Programs & Examples On #Csv

Comma-Separated Values or Character-Separated Values (CSV) is a standard "flat file database" format for storing tabular data in plain text, consisting of an optional header row that lists the table fields delimited by commas or tabs or other delimiter character, followed by one or more rows (newline separated) representing the table records as delimited lists of the values. Newlines and separator characters can appear within (quoted) fields.

PHP Array to CSV

In my case, my array was multidimensional, potentially with arrays as values. So I created this recursive function to blow apart the array completely:

function array2csv($array, &$title, &$data) {
    foreach($array as $key => $value) {      
        if(is_array($value)) {
            $title .= $key . ",";
            $data .= "" . ",";
            array2csv($value, $title, $data);
        } else {
            $title .= $key . ",";
            $data .= '"' . $value . '",';

Since the various levels of my array didn't lend themselves well to a the flat CSV format, I created a blank column with the sub-array's key to serve as a descriptive "intro" to the next level of data. Sample output:

agentid     fname           lname      empid    totals  sales   leads   dish    dishnet top200_plus top120  latino  base_packages
G-adriana   ADRIANA EUGENIA PALOMO PAIZ 886                0    19              0         0         0         0      0

You could easily remove that "intro" (descriptive) column, but in my case I had repeating column headers, i.e. inbound_leads, in each sub-array, so that gave me a break/title preceding the next section. Remove:

$title .= $key . ",";
$data .= "" . ",";

after the is_array() to compact the code further and remove the extra column.

Since I wanted both a title row and data row, I pass two variables into the function and upon completion of the call to the function, terminate both with PHP_EOL:

$title .= PHP_EOL;
$data .= PHP_EOL;

Yes, I know I leave an extra comma, but for the sake of brevity, I didn't handle it here.

Use python requests to download CSV

this worked nicely for me:

from csv import DictReader

f = requests.get('').content.decode('utf-8')
reader = DictReader(f.split('\n'))
csv_dict_list = list(reader)

How can I convert an HTML table to CSV?

With Perl you can use the HTML::TableExtract module to extract the data from the table and then use Text::CSV_XS to create a CSV file or Spreadsheet::WriteExcel to create an Excel file.

Importing a CSV file into a sqlite3 database table using Python

I've found that it can be necessary to break up the transfer of data from the csv to the database in chunks as to not run out of memory. This can be done like this:

import csv
import sqlite3
from operator import itemgetter

# Establish connection
conn = sqlite3.connect("mydb.db")

# Create the table 
    CREATE TABLE persons(
        person_id INTEGER,
        last_name TEXT, 
        first_name TEXT, 
        address TEXT

# These are the columns from the csv that we want
cols = ["person_id", "last_name", "first_name", "address"]

# If the csv file is huge, we instead add the data in chunks
chunksize = 10000

# Parse csv file and populate db in chunks
with conn, open("persons.csv") as f:
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)

    chunk = []
    for i, row in reader: 

        if i % chunksize == 0 and i > 0:
                INSERT INTO persons
                    VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)
                """, chunk
            chunk = []

        items = itemgetter(*cols)(row)

How to delete columns in a CSV file?

It depends on how you store the parsed CSV, but generally you want the del operator.

If you have an array of dicts:

input = [ {'day':01, 'month':04, 'year':2001, ...}, ... ]
for E in input: del E['year']

If you have an array of arrays:

input = [ [01, 04, 2001, ...],
for E in input: del E[2]

Convert multiple rows into one with comma as separator

you can use stuff() to convert rows as comma separated values

  SELECT ',' + FPProjectMaster.GroupName 
      FROM     FPProjectInfo AS t INNER JOIN
              FPProjectMaster ON t.ProjectID = FPProjectMaster.ProjectID
      WHERE  (t.EmployeeID = FPProjectInfo.EmployeeID)
              And t.STatusID = 1
              ORDER BY t.ProjectID
       for xml path('')
       ),1,1,'') as name_csv
from FPProjectInfo
group by EmployeeID;

Thanks @AlexKuznetsov for the reference to get this answer.

Skip the headers when editing a csv file using Python

Doing row=1 won't change anything, because you'll just overwrite that with the results of the loop.

You want to do next(reader) to skip one row.

How do I spool to a CSV formatted file using SQLPLUS?

I use this command for scripts which extracts data for dimensional tables (DW). So, I use the following syntax:

set colsep '|'
set echo off
set feedback off
set linesize 1000
set pagesize 0
set sqlprompt ''
set trimspool on
set headsep off

spool output.dat

select '|', <table>.*, '|'
  from <table>
where <conditions>

spool off

And works. I don't use sed for format the output file.

PHP code to convert a MySQL query to CSV

// Export to CSV
if($_GET['action'] == 'export') {

  $rsSearchResults = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die(mysql_error());

  $out = '';
  $fields = mysql_list_fields('database','table',$db);
  $columns = mysql_num_fields($fields);

  // Put the name of all fields
  for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++) {
    $l=mysql_field_name($fields, $i);
    $out .= '"'.$l.'",';
  $out .="\n";

  // Add all values in the table
  while ($l = mysql_fetch_array($rsSearchResults)) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++) {
      $out .='"'.$l["$i"].'",';
    $out .="\n";
  // Output to browser with appropriate mime type, you choose ;)
  header("Content-type: text/x-csv");
  //header("Content-type: text/csv");
  //header("Content-type: application/csv");
  header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=search_results.csv");
  echo $out;

Saving excel worksheet to CSV files with filename+worksheet name using VB

I had a similar problem. Data in a worksheet I needed to save as a separate CSV file.

