Programs & Examples On #Pervasive sql

Pervasive PSQL is an ACID-compliant DBMS

how to install tensorflow on anaconda python 3.6

I use this method as told by one of the user: This is what I did for Installing Anaconda Python 3.6 version and Tensorflow on Window 10 64bit.And It was success!

Go to to download Anaconda Python 3.6 version for Window 64bit. Create a conda environment named tensorflow by invoking the following command:

C:> conda create -n tensorflow Activate the conda environment by issuing the following command:

C:> activate tensorflow (tensorflow)C:> # Your prompt should change Go to code here download “tensorflow-1.0.1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl”. (For my case, the file will be located in “C:\Users\Joshua\Downloads” once after downloaded) Install the Tensorflow by using following command:

(tensorflow)C:>pip install C:\Users\Joshua\Downloads\ tensorflow-1.0.1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl

but nothing happens in the prompt. It starts from the new line with the tensorflow as if nothing was written. Whats the problem?

Disable single warning error

In certain situations you must have a named parameter but you don't use it directly.
For example, I ran into it on VS2010, when 'e' is used only inside a decltype statement, the compiler complains but you must have the named varible e.

All the above non-#pragma suggestions all boil down to just adding a single statement:

bool f(int e)
   // code not using e
   return true;
   e; // use without doing anything

How to pass parameters to a modal?

To pass the parameter you need to use resolve and inject the items in controller

$scope.Edit = function (Id) {
   var modalInstance = ${
      templateUrl: '/app/views/admin/addeditphone.html',
      controller: 'EditCtrl',
      resolve: {
         editId: function () {
           return Id;

Now if you will use like this:

app.controller('EditCtrl', ['$scope', '$location'
       , function ($scope, $location, editId)

in this case editId will be undefined. You need to inject it, like this:

app.controller('EditCtrl', ['$scope', '$location', 'editId'
     , function ($scope, $location, editId)

Now it will work smooth, I face the same problem many time, once injected, everything start working!

Why cannot change checkbox color whatever I do?

Can be very simplified like that :

    outline:2px solid red;
    outline-offset: -2px;

Works without any plugin :)

How can I use jQuery in Greasemonkey?

If you want to use jQuery on a site where it is already included, this is the way to go (inspired by BrunoLM):

var $ = unsafeWindow.jQuery;

I know this wasn't the original intent of the question, but it is increasingly becoming a common case and you didn't explicitly exclude this case. ;)

How and when to use SLEEP() correctly in MySQL?


But what are you using this for? Are you trying to circumvent/reinvent mutexes or transactions?

Formatting "yesterday's" date in python

all answers are correct, but I want to mention that time delta accepts negative arguments.

>>> from datetime import date, timedelta
>>> yesterday = + timedelta(days=-1)
>>> print(yesterday.strftime('%m%d%y')) #for python2 remove parentheses 

How do I escape double and single quotes in sed?

Prompt% cat t1
This is "Unix"
This is "Unix sed"
Prompt% sed -i 's/\"Unix\"/\"Linux\"/g' t1
Prompt% sed -i 's/\"Unix sed\"/\"Linux SED\"/g' t1
Prompt% cat t1
This is "Linux"
This is "Linux SED"

How to get a barplot with several variables side by side grouped by a factor

You can plot the means without resorting to external calculations and additional tables using stat_summary(...). In fact, stat_summary(...) was designed for exactly what you are doing.

library(reshape2)            # for melt(...)
gg <- melt(df,id="gender")   # df is your original table
ggplot(gg, aes(x=variable, y=value, fill=factor(gender))) + 
  stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="bar",position=position_dodge(1)) + 
               color="grey80",position=position_dodge(1), width=.2)

To add "error bars" you cna also use stat_summary(...) (here, I'm using the min and max value rather than sd because you have so little data).

ggplot(gg, aes(x=variable, y=value, fill=factor(gender))) + 
  stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="bar",position=position_dodge(1)) + 
               color="grey40",position=position_dodge(1), width=.2) +

Redirect output of mongo query to a csv file

Here is what you can try:

cursor = db.<collection_name>.find();
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
    jsonObject =;
    print(jsonObject._id.valueOf() + "," + + ",\"" + jsonObject.stateDate.toUTCString() +"\"")


Save that in a file, say "export.js". Run the following command:

mongo <host>/<dbname> -u <username> -p <password> export.js > out.csv

Converting string into datetime

You can use easy_date to make it easy:

import date_converter
converted_date = date_converter.string_to_datetime('Jun 1 2005  1:33PM', '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p')

TypeError: can't use a string pattern on a bytes-like object in re.findall()

You want to convert html (a byte-like object) into a string using .decode, e.g. html ='utf-8').

See Convert bytes to a Python String

Cleanest Way to Invoke Cross-Thread Events

I shun redundant delegate declarations.

private void mCoolObject_CoolEvent(object sender, CoolObjectEventArgs args)
    if (InvokeRequired)
        Invoke(new Action<object, CoolObjectEventArgs>(mCoolObject_CoolEvent), sender, args);
    // do the dirty work of my method here

For non-events, you can use the System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker delegate or System.Action.

EDIT: Additionally, every event has a corresponding EventHandler delegate so there's no need at all to redeclare one.

Tooltip on image

Using javascript, you can set tooltips for all the images on the page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <img src="" alt="Food">
    <img src="" alt="Pizza">
     //image objects
     var imageEls = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
     for(var i=0;i<imageEls.length;i++){
        //imageEls[i].title="Title of your choice";

Read and Write CSV files including unicode with Python 2.7

Make sure you encode and decode as appropriate.

This example will roundtrip some example text in utf-8 to a csv file and back out to demonstrate:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import csv

tests={'German': [u'Straße',u'auslösen',u'zerstören'], 
       'French': [u'français',u'américaine',u'épais'], 
       'Chinese': [u'???',u'??',u'???']}

with open('/tmp/utf.csv','w') as fout:
    for row in zip(*tests.values()):
        row=[s.encode('utf-8') for s in row]

with open('/tmp/utf.csv','r') as fin:
    for row in reader:
        print fmt.format(*[s.decode('utf-8') for s in temp])


German         Chinese        French         
Straße         ???            français       
auslösen       ??             américaine     
zerstören      ???            épais  

How to silence output in a Bash script?

If you are still struggling to find an answer, specially if you produced a file for the output, and you prefer a clear alternative: echo "hi" | grep "use this hack to hide the oputut :) "

Show Youtube video source into HTML5 video tag?

The <video> tag is meant to load in a video of a supported format (which may differ by browser).

YouTube embed links are not just videos, they are typically webpages that contain logic to detect what your user supports and how they can play the youtube video, using HTML5, or flash, or some other plugin based on what is available on the users PC. This is why you are having a difficult time using the video tag with youtube videos.

YouTube does offer a developer API to embed a youtube video into your page.

I made a JSFiddle as a live example:

And you can read more about the YouTube API here:

The Code can also be found below

In your HTML:

<div id="player"></div>

In your Javascript:

var onPlayerReady = function(event) {;  

// The first argument of YT.Player is an HTML element ID. 
// YouTube API will replace my <div id="player"> tag 
// with an iframe containing the youtube video.

var player = new YT.Player('player', {
    height: 320,
    width: 400,
    videoId : '6Dc1C77nra4',
    events : {
        'onReady' : onPlayerReady

Convert Pandas Series to DateTime in a DataFrame

df=pd.read_csv("filename.csv" , parse_dates=["<column name>"])

type(df.<column name>)

example: if you want to convert day which is initially a string to a Timestamp in Pandas

df=pd.read_csv("weather_data2.csv" , parse_dates=["day"])


The output will be pandas.tslib.Timestamp

Delete files older than 3 months old in a directory using .NET

since the solutions with new FileInfo(filePath) are not easily testable, I suggest to use Wrappers for classes like Directory, File and Path like this:

public interface IDirectory
    string[] GetFiles(string path);

public sealed class DirectoryWrapper : IDirectory
    public string[] GetFiles(string path) => Directory.GetFiles(path);

public interface IFile
    void Delete(string path);
    DateTime GetLastAccessTime(string path);

public sealed class FileWrapper : IFile
    public void Delete(string path) => File.Delete(path);
    public DateTime GetLastAccessTimeUtc(string path) => File.GetLastAccessTimeUtc(path);

Then use something like this:

public sealed class FooBar
    public FooBar(IFile file, IDirectory directory)
        File = file;
        Directory = directory;

    private IFile File { get; }
    private IDirectory Directory { get; }

    public void DeleteFilesBeforeTimestamp(string path, DateTime timestamp)
            throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"The path {path} was not found.");

        var files = Directory
            .Select(p => new
                Path = p,
                // or File.GetLastWriteTime() or File.GetCreationTime() as needed
                LastAccessTimeUtc = File.GetLastAccessTimeUtc(p) 
            .Where(p => p.LastAccessTimeUtc < timestamp);

        foreach(var file in files)

Percentage calculation

With C# String formatting you can avoid the multiplication by 100 as it will make the code shorter and cleaner especially because of less brackets and also the rounding up code can be avoided.

(current / maximum).ToString("0.00%");

// Output - 16.67%

Sort collection by multiple fields in Kotlin

sortedWith + compareBy (taking a vararg of lambdas) do the trick:

val sortedList = list.sortedWith(compareBy({ it.age }, { }))

You can also use the somewhat more succinct callable reference syntax:

val sortedList = list.sortedWith(compareBy(Person::age, Person::name))

Defining and using a variable in batch file

The spaces are significant. You created a variable named 'location ' with a value of
' "bob"'. Note - enclosing single quotes were added to show location of space.

If you want quotes in your value, then your code should look like

set location="bob"

If you don't want quotes, then your code should look like

set location=bob

Or better yet

set "location=bob"

The last syntax prevents inadvertent trailing spaces from getting in the value, and also protects against special characters like & | etc.

Invariant Violation: Could not find "store" in either the context or props of "Connect(SportsDatabase)"

This happened to me when I upgraded. I had to downgrade back.

react-redux ^5.0.6 ? ^7.1.3

What is the easiest way to clear a database from the CLI with in Django?

You can use the Django-Truncate library to delete all data of a table without destroying the table structure.


  1. First, install django-turncate using your terminal/command line:
pip install django-truncate
  1. Add "django_truncate" to your INSTALLED_APPS in the file:
  1. Use this command in your terminal to delete all data of the table from the app.
python truncate --apps app_name --models table_name

What does a circled plus mean?

People are saying that the symbol doesn't mean addition. This is true, but doesn't explain why a plus-like symbol is used for something that isn't addition.

The answer is that for modulo addition of 1-bit values, 0+0 == 1+1 == 0, and 0+1 == 1+0 == 1. Those are the same values as XOR.

So, plus in a circle in this context means "bitwise addition modulo-2". Which is, as everyone says, XOR for integers. It's common in mathematics to use plus in a circle for an operation which is a sort of addition, but isn't regular integer addition.

How do I upgrade to Python 3.6 with conda?

Only solution that works was create a new conda env with the name you want (you will, unfortunately, delete the old one to keep the name). Then create a new env with a new python version and re-run your script with the conda/pip installs (or the yaml file or whatever you use to keep your requirements):

conda remove --name original_name --all
conda create --name original_name python=3.8
sh  # or whatever you usually do to install dependencies

doing conda install python=3.8 doesn't work for me. Also, why do you want 3.6? Move forward with the word ;)

Note bellow doesn't work:

If you want to update the conda version of your previous env what you can also do is the following (more complicated than it should be because you cannot rename envs in conda):

  1. create a temporary new location for your current env:
conda create --name temporary_env_name --clone original_env_name
  1. delete the original env (so that the new env can have that name):
conda deactivate
conda remove --name original_env_name --all # or its alias: `conda env remove --name original_env_name`
  1. then create the new empty env with the python version you want and clone the original env:
conda create --name original_env_name python=3.8 --clone temporary_env_name

Error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

I got this error while using the web app with firebase. It was due to not including the desired libraries in the index.html

To fix this in the development environment, I added following line of code in the index.html

<script src=""></script>

Use the necessary libraries instead of importing all the js sdk when you are planning to deploy for production.

Select Specific Columns from Spark DataFrame

Just by using select select you can select particular columns, give them readable names and cast them. For example like this:
          .where('_c2.isNotNull && '_c3.isNotNull && '_c2 =!= 0.0 && '_c3 =!= 0.0)

How to convert a currency string to a double with jQuery or Javascript?

This example run ok

var currency = "$1,123,456.00";
var number = Number(currency.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,""));

How to specify function types for void (not Void) methods in Java8?

