Programs & Examples On #Long lines

How can I do a line break (line continuation) in Python?

One can also break the call of methods (obj.method()) in multiple lines.

Enclose the command in parenthesis "()" and span multiple lines:

> res = (some_object

For instance, I find it useful on chain calling Pandas/Holoviews objects methods.

How to check the exit status using an if statement

If you are writing a function, which is always preferred, you should propagate the error like this:

function() {
    if some_command; then
        echo worked
        return $?

This will propagate the error to the caller, so that he can do things like function && next as expected.

sql use statement with variable

You can do this:

Declare @dbName nvarchar(max);
SET @dbName = 'TESTDB';

Declare @SQL nvarchar(max);
select @SQL = 'USE ' + @dbName +'; {can put command(s) here}';

{but not here!}

This means you can do a recursive select like the following:

Declare @dbName nvarchar(max);
SET @dbName = 'TESTDB';
Declare @SQL nvarchar(max);

SELECT @SQL = 'USE ' + @dbName + '; ' +(Select ... {query here}
For XML Path(''),Type)

Exec (@SQL)

android - How to get view from context?

first use this:

LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) Read_file.this

Read file is current activity in which you want your context.

View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.your_layout_name,(ViewGroup)findViewById(;

then you can use this to find any element in layout.

ImageView myImage = (ImageView) layout.findViewById(;

Show Current Location and Nearby Places and Route between two places using Google Maps API in Android

Lots of answers so far, which are all excellent pointers to API's and tutorials. One thing I'd like to add is that I work out how far the markers are from my location using something like:

float distance = (float) loc.distanceTo(loc2);

Hope this helps refine the detail for your problem. It returns a rough estimate of distance (in m) between points, and is useful for getting rid of POI that might be too far away - good to declutter your map?

How to download files using axios

It's very simple javascript code to trigger a download for the user:"<insert URL here>")

You don't want/need axios for this operation; it should be standard to just let the browser do it's thing.

Note: If you need authorisation for the download then this might not work. I'm pretty sure you can use cookies to authorise a request like this, provided it's within the same domain, but regardless, this might not work immediately in such a case.

As for whether it's possible... not with the in-built file downloading mechanism, no.

Why must wait() always be in synchronized block

directly from this java oracle tutorial:

When a thread invokes d.wait, it must own the intrinsic lock for d — otherwise an error is thrown. Invoking wait inside a synchronized method is a simple way to acquire the intrinsic lock.

How to find sum of several integers input by user using do/while, While statement or For statement

A simple program shows how to use for loop to find sum of serveral integers.

#include <iostream>    
using namespace std;

int main ()
    int sum = 0;

    int endnum = 2;

    for(int i = 0; i<=endnum; i++){
        sum += i;

How can I selectively escape percent (%) in Python strings?

If you are using Python 3.6 or newer, you can use f-string:

>>> test = "have it break."
>>> selectiveEscape = f"Print percent % in sentence and not {test}"
>>> print(selectiveEscape)
... Print percent % in sentence and not have it break.

What is the best way to trigger onchange event in react js

Triggering change events on arbitrary elements creates dependencies between components which are hard to reason about. It's better to stick with React's one-way data flow.

There is no simple snippet to trigger React's change event. The logic is implemented in ChangeEventPlugin.js and there are different code branches for different input types and browsers. Moreover, the implementation details vary across versions of React.

I have built react-trigger-change that does the thing, but it is intended to be used for testing, not as a production dependency:

let node;
    onChange={() => console.log('changed')}
    ref={(input) => { node = input; }}

reactTriggerChange(node); // 'changed' is logged


Calculate relative time in C#

Here's the algorithm stackoverflow uses but rewritten more concisely in perlish pseudocode with a bug fix (no "one hours ago"). The function takes a (positive) number of seconds ago and returns a human-friendly string like "3 hours ago" or "yesterday".

  local($y, $mo, $d, $h, $m, $s);
  $s = floor($delta);
  if($s<=1)            return "a second ago";
  if($s<60)            return "$s seconds ago";
  $m = floor($s/60);
  if($m==1)            return "a minute ago";
  if($m<45)            return "$m minutes ago";
  $h = floor($m/60);
  if($h==1)            return "an hour ago";
  if($h<24)            return "$h hours ago";
  $d = floor($h/24);
  if($d<2)             return "yesterday";
  if($d<30)            return "$d days ago";
  $mo = floor($d/30);
  if($mo<=1)           return "a month ago";
  $y = floor($mo/12);
  if($y<1)             return "$mo months ago";
  if($y==1)            return "a year ago";
  return "$y years ago";

env: node: No such file or directory in mac

I solved it this way:

$ brew uninstall --force node
$ brew uninstall --force npm

after it

$ brew install node

which suggested me to overwrite simlinks

Error: The `brew link` step did not complete successfully
The formula built, but is not symlinked into /usr/local
Could not symlink share/doc/node/gdbinit
Target /usr/local/share/doc/node/gdbinit
already exists. You may want to remove it:
  rm '/usr/local/share/doc/node/gdbinit'

To force the link and overwrite all conflicting files:
  brew link --overwrite node

after executing

$ brew link --overwrite node

everything worked again.

"While .. End While" doesn't work in VBA?

VBA is not VB/VB.NET

The correct reference to use is Do..Loop Statement (VBA). Also see the article Excel VBA For, Do While, and Do Until. One way to write this is:

Do While counter < 20
    counter = counter + 1

(But a For..Next might be more appropriate here.)

Happy coding.

Full examples of using pySerial package

I have not used pyserial but based on the API documentation at it seems like a very nice interface. It might be worth double-checking the specification for AT commands of the device/radio/whatever you are dealing with.

Specifically, some require some period of silence before and/or after the AT command for it to enter into command mode. I have encountered some which do not like reads of the response without some delay first.

Change NULL values in Datetime format to empty string

This also works:

REPLACE(ISNULL(CONVERT(DATE, @date), ''), '1900-01-01', '') AS 'Your Date Field'

How to open spss data files in excel?

You can do it via ODBC. The steps to do it:

  1. Install IBM SPSS Statistics Data File Driver. Standalone Driver is enough.
  2. Create DNS via ODBC manager.
  3. Use the data importer in Excel via ODBC by selecting created DNS.

Move seaborn plot legend to a different position?

Modifying the example here:

You can use legend_out = False

import seaborn as sns

titanic = sns.load_dataset("titanic")

g = sns.factorplot("class", "survived", "sex",
                    data=titanic, kind="bar",
                    size=6, palette="muted",
g.set_ylabels("survival probability")

enter image description here

C# How do I click a button by hitting Enter whilst textbox has focus?

Or you can just use this simple 2 liner code :)

if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)

iOS 10: "[App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction"

in your Xcode:

  • Click on your active scheme name right next to the Stop button
  • Click on Edit Scheme....
  • in Run (Debug) select the Arguments tab
  • in Environment Variables click +
  • add variable: OS_ACTIVITY_MODE = disable


How to Calculate Execution Time of a Code Snippet in C++

just a simple class that benchmark the codeblock :

using namespace std::chrono;

class benchmark {
  time_point<high_resolution_clock>  t0, t1;
  unsigned int *d;
  benchmark(unsigned int *res) : d(res) { 
                 t0 = high_resolution_clock::now();
  ~benchmark() { t1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
                  milliseconds dur = duration_cast<milliseconds>(t1 - t0);
                  *d = dur.count();
// simple usage 
// unsigned int t;
// { // put the code in a block
//  benchmark bench(&t);
//  // ...
//  // code to benchmark
// }
// HERE the t contains time in milliseconds

// one way to use it can be :
  unsigned int __time__##__LINE__ = 0;  \
  { benchmark bench(&__time__##__LINE__); \
  } \
  printf("%s took %d ms\n",(TITLE),__time__##__LINE__);

int main(void) {
    for(int n = 0; n < testcount; n++ )
      int a = n % 3;
  return 0;

Creating a PDF from a RDLC Report in the Background

 private void PDFExport(LocalReport report)
        string[] streamids;
        string minetype;
        string encod;
        string fextension;
        string deviceInfo =
          "<DeviceInfo>" +
          "  <OutputFormat>EMF</OutputFormat>" +
          "  <PageWidth>8.5in</PageWidth>" +
          "  <PageHeight>11in</PageHeight>" +
          "  <MarginTop>0.25in</MarginTop>" +
          "  <MarginLeft>0.25in</MarginLeft>" +
          "  <MarginRight>0.25in</MarginRight>" +
          "  <MarginBottom>0.25in</MarginBottom>" +
        Warning[] warnings;
        byte[] rpbybe = report.Render("PDF", deviceInfo, out minetype, out encod, out fextension, out streamids,
           out warnings);
        using(FileStream fs=new FileStream("E:\\newwwfg.pdf",FileMode.Create))
            fs.Write(rpbybe , 0, rpbybe .Length);


instantiate a class from a variable in PHP?

I would recommend the call_user_func() or call_user_func_arrayphp methods. You can check them out here (call_user_func_array , call_user_func).


class Foo {
static public function test() {
    print "Hello world!\n";

 call_user_func('Foo::test');//FOO is the class, test is the method both separated by ::
 call_user_func(array('Foo', 'test'));//alternatively you can pass the class and method as an array

If you have arguments you are passing to the method , then use the call_user_func_array() function.


class foo {
function bar($arg, $arg2) {
    echo __METHOD__, " got $arg and $arg2\n";

// Call the $foo->bar() method with 2 arguments
call_user_func_array(array("foo", "bar"), array("three", "four"));
//FOO is the class, bar is the method both separated by ::
call_user_func_array("foo::bar"), array("three", "four"));

Using "word-wrap: break-word" within a table

You can try this:

td p {word-break:break-all;}

This, however, makes it appear like this when there's enough space, unless you add a <br> tag:

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

So, I would then suggest adding <br> tags where there are newlines, if possible.


Also, if this doesn't solve your problem, there's a similar thread here.

How to scan a folder in Java?

public static void directory(File dir) {
    File[] files = dir.listFiles();
    for (File file : files) {
        if (file.listFiles() != null)

Here dir is Directory to be scanned. e.g. c:\

Question mark and colon in statement. What does it mean?

string requestUri = _apiURL + "?e=" + OperationURL[0] + ((OperationURL[1] == "GET") ? GetRequestSignature() : "");

can be translated to:

string requestUri="";
if ((OperationURL[1] == "GET")
    requestUri = _apiURL + "?e=" + GetRequestSignature();
   requestUri = _apiURL + "?e=";

How to truncate string using SQL server

You can use

LEFT(column, length)


SUBSTRING(column, start index, length)

How do I change a single value in a data.frame?

To change a cell value using a column name, one can use


How to store directory files listing into an array?

This might work for you:

OIFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\n'; array=($(ls -ls)); IFS=$OIFS; echo "${array[1]}"

How can I make Jenkins CI with Git trigger on pushes to master?

Not related to Git, but below I will help with the Jenkins job configuration in detail with Mercurial. It may help others with a similar problem.

  1. Install the URL Trigger Plugin
  2. Go to the job configuration page and select Poll SCM option. Set the value to * * * * *
  3. Check the option: [URLTrigger] - Poll with a URL. Now you can select some options like modification date change, URL content, etc.
  4. In the options, select URL content change, select first option – Monitor change of content
  5. Save the changes.

Now, trigger some change to the Mercurial repository by some test check-ins.

See that the Jenkins job now runs by detecting the SCM changes. When the build is run due to Mercurial changes, then, you will see text Started by an SCM change. Else, the user who manually started it.

Changing the row height of a datagridview

What you have to do is to set the MinimumHeight property of the row. Not only the Height property. That's the key. Put the code bellow in the CellPainting event of the datagridview

private void dataGridView1_CellPainting(object sender, DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs e)
   foreach(DataGridViewRow x in dataGridView1.Rows)
     x.MinimumHeight = 50;

How many spaces will Java String.trim() remove?

It will remove all spaces on both the sides.

C# "No suitable method found to override." -- but there is one

Probably your base class is a different one with the same name. Check by right click on the extended class and go to the definition. Check if the class is correct one.

Python 3: ImportError "No Module named Setuptools"

Make sure you are running latest version of pip

Tried to install ansible and it failed with ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools_rust'

python3-setuptools already in place so upgrading pip solved it.

pip3 install -U pip 

How do I set the size of an HTML text box?


Need to make a clickable <div> button

There are two solutions posted on that page. The one with lower votes I would recommend if possible.

If you are using HTML5 then it is perfectly valid to put a div inside of a. As long as the div doesn't also contain some other specific elements like other link tags.

<a href="Music.html">
  <div id="music" class="nav">
    Music I Like

The solution you are confused about actually makes the link as big as its container div. To make it work in your example you just need to add position: relative to your div. You also have a small syntax error which is that you have given the span a class instead of an id. You also need to put your span inside the link because that is what the user is clicking on. I don't think you need the z-index at all from that example.

div { position: relative; }
.hyperspan {

<div id="music" class="nav">Music I Like 
    <a href=""> 
        <span class="hyperspan"></span>

When you give absolute positioning to an element it bases its location and size after the first parent it finds that is relatively positioned. If none, then it uses the document. By adding relative to the parent div you tell the span to only be as big as that.

How to compare oldValues and newValues on React Hooks useEffect?

If you prefer a useEffect replacement approach:

const usePreviousEffect = (fn, inputs = []) => {
  const previousInputsRef = useRef([...inputs])

  useEffect(() => {
    previousInputsRef.current = [...inputs]
  }, inputs)

And use it like this:

  ([prevReceiveAmount, prevSendAmount]) => {
    if (prevReceiveAmount !== receiveAmount) // side effect here
    if (prevSendAmount !== sendAmount) // side effect here
  [receiveAmount, sendAmount]

Note that the first time the effect executes, the previous values passed to your fn will be the same as your initial input values. This would only matter to you if you wanted to do something when a value did not change.

angular js unknown provider

My problem was with Yeoman, using (capitalized):

yo angular:factory Test

Made files (uncapitalized):


but the index.html file included (capitalized):

<script src="scripts/services/Test.js"></script>

Hope this helps someone.