Here's my code behind a command button

Private Sub cmdSave()
    Dim sFileName As String
    Dim WB As Workbook

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    sFileName = "MyFileName.csv"
    'Copy the contents of required sheet ready to paste into the new CSV
    Sheets(1).Range("A1:T85").Copy 'Define your own range

    'Open a new XLS workbook, save it as the file name
    Set WB = Workbooks.Add
    With WB
        .Title = "MyTitle"
        .Subject = "MySubject"
        .SaveAs "MyDirectory\" & sFileName, xlCSV
    End With

    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

This works for me :-)

Errors in SQL Server while importing CSV file despite varchar(MAX) being used for each column

In SQL Server Import and Export Wizard you can adjust the source data types in the Advanced tab (these become the data types of the output if creating a new table, but otherwise are just used for handling the source data).

The data types are annoyingly different than those in MS SQL, instead of VARCHAR(255) it's DT_STR and the output column width can be set to 255. For VARCHAR(MAX) it's DT_TEXT.

So, on the Data Source selection, in the Advanced tab, change the data type of any offending columns from DT_STR to DT_TEXT (You can select multiple columns and change them all at once).

Import and Export Wizard - Data Source - Advanced

How to use the CSV MIME-type?

You are not specifying a language or framework, but the following header is used for file downloads:

"Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=abc.csv"

Reading a UTF8 CSV file with Python

The .encode method gets applied to a Unicode string to make a byte-string; but you're calling it on a byte-string instead... the wrong way 'round! Look at the codecs module in the standard library and in particular for better general solutions for reading UTF-8 encoded text files. However, for the csv module in particular, you need to pass in utf-8 data, and that's what you're already getting, so your code can be much simpler:

import csv

def unicode_csv_reader(utf8_data, dialect=csv.excel, **kwargs):
    csv_reader = csv.reader(utf8_data, dialect=dialect, **kwargs)
    for row in csv_reader:
        yield [unicode(cell, 'utf-8') for cell in row]

filename = 'da.csv'
reader = unicode_csv_reader(open(filename))
for field1, field2, field3 in reader:
  print field1, field2, field3 

PS: if it turns out that your input data is NOT in utf-8, but e.g. in ISO-8859-1, then you do need a "transcoding" (if you're keen on using utf-8 at the csv module level), of the form line.decode('whateverweirdcodec').encode('utf-8') -- but probably you can just use the name of your existing encoding in the yield line in my code above, instead of 'utf-8', as csv is actually going to be just fine with ISO-8859-* encoded bytestrings.

Pandas df.to_csv("file.csv" encode="utf-8") still gives trash characters for minus sign

Your "bad" output is UTF-8 displayed as CP1252.

On Windows, many editors assume the default ANSI encoding (CP1252 on US Windows) instead of UTF-8 if there is no byte order mark (BOM) character at the start of the file. While a BOM is meaningless to the UTF-8 encoding, its UTF-8-encoded presence serves as a signature for some programs. For example, Microsoft Office's Excel requires it even on non-Windows OSes. Try:


That encoder will add the BOM.

Using SQL LOADER in Oracle to import CSV file

Try this

load data infile 'datafile location' into table schema.tablename fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '|' (field1,field2,field3....)

In command prompt:

sqlldr system@databasename/password control='control file location'

Download a file from HTTPS using download.file()

Here's an update as of Nov 2014. I find that setting method='curl' did the trick for me (while method='auto', does not).

For example:

# does not work

# does not work. this appears to be the default anyway
              destfile='', method='auto')

# works!
              destfile='', method='curl')

Calculate summary statistics of columns in dataframe

To clarify one point in @EdChum's answer, per the documentation, you can include the object columns by using df.describe(include='all'). It won't provide many statistics, but will provide a few pieces of info, including count, number of unique values, top value. This may be a new feature, I don't know as I am a relatively new user.

How do I export html table data as .csv file?

I was able to use the answer outlined here: Export to CSV using jQuery and html and added in a modification to make it work in IE and another modification mentioned in the comments to grab the thead from the table.

function exportTableToCSV($table, filename) {

    var $rows = $table.find('tr:has(td),tr:has(th)'),

        // Temporary delimiter characters unlikely to be typed by keyboard
        // This is to avoid accidentally splitting the actual contents
        tmpColDelim = String.fromCharCode(11), // vertical tab character
        tmpRowDelim = String.fromCharCode(0), // null character

        // actual delimiter characters for CSV format
        colDelim = '","',
        rowDelim = '"\r\n"',

        // Grab text from table into CSV formatted string
        csv = '"' + $ (i, row) {
            var $row = $(row), $cols = $row.find('td,th');

            return $ (j, col) {
                var $col = $(col), text = $col.text();

                return text.replace(/"/g, '""'); // escape double quotes


            .split(tmpColDelim).join(colDelim) + '"',

        // Data URI
        csvData = 'data:application/csv;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(csv);


        if (window.navigator.msSaveBlob) { // IE 10+
            //alert('IE' + csv);
            window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(new Blob([csv], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8;"}), "csvname.csv")
        else {
            $(this).attr({ 'download': filename, 'href': csvData, 'target': '_blank' }); 

// This must be a hyperlink
$("#xx").on('click', function (event) {

    exportTableToCSV.apply(this, [$('#projectSpreadsheet'), 'export.csv']);

    // IF CSV, don't do event.preventDefault() or return false
    // We actually need this to be a typical hyperlink

With my link looking like this...

