[java] Copying a HashMap in Java

There is a small (HUGE) understatement here. If you want to copy a HashMap with nested structures, HashMap.putAll() will copy by reference, because it doesn't know how to exactly copy your object. For example:

import java.util.*;
class Playground {
    public static void main(String[ ] args) {
        Map<Integer, Map<Integer,List<Float>>> dataA = new HashMap<>();
        Map<Integer, Map<Integer,List<Float>>> dataB = new HashMap<>();

        dataA.put(1, new HashMap<>());

        assert(dataB.get(1).size() == 0);

        dataA.get(1).put(2, new ArrayList<>());

        if (dataB.get(1).size() == 1) { // true
                "Sorry object reference was copied - not the values");

So basically you will need to copy the fields yourself like here

List <Float> aX = new ArrayList<>(accelerometerReadingsX);
List <Float> aY = new ArrayList<>(accelerometerReadingsY);

List <Float> gX = new ArrayList<>(gyroscopeReadingsX);
List <Float> gY = new ArrayList<>(gyroscopeReadingsY);

Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Float>> readings = new HashMap<>();

Map<Integer,List<Float>> accelerometerReadings = new HashMap<>();
accelerometerReadings.put(X_axis, aX);
accelerometerReadings.put(Y_axis, aY);
readings.put(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, accelerometerReadings);

Map<Integer,List<Float>> gyroscopeReadings = new HashMap<>();
gyroscopeReadings.put(X_axis, gX);
gyroscopeReadings.put(Y_axis, gY);
readings.put(Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE, gyroscopeReadings);

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