Programs & Examples On #Axhost

"Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))"

My fix was to create Platform in configuration manager in visual studio, and set to x64

Generate UML Class Diagram from Java Project

I use eUML2 plugin from Soyatec, under Eclipse and it works fine for the generation of UML giving the source code. This tool is useful up to Eclipse 4.4.x

List Directories and get the name of the Directory

This will print all the subdirectories of the current directory:

print [name for name in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isdir(name)]

I'm not sure what you're doing with split("-"), but perhaps this code will help you find a solution?

If you want the full pathnames of the directories, use abspath:

print [os.path.abspath(name) for name in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isdir(name)]

Note that these pieces of code will only get the immediate subdirectories. If you want sub-sub-directories and so on, you should use walk as others have suggested.

What is difference between Axios and Fetch?

With fetch, we need to deal with two promises. With axios, we can directly access the JSON result inside the response object data property.

How to getElementByClass instead of GetElementById with JavaScript?

My solution:

First create "<style>" tags with an ID.

<style id="YourID">
    .YourClass {background-color:red}

Then, I create a function in JavaScript like this:

document.getElementById('YourID').innerHTML = '.YourClass {background-color:blue}'

Worked like a charm for me.

Could not load file or assembly System.Web.Http.WebHost after published to Azure web site

For me worked adding the following section to web.config file:

            <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Http.WebHost" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
            <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

This example stands for MVC 5.1. Hope it will help someone to resolve such issue.

How to start rails server?

For newest Rails versions

If you have trouble with rails s, sometimes terminal fails.

And you should try to use:


To access command.

Enable ASP.NET ASMX web service for HTTP POST / GET requests

Try to declare UseHttpGet over your method.

[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true)]
public string HelloWorld()
    return "Hello World";

How to make IPython notebook matplotlib plot inline

I have to agree with foobarbecue (I don't have enough recs to be able to simply insert a comment under his post):

It's now recommended that python notebook isn't started wit the argument --pylab, and according to Fernando Perez (creator of ipythonnb) %matplotlib inline should be the initial notebook command.

See here:

PHP - Check if the page run on Mobile or Desktop browser

I used Robert Lee`s answer and it works great! Just writing down the complete function i'm using:

function isMobileDevice(){
    $aMobileUA = array(
        '/iphone/i' => 'iPhone', 
        '/ipod/i' => 'iPod', 
        '/ipad/i' => 'iPad', 
        '/android/i' => 'Android', 
        '/blackberry/i' => 'BlackBerry', 
        '/webos/i' => 'Mobile'

    //Return true if Mobile User Agent is detected
    foreach($aMobileUA as $sMobileKey => $sMobileOS){
        if(preg_match($sMobileKey, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){
            return true;
    //Otherwise return false..  
    return false;

SSIS Excel Import Forcing Incorrect Column Type

I've used the following recipe:

  1. Import data from Excel to Access
  2. Import data from Access to SQL Server

and it worked for me...

How Can I Remove “public/index.php” in the URL Generated Laravel?

I just installed Laravel 5 for a project and there is a file in the root called server.php.

Change it to index.php and it works or type in terminal:

$cp server.php index.php

Can I change the headers of the HTTP request sent by the browser?

ModHeader extension for Google Chrome, is also a good option. You can just set the Headers you want and just enter the URL in the browser, it will automatically take the headers from the extension when you hit the url. Only thing is, it will send headers for each and every URL you will hit so you have to disable or delete it after use.

Getting an "ambiguous redirect" error

I've recently found that blanks in the name of the redirect file will cause the "ambiguous redirect" message.

For example if you redirect to application$(date +%Y%m%d%k%M%S).log and you specify the wrong formatting characters, the redirect will fail before 10 AM for example. If however, you used application$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).log it would succeed. This is because the %k format yields ' 9' for 9AM where %H yields '09' for 9AM.

echo $(date +%Y%m%d%k%M%S) gives 20140626 95138

echo $(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) gives 20140626095138

The erroneous date might give something like:

echo "a" > myapp20140626 95138.log

where the following is what would be desired:

echo "a" > myapp20140626095138.log

Python str vs unicode types

Your terminal happens to be configured to UTF-8.

The fact that printing a works is a coincidence; you are writing raw UTF-8 bytes to the terminal. a is a value of length two, containing two bytes, hex values C3 and A1, while ua is a unicode value of length one, containing a codepoint U+00E1.

This difference in length is one major reason to use Unicode values; you cannot easily measure the number of text characters in a byte string; the len() of a byte string tells you how many bytes were used, not how many characters were encoded.

You can see the difference when you encode the unicode value to different output encodings:

>>> a = 'á'
>>> ua = u'á'
>>> ua.encode('utf8')
>>> ua.encode('latin1')
>>> a

Note that the first 256 codepoints of the Unicode standard match the Latin 1 standard, so the U+00E1 codepoint is encoded to Latin 1 as a byte with hex value E1.

Furthermore, Python uses escape codes in representations of unicode and byte strings alike, and low code points that are not printable ASCII are represented using \x.. escape values as well. This is why a Unicode string with a code point between 128 and 255 looks just like the Latin 1 encoding. If you have a unicode string with codepoints beyond U+00FF a different escape sequence, \u.... is used instead, with a four-digit hex value.

It looks like you don't yet fully understand what the difference is between Unicode and an encoding. Please do read the following articles before you continue:

JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a JRE

First, ensure that the Maven bin is in your Environmental Variable PATH entry.

If it is, make sure your entries aren't somehow out of order, and that JAVA_HOME is before Path in the list, or any entry that references %JAVA_HOME%. I was getting the same error when I was trying to check my maven version.

I have a few extra path variables that reference %JAVA_HOME%, or a different version of a JDK and Maven was mixed in between. I moved my Maven path entry below my %JAVA_HOME% one and now everything is working when I use Maven from cmd.

But it is Windows, so perhaps my just opening and closing the Environment Variables setting somehow made everything better.

Margin between items in recycler view Android

Use CardView in Recyclerview Item Layout like this :


How can I do an asc and desc sort using underscore.js?

You can use .sortBy, it will always return an ascending list:

_.sortBy([2, 3, 1], function(num) {
    return num;
}); // [1, 2, 3]

But you can use the .reverse method to get it descending:

var array = _.sortBy([2, 3, 1], function(num) {
    return num;

console.log(array); // [1, 2, 3]
console.log(array.reverse()); // [3, 2, 1]

Or when dealing with numbers add a negative sign to the return to descend the list:

_.sortBy([-3, -2, 2, 3, 1, 0, -1], function(num) {
    return -num;
}); // [3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3]

Under the hood .sortBy uses the built in .sort([handler]):

// Default is ascending:
[2, 3, 1].sort(); // [1, 2, 3]

// But can be descending if you provide a sort handler:
[2, 3, 1].sort(function(a, b) {
    // a = current item in array
    // b = next item in array
    return b - a;

How to send multiple data fields via Ajax?

Try with quotes:

data: {"status": status, "name": name}

It must work fine.

What is the lifetime of a static variable in a C++ function?

The Static variables are come into play once the program execution starts and it remain available till the program execution ends.

The Static variables are created in the Data Segment of the Memory.

Function inside a function.?

It is possible to define a function from inside another function. the inner function does not exist until the outer function gets executed.

echo function_exists("y") ? 'y is defined\n' : 'y is not defined \n';
echo function_exists("y") ? 'y is defined\n' : 'y is not defined \n';


y is not defined

y is defined

Simple thing you can not call function y before executed x

Bootstrap 3 with remote Modal

As much as I dislike modifying Bootstrap code (makes upgrading more difficult), you can simply add ".find('.modal-body') to the load statement in modal.js as follows:

// original code
// if (this.options.remote) this.$element.load(this.options.remote)

// modified code
if (this.options.remote) this.$element.find('.modal-body').load(this.options.remote)

Error importing SQL dump into MySQL: Unknown database / Can't create database

I create the database myself using the command line. Then try to import again, it works.

Converting string to integer

The function you need is CInt.

ie CInt(PrinterLabel)

See Type Conversion Functions (Visual Basic) on MSDN

Edit: Be aware that CInt and its relatives behave differently in and VBScript. For example, in, CInt casts to a 32-bit integer, but in VBScript, CInt casts to a 16-bit integer. Be on the lookout for potential overflows!

Changing nav-bar color after scrolling?

window.addEventListener('scroll', function (e) {
        var nav = document.getElementById('nav');
        if (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop > window.innerHeight) {
            } else {

best approach to use event listener. especially for Firefox browser, check this doc Scroll-linked effects and Firefox is no longer support document.body.scrollTop and alternative to use document.documentElement.scrollTop. This is completes the answer from Yahya Essam

How to get current timestamp in string format in Java? ""


Use only modern java.time classes. Never use the terrible legacy classes such as SimpleDateFormat, Date, or java.sql.Timestamp.

ZonedDateTime                    // Represent a moment as perceived in the wall-clock time used by the people of a particular region ( a time zone).
.now(                            // Capture the current moment.
    ZoneId.of( "Africa/Tunis" )  // Specify the time zone using proper Continent/Region name. Never use 3-4 character pseudo-zones such as PDT, EST, IST. 
)                                // Returns a `ZonedDateTime` object. 
.format(                         // Generate a `String` object containing text representing the value of our date-time object. 
    DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "" )
)                                // Returns a `String`. 

Or use the JVM’s current default time zone.

.now( ZoneId.systemDefault() )
.format( DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "" ) )

java.time & JDBC 4.2

The modern approach uses the java.time classes as seen above.

If your JDBC driver complies with JDBC 4.2, you can directly exchange java.time objects with the database. Use PreparedStatement::setObject and ResultSet::getObject.

Use java.sql only for drivers before JDBC 4.2

If your JDBC driver does not yet comply with JDBC 4.2 for support of java.time types, you must fall back to using the java.sql classes.

Storing data.

OffsetDateTime odt = ZoneOffset.UTC ) ;  // Capture the current moment in UTC.
myPreparedStatement.setObject( … , odt ) ;

Retrieving data.

OffsetDateTime odt = myResultSet.getObject( … , OffsetDateTime.class ) ;

The java.sql types, such as java.sql.Timestamp, should only be used for transfer in and out of the database. Immediately convert to java.time types in Java 8 and later.


A java.sql.Timestamp maps to a java.time.Instant, a moment on the timeline in UTC. Notice the new conversion method toInstant added to the old class.

java.sql.Timestamp ts = myResultSet.getTimestamp( … );
Instant instant = ts.toInstant(); 

Time Zone

Apply the desired/expected time zone (ZoneId) to get a ZonedDateTime.

ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant( instant , zoneId );

Formatted Strings

Use a DateTimeFormatter to generate your string. The pattern codes are similar to those of java.text.SimpleDateFormat but not exactly, so read the doc carefully.

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "" );
String output = zdt.format( formatter );

This particular format is ambiguous as to its exact meaning as it lacks any indication of offset-from-UTC or time zone.

ISO 8601

If you have any say in the matter, I suggest you consider using standard ISO 8601 formats rather than rolling your own. The standard format is quite similar to yours. For example:

The java.time classes use these standard formats by default, so no need to specify a pattern. The ZonedDateTime class extends the standard format by appending the name of the time zone (a wise improvement).

String output = zdt.toString(); // Example: 2007-12-03T10:15:30+01:00[Europe/Paris]

Convert to java.sql

You can convert from java.time back to java.sql.Timestamp. Extract an Instant from the ZonedDateTime.

New methods have been added to the old classes to facilitate converting to/from java.time classes.

java.sql.Timestamp ts = java.sql.Timestamp.from( zdt.toInstant() );

Table of date-time types in Java (both legacy and modern) and in standard SQL

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.

Remove Duplicates from range of cells in excel vba

If you got only one column in the range to clean, just add "(1)" to the end. It indicates in wich column of the range Excel will remove the duplicates. Something like:

 Sub norepeat()

    Range("C8:C16").RemoveDuplicates (1)

End Sub


How to check if element in groovy array/hash/collection/list?

You can also use matches with regular expression like this:

boolean bool = List.matches("(?i).*SOME STRING HERE.*")

MySQL: Error dropping database (errno 13; errno 17; errno 39)

As for ERRORCODE 39, you can definately just delete the physical table files on the disk. the location depends on your OS distribution and setup. On Debian its typically under /var/lib/mysql/database_name/ So do a:

rm -f /var/lib/mysql/<database_name>/

And then drop the database from your tool of choice or using the command:

DROP DATABASE <database_name>

How to apply border radius in IE8 and below IE8 browsers?

As the answer said above, CSS PIE makes things like border-radius and box-shadow work in IE6-IE8:

That said I have still found things to be somewhat flaky when using PIE and now just accept that people using older browsers aren't going to see rounded corners and dropshadows.

How to start new line with space for next line in Html.fromHtml for text view in android

Did you try <br/>, <br><br/> or simply \n ? <br> should be supported according to this source, though.

Supported HTML tags

Android video streaming example

Your problem is most likely with the video file, not the code. Your video is most likely not "safe for streaming". See where to place videos to stream android for more.

Undoing a git rebase

git reset --hard origin/{branchName}

is the correct solution to reset all your local changes done by rebase.

Representing null in JSON

null is not zero. It is not a value, per se: it is a value outside the domain of the variable indicating missing or unknown data.

There is only one way to represent null in JSON. Per the specs (RFC 4627 and

2.1.  Values

A JSON value MUST be an object, array, number, or string, or one of
the following three literal names:

  false null true

enter image description here

Prevent Sequelize from outputting SQL to the console on execution of query?