Set return type to Void instead of void and return null

// Modify existing method
public static Void displayInt(Integer i) {
    return null;


// Or use Lambda
myForEach(theList, i -> {System.out.println(i);return null;});

Why can't I change my input value in React even with the onChange listener

Unlike in the case of Angular, in React.js you need to update the state manually. You can do something like this:

    type="text" value={}
    id={'todoName' +}
    onChange={e => this.onTodoChange(}

And then in the function:

             name: value

Also, you can set the initial state in the constructor of the component:

  constructor (props) {
    this.state = {
        updatable: false,
        status: props.status

How to format a DateTime in PowerShell

The same as you would in .NET:

$DateStr = $Date.ToString("yyyyMMdd")


$DateStr = '{0:yyyyMMdd}' -f $Date

Angular2 - Input Field To Accept Only Numbers

I know this is an old question, but since this is a common funcionality, I want to share the modifications I've made:

  • Custom decimal separator (point or comma)
  • Support for integers only or integer and decimals
  • Support for positive numbers only or positives and negatives
  • Validate minus sign(-) is in the beginning
  • Support to mouse pasting (with some limitation though
  • Support for Mac command key
  • Replace strings like ".33" and "33." for the correct versions: 0.33 and 33.0

    import { Directive, ElementRef, HostListener, Input } from '@angular/core';
    @Directive({ selector: '[NumbersOnly]' })
    export class NumbersOnly { 
        @Input() allowDecimals: boolean = true;
        @Input() allowSign: boolean = false;
        @Input() decimalSeparator: string = '.';
        previousValue: string = '';
        // --------------------------------------
        //  Regular expressions
        integerUnsigned: string = '^[0-9]*$';
        integerSigned: string = '^-?[0-9]+$';
        decimalUnsigned: string = '^[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?$';
        decimalSigned: string = '^-?[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?$';
         * Class constructor
         * @param hostElement
        constructor(private hostElement: ElementRef) { }
         * Event handler for host's change event
         * @param e
        @HostListener('change', ['$event']) onChange(e) {
     * Event handler for host's paste event
     * @param e
    @HostListener('paste', ['$event']) onPaste(e) {
        // get and validate data from clipboard
        let value = e.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
     * Event handler for host's keydown event
     * @param event
    @HostListener('keydown', ['$event']) onKeyDown(e: KeyboardEvent) {
        let cursorPosition: number =['selectionStart'];
        let originalValue: string =['value'];
        let key: string = this.getName(e);
        let controlOrCommand = (e.ctrlKey === true || e.metaKey === true);
        let signExists = originalValue.includes('-');
        let separatorExists = originalValue.includes(this.decimalSeparator);
        // allowed keys apart from numeric characters
        let allowedKeys = [
            'Backspace', 'ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight', 'Escape', 'Tab'
        // when decimals are allowed, add
        // decimal separator to allowed codes when
        // its position is not close to the the sign (-. and .-)
        let separatorIsCloseToSign = (signExists && cursorPosition <= 1);
        if (this.allowDecimals && !separatorIsCloseToSign && !separatorExists) {
            if (this.decimalSeparator == '.')
        // when minus sign is allowed, add its
        // key to allowed key only when the
        // cursor is in the first position, and
        // first character is different from
        // decimal separator
        let firstCharacterIsSeparator = (originalValue.charAt(0) != this.decimalSeparator);
        if (this.allowSign && !signExists &&
            firstCharacterIsSeparator && cursorPosition == 0) {
        // allow some non-numeric characters
        if (allowedKeys.indexOf(key) != -1 ||
            // Allow: Ctrl+A and Command+A
            (key == 'a' && controlOrCommand) ||
            // Allow: Ctrl+C and Command+C
            (key == 'c' && controlOrCommand) ||
            // Allow: Ctrl+V and Command+V
            (key == 'v' && controlOrCommand) ||
            // Allow: Ctrl+X and Command+X
            (key == 'x' && controlOrCommand)) {
            // let it happen, don't do anything
        // save value before keydown event
        this.previousValue = originalValue;
        // allow number characters only
        let isNumber = (new RegExp(this.integerUnsigned)).test(key);
        if (isNumber) return; else e.preventDefault();
     * Test whether value is a valid number or not
     * @param value
    validateValue(value: string): void {
        // choose the appropiate regular expression
        let regex: string;
        if (!this.allowDecimals && !this.allowSign) regex = this.integerUnsigned;
        if (!this.allowDecimals && this.allowSign) regex = this.integerSigned;
        if (this.allowDecimals && !this.allowSign) regex = this.decimalUnsigned;
        if (this.allowDecimals &&  this.allowSign) regex = this.decimalSigned;
        // when a numbers begins with a decimal separator,
        // fix it adding a zero in the beginning
        let firstCharacter = value.charAt(0);
        if (firstCharacter == this.decimalSeparator)
            value = 0 + value;
        // when a numbers ends with a decimal separator,
        // fix it adding a zero in the end
        let lastCharacter = value.charAt(value.length-1);
        if (lastCharacter == this.decimalSeparator)
            value = value + 0;
        // test number with regular expression, when
        // number is invalid, replace it with a zero
        let valid: boolean = (new RegExp(regex)).test(value);
        this.hostElement.nativeElement['value'] = valid ? value : 0;
     * Get key's name
     * @param e
    getName(e): string {
        if (e.key) {
            return e.key;
        } else {
            // for old browsers
            if (e.keyCode && String.fromCharCode) {
                switch (e.keyCode) {
                    case   8: return 'Backspace';
                    case   9: return 'Tab';
                    case  27: return 'Escape';
                    case  37: return 'ArrowLeft';
                    case  39: return 'ArrowRight';
                    case 188: return ',';
                    case 190: return '.';
                    case 109: return '-'; // minus in numbpad
                    case 173: return '-'; // minus in alphabet keyboard in firefox
                    case 189: return '-'; // minus in alphabet keyboard in chrome
                    default: return String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode);


 <input NumbersOnly

adding .css file to ejs

In order to serve up a static CSS file in express app (i.e. use a css style file to style ejs "templates" files in express app). Here are the simple 3 steps that need to happen:

  1. Place your css file called "styles.css" in a folder called "assets" and the assets folder in a folder called "public". Thus the relative path to the css file should be "/public/assets/styles.css"

  2. In the head of each of your ejs files you would simply call the css file (like you do in a regular html file) with a <link href=… /> as shown in the code below. Make sure you copy and paste the code below directly into your ejs file <head> section

    <link href= "/public/assets/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  3. In your server.js file, you need to use the app.use() middleware. Note that a middleware is nothing but a term that refers to those operations or code that is run between the request and the response operations. By putting a method in middleware, that method will automatically be called everytime between the request and response methods. To serve up static files (such as a css file) in the app.use() middleware there is already a function/method provided by express called express.static(). Lastly, you also need to specify a request route that the program will respond to and serve up the files from the static folder everytime the middleware is called. Since you will be placing the css files in your public folder. In the server.js file, make sure you have the following code:

    // using app.use to serve up static CSS files in public/assets/ folder when /public link is called in ejs files
    // app.use("/route", express.static("foldername"));
    app.use('/public', express.static('public'));

After following these simple 3 steps, every time you res.render('ejsfile') in your app.get() methods you will automatically see the css styling being called. You can test by accessing your routes in the browser.

Regex matching in a Bash if statement

I'd prefer to use [:punct:] for that. Also, a-zA-Z09-9 could be just [:alnum:]:

[[ $TEST =~ ^[[:alnum:][:blank:][:punct:]]+$ ]]

Multidimensional arrays in Swift

You are creating an array of three elements and assigning all three to the same thing, which is itself an array of three elements (three Doubles).

When you do the modifications you are modifying the floats in the internal array.

How to create a String with carriage returns?

Try \r\n where \r is carriage return. Also ensure that your output do not have new line, because debugger can show you special characters in form of \n, \r, \t etc.

Setting a windows batch file variable to the day of the week

This turned out way more complex then I first suspected, and I guess that's what intrigued me, I searched every where and all the methods given wouldnt work on Windows 7.

So I have an alternate solution which uses a Visual Basic Script.

The batch creates and executes the script(DayOfWeek.vbs), assigns the scripts output (Monday, Tuesday etc) to a variable (dow), the variable is then checked and another variable (dpwnum) assigned with the days number, afterwards the VBS is deleted hope it helps:

@echo off

REM Create VBS that will get day of week in same directory as batch
echo wscript.echo WeekdayName(Weekday(Date))>>DayOfWeek.vbs

REM Cycle through output to get day of week i.e monday,tuesday etc
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('cscript /nologo DayOfWeek.vbs') do @set dow=%%a

REM delete vbs
del DayOfWeek.vbs

REM Used for testing outputs days name
echo %dow%

REM Case of the days name is important must have a capital letter at start
REM Check days name and assign value depending
IF %dow%==Monday set downum=0
IF %dow%==Tuesday set downum=1
IF %dow%==Wednesday set downum=2
IF %dow%==Thursday set downum=3
IF %dow%==Friday set downum=4
IF %dow%==Saturday set downum=5
IF %dow%==Sunday set downum=6

REM print the days number 0-mon,1-tue ... 6-sun
echo %downum%

REM set a file name using day of week number
set myfile=%downum%.bak

echo %myfile%



Though I turned to VBS, It can be done in pure batch, took me a while to get it working and a lot of searching lol, but this seems to work:

 @echo off
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
SET /a count=0
FOR /F "skip=1" %%D IN ('wmic path win32_localtime get dayofweek') DO (
    if "!count!" GTR "0" GOTO next
    set dow=%%D
    SET /a count+=1
echo %dow%

The only caveat for you on the above batch is that its day of weeks are from 1-7 and not 0-6

How do I add an existing directory tree to a project in Visual Studio?

You can use a symbolic link. This makes modifying the file in one project modify it in the other (as it's actually the same file).

To do this:

  1. Open cmd prompt as administrator
  2. mklink /d [current project directory name] [directory in other project it should point to]

This has it's drawbacks and pitfalls, but I use it on occasion for duplicate libraries that need different names.

Edit for Anoop: Steps to add to Visual Studio:

  1. Create link in the project folder using the steps above.
  2. In Visual Studio... select project in Solution Explorer.
  3. At the top of Solution Explorer... click the Show All Files button (may need to click it twice if already active).
  4. The link will now show in your project... right-click and choose Include In Project.

These are the steps I follow and works for a couple different projects.

How can I customize the tab-to-space conversion factor?

We can control tab size by file type with EditorConfig and its EditorConfig for VS Code extension. We then can make Alt + Shift + F specific to each file type.


Open the VS Code command palette with CTRL + P and paste this:

ext install EditorConfig

Example Configuration


indent_style = space

indent_size = 2

indent_size = 4

indent_style = tab


EditorConfig overrides whatever settings.json configures for the editor. There is no need to change editor.detectIndentation.

How can I pass arguments to anonymous functions in JavaScript?

If you write it like

myButton.onclick = function() { alert(myMessage); };

It will work, but I don't know if that answers your questions.

Bootstrap Navbar toggle button not working


You need the jQuery and Boostrap Javascript files included in your HTML page for the toggle to work. (Make sure you include jQuery before Bootstrap.)

       // stylesheets here
       <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> 
      //your html code here

      // js scripts here
      // note jquery tag has to go before boostrap
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>

Make A List Item Clickable (HTML/CSS)

I think you could use the following HTML and CSS combo instead:

  <a href="#">Backback</a>

Then use CSS background for the basket visibility on hover:

.listblock ul li a {
    padding: 5px 30px 5px 10px;
    display: block;

.listblock ul li a:hover {
    background: transparent url('../img/basket.png') no-repeat 3px 170px;


Setting SMTP details for php mail () function

Under Windows only: You may try to use ini_set() functionDocs for the SMTPDocs and smtp_portDocs settings:

ini_set('SMTP', 'mysmtphost'); 
ini_set('smtp_port', 25); 

Checkout multiple git repos into same Jenkins workspace

Depending upon the relationships of the repositories, another approach is to add the other repository (repositories) as a git submodules to one of the repositories. A git submodule is creates a reference to the other repos. Those submodule repos are not cloned unless the you specify the --recursive flag when cloning the "superproject" (official term).

Here's the command to add a submodule into the current project:

git submodule add <repository URI path to clone>

We are using Jenkins v1.645 and the git SCM will out-of-the-box do a recursive clone for superprojects. Voila you get the superproject files and all the dependent (submodule) repo files in their own respective directories in the same Jenkins job workspace.

Not vouching that this is the correct approach rather it's an approach.

Entity Framework - Generating Classes

  1. Open the EDMX model
  2. Right click -> Update Model from Browser -> Stored Procedure -> Select your stored procedure -> Finish
  3. See the Model Browser popping up next to Solution Explorer.
  4. Go to Function Imports -> Right click on your Stored Procedure -> Add Function Import
  5. Select the Entities under Return a Collection of -> Select your Entity name from the drop down
  6. Build your Solution.

Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment

Since the questions about best practice, I would add, that very often good idea to use hybrid approach for creating fragment when working with some REST web services

We can't pass complex objects, for example some User model, for case of displaying user fragment

But what we can do, is to check in onCreate that user!=null and if not - then bring him from data layer, otherwise - use existing.