<a href="#" id="xx" style="text-decoration:none;color:#000;background-color:#ddd;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:8px;">Export Table data into Excel</a>


Writing a Python list of lists to a csv file

You could use pandas:

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: a = [[1.2,'abc',3],[1.2,'werew',4],[1.4,'qew',2]]

In [3]: my_df = pd.DataFrame(a)

In [4]: my_df.to_csv('my_csv.csv', index=False, header=False)

How to ignore the first line of data when processing CSV data?

I would convert csvreader to list, then pop the first element

import csv        

with open(fileName, 'r') as csvfile:
        csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        data = list(csvreader)               # Convert to list
        data.pop(0)                          # Removes the first row

        for row in data:

Convert xlsx to csv in Linux with command line

You can do this with LibreOffice:

libreoffice --headless --convert-to csv $filename --outdir $outdir

For reasons not clear to me, you might need to run this with sudo. You can make LibreOffice work with sudo without requiring a password by adding this line to you sudoers file:

users ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: libreoffice

Read CSV file column by column

You should use the excellent OpenCSV for reading and writing CSV files. To adapt your example to use the library it would look like this:

public class ParseCSV {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      //csv file containing data
      String strFile = "C:/Users/rsaluja/CMS_Evaluation/Drupal_12_08_27.csv";
      CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(strFile));
      String [] nextLine;
      int lineNumber = 0;
      while ((nextLine = reader.readNext()) != null) {
        System.out.println("Line # " + lineNumber);

        // nextLine[] is an array of values from the line
        System.out.println(nextLine[4] + "etc...");

Python CSV error: line contains NULL byte

One case is that - If the CSV file contains empty rows this error may show up. Check for row is necessary before we proceed to write or read.

for row in csvreader:
        if (row):       
            do something

I solved my issue by adding this check in the code.

Invalid column count in CSV input on line 1 Error

When facing errors with input files of any type, encoding issues are common.

A simple solution might be to open a new file, copy pasting your CSV text in it, then saving it as a new file.

Save results to csv file with Python

Use csv.writer:

import csv

with open('thefile.csv', 'rb') as f:
  data = list(csv.reader(f))

import collections
counter = collections.defaultdict(int)
for row in data:
    counter[row[0]] += 1

writer = csv.writer(open("/path/to/my/csv/file", 'w'))
for row in data:
    if counter[row[0]] >= 4:

Importing CSV data using PHP/MySQL


$con = mysql_connect('','root','password');
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("db", $con);

$fp = fopen("file.csv", "r");

while( !feof($fp) ) {
  if( !$line = fgetcsv($fp, 1000, ';', '"')) {

    $importSQL = "INSERT INTO table_name VALUES('".$line[0]."','".$line[1]."','".$line[2]."')";

    mysql_query($importSQL) or die(mysql_error());  



Writing Python lists to columns in csv

I just wanted to add to this one- because quite frankly, I banged my head against it for a while - and while very new to python - perhaps it will help someone else out.

 writer.writerow(("ColName1", "ColName2", "ColName"))
                 for i in range(len(first_col_list)):
                     writer.writerow((first_col_list[i], second_col_list[i], third_col_list[i]))

Importing CSV File to Google Maps

For generating the KML file from your CSV file (or XLS), you can use MyGeodata online GIS Data Converter. Here is the CSV to KML How-To.

Key error when selecting columns in pandas dataframe after read_csv

use sep='\s*,\s*' so that you will take care of spaces in column-names:

transactions = pd.read_csv('transactions.csv', sep=r'\s*,\s*',
                           header=0, encoding='ascii', engine='python')

alternatively you can make sure that you don't have unquoted spaces in your CSV file and use your command (unchanged)




['product_id', 'customer_id', 'store_id', 'promotion_id', 'month_of_year', 'quarter', 'the_year', 'store_sales', 'store_cost', 'unit_sales', 'fact_count']

Excel CSV - Number cell format

This has been driving me crazy all day (since indeed you can't control the Excel column types before opening the CSV file), and this worked for me, using VB.NET and Excel Interop:

        'Convert .csv file to .txt file.
        FileName = ConvertToText(FileName)

        Dim ColumnTypes(,) As Integer = New Integer(,) {{1, xlTextFormat}, _
                                                        {2, xlTextFormat}, _
                                                        {3, xlGeneralFormat}, _
                                                        {4, xlGeneralFormat}, _
                                                        {5, xlGeneralFormat}, _
                                                        {6, xlGeneralFormat}}

        'We are using OpenText() in order to specify the column types.
        mxlApp.Workbooks.OpenText(FileName, , , Excel.XlTextParsingType.xlDelimited, , , True, , True, , , , ColumnTypes)
        mxlWorkBook = mxlApp.ActiveWorkbook
        mxlWorkSheet = CType(mxlApp.ActiveSheet, Excel.Worksheet)

Private Function ConvertToText(ByVal FileName As String) As String
    'Convert the .csv file to a .txt file.
    'If the file is a text file, we can specify the column types.
    'Otherwise, the Codes are first converted to numbers, which loses trailing zeros.

