Programs & Examples On #Spinlock

When should one use a spinlock instead of mutex?

Spinlock and Mutex synchronization mechanisms are very common today to be seen.

Let's think about Spinlock first.

Basically it is a busy waiting action, which means that we have to wait for a specified lock is released before we can proceed with the next action. Conceptually very simple, while implementing it is not on the case. For example: If the lock has not been released then the thread was swap-out and get into the sleep state, should do we deal with it? How to deal with synchronization locks when two threads simultaneously request access ?

Generally, the most intuitive idea is dealing with synchronization via a variable to protect the critical section. The concept of Mutex is similar, but they are still different. Focus on: CPU utilization. Spinlock consumes CPU time to wait for do the action, and therefore, we can sum up the difference between the two:

In homogeneous multi-core environments, if the time spend on critical section is small than use Spinlock, because we can reduce the context switch time. (Single-core comparison is not important, because some systems implementation Spinlock in the middle of the switch)

In Windows, using Spinlock will upgrade the thread to DISPATCH_LEVEL, which in some cases may be not allowed, so this time we had to use a Mutex (APC_LEVEL).

"Cannot allocate an object of abstract type" error

You must have some virtual function declared in one of the parent classes and never implemented in any of the child classes. Make sure that all virtual functions are implemented somewhere in the inheritence chain. If a class's definition includes a pure virtual function that is never implemented, an instance of that class cannot ever be constructed.

.war vs .ear file

war - web archive. It is used to deploy web applications according to the servlet standard. It is a jar file containing a special directory called WEB-INF and several files and directories inside it (web.xml, lib, classes) as well as all the HTML, JSP, images, CSS, JavaScript and other resources of the web application

ear - enterprise archive. It is used to deploy enterprise application containing EJBs, web applications, and 3rd party libraries. It is also a jar file, it has a special directory called APP-INF that contains the application.xml file, and it contains jar and war files.

How to create streams from string in Node.Js?

Another solution is passing the read function to the constructor of Readable (cf doc stream readeable options)

var s = new Readable({read(size) {
    this.push("your string here")

you can after use s.pipe for exemple

How to update two tables in one statement in SQL Server 2005?

You can write update statement for one table and then a trigger on first table update, which update second table

IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection

In my case, I needed to specify a viahost and viauser. Worth trying if you're in a complex system. :)

How to access global variables

I create a file dif.go that contains your code:

package dif

import (

var StartTime = time.Now()

Outside the folder I create my main.go, it is ok!

package main

import (
    dif "./dif"

func main() {


2016-01-27 21:56:47.729019925 +0800 CST

Files directory structure:


It works!

Rails and PostgreSQL: Role postgres does not exist

After a bunch of installing and uninstalling of Postgres, here's what now seems to work consistently for me with Os X Mavericks, Rails 4 and Ruby 2.

  1. In the database.yml file, I change the default usernames to my computer's username which for me is just "admin".

  2. In the command line I run rake db:create:all

  3. Then I run rake db:migrate

  4. When I run the rails server and check the local host it says "Welcome aboard".

Create an Android GPS tracking application

Basically you need following things to make location detector android app

Now if you write each of these module yourself then it needs much time and efforts. So it would be better to use ready resources that are being maintained already.

Using all these resources, you will be able to create an flawless android location detection app.

1. Location Listening

You will first need to listen for current location of user. You can use any of below libraries to quick start.

Google Play Location Samples

This library provide last known location, location updates

Location Manager

With this library you just need to provide a Configuration object with your requirements, and you will receive a location or a fail reason with all the stuff are described above handled.

Live Location Sharing

Use this open source repo of the Hypertrack Live app to build live location sharing experience within your app within a few hours. HyperTrack Live app helps you share your Live Location with friends and family through your favorite messaging app when you are on the way to meet up. HyperTrack Live uses HyperTrack APIs and SDKs.

2. Markers Library

Google Maps Android API utility library

  • Marker clustering — handles the display of a large number of points
  • Heat maps — display a large number of points as a heat map
  • IconGenerator — display text on your Markers
  • Poly decoding and encoding — compact encoding for paths, interoperability with Maps API web services
  • Spherical geometry — for example: computeDistance, computeHeading, computeArea
  • KML — displays KML data
  • GeoJSON — displays and styles GeoJSON data

3. Polyline Libraries


If you want to add route maps feature in your apps you can use DrawRouteMaps to make you work more easier. This is lib will help you to draw route maps between two point LatLng.


Simple, smooth animation for route / polylines on google maps using projections. (WIP)


This project allows you to calculate the direction between two locations and display the route on a Google Map using the Google Directions API.

A map demo app for quick start with maps

"SMTP Error: Could not authenticate" in PHPMailer

  1. first go to
  2. Select Security tab
  3. Scroll down and select 'Less secure app access'
  4. Turn on access

This will solve my “SMTP Error: Could not authenticate” in PHPMailer error.

Implementation difference between Aggregation and Composition in Java

Aggregation vs Composition

Aggregation implies a relationship where the child can exist independently of the parent. For example, Bank and Employee, delete the Bank and the Employee still exist.

whereas Composition implies a relationship where the child cannot exist independent of the parent. Example: Human and heart, heart don’t exist separate to a Human.

Aggregation relation is “has-a” and composition is “part-of” relation.

Composition is a strong Association whereas Aggregation is a weak Association.

Get query string parameters url values with jQuery / Javascript (querystring)

Building on @Rob Neild's answer above, here is a pure JS adaptation that returns a simple object of decoded query string params (no %20's, etc).

function parseQueryString () {
  var parsedParameters = {},
    uriParameters ='&');

  for (var i = 0; i < uriParameters.length; i++) {
    var parameter = uriParameters[i].split('=');
    parsedParameters[parameter[0]] = decodeURIComponent(parameter[1]);

  return parsedParameters;

How to specify Memory & CPU limit in docker compose version 3

I know the topic is a bit old and seems stale, but anyway I was able to use these options:

          cpus: '0.001'
          memory: 50M

when using 3.7 version of docker-compose

What helped in my case, was using this command:

docker-compose --compatibility up

--compatibility flag stands for (taken from the documentation):

If set, Compose will attempt to convert deploy keys in v3 files to their non-Swarm equivalent

Think it's great, that I don't have to revert my docker-compose file back to v2.

Changing the sign of a number in PHP?

I think Gumbo's answer is just fine. Some people prefer this fancy expression that does the same thing:

$int = (($int > 0) ? -$int : $int);

EDIT: Apparently you are looking for a function that will make negatives positive as well. I think these answers are the simplest:

/* I am not proposing you actually use functions called
   "makeNegative" and "makePositive"; I am just presenting
   the most direct solution in the form of two clearly named
   functions. */
function makeNegative($num) { return -abs($num); }
function makePositive($num) { return abs($num); }

Android studio - Failed to find target android-18

I solved the problem by changing the compileSdkVersion in the file from 18 to 17.

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''
apply plugin: 'android'

repositories {

android {
    compileSdkVersion 17
    buildToolsVersion "17.0.0"

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 10
        targetSdkVersion 18

dependencies {
    compile ''

File.Move Does Not Work - File Already Exists

If file really exists and you want to replace it use below code:

string file = "c:\test\SomeFile.txt"
string moveTo = "c:\test\test\SomeFile.txt"

if (File.Exists(moveTo))

File.Move(file, moveTo);


REST is tightly coupled with HTTP, so if you only expose your API over HTTP then REST is more appropriate for most (but not all) situations. However, if you need to expose your API over other transports like messaging or web sockets then REST is just not applicable.

Conditional WHERE clause with CASE statement in Oracle

You can write the where clause as:

where (case when (:stateCode = '') then (1)
            when (:stateCode != '') and (vw.state_cd in (:stateCode)) then 1
            else 0)
       end) = 1;

Alternatively, remove the case entirely:

where (:stateCode = '') or
      ((:stateCode != '') and vw.state_cd in (:stateCode));

Or, even better:

where (:stateCode = '') or vw.state_cd in (:stateCode)

How to make a JFrame Modal in Swing java

As others mentioned, you could use JDialog. If you don't have access to the parent frame or you want to freeze the hole application just pass null as a parent:

final JDialog frame = new JDialog((JFrame)null, frameTitle, true); frame.setModal(true);

How would you make a comma-separated string from a list of strings?

Here is a alternative solution in Python 3.0 which allows non-string list items:

>>> alist = ['a', 1, (2, 'b')]
  • a standard way

    >>> ", ".join(map(str, alist))
    "a, 1, (2, 'b')"
  • the alternative solution

    >>> import io
    >>> s = io.StringIO()
    >>> print(*alist, file=s, sep=', ', end='')
    >>> s.getvalue()
    "a, 1, (2, 'b')"

NOTE: The space after comma is intentional.

How to create a String with carriage returns?

Try \r\n where \r is carriage return. Also ensure that your output do not have new line, because debugger can show you special characters in form of \n, \r, \t etc.

How to calculate rolling / moving average using NumPy / SciPy?

for i in range(len(Data)):
    Data[i, 1] = Data[i-lookback:i, 0].sum() / lookback

Try this piece of code. I think it's simpler and does the job. lookback is the window of the moving average.

In the Data[i-lookback:i, 0].sum() I have put 0 to refer to the first column of the dataset but you can put any column you like in case you have more than one column.

Get user profile picture by Id

You can use AngularJs for this, Its two -way data binding feature will get solution with minimum effort and less code.

<div> <input type="text" name="" ng-model="fbid"><br/> <img src="{{fbid}}/picture?type=normal"> </div>

I hope this answers your query.Note: You can use other library as well.

How can I create download link in HTML?

In addition (or in replacement) to the HTML5's <a download attribute already mentioned,
the browser's download to disk behavior can also be triggered by the following http response header:

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=ProposedFileName.txt;

This was the way to do before HTML5 (and still works with browsers supporting HTML5).

How to a convert a date to a number and back again in MATLAB


>> datestr(40189)
ans =

Unfortunately, Excel starts counting at 1-Jan-1900. Find out how to convert serial dates from Matlab to Excel by using DATENUM

>> datenum(2010,1,11)
ans =
>> datenum(2010,1,11)-40189
ans =
>> datestr(40189+693960)
ans =

In other words, to convert any serial Excel date, call

datestr(excelSerialDate + 693960)


To get the date in mm/dd/yyyy format, call datestr with the specified format

excelSerialDate = 40189;
datestr(excelSerialDate + 693960,'mm/dd/yyyy')
ans =

Also, if you want to get rid of the leading zero for the month, you can use REGEXPREP to fix things

excelSerialDate = 40189;
regexprep(datestr(excelSerialDate + 693960,'mm/dd/yyyy'),'^0','')
ans =

Oracle: How to filter by date and time in a where clause


To_Date ('12-Jan-2012 16:00', 'DD-MON-YYYY hh24:mi' )

How to compare two double values in Java?

Just use method to compare double values.,d2) == 0)

double d1 = 0.0;
double d2 = 0.0;

System.out.println(,d2) == 0))  // true

How do I install cygwin components from the command line?

There is no tool specifically in the 'setup.exe' installer that offers the functionality of apt-get. There is, however, a command-line package installer for Cygwin that can be downloaded separately, but it is not entirely stable and relies on workarounds.


Check out the issues tab for the project to see the known problems.

Disabling browser print options (headers, footers, margins) from page?

As @Awe had said above, this is the solution, that is confirmed to work in Chrome!!

Just make sure this is INSIDE the head tags:

<style media="print">
        size: auto;   /* auto is the initial value */
        margin: 0mm;  /* this affects the margin in the printer settings */

        border: solid 1px black ;
        margin: 0px;  /* this affects the margin on the content before sending to printer */

YouTube iframe API: how do I control an iframe player that's already in the HTML?

Thank you Rob W for your answer.

I have been using this within a Cordova application to avoid having to load the API and so that I can easily control iframes which are loaded dynamically.

I always wanted the ability to be able to extract information from the iframe, such as the state (getPlayerState) and the time (getCurrentTime).

Rob W helped highlight how the API works using postMessage, but of course this only sends information in one direction, from our web page into the iframe. Accessing the getters requires us to listen for messages posted back to us from the iframe.

It took me some time to figure out how to tweak Rob W's answer to activate and listen to the messages returned by the iframe. I basically searched through the source code within the YouTube iframe until I found the code responsible for sending and receiving messages.

The key was changing the 'event' to 'listening', this basically gave access to all the methods which were designed to return values.

Below is my solution, please note that I have switched to 'listening' only when getters are requested, you can tweak the condition to include extra methods.

Note further that you can view all messages sent from the iframe by adding a console.log(e) to the window.onmessage. You will notice that once listening is activated you will receive constant updates which include the current time of the video. Calling getters such as getPlayerState will activate these constant updates but will only send a message involving the video state when the state has changed.

function callPlayer(iframe, func, args) {
    var event = "command";
        event = "listening";

    if ( iframe&&iframe.src.indexOf('') !== -1) {
      iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( JSON.stringify({
          'event': event,
          'func': func,
          'args': args || []
      }), '*');
window.onmessage = function(e){
    var data = JSON.parse(;
    data =;
        console.log("The current time is "+data.currentTime);
        console.log("The player state is "+data.playerState);

How to change default JRE for all Eclipse workspaces?

I ran into a similar issue where eclipse was not using my current %JAVA_HOME% that was on the path and was instead using an older version. The documentation points out that if no -vm is specified in the ini file, eclipse will search for a shared library jvm.dll This appears in the registry under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment that gets installed when using the windows java installer (key might be a bit different based on 64-bit vs 32-bit, but search for jvm.dll). Because it was finding this shared library on my path before the %JAVA_HOME%/bin, it was using the old version.

Like others have stated, the easiest way to deal with this is to specify the specific vm you want to use in the eclipse.ini file. I'm writing this because I couldn't figure out how it was still using the old version when it wasn't specified anywhere on the path or eclipse.ini file.