This way we gain both ability to recreate by userId in case of fragment recreation by Android and snappiness for user actions, as well as ability to create fragments by holding to object itself or only it's id

Something likes this:

public class UserFragment extends Fragment {
    public final static String USER_ID="user_id";
    private User user;
    private long userId;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        userId = getArguments().getLong(USER_ID);
            // Recreating here user from user id(i.e requesting from your data model,
            // which could be services, direct request to rest, or data layer sitting
            // on application model
             user = bringUser();

    public static UserFragment newInstance(User user, long user_id){
        UserFragment userFragment = new UserFragment();
        Bundle args = new Bundle();
        return userFragment;


    public static UserFragment newInstance(long user_id){
        return newInstance(null,user_id);

    public static UserFragment newInstance(User user){
        return newInstance(user,;

Microsoft Web API: How do you do a Server.MapPath?

Since Server.MapPath() does not exist within a Web Api (Soap or REST), you'll need to denote the local- relative to the web server's context- home directory. The easiest way to do so is with:

string AppContext.BaseDirectory { get;}

You can then use this to concatenate a path string to map the relative path to any file.
NOTE: string paths are \ and not / like they are in mvc.



returns true- positing that this is a sound path in your example

Android Google Maps v2 - set zoom level for myLocation

Even i recently had the same query....some how none of the above mentioned setmaxzoom or else map:cameraZoom="13" did not work So i found that the depenedency which i used was old please make sure your dependency for google maps is correct this is the newest use this

compile '' 

The easiest way to transform collection to array?

Where x is the collection:

Foo[] foos = x.toArray(new Foo[x.size()]);

pros and cons between os.path.exists vs os.path.isdir

os.path.exists(path) Returns True if path refers to an existing path. An existing path can be regular files (, but also special files (e.g. a directory). So in essence this function returns true if the path provided exists in the filesystem in whatever form (notwithstanding a few exceptions such as broken symlinks).

os.path.isdir(path) in turn will only return true when the path points to a directory

Copy entire directory contents to another directory?

This is my piece of Groovy code for that. Tested.

private static void copyLargeDir(File dirFrom, File dirTo){
    // creation the target dir
    if (!dirTo.exists()){
    // copying the daughter files
    dirFrom.eachFile(FILES){File source ->
        File target = new File(dirTo,source.getName());
        target.bytes = source.bytes;
    // copying the daughter dirs - recursion
    dirFrom.eachFile(DIRECTORIES){File source ->
        File target = new File(dirTo,source.getName());
        copyLargeDir(source, target)

How to use local docker images with Minikube?

i find this method from ClickHouse Operator Build From Sources and it helps and save my life!

docker save altinity/clickhouse-operator | (eval $(minikube docker-env) && 
docker load)

How do I convert a String to an InputStream in Java?

I find that using Apache Commons IO makes my life much easier.

String source = "This is the source of my input stream";
InputStream in =, "UTF-8");

You may find that the library also offer many other shortcuts to commonly done tasks that you may be able to use in your project.

how to query for a list<String> in jdbctemplate

You can't use placeholders for column names, table names, data type names, or basically anything that isn't data.

Visual Studio move project to a different folder

Remove the project from your solution by right-clicking it in the Solution Explorer window and choosing Remove. Move the entire project folder, including subdirectories wherever you want it to go. Add the project back to your solution.

Namespace names is something completely different, just edit the source code.

How to add jQuery code into HTML Page

Make sure that you embedd the jQuery library into your page by adding the below shown line into your <head> block:

<script src=""></script>

Loop inside React JSX

Having the JSX content in the map can be clunky syntax. Instead you can do this:

const ObjectRow = ({ ... }) => <tr key={}>...</tr>

const TableBody = ({ objects }) => {
  return <tbody>{}</tbody>;

This is shorthand for

{ => ObjectRow(object))

If ObjectRow is set up to take the same keys that are in the object, this will work great.

Note - You may need to set the key prop when the ObjectRow is rendered. It can't be passed in through the function call.

More notes - I've run into a few places where this technique is a bad idea. For example, it doesn't go through the normal create component path and won't default prop values for example, so do beware. Still, it's handy to know about and is useful sometimes.

Bootstrap fullscreen layout with 100% height

Here's an answer using the latest Bootstrap 4.0.0. This layout is easier using the flexbox and sizing utility classes that are all provided in Bootstrap 4. This layout is possible with very little extra CSS.

#mmenu_screen > .row {
    min-height: 100vh;

.flex-fill {
    flex:1 1 auto;

<div id="mmenu_screen" class="container-fluid main_container d-flex">
    <div class="row flex-fill">
        <div class="col-sm-6 h-100">
            <div class="row h-50">
                <div class="col-sm-12" id="mmenu_screen--book">
                    <!-- Button for booking -->
            <div class="row h-50">
                <div class="col-sm-12" id="mmenu_screen--information">
                    <!-- Button for information -->
        <div class="col-sm-6 mmenu_screen--direktaction flex-fill">
            <!-- Button for direktaction -->


The flex-fill and vh-100 classes are included in Bootstrap 4.1 (and later)

Chrome blocks different origin requests

Direct Javascript calls between frames and/or windows are only allowed if they conform to the same-origin policy. If your window and iframe share a common parent domain you can set document.domain to "domain lower") one or both such that they can communicate. Otherwise you'll need to look into something like the postMessage() API.

How to view transaction logs in SQL Server 2008

I accidentally deleted a whole bunch of data in the wrong environment and this post was one of the first ones I found.

Because I was simultaneously panicking and searching for a solution, I went for the first thing I saw - ApexSQL Logs, which was $2000 which was an acceptable cost.

However, I've since found out that Toad for Sql Server can generate undo scripts from transaction logs and it is only $655.

Lastly, found an even cheaper option SysToolsGroup Log Analyzer and it is only $300.

Use Ant for running program with command line arguments

What I did in the end is make a batch file to extract the CLASSPATH from the ant file, then run java directly using this:

In my build.xml:

<target name="printclasspath">
    <pathconvert property="classpathProp" refid="project.class.path"/>

In another script called '':

export CLASSPATH=$(ant -q printclasspath | grep echo | cut -d \  -f 7):build
java "$@"

It's no longer cross-platform, but at least it's relatively easy to use, and one could provide a .bat file that does the same as the It's a very short batch script. It's not like migrating the entire build to platform-specific batch files.

I think it's a shame there's not some option in ant whereby you could do something like:

ant -- arg1 arg2 arg3

mpirun uses this type of syntax; ssh also can use this syntax I think.

How to sum the values of a JavaScript object?

You could put it all in one function:

function sum( obj ) {_x000D_
  var sum = 0;_x000D_
  for( var el in obj ) {_x000D_
    if( obj.hasOwnProperty( el ) ) {_x000D_
      sum += parseFloat( obj[el] );_x000D_
  return sum;_x000D_
var sample = { a: 1 , b: 2 , c:3 };_x000D_
var summed = sum( sample );_x000D_
console.log( "sum: "+summed );

For fun's sake here is another implementation using Object.keys() and Array.reduce() (browser support should not be a big issue anymore):

function sum(obj) {_x000D_
  return Object.keys(obj).reduce((sum,key)=>sum+parseFloat(obj[key]||0),0);_x000D_
let sample = { a: 1 , b: 2 , c:3 };_x000D_

But this seems to be way slower:

How to printf a 64-bit integer as hex?

The warning from your compiler is telling you that your format specifier doesn't match the data type you're passing to it.

Try using %lx or %llx. For more portability, include inttypes.h and use the PRIx64 macro.

For example: printf("val = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", val); (note that it's string concatenation)

PostgreSQL Autoincrement

In the context of the asked question and in reply to the comment by @sereja1c, creating SERIAL implicitly creates sequences, so for the above example-

CREATE TABLE foo (id SERIAL,bar varchar);

CREATE TABLE would implicitly create sequence foo_id_seq for serial column Hence, SERIAL [4 Bytes] is good for its ease of use unless you need a specific datatype for your id.

What is so bad about singletons?

Singletons are NOT bad. It's only bad when you make something globally unique that isn't globally unique.

However, there are "application scope services" (think about a messaging system that makes components interact) - this CALLS for a singleton, a "MessageQueue" - class that has a method "SendMessage(...)".

You can then do the following from all over the place:

MessageQueue.Current.SendMessage(new MailArrivedMessage(...));

And, of course, do:


in classes that implement IMessageReceiver.

ansible: lineinfile for several lines?

If you need to configure a set of unique property=value lines, I recommend a more concise loop. For example:

- name: Configure kernel parameters
    dest: /etc/sysctl.conf
    regexp: "^{{ | regex_escape() }}="
    line: "{{ }}={{ item.value }}"
    - { property: 'kernel.shmall', value: '2097152' }
    - { property: 'kernel.shmmax', value: '134217728' }
    - { property: 'fs.file-max', value: '65536' }

Using a dict as suggested by Alix Axel and adding automatic removing of matching commented out entries,

- name: Configure IPV4 Forwarding
    path: /etc/sysctl.conf
    regexp: "^#? *{{ item.key | regex_escape() }}="
    line: "{{ item.key }}={{ item.value }}"
    'net.ipv4.ip_forward': 1

How do I install Python 3 on an AWS EC2 instance?

As of Amazon Linux version 2017.09 python 3.6 is now available:

sudo yum install python36 python36-virtualenv python36-pip

See the Release Notes for more info and other packages

Display filename before matching line

grep 'search this' *.txt

worked for me to search through all .txt files (enter your own search value, of course).

Command Prompt Error 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

You just need to keep Program Files in double quote & rest of the command don't need any quote.

C:\"Program Files"\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 7.0\430\bin\icc430.exe F:\CP00 .....

File content into unix variable with newlines

The assignment does not remove the newline characters, it's actually the echo doing this. You need simply put quotes around the string to maintain those newlines:

echo "$testvar"

This will give the result you want. See the following transcript for a demo:

pax> cat num1.txt ; x=$(cat num1.txt)
line 1
line 2

pax> echo $x ; echo '===' ; echo "$x"
line 1 line 2
line 1
line 2

The reason why newlines are replaced with spaces is not entirely to do with the echo command, rather it's a combination of things.

When given a command line, bash splits it into words according to the documentation for the IFS variable:

IFS: The Internal Field Separator that is used for word splitting after expansion ... the default value is <space><tab><newline>.

That specifies that, by default, any of those three characters can be used to split your command into individual words. After that, the word separators are gone, all you have left is a list of words.

Combine that with the echo documentation (a bash internal command), and you'll see why the spaces are output:

echo [-neE] [arg ...]: Output the args, separated by spaces, followed by a newline.

When you use echo "$x", it forces the entire x variable to be a single word according to bash, hence it's not split. You can see that with:

pax> function count {
...>    echo $#
...> }
pax> count 1 2 3
pax> count a b c d
pax> count $x
pax> count "$x"

Here, the count function simply prints out the number of arguments given. The 1 2 3 and a b c d variants show it in action.

Then we try it with the two variations on the x variable. The one without quotes shows that there are four words, "test", "1", "test" and "2". Adding the quotes makes it one single word "test 1\ntest 2".

Randomize numbers with jQuery?

Javascript has a random() available. Take a look at Math.random().

Get all variables sent with POST?

Using this u can get all post variable


How do I get a TextBox to only accept numeric input in WPF?

This is what I would use to get a WPF textbox that accept digits and the decimal point:

class numericTextBox : TextBox
    protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
        bool b = false;
        switch (e.Key)
            case Key.Back: b = true; break;
            case Key.D0: b = true; break;
            case Key.D1: b = true; break;
            case Key.D2: b = true; break;
            case Key.D3: b = true; break;
            case Key.D4: b = true; break;
            case Key.D5: b = true; break;
            case Key.D6: b = true; break;
            case Key.D7: b = true; break;
            case Key.D8: b = true; break;
            case Key.D9: b = true; break;
            case Key.OemPeriod: b = true; break;
        if (b == false)
            e.Handled = true;

Put the code in a new class file, add

using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Input;

at the top of the file and build the solution. The numericTextBox control will then appear at the top of the toolbox.

An explicit value for the identity column in table can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON SQL Server

There is one or more column that has auto-increment property or the value of that attribute will be calculated as constraints. You are trying to modify that column.

There is two way to solve it 1) Mention other columns explicitly and set their values only and the PrimaryKey or the auto-increment column value will set automatically.

2) You can turn on INDENTITY_INSERT then execute your insert query finally turn off IDENTITY_INSERT.

Suggestion: Follow the first step because it is a more suitable and efficient approach.

For more information read this article on SQL-helper.

Any tools to generate an XSD schema from an XML instance document?