All of these answers are turned off the logging at creation time.

But what if we need to turn off the logging on runtime ?

By runtime i mean after initializing the sequelize object using new Sequelize(.. function.

I peeked into the github source, found a way to turn off logging in runtime.

// Somewhere your code, turn off the logging
sequelize.options.logging = false

// Somewhere your code, turn on the logging
sequelize.options.logging = true 

How to generate the JPA entity Metamodel?

Ok, based on what I have read here, I did it with EclipseLink this way and I did not need to put the processor dependency to the project, only as an annotationProcessorPath element of the compiler plugin.


pyplot scatter plot marker size

I also attempted to use 'scatter' initially for this purpose. After quite a bit of wasted time - I settled on the following solution.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
input_list = [{'x':100,'y':200,'radius':50, 'color':(0.1,0.2,0.3)}]    
output_list = []   
for point in input_list:
    output_list.append(plt.Circle((point['x'], point['y']), point['radius'], color=point['color'], fill=False))
ax = plt.gca(aspect='equal')
ax.set_xlim((0, 1000))
ax.set_ylim((0, 1000))
for circle in output_list:    

enter image description here

This is based on an answer to this question

Angular - POST uploaded file

Look at my code, but be aware. I use async/await, because latest Chrome beta can read any es6 code, which gets by TypeScript with compilation. So, you must replace asyns/await by .then().

Input change handler:

 * @param fileInput
public psdTemplateSelectionHandler (fileInput: any){
    let FileList: FileList =;

    for (let i = 0, length = FileList.length; i < length; i++) {

    this.progressBarVisibility = true;

Submit handler:

public async psdTemplateUploadHandler (): Promise<any> {
    let result: any;

    if (!this.psdTemplates.length) {

    this.isSubmitted = true;

        .subscribe(progress => {
            this.uploadProgress = progress;

    try {
        result = await this.fileUploadService.upload(this.uploadRoute, this.psdTemplates);
    } catch (error) {

    if (!result['images']) {


FileUploadService. That service also stored uploading progress in progress$ property, and in other places, you can subscribe on it and get new value every 500ms.

import { Component } from 'angular2/core';
import { Injectable } from 'angular2/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/share';

export class FileUploadService {
 * @param Observable<number>
private progress$: Observable<number>;

 * @type {number}
private progress: number = 0;

private progressObserver: any;

constructor () {
    this.progress$ = new Observable(observer => {
        this.progressObserver = observer

 * @returns {Observable<number>}
public getObserver (): Observable<number> {
    return this.progress$;

 * Upload files through XMLHttpRequest
 * @param url
 * @param files
 * @returns {Promise<T>}
public upload (url: string, files: File[]): Promise<any> {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let formData: FormData = new FormData(),
            xhr: XMLHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();

        for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            formData.append("uploads[]", files[i], files[i].name);

        xhr.onreadystatechange = () => {
            if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                if (xhr.status === 200) {
                } else {


        xhr.upload.onprogress = (event) => {
            this.progress = Math.round(event.loaded / * 100);

        };'POST', url, true);

 * Set interval for frequency with which Observable inside Promise will share data with subscribers.
 * @param interval
private static setUploadUpdateInterval (interval: number): void {
    setInterval(() => {}, interval);


Other answers to this question do not return what the OP needs, they will return a string like:

test1 test2 test3 test1 test3 test4

(notice that test1 and test3 are duplicated) while the OP wants to return this string:

test1 test2 test3 test4

the problem here is that the string "test1 test3" is duplicated and is inserted only once, but all of the others are distinct to each other ("test1 test2 test3" is distinct than "test1 test3", even if some tests contained in the whole string are duplicated).

What we need to do here is to split each string into different rows, and we first need to create a numbers table:

CREATE TABLE numbers (n INT);

then we can run this query:

    SUBSTRING_INDEX(tableName.categories, ' ', numbers.n),
    ' ',
    -1) category
  numbers INNER JOIN tableName
    LENGTH(REPLACE(tableName.categories, ' ', ''))+numbers.n-1;

and we get a result like this:


and then we can apply GROUP_CONCAT aggregate function, using DISTINCT clause:

    SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(tableName.categories, ' ', numbers.n), ' ', -1) category
    numbers INNER JOIN tableName
    ON LENGTH(tableName.categories)>=LENGTH(REPLACE(tableName.categories, ' ', ''))+numbers.n-1
  ) s;

Please see fiddle here.

Using C++ base class constructors?

You'll need to declare constructors in each of the derived classes, and then call the base class constructor from the initializer list:

class D : public A
    D(const string &val) : A(0) {}
    D( int val ) : A( val ) {}

D variable1( "Hello" );
D variable2( 10 );

C++11 allows you to use the using A::A syntax you use in your decleration of D, but C++11 features aren't supported by all compilers just now, so best to stick with the older C++ methods until this feature is implemented in all the compilers your code will be used with.

Generating 8-character only UUIDs

First: Even the unique IDs generated by java UUID.randomUUID or .net GUID are not 100% unique. Especialy UUID.randomUUID is "only" a 128 bit (secure) random value. So if you reduce it to 64 bit, 32 bit, 16 bit (or even 1 bit) then it becomes simply less unique.

So it is at least a risk based decisions, how long your uuid must be.

Second: I assume that when you talk about "only 8 characters" you mean a String of 8 normal printable characters.

If you want a unique string with length 8 printable characters you could use a base64 encoding. This means 6bit per char, so you get 48bit in total (possible not very unique - but maybe it is ok for you application)

So the way is simple: create a 6 byte random array

 SecureRandom rand;
 // ...
 byte[] randomBytes = new byte[16];

And then transform it to a Base64 String, for example by org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64

BTW: it depends on your application if there is a better way to create "uuid" then by random. (If you create a the UUIDs only once per second, then it is a good idea to add a time stamp) (By the way: if you combine (xor) two random values, the result is always at least as random as the most random of the both).

REST API - Bulk Create or Update in single request

In a project I worked at we solved this problem by implement something we called 'Batch' requests. We defined a path /batch where we accepted json in the following format:

      path: '/docs',
      method: 'post',
      body: {
         doc_number: 1,
         binder: 1
      path: '/docs',
      method: 'post',
      body: {
         doc_number: 5,
         binder: 8
      path: '/docs',
      method: 'post',
      body: {
         doc_number: 6,
         binder: 3

The response have the status code 207 (Multi-Status) and looks like this:

      path: '/docs',
      method: 'post',
      body: {
         doc_number: 1,
         binder: 1
      status: 200
      path: '/docs',
      method: 'post',
      body: {
         error: {
            msg: 'A document with doc_number 5 already exists'
      status: 409
      path: '/docs',
      method: 'post',
      body: {
         doc_number: 6,
         binder: 3
      status: 200

You could also add support for headers in this structure. We implemented something that proved useful which was variables to use between requests in a batch, meaning we can use the response from one request as input to another.

Facebook and Google have similar implementations:

When you want to create or update a resource with the same call I would use either POST or PUT depending on the case. If the document already exist, do you want the entire document to be:

  1. Replaced by the document you send in (i.e. missing properties in request will be removed and already existing overwritten)?
  2. Merged with the document you send in (i.e. missing properties in request will not be removed and already existing properties will be overwritten)?

In case you want the behavior from alternative 1 you should use a POST and in case you want the behavior from alternative 2 you should use PUT.

As people already suggested you could also go for PATCH, but I prefer to keep API's simple and not use extra verbs if they are not needed.

How to convert all tables in database to one collation?

Better option to change also collation of varchar columns inside table also


Additionnaly if you have data with forein key on non utf8 column before launch the bunch script use

SET foreign_key_checks = 0;

It means global SQL will be for mySQL :

SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
SET foreign_key_checks = 1;

But take care if according mysql documentation,

If you use ALTER TABLE to convert a column from one character set to another, MySQL attempts to map the data values, but if the character sets are incompatible, there may be data loss. "

EDIT: Specially with column type enum, it just crash completly enums set (even if there is no special caracters)

Getting data from selected datagridview row and which event?

You can use SelectionChanged event since you are using FullRowSelect selection mode. Than inside the handler you can access SelectedRows property and get data from it. Example:

private void dataGridView_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView.SelectedRows) 
        string value1 = row.Cells[0].Value.ToString();
        string value2 = row.Cells[1].Value.ToString();

You can also walk through the column collection instead of typing indexes...

MySQL Error 1093 - Can't specify target table for update in FROM clause

This is what I did for updating a Priority column value by 1 if it is >=1 in a table and in its WHERE clause using a subquery on same table to make sure that at least one row contains Priority=1 (because that was the condition to be checked while performing update) :

SET Priority=Priority + 1
WHERE Priority >= 1

I know it's a bit ugly but it does works fine.

System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out

I'm not sure about your first code sample where you use WebClient.UploadValues, it's not really enough to go on, could you paste more of your surrounding code? Regarding your WebRequest code, there are two things at play here:

  1. You're only requesting the headers of the response**, you never read the body of the response by opening and reading (to its end) the ResponseStream. Because of this, the WebRequest client helpfully leaves the connection open, expecting you to request the body at any moment. Until you either read the response body to completion (which will automatically close the stream for you), clean up and close the stream (or the WebRequest instance) or wait for the GC to do its thing, your connection will remain open.

  2. You have a default maximum amount of active connections to the same host of 2. This means you use up your first two connections and then never dispose of them so your client isn't given the chance to complete the next request before it reaches its timeout (which is milliseconds, btw, so you've set it to 0.2 seconds - the default should be fine).

If you don't want the body of the response (or you've just uploaded or POSTed something and aren't expecting a response), simply close the stream, or the client, which will close the stream for you.

The easiest way to fix this is to make sure you use using blocks on disposable objects:

for (int i = 0; i < ops1; i++)
    Uri myUri = new Uri(site);
    WebRequest myWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(myUri);
    //myWebRequest.Timeout = 200;
    using (WebResponse myWebResponse = myWebRequest.GetResponse())
        // Do what you want with myWebResponse.Headers.
    } // Your response will be disposed of here

Another solution is to allow 200 concurrent connections to the same host. However, unless you're planning to multi-thread this operation so you'd need multiple, concurrent connections, this won't really help you:

 ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 200;

When you're getting timeouts within code, the best thing to do is try to recreate that timeout outside of your code. If you can't, the problem probably lies with your code. I usually use cURL for that, or just a web browser if it's a simple GET request.

** In reality, you're actually requesting the first chunk of data from the response, which contains the HTTP headers, and also the start of the body. This is why it's possible to read HTTP header info (such as Content-Encoding, Set-Cookie etc) before reading from the output stream. As you read the stream, further data is retrieved from the server. WebRequest's connection to the server is kept open until you reach the end of this stream (effectively closing it as it's not seekable), manually close it yourself or it is disposed of. There's more about this here.

What are the differences in die() and exit() in PHP?

This page says die is an alies of exit, so they are identical. But also explains that:

there are functions which changed names because of an API cleanup or some other reason and the old names are only kept as aliases for backward compatibility. It is usually a bad idea to use these kind of aliases, as they may be bound to obsolescence or renaming, which will lead to unportable script.

So, call me paranoid, but there may be no dieing in the future.

Disable single warning error

Instead of putting it on top of the file (or even a header file), just wrap the code in question with #pragma warning (push), #pragma warning (disable) and a matching #pragma warning (pop), as shown here.

Although there are some other options, including #pramga warning (once).

Center an element in Bootstrap 4 Navbar

See:, now you can use:

<nav class="navbar navbar-light main-nav">
<div class="container text-xs-center">
    <ul class="nav navbar-nav pull-xs-left">
        <li class="nav-item active">
            <a class="nav-link" href="#">Home</a>
        <li class="nav-item">
            <a class="nav-link" href="#">Download</a>
        <li class="nav-item">
            <a class="nav-link" href="#">Register</a>

    <ul class="nav navbar-nav" style="display: inline-block;">
        <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="#">Website Name</a></li>

    <ul class="nav navbar-nav pull-xs-right">
        <li class="nav-item">
            <a class="nav-link" href="#">Rates</a>
        <li class="nav-item">
            <a class="nav-link" href="#">Help</a>
        <li class="nav-item">
            <a class="nav-link" href="#">Contact</a>

apply text-xs-center on your container and set display: inline-block; for your list.

How to use CSS to surround a number with a circle?

enter image description here

Here's a demo on JSFiddle and a snippet:

/* Creating a number within a circle using CSS */
.numberCircle {
    font-family: "OpenSans-Semibold", Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;
    display: inline-block;
    color: #fff;
    text-align: center;
    line-height: 0px;
    border-radius: 50%;
    font-size: 12px;
    min-width: 38px;
    min-height: 38px;

.numberCircle span {
    display: inline-block;
    padding-top: 50%;
    padding-bottom: 50%;
    margin-left: 1px;
    margin-right: 1px;

/* Some Back Ground Colors */
.clrGreen {
    background: #51a529;
.clrRose {
    background: #e6568b;
.clrOrange {
    background: #ec8234;
.clrBlueciel {
    background: #21adfc;
.clrMauve {
    background: #7b5d99;
<span class="numberCircle clrGreen"><span>8</span></span>
<span class="numberCircle clrRose"><span>80</span></span>
<span class="numberCircle clrOrange"><span>800</span></span>
<span class="numberCircle clrMauve"><span>8000</span></span>

Convert UTF-8 encoded NSData to NSString

I humbly submit a category to make this less annoying:

@interface NSData (EasyUTF8)

// Safely decode the bytes into a UTF8 string
- (NSString *)asUTF8String;



@implementation NSData (EasyUTF8)

- (NSString *)asUTF8String {
    return [[NSString alloc] initWithData:self encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];    


(Note that if you're not using ARC you'll need an autorelease there.)

