Programs & Examples On #Idynamicobject

Unfinished Stubbing Detected in Mockito

You're nesting mocking inside of mocking. You're calling getSomeList(), which does some mocking, before you've finished the mocking for MyMainModel. Mockito doesn't like it when you do this.


public myTest(){
    MyMainModel mainModel =  Mockito.mock(MyMainModel.class);
    Mockito.when(mainModel.getList()).thenReturn(getSomeList()); --> Line 355


public myTest(){
    MyMainModel mainModel =  Mockito.mock(MyMainModel.class);
    List<SomeModel> someModelList = getSomeList();

To understand why this causes a problem, you need to know a little about how Mockito works, and also be aware in what order expressions and statements are evaluated in Java.

Mockito can't read your source code, so in order to figure out what you are asking it to do, it relies a lot on static state. When you call a method on a mock object, Mockito records the details of the call in an internal list of invocations. The when method reads the last of these invocations off the list and records this invocation in the OngoingStubbing object it returns.

The line


causes the following interactions with Mockito:

  • Mock method mainModel.getList() is called,
  • Static method when is called,
  • Method thenReturn is called on the OngoingStubbing object returned by the when method.

The thenReturn method can then instruct the mock it received via the OngoingStubbing method to handle any suitable call to the getList method to return someModelList.

In fact, as Mockito can't see your code, you can also write your mocking as follows:


This style is somewhat less clear to read, especially since in this case the null has to be casted, but it generates the same sequence of interactions with Mockito and will achieve the same result as the line above.

However, the line


causes the following interactions with Mockito:

  1. Mock method mainModel.getList() is called,
  2. Static method when is called,
  3. A new mock of SomeModel is created (inside getSomeList()),
  4. Mock method model.getName() is called,

At this point Mockito gets confused. It thought you were mocking mainModel.getList(), but now you're telling it you want to mock the model.getName() method. To Mockito, it looks like you're doing the following:

// ...

This looks silly to Mockito as it can't be sure what you're doing with mainModel.getList().

Note that we did not get to the thenReturn method call, as the JVM needs to evaluate the parameters to this method before it can call the method. In this case, this means calling the getSomeList() method.

Generally it is a bad design decision to rely on static state, as Mockito does, because it can lead to cases where the Principle of Least Astonishment is violated. However, Mockito's design does make for clear and expressive mocking, even if it leads to astonishment sometimes.

Finally, recent versions of Mockito add an extra line to the error message above. This extra line indicates you may be in the same situation as this question:

3: you are stubbing the behaviour of another mock inside before 'thenReturn' instruction if completed

How to convert DateTime to VarChar

Here's some test sql for all the styles.

DECLARE @now datetime
SET @now = GETDATE()
select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 0) as output, 0 as style 
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 1), 1
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 2), 2
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 3), 3
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 4), 4
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 5), 5
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 6), 6
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 7), 7
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 8), 8
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 9), 9
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 10), 10
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 11), 11
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 12), 12
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 13), 13
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 14), 14
--15 to 19 not valid
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 20), 20
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 21), 21
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 22), 22
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 23), 23
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 24), 24
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 25), 25
--26 to 99 not valid
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 100), 100
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 101), 101
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 102), 102
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 103), 103
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 104), 104
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 105), 105
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 106), 106
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 107), 107
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 108), 108
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 109), 109
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 110), 110
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 111), 111
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 112), 112
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 113), 113
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 114), 114
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 120), 120
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 121), 121
--122 to 125 not valid
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 126), 126
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 127), 127
--128, 129 not valid
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 130), 130
union select convert(nvarchar(MAX), @now, 131), 131
--132 not valid
order BY style

Here's the result

output                   style
Apr 28 2014  9:31AM          0
04/28/14                     1
14.04.28                     2
28/04/14                     3
28.04.14                     4
28-04-14                     5
28 Apr 14                    6
Apr 28, 14                   7
09:31:28                     8
Apr 28 2014  9:31:28:580AM   9
04-28-14                     10
14/04/28                     11
140428                       12
28 Apr 2014 09:31:28:580     13
09:31:28:580                 14
2014-04-28 09:31:28          20
2014-04-28 09:31:28.580      21
04/28/14  9:31:28 AM         22
2014-04-28                   23
09:31:28                     24
2014-04-28 09:31:28.580      25
Apr 28 2014  9:31AM          100
04/28/2014                   101
2014.04.28                   102
28/04/2014                   103
28.04.2014                   104
28-04-2014                   105
28 Apr 2014                  106
Apr 28, 2014                 107
09:31:28                     108
Apr 28 2014  9:31:28:580AM   109
04-28-2014                   110
2014/04/28                   111
20140428                     112
28 Apr 2014 09:31:28:580     113
09:31:28:580                 114
2014-04-28 09:31:28          120
2014-04-28 09:31:28.580      121
2014-04-28T09:31:28.580      126
2014-04-28T09:31:28.580      127
28 ????? ??????? 1435  9:31:28:580AM    130
28/06/1435  9:31:28:580AM    131

Make nvarchar(max) shorter to trim the time. For example:

select convert(nvarchar(11), GETDATE(), 0)
union select convert(nvarchar(max), GETDATE(), 0)


May 18 2018
May 18 2018  9:57AM

Timeout jQuery effects

This can be done with only a few lines of jQuery:

    // make sure img is hidden - fade in

    // after 5 second timeout - fade out
    setTimeout(function(){$('img').fadeOut(2000);}, 5000);

see the fiddle below for a working example...

How To: Best way to draw table in console app (C#)

class ArrayPrinter
    #region Declarations

    static bool isLeftAligned = false;
    const string cellLeftTop = "+";
    const string cellRightTop = "+";
    const string cellLeftBottom = "+";
    const string cellRightBottom = "+";
    const string cellHorizontalJointTop = "-";
    const string cellHorizontalJointbottom = "-";
    const string cellVerticalJointLeft = "+";
    const string cellTJoint = "+";
    const string cellVerticalJointRight = "¦";
    const string cellHorizontalLine = "-";
    const string cellVerticalLine = "¦";


    #region Private Methods

    private static int GetMaxCellWidth(string[,] arrValues)
        int maxWidth = 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < arrValues.GetLength(0); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < arrValues.GetLength(1); j++)
                int length = arrValues[i, j].Length;
                if (length > maxWidth)
                    maxWidth = length;

        return maxWidth;

    private static string GetDataInTableFormat(string[,] arrValues)
        string formattedString = string.Empty;

        if (arrValues == null)
            return formattedString;

        int dimension1Length = arrValues.GetLength(0);
        int dimension2Length = arrValues.GetLength(1);

        int maxCellWidth = GetMaxCellWidth(arrValues);
        int indentLength = (dimension2Length * maxCellWidth) + (dimension2Length - 1);
        //printing top line;
        formattedString = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", cellLeftTop, Indent(indentLength), cellRightTop, System.Environment.NewLine);

        for (int i = 0; i < dimension1Length; i++)
            string lineWithValues = cellVerticalLine;
            string line = cellVerticalJointLeft;
            for (int j = 0; j < dimension2Length; j++)
                string value = (isLeftAligned) ? arrValues[i, j].PadRight(maxCellWidth, ' ') : arrValues[i, j].PadLeft(maxCellWidth, ' ');
                lineWithValues += string.Format("{0}{1}", value, cellVerticalLine);
                line += Indent(maxCellWidth);
                if (j < (dimension2Length - 1))
                    line += cellTJoint;
            line += cellVerticalJointRight;
            formattedString += string.Format("{0}{1}", lineWithValues, System.Environment.NewLine);
            if (i < (dimension1Length - 1))
                formattedString += string.Format("{0}{1}", line, System.Environment.NewLine);

        //printing bottom line
        formattedString += string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", cellLeftBottom, Indent(indentLength), cellRightBottom, System.Environment.NewLine);
        return formattedString;

    private static string Indent(int count)
        return string.Empty.PadLeft(count, '-');                 


    #region Public Methods

    public static void PrintToStream(string[,] arrValues, StreamWriter writer)
        if (arrValues == null)

        if (writer == null)


    public static void PrintToConsole(string[,] arrValues)
        if (arrValues == null)



    static void Main(string[] args)
        int value = 997;
        string[,] arrValues = new string[5, 5];
        for (int i = 0; i < arrValues.GetLength(0); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < arrValues.GetLength(1); j++)
                arrValues[i, j] = value.ToString();

How to read json file into java with simple JSON library

You can use readAllBytes.

return String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(filePath)),StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

PDO error message?

Try this instead:


Add this before your prepare:

$this->pdo->setAttribute( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING );

This will change the PDO error reporting type and cause it to emit a warning whenever there is a PDO error. It should help you track it down, although your errorInfo should have bet set.

Unable to run Java code with Intellij IDEA

Don't forget the String[] args in your main method. Otherwise, there's no option to run your program:

public static void main(String[] args) {


Hiding the scroll bar on an HTML page

If you want scrolling to work, before hiding scrollbars, consider styling them. Modern versions of OS X and mobile OS's have scrollbars that, while impractical for grabbing with a mouse, are quite beautiful and neutral.

To hide scrollbars, a technique by John Kurlak works well except for leaving Firefox users who don't have touchpads with no way to scroll unless they have a mouse with a wheel, which they probably do, but even then they can usually only scroll vertically.

John's technique uses three elements:

  • An outer element to mask the scrollbars.
  • A middle element to have the scrollbars.
  • And a content element to both set the size of the middle element and make it have scrollbars.

It must be possible to set the size of the outer and content elements the same which eliminates using percentages, but I can't think of anything else that won't work with the right tweaking.

My biggest concern is whether all versions of browsers set scrollbars to make visible overflowed content visible. I have tested in current browsers, but not older ones.

Pardon my SASS ;P

%size {
    // set width and height

.outer {
    // mask scrollbars of child
    overflow: hidden;
    // set mask size
    @extend %size;
    // has absolutely positioned child
    position: relative;

.middle {
    // always have scrollbars.
    // don't use auto, it leaves vertical scrollbar showing
    overflow: scroll;
    // without absolute, the vertical scrollbar shows
    position: absolute;
// prevent text selection from revealing scrollbar, which it only does on
// some webkit based browsers.
.middle::-webkit-scrollbar {
    display: none;

.content {
    // push scrollbars behind mask
    @extend %size;


OS X is 10.6.8. Windows is Windows 7.

  • Firefox 32.0 Scrollbars hidden. Arrow keys don't scroll, even after clicking to focus, but mouse wheel and two fingers on trackpad do. OS X and Windows.
  • Chrome 37.0 Scrollbars hidden. Arrow keys work after clicking to focus. Mouse wheel and trackpad work. OS X and Windows.
  • Internet Explorer 11 Scrollbars hidden. Arrow keys work after clicking to focus. Mouse wheel works. Windows.
  • Safari 5.1.10 Scrollbars hidden. Arrow keys work after clicking to focus. Mouse wheel and trackpad work. OS X.
  • Android 4.4.4 and 4.1.2. Scrollbars hidden. Touch scrolling works. Tried in Chrome 37.0, Firefox 32.0, and HTMLViewer on 4.4.4 (whatever that is). In HTMLViewer, the page is the size of the masked content and can be scrolled too! Scrolling interacts acceptably with page zooming.

Wavy shape with css

My pure CSS implementation based on above with 100% width. Hope it helps!

#wave-container {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
#wave {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  height: 40px;_x000D_
  background: black;_x000D_
#wave:before {_x000D_
  content: "";_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  border-radius: 100%;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 300px;_x000D_
  background-color: white;_x000D_
  right: -25%;_x000D_
  top: 20px_x000D_
#wave:after {_x000D_
  content: "";_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  border-radius: 100%;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 300px;_x000D_
  background-color: black;_x000D_
  left: -25%;_x000D_
  top: -240px;_x000D_
<div id="wave-container">_x000D_
  <div id="wave">_x000D_

nginx: send all requests to a single html page

The correct way would be:

location / {
    rewrite (.*) base.html last;

Using last will make nginx find a new suitable location block according to the result of rewriting.

try_files is also a perfectly valid approach to this problem.

How do I get PHP errors to display?

If, despite following all of the above answers (or you can't edit your php.ini file), you still can't get an error message, try making a new PHP file that enables error reporting and then include the problem file. eg:

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

Despite having everything set properly in my php.ini file, this was the only way I could catch a namespace error. My exact scenario was:

namespace a\b;
class x {

namespace c\d;
use c\d\x; //Dies because it's not sure which 'x' class to use
class x {

Xcode warning: "Multiple build commands for output file"

React-Native users. goto file -> workspace settings -> build system -> change it to legacy build system. and it should build fine now. React-Native isn't compatible with the new file system yet.

List<object>.RemoveAll - How to create an appropriate Predicate

A predicate in T is a delegate that takes in a T and returns a bool. List<T>.RemoveAll will remove all elements in a list where calling the predicate returns true. The easiest way to supply a simple predicate is usually a lambda expression, but you can also use anonymous methods or actual methods.

    List<Vehicle> vehicles;
    // Using a lambda
    vehicles.RemoveAll(vehicle => vehicle.EnquiryID == 123);
    // Using an equivalent anonymous method
    vehicles.RemoveAll(delegate(Vehicle vehicle)
        return vehicle.EnquiryID == 123;
    // Using an equivalent actual method

private static bool VehiclePredicate(Vehicle vehicle)
    return vehicle.EnquiryID == 123;

How to uninstall Golang?

only tab
rm -rvf /usr/local/go/
not works well, but
sudo rm -rvf /usr/local/go/

What do all of Scala's symbolic operators mean?

I divide the operators, for the purpose of teaching, into four categories:

  • Keywords/reserved symbols
  • Automatically imported methods
  • Common methods
  • Syntactic sugars/composition

It is fortunate, then, that most categories are represented in the question:

->    // Automatically imported method
||=   // Syntactic sugar
++=   // Syntactic sugar/composition or common method
<=    // Common method
_._   // Typo, though it's probably based on Keyword/composition
::    // Common method
:+=   // Common method

The exact meaning of most of these methods depend on the class that is defining them. For example, <= on Int means "less than or equal to". The first one, ->, I'll give as example below. :: is probably the method defined on List (though it could be the object of the same name), and :+= is probably the method defined on various Buffer classes.

So, let's see them.