See link to doc below:

Finding a VM and using the JNI Invocation API

The Eclipse launcher is capable of loading the Java VM in the eclipse process using the Java Native Interface Invocation API. The launcher is still capable of starting the Java VM in a separate process the same as previous version of Eclipse did. Which method is used depends on how the VM was found.

No -vm specified

When no -vm is specified, the launcher looks for a virtual machine first in a jre directory in the root of eclipse and then on the search path. If java is found in either location, then the launcher looks for a jvm shared library (jvm.dll on Windows, on *nix platforms) relative to that java executable.

  • If a jvm shared library is found the launcher loads it and uses the JNI invocation API to start the vm.
  • If no jvm shared library is found, the launcher executes the java launcher to start the vm in a new process.

-vm specified on the command line or in eclipse.ini

Eclipse can be started with "-vm " to indicate a virtual machine to use. There are several possibilities for the value of :

  • directory: is a directory. We look in that directory for:
    • (1) a java launcher or
    • (2) the jvm shared library.

If we find the jvm shared library, we use JNI invocation. If we find a launcher, we attempt to find a jvm library in known locations relative to the launcher. If we find one, we use JNI invocation. If no jvm library is found, we exec java in a new process.

  • java.exe/javaw.exe: is a path to a java launcher. We exec that java launcher to start the vm in a new process.

  • jvm dll or so: is a path to a jvm shared library. We attempt to load that library and use the JNI Invocation API to start the vm in the current process.

Find all stored procedures that reference a specific column in some table

try this..

FROM sys.procedures

or you can generate a scripts of all procedures and search from there.

Finding rows containing a value (or values) in any column

If you want to find the rows that have any of the values in a vector, one option is to loop the vector (lapply(v1,..)), create a logical index of (TRUE/FALSE) with (==). Use Reduce and OR (|) to reduce the list to a single logical matrix by checking the corresponding elements. Sum the rows (rowSums), double negate (!!) to get the rows with any matches.

indx1 <- !!rowSums(Reduce(`|`, lapply(v1, `==`, df)), na.rm=TRUE)

Or vectorise and get the row indices with which with arr.ind=TRUE

indx2 <- unique(which(Vectorize(function(x) x %in% v1)(df),


I didn't use @kristang's solution as it is giving me errors. Based on a 1000x500 matrix, @konvas's solution is the most efficient (so far). But, this may vary if the number of rows are increased

val <- paste0('M0', 1:1000)
df1 <-, NA), 1000*500, 
  replace=TRUE), ncol=500), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) 
v1 <- sample(val, 200, replace=FALSE)

 konvas <- function() {apply(df1, 1, function(r) any(r %in% v1))}
 akrun1 <- function() {!!rowSums(Reduce(`|`, lapply(v1, `==`, df1)),
 akrun2 <- function() {unique(which(Vectorize(function(x) x %in% 

 microbenchmark(konvas(), akrun1(), akrun2(), unit='relative', times=20L)
 #Unit: relative
 #   expr       min         lq       mean     median         uq      max   neval
 # konvas()   1.00000   1.000000   1.000000   1.000000   1.000000  1.00000    20
 # akrun1() 160.08749 147.642721 125.085200 134.491722 151.454441 52.22737    20
 # akrun2()   5.85611   5.641451   4.676836   5.330067   5.269937  2.22255    20
 # cld
 #  a 
 #  b
 #  a 

For ncol = 10, the results are slighjtly different:

expr       min        lq     mean    median        uq       max    neval
 konvas()  3.116722  3.081584  2.90660  2.983618  2.998343  2.394908    20
 akrun1() 27.587827 26.554422 22.91664 23.628950 21.892466 18.305376    20
 akrun2()  1.000000  1.000000  1.00000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000    20


 v1 <- c('M017', 'M018')
 df <- structure(list(datetime = c("04.10.2009 01:24:51",
"04.10.2009 01:24:53", 
"04.10.2009 01:24:54", "04.10.2009 01:25:06", "04.10.2009 01:25:07", 
"04.10.2009 01:26:07", "04.10.2009 01:26:27", "04.10.2009 01:27:23", 
"04.10.2009 01:27:30", "04.10.2009 01:27:32", "04.10.2009 01:27:34"
), col1 = c("M017", "M018", "M051", "<NA>", "<NA>", "<NA>", "<NA>", 
"<NA>", "<NA>", "M017", "M051"), col2 = c("<NA>", "<NA>", "<NA>", 
"M016", "M015", "M017", "M017", "M017", "M017", "<NA>", "<NA>"
), col3 = c("<NA>", "<NA>", "<NA>", "<NA>", "<NA>", "<NA>", "<NA>", 
"<NA>", "<NA>", "<NA>", "<NA>"), col4 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)), .Names = c("datetime", "col1", "col2", 
"col3", "col4"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", "2", 
"3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11"))

Input widths on Bootstrap 3

If you're looking to simply reduce or increase the width of Bootstrap's input elements to your liking, I would use max-width in the CSS.

Here is a very simple example I created:

    <form style="max-width:500px">

    <div class="form-group"> 
    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="name" placeholder="Name">

    <div class="form-group">
    <input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" placeholder="Email Address">

    <div class="form-group">
    <textarea class="form-control" rows="5" placeholder="Message"></textarea>

    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>

I've set the whole form's maximum width to 500px. This way you won't need to use any of Bootstrap's grid system and it will also keep the form responsive.

How to convert hex to rgb using Java?

For Android Kotlin users:

"#FFF".longARGB()?.let{ Color.parceColor(it) }
"#FFFF".longARGB()?.let{ Color.parceColor(it) }
fun String?.longARGB(): String? {
    if (this == null || !startsWith("#")) return null
    if (length == 7 || length == 9) return this

//    #RGB or #ARGB
    if (length in 4..5) {
        val rgb = "#${this[1]}${this[1]}${this[2]}${this[2]}${this[3]}${this[3]}"
        if (length == 5) {
            return "$rgb${this[4]}${this[4]}"
        return rgb

    return null

How can I String.Format a TimeSpan object with a custom format in .NET?

Here is my version. It shows only as much as necessary, handles pluralization, negatives, and I tried to make it lightweight.

Output Examples

0 seconds
1.404 seconds
1 hour, 14.4 seconds
14 hours, 57 minutes, 22.473 seconds
1 day, 14 hours, 57 minutes, 22.475 seconds


public static class TimeSpanExtensions
    public static string ToReadableString(this TimeSpan timeSpan)
        int days = (int)(timeSpan.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerDay);
        long subDayTicks = timeSpan.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerDay;

        bool isNegative = false;
        if (timeSpan.Ticks < 0L)
            isNegative = true;
            days = -days;
            subDayTicks = -subDayTicks;

        int hours = (int)((subDayTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerHour) % 24L);
        int minutes = (int)((subDayTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute) % 60L);
        int seconds = (int)((subDayTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) % 60L);
        int subSecondTicks = (int)(subDayTicks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);
        double fractionalSeconds = (double)subSecondTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;

        var parts = new List<string>(4);

        if (days > 0)
            parts.Add(string.Format("{0} day{1}", days, days == 1 ? null : "s"));
        if (hours > 0)
            parts.Add(string.Format("{0} hour{1}", hours, hours == 1 ? null : "s"));
        if (minutes > 0)
            parts.Add(string.Format("{0} minute{1}", minutes, minutes == 1 ? null : "s"));
        if (fractionalSeconds.Equals(0D))
            switch (seconds)
                case 0:
                    // Only write "0 seconds" if we haven't written anything at all.
                    if (parts.Count == 0)
                        parts.Add("0 seconds");

                case 1:
                    parts.Add("1 second");

                    parts.Add(seconds + " seconds");
            parts.Add(string.Format("{0}{1:.###} seconds", seconds, fractionalSeconds));

        string resultString = string.Join(", ", parts);
        return isNegative ? "(negative) " + resultString : resultString;

How to use target in location.href

The problem is that some versions of explorer don't support the javascript function

Say what? Can you provide a reference for that statement? With respect, I think you must be mistaken. This works on IE6 and IE9, for instance.

Most modern browsers won't let your code use except in direct response to a user event, in order to keep spam pop-ups and such at bay; perhaps that's what you're thinking of. As long as you only use when responding to a user event, you should be fine using — with all versions of IE.

There is no way to use location to open a new window. Just or, of course, the user clicking a link with target="_blank".

SQL Server - Adding a string to a text column (concat equivalent)

UPDATE test SET a = CONCAT(a, "more text")

Stretch image to fit full container width bootstrap

Here's what worked for me. Note: Adding the image within a row introduces some space so I've intentionally used only a div to encapsulate the image.

<div class="container-fluid w-100 h-auto m-0 p-0">  

    <img src="someimg.jpg" class="img-fluid w-100 h-auto p-0 m-0" alt="Patience">           


Simple dictionary in C++

BASEPAIRS = { "T": "A", "A": "T", "G": "C", "C": "G" } What would you use?


static const char basepairs[] = "ATAGCG";
// lookup:
if (const char* p = strchr(basepairs, c))
    // use p[1]


Converting json results to a date

If that number represents milliseconds, use the Date's constructor :

var myDate = new Date(1238540400000);

How to correctly dismiss a DialogFragment?

There are references to the official docs (DialogFragment Reference) in other answers, but no mention of the example given there:

void showDialog() {

    // will take care of adding the fragment
    // in a transaction.  We also want to remove any currently showing
    // dialog, so make our own transaction and take care of that here.
    FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
    Fragment prev = getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("dialog");
    if (prev != null) {

    // Create and show the dialog.
    DialogFragment newFragment = MyDialogFragment.newInstance(mStackLevel);, "dialog");

This removes any currently shown dialog, creates a new DialogFragment with an argument, and shows it as a new state on the back stack. When the transaction is popped, the current DialogFragment and its Dialog will be destroyed, and the previous one (if any) re-shown. Note that in this case DialogFragment will take care of popping the transaction of the Dialog is dismissed separately from it.

For my needs I changed it to:

FragmentManager manager = getSupportFragmentManager();
Fragment prev = manager.findFragmentByTag(TAG);
if (prev != null) {

MyDialogFragment fragment = new MyDialogFragment();, TAG);

How do I print out the contents of an object in Rails for easy debugging?

I generally first try .inspect, if that doesn't give me what I want, I'll switch to .to_yaml.

class User
  attr_accessor :name, :age

user = = "John Smith"
user.age = 30

puts user.inspect
#=> #<User:0x423270c @name="John Smith", @age=30>
puts user.to_yaml
#=> --- !ruby/object:User
#=> age: 30
#=> name: John Smith

Hope that helps.

What is float in Java?

Make it

float b= 3.6f;

A floating-point literal is of type float if it is suffixed with an ASCII letter F or f; otherwise its type is double and it can optionally be suffixed with an ASCII letter D or d

How to create javascript delay function

You do not need to use an anonymous function with setTimeout. You can do something like this:

setTimeout(doSomething, 3000);

function doSomething() {
   //do whatever you want here

How to send a model in jQuery $.ajax() post request to MVC controller method

The simple answer (in MVC 3 onwards, maybe even 2) is you don't have to do anything special.

As long as your JSON parameters match the model, MVC is smart enough to construct a new object from the parameters you give it. The parameters that aren't there are just defaulted.

For example, the Javascript:

var values = 
    "Name": "Chris",
    "Color": "Green"

    // do stuff;

The model:

public class UserModel
     public string Name { get;set; }
     public string Color { get;set; }
     public IEnumerable<string> Contacts { get;set; }

The controller:

public ActionResult Update(UserModel model)
     // do something with the model

     return Json(new { success = true });

Codeigniter's `where` and `or_where`

You can use : Query grouping allows you to create groups of WHERE clauses by enclosing them in parentheses. This will allow you to create queries with complex WHERE clauses. Nested groups are supported. Example:

                ->where('a', 'a')
                        ->where('b', 'b')
                        ->where('c', 'c')
        ->where('d', 'd')

Jquery bind double click and single click separately


$.click2 = function (elm, o){ = o;
    var DELAY = 700, clicks = 0;
    var timer = null;
    var self = this;

    $(elm).on('click', function(e){
        if(clicks === 1){
            timer = setTimeout(function(){
            }, DELAY);
        } else {
    }).on('dblclick', function(e){


$.click2.defaults = { click: function(e){}, dblclick: function(e){} };

$.fn.click2 = function(o){
    o = $.extend({},$.click2.defaults, o);
    this.each(function(){ new $.click2(this, o); });
    return this;


And finally we use as.

    click : function(e){
        var cid = $(this).data('cid');
        console.log("Click : "+cid);
    dblclick : function(e){
        var cid = $(this).data('cid');
        console.log("Double Click : "+cid);

move_uploaded_file gives "failed to open stream: Permission denied" error

This is because images and tmp_file_upload are only writable by root user. For upload to work we need to make the owner of those folders same as httpd process owner OR make them globally writable (bad practice).

  1. Check apache process owner: $ps aux | grep httpd. The first column will be the owner typically it will be nobody
  2. Change the owner of images and tmp_file_upload to be become nobody or whatever the owner you found in step 1.

    $sudo chown nobody /var/www/html/mysite/images/
    $sudo chown nobody /var/www/html/mysite/tmp_file_upload/
  3. Chmod images and tmp_file_upload now to be writable by the owner, if needed [Seems you already have this in place]. Mentioned in @Dmitry Teplyakov answer.

    $ sudo chmod -R 0755 /var/www/html/mysite/images/
    $ sudo chmod -R 0755 /var/www/html/mysite/tmp_file_upload/
  4. For more details why this behavior happend, check the manual , note that it also talking about open_basedir directive.

Using IF ELSE statement based on Count to execute different Insert statements

IF exists

IF exists (select * from table_1 where col1 = 'value')
    -- one or more
    insert into table_1 (col1) values ('valueB')
    -- zero
    insert into table_1 (col1) values ('value') 

Update Git submodule to latest commit on origin

In your project parent directory, run:

git submodule update --init

Or if you have recursive submodules run:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Sometimes this still doesn't work, because somehow you have local changes in the local submodule directory while the submodule is being updated.