CSS text-overflow: ellipsis; not working?

Also make sure word-wrap is set to normal for IE10 and below.

The standards referenced below define this property's behavior as being dependent on the setting of the "text-wrap" property. However, wordWrap settings are always effective in Windows Internet Explorer because Internet Explorer does not support the "text-wrap" property.

Hence in my case, word-wrap was set to break-word (inherited or by default?) causing text-overflow to work in FF and Chrome, but not in IE.

ms info on word-wrap property

What is managed or unmanaged code in programming?

Here is some text from MSDN about unmanaged code.

Some library code needs to call into unmanaged code (for example, native code APIs, such as Win32). Because this means going outside the security perimeter for managed code, due caution is required.

Here is some other complimentary explication about Managed code:

  • Code that is executed by the CLR.
  • Code that targets the common language runtime, the foundation of the .NET Framework, is known as managed code.
  • Managed code supplies the metadata necessary for the CLR to provide services such as memory management, cross-language integration, code access security, and automatic lifetime control of objects. All code based on IL executes as managed code.
  • Code that executes under the CLI execution environment.

For your problem:

I think it's because NUnit execute your code for UnitTesting and might have some part of it that is unmanaged. But I am not sure about it, so do not take this for gold. I am sure someone will be able to give you more information about it. Hope it helps!

How can I create a dynamically sized array of structs?

Here is how I would do it in C++

size_t size = 500;
char* dynamicAllocatedString = new char[ size ];

Use same principal for any struct or c++ class.

Java: Calculating the angle between two points in degrees

angle = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(target.x - x, target.y - y));

now for orientation of circular values to keep angle between 0 and 359 can be:

angle = angle + Math.ceil( -angle / 360 ) * 360

Calling async method synchronously

How about some extension methods that asynchronously await the completion of the asynchronous operation, then set a ManualResetEvent to indicate completion.

NOTE: You can use Task.Run(), however extension methods are a cleaner interface for expressing what you really want.

Tests showing how to use the extensions:

    public class TaskExtensionsTests
        public void AsynchronousOperationWithNoResult()

        public void AsynchronousOperationWithResult()
            Assert.AreEqual(3, SampleAsynchronousOperationWithResult(3).AwaitResult());

        public void AsynchronousOperationWithNoResultThrows()

        public void AsynchronousOperationWithResultThrows()

        private static async Task SampleAsynchronousOperationWithNoResult()
            await Task.Yield();

        private static async Task<T> SampleAsynchronousOperationWithResult<T>(T result)
            await Task.Yield();
            return result;

        private static async Task SampleAsynchronousOperationWithNoResultThrows()
            await Task.Yield();
            throw new Exception();

        private static async Task<T> SampleAsynchronousOperationWithResultThrows<T>(T result)
            await Task.Yield();
            throw new Exception();

        public void AsynchronousValueOperationWithNoResult()

        public void AsynchronousValueOperationWithResult()
            Assert.AreEqual(3, SampleAsynchronousValueOperationWithResult(3).AwaitResult());

        public void AsynchronousValueOperationWithNoResultThrows()

        public void AsynchronousValueOperationWithResultThrows()

        private static async ValueTask SampleAsynchronousValueOperationWithNoResult()
            await Task.Yield();

        private static async ValueTask<T> SampleAsynchronousValueOperationWithResult<T>(T result)
            await Task.Yield();
            return result;

        private static async ValueTask SampleAsynchronousValueOperationWithNoResultThrows()
            await Task.Yield();
            throw new Exception();

        private static async ValueTask<T> SampleAsynchronousValueOperationWithResultThrows<T>(T result)
            await Task.Yield();
            throw new Exception();

The extensions

    /// <summary>
    /// Defines extension methods for <see cref="Task"/> and <see cref="ValueTask"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public static class TaskExtensions
        /// <summary>
        /// Synchronously await the results of an asynchronous operation without deadlocking; ignoring cancellation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The <see cref="Task"/> representing the pending operation.
        /// </param>
        public static void AwaitCompletion(this ValueTask task)
            new SynchronousAwaiter(task, true).GetResult();

        /// <summary>
        /// Synchronously await the results of an asynchronous operation without deadlocking; ignoring cancellation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The <see cref="Task"/> representing the pending operation.
        /// </param>
        public static void AwaitCompletion(this Task task)
            new SynchronousAwaiter(task, true).GetResult();

        /// <summary>
        /// Synchronously await the results of an asynchronous operation without deadlocking.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The <see cref="Task"/> representing the pending operation.
        /// </param>
        /// <typeparam name="T">
        /// The result type of the operation.
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <returns>
        /// The result of the operation.
        /// </returns>
        public static T AwaitResult<T>(this Task<T> task)
            return new SynchronousAwaiter<T>(task).GetResult();

        /// <summary>
        /// Synchronously await the results of an asynchronous operation without deadlocking.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The <see cref="Task"/> representing the pending operation.
        /// </param>
        public static void AwaitResult(this Task task)
            new SynchronousAwaiter(task).GetResult();

        /// <summary>
        /// Synchronously await the results of an asynchronous operation without deadlocking.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The <see cref="ValueTask"/> representing the pending operation.
        /// </param>
        /// <typeparam name="T">
        /// The result type of the operation.
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <returns>
        /// The result of the operation.
        /// </returns>
        public static T AwaitResult<T>(this ValueTask<T> task)
            return new SynchronousAwaiter<T>(task).GetResult();

        /// <summary>
        /// Synchronously await the results of an asynchronous operation without deadlocking.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The <see cref="ValueTask"/> representing the pending operation.
        /// </param>
        public static void AwaitResult(this ValueTask task)
            new SynchronousAwaiter(task).GetResult();

        /// <summary>
        /// Ignore the <see cref="OperationCanceledException"/> if the operation is cancelled.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The <see cref="Task"/> representing the asynchronous operation whose cancellation is to be ignored.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="Task"/> representing the asynchronous operation whose cancellation is ignored.
        /// </returns>
        public static async Task IgnoreCancellationResult(this Task task)
                await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (OperationCanceledException)

        /// <summary>
        /// Ignore the <see cref="OperationCanceledException"/> if the operation is cancelled.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The <see cref="ValueTask"/> representing the asynchronous operation whose cancellation is to be ignored.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="ValueTask"/> representing the asynchronous operation whose cancellation is ignored.
        /// </returns>
        public static async ValueTask IgnoreCancellationResult(this ValueTask task)
                await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (OperationCanceledException)

        /// <summary>
        /// Ignore the results of an asynchronous operation allowing it to run and die silently in the background.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The <see cref="Task"/> representing the asynchronous operation whose results are to be ignored.
        /// </param>
        public static async void IgnoreResult(this Task task)
                await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
                // ignore exceptions

        /// <summary>
        /// Ignore the results of an asynchronous operation allowing it to run and die silently in the background.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The <see cref="ValueTask"/> representing the asynchronous operation whose results are to be ignored.
        /// </param>
        public static async void IgnoreResult(this ValueTask task)
                await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
                // ignore exceptions

    /// <summary>
    /// Internal class for waiting for asynchronous operations that have a result.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="TResult">
    /// The result type.
    /// </typeparam>
    public class SynchronousAwaiter<TResult>
        /// <summary>
        /// The manual reset event signaling completion.
        /// </summary>
        private readonly ManualResetEvent manualResetEvent;

        /// <summary>
        /// The exception thrown by the asynchronous operation.
        /// </summary>
        private Exception exception;

        /// <summary>
        /// The result of the asynchronous operation.
        /// </summary>
        private TResult result;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SynchronousAwaiter{TResult}"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The task representing an asynchronous operation.
        /// </param>
        public SynchronousAwaiter(Task<TResult> task)
            this.manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SynchronousAwaiter{TResult}"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The task representing an asynchronous operation.
        /// </param>
        public SynchronousAwaiter(ValueTask<TResult> task)
            this.manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a value indicating whether the operation is complete.
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsComplete => this.manualResetEvent.WaitOne(0);

        /// <summary>
        /// Synchronously get the result of an asynchronous operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// The result of the asynchronous operation.
        /// </returns>
        public TResult GetResult()
            return this.exception != null ? throw this.exception : this.result;

        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to synchronously get the result of an asynchronous operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="operationResult">
        /// The result of the operation.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The result of the asynchronous operation.
        /// </returns>
        public bool TryGetResult(out TResult operationResult)
            if (this.IsComplete)
                operationResult = this.exception != null ? throw this.exception : this.result;
                return true;

            operationResult = default;
            return false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Background "thread" which waits for the specified asynchronous operation to complete.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The task.
        /// </param>
        private async void WaitFor(Task<TResult> task)
                this.result = await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (Exception exception)
                this.exception = exception;

        /// <summary>
        /// Background "thread" which waits for the specified asynchronous operation to complete.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The task.
        /// </param>
        private async void WaitFor(ValueTask<TResult> task)
                this.result = await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (Exception exception)
                this.exception = exception;

    /// <summary>
    /// Internal class for  waiting for  asynchronous operations that have no result.
    /// </summary>
    public class SynchronousAwaiter
        /// <summary>
        /// The manual reset event signaling completion.
        /// </summary>
        private readonly ManualResetEvent manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

        /// <summary>
        /// The exception thrown by the asynchronous operation.
        /// </summary>
        private Exception exception;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SynchronousAwaiter{TResult}"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The task representing an asynchronous operation.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ignoreCancellation">
        /// Indicates whether to ignore cancellation. Default is false.
        /// </param>
        public SynchronousAwaiter(Task task, bool ignoreCancellation = false)
            this.manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            this.WaitFor(task, ignoreCancellation);

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SynchronousAwaiter{TResult}"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The task representing an asynchronous operation.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ignoreCancellation">
        /// Indicates whether to ignore cancellation. Default is false.
        /// </param>
        public SynchronousAwaiter(ValueTask task, bool ignoreCancellation = false)
            this.manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            this.WaitFor(task, ignoreCancellation);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a value indicating whether the operation is complete.
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsComplete => this.manualResetEvent.WaitOne(0);

        /// <summary>
        /// Synchronously get the result of an asynchronous operation.
        /// </summary>
        public void GetResult()
            if (this.exception != null)
                throw this.exception;

        /// <summary>
        /// Background "thread" which waits for the specified asynchronous operation to complete.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        /// The task.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ignoreCancellation">
        /// Indicates whether to ignore cancellation. Default is false.
        /// </param>
        private async void WaitFor(Task task, bool ignoreCancellation)
                await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
            catch (Exception exception)
                this.exception = exception;

        /// <summary>
        /// Background "thread" which waits for the specified asynchronous operation to complete.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">
        ///     The task.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ignoreCancellation">
        /// Indicates whether to ignore cancellation. Default is false.
        /// </param>
        private async void WaitFor(ValueTask task, bool ignoreCancellation)
                await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
            catch (Exception exception)
                this.exception = exception;

Removing the password from a VBA project

Another way to remove VBA project password is;

  • Open xls file with a hex editor. (ie. Hex Edit
  • Search for DPB
  • Replace DPB to DPx
  • Save file.
  • Open file in Excel.
  • Click "Yes" if you get any message box.
  • Set new password from VBA Project Properties.
  • Close and open again file, then type your new password to unprotect.

UPDATE: For Excel 2010 (Works for MS Office Pro Plus 2010 [14.0.6023.1000 64bit]),

  • Open the XLSX file with 7zip

If workbook is protected:

  • Browse the folder xl
  • If the workbook is protected, right click workbook.xml and select Edit
  • Find the portion <workbookProtection workbookPassword="XXXX" lockStructure="1"/> (XXXX is your encrypted password)
  • Remove XXXX part. (ie. <workbookProtection workbookPassword="" lockStructure="1"/>)
  • Save the file.
  • When 7zip asks you to update the archive, say Yes.
  • Close 7zip and re-open your XLSX.
  • Click Protect Workbook on Review tab.
  • Optional: Save your file.

If worksheets are protected:

  • Browse to xl/worksheets/ folder.
  • Right click the Sheet1.xml, sheet2.xml, etc and select Edit.
  • Find the portion <sheetProtection password="XXXX" sheet="1" objects="1" scenarios="1" />
  • Remove the encrypted password (ie. <sheetProtection password="" sheet="1" objects="1" scenarios="1" />)
  • Save the file.
  • When 7zip asks you to update the archive, say Yes.
  • Close 7zip and re-open your XLSX.
  • Click Unprotect Sheet on Review tab.
  • Optional: Save your file.

How to execute an action before close metro app WinJS

If I am not mistaken, it will be onunload event.

"Occurs when the application is about to be unloaded." - MSDN

AngularJs - ng-model in a SELECT

However, ngOptions provides some benefits such as reducing memory and increasing speed by not creating a new scope for each repeated instance. angular docs

Alternative solution is use ng-init directive. You can specify function that will be initialize your default data.

$scope.init = function(){
            angular.forEach($scope.units, function(item){
                if( === ${
                    $ = item;

See jsfiddle

Update multiple columns in SQL

I did this in MySql and it updated multiple columns in a single record, so try this if you are using MySql as your server:

"UPDATE creditor_tb SET credit_amount='" & CDbl(cur_amount) & "'
                   , totalamount_to_pay='" & current_total & "',   
        WHERE credit_id='" & lbcreditId.Text & "'". 

However, I was coding in using MySql server, but you can take it to your favorite programming language as far as you are using MySql as your server.

How to get the category title in a post in Wordpress?

Use get_the_category() like this:

foreach((get_the_category()) as $category) { 
    echo $category->cat_name . ' '; 

It returns a list because a post can have more than one category.

The documentation also explains how to do this from outside the loop.

Why do I have to "git push --set-upstream origin <branch>"?

A basically full command is like git push <remote> <local_ref>:<remote_ref>. If you run just git push, git does not know what to do exactly unless you have made some config that helps git to make a decision. In a git repo, we can setup multiple remotes. Also we can push a local ref to any remote ref. The full command is the most straightforward way to make a push. If you want to type fewer words, you have to config first, like --set-upstream.

Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine Mac OSX Mavericks

Normally this error occurs when you invoke java by supplying the wrong arguments/options. In this case it should be the version option.

java -version

So to double check you can always do java -help, and see if the option exists. In this case, there is no option such as v.

How change List<T> data to IQueryable<T> data

var list = new List<string>();
var queryable = list.AsQueryable();

Add a reference to: System.Linq

cat, grep and cut - translated to python

You need a loop over the lines of a file, you need to learn about string methods

with open(filename,'r') as f:
    for line in f.readlines():
        # python can do regexes, but this is for s fixed string only
        if "something" in line:
            idx1 = line.find('"')
            idx2 = line.find('"', idx1+1)
            field = line[idx1+1:idx2-1]

and you need a method to pass the filename to your python program and while you are at it, maybe also the string to search for...

For the future, try to ask more focused questions if you can,

What are the differences between virtual memory and physical memory?

Softwares run on the OS on a very simple premise - they require memory. The device OS provides it in the form of RAM. The amount of memory required may vary - some softwares need huge memory, some require paltry memory. Most (if not all) users run multiple applications on the OS simultaneously, and given that memory is expensive (and device size is finite), the amount of memory available is always limited. So given that all softwares require a certain amount of RAM, and all of them can be made to run at the same time, OS has to take care of two things:

  1. That the software always runs until user aborts it, i.e. it should not auto-abort because OS has run out of memory.
  2. The above activity, while maintaining a respectable performance for the softwares running.

Now the main question boils down to how the memory is being managed. What exactly governs where in the memory will the data belonging to a given software reside?

Possible solution 1: Let individual softwares specify explicitly the memory address they will use in the device. Suppose Photoshop declares that it will always use memory addresses ranging from 0 to 1023 (imagine the memory as a linear array of bytes, so first byte is at location 0, 1024th byte is at location 1023) - i.e. occupying 1 GB memory. Similarly, VLC declares that it will occupy memory range 1244 to 1876, etc.


  1. Every application is pre-assigned a memory slot, so when it is installed and executed, it just stores its data in that memory area, and everything works fine.


  1. This does not scale. Theoretically, an app may require a huge amount of memory when it is doing something really heavy-duty. So to ensure that it never runs out of memory, the memory area allocated to it must always be more than or equal to that amount of memory. What if a software, whose maximal theoretical memory usage is 2 GB (hence requiring 2 GB memory allocation from RAM), is installed in a machine with only 1 GB memory? Should the software just abort on startup, saying that the available RAM is less than 2 GB? Or should it continue, and the moment the memory required exceeds 2 GB, just abort and bail out with the message that not enough memory is available?

  2. It is not possible to prevent memory mangling. There are millions of softwares out there, even if each of them was allotted just 1 kB memory, the total memory required would exceed 16 GB, which is more than most devices offer. How can, then, different softwares be allotted memory slots that do not encroach upon each other's areas? Firstly, there is no centralized software market which can regulate that when a new software is being released, it must assign itself this much memory from this yet unoccupied area, and secondly, even if there were, it is not possible to do it because the no. of softwares is practically infinite (thus requiring infinite memory to accommodate all of them), and the total RAM available on any device is not sufficient to accommodate even a fraction of what is required, thus making inevitable the encroaching of the memory bounds of one software upon that of another. So what happens when Photoshop is assigned memory locations 1 to 1023 and VLC is assigned 1000 to 1676? What if Photoshop stores some data at location 1008, then VLC overwrites that with its own data, and later Photoshop accesses it thinking that it is the same data is had stored there previously? As you can imagine, bad things will happen.

So clearly, as you can see, this idea is rather naive.

Possible solution 2: Let's try another scheme - where OS will do majority of the memory management. Softwares, whenever they require any memory, will just request the OS, and the OS will accommodate accordingly. Say OS ensures that whenever a new process is requesting for memory, it will allocate the memory from the lowest byte address possible (as said earlier, RAM can be imagined as a linear array of bytes, so for a 4 GB RAM, the addresses range for a byte from 0 to 2^32-1) if the process is starting, else if it is a running process requesting the memory, it will allocate from the last memory location where that process still resides. Since the softwares will be emitting addresses without considering what the actual memory address is going to be where that data is stored, OS will have to maintain a mapping, per software, of the address emitted by the software to the actual physical address (Note: that is one of the two reasons we call this concept Virtual Memory. Softwares are not caring about the real memory address where their data are getting stored, they just spit out addresses on the fly, and the OS finds the right place to fit it and find it later if required).

Say the device has just been turned on, OS has just launched, right now there is no other process running (ignoring the OS, which is also a process!), and you decide to launch VLC. So VLC is allocated a part of the RAM from the lowest byte addresses. Good. Now while the video is running, you need to start your browser to view some webpage. Then you need to launch Notepad to scribble some text. And then Eclipse to do some coding.. Pretty soon your memory of 4 GB is all used up, and the RAM looks like this:

                                   enter image description here

Problem 1: Now you cannot start any other process, for all RAM is used up. Thus programs have to be written keeping the maximum memory available in mind (practically even less will be available, as other softwares will be running parallelly as well!). In other words, you cannot run a high-memory consuming app in your ramshackle 1 GB PC.

Okay, so now you decide that you no longer need to keep Eclipse and Chrome open, you close them to free up some memory. The space occupied in RAM by those processes is reclaimed by OS, and it looks like this now:

                                    enter image description here

Suppose that closing these two frees up 700 MB space - (400 + 300) MB. Now you need to launch Opera, which will take up 450 MB space. Well, you do have more than 450 MB space available in total, is not contiguous, it is divided into individual chunks, none of which is big enough to fit 450 MB. So you hit upon a brilliant idea, let's move all the processes below to as much above as possible, which will leave the 700 MB empty space in one chunk at the bottom. This is called compaction. Great, except that...all the processes which are there are running. Moving them will mean moving the address of all their contents (remember, OS maintains a mapping of the memory spat out by the software to the actual memory address. Imagine software had spat out an address of 45 with data 123, and OS had stored it in location 2012 and created an entry in the map, mapping 45 to 2012. If the software is now moved in memory, what used to be at location 2012 will no longer be at 2012, but in a new location, and OS has to update the map accordingly to map 45 to the new address, so that the software can get the expected data (123) when it queries for memory location 45. As far as the software is concerned, all it knows is that address 45 contains the data 123!)! Imagine a process that is referencing a local variable i. By the time it is accessed again, its address has changed, and it won't be able to find it any more. The same will hold for all functions, objects, variables, basically everything has an address, and moving a process will mean changing the address of all of them. Which leads us to:

Problem 2: You cannot move a process. The values of all variables, functions and objects within that process have hardcoded values as spat out by the compiler during compilation, the process depends on them being at the same location during its lifetime, and changing them is expensive. As a result, processes leave behind big "holes" when they exit. This is called External Fragmentation.

Fine. Suppose somehow, by some miraculous manner, you do manage to move the processes up. Now there is 700 MB of free space at the bottom:

                        enter image description here

Opera smoothly fits in at the bottom. Now your RAM looks like this:

                                    enter image description here

Good. Everything is looking fine. However, there is not much space left, and now you need to launch Chrome again, a known memory-hog! It needs lots of memory to start, and you have hardly any left...Except.. you now notice that some of the processes, which were initially occupying large space, now is not needing much space. May be you have stopped your video in VLC, hence it is still occupying some space, but not as much as it required while running a high resolution video. Similarly for Notepad and Photos. Your RAM now looks like this:

                                        enter image description here

Holes, once again! Back to square one! Except, previously, the holes occurred due to processes terminating, now it is due to processes requiring less space than before! And you again have the same problem, the holes combined yield more space than required, but they are scattered around, not much of use in isolation. So you have to move those processes again, an expensive operation, and a very frequent one at that, since processes will frequently reduce in size over their lifetime.

Problem 3: Processes, over their lifetime, may reduce in size, leaving behind unused space, which if needed to be used, will require the expensive operation of moving many processes. This is called Internal Fragmentation.

Fine, so now, your OS does the required thing, moves processes around and start Chrome and after some time, your RAM looks like this:

enter image description here

Cool. Now suppose you again resume watching Avatar in VLC. Its memory requirement will shoot up! But...there is no space left for it to grow, as Notepad is snuggled at its bottom. So, again, all processes has to move below until VLC has found sufficient space!

Problem 4: If processes needs to grow, it will be a very expensive operation

Fine. Now suppose, Photos is being used to load some photos from an external hard disk. Accessing hard-disk takes you from the realm of caches and RAM to that of disk, which is slower by orders of magnitudes. Painfully, irrevocably, transcendentally slower. It is an I/O operation, which means it is not CPU bound (it is rather the exact opposite), which means it does not need to occupy RAM right now. However, it still occupies RAM stubbornly. If you want to launch Firefox in the meantime, you can't, because there is not much memory available, whereas if Photos was taken out of memory for the duration of its I/O bound activity, it would have freed lot of memory, followed by (expensive) compaction, followed by Firefox fitting in.

Problem 5: I/O bound jobs keep on occupying RAM, leading to under-utilization of RAM, which could have been used by CPU bound jobs in the meantime.

So, as we can see, we have so many problems even with the approach of virtual memory.

There are two approaches to tackle these problems - paging and segmentation. Let us discuss paging. In this approach, the virtual address space of a process is mapped to the physical memory in chunks - called pages. A typical page size is 4 kB. The mapping is maintained by something called a page table, given a virtual address, all now we have to do is find out which page the address belong to, then from the page table, find the corresponding location for that page in actual physical memory (known as frame), and given that the offset of the virtual address within the page is same for the page as well as the frame, find out the actual address by adding that offset to the address returned by the page table. For example:

enter image description here

On the left is the virtual address space of a process. Say the virtual address space requires 40 units of memory. If the physical address space (on the right) had 40 units of memory as well, it would have been possible to map all location from the left to a location on the right, and we would have been so happy. But as ill luck would have it, not only does the physical memory have less (24 here) memory units available, it has to be shared between multiple processes as well! Fine, let's see how we make do with it.

When the process starts, say a memory access request for location 35 is made. Here the page size is 8 (each page contains 8 locations, the entire virtual address space of 40 locations thus contains 5 pages). So this location belongs to page no. 4 (35/8). Within this page, this location has an offset of 3 (35%8). So this location can be specified by the tuple (pageIndex, offset) = (4,3). This is just the starting, so no part of the process is stored in the actual physical memory yet. So the page table, which maintains a mapping of the pages on the left to the actual pages on the right (where they are called frames) is currently empty. So OS relinquishes the CPU, lets a device driver access the disk and fetch the page no. 4 for this process (basically a memory chunk from the program on the disk whose addresses range from 32 to 39). When it arrives, OS allocates the page somewhere in the RAM, say first frame itself, and the page table for this process takes note that page 4 maps to frame 0 in the RAM. Now the data is finally there in the physical memory. OS again queries the page table for the tuple (4,3), and this time, page table says that page 4 is already mapped to frame 0 in the RAM. So OS simply goes to the 0th frame in RAM, accesses the data at offset 3 in that frame (Take a moment to understand this. The entire page, which was fetched from disk, is moved to frame. So whatever the offset of an individual memory location in a page was, it will be the same in the frame as well, since within the page/frame, the memory unit still resides at the same place relatively!), and returns the data! Because the data was not found in memory at first query itself, but rather had to be fetched from disk to be loaded into memory, it constitutes a miss.

Fine. Now suppose, a memory access for location 28 is made. It boils down to (3,4). Page table right now has only one entry, mapping page 4 to frame 0. So this is again a miss, the process relinquishes the CPU, device driver fetches the page from disk, process regains control of CPU again, and its page table is updated. Say now the page 3 is mapped to frame 1 in the RAM. So (3,4) becomes (1,4), and the data at that location in RAM is returned. Good. In this way, suppose the next memory access is for location 8, which translates to (1,0). Page 1 is not in memory yet, the same procedure is repeated, and the page is allocated at frame 2 in RAM. Now the RAM-process mapping looks like the picture above. At this point in time, the RAM, which had only 24 units of memory available, is filled up. Suppose the next memory access request for this process is from address 30. It maps to (3,6), and page table says that page 3 is in RAM, and it maps to frame 1. Yay! So the data is fetched from RAM location (1,6), and returned. This constitutes a hit, as data required can be obtained directly from RAM, thus being very fast. Similarly, the next few access requests, say for locations 11, 32, 26, 27 all are hits, i.e. data requested by the process is found directly in the RAM without needing to look elsewhere.

Now suppose a memory access request for location 3 comes. It translates to (0,3), and page table for this process, which currently has 3 entries, for pages 1, 3 and 4 says that this page is not in memory. Like previous cases, it is fetched from disk, however, unlike previous cases, RAM is filled up! So what to do now? Here lies the beauty of virtual memory, a frame from the RAM is evicted! (Various factors govern which frame is to be evicted. It may be LRU based, where the frame which was least recently accessed for a process is to be evicted. It may be first-come-first-evicted basis, where the frame which allocated longest time ago, is evicted, etc.) So some frame is evicted. Say frame 1 (just randomly choosing it). However, that frame is mapped to some page! (Currently, it is mapped by the page table to page 3 of our one and only one process). So that process has to be told this tragic news, that one frame, which unfortunate belongs to you, is to be evicted from RAM to make room for another pages. The process has to ensure that it updates its page table with this information, that is, removing the entry for that page-frame duo, so that the next time a request is made for that page, it right tells the process that this page is no longer in memory, and has to be fetched from disk. Good. So frame 1 is evicted, page 0 is brought in and placed there in the RAM, and the entry for page 3 is removed, and replaced by page 0 mapping to the same frame 1. So now our mapping looks like this (note the colour change in the second frame on the right side):

enter image description here

Saw what just happened? The process had to grow, it needed more space than the available RAM, but unlike our earlier scenario where every process in the RAM had to move to accommodate a growing process, here it happened by just one page replacement! This was made possible by the fact that the memory for a process no longer needs to be contiguous, it can reside at different places in chunks, OS maintains the information as to where they are, and when required, they are appropriately queried. Note: you might be thinking, huh, what if most of the times it is a miss, and the data has to be constantly loaded from disk into memory? Yes, theoretically, it is possible, but most compilers are designed in such a manner that follows locality of reference, i.e. if data from some memory location is used, the next data needed will be located somewhere very close, perhaps from the same page, the page which was just loaded into memory. As a result, the next miss will happen after quite some time, most of the upcoming memory requirements will be met by the page just brought in, or the pages already in memory which were recently used. The exact same principle allows us to evict the least recently used page as well, with the logic that what has not been used in a while, is not likely to be used in a while as well. However, it is not always so, and in exceptional cases, yes, performance may suffer. More about it later.