        Dim MyReader As New StreamReader(FileName)
        Dim NewFileName As String = FileName.Replace(".CSV", ".TXT")
        Dim MyWriter As New StreamWriter(NewFileName, False)
        Dim strLine As String

        Do While Not MyReader.EndOfStream
            strLine = MyReader.ReadLine


        Return NewFileName
    Catch ex As Exception
        Return ""
    End Try

End Function

Save Dataframe to csv directly to s3 Python

since you are using boto3.client(), try:

import boto3
from io import StringIO #python3 
s3 = boto3.client('s3', aws_access_key_id='key', aws_secret_access_key='secret_key')
def copy_to_s3(client, df, bucket, filepath):
    csv_buf = StringIO()
    df.to_csv(csv_buf, header=True, index=False)
    client.put_object(Bucket=bucket, Body=csv_buf.getvalue(), Key=filepath)
    print(f'Copy {df.shape[0]} rows to S3 Bucket {bucket} at {filepath}, Done!')

copy_to_s3(client=s3, df=df_to_upload, bucket='abc', filepath='def/test.csv')

How do I download a file using VBA (without Internet Explorer)

A modified version of above to make it more dynamic.

Public Function DownloadFileB(ByVal URL As String, ByVal DownloadPath As String, ByRef Username As String, ByRef Password, Optional Overwrite As Boolean = True) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo Failed

    Dim WinHttpReq          As Object: Set WinHttpReq = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

    WinHttpReq.Open "GET", URL, False, Username, Password

    If WinHttpReq.Status = 200 Then
        Dim oStream         As Object: Set oStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
        oStream.Type = 1
        oStream.Write WinHttpReq.responseBody
        oStream.SaveToFile DownloadPath, Abs(CInt(Overwrite)) + 1
        DownloadFileB = Len(Dir(DownloadPath)) > 0
        Exit Function
    End If

    DownloadFileB = False
End Function

How to write to a CSV line by line?

You could just write to the file as you would write any normal file.

with open('csvfile.csv','wb') as file:
    for l in text:

If just in case, it is a list of lists, you could directly use built-in csv module

import csv

with open("csvfile.csv", "wb") as file:
    writer = csv.writer(file)

Creating a dictionary from a CSV file

Many solutions have been posted and I'd like to contribute with mine, which works for a different number of columns in the CSV file. It creates a dictionary with one key per column, and the value for each key is a list with the elements in such column.

    input_file = csv.DictReader(open(path_to_csv_file))
    csv_dict = {elem: [] for elem in input_file.fieldnames}
    for row in input_file:
        for key in csv_dict.keys():

How to insert selected columns from a CSV file to a MySQL database using LOAD DATA INFILE

  (column1, @dummy, column2, @dummy, column3, ...)

Just replace the column1, column2, etc.. with your column names, and put @dummy anwhere there's a column in the CSV you want to ignore.

Full details here.

TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

I had same error and the mistake was that I had added list and dictionary into the same list (object) and when I used to iterate over the list of dictionaries and use to hit a list (type) object then I used to get this error.

Its was a code error and made sure that I only added dictionary objects to that list and list typed object into the list, this solved my issue as well.

Export to csv in jQuery

This is my implementation (based in:

Usage: HTML:

<table class="download">...</table>
<a href="" download="name.csv">DOWNLOAD CSV</a>




jQuery.fn.toCSV = function(link) {
  var $link = $(link);
  var data = $(this).first(); //Only one table
  var csvData = [];
  var tmpArr = [];
  var tmpStr = '';
  data.find("tr").each(function() {
      if($(this).find("th").length) {
          $(this).find("th").each(function() {
            tmpStr = $(this).text().replace(/"/g, '""');
            tmpArr.push('"' + tmpStr + '"');
      } else {
          tmpArr = [];
             $(this).find("td").each(function() {
                  if($(this).text().match(/^-{0,1}\d*\.{0,1}\d+$/)) {
                  } else {
                      tmpStr = $(this).text().replace(/"/g, '""');
                      tmpArr.push('"' + tmpStr + '"');
  var output = csvData.join('\n');
  var uri = 'data:application/csv;charset=UTF-8,' + encodeURIComponent(output);
  $link.attr("href", uri);


  • It uses "th" tags for headings. If they are not present, they are not added.
  • This code detects numbers in the format: -####.## (You will need modify the code in order to accept other formats, e.g. using commas).


My previous implementation worked fine but it didn't set the csv filename. The code was modified to use a filename but it requires an < a > element. It seems that you can't dynamically generate the < a > element and fire the "click" event (perhaps security reasons?).


(Unfortunately jsfiddle fails to generate the file and instead it throws an error: 'please use POST request', don't let that error stop you from testing this code in your application).

Save PL/pgSQL output from PostgreSQL to a CSV file

In pgAdmin III there is an option to export to file from the query window. In the main menu it's Query -> Execute to file or there's a button that does the same thing (it's a green triangle with a blue floppy disk as opposed to the plain green triangle which just runs the query). If you're not running the query from the query window then I'd do what IMSoP suggested and use the copy command.