Now instead of the appallingly verbose:

NSData *data = ...
[[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

You can do:

NSData *data = ...
[data asUTF8String];

How can I send an inner <div> to the bottom of its parent <div>?

A flexbox way.


<div class="parent">
  <div>Images, text, buttons oh my!</div>


.parent {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  justify-content: space-between;

/*  not necessary, just to visualize it */

.parent {
  height: 500px;
  border: 1px solid black;

.parent div {
  border: 1px solid red;

enter image description here


Source - Flexbox Guide

Browser support for flexbox - Caniuse

How do you get the file size in C#?

Size on disk might be different, if you move the file to another filesystem (FAT16, NTFS, EXT3, etc)

As other answerers have said, this will give you the size in bytes, not the size on disk.

Invalid shorthand property initializer

Use : instead of =

see the example below that gives an error'/mews', (req, res) => {
if (isValidMew(req.body)) {
    // insert into db
    const mew = {
        name = filter.clean(,
        content = filter.clean(req.body.content.toString()),
        created: new Date()

That gives Syntex Error: invalid shorthand proprty initializer.

Then i replace = with : that's solve this error.'/mews', (req, res) => {
if (isValidMew(req.body)) {
    // insert into db
    const mew = {
        name: filter.clean(,
        content: filter.clean(req.body.content.toString()),
        created: new Date()

Why am I not getting a java.util.ConcurrentModificationException in this example?

Change Iterator for each into for loop to solve.

And the Reason is:

The iterators returned by this class's iterator and listIterator methods are fail-fast: if the list is structurally modified at any time after the iterator is created, in any way except through the iterator's own remove or add methods, the iterator will throw a ConcurrentModificationException.

--Referred Java Docs.

Return HTML from ASP.NET Web API

Starting with AspNetCore 2.0, it's recommended to use ContentResult instead of the Produce attribute in this case. See:

This doesn't rely on serialization nor on content negotiation.

public ContentResult Index() {
    return new ContentResult {
        ContentType = "text/html",
        StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK,
        Content = "<html><body>Hello World</body></html>"

Catch a thread's exception in the caller thread in Python

Wrap Thread with exception storage.

import threading
import sys
class ExcThread(threading.Thread):

    def __init__(self, target, args = None):
        self.args = args if args else [] = target
        self.exc = None

    def run(self):
            raise Exception('An error occured here.')
        except Exception:

def main():
    def hello(name):
        print(!"Hello, {name}!")
    thread_obj = ExcThread(target=hello, args=("Jack"))

    exc = thread_obj.exc
    if exc:
        exc_type, exc_obj, exc_trace = exc
        print(exc_type, ':',exc_obj, ":", exc_trace)


JSON serialization/deserialization in ASP.Net Core

You can use Newtonsoft.Json, it's a dependency of Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.ModelBinding which is a dependency of Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc. So, you don't need to add a dependency in your project.json.

#using Newtonsoft.Json

Note, using a WebAPI controller you don't need to deal with JSON.

UPDATE ASP.Net Core 3.0

Json.NET has been removed from the ASP.NET Core 3.0 shared framework.

You can use the new JSON serializer layers on top of the high-performance Utf8JsonReader and Utf8JsonWriter. It deserializes objects from JSON and serializes objects to JSON. Memory allocations are kept minimal and includes support for reading and writing JSON with Stream asynchronously.

To get started, use the JsonSerializer class in the System.Text.Json.Serialization namespace. See the documentation for information and samples.

To use Json.NET in an ASP.NET Core 3.0 project:


Read Json.NET support in Migrate from ASP.NET Core 2.2 to 3.0 Preview 2 for more information.

Retrieving a property of a JSON object by index?

Simple solution, just one line..

var obj = {
    "set1": [1, 2, 3],
    "set2": [4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
    "set3": [9, 10, 11, 12]

obj = Object.values(obj);


Better way to sum a property value in an array

Alternative for improved readability and using Map and Reduce:

const traveler = [
    {  description: 'Senior', amount: 50 },
    {  description: 'Senior', amount: 50 },
    {  description: 'Adult', amount: 75 },
    {  description: 'Child', amount: 35 },
    {  description: 'Infant', amount: 25 },

const sum = traveler
  .map(item => item.amount)
  .reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr, 0);

Re-useable function:

const calculateSum = (obj, field) => obj
  .map(items => items.attributes[field])
  .reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr, 0);

JavaScript private methods

Wrap all code in Anonymous Function: Then , all functions will be private ,ONLY functions attached to window object :

         return this;


       return 'My name is ';


Use this :

  var abdennour=new Person('Abdennour');


How to Enable ActiveX in Chrome?

This could be pretty ugly, but doesn't Chrome use the NPAPI for plugins like Safari? In that case, you could write a wrapper plugin with the NPAPI that made the appropriate ActiveX creation and calls to run the plugin. If you do a lot of scripting against those plugins, you might have to be a bit of work to proxy those calls through to the wrapped ActiveX control.

What does character set and collation mean exactly?

A character encoding is a way to encode characters so that they fit in memory. That is, if the charset is ISO-8859-15, the euro symbol, €, will be encoded as 0xa4, and in UTF-8, it will be 0xe282ac.

The collation is how to compare characters, in latin9, there are letters as e é è ê f, if sorted by their binary representation, it will go e f é ê è but if the collation is set to, for example, French, you'll have them in the order you thought they would be, which is all of e é è ê are equal, and then f.

Web.Config Debug/Release

It is possible using ConfigTransform build target available as a Nuget package -

All "web.*.config" transform files will be transformed and output as a series of "web.*.config.transformed" files in the build output directory regardless of the chosen build configuration.

The same applies to "app.*.config" transform files in non-web projects.

and then adding the following target to your *.csproj.

<Target Name="TransformActiveConfiguration" Condition="Exists('$(ProjectDir)/Web.$(Configuration).config')" BeforeTargets="Compile" >
    <TransformXml Source="$(ProjectDir)/Web.Config" Transform="$(ProjectDir)/Web.$(Configuration).config" Destination="$(TargetDir)/Web.config" />

Posting an answer as this is the first Stackoverflow post that appears in Google on the subject.


I was looking for a nice and complete example of how to bind multiple query parameters dynamically to any SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE query. Alec mentions in his answer a way of how to bind result, for me the get_result() after execute() function for SELECT queries works just fine, and am able to retrieve all the selected results into an array of associative arrays.

Anyway, I ended up creating a function where I am able to dynamically bind any amount of parameters to a parametrized query ( using call_user_func_array function) and obtain a result of the query execution. Below is the function with its documentation (please read before it before using - especially the $paremetersTypes - Type specification chars parameter is important to understand)

     * Prepares and executes a parametrized QUERY (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)
     * @param[in] $dbConnection mysqli database connection to be used for query execution
     * @param[in] $dbQuery parametrized query to be bind parameters for and then execute
     * @param[in] $isDMQ boolean value, should be set to TRUE for (DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE - Data manipulaiton queries), FALSE for SELECT queries
     * @param[in] $paremetersTypes String representation for input parametrs' types as per
     * @param[in] $errorOut A variable to be passed by reference where a string representation of an error will be present if a FAUILURE occurs
     * @param[in] $arrayOfParemetersToBind Parameters to be bind to the parametrized query, parameters need to be specified in an array in the correct order 
     * @return array of feched records associative arrays for SELECT query on SUCCESS, TRUE for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE queries on SUCCESS, on FAIL sets the error and returns NULL 
    function ExecuteMySQLParametrizedQuery($dbConnection, $dbQuery, $isDMQ, $paremetersTypes, &$errorOut, $arrayOfParemetersToBind)
        $stmt = $dbConnection->prepare($dbQuery);

        $outValue = NULL;

        if ($stmt === FALSE)
            $errorOut = 'Failed to prepare statement for query: ' . $dbQuery;
        else if ( call_user_func_array(array($stmt, "bind_param"), array_merge(array($paremetersTypes), $arrayOfParemetersToBind)) === FALSE)
            $errorOut = 'Failed to bind required parameters to query: ' . $dbQuery . '  , parameters :' . json_encode($arrayOfParemetersToBind);
        else if (!$stmt->execute())
            $errorOut = "Failed to execute query [$dbQuery] , erorr:" . $stmt->error;
            if ($isDMQ)
               $outValue = TRUE;
                $result = $stmt->get_result();

                if ($result === FALSE) 
                     $errorOut = 'Failed to obtain result from statement for query ' . $dbQuery;
                    $outValue = $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);


        return $outValue;


    $param1 = "128989";
    $param2 = "some passcode";

    $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO Cards (Serial, UserPin) VALUES (?, ?)";
    $rowsInserted = ExecuteMySQLParametrizedQuery($dbConnection, $insertQuery, TRUE, 'ss', $errorOut, array(&$param1, &$param2) ); // Make sure the parameters in an array are passed by reference

    if ($rowsInserted === NULL)
        echo 'error ' . $errorOut;
        echo "successfully inserted row";

    $selectQuery = "SELECT CardID FROM Cards WHERE Serial like ? AND UserPin like ?";
    $arrayOfCardIDs = ExecuteMySQLParametrizedQuery($dbConnection, $selectQuery, FALSE, 'ss', $errorOut, array(&$param1, &$param2) ); // Make sure the parameters in an array are passed by reference

    if ($arrayOfCardIDs === NULL) 
        echo 'error ' . $errorOut;
        echo 'obtained result array of ' . count($arrayOfCardIDs) . 'selected rows';

        if (count($arrayOfCardIDs) > 0) 
            echo 'obtained card id = ' . $arrayOfCardIDs[0]['CardID'];

How to split a delimited string into an array in awk?

echo "12|23|11" | awk '{split($0,a,"|"); print a[3] a[2] a[1]}'

should work.

Conditional Formatting using Excel VBA code

This will get you to an answer for your simple case, but can you expand on how you'll know which columns will need to be compared (B and C in this case) and what the initial range (A1:D5 in this case) will be? Then I can try to provide a more complete answer.

Sub setCondFormat()
    With Range("B3:H63")
        .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
        With .FormatConditions(.FormatConditions.Count)
            With .Interior
                .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
                .Color = 5287936
                .TintAndShade = 0
            End With
        End With
    End With
End Sub

Note: this is tested in Excel 2010.

Edit: Updated code based on comments.

jquery (or pure js) simulate enter key pressed for testing

Demo Here

var e = jQuery.Event("keypress");
e.which = 13; //choose the one you want
e.keyCode = 13;

How to avoid "Permission denied" when using pip with virtualenv

I didn't create my virtualenv using sudo. So Sebastian's answer didn't apply to me. My project is called utils. I checked utils directory and saw this:

-rw-r--r--   1 macuser  staff   983  6 Jan 15:17
drwxr-xr-x   6 root     staff   204  6 Jan 14:36 utils.egg-info
-rw-r--r--   1 macuser  staff    31  6 Jan 15:09 requirements.txt

As you can see, utils.egg-info is owned by root not macuser. That is why it was giving me permission denied error. I also had to remove /Users/macuser/.virtualenvs/armoury/lib/python2.7/site-packages/utils.egg-link as it was created by root as well. I did pip install -e . again after removing those, and it worked.

Which UUID version to use?

There are two different ways of generating a UUID.

If you just need a unique ID, you want a version 1 or version 4.

  • Version 1: This generates a unique ID based on a network card MAC address and a timer. These IDs are easy to predict (given one, I might be able to guess another one) and can be traced back to your network card. It's not recommended to create these.

  • Version 4: These are generated from random (or pseudo-random) numbers. If you just need to generate a UUID, this is probably what you want.

If you need to always generate the same UUID from a given name, you want a version 3 or version 5.

  • Version 3: This generates a unique ID from an MD5 hash of a namespace and name. If you need backwards compatibility (with another system that generates UUIDs from names), use this.

  • Version 5: This generates a unique ID from an SHA-1 hash of a namespace and name. This is the preferred version.

How to correctly get image from 'Resources' folder in NetBeans

Thanks, Valter Henrique, with your tip i managed to realise, that i simply entered incorrect path to this image. In one of my tries i use

    String pathToImageSortBy = "resources/testDataIcons/filling.png";
    ImageIcon SortByIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(pathToImageSortBy));

But correct way was use name of my project in path to resource

String pathToImageSortBy = "nameOfProject/resources/testDataIcons/filling.png";
ImageIcon SortByIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(pathToImageSortBy));

How to send Request payload to REST API in java?

I tried with a rest client.

Headers :

  • POST /r/gerrit/rpc/ChangeDetailService HTTP/1.1
  • Host:
  • User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0
  • Accept: application/json
  • Accept-Language: null
  • Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
  • accept-charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3
  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Content-Length: 73
  • Connection: keep-alive

it works fine. I retrieve 200 OK with a good body.

Why do you set a status code in your request? and multiple declaration "Accept" with Accept:application/json,application/json,application/jsonrequest. just a statement is enough.


In case you need to ROUND the result, not truncate, can use this:

select convert(decimal(38,4), round(convert(decimal(38,10), '123456789.1234567'),4))

This will return the following:

'123456789.1235' for '123456789.1234567'
'123456789.1234' for '123456789.1234467'

SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method IE

This issue may be occurred due to improper jquery version. like 1.4 etc. where done method is not supported

How do I find the length of an array?