If you have .Net installed, a tool to generate XSD schemas and classes is already included by default.
For me, the XSD tool is installed under the following structure. This may differ depending on your installation directory.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC>xsd
Microsoft (R) Xml Schemas/DataTypes support utility
[Microsoft (R) .NET Framework, Version 2.0.50727.42]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

xsd.exe -
   Utility to generate schema or class files from given source.

xsd.exe <schema>.xsd /classes|dataset [/e:] [/l:] [/n:] [/o:] [/s] [/uri:]
xsd.exe <assembly>.dll|.exe [/outputdir:] [/type: [...]]
xsd.exe <instance>.xml [/outputdir:]
xsd.exe <schema>.xdr [/outputdir:]

Normally the classes and schemas that this tool generates work rather well, especially if you're going to be consuming them in a .Net language

I typically take the XML document that I'm after, push it through the XSD tool with the /o:<your path> flag to generate a schema (xsd) and then push the xsd file back through the tool using the /classes /L:VB (or CS) /o:<your path> flags to get classes that I can import and use in my day to day .Net projects

Echoing the last command run in Bash?

history | tail -2 | head -1 | cut -c8-999

tail -2 returns the last two command lines from history head -1 returns just first line cut -c8-999 returns just command line, removing PID and spaces.

space between divs - display table-cell

Make a new div with whatever name (I will just use table-split) and give it a width, without adding content to it, while placing it between necessary divs that need to be separated.

You can add whatever width you find necessary. I just used 0.6% because it's what I needed for when I had to do this.

.table-split {_x000D_
  display: table-cell;_x000D_
  width: 0.6%_x000D_
<div class="table-split"></div>

Extending the User model with custom fields in Django

There is an official recommendation on storing additional information about users. The Django Book also discusses this problem in section Profiles.

Linux find file names with given string recursively

use ack its simple. just type ack <string to be searched>

Lombok annotations do not compile under Intellij idea

I am unable to get this working with the javac compiler, and I get the same error.

Error:(9, 14) java: package lombok does not exist

I have enabled annotation processor, and have also tried rebuilding the project, invalidate cache/restart. Doesn't help.

I did however get it to work partially with eclipse compiler. I say partial because although the build passes successfully, the editor still complains about "Cannot resolve symbol".

Idea - 15.04 community edition Lombok - 1.16.6 Lombok plugin ( - 0.9.8 JDK - 1.8.0_51

Update: Ok, I finally got this working. Mine was a gradle project, and lombok was configured as a custom "provided" configuration. Worked fine after adding this in build.gradle

idea {
 module { += [configurations.provided]

So, 3 steps

  1. Install Lombok plugin from File->Settings->Plugins
  2. Enable Annotation Processor (javac compiler works too)
  3. Ensure that you have build.gradle or pom.xml updated for idea if you are adding lombok as a custom config.

Windows path in Python

you can use always:


this works both in linux and windows. Other posibility is


if you have problems with some names you can also try raw string literals:


however best practice is to use the os.path module functions that always select the correct configuration for your OS:

os.path.join(mydir, myfile)

From python 3.4 you can also use the pathlib module. This is equivelent to the above:

pathlib.Path(mydir, myfile)


pathlib.Path(mydir) / myfile

MySql Error: Can't update table in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger

You cannot change a table while the INSERT trigger is firing. The INSERT might do some locking which could result in a deadlock. Also, updating the table from a trigger would then cause the same trigger to fire again in an infinite recursive loop. Both of these reasons are why MySQL prevents you from doing this.

However, depending on what you're trying to achieve, you can access the new values by using NEW.fieldname or even the old values--if doing an UPDATE--with OLD.

If you had a row named full_brand_name and you wanted to use the first two letters as a short name in the field small_name you could use:

CREATE TRIGGER `capital` BEFORE INSERT ON `brandnames`
  SET NEW.short_name = CONCAT(UCASE(LEFT(NEW.full_name,1)) , LCASE(SUBSTRING(NEW.full_name,2)))

Is it valid to replace http:// with // in a <script src="http://...">?

It is indeed correct, as other answers have stated. You should note though, that some web crawlers will set off 404s for these by requesting them on your server as if a local URL. (They disregard the double slash and treat it as a single slash).

You may want to set up a rule on your webserver to catch these and redirect them.

For example, with Nginx, you'd add something like:

location ~* /(?<redirect_domain>((([a-z]|[0-9]|\-)+)\.)+([a-z])+)/(?<redirect_path>.*) {
  return 301 $scheme:/$redirect_domain/$redirect_path;

Do note though, that if you use periods in your URIs, you'll need to increase the specificity or it will end up redirecting those pages to nonexistent domains.

Also, this is a rather massive regex to be running for each query -- in my opinion, it's worth punishing non-compliant browsers with 404s over a (slight) performance hit on the majority of compliant browsers.

Add Favicon with React and Webpack

The correct answer in the present if you dont use Create React App is the next:

new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
   favicon: "./public/fav-icon.ico"

If you use CRA then you can modificate the manifest.json in the public directory

Determine which element the mouse pointer is on top of in JavaScript


There's a really cool function called document.elementFromPoint which does what it sounds like.

What we need is to find the x and y coords of the mouse and then call it using those values:

var x = event.clientX, y = event.clientY,
    elementMouseIsOver = document.elementFromPoint(x, y);


jQuery event object

Create a git patch from the uncommitted changes in the current working directory

We could also specify the files, to include just the files with relative changes, particularly when they span multiple directories e.x.

git diff ~/path1/file1.ext ~/path2/file2.ext...fileN.ext > ~/whatever_path/whatever_name.patch

I found this to be not specified in the answers or comments, which are all relevant and correct, so chose to add it. Explicit is better than implicit!

How to link home brew python version and set it as default

The problem with me is that I have so many different versions of python, so it opens up a different python3.7 even after I did brew link. I did the following additional steps to make it default after linking

First, open up the document setting up the path of python

 nano ~/.bash_profile

Then something like this shows up:

# Setting PATH for Python 3.7
# The original version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave
export PATH

# Setting PATH for Python 3.6
# The original version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave
export PATH

The thing here is that my Python for brew framework is not in the Library Folder!! So I changed the framework for python 3.7, which looks like follows in my system

# Setting PATH for Python 3.7
# The original version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave
export PATH

Change and save the file. Restart the computer, and typing in python3.7, I get the python I installed for brew.

Not sure if my case is applicable to everyone, but worth a try. Not sure if the framework path is the same for everyone, please made sure before trying out.

ValueError : I/O operation on closed file

Indent correctly; your for statement should be inside the with block:

import csv    

with open('v.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
    cwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)

    for w, c in p.items():
        cwriter.writerow(w + c)

Outside the with block, the file is closed.

>>> with open('/tmp/1', 'w') as f:
...     print(f.closed)
>>> print(f.closed)

What is the use of the @Temporal annotation in Hibernate?

This annotation must be specified for persistent fields or properties of type java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar. It may only be specified for fields or properties of these types.

The Temporal annotation may be used in conjunction with the Basic annotation, the Id annotation, or the ElementCollection annotation (when the element collection value is of such a temporal type.

In plain Java APIs, the temporal precision of time is not defined. When dealing with temporal data, you might want to describe the expected precision in database. Temporal data can have DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP precision (i.e., the actual date, only the time, or both). Use the @Temporal annotation to fine tune that.

The temporal data is the data related to time. For example, in a content management system, the creation-date and last-updated date of an article are temporal data. In some cases, temporal data needs precision and you want to store precise date/time or both (TIMESTAMP) in database table.

The temporal precision is not specified in core Java APIs. @Temporal is a JPA annotation that converts back and forth between timestamp and java.util.Date. It also converts time-stamp into time. For example, in the snippet below, @Temporal(TemporalType.DATE) drops the time value and only preserves the date.

private java.util.Date creationDate;

As per javadocs,

Annotation to declare an appropriate {@code TemporalType} on query method parameters. Note that this annotation can only be used on parameters of type {@link Date} with default TemporalType.DATE

[Information above collected from various sources]

What are best practices for REST nested resources?

What you have done is correct. In general there can be many URIs to the same resource - there are no rules that say you shouldn't do that.

And generally, you may need to access items directly or as a subset of something else - so your structure makes sense to me.

Just because employees are accessible under department:


Doesn't mean they can't be accessible under company too:


Which would return employees for that company. It depends on what is needed by your consuming client - that is what you should be designing for.

But I would hope that all URLs handlers use the same backing code to satisfy the requests so that you aren't duplicating code.

How to select rows in a DataFrame between two values, in Python Pandas?

newdf = df.query('closing_price.mean() <= closing_price <= closing_price.std()')


mean = closing_price.mean()
std = closing_price.std()

newdf = df.query('@mean <= closing_price <= @std')

Adb Devices can't find my phone

Try doing this:

  • Unplug the device
  • Execute adb kill-server && adb start-server(that restarts adb)
  • Re-plug the device

Also you can try to edit an adb config file .android/adb_usb.ini and add a line 04e8 after the header. Restart adb required for changes to take effect.

is vs typeof

Does it matter which is faster, if they don't do the same thing? Comparing the performance of statements with different meaning seems like a bad idea.

is tells you if the object implements ClassA anywhere in its type heirarchy. GetType() tells you about the most-derived type.

Not the same thing.

How to check if an appSettings key exists?

MSDN: Configuration Manager.AppSettings

if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[name] != null)
// Now do your magic..


string s = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["myKey"];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
    // Key exists
    // Key doesn't exist

Round a floating-point number down to the nearest integer?

a lot of people say to use int(x), and this works ok for most cases, but there is a little problem. If OP's result is:

x = 1.9999999999999999

it will round to

x = 2

after the 16th 9 it will round. This is not a big deal if you are sure you will never come across such thing. But it's something to keep in mind.

Getting URL hash location, and using it in jQuery

I would suggest better cek first if the current page has a hash. Otherwise it will be undefined.

$(window).on('load', function(){        
    if( location.hash && location.hash.length ) {
       var hash = decodeURIComponent(location.hash.substr(1));

jQuery - Call ajax every 10 seconds

          //do something with response data
}, 10000);//time in milliseconds 

How to debug apk signed for release?

I know this is old question, but future references. In Android Studio with Gradle:

buildTypes {
    release {
        debuggable true
        runProguard true
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'

The line debuggable true was the trick for me.


Since gradle 1.0 it's minifyEnabled instead of runProguard. Look at here

jQuery - Detecting if a file has been selected in the file input

You should be able to attach an event handler to the onchange event of the input and have that call a function to set the text in your span.

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(function() {
     $("input:file").change(function (){
       var fileName = $(this).val();

You may want to add IDs to your input and span so you can select based on those to be specific to the elements you are concerned with and not other file inputs or spans in the DOM.

intl extension: installing php_intl.dll

The package is already included in the extensions for PHP 7.2 and above and you just need to uncomment the following line in php.ini

extension=intl no protocol on URL based on a string modified with URLEncoder

You want to use URI templates. Look carefully at the README of this project: URLEncoder.encode() does NOT work for URIs.

Let us take your original URL:\s604132shvw140\Test-Documents\c21c905c-8359-4bd6-b864-844709e05754_attachments\7e89c3cb-ce53-4a04-a9ee-1a584e157987\myDoc.pdf

and convert it to a URI template with two variables (on multiple lines for clarity):

Now let us build a variable map with these three variables using the library mentioned in the link:

final VariableMap = VariableMap.newBuilder()
    .addScalarValue("meetingID", "c21c905c-8359-4bd6-b864-844709e05754")
    .addScalarValue("itemID", "a4b724d1-282e-4b36-9d16-d619a807ba67e")
    .addScalarValue("file", "\\\\s604132shvw140\\Test-Documents"
        + "\\c21c905c-8359-4bd6-b864-844709e05754_attachments"
        + "\\7e89c3cb-ce53-4a04-a9ee-1a584e157987\\myDoc.pdf")

final URITemplate template
    = new URITemplate(""
        + "meetingId={meetingID}&itemId={itemID}&file={file}");

// Generate URL as a String
final String theURL = template.expand(vars);

This is GUARANTEED to return a fully functional URL!

Adding rows to dataset

To add rows to existing DataTable in Dataset:

DataRow drPartMtl = DSPartMtl.Tables[0].NewRow();
drPartMtl["Group"] = "Group";
drPartMtl["BOMPart"] = "BOMPart";

How to disable all div content

As many answers already clarified disabled is not a DIV attribute. However xHTML means Extensible HTML. It means you can define your own HTML attributes (all Frontend frameworks does that as well). And CSS supports attribute selectors which is [].

Use standard HTML with your defined attribute:

<div disabled>My disabled div</div>

Use CSS:

div[disabled] {
  opacity: 0.6;
  pointer-events: none;

NOTE: you can use CSS attribute selector with ID or Class names as well e.g. .myDiv[disabled] {...} Also can apply value filter e.g.: following HTML disabling standard attribute with value div[disabled=disabled] {...}.

Running CMake on Windows

The default generator for Windows seems to be set to NMAKE. Try to use:

cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles"

Or use the GUI, and select MinGW Makefiles when prompted for a generator. Don't forget to cleanup the directory where you tried to run CMake, or delete the cache in the GUI. Otherwise, it will try again with NMAKE.

