Subversion is very easy to use. I have never found in the last years a problem or that something doesn't work as expected. Also there are many excellent GUI tools and the support for SVN integration is big.
With Git you get a more flexible VCS. You can use it the same way like SVN with a remote repository where you commit all changes. But you can also use it mostly offline and only push the changes from time to time to the remote repository. But Git is more complex and has a steeper learning curve. I found myself in the first time committing to wrong branches, creating branches indirectly or get error messages with not much informations about the mistake and where I must search with Google to get better informations. Some easy things like substitution of markers ($Id$) doesn't work but GIT has a very flexible filtering and hook mechanism to merge own scripts and so you get all things you need and more but it needs more time and reading of the documentation ;)
If you work mostly offline with your local repository you have no backup if something is lost on your local machine. With SVN you are mostly working with a remote repository which is also the same time your backup on another server... Git can work in the same way but this was not the main goal of Linus to have something like SVN2. It was designed for the Linux kernel developers and the needs of a distributed version control system.
Is Git better then SVN? Developers which needs only some version history and a backup mechanism have a good and easy life with SVN. Developers working often with branches, testing more versions at the same time or working mostly offline can benefit from the features of Git. There are some very useful features like stashing not found with SVN which can make the life easier. But on the other side not all people will need all features. So I cannot see the dead of SVN.
Git needs some better documentation and the error reporting must be more helpful. Also the existing useful GUIs are only rarely. This time I have only found 1 GUI for Linux with support of most Git features (git-cola). Eclipse integration is working but its not official released and there is no official update site (only some external update site with periodical builds from the trunk So the most preferred way to use Git this days is the command line.