Import-CSV and Foreach

$IP_Array = (Get-Content test2.csv)[0].split(",")
foreach ( $IP in $IP_Array){

Get-content Filename returns an array of strings for each line.

On the first string only, I split it based on ",". Dumping it into $IP_Array.

$IP_Array = (Get-Content test2.csv)[0].split(",")
foreach ( $IP in $IP_Array){
  if ($IP -eq "") {
    Write-Host "Found $IP"

Save each sheet in a workbook to separate CSV files

Please look into Von Pookie's answer, all credits to him/her.

 Sub asdf()
Dim ws As Worksheet, newWb As Workbook

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each ws In Sheets(Array("EID Upload", "Wages with Locals Upload", "Wages without Local Upload"))
   Set newWb = ActiveWorkbook
   With newWb
      .SaveAs ws.Name, xlCSV
      .Close (False)
   End With
Next ws
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Python Pandas: How to read only first n rows of CSV files in?

If you only want to read the first 999,999 (non-header) rows:

read_csv(..., nrows=999999)

If you only want to read rows 1,000,000 ... 1,999,999

read_csv(..., skiprows=1000000, nrows=999999)

nrows : int, default None Number of rows of file to read. Useful for reading pieces of large files*

skiprows : list-like or integer Row numbers to skip (0-indexed) or number of rows to skip (int) at the start of the file

and for large files, you'll probably also want to use chunksize:

chunksize : int, default None Return TextFileReader object for iteration documentation

Read .csv file in C

A complete example which leaves the fields as NULL-terminated strings in the original input buffer and provides access to them via an array of char pointers. The CSV processor has been confirmed to work with fields enclosed in "double quotes", ignoring any delimiter chars within them.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// adjust BUFFER_SIZE to suit longest line 
#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 * 1024
#define NUM_FIELDS 10
#define MAXERRS 5
#define RET_OK 0
#define RET_FAIL 1
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

// char* array will point to fields
char *pFields[NUM_FIELDS];
// field offsets into pFields array:
#define LP          0
#define IMIE        1
#define NAZWISKo    2
#define ULICA       3
#define NUMER       4
#define KOD         5
#define MIEJSCOw    6
#define TELEFON     7
#define EMAIL       8
#define DATA_UR     9

long loadFile(FILE *pFile, long *errcount);
static int  loadValues(char *line, long lineno);
static char delim;

long loadFile(FILE *pFile, long *errcount){

    char sInputBuf [BUFFER_SIZE];
    long lineno = 0L;

    if(pFile == NULL)
        return RET_FAIL;

    while (!feof(pFile)) {

        // load line into static buffer
        if(fgets(sInputBuf, BUFFER_SIZE-1, pFile)==NULL)

        // skip first line (headers)

        // jump over empty lines
        // set pFields array pointers to null-terminated string fields in sInputBuf
            if(*errcount > MAXERRS)
        } else {    
            // On return pFields array pointers point to loaded fields ready for load into DB or whatever
            // Fields can be accessed via pFields, e.g.
            printf("lp=%s, imie=%s, data_ur=%s\n", pFields[LP], pFields[IMIE], pFields[DATA_UR]);
    return lineno;

static int  loadValues(char *line, long lineno){
    if(line == NULL)
        return RET_FAIL;

    // chop of last char of input if it is a CR or LF (e.g.Windows file loading in Unix env.)
    // can be removed if sure fgets has removed both CR and LF from end of line
    if(*(line + strlen(line)-1) == '\r' || *(line + strlen(line)-1) == '\n')
        *(line + strlen(line)-1) = '\0';
    if(*(line + strlen(line)-1) == '\r' || *(line + strlen(line)-1 )== '\n')
        *(line + strlen(line)-1) = '\0';

    char *cptr = line;
    int fld = 0;
    int inquote = FALSE;
    char ch;

    while((ch=*cptr) != '\0' && fld < NUM_FIELDS){
        if(ch == '"') {
            if(! inquote)
            else {
                *cptr = '\0';               // zero out " and jump over it
            inquote = ! inquote;
        } else if(ch == delim && ! inquote){
            *cptr = '\0';                   // end of field, null terminate it
    if(fld > NUM_FIELDS-1){
        fprintf(stderr, "Expected field count (%d) exceeded on line %ld\n", NUM_FIELDS, lineno);
        return RET_FAIL;
    } else if (fld < NUM_FIELDS-1){
        fprintf(stderr, "Expected field count (%d) not reached on line %ld\n", NUM_FIELDS, lineno);
        return RET_FAIL;    
    return RET_OK;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
   FILE *fp;
   long errcount = 0L;
   long lines = 0L;

       printf("Usage: %s csvfilepath delimiter\n", basename(argv[0]));
       return (RET_FAIL);
       fprintf(stderr,"delimiter must be specified\n");
       return (RET_FAIL);
   fp = fopen(argv[1] , "r");
   if(fp == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Error opening file: %d\n",errno);
   printf("Processed %ld lines, encountered %ld error(s)\n", lines, errcount);

Ruby on Rails - Import Data from a CSV file

Use this gem:

class Moulding < ActiveRecord::Base

Then you may now use:


Just be sure to that your headers match the column names of your table

How do I write data to csv file in columns and rows from a list in python?

import pandas as pd
for i in range(len(doc_list)):

Using pandas dataframe,we can write to csv. First create a dataframe as per the your needs for storing in csv. Then create csv of the dataframe using pd.DataFrame.to_csv() API.

