safe for if the format changes. slandau's answer won't work if you ever have any other numbers in the URL.

Can I pass parameters by reference in Java?

Java is confusing because everything is passed by value. However for a parameter of reference type (i.e. not a parameter of primitive type) it is the reference itself which is passed by value, hence it appears to be pass-by-reference (and people often claim that it is). This is not the case, as shown by the following:

Object o = "Hello";

private void mutate(Object o) { o = "Goodbye"; } //NOT THE SAME o!

Will print Hello to the console. The options if you wanted the above code to print Goodbye are to use an explicit reference as follows:

AtomicReference<Object> ref = new AtomicReference<Object>("Hello");
System.out.println(ref.get()); //Goodbye!

private void mutate(AtomicReference<Object> ref) { ref.set("Goodbye"); }

int to hex string

Use ToString("X4").

The 4 means that the string will be 4 digits long.

Reference: The Hexadecimal ("X") Format Specifier on MSDN.

Multi-gradient shapes

Have you tried to overlay one gradient with a nearly-transparent opacity for the highlight on top of another image with an opaque opacity for the green gradient?

Load dimension value from res/values/dimension.xml from source code

Context.getResources().getDimension(int id);

How to execute multiple SQL statements from java

I'm not sure that you want to send two SELECT statements in one request statement because you may not be able to access both ResultSets. The database may only return the last result set.

Multiple ResultSets

However, if you're calling a stored procedure that you know can return multiple resultsets something like this will work

CallableStatement stmt = con.prepareCall(...);
try {

boolean results = stmt.execute();

while (results) {
    ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();
    try {
    while ( {
        // read the data
    } finally {
        try { rs.close(); } catch (Throwable ignore) {}

    // are there anymore result sets?
    results = stmt.getMoreResults();
} finally {
    try { stmt.close(); } catch (Throwable ignore) {}

Multiple SQL Statements

If you're talking about multiple SQL statements and only one SELECT then your database should be able to support the one String of SQL. For example I have used something like this on Sybase

StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer( "SET rowcount 100" );
sql.append( " SELECT * FROM tbl_books ..." );
sql.append( " SET rowcount 0" );

stmt = conn.prepareStatement( sql.toString() );

This will depend on the syntax supported by your database. In this example note the addtional spaces padding the statements so that there is white space between the staments.

How to set Linux environment variables with Ansible

There are multiple ways to do this and from your question it's nor clear what you need.

1. If you need environment variable to be defined PER TASK ONLY, you do this:

- hosts: dev
    - name: Echo my_env_var
      shell: "echo $MY_ENV_VARIABLE"
        MY_ENV_VARIABLE: whatever_value

    - name: Echo my_env_var again
      shell: "echo $MY_ENV_VARIABLE"

Note that MY_ENV_VARIABLE is available ONLY for the first task, environment does not set it permanently on your system.

TASK: [Echo my_env_var] ******************************************************* 
changed: [] => {"changed": true, "cmd": "echo $MY_ENV_VARIABLE", ... "stdout": "whatever_value"}

TASK: [Echo my_env_var again] ************************************************* 
changed: [] => {"changed": true, "cmd": "echo $MY_ENV_VARIABLE", ... "stdout": ""}

Hopefully soon using environment will also be possible on play level, not only task level as above. There's currently a pull request open for this feature on Ansible's GitHub:

UPDATE: It's now merged as of Jan 2, 2015.

2. If you want permanent environment variable + system wide / only for certain user

You should look into how you do it in your Linux distribution / shell, there are multiple places for that. For example in Ubuntu you define that in files like for example:

  • ~/.profile
  • /etc/environment
  • /etc/profile.d directory
  • ...

You will find Ubuntu docs about it here:

After all for setting environment variable in ex. Ubuntu you can just use lineinfile module from Ansible and add desired line to certain file. Consult your OS docs to know where to add it to make it permanent.

Why is Tkinter Entry's get function returning nothing?

A simple example without classes:

from tkinter import *    
master = Tk()

# Create this method before you create the entry
def return_entry(en):
    """Gets and prints the content of the entry"""
    content = entry.get()

Label(master, text="Input: ").grid(row=0, sticky=W)

entry = Entry(master)
entry.grid(row=0, column=1)

# Connect the entry with the return button
entry.bind('<Return>', return_entry) 


Can't resolve module (not found) in React.js

I think its the double use of header. I just tried something similar myself and also caused issues. I capitalized my component file to match the others and it worked.

import Header from './src/components/header/header';

Should be

import Header from './src/components/header/Header';

Axios get access to response header fields

For the SpringBoot2 just add

httpResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "custom-header1, custom-header2");

to your CORS filter implementation code to have whitelisted custom-header1 and custom-header2 etc

How to add a class to body tag?