Keywords/reserved symbols

There are some symbols in Scala that are special. Two of them are considered proper keywords, while others are just "reserved". They are:

// Keywords
<-  // Used on for-comprehensions, to separate pattern from generator
=>  // Used for function types, function literals and import renaming

// Reserved
( )        // Delimit expressions and parameters
[ ]        // Delimit type parameters
{ }        // Delimit blocks
.          // Method call and path separator
// /* */   // Comments
#          // Used in type notations
:          // Type ascription or context bounds
<: >: <%   // Upper, lower and view bounds
<? <!      // Start token for various XML elements
" """      // Strings
'          // Indicate symbols and characters
@          // Annotations and variable binding on pattern matching
`          // Denote constant or enable arbitrary identifiers
,          // Parameter separator
;          // Statement separator
_*         // vararg expansion
_          // Many different meanings

These are all part of the language, and, as such, can be found in any text that properly describe the language, such as Scala Specification(PDF) itself.

The last one, the underscore, deserve a special description, because it is so widely used, and has so many different meanings. Here's a sample:

import scala._    // Wild card -- all of Scala is imported
import scala.{ Predef => _, _ } // Exception, everything except Predef
def f[M[_]]       // Higher kinded type parameter
def f(m: M[_])    // Existential type
_ + _             // Anonymous function placeholder parameter
m _               // Eta expansion of method into method value
m(_)              // Partial function application
_ => 5            // Discarded parameter
case _ =>         // Wild card pattern -- matches anything
f(xs: _*)         // Sequence xs is passed as multiple parameters to f(ys: T*)
case Seq(xs @ _*) // Identifier xs is bound to the whole matched sequence

I probably forgot some other meaning, though.

Automatically imported methods

So, if you did not find the symbol you are looking for in the list above, then it must be a method, or part of one. But, often, you'll see some symbol and the documentation for the class will not have that method. When this happens, either you are looking at a composition of one or more methods with something else, or the method has been imported into scope, or is available through an imported implicit conversion.

These can still be found on ScalaDoc: you just have to know where to look for them. Or, failing that, look at the index (presently broken on 2.9.1, but available on nightly).

Every Scala code has three automatic imports:

// Not necessarily in this order
import      // _root_ denotes an absolute path
import _root_.scala._
import _root_.scala.Predef._

The first two only make classes and singleton objects available. The third one contains all implicit conversions and imported methods, since Predef is an object itself.

Looking inside Predef quickly show some symbols:

class <:<
class =:=
object <%<
object =:=

Any other symbol will be made available through an implicit conversion. Just look at the methods tagged with implicit that receive, as parameter, an object of type that is receiving the method. For example:

"a" -> 1  // Look for an implicit from String, AnyRef, Any or type parameter

In the above case, -> is defined in the class ArrowAssoc through the method any2ArrowAssoc that takes an object of type A, where A is an unbounded type parameter to the same method.

Common methods

So, many symbols are simply methods on a class. For instance, if you do

List(1, 2) ++ List(3, 4)

You'll find the method ++ right on the ScalaDoc for List. However, there's one convention that you must be aware when searching for methods. Methods ending in colon (:) bind to the right instead of the left. In other words, while the above method call is equivalent to:

List(1, 2).++(List(3, 4))

If I had, instead 1 :: List(2, 3), that would be equivalent to:

List(2, 3).::(1)

So you need to look at the type found on the right when looking for methods ending in colon. Consider, for instance:

1 +: List(2, 3) :+ 4

The first method (+:) binds to the right, and is found on List. The second method (:+) is just a normal method, and binds to the left -- again, on List.

Syntactic sugars/composition

So, here's a few syntactic sugars that may hide a method:

class Example(arr: Array[Int] = Array.fill(5)(0)) {
  def apply(n: Int) = arr(n)
  def update(n: Int, v: Int) = arr(n) = v
  def a = arr(0); def a_=(v: Int) = arr(0) = v
  def b = arr(1); def b_=(v: Int) = arr(1) = v
  def c = arr(2); def c_=(v: Int) = arr(2) = v
  def d = arr(3); def d_=(v: Int) = arr(3) = v
  def e = arr(4); def e_=(v: Int) = arr(4) = v
  def +(v: Int) = new Example(arr map (_ + v))
  def unapply(n: Int) = if (arr.indices contains n) Some(arr(n)) else None

val Ex = new Example // or var for the last example
println(Ex(0))  // calls apply(0)
Ex(0) = 2       // calls update(0, 2)
Ex.b = 3        // calls b_=(3)
// This requires Ex to be a "val"
val Ex(c) = 2   // calls unapply(2) and assigns result to c
// This requires Ex to be a "var"
Ex += 1         // substituted for Ex = Ex + 1

The last one is interesting, because any symbolic method can be combined to form an assignment-like method that way.

And, of course, there's various combinations that can appear in code:

(_+_) // An expression, or parameter, that is an anonymous function with
      // two parameters, used exactly where the underscores appear, and
      // which calls the "+" method on the first parameter passing the
      // second parameter as argument.

How does cookie based authentication work?

Cookie-Based Authentication

Cookies based Authentication works normally in these 4 steps-

  1. The user provides a username and password in the login form and clicks Log In.
  2. After the request is made, the server validate the user on the backend by querying in the database. If the request is valid, it will create a session by using the user information fetched from the database and store them, for each session a unique id called session Id is created ,by default session Id is will be given to client through the Browser.
  3. Browser will submit this session Id on each subsequent requests, the session ID is verified against the database, based on this session id website will identify the session belonging to which client and then give access the request.

  4. Once a user logs out of the app, the session is destroyed both client-side and server-side.

How to clear input buffer in C?

you can try

scanf("%c%*c", &ch1);

where %*c accepts and ignores the newline

one more method instead of fflush(stdin) which invokes undefined behaviour you can write


don't forget the semicolon after while loop

Word wrap for a label in Windows Forms

There is no autowrap property but this can be done programmatically to size it dynamically. Here is one solution:

  • Select the properties of the label

  • AutoSize = True

  • MaximumSize = (Width, Height) where Width = max size you want the label to be and Height = how many pixels you want it to wrap

    Sample Properties

How can I count text lines inside an DOM element? Can I?

Clone the container object and write 2 letters and calculate the height. This return the real height with all style applied, line height, etc. Now, calculate the height object / the size of a letter. In Jquery, the height excelude the padding, margin and border, it is great to calculate the real height of each line:

other = obj.clone();
size = other.height() / 2;
lines = obj.height() /  size;

If you use a rare font with different height of each letter, this does not works. But works with all normal fonts, like Arial, mono, comics, Verdana, etc. Test with your font.


<div id="content" style="width: 100px">hello how are you? hello how are you? hello how are you?</div>
<script type="text/javascript">

  calculate = function(obj){
    other = obj.clone();
    size = other.height() / 2;
    return obj.height() /  size;

  n = calculate($('#content'));
  alert(n + ' lines');

Result: 6 Lines

Works in all browser without rare functions out of standards.


How do you print in Sublime Text 2

TL;DR Use Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+P then Package Control: Install Package, then Print to HTML and install it. Use Alt+Shift+P to print.

My favorite tool for printing from Sublime Text is Print to HTML package. You can "print" a selection or a whole file - via the web browser.


  1. Make a selection (or none for the whole file)
  2. Press Alt+Shift+P OR Shift+Command+P and type in "Print to HTML".

This opens your browser print dialog (Chrome for me) with the selected text neatly in the print dialog window and syntax highlighting intact. There you can choose a printer or export to PDF, and print.


Install the "Print to HTML" package using the package manager.

  1. Ctrl + Shift + P => Gives a list of commands.
  2. Find the package manager by typing "install"
  3. You see a few choices. Select "Package Control: Install Package"
  4. This opens a list of packages. Type "print to"
  5. One of the choices should be "Print to HTML". Select that, and it is being installed.
  6. You can use the "print to html" now by a keyboard shortcut Alt+Shift+P

If two cells match, return value from third

All you have to do is write an IF condition in the column d like this:

=IF(A1=C1;B1;" ")

After that just apply this formula to all rows above that one.

What's the difference between select_related and prefetch_related in Django ORM?

Gone through the already posted answers. Just thought it would be better if I add an answer with actual example.

Let' say you have 3 Django models which are related.

class M1(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=10)

class M2(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=10)
    select_relation = models.ForeignKey(M1, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    prefetch_relation = models.ManyToManyField(to='M3')

class M3(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=10)

Here you can query M2 model and its relative M1 objects using select_relation field and M3 objects using prefetch_relation field.

However as we've mentioned M1's relation from M2 is a ForeignKey, it just returns only 1 record for any M2 object. Same thing applies for OneToOneField as well.

But M3's relation from M2 is a ManyToManyField which might return any number of M1 objects.

Consider a case where you have 2 M2 objects m21, m22 who have same 5 associated M3 objects with IDs 1,2,3,4,5. When you fetch associated M3 objects for each of those M2 objects, if you use select related, this is how it's going to work.


  1. Find m21 object.
  2. Query all the M3 objects related to m21 object whose IDs are 1,2,3,4,5.
  3. Repeat same thing for m22 object and all other M2 objects.

As we have same 1,2,3,4,5 IDs for both m21, m22 objects, if we use select_related option, it's going to query the DB twice for the same IDs which were already fetched.

Instead if you use prefetch_related, when you try to get M2 objects, it will make a note of all the IDs that your objects returned (Note: only the IDs) while querying M2 table and as last step, Django is going to make a query to M3 table with the set of all IDs that your M2 objects have returned. and join them to M2 objects using Python instead of database.

This way you're querying all the M3 objects only once which improves performance.

How to output MySQL query results in CSV format?

I encountered the same problem and Paul's Answer wasn't an option since it was RDS. Replacing the tab with the commas did not work as the data had embedded commas & tabs. I found that the mycli which is a drop-in alternative for the mysql-client supports csv output outof the box with the --csv flag

mycli db_name --csv -e "select * from flowers" > flowers.csv

Do checkbox inputs only post data if they're checked?

From HTML 4 spec, which should be consistent across almost all browsers:

Checkboxes (and radio buttons) are on/off switches that may be toggled by the user. A switch is "on" when the control element's checked attribute is set. When a form is submitted, only "on" checkbox controls can become successful.

Successful is defined as follows:

A successful control is "valid" for submission. Every successful control has its control name paired with its current value as part of the submitted form data set. A successful control must be defined within a FORM element and must have a control name.

How Do I Get the Query Builder to Output Its Raw SQL Query as a String?

To See Laravel Executed Query use laravel query log


$queries = DB::getQueryLog();

error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 1

I had the same problem today, while I was upgrading some VC6 project to VC2012.

In my case, it was because some of the operation in Custom Built Steps failed. In project properties, go to Custom Build Step, you can see there maybe some something in command line edit box. Open a windows prompt and paste the command to it. Run, check if there is something wrong and fix it.

If there is no command line in the project property Custom Built Step, maybe you should check properties of every single file of the project.

If the command line has some macro, replace it with an actual value.

Or you can echo the command in VS output window:

  • cd %(somedir)%
  • echo %(somedir)%

You won't miss it this way.

How can I copy a file on Unix using C?

There is no need to either call non-portable APIs like sendfile, or shell out to external utilities. The same method that worked back in the 70s still works now:

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>

int cp(const char *to, const char *from)
    int fd_to, fd_from;
    char buf[4096];
    ssize_t nread;
    int saved_errno;

    fd_from = open(from, O_RDONLY);
    if (fd_from < 0)
        return -1;

    fd_to = open(to, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0666);
    if (fd_to < 0)
        goto out_error;

    while (nread = read(fd_from, buf, sizeof buf), nread > 0)
        char *out_ptr = buf;
        ssize_t nwritten;

        do {
            nwritten = write(fd_to, out_ptr, nread);

            if (nwritten >= 0)
                nread -= nwritten;
                out_ptr += nwritten;
            else if (errno != EINTR)
                goto out_error;
        } while (nread > 0);

    if (nread == 0)
        if (close(fd_to) < 0)
            fd_to = -1;
            goto out_error;

        /* Success! */
        return 0;

    saved_errno = errno;

    if (fd_to >= 0)

    errno = saved_errno;
    return -1;

How to var_dump variables in twig templates?

As most good PHP programmers like to use XDebug to actually step through running code and watch variables change in real-time, using dump() feels like a step back to the bad old days.

That's why I made a Twig Debug extension and put it on Github.

composer require delboy1978uk/twig-debug

Then add the extension. If you aren't using Symfony, like this:


use Del\Twig\DebugExtension;

/** @var $twig Twig_Environment */
$twig->addExtension(new DebugExtension());

If you are, like this in your services YAML config:

    class: Del\Twig\DebugExtension
        - { name: twig.extension }

Once registered, you can now do this anywhere in a twig template:

{{ breakpoint() }}

Now, you can use XDebug, execution will pause, and you can see all the properties of both the Context and the Environment.

Have fun! :-D

yii2 hidden input value

You can use this code line in view(form)

 <?= $form->field($model, 'hidden1')->hiddenInput(['value'=>'your_value'])->label(false) ?>

Please refere this as example

If your need to pass currant date and time as hidden input : Model attribute is 'created_on' and its value is retrieve from date('Y-m-d H:i:s') , just like:"2020-03-10 09:00:00"

  <?= $form->field($model, 'created_on')->hiddenInput(['value'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s')])->label(false) ?>

Convert a space delimited string to list

states_list = states.split(' ')

In regards to your edit:

from random import choice
random_state = choice(states_list)

Pdf.js: rendering a pdf file using a base64 file source instead of url

Used the Accepted Answer to do a check for IE and convert the dataURI to UInt8Array; an accepted form by PDFJS

        Ext.isIE ? pdfAsDataUri = me.convertDataURIToBinary(pdfAsDataUri): '';_x000D_
        convertDataURIToBinary: function(dataURI) {_x000D_
          var BASE64_MARKER = ';base64,',_x000D_
            base64Index = dataURI.indexOf(BASE64_MARKER) + BASE64_MARKER.length,_x000D_
            base64 = dataURI.substring(base64Index),_x000D_
            raw = window.atob(base64),_x000D_
            rawLength = raw.length,_x000D_
            array = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(rawLength));_x000D_
          for (var i = 0; i < rawLength; i++) {_x000D_
            array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i);_x000D_
          return array;_x000D_

changing the owner of folder in linux

Use chown to change ownership and chmod to change rights.

use the -R option to apply the rights for all files inside of a directory too.