How to concatenate text from multiple rows into a single text string in SQL server?

In MySQL, there is a function, GROUP_CONCAT(), which allows you to concatenate the values from multiple rows. Example:

FROM users 
WHERE id IN (1,2,3) 

Extract csv file specific columns to list in Python

A standard-lib version (no pandas)

This assumes that the first row of the csv is the headers

import csv

# open the file in universal line ending mode 
with open('test.csv', 'rU') as infile:
  # read the file as a dictionary for each row ({header : value})
  reader = csv.DictReader(infile)
  data = {}
  for row in reader:
    for header, value in row.items():
      except KeyError:
        data[header] = [value]

# extract the variables you want
names = data['name']
latitude = data['latitude']
longitude = data['longitude']

Import CSV into SQL Server (including automatic table creation)

SQL Server Management Studio provides an Import/Export wizard tool which have an option to automatically create tables.

You can access it by right clicking on the Database in Object Explorer and selecting Tasks->Import Data...

From there wizard should be self-explanatory and easy to navigate. You choose your CSV as source, desired destination, configure columns and run the package.

If you need detailed guidance, there are plenty of guides online, here is a nice one:

Writing List of Strings to Excel CSV File in Python

The csv.writer writerow method takes an iterable as an argument. Your result set has to be a list (rows) of lists (columns).


Write the row parameter to the writer’s file object, formatted according to the current dialect.

Do either:

import csv
with open('output.csv','wb') as result_file:
    wr = csv.writer(result_file, dialect='excel')


import csv
RESULT = ['apple','cherry','orange','pineapple','strawberry']
with open('output.csv','wb') as result_file:
    wr = csv.writer(result_file, dialect='excel')

How do I read a large csv file with pandas?

You can read in the data as chunks and save each chunk as pickle.

import pandas as pd 
import pickle

in_path = "" #Path where the large file is
out_path = "" #Path to save the pickle files to
chunk_size = 400000 #size of chunks relies on your available memory
separator = "~"

reader = pd.read_csv(in_path,sep=separator,chunksize=chunk_size, 

for i, chunk in enumerate(reader):
    out_file = out_path + "/data_{}.pkl".format(i+1)
    with open(out_file, "wb") as f:

In the next step you read in the pickles and append each pickle to your desired dataframe.

import glob
pickle_path = "" #Same Path as out_path i.e. where the pickle files are

for name in glob.glob(pickle_path + "/data_*.pkl"):

df = pd.DataFrame([])
for i in range(len(data_p_files)):
    df = df.append(pd.read_pickle(data_p_files[i]),ignore_index=True)

Java - Writing strings to a CSV file

 private static final String FILE_HEADER ="meter_Number,latestDate";
    private static final String COMMA_DELIMITER = ",";
    private static final String NEW_LINE_SEPARATOR = "\n";
    static SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:m m:ss");

    private void writeToCsv(Map<String, Date> meterMap) {
        try {
            Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Date>> iter = meterMap.entrySet().iterator();
            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("smaple.csv");
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                Map.Entry<String, Date> entry =;
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                } finally {
        } catch (Exception e) {

Microsoft Excel mangles Diacritics in .csv files?

Excel 2007 properly reads UTF-8 with BOM (EF BB BF) encoded csv.

Excel 2003 (and maybe earlier) reads UTF-16LE with BOM (FF FE), but with TABs instead of commas or semicolons.

How to get rid of "Unnamed: 0" column in a pandas DataFrame?

You can do the following with Unnamed Columns:

  1. Delete unnamed columns
  2. Rename them (if you want to use them)



#read file df = pd.read_csv('file.csv')

Method 1: Delete Unnamed Columns

# delete one by one like column is 'Unnamed: 0' so use it's name
df.drop('Unnamed: 0', axis=1, inplace=True)

#delete all Unnamed Columns in a single code of line using regex
df.drop(df.filter(regex="Unnamed"),axis=1, inplace=True)

Method 2: Rename Unnamed Columns

df.rename(columns = {'Unnamed: 0':'Name'}, inplace = True)

If you want to write out with a blank header as in the input file, just choose 'Name' above to be ''.

Regex to split a CSV

I created this a few months ago for a project.


Regular expression visualization

It works in C# and the Debuggex was happy when I selected Python and PCRE. Javascript doesn't recognize this form of Proceeded By ?<=....

For your values, it will create matches on

"Description, more info"

Note that anything in quotes doesn't have a leading comma, but attempting to match with a leading comma was required for the empty value use case. Once done, trim values as necessary.

I use RegexHero.Net to test my Regex.

How to save a data frame as CSV to a user selected location using tcltk

You need not to use even the package "tcltk". You can simply do as shown below:

write.csv(x, file = "c:\\myname\\yourfile.csv", row.names = FALSE)

Give your path inspite of "c:\myname\yourfile.csv".

Load CSV file with Spark

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession \
    .builder \
    .appName("Python Spark SQL basic example") \
    .config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value") \

df ="/home/stp/test1.csv",header=True,sep="|")


How to read a CSV file from a URL with Python?

Using pandas it is very simple to read a csv file directly from a url

import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('')

This will read your data in tabular format, which will be very easy to process

How to export JavaScript array info to csv (on client side)?