You can extract that part of the URL using a simple regular expression:

var url = location.href;
var className = url.match(/\w+\/(\w+)_/)[1];

Refresh Page C# ASP.NET

Careful with rewriting URLs, though. I'm using this, so it keeps URLs rewritten.


Best timing method in C?

If you don't want CPU time then I think what you're looking for is the timeval struct.

I use the below for calculating execution time:

int timeval_subtract(struct timeval *result,                                                                                                                                        
                     struct timeval end,                                                                                                                                                 
                     struct timeval start)                                                                                                                                               
        if (start.tv_usec < end.tv_usec) {                                                                                                                                          
                int nsec = (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec) / 1000000 + 1;                                                                                                             
                end.tv_usec -= 1000000 * nsec;                                                                                                                                      
                end.tv_sec += nsec;                                                                                                                                                 
        if (start.tv_usec - end.tv_usec > 1000000) {                                                                                                                                
                int nsec = (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec) / 1000000;                                                                                                                 
                end.tv_usec += 1000000 * nsec;                                                                                                                                      
                end.tv_sec -= nsec;                                                                                                                                                 

        result->tv_sec = end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec;                                                                                                                                 
        result->tv_usec = end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec;                                                                                                                              

        return end.tv_sec < start.tv_sec;                                                                                                                                           

void set_exec_time(int end)                                                                                                                                                         
        static struct timeval time_start;                                                                                                                                           
        struct timeval time_end;                                                                                                                                                    
        struct timeval time_diff;                                                                                                                                                   

        if (end) {                                                                                                                                                                  
                gettimeofday(&time_end, NULL);                                                                                                                                      
                if (timeval_subtract(&time_diff, time_end, time_start) == 0) {                                                                                                      
                        if (end == 1)                                                                                                                                               
                                printf("\nexec time: %1.2fs\n",                                                                                                                     
                                        time_diff.tv_sec + (time_diff.tv_usec / 1000000.0f));                                                                                       
                        else if (end == 2)                                                                                                                                          
                                        time_diff.tv_sec + (time_diff.tv_usec / 1000000.0f));                                                                                       
        gettimeofday(&time_start, NULL);                                                                                                                                            

void start_exec_timer()                                                                                                                                                             

void print_exec_timer()                                                                                                                                                             

How to delete a character from a string using Python

from random import randint

def shuffle_word(word):
    for i in range(0,len(word)):
        newWord += word[pos]
        word = word[:pos]+word[pos+1:]
    return newWord

word = "Sarajevo"

How do you do a limit query in JPQL or HQL?

If you don't want to use setMaxResults, you can also use Query.scroll instead of list, and fetch the rows you desire. Useful for paging for instance.

select count(*) from select

You're missing a FROM and you need to give the subquery an alias.

  SELECT DISTINCT a.my_id, a.last_name, a.first_name, b.temp_val
   FROM dbo.Table_A AS a 
   INNER JOIN dbo.Table_B AS b 
   ON a.a_id = b.a_id
) AS subquery;

link button property to open in new tab?

When the LinkButton Enabled property is false it just renders a standard hyperlink. When you right click any disabled hyperlink you don't get the option to open in anything.


lbnkVidTtile1.Enabled = true;

I'm sorry if I misunderstood. Could I just make sure that you understand the purpose of a LinkButton? It is to give the appearance of a HyperLink but the behaviour of a Button. This means that it will have an anchor tag, but there is JavaScript wired up that performs a PostBack to the page. If you want to link to another page then it is recommended here that you use a standard HyperLink control.

How do DATETIME values work in SQLite?

Store it in a field of type long. See Date.getTime() and new Date(long)

How to set cookie value with AJAX request?

Basically, ajax request as well as synchronous request sends your document cookies automatically. So, you need to set your cookie to document, not to request. However, your request is cross-domain, and things became more complicated. Basing on this answer, additionally to set document cookie, you should allow its sending to cross-domain environment:

type: "GET",    
url: "",
cache: false,
// NO setCookies option available, set cookie to document
//setCookies: "lkfh89asdhjahska7al446dfg5kgfbfgdhfdbfgcvbcbc dfskljvdfhpl",
crossDomain: true,
dataType: 'json',
xhrFields: {
    withCredentials: true
success: function (data) {

MySQL SELECT LIKE or REGEXP to match multiple words in one record

You can just replace each space with %

SELECT `name` FROM `table` WHERE `name` LIKE '%Stylus%2100%'

C++11 introduced a standardized memory model. What does it mean? And how is it going to affect C++ programming?