How can I undo a mysql statement that I just executed?

in case you do not only need to undo your last query (although your question actually only points on that, I know) and therefore if a transaction might not help you out, you need to implement a workaround for this:

copy the original data before commiting your query and write it back on demand based on the unique id that must be the same in both tables; your rollback-table (with the copies of the unchanged data) and your actual table (containing the data that should be "undone" than). for databases having many tables, one single "rollback-table" containing structured dumps/copies of the original data would be better to use then one for each actual table. it would contain the name of the actual table, the unique id of the row, and in a third field the content in any desired format that represents the data structure and values clearly (e.g. XML). based on the first two fields this third one would be parsed and written back to the actual table. a fourth field with a timestamp would help cleaning up this rollback-table.

since there is no real undo in SQL-dialects despite "rollback" in a transaction (please correct me if I'm wrong - maybe there now is one), this is the only way, I guess, and you have to write the code for it on your own.

How to limit the number of selected checkboxes?

If you want to uncheck the checkbox that you have selected first under the condition of 3 checkboxes allowed. With vanilla javascript; you need to assign onclick = "checking(this)" in your html input checkbox

var queue = [];
function checking(id){
   if (queue.length===3){
    queue[0].checked = false

PHP Get name of current directory

$myVar = str_replace('/', '', $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]);

Result: images

How to set the font style to bold, italic and underlined in an Android TextView?

  • by making this style, u can achieve underlining

How to install Selenium WebDriver on Mac OS

To use the java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.45.0.jar command-line tool you need to install a JDK. You need to download and install the JDK and the standalone selenium server.

How do I update a Mongo document after inserting it?

This is an old question, but I stumbled onto this when looking for the answer so I wanted to give the update to the answer for reference.

The methods save and update are deprecated.

save(to_save, manipulate=True, check_keys=True, **kwargs)¶ Save a document in this collection.

DEPRECATED - Use insert_one() or replace_one() instead.

Changed in version 3.0: Removed the safe parameter. Pass w=0 for unacknowledged write operations.

update(spec, document, upsert=False, manipulate=False, multi=False, check_keys=True, **kwargs) Update a document(s) in this collection.

DEPRECATED - Use replace_one(), update_one(), or update_many() instead.

Changed in version 3.0: Removed the safe parameter. Pass w=0 for unacknowledged write operations.

in the OPs particular case, it's better to use replace_one.

Java 8 LocalDate Jackson format

Simplest and shortest so far:

@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private LocalDate localDate;

@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
private LocalDateTime localDateTime;

no dependency required with Spring boot >= 2.2+

Does C# have a String Tokenizer like Java's?

For complex splitting you could use a regex creating a match collection.

The type arguments for method cannot be inferred from the usage

I wanted to make a simple and understandable example

if you call a method like this, your client will not know return type

var interestPoints = Mediator.Handle(new InterestPointTypeRequest
                LanguageCode = request.LanguageCode,
                AgentId = request.AgentId,
                InterestPointId = request.InterestPointId,

Then you should say to compiler i know the return type is List<InterestPointTypeMap>

var interestPoints  = Mediator.Handle<List<InterestPointTypeMap>>(new InterestPointTypeRequest
                LanguageCode = request.LanguageCode,
                AgentId = request.AgentId,
                InterestPointId = request.InterestPointId,
                InterestPointTypeId = request.InterestPointTypeId

the compiler will no longer be mad at you for knowing the return type

ActiveX component can't create object

It turns out to get this application working under VBScript, I had to do two things.

  1. Run RegAsm.exe to register the DLLs.
  2. Run the C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cscript.exe to run my VBScript.

If these don't work, check out the other answer here about enabling 32-bit applications in IIS.

How to initialize a dict with keys from a list and empty value in Python?

default_keys = [1, "name"]

To get dictionary with None as values:


Output :

{1: None, 'name': None}

To get dictionary with default values:

dict.fromkeys(default_keys, [])  

Output :

{1: [], 'name': []}

How to add image in Flutter

Create your assets directory the same as lib level

like this


then your pubspec.yaml like

    - assets/images/

now you can use Image.asset("/assets/images/")

Add Items to Columns in a WPF ListView

Solution With Less XAML and More C#

If you define the ListView in XAML:

<ListView x:Name="listView"/>

Then you can add columns and populate it in C#:

public Window()
    // Initialize

    // Add columns
    var gridView = new GridView();
    this.listView.View = gridView;
    gridView.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn { 
        Header = "Id", DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Id") });
    gridView.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn { 
        Header = "Name", DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Name") });

    // Populate list
    this.listView.Items.Add(new MyItem { Id = 1, Name = "David" });

See definition of MyItem below.

Solution With More XAML and less C#

However, it's easier to define the columns in XAML (inside the ListView definition):

<ListView x:Name="listView">
            <GridViewColumn Header="Id" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Id}"/>
            <GridViewColumn Header="Name" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Name}"/>

And then just populate the list in C#:

public Window()
    // Initialize

    // Populate list
    this.listView.Items.Add(new MyItem { Id = 1, Name = "David" });

See definition of MyItem below.

MyItem Definition

MyItem is defined like this:

public class MyItem
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

Two Decimal places using c#

Your question is asking to display two decimal places. Using the following String.format will help:

String.Format("{0:.##}", Debitvalue)

this will display then number with up to two decimal places(e.g. 2.10 would be shown as 2.1 ).

Use "{0:.00}", if you want always show two decimal places(e.g. 2.10 would be shown as 2.10 )

Or if you want the currency symbol displayed use the following:

String.Format("{0:C}", Debitvalue)

Full path from file input using jQuery

Well, getting full path is not possible but we can have a temporary path.

Try This:

It'll give you a temporary path not the accurate path, you can use this script if you want to show selected images as in this jsfiddle example(Try it by selectng images as well as other files):-


Here is the code :-


<input type="file" id="i_file" value=""> 
<input type="button" id="i_submit" value="Submit">
<img src="" width="200" style="display:none;" />
<div id="disp_tmp_path"></div>


$('#i_file').change( function(event) {
var tmppath = URL.createObjectURL([0]);

    $("#disp_tmp_path").html("Temporary Path(Copy it and try pasting it in browser address bar) --> <strong>["+tmppath+"]</strong>");

Its not exactly what you were looking for, but may be it can help you somewhere.

Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required (Unable to find vcvarsall.bat)

I had the same problem when installing spaCy module. And I checked control panel I have several visual C++ redistributables installed already.

What I did was select "Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015" which is already installed on my PC --> "Modify" -->check "Common Tools for Visual C++ 2015". Then it will take some time and download more than 1 GB to install it.

This fixed my issue. Now I have spaCy installed.

Maven2: Best practice for Enterprise Project (EAR file)

NetBeans IDE automatically defines the structure which is almost similar to one suggested by Patrick Garner. For NetBeans users

File->New Project ->In left side select Maven and In right side select Maven Enterprise Application and press Next -> Asks for project names for both war,ejb and settings.

The IDE will automatically create the structure for you.

Real time face detection OpenCV, Python

Your line:

img = cv2.rectangle(img,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255,0,0),2) 

will draw a rectangle in the image, but the return value will be None, so img changes to None and cannot be drawn.



Git will not init/sync/update new submodules

Please check your submodules directory.

If there is only a .git file in it, then delete it.

Now execute git submodule update --remote --init

Post a json object to mvc controller with jquery and ajax

instead of receiving the json string a model binding is better. For example:

public ActionResult AddUser(UserAddModel model)
    if (ModelState.IsValid) {
        return Json(new { Response = "Success" });
    return Json(new { Response = "Error" });

function submitForm() {    
        type: 'POST',
        url: "@Url.Action("AddUser")",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        dataType: 'json',
        data: $("form[name=UserAddForm]").serialize(),
        success: function (data) {

Convert Int to String in Swift

for whatever reason the accepted answer did not work for me. I went with this approach:

var myInt:Int = 10
var myString:String = toString(myInt)

Twitter Bootstrap vs jQuery UI?

Having used both, Twitter's Bootstrap is a superior technology set. Here are some differences,

  • Widgets: jQuery UI wins here. The date widget it provides is immensely useful, and Twitter Bootstrap provides nothing of the sort.
  • Scaffolding: Bootstrap wins here. Twitter's grid both fluid and fixed are top notch. jQuery UI doesn't even provide this direction leaving page layout up to the end user.
  • Out of the box professionalism: Bootstrap using CSS3 is leagues ahead, jQuery UI looks dated by comparison.
  • Icons: I'll go tie on this one. Bootstrap has nicer icons imho than jQuery UI, but I don't like the terms one bit, Glyphicons Halflings are normally not available for free, but an arrangement between Bootstrap and the Glyphicons creators have made this possible at no cost to you as developers. As a thank you, we ask you to include an optional link back to Glyphicons whenever practical.
  • Images & Thumbnails: goes to Bootstrap, jQuery UI doesn't even help here.

Other notes,

  • It's important to understand how these two technologies compete in the spheres too. There is a lot of overlap, but if you want simple scaffolding and fixed/fluid creation Bootstrap isn't another technology, it's the best technology. If you want any single widget, jQuery UI probably isn't even in the top three. Today, jQuery UI is mainly just a toy for consistency and proof of concept for a client-side widget creation using a unified framework.

Javascript Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined

The error is here:


You are passing the first item of words, instead of the array.

Instead, pass the array to the function:


Problem solved!

Here's a breakdown of what the problem was:

I'm guessing in your browser (chrome throws a different error), words[] == words[0], so when you call hasLetter("a",words[]);, you are actually calling hasLetter("a",words[0]);. So, in essence, you are passing the first item of words to your function, not the array as a whole.

Of course, because words is just an empty array, words[0] is undefined. Therefore, your function call is actually:

hasLetter("a", undefined);

which means that, when you try to access d[ascii], you are actually trying to access undefined[0], hence the error.

Reading tab-delimited file with Pandas - works on Windows, but not on Mac

The biggest clue is the rows are all being returned on one line. This indicates line terminators are being ignored or are not present.

You can specify the line terminator for csv_reader. If you are on a mac the lines created will end with \rrather than the linux standard \n or better still the suspenders and belt approach of windows with \r\n.

pandas.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', lineterminator='\r')

You could also open all your data using the codecs package. This may increase robustness at the expense of document loading speed.

import codecs

doc ='document','rU','UTF-16') #open for reading with "universal" type set

df = pandas.read_csv(doc, sep='\t')

Are there any style options for the HTML5 Date picker?

Currently, there is no cross browser, script-free way of styling a native date picker.

As for what's going on inside WHATWG/W3C... If this functionality does emerge, it will likely be under the CSS-UI standard or some Shadow DOM-related standard. The CSS4-UI wiki page lists a few appearance-related things that were dropped from CSS3-UI, but to be honest, there doesn't seem to be a great deal of interest in the CSS-UI module.

I think your best bet for cross browser development right now, is to implement pretty controls with JavaScript based interface, and then disable the HTML5 native UI and replace it. I think in the future, maybe there will be better native control styling, but perhaps more likely will be the ability to swap out a native control for your own Shadow DOM "widget".

It is annoying that this isn't available, and petitioning for standard support is always worthwhile. Though it does seem like jQuery UI's lead has tried and was unsuccessful.

While this is all very discouraging, it's also worth considering the advantages of the HTML5 date picker, and also why custom styles are difficult and perhaps should be avoided. On some platforms, the datepicker looks extremely different and I personally can't think of any generic way of styling the native datepicker.

Adjust icon size of Floating action button (fab)


With the background you provided it results in below button on my device (Nexus 7 2012)

enter image description here

Looks good to me.

How to uninstall a Windows Service when there is no executable for it left on the system?

My favourite way of doing this is to use Sysinternals Autoruns application. Just select the service and press delete.

tar: add all files and directories in current directory INCLUDING .svn and so on

If disk space space is not an issue, this could also be a very easy thing to do:

mkdir backup
cp -r ./* backup
tar -zcvf backup.tar.gz ./backup

Drawable-hdpi, Drawable-mdpi, Drawable-ldpi Android

I got one good solution. Here I have attached it as the image below. So try it. It may be helpful to you...!

Enter image description here

nullable object must have a value

When using LINQ extension methods (e.g. Select, Where), the lambda function might be converted to SQL that might not behave identically to your C# code. For instance, C#'s short-circuit evaluated && and || are converted to SQL's eager AND and OR. This can cause problems when you're checking for null in your lambda.


MyEnum? type = null;
Entities.Table.Where(a => type == null || 
    a.type == (int)type).ToArray();  // Exception: Nullable object must have a value

Center content vertically on Vuetify

<v-container> has to be right after <template>, if there is a <div> in between, the vertical align will just not work.

  <v-container fill-height>
      <v-row class="justify-center align-center">
        <v-col cols="12" sm="4">
            Centered both vertically and horizontally

Get multiple elements by Id

As oppose to what others might say, using the same Id for multiple elements will not stop the page from being loaded, but when trying to select an element by Id, the only element returned is the first element with the id specified. Not to mention using the same id is not even valid HTML.