You have a bunch of options to be used to get a C array size.

int myArray[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7};

1) sizeof(<array>) / sizeof(<type>):

std::cout << "Size:" << sizeof(myArray) / sizeof(int) << std::endl;

2) sizeof(<array>) / sizeof(*<array>):

std::cout << "Size:" << sizeof(myArray) / sizeof(*myArray) << std::endl;

3) sizeof(<array>) / sizeof(<array>[<element>]):

std::cout << "Size:" << sizeof(myArray) / sizeof(myArray[0]) << std::endl;

Read data from SqlDataReader

In the simplest terms, if your query returns column_name and it holds a string:

while (rdr.Read())
    string yourString = rdr.getString("column_name")

Getting mouse position in c#

   internal static class CursorPosition {
  public struct PointInter {
     public int X;
     public int Y;
     public static explicit operator Point(PointInter point) => new Point(point.X, point.Y);       

  public static extern bool GetCursorPos(out PointInter lpPoint);

  // For your convenience
  public static Point GetCursorPosition() {
     PointInter lpPoint;
     GetCursorPos(out lpPoint);
     return (Point) lpPoint;


How to fix corrupted git repository?


Git doesn't really store history the way you think it does. It calculates history at run-time based on an ancestor chain. If your ancestry is missing blobs, trees, or commits then you may not be able to fully recover your history.

Restore Missing Objects from Backups

The first thing you can try is to restore the missing items from backup. For example, see if you have a backup of the commit stored as .git/objects/98/4c11abfc9c2839b386f29c574d9e03383fa589. If so you can restore it.

You may also want to look into git-verify-pack and git-unpack-objects in the event that the commit has already been packed up and you want to return it to a loose object for the purposes of repository surgery.

Surgical Resection

If you can't replace the missing items from a backup, you may be able to excise the missing history. For example, you might examine your history or reflog to find an ancestor of commit 984c11abfc9c2839b386f29c574d9e03383fa589. If you find one intact, then:

  1. Copy your Git working directory to a temporary directory somewhere.
  2. Do a hard reset to the uncorrupted commit.
  3. Copy your current files back into the Git work tree, but make sure you don't copy the .git folder back!
  4. Commit the current work tree, and do your best to treat it as a squashed commit of all the missing history.

If it works, you will of course lose the intervening history. At this point, if you have a working history log, then it's a good idea to prune your history and reflogs of all unreachable commits and objects.

Full Restores and Re-Initialization

If your repository is still broken, then hopefully you have an uncorrupted backup or clone you can restore from. If not, but your current working directory contains valid files, then you can always re-initialize Git. For example:

rm -rf .git
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'Re-initialize repository without old history.'

It's drastic, but it may be your only option if your repository history is truly unrecoverable. YMMV.

C# Syntax - Example of a Lambda Expression - ForEach() over Generic List

Want to put out there that there is not much to worry about if someone provides an answer as an extension method because an extension method is just a cool way to call an instance method. I understand that you want the answer without using an extension method. Regardless if the method is defined as static, instance or extension - the result is the same.

The code below uses the code from the accepted answer to define an extension method and an instance method and creates a unit test to show the output is the same.

public static class Extensions
    public static void Each<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items, Action<T> action)
        foreach (var item in items)

public class ForEachTests
    public void Each<T>(IEnumerable<T> items, Action<T> action)
        foreach (var item in items)

    private string _extensionOutput;

    private void SaveExtensionOutput(string value)
        _extensionOutput += value;

    private string _instanceOutput;

    private void SaveInstanceOutput(string value)
        _instanceOutput += value;

    public void Test1()
        string[] teams = new string[] {"cowboys", "falcons", "browns", "chargers", "rams", "seahawks", "lions", "heat", "blackhawks", "penguins", "pirates"};

        Each(teams, SaveInstanceOutput);


        Assert.AreEqual(_extensionOutput, _instanceOutput);

Quite literally, the only thing you need to do to convert an extension method to an instance method is remove the static modifier and the first parameter of the method.

This method

public static void Each<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items, Action<T> action)
    foreach (var item in items)


public void Each<T>(Action<T> action)
    foreach (var item in items)

Set default format of datetimepicker as dd-MM-yyyy

You can set CustomFormat property to "dd-MM-yyyy" in design mode and use dateTimePicker1.Text property to fetch string in "dd/MM/yyyy" format irrespective of display format.

SQL - using alias in Group By

At least in PostgreSQL you can use the column number in the resultset in your GROUP BY clause:

 itemName as ItemName,
 substring(itemName, 1,1) as FirstLetter,
FROM table1

Of course this starts to be a pain if you are doing this interactively and you edit the query to change the number or order of columns in the result. But still.

Copying a HashMap in Java

What you assign one object to another, all you're doing is copying the reference to the object, not the contents of it. What you need to do is take your object B and manually copy the contents of object A into it.

If you do this often, you might consider implementing a clone() method on the class that will create a new object of the same type, and copy all of it's contents into the new object.

How to get table cells evenly spaced?

I'm also open to suggestion on how to tidy this up, if there are any? :-)

Well, you could not use the span element, for semantic reasons. And you don't have to define the class PerformanceCell. The cells and rows can be accessed by using PerformanceTable tr {} and PerformanceTable tr {}, respectively.

For the spacing part, I have got the same problem several times. I shamefully admit I avoided the problem, so I am very curious to any answers too.

Environment Specific file in Spring Boot application

we can do like this:

in application.yml:

    active: test //modify here to switch between environments
    include:  application-${}.yml

in application-test.yml:

  port: 5000

and in application-local.yml:

  port: 8080

then spring boot will start our app as we wish to.

How do I loop through or enumerate a JavaScript object?

In latest ES script, you can do something like this:

let p = {foo: "bar"};_x000D_
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(p)) {_x000D_
  console.log(key, value);_x000D_

wget can't download - 404 error

Wget 404 error also always happens if you want to download the pages from Wordpress-website by typing

wget -r

If this website is built using Wordpress you'll get such an error:

ERROR 404: Not Found.

There's no way to mirror Wordpress-website because the website content is stored in the database and wget is not able to grab .php files. That's why you get Wget 404 error.

I know it's not this question's case, because Sam only wants to download a single picture, but it can be helpful for others.

Markdown: continue numbered list

As an extension to existing answers. For those trying to continue a numbered list after something other than a code block. For example a second paragraph. Just indent the second paragraph by at least 1 space.


1. one
2. two

3. four


  1. one

  2. two


  3. four

How to push local changes to a remote git repository on bitbucket

This is a safety measure to avoid pushing branches that are not ready to be published. Loosely speaking, by executing "git push", only local branches that already exist on the server with the same name will be pushed, or branches that have been pushed using the localbranch:remotebranch syntax.

To push all local branches to the remote repository, use --all:

git push REMOTENAME --all
git push --all

or specify all branches you want to push:

git push REMOTENAME master exp-branch-a anotherbranch bugfix

In addition, it's useful to add -u to the "git push" command, as this will tell you if your local branch is ahead or behind the remote branch. This is shown when you run "git status" after a git fetch.

Qt 5.1.1: Application failed to start because platform plugin "windows" is missing

For me the solution was to correct the PATH variable. It had Anaconda3\Library\bin as one of the first paths. This directory contains some Qt libraries, but not all. Apparently, that is a problem. Moving C:\Programs\Qt\5.12.3\msvc2017_64\bin to the front of PATH solved the problem for me.

javascript : sending custom parameters with but its not working

To concatenate strings, use the + operator.

To insert data into a URI, encode it for URIs.


var url = "http://localhost:8080/login?cid='username'&pwd='password'"


var url_safe_username = encodeURIComponent(username);
var url_safe_password = encodeURIComponent(password);
var url = "http://localhost:8080/login?cid=" + url_safe_username + "&pwd=" + url_safe_password;

The server will have to process the query string to make use of the data. You can't assign to arbitrary form fields.

… but don't trigger new windows or pass credentials in the URI (where they are exposed to over the shoulder attacks and may be logged).

How to manage startActivityForResult on Android?

The ActivityResultRegistry is the recommended approach

ComponentActivity now provides an ActivityResultRegistry that lets you handle the startActivityForResult()+onActivityResult() as well as requestPermissions()+onRequestPermissionsResult() flows without overriding methods in your Activity or Fragment, brings increased type safety via ActivityResultContract, and provides hooks for testing these flows.

It is strongly recommended to use the Activity Result APIs introduced in AndroidX Activity 1.2.0-alpha02 and Fragment 1.3.0-alpha02.

Add this to your build.gradle

def activity_version = "1.2.0-beta01"

// Java language implementation
implementation "androidx.activity:activity:$activity_version"
// Kotlin
implementation "androidx.activity:activity-ktx:$activity_version"

How to use the pre-built contract?

This new API has the following pre built functionalities

  1. TakeVideo
  2. PickContact
  3. GetContent
  4. GetContents
  5. OpenDocument
  6. OpenDocuments
  7. OpenDocumentTree
  8. CreateDocument
  9. Dial
  10. TakePicture
  11. RequestPermission
  12. RequestPermissions

An example that uses takePicture contract:

private val takePicture = prepareCall(ActivityResultContracts.TakePicture()) { bitmap: Bitmap? ->
    // Do something with the Bitmap, if present
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    button.setOnClickListener { takePicture() }

So what’s going on here? Let’s break it down slightly. takePicture is just a callback which returns a nullable Bitmap - whether or not it’s null depends on whether or not the onActivityResult process was successful. prepareCall then registers this call into a new feature on ComponentActivity called the ActivityResultRegistry - we’ll come back to this later. ActivityResultContracts.TakePicture() is one of the built-in helpers which Google have created for us, and finally invoking takePicture actually triggers the Intent in the same way that you would previously with Activity.startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE).

How to write a custom contract?

Simple contract that takes an Int as an Input and returns a String that requested Activity returns in the result Intent.

class MyContract : ActivityResultContract<Int, String>() {

    companion object {
        const val ACTION = "com.myapp.action.MY_ACTION"
        const val INPUT_INT = "input_int"
        const val OUTPUT_STRING = "output_string"

    override fun createIntent(input: Int): Intent {
        return Intent(ACTION)
            .apply { putExtra(INPUT_INT, input) }

    override fun parseResult(resultCode: Int, intent: Intent?): String? {
        return when (resultCode) {
            Activity.RESULT_OK -> intent?.getStringExtra(OUTPUT_STRING)
            else -> null

class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private val myActionCall = prepareCall(MyContract()) { result ->
        Log.i("MyActivity", "Obtained result: $result")

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        button.setOnClickListener {

Check this official documentation for more info.

How to merge two arrays in JavaScript and de-duplicate items

If, like me, you need to support older browsers, this works with IE6+

function es3Merge(a, b) {
    var hash = {},
        i = (a = a.slice(0)).length,

    while (i--) {
        hash[a[i]] = 1;

    for (i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
        hash[e = b[i]] || a.push(e);

    return a;

Example of SOAP request authenticated with WS-UsernameToken

The core thing is to define prefixes for namespaces and use them to fortify each and every tag - you are mixing 3 namespaces and that just doesn't fly by trying to hack defaults. It's also good to use exactly the prefixes used in the standard doc - just in case that the other side get a little sloppy.

Last but not least, it's much better to use default types for fields whenever you can - so for password you have to list the type, for the Nonce it's already Base64.

Make sure that you check that the generated token is correct before you send it via XML and don't forget that the content of wsse:Password is Base64( SHA-1 (nonce + created + password) ) and date-time in wsu:Created can easily mess you up. So once you fix prefixes and namespaces and verify that yout SHA-1 work fine without XML (just imagine you are validating the request and do the server side of SHA-1 calculation) you can also do a truial wihtout Created and even without Nonce. Oh and Nonce can have different encodings so if you really want to force another encoding you'll have to look further into wsu namespace.

<S11:Envelope xmlns:S11="..." xmlns:wsse="..." xmlns:wsu= "...">
        <wsse:Password Type="...#PasswordDigest">weYI3nXd8LjMNVksCKFV8t3rgHh3Rw==</wsse:Password>

Concat strings by & and + in VB.Net

My 2 cents:

If you are concatenating a significant amount of strings, you should be using the StringBuilder instead. IMO it's cleaner, and significantly faster.

How to return first 5 objects of Array in Swift?

Plain & Simple

extension Array {
    func first(elementCount: Int) -> Array {
          let min = Swift.min(elementCount, count)
          return Array(self[0..<min])

Filter items which array contains any of given values

Whilst this an old question, I ran into this problem myself recently and some of the answers here are now deprecated (as the comments point out). So for the benefit of others who may have stumbled here:

A term query can be used to find the exact term specified in the reverse index:

  "query": {
   "term" : { "tags" : "a" }

From the documenation

Alternatively you can use a terms query, which will match all documents with any of the items specified in the given array:

  "query": {
   "terms" : { "tags" : ["a", "c"]}

One gotcha to be aware of (which caught me out) - how you define the document also makes a difference. If the field you're searching in has been indexed as a text type then Elasticsearch will perform a full text search (i.e using an analyzed string).

If you've indexed the field as a keyword then a keyword search using a 'non-analyzed' string is performed. This can have a massive practical impact as Analyzed strings are pre-processed (lowercased, punctuation dropped etc.) See (

To avoid these issues, the string field has split into two new types: text, which should be used for full-text search, and keyword, which should be used for keyword search. (

Responsive image align center bootstrap 3

Add only the class center-block to an image, this works with Bootstrap 4 as well:

<img src="..." alt="..." class="center-block" />

Note: center-block works even when img-responsive is used

Javascript equivalent of php's strtotime()?