C and C++ used to be defined by an execution trace of a well formed program.

Now they are half defined by an execution trace of a program, and half a posteriori by many orderings on synchronisation objects.

Meaning that these language definitions make no sense at all as no logical method to mix these two approaches. In particular, destruction of a mutex or atomic variable is not well defined.

Using "label for" on radio buttons

(Firstly read the other answers which has explained the for in the <label></label> tags. Well, both the tops answers are correct, but for my challenge, it was when you have several radio boxes, you should select for them a common name like name="r1" but with different ids id="r1_1" ... id="r1_2"

So this way the answer is more clear and removes the conflicts between name and ids as well.

You need different ids for different options of the radio box.

<input type="radio" name="r1" id="r1_1" />_x000D_
       <label for="r1_1">button text one</label>_x000D_
       <input type="radio" name="r1" id="r1_2" />_x000D_
       <label for="r1_2">button text two</label>_x000D_
       <input type="radio" name="r1" id="r1_3" />_x000D_
       <label for="r1_3">button text three</label>

How do I remove accents from characters in a PHP string?

You could use urlencode. Does not quite do what you want (remove accents), but will give you a url usable string

$output = urlencode ($input);

In Perl I could use a translate regex, but I cannot think of the PHP equivalent

$input =~ tr/áâàå/aaaa/;


you could do this using preg_replace

$patterns[0] = '/[á|â|à|å|ä]/';
$patterns[1] = '/[ð|é|ê|è|ë]/';
$patterns[2] = '/[í|î|ì|ï]/';
$patterns[3] = '/[ó|ô|ò|ø|õ|ö]/';
$patterns[4] = '/[ú|û|ù|ü]/';
$patterns[5] = '/æ/';
$patterns[6] = '/ç/';
$patterns[7] = '/ß/';
$replacements[0] = 'a';
$replacements[1] = 'e';
$replacements[2] = 'i';
$replacements[3] = 'o';
$replacements[4] = 'u';
$replacements[5] = 'ae';
$replacements[6] = 'c';
$replacements[7] = 'ss';

$output = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $input);

(Please note this was typed from a foggy beer ridden Friday after noon memory, so may not be 100% correct)

or you could make a hash table and do a replacement based off of that.

AngularJS sorting rows by table header

Here is an example that sorts by the header. This table is dynamic and changes with the JSON size.

I was able to build a dynamic table off of some other people's examples and documentation.

    <th class="{{header}}" ng-repeat="(header, value) in items[0]" ng-click="changeSorting(header)">
  <i ng-class="selectedCls2(header)"></i>

    <tr ng-repeat="row in pagedItems[currentPage] | orderBy:sort.sortingOrder:sort.reverse">
        <td ng-repeat="cell in row">

Although the columns are out of order, on my .NET project they are in order.

How to use sed to extract substring

grep was born to extract things:

grep -Po 'name="\K[^"]*'

test with your data:

kent$  echo '<parameter name="PortMappingEnabled" access="readWrite" type="xsd:boolean"></parameter>
  <parameter name="PortMappingLeaseDuration" access="readWrite" activeNotify="canDeny" type="xsd:unsignedInt"></parameter>
  <parameter name="RemoteHost" access="readWrite"></parameter>
  <parameter name="ExternalPort" access="readWrite" type="xsd:unsignedInt"></parameter>
  <parameter name="ExternalPortEndRange" access="readWrite" type="xsd:unsignedInt"></parameter>
  <parameter name="InternalPort" access="readWrite" type="xsd:unsignedInt"></parameter>
  <parameter name="PortMappingProtocol" access="readWrite"></parameter>
  <parameter name="InternalClient" access="readWrite"></parameter>
  <parameter name="PortMappingDescription" access="readWrite"></parameter>
'|grep -Po 'name="\K[^"]*'

React proptype array with shape

This was my solution to protect against an empty array as well:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { arrayOf, shape, string, number } from 'prop-types';

ReactComponent.propTypes = {
  arrayWithShape: (props, propName, componentName) => {
    const arrayWithShape = props[propName]
    PropTypes.checkPropTypes({ arrayWithShape:
            color: string.isRequired,
            fontSize: number.isRequired,
    }, {arrayWithShape}, 'prop', componentName);
    if(arrayWithShape.length < 1){
      return new Error(`${propName} is empty`)

Codesign wants to access key "access" in your keychain, I put in my login password but keeps asking me

Enter the password you use to open you Mac session and click on "Always allow" until all alerts are closed. The other buttons do not work...