Note that both these commands just work for directories too. The -R option makes them also change the permissions for all files and directories inside of the directory.

For example

sudo chown -R username:group directory

will change ownership (both user and group) of all files and directories inside of directory and directory itself.

sudo chown username:group directory

will only change the permission of the folder directory but will leave the files and folders inside the directory alone.

you need to use sudo to change the ownership from root to yourself.


Note that if you use chown user: file (Note the left-out group), it will use the default group for that user.

Also You can change the group ownership of a file or directory with the command:

chgrp group_name file/directory_name

You must be a member of the group to which you are changing ownership to.

You can find group of file as follows

# ls -l file
-rw-r--r-- 1 root family 0 2012-05-22 20:03 file

# chown sujit:friends file

User 500 is just a normal user. Typically user 500 was the first user on the system, recent changes (to /etc/login.defs) has altered the minimum user id to 1000 in many distributions, so typically 1000 is now the first (non root) user.

What you may be seeing is a system which has been upgraded from the old state to the new state and still has some processes knocking about on uid 500. You can likely change it by first checking if your distro should indeed now use 1000, and if so alter the login.defs file yourself, the renumber the user account in /etc/passwd and chown/chgrp all their files, usually in /home/, then reboot.

But in answer to your question, no, you should not really be worried about this in all likelihood. It'll be showing as "500" instead of a username because o user in /etc/passwd has a uid set of 500, that's all.

Also you can show your current numbers using id i'm willing to bet it comes back as 1000 for you.

SQL command to display history of queries

You can see the history from ~/.mysql_history. However the content of the file is encoded by wctomb. To view the content:

shell> cat ~/.mysql_history | python2.7 -c "import sys; print(''.join([l.decode('unicode-escape') for l in sys.stdin]))"

Source:Check MySQL query history from command line

How to include SCSS file in HTML

You can't have a link to SCSS File in your HTML page.You have to compile it down to CSS First. No there are lots of video tutorials you might want to check out. Lynda provides great video tutorials on SASS. there are also free screencasts you can google...

For official documentation visit this site And why have you chosen notepad to write Sass?? you can easily download some free text editors for better code handling.

Wait for a process to finish

FreeBSD and Solaris have this handy pwait(1) utility, which does exactly, what you want.

I believe, other modern OSes also have the necessary system calls too (MacOS, for example, implements BSD's kqueue), but not all make it available from command-line.

Reading *.wav files in Python

If you're going to perform transfers on the waveform data then perhaps you should use SciPy, specifically

Palindrome check in Javascript

function palindrome(str) {
// Good luck!
//convert the string into lowerCase.
 str = str.toLowerCase();
//this line remove all non=alphanumeric characters.
 strAlphaNum = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g,"");
//this line create an array of the strAlphaNum string.
 strArray = strAlphaNum.split("");
//this line reverse the array
 strReversed = strArray.reverse();
//this line join the reversed array to make a string whithout space.
 strRevJoin = strReversed.join("");
//this condition check if the given string is a palindrome.
 if (strAlphaNum === strRevJoin){
 return true;}    
 else {return false;}

How to change CSS using jQuery?

Just wanted to add that when using numbers for values with the css method you have to add them outside the apostrophe and then add the CSS unit in apostrophes.

$('.block').css('width',50 + '%');


var $block = $('.block')    

$block.css({ 'width': 50 + '%', 'height': 4 + 'em', 'background': '#FFDAB9' });

What are the differences between "git commit" and "git push"?

Just want to add the following points:

Yon can not push until you commit as we use git push to push commits made on your local branch to a remote repository.

The git push command takes two arguments:

A remote name, for example, origin A branch name, for example, master

For example:

git push  origin       master

Javascript array declaration: new Array(), new Array(3), ['a', 'b', 'c'] create arrays that behave differently

Arrays have numerical indexes. So,

a = new Array();


b = new Array(2);

are not adding elements to the array, but adding .a1 and .a2 properties to the a object (arrays are objects too). As further evidence, if you did this:

a = new Array();
console.log(a.length);   // outputs zero because there are no items in the array

Your third option:


is assigning the variable c an array with three elements. Those three elements can be accessed as: c[0], c[1] and c[2]. In other words, c[0] === 'c1' and c.length === 3.

Javascript does not use its array functionality for what other languages call associative arrays where you can use any type of key in the array. You can implement most of the functionality of an associative array by just using an object in javascript where each item is just a property like this.

a = {};

It is generally a mistake to use an array for this purpose as it just confuses people reading your code and leads to false assumptions about how the code works.

XSD - how to allow elements in any order any number of times?

But from what I understand xs:choice still only allows single element selection. Hence setting the MaxOccurs to unbounded like this should only mean that "any one" of the child elements can appear multiple times. Is this accurate?

No. The choice happens individually for every "repetition" of xs:choice that occurs due to maxOccurs="unbounded". Therefore, the code that you have posted is correct, and will actually do what you want as written.

How to configure log4j to only keep log files for the last seven days?

If you are using Linux, you can configure a cron job using tmpwatch.

Most Linux systems have a tmpwatch cron job that cleans up the /tmp directory. You can add another that monitors your logging directory and deletes files over 7 days old.

If you are using a different system, there are probably equivalent utilities.

How do I duplicate a line or selection within Visual Studio Code?

in my last version Visual Studio Code 1.30.2 it wil be change automatically into

ctrl + D

Difference between HashSet and HashMap?

They are entirely different constructs. A HashMap is an implementation of Map. A Map maps keys to values. The key look up occurs using the hash.

On the other hand, a HashSet is an implementation of Set. A Set is designed to match the mathematical model of a set. A HashSet does use a HashMap to back its implementation, as you noted. However, it implements an entirely different interface.

When you are looking for what will be the best Collection for your purposes, this Tutorial is a good starting place. If you truly want to know what's going on, there's a book for that, too.

UnsupportedClassVersionError: JVMCFRE003 bad major version in WebSphere AS 7

You should also make sure you have set appropriate Project Facets Java version. Module Properties -> Project Facets -> Java 1.6 should be checked

Why do I get "a label can only be part of a statement and a declaration is not a statement" if I have a variable that is initialized after a label?

The language standard simply doesn't allow for it. Labels can only be followed by statements, and declarations do not count as statements in C. The easiest way to get around this is by inserting an empty statement after your label, which relieves you from keeping track of the scope the way you would need to inside a block.

#include <stdio.h>
int main () 
    printf("Hello ");
    goto Cleanup;
Cleanup: ; //This is an empty statement.
    char *str = "World\n";
    printf("%s\n", str);

Basic authentication for REST API using spring restTemplate

Reference Spring Boot's TestRestTemplate implementation as follows:

Especially, see the addAuthentication() method as follows:

private void addAuthentication(String username, String password) {
    if (username == null) {
    List<ClientHttpRequestInterceptor> interceptors = Collections
            .<ClientHttpRequestInterceptor> singletonList(new BasicAuthorizationInterceptor(
                    username, password));
    setRequestFactory(new InterceptingClientHttpRequestFactory(getRequestFactory(),

Similarly, you can make your own RestTemplate easily

by inheritance like TestRestTemplate as follows:

AJAX Mailchimp signup form integration

Based on gbinflames' answer, this is what worked for me:

Generate a simple mailchimp list sign up form , copy the action URL and method (post) to your custom form. Also rename your form field names to all capital ( name='EMAIL' as in original mailchimp code, EMAIL,FNAME,LNAME,... ), then use this:

      $form=$('#your-subscribe-form'); // use any lookup method at your convenience

      type: $form.attr('method'),
      url: $form.attr('action').replace('/post?', '/post-json?').concat('&c=?'),
      data: $form.serialize(),
      timeout: 5000, // Set timeout value, 5 seconds
      cache       : false,
      dataType    : 'jsonp',
      contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
      error       : function(err) { // put user friendly connection error message  },
      success     : function(data) {
          if (data.result != "success") {
              // mailchimp returned error, check data.msg
          } else {
              // It worked, carry on...

Datatables Select All Checkbox

This should work for you:

let example = $('#example').DataTable({
    columnDefs: [{
        orderable: false,
        className: 'select-checkbox',
        targets: 0
    select: {
        style: 'os',
        selector: 'td:first-child'
    order: [
        [1, 'asc']
example.on("click", "", function() {
    if ($("").hasClass("selected")) {
    } else {
}).on("select deselect", function() {
    ("Some selection or deselection going on")
    if (example.rows({
            selected: true
        }).count() !== example.rows().count()) {
    } else {

I've added to the CSS though:

table.dataTable tr {
    content: "?";
    margin-top: -11px;
    margin-left: -4px;
    text-align: center;
    text-shadow: rgb(176, 190, 217) 1px 1px, rgb(176, 190, 217) -1px -1px, rgb(176, 190, 217) 1px -1px, rgb(176, 190, 217) -1px 1px;

Working JSFiddle, hope that helps.

Python how to exit main function

If you don't feel like importing anything, you can try:

raise SystemExit, 0

iOS 8 Snapshotting a view that has not been rendered results in an empty snapshot

I had this with an UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet giving the user the option to take a photo with the camera or use one from library.

I tried a symbolic breakpoint on the error message enter image description here

That showed me the error is produced by the intern use of a UICollectionView during presentation

[self presentViewController:alert animated:YES completion:nil];

enter image description here

I fixed this by explixitly setting the frame before presenting

[alert setPreferredContentSize: alert.view.frame.size];

Here is the complete methode that is working without the error

UIButton *senderButton = (UIButton*)sender;
UIAlertController *alert = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:nil message:nil preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet];
UIAlertAction *cameraAction = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"Camera" style:UIAlertActionStyleDefault
                                                     handler:^(UIAlertAction *action) {
                                                         [self takePhoto];
UIAlertAction *libraryAction = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"Library" style:UIAlertActionStyleDefault
                                                      handler:^(UIAlertAction *action) {
                                                          [self selectPhotoFromLibraryFromSender:sender];
[alert addAction:cameraAction];
[alert addAction:libraryAction];
alert.popoverPresentationController.delegate = self;
alert.popoverPresentationController.sourceRect = senderButton.frame;
alert.popoverPresentationController.sourceView = self.view;

[alert setPreferredContentSize: alert.view.frame.size];

[self presentViewController:alert animated:YES completion:^(){

SQL Server Pivot Table with multiple column aggregates

I used your own pivot as a nested query and came to this result:

  SUM(ISNULL([Australia], 0)) AS [Transactions Australia],
  SUM(CASE WHEN [Australia] IS NOT NULL THEN [TotalAmount] ELSE 0 END) AS [Amount Australia],
  SUM(ISNULL([Austria], 0)) AS [Transactions Austria],
  SUM(CASE WHEN [Austria] IS NOT NULL THEN [TotalAmount] ELSE 0 END) AS [Amount Austria]
  select * 
  from  mytransactions
  pivot (sum (totalcount) for country in ([Australia], [Austria])) as pvt
) AS [sub]
  [sub].[numericmonth] ASC

Here is the Fiddle.

JS. How to replace html element with another element/text, represented in string?

Because you are talking about your replacement being anything, and also replacing in the middle of an element's children, it becomes more tricky than just inserting a singular element, or directly removing and appending:

function replaceTargetWith( targetID, html ){
  /// find our target
  var i, tmp, elm, last, target = document.getElementById(targetID);
  /// create a temporary div or tr (to support tds)
  tmp = document.createElement(html.indexOf('<td')!=-1?'tr':'div'));
  /// fill that div with our html, this generates our children
  tmp.innerHTML = html;
  /// step through the temporary div's children and insertBefore our target
  i = tmp.childNodes.length;
  /// the insertBefore method was more complicated than I first thought so I 
  /// have improved it. Have to be careful when dealing with child lists as  
  /// they are counted as live lists and so will update as and when you make
  /// changes. This is why it is best to work backwards when moving children 
  /// around, and why I'm assigning the elements I'm working with to `elm` 
  /// and `last`
  last = target;
    target.parentNode.insertBefore((elm = tmp.childNodes[i]), last);
    last = elm;
  /// remove the target.

example usage:

replaceTargetWith( 'idTABLE', 'I <b>can</b> be <div>anything</div>' );


By using the .innerHTML of our temporary div this will generate the TextNodes and Elements we need to insert without any hard work. But rather than insert the temporary div itself -- this would give us mark up that we don't want -- we can just scan and insert it's children.

...either that or look to using jQuery and it's replaceWith method.

jQuery('#idTABLE').replaceWith('<blink>Why this tag??</blink>');

update 2012/11/15

As a response to EL 2002's comment above:

It not always possible. For example, when createElement('div') and set its innerHTML as <td>123</td>, this div becomes <div>123</div> (js throws away inappropriate td tag)

The above problem obviously negates my solution as well - I have updated my code above accordingly (at least for the td issue). However for certain HTML this will occur no matter what you do. All user agents interpret HTML via their own parsing rules, but nearly all of them will attempt to auto-correct bad HTML. The only way to achieve exactly what you are talking about (in some of your examples) is to take the HTML out of the DOM entirely, and manipulate it as a string. This will be the only way to achieve a markup string with the following (jQuery will not get around this issue either):

<table><tr>123 text<td>END</td></tr></table>

If you then take this string an inject it into the DOM, depending on the browser you will get the following:

123 text<table><tr><td>END</td></tr></table>


The only question that remains is why you would want to achieve broken HTML in the first place? :)

Laravel 5 Clear Views Cache

Right now there is no view:clear command. For laravel 4 this can probably help you:

Disabling caching can be done by skipping blade. View caching is done because blade compiling each time is a waste of time.

Why does C# XmlDocument.LoadXml(string) fail when an XML header is included?

I figured it out. Read the MSDN documentation and it says to use .Load instead of LoadXml when reading from strings. Found out this works 100% of time. Oddly enough using StringReader causes problems. I think the main reason is that this is a Unicode encoded string and that could cause problems because StringReader is UTF-8 only.

MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
            byte[] data = body.PayloadEncoding.GetBytes(body.Payload);
            stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(stream);

            // MSDN reccomends we use Load instead of LoadXml when using in memory XML payloads

reading external sql script in python

Your code already contains a beautiful way to execute all statements from a specified sql file

# Open and read the file as a single buffer
fd = open('ZooDatabase.sql', 'r')
sqlFile =

# all SQL commands (split on ';')
sqlCommands = sqlFile.split(';')

# Execute every command from the input file
for command in sqlCommands:
    # This will skip and report errors
    # For example, if the tables do not yet exist, this will skip over
    # the DROP TABLE commands
    except OperationalError, msg:
        print "Command skipped: ", msg

Wrap this in a function and you can reuse it.

def executeScriptsFromFile(filename):
    # Open and read the file as a single buffer
    fd = open(filename, 'r')
    sqlFile =

    # all SQL commands (split on ';')
    sqlCommands = sqlFile.split(';')

    # Execute every command from the input file
    for command in sqlCommands:
        # This will skip and report errors
        # For example, if the tables do not yet exist, this will skip over
        # the DROP TABLE commands
        except OperationalError, msg:
            print "Command skipped: ", msg

To use it


You said you were confused by

result = c.execute("SELECT * FROM %s;" % table);

In Python, you can add stuff to a string by using something called string formatting.

You have a string "Some string with %s" with %s, that's a placeholder for something else. To replace the placeholder, you add % ("what you want to replace it with") after your string


a = "Hi, my name is %s and I have a %s hat" % ("Azeirah", "cool")
>>> Hi, my name is Azeirah and I have a Cool hat

Bit of a childish example, but it should be clear.

Now, what

result = c.execute("SELECT * FROM %s;" % table);

means, is it replaces %s with the value of the table variable.

(created in)

for table in ['ZooKeeper', 'Animal', 'Handles']:

# for loop example

for fruit in ["apple", "pear", "orange"]:
    print fruit
>>> apple
>>> pear
>>> orange

If you have any additional questions, poke me.

How to scroll to an element inside a div?

Here's a simple pure JavaScript solution that works for a target Number (value for scrollTop), target DOM element, or some special String cases:

 * target - target to scroll to (DOM element, scrollTop Number, 'top', or 'bottom'
 * containerEl - DOM element for the container with scrollbars
var scrollToTarget = function(target, containerEl) {
    // Moved up here for readability:
    var isElement = target && target.nodeType === 1,
        isNumber = === '[object Number]';

    if (isElement) {
        containerEl.scrollTop = target.offsetTop;
    } else if (isNumber) {
        containerEl.scrollTop = target;
    } else if (target === 'bottom') {
        containerEl.scrollTop = containerEl.scrollHeight - containerEl.offsetHeight;
    } else if (target === 'top') {
        containerEl.scrollTop = 0;

And here are some examples of usage:

// Scroll to the top
var scrollableDiv = document.getElementById('scrollable_div');
scrollToTarget('top', scrollableDiv);


// Scroll to 200px from the top
var scrollableDiv = document.getElementById('scrollable_div');
scrollToTarget(200, scrollableDiv);


// Scroll to targetElement
var scrollableDiv = document.getElementById('scrollable_div');
var targetElement= document.getElementById('target_element');
scrollToTarget(targetElement, scrollableDiv);

Are arrays in PHP copied as value or as reference to new variables, and when passed to functions?

To extend one of the answers, also subarrays of multidimensional arrays are passed by value unless passed explicitely by reference.

$foo = array( array(1,2,3), 22, 33);

function hello($fooarg) {
  $fooarg[0][0] = 99;

function world(&$fooarg) {
  $fooarg[0][0] = 66;

var_dump($foo); // (original array not modified) array passed-by-value

var_dump($foo); // (original array modified) array passed-by-reference

The result is:

array(3) {
  array(3) {
array(3) {
  array(3) {

How do I POST XML data to a webservice with Postman?

Send XML requests with the raw data type, then set the Content-Type to text/xml.

  1. After creating a request, use the dropdown to change the request type to POST.

    Set request type to POST

  2. Open the Body tab and check the data type for raw.

    Setting data type to raw

  3. Open the Content-Type selection box that appears to the right and select either XML (application/xml) or XML (text/xml)

    Selecting content-type text/xml

  4. Enter your raw XML data into the input field below

    Example of XML request in Postman

  5. Click Send to submit your XML Request to the specified server.

    Clicking the Send button

How to import jquery using ES6 syntax?

Pika is a CDN that takes care of providing module versions of popular packages

<script type='module'>
    import * as $ from '';

    // use it!
    $('#myDev').on('click', alert);

Skypack is Pika, so you could also use: import * as $ from '^3.5.1';

store and retrieve a class object in shared preference

I had the same problem, here's my solution:

I have class MyClass and ArrayList< MyClass > that I want to save to Shared Preferences. At first I've added a method to MyClass that converts it to JSON object:

public JSONObject getJSONObject() {
    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
    try {
    } catch (JSONException e) {
    return obj;

Then here's the method for saving object "ArrayList< MyClass > items":

SharedPreferences mPrefs = context.getSharedPreferences("some_name", 0);
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = mPrefs.edit();

    Set<String> set= new HashSet<String>();
    for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {

    editor.putStringSet("some_name", set);

And here's the method for retrieving the object:

public static ArrayList<MyClass> loadFromStorage() {
    SharedPreferences mPrefs = context.getSharedPreferences("some_name", 0);

    ArrayList<MyClass> items = new ArrayList<MyClass>();

    Set<String> set = mPrefs.getStringSet("some_name", null);
    if (set != null) {
        for (String s : set) {
            try {
                JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(s);
                Long id = jsonObject.getLong("id"));
                String name = jsonObject.getString("name");
                MyClass myclass = new MyClass(id, name);


            } catch (JSONException e) {
    return items;

Note that StringSet in Shared Preferences is available since API 11.

PHP 7: Missing VCRUNTIME140.dll

If you've followed Adam's instructions and you're still getting this error make sure you've installed the right variants (x86 or x64).

I had VC14x64 with PHP7x86 and I still got this error. Changing PHP7 to x64 fixed it. It's easy to miss you accidentally installed the wrong version.

What are all possible pos tags of NLTK?

The book has a note how to find help on tag sets, e.g.:

Others are probably similar. (Note: Maybe you first have to download tagsets from the download helper's Models section for this)

Any easy way to use icons from resources?

in visual studio for, go to the project properties, click Add Resource > Existing File, select your Icon.

in your code: Me.Icon = My.Resources.IconResourceName

jquery, domain, get URL

If you need from string, like me, use this function - it really works.

function getHost(url)
    var a = document.createElement('a');
    a.href = url;
    return a.hostname;

But note, if there is a subdomain (e.g. www.) in the URL it will get returned with the hostname. Conversely, if there is no subdomain the hostname will not have one either.

pros and cons between os.path.exists vs os.path.isdir

os.path.isdir() checks if the path exists and is a directory and returns TRUE for the case.

Similarly, os.path.isfile() checks if the path exists and is a file and returns TRUE for the case.

And, os.path.exists() checks if the path exists and doesn’t care if the path points to a file or a directory and returns TRUE in either of the cases.

sql insert into table with select case values

Also you can use COALESCE instead of CASE expression. Because result of concatenating anything to NULL, even itself, is always NULL

INSERT TblStuff(FullName,Address,City,Zip)
SELECT COALESCE(Fname + ' ' + Middle + ' ' + Lname, Fname + LName) AS FullName,
       COALESCE(Address1 + ', ' + Address2, Address1) AS Address, City, Zip
FROM tblImport

Demo on SQLFiddle

Read all contacts' phone numbers in android

This one finally gave me the answer I was looking for. It lets you retrieve all the names and phone numbers of the contacts on the phone.

package com.test;

import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.provider.ContactsContract;

public class TestContacts extends Activity {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
        Cursor cur = cr.query(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI,
                              null, null, null, null);
        if (cur != null && cur.getCount() > 0) {
            while (cur.moveToNext()) {

                if (Integer.parseInt.equals(cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(
                            ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER)))) {
                    String id = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(
                    String name = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(
                    Cursor pCur = cr.query(
                                    + " = ?", new String[] { id }, null);
                    int i = 0;
                    int pCount = pCur.getCount();
                    String[] phoneNum = new String[pCount];
                    String[] phoneType = new String[pCount];
                    while (pCur != null && pCur.moveToNext()) {
                        phoneNum[i] = pCur.getString(pCur.getColumnIndex(
                        phoneType[i] = pCur.getString(pCur.getColumnIndex(




Interface/enum listing standard mime-type constants

From :

staticjava.lang.String APPLICATION_ATOM_XML             "application/atom+xml"
staticMediaType        APPLICATION_ATOM_XML_TYPE        "application/atom+xml"
staticjava.lang.String APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED      "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
staticMediaType        APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
staticjava.lang.String APPLICATION_JSON                 "application/json"
staticMediaType        APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE            "application/json"
staticjava.lang.String APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM         "application/octet-stream"
staticMediaType        APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE    "application/octet-stream"
staticjava.lang.String APPLICATION_SVG_XML              "application/svg+xml"
staticMediaType        APPLICATION_SVG_XML_TYPE         "application/svg+xml"
staticjava.lang.String APPLICATION_XHTML_XML            "application/xhtml+xml"
staticMediaType        APPLICATION_XHTML_XML_TYPE       "application/xhtml+xml"
staticjava.lang.String APPLICATION_XML                  "application/xml"
staticMediaType        APPLICATION_XML_TYPE             "application/xml"
staticjava.lang.String MEDIA_TYPE_WILDCARD              The value of a type or subtype wildcard: "*"
staticjava.lang.String MULTIPART_FORM_DATA              "multipart/form-data"
staticMediaType        MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE         "multipart/form-data"
staticjava.lang.String TEXT_HTML                        "text/html"
staticMediaType        TEXT_HTML_TYPE                   "text/html"
staticjava.lang.String TEXT_PLAIN                       "text/plain"
staticMediaType        TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE                  "text/plain"
staticjava.lang.String TEXT_XML                         "text/xml"
staticMediaType        TEXT_XML_TYPE                    "text/xml"
staticjava.lang.String WILDCARD                         "*/*"
staticMediaType        WILDCARD_TYPE                    "*/*"

ActiveRecord: size vs count

Sometimes size "picks the wrong one" and returns a hash (which is what count would do)

In that case, use length to get an integer instead of hash.

How to increase size of DOSBox window?

Here's how to change the dosbox.conf file in Linux to increase the size of the window. I actually DID what follows, so I can say it works (in 32-bit PCLinuxOS fullmontyKDE, anyway). The question's answer is in the .conf file itself.

You find this file in Linux at /home/(username)/.dosbox . In Konqueror or Dolphin, you must first check 'Hidden files' or you won't see the folder. Open it with KWrite superuser or your fav editor.

  1. Save the file with another name like 'dosbox-0.74original.conf' to preserve the original file in case you need to restore it.
  2. Search on 'resolution' and carefully read what the conf file says about changing it. There are essentially two variables: resolution and output. You want to leave fullresolution alone for now. Your question was about WINDOW, not full. So look for windowresolution, see what the comments in conf file say you can do. The best suggestion is to use a bigger-window resolution like 900x800 (which is what I used on a 1366x768 screen), but NOT the actual resolution of your machine (which would make the window fullscreen, and you said you didn't want that). Be specific, replacing the 'windowresolution=original' with 'windowresolution=900x800' or other dimensions. On my screen, that doubled the window size just as it does with the max Font tab in Windows Properties (for the exe file; as you'll see below the ==== marks, 32-bit Windows doesn't need Dosbox).

Then, search on 'output', and as the instruction in the conf file warns, if and only if you have 'hardware scaling', change the default 'output=surface' to something else; he then lists the optional other settings. I changed it to 'output=overlay'. There's one other setting to test: aspect. Search the file for 'aspect', and change the 'false' to 'true' if you want an even bigger window. When I did this, the window took up over half of the screen. With 'false' left alone, I had a somewhat smaller window (I use widescreen monitors, whether laptop or desktop, maybe that's why).

So after you've made the changes, save the file with the original name of dosbox-0.74.conf . Then, type dosbox at the command line or create a Launcher (in KDE, this is a right click on the desktop) with the command dosbox. You still have to go through the mount command (i.e., mount c~ c:\123 if that's the location and file you'll execute). I'm sure there's a way to make a script, but haven't yet learned how to do that.

Plotting dates on the x-axis with Python's matplotlib

I have too low reputation to add comment to @bernie response, with response to @user1506145. I have run in to same issue.


The answer to it is a interval parameter which fixes things up


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt


N = 100
y = np.random.rand(N)

now =
then = now + dt.timedelta(days=100)
days = mdates.drange(now,then,dt.timedelta(days=1))


How do I make Visual Studio pause after executing a console application in debug mode?

Boost test offers the following usage recommendations for Visual Studio that would enable you to run the unit tests automatically at the end of compilation and capture the output into the build window.

The nice side effect of this trick is it enable you to treat test failures as compilation errors. " could jump through these errors using usual keyboard shortcuts/mouse clicks you use for compilation error analysis..."


Try this:

select CONVERT(datetime, convert(varchar(10), 20120103))

How to add a 'or' condition in #ifdef

I am really OCD about maintaining strict column limits, and not a fan of "\" line continuation because you can't put a comment after it, so here is my method.

#ifdef  CONDITION_01             //|       |//
#define             TEMP_MACRO   //|       |//
#endif                           //|       |//
#ifdef  CONDITION_02             //|       |//
#define             TEMP_MACRO   //|       |//
#endif                           //|       |//
#ifdef  CONDITION_03             //|       |//
#define             TEMP_MACRO   //|       |//
#endif                           //|       |//
#ifdef              TEMP_MACRO   //|       |//
//|-  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  -|//


//|-  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  -|//
#endif                           //|       |//
#undef              TEMP_MACRO   //|       |//

Get current user id in ASP.NET Identity 2.0

GetUserId() is an extension method on IIdentity and it is in Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.IdentityExtensions. Make sure you have added the namespace with using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity;.

Truncating a table in a stored procedure

try the below code

execute immediate 'truncate table tablename' ;

MySQL: Invalid use of group function

You need to use HAVING, not WHERE.

The difference is: the WHERE clause filters which rows MySQL selects. Then MySQL groups the rows together and aggregates the numbers for your COUNT function.