Solution to Problem 4: Processes can now grow easily, if space problem is faced, all it requires is to do a simple page replacement, without moving any other process.

Solution to Problem 1: A process can access unlimited memory. When more memory than available is needed, the disk is used as backup, the new data required is loaded into memory from the disk, and the least recently used data frame (or page) is moved to disk. This can go on infinitely, and since disk space is cheap and virtually unlimited, it gives an illusion of unlimited memory. Another reason for the name Virtual Memory, it gives you illusion of memory which is not really available!

Cool. Earlier we were facing a problem where even though a process reduces in size, the empty space is difficult to be reclaimed by other processes (because it would require costly compaction). Now it is easy, when a process becomes smaller in size, many of its pages are no longer used, so when other processes need more memory, a simple LRU based eviction automatically evicts those less-used pages from RAM, and replaces them with the new pages from the other processes (and of course updating the page tables of all those processes as well as the original process which now requires less space), all these without any costly compaction operation!

Solution to Problem 3: Whenever processes reduce in size, its frames in RAM will be less used, so a simple LRU based eviction can evict those pages out and replace them with pages required by new processes, thus avoiding Internal Fragmentation without need for compaction.

As for problem 2, take a moment to understand this, the scenario itself is completely removed! There is no need to move a process to accommodate a new process, because now the entire process never needs to fit at once, only certain pages of it need to fit ad hoc, that happens by evicting frames from RAM. Everything happens in units of pages, thus there is no concept of hole now, and hence no question of anything moving! May be 10 pages had to be moved because of this new requirement, there are thousands of pages which are left untouched. Whereas, earlier, all processes (every bit of them) had to be moved!

Solution to Problem 2: To accommodate a new process, data from only less recently used parts of other processes have to be evicted as required, and this happens in fixed size units called pages. Thus there is no possibility of hole or External Fragmentation with this system.

Now when the process needs to do some I/O operation, it can relinquish CPU easily! OS simply evicts all its pages from the RAM (perhaps store it in some cache) while new processes occupy the RAM in the meantime. When the I/O operation is done, OS simply restores those pages to the RAM (of course by replacing the pages from some other processes, may be from the ones which replaced the original process, or may be from some which themselves need to do I/O now, and hence can relinquish the memory!)

Solution to Problem 5: When a process is doing I/O operations, it can easily give up RAM usage, which can be utilized by other processes. This leads to proper utilization of RAM.

And of course, now no process is accessing the RAM directly. Each process is accessing a virtual memory location, which is mapped to a physical RAM address and maintained by the page-table of that process. The mapping is OS-backed, OS lets the process know which frame is empty so that a new page for a process can be fitted there. Since this memory allocation is overseen by the OS itself, it can easily ensure that no process encroaches upon the contents of another process by allocating only empty frames from RAM, or upon encroaching upon the contents of another process in the RAM, communicate to the process to update it page-table.

Solution to Original Problem: There is no possibility of a process accessing the contents of another process, since the entire allocation is managed by the OS itself, and every process runs in its own sandboxed virtual address space.

So paging (among other techniques), in conjunction with virtual memory, is what powers today's softwares running on OS-es! This frees the software developer from worrying about how much memory is available on the user's device, where to store the data, how to prevent other processes from corrupting their software's data, etc. However, it is of course, not full-proof. There are flaws:

  1. Paging is, ultimately, giving user the illusion of infinite memory by using disk as secondary backup. Retrieving data from secondary storage to fit into memory (called page swap, and the event of not finding the desired page in RAM is called page fault) is expensive as it is an IO operation. This slows down the process. Several such page swaps happen in succession, and the process becomes painfully slow. Ever seen your software running fine and dandy, and suddenly it becomes so slow that it nearly hangs, or leaves you with no option that to restart it? Possibly too many page swaps were happening, making it slow (called thrashing).

So coming back to OP,

Why do we need the virtual memory for executing a process? - As the answer explains at length, to give softwares the illusion of the device/OS having infinite memory, so that any software, big or small, can be run, without worrying about memory allocation, or other processes corrupting its data, even when running in parallel. It is a concept, implemented in practice through various techniques, one of which, as described here, is Paging. It may also be Segmentation.

Where does this virtual memory stand when the process (program) from the external hard drive is brought to the main memory (physical memory) for the execution? - Virtual memory doesn't stand anywhere per se, it is an abstraction, always present, when the software/process/program is booted, a new page table is created for it, and it contains the mapping from the addresses spat out by that process to the actual physical address in RAM. Since the addresses spat out by the process are not real addresses, in one sense, they are, actually, what you can say, the virtual memory.

Who takes care of the virtual memory and what is the size of the virtual memory? - It is taken care of by, in tandem, the OS and the software. Imagine a function in your code (which eventually compiled and made into the executable that spawned the process) which contains a local variable - an int i. When the code executes, i gets a memory address within the stack of the function. That function is itself stored as an object somewhere else. These addresses are compiler generated (the compiler which compiled your code into the executable) - virtual addresses. When executed, i has to reside somewhere in actual physical address for duration of that function at least (unless it is a static variable!), so OS maps the compiler generated virtual address of i into an actual physical address, so that whenever, within that function, some code requires the value of i, that process can query the OS for that virtual address, and OS in turn can query the physical a

How to generate range of numbers from 0 to n in ES2015 only?

Here's another variation that doesn't use Array.

let range = (n, l=[], delta=1) => {
  if (n < 0) { 
    return l 
  else {
    return range(n - delta, l) 

Extract file basename without path and extension in bash

A combination of basename and cut works fine, even in case of double ending like .tar.gz:

fbname=$(basename "$fullfile" | cut -d. -f1)

Would be interesting if this solution needs less arithmetic power than Bash Parameter Expansion.

CSS container div not getting height

It is not that easier?

.c {
    overflow: auto;

Use Font Awesome Icons in CSS

Actually even font-awesome CSS has a similar strategy for setting their icon styles. If you want to get a quick hold of the icon code, check the non-minified font-awesome.css file and there they are....each font in its purity.

Font-Awesome CSS File screenshot

Python concatenate text files

That's exactly what fileinput is for:

import fileinput
with open(outfilename, 'w') as fout, fileinput.input(filenames) as fin:
    for line in fin:

For this use case, it's really not much simpler than just iterating over the files manually, but in other cases, having a single iterator that iterates over all of the files as if they were a single file is very handy. (Also, the fact that fileinput closes each file as soon as it's done means there's no need to with or close each one, but that's just a one-line savings, not that big of a deal.)

There are some other nifty features in fileinput, like the ability to do in-place modifications of files just by filtering each line.

As noted in the comments, and discussed in another post, fileinput for Python 2.7 will not work as indicated. Here slight modification to make the code Python 2.7 compliant

with open('outfilename', 'w') as fout:
    fin = fileinput.input(filenames)
    for line in fin:

What do two question marks together mean in C#?

?? is there to provide a value for a nullable type when the value is null. So, if formsAuth is null, it will return new FormsAuthenticationWrapper().

How to generate a random string in Ruby

(0...8).map { (65 + rand(26)).chr }.join

I spend too much time golfing.

(0...50).map { ('a'..'z').to_a[rand(26)] }.join

And a last one that's even more confusing, but more flexible and wastes fewer cycles:

o = [('a'..'z'), ('A'..'Z')].map(&:to_a).flatten
string = (0...50).map { o[rand(o.length)] }.join

Undefined symbols for architecture i386: _OBJC_CLASS_$_SKPSMTPMessage", referenced from: error

if you are using cocoapods make sure your target's build settings contain $(inherited) in the other linker flags section

enter image description here

Correctly determine if date string is a valid date in that format

How about this one?

We simply use a try-catch block.

$dateTime = 'an invalid datetime';

try {
    $dateTimeObject = new DateTime($dateTime);
} catch (Exception $exc) {
    echo 'Do something with an invalid DateTime';

This approach is not limited to only one date/time format, and you don't need to define any function.

How do I open an .exe from another C++ .exe?

You should always avoid using system() because

  • It is resource heavy
  • It defeats security -- you don't know you it's a valid command or does the same thing on every system, you could even start up programs you didn't intend to start up. The danger is that when you directly execute a program, it gets the same privileges as your program -- meaning that if, for example, you are running as system administrator then the malicious program you just inadvertently executed is also running as system administrator. If that doesn't scare you silly, check your pulse.
  • Anti virus programs hate it, your program could get flagged as a virus.

You should use CreateProcess().

You can use Createprocess() to just start up an .exe and creating a new process for it. The application will run independent from the calling application.

Here's an example I used in one of my projects:

#include <windows.h>

VOID startup(LPCTSTR lpApplicationName)
   // additional information
   STARTUPINFO si;     

   // set the size of the structures
   ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) );
   si.cb = sizeof(si);
   ZeroMemory( &pi, sizeof(pi) );

  // start the program up
  CreateProcess( lpApplicationName,   // the path
    argv[1],        // Command line
    NULL,           // Process handle not inheritable
    NULL,           // Thread handle not inheritable
    FALSE,          // Set handle inheritance to FALSE
    0,              // No creation flags
    NULL,           // Use parent's environment block
    NULL,           // Use parent's starting directory 
    &si,            // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
    &pi             // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure (removed extra parentheses)
    // Close process and thread handles. 
    CloseHandle( pi.hProcess );
    CloseHandle( pi.hThread );

EDIT: The error you are getting is because you need to specify the path of the .exe file not just the name. Openfile.exe probably doesn't exist.

Filter items which array contains any of given values

Whilst this an old question, I ran into this problem myself recently and some of the answers here are now deprecated (as the comments point out). So for the benefit of others who may have stumbled here:

A term query can be used to find the exact term specified in the reverse index:

  "query": {
   "term" : { "tags" : "a" }

From the documenation

Alternatively you can use a terms query, which will match all documents with any of the items specified in the given array:

  "query": {
   "terms" : { "tags" : ["a", "c"]}

One gotcha to be aware of (which caught me out) - how you define the document also makes a difference. If the field you're searching in has been indexed as a text type then Elasticsearch will perform a full text search (i.e using an analyzed string).

If you've indexed the field as a keyword then a keyword search using a 'non-analyzed' string is performed. This can have a massive practical impact as Analyzed strings are pre-processed (lowercased, punctuation dropped etc.) See (

To avoid these issues, the string field has split into two new types: text, which should be used for full-text search, and keyword, which should be used for keyword search. (

RSpec: how to test if a method was called?

it "should call 'bar' with appropriate arguments" do
  expect(subject).to receive(:bar).with("an argument I want")

How do I create executable Java program?

If you are using Eclipse , you can try the below 7 steps to get a .exe file for Windows.


Now you have a JAR file. Use java -jar path/jarname.jar to execute.

enter image description here

If you want to convert this to .exe, you can try


STEP7: Give the .xml file an appropriate name and click "Save". The .xml file is standard, don't worry about it. Your executable file will now be created!

How can I combine multiple rows into a comma-delimited list in Oracle?

Here is a simple way without stragg or creating a function.

create table countries ( country_name varchar2 (100));

insert into countries values ('Albania');

insert into countries values ('Andorra');

insert into countries values ('Antigua');

SELECT SUBSTR (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (country_name , ','), 2) csv
      FROM (SELECT country_name , ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY country_name ) rn,
                   COUNT (*) OVER () cnt
              FROM countries)
     WHERE rn = cnt
CONNECT BY rn = PRIOR rn + 1;


1 row selected.

As others have mentioned, if you are on 11g R2 or greater, you can now use listagg which is much simpler.

select listagg(country_name,', ') within group(order by country_name) csv
  from countries;

Albania, Andorra, Antigua

1 row selected.

How to color System.out.println output?

This works in eclipse just to turn it red, don't know about other places.

System.err.println(" BLABLA ");

PHP code to get selected text of a combo box

I agree with Ajeesh, but there are simpler ways to do this...

if ($maker == "2") { }


if ($maker == 2) { }

  • Why am I not returning a "Toyota" value? Because the "Toyota" choice in the Selection Box would have already returned "2", which, would indicate that the selected Manufacturer in the Selection Box would be Toyota.

  • How would the user know if the value is equal to the Toyota selection in the Selection Box? In between my example code's brackets, you would put $maker = "Toyota" then echo $maker, or create a new string, like so: $maketwo = "Toyota" then you can echo $makertwo (I much prefer creating a new string, rather than overwriting $maker's original value.)

  • If the user selects "Nissan", will the example code take care of that as well..? Yes, and no. While "Toyota" would return value "2", "Nissan" would instead return value "3". The current set value that the example code is looking for is "2", which means that if the user selects "Nissan", which represents value "3", then presses "Search", the example code would not be executed. You can easily change the code to check for value "3", or value "1", which represents "--Any--".

  • What if the user clicks "Search" while the Selection Box is set to "Select Manufacturer"? How can I prevent them from doing so? To prevent them from proceeding any further, change the set value of the example code to "0", and in between the brackets, you may place your code, then after that, add return;, which terminates all execution of any further code within the function / statement.

How do I put an image into my picturebox using ImageLocation?

Setting the image using picture.ImageLocation() works fine, but you are using a relative path. Check your path against the location of the .exe after it is built.

For example, if your .exe is located at:

<project folder>/bin/Debug/app.exe

The image would have to be at:

<project folder>/bin/Image/1.jpg

Of course, you could just set the image at design-time (the Image property on the PictureBox property sheet).

If you must set it at run-time, one way to make sure you know the location of the image is to add the image file to your project. For example, add a new folder to your project, name it Image. Right-click the folder, choose "Add existing item" and browse to your image (be sure the file filter is set to show image files). After adding the image, in the property sheet set the Copy to Output Directory to Copy if newer.