PHP class: Global variable as property in class

Simply use the global keyword.


class myClass() {
    private function foo() {
        global $MyNumber;

$MyNumber will then become accessible (and indeed modifyable) within that method.

However, the use of globals is often frowned upon (they can give off a bad code smell), so you might want to consider using a singleton class to store anything of this nature. (Then again, without knowing more about what you're trying to achieve this might be a very bad idea - a define could well be more useful.)

How to open in default browser in C#

Try this , old school way ;)

public static void openit(string x)
        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("cmd", "/C start" + " " + x);

using : openit("");

Selecting pandas column by location

The method .transpose() converts columns to rows and rows to column, hence you could even write


Java: How to read a text file

read the file and then do whatever you want java8 Files.lines(Paths.get("c://lines.txt")).collect(Collectors.toList());

Can a java lambda have more than 1 parameter?

To make the use of lambda : There are three type of operation:
1. Accept parameter --> Consumer
2. Test parameter return boolean --> Predicate
3. Manipulate parameter and return value --> Function

Java Functional interface upto two parameter:
Single parameter interface

Two parameter interface

For more than two, you have to create functional interface as follow(Consumer type):

public interface FiveParameterConsumer<T, U, V, W, X> {
    public void accept(T t, U u, V v, W w, X x);

python: get directory two levels up

(pathlib.Path('../../') ).resolve()

Android Relative Layout Align Center

If you want to make it center then use android:layout_centerVertical="true" in the TextView.

Disable activity slide-in animation when launching new activity?

I had a similar problem of getting a black screen appear on sliding transition from one activity to another using overridependingtransition. and I followed the way below and it worked

1) created a noanim.xml in anim folder

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    android:toYDelta="0%p" />

and used

overridePendingTransition(R.drawable.lefttorightanim, R.anim.noanim);

The first parameter as my original animation and second parameter which is the exit animation as my dummy animation

Convert normal date to unix timestamp

After comparing timestamp with the one from PHP, none of the above seems correct for my timezone. The code below gave me same result as PHP which is most important for the project I am doing.

function getTimeStamp(input) {_x000D_
    var parts = input.trim().split(' ');_x000D_
    var date = parts[0].split('-');_x000D_
 var time = (parts[1] ? parts[1] : '00:00:00').split(':');_x000D_
 // NOTE:: Month: 0 = January - 11 = December._x000D_
 var d = new Date(date[0],date[1]-1,date[2],time[0],time[1],time[2]);_x000D_
 return d.getTime() / 1000;_x000D_
// USAGE::_x000D_
var start = getTimeStamp('2017-08-10');_x000D_
var end = getTimeStamp('2017-08-10 23:59:59');_x000D_
console.log(start + ' - ' + end);

I am using this on NodeJS, and we have timezone 'Australia/Sydney'. So, I had to add this on .env file:

TZ = 'Australia/Sydney'

Above is equivalent to:

process.env.TZ = 'Australia/Sydney'

Forward host port to docker container

Your docker host exposes an adapter to all the containers. Assuming you are on recent ubuntu, you can run

ip addr

This will give you a list of network adapters, one of which will look something like

3: docker0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP
link/ether 22:23:6b:28:6b:e0 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet scope global docker0
inet6 fe80::a402:65ff:fe86:bba6/64 scope link
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

You will need to tell rabbit/mongo to bind to that IP ( After that, you should be able to open connections to from within your containers.

Convert RGBA PNG to RGB with PIL

By using Image.alpha_composite, the solution by Yuji 'Tomita' Tomita become simpler. This code can avoid a tuple index out of range error if png has no alpha channel.

from PIL import Image

png ='RGBA')
background ='RGBA', png.size, (255,255,255))

alpha_composite = Image.alpha_composite(background, png)'foo.jpg', 'JPEG', quality=80)

Apache SSL Configuration Error (SSL Connection Error)

It turns out that the SSL certificate was installed improperly. Re-installing it properly fixed the problem

Set size of HTML page and browser window

This should work.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Hello World</title>
            html, body {
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0;
                background-color: green;
            #container {
                width: inherit;
                height: inherit;
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0;
                background-color: pink;
            h1 {
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0;
        <div id="container">
            <h1>Hello World</h1>

The background colors are there so you can see how this works. Copy this code to a file and open it in your browser. Try playing around with the CSS a bit and see what happens.

The width: inherit; height: inherit; pulls the width and height from the parent element. This should be the default and is not truly necessary.

