[svn] How to edit log message already committed in Subversion?

Is there a way to edit the log message of a certain revision in Subversion? I accidentally wrote the wrong filename in my commit message which could be confusing later.

I've seen How do I edit an incorrect commit message in Git?, but the solution to that question doesn't seem to be similar for Subversion (according to svn help commit).

This question is related to svn commit

The answer is

svnadmin setlog /path/to/repository -r revision_number --bypass-hooks message_file.txt

If you are using an IDE like eclipse, you can use this easy way.

Right click on the project -> Team - Show history

In that right click on the revision id for your commit and select 'Set commit properties'.

You can modify the message as you want from here.

If your repository enables setting revision properties via the pre-revprop-change hook you can change log messages much easier.

svn propedit --revprop -r 1234 svn:log url://to/repository

Or in TortoiseSVN, AnkhSVN and probably many other subversion clients by right clicking on a log entry and then 'change log message'.

svnadmin setlog /path/to/repository -r revision_number --bypass-hooks message_file.txt

If your repository enables setting revision properties via the pre-revprop-change hook you can change log messages much easier.

svn propedit --revprop -r 1234 svn:log url://to/repository

Or in TortoiseSVN, AnkhSVN and probably many other subversion clients by right clicking on a log entry and then 'change log message'.

On Windows, using Tortoise SVN client:

  1. right click in your project folder and choose "Show log"
  2. in the Log Messages window, right click on a revision and choose "Edit log message"

If it doesn't work it might because of the way SVN on server is setup, read other responses here.

The Subversion FAQ covers this, but uses a bunch of confusing undefined terms like REPOS_PATH without giving any actual examples.

It might take a few tries to get it to work, so save your updated commit message in a file. Unlike with svn-commit.tmp files, Subversion won’t preserve your typing if there’s a problem.

In your working directory, run

svn propedit -r N --revprop svn:log

to edit the commit message. If that works, great! But it probably won’t, because the svn:log revision property is unversioned and Subversion by default will stop you from overwriting it, either with the hook script pre-revprop-change, or an error message that you don’t have such a hook.

To change the hooks, you need access to the filesystem on which the repository is hosted. svn info will tell you the Repository Root. Suppose it’s ~/svnrepo.

  1. cd to ~/svnrepo/hooks
  2. Is there a pre-revprop-change or pre-revprop-change.bat script? If so, temporarily comment out the part of it that aborts if you try to change svn:log.
  3. Otherwise, on Windows, create a blank file called pre-revprop-change.bat. Here’s one way to do that:

    copy con pre-revprop-change.bat
  4. Otherwise, on Unix, run

    echo '#!/bin/sh' > pre-revprop-change
    chmod +x pre-revprop-change
  5. In the working copy, run svn propedit -r N --revprop svn:log again

  6. Undo your changes to ~/svnrepo/hooks/svn-revprop-change(.bat)

Here's a handy variation that I don't see mentioned in the faq. You can return the current message for editing by specifying a text editor.

svn propedit svn:log --revprop -r N --editor-cmd vim

If your repository enables setting revision properties via the pre-revprop-change hook you can change log messages much easier.

svn propedit --revprop -r 1234 svn:log url://to/repository

Or in TortoiseSVN, AnkhSVN and probably many other subversion clients by right clicking on a log entry and then 'change log message'.

I found a nice implementation of the server side pre-rev-prop-change hook at the svnforum: https://www.svnforum.org/forum/opensource-subversion-forums/scripts-contributions/8571-pre-revprop-change-shell-script-allows-commiters-to-change-own-log-within-x-hours

It implements

  • user checking, that is only own commit messages can be edited.
  • Svn admin override; admin can edit anything.
  • time stamp comparison: only commits that are younger than certain time can be edited

Grab it from there and edit at will. I'd rather not copy it here since I am not the original author and there is no copyright notice that would allow me to do it.

On Windows, using Tortoise SVN client:

  1. right click in your project folder and choose "Show log"
  2. in the Log Messages window, right click on a revision and choose "Edit log message"

If it doesn't work it might because of the way SVN on server is setup, read other responses here.

svnadmin setlog /path/to/repository -r revision_number --bypass-hooks message_file.txt

If your repository enables setting revision properties via the pre-revprop-change hook you can change log messages much easier.

svn propedit --revprop -r 1234 svn:log url://to/repository

Or in TortoiseSVN, AnkhSVN and probably many other subversion clients by right clicking on a log entry and then 'change log message'.

The Subversion FAQ covers this, but uses a bunch of confusing undefined terms like REPOS_PATH without giving any actual examples.

It might take a few tries to get it to work, so save your updated commit message in a file. Unlike with svn-commit.tmp files, Subversion won’t preserve your typing if there’s a problem.

