[python] Python, Unicode, and the Windows console

Like Giampaolo RodolĂ 's answer, but even more dirty: I really, really intend to spend a long time (soon) understanding the whole subject of encodings and how they apply to Windoze consoles,

For the moment I just wanted sthg which would mean my program would NOT CRASH, and which I understood ... and also which didn't involve importing too many exotic modules (in particular I'm using Jython, so half the time a Python module turns out not in fact to be available).

def pr(s):
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
        for c in s:
                print( c, end='')
            except UnicodeEncodeError:
                print( '?', end='')

NB "pr" is shorter to type than "print" (and quite a bit shorter to type than "safeprint")...!