Most of the time the local change might not be the one you want to commit. It can happen due to a file deletion in your submodule, etc. If so, do a reset in your local submodule directory and in your project parent directory, run again:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Check if starting characters of a string are alphabetical in T-SQL

select * from my_table where my_field Like '[a-z][a-z]%'

SQLite: How do I save the result of a query as a CSV file?

Alternatively you can do it in one line (tested in win10)

sqlite3 -help
sqlite3 -header -csv db.sqlite 'select * from tbl1;' > test.csv

Bonus: Using powershell with cmdlet and pipe (|).

get-content query.sql | sqlite3 -header -csv db.sqlite > test.csv

where query.sql is a file containing your SQL query

How to change the color of winform DataGridview header?

dataGridView1.EnableHeadersVisualStyles = false;
dataGridView1.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Blue;

How to len(generator())

The conversion to list that's been suggested in the other answers is the best way if you still want to process the generator elements afterwards, but has one flaw: It uses O(n) memory. You can count the elements in a generator without using that much memory with:

sum(1 for x in generator)

Of course, be aware that this might be slower than len(list(generator)) in common Python implementations, and if the generators are long enough for the memory complexity to matter, the operation would take quite some time. Still, I personally prefer this solution as it describes what I want to get, and it doesn't give me anything extra that's not required (such as a list of all the elements).

Also listen to delnan's advice: If you're discarding the output of the generator it is very likely that there is a way to calculate the number of elements without running it, or by counting them in another manner.

How do I view the SSIS packages in SQL Server Management Studio?

  1. Open SQL server Management Studio.
  2. Go to Connect to Server and select the Server Type as Integration Services and give the Server Name then click connect.
  3. Go to Object Explorer on the left corner.
  4. You can see the Stored Package folder in Object Explorer.
  5. Expand the Stored Package folder, here you can see the SSIS interfaces.

What is the difference between vmalloc and kmalloc?

You only need to worry about using physically contiguous memory if the buffer will be accessed by a DMA device on a physically addressed bus (like PCI). The trouble is that many system calls have no way to know whether their buffer will eventually be passed to a DMA device: once you pass the buffer to another kernel subsystem, you really cannot know where it is going to go. Even if the kernel does not use the buffer for DMA today, a future development might do so.

vmalloc is often slower than kmalloc, because it may have to remap the buffer space into a virtually contiguous range. kmalloc never remaps, though if not called with GFP_ATOMIC kmalloc can block.

kmalloc is limited in the size of buffer it can provide: 128 KBytes*). If you need a really big buffer, you have to use vmalloc or some other mechanism like reserving high memory at boot.

*) This was true of earlier kernels. On recent kernels (I tested this on, max size of a single kmalloc is up to 4 MB! (I wrote a fairly detailed post on this.) — kaiwan

For a system call you don't need to pass GFP_ATOMIC to kmalloc(), you can use GFP_KERNEL. You're not an interrupt handler: the application code enters the kernel context by means of a trap, it is not an interrupt.

String date to xmlgregoriancalendar conversion

Found the solution as below.... posting it as it could help somebody else too :)

DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
Date date = format.parse("2014-04-24 11:15:00");

GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();

XMLGregorianCalendar xmlGregCal =  DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(cal);




Best way to load module/class from lib folder in Rails 3?

There are several reasons you could have problems loading from lib - see here for details -

  • fix autoload path
  • threadsafe related
  • naming relating
  • ...

MySQL Workbench not opening on Windows

In Windows 10 I browsed to *%APPDATA%\MySQL\Workbench* then deleted the workbench_user_data.dat file

Doing so lost my MySqlWorkbence settings but allowed MySqlWorkbence to open.

Split string into array of character strings

split("(?!^)") does not work correctly if the string contains surrogate pairs. You should use split("(?<=.)").

String[] splitted = "?ab".split("(?<=.)");


[?, a, b, , , ]

How to read and write excel file

This will write a JTable to a tab separated file that can be easily imported into Excel. This works.

If you save an Excel worksheet as an XML document you could also build the XML file for EXCEL with code. I have done this with word so you do not have to use third-party packages.

This could code have the JTable taken out and then just write a tab separated to any text file and then import into Excel. I hope this helps.


import javax.swing.JTable;
import javax.swing.table.TableModel;

public class excel {
    String columnNames[] = { "Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3" };

    // Create some data
    String dataValues[][] =
        { "12", "234", "67" },
        { "-123", "43", "853" },
        { "93", "89.2", "109" },
        { "279", "9033", "3092" }

    JTable table;

    excel() {
        table = new JTable( dataValues, columnNames );

    public void toExcel(JTable table, File file){
            TableModel model = table.getModel();
            FileWriter excel = new FileWriter(file);

            for(int i = 0; i < model.getColumnCount(); i++){
                excel.write(model.getColumnName(i) + "\t");


            for(int i=0; i< model.getRowCount(); i++) {
                for(int j=0; j < model.getColumnCount(); j++) {


        }catch(IOException e){ System.out.println(e); }

    public static void main(String[] o) {
        excel cv = new excel();
        cv.toExcel(cv.table,new File("C:\\Users\\itpr13266\\Desktop\\cs.tbv"));

How to redirect single url in nginx?

location ~ /issue([0-9]+) {
    return 301$1;

What IDE to use for Python?


Spreadsheet version

spreadsheet screenshot

Alternatively, in plain text: (also available as a a screenshot)

                         Bracket Matching -.  .- Line Numbering
                          Smart Indent -.  |  |  .- UML Editing / Viewing
         Source Control Integration -.  |  |  |  |  .- Code Folding
                    Error Markup -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- Code Templates
  Integrated Python Debugging -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- Unit Testing
    Multi-Language Support -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- GUI Designer (Qt, Eric, etc)
   Auto Code Completion -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- Integrated DB Support
     Commercial/Free -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- Refactoring
   Cross Platform -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     
Atom              |Y |F |Y |Y*|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |*many plugins
Editra            |Y |F |Y |Y |  |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |
Emacs             |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |
Eric Ide          |Y |F |Y |  |Y |Y |  |Y |  |Y |  |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |
Geany             |Y |F |Y*|Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |*very limited
Gedit             |Y |F |Y¹|Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |Y²|  |  |  |  |¹with plugin; ²sort of
Idle              |Y |F |Y |  |Y |  |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
IntelliJ          |Y |CF|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |
JEdit             |Y |F |  |Y |  |  |  |  |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |
KDevelop          |Y |F |Y*|Y |  |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |*no type inference
Komodo            |Y |CF|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |
NetBeans*         |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |  |Y |*pre-v7.0
Notepad++         |W |F |Y |Y |  |Y*|Y*|Y*|Y |Y |  |Y |Y*|  |  |  |  |*with plugin
Pfaide            |W |C |Y |Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |
PIDA              |LW|F |Y |Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |VIM based
PTVS              |W |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |Y*|  |Y |*WPF bsed
PyCharm           |Y |CF|Y |Y*|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |*JavaScript
PyDev (Eclipse)   |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |
PyScripter        |W |F |Y |  |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |
PythonWin         |W |F |Y |  |Y |  |  |Y |Y |  |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |
SciTE             |Y |F¹|  |Y |  |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |¹Mac version is
ScriptDev         |W |C |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |    commercial
Spyder            |Y |F |Y |  |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Sublime Text      |Y |CF|Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y*|  |  |  |extensible w/Python,
TextMate          |M |F |  |Y |  |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |    *PythonTestRunner
UliPad            |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |  |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |
Vim               |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |
Visual Studio     |W |CF|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |? |Y |? |? |Y |? |Y |
Visual Studio Code|Y |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |? |Y |? |? |? |? |Y |uses plugins
WingIde           |Y |C |Y |Y*|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |*support for C
Zeus              |W |C |  |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |
   Cross Platform -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     
     Commercial/Free -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- Refactoring
   Auto Code Completion -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- Integrated DB Support
    Multi-Language Support -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- GUI Designer (Qt, Eric, etc)
  Integrated Python Debugging -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- Unit Testing
                    Error Markup -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- Code Templates
         Source Control Integration -'  |  |  |  |  '- Code Folding
                          Smart Indent -'  |  |  '- UML Editing / Viewing
                         Bracket Matching -'  '- Line Numbering

Acronyms used:

 L  - Linux
 W  - Windows
 M  - Mac
 C  - Commercial
 F  - Free
 CF - Commercial with Free limited edition
 ?  - To be confirmed

I don't mention basics like syntax highlighting as I expect these by default.

This is a just dry list reflecting your feedback and comments, I am not advocating any of these tools. I will keep updating this list as you keep posting your answers.

PS. Can you help me to add features of the above editors to the list (like auto-complete, debugging, etc.)?

We have a comprehensive wiki page for this question

Submit edits to the spreadsheet

nginx upload client_max_body_size issue

From the documentation:

It is necessary to keep in mind that the browsers do not know how to correctly show this error.

I suspect this is what's happening, if you inspect the HTTP to-and-fro using tools such as Firebug or Live HTTP Headers (both Firefox extensions) you'll be able to see what's really going on.

Visual Studio popup: "the operation could not be completed"

Go to Run and type "inetmgr", i.e IIS is opened and in the right corner Action window, select option change ".NET Framework version". Change it.

After that, reinstall your Visual studio 2010. It works on my computer, and that's why sharing.

Recursively counting files in a Linux directory

If you want to know how many files and sub-directories exist from the present working directory you can use this one-liner

find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} sh -c 'echo -e $(find {} | wc -l) {}' | sort -n

This will work in GNU flavour, and just omit the -e from the echo command for BSD linux (e.g. OSX).

JavaScript Extending Class


There are multiple ways which can solve the problem of extending a constructor function with a prototype in Javascript. Which of these methods is the 'best' solution is opinion based. However, here are two frequently used methods in order to extend a constructor's function prototype.

ES 2015 Classes:

class Monster {_x000D_
  constructor(health) {_x000D_ = health_x000D_
  growl () {_x000D_
class Monkey extends Monster {_x000D_
  constructor (health) {_x000D_
    super(health) // call super to execute the constructor function of Monster _x000D_
    this.bananaCount = 5;_x000D_
const monkey = new Monkey(50);_x000D_
console.log(typeof Monster);_x000D_

The above approach of using ES 2015 classes is nothing more than syntactic sugar over the prototypal inheritance pattern in javascript. Here the first log where we evaluate typeof Monster we can observe that this is function. This is because classes are just constructor functions under the hood. Nonetheless you may like this way of implementing prototypal inheritance and definitively should learn it. It is used in major frameworks such as ReactJS and Angular2+.

Factory function using Object.create():

function makeMonkey (bananaCount) {_x000D_
  // here we define the prototype_x000D_
  const Monster = {_x000D_
  health: 100,_x000D_
  growl: function() {_x000D_
  const monkey = Object.create(Monster);_x000D_
  monkey.bananaCount = bananaCount;_x000D_
  return monkey;_x000D_
const chimp = makeMonkey(30);_x000D_

This method uses the Object.create() method which takes an object which will be the prototype of the newly created object it returns. Therefore we first create the prototype object in this function and then call Object.create() which returns an empty object with the __proto__ property set to the Monster object. After this we can initialize all the properties of the object, in this example we assign the bananacount to the newly created object.

Jersey Exception : SEVERE: A message body reader for Java class

You need to implement your own MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter for your class Lorg.shoppingsite.model.entity.jpa.User.


import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;

public interface MessageBodyReader<T extends Object> {

    public boolean isReadable(Class<?> type, 
        Type genericType, 
        Annotation[] annotations, 
        MediaType mediaType);

    public T readFrom(Class<T> type, 
        Type genericType, 
        Annotation[] annotations, 
        MediaType mediaType, 
        MultivaluedMap<String, String> httpHeaders, 
        InputStream entityStream) throws IOException, WebApplicationException;


import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;

public interface MessageBodyWriter<T extends Object> {

    public boolean isWriteable(Class<?> type, 
        Type genericType, 
        Annotation[] annotations, 
        MediaType mediaType);

    public long getSize(T t, 
        Class<?> type, 
        Type genericType, 
        Annotation[] annotations, 
        MediaType mediaType);

    public void writeTo(T t, 
        Class<?> type, 
        Type genericType, 
        Annotation[] annotations, 
        MediaType mediaType, 
        MultivaluedMap<String, Object> httpHeaders, 
        OutputStream entityStream) throws IOException, WebApplicationException;

converting a javascript string to a html object

You cannot do it with just method, unless you use some javascript framework like jquery which supports it ..

string s = '<div id="myDiv"></div>'
var htmlObject = $(s); // jquery call

but still, it would not be found by the getElementById because for that to work the element must be in the DOM... just creating in the memory does not insert it in the dom.

You would need to use append or appendTo or after etc.. to put it in the dom first..

Of'course all these can be done through regular javascript but it would take more steps to accomplish the same thing... and the logic is the same in both cases..

MySQL ORDER BY rand(), name ASC

Use a subquery:

    SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 20
) T1
ORDER BY name 

The inner query selects 20 users at random and the outer query orders the selected users by name.

Managing large binary files with Git

SVN seems to handle binary deltas more efficiently than Git.

I had to decide on a versioning system for documentation (JPEG files, PDF files, and .odt files). I just tested adding a JPEG file and rotating it 90 degrees four times (to check effectiveness of binary deltas). Git's repository grew 400%. SVN's repository grew by only 11%.

So it looks like SVN is much more efficient with binary files.

So my choice is Git for source code and SVN for binary files like documentation.

How can I submit a POST form using the <a href="..."> tag?

There really seems no way for fooling the <a href= .. into a POST method. However, given that you have access to CSS of a page, this can be substituted by using a form instead.

Unfortunately, the obvious way of just styling the button in CSS as an anchor tag, is not cross-browser compatible, since different browsers treat <button value= ... differently.