There are two questions here:

  1. How to convert an array to csv string
  2. How to save that string to a file

All the answers to the first question (except the one by Milimetric) here seem like an overkill. And the one by Milimetric does not cover altrenative requirements, like surrounding strings with quotes or converting arrays of objects.

Here are my takes on this:

For a simple csv one map() and a join() are enough:

    var test_array = [["name1", 2, 3], ["name2", 4, 5], ["name3", 6, 7], ["name4", 8, 9], ["name5", 10, 11]];
    var csv ={
        return d.join();

    /* Results in 

This method also allows you to specify column separator other than a comma in the inner join. for example a tab: d.join('\t')

On the other hand if you want to do it properly and enclose strings in quotes "", then you can use some JSON magic:

var csv ={
       return JSON.stringify(d);
    .replace(/(^\[)|(\]$)/mg, ''); // remove opening [ and closing ]
                                   // brackets from each line 

/* would produce

if you have array of objects like :

var data = [
  {"title": "Book title 1", "author": "Name1 Surname1"},
  {"title": "Book title 2", "author": "Name2 Surname2"},
  {"title": "Book title 3", "author": "Name3 Surname3"},
  {"title": "Book title 4", "author": "Name4 Surname4"}

// use
var csv ={
        return JSON.stringify(Object.values(d));
    .replace(/(^\[)|(\]$)/mg, '');

How to get the number of columns from a JDBC ResultSet?

PreparedStatement ps=con.prepareStatement("select * from stud");

ResultSet rs=ps.executeQuery();

ResultSetMetaData rsmd=rs.getMetaData();

System.out.println("columns: "+rsmd.getColumnCount());  
System.out.println("Column Name of 1st column: "+rsmd.getColumnName(1));  
System.out.println("Column Type Name of 1st column: "+rsmd.getColumnTypeName(1)); 

Dump all tables in CSV format using 'mysqldump'

If you are using MySQL or MariaDB, the easiest and performant way dump CSV for single table is -

SELECT customer_id, firstname, surname INTO OUTFILE '/exportdata/customers.txt'
  FROM customers;

Now you can use other techniques to repeat this command for multiple tables. See more details here:

Convert XLS to CSV on command line

A slightly modified version of ScottF answer, which does not require absolute file paths:

if WScript.Arguments.Count < 2 Then
    WScript.Echo "Please specify the source and the destination files. Usage: ExcelToCsv <xls/xlsx source file> <csv destination file>"
End If

csv_format = 6

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

src_file = objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(Wscript.Arguments.Item(0))
dest_file = objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.Arguments.Item(1))

Dim oExcel
Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

Dim oBook
Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(src_file)

oBook.SaveAs dest_file, csv_format

oBook.Close False

I have renamed the script ExcelToCsv, since this script is not limited to xls at all. xlsx Works just fine, as we could expect.

Tested with Office 2010.

Printing column separated by comma using Awk command line

If your only requirement is to print the third field of every line, with each field delimited by a comma, you can use cut:

cut -d, -f3 file
  • -d, sets the delimiter to a comma
  • -f3 specifies that only the third field is to be printed

php implode (101) with quotes

No, the way that you're doing it is just fine. implode() only takes 1-2 parameters (if you just supply an array, it joins the pieces by an empty string).

How to load a tsv file into a Pandas DataFrame?

Use read_table(filepath). The default separator is tab

Create Pandas DataFrame from a string

A simple way to do this is to use StringIO.StringIO (python2) or io.StringIO (python3) and pass that to the pandas.read_csv function. E.g:

import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3: 
    from StringIO import StringIO
    from io import StringIO

import pandas as pd

TESTDATA = StringIO("""col1;col2;col3

df = pd.read_csv(TESTDATA, sep=";")

Extract specific columns from delimited file using Awk

Others have answered your earlier question. For this:

As an addendum, is there any way to extract directly with the header names rather than with column numbers?

I haven't tried it, but you could store each header's index in a hash and then use that hash to get its index later on.

    hash[$i] = i;

Then later on, use it:

j = hash["header1"];
print $j;

How can I read and manipulate CSV file data in C++?

I found this interesting approach:

CSV to C structure utility

Quote: CSVtoC is a program that takes a CSV or comma-separated values file as input and dumps it as a C structure.

Naturally, you can't make changes to the CSV file, but if you just need in-memory read-only access to the data, it could work.

c++ Read from .csv file

a csv-file is just like any other file a stream of characters. the getline reads from the file up to a delimiter however in your case the delimiter for the last item is not ' ' as you assume

getline(file, genero, ' ') ; 

it is newline \n

so change that line to

getline(file, genero); // \n is default delimiter

How to parse a CSV in a Bash script?

I was looking for an elegant solution that support quoting and wouldn't require installing anything fancy on my VMware vMA appliance. Turns out this simple python script does the trick! (I named the script, since it converts CSV into tab-separated values - TSV)

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys, csv

with sys.stdin as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    for row in reader:
        for col in row:
            print col+'\t',

Tab-separated values can be split easily with the cut command (no delimiter needs to be specified, tab is the default). Here's a sample usage/output:

> esxcli -h $VI_HOST --formatter=csv network vswitch standard list ||cut -f12

In my scripts I'm actually going to parse tsv output line by line and use read or cut to get the fields I need.