That being so, never use duplicate id attributes. If you are thinking you need to, then you are looking for class instead. For example:

<div id="div1" class="mydiv">Content here</div>
<div id="div2" class="mydiv">Content here</div>
<div id="div3" class="mydiv">Content here</div>

Notice how each given element has a different id, but the same class. As oppose to what you did above, this is legal HTML syntax. Any CSS styles you use for '.mydiv' (the dot means class) will correctly work for each individual element with the same class.

With a little help from Snipplr, you may use this to get every element by specifiying a certain class name:

function getAllByClass(classname, node) {

    if (!document.getElementsByClassName) {
        if (!node) {
            node =  document.body;

        var a = [],
            re = new RegExp('\\b' + classname + '\\b'),
            els = node.getElementsByTagName("*");

        for (var i = 0, j = els.length; i < j; i++) {
            if (re.test(els[i].className)) {
    } else {
        return document.getElementsByClassName(classname);

    return a;

The above script will return an Array, so make sure you adjust properly for that.

How can I use querySelector on to pick an input element by name?

So ... you need to change some things in your code

<form method="POST" id="form-pass">
Password: <input type="text" name="pwd" id="input-pwd">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

var form = document.querySelector('#form-pass');
var pwd = document.querySelector('#input-pwd');
form.onsubmit = checkForm;

function checkForm() {

Try this way.

How to fill in form field, and submit, using javascript?


What does the CSS rule "clear: both" do?

I won't be explaining how the floats work here (in detail), as this question generally focuses on Why use clear: both; OR what does clear: both; exactly do...

I'll keep this answer simple, and to the point, and will explain to you graphically why clear: both; is required or what it does...

Generally designers float the elements, left or to the right, which creates an empty space on the other side which allows other elements to take up the remaining space.

Why do they float elements?

Elements are floated when the designer needs 2 block level elements side by side. For example say we want to design a basic website which has a layout like below...

enter image description here

Live Example of the demo image.

Code For Demo

/*  CSS:  */_x000D_
* { /* Not related to floats / clear both, used it for demo purpose only */_x000D_
    box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
header, footer {_x000D_
    border: 5px solid #000;_x000D_
    height: 100px;_x000D_
aside {_x000D_
    float: left;_x000D_
    width: 30%;_x000D_
    border: 5px solid #000;_x000D_
    height: 300px;_x000D_
section {_x000D_
    float: left;_x000D_
    width: 70%;_x000D_
    border: 5px solid #000;_x000D_
    height: 300px;_x000D_
.clear {_x000D_
    clear: both;_x000D_
<!-- HTML -->_x000D_
    Aside (Floated Left)_x000D_
    Content (Floated Left, Can Be Floated To Right As Well)_x000D_
<!-- Clearing Floating Elements-->_x000D_
<div class="clear"></div>_x000D_

Note: You might have to add header, footer, aside, section (and other HTML5 elements) as display: block; in your stylesheet for explicitly mentioning that the elements are block level elements.


I have a basic layout, 1 header, 1 side bar, 1 content area and 1 footer.

No floats for header, next comes the aside tag which I'll be using for my website sidebar, so I'll be floating the element to left.

Note: By default, block level element takes up document 100% width, but when floated left or right, it will resize according to the content it holds.

  1. Normal Behavior Of Block Level Element
  2. Floated Behavior Of Block Level Element

So as you note, the left floated div leaves the space to its right unused, which will allow the div after it to shift in the remaining space.

  1. div's will render one after the other if they are NOT floated
  2. div will shift beside each other if floated left or right

Ok, so this is how block level elements behave when floated left or right, so now why is clear: both; required and why?

So if you note in the layout demo - in case you forgot, here it is..

I am using a class called .clear and it holds a property called clear with a value of both. So lets see why it needs both.

I've floated aside and section elements to the left, so assume a scenario, where we have a pool, where header is solid land, aside and section are floating in the pool and footer is solid land again, something like this..

Floated View

So the blue water has no idea what the area of the floated elements are, they can be bigger than the pool or smaller, so here comes a common issue which troubles 90% of CSS beginners: why the background of a container element is not stretched when it holds floated elements. It's because the container element is a POOL here and the POOL has no idea how many objects are floating, or what the length or breadth of the floated elements are, so it simply won't stretch.

  1. Normal Flow Of The Document
  2. Sections Floated To Left
  3. Cleared Floated Elements To Stretch Background Color Of The Container

(Refer [Clearfix] section of this answer for neat way to do this. I am using an empty div example intentionally for explanation purpose)

I've provided 3 examples above, 1st is the normal document flow where red background will just render as expected since the container doesn't hold any floated objects.

In the second example, when the object is floated to left, the container element (POOL) won't know the dimensions of the floated elements and hence it won't stretch to the floated elements height.

enter image description here

After using clear: both;, the container element will be stretched to its floated element dimensions.

enter image description here

Another reason the clear: both; is used is to prevent the element to shift up in the remaining space.

Say you want 2 elements side by side and another element below them... So you will float 2 elements to left and you want the other below them.

  1. div Floated left resulting in section moving into remaining space
  2. Floated div cleared so that the section tag will render below the floated divs

1st Example

enter image description here

2nd Example

enter image description here

Last but not the least, the footer tag will be rendered after floated elements as I've used the clear class before declaring my footer tags, which ensures that all the floated elements (left/right) are cleared up to that point.


Coming to clearfix which is related to floats. As already specified by @Elky, the way we are clearing these floats is not a clean way to do it as we are using an empty div element which is not a div element is meant for. Hence here comes the clearfix.

Think of it as a virtual element which will create an empty element for you before your parent element ends. This will self clear your wrapper element holding floated elements. This element won't exist in your DOM literally but will do the job.

To self clear any wrapper element having floated elements, we can use

.wrapper_having_floated_elements:after {  /* Imaginary class name */
  content: "";
  clear: both;
  display: table;

Note the :after pseudo element used by me for that class. That will create a virtual element for the wrapper element just before it closes itself. If we look in the dom you can see how it shows up in the Document tree.


So if you see, it is rendered after the floated child div where we clear the floats which is nothing but equivalent to have an empty div element with clear: both; property which we are using for this too. Now why display: table; and content is out of this answers scope but you can learn more about pseudo element here.

Note that this will also work in IE8 as IE8 supports :after pseudo.

Original Answer:

Most of the developers float their content left or right on their pages, probably divs holding logo, sidebar, content etc., these divs are floated left or right, leaving the rest of the space unused and hence if you place other containers, it will float too in the remaining space, so in order to prevent that clear: both; is used, it clears all the elements floated left or right.


------------------ ----------------------------------
div1(Floated Left) Other div takes up the space here
------------------ ----------------------------------

Now what if you want to make the other div render below div1, so you'll use clear: both; so it will ensure you clear all floats, left or right

div1(Floated Left)
<div style="clear: both;"><!--This <div> acts as a separator--></div>
Other div renders here now

how to install python distutils

The simplest way to install setuptools when it isn't already there and you can't use a package manager is to download and run it with the appropriate Python interpreter. This works even if you have multiple versions of Python around: just run once with each Python.

Edit: note that recent versions of Python 3 include setuptools in the distribution so you no longer need to install separately. The script mentioned here is only relevant for old versions of Python.

Hashing a string with Sha256

This work for me in .NET Core 3.1.
But not in .NET 5 preview 7.

using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

namespace PortalAplicaciones.Shared.Models
    public class Encriptar
        public static string EncriptaPassWord(string Password)
                SHA256Managed hasher = new SHA256Managed();

                byte[] pwdBytes = new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(Password);
                byte[] keyBytes = hasher.ComputeHash(pwdBytes);

                return Convert.ToBase64String(keyBytes);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex);

How to add number of days in postgresql datetime

This will give you the deadline :

select id,  
       created_at + interval '1' day * claim_window as deadline
from projects

Alternatively the function make_interval can be used:

select id,  
       created_at + make_interval(days => claim_window) as deadline
from projects

To get all projects where the deadline is over, use:

select *
from (
  select id, 
         created_at + interval '1' day * claim_window as deadline
  from projects
) t
where localtimestamp at time zone 'UTC' > deadline

Postgres could not connect to server

The Cause

Lion comes with a version of postgres already installed and uses those binaries by default. In general you can get around this by using the full path to the homebrew postgres binaries but there may be still issues with other programs.

The Solution

curl | sh


Creating folders inside a GitHub repository without using Git

Another thing you can do is just drag a folder from your computer into the GitHub repository page. This folder does have to have at least 1 item in it, though.

Push local Git repo to new remote including all branches and tags

Here is another take on the same thing which worked better for the situation I was in. It solves the problem where you have more than one remote, would like to clone all branches in remote source to remote destination but without having to check them all out beforehand.

(The problem I had with Daniel's solution was that it would refuse to checkout a tracking branch from the source remote if I had previously checked it out already, ie, it would not update my local branch before the push)

git push destination +refs/remotes/source/*:refs/heads/*

Note: If you are not using direct CLI, you must escape the asterisks:

git push destination +refs/remotes/source/\*:refs/heads/\*

this will push all branches in remote source to a head branch in destination, possibly doing a non-fast-forward push. You still have to push tags separately.

Gson: Is there an easier way to serialize a map

Map<String, Object> config = gson.fromJson(reader, Map.class);

passing 2 $index values within nested ng-repeat

When you are dealing with objects, you want to ignore simple id's as much as convenient.

If you change the click line to this, I think you will be well on your way:

<li class="tutorial_title {{}}" ng-click="loadFromMenu(tutorial)" ng-repeat="tutorial in section.tutorials">

Also, I think you may need to change

class="tutorial_title {{}}"

to something like

ng-class="tutorial_title {{}}"

See and look for ng-class.

Parse String to Date with Different Format in Java

Simple way to format a date and convert into string

    Date date= new Date();

    String dateStr=String.format("%td/%tm/%tY", date,date,date);

    System.out.println("Date with format of dd/mm/dd: "+dateStr);

output:Date with format of dd/mm/dd: 21/10/2015

openCV video saving in python

jveitchmichaelis at provided a thorough answer. Here I copied his answer:

The documentation in OpenCV says (hidden away) that you can only write to avi using OpenCV3. Whether that's true or not I've not been able to determine, but I've been unable to write to anything else.

However, OpenCV is mainly a computer vision library, not a video stream, codec and write one. Therefore, the developers tried to keep this part as simple as possible. Due to this OpenCV for video containers supports only the avi extension, its first version.


My setup: I built OpenCV 3 from source using MSVC 2015, including ffmpeg. I've also downloaded and installed XVID and openh264 from Cisco, which I added to my PATH. I'm running Anaconda Python 3. I also downloaded a recent build of ffmpeg and added the bin folder to my path, though that shouldn't make a difference as its baked into OpenCV.

I'm running in Win 10 64-bit.

This code seems to work fine on my computer. It will generate a video containing random static:

writer = cv2.VideoWriter("output.avi",
cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"MJPG"), 30,(640,480))

for frame in range(1000):
    writer.write(np.random.randint(0, 255, (480,640,3)).astype('uint8'))


Some things I've learned through trial and error:

  • Only use '.avi', it's just a container, the codec is the important thing.
  • Be careful with specifying frame sizes. In the constructor you need to pass the frame size as (column, row) e.g. 640x480. However the array you pass in, is indexed as (row, column). See in the above example how it's switched?

  • If your input image has a different size to the VideoWriter, it will fail (often silently)

  • Only pass in 8 bit images, manually cast your arrays if you have to (.astype('uint8'))
  • In fact, never mind, just always cast. Even if you load in images using cv2.imread, you need to cast to uint8...
  • MJPG will fail if you don't pass in a 3 channel, 8-bit image. I get an assertion failure for this at least.
  • XVID also requires a 3 channel image but fails silently if you don't do this.
  • H264 seems to be fine with a single channel image
  • If you need raw output, say from a machine vision camera, you can use 'DIB '. 'RAW ' or an empty codec sometimes works. Oddly if I use DIB, I get an ffmpeg error, but the video is saved fine. If I use RAW, there isn't an error, but Windows Video player won't open it. All are fine in VLC.

In the end I think the key point is that OpenCV is not designed to be a video capture library - it doesn't even support sound. VideoWriter is useful, but 99% of the time you're better off saving all your images into a folder and using ffmpeg to turn them into a useful video.

Rank function in MySQL

select id,first_name,gender,age,
rank() over(partition by gender order by age) rank_g
from person

CREATE TABLE person (id int, first_name varchar(20), age int, gender char(1));

INSERT INTO person VALUES (1, 'Bob', 25, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (2, 'Jane', 20, 'F');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (3, 'Jack', 30, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (4, 'Bill', 32, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (5, 'Nick', 22, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (6, 'Kathy', 18, 'F');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (7, 'Steve', 36, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (8, 'Anne', 25, 'F');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (9,'AKSH',32,'M');

Submit form without page reloading

Submitting Form Without Reloading The Page And Get Result Of Submitted Data In The Same Page

Here's some of the code I found on the internet that solves this problem :


When the form is submitted, The action will be executed and target the specific iframe to reload.