In your working directory, run

svn propedit -r N --revprop svn:log

to edit the commit message. If that works, great! But it probably won’t, because the svn:log revision property is unversioned and Subversion by default will stop you from overwriting it, either with the hook script pre-revprop-change, or an error message that you don’t have such a hook.

To change the hooks, you need access to the filesystem on which the repository is hosted. svn info will tell you the Repository Root. Suppose it’s ~/svnrepo.

  1. cd to ~/svnrepo/hooks
  2. Is there a pre-revprop-change or pre-revprop-change.bat script? If so, temporarily comment out the part of it that aborts if you try to change svn:log.
  3. Otherwise, on Windows, create a blank file called pre-revprop-change.bat. Here’s one way to do that:

    copy con pre-revprop-change.bat
  4. Otherwise, on Unix, run

    echo '#!/bin/sh' > pre-revprop-change
    chmod +x pre-revprop-change
  5. In the working copy, run svn propedit -r N --revprop svn:log again

  6. Undo your changes to ~/svnrepo/hooks/svn-revprop-change(.bat)

When you run this command,

svn propedit svn:log --revprop -r NNN 

and just in case you see this message:

DAV request failed; it's possible that the repository's pre-revprop-change hook either failed or is non-existent

Its because Subversion doesn’t allow you to modify log messages because they are unversioned and will be lost permanently.

Unix-hosted SVN

Go to the hooks directory on your Subversion server (replace ~/svn/reponame with the directory of your repository)

cd ~/svn/reponame/hooks

Remove the extension

mv pre-revprop-change.tmpl pre-revprop-change

Make it executable (cannot do chmod +x!)

chmod 755 pre-revprop-change


Windows-hosted SVN

The template files in the hooks directory cannot be used as they are Unix-specific. You need to copy a Windows batch file pre-revprop-change.bat to the hooks directory, e.g. the one provided here.

svnadmin setlog /path/to/repository -r revision_number --bypass-hooks message_file.txt

Here's a handy variation that I don't see mentioned in the faq. You can return the current message for editing by specifying a text editor.

svn propedit svn:log --revprop -r N --editor-cmd vim

I was recently tasked with this as well.

We wanted to allow our programmers to modify only their own commit messages, and restrict how far back they are allowed to do so. We decided they would be allowed to modify any log messages committed that day, to fix typo's etc.

After looking at a couple other examples online I hacked this together, we are in a windows environment, so this is our contents of pre-revprop-change.bat:


set repos=%1
set rev=%2
set user=%3
set propname=%4
set action=%5

:: Only allow changes to svn:log. The author, date and other revision
:: properties cannot be changed
if /I not '%propname%'=='svn:log' goto ERROR_PROPNAME

:: Only allow modifications to svn:log (no addition/overwrite or deletion)
if /I not '%action%'=='M' goto ERROR_ACTION

:: Only allow user to modify their own log messages
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('svnlook author -r %REV% %REPOS%') do @set AUTHOR=%%a

if /I not '%AUTHOR%'=='%user%' goto ERROR_WRONGUSER

:: Only allow user to modify log messages from today, old messages locked down
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('svnlook date -r %REV% %REPOS%') do @set DATESTAMP=%%a

for /F "tokens=1-2 delims= " %%a in ("%DATESTAMP%") do (

:: Expects DATESTAMPDATE in the format: 2012-02-24
for /F "tokens=1-3 delims=-" %%a in ("%DATESTAMPDATE%") do (

:: Expects date in the format: Thu 08/01/2013
for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%a in ("%date%") do (
 set YEAR=%%d
 set MONTH=%%b
 set DAY=%%c )


:: Make sure that the new svn:log message contains some text.
set bIsEmpty=true
for /f "tokens=*" %%g in ('find /V ""') do (
 set bIsEmpty=false
if '%bIsEmpty%'=='true' goto ERROR_EMPTY

goto :eof

echo Empty svn:log properties are not allowed. >&2

echo Only changes to svn:log revision properties are allowed. >&2

echo Only modifications to svn:log revision properties are allowed. >&2

echo You are not allowed to modify other user's log messages. >&2

echo You are not allowed to modify log messages older than today. >&2

exit /b 1 

Edit: Original idea for this came from this thread:

I found a nice implementation of the server side pre-rev-prop-change hook at the svnforum: https://www.svnforum.org/forum/opensource-subversion-forums/scripts-contributions/8571-pre-revprop-change-shell-script-allows-commiters-to-change-own-log-within-x-hours

It implements

  • user checking, that is only own commit messages can be edited.
  • Svn admin override; admin can edit anything.
  • time stamp comparison: only commits that are younger than certain time can be edited

Grab it from there and edit at will. I'd rather not copy it here since I am not the original author and there is no copyright notice that would allow me to do it.