HAVING is like WHERE, only it happens after the COUNT value has been computed, so it'll work as you expect. Rewrite your subquery as:

(                  -- where that pid is in the set:
SELECT                  -- of pids
FROM Catalog AS c2             -- from catalog
HAVING COUNT(c2.sid) >= 2)

How to determine whether code is running in DEBUG / RELEASE build?

Most answers said that how to set #ifdef DEBUG and none of them saying how to determinate debug/release build.

My opinion:

  1. Edit scheme -> run -> build configuration :choose debug / release . It can control the simulator and your test iPhone's code status.

  2. Edit scheme -> archive -> build configuration :choose debug / release . It can control the test package app and App Store app 's code status. enter image description here

'str' object has no attribute 'decode'. Python 3 error?

This worked for me:

html.replace("\\/", "/").encode().decode('unicode_escape', 'surrogatepass')

This is similar to json.loads(html) behaviour

Creating Accordion Table with Bootstrap

This seems to be already asked before:

This might help:

Twitter Bootstrap Use collapse.js on table cells [Almost Done]


Your fiddle wasn't loading jQuery, so anything worked.

<table class="table table-hover">

    <tr data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#accordion" class="clickable">
        <td>Some Stuff</td>
        <td>Some more stuff</td>
        <td>And some more</td>
        <td colspan="3">
            <div id="accordion" class="collapse">Hidden by default</div>

Try this one:

I also added colspan='2' to the details row. But it's essentially your fiddle with jQuery loaded (in frameworks in the left column)

CSS Outside Border

Put your div inside another div, apply the border to the outer div with n amount of padding/margin where n is the space you want between them.

How can I rename a field for all documents in MongoDB?

please try db.collectionName.update({}, { $rename : { 'name.additional' : 'name.last' } }, { multi: true } )

and read this :)

Change one value based on another value in pandas

You can use map, it can map vales from a dictonairy or even a custom function.

Suppose this is your df:

    ID First_Name Last_Name
0  103          a         b
1  104          c         d

Create the dicts:

fnames = {103: "Matt", 104: "Mr"}
lnames = {103: "Jones", 104: "X"}

And map:

df['First_Name'] = df['ID'].map(fnames)
df['Last_Name'] = df['ID'].map(lnames)

The result will be:

    ID First_Name Last_Name
0  103       Matt     Jones
1  104         Mr         X

Or use a custom function:

names = {103: ("Matt", "Jones"), 104: ("Mr", "X")}
df['First_Name'] = df['ID'].map(lambda x: names[x][0])

How do I resize an image using PIL and maintain its aspect ratio?

Have updated the answer above by "tomvon"

from PIL import Image

img =

width, height = img.size[:2]

if height > width:
    baseheight = 64
    hpercent = (baseheight/float(img.size[1]))
    wsize = int((float(img.size[0])*float(hpercent)))
    img = img.resize((wsize, baseheight), Image.ANTIALIAS)'resized.jpg')
    basewidth = 64
    wpercent = (basewidth/float(img.size[0]))
    hsize = int((float(img.size[1])*float(wpercent)))
    img = img.resize((basewidth,hsize), Image.ANTIALIAS)'resized.jpg')

How to strip comma in Python string

This will strip all commas from the text and left justify it.

for row in inputfile:
    place = row['your_row_number_here'].strip(', ')

? ????? ??????

Is there such a thing as min-font-size and max-font-size?

CSS min() and max() have fairly good usage rates in 2020.

The code below uses max() to get the largest of the [variablevalue] and [minimumvalue] and then passes that through to min() against the [maximumvalue] to get the smaller of the two. This creates an allowable font range (3.5rem is minimum, 6.5rem is maximum, 6vw is used only when in between).

font-size: min(max([variablevalue], [minimumvalue]), [maximumvalue]);
font-size: min(max(6vw, 3.5rem), 6.5rem);

I'm using this specifically with font-awesome as a video-play icon over an image within a bootstrap container element where max-width is set.

How do I align a label and a textarea?

  1. Set the height of your label to the same height as the multiline textbox.
  2. Add the cssClass .alignTop{vertical-align: middle;} for the label control.

        <asp:Label ID="DescriptionLabel" runat="server" Text="Description: " Width="70px" Height="200px" CssClass="alignTop"></asp:Label>
        <asp:Textbox id="DescriptionTextbox" runat="server" Width="400px" Height="200px" TextMode="MultiLine"></asp:Textbox>
        <asp:RequiredFieldValidator id="DescriptionRequiredFieldValidator" runat="server" ForeColor="Red"
        ControlToValidate="DescriptionTextbox" ErrorMessage="Description is a required field.">    

How to force Sequential Javascript Execution?

Put your code in a string, iterate, eval, setTimeout and recursion to continue with the remaining lines. No doubt I'll refine this or just throw it out if it doesn't hit the mark. My intention is to use it to simulate really, really basic user testing.

The recursion and setTimeout make it sequential.


var line_pos = 0;
var string =`
    console.log('line pos is '+ line_pos);
    console.log('line pos is '+ line_pos);
    console.log('Did i finish?');

var lines = string.split("\n");
var r = function(line_pos){
    for (i = p; i < lines.length; i++) { 
        if(lines[i] == 'SLEEP'){
        eval (lines[line_pos]);
    console.log('COMPLETED READING LINES');
console.log('STARTED READING LINES');,line_pos);


1 p is 0
p is 5
Did i finish?

Get HTML code using JavaScript with a URL

Edit: doesnt work yet...

Add this to your JS:

var src = fetch('')

It saves the source of to variable 'src'

How do I cancel form submission in submit button onclick event?

function btnClick() {
    return validData();

How to replace multiple patterns at once with sed?

May be a simpler approach for single pattern occurrence you can try as below: echo 'abbc' | sed 's/ab/bc/;s/bc/ab/2'

My output:

 ~# echo 'abbc' | sed 's/ab/bc/;s/bc/ab/2'

For multiple occurrences of pattern:

sed 's/\(ab\)\(bc\)/\2\1/g'


~# cat try.txt
abbc abbc abbc
bcab abbc bcab
abbc abbc bcab

~# sed 's/\(ab\)\(bc\)/\2\1/g' try.txt
bcab bcab bcab
bcab bcab bcab
bcab bcab bcab

Hope this helps !!

How to check if the string is empty?

When you are reading file by lines and want to determine, which line is empty, make sure you will use .strip(), because there is new line character in "empty" line:

lines = open("my_file.log", "r").readlines()

for line in lines:
    if not line.strip():

    # your code for non-empty lines

React Js conditionally applying class attributes

<div className={['foo', condition && 'bar'].filter(Boolean).join(' ')} />

.filter(Boolean) removes "falsey" values from the array. Since class names must be strings, anything other than that would not be included in the new filtered array.

console.log(  ['foo', true  && 'bar'].filter(Boolean).join(' ')  )
console.log(  ['foo', false && 'bar'].filter(Boolean).join(' ')  )

Above written as a function:

const cx = (...list) => list.filter(Boolean).join(' ')

// usage:
<div className={cx('foo', condition && 'bar')} />

var cx = (...list) => list.filter(Boolean).join(' ')
console.log(  cx('foo', 1 && 'bar', 1 && 'baz')  )
console.log(  cx('foo', 0 && 'bar', 1 && 'baz')  )
console.log(  cx('foo', 0 && 'bar', 0 && 'baz')  )

TSQL select into Temp table from dynamic sql

How I did it with a pivot in dynamic sql (#AccPurch was created prior to this)

DECLARE @sql AS nvarchar(MAX)
declare @Month Nvarchar(1000)

--DROP TABLE #temp
select distinct YYYYMM into #temp from #AccPurch AS ap
SELECT  @Month = COALESCE(@Month, '') + '[' + CAST(YYYYMM AS VarChar(8)) + '],' FROM    #temp

SELECT   @Month= LEFT(@Month,len(@Month)-1)

SET @sql = N'SELECT UserID, '+ @Month + N' into ##final_Donovan_12345 FROM (
Select ap.AccPurch ,
       ap.YYYYMM ,
       ap.UserID ,
FROM #AccPurch AS ap 
) p
Pivot (SUM(AccPurch) FOR YYYYMM IN ('+@Month+ N')) as pvt'

EXEC sp_executesql @sql

Select * INTO #final From ##final_Donovan_12345

DROP TABLE  ##final_Donovan_12345

Select * From #final AS f

List comprehension vs. lambda + filter

Filter is just that. It filters out the elements of a list. You can see the definition mentions the same(in the official docs link I mentioned before). Whereas, list comprehension is something that produces a new list after acting upon something on the previous list.(Both filter and list comprehension creates new list and not perform operation in place of the older list. A new list here is something like a list with, say, an entirely new data type. Like converting integers to string ,etc)

In your example, it is better to use filter than list comprehension, as per the definition. However, if you want, say other_attribute from the list elements, in your example is to be retrieved as a new list, then you can use list comprehension.

return [item.other_attribute for item in my_list if item.attribute==value]

This is how I actually remember about filter and list comprehension. Remove a few things within a list and keep the other elements intact, use filter. Use some logic on your own at the elements and create a watered down list suitable for some purpose, use list comprehension.

How to Change Font Size in drawString Java

All you need to do is this: click on (window) on the dropdown manue on top of your screen. click on (Editor). click on (zoom in) as many times as you need to.

CSS @font-face not working in ie

Font Squirrel did not work for me. I uploaded a font for conversion to multiple font format for IE support. It performed onversion, which I was able to download. I then uploaded content to my server per specs. I was only either able to get Firefox or IE to work but not both. The solution that worked for me was The Mo Bullet Proofer link above.

PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol when expecting one of the following:

The IF statement has these forms in PL/SQL:


You have used elseif which in terms of PL/SQL is wrong. That need to be replaced with ELSIF.

So your code should appear like this.

        var_number number;
        var_number := 10;
        if var_number > 100 then
           dbms_output.put_line(var_number ||' is greater than 100');
--elseif should be replaced with elsif
        elsif var_number < 100 then
           dbms_output.put_line(var_number ||' is less than 100');
           dbms_output.put_line(var_number ||' is equal to 100');
        end if;

trying to animate a constraint in swift

It's very important to point out that view.layoutIfNeeded() applies to the view subviews only.

Therefore to animate the view constraint, it is important to call it on the view-to-animate superview as follows:

    topConstraint.constant = heightShift

    UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) {

        // request layout on the *superview*

An example for a simple layout as follows:

class MyClass {

    /// Container view
    let container = UIView()
        /// View attached to container
        let view = UIView()

    /// Top constraint to animate
    var topConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint()

    /// Create the UI hierarchy and constraints
    func createUI() {

        // Create the top constraint
        topConstraint = view.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.topAnchor, constant: 0)

        view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

        // Activate constaint(s)

    /// Update view constraint with animation
    func updateConstraint(heightShift: CGFloat) {
        topConstraint.constant = heightShift

        UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) {

            // request layout on the *superview*

How can I check if an ip is in a network in Python?

I tried one subset of proposed solutions in these answers.. with no success, I finally adapted and fixed the proposed code and wrote my fixed function.

I tested it and works at least on little endian architectures--e.g.x86-- if anyone likes to try on a big endian architecture, please give me feedback.

IP2Int code comes from this post, the other method is a fully (for my test cases) working fix of previous proposals in this question.

The code:

def IP2Int(ip):
    o = map(int, ip.split('.'))
    res = (16777216 * o[0]) + (65536 * o[1]) + (256 * o[2]) + o[3]
    return res

def addressInNetwork(ip, net_n_bits):
    ipaddr = IP2Int(ip)
    net, bits = net_n_bits.split('/')
    netaddr = IP2Int(net)
    bits_num = int(bits)
    netmask = ((1L << bits_num) - 1) << (32 - bits_num)
    return ipaddr & netmask == netaddr & netmask

Hope useful,

PL/SQL, how to escape single quote in a string?

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'insert into MY_TBL (Col) values(''ER0002'')'; worked for me. closing the varchar/string with two pairs of single quotes did the trick. Other option could be to use using keyword, EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'insert into MY_TBL (Col) values(:text_string)' using 'ER0002'; Remember using keyword will not work, if you are using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to execute DDL's with parameters, however, using quotes will work for DDL's.

Spring MVC - How to get all request params in a map in Spring controller?

There is fundamental difference between query parameters and path parameters. It goes like this: www.your_domain?queryparam1=1&queryparam2=2 - query parameters. www.your_domain/path_param1/entity/path_param2 - path parameters.

What I found surprising is that in Spring MVC world a lot of people confuse one for the other. While query parameters are more like criteria for a search, path params will most likely uniquely identify a resource. Having said that, it doesn't mean that you can't have multiple path parameters in your URI, because the resource structure can be nested. For example, let's say you need a specific car resource of a specific person:

www.my_site/customer/15/car/2 - looking for a second car of a 15th customer.

What would be a usecase to put all path parameters into a map? Path parameters don't have a "key" when you look at a URI itself, those keys inside the map would be taken from your @Mapping annotation, for example:


From HTTP/REST perspective path parameters can't be projected onto a map really. It's all about Spring's flexibility and their desire to accommodate any developers whim, in my opinion.

I would never use a map for path parameters, but it can be quite useful for query parameters.

Function stoi not declared

stoi is a C++11 function. If you aren't using a compiler that understands C++11, this simply won't compile.

You can use a stringstream instead to read the input:

stringstream ss(hours0);
ss >> hours;

PowerShell equivalent to grep -f

I'm not familiar with grep but with Select-String you can do:

Get-ChildItem filename.txt | Select-String -Pattern <regexPattern>

You can also do that with Get-Content:

(Get-Content filename.txt) -match 'pattern'

Adding 'serial' to existing column in Postgres

Look at the following commands (especially the commented block).


CREATE TABLE foo (a int, b text);
CREATE TABLE bar (a serial, b text);

INSERT INTO foo (a, b) SELECT i, 'foo ' || i::text FROM generate_series(1, 5) i;
INSERT INTO bar (b) SELECT 'bar ' || i::text FROM generate_series(1, 5) i;

-- blocks of commands to turn foo into bar
ALTER TABLE foo ALTER COLUMN a SET DEFAULT nextval('foo_a_seq');
ALTER SEQUENCE foo_a_seq OWNED BY foo.a;    -- 8.2 or later

SELECT setval('foo_a_seq', 5);  -- replace 5 by SELECT MAX result

INSERT INTO foo (b) VALUES('teste');
INSERT INTO bar (b) VALUES('teste');


Setting attribute disabled on a SPAN element does not prevent click events

The disabled attribute's standard behavior only happens for form elements. Try unbinding the event:


How to run a hello.js file in Node.js on windows?