<form action='actbusy.php' method='post'>
  <button type='submit' name='parameter' value='One'>Two</button>

The above example will be showing 'Two' and transmit 'parameter:One' in FireFox, while it will show 'One' and transmit also 'parameter:One' in IE8.

The way around is to use hidden input field(s) for delivering data and the button just for submitting it.

<form action='actbusy.php' method='post'>
   <input class=hidden name='parameter' value='blaah'>
   <button type='submit' name='delete' value='Delete'>Delete</button>

Note, that this method has a side effect that besides 'parameter:blaah' it will also deliver 'delete:Delete' as surplus parameters in POST.

You want to keep for a button the value attribute and button label between tags both the same ('Delete' on this case), since (as stated above) some browsers will display one and some display another as a button label.

Object not found! The requested URL was not found on this server. localhost

I also had same error but with codeigniter application. I changed

  • my base URL in config.php to my localhost path

  • in htaccess I changed RewriteBase /"my folder name in htdocs"

    and I able to login to my application.

Hope it might help.

What is the best IDE to develop Android apps in?

An IDE which supports Android development is Processing for Android: Processing is its own language but it's easy to learn. Processing for Android requires the JDK and Android SDK to be installed but runs on its own. It runs on Linux, Mac OSX and Windows (on a side note: one can develop a desktop app in Processing and then compile it to target any of these operating systems). Its development is ongoing but it works. It's especially good for quickly sketching up an idea and running it on your Android phone (even if you plan to develop it further in another IDE).

There is an active support forum here:

Lodash remove duplicates from array

Or simply Use union, for simple array.

_.union([1,2,3,3], [3,5])

// [1,2,3,5]

How to check variable type at runtime in Go language

The answer by @Darius is the most idiomatic (and probably more performant) method. One limitation is that the type you are checking has to be of type interface{}. If you use a concrete type it will fail.

An alternative way to determine the type of something at run-time, including concrete types, is to use the Go reflect package. Chaining TypeOf(x).Kind() together you can get a reflect.Kind value which is a uint type:

You can then do checks for types outside of a switch block, like so:

import (

// ....

x := 42
y := float32(43.3)
z := "hello"

xt := reflect.TypeOf(x).Kind()
yt := reflect.TypeOf(y).Kind()
zt := reflect.TypeOf(z).Kind()

fmt.Printf("%T: %s\n", xt, xt)
fmt.Printf("%T: %s\n", yt, yt)
fmt.Printf("%T: %s\n", zt, zt)

if xt == reflect.Int {
    println(">> x is int")
if yt == reflect.Float32 {
    println(">> y is float32")
if zt == reflect.String {
    println(">> z is string")

Which prints outs:

reflect.Kind: int
reflect.Kind: float32
reflect.Kind: string
>> x is int
>> y is float32
>> z is string

Again, this is probably not the preferred way to do it, but it's good to know alternative options.

string.IsNullOrEmpty(string) vs. string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(string)

In the .Net standard 2.0:

string.IsNullOrEmpty(): Indicates whether the specified string is null or an Empty string.

Console.WriteLine(string.IsNullOrEmpty(null));           // True
Console.WriteLine(string.IsNullOrEmpty(""));             // True
Console.WriteLine(string.IsNullOrEmpty(" "));            // False
Console.WriteLine(string.IsNullOrEmpty("  "));           // False

string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(): Indicates whether a specified string is null, empty, or consists only of white-space characters.

Console.WriteLine(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(null));     // True
Console.WriteLine(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(""));       // True
Console.WriteLine(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(" "));      // True
Console.WriteLine(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace("  "));     // True

How to debug a referenced dll (having pdb)

I had the *.pdb files in the same folder and used the options from Arindam, but it still didn't work. Turns out I needed to enable Enable native code debugging which can be found under Project properties > Debug.

What is the correct way to check for string equality in JavaScript?

There are actually two ways in which strings can be made in javascript.

  1. var str = 'Javascript'; This creates a primitive string value.

  2. var obj = new String('Javascript'); This creates a wrapper object of type String.

    typeof str // string
    typeof obj // object

So the best way to check for equality is using the === operator because it checks value as well as type of both operands.

If you want to check for equality between two objects then using String.prototype.valueOf is the correct way.

new String('javascript').valueOf() == new String('javascript').valueOf()

Excel VBA Open workbook, perform actions, save as, close

I'll try and answer several different things, however my contribution may not cover all of your questions. Maybe several of us can take different chunks out of this. However, this info should be helpful for you. Here we go..

Opening A Seperate File:

ChDir "[Path here]"                          'get into the right folder here
Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]"      'include the filename in this path

'copy data into current workbook or whatever you want here

ActiveWindow.Close                          'closes out the file

Opening A File With Specified Date If It Exists:

I'm not sure how to search your directory to see if a file exists, but in my case I wouldn't bother to search for it, I'd just try to open it and put in some error checking so that if it doesn't exist then display this message or do xyz.

Some common error checking statements:

On Error Resume Next   'if error occurs continues on to the next line (ignores it)

ChDir "[Path here]"                         
Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]"      'try to open file here

Or (better option):

if one doesn't exist then bring up either a message box or dialogue box to say "the file does not exist, would you like to create a new one?

you would most likely want to use the GoTo ErrorHandler shown below to achieve this

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:

ChDir "[Path here]"                         
Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]"      'try to open file here

'Display error message or any code you want to run on error here

Much more info on Error handling here:

Also if you want to learn more or need to know more generally in VBA I would recommend Siddharth Rout's site, he has lots of tutorials and example code here:

Hope this helps!

Example on how to ensure error code doesn't run EVERYtime:

if you debug through the code without the Exit Sub BEFORE the error handler you'll soon realize the error handler will be run everytime regarldess of if there is an error or not. The link below the code example shows a previous answer to this question.

  Sub Macro

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:

    ChDir "[Path here]"                         
    Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]"      'try to open file here

    Exit Sub      'Code will exit BEFORE ErrorHandler if everything goes smoothly
                  'Otherwise, on error, ErrorHandler will be run

    'Display error message or any code you want to run on error here

  End Sub

Also, look at this other question in you need more reference to how this works: goto block not working VBA

How to get on scroll events?

Listen to window:scroll event for window/document level scrolling and element's scroll event for element level scrolling.


@HostListener('window:scroll', ['$event'])
onWindowScroll($event) {



<div (window:scroll)="onWindowScroll($event)">


@HostListener('scroll', ['$event'])
onElementScroll($event) {



<div (scroll)="onElementScroll($event)">

@HostListener('scroll', ['$event']) won't work if the host element itself is not scroll-able.


Making heatmap from pandas DataFrame

Useful sns.heatmap api is here. Check out the parameters, there are a good number of them. Example:

import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline

idx= ['aaa','bbb','ccc','ddd','eee']
cols = list('ABCD')
df = DataFrame(abs(np.random.randn(5,4)), index=idx, columns=cols)

# _r reverses the normal order of the color map 'RdYlGn'
sns.heatmap(df, cmap='RdYlGn_r', linewidths=0.5, annot=True)

enter image description here

How to get element-wise matrix multiplication (Hadamard product) in numpy?

For elementwise multiplication of matrix objects, you can use numpy.multiply:

import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
b = np.array([[5,6],[7,8]])


array([[ 5, 12],
       [21, 32]])

However, you should really use array instead of matrix. matrix objects have all sorts of horrible incompatibilities with regular ndarrays. With ndarrays, you can just use * for elementwise multiplication:

a * b

If you're on Python 3.5+, you don't even lose the ability to perform matrix multiplication with an operator, because @ does matrix multiplication now:

a @ b  # matrix multiplication

How to pass variable as a parameter in Execute SQL Task SSIS?

Along with @PaulStock's answer, Depending on your connection type, your variable names and SQLStatement/SQLStatementSource Changes

What's the difference between MyISAM and InnoDB?

The main differences between InnoDB and MyISAM ("with respect to designing a table or database" you asked about) are support for "referential integrity" and "transactions".

If you need the database to enforce foreign key constraints, or you need the database to support transactions (i.e. changes made by two or more DML operations handled as single unit of work, with all of the changes either applied, or all the changes reverted) then you would choose the InnoDB engine, since these features are absent from the MyISAM engine.

Those are the two biggest differences. Another big difference is concurrency. With MyISAM, a DML statement will obtain an exclusive lock on the table, and while that lock is held, no other session can perform a SELECT or a DML operation on the table.

Those two specific engines you asked about (InnoDB and MyISAM) have different design goals. MySQL also has other storage engines, with their own design goals.

So, in choosing between InnoDB and MyISAM, the first step is in determining if you need the features provided by InnoDB. If not, then MyISAM is up for consideration.

A more detailed discussion of differences is rather impractical (in this forum) absent a more detailed discussion of the problem space... how the application will use the database, how many tables, size of the tables, the transaction load, volumes of select, insert, updates, concurrency requirements, replication features, etc.

The logical design of the database should be centered around data analysis and user requirements; the choice to use a relational database would come later, and even later would the choice of MySQL as a relational database management system, and then the selection of a storage engine for each table.

php: catch exception and continue execution, is it possible?


try {
catch (Exception $e) {
    // handle or ignore exception here. 

however note that php also has error codes separate from exceptions, a legacy holdover from before php had oop primitives. Most library builtins still raise error codes, not exceptions. To ignore an error code call the function prefixed with @:


Get a list of dates between two dates using a function

This query works on Microsoft SQL Server.

select distinct format( cast('2010-01-01' as datetime) + ( a.v / 10 ), 'yyyy-MM-dd' ) as aDate
       from (
             SELECT ones.n + 10 * tens.n + 100 * hundreds.n + 1000 * thousands.n as v
             FROM (VALUES(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) ones(n),
                    (VALUES(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) tens(n),
                    (VALUES(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) hundreds(n),
                  (VALUES(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) thousands(n)
       ) a
       where format( cast('2010-01-01' as datetime) + ( a.v / 10 ), 'yyyy-MM-dd' ) < cast('2010-01-13' as datetime)
       order by aDate asc;

Now let's look at how it works.

The inner query merely returns a list of integers from 0 to 9999. It will give us a range of 10,000 values for calculating dates. You can get more dates by adding rows for ten_thousands and hundred_thousands and so forth.

SELECT ones.n + 10 * tens.n + 100 * hundreds.n + 1000 * thousands.n as v
         FROM (VALUES(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) ones(n),
                (VALUES(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) tens(n),
                (VALUES(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) hundreds(n),
              (VALUES(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) thousands(n)
   ) a;

This part converts the string to a date and adds a number to it from the inner query.

cast('2010-01-01' as datetime) + ( a.v / 10 )

Then we convert the result into the format you want. This is also the column name!

format( cast('2010-01-01' as datetime) + ( a.v / 10 ), 'yyyy-MM-dd' )

Next we extract only the distinct values and give the column name an alias of aDate.

distinct format( cast('2010-01-01' as datetime) + ( a.v / 10 ), 'yyyy-MM-dd' ) as aDate

We use the where clause to filter in only dates within the range you want. Notice that we use the column name here since SQL Server does not accept the column alias, aDate, within the where clause.

where format( cast('2010-01-01' as datetime) + ( a.v / 10 ), 'yyyy-MM-dd' ) < cast('2010-01-13' as datetime)

Lastly, we sort the results.

   order by aDate asc;

How to change Format of a Cell to Text using VBA

To answer your direct question, it is:

Range("A1").NumberFormat = "@"


Cells(1,1).NumberFormat = "@"

However, I suggest making changing the format to what you actually want displayed. This allows you to retain the data type in the cell and easily use cell formulas to manipulate the data.

WCF service maxReceivedMessageSize basicHttpBinding issue

When using HTTPS instead of ON the binding, put it IN the binding with the httpsTransport tag:

    <binding name="MyServiceBinding">
      <security defaultAlgorithmSuite="Basic256Rsa15" 
                authenticationMode="MutualCertificate" requireDerivedKeys="true" 
                securityHeaderLayout="Lax" includeTimestamp="true" 
        <localClientSettings detectReplays="true" />
        <localServiceSettings detectReplays="true" />
        <secureConversationBootstrap keyEntropyMode="CombinedEntropy" />
      <textMessageEncoding messageVersion="Soap11WSAddressing10">
        <readerQuotas maxDepth="2147483647" maxStringContentLength="2147483647" 
                      maxArrayLength="2147483647" maxBytesPerRead="4096" 
      <httpsTransport maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" 
                      maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxBufferPoolSize="2147483647" 
                      requireClientCertificate="false" />

Gmail: 530 5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at

You need to go here

then select Gmail and then select device. then click on Generate. Simply Copy & Paste password which is generated by Google.

how to create insert new nodes in JsonNode?

I've recently found even more interesting way to create any ValueNode or ContainerNode (Jackson v2.3).

ObjectNode node = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();

How to add anything in <head> through jquery/javascript?


document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild( ... );

Make DOM element like so:



htaccess <Directory> deny from all

You can use from root directory:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(?:system)\b.* /403.html


RewriteRule ^(?:system)\b.* /403.php # with header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');

Resolving LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRT' conflicts with

Right-click the project, select Properties then under 'Configuration properties | Linker | Input | Ignore specific Library and write msvcrtd.lib

Laravel 4: Redirect to a given url

Yes, it's

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect;

return Redirect::to('');

Check the documentation.

Update: Redirect::away('url') (For external link, Laravel Version 4.19):

public function away($path, $status = 302, $headers = array())
    return $this->createRedirect($path, $status, $headers);

Given URL is not permitted by the application configuration

An update to munsellj's update..

I got this working in development just by adding localhost:3000 to the 'Website URL' option and leaving the App Domains box blank. As munsellj mentioned, make sure you've added a website platform.

What does @media screen and (max-width: 1024px) mean in CSS?

It means if the screen size is 1024 then only apply below CSS rules.

What does the Java assert keyword do, and when should it be used?

An assertion allows for detecting defects in the code. You can turn on assertions for testing and debugging while leaving them off when your program is in production.

Why assert something when you know it is true? It is only true when everything is working properly. If the program has a defect, it might not actually be true. Detecting this earlier in the process lets you know something is wrong.