At this point the image file will be copied when you build the application and you can use

picture.ImageLocation = @"Image\1.jpg"; 

Executors.newCachedThreadPool() versus Executors.newFixedThreadPool()

You must use newCachedThreadPool only when you have short-lived asynchronous tasks as stated in Javadoc, if you submit tasks which takes longer time to process, you will end up creating too many threads. You may hit 100% CPU if you submit long running tasks at faster rate to newCachedThreadPool (

Write to .txt file?

Well, you need to first get a good book on C and understand the language.

FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("c:\\test.txt", "wb");
if(fp == null)
char x[10]="ABCDEFGHIJ";
fwrite(x, sizeof(x[0]), sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]), fp);

Python: Number of rows affected by cursor.execute("SELECT ...)

The number of rows effected is returned from execute:

rows_affected=cursor.execute("SELECT ... ")

of course, as AndiDog already mentioned, you can get the row count by accessing the rowcount property of the cursor at any time to get the count for the last execute:

cursor.execute("SELECT ... ")

From the inline documentation of python MySQLdb:

 def execute(self, query, args=None):

    """Execute a query.

    query -- string, query to execute on server
    args -- optional sequence or mapping, parameters to use with query.

    Note: If args is a sequence, then %s must be used as the
    parameter placeholder in the query. If a mapping is used,
    %(key)s must be used as the placeholder.

    Returns long integer rows affected, if any


How to select the first row for each group in MySQL?

When I write

SELECT AnotherColumn
FROM Table
GROUP BY SomeColumn

It works. IIRC in other RDBMS such statement is impossible, because a column that doesn't belongs to the grouping key is being referenced without any sort of aggregation.

This "quirk" behaves very closely to what I want. So I used it to get the result I wanted:

 SELECT * FROM `table`
 ORDER BY AnotherColumn
) t1
GROUP BY SomeColumn

How to use OKHTTP to make a post request?

 public static JSONObject doPostRequestWithSingleFile(String url,HashMap<String, String> data, File file,String fileParam) {

        try {
            final MediaType MEDIA_TYPE_PNG = MediaType.parse("image/png");

            RequestBody requestBody;
            MultipartBuilder mBuilder = new MultipartBuilder().type(MultipartBuilder.FORM);

            for (String key : data.keySet()) {
                String value = data.get(key);
                Utility.printLog("Key Values", key + "-----------------" + value);

                mBuilder.addFormDataPart(key, value);

            if(file!=null) {
                Log.e("File Name", file.getName() + "===========");
                if (file.exists()) {
                    mBuilder.addFormDataPart(fileParam, file.getName(), RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE_PNG, file));
            requestBody =;
            Request request = new Request.Builder()

            OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
            Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
            String result=response.body().string();
            return new JSONObject(result);

        } catch (UnknownHostException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
            JSONObject jsonObject=new JSONObject();

            try {
            } catch (JSONException e1) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Other Error: " + e.getMessage());
            JSONObject jsonObject=new JSONObject();

            try {
            } catch (JSONException e1) {
        return null;
    public static JSONObject doGetRequest(HashMap<String, String> param,String url) {
        JSONObject result = null;
        String response;
        Set keys = param.keySet();

        int count = 0;
        for (Iterator i = keys.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            String key = (String);
            String value = (String) param.get(key);
            if (count == param.size()) {
                url += key + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(value);

            } else {

                url += key + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(value) + "&";

        try {
            url=  URLEncoder.encode(url, "utf-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        Log.e("URL", url);
        OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

        Request request = new Request.Builder()
        Response responseClient = null;
        try {

            responseClient = client.newCall(request).execute();
            response = responseClient.body().string();
            result = new JSONObject(response);
            Log.e("response", response+"==============");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            JSONObject jsonObject=new JSONObject();

            try {
                return  jsonObject;
            } catch (JSONException e1) {

        return result;


Python - A keyboard command to stop infinite loop?

Ctrl+C is what you need. If it didn't work, hit it harder. :-) Of course, you can also just close the shell window.

Edit: You didn't mention the circumstances. As a last resort, you could write a batch file that contains taskkill /im python.exe, and put it on your desktop, Start menu, etc. and run it when you need to kill a runaway script. Of course, it will kill all Python processes, so be careful.

How to run vbs as administrator from vbs?

Nice article for elevation options -

Configuring Applications to Always Request Elevated Rights:

Programs can be configured to always request elevation on the user level via registry settings under HKCU. These registry settings are effective on the fly, so they can be set immediately prior to launching a particular application and even removed as soon as the application is launched, if so desired. Simply create a "String Value" under "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" for the full path to an executable with a value of "RUN AS ADMIN". Below is an example for CMD.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_Current_User\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers]

Sorting a list with stream.sorted() in Java

Collection<Map<Item, Integer>> itemCollection = basket.values();
Iterator<Map<Item, Integer>> itemIterator = TestComparator()).collect(Collectors.toList()).iterator();



import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class TestComparator implements Comparator<Map<Item, Integer>> {

// comparator is used to sort the Items based on the price

    public int compare(Map<Item, Integer> o1, Map<Item, Integer> o2) {

      //  System.out.println("*** compare method will be called *****");

        Item item1 = null;
        Item item2 = null;

        Set<Item> itemSet1 = o1.keySet();
        Iterator<Item> itemIterator1 = itemSet1.iterator();
           item1 =;

        Set<Item> itemSet2 = o2.keySet();
        Iterator<Item> itemIterator2 = itemSet2.iterator();
            item2 =;

        return -item1.getPrice().compareTo(item2.getPrice());


**** this is helpful to sort the nested map objects like Map> here i sorted based on the Item object price .

How do you round a double in Dart to a given degree of precision AFTER the decimal point?

This works pretty well

var price=99.012334554
price = price.roundTodouble();
print(price); // 99.01

My kubernetes pods keep crashing with "CrashLoopBackOff" but I can't find any log

As @Sukumar commented, you need to have your Dockerfile have a Command to run or have your ReplicationController specify a command.

The pod is crashing because it starts up then immediately exits, thus Kubernetes restarts and the cycle continues.

Android ListView Selector Color

The list selector drawable is a StateListDrawable — it contains reference to multiple drawables for each state the list can be, like selected, focused, pressed, disabled...

While you can retrieve the drawable using getSelector(), I don't believe you can retrieve a specific Drawable from a StateListDrawable, nor does it seem possible to programmatically retrieve the colour directly from a ColorDrawable anyway.

As for setting the colour, you need a StateListDrawable as described above. You can set this on your list using the android:listSelector attribute, defining the drawable in XML like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
  <item android:state_enabled="false" android:state_focused="true"
        android:drawable="@drawable/item_disabled" />
  <item android:state_pressed="true"
        android:drawable="@drawable/item_pressed" />
  <item android:state_focused="true"
        android:drawable="@drawable/item_focused" />

Composer: file_put_contents(./composer.json): failed to open stream: Permission denied

In my case I used sudo mkdir projectFolder to create folder. It was owned by root user and I was logged in using non root user.

So I changed the folder permission using command sudo chown mynonrootuser:mynonrootuser projectFolder and then it worked fine.

MS-access reports - The search key was not found in any record - on save

These are the steps which i follows may be it is useful for you,

  1. Go to menu-tools-database utilities-compact and repair database.

  2. when repairing database delete or update that record.

  3. it is working finely.

How to convert date in to yyyy-MM-dd Format?

Use this.

java.util.Date date = new Date("Sat Dec 01 00:00:00 GMT 2012");
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
String format = formatter.format(date);

you will get the output as


ECONNREFUSED error when connecting to mongodb from node.js

I tried every possible solution,butit didn't help me. I took a break and I changed the following. Simple typo. May help someone is same situation. From: app.listen((port)=>console.log(Server is running at port ${PORT}))

To: app.listen(PORT, console.log(Server is running at port ${PORT})) The earlier got me to connect to database mongo atlas but get request was Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

Simple JavaScript problem: onClick confirm not preventing default action

Well, I used to have the same problem and the problem got solved by adding the word "return" before confirm:

onclick="return confirm('Delete entry?')"

I wish this could be heplful for you..

Good Luck!

What is the difference between json.dumps and json.load?

json loads -> returns an object from a string representing a json object.

json dumps -> returns a string representing a json object from an object.

load and dump -> read/write from/to file instead of string

kill a process in bash

It is not clear to me what you mean by "escape an executable which is running", but ctrl-z will put a process into the background and return control to the command line. You can then use the fg command to bring the program back into the foreground.

Pass user defined environment variable to tomcat

Environment variables can be set, by creating a setenv.bat (windows) or (unix) file in the bin folder of your tomcat installation directory. However, environment variables will not be accessabile from within your code.

System properties are set by -D arguments of the java process. You can define java starting arguments in the environment variable JAVA_OPTS.

My suggestions is the combination of these two mechanisms. In your apache-tomcat-0.0.0\bin\setenv.bat write:


and in your Java code write:


Radio button validation in javascript

1st: If you know that your code isn't right, you should fix it before do anything!

You could do something like this:

function validateForm() {
    var radios = document.getElementsByName("yesno");
    var formValid = false;

    var i = 0;
    while (!formValid && i < radios.length) {
        if (radios[i].checked) formValid = true;

    if (!formValid) alert("Must check some option!");
    return formValid;

See it in action:

Python script to do something at the same time every day

You can do that like this:

from datetime import datetime
from threading import Timer
y=x.replace(, hour=1, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)


def hello_world():
    print "hello world"

t = Timer(secs, hello_world)

This will execute a function (eg. hello_world) in the next day at 1a.m.


As suggested by @PaulMag, more generally, in order to detect if the day of the month must be reset due to the reaching of the end of the month, the definition of y in this context shall be the following:

y = x.replace(, hour=1, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) + timedelta(days=1)

With this fix, it is also needed to add timedelta to the imports. The other code lines maintain the same. The full solution, using also the total_seconds() function, is therefore:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from threading import Timer
y = x.replace(, hour=1, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) + timedelta(days=1)


def hello_world():
    print "hello world"

t = Timer(secs, hello_world)

Filtering Pandas Dataframe using OR statement

From the docs:

Another common operation is the use of boolean vectors to filter the data. The operators are: | for or, & for and, and ~ for not. These must be grouped by using parentheses.


alldata_balance = alldata[(alldata[IBRD] !=0) | (alldata[IMF] !=0)]

Accessing AppDelegate from framework?

If you're creating a framework the whole idea is to make it portable. Tying a framework to the app delegate defeats the purpose of building a framework. What is it you need the app delegate for?

Incrementing a variable inside a Bash loop

I had the same $count variable in a while loop getting lost issue.

@fedorqui's answer (and a few others) are accurate answers to the actual question: the sub-shell is indeed the problem.

But it lead me to another issue: I wasn't piping a file content... but the output of a series of pipes & greps...

my erroring sample code:

cat /etc/hosts | head | while read line; do
  echo $count $line
echo $count

and my fix thanks to the help of this thread and the process substitution:

while IFS= read -r line; do
  echo "$count $line"
done < <(cat /etc/hosts | head)
echo "$count"

MVC4 DataType.Date EditorFor won't display date value in Chrome, fine in Internet Explorer

In MVC5.2, add Date.cshtml to folder ~/Views/Shared/EditorTemplates:

@model DateTime?
    IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes;
    object objAttributes;
    if (ViewData.TryGetValue("htmlAttributes", out objAttributes))
        htmlAttributes = objAttributes as IDictionary<string, object> ?? HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(objAttributes);
        htmlAttributes = new RouteValueDictionary();
    htmlAttributes.Add("type", "date");
    String format = (Request.UserAgent != null && Request.UserAgent.Contains("Chrome")) ? "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" : "{0:d}";
    @Html.TextBox("", Model, format, htmlAttributes)

Number of occurrences of a character in a string

Your string example looks like the query string part of a GET. If so, note that HttpContext has some help for you

int numberOfArgs = HttpContext.Current.QueryString.Count;

For more of what you can do with QueryString, see NameValueCollection

Serialize JavaScript object into JSON string

Well, the type of an element is not standardly serialized, so you should add it manually. For example

var myobject = new MyClass1("5678999", "text");
var toJSONobject = { objectType: myobject.constructor, objectProperties: myobject };

Good luck!

edit: changed typeof to the correct .constructor. See for more information on the constructor property for Objects.

How to read a file without newlines?

another example:

Reading file one row at the time. Removing unwanted chars with from end of the string str.rstrip(chars)

with open(filename, 'r') as fileobj:
    for row in fileobj:
        print( row.rstrip('\n') )

see also str.strip([chars]) and str.lstrip([chars])

(python >= 2.0)

Android Image View Pinch Zooming

I made code for imageview with pinch to zoom using zoomageview. so user can drag the image off the screen and zoom-In , zoom-out the image.

You can follow this link to get the Step By Step Code and also given Output Screenshot.

Highlight text similar to grep, but don't filter out text


This works with OS X Mountain Lion's grep:

grep --color -E 'pattern1|pattern2|$'

This is better than '^|pattern1|pattern2' because the ^ part of the alternation matches at the beginning of the line whereas the $ matches at the end of the line. Some regular expression engines won't highlight pattern1 or pattern2 because ^ already matched and the engine is eager.

Something similar happens for 'pattern1|pattern2|' because the regex engine notices the empty alternation at the end of the pattern string matches the beginning of the subject string.



I ended up using perl:

perl -pe 's:pattern:\033[31;1m$&\033[30;0m:g'

This assumes you have an ANSI-compatible terminal.


If you're stuck with a strange grep, this might work:

grep -E --color=always -A500 -B500 'pattern1|pattern2' | grep -v '^--'

Adjust the numbers to get all the lines you want.

The second grep just removes extraneous -- lines inserted by the BSD-style grep on Mac OS X Mountain Lion, even when the context of consecutive matches overlap.

I thought GNU grep omitted the -- lines when context overlaps, but it's been awhile so maybe I remember wrong.

How can I beautify JSON programmatically?

Here's something that might be interesting for developers hacking (minified or obfuscated) JavaScript more frequently.