Try removing the h1 { ... } CSS block and see what happens. You might notice the layout reacts in an odd way. This is because the h1 element is influencing the layout of its container. You could prevent this by declaring overflow: hidden; on the container or the body.

I'd also suggest you do some reading on the CSS Box Model.

C++ IDE for Linux?

I really suggest codeblocks. It's not as heavy as Eclipse and it's got Visual Studio project support.

Which SchemaType in Mongoose is Best for Timestamp?

In case you want custom names for your createdAt and updatedAt

const mongoose = require('mongoose');  
const { Schema } = mongoose;

const schemaOptions = {
  timestamps: { createdAt: 'created_at', updatedAt: 'updated_at' },

const mySchema = new Schema({ name: String }, schemaOptions);

Windows batch - concatenate multiple text files into one

At its most basic, concatenating files from a batch file is done with 'copy'.

copy file1.txt + file2.txt + file3.txt concattedfile.txt

Decorators with parameters?

It is well known that the following two pieces of code are nearly equivalent:

def foo():
    pass    foo = dec(foo)

foo = dec(foo)

A common mistake is to think that @ simply hides the leftmost argument.

@dec(1, 2, 3)
def foo():
foo = dec(foo, 1, 2, 3)

It would be much easier to write decorators if the above is how @ worked. Unfortunately, that’s not the way things are done.

Consider a decorator Waitwhich haults program execution for a few seconds. If you don't pass in a Wait-time then the default value is 1 seconds. Use-cases are shown below.

def print_something(something):

def print_something_else(something_else):

def print_something_else(something_else):

When Wait has an argument, such as @Wait(3), then the call Wait(3) is executed before anything else happens.

That is, the following two pieces of code are equivalent

def print_something_else(something_else):

return_value = Wait(3)
def print_something_else(something_else):

This is a problem.

if `Wait` has no arguments:
    `Wait` is the decorator.
else: # `Wait` receives arguments
    `Wait` is not the decorator itself.
    Instead, `Wait` ***returns*** the decorator

One solution is shown below:

Let us begin by creating the following class, DelayedDecorator:

class DelayedDecorator:
    def __init__(i, cls, *args, **kwargs):
        print("Delayed Decorator __init__", cls, args, kwargs)
        i._cls = cls
        i._args = args
        i._kwargs = kwargs
    def __call__(i, func):
        print("Delayed Decorator __call__", func)
        if not (callable(func)):
            import io
            with io.StringIO() as ss:
                    "If only one input, input must be callable",
                    "Instead, received:",
                msg = ss.getvalue()
            raise TypeError(msg)
        return i._cls(func, *i._args, **i._kwargs)

Now we can write things like:

 dec = DelayedDecorator(Wait, delay=4)
 def delayed_print(something):

Note that:

  • dec does not not accept multiple arguments.
  • dec only accepts the function to be wrapped.

    import inspect class PolyArgDecoratorMeta(type): def call(Wait, *args, **kwargs): try: arg_count = len(args) if (arg_count == 1): if callable(args[0]): SuperClass = inspect.getmro(PolyArgDecoratorMeta)[1] r =, args[0]) else: r = DelayedDecorator(Wait, *args, **kwargs) else: r = DelayedDecorator(Wait, *args, **kwargs) finally: pass return r

    import time class Wait(metaclass=PolyArgDecoratorMeta): def init(i, func, delay = 2): i._func = func i._delay = delay

    def __call__(i, *args, **kwargs):
        r = i._func(*args, **kwargs)
        return r 

The following two pieces of code are equivalent:

def print_something(something):
     print (something)


def print_something(something):
print_something = Wait(print_something)

We can print "something" to the console very slowly, as follows:


def print_something_else(something_else):

def print_something_else(something_else):

dd = DelayedDecorator(Wait, delay=1)
print_something_else = dd(print_something_else)



Final Notes

It may look like a lot of code, but you don't have to write the classes DelayedDecorator and PolyArgDecoratorMeta every-time. The only code you have to personally write something like as follows, which is fairly short:

from PolyArgDecoratorMeta import PolyArgDecoratorMeta
import time
class Wait(metaclass=PolyArgDecoratorMeta):
 def __init__(i, func, delay = 2):
     i._func = func
     i._delay = delay

 def __call__(i, *args, **kwargs):
     r = i._func(*args, **kwargs)
     return r

Understanding REST: Verbs, error codes, and authentication

Verbose, but copied from the HTTP 1.1 method specification at

9.3 GET

The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form of an entity) is identified by the Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to a data-producing process, it is the produced data which shall be returned as the entity in the response and not the source text of the process, unless that text happens to be the output of the process.