<iframe name="content" style="">
<form action="iframe_content.php" method="post" target="content">
<input type="text" name="Name" value="">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">


if (isset($_POST['Submit'])){
$Name = $_POST['Name'];
echo $Name;

2.) AJAX


   <script src="">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function clickButton(){
    var name=document.getElementById('name').value;
    var descr=document.getElementById('descr').value;
               'name' :name,
               'descr' :descr
            success: function (html) 
               alert('Data Send');
            return false;
    <form >
    <input type="" name="name" id="name">
    <input type="" name="descr" id="descr">
    <input type="submit" name="" value="submit" onclick="return clickButton();">
    <p id="msg"></p>


$name = $_POST['name'];
$descr = $_POST['descr'];

echo $name;
echo $descr;



date format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ

Using UTC

ISO 8601 (MSDN datetime formats)

Console.WriteLine(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("s") + "Z");


The Z is there because

If the time is in UTC, add a 'Z' directly after the time without a space. 'Z' is the zone designator for the zero UTC offset. "09:30 UTC" is therefore represented as "09:30Z" or "0930Z". "14:45:15 UTC" would be "14:45:15Z" or "144515Z".

If you want to include an offset

int hours = TimeZoneInfo.Local.BaseUtcOffset.Hours;
string offset = string.Format("{0}{1}",((hours >0)? "+" :""),hours.ToString("00"));
string isoformat = DateTime.Now.ToString("s") + offset;

Two things to note: + or - is needed after the time but obviously + doesn't show on positive numbers. According to wikipedia the offset can be in +hh format or +hh:mm. I've kept to just hours.

As far as I know, RFC1123 (HTTP date, the "u" formatter) isn't meant to give time zone offsets. All times are intended to be GMT/UTC.

Request redirect to /Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f since MVC 3 install on server

Updated answer for MVC 4, heavily borrowed from this page and ASP.NET MVC issue with configuration of forms authentication section (and answered on both pages)

   <add key="PreserveLoginUrl" value="true" />


<authentication mode="Forms">
      <forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" timeout="43200" /> <!--43,200 in minutes - 30 days-->

Is there a Google Chrome-only CSS hack?

Try to use the new '@supports' feature, here is one good hack that you might like:

* UPDATE!!! * Microsoft Edge and Safari 9 both added support for the @supports feature in Fall 2015, Firefox also -- so here is my updated version for you:

/* Chrome 29+ (Only) */

@supports (-webkit-appearance:none) and (not (overflow:-webkit-marquee))
and (not (-ms-ime-align:auto)) and (not (-moz-appearance:none)) { 
   .selector { color:red; } 

More info on this here (the reverse... Safari but not Chrome): [ is there a css hack for safari only NOT chrome? ]

The previous CSS Hack [before Edge and Safari 9 or newer Firefox versions]:

/* Chrome 28+ (now also Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and Safari 9+) */

@supports (-webkit-appearance:none) { .selector { color:red; } }

This worked for (only) chrome, version 28 and newer.

(The above chrome 28+ hack was not one of my creations. I found this on the web and since it was so good I sent it to recently, there are others coming.)

August 17th, 2014 update: As I mentioned, I have been working on reaching more versions of chrome (and many other browsers), and here is one I crafted that handles chrome 35 and newer.

/* Chrome 35+ */

_::content, _:future, .selector:not(*:root) { color:red; }

In the comments below it was mentioned by @BoltClock about future, past, not... etc... We can in fact use them to go a little farther back in Chrome history.

So then this is one that also works but not 'Chrome-only' which is why I did not put it here. You still have to separate it by a Safari-only hack to complete the process. I have created css hacks to do this however, not to worry. Here are a few of them, starting with the simplest:

/* Chrome 26+, Safari 6.1+ */

_:past, .selector:not(*:root) { color:red; }

Or instead, this one which goes back to Chrome 22 and newer, but Safari as well...

/* Chrome 22+, Safari 6.1+ */

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0)
and (min-resolution:.001dpcm),
screen and(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0)
    .selector { color:red; } 

The block of Chrome versions 22-28 (more complicated but works nicely) are also possible to target via a combination I worked out:

/* Chrome 22-28 (Only!) */

@media screen and(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0)
    .selector  {-chrome-:only(;



Now follow up with this next couple I also created that targets Safari 6.1+ (only) in order to still separate Chrome and Safari. Updated to include Safari 8

/* Safari 6.1-7.0 */

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) and (min-color-index:0)
    .selector {(;  color:blue;  );} 

/* Safari 7.1+ */

_::-webkit-full-page-media, _:future, :root .selector { color:blue; } 

So if you put one of the Chrome+Safari hacks above, and then the Safari 6.1-7 and 8 hacks in your styles sequentially, you will have Chrome items in red, and Safari items in blue.

How to extract elements from a list using indices in Python?


numbers = range(10, 16)
indices = (1, 1, 2, 1, 5)

result = [numbers[i] for i in indices]

The default for KeyValuePair

From your original code it looks like what you want is to check if the list was empty:

var getResult= keyValueList.SingleOrDefault();
if (keyValueList.Count == 0)
   /* default */

Difference between BYTE and CHAR in column datatypes

Let us assume the database character set is UTF-8, which is the recommended setting in recent versions of Oracle. In this case, some characters take more than 1 byte to store in the database.

If you define the field as VARCHAR2(11 BYTE), Oracle can use up to 11 bytes for storage, but you may not actually be able to store 11 characters in the field, because some of them take more than one byte to store, e.g. non-English characters.

By defining the field as VARCHAR2(11 CHAR) you tell Oracle it can use enough space to store 11 characters, no matter how many bytes it takes to store each one. A single character may require up to 4 bytes.

How do I debug Node.js applications?

Node.js version 0.3.4+ has built-in debugging support.

node debug script.js


Can a CSV file have a comment?

No, CSV doesn't specify any way of tagging comments - they will just be loaded by programs like Excel as additional cells containing text.

The closest you can manage (with CSV being imported into a specific application such as Excel) is to define a special way of tagging comments that Excel will ignore. For Excel, you can "hide" the comment (to a limited degree) by embedding it into a formula. For example, try importing the following csv file into Excel:

=N("This is a comment and will appear as a simple zero value in excel")
John, Doe, 24

You still end up with a cell in the spreadsheet that displays the number 0, but the comment is hidden.

Alternatively, you can hide the text by simply padding it out with spaces so that it isn't displayed in the visible part of cell:

                              This is a sort-of hidden comment!,
John, Doe, 24

Note that you need to follow the comment text with a comma so that Excel fills the following cell and thus hides any part of the text that doesn't fit in the cell.

Nasty hacks, which will only work with Excel, but they may suffice to make your output look a little bit tidier after importing.

How to git-svn clone the last n revisions from a Subversion repository?

You've already discovered the simplest way to specify a shallow clone in Git-SVN, by specifying the SVN revision number that you want to start your clone at ( -r$REV:HEAD).

For example: git svn clone -s -r1450:HEAD some/svn/repo

Git's data structure is based on pointers in a directed acyclic graph (DAG), which makes it trivial to walk back n commits. But in SVN ( and therefore in Git-SVN) you will have to find the revision number yourself.

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration Facebook application error

Under Basic settings:

  1. Add the platform - Mine was web.
  2. Supply the site URL - mind the http or https.
  3. You can also supply the mobile site URL if you have any - remember to mind the http or https here as well.
  4. Save the changes.

Then hit the advanced tab and scroll down to locate Valid OAuth redirect URIs its right below Client Token.

  1. Supply the redirection URL - The URL to redirect to after the login.
  2. Save the changes.

Then get back to your website or web page and refresh.

How to recover closed output window in netbeans?

If you run the server in normal mode you can recover the log by restarting the main project in debug mode. It seems that NB opens a new server log when the server run mode changes.

How to set a value to a file input in HTML?

As everyone else here has stated: You cannot upload just any file automatically with JavaScript.

HOWEVER! If you have access to the information you want to send in your code (i.e., not C:\passwords.txt), then you can upload it as a blob-type, and then treat it as a file.

What the server will end up seeing will be indistinguishable from someone actually setting the value of <input type="file" />. The trick, ultimately, is to begin a new XMLHttpRequest() with the server...

function uploadFile (data) {
        // define data and connections
    var blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data)]);
    var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', 'myForm.php', true);
        // define new form
    var formData = new FormData();
    formData.append('someUploadIdentifier', blob, 'someFileName.json');
        // action after uploading happens
    xhr.onload = function(e) {
        console.log("File uploading completed!");
        // do the uploading
    console.log("File uploading started!");

    // This data/text below is local to the JS script, so we are allowed to send it!
uploadFile({'hello!':'how are you?'});

So, what could you possibly use this for? I use it for uploading HTML5 canvas elements as jpg's. This saves the user the trouble of having to open a file input element, only to select the local, cached image that they just resized, modified, etc.. But it should work for any file type.

sizing div based on window width

Live Demo

Here is an actual implementation of what you described. I rewrote your code a bit using the latest best practices to actualize is. If you resize your browser windows under 1000px, the image's left and right side will be cropped using negative margins and it will be 300px narrower.

   .container {
      position: relative;
      width: 100%;

   .bg {
      z-index: 1;
      height: 100%;
      min-width: 1000px;
      max-width: 1500px;
      margin: 0 auto;

   .nebula {
      width: 100%;

   @media screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
      .nebula {
         width: 100%;
         overflow: hidden;
         margin: 0 -150px 0 -150px;

<div class="container">
   <div class="bg">
      <img src="" class="nebula">

"No rule to make target 'install'"... But Makefile exists

I also came across the same error. Here is the fix: If you are using Cmake-GUI:

  1. Clean the cache of the loaded libraries in Cmake-GUI File menu.
  2. Configure the libraries.
  3. Generate the Unix file.

If you missed the 3rd step:

*** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.

error will occur.

How to use Angular2 templates with *ngFor to create a table out of nested arrays?

   <tbody  *ngFor="let defect of items">            
            <td>{{defect.param5}} </td>
            <td> <strong> Notes:</strong></td>
            <td colspan="6"> {{defect.param8}}
            </td>`enter code here`

Curly braces in string in PHP

This is the complex (curly) syntax for string interpolation. From the manual:

Complex (curly) syntax

This isn't called complex because the syntax is complex, but because it allows for the use of complex expressions.

Any scalar variable, array element or object property with a string representation can be included via this syntax. Simply write the expression the same way as it would appear outside the string, and then wrap it in { and }. Since { can not be escaped, this syntax will only be recognised when the $ immediately follows the {. Use {\$ to get a literal {$. Some examples to make it clear:

// Show all errors

$great = 'fantastic';

// Won't work, outputs: This is { fantastic}
echo "This is { $great}";

// Works, outputs: This is fantastic
echo "This is {$great}";
echo "This is ${great}";

// Works
echo "This square is {$square->width}00 centimeters broad."; 

// Works, quoted keys only work using the curly brace syntax
echo "This works: {$arr['key']}";

// Works
echo "This works: {$arr[4][3]}";

// This is wrong for the same reason as $foo[bar] is wrong  outside a string.
// In other words, it will still work, but only because PHP first looks for a
// constant named foo; an error of level E_NOTICE (undefined constant) will be
// thrown.
echo "This is wrong: {$arr[foo][3]}"; 

// Works. When using multi-dimensional arrays, always use braces around arrays
// when inside of strings
echo "This works: {$arr['foo'][3]}";

// Works.
echo "This works: " . $arr['foo'][3];

echo "This works too: {$obj->values[3]->name}";

echo "This is the value of the var named $name: {${$name}}";

echo "This is the value of the var named by the return value of getName(): {${getName()}}";

echo "This is the value of the var named by the return value of \$object->getName(): {${$object->getName()}}";

// Won't work, outputs: This is the return value of getName(): {getName()}
echo "This is the return value of getName(): {getName()}";

Often, this syntax is unnecessary. For example, this:

$a = 'abcd';
$out = "$a $a"; // "abcd abcd";

behaves exactly the same as this:

$out = "{$a} {$a}"; // same

So the curly braces are unnecessary. But this:

$out = "$aefgh";

will, depending on your error level, either not work or produce an error because there's no variable named $aefgh, so you need to do:

$out = "${a}efgh"; // or
$out = "{$a}efgh";

A beginner's guide to SQL database design

Experience counts for a lot, but in terms of table design you can learn a lot from how ORMs like Hibernate and Grails operate to see why they do things. In addition:

  1. Keep different types of data separate - don't store addresses in your order table, link to an address in a separate addresses table, for example.

  2. I personally like having an integer or long surrogate key on each table (that holds data, not those that link different tables together, e,g., m:n relationships) that is the primary key.

