I have created a generalised solution. The function below will change ids and names of cloned object. In most cases, you will need the row number so Just add "data-row-id" attribute to the object.
function renameCloneIdsAndNames( objClone ) {
if( !objClone.attr( 'data-row-id' ) ) {
console.error( 'Cloned object must have \'data-row-id\' attribute.' );
if( objClone.attr( 'id' ) ) {
objClone.attr( 'id', objClone.attr( 'id' ).replace( /\d+$/, function( strId ) { return parseInt( strId ) + 1; } ) );
objClone.attr( 'data-row-id', objClone.attr( 'data-row-id' ).replace( /\d+$/, function( strId ) { return parseInt( strId ) + 1; } ) );
objClone.find( '[id]' ).each( function() {
var strNewId = $( this ).attr( 'id' ).replace( /\d+$/, function( strId ) { return parseInt( strId ) + 1; } );
$( this ).attr( 'id', strNewId );
if( $( this ).attr( 'name' ) ) {
var strNewName = $( this ).attr( 'name' ).replace( /\[\d+\]/g, function( strName ) {
strName = strName.replace( /[\[\]']+/g, '' );
var intNumber = parseInt( strName ) + 1;
return '[' + intNumber + ']'
} );
$( this ).attr( 'name', strNewName );
return objClone;