An assert statement contains this statement along with an optional String message.

The syntax for an assert statement has two forms:

assert boolean_expression;
assert boolean_expression: error_message;

Here are some basic rules which govern where assertions should be used and where they should not be used. Assertions should be used for:

  1. Validating input parameters of a private method. NOT for public methods. public methods should throw regular exceptions when passed bad parameters.

  2. Anywhere in the program to ensure the validity of a fact which is almost certainly true.

For example, if you are sure that it will only be either 1 or 2, you can use an assertion like this:

if (i == 1)    {
else if (i == 2)    {
} else {
    assert false : "cannot happen. i is " + i;
  1. Validating post conditions at the end of any method. This means, after executing the business logic, you can use assertions to ensure that the internal state of your variables or results is consistent with what you expect. For example, a method that opens a socket or a file can use an assertion at the end to ensure that the socket or the file is indeed opened.

Assertions should not be used for:

  1. Validating input parameters of a public method. Since assertions may not always be executed, the regular exception mechanism should be used.

  2. Validating constraints on something that is input by the user. Same as above.

  3. Should not be used for side effects.

For example this is not a proper use because here the assertion is used for its side effect of calling of the doSomething() method.

public boolean doSomething() {
public void someMethod() {       
assert doSomething(); 

The only case where this could be justified is when you are trying to find out whether or not assertions are enabled in your code:   

boolean enabled = false;    
assert enabled = true;    
if (enabled) {
    System.out.println("Assertions are enabled");
} else {
    System.out.println("Assertions are disabled");

How to reload a page after the OK click on the Alert Page

Try this:

alert("Successful Message");

How to check existence of user-define table type in SQL Server 2008?

You can look in sys.types or use TYPE_ID:


Just a precaution: using type_id won't verify that the type is a table type--just that a type by that name exists. Otherwise gbn's query is probably better.

Creating an object: with or without `new`

The first allocates an object with automatic storage duration, which means it will be destructed automatically upon exit from the scope in which it is defined.

The second allocated an object with dynamic storage duration, which means it will not be destructed until you explicitly use delete to do so.

join on multiple columns

The other queries are all going base on any ONE of the conditions qualifying and it will return a record... if you want to make sure the BOTH columns of table A are matched, you'll have to do something like...

      TableA tA
         join TableB tB
            on  ( tA.Col1 = tB.Col1 OR tA.Col1 = tB.Col2 )
            AND ( tA.Col2 = tB.Col1 OR tA.Col2 = tB.Col2 )

The #include<iostream> exists, but I get an error: identifier "cout" is undefined. Why?

The problem is the std namespace you are missing. cout is in the std namespace.
Add using namespace std; after the #include

Which characters make a URL invalid?

All valid characters that can be used in a URI (a URL is a type of URI) are defined in RFC 3986.

All other characters can be used in a URL provided that they are "URL Encoded" first. This involves changing the invalid character for specific "codes" (usually in the form of the percent symbol (%) followed by a hexadecimal number).

This link, HTML URL Encoding Reference, contains a list of the encodings for invalid characters.

How to convert a JSON string to a dictionary?

let JSONData = .utf8)!

let jsonResult = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves)

guard let userDictionary = jsonResult as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject> else {
            throw NSError()}

Split files using tar, gz, zip, or bzip2

Tested code, initially creates a single archive file, then splits it:

 gzip -c file.orig > file.gz
 PARTCNT=$[$(stat -c%s file.gz) / $CHUNKSIZE]

 # the remainder is taken care of, for example for
 # 1 GiB + 1 bytes PARTCNT is 1 and seq 0 $PARTCNT covers
 # all of file
 for n in `seq 0 $PARTCNT`
       dd if=file.gz of=part.$n bs=$CHUNKSIZE skip=$n count=1

This variant omits creating a single archive file and goes straight to creating parts:

gzip -c file.orig |
    ( CHUNKSIZE=1073741824;
        while true; do
            head -c "$CHUNKSIZE" > "part.$i";
            [ "$CHUNKSIZE" -eq $(stat -c%s "part.$i") ] || break;
        done; )

In this variant, if the archive's file size is divisible by $CHUNKSIZE, then the last partial file will have file size 0 bytes.

How to create a QR code reader in a HTML5 website?

Reader they show at works like a charm, but literaly, you need the one on the webpage, the github version it's really hard to make it work, however, it is possible. The best way to go is reverse-engineer the example shown at the webpage.

However, to edit and get the full potential out of it, it's not so easy. At some point I may post the stripped-down reverse-engineered QR reader, but in the meantime have some fun hacking the code.

Happy coding.

How to get first character of string?

in Nodejs you can use Buffer :

let str = "hello world"
let buffer = Buffer.alloc(2, str) // replace 2 by 1 for the first char
console.log(buffer.toString('utf-8')) // display he
console.log(buffer.toString('utf-8').length) // display 2

How to dynamically add elements to String array?

when using String array, you have to give size of array while initializing


String[] str = new String[10];

you can use index 0-9 to store values

str[0] = "value1"
str[1] = "value2"
str[2] = "value3"
str[3] = "value4"
str[4] = "value5"
str[5] = "value6"
str[6] = "value7"
str[7] = "value8"
str[8] = "value9"
str[9] = "value10"

if you are using ArrayList instread of string array, you can use it without initializing size of array ArrayList str = new ArrayList();

you can add value by using add method of Arraylist


get retrieve a value from arraylist, you can use get method

String s = str.get(0);

find total number of items by size method

int nCount = str.size();

read more from here

How to scroll to an element in jQuery?

If you're simply trying to scroll to the specified element, you can use the scrollIntoView method of the Element. Here's an example :


"installation of package 'FILE_PATH' had non-zero exit status" in R

You can try using command : install.packages('*package_name', dependencies = TRUE)

For example is you have to install 'caret' package in your R machine in linux : install.packages('caret', dependencies = TRUE)

Doing so, all the dependencies for the package will also be downloaded.

Changing line colors with ggplot()

color and fill are separate aesthetics. Since you want to modify the color you need to use the corresponding scale:

d + scale_color_manual(values=c("#CC6666", "#9999CC"))

is what you want.

Can't check signature: public key not found

There is a similar is a tomcat digital signature.

$ gpg --verify apache-tomcat-9.0.16-windows-
gpg: Signature made 2019?02? 5?  0:32:50
gpg:                using RSA key A9C5DF4D22E99998D9875A5110C01C5A2F6059E7
gpg: Can't check signature: No public key

but then I use the RSA key it provided to receive the public key to verify.

$ gpg --receive-keys A9C5DF4D22E99998D9875A5110C01C5A2F6059E7
gpg: key 10C01C5A2F6059E7: 38 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 10C01C5A2F6059E7: public key "Mark E D Thomas <[email protected]>" imported
gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:               imported: 1

Then successfully.

$ gpg --verify
gpg: assuming signed data in ''
gpg: Signature made 2019?02? 5?  0:32:50
gpg:                using RSA key A9C5DF4D22E99998D9875A5110C01C5A2F6059E7
gpg: Good signature from "Mark E D Thomas <[email protected]>" [unknown]
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: A9C5 DF4D 22E9 9998 D987  5A51 10C0 1C5A 2F60 59E7

How can I make a clickable link in an NSAttributedString?

Swift Version :

    // Attributed String for Label
    let plainText = "Apkia"
    let styledText = NSMutableAttributedString(string: plainText)
    // Set Attribuets for Color, HyperLink and Font Size
    let attributes = [NSFontAttributeName: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(14.0), NSLinkAttributeName:NSURL(string: "")!, NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor.blueColor()]
    styledText.setAttributes(attributes, range: NSMakeRange(0, plainText.characters.count))
    registerLabel.attributedText = styledText

convert string array to string

Like this:

string str= test[0]+test[1];

You can also use a loop:

for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
    str += test[i];

format statement in a string resource file

Inside file strings.xml define a String resource like this:

<string name="string_to_format">Amount: %1$f  for %2$d days%3$s</string>

Inside your code (assume it inherits from Context) simply do the following:

 String formattedString = getString(R.string.string_to_format, floatVar, decimalVar, stringVar);

(In comparison to the answer from LocalPCGuy or Giovanny Farto M. the String.format method is not needed.)

error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 while installing eventlet

try this :

sudo apt-get install libblas-dev libatlas-base-dev

I had a similar issue on Ubuntu 14.04. For me the following Ubuntu packages

Structuring online documentation for a REST API

That's a very complex question for a simple answer.

You may want to take a look at existing API frameworks, like Swagger Specification (OpenAPI), and services like and

Also, here's an example of the same REST API described, organized and even styled in three different ways. It may be a good start for you to learn from existing common ways.

At the very top level I think quality REST API docs require at least the following:

  • a list of all your API endpoints (base/relative URLs)
  • corresponding HTTP GET/POST/... method type for each endpoint
  • request/response MIME-type (how to encode params and parse replies)
  • a sample request/response, including HTTP headers
  • type and format specified for all params, including those in the URL, body and headers
  • a brief text description and important notes
  • a short code snippet showing the use of the endpoint in popular web programming languages

Also there are a lot of JSON/XML-based doc frameworks which can parse your API definition or schema and generate a convenient set of docs for you. But the choice for a doc generation system depends on your project, language, development environment and many other things.

Sending string via socket (python)

import socket

s = socket.socket()
while True:
    str = raw_input("S: ")
    if(str == "Bye" or str == "bye"):
    print "N:",s.recv(1024).decode()

import socket

s = socket.socket()
port = 12345
s.bind(('', port))
c, addr = s.accept()
print "Socket Up and running with a connection from",addr
while True:
    rcvdData = c.recv(1024).decode()
    print "S:",rcvdData
    sendData = raw_input("N: ")
    if(sendData == "Bye" or sendData == "bye"):

This should be the code for a small prototype for the chatting app you wanted. Run both of them in separate terminals but then just check for the ports.

Scroll to bottom of div with Vue.js

I had the same need in my app (with complex nested components structure) and I unfortunately did not succeed to make it work.

Finally I used vue-scrollto that works fine !

How do I get the AM/PM value from a DateTime?


string.Format("{0:t tt}", datetime);  // -> "P PM"  or "A AM"

How to restore a SQL Server 2012 database to SQL Server 2008 R2?

To: Killercam Thanks for your solutions. I tried the first solution for an hour, but didn't work for me.

I used scripts generate method to move data from SQL Server 2012 to SQL Server 2008 R2 as steps bellow:

In the 2012 SQL Management Studio

  1. Tasks -> Generate Scripts (in first wizard screen, click Next - may not show)
  2. Choose Script entire database and all database objects -> Next
  3. Click [Advanced] button 3.1 Change [Types of data to script] from "Schema only" to "Schema and data" 3.2 Change [Script for Server Version] "2012" to "2008"
  4. Finish next wizard steps for creating script file
  5. Use sqlcmd to import the exported script file to your SQL Server 2008 R2 5.1 Open windows command line 5.2 Type [sqlcmd -S -i Path to your file] (Ex: [sqlcmd -S localhost -i C:\mydatabase.sql])

It works for me.

Visually managing MongoDB documents and collections

There is a web-based project for this that is relatively early on called Pongo. It requires installing Python and some dependencies, but it should run on Windows.

How do you test running time of VBA code?

If you are trying to return the time like a stopwatch you could use the following API which returns the time in milliseconds since system startup:

Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long
Sub testTimer()
Dim t As Long
t = GetTickCount

For i = 1 To 1000000
a = a + 1

MsgBox GetTickCount - t, , "Milliseconds"
End Sub

after (as timeGetTime in winmm.dll was not working for me and QueryPerformanceCounter was too complicated for the task needed)

Dynamically access object property using variable

Following is an ES6 example of how you can access the property of an object using a property name that has been dynamically generated by concatenating two strings.

var suffix = " name";

var person = {
    ["first" + suffix]: "Nicholas",
    ["last" + suffix]: "Zakas"

console.log(person["first name"]);      // "Nicholas"
console.log(person["last name"]);       // "Zakas"

This is called computed property names

VBA - how to conditionally skip a for loop iteration

Maybe try putting it all in the end if and use a else to skip the code this will make it so that you are able not use the GoTo.

                        If 6 - ((Int_height(Int_Column - 1) - 1) + Int_direction(e, 1)) = 7 Or (Int_Column - 1) + Int_direction(e, 0) = -1 Or (Int_Column - 1) + Int_direction(e, 0) = 7 Then
                    If Grid((Int_Column - 1) + Int_direction(e, 0), 6 - ((Int_height(Int_Column - 1) - 1) + Int_direction(e, 1))) = "_" Then
                    End If
                End If

How to run binary file in Linux

If it is not a typo, as pointed out earlier, it could be wrong compiler options like compiling 64 bit under 32 bit. It must not be a toolchain.

How to get PID of process I've just started within java program?

In my testing all IMPL classes had the field "pid". This has worked for me:

public static int getPid(Process process) {
    try {
        Class<?> cProcessImpl = process.getClass();
        Field fPid = cProcessImpl.getDeclaredField("pid");
        if (!fPid.isAccessible()) {
        return fPid.getInt(process);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return -1;

Just make sure the returned value is not -1. If it is, then parse the output of ps.

How to concatenate multiple column values into a single column in Panda dataframe

Just wanted to make a time comparison for both solutions (for 30K rows DF):

In [1]: df = DataFrame({'foo':['a','b','c'], 'bar':[1, 2, 3], 'new':['apple', 'banana', 'pear']})

In [2]: big = pd.concat([df] * 10**4, ignore_index=True)

In [3]: big.shape
Out[3]: (30000, 3)

In [4]: %timeit big.apply(lambda x:'%s_%s_%s' % (x['bar'],x['foo'],x['new']),axis=1)
1 loop, best of 3: 881 ms per loop

In [5]: %timeit big['bar'].astype(str)+'_'+big['foo']+'_'+big['new']
10 loops, best of 3: 44.2 ms per loop

a few more options:

In [6]: %timeit big.ix[:, :-1].astype(str).add('_').sum(axis=1)
10 loops, best of 3: 72.2 ms per loop

In [11]: %timeit big.astype(str).add('_').sum(axis=1).str[:-1]
10 loops, best of 3: 82.3 ms per loop

How to align the checkbox and label in same line in html?