You can build your own CLI JavaScript beautifier in under 5 mins and have it handy on the command-line. You'll need Mozilla Rhino, JavaScript file of some of the JS beautifiers available online, small hack and a script file to wrap it all up.

I wrote an article explaining the procedure: Command-line JavaScript beautifier implemented in JavaScript.

What does the Java assert keyword do, and when should it be used?

To recap (and this is true of many languages not just Java):

"assert" is primarily used as a debugging aid by software developers during the debugging process. Assert-messages should never appear. Many languages provide a compile-time option that will cause all "asserts" to be ignored, for use in generating "production" code.

"exceptions" are a handy way to handle all kinds of error conditions, whether or not they represent logic errors, because, if you run into an error-condition such that you cannot continue, you can simply "throw them up into the air," from wherever you are, expecting someone else out there to be ready to "catch" them. Control is transferred in one step, straight from the code that threw the exception, straight to the catcher's mitt. (And the catcher can see the complete backtrace of calls that had taken place.)

Furthermore, callers of that subroutine don't have to check to see if the subroutine succeeded: "if we're here now, it must have succeeded, because otherwise it would have thrown an exception and we wouldn't be here now!" This simple strategy makes code-design and debugging much, much easier.

Exceptions conveniently allow fatal-error conditions to be what they are: "exceptions to the rule." And, for them to be handled by a code-path that is also "an exception to the rule ... "fly ball!"

ffmpeg - Converting MOV files to MP4

The command to just stream it to a new container (mp4) needed by some applications like Adobe Premiere Pro without encoding (fast) is:

ffmpeg -i -qscale 0 output.mp4

Alternative as mentioned in the comments, which re-encodes with best quaility (-qscale 0):

ffmpeg -i -q:v 0 output.mp4

How to navigate to to different directories in the terminal (mac)?

To check that the file you're trying to open actually exists, you can change directories in terminal using cd. To change to ~/Desktop/sass/css: cd ~/Desktop/sass/css. To see what files are in the directory: ls.

If you want information about either of those commands, use the man page: man cd or man ls, for example.

Google for "basic unix command line commands" or similar; that will give you numerous examples of moving around, viewing files, etc in the command line.

On Mac OS X, you can also use open to open a finder window: open . will open the current directory in finder. (open ~/Desktop/sass/css will open the ~/Desktop/sass/css).

How to set shape's opacity?

Use this one, I've written this to my app,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--  res/drawable/rounded_edittext.xml -->
<shape xmlns:android=""
    android:shape="rectangle" android:padding="10dp">
    <solid android:color="#882C383E"/>

Using JSON POST Request

Modern browsers do not currently implement JSONRequest (as far as I know) since it is only a draft right now. I have found someone who has implemented it as a library that you can include in your page: (please note that it has a few dependencies).

Otherwise, you might want to go with another JS library like jQuery or Mootools.

Centering elements in jQuery Mobile

None of these answers alone worked for me. I had to combine them. (Maybe it is because I'm using a "button" tag and not a link typed as a button?)

In the HTML:

<div class="center-wrapper"><button type="submit" data-theme="b">Login</button></div>

In the CSS:

.center-wrapper {
    text-align: center;
    width: 300px;
    margin:0 auto;

Remove category & tag base from WordPress url - without a plugin

add_action( 'init', 'remove_category_perma' );
function remove_category_perma() {

What requests do browsers' "F5" and "Ctrl + F5" refreshes generate?

IE7/8/9 seem to behave differently depending on whether the page has focus or not.

If you click on the page and CTRL+F5 then "Cache-Control: no-cache" is included in the request headers. If you click in the Location/Address bar then press CTRL+F5 it isn't.

Why do we use web.xml?

The web.xml file is the deployment descriptor for a Servlet-based Java web application (which most Java web apps are). Among other things, it declares which Servlets exist and which URLs they handle.

The part you cite defines a Servlet Filter. Servlet filters can do all kinds of preprocessing on requests. Your specific example is a filter had the Wicket framework uses as its entry point for all requests because filters are in some way more powerful than Servlets.

BSTR to std::string (std::wstring) and vice versa

BSTR to std::wstring:

// given BSTR bs
assert(bs != nullptr);
std::wstring ws(bs, SysStringLen(bs));

std::wstring to BSTR:

// given std::wstring ws
BSTR bs = SysAllocStringLen(, ws.size());

Doc refs:

  1. std::basic_string<typename CharT>::basic_string(const CharT*, size_type)
  2. std::basic_string<>::empty() const
  3. std::basic_string<>::data() const
  4. std::basic_string<>::size() const
  5. SysStringLen()
  6. SysAllocStringLen()

Password must have at least one non-alpha character

Use regex pattern ^(?=.{8})(?=.*[^a-zA-Z])


¦   ¦           ¦
¦   ¦           + string contains some non-letter character
¦   ¦
¦   + string contains at least 8 characters
+ begining of line/string

If you want to limit also maximum length (let's say 16), then use regex pattern:


How do I convert a list of ascii values to a string in python?

I've timed the existing answers. Code to reproduce is below. TLDR is that bytes(seq).decode() is by far the fastest. Results here:

 test_bytes_decode : 12.8046 µs/rep
     test_join_map : 62.1697 µs/rep
test_array_library : 63.7088 µs/rep
    test_join_list : 112.021 µs/rep
test_join_iterator : 171.331 µs/rep
    test_naive_add : 286.632 µs/rep

Setup was CPython 3.8.2 (32-bit), Windows 10, i7-2600 3.4GHz

Interesting observations:

  • The "official" fastest answer (as reposted by Toni Ruža) is now out of date for Python 3, but once fixed is still basically tied for second place
  • Joining a mapped sequence is almost twice as fast as a list comprehension
  • The list comprehension is faster than its non-list counterpart

Code to reproduce is here:

import array, string, timeit, random
from collections import namedtuple

# Thomas Wouters (
def test_join_iterator(seq):
    return ''.join(chr(c) for c in seq)

# community wiki (
def test_join_map(seq):
    return ''.join(map(chr, seq))

# Thomas Vander Stichele (
def test_join_list(seq):
    return ''.join([chr(c) for c in seq])

# Toni Ruža (
# Also from
def test_array_library(seq):
    return array.array('b', seq).tobytes().decode()  # Updated from tostring() for Python 3

# David White (
def test_naive_add(seq):
    output = ''
    for c in seq:
        output += chr(c)
    return output

# Timo Herngreen (
def test_bytes_decode(seq):
    return bytes(seq).decode()

RESULT = ''.join(random.choices(string.printable, None, k=1000))
INT_SEQ = [ord(c) for c in RESULT]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    tests = {
        name: test
        for (name, test) in globals().items()
        if name.startswith('test_')

    Result = namedtuple('Result', ['name', 'passed', 'time', 'reps'])
    results = [
            passed=test(INT_SEQ) == RESULT,
                setup=f'from __main__ import INT_SEQ, {name}'
                ).timeit(REPS) / REPS,
        for name, test in tests.items()
    results.sort(key=lambda r: r.time if r.passed else float('inf'))

    def seconds_per_rep(secs):
        (unit, amount) = (
            ('s', secs) if secs > 1
            else ('ms', secs * 10 ** 3) if secs > (10 ** -3)
            else ('µs', secs * 10 ** 6) if secs > (10 ** -6)
            else ('ns', secs * 10 ** 9))
        return f'{amount:.6} {unit}/rep'

    max_name_length = max(len(name) for name in tests)
    for r in results:
            'failed' if not r.passed else seconds_per_rep(r.time))

Python 2,3 Convert Integer to "bytes" Cleanly

In Python 3.x, you can convert an integer value (including large ones, which the other answers don't allow for) into a series of bytes like this:

import math

x = 0x1234
number_of_bytes = int(math.ceil(x.bit_length() / 8))

x_bytes = x.to_bytes(number_of_bytes, byteorder='big')

x_int = int.from_bytes(x_bytes, byteorder='big')
x == x_int

HTTP GET request in JavaScript?

Modern, clean and shortest


let url = '';

// to only send GET request without waiting for response just call 

// to wait for results use 'then'
fetch(url).then(r=> r.json().then(j=> console.log('\nREQUEST 2',j)));

// or async/await
  console.log('\nREQUEST 3', await(await fetch(url)).json()) 
Open Chrome console network tab to see request

Local and global temporary tables in SQL Server

Local temporary tables: if you create local temporary tables and then open another connection and try the query , you will get the following error.

the temporary tables are only accessible within the session that created them.

Global temporary tables: Sometimes, you may want to create a temporary table that is accessible other connections. In this case, you can use global temporary tables.

Global temporary tables are only destroyed when all the sessions referring to it are closed.

How to insert a newline in front of a pattern?

Some of the other answers didn't work for my version of sed. Switching the position of & and \n did work.

sed 's/regexp/\n&/g' 

Edit: This doesn't seem to work on OS X, unless you install gnu-sed.

Can a class member function template be virtual?

While an older question that has been answered by many I believe a succinct method, not so different from the others posted, is to use a minor macro to help ease the duplication of class declarations.

// abstract.h

// Simply define the types that each concrete class will use
#define IMPL_RENDER() \
    void render(int a, char *b) override { render_internal<char>(a, b); }   \
    void render(int a, short *b) override { render_internal<short>(a, b); } \
    // ...

class Renderable
    // Then, once for each on the abstract
    virtual void render(int a, char *a) = 0;
    virtual void render(int a, short *b) = 0;
    // ...

So now, to implement our subclass:

class Box : public Renderable
    IMPL_RENDER() // Builds the functions we want

    template<typename T>
    void render_internal(int a, T *b); // One spot for our logic

The benefit here is that, when adding a newly supported type, it can all be done from the abstract header and forego possibly rectifying it in multiple source/header files.

jQuery get the id/value of <li> element after click function

If you change your html code a bit - remove the ids

<ul id='myid'>  

Then the jquery code you want is...

$("#myid li").click(function() {

You don't need to place any ids, just keep on adding li items.

Take a look at demo

Useful links

Hide html horizontal but not vertical scrollbar

Using wrap=virtual in your HTML form boxes gets rid of the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of the box:

  <textarea name= "enquiry" rows="4" cols="30" wrap="virtual"></textarea>

See example here : (Tested on FF and IE)

How can I use UserDefaults in Swift?

Best way to use UserDefaults


  1. Create extension of UserDefaults
  2. Create enum with required Keys to store in local
  3. Store and retrieve the local data wherever you want


extension UserDefaults{

    //MARK: Check Login
    func setLoggedIn(value: Bool) {
        set(value, forKey: UserDefaultsKeys.isLoggedIn.rawValue)

    func isLoggedIn()-> Bool {
        return bool(forKey: UserDefaultsKeys.isLoggedIn.rawValue)

    //MARK: Save User Data
    func setUserID(value: Int){
        set(value, forKey: UserDefaultsKeys.userID.rawValue)

    //MARK: Retrieve User Data
    func getUserID() -> Int{
        return integer(forKey: UserDefaultsKeys.userID.rawValue)

enum for Keys used to store data

enum UserDefaultsKeys : String {
    case isLoggedIn
    case userID

Save in UserDefaults where you want

UserDefaults.standard.setLoggedIn(value: true)          // String
UserDefaults.standard.setUserID(value:!) // String

Retrieve data anywhere in app

print("ID : \(UserDefaults.standard.getUserID())")

Remove Values

UserDefaults.standard.removeObject(forKey: UserDefaultsKeys.userID) 

This way you can store primitive data in best

Update You need no use synchronize() to store the values. As @Moritz pointed out the it unnecessary and given the article about it.Check comments for more detail

Prepend line to beginning of a file

In all filesystems that I am familiar with, you can't do this in-place. You have to use an auxiliary file (which you can then rename to take the name of the original file).

Use superscripts in R axis labels

@The Thunder Chimp You can split text in such a way that some sections are affected by super(or sub) script and others aren't through the use of *. For your example, with splitting the word "moment" from "4th" -

plot(rnorm(30), xlab = expression('4'^th*'moment'))

OpenSSL Verify return code: 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate)

Is your server configured for client authentication? If so you need to pass the client certificate while connecting with the server.

Namespace for [DataContract]

First, I add the references to my Model, then I use them in my code. There are two references you should add:

using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

then, this problem was solved in my program. I hope this answer can help you. Thanks.

How to create a new file in unix?

The command is lowercase: touch filename.

Keep in mind that touch will only create a new file if it does not exist! Here's some docs for good measure:

If you always want an empty file, one way to do so would be to use:

echo "" > filename

Space between two divs

DIVs inherently lack any useful meaning, other than to divide, of course.

Best course of action would be to add a meaningful class name to them, and style their individual margins in CSS.

<h1>Important Title</h1>
<div class="testimonials">...</div>
<div class="footer">...</div>

h1 {margin-bottom: 0.1em;}
div.testimonials {margin-bottom: 0.2em;}
div.footer {margin-bottom: 0;}

Bootstrap 3 2-column form layout

You could use the bootstrap grid system :

<div class="col-md-6 form-group">
    <label for="textbox1">Label1</label>
    <input class="form-control" id="textbox1" type="text"/>
<div class="col-md-6 form-group">
    <label for="textbox2">Label2</label>
    <input class="form-control" id="textbox2" type="text"/>
<span class="clearfix">

Is that what you want to achieve?

Append text using StreamWriter

Also look at log4net, which makes logging to 1 or more event stores — whether it's the console, the Windows event log, a text file, a network pipe, a SQL database, etc. — pretty trivial. You can even filter stuff in its configuration, for instance, so that only log records of a particular severity (say ERROR or FATAL) from a single component or assembly are directed to a particular event store.

TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type undefined raised when starting react app

I didn't want to upgrade react-scripts, so I used the 3rd party reinstall npm module to reinstall it, and it worked.

npm i -g npm-reinstall
reinstall react-scripts

How can I reverse a NSArray in Objective-C?