Windows/CMD does not know where the node file is located. You can manually type out:

path=%path%;"c:\Program Files\nodejs"

each time you open a new cmd.exe prompte

OR (in Windows 10),

  1. right click on This PC -> properties.
  2. Click on Advanced system settings -> Environment Variables (bottom right).
  3. Select Path and click Edit.
  4. Click new and enter C:\Program Files\nodejs.
  5. Reboot and you should be able to run node from any directory.

Dynamically load JS inside JS

My guess is that in your DOM-only solution you did something like:

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = something;
//do stuff with the script

First of all, that won't work because the script is not added to the document tree, so it won't be loaded. Furthermore, even when you do, execution of javascript continues while the other script is loading, so its content will not be available to you until that script is fully loaded.

You can listen to the script's load event, and do things with the results as you would. So:

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.onload = function () {
    //do stuff with the script
script.src = something;

document.head.appendChild(script); //or something of the likes

#include errors detected in vscode

If someone have this problem, maybe you just have to install build-essential.

apt install build-essential

CSS / HTML Navigation and Logo on same line

Try this CSS:

body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

.logo {
  float: left;
/* ~~ Top Navigation Bar ~~ */

#navigation-container {
  width: 1200px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  height: 70px;

.navigation-bar {
  background-color: #352d2f;
  height: 70px;
  width: 100%;

#navigation-container img {
  float: left;

#navigation-container ul {
  padding: 0px;
  margin: 0px;
  text-align: center;

#navigation-container li {
  list-style-type: none;
  padding: 0px;
  height: 24px;
  margin-top: 4px;
  margin-bottom: 4px;
  display: inline;

#navigation-container li a {
  color: white;
  font-size: 16px;
  font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  text-decoration: none;
  line-height: 70px;
  padding: 5px 15px;
  opacity: 0.7;

#menu {
  float: right;

Hadoop cluster setup - Connection refused

For me it was that I could not cluster my zookeeper.

hdfs haadmin -getServiceState 1

hdfs haadmin -getServiceState 2

My hadoop-hdfs-zkfc-[hostname].log showed:

2017-04-14 11:46:55,351 WARN org.apache.hadoop.ha.HealthMonitor: Transport-level exception trying to monitor health of NameNode at HOST/ Connection refused Call From HOST/ to HOST:9000 failed on connection exception: Connection refused; For more details see:




netstat -plunt

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      13133/java

nmap localhost -p 9000

Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2017-04-14 12:15 EDT
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.000047s latency).
Other addresses for localhost (not scanned):
9000/tcp closed cslistener


netstat -plunt
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      14372/java

nmap localhost -p 9000

Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2017-04-14 12:28 EDT
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.000039s latency).
Other addresses for localhost (not scanned):
9000/tcp open  cslistener

Function in JavaScript that can be called only once

It helps to prevent sticky execution

var done = false;

function doItOnce(func){
    done = true;
    done = false;

What are Unwind segues for and how do you use them?

Swift iOS:

Step 1: define this method into your MASTER controller view. in which you want to go back:

//pragma mark - Unwind Seques
@IBAction func goToSideMenu(segue: UIStoryboardSegue) {

    println("Called goToSideMenu: unwind action")


Step 2: (StoryBoard) Right click on you SLAVE/CHILD EXIT button and Select "goToSideMenu" As action to Connect you Button on which you will click to return back to you MASTER controller view:

enter image description here step 3: Build and Run ...

javascript remove "disabled" attribute from html input

Set the element's disabled property to false:

document.getElementById('my-input-id').disabled = false;

If you're using jQuery, the equivalent would be:

$('#my-input-id').prop('disabled', false);

For several input fields, you may access them by class instead:

var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('my-input-class');
for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
    inputs[i].disabled = false;

Where document could be replaced with a form, for instance, to find only the elements inside that form. You could also use getElementsByTagName('input') to get all input elements. In your for iteration, you'd then have to check that inputs[i].type == 'text'.

How to automate browsing using python?

Internet Explorer specific, but rather good:

The advantage compared to urllib/BeautifulSoup is that it executes Javascript as well since it uses IE.

Remove a specific string from an array of string

It is not possible in on step or you need to keep the reference to the array. If you can change the reference this can help:

      String[] n = new String[]{"google","microsoft","apple"};
      final List<String> list =  new ArrayList<String>();
      Collections.addAll(list, n); 
      n = list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);

I not recommend the following but if you worry about performance:

      String[] n = new String[]{"google","microsoft","apple"};
      final String[] n2 = new String[2]; 
      System.arraycopy(n, 0, n2, 0, n2.length);
      for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < n.length; i++)
        if (!n[i].equals("apple"))
          n2[j] = n[i];

I not recommend it because the code is a lot more difficult to read and maintain.

Can ordered list produce result that looks like 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (instead of just 1, 2, 3, ...) with css?

The chosen answer is a great start, but it essentially forces list-style-position: inside; styling on the list items, making wrapped text hard to read. Here's a simple workaround that also gives control over the margin between the number and text, and right-aligns the number as per the default behaviour.

ol {
    counter-reset: item;
ol li {
    display: block;
    position: relative;
ol li:before {
    content: counters(item, ".")".";
    counter-increment: item;
    position: absolute;
    margin-right: 100%;
    right: 10px; /* space between number and text */


Extract data from XML Clob using SQL from Oracle Database

This should work

SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(column_name, '/DCResponse/ContextData/Decision') FROM traptabclob;

I have assumed the ** were just for highlighting?

How can I print to the same line?

Format your string like so:

[#                    ] 1%\r

Note the \r character. It is the so-called carriage return that will move the cursor back to the beginning of the line.

Finally, make sure you use


and not


CRC32 C or C++ implementation

rurban's fork of SMHasher (the original SMHasher seems abandoned) has hardware CRC32 support. The changes were added before the initial commit, but try comparing the new CMakeLists.txt and the old one (which doesn't mention SSE at all).

The best option is probably Intel's zlib fork with PCLMULQDQ support described in this paper. This library also has the SSE 4.2 optimizations.

If you don't need portability and you're on Linux, you can use the kernel's implementation (which is hardware accelerated if available):

How do I clear the dropdownlist values on button click event using jQuery?

A shorter alternative to the first solution given by Russ Cam would be:


This assumes you want to retain the list, but make it so that no option is selected.

If you wish to select a particular default value, just pass that value instead of an empty string.


or to do it by the index of the option, you could do:

$('#mySelect option:eq(0)').attr('selected','selected'); // Select first option

Using TortoiseSVN via the command line

In case you have already installed the TortoiseSVN GUI and wondering how to upgrade to command line tools, here are the steps...

  1. Go to Windows Control Panel ? Program and Features (Windows 7+)
  2. Locate TortoiseSVN and click on it.
  3. Select "Change" from the options available.
  4. Refer to this image for further steps.

    TortoiseSVN Command Line Enable

  5. After completion of the command line client tools, open a command prompt and type svn help to check the successful install.

Is it possible to run a .NET 4.5 app on XP?

Try mono:

This download works on all versions of Windows XP, 2003, Vista and Windows 7.

ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis

Firstly, in histories_T, you are referencing table T_customer (should be T_customers) and secondly, you are missing the FOREIGN KEY clause that REFERENCES orders; which is not being created (or dropped) with the code you provided.

There may be additional errors as well, and I admit Oracle has never been very good at describing the cause of errors - "Mutating Tables" is a case in point.

Let me know if there additional problems you are missing.

How to query for today's date and 7 days before data?

Query in Parado's answer is correct, if you want to use MySql too instead GETDATE() you must use (because you've tagged this question with Sql server and Mysql):

select * from tab
where DateCol between adddate(now(),-7) and now() 

Installing a specific version of angular with angular cli

The angular/cli versions and their installed angular/compiler versions:

  • 1.0 - 1.4.x = ^4.0.0
  • 1.5.x = ^5.0.0
  • 1.6.x - 1.7.x = ^5.2.0
  • 6.x = ^6.0.0
  • 7.x = ^7.0.0

Can be confirmed by reviewing the angular/cli's package.json file in the repository newer repository. One would have to install the specific cli version to get the specific angular version:

npm -g install @angular/[email protected].* # For ^5.0.0

How do I debug Windows services in Visual Studio?

Unfortunately, if you're trying to debug something at the very start of a Windows Service operation, "attaching" to the running process won't work. I tried using Debugger.Break() within the OnStart procecdure, but with a 64-bit, Visual Studio 2010 compiled application, the break command just throws an error like this:

System error 1067 has occurred.

At that point, you need to set up an "Image File Execution" option in your registry for your executable. It takes five minutes to set up, and it works very well. Here's a Microsoft article where the details are:

How to: Launch the Debugger Automatically

View array in Visual Studio debugger?

I use the ArrayDebugView add-in for Visual Studio (

It seems to be a long dead project (but one I'm looking at continuing myself) but the add-in still works beautifully for me in VS2010 for both C++ and C#.

It has a few quirks (tab order, modal dialog, no close button) but the ability to plot the contents of an array in a graph more than make up for it.

Edit July 2014: I have finally built a new Visual Studio extension to replace ArrayebugView's functionality. It is available on the VIsual Studio Gallery, search for ArrayPlotter or go to

What is the purpose of willSet and didSet in Swift?

The willSet and didSet observers for the properties whenever the property is assigned a new value. This is true even if the new value is the same as the current value.

And note that willSet needs a parameter name to work around, on the other hand, didSet does not.

The didSet observer is called after the value of property is updated. It compares against the old value. If the total number of steps has increased, a message is printed to indicate how many new steps have been taken. The didSet observer does not provide a custom parameter name for the old value, and the default name of oldValue is used instead.

How to set the timeout for a TcpClient?

If using async & await and desire to use a time out without blocking, then an alternative and simpler approach from the answer provide by mcandal is to execute the connect on a background thread and await the result. For example:

Task<bool> t = Task.Run(() => client.ConnectAsync(ipAddr, port).Wait(1000));
await t;
if (!t.Result)
   Console.WriteLine("Connect timed out");
   return; // Set/return an error code or throw here.
// Successful Connection - if we get to here.

See the Task.Wait MSDN article for more info and other examples.

How can I break up this long line in Python?

Consecutive string literals are joined by the compiler, and parenthesized expressions are considered to be a single line of code:"Skipping {0} because it's thumbnail was "
  "already in our system as {1}.".format(line[indexes['url']],

Dump a mysql database to a plaintext (CSV) backup from the command line

The select into outfile option wouldn't work for me but the below roundabout way of piping tab-delimited file through SED did:

mysql -uusername -ppassword -e "SELECT * from tablename" dbname | sed 's/\t/","/g;s/^/"/;s/$/"/' > /path/to/file/filename.csv

How can I make my layout scroll both horizontally and vertically?

In this post Scrollview vertical and horizontal in android they talk about a possible solution, quoting:

Matt Clark has built a custom view based on the Android source, and it seems to work perfectly:

Beware that the class in that page has a bug calculating the view's horizonal width. A fix by Manuel Hilty is in the comments:

Solution: Replace the statement on line 808 by the following:

final int childWidthMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);

Changing the URL in react-router v4 without using Redirect or Link

This is how I did a similar thing. I have tiles that are thumbnails to YouTube videos. When I click the tile, it redirects me to a 'player' page that uses the 'video_id' to render the correct video to the page.

  containerElement={<Link to={`/player/${video_id}`}/>}

ETA: Sorry, just noticed that you didn't want to use the LINK or REDIRECT components for some reason. Maybe my answer will still help in some way. ; )

Resolve conflicts using remote changes when pulling from Git remote

You can either use the answer from the duplicate link pointed by nvm.

Or you can resolve conflicts by using their changes (but some of your changes might be kept if they don't conflict with remote version):

git pull -s recursive -X theirs

How to name variables on the fly?

It seems to me that you might be better off with a list rather than using orca1, orca2, etc, ... then it would be orca[1], orca[2], ...

Usually you're making a list of variables differentiated by nothing but a number because that number would be a convenient way to access them later.

orca <- list()
orca[1] <- "Hi"
orca[2] <- 59

Otherwise, assign is just what you want.

Download text/csv content as files from server in Angular

var anchor = angular.element('<a/>');
anchor.css({display: 'none'}); // Make sure it's not visible
angular.element(document.body).append(anchor); // Attach to document

    href: 'data:attachment/csv;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURI(data),
    target: '_blank',
    download: 'filename.csv'

anchor.remove(); // Clean it up afterwards

This code works both Mozilla and chrome

How do I launch a Git Bash window with particular working directory using a script?

Let yet add up to the answer from @Drew Noakes:


"C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe" --cd=C:\GitRepo

The cd param should be one of the options how to specify the working directory.

Also notice, that I have not any --login param there: Instead, I use another extra app, dedicated just for SSH keys: Pageant (PuTTY authentication agent).

Start in:


The same possible way, as @Drew Noakes mentioned/shown here sooner, I use it too.

Shortcut key:

Ctrl + Alt + B

Such shortcuts are another less known feature in Windows. But there is a restriction: To let the shortcut take effect, it must be placed somewhere on the User's subdirectory: The Desktop is fine.

If you do not want it visible, yet still activatable, place this .lnk file i.e. to the quick launch folder, as that dir is purposed for such shortcuts. (no matter whether displayed on the desktop) #76080 #3619355

"\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\"

How to Flatten a Multidimensional Array?

Straightforward and One-liner answer.

function flatten_array(array $array)
    return iterator_to_array(
         new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveArrayIterator($array)));


$array = [
    'name' => 'Allen Linatoc',
    'profile' => [
        'age' => 21,
        'favourite_games' => [ 'Call of Duty', 'Titanfall', 'Far Cry' ]

print_r( flatten_array($array) );

Output (in PsySH):

    [name] => Allen Linatoc
    [age] => 21
    [0] => Call of Duty
    [1] => Titanfall
    [2] => Far Cry

Now it's pretty up to you now how you'll handle the keys. Cheers

EDIT (2017-03-01)

Quoting Nigel Alderton's concern/issue:

Just to clarify, this preserves keys (even numeric ones) so values that have the same key are lost. For example $array = ['a',['b','c']] becomes Array ([0] => b, [1] => c ). The 'a' is lost because 'b' also has a key of 0

Quoting Svish's answer:

Just add false as second parameter ($use_keys) to the iterator_to_array call

Stop UIWebView from "bouncing" vertically?