I had the same problem, but non of the asweres worked for me. I am using bootstap and the following css code helped me:

label {
 display: contents!important;

Are complex expressions possible in ng-hide / ng-show?

Some of these above answers didn't work for me but this did. Just in case someone else has the same issue.

ng-show="column != 'vendorid' && column !='billingMonth'"

Is there a way to reset IIS 7.5 to factory settings?

This link has some useful suggestions:

It depends on where you have the config settings stored. By default IIS7 will have all of it's configuration settings stored in a file called "ApplicationHost.Config". If you have delegation configured then you will see site/app related config settings getting written to web.config file for the site/app. With IIS7 on vista there is an automatica backup file for master configuration is created. This file is called "application.config.backup" and it resides inside "C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config" You could rename this file to applicationHost.config and replace it with the applicationHost.config inside the config folder. IIS7 on server release will have better configuration back up story, but for now I recommend using APPCMD to backup/restore your configuration on regualr basis. Example: APPCMD ADD BACK "MYBACKUP" Another option (really the last option) is to uninstall/reinstall IIS along with WPAS (Windows Process activation service).

How do you dynamically allocate a matrix?

You can also use std::vectors for achieving this:

using std::vector< std::vector<int> >


std::vector< std::vector<int> > a;

  //m * n is the size of the matrix

    int m = 2, n = 4;
    //Grow rows by m
    for(int i = 0 ; i < m ; ++i)
        //Grow Columns by n
    //Now you have matrix m*n with default values

    //you can use the Matrix, now

for(i = 0 ; i < m ; ++i)
    for(int j = 0 ; j < n ; ++j)
    {      //modify matrix
        int x = a[i][j];


Cannot install signed apk to device manually, got error "App not installed"

It is obvious but still it was hard to figure out for me,

Please check if your mobile device has enough space to install the apk. and it is not full.

How to create a timer using tkinter?

The root.after(ms, func) is the method you need to use. Just call it once before the mainloop starts and reschedule it inside the bound function every time it is called. Here is an example:

from tkinter import *
import time

def update_clock():
                  font='Times 25')  # change the text of the time_label according to the current time
    root.after(100, update_clock)  # reschedule update_clock function to update time_label every 100 ms

root = Tk()  # create the root window
timer_label = Label(root, justify='center')  # create the label for timer
timer_label.pack()  # show the timer_label using pack geometry manager
root.after(0, update_clock)  # schedule update_clock function first call
root.mainloop()  # start the root window mainloop

how to delete files from amazon s3 bucket?

The following worked for me (based on example for a Django model, but you can pretty much use the code of the delete method on its own).

import boto3
from boto3.session import Session
from django.conf import settings

class Video(models.Model):
    videofile=models.FileField(upload_to='videos/', null=True, verbose_name="")
    tags = TaggableManager()

    actions = ['delete']

    def __str__(self):
        return self.title + ": " + str(self.videofile)

    def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
        session = Session (settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)
        s3_resource = session.resource('s3')
        s3_bucket = s3_resource.Bucket(settings.AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME)

        file_path = "media/" + str(self.videofile)
        response = s3_bucket.delete_objects(
                'Objects': [
                        'Key': file_path
        super(Video, self).delete(*args, **kwargs)

ADB server version (36) doesn't match this client (39) {Not using Genymotion}

I think you have multiple adb server running, genymotion could be one of them, but also Xamarin - Visual studio for mac OS could be running an adb server, closing Visual studio worked for me

How do I use the includes method in lodash to check if an object is in the collection?

The includes (formerly called contains and include) method compares objects by reference (or more precisely, with ===). Because the two object literals of {"b": 2} in your example represent different instances, they are not equal. Notice:

({"b": 2} === {"b": 2})
> false

However, this will work because there is only one instance of {"b": 2}:

var a = {"a": 1}, b = {"b": 2};
_.includes([a, b], b);
> true

On the other hand, the where(deprecated in v4) and find methods compare objects by their properties, so they don't require reference equality. As an alternative to includes, you might want to try some (also aliased as any):

_.some([{"a": 1}, {"b": 2}], {"b": 2})
> true

ITextSharp insert text to an existing pdf

I found a way to do it (dont know if it is the best but it works)

string oldFile = "oldFile.pdf";
string newFile = "newFile.pdf";

// open the reader
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(oldFile);
Rectangle size = reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(1);
Document document = new Document(size);

// open the writer
FileStream fs = new FileStream(newFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, fs);

// the pdf content
PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;

// select the font properties
BaseFont bf = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252,BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);
cb.SetFontAndSize(bf, 8);

// write the text in the pdf content
string text = "Some random blablablabla...";
// put the alignment and coordinates here
cb.ShowTextAligned(1, text, 520, 640, 0);
text = "Other random blabla...";
// put the alignment and coordinates here
cb.ShowTextAligned(2, text, 100, 200, 0);

// create the new page and add it to the pdf
PdfImportedPage page = writer.GetImportedPage(reader, 1);
cb.AddTemplate(page, 0, 0);

// close the streams and voilá the file should be changed :)

I hope this can be usefull for someone =) (and post here any errors)

OPENSSL file_get_contents(): Failed to enable crypto

Had same problem - it was somewhere in the ca certificate, so I used the ca bundle used for curl, and it worked. You can download the curl ca bundle here:

For encryption and security issues see this helpful article:

Here is the example:

    $url = '';
    $cn_match = '';

    $data = array (     
        'apikey' => '[example api key here]',               
        'limit' => intval($limit),
        'offset' => intval($offset)

    // use key 'http' even if you send the request to https://...
    $options = array(
        'http' => array(
            'header'  => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
            'method'  => 'POST',                
            'content' => http_build_query($data)                
        , 'ssl' => array(
            'verify_peer' => true,
            'cafile' => [path to file] . "cacert.pem",
            'ciphers' => 'HIGH:TLSv1.2:TLSv1.1:TLSv1.0:!SSLv3:!SSLv2',
            'CN_match' => $cn_match,
            'disable_compression' => true,

    $context  = stream_context_create($options);
    $response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);

Hope that helps

How to place Text and an Image next to each other in HTML?

You want to use css float for this, you can put it directly in your code.

<img src="website_art.png" height= "75" width="235" style="float:left;"/>
<h3 style="float:right;">The Art of Gaming</h3>

But I would really suggest learning the basics of css and splitting all your styling out to a separate style sheet, and use classes. It will help you in the future. A good place to start is w3schools or, perhaps later down the path, Mozzila Dev. Network (MDN).


  <img src="website_art.png" class="myImage"/>
  <h3 class="heading">The Art of Gaming</h3>


.myImage {
  float: left;
  height: 75px;
  width: 235px;
  font-family: Veranda;
.heading {

Postgres: SQL to list table foreign keys

You can do this via the information_schema tables. For example:

    ccu.table_schema AS foreign_table_schema,
    ccu.table_name AS foreign_table_name,
    ccu.column_name AS foreign_column_name 
    information_schema.table_constraints AS tc 
    JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu
      ON tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name
      AND tc.table_schema = kcu.table_schema
    JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu
      ON ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name
      AND ccu.table_schema = tc.table_schema
WHERE tc.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND tc.table_name='mytable';

Normalize data in pandas

You can use apply for this, and it's a bit neater:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd


df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(4,4)* 4 + 3)

          0         1         2         3
0  9.497381  0.552974  0.887313 -1.291874
1  6.461631 -6.206155  9.979247 -0.044828
2  4.276156  2.002518  8.848432 -5.240563
3  1.710331  1.463783  7.535078 -1.399565

df.apply(lambda x: (x - np.mean(x)) / (np.max(x) - np.min(x)))

          0         1         2         3
0  0.515087  0.133967 -0.651699  0.135175
1  0.125241 -0.689446  0.348301  0.375188
2 -0.155414  0.310554  0.223925 -0.624812
3 -0.484913  0.244924  0.079473  0.114448

Also, it works nicely with groupby, if you select the relevant columns:

df['grp'] = ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B']

          0         1         2         3 grp
0  9.497381  0.552974  0.887313 -1.291874   A
1  6.461631 -6.206155  9.979247 -0.044828   A
2  4.276156  2.002518  8.848432 -5.240563   B
3  1.710331  1.463783  7.535078 -1.399565   B

df.groupby(['grp'])[[0,1,2,3]].apply(lambda x: (x - np.mean(x)) / (np.max(x) - np.min(x)))

     0    1    2    3
0  0.5  0.5 -0.5 -0.5
1 -0.5 -0.5  0.5  0.5
2  0.5  0.5  0.5 -0.5
3 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5  0.5

Binding multiple events to a listener (without JQuery)?

I have a simpler solution for you:

window.onload = window.onresize = (event) => {
    //Your Code Here

I've tested this an it works great, on the plus side it's compact and uncomplicated like the other examples here.

how to set font size based on container size?

I had a similar issue but I had to consider other issues that @apaul34208 example did not tackle. In my case;

  • I have a container that changed size depending on the viewport using media queries
  • Text inside is dynamically generated
  • I want to scale up as well as down

Not the most elegant of examples but it does the trick for me. Consider using throttling the window resize (

var TextFit = function(){_x000D_
 var container = $('.container');_x000D_
    var container_width = $(this).width(),_x000D_
      width_offset = parseInt($(this).data('width-offset')),_x000D_
        font_container = $(this).find('.font-container');_x000D_
     if ( width_offset > 0 ) {_x000D_
         container_width -= width_offset;_x000D_
      var font_container_width = $(this).width(),_x000D_
          font_size = parseFloat( $(this).css('font-size') );_x000D_
      var diff = Math.max(container_width, font_container_width) - Math.min(container_width, font_container_width);_x000D_
      var diff_percentage = Math.round( ( diff / Math.max(container_width, font_container_width) ) * 100 );_x000D_
      if (diff_percentage !== 0){_x000D_
          if ( container_width > font_container_width ) {_x000D_
            new_font_size = font_size + Math.round( ( font_size / 100 ) * diff_percentage );_x000D_
          } else if ( container_width < font_container_width ) {_x000D_
            new_font_size = font_size - Math.round( ( font_size / 100 ) * diff_percentage );_x000D_
      $(this).css('font-size', new_font_size + 'px');_x000D_
.container {_x000D_
 .font-container {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="container" data-width-offset="10">_x000D_
 <span class="font-container">£5000</span>_x000D_

WPF ListView - detect when selected item is clicked

This worked for me.

Single-clicking a row triggers the code-behind.


<ListView x:Name="MyListView" MouseLeftButtonUp="MyListView_MouseLeftButtonUp">
        <!-- Declare GridViewColumns. -->


private void MyListView_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    System.Windows.Controls.ListView list = (System.Windows.Controls.ListView)sender;
    MyClass selectedObject = (MyClass)list.SelectedItem;
    // Do stuff with the selectedObject.

How to fetch Java version using single line command in Linux

This is a slight variation, but PJW's solution didn't quite work for me:

java -version 2>&1 | head -n 1 | cut -d'"' -f2

just cut the string on the delimiter " (double quotes) and get the second field.

Delete cookie by name?

In my case I used blow code for different environment.

  document.cookie = name +`=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;Domain=.${document.domain.split('.').splice(1).join('.')}`;

What are abstract classes and abstract methods?

Once you get what abstract means in Java, you would ask: why they put this in ? Java may work without abstract stuff, BUT it makes part of a certain OO style or vocabulary. There exists really situations where an abstract class or method is an elegant way to express the program authors intention. Most when you are programming a framework or a library that will be used by others.

What's the common practice for enums in Python?

class Materials:
    Shaded, Shiny, Transparent, Matte = range(4)

>>> print Materials.Matte

C# getting its own class name

Get Current class name of

string CurrentClass = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name.ToString();

How do you scroll up/down on the console of a Linux VM

For some commands, such as mtr + (plus) and - (minus) work to scroll up and down.

Each for object?

var object = { "a": 1, "b": 2};_x000D_
$.each(object, function(key, value){_x000D_
  console.log(key + ": " + object[key]);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

a: 1
b: 2

What is the default boolean value in C#?

Remember that using uninitialized variables in C# is not allowed.


bool foo = new bool();

foo will have the default value.

Boolean default is false

Making the Android emulator run faster

I noticed that the emulator defaults to only Core 0, where most Windows applications will default to "any" core. Also, if you put it on another core (like the last core), it may make the emulator go crazy. If you can, you can try putting your heavy-CPU usage applications on the other CPU cores for a boost in speed.

Hardware-wise, get the fastest CPU you can get that works for single-core applications. More than 2 cores might not experience a huge difference in terms of emulator performance.

Eclipse + the Android emulator together eat up a ton of RAM. I would recommend 3 gigs of RAM at least because I used a system with 2 gigs of RAM, and it slowed down because the system ran out of RAM and started to use the page file.

I feel that the best CPUs for it will probably have a high clock (only use clock as a measure for CPUs in the same series btw), handle non-SIMD operations well, and have a turbo boost mechanism. There aren't many Java-based benchmarks, but overall look for application benchmarks like compression and office. Don't look at gaming or media since those are affected greatly by SIMD. If you find a Java one, even better.

Cron job every three days

* * */3 * *  that says, every minute of every hour on every three days. 

0 0 */3 * *  says at 00:00 (midnight) every three days.

Angular 2 filter/search list

try this html code

<md-input #myInput placeholder="Item name..." [(ngModel)]="name"></md-input>

<div *ngFor="let item of filteredItems | search: name">

use search pipe

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

  name: 'search'
export class SearchPipe implements PipeTransform {

  transform(value: any, args?: any): any {

    if(!value)return null;
    if(!args)return value;

    args = args.toLowerCase();

    return value.filter(function(item){
        return JSON.stringify(item).toLowerCase().includes(args);


How do I get the number of days between two dates in JavaScript?