I don't know of any built in method. But, coding by hand is not too difficult. Assuming the elements of the array you are dealing with are NSNumber objects of integer type, and 'arr' is the NSMutableArray that you want to reverse.

int n = [arr count];
for (int i=0; i<n/2; ++i) {
  id c  = [[arr objectAtIndex:i] retain];
  [arr replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:[arr objectAtIndex:n-i-1]];
  [arr replaceObjectAtIndex:n-i-1 withObject:c];

Since you start with a NSArray then you have to create the mutable array first with the contents of the original NSArray ('origArray').

NSMutableArray * arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[arr setArray:origArray];

Edit: Fixed n -> n/2 in the loop count and changed NSNumber to the more generic id due to the suggestions in Brent's answer.

Adding an img element to a div with javascript




and use the below to set the source

elem.src = 'images/hydrangeas.jpg';

HTTP Status 405 - Method Not Allowed Error for Rest API

I also had this problem and was able to solve it by enabling CORS support on the server. In my case it was an Azure server and it was easy: Enable CORS on Azure

So check for your server how it works and enable CORS. I didn't even need a browser plugin or proxy :)

\n or \n in php echo not print

\n must be in double quotes!

echo "hello\nworld";



A nice way around this is to use PHP as a more of a templating language

    Hello <span><?php echo $world ?></span>


    Hello <span>Planet Earth</span>

Notice, all newlines are kept in tact!

How to stick a footer to bottom in css?

#Footer {

That will make the footer stay at the bottom of the browser window no matter where you scroll.

How do I deal with corrupted Git object files?

For anyone stumbling across the same issue:

I fixed the problem by cloning the repo again at another location. I then copied my whole src dir (without .git dir obviously) from the corrupted repo into the freshly cloned repo. Thus I had all the recent changes and a clean and working repository.

What does 'public static void' mean in Java?

  • public means you can access the class from anywhere in the class/object or outside of the package or class
  • static means constant in which block of statement used only 1 time
  • void means no return type

What to gitignore from the .idea folder?

For a couple of years I was a supporter of using a specific .gitignore for IntelliJ with this suggested configuration.

Not anymore.

IntelliJ is updated quite frequently, internal config file specs change more often than I would like and JetBrains flagship excels at auto-configuring itself based on maven/gradle/etc build files.

So my suggestion would be to leave all editor config files out of project and have users configure editor to their liking. Things like code styling can and should be configured at build level; say using Google Code Style or CheckStyle directly on Maven/Gradle/sbt/etc.

This ensures consistency and leaves editor files out of source code that, in my personal opinion, is where they should be.

Bootstrap 4 multiselect dropdown

Because the bootstrap-select is a bootstrap component and therefore you need to include it in your code as you did for your V3

NOTE: this component only works in since version 1.13.0

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<select class="selectpicker" multiple data-live-search="true">_x000D_

Change some value inside the List<T>

You could use a projection with a statement lambda, but the original foreach loop is more readable and is editing the list in place rather than creating a new list.

var result = list.Select(i => 
      if (i.Name == "height") i.Value = 30;
      return i; 

Extension Method

public static IEnumerable<MyClass> SetHeights(
    this IEnumerable<MyClass> source, int value)
    foreach (var item in source)
       if (item.Name == "height")
           item.Value = value;

       yield return item;

var result = list.SetHeights(30).ToList();

How to edit data in result grid in SQL Server Management Studio

as you can see correct solution in Learning answer, In SQL server management 2014 you can on "Edit Top 200 Rows"
and then
2.clicking on "Show SQL Pane (ctrl+3)"
3.removing TOP (200) from select query

Refer to Shen Lance answer there is not a way to edit Result of select query. and the other answers is only for normal select and only for 200 records.

Call a stored procedure with another in Oracle

To invoke the procedure from the SQLPlus command line, try one of these:

CALL test_sp_1();
EXEC test_sp_1

Returning value that was passed into a method

The generic Returns<T> method can handle this situation nicely.

_mock.Setup(x => x.DoSomething(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns<string>(x => x);

Or if the method requires multiple inputs, specify them like so:

_mock.Setup(x => x.DoSomething(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<int>())).Returns((string x, int y) => x);

How to specify test directory for mocha?

Edit : This option is deprecated :

If you want to do it by still just running mocha on the command line, but wanted to run the tests in a folder ./server-tests instead of ./test, create a file at ./test/mocha.opts with just this in the file:


If you wanted to run everything in that folder and subdirectories, put this into test/mocha.opts


mocha.opts are the arguments passed in via the command line, so making the first line just the directory you want to change the tests too will redirect from ./test/

Make a dictionary with duplicate keys in Python

You can change the behavior of the built in types in Python. For your case it's really easy to create a dict subclass that will store duplicated values in lists under the same key automatically:

class Dictlist(dict):
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        except KeyError:
            super(Dictlist, self).__setitem__(key, [])

Output example:

>>> d = dictlist.Dictlist()
>>> d['test'] = 1
>>> d['test'] = 2
>>> d['test'] = 3
>>> d
{'test': [1, 2, 3]}
>>> d['other'] = 100
>>> d
{'test': [1, 2, 3], 'other': [100]}

jQuery: How can I create a simple overlay?

What do you intend to do with the overlay? If it's static, say, a simple box overlapping some content, just use absolute positioning with CSS. If it's dynamic (I believe this is called a lightbox), you can write some CSS-modifying jQuery code to show/hide the overlay on-demand.

How to set a JVM TimeZone Properly

On windows 7 and for JDK6, I had to add -Duser.timezone="Europe/Sofia" to the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS system variable located under "My computer=>Properties=>Advanced System Settings=>Environment Variables".

If you already have some other property set for JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS just append a space and then insert your property string.

How to read text file in JavaScript

This can be done quite easily using javascript XMLHttpRequest() class (AJAX):

function FileHelper()

    FileHelper.readStringFromFileAtPath = function(pathOfFileToReadFrom)
        var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", pathOfFileToReadFrom, false);
        var returnValue = request.responseText;

        return returnValue;


var text = FileHelper.readStringFromFileAtPath ( "mytext.txt" );

How can I wait In Node.js (JavaScript)? l need to pause for a period of time

On Node 7.6.0 or higher

Node supports waiting natively:

const sleep = (waitTimeInMs) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, waitTimeInMs));

then if you can use async functions:

await sleep(10000); // sleep for 10 seconds


sleep(10000).then(() => {
  // This will execute 10 seconds from now

On older Node versions (original answer)

I wanted an asynchronous sleep that worked in Windows & Linux, without hogging my CPU with a long while loop. I tried the sleep package but it wouldn't install on my Windows box. I ended up using:

To install it, type:

npm install system-sleep

In your code,

var sleep = require('system-sleep');
sleep(10*1000); // sleep for 10 seconds

Works like a charm.

Using ng-click vs bind within link function of Angular Directive

Shouldn't it simply be:

<button ng-click="clickingCallback()">Click me<button>

Why do you want to write a new directive just to map your click event to a callback on your scope ? ng-click already does that for you.

Use sed to replace all backslashes with forward slashes

You can try

sed 's:\\:\/:g'`

The first \ is to insert an input, the second \ will be the one you want to substitute.

So it is 's ":" First Slash "\" second slash "\" ":" "\" to insert input "/" as the new slash that will be presented ":" g'

\\ \/ 

And that's it. It will work.

Does HTML5 <video> playback support the .avi format?

Short answer: No. Use WebM or Ogg instead.

This article covers just about everything you need to know about the <video> element, including which browsers support which container formats and codecs.

Component based game engine design

While not a complete tutorial on the subject of game engine design, I have found that this page has some good detail and examples on use of the component architecture for games.

Inheritance with base class constructor with parameters

I could be wrong, but I believe since you are inheriting from foo, you have to call a base constructor. Since you explicitly defined the foo constructor to require (int, int) now you need to pass that up the chain.

public bar(int a, int b) : base(a, b)
     c = a * b;

This will initialize foo's variables first and then you can use them in bar. Also, to avoid confusion I would recommend not naming parameters the exact same as the instance variables. Try p_a or something instead, so you won't accidentally be handling the wrong variable.

java - iterating a linked list

Linked list is guaranteed to act in sequential order.

From the documentation

An ordered collection (also known as a sequence). The user of this interface has precise control over where in the list each element is inserted. The user can access elements by their integer index (position in the list), and search for elements in the list.

iterator() Returns an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence.

How do I kill an Activity when the Back button is pressed?

Simple Override onBackPressed Method:

    public void onBackPressed() {

How to remove all duplicate items from a list

In this way one can delete a particular item which is present multiple times in a list : Try deleting all 5

print list1
n=input("item to be deleted : " )
for i in list1:
    if n in list1:
print list1

How to remove the arrows from input[type="number"] in Opera

There is no way.

This question is basically a duplicate of Is there a way to hide the new HTML5 spinbox controls shown in Google Chrome & Opera? but maybe not a full duplicate, since the motivation is given.

If the purpose is “browser's awareness of the content being purely numeric”, then you need to consider what that would really mean. The arrows, or spinners, are part of making numeric input more comfortable in some cases. Another part is checking that the content is a valid number, and on browsers that support HTML5 input enhancements, you might be able to do that using the pattern attribute. That attribute may also affect a third input feature, namely the type of virtual keyboard that may appear.

For example, if the input should be exactly five digits (like postal numbers might be, in some countries), then <input type="text" pattern="[0-9]{5}"> could be adequate. It is of course implementation-dependent how it will be handled.

Constants in Objective-C

You should create a header file like

// Constants.h
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const MyFirstConstant;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const MySecondConstant;

(you can use extern instead of FOUNDATION_EXPORT if your code will not be used in mixed C/C++ environments or on other platforms)

You can include this file in each file that uses the constants or in the pre-compiled header for the project.

You define these constants in a .m file like

// Constants.m
NSString *const MyFirstConstant = @"FirstConstant";
NSString *const MySecondConstant = @"SecondConstant";

Constants.m should be added to your application/framework's target so that it is linked in to the final product.

The advantage of using string constants instead of #define'd constants is that you can test for equality using pointer comparison (stringInstance == MyFirstConstant) which is much faster than string comparison ([stringInstance isEqualToString:MyFirstConstant]) (and easier to read, IMO).

How to get file URL using Storage facade in laravel 5?

This method exists since Laravel 5.4, you can get it by:

$path = Storage::disk('public')->path($filename);

Android: alternate layout xml for landscape mode

You can group your specific layout under the correct folder structure as follows.



layout-land-19 // target KitKat

likewise you can create your layouts.

Hope this will help you

How do I set up the database.yml file in Rails?

At first I would use

And database.yml is place where you put setup for database your application use - username, password, host - for each database. With new application you dont need to change anything - simply use default sqlite setup.

TypeError: 'str' object is not callable (Python)

I had the same error. In my case wasn't because of a variable named str. But because I named a function with a str parameter and the variable the same.

same_name = same_name(var_name: str)

I run it in a loop. The first time it run ok. The second time I got this error. Renaming the variable to a name different from the function name fixed this. So I think it's because Python once associate a function name in a scope, the second time tries to associate the left part (same_name =) as a call to the function and detects that the str parameter is not present, so it's missing, then it throws that error.

Getting XML Node text value with Java DOM

If your XML goes quite deep, you might want to consider using XPath, which comes with your JRE, so you can access the contents far more easily using:

String text = xp.evaluate("//add[@job='351']/tag[position()=1]/text()", 

Full example:

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;    
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;

public class XPathTest {

    private Document document;

    public void setup() throws Exception {
        String xml = "<add job=\"351\"><tag>foobar</tag><tag>foobar2</tag></add>";
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
        document = db.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)));

    public void testXPath() throws Exception {
        XPathFactory xpf = XPathFactory.newInstance();
        XPath xp = xpf.newXPath();
        String text = xp.evaluate("//add[@job='351']/tag[position()=1]/text()",
        assertEquals("foobar", text);

Create normal zip file programmatically

Just an update on this for anyone else who stumbles across this question.

Starting in .NET 4.5 you are able to compress a directory using System.IO.Compression into a zip file. You have to add System.IO.Compression.FileSystem as a reference as it is not referenced by default. Then you can write:

System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(dirPath, zipFile);

The only potential problem is that this assembly is not available for Windows Store Apps.

Encode/Decode URLs in C++

Had to do it in a project without Boost. So, ended up writing my own. I will just put it on GitHub:

clParseURL URL = clParseURL::ParseURL( "https://name:[email protected]:80/path/res" );

if ( URL.IsValid() )
    cout << "Scheme    : " << URL.m_Scheme << endl;
    cout << "Host      : " << URL.m_Host << endl;
    cout << "Port      : " << URL.m_Port << endl;
    cout << "Path      : " << URL.m_Path << endl;
    cout << "Query     : " << URL.m_Query << endl;
    cout << "Fragment  : " << URL.m_Fragment << endl;
    cout << "User name : " << URL.m_UserName << endl;
    cout << "Password  : " << URL.m_Password << endl;

Run a command shell in jenkins

Go to Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Global properties Check the box 'Environment variables' and add the JAVA_HOME path = "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.1"

*Don't write bin at the end

How to "set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug"

Set a breakpoint on malloc_error_break() by opening the Breakpoint Navigator (View->Navigators->Show Breakpoint Navigator or ?8), clicking the plus button in the lower left corner, and selecting "Add Symbolic Breakpoint". In the popup that comes up, enter malloc_error_break in the Symbol field, then click Done.

EDIT: openfrog added a screenshot and indicated that he's already tried these steps without success after I posted my answer. With that edit, I'm not sure what to say. I haven't seen that fail to work myself, and indeed I always keep a breakpoint on malloc_error_break set.

Detecting an "invalid date" Date instance in JavaScript

I use the following code to validate values for year, month and date.

function createDate(year, month, _date) {
  var d = new Date(year, month, _date);
  if (d.getFullYear() != year 
    || d.getMonth() != month
    || d.getDate() != _date) {
    throw "invalid date";
  return d;

For details, refer to Check date in javascript

Run PHP Task Asynchronously

When you just want to execute one or several HTTP requests without having to wait for the response, there is a simple PHP solution, as well.