Look into the bounces property of UIScrollView. Quoth the Apple docs:

If the value of the property is YES (the default), the scroll view bounces when it encounters a boundary of the content. Bouncing visually indicates that scrolling has reached an edge of the content. If the value is NO, scrolling stops immediately at the content boundary without bouncing.

Make sure you're using the right UIScrollView. I'm not sure what the hierarchy looks like for a UIWebView, but the scroll view could be a parent, not a child, of the UIWebView.

Read XML file using javascript

The code below will convert any XMLObject or string to a native JavaScript object. Then you can walk on the object to extract any value you want.

 * Tries to convert a given XML data to a native JavaScript object by traversing the DOM tree.
 * If a string is given, it first tries to create an XMLDomElement from the given string.
 * @param {XMLDomElement|String} source The XML string or the XMLDomElement prefreably which containts the necessary data for the object.
 * @param {Boolean} [includeRoot] Whether the "required" main container node should be a part of the resultant object or not.
 * @return {Object} The native JavaScript object which is contructed from the given XML data or false if any error occured.
Object.fromXML = function( source, includeRoot ) {
    if( typeof source == 'string' )
            if ( window.DOMParser )
                source = ( new DOMParser() ).parseFromString( source, "application/xml" );
            else if( window.ActiveXObject )
                var xmlObject = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" );
                xmlObject.async = false;
                xmlObject.loadXML( source );
                source = xmlObject;
                xmlObject = undefined;
                throw new Error( "Cannot find an XML parser!" );
        catch( error )
            return false;

    var result = {};

    if( source.nodeType == 9 )
        source = source.firstChild;
    if( !includeRoot )
        source = source.firstChild;

    while( source ) {
        if( source.childNodes.length ) {
            if( source.tagName in result ) {
                if( result[source.tagName].constructor != Array ) 
                    result[source.tagName] = [result[source.tagName]];
                result[source.tagName].push( Object.fromXML( source ) );
                result[source.tagName] = Object.fromXML( source );
        } else if( source.tagName )
            result[source.tagName] = source.nodeValue;
        else if( !source.nextSibling ) {
            if( source.nodeValue.clean() != "" ) {
                result = source.nodeValue.clean();
        source = source.nextSibling;
    return result;

String.prototype.clean = function() {
    var self = this;
    return this.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");

How do I make a file:// hyperlink that works in both IE and Firefox?

just use


works in IE, Firefox and Chrome as far as I can tell.

see for more info

How to delete a folder in C++?

The directory should be empty.

BOOL RemoveDirectory( LPCTSTR lpPathName );

Finding last occurrence of substring in string, replacing that

To replace from the right:

def replace_right(source, target, replacement, replacements=None):
    return replacement.join(source.rsplit(target, replacements))

In use:

>>> replace_right("asd.asd.asd.", ".", ". -", 1)
'asd.asd.asd. -'

Auto generate function documentation in Visual Studio

Normally, Visual Studio creates it automatically if you add three single comment-markers above the thing you like to comment (method, class).

In C# this would be ///.

If Visual Studio doesn't do this, you can enable it in

Options->Text Editor->C#->Advanced

and check

Generate XML documentation comments for ///

pictured description

How to split() a delimited string to a List<String>

string.Split() returns an array - you can convert it to a list using ToList():

listStrLineElements = line.Split(',').ToList();

Note that you need to import System.Linq to access the .ToList() function.

How to delete a line from a text file in C#?

Read the file, remove the line in memory and put the contents back to the file (overwriting). If the file is large you might want to read it line for line, and creating a temp file, later replacing the original one.

how to check if a datareader is null or empty

Try this simpler equivalent syntax:

ltlAdditional.Text = (myReader["Additional"] == DBNull.Value) ? "is null" : "contains data";

How to use breakpoints in Eclipse

Breakpoints are just used to check the execution of your code, wherever you will put breakpoints the execution will stop there, so you can just check that your project execution is going forward or not. To get more details follow link:-

Caesar Cipher Function in Python

I realize that this answer doesn't really answer your question, but I think it's helpful anyway. Here's an alternative way to implementing the caesar cipher with string methods:

def caesar(plaintext, shift):
    alphabet = string.ascii_lowercase
    shifted_alphabet = alphabet[shift:] + alphabet[:shift]
    table = string.maketrans(alphabet, shifted_alphabet)
    return plaintext.translate(table)

In fact, since string methods are implemented in C, we will see an increase in performance with this version. This is what I would consider the 'pythonic' way of doing this.

Check if a string contains another string

There is also the InStrRev function which does the same type of thing, but starts searching from the end of the text to the beginning.

Per @rene's answer...

Dim pos As Integer
pos = InStrRev("find the comma, in the string", ",")

...would still return 15 to pos, but if the string has more than one of the search string, like the word "the", then:

Dim pos As Integer
pos = InStrRev("find the comma, in the string", "the")

...would return 20 to pos, instead of 6.

Why do you need ./ (dot-slash) before executable or script name to run it in bash?

On *nix, unlike Windows, the current directory is usually not in your $PATH variable. So the current directory is not searched when executing commands. You don't need ./ for running applications because these applications are in your $PATH; most likely they are in /bin or /usr/bin.

What ports does RabbitMQ use?

What ports is RabbitMQ using?

Default: 5672, the manual has the answer. It's defined in the RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT variable.

The number might be differently if changed by someone in the rabbitmq configuration file:

vi /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf

Ask the computer to tell you:

sudo nmap -p 1-65535 localhost

Starting Nmap 5.51 ( ) at 2014-09-19 13:50 EDT
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.00041s latency).
443/tcp   open          https
5672/tcp  open          amqp
15672/tcp open  unknown
35102/tcp open  unknown
59440/tcp open  unknown

Oh look, 5672, and 15672

Use netstat:

netstat -lntu
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address             State
tcp        0      0     *                   LISTEN
tcp        0      0     *                   LISTEN
tcp        0      0 :::5672                     :::*                        LISTEN

Oh look 5672.

use lsof:

eric@dev ~$ sudo lsof -i | grep beam
beam.smp  21216    rabbitmq   17u  IPv4 33148214      0t0  TCP *:55672 (LISTEN)
beam.smp  21216    rabbitmq   18u  IPv4 33148219      0t0  TCP *:15672 (LISTEN)

use nmap from a different machine, find out if 5672 is open:

sudo nmap -p 5672
Starting Nmap 5.51 ( ) at 2014-09-19 13:19 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00011s latency).
5672/tcp open  amqp
MAC Address: 0A:40:0E:8C:75:6C (Unknown)    
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.13 seconds

Try to connect to a port manually with telnet, 5671 is CLOSED:

telnet localhost 5671
telnet: connect to address Connection refused

Try to connect to a port manually with telnet, 5672 is OPEN:

telnet localhost 5672
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

Check your firewall:

sudo cat /etc/sysconfig/iptables  

It should tell you what ports are made open:

-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5672 -j ACCEPT

Reapply your firewall:

sudo service iptables restart
iptables: Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: filter          [  OK  ]
iptables: Flushing firewall rules:                         [  OK  ]
iptables: Unloading modules:                               [  OK  ]
iptables: Applying firewall rules:                         [  OK  ]

What is the difference between linear regression and logistic regression?

Logistic Regression is used in predicting categorical outputs like Yes/No, Low/Medium/High etc. You have basically 2 types of logistic regression Binary Logistic Regression (Yes/No, Approved/Disapproved) or Multi-class Logistic regression (Low/Medium/High, digits from 0-9 etc)

On the other hand, linear regression is if your dependent variable (y) is continuous. y = mx + c is a simple linear regression equation (m = slope and c is the y-intercept). Multilinear regression has more than 1 independent variable (x1,x2,x3 ... etc)

Pandas column of lists, create a row for each list element

A bit longer than I expected:

>>> df
                samples  subject  trial_num
0  [-0.07, -2.9, -2.44]        1          1
1   [-1.52, -0.35, 0.1]        1          2
2  [-0.17, 0.57, -0.65]        1          3
3  [-0.82, -1.06, 0.47]        2          1
4   [0.79, 1.35, -0.09]        2          2
5   [1.17, 1.14, -1.79]        2          3
>>> s = df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x['samples']),axis=1).stack().reset_index(level=1, drop=True)
>>> = 'sample'
>>> df.drop('samples', axis=1).join(s)
   subject  trial_num  sample
0        1          1   -0.07
0        1          1   -2.90
0        1          1   -2.44
1        1          2   -1.52
1        1          2   -0.35
1        1          2    0.10
2        1          3   -0.17
2        1          3    0.57
2        1          3   -0.65
3        2          1   -0.82
3        2          1   -1.06
3        2          1    0.47
4        2          2    0.79
4        2          2    1.35
4        2          2   -0.09
5        2          3    1.17
5        2          3    1.14
5        2          3   -1.79

If you want sequential index, you can apply reset_index(drop=True) to the result.


>>> res = df.set_index(['subject', 'trial_num'])['samples'].apply(pd.Series).stack()
>>> res = res.reset_index()
>>> res.columns = ['subject','trial_num','sample_num','sample']
>>> res
    subject  trial_num  sample_num  sample
0         1          1           0    1.89
1         1          1           1   -2.92
2         1          1           2    0.34
3         1          2           0    0.85
4         1          2           1    0.24
5         1          2           2    0.72
6         1          3           0   -0.96
7         1          3           1   -2.72
8         1          3           2   -0.11
9         2          1           0   -1.33
10        2          1           1    3.13
11        2          1           2   -0.65
12        2          2           0    0.10
13        2          2           1    0.65
14        2          2           2    0.15
15        2          3           0    0.64
16        2          3           1   -0.10
17        2          3           2   -0.76

How do I find out what version of WordPress is running?

On the Admin panel in the footer you should see the words "Wordpress x.x" where x.x is your version number :)

Alternatively you can echo out the WP_VERSION constant in your script, it's up to you. The former is a lot quicker and easier.

How to Store Historical Data

Another option is to archive the operational data on a [daily|hourly|whatever] basis. Most database engines support the extraction of the data into an archive.

Basically, the idea is to create a scheduled Windows or CRON job that

  1. determines the current tables in the operational database
  2. selects all data from every table into a CSV or XML file
  3. compresses the exported data to a ZIP file, preferably with the timestamp of the generation in the file name for easier archiving.

Many SQL database engines come with a tool that can be used for this purpose. For example, when using MySQL on Linux, the following command can be used in a CRON job to schedule the extraction:

mysqldump --all-databases --xml --lock-tables=false -ppassword | gzip -c | cat > /media/bak/servername-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)-mysql.xml.gz

How to make a shape with left-top round rounded corner and left-bottom rounded corner?

You can also use extremely small numbers for your radius'.

  android:bottomRightRadius="0.1dp" android:bottomLeftRadius="2dp" 
 android:topLeftRadius="2dp" android:topRightRadius="0.1dp" />

Looping through all the properties of object php

Before you run the $object through a foreach loop you have to convert it to an array:

$array = (array) $object;  

 foreach($array as $key=>$val){
      echo "$key: $val";
      echo "<br>";

How to change the style of the title attribute inside an anchor tag?

I have found the answer here:

my own code goes like this, I have changed the attribute name, if you maintain the title name for the attribute you end up having two popups for the same text, another change is that my text on hovering displays underneath the exposed text.

.tags {
  display: inline;
  position: relative;

.tags:hover:after {
  background: #333;
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8);
  border-radius: 5px;
  bottom: -34px;
  color: #fff;
  content: attr(gloss);
  left: 20%;
  padding: 5px 15px;
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 98;
  width: 350px;

.tags:hover:before {
  border: solid;
  border-color: #333 transparent;
  border-width: 0 6px 6px 6px;
  bottom: -4px;
  content: "";
  left: 50%;
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 99;
<a class="tags" gloss="Text shown on hovering">Exposed text</a>

How to make JQuery-AJAX request synchronous

I added dataType as json and made the response as json:


echo json_encode(array('success'=>$res)); //send the response as json **use this instead of echo $res in your php file**


  var ajaxSubmit = function(formE1) {

        var password = $.trim($('#employee_password').val());    
            type: "POST",
            async: "false",
            url: "checkpass.php",
            data: "password="+password,
            dataType:'json',  //added this so the response is in json
            success: function(result) {
                var arr=result.success;
                if(arr == "Successful")
                {    return true;
                {    return false;

  return false

How to get first and last element in an array in java?

This is the given array.

    int myIntegerNumbers[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};

// If you want print the last element in the array.

    int lastNumerOfArray= myIntegerNumbers[9];
    Log.i("MyTag", lastNumerOfArray + "");

// If you want to print the number of element in the array.

    Log.i("MyTag", "The number of elements inside" +
            "the array " +myIntegerNumbers.length);

// Second method to print the last element inside the array.

    Log.i("MyTag", "The last elements inside " +
            "the array " + myIntegerNumbers[myIntegerNumbers.length-1]);

Bash Script : what does #!/bin/bash mean?

In bash script, what does #!/bin/bash at the 1st line mean ?

In Linux system, we have shell which interprets our UNIX commands. Now there are a number of shell in Unix system. Among them, there is a shell called bash which is very very common Linux and it has a long history. This is a by default shell in Linux.

When you write a script (collection of unix commands and so on) you have a option to specify which shell it can be used. Generally you can specify which shell it wold be by using Shebang(Yes that's what it's name).

So if you #!/bin/bash in the top of your scripts then you are telling your system to use bash as a default shell.

Now coming to your second question :Is there a difference between #!/bin/bash and #!/bin/sh ?

The answer is Yes. When you tell #!/bin/bash then you are telling your environment/ os to use bash as a command interpreter. This is hard coded thing.

Every system has its own shell which the system will use to execute its own system scripts. This system shell can be vary from OS to OS(most of the time it will be bash. Ubuntu recently using dash as default system shell). When you specify #!/bin/sh then system will use it's internal system shell to interpreting your shell scripts.