I found this article and tried the tutorial. Basically, you can use the date constructor to parse a date, then write get the seconds from the getTime() method

var d=new Date("October 13, 1975 11:13:00");
document.write(d.getTime() + " milliseconds since 1970/01/01");

Does this work?

How to get Top 5 records in SqLite?

select price from mobile_sales_details order by price desc limit 5

Note: i have mobile_sales_details table


select column_name from table_name order by column_name desc limit size.  

if you need top low price just remove the keyword desc from order by

`&mdash;` or `&#8212;` is there any difference in HTML output?

SGML parsers (or XML parsers in the case of XHTML) can handle &#8212; without having to process the DTD (which doesn't matter to browsers as they just slurp tag soup), while &mdash; is easier for humans to read and write in the source code.

Personally, I would stick to a literal em-dash and ensure that my character encoding settings were consistent.

Running vbscript from batch file

You can use %~dp0 to get the path of the currently running batch file.

Edited to change directory to the VBS location before running

If you want the VBS to synchronously run in the same window, then

@echo off
pushd %~dp0
cscript necdaily.vbs

If you want the VBS to synchronously run in a new window, then

@echo off
pushd %~dp0
start /wait "" cmd /c cscript necdaily.vbs

If you want the VBS to asynchronously run in the same window, then

@echo off
pushd %~dp0
start /b "" cscript necdaily.vbs

If you want the VBS to asynchronously run in a new window, then

@echo off
pushd %~dp0
start "" cmd /c cscript necdaily.vbs

How can I build multiple submit buttons django form?

It's an old question now, nevertheless I had the same issue and found a solution that works for me: I wrote MultiRedirectMixin.

from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

class MultiRedirectMixin(object):
    A mixin that supports submit-specific success redirection.
     Either specify one success_url, or provide dict with names of 
     submit actions given in template as keys
       In template:
         <input type="submit" name="create_new" value="Create"/>
         <input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete"/>
         MyMultiSubmitView(MultiRedirectMixin, forms.FormView):
             success_urls = {"create_new": reverse_lazy('create'),
                               "delete": reverse_lazy('delete')}
    success_urls = {}  

    def form_valid(self, form):
        """ Form is valid: Pick the url and redirect.

        for name in self.success_urls:
            if name in
                self.success_url = self.success_urls[name]

        return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url())

    def get_success_url(self):
        Returns the supplied success URL.
        if self.success_url:
            # Forcing possible reverse_lazy evaluation
            url = force_text(self.success_url)
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                _("No URL to redirect to. Provide a success_url."))
        return url

problem with php mail 'From' header

headers were not working for me on my shared hosting, reason was i was using my hotmail email address in header. i created a email on my cpanel and i set that same email in the header yeah it worked like a charm!

 $header = 'From: ShopFive <[email protected]>' . "\r\n";

Multiple -and -or in PowerShell Where-Object statement

By wrapping your comparisons in {} in your first example you are creating ScriptBlocks; so the PowerShell interpreter views it as Where-Object { <ScriptBlock> -and <ScriptBlock> }. Since the -and operator operates on boolean values, PowerShell casts the ScriptBlocks to boolean values. In PowerShell anything that is not empty, zero or null is true. The statement then looks like Where-Object { $true -and $true } which is always true.

Instead of using {}, use parentheses ().

Also you want to use -eq instead of -match since match uses regex and will be true if the pattern is found anywhere in the string (try: 'xlsx' -match 'xls').

Invoke-Command -computername SERVERNAME { 
    Get-ChildItem -path E:\dfsroots\datastore2\public | 
        Where-Object {($_.extension -eq ".xls" -or $_.extension -eq ".xlk") -and ($_.creationtime -ge "06/01/2014")}

A better option is to filter the extensions at the Get-ChildItem command.

Invoke-Command -computername SERVERNAME { 
    Get-ChildItem -path E:\dfsroots\datastore2\public\* -Include *.xls, *.xlk | 
        Where-Object {$_.creationtime -ge "06/01/2014"}

Unable to create a constant value of type Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context

I had this issue and what I did and solved the problem was that I used AsEnumerable() just before my Join clause. here is my query:

List<AccountViewModel> selectedAccounts;

 using (ctx = SmallContext.GetInstance()) {
                var data = ctx.Transactions.
                    Include(x => x.Source).
                    Include(x => x.Relation).
                    Join(selectedAccounts, x => x.Source.Id, y => y.Id, (x, y) => x).
                    GroupBy(x => new { Id = x.Relation.Id, Name = x.Relation.Name }).

I was wondering why this issue happens, and now I think It is because after you make a query via LINQ, the result will be in memory and not loaded into objects, I don't know what that state is but they are in in some transitional state I think. Then when you use AsEnumerable() or ToList(), etc, you are placing them into physical memory objects and the issue is resolving.

List to array conversion to use ravel() function

Use numpy.asarray:

import numpy as np
myarray = np.asarray(mylist)

What are the rules for casting pointers in C?

char c = '5'

A char (1 byte) is allocated on stack at address 0x12345678.

char *d = &c;

You obtain the address of c and store it in d, so d = 0x12345678.

int *e = (int*)d;

You force the compiler to assume that 0x12345678 points to an int, but an int is not just one byte (sizeof(char) != sizeof(int)). It may be 4 or 8 bytes according to the architecture or even other values.

So when you print the value of the pointer, the integer is considered by taking the first byte (that was c) and other consecutive bytes which are on stack and that are just garbage for your intent.

Populating a razor dropdownlist from a List<object> in MVC

I'm going to approach this as if you have a Users model:


public class Users
    public int UserId { get; set; }

    public string UserName { get; set; }

    public int RoleId { get; set; }

    public virtual DbUserRoles DbUserRoles { get; set; }

and a DbUserRoles model that represented a table by that name in the database:


public partial class DbUserRoles
    public int UserRoleId { get; set; }

    public string UserRole { get; set; }

Once you had that cleaned up, you should just be able to create and fill a collection of UserRoles, like this, in your Controller:

var userRoleList = GetUserRolesList();
ViewData["userRoles"] = userRolesList;

and have these supporting functions:

private static SelectListItem[] _UserRolesList;

/// <summary>
/// Returns a static category list that is cached
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public SelectListItem[] GetUserRolesList()
    if (_UserRolesList == null)
        var userRoles = repository.GetAllUserRoles().Select(a => new SelectListItem()
             Text = a.UserRole,
             Value = a.UserRoleId.ToString()
         userRoles.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Value = "0", Text = "-- Please select your user role --" });

        _UserRolesList = userRoles.ToArray();

    // Have to create new instances via projection
    // to avoid ModelBinding updates to affect this
    // globally
    return _UserRolesList
        .Select(d => new SelectListItem()
         Value = d.Value,
         Text = d.Text


My Repository function GetAllUserRoles() for the function, above:

public class Repository
    Model1 db = new Model1(); // Entity Framework context

    // User Roles
    public IList<DbUserRoles> GetAllUserRoles()
        return db.DbUserRoles.OrderBy(e => e.UserRoleId).ToList();


Then do this in your View:

            @Html.EditorFor(model => model.UserName,
                  htmlAttributes: new { @class = "form-control" }
            @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.RoleId,
                  new SelectList( (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewData["userRoles"], "Value", "Text", model.RoleId),
                  htmlAttributes: new { @class = "form-control" }

jdk7 32 bit windows version to download

Look for "Windows x86", it's the 32 bit version.

Python: How to convert datetime format?

>>> import datetime
>>> d = datetime.datetime.strptime('2011-06-09', '%Y-%m-%d')
>>> d.strftime('%b %d,%Y')
'Jun 09,2011'

In pre-2.5 Python, you can replace datetime.strptime with time.strptime, like so (untested): datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime('2011-06-09', '%Y-%m-%d')[0:6]))

Number of days in particular month of particular year?

You can use Calendar.getActualMaximum method:

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, month);
int numDays = calendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE);

What's is the difference between train, validation and test set, in neural networks?

Training Dataset: The sample of data used to fit the model.

Validation Dataset: The sample of data used to provide an unbiased evaluation of a model fit on the training dataset while tuning model hyperparameters. The evaluation becomes more biased as skill on the validation dataset is incorporated into the model configuration.

Test Dataset: The sample of data used to provide an unbiased evaluation of a final model fit on the training dataset.

Error 5 : Access Denied when starting windows service

I have monitored sppsvc.exe using process monitor and found out that it was trying to write to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\WPA key. After giving permissions to NETWORK SERVICE on this key, I was able to start the service and Windows suddenly recognized that it was activated again.

Adding new line of data to TextBox

I find this method saves a lot of typing, and prevents a lot of typos.

string nl = "\r\n";

txtOutput.Text = "First line" + nl + "Second line" + nl + "Third line";

groovy: safely find a key in a map and return its value

The whole point of using Maps is direct access. If you know for sure that the value in a map will never be Groovy-false, then you can do this:

def mymap = [name:"Gromit", likes:"cheese", id:1234]
def key = "likes"

if(mymap[key]) {
    println mymap[key]

However, if the value could potentially be Groovy-false, you should use:

if(mymap.containsKey(key)) {
    println mymap[key]

The easiest solution, though, if you know the value isn't going to be Groovy-false (or you can ignore that), and want a default value, is like this:

def value = mymap[key] ?: "default"

All three of these solutions are significantly faster than your examples, because they don't scan the entire map for keys. They take advantage of the HashMap (or LinkedHashMap) design that makes direct key access nearly instantaneous.

Fastest way to flatten / un-flatten nested JSON objects

I wrote two functions to flatten and unflatten a JSON object.

Flatten a JSON object:

var flatten = (function (isArray, wrapped) {
    return function (table) {
        return reduce("", {}, table);

    function reduce(path, accumulator, table) {
        if (isArray(table)) {
            var length = table.length;

            if (length) {
                var index = 0;

                while (index < length) {
                    var property = path + "[" + index + "]", item = table[index++];
                    if (wrapped(item) !== item) accumulator[property] = item;
                    else reduce(property, accumulator, item);
            } else accumulator[path] = table;
        } else {
            var empty = true;

            if (path) {
                for (var property in table) {
                    var item = table[property], property = path + "." + property, empty = false;
                    if (wrapped(item) !== item) accumulator[property] = item;
                    else reduce(property, accumulator, item);
            } else {
                for (var property in table) {
                    var item = table[property], empty = false;
                    if (wrapped(item) !== item) accumulator[property] = item;
                    else reduce(property, accumulator, item);

            if (empty) accumulator[path] = table;

        return accumulator;
}(Array.isArray, Object));


  1. It's faster than the current solution in Opera. The current solution is 26% slower in Opera.
  2. It's faster than the current solution in Firefox. The current solution is 9% slower in Firefox.
  3. It's faster than the current solution in Chrome. The current solution is 29% slower in Chrome.

Unflatten a JSON object:

function unflatten(table) {
    var result = {};

    for (var path in table) {
        var cursor = result, length = path.length, property = "", index = 0;

        while (index < length) {
            var char = path.charAt(index);

            if (char === "[") {
                var start = index + 1,
                    end = path.indexOf("]", start),
                    cursor = cursor[property] = cursor[property] || [],
                    property = path.slice(start, end),
                    index = end + 1;
            } else {
                var cursor = cursor[property] = cursor[property] || {},
                    start = char === "." ? index + 1 : index,
                    bracket = path.indexOf("[", start),
                    dot = path.indexOf(".", start);

                if (bracket < 0 && dot < 0) var end = index = length;
                else if (bracket < 0) var end = index = dot;
                else if (dot < 0) var end = index = bracket;
                else var end = index = bracket < dot ? bracket : dot;

                var property = path.slice(start, end);

        cursor[property] = table[path];

    return result[""];


  1. It's faster than the current solution in Opera. The current solution is 5% slower in Opera.
  2. It's slower than the current solution in Firefox. My solution is 26% slower in Firefox.
  3. It's slower than the current solution in Chrome. My solution is 6% slower in Chrome.

Flatten and unflatten a JSON object:

Overall my solution performs either equally well or even better than the current solution.


  1. It's faster than the current solution in Opera. The current solution is 21% slower in Opera.
  2. It's as fast as the current solution in Firefox.
  3. It's faster than the current solution in Firefox. The current solution is 20% slower in Chrome.

Output format:

A flattened object uses the dot notation for object properties and the bracket notation for array indices:

  1. {foo:{bar:false}} => {"":false}
  2. {a:[{b:["c","d"]}]} => {"a[0].b[0]":"c","a[0].b[1]":"d"}
  3. [1,[2,[3,4],5],6] => {"[0]":1,"[1][0]":2,"[1][1][0]":3,"[1][1][1]":4,"[1][2]":5,"[2]":6}

In my opinion this format is better than only using the dot notation:

  1. {foo:{bar:false}} => {"":false}
  2. {a:[{b:["c","d"]}]} => {"a.0.b.0":"c","a.0.b.1":"d"}
  3. [1,[2,[3,4],5],6] => {"0":1,"1.0":2,"1.1.0":3,"1.1.1":4,"1.2":5,"2":6}


  1. Flattening an object is faster than the current solution.
  2. Flattening and unflattening an object is as fast as or faster than the current solution.
  3. Flattened objects use both the dot notation and the bracket notation for readability.