The semantics of the GET method change to a "conditional GET" if the request message includes an If-Modified-Since, If-Unmodified-Since, If-Match, If-None-Match, or If-Range header field. A conditional GET method requests that the entity be transferred only under the circumstances described by the conditional header field(s). The conditional GET method is intended to reduce unnecessary network usage by allowing cached entities to be refreshed without requiring multiple requests or transferring data already held by the client.

The semantics of the GET method change to a "partial GET" if the request message includes a Range header field. A partial GET requests that only part of the entity be transferred, as described in section 14.35. The partial GET method is intended to reduce unnecessary network usage by allowing partially-retrieved entities to be completed without transferring data already held by the client.

The response to a GET request is cacheable if and only if it meets the requirements for HTTP caching described in section 13.

See section 15.1.3 for security considerations when used for forms.

9.5 POST

The POST method is used to request that the origin server accept the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line. POST is designed to allow a uniform method to cover the following functions:

  - Annotation of existing resources;
  - Posting a message to a bulletin board, newsgroup, mailing list,
    or similar group of articles;
  - Providing a block of data, such as the result of submitting a
    form, to a data-handling process;
  - Extending a database through an append operation.

The actual function performed by the POST method is determined by the server and is usually dependent on the Request-URI. The posted entity is subordinate to that URI in the same way that a file is subordinate to a directory containing it, a news article is subordinate to a newsgroup to which it is posted, or a record is subordinate to a database.

The action performed by the POST method might not result in a resource that can be identified by a URI. In this case, either 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content) is the appropriate response status, depending on whether or not the response includes an entity that describes the result.

If a resource has been created on the origin server, the response SHOULD be 201 (Created) and contain an entity which describes the status of the request and refers to the new resource, and a Location header (see section 14.30).

Responses to this method are not cacheable, unless the response includes appropriate Cache-Control or Expires header fields. However, the 303 (See Other) response can be used to direct the user agent to retrieve a cacheable resource.

POST requests MUST obey the message transmission requirements set out in section 8.2.

See section 15.1.3 for security considerations.

9.6 PUT

The PUT method requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the supplied Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to an already existing resource, the enclosed entity SHOULD be considered as a modified version of the one residing on the origin server. If the Request-URI does not point to an existing resource, and that URI is capable of being defined as a new resource by the requesting user agent, the origin server can create the resource with that URI. If a new resource is created, the origin server MUST inform the user agent via the 201 (Created) response. If an existing resource is modified, either the 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content) response codes SHOULD be sent to indicate successful completion of the request. If the resource could not be created or modified with the Request-URI, an appropriate error response SHOULD be given that reflects the nature of the problem. The recipient of the entity MUST NOT ignore any Content-* (e.g. Content-Range) headers that it does not understand or implement and MUST return a 501 (Not Implemented) response in such cases.

If the request passes through a cache and the Request-URI identifies one or more currently cached entities, those entries SHOULD be treated as stale. Responses to this method are not cacheable.

The fundamental difference between the POST and PUT requests is reflected in the different meaning of the Request-URI. The URI in a POST request identifies the resource that will handle the enclosed entity. That resource might be a data-accepting process, a gateway to some other protocol, or a separate entity that accepts annotations. In contrast, the URI in a PUT request identifies the entity enclosed with the request -- the user agent knows what URI is intended and the server MUST NOT attempt to apply the request to some other resource. If the server desires that the request be applied to a different URI,

it MUST send a 301 (Moved Permanently) response; the user agent MAY then make its own decision regarding whether or not to redirect the request.

A single resource MAY be identified by many different URIs. For example, an article might have a URI for identifying "the current version" which is separate from the URI identifying each particular version. In this case, a PUT request on a general URI might result in several other URIs being defined by the origin server.

HTTP/1.1 does not define how a PUT method affects the state of an origin server.

PUT requests MUST obey the message transmission requirements set out in section 8.2.

Unless otherwise specified for a particular entity-header, the entity-headers in the PUT request SHOULD be applied to the resource created or modified by the PUT.


The DELETE method requests that the origin server delete the resource identified by the Request-URI. This method MAY be overridden by human intervention (or other means) on the origin server. The client cannot be guaranteed that the operation has been carried out, even if the status code returned from the origin server indicates that the action has been completed successfully. However, the server SHOULD NOT indicate success unless, at the time the response is given, it intends to delete the resource or move it to an inaccessible location.