In the calling script:

$socketcon = fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 10);
if($socketcon) {   
   $socketdata = "GET $remote_house/script.php?parameters=... HTTP 1.1\r\nHost: $host\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n";      
   fwrite($socketcon, $socketdata); 
// repeat this with different parameters as often as you like

On the called script.php, you can invoke these PHP functions in the first lines:


This causes the script to continue running without time limit when the HTTP connection is closed.

how to use the Box-Cox power transformation in R

Applying the BoxCox transformation to data, without the need of any underlying model, can be done currently using the package geoR. Specifically, you can use the function boxcoxfit() for finding the best parameter and then predict the transformed variables using the function BCtransform().

Android: converting String to int

It's already a string? Remove the getText() call.

int myNum = 0;

try {
    myNum = Integer.parseInt(myString);
} catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
  // Handle parse error.

Get timezone from users browser using moment(timezone).js

All current answers provide the offset differece at current time, not at a given date.

moment(date).utcOffset() returns the time difference in minutes between browser time and UTC at the date passed as argument (or today, if no date passed).

Here's a function to parse correct offset at the picked date:

function getUtcOffset(date) {
  return moment(date)

Bootstrap 3: How to get two form inputs on one line and other inputs on individual lines?

You can code like two input box inside one div

<div class="input-group">
            <span class="input-group-addon"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></i></span>
            <input style="width:50% " class="form-control " placeholder="first name"  name="firstname" type="text" />
            <input style="width:50% " class="form-control " placeholder="lastname"  name="lastname" type="text" />

Kill Attached Screen in Linux

screen -X -S SCREENID kill

alternatively, you can use the following command

screen -S SCREENNAME -p 0 -X quit

You can view the list of the screen sessions by executing screen -ls

How to print a debug log?

You can use the php curl module to make calls to This works great in an secure, corporate environment where certain restrictions in the php.ini exists that restrict usage of file_put_contents.

How do I set browser width and height in Selenium WebDriver?

It's easy. Here is the full code.

from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
driver.get("Your URL")
driver.set_window_size(480, 320)

Make sure chrome driver is in your system path.

Can't find AVD or SDK manager in Eclipse

Chances are that you may be running your eclipse using Java 1.5.

Latest Plugin requires that the JRE be 1.6 or higher. 

You will have to use Eclipse that runs on JRE 1.6

Edit: I had run into same problems. If it is not JRE problem then you can debug this. Follow below procedure:

  1. Window -> show View -> other -> Plugin Development -> Plugin Registry
  2. In the plugin registry search for or any other plugin related to android (depending on your installation there maybe 7-8)
  3. Select , Right Click -> Diagnose. This will show the problem why the plugin was not loaded

jwt check if token expired

verify itself returns an error if expired. Safer as @Gabriel said.

const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')

router.use((req, res, next) => {
  const token = yourJwtService.getToken(req) // Get your token from the request
  jwt.verify(token,'your-secret'), function(err, decoded) {
    if (err) throw new Error(err) // Manage different errors here (Expired, untrusted...)
    req.auth = decoded // If no error, token info is returned in 'decoded'

And same written in async/await syntax:

const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
const jwtVerifyAsync = util.promisify(jwt.verify);

router.use(async (req, res, next) => {
  const token = yourJwtService.getToken(req) // Get your token from the request
  try {
    req.auth = await jwtVerifyAsync(token,'your-secret')) // If no error, token info is returned
  } catch (err) {
    throw new Error(err) // Manage different errors here (Expired, untrusted...)

Encrypt and Decrypt in Java

Here is a sample I made a couple of months ago The class encrypt and decrypt data


import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;

public class TestEncryptDecrypt {

private final String ALGO = "DES";
private final String MODE = "ECB";
private final String PADDING = "PKCS5Padding";
private static int mode = 0;

public static void main(String args[]) {
    TestEncryptDecrypt me = new TestEncryptDecrypt();
    if(args.length == 0) mode = 2;
    else mode = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    switch (mode) {
    case 0:
    case 1:

public void encrypt() {
try {
    System.out.println("Start encryption ...");

    /* Get Input Data */
    String input = getInputData();
    System.out.println("Input data : "+input);

    /* Create Secret Key */
    KeyGenerator keyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance(ALGO);
    SecureRandom random = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG", "SUN");
      Key sharedKey = keyGen.generateKey();

    /* Create the Cipher and init it with the secret key */
    Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance(ALGO+"/"+MODE+"/"+PADDING);
    //System.out.println("\n" + c.getProvider().getInfo());
    byte[] ciphertext = c.doFinal(input.getBytes());
    System.out.println("Input Encrypted : "+new String(ciphertext,"UTF8"));

    /* Save key to a file */

    /* Save encrypted data to a file */
} catch (Exception e) {

public void decrypt() {
try {
    System.out.println("Start decryption ...");

    /* Get encoded shared key from file*/
    byte[] encoded = load("shared.key");
      SecretKeyFactory kf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(ALGO);
    KeySpec ks = new DESKeySpec(encoded);
    SecretKey ky = kf.generateSecret(ks);

    /* Get encoded data */
    byte[] ciphertext = load("encrypted.txt");
    System.out.println("Encoded data = " + new String(ciphertext,"UTF8"));

    /* Create a Cipher object and initialize it with the secret key */
    Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance(ALGO+"/"+MODE+"/"+PADDING);

    /* Update and decrypt */
    byte[] plainText = c.doFinal(ciphertext);
    System.out.println("Plain Text : "+new String(plainText,"UTF8"));
} catch (Exception e) {

private String getInputData() {
    String id = "";
    String name = "";
    String contact = "";
    String tel = "";
    final String rc = System.getProperty("line.separator");
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    return buf.toString();

private void save(byte[] buf, String file) throws IOException {
      FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);

private byte[] load(String file) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
    byte[] buf = new byte[fis.available()];;
    return buf;

Best practice multi language website

Just a sub answer: Absolutely use translated urls with a language identifier in front of them:
Hybride solutions tend to get complicated, so I would just stick with it. Why? Cause the url is essential for SEO.

About the db translation: Is the number of languages more or less fixed? Or rather unpredictable and dynamic? If it is fixed, I would just add new columns, otherwise go with multiple tables.

But generally, why not use Drupal? I know everybody wants to build their own CMS cause it's faster, leaner, etc. etc. But that is just really a bad idea!

Make view 80% width of parent in React Native

As of React Native 0.42 height: and width: accept percentages.

Use width: 80% in your stylesheets and it just works.

  • Screenshot

  • Live Example
    Child Width/Height as Proportion of Parent

  • Code

    import React from 'react';
    import { Text, View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
    const width_proportion = '80%';
    const height_proportion = '40%';
    const styles = StyleSheet.create({
      screen: {
        flex: 1,
        alignItems: 'center',
        justifyContent: 'center',
        backgroundColor: '#5A9BD4',
      box: {
        width: width_proportion,
        height: height_proportion,
        alignItems: 'center',
        justifyContent: 'center',
        backgroundColor: '#B8D2EC',
      text: {
        fontSize: 18,
    export default () => (
      <View style={styles.screen}>
        <View style={}>
          <Text style={styles.text}>
            {width_proportion} of width{'\n'}
            {height_proportion} of height

Passing command line arguments in Visual Studio 2010?

  • Right click your project in Solution Explorer and select Properties from the menu
  • Go to Configuration Properties -> Debugging
  • Set the Command Arguments in the property list.

Adding Command Line Arguments

How to fix "could not find a base address that matches schema http"... in WCF

Only the first base address in the list will be taken over (coming from IIS). You can't have multiple base addresses per scheme prior to .NET4.

How can I convert an Int to a CString?

If you want something more similar to your example try _itot_s. On Microsoft compilers _itot_s points to _itoa_s or _itow_s depending on your Unicode setting:

CString str;
_itot_s( 15, str.GetBufferSetLength( 40 ), 40, 10 );

it should be slightly faster since it doesn't need to parse an input format.

How to fix "containing working copy admin area is missing" in SVN?

I had this error recently. It was caused by root owning a couple of files in the directory giving this error.

After I changed the permissions everything worked as expected.

Run on server option not appearing in Eclipse

we have to install the M2E Eclipse WTP plugin To install: Preferences->Maven->Discovery->Open Catalog and choose the WTP plugin.

And restart eclipse

How do you show animated GIFs on a Windows Form (c#)

Note that in Windows, you traditionally don't use animated Gifs, but little AVI animations: there is a Windows native control just to display them. There are even tools to convert animated Gifs to AVI (and vice-versa).

Exception.Message vs Exception.ToString()

In terms of the XML format for log4net, you need not worry about ex.ToString() for the logs. Simply pass the exception object itself and log4net does the rest do give you all of the details in its pre-configured XML format. The only thing I run into on occasion is new line formatting, but that's when I'm reading the files raw. Otherwise parsing the XML works great.

height: 100% for <div> inside <div> with display: table-cell

When you use % for setting heights or widths, always set the widths/heights of parent elements as well:

.table {_x000D_
    display: table;_x000D_
    height: 100%;_x000D_
.cell {_x000D_
    border: 2px solid black;_x000D_
    vertical-align: top;_x000D_
    display: table-cell;_x000D_
    height: 100%;_x000D_
.container {_x000D_
    height: 100%;_x000D_
    border: 2px solid green;_x000D_
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
<div class="table">_x000D_
    <div class="cell">_x000D_
    <div class="cell">_x000D_
        <div class="container">Text</div>_x000D_

React Js: Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0

Add two headers Content-Type and Accept to be equal to application/json.

  console.log("inside handleGetJson");
  fetch(`./fr.json`, {
      headers : { 
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Accept': 'application/json'

    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((messages) => {console.log("messages");});

How to use Java property files?

Reading a properties file and loading its contents to Properties

String filename = "";
Properties properties = new Properties();

input = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(filename);

The following is the efficient way to iterate over a Properties

    for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) {

        System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " => " + entry.getValue());

How to return a part of an array in Ruby?

I like ranges for this:

def first_half(list)
  list[0...(list.length / 2)]

def last_half(list)
  list[(list.length / 2)..list.length]

However, be very careful about whether the endpoint is included in your range. This becomes critical on an odd-length list where you need to choose where you're going to break the middle. Otherwise you'll end up double-counting the middle element.

The above example will consistently put the middle element in the last half.

How to edit the legend entry of a chart in Excel?

The data series names are defined by the column headers. Add the names to the column headers that you would like to use as titles for each of your data series, select all of the data (including the headers), then re-generate your graph. The names in the headers should then appear as the names in the legend for each series.

Column headers become data series titles in graph legend

What Regex would capture everything from ' mark to the end of a line?

When I tried '.* in windows (Notepad ++) it would match everything after first ' until end of last line.

To capture everything until end of that line I typed the following:


This would only capture everything from ' until end of that line.

How do I compile C++ with Clang?

I've had a similar problem when building Clang from source (but not with sudo apt-get install. This might depend on the version of Ubuntu which you're running).

It might be worth checking if clang++ can find the correct locations of your C++ libraries:

Compare the results of g++ -v <filename.cpp> and clang++ -v <filename.cpp>, under "#include < ... > search starts here:".

Playing .mp3 and .wav in Java?

Using standard javax.sound API, a single Maven dependency, completely Open Source (Java 7 or later required), this should be able to play most WAVs, OGG Vorbis and MP3 files:


    We have to explicitly instruct Maven to use tritonus-share 0.3.7-2 
    and NOT 0.3.7-1, otherwise vorbisspi won't work.



import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine.Info;
import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException;
import javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine;
import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException;

import static javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream;
import static javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED;

public class AudioFilePlayer {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final AudioFilePlayer player = new AudioFilePlayer ();"something.mp3");"something.ogg");
    public void play(String filePath) {
        final File file = new File(filePath);
        try (final AudioInputStream in = getAudioInputStream(file)) {
            final AudioFormat outFormat = getOutFormat(in.getFormat());
            final Info info = new Info(SourceDataLine.class, outFormat);
            try (final SourceDataLine line =
                     (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info)) {
                if (line != null) {
                    stream(getAudioInputStream(outFormat, in), line);
        } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException 
               | LineUnavailableException 
               | IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    private AudioFormat getOutFormat(AudioFormat inFormat) {
        final int ch = inFormat.getChannels();

        final float rate = inFormat.getSampleRate();
        return new AudioFormat(PCM_SIGNED, rate, 16, ch, ch * 2, rate, false);
    private void stream(AudioInputStream in, SourceDataLine line) 
        throws IOException {
        final byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
        for (int n = 0; n != -1; n =, 0, buffer.length)) {
            line.write(buffer, 0, n);


Making Python loggers output all messages to stdout in addition to log file

I simplified my source code (whose original version is OOP and uses a configuration file), to give you an alternative solution to @EliasStrehle's one, without using the dictConfig (thus easiest to integrate with existing source code):

import logging
import sys

def create_stream_handler(stream, formatter, level, message_filter=None):
    handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=stream)
    if message_filter:
    return handler

def configure_logger(logger: logging.Logger, enable_console: bool = True, enable_file: bool = True):
    if not logger.handlers:
        if enable_console:
            message_format: str = '{asctime:20} {name:16} {levelname:8} {message}'
            date_format: str = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
            level: int = logging.DEBUG
            formatter = logging.Formatter(message_format, date_format, '{')

            # Configures error output (from Warning levels).
            error_output_handler = create_stream_handler(sys.stderr, formatter,
                                                         max(level, logging.WARNING))

            # Configures standard output (from configured Level, if lower than Warning,
            #  and excluding everything from Warning and higher).
            if level < logging.WARNING:
                standard_output_filter = lambda record: record.levelno < logging.WARNING
                standard_output_handler = create_stream_handler(sys.stdout, formatter, level,

        if enable_file:
            message_format: str = '{asctime:20} {name:16} {levelname:8} {message}'
            date_format: str = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
            level: int = logging.DEBUG
            output_file: str = '/tmp/so_test.log'

            handler = logging.FileHandler(output_file)
            formatter = logging.Formatter(message_format, date_format, '{')

This is a very simple way to test it:

logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger('MyLogger')
configure_logger(logger, True, True)
logger.debug('Debug message ...')'Info message ...')
logger.warning('Warning ...')
logger.error('Error ...')
logger.fatal('Fatal message ...')