  1. Unflattening an object is slower than the current solution in most (but not all) cases.

The current JSFiddle demo gave the following values as output:

Nested : 132175 : 63
Flattened : 132175 : 564
Nested : 132175 : 54
Flattened : 132175 : 508

My updated JSFiddle demo gave the following values as output:

Nested : 132175 : 59
Flattened : 132175 : 514
Nested : 132175 : 60
Flattened : 132175 : 451

I'm not really sure what that means, so I'll stick with the jsPerf results. After all jsPerf is a performance benchmarking utility. JSFiddle is not.

Use a content script to access the page context variables and functions

You can use a utility function I've created for the purpose of running code in the page context and getting back the returned value.

This is done by serializing a function to a string and injecting it to the web page.

The utility is available here on GitHub.

Usage examples -

// Some code that exists only in the page context -
window.someProperty = 'property';
function someFunction(name = 'test') {
    return new Promise(res => setTimeout(()=>res('resolved ' + name), 1200));

// Content script examples -

await runInPageContext(() => someProperty); // returns 'property'

await runInPageContext(() => someFunction()); // returns 'resolved test'

await runInPageContext(async (name) => someFunction(name), 'with name' ); // 'resolved with name'

await runInPageContext(async (...args) => someFunction(...args), 'with spread operator and rest parameters' ); // returns 'resolved with spread operator and rest parameters'

await runInPageContext({
    func: (name) => someFunction(name),
    args: ['with params object'],
    doc: document,
    timeout: 10000
} ); // returns 'resolved with params object'

How to reload page the page with pagination in Angular 2?

This should technically be achievable using window.location.reload():


<button (click)="refresh()">Refresh</button>


refresh(): void {


Here is a basic StackBlitz example showing the refresh in action. Notice the URL on "/hello" path is retained when window.location.reload() is executed.

What are the file limits in Git (number and size)?

There is no real limit -- everything is named with a 160-bit name. The size of the file must be representable in a 64 bit number so no real limit there either.

There is a practical limit, though. I have a repository that's ~8GB with >880,000 files and git gc takes a while. The working tree is rather large so operations that inspect the entire working directory take quite a while. This repo is only used for data storage, though, so it's just a bunch of automated tools that handle it. Pulling changes from the repo is much, much faster than rsyncing the same data.

%find . -type f | wc -l
%time git add .
git add .  6.48s user 13.53s system 55% cpu 36.121 total
%time git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
git status  0.00s user 0.01s system 0% cpu 47.169 total
%du -sh .
29G     .
%cd .git
%du -sh .
7.9G    .

How do I conditionally apply CSS styles in AngularJS?

span class="circle circle-{{selectcss(document.Extension)}}">

and code

$scope.selectcss = function (data) {
    if (data == '.pdf')
        return 'circle circle-pdf';
        return 'circle circle-small';


.circle-pdf {
    width: 24px;
    height: 24px;
    font-size: 16px;
    font-weight: 700;
    padding-top: 3px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 12px;
    -moz-border-radius: 12px;
    border-radius: 12px;
    background-image: url(images/pdf_icon32.png);

How to find Control in TemplateField of GridView?

protected void gvTurnos_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)

        if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.EmptyDataRow)
            LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)e.Row.FindControl("btnAgregarVacio");
            if (btn != null)
                btn.Visible = rbFiltroEstatusCampus.SelectedValue == "1" ? true : false;
    catch (Exception ex)
        throw ex;

Is Task.Result the same as .GetAwaiter.GetResult()?

As already mentioned if you can use await. If you need to run the code synchronously like you mention .GetAwaiter().GetResult(), .Result or .Wait() is a risk for deadlocks as many have said in comments/answers. Since most of us like oneliners you can use these for .Net 4.5<

Acquiring a value via an async method:

var result = Task.Run(() => asyncGetValue()).Result;

Syncronously calling an async method

Task.Run(() => asyncMethod()).Wait();

No deadlock issues will occur due to the use of Task.Run.



Could cause a deadlock if the calling thread is from the threadpool. The following happens: A new task is queued to the end of the queue, and the threadpool thread which would eventually execute the Task is blocked until the Task is executed.


How do I include a path to libraries in g++

To specify a directory to search for (binary) libraries, you just use -L:


To specify the actual library name, you use -l:

-lfoo  # (links libfoo.a or

To specify a directory to search for include files (different from libraries!) you use -I:


So I think what you want is something like

g++ -g -Wall -I/data[...]/lib testing.cpp fileparameters.cpp main.cpp -o test

These compiler flags (amongst others) can also be found at the GNU GCC Command Options manual:

Nested iframes, AKA Iframe Inception

I guess your problem is that jQuery is not loaded in your iframes.

The safest approach is to rely on pure DOM-based methods to parse your content.

Or else, start with jQuery, and then once inside your iframes, test once if typeof window.jQuery == 'undefined', if it's true, jQuery is not enabled inside it and fallback on DOM-based method.

Histogram using gnuplot?

Do you want to plot a graph like this one? enter image description here yes? Then you can have a look at my blog article:

Key lines from the code:

n=100 #number of intervals
max=3. #max value
min=-3. #min value
width=(max-min)/n #interval width
#function used to map a value to the intervals
set boxwidth width*0.9
set style fill solid 0.5 # fill style

#count and plot
plot "data.dat" u (hist($1,width)):(1.0) smooth freq w boxes lc rgb"green" notitle

How to store NULL values in datetime fields in MySQL?

For what it is worth: I was experiencing a similar issue trying to update a MySQL table via Perl. The update would fail when an empty string value (translated from a null value from a read from another platform) was passed to the date column ('dtcol' in the code sample below). I was finally successful getting the data updated by using an IF statement embedded in my update statement:

    my $stmnt='update tbl set colA=?,dtcol=if(?="",null,?) where colC=?';
    my $status=$dbh->do($stmt,undef,$iref[1],$iref[2],$iref[2],$ref[0]);

Count indexes using "for" in Python


for i in range(0,5): 

How to make a phone call in android and come back to my activity when the call is done?

Here is my example, first the user gets to write in the number he/she wants to dial and then presses a call button and gets directed to the phone. After call cancelation the user gets sent back to the application. In order to this the button needs to have a onClick method ('makePhoneCall' in this example) in the xml. You also need to register the permission in the manifest.


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE"></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class PhoneCall extends Activity {

    EditText phoneTo;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        phoneTo = (EditText) findViewById(;

    public void makePhoneCall(View view) {

        try {
            String number = phoneTo.getText().toString();
            Intent phoneIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL);
            phoneIntent.setData(Uri.parse("tel:"+ number));

        } catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex) {
                    "Call failed, please try again later!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();



        android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" />

        android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" />

"E: Unable to locate package python-pip" on Ubuntu 18.04

To solve the problem of:

E: Unable to locate package python-pip

you should do this. This works with the python2.7 and you not going to get disappointed by it. follow the steps that are mention below. go to and copy all the code from it.
open the terminal using CTRL + ALT +T


paste the copied code here and then exit from the vi editor by pressing

ESC then :wq => press Enter

lastly, now run the code and see the magic

sudo python

It automatically adds the pip command in your Linux.
you can see the output of my machine

Execution sequence of Group By, Having and Where clause in SQL Server?

In below Order

  1. FROM & JOIN
  2. WHERE
  7. LIMIT

What is the use of the %n format specifier in C?

Most of these answers explain what %n does (which is to print nothing and to write the number of characters printed thus far to an int variable), but so far no one has really given an example of what use it has. Here is one:

int n;
printf("%s: %nFoo\n", "hello", &n);
printf("%*sBar\n", n, "");

will print:

hello: Foo

with Foo and Bar aligned. (It's trivial to do that without using %n for this particular example, and in general one always could break up that first printf call:

int n = printf("%s: ", "hello");
printf("%*sBar\n", n, "");

Whether the slightly added convenience is worth using something esoteric like %n (and possibly introducing errors) is open to debate.)

Is there a difference between `continue` and `pass` in a for loop in python?

Yes, there is a difference. continue forces the loop to start at the next iteration while pass means "there is no code to execute here" and will continue through the remainder or the loop body.

Run these and see the difference:

for element in some_list:
    if not element:
    print 1 # will print after pass

for element in some_list:
   if not element:
   print 1 # will not print after continue

Undefined columns selected when subsetting data frame

You want rows where that condition is true so you need a comma:

data[data$Ozone > 14, ]

Android ListView Selector Color

TO ADD: @Christopher's answer does not work on API 7/8 (as per @Jonny's correct comment) IF you are using colours, instead of drawables. (In my testing, using drawables as per Christopher works fine)

Here is the FIX for 2.3 and below when using colours:

As per @Charles Harley, there is a bug in 2.3 and below where filling the list item with a colour causes the colour to flow out over the whole list. His fix is to define a shape drawable containing the colour you want, and to use that instead of the colour.

I suggest looking at this link if you want to just use a colour as selector, and are targeting Android 2 (or at least allow for Android 2).

Error using eclipse for Android - No resource found that matches the given name

I resolved this kind of issue like this: I went into my XML layout file, cut the line of code that was generating the error. Then I saved the file, and pasted the code back in. The error was gone.

how to count the total number of lines in a text file using python

For the people saying to use with open ("filename.txt","r") as f you can do anyname = open("filename.txt","r")

def main():

    file = open("infile.txt",'r')
    count = 0
    for line in file:

    print (count)

main ()

How to use "Share image using" sharing Intent to share images in android?

try this,

Uri imageUri = Uri.parse("android.resource://your.package/drawable/fileName");
      Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);

      intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, imageUri);
      startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent , "Share"));

Where should my npm modules be installed on Mac OS X?

Second Thomas David Kehoe, with the following caveat --

If you are using node version manager (nvm), your global node modules will be stored under whatever version of node you are using at the time you saved the module.

So ~/.nvm/versions/node/{version}/lib/node_modules/.

How to set DataGrid's row Background, based on a property value using data bindings

Use a DataTrigger:

<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding YourItemsSource}">
        <Style TargetType="DataGridRow"> 
                <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding State}" Value="State1">
                    <Setter Property="Background" Value="Red"></Setter>
                <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding State}" Value="State2">
                    <Setter Property="Background" Value="Green"></Setter>

How does the ARM architecture differ from x86?

Neither has anything specific to keyboard or mobile, other than the fact that for years ARM has had a pretty substantial advantage in terms of power consumption, which made it attractive for all sorts of battery operated devices.

As far as the actual differences: ARM has more registers, supported predication for most instructions long before Intel added it, and has long incorporated all sorts of techniques (call them "tricks", if you prefer) to save power almost everywhere it could.

There's also a considerable difference in how the two encode instructions. Intel uses a fairly complex variable-length encoding in which an instruction can occupy anywhere from 1 up to 15 byte. This allows programs to be quite small, but makes instruction decoding relatively difficult (as in: decoding instructions fast in parallel is more like a complete nightmare).

ARM has two different instruction encoding modes: ARM and THUMB. In ARM mode, you get access to all instructions, and the encoding is extremely simple and fast to decode. Unfortunately, ARM mode code tends to be fairly large, so it's fairly common for a program to occupy around twice as much memory as Intel code would. Thumb mode attempts to mitigate that. It still uses quite a regular instruction encoding, but reduces most instructions from 32 bits to 16 bits, such as by reducing the number of registers, eliminating predication from most instructions, and reducing the range of branches. At least in my experience, this still doesn't usually give quite as dense of coding as x86 code can get, but it's fairly close, and decoding is still fairly simple and straightforward. Lower code density means you generally need at least a little more memory and (generally more seriously) a larger cache to get equivalent performance.

At one time Intel put a lot more emphasis on speed than power consumption. They started emphasizing power consumption primarily on the context of laptops. For laptops their typical power goal was on the order of 6 watts for a fairly small laptop. More recently (much more recently) they've started to target mobile devices (phones, tablets, etc.) For this market, they're looking at a couple of watts or so at most. They seem to be doing pretty well at that, though their approach has been substantially different from ARM's, emphasizing fabrication technology where ARM has mostly emphasized micro-architecture (not surprising, considering that ARM sells designs, and leaves fabrication to others).

Depending on the situation, a CPU's energy consumption is often more important than its power consumption though. At least as I'm using the terms, power consumption refers to power usage on a (more or less) instantaneous basis. Energy consumption, however, normalizes for speed, so if (for example) CPU A consumes 1 watt for 2 seconds to do a job, and CPU B consumes 2 watts for 1 second to do the same job, both CPUs consume the same total amount of energy (two watt seconds) to do that job--but with CPU B, you get results twice as fast.

ARM processors tend to do very well in terms of power consumption. So if you need something that needs a processor's "presence" almost constantly, but isn't really doing much work, they can work out pretty well. For example, if you're doing video conferencing, you gather a few milliseconds of data, compress it, send it, receive data from others, decompress it, play it back, and repeat. Even a really fast processor can't spend much time sleeping, so for tasks like this, ARM does really well.

Intel's processors (especially their Atom processors, which are actually intended for low power applications) are extremely competitive in terms of energy consumption. While they're running close to their full speed, they will consume more power than most ARM processors--but they also finish work quickly, so they can go back to sleep sooner. As a result, they can combine good battery life with good performance.

So, when comparing the two, you have to be careful about what you measure, to be sure that it reflects what you honestly care about. ARM does very well at power consumption, but depending on the situation you may easily care more about energy consumption than instantaneous power consumption.

