If you wish to inject pure function, instead of text, you can use this method:
function inject(){_x000D_
document.body.style.backgroundColor = 'blue';_x000D_
// this includes the function as text and the barentheses make it run itself._x000D_
var actualCode = "("+inject+")()"; _x000D_
document.documentElement.setAttribute('onreset', actualCode);_x000D_
document.documentElement.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('reset'));_x000D_
And you can pass parameters (unfortunatelly no objects and arrays can be stringifyed) to the functions. Add it into the baretheses, like so:
function inject(color){_x000D_
document.body.style.backgroundColor = color;_x000D_
// this includes the function as text and the barentheses make it run itself._x000D_
var color = 'yellow';_x000D_
var actualCode = "("+inject+")("+color+")";