This answer, based on another one (link at end), is about the difference between two dates.
You can see how it works because it's simple, also it includes splitting the difference into
units of time (a function that I made) and converting to UTC to stop time zone problems.

function date_units_diff(a, b, unit_amounts) {_x000D_
    var split_to_whole_units = function (milliseconds, unit_amounts) {_x000D_
        // unit_amounts = list/array of amounts of milliseconds in a_x000D_
        // second, seconds in a minute, etc., for example "[1000, 60]"._x000D_
        time_data = [milliseconds];_x000D_
        for (i = 0; i < unit_amounts.length; i++) {_x000D_
            time_data.push(parseInt(time_data[i] / unit_amounts[i]));_x000D_
            time_data[i] = time_data[i] % unit_amounts[i];_x000D_
        }; return time_data.reverse();_x000D_
    }; if (unit_amounts == undefined) {_x000D_
        unit_amounts = [1000, 60, 60, 24];_x000D_
    var utc_a = new Date(a.toUTCString());_x000D_
    var utc_b = new Date(b.toUTCString());_x000D_
    var diff = (utc_b - utc_a);_x000D_
    return split_to_whole_units(diff, unit_amounts);_x000D_
// Example of use:_x000D_
var d = date_units_diff(new Date(2010, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Date()).slice(0,-2);_x000D_
document.write("In difference: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes.".replace(_x000D_
   /0|1|2/g, function (x) {return String( d[Number(x)] );} ));

How my code above works

A date/time difference, as milliseconds, can be calculated using the Date object:

var a = new Date(); // Current date now.
var b = new Date(2010, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Start of 2010.

var utc_a = new Date(a.toUTCString());
var utc_b = new Date(b.toUTCString());
var diff = (utc_b - utc_a); // The difference as milliseconds.

Then to work out the number of seconds in that difference, divide it by 1000 to convert
milliseconds to seconds, then change the result to an integer (whole number) to remove
the milliseconds (fraction part of that decimal): var seconds = parseInt(diff/1000).
Also, I could get longer units of time using the same process, for example:
- (whole) minutes, dividing seconds by 60 and changing the result to an integer,
- hours, dividing minutes by 60 and changing the result to an integer.

I created a function for doing that process of splitting the difference into
whole units of time, named split_to_whole_units, with this demo:

console.log(split_to_whole_units(72000, [1000, 60]));
// -> [1,12,0] # 1 (whole) minute, 12 seconds, 0 milliseconds.

This answer is based on this other one.

What does "O(1) access time" mean?

Introduction to Algorithms: Second Edition by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest & Stein says on page 44 that

Since any constant is a degree-0 polynomial, we can express any constant function as Theta(n^0), or Theta(1). This latter notation is a minor abuse, however, because it is not clear what variable is tending to infinity. We shall often use the notation Theta(1) to mean either a constant or a constant function with respect to some variable. ... We denote by O(g(n))... the set of functions f(n) such that there exist positive constants c and n0 such that 0 <= f(n) <= c*g(n) for all n >= n0. ... Note that f(n) = Theta(g(n)) implies f(n) = O(g(n)), since Theta notation is stronger than O notation.

If an algorithm runs in O(1) time, it means that asymptotically doesn't depend upon any variable, meaning that there exists at least one positive constant that when multiplied by one is greater than the asymptotic complexity (~runtime) of the function for values of n above a certain amount. Technically, it's O(n^0) time.

How to edit binary file on Unix systems

For small changes, I have used hexedit:

Simple but fast and useful.

docker command not found even though installed with apt-get

IMPORTANT - on ubuntu package docker is something entirely different ( avoid it ) :

issue following to view what if any packages you have mentioning docker

dpkg -l|grep docker

if only match is following then you do NOT have docker installed below is an unrelated package

docker - System tray for KDE3/GNOME2 docklet applications

if you see something similar to following then you have docker installed

 dpkg -l|grep docker

ii  docker-ce                                  5:19.03.13~3-0~ubuntu-focal         amd64        Docker: the open-source application container engine
ii  docker-ce-cli                              5:19.03.13~3-0~ubuntu-focal         amd64        Docker CLI: the open-source application container engine

NOTE - ubuntu package is not getting updates ( obsolete do NOT use )

Instead do this : install the latest version of docker on linux by executing the following:

  sudo curl -sSL | sh
# sudo curl -sSL | sh  # get dev pipeline version

here is a typical output ( ubuntu 16.04 )

apparmor is enabled in the kernel and apparmor utils were already installed
+ sudo -E sh -c apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D
Executing: /tmp/tmp.rAAGu0P85R/ --keyserver
gpg: requesting key 2C52609D from hkp server
gpg: key 2C52609D: "Docker Release Tool (releasedocker) <[email protected]>" 1 new signature
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:         new signatures: 1
+ break
+ sudo -E sh -c apt-key adv -k 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D >/dev/null
+ sudo -E sh -c mkdir -p /etc/apt/sources.list.d
+ dpkg --print-architecture
+ sudo -E sh -c echo deb [arch=amd64] ubuntu-xenial main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
+ sudo -E sh -c sleep 3; apt-get update; apt-get install -y -q docker-engine
Hit:1 precise InRelease
Hit:2 xenial InRelease                                                           
Ign:3 stable InRelease                                                                      
Hit:4 stable Release                                                                        
Hit:5 xenial InRelease                                                                        
Hit:6 xenial InRelease                                                     
Hit:7 xenial-updates InRelease                                             
Hit:8 xenial InRelease                                                 
Ign:9 wheezy/mongodb-org/3.2 InRelease                                                         
Hit:10 xenial-backports InRelease                                          
Hit:11 wheezy/mongodb-org/3.2 Release                                                          
Hit:12 xenial-security InRelease                                           
Hit:14 xenial InRelease                                                                 
Ign:15 wily InRelease                                                                             
Ign:16 stable InRelease                                                                        
Hit:17 stable Release                                                                          
Get:18 wily Release [6,596 B]            
Get:19 ubuntu-xenial InRelease [20.6 kB]    
Ign:20 xenial InRelease                      
Hit:22 xenial Release
Hit:23 stable InRelease
Hit:26 stable InRelease
Get:28 ubuntu-xenial/main amd64 Packages [1,719 B]
Hit:29 jessie InRelease
Fetched 28.9 kB in 1s (17.2 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
W: Signature by key 42F3E95A2C4F08279C4960ADD68FA50FEA312927 uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
The following additional packages will be installed:
  aufs-tools cgroupfs-mount
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  aufs-tools cgroupfs-mount docker-engine
0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 17 not upgraded.
Need to get 14.6 MB of archives.
After this operation, 73.7 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 xenial/universe amd64 aufs-tools amd64 1:3.2+20130722-1.1ubuntu1 [92.9 kB]
Get:2 xenial/universe amd64 cgroupfs-mount all 1.2 [4,970 B]
Get:3 ubuntu-xenial/main amd64 docker-engine amd64 1.11.2-0~xenial [14.5 MB]
Fetched 14.6 MB in 7s (2,047 kB/s)
Selecting previously unselected package aufs-tools.
(Reading database ... 427978 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../aufs-tools_1%3a3.2+20130722-1.1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking aufs-tools (1:3.2+20130722-1.1ubuntu1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package cgroupfs-mount.
Preparing to unpack .../cgroupfs-mount_1.2_all.deb ...
Unpacking cgroupfs-mount (1.2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package docker-engine.
Preparing to unpack .../docker-engine_1.11.2-0~xenial_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking docker-engine (1.11.2-0~xenial) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu3) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.7.5-1) ...
Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-19) ...
Processing triggers for systemd (229-4ubuntu6) ...
Setting up aufs-tools (1:3.2+20130722-1.1ubuntu1) ...
Setting up cgroupfs-mount (1.2) ...
Setting up docker-engine (1.11.2-0~xenial) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu3) ...
Processing triggers for systemd (229-4ubuntu6) ...
Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-19) ...
+ sudo -E sh -c docker version
 Version:      1.11.2
 API version:  1.23
 Go version:   go1.5.4
 Git commit:   b9f10c9
 Built:        Wed Jun  1 22:00:43 2016
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

 Version:      1.11.2
 API version:  1.23
 Go version:   go1.5.4
 Git commit:   b9f10c9
 Built:        Wed Jun  1 22:00:43 2016
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

If you would like to use Docker as a non-root user, you should now consider
adding your user to the "docker" group with something like:

  sudo usermod -aG docker stens

Remember that you will have to log out and back in for this to take effect!

Here is the underlying detailed install instructions which as you can see comes bundled into above technique ... Above one liner gives you same as :

Once installed you can see what docker packages were installed by issuing

dpkg -l|grep docker
ii  docker-ce                                  5:19.03.13~3-0~ubuntu-focal         amd64        Docker: the open-source application container engine
ii  docker-ce-cli                              5:19.03.13~3-0~ubuntu-focal         amd64        Docker CLI: the open-source application container engine

now Docker updates will get installed going forward when you issue

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

take a look at

 ls -latr /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*docker*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 202 Jun 23 10:01 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  71 Jul  4 11:32 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list

cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list

deb [arch=amd64] ubuntu-xenial main

or more generally

cd /etc/apt
grep -r docker *
sources.list.d/docker.list:deb [arch=amd64] focal test

Matplotlib different size subplots

You can use gridspec and figure:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from matplotlib import gridspec

# generate some data
x = np.arange(0, 10, 0.2)
y = np.sin(x)

# plot it
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) 
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[3, 1]) 
ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
ax0.plot(x, y)
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1])
ax1.plot(y, x)


resulting plot

What is the difference between angular-route and angular-ui-router?

ngRoute is part of the core AngularJS framework.

ui-router is a community library that has been created to attempt to improve upon the default routing capabilities.

Here is a good article about configuring/setting up ui-router:

How to create a release signed apk file using Gradle?

It is 2019 and I need to sign APK with V1 (jar signature) or V2 (full APK signature). I googled "generate signed apk gradle" and it brought me here. So I am adding my original solution here.

signingConfigs {
    release {
        v1SigningEnabled true
        v2SigningEnabled true

My original question: How to use V1 (Jar signature) or V2 (Full APK signature) from build.gradle file

How to delete files older than X hours

-mmin is for minutes.

Try looking at the man page.

man find

for more types.

Setting graph figure size

The properties that can be set for a figure is referenced here.

You could then use:

figure_number = 1;
x      = 0;   % Screen position
y      = 0;   % Screen position
width  = 600; % Width of figure
height = 400; % Height of figure (by default in pixels)

figure(figure_number, 'Position', [x y width height]);

How do I record audio on iPhone with AVAudioRecorder?

In the following link you can find useful info about recording with AVAudioRecording. In this link in the first part "USing Audio" there is an anchor named “Recording with the AVAudioRecorder Class.” that leads you to the example.

AudioVideo Conceptual MultimediaPG

Moment.js - How to convert date string into date?

If you are getting a JS based date String then first use the new Date(String) constructor and then pass the Date object to the moment method. Like:

var dateString = 'Thu Jul 15 2016 19:31:44 GMT+0200 (CEST)';
var dateObj = new Date(dateString);
var momentObj = moment(dateObj);
var momentString = momentObj.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); // 2016-07-15

In case dateString is 15-07-2016, then you should use the moment(date:String, format:String) method

var dateString = '07-15-2016';
var momentObj = moment(dateString, 'MM-DD-YYYY');
var momentString = momentObj.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); // 2016-07-15

Why Python 3.6.1 throws AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'?

Unfortunately none of the suggestions helped me, but after some more googling this

pip install aenum

solved it for me

href="javascript:" vs. href="javascript:void(0)"

When using javascript: in navigation the return value of the executed script, if there is one, becomes the content of a new document which is displayed in the browser. The void operator in JavaScript causes the return value of the expression following it to return undefined, which prevents this action from happening. You can try it yourself, copy the following into the address bar and press return:


The result is a new page with only the word "hello". Now change it to:

javascript:void "hello"

...nothing happens.

When you write javascript: on its own there's no script being executed, so the result of that script execution is also undefined, so the browser does nothing. This makes the following more or less equivalent:

javascript:void 0;

With the exception that undefined can be overridden by declaring a variable with the same name. Use of void 0 is generally pointless, and it's basically been whittled down from void functionThatReturnsSomething().

As others have mentioned, it's better still to use return false; in the click handler than use the javascript: protocol.

Draw horizontal rule in React Native

Why don't you do something like this?

    borderBottomWidth: 1,
    borderBottomColor: 'black',
    width: 400,

Setting state on componentDidMount()

According to the React Documentation it's perfectly OK to call setState() from within the componentDidMount() function.

It will cause render() to be called twice, which is less efficient than only calling it once, but other than that it's perfectly fine.

You can find the documentation here:

Here is the excerpt from the documentation:

You may call setState() immediately in componentDidMount(). It will trigger an extra rendering, but it will happen before the browser updates the screen. This guarantees that even though the render() will be called twice in this case, the user won’t see the intermediate state. Use this pattern with caution because it often causes performance issues...

How do I force Internet Explorer to render in Standards Mode and NOT in Quirks?

  1. Using html5 doctype at the beginning of the page.

    <!DOCTYPE html>

  2. Force IE to use the latest render mode

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

  3. If your target browser is ie8, then check your compatible settings in IE8

I blog this in details

The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference

All answers posted so far are giving the right solutions, however no one answer was able to properly explain the underlying cause of the concrete problem.

Facelets is a XML based view technology which uses XHTML+XML to generate HTML output. XML has five special characters which has special treatment by the XML parser:

  • < the start of a tag.
  • > the end of a tag.
  • " the start and end of an attribute value.
  • ' the alternative start and end of an attribute value.
  • & the start of an entity (which ends with ;).

