[c#] How to remove elements from a generic list while iterating over it?

My approach is that I first create a list of indices, which should get deleted. Afterwards I loop over the indices and remove the items from the initial list. This looks like this:

var messageList = ...;
// Restrict your list to certain criteria
var customMessageList = messageList.FindAll(m => m.UserId == someId);

if (customMessageList != null && customMessageList.Count > 0)
    // Create list with positions in origin list
    List<int> positionList = new List<int>();
    foreach (var message in customMessageList)
        var position = messageList.FindIndex(m => m.MessageId == message.MessageId);
        if (position != -1)
    // To be able to remove the items in the origin list, we do it backwards
    // so that the order of indices stays the same
    positionList = positionList.OrderByDescending(p => p).ToList();
    foreach (var position in positionList)

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