Property getters and setters

To elaborate on GoZoner's answer:

Your real issue here is that you are recursively calling your getter.

var x:Int
            x = newValue * 2 // This isn't a problem
        get {
            return x / 2 // Here is your real issue, you are recursively calling 
                         // your x property's getter

Like the code comment suggests above, you are infinitely calling the x property's getter, which will continue to execute until you get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS code (you can see the spinner in the bottom right corner of your Xcode's playground environment).

Consider the example from the Swift documentation:

struct Point {
    var x = 0.0, y = 0.0
struct Size {
    var width = 0.0, height = 0.0
struct AlternativeRect {
    var origin = Point()
    var size = Size()
    var center: Point {
        get {
            let centerX = origin.x + (size.width / 2)
            let centerY = origin.y + (size.height / 2)
            return Point(x: centerX, y: centerY)
        set {
            origin.x = newValue.x - (size.width / 2)
            origin.y = newValue.y - (size.height / 2)

Notice how the center computed property never modifies or returns itself in the variable's declaration.

Checking Value of Radio Button Group via JavaScript?

Without loop:

document.getElementsByName('gender').reduce(function(value, checkable) {
    if(checkable.checked == true) 
        value = checkable.value; 
    return value;
}, '');

reduce is just a function that will feed sequentially array elements to second argument of callback, and previously returned function to value, while for the first run, it will use value of second argument.

The only minus of this approach is that reduce will traverse every element returned by getElementsByName even after it have found selected radio button.

How to edit log message already committed in Subversion?

Here's a handy variation that I don't see mentioned in the faq. You can return the current message for editing by specifying a text editor.

svn propedit svn:log --revprop -r N --editor-cmd vim

How to add a local repo and treat it as a remote repo

I am posting this answer to provide a script with explanations that covers three different scenarios of creating a local repo that has a local remote. You can run the entire script and it will create the test repos in your home folder (tested on windows git bash). The explanations are inside the script for easier saving to your personal notes, its very readable from, e.g. Visual Studio Code.

I would also like to thank Jack for linking to this answer where adelphus has good, detailed, hands on explanations on the topic.

This is my first post here so please advise what should be improved.

# the main elements:
# - remote repo must be initialized with --bare parameter
# - local repo must be initialized
# - local repo must have at least one commit that properly initializes a branch(root of the commit tree)
# - local repo needs to have a remote
# - local repo branch must have an upstream branch on the remote

{ # the brackets are optional, they allow to copy paste into terminal and run entire thing without interruptions, run without them to see which cmd outputs what

cd ~
rm -rf ~/test_git_local_repo/

## Option A - clean slate - you have nothing yet

mkdir -p ~/test_git_local_repo/option_a ; cd ~/test_git_local_repo/option_a
git init --bare local_remote.git # first setup the local remote
git clone local_remote.git local_repo # creates a local repo in dir local_repo
cd ~/test_git_local_repo/option_a/local_repo
git remote -v show origin # see that git clone has configured the tracking
touch ; git add . ; git commit -m "initial commit on master" # properly init master
git push origin master # now have a fully functional setup, -u not needed, git clone does this for you

# check all is set-up correctly
git pull # check you can pull
git branch -avv # see local branches and their respective remote upstream branches with the initial commit
git remote -v show origin # see all branches are set to pull and push to remote
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all # see all commits and branches tips point to the same commits for both local and remote

## Option B - you already have a local git repo and you want to connect it to a local remote

mkdir -p ~/test_git_local_repo/option_b ; cd ~/test_git_local_repo/option_b
git init --bare local_remote.git # first setup the local remote

# simulate a pre-existing git local repo you want to connect with the local remote
mkdir local_repo ; cd local_repo
git init # if not yet a git repo
touch ; git add . ; git commit -m "initial commit on master" # properly init master
git checkout -b develop ; touch fileB ; git add . ; git commit -m "add fileB on develop" # create develop and fake change

# connect with local remote
cd ~/test_git_local_repo/option_b/local_repo
git remote add origin ~/test_git_local_repo/option_b/local_remote.git
git remote -v show origin # at this point you can see that there is no the tracking configured (unlike with git clone), so you need to push with -u
git push -u origin master # -u to set upstream
git push -u origin develop # -u to set upstream; need to run this for every other branch you already have in the project

# check all is set-up correctly
git pull # check you can pull
git branch -avv # see local branch(es) and its remote upstream with the initial commit
git remote -v show origin # see all remote branches are set to pull and push to remote
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all # see all commits and branches tips point to the same commits for both local and remote

## Option C - you already have a directory with some files and you want it to be a git repo with a local remote

mkdir -p ~/test_git_local_repo/option_c ; cd ~/test_git_local_repo/option_c
git init --bare local_remote.git # first setup the local remote

# simulate a pre-existing directory with some files
mkdir local_repo ; cd local_repo ; touch fileB

# make a pre-existing directory a git repo and connect it with local remote
cd ~/test_git_local_repo/option_c/local_repo
git init
git add . ; git commit -m "inital commit on master" # properly init master
git remote add origin ~/test_git_local_repo/option_c/local_remote.git
git remote -v show origin # see there is no the tracking configured (unlike with git clone), so you need to push with -u
git push -u origin master # -u to set upstream

# check all is set-up correctly
git pull # check you can pull
git branch -avv # see local branch and its remote upstream with the initial commit
git remote -v show origin # see all remote branches are set to pull and push to remote
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all # see all commits and branches tips point to the same commits for both local and remote

SVN Repository on Google Drive or DropBox

I would try fossil scm and the Chisel hosting service

simple, self contained and easily interchangeable with git should you desire in future

How to access the value of a promise?

You can easily do that using an async wait method in javascript.

Below is an example retrieving a WebRTC promise value using a timeout.

function await_getipv4(timeout = 1000) {_x000D_
    var t1 = new Date();_x000D_
    while(!window.ipv4) {_x000D_
        var stop = new Date() - t1 >= timeout;_x000D_
        if(stop) {_x000D_
            console.error('timeout exceeded for await_getipv4.');_x000D_
            return false;_x000D_
    return window.ipv4;_x000D_
function async_getipv4() {_x000D_
    var ipv4 = null;_x000D_
    var findIP = new Promise(r=>{var w=window,a=new (w.RTCPeerConnection||w.mozRTCPeerConnection||w.webkitRTCPeerConnection)({iceServers:[]}),b=()=>{};a.createDataChannel("");a.createOffer(c=>a.setLocalDescription(c,b,b),b);a.onicecandidate=c=>{try{c.candidate.candidate.match(/([0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}|[a-f0-9]{1,4}(:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){7})/g).forEach(r)}catch(e){}}})_x000D_
    findIP.then(ip => window.ipv4 = ip);_x000D_
    return await_getipv4();_x000D_

Django - what is the difference between render(), render_to_response() and direct_to_template()?

Render is

def render(request, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Simple wrapper for render_to_response. """
    kwargs['context_instance'] = RequestContext(request)
    return render_to_response(*args, **kwargs)

So there is really no difference between render_to_response except it wraps your context making the template pre-processors work.

Direct to template is a generic view.

There is really no sense in using it here because there is overhead over render_to_response in the form of view function.

How to declare a type as nullable in TypeScript?

type MyProps = {
  workoutType: string | null;

Styling HTML email for Gmail

I had the same problem while designing a template in Mailjet. Solution of the problem was minified CSS code inside <style> tags.

How to access your website through LAN in ASP.NET

You may also need to enable the World Wide Web Service inbound firewall rule.

On Windows 7: Start -> Control Panel -> Windows Firewall -> Advanced Settings -> Inbound Rules

Find World Wide Web Services (HTTP Traffic-In) in the list and select to enable the rule. Change is pretty much immediate.

How do I detect whether a Python variable is a function?

This works for me:

str(type(a))=="<class 'function'>"

multiple conditions for JavaScript .includes() method

You could also do something like this :

const str = "hi, there"_x000D_
const res = str.includes("hello") || str.includes("hi") || str.includes('howdy');_x000D_

Whenever one of your includes return true, value will be true, otherwise, it's going to be false. This works perfectly fine with ES6.

Assign output to variable in Bash

Same with something more complex...getting the ec2 instance region from within the instance.

INSTANCE_REGION=$(curl -s '' | python -c "import sys, json; print json.load(sys.stdin)['region']")


PHP PDO with foreach and fetch

foreach over a statement is just a syntax sugar for the regular one-way fetch() loop. If you want to loop over your data more than once, select it as a regular array first

$sql = "SELECT * FROM users";
$stm = $dbh->query($sql);
// here you go:
$users = $stm->fetchAll();

foreach ($users as $row) {
    print $row["name"] . "-" . $row["sex"] ."<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
foreach ($users as $row) {
    print $row["name"] . "-" . $row["sex"] ."<br/>";

Also quit that try..catch thing. Don't use it, but set the proper error reporting for PHP and PDO

Using margin:auto to vertically-align a div

Using Flexbox:


<div class="container">
  <img src="" />


.container {
  height: 500px;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center; /* horizontal center */
  align-items: center;     /* vertical center */

View result

How to place the "table" at the middle of the webpage?

The shortest and easiest answer is: you shouldn't vertically center things in webpages. HTML and CSS simply are not created with that in mind. They are text formatting languages, not user interface design languages.

That said, this is the best way I can think of. However, this will NOT WORK in Internet Explorer 7 and below!

  html, body {
    height: 100%;
  #tableContainer-1 {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    display: table;
  #tableContainer-2 {
    vertical-align: middle;
    display: table-cell;
    height: 100%;
  #myTable {
    margin: 0 auto;
<div id="tableContainer-1">
  <div id="tableContainer-2">
    <table id="myTable" border>
      <tr><td>Name</td><td>J W BUSH</td></tr>
      <tr><td>Company</td><td>BLAH BLAH</td></tr>

How to embed HTML into IPython output?

Some time ago Jupyter Notebooks started stripping JavaScript from HTML content [#3118]. Here are two solutions:

Serving Local HTML

If you want to embed an HTML page with JavaScript on your page now, the easiest thing to do is to save your HTML file to the directory with your notebook and then load the HTML as follows:

from IPython.display import IFrame

IFrame(src='./nice.html', width=700, height=600)

Serving Remote HTML

If you prefer a hosted solution, you can upload your HTML page to an Amazon Web Services "bucket" in S3, change the settings on that bucket so as to make the bucket host a static website, then use an Iframe component in your notebook:

from IPython.display import IFrame

IFrame(src='', width=700, height=600)

This will render your HTML content and JavaScript in an iframe, just like you can on any other web page:

<iframe src='', width=700, height=600></iframe>

Insert picture/table in R Markdown

In March I made a deck presentation in slidify, Rmarkdown with impress.js which is a cool 3D framework. My index.Rmdheader looks like

title       : French TER (regional train) monthly regularity
subtitle    : since January 2013
author      : brigasnuncamais
job         : Business Intelligence / Data Scientist consultant
framework   : impressjs     # {io2012, html5slides, shower, dzslides, ...}
highlighter : highlight.js  # {highlight.js, prettify, highlight}
hitheme     : tomorrow      # 
widgets     : []            # {mathjax, quiz, bootstrap}
mode        : selfcontained # {standalone, draft}
knit        : slidify::knit2slides

subdirs are:

/assets /css    /impress-demo.css
        /fig    /unnamed-chunk-1-1.png (generated by included R code)
        /img    /SS850452.png (my image used as background)
        /js     /impress.js
        /layouts/custbg.html # content:--- layout: slide --- {{{ slide.html }}}
        /libraries  /frameworks /impressjs
                    /highlighters   /highlight.js

A slide with image in background code snippet would be in my .Rmd:

<div id="bg">
  <img src="assets/img/SS850452.png" alt="">

Some issues appeared since I last worked on it (photos are no more in background, text it too large on my R plot) but it works fine on my local. Troubles come when I run it on RPubs.

Python Progress Bar

To use any progress-bar frameworks in a useful manner, to get an actual progress percent and an estimated ETA, you need to be able to declare how many steps it will have.

So, your compute function in another thread, are you able to split it in a number of logical steps? Can you modify its code?

You don't need to refactor or split it in any way, you could just put some strategic yields in some places or if it has a for loop, just one!

That way, your function will look something like this:

def compute():
    for i in range(1000):
        time.sleep(.1)  # process items
        yield  # insert this and you're done!

Then just install:

pip install alive-progress

And use it like:

from alive_progress import alive_bar

with alive_bar(1000) as bar:
    for i in compute():

To get a cool progress-bar!

|¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦?                      | ??? 321/1000 [32%] in 8s (40.1/s, eta: 16s)

Disclaimer: I'm the author of alive-progress, but it should solve your problem nicely. Read the documentation at, here is an example of what it can do:



How to suppress "error TS2533: Object is possibly 'null' or 'undefined'"?

In ReactJS, I check in the constructor if the variables are null, if they are I treat it like an exception and manage the exception appropriately. If the variables are not null, code carries on and compiler does not complain anymore after that point:

private variable1: any;
private variable2: any;

constructor(props: IProps) {

    // i.e. here I am trying to access an HTML element
    // which might be null if there is a typo in the name
    this.variable1 = document.querySelector('element1');
    this.variable2 = document.querySelector('element2');

    // check if objects are null
    if(!this.variable1 || !this.variable2) {
        // Manage the 'exception', show the user a message, etc.
    } else {
        // Interpreter should not complain from this point on
        // in any part of the file
        this.variable1.disabled = true; // i.e. this line should not show the error

Passing route control with optional parameter after root in express?

That would work depending on what client.get does when passed undefined as its first parameter.