In case of & which is not followed by # (e.g. &#160;, &#xA0;, etc), the XML parser is implicitly looking for one of the five predefined entity names lt, gt, amp, quot and apos, or any manually defined entity name. However, in your particular case, you was using & as a JavaScript operator, not as an XML entity. This totally explains the XML parsing error you got:

The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference

In essence, you're writing JavaScript code in the wrong place, a XML document instead of a JS file, so you should be escaping all XML special characters accordingly. The & must be escaped as &amp;.

So, in your particular case, the

if (Modernizr.canvas && Modernizr.localstorage && 

must become

if (Modernizr.canvas &amp;&amp; Modernizr.localstorage &amp;&amp;

to make it XML-valid.

However, this makes the JavaScript code harder to read and maintain. As stated in Mozilla Developer Network's excellent document Writing JavaScript for XHTML, you should be placing the JavaScript code in a character data (CDATA) block. Thus, in JSF terms, that would be:

        // ...

The XML parser will interpret the block's contents as "plain vanilla" character data and not as XML and hence interpret the XML special characters "as-is".

But, much better is to just put the JS code in its own JS file which you include by <script src>, or in JSF terms, the <h:outputScript>.

<h:outputScript name="onload.js" target="body" />

(note the target="body"; this way JSF will automatically render the <script> at the very end of <body>, regardless of where <h:outputScript> itself is located, hereby achieving the same effect as with window.onload and $(document).ready(); so you don't need to use those anymore in that script)

This way you don't need to worry about XML-special characters in your JS code. As an additional bonus, this gives you the opportunity to let the browser cache the JS file so that total response size is smaller.

See also:

onClick function of an input type="button" not working

When I try:

<input type="button" id="moreFields" onclick="alert('The text will be show!!'); return false;" value="Give me more fields!"  />

It's worked well. So I think the problem is position of moreFields() function. Ensure that function will be define before your input tag.

Pls try:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function moreFields() {
        alert("The text will be show");

<input type="button" id="moreFields" onclick="moreFields()" value="Give me more fields!"  />

Hope it helped.

How to change the interval time on bootstrap carousel?

The best way to get rid on it is adding or modifying the data-interval attribute like this:

<div data-ride="carousel" class="carousel slide" data-interval="10000" id="myCarousel">

It's specified on ms like it's usually on js, so 1000 = 1s, 3000 = 3s... 10000 = 10s.

By the way you can also specify it at 0 for not sliding automatically. It's useful when showing product images on mobile for example.

<div data-ride="carousel" class="carousel slide" data-interval="0" id="myCarousel">

VBA procedure to import csv file into access

Your file seems quite small (297 lines) so you can read and write them quite quickly. You refer to Excel CSV, which does not exists, and you show space delimited data in your example. Furthermore, Access is limited to 255 columns, and a CSV is not, so there is no guarantee this will work

Sub StripHeaderAndFooter()
Dim fs As Object ''FileSystemObject
Dim tsIn As Object, tsOut As Object ''TextStream
Dim sFileIn As String, sFileOut As String
Dim aryFile As Variant

    sFileIn = "z:\docs\FileName.csv"
    sFileOut = "z:\docs\FileOut.csv"

    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set tsIn = fs.OpenTextFile(sFileIn, 1) ''ForReading

    sTmp = tsIn.ReadAll

    Set tsOut = fs.CreateTextFile(sFileOut, True) ''Overwrite
    aryFile = Split(sTmp, vbCrLf)

    ''Start at line 3 and end at last line -1
    For i = 3 To UBound(aryFile) - 1
        tsOut.WriteLine aryFile(i)


    DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, , "NewCSV", sFileOut, False
End Sub

Edit re various comments

It is possible to import a text file manually into MS Access and this will allow you to choose you own cell delimiters and text delimiters. You need to choose External data from the menu, select your file and step through the wizard.

About importing and linking data and database objects -- Applies to: Microsoft Office Access 2003

Introduction to importing and exporting data -- Applies to: Microsoft Access 2010

Once you get the import working using the wizards, you can save an import specification and use it for you next DoCmd.TransferText as outlined by @Olivier Jacot-Descombes. This will allow you to have non-standard delimiters such as semi colon and single-quoted text.

C# HttpWebRequest of type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" - how to send '&' character in content body?

As long as the server allows the ampresand character to be POSTed (not all do as it can be unsafe), all you should have to do is URL Encode the character. In the case of an ampresand, you should replace the character with %26.

.NET provides a nice way of encoding the entire string for you though:

string strNew = "&uploadfile=true&file=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(iCalStr);

Loading another html page from javascript

You can include a .js file which has the script to set the

window.location.href = url;

Where url would be the url you wish to load.

Decreasing height of bootstrap 3.0 navbar

I think we can write this fewer styles, without changing the existing color. The following worked for me (in Bootstrap 3.2.0)

.navbar-nav > li > a { padding-top: 5px !important; padding-bottom: 5px !important; }
.navbar { min-height: 32px !important; }
.navbar-brand { padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; }

The last one ('navbar-brand') is actually needed only if you have text as your 'brand' name.

How do I sleep for a millisecond in Perl?

From perlfaq8:

How can I sleep() or alarm() for under a second?

If you want finer granularity than the 1 second that the sleep() function provides, the easiest way is to use the select() function as documented in select in perlfunc. Try the Time::HiRes and the BSD::Itimer modules (available from CPAN, and starting from Perl 5.8 Time::HiRes is part of the standard distribution).

Add click event on div tag using javascript

Separate function to make adding event handlers much easier.

function addListener(event, obj, fn) {
    if (obj.addEventListener) {
        obj.addEventListener(event, fn, false);   // modern browsers
    } else {
        obj.attachEvent("on"+event, fn);          // older versions of IE

element = document.getElementsByClassName('drill_cursor')[0];

addListener('click', element, function () {
    // Do stuff

How can I display an image from a file in Jupyter Notebook?

Courtesy of this page, I found this worked when the suggestions above didn't:

import PIL.Image
from cStringIO import StringIO
import IPython.display
import numpy as np
def showarray(a, fmt='png'):
    a = np.uint8(a)
    f = StringIO()
    PIL.Image.fromarray(a).save(f, fmt)

What steps are needed to stream RTSP from FFmpeg?

Another streaming command I've had good results with is piping the ffmpeg output to vlc to create a stream. If you don't have these installed, you can add them:

sudo apt install vlc ffmpeg

In the example I use an mpeg transport stream (ts) over http, instead of rtsp. I've tried both, but the http ts stream seems to work glitch-free on my playback devices.

I'm using a video capture HDMI>USB device that sets itself up on the video4linux2 driver as input. Piping through vlc must be CPU-friendly, because my old dual-core Pentium CPU is able to do the real-time encoding with no dropped frames. I've also had audio-sync issues with some of the other methods, where this method always has perfect audio-sync.

You will have to adjust the command for your device or file. If you're using a file as input, you won't need all that v4l2 and alsa stuff. Here's the ffmpeg|vlc command:

ffmpeg -thread_queue_size 1024 -f video4linux2 -input_format mjpeg -i /dev/video0 -r 30 -f alsa -ac 1 -thread_queue_size 1024 -i hw:1,0 -acodec aac -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 18 -s hd720 -vf format=yuv420p -profile:v main -threads 0 -f mpegts -|vlc -I dummy - --sout='#std{access=http,mux=ts,dst=:8554}'

For example, lets say your server PC IP is, then the stream can be played by this command:


How to convert a currency string to a double with jQuery or Javascript?

I know you've found a solution to your question, I just wanted to recommend that maybe you look at the following more extensive jQuery plugin for International Number Formats:

International Number Formatter

convert:not authorized `aaaa` @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/453

After a recent update on my Ubuntu 16.04 system I have also started getting this error when trying to run convert on .ps files to convert them into pdfs.

This fix worked for me:

In a terminal run:

sudo gedit /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml

This should open the policy.xml file in the gedit text editor. If it doesn't, your image magick might be installed in a different place. Then change



rights="read | write" 

for PDF, EPS and PS lines near the bottom of the file. Save and exit, and image magick should then work again.

How to remove blank lines from a Unix file

sed -i '/^$/d' foo

This tells sed to delete every line matching the regex ^$ i.e. every empty line. The -i flag edits the file in-place, if your sed doesn't support that you can write the output to a temporary file and replace the original:

sed '/^$/d' foo > foo.tmp
mv foo.tmp foo

If you also want to remove lines consisting only of whitespace (not just empty lines) then use:

sed -i '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' foo

Edit: also remove whitespace at the end of lines, because apparently you've decided you need that too:

sed -i '/^[[:space:]]*$/d;s/[[:space:]]*$//' foo

Google Maps: how to get country, state/province/region, city given a lat/long value?

You have a basic answer here: Get city name using geolocation

But for what you are looking for, i'd recommend this way.

Only if you also need administrative_area_level_1,to store different things for Paris, Texas, US and Paris, Ile-de-France, France and provide a manual fallback:


There is a problem in Michal's way, in that it takes the first result, not a particular one. He uses results[0]. The way I see fit (I just modified his code) is to take ONLY the result whose type is "locality", which is always present, even in an eventual manual fallback in case the browser does not support geolocation.

His way: fetched results are different from using than from using,26.10540&sensor=false (searching by name / searching by lat&lng)

This way: same fetched results.

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"/> 
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> 
<title>Reverse Geocoding</title> 

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
  var geocoder;

  if (navigator.geolocation) {
    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successFunction, errorFunction);
//Get the latitude and the longitude;
function successFunction(position) {
    var lat = position.coords.latitude;
    var lng = position.coords.longitude;
    codeLatLng(lat, lng)

function errorFunction(){
    alert("Geocoder failed");

  function initialize() {
    geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();


  function codeLatLng(lat, lng) {

    var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
    geocoder.geocode({'latLng': latlng}, function(results, status) {
      if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
        if (results[1]) {
        var indice=0;
        for (var j=0; j<results.length; j++)
            if (results[j].types[0]=='locality')
        alert('The good number is: '+j);
        for (var i=0; i<results[j].address_components.length; i++)
                if (results[j].address_components[i].types[0] == "locality") {
                        //this is the object you are looking for City
                        city = results[j].address_components[i];
                if (results[j].address_components[i].types[0] == "administrative_area_level_1") {
                        //this is the object you are looking for State
                        region = results[j].address_components[i];
                if (results[j].address_components[i].types[0] == "country") {
                        //this is the object you are looking for
                        country = results[j].address_components[i];

            //city data
            alert(city.long_name + " || " + region.long_name + " || " + country.short_name)

            } else {
              alert("No results found");
      } else {
        alert("Geocoder failed due to: " + status);
<body onload="initialize()"> 


How to stick a footer to bottom in css?

#Footer {

worked for me

Splitting strings in PHP and get last part

Since explode() returns an array, you can add square brackets directly to the end of that function, if you happen to know the position of the last array item.

$email = '[email protected]';
$provider = explode('@', $email)[1];
echo $provider; //

Or another way is list():

$email = '[email protected]';
list($prefix, $provider) = explode('@', $email);
echo $provider; //

If you don't know the position:

$path = 'one/two/three/four';
$dirs = explode('/', $path);
$last_dir = $dirs[count($dirs) - 1];
echo $last_dir; // four

How do I bind a List<CustomObject> to a WPF DataGrid?

You dont need to give column names manually in xaml. Just set AutoGenerateColumns property to true and your list will be automatically binded to DataGrid. refer code. XAML Code:

    <DataGrid x:Name="MyDatagrid" AutoGenerateColumns="True" Height="447" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="20,85,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="799"  ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ListTest, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"  CanUserAddRows="False"> </Grid>


Public Class Test 
    public string m_field1_Test{get;set;}
    public string m_field2_Test { get; set; }
    public Test()
        m_field1_Test = "field1";
        m_field2_Test = "field2";
    public MainWindow()

        listTest = new List<Test>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            obj = new Test();


        this.MyDatagrid.ItemsSource = ListTest;



Serializing a list to JSON

If using .Net Core 3.0 or later;

Default to using the built in System.Text.Json parser implementation.


using System.Text.Json;

var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(aList);

alternatively, other, less mainstream options are available like Utf8Json parser and Jil: These may offer superior performance, if you really need it but, you will need to install their respective packages.

If stuck using .Net Core 2.2 or earlier;

Default to using Newtonsoft JSON.Net as your first choice JSON Parser.


using Newtonsoft.Json;

var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(aList);

you may need to install the package first.

PM> Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json

For more details see and upvote the answer that is the source of this information.

For reference only, this was the original answer, many years ago;

// you need to reference System.Web.Extensions

using System.Web.Script.Serialization;

var jsonSerialiser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var json = jsonSerialiser.Serialize(aList);

Embedding SVG into ReactJS

You can import svg and it use it like a image

import chatSVG from '../assets/images/undraw_typing_jie3.svg'

And ise it in img tag

<img src={chatSVG} className='iconChat' alt="Icon chat"/>

Mockito verify order / sequence of method calls

InOrder helps you to do that.

ServiceClassA firstMock = mock(ServiceClassA.class);
ServiceClassB secondMock = mock(ServiceClassB.class);


//create inOrder object passing any mocks that need to be verified in order
InOrder inOrder = inOrder(firstMock, secondMock);

//following will make sure that firstMock was called before secondMock

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

I don't know about, so I might be mistaken, but you usually want to investigate whether there is a memory leak. Well, as others note, if it was 64MB and you are doing something with 3d, maybe it's obviously too small...

But if I were you, I'll set up a profiler or visualvm, and let your application run for extended time (days, weeks...). Then look at the heap allocation history, and make sure it's not a memory leak.

If you use a profiler, like JProfiler or the one that comes with NetBeans IDE etc., you can see what object is being accumulating, and then track down what's going on.. Well, almost always something is incorrectly not removed from a collection...

How to select the row with the maximum value in each group

Another base solution

group_sorted <- group[order(group$Subject, -group$pt),]

# Subject pt Event
#       1  5     2
#       2 17     2
#       3  5     2

Order the data frame by pt (descending) and then remove rows duplicated in Subject