[ios] Is there a way to iterate over a dictionary?

I know NSDictionaries as something where you need a key in order to get a value. But how can I iterate over all keys and values in a NSDictionary, so that I know what keys there are, and what values there are? I know there is something called a for-in-loop in JavaScript. Is there something similar in Objective-C?

This question is related to ios objective-c foreach iteration nsdictionary

The answer is

Yes, NSDictionary supports fast enumeration. With Objective-C 2.0, you can do this:

// To print out all key-value pairs in the NSDictionary myDict
for(id key in myDict)
    NSLog(@"key=%@ value=%@", key, [myDict objectForKey:key]);

The alternate method (which you have to use if you're targeting Mac OS X pre-10.5, but you can still use on 10.5 and iPhone) is to use an NSEnumerator:

NSEnumerator *enumerator = [myDict keyEnumerator];
id key;
// extra parens to suppress warning about using = instead of ==
while((key = [enumerator nextObject]))
    NSLog(@"key=%@ value=%@", key, [myDict objectForKey:key]);

This is iteration using block approach:

    NSDictionary *dict = @{@"key1":@1, @"key2":@2, @"key3":@3};

    [dict enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id obj, BOOL *stop) {
        // Set stop to YES when you wanted to break the iteration.

With autocompletion is very fast to set, and you do not have to worry about writing iteration envelope.

The block approach avoids running the lookup algorithm for every key:

[dict enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id value, BOOL* stop) {
  NSLog(@"%@ => %@", key, value);

Even though NSDictionary is implemented as a hashtable (which means that the cost of looking up an element is O(1)), lookups still slow down your iteration by a constant factor.

My measurements show that for a dictionary d of numbers ...

NSMutableDictionary* dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for (int i = 0; i < 5000000; ++i) {
  NSNumber* value = @(i);
  dict[value.stringValue] = value;

... summing up the numbers with the block approach ...

__block int sum = 0;
[dict enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString* key, NSNumber* value, BOOL* stop) {
  sum += value.intValue;

... rather than the loop approach ...

int sum = 0;
for (NSString* key in dict)
  sum += [dict[key] intValue];

... is about 40% faster.

EDIT: The new SDK (6.1+) appears to optimise loop iteration, so the loop approach is now about 20% faster than the block approach, at least for the simple case above.

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