Visit this link for further information where I have explained this topic.

Hope this will eliminate your confusions...good luck.

How do I horizontally center an absolute positioned element inside a 100% width div?

Its easy, just wrap it in a relative box like so:

<div class="relative">
 <div class="absolute">LOGO</div>

The relative box has a margin: 0 Auto; and, important, a width...

SELECT using 'CASE' in SQL

Change to:


how to set JAVA_OPTS for Tomcat in Windows?

SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Applications\java\java_8
SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Applications\java\java_8\bin
SET JAVA_OPTIONS=-d64 -Xms128g -Xmx128g

How do I concatenate two strings in C?

I'll assume you need it for one-off things. I'll assume you're a PC developer.

Use the Stack, Luke. Use it everywhere. Don't use malloc / free for small allocations, ever.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define STR_SIZE 10000

int main()
  char s1[] = "oppa";
  char s2[] = "gangnam";
  char s3[] = "style";

    char result[STR_SIZE] = {0};
    snprintf(result, sizeof(result), "%s %s %s", s1, s2, s3);
    printf("%s\n", result);

If 10 KB per string won't be enough, add a zero to the size and don't bother, - they'll release their stack memory at the end of the scopes anyway.

How to create a checkbox with a clickable label?

Just make sure the label is associated with the input.

  <legend>What metasyntactic variables do you like?</legend>

  <input type="checkbox" name="foo" value="bar" id="foo_bar">
  <label for="foo_bar">Bar</label>

  <input type="checkbox" name="foo" value="baz" id="foo_baz">
  <label for="foo_baz">Baz</label>

Is there a way to iterate over a dictionary?

The block approach avoids running the lookup algorithm for every key:

[dict enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id value, BOOL* stop) {
  NSLog(@"%@ => %@", key, value);

Even though NSDictionary is implemented as a hashtable (which means that the cost of looking up an element is O(1)), lookups still slow down your iteration by a constant factor.

My measurements show that for a dictionary d of numbers ...

NSMutableDictionary* dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for (int i = 0; i < 5000000; ++i) {
  NSNumber* value = @(i);
  dict[value.stringValue] = value;

... summing up the numbers with the block approach ...

__block int sum = 0;
[dict enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString* key, NSNumber* value, BOOL* stop) {
  sum += value.intValue;

... rather than the loop approach ...

int sum = 0;
for (NSString* key in dict)
  sum += [dict[key] intValue];

... is about 40% faster.

EDIT: The new SDK (6.1+) appears to optimise loop iteration, so the loop approach is now about 20% faster than the block approach, at least for the simple case above.

iframe refuses to display

For any of you calling back to the same server for your IFRAME, pass this simple header inside the IFRAME page:

Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self'

Or, add this to your web server's CSP configuration.

How can I recognize touch events using jQuery in Safari for iPad? Is it possible?

Core jQuery doesn't have anything special for touch events, but you can easily build your own using the following events

  • touchstart
  • touchmove
  • touchend
  • touchcancel

For example, the touchmove

document.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) {
    var touch = e.touches[0];
    alert(touch.pageX + " - " + touch.pageY);
}, false);

This works in most WebKit based browsers (incl. Android).

Here is some good documentation.

Pass Method as Parameter using C#

While the accepted answer is absolutely correct, I would like to provide an additional method.

I ended up here after doing my own searching for a solution to a similar question. I am building a plugin driven framework, and as part of it I wanted people to be able to add menu items to the applications menu to a generic list without exposing an actual Menu object because the framework may deploy on other platforms that don't have Menu UI objects. Adding general info about the menu is easy enough, but allowing the plugin developer enough liberty to create the callback for when the menu is clicked was proving to be a pain. Until it dawned on me that I was trying to re-invent the wheel and normal menus call and trigger the callback from events!

So the solution, as simple as it sounds once you realize it, eluded me until now.

Just create separate classes for each of your current methods, inherited from a base if you must, and just add an event handler to each.

JavaScript unit test tools for TDD

Chutzpah - A JavaScript Test Runner

I created an open source project called Chutzpah which is a test runner for JavaScript unit tests. Chutzpah enables you to run JavaScript unit tests from the command line and from inside of Visual Studio. It also supports running in the TeamCity continuous integration server.

What does the "at" (@) symbol do in Python?

Starting with Python 3.5, the '@' is used as a dedicated infix symbol for MATRIX MULTIPLICATION (PEP 0465 -- see

How to group pandas DataFrame entries by date in a non-unique column

ecatmur's solution will work fine. This will be better performance on large datasets, though:

data.groupby(data['date'].map(lambda x: x.year))

Pygame Drawing a Rectangle

With the module pygame.draw shapes like rectangles, circles, polygons, liens, ellipses or arcs can be drawn. Some examples:

pygame.draw.rect draws filled rectangular shapes or outlines. The arguments are the target Surface (i.s. the display), the color, the rectangle and the optional outline width. The rectangle argument is a tuple with the 4 components (x, y, width, height), where (x, y) is the upper left point of the rectangle. Alternatively, the argument can be a pygame.Rect object:

pygame.draw.rect(window, color, (x, y, width, height))
rectangle = pygame.Rect(x, y, width, height)
pygame.draw.rect(window, color, rectangle) draws filled circles or outlines. The arguments are the target Surface (i.s. the display), the color, the center, the radius and the optional outline width. The center argument is a tuple with the 2 components (x, y):, color, (x, y), radius)

pygame.draw.polygon draws filled polygons or contours. The arguments are the target Surface (i.s. the display), the color, a list of points and the optional contour width. Each point is a tuple with the 2 components (x, y):

pygame.draw.polygon(window, color, [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)])

Minimal example:

import pygame


window = pygame.display.set_mode((200, 200))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

run = True
while run:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            run = False

    window.fill((255, 255, 255))

    pygame.draw.rect(window, (0, 0, 255), (20, 20, 160, 160)), (255, 0, 0), (100, 100), 80)
    pygame.draw.polygon(window, (255, 255, 0), 
        [(100, 20), (100 + 0.8660 * 80, 140), (100 - 0.8660 * 80, 140)])



how to bind img src in angular 2 in ngFor?

Angular 2 and Angular 4 

In a ngFor loop it must be look like this:

<div class="column" *ngFor="let u of events ">
                <div class="thumb">
                    <img src="assets/uploads/{{u.image}}">
                <div class="info">
                    <img src="assets/uploads/{{u.image}}">

Import multiple csv files into pandas and concatenate into one DataFrame

Easy and Fast

Import two or more csv's without having to make a list of names.

import glob

df = pd.concat(map(pd.read_csv, glob.glob('data/*.csv')))

Differences between ConstraintLayout and RelativeLayout

A big difference is that ConstraintLayout respects constraints even if the view is gone. So it won't break the layout if you have a chain and you want to make a view disappear in the middle.

Adding an onclick event to a div element

Its possible, we can specify onclick event in

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
<div id="thumb0" class="thumbs" onclick="fun1('rad1')" style="height:250px; width:100%; background-color:yellow;";></div>
<div id="rad1" style="height:250px; width:100%;background-color:red;" onclick="fun2('thumb0')">hello world</div>????????????????????????????????
function fun1(i) {
function fun2(i) {

Everytime I run gulp anything, I get a assertion error. - Task function must be specified

Gulp 4.0 has changed the way that tasks should be defined if the task depends on another task to execute. The list parameter has been deprecated.

An example from your gulpfile.js would be:

// Starts a BrowerSync instance
gulp.task('server', ['build'], function(){
  browser.init({server: './_site', port: port});

Instead of the list parameter they have introduced gulp.series() and gulp.parallel().

This task should be changed to something like this:

// Starts a BrowerSync instance
gulp.task('server', gulp.series('build', function(){
  browser.init({server: './_site', port: port});

I'm not an expert in this. You can see a more robust example in the gulp documentation for running tasks in series or these following excellent blog posts by Jhey Thompkins and Stefan Baumgartner

Using @property versus getters and setters

I feel like properties are about letting you get the overhead of writing getters and setters only when you actually need them.

Java Programming culture strongly advise to never give access to properties, and instead, go through getters and setters, and only those which are actually needed. It's a bit verbose to always write these obvious pieces of code, and notice that 70% of the time they are never replaced by some non-trivial logic.

In Python, people actually care for that kind of overhead, so that you can embrace the following practice :

  • Do not use getters and setters at first, when if they not needed
  • Use @property to implement them without changing the syntax of the rest of your code.

vim - How to delete a large block of text without counting the lines?

There are several possibilities, what's best depends on the text you work on.

Two possibilities come to mind:

  • switch to visual mode (V, S-V, ...), select the text with cursor movement and press d
  • delete a whole paragraph with: dap

Oracle PL Sql Developer cannot find my tnsnames.ora file

Check if tnsnames.ora not saved as text file with an additional hidden .txt extension. Windows File Explorer will not show it by deafult settings.

Keep SSH session alive

We can keep our ssh connection alive by having following Global configurations

Add the following line to the /etc/ssh/ssh_config file:

ServerAliveInterval 60

Resize to fit image in div, and center horizontally and vertically

This is one way to do it:

Fiddle here:


<div class='container'>
    <a href='#'>
    <img class='resize_fit_center'
      src='' />


.container {
    margin: 10px;
    width: 115px;
    height: 115px;
    line-height: 115px;
    text-align: center;
    border: 1px solid red;
.resize_fit_center {
    vertical-align: middle;

jQuery bind/unbind 'scroll' event on $(window)


Even though the documentation says it will remove all event handlers if called with no arguments, it is worth giving a try explicitly unbinding it.


It worked if you used single quotes? That doesn't sound right - as far as I know, JavaScript treats single and double quotes the same (unlike some other languages like PHP and C).

Dynamically add data to a javascript map

Well any Javascript object functions sort-of like a "map"

randomObject['hello'] = 'world';

Typically people build simple objects for the purpose:

var myMap = {};

// ...

myMap[newKey] = newValue;

edit — well the problem with having an explicit "put" function is that you'd then have to go to pains to avoid having the function itself look like part of the map. It's not really a Javascripty thing to do.

13 Feb 2014 — modern JavaScript has facilities for creating object properties that aren't enumerable, and it's pretty easy to do. However, it's still the case that a "put" property, enumerable or not, would claim the property name "put" and make it unavailable. That is, there's still only one namespace per object.

Default interface methods are only supported starting with Android N

You should use Java 8 to solve this, based on the Android documentation you can do this by

clicking File > Project Structure

and change Source Compatibility and Target Compatibility.

enter image description here

and you can also configure it directly in the app-level build.gradle file:

android {
  // Configure only for each module that uses Java 8
  // language features (either in its source code or
  // through dependencies).
  compileOptions {
    sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

How to resolve "could not execute statement; SQL [n/a]; constraint [numbering];"?

The solution at my end was to explicitly add a JoinColumn annotation like this:


The column name is usually the table name + "_id" if there is an id field. Additionally, keep in mind which field it should be based on the relationship, OneToMany or ManyToOne.

Hope this helps.

urlencode vs rawurlencode?

The difference is in the return values, i.e:


Returns a string in which all non-alphanumeric characters except -_. have been replaced with a percent (%) sign followed by two hex digits and spaces encoded as plus (+) signs. It is encoded the same way that the posted data from a WWW form is encoded, that is the same way as in application/x-www-form-urlencoded media type. This differs from the » RFC 1738 encoding (see rawurlencode()) in that for historical reasons, spaces are encoded as plus (+) signs.


Returns a string in which all non-alphanumeric characters except -_. have been replaced with a percent (%) sign followed by two hex digits. This is the encoding described in » RFC 1738 for protecting literal characters from being interpreted as special URL delimiters, and for protecting URLs from being mangled by transmission media with character conversions (like some email systems).

The two are very similar, but the latter (rawurlencode) will replace spaces with a '%' and two hex digits, which is suitable for encoding passwords or such, where a '+' is not e.g.:

echo '<a href="ftp://user:', rawurlencode('foo @+%/'),
//Outputs <a href="ftp://user:foo%20%40%2B%25%[email protected]/x.txt">

Retrieving values from nested JSON Object

To see all keys of Jsonobject use this

    String JSON = "{\"LanguageLevels\":{\"1\":\"Pocz\\u0105tkuj\\u0105cy\",\"2\":\"\\u015arednioZaawansowany\",\"3\":\"Zaawansowany\",\"4\":\"Ekspert\"}}\n";
    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(JSON);
    Iterator iterator = obj.keys();
    String key = null;
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        key = (String);

Conditional step/stage in Jenkins pipeline

Just use if and env.BRANCH_NAME, example:

    if (env.BRANCH_NAME == "deployment") {                                          
        ... do some build ...
    } else {                                   
        ... do something else ...

port 8080 is already in use and no process using 8080 has been listed

PID is the process ID - not the port number. You need to look for an entry with ":8080" at the end of the address/port part (the second column). Then you can look at the PID and use Task Manager to work out which process is involved... or run netstat -abn which will show the process names (but must be run under an administrator account).

Having said that, I would expect the find "8080" to find it...

Another thing to do is just visit http://localhost:8080 - on that port, chances are it's a web server of some description.

Remove table row after clicking table row delete button

As @gaurang171 mentioned, we can use .closest() which will return the first ancestor, or the closest to our delete button, and use .remove() to remove it.

This is how we can implement it using jQuery click event instead of using JavaScript onclick.


<table id="myTable">
  <th width="30%" style="color:red;">ID</th>
  <th width="25%" style="color:red;">Name</th>
  <th width="25%" style="color:red;">Age</th>
  <th width="1%"></th>

  <td width="30%" style="color:red;">SSS-001</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">Ben</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">25</td>
  <td><button type='button' class='btnDelete'>x</button></td>

  <td width="30%" style="color:red;">SSS-002</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">Anderson</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">47</td>
  <td><button type='button' class='btnDelete'>x</button></td>

  <td width="30%" style="color:red;">SSS-003</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">Rocky</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">32</td>
  <td><button type='button' class='btnDelete'>x</button></td>

  <td width="30%" style="color:red;">SSS-004</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">Lee</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">15</td>
  <td><button type='button' class='btnDelete'>x</button></td>



Try in JSFiddle: click here.