Something like this would be safer:

app.get('/:key?', function(req, res, next) {
    var key = req.params.key;
    if (!key) {
    client.get(key, function(err, reply) {
        if(client.get(reply)) {
        else {
            res.render('index', {
                link: null

There's no problem in calling next() inside the callback.

According to this, handlers are invoked in the order that they are added, so as long as your next route is app.get('/', ...) it will be called if there is no key.

Bitwise and in place of modulus operator

First of all, it's actually not accurate to say that

x % 2 == x & 1

Simple counterexample: x = -1. In many languages, including Java, -1 % 2 == -1. That is, % is not necessarily the traditional mathematical definition of modulo. Java calls it the "remainder operator", for example.

With regards to bitwise optimization, only modulo powers of two can "easily" be done in bitwise arithmetics. Generally speaking, only modulo powers of base b can "easily" be done with base b representation of numbers.

In base 10, for example, for non-negative N, N mod 10^k is just taking the least significant k digits.


How to format numbers?

Or you could use the sugar.js library, and the format method:

format( place = 0 , thousands = ',' , decimal = '.' ) Formats the number to a readable string. If place is undefined, will automatically determine the place. thousands is the character used for the thousands separator. decimal is the character used for the decimal point.


(56782).format() > "56,782"
(56782).format(2) > "56,782.00"
(4388.43).format(2, ' ') > "4 388.43"
(4388.43).format(3, '.', ',') > "4.388,430"

Setting Curl's Timeout in PHP

You can't run the request from a browser, it will timeout waiting for the server running the CURL request to respond. The browser is probably timing out in 1-2 minutes, the default network timeout.

You need to run it from the command line/terminal.

ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise), Cannot match any routes. URL Segment

As the error says your router link should match the existing routes configured

It should be just routerLink="/about"

How to clear input buffer in C?

The lines:

int ch;
while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n' && ch != EOF)

doesn't read only the characters before the linefeed ('\n'). It reads all the characters in the stream (and discards them) up to and including the next linefeed (or EOF is encountered). For the test to be true, it has to read the linefeed first; so when the loop stops, the linefeed was the last character read, but it has been read.

As for why it reads a linefeed instead of a carriage return, that's because the system has translated the return to a linefeed. When enter is pressed, that signals the end of the line... but the stream contains a line feed instead since that's the normal end-of-line marker for the system. That might be platform dependent.

Also, using fflush() on an input stream doesn't work on all platforms; for example it doesn't generally work on Linux.

Firefox "ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap" error

I've had the same problem; to solve was enough to enable all the SSL schemas in "about:config". I was finding them by filtering with ssl. First I anabled all options for afret disabling the unnecessary ones.

Sockets - How to find out what port and address I'm assigned

The comment in your code is wrong. INADDR_ANY doesn't put server's IP automatically'. It essentially puts, for the reasons explained in mark4o's answer.

How to create a Rectangle object in Java using g.fillRect method

Try this:

public void paint (Graphics g) {    
    Rectangle r = new Rectangle(xPos,yPos,width,height);
    g.fillRect(r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getWidth(), r.getHeight());  


// With explicit casting
public void paint (Graphics g) {    
        Rectangle r = new Rectangle(xPos, yPos, width, height);

Python: How would you save a simple settings/config file?

Save and load a dictionary. You will have arbitrary keys, values and arbitrary number of key, values pairs.

Strange "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" in Eclipse

I see that people have already talked about class path. Since there is no accepted answer, I assume it is not related to class path. So I would like to add that, not having package directive can also lead to class not found errors.

Remove icon/logo from action bar on android

Remove or show the title using:


Remove or show the logo using:


Remove all:


How to return images in flask response?

You use something like

from flask import send_file

def get_image():
    if request.args.get('type') == '1':
       filename = 'ok.gif'
       filename = 'error.gif'
    return send_file(filename, mimetype='image/gif')

to send back ok.gif or error.gif, depending on the type query parameter. See the documentation for the send_file function and the request object for more information.

How to update std::map after using the find method?

You can update the value like following

   auto itr = m.find('ch'); 
     if (itr != m.end()){
           (*itr).second = 98;

Get the (last part of) current directory name in C#

Well, to exactly answer your question title :-)

var lastPartOfCurrentDirectoryName = 

How to print register values in GDB?

p $eax works as of GDB 7.7.1

As of GDB 7.7.1, the command you've tried works:

set $eax = 0
p $eax
# $1 = 0
set $eax = 1
p $eax
# $2 = 1

This syntax can also be used to select between different union members e.g. for ARM floating point registers that can be either floating point or integers:

p $s0.f
p $s0.u

From the docs:

Any name preceded by ‘$’ can be used for a convenience variable, unless it is one of the predefined machine-specific register names.


You can refer to machine register contents, in expressions, as variables with names starting with ‘$’. The names of registers are different for each machine; use info registers to see the names used on your machine.

But I haven't had much luck with control registers so far: OSDev 2012 || 2005 feature request || alt.lang.asm 2013!topic/alt.lang.asm/JC7YS3Wu31I

ARM floating point registers


jQuery pass more parameters into callback

You can also try something like the following:

function clicked() {

    var myDiv = $("#my-div");

        doSomething(data, myDiv);

function doSomething(curData, curDiv) {


Start/Stop and Restart Jenkins service on Windows

To stop Jenkins Please avoid shutting down the Java process or the Windows service. These are not usual commands. Use those only if your Jenkins is causing problems.

Use Jenkins' way to stop that protects from data loss.


where [command] can be any one of the following

  • exit
  • restart
  • reload

Example: if my local PC is running Jenkins at port 8080, it will be


Write to file, but overwrite it if it exists

In Bash, if you have set noclobber a la set -o noclobber, then you use the syntax >|

For example:

echo "some text" >| existing_file

This also works if the file doesn't exist yet

  • Check if noclobber is set with: set -o | grep noclobber

  • For a more detailed explanation on this special type of operator, see this post

  • For a more exhaustive list of redirection operators, refer to this post

How do pointer-to-pointer's work in C? (and when might you use them?)

Pointers to Pointers

Since we can have pointers to int, and pointers to char, and pointers to any structures we've defined, and in fact pointers to any type in C, it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that we can have pointers to other pointers.

Measuring elapsed time with the Time module

For the best measure of elapsed time (since Python 3.3), use time.perf_counter().

Return the value (in fractional seconds) of a performance counter, i.e. a clock with the highest available resolution to measure a short duration. It does include time elapsed during sleep and is system-wide. The reference point of the returned value is undefined, so that only the difference between the results of consecutive calls is valid.

For measurements on the order of hours/days, you don't care about sub-second resolution so use time.monotonic() instead.

Return the value (in fractional seconds) of a monotonic clock, i.e. a clock that cannot go backwards. The clock is not affected by system clock updates. The reference point of the returned value is undefined, so that only the difference between the results of consecutive calls is valid.

In many implementations, these may actually be the same thing.

Before 3.3, you're stuck with time.clock().

On Unix, return the current processor time as a floating point number expressed in seconds. The precision, and in fact the very definition of the meaning of “processor time”, depends on that of the C function of the same name.

On Windows, this function returns wall-clock seconds elapsed since the first call to this function, as a floating point number, based on the Win32 function QueryPerformanceCounter(). The resolution is typically better than one microsecond.

Update for Python 3.7

New in Python 3.7 is PEP 564 -- Add new time functions with nanosecond resolution.

Use of these can further eliminate rounding and floating-point errors, especially if you're measuring very short periods, or your application (or Windows machine) is long-running.

Resolution starts breaking down on perf_counter() after around 100 days. So for example after a year of uptime, the shortest interval (greater than 0) it can measure will be bigger than when it started.

Update for Python 3.8

time.clock is now gone.

What does numpy.random.seed(0) do?

All the answers above show the implementation of np.random.seed() in code. I'll try my best to explain briefly why it actually happens. Computers are machines that are designed based on predefined algorithms. Any output from a computer is the result of the algorithm implemented on the input. So when we request a computer to generate random numbers, sure they are random but the computer did not just come up with them randomly!

So when we write np.random.seed(any_number_here) the algorithm will output a particular set of numbers that is unique to the argument any_number_here. It's almost like a particular set of random numbers can be obtained if we pass the correct argument. But this will require us to know about how the algorithm works which is quite tedious.

So, for example if I write np.random.seed(10) the particular set of numbers that I obtain will remain the same even if I execute the same line after 10 years unless the algorithm changes.

Merging arrays with the same keys

You need to use array_merge_recursive instead of array_merge. Of course there can only be one key equal to 'c' in the array, but the associated value will be an array containing both 3 and 4.

Refresh (reload) a page once using jQuery?

Try this:

<input type="button" value="Reload" onClick="history.go(0)">

Using Page_Load and Page_PreRender in ASP.Net

The main point of the differences as pointed out @BizApps is that Load event happens right after the ViewState is populated while PreRender event happens later, right before Rendering phase, and after all individual children controls' action event handlers are already executing. Therefore, any modifications done by the controls' actions event handler should be updated in the control hierarchy during PreRender as it happens after.

Parsing time string in Python

Here's a stdlib solution that supports a variable utc offset in the input time string:

>>> from email.utils import parsedate_tz, mktime_tz
>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> timestamp = mktime_tz(parsedate_tz('Tue May 08 15:14:45 +0800 2012'))
>>> utc_time = datetime(1970, 1, 1) + timedelta(seconds=timestamp)
>>> utc_time
datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 8, 7, 14, 45)

Linq on DataTable: select specific column into datatable, not whole table

LINQ is very effective and easy to use on Lists rather than DataTable. I can see the above answers have a loop(for, foreach), which I will not prefer.

So the best thing to select a perticular column from a DataTable is just use a DataView to filter the column and use it as you want.

Find it here how to do this.

DataView dtView = new DataView(dtYourDataTable);
DataTable dtTableWithOneColumn= dtView .ToTable(true, "ColumnA");

Now the DataTable dtTableWithOneColumn contains only one column(ColumnA).

Open Bootstrap Modal from code-behind

This method of opening the Modal would not display the Modal for me. I found this as a work arround.

I removed:

 ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this,this.GetType(),"Pop", "openModal();", true);

Than I added an asp:label named lblJavaScript and in code behind call:

lblJavaScript.Text = "<script language=\"JavaScript\">openModal()</script>";

Now the Modal will display.

How to override the properties of a CSS class using another CSS class

Just use !important it will help to override

background:none !important;

Although it is said to be a bad practice, !important can be useful for utility classes, you just need to use it responsibly, check this: When Using important is the right choice

CSS body background image fixed to full screen even when zooming in/out

there is another technique



That is it full set of css is

body { 
    background: url('images/body-bg.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed;
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -o-background-size: cover;
    background-size: cover;

Latest browsers support the default property.

Python: Maximum recursion depth exceeded

You can increment the stack depth allowed - with this, deeper recursive calls will be possible, like this:

import sys
sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) # 10000 is an example, try with different values

... But I'd advise you to first try to optimize your code, for instance, using iteration instead of recursion.

In CSS what is the difference between "." and "#" when declaring a set of styles?

The dot(.) signifies a class name while the hash (#) signifies an element with a specific id attribute. The class will apply to any element decorated with that particular class, while the # style will only apply to the element with that particular id.

Class name:

   .class { ... }

<div class="class"></div>
<span class="class></span>
<a href="..." class="class">...</a>

Named element:

   #name { ... }

<div id="name"></div>

How to use the onClick event for Hyperlink using C# code?

Wow, you have a huge misunderstanding how works.

This line of code


Will not redirect a admin user to a new site, but start a new process on the server (usually a browser, IE) and load the site. That is for sure not what you want.

A very easy solution would be to change the href attribute of the link in you page_load method.

Your aspx code:

<a href="#" runat="server" id="myLink">Tutorial</a>

Your codebehind / cs code of page_load:

if (userinfo.user == "Admin")
  myLink.Attributes["href"] = "help/AdminTutorial.html";
  myLink.Attributes["href"] = "help/otherSite.html";

Don't forget to check the Admin rights again on "AdminTutorial.html" to "prevent" hacking.

"column not allowed here" error in INSERT statement

This error creeps in if we make some spelling mistake in entering the variable name. Like in stored proc, I have the variable name x and in my insert statement I am using

insert into tablename values(y);

It will throw an error column not allowed here.

Connecting to Oracle Database through C#?

The next approach work to me with Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 1- From Solution Explorer right click on References then select add references 2- Assemblies > Framework > System.Data.OracleClient > OK and after that you free to add using System.Data.OracleClient in your application and deal with database like you do with Sql Server database except changing the prefix from Sql to Oracle as in SqlCommand become OracleCommand for example to link to Oracle XE

OracleConnection oraConnection = new OracleConnection(@"Data Source=XE; User ID=system; Password=*myPass*");
public void Open()
if (oraConnection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
public void Close()
if (oraConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open)

and to execute some command like INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE using stored procedure we can use the following method

public void ExecuteCMD(string storedProcedure, OracleParameter[] param)
OracleCommand oraCmd = new OracleCommand();
oraCmd,CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
oraCmd.CommandText = storedProcedure;
oraCmd.Connection = oraConnection;

catch (Exception)
MessageBox.Show("Sorry We've got Unknown Error","Connection Error",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);

Determine whether an array contains a value

Since ECMAScript6, one can use Set:

var myArray = ['A', 'B', 'C'];
var mySet = new Set(myArray);
var hasB = mySet.has('B'); // true
var hasZ = mySet.has('Z'); // false