A successful response SHOULD be 200 (OK) if the response includes an entity describing the status, 202 (Accepted) if the action has not yet been enacted, or 204 (No Content) if the action has been enacted but the response does not include an entity.

If the request passes through a cache and the Request-URI identifies one or more currently cached entities, those entries SHOULD be treated as stale. Responses to this method are not cacheable.

Showing ValueError: shapes (1,3) and (1,3) not aligned: 3 (dim 1) != 1 (dim 0)

By converting the matrix to array by using

n12 = np.squeeze(np.asarray(n2))

X12 = np.squeeze(np.asarray(x1))

solved the issue.

How to detect when a youtube video finishes playing?

What you may want to do is include a script on all pages that does the following ... 1. find the youtube-iframe : searching for it by width and height by title or by finding in its source. You can do that by ... - looping through the window.frames by a for-in loop and then filter out by the properties

  1. inject jscript in the iframe of the current page adding the onYoutubePlayerReady must-include-function

  2. Add the event listeners etc..

Hope this helps

Asynchronous shell exec in PHP

Use a named fifo.

mkfifo trigger
while true; do
    read < trigger

Then whenever you want to start the long running task, simply write a newline (nonblocking to the trigger file.

As long as your input is smaller than PIPE_BUF and it's a single write() operation, you can write arguments into the fifo and have them show up as $REPLY in the script.

How to use jQuery with TypeScript

This works for me:

export var jQuery: any = window["jQuery"];

Center text in div?

Add to the selector containing the text


500.21 Bad module "ManagedPipelineHandler" in its module list

I had this issue in Windows 10 when I needed IIS instead of IIS Express. New Web Project failed with OP's error. Fix was

Control Panel > Turn Windows Features on or off > Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services > Application Development Features

tick ASP.NET 4.7 (in my case)

List to array conversion to use ravel() function

create an int array and a list

from array import array
listA = list(range(0,50))
for item in listA:
arrayA = array("i", listA)
for item in arrayA:

Validation to check if password and confirm password are same is not working

I presume you've got validate_required() function from this page:

function validate_required(field,alerttxt)
with (field)
  if (value==null||value=="")
    alert(alerttxt);return false;
    return true;

In this case your last condition will not work as you expect it.

You can replace it with this:

if (password.value != cpassword.value) { 
   alert("Your password and confirmation password do not match.");
   return false; 

Make a UIButton programmatically in Swift

If you go into the Main storyboard part, and in the bottom right go to the circle with a square, and use a blank button. Then in the code use @IBAction with it to get it wired in. Then you can make a @IBAction function with it.

How to start and stop android service from a adb shell?

Responding to pzulw's feedback to sandroid about specifying the intent.

The format of the component name is described in the api docs for ComponentName.unflattenFromString

It splits the string at the first '/', taking the part before as the package name and the part after as the class name. As a special convenience (to use, for example, when parsing component names on the command line), if the '/' is immediately followed by a '.' then the final class name will be the concatenation of the package name with the string following the '/'. Thus "" becomes package="" class="".

Job for httpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status httpd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details

From your output:

no listening sockets available, shutting down

what basically means, that any port in which one apache is going to be listening is already being used by another application.

netstat -punta | grep LISTEN

Will give you a list of all the ports being used and the information needed to recognize which process is so you can kill stop or do whatever you want to do with it.

After doing a nmap of your ip I can see that

80/tcp    open     http

so I guess you sorted it out.

ADB - Android - Getting the name of the current activity

If you want to filter out only your app's activities currently running/paused, you can use this command:

adb shell dumpsys activity activities | grep 'Hist #' | grep 'YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME'

For example:

adb shell dumpsys activity activities | grep 'Hist #' | grep 'com.supercell.clashroyale'

The output will be something like:

* Hist #2: ActivityRecord{26ba44b u10 com.supercell.clashroyale/StartActivity t27770}
* Hist #1: ActivityRecord{2f3a0236 u10 com.supercell.clashroyale/SomeActivity t27770}
* Hist #0: ActivityRecord{20bbb4ae u10 com.supercell.clashroyale/OtherActivity t27770}

Do notice that the output shows the actual stack of activities i.e. the topmost activity is the one that is currently being displayed.

Get top most UIViewController

Where did you put the code in?

I try your code in my demo, I found out, if you put the code in

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool { 

will fail, because key window have been setting yet.

But I put your code in some view controller's

override func viewDidLoad() {

It just works.

Interfaces vs. abstract classes

Another thing to consider is that, since there is no multiple inheritance, if you want a class to be able to implement/inherit from your interface/abstract class, but inherit from another base class, use an interface.

