[oracle] PL/SQL, how to escape single quote in a string?

In addition to DCookie's answer above, you can also use chr(39) for a single quote.

I find this particularly useful when I have to create a number of insert/update statements based on a large amount of existing data.

Here's a very quick example:

Lets say we have a very simple table, Customers, that has 2 columns, FirstName and LastName. We need to move the data into Customers2, so we need to generate a bunch of INSERT statements.

Select 'INSERT INTO Customers2 (FirstName, LastName) ' ||
       'VALUES (' || chr(39) || FirstName || chr(39) ',' || 
       chr(39) || LastName || chr(39) || ');' From Customers;

I've found this to be very useful when moving data from one environment to another, or when rebuilding an environment quickly.