  3. I also like having a created and modified timestamp column.

  4. Ensure that every column that you do "where column = val" in any query has an index. Maybe not the most perfect index in the world for the data type, but at least an index.

  5. Set up your foreign keys. Also set up ON DELETE and ON MODIFY rules where relevant, to either cascade or set null, depending on your object structure (so you only need to delete once at the 'head' of your object tree, and all that object's sub-objects get removed automatically).

  6. If you want to modularise your code, you might want to modularise your DB schema - e.g., this is the "customers" area, this is the "orders" area, and this is the "products" area, and use join/link tables between them, even if they're 1:n relations, and maybe duplicate the important information (i.e., duplicate the product name, code, price into your order_details table). Read up on normalisation.

  7. Someone else will recommend exactly the opposite for some or all of the above :p - never one true way to do some things eh!

What are the differences between a program and an application?

My understanding is this:

  • A computer program is a set of instructions that can be executed on a computer.
  • An application is software that directly helps a user perform tasks.
  • The two intersect, but are not synonymous. A program with a user-interface is an application, but many programs are not applications.

Should composer.lock be committed to version control?

You then commit the composer.json to your project and everyone else on your team can run composer install to install your project dependencies.

The point of the lock file is to record the exact versions that are installed so they can be re-installed. This means that if you have a version spec of 1.* and your co-worker runs composer update which installs 1.2.4, and then commits the composer.lock file, when you composer install, you will also get 1.2.4, even if 1.3.0 has been released. This ensures everybody working on the project has the same exact version.

This means that if anything has been committed since the last time a composer install was done, then, without a lock file, you will get new third-party code being pulled down.

Again, this is a problem if you’re concerned about your code breaking. And it’s one of the reasons why it’s important to think about Composer as being centered around the composer.lock file.

Source: Composer: It’s All About the Lock File.

Commit your application's composer.lock (along with composer.json) into version control. This is important because the install command checks if a lock file is present, and if it is, it downloads the versions specified there (regardless of what composer.json says). This means that anyone who sets up the project will download the exact same version of the dependencies. Your CI server, production machines, other developers in your team, everything and everyone runs on the same dependencies, which mitigates the potential for bugs affecting only some parts of the deployments. Even if you develop alone, in six months when reinstalling the project you can feel confident the dependencies installed are still working even if your dependencies released many new versions since then.

Source: Composer - Basic Usage.

WCF change endpoint address at runtime

We store our URLs in a database and load them at runtime.

public class ServiceClientFactory<TChannel> : ClientBase<TChannel> where TChannel : class
    public TChannel Create(string url)
        this.Endpoint.Address = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(url));
        return this.Channel;


var client = new ServiceClientFactory<yourServiceChannelInterface>().Create(newUrl);

Where does gcc look for C and C++ header files?

You can create a file that attempts to include a bogus system header. If you run gcc in verbose mode on such a source, it will list all the system include locations as it looks for the bogus header.

$ echo "#include <bogus.h>" > t.c; gcc -v t.c; rm t.c


#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
 /System/Library/Frameworks (framework directory)
 /Library/Frameworks (framework directory)
End of search list.


t.c:1:32: error: bogus.h: No such file or directory

Adding system header search path to Xcode

Follow up to Eonil's answer related to project level settings. With the target selected and the Build Settings tab selected, there may be no listing under Search Paths for Header Search Paths. In this case, you can change to "All" from "Basic" in the search bar and Header Search Paths will show up in the Search Paths section.

"SetPropertiesRule" warning message when starting Tomcat from Eclipse

I respect all the solutions given here.

But what I came to know after reading all these, we haven't observed that on which folder the struts.xml file or any configuration file which is necessary for the web application.


  1. copy the struts.xml file to the src folder of our project.
  2. click "file-->save all" in eclipse and go click "project-->clean".
  3. restart the server.

Hope the problem solved.

Change bootstrap navbar collapse breakpoint without using LESS

This is the working code for me. (Also the dropdown navbar links works)

@media (max-width: 1199px) {
  .navbar-nav {
    margin: 7.5px -15px;
  .ul-links {
    display: block;
  .navbar-nav>li>a {
    padding-top: 10px;
    padding-bottom: 10px;
    line-height: 20px;
  .navbar-header {
      float: none;
  .navbar-left,.navbar-right {
      float: none !important;
  .navbar-toggle {
      display: block;

  .navbar-collapse.collapse {
      display: none!important;
      max-height: none;
  .navbar-nav {
      float: none!important; 
  .navbar-nav>li {
      float: none;
      display:block !important;
 .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu {
     position: static;
     float: none;
     width: auto;
     margin-top: 0;
     background-color: transparent;
     border: 0;
     -webkit-box-shadow: none;
     box-shadow: none;

Catch error if iframe src fails to load . Error :-"Refused to display '' in a frame.."

As explained in the accepted answer,, you need to check via a server.

Because there's no reliable way to check this in the browser, I suggest you build yourself a quick server endpoint that you can use to check if any url is loadable via iframe. Once your server is up and running, just send a AJAX request to it to check any url by providing the url in the query string as url (or whatever your server desires). Here's the server code in NodeJs:

const express = require('express')_x000D_
const app = express()_x000D_
app.get('/checkCanLoadIframeUrl', (req, res) => {_x000D_
  const request = require('request')_x000D_
  const Q = require('q')_x000D_
  return Q.Promise((resolve) => {_x000D_
    const url = decodeURIComponent(req.query.url)_x000D_
    const deafultTimeout = setTimeout(() => {_x000D_
      // Default to false if no response after 10 seconds_x000D_
    }, 10000)_x000D_
        jar: true /** Maintain cookies through redirects */_x000D_
      .on('response', (remoteRes) => {_x000D_
        const opts = (remoteRes.headers['x-frame-options'] || '').toLowerCase()_x000D_
        resolve(!opts || (opts !== 'deny' && opts !== 'sameorigin'))_x000D_
      .on('error', function() {_x000D_
  }).then((result) => {_x000D_
    return res.status(200).json(!!result)_x000D_
app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3100)

jQuery: Check if div with certain class name exists

You can use size(), but jQuery recommends you use length to avoid the overhead of another function call:



// since length is zero, it evaluates to false
if ($('div.mydivclass').length) {


The selected answer uses a perf test, but it's slightly flawed since it is also including element selection as part of the perf, which is not what's being tested here. Here is an updated perf test:

My first run of the test shows that property retrieval is faster than index retrieval, although IMO it's pretty negligible. I still prefer using length as to me it makes more sense as to the intent of the code instead of a more terse condition.

How to copy file from one location to another location?




Overwriting Existing Files: Files.move()


Files.walkFileTree() enter link description here

How do you make a div tag into a link

You could use Javascript to achieve this effect. If you use a framework this sort of thing becomes quite simple. Here is an example in jQuery:

$('div#id').click(function (e) {
  // Do whatever you want

This solution has the distinct advantage of keeping the logic not in your markup.

How to store NULL values in datetime fields in MySQL?

I had this problem on windows.

This is the solution:

To pass '' for NULL you should disable STRICT_MODE (which is enabled by default on Windows installations)

BTW It's funny to pass '' for NULL. I don't know why they let this kind of behavior.

Accessing elements by type in javascript

The sizzle selector engine (what powers JQuery) is perfectly geared up for this:

var elements = $('input[type=text]');


var elements = $('input:text');

How to execute a command prompt command from python

Using ' and " at the same time works great for me (Windows 10, python 3)

import os
os.system('"some cmd command here"')

for example to open my web browser I can use this:

os.system('"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"')

(Edit) for an easier way to open your browser I can use this:

import webbrowser'website or leave it alone if you only want to open the 

No more data to read from socket error

We were facing same problem, we resolved it by increasing initialSize and maxActive size of connection pool.

You can check this link

Maybe this helps someone.

Entity Framework Query for inner join

You could use a navigation property if its available. It produces an inner join in the SQL.

from s in db.Services
where s.ServiceAssignment.LocationId == 1
select s

Continuous Integration vs. Continuous Delivery vs. Continuous Deployment


What is Continuous Integration Continuous Integration is a process or a development practice of automated build and automated test i.e. A developer is required to commit his code multiple times into a shared repository where each integration is verified by automated build and test.

If the build fails/success it is notified to a developer and then he can take relevant actions.

What is Continuous Delivery Continuous Delivery is the practise where we keep our code deployable at any point which has passed all the test and has all the required configuration to push the code to production but hasn’t been deployed yet.

What is Continuous Deployment With the help of CI we have created s build for our application and is ready to push to production. In this step our build is ready and with CD we can deploy our application directly to QA environment and if everything goes well we can deploy the same build to production.

So basically, Continuous deployment is one step further than continuous delivery. With this practice, every change which passes all stages of your production pipeline is released to your customers.

Continuous Deployment is a combination of Configuration Management and Containerization.

Configuration Management: CM is all about maintaining the configuration of server which will be compatible to application requirement.

Containerization: Containerization is a set of tolls which will maintain consistency across the environment.

Img source:

Img source:

Exception : mockito wanted but not invoked, Actually there were zero interactions with this mock

Your class MyClass creates a new MyClassToBeTested, instead of using your mock. My article on the Mockito wiki describes two ways of dealing with this.

How to list the tables in a SQLite database file that was opened with ATTACH?

To list the tables you can also do:

SELECT name FROM sqlite_master
WHERE type='table';

How to change fonts in matplotlib (python)?

The Helvetica font does not come included with Windows, so to use it you must download it as a .ttf file. Then you can refer matplotlib to it like this (replace "crm10.ttf" with your file):

import os
from matplotlib import font_manager as fm, rcParams
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

fpath = os.path.join(rcParams["datapath"], "fonts/ttf/cmr10.ttf")
prop = fm.FontProperties(fname=fpath)
fname = os.path.split(fpath)[1]
ax.set_title('This is a special font: {}'.format(fname), fontproperties=prop)
ax.set_xlabel('This is the default font')

print(fpath) will show you where you should put the .ttf.

You can see the output here:

Android Left to Right slide animation

If you want the transition work for whole application you can create a rootacivity and inherit it in the activity you need. In Root Activity's onCreate call overridePendingTransition with desired direction. And onStart call overridePendingTransition with other direction if activity is resumed. Here I am giving full running code below.Correct me if I am wrong.

create this xml file on your anim folder


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="" >
        android:toXDelta="0%" >


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="" >
        android:toXDelta="0%" >


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="" >
        android:toXDelta="-100%" >


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="" >
        android:toXDelta="100%" >


import android.os.Bundle;

public class RootActivity extends Activity {
    int onStartCount = 0;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        onStartCount = 1;
        if (savedInstanceState == null) // 1st time
        } else // already created so reverse animation
            onStartCount = 2;

    protected void onStart() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        if (onStartCount > 1) {

        } else if (onStartCount == 1) {




import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class FirstActivity extends RootActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;
        tv.setText("First Activity");
        Button bt = (Button) findViewById(;
        bt.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                Intent i = new Intent(FirstActivity.this, SecondActivity.class);




import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class SecondActivity extends RootActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;
        tv.setText("Second Activity");
        Button bt = (Button) findViewById(;
        bt.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                Intent i = new Intent(SecondActivity.this, ThirdActivity.class);





import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class ThirdActivity extends RootActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;
        tv.setText("Third Activity");
        Button bt = (Button) findViewById(;
        bt.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {



and finally Manifest

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
    android:versionName="1.0" >

        android:targetSdkVersion="18" />

        android:theme="@style/AppTheme" >
            android:label="@string/app_name" >
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
            android:label="@string/app_name" >
            android:label="@string/app_name" >


How can I open multiple files using "with open" in Python?

As of Python 2.7 (or 3.1 respectively) you can write

with open('a', 'w') as a, open('b', 'w') as b:

In earlier versions of Python, you can sometimes use contextlib.nested() to nest context managers. This won't work as expected for opening multiples files, though -- see the linked documentation for details.

In the rare case that you want to open a variable number of files all at the same time, you can use contextlib.ExitStack, starting from Python version 3.3:

with ExitStack() as stack:
    files = [stack.enter_context(open(fname)) for fname in filenames]
    # Do something with "files"

Most of the time you have a variable set of files, you likely want to open them one after the other, though.

hadoop No FileSystem for scheme: file

Assuming that you are using mvn and cloudera distribution of hadoop. I'm using cdh4.6 and adding these dependencies worked for me.I think you should check the versions of hadoop and mvn dependencies.




don't forget to add cloudera mvn repository.


How to use target in location.href

If you are using an <a/> to trigger the report, you can try this approach. Instead of attempting to spawn a new window when fails, make the default scenario to open a new window via target (and prevent it if succeeds).


<a href="http://my/url" target="_blank" id="myLink">Link</a>


var spawn = function (e) {
    try {, "","width=1002,height=700,location=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=0")
        e.preventDefault(); // Or: return false;
    } catch(e) {
    // Allow the default event handler to take place

document.getElementById("myLink").onclick = spawn;