Jenkins Git Plugin: How to build specific tag?

What I did in the end was:

  • created a new branch jenkins-target, and got jenkins to track that
  • merge from whichever branch or tag I want to build onto the jenkins-target
  • once the build was working, tests passing etc, just simply create a tag from the jenkins-target branch

I'm not sure if this will work for everyone, my project was quite small, not too many tags and stuff, but it's dead easy to do, dont have to mess around with refspecs and parameters and stuff :-)

How do I position a div relative to the mouse pointer using jQuery?

There are plenty of examples of using JQuery to retrieve the mouse coordinates, but none fixed my issue.

The Body of my webpage is 1000 pixels wide, and I centre it in the middle of the user's browser window.

body {
    left: 50%;

Now, in my JavaScript code, when the user right-clicked on my page, I wanted a div to appear at the mouse position.

Problem is, just using e.pageX value wasn't quite right. It'd work fine if I resized my browser window to be about 1000 pixels wide. Then, the pop div would appear at the correct position.

But if increased the size of my browser window to, say, 1200 pixels wide, then the div would appear about 100 pixels to the right of where the user had clicked.

The solution is to combine e.pageX with the bounding rectangle of the body element. When the user changes the size of their browser window, the "left" value of body element changes, and we need to take this into account:

// Temporary variables to hold the mouse x and y position
var tempX = 0;
var tempY = 0;

jQuery(document).ready(function () {
    $(document).mousemove(function (e) {
        var bodyOffsets = document.body.getBoundingClientRect();
        tempX = e.pageX - bodyOffsets.left;
        tempY = e.pageY;

Phew. That took me a while to fix ! I hope this is useful to other developers !

FromBody string parameter is giving null

Try the below code:

public async Task Test()
   using (var reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8))
      var textFromBody = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();                    

Submitting HTML form using Jquery AJAX

Quick Description of AJAX

AJAX is simply Asyncronous JSON or XML (in most newer situations JSON). Because we are doing an ASYNC task we will likely be providing our users with a more enjoyable UI experience. In this specific case we are doing a FORM submission using AJAX.

Really quickly there are 4 general web actions GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE; these directly correspond with SELECT/Retreiving DATA, INSERTING DATA, UPDATING/UPSERTING DATA, and DELETING DATA. A default HTML/ASP.Net webform/PHP/Python or any other form action is to "submit" which is a POST action. Because of this the below will all describe doing a POST. Sometimes however with http you might want a different action and would likely want to utilitize .ajax.

My code specifically for you (described in code comments):

/* attach a submit handler to the form */
$("#formoid").submit(function(event) {

  /* stop form from submitting normally */

  /* get the action attribute from the <form action=""> element */
  var $form = $(this),
    url = $form.attr('action');

  /* Send the data using post with element id name and name2*/
  var posting = $.post(url, {
    name: $('#name').val(),
    name2: $('#name2').val()

  /* Alerts the results */
  posting.done(function(data) {
  }); {
<script src=""></script>

<form id="formoid" action="studentFormInsert.php" title="" method="post">
    <label class="title">First Name</label>
    <input type="text" id="name" name="name">
    <label class="title">Last Name</label>
    <input type="text" id="name2" name="name2">
    <input type="submit" id="submitButton" name="submitButton" value="Submit">

<div id="result"></div>


From jQuery website $.post documentation.

Example: Send form data using ajax requests

$.post("test.php", $("#testform").serialize());

Example: Post a form using ajax and put results in a div

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src=""></script>
        <form action="/" id="searchForm">
            <input type="text" name="s" placeholder="Search..." />
            <input type="submit" value="Search" />
        <!-- the result of the search will be rendered inside this div -->
        <div id="result"></div>
            /* attach a submit handler to the form */
            $("#searchForm").submit(function(event) {

                /* stop form from submitting normally */

                /* get some values from elements on the page: */
                var $form = $(this),
                    term = $form.find('input[name="s"]').val(),
                    url = $form.attr('action');

                /* Send the data using post */
                var posting = $.post(url, {
                    s: term

                /* Put the results in a div */
                posting.done(function(data) {
                    var content = $(data).find('#content');

Important Note

Without using OAuth or at minimum HTTPS (TLS/SSL) please don't use this method for secure data (credit card numbers, SSN, anything that is PCI, HIPAA, or login related)

Call another rest api from my server in Spring-Boot

Does Retrofit have any method to achieve this? If not, how I can do that?


Retrofit is type-safe REST client for Android and Java. Retrofit turns your HTTP API into a Java interface.

For more information refer the following link