Generating CSV file for Excel, how to have a newline inside a value

In Excel 365 while importing the file:

Data -> From Text/CSV: From Text/CSV

-> Select File > Transform Data:

Select File -> Transform Data

In the Power Query Editor, right hand side at "Query Settings", under APPLIED STEPS, on "Source" row, click the "Settings icon"

Source settings icon

-> In the line break dropdown select Ignore line breaks inside quotes.

Ignore quoted line breaks

Then press OK -> File -> Close & Load

Read CSV with Scanner()

If you absolutely must use Scanner, then you must set its delimiter via its useDelimiter(...) method. Else it will default to using all white space as its delimiter. Better though as has already been stated -- use a CSV library since this is what they do best.

For example, this delimiter will split on commas with or without surrounding whitespace:


Please check out the java.util.Scanner API for more on this.

(unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape

You can just put r in front of the string with your actual path, which denotes a raw string. For example:

data = open(r"C:\Users\miche\Documents\school\jaar2\MIK\2.6\vektis_agb_zorgverlener")

Can a CSV file have a comment?

The CSV "standard" (such as it is) does not dictate how comments should be handled, no, it's up to the application to establish a convention and stick with it.

Hadoop/Hive : Loading data from .csv on a local machine

if you have a hive setup you can put the local dataset directly using Hive load command in hdfs/s3.

You will need to use "Local" keyword when writing your load command.

Syntax for hiveload command

LOAD DATA [LOCAL] INPATH 'filepath' [OVERWRITE] INTO TABLE tablename [PARTITION (partcol1=val1, partcol2=val2 ...)]

Refer below link for more detailed information.

Parsing CSV files in C#, with header

A CSV parser is now a part of .NET Framework.

Add a reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll (works fine in C#, don't mind the name)

using (TextFieldParser parser = new TextFieldParser(@"c:\temp\test.csv"))
    parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited;
    while (!parser.EndOfData)
        //Process row
        string[] fields = parser.ReadFields();
        foreach (string field in fields)
            //TODO: Process field

The docs are here - TextFieldParser Class

P.S. If you need a CSV exporter, try CsvExport (discl: I'm one of the contributors)

How to export collection to CSV in MongoDB?

If you want, you can export all collections to csv without specifying --fields (will export all fields).

From run this bash script


# fill in your details here

# first get all collections in the database
collections=`mongo "$host/$dbname" -u $user -p $pass --eval "rs.slaveOk();db.getCollectionNames();"`;
collections=`mongo $dbname --eval "rs.slaveOk();db.getCollectionNames();"`;

# for each collection
for ((i=0; i<${#collectionArray[@]}; ++i));
    echo 'exporting collection' ${collectionArray[$i]}
    # get comma separated list of keys. do this by peeking into the first document in the collection and get his set of keys
    keys=`mongo "$host/$dbname" -u $user -p $pass --eval "rs.slaveOk();var keys = []; for(var key in db.${collectionArray[$i]}.find().sort({_id: -1}).limit(1)[0]) { keys.push(key); }; keys;" --quiet`;
    # now use mongoexport with the set of keys to export the collection to csv
    mongoexport --host $host -u $user -p $pass -d $dbname -c ${collectionArray[$i]} --fields "$keys" --csv --out $dbname.${collectionArray[$i]}.csv;


How to copy from CSV file to PostgreSQL table with headers in CSV file?

I have been using this function for a while with no problems. You just need to provide the number columns there are in the csv file, and it will take the header names from the first row and create the table for you:

create or replace function data.load_csv_file
        target_table  text, -- name of the table that will be created
        csv_file_path text,
        col_count     integer

    returns void

as $$

    iter      integer; -- dummy integer to iterate columns with
    col       text; -- to keep column names in each iteration
    col_first text; -- first column name, e.g., top left corner on a csv file or spreadsheet

    set schema 'data';

    create table temp_table ();

    -- add just enough number of columns
    for iter in 1..col_count
        execute format ('alter table temp_table add column col_%s text;', iter);
    end loop;

    -- copy the data from csv file
    execute format ('copy temp_table from %L with delimiter '','' quote ''"'' csv ', csv_file_path);

    iter := 1;
    col_first := (select col_1
                  from temp_table
                  limit 1);

    -- update the column names based on the first row which has the column names
    for col in execute format ('select unnest(string_to_array(trim(temp_table::text, ''()''), '','')) from temp_table where col_1 = %L', col_first)
        execute format ('alter table temp_table rename column col_%s to %s', iter, col);
        iter := iter + 1;
    end loop;

    -- delete the columns row // using quote_ident or %I does not work here!?
    execute format ('delete from temp_table where %s = %L', col_first, col_first);

    -- change the temp table name to the name given as parameter, if not blank
    if length (target_table) > 0 then
        execute format ('alter table temp_table rename to %I', target_table);
    end if;

$$ language plpgsql;

How to import CSV file data into a PostgreSQL table?

I created a small tool that imports csv file into PostgreSQL super easy, just a command and it will create and populate the tables, unfortunately, at the moment all fields automatically created uses the type TEXT

csv2pg users.csv -d ";" -H -U postgres -B mydatabase

The tool can be found on

Skip first line(field) in loop using CSV file?

There are many ways to skip the first line. In addition to those said by Bakuriu, I would add:

with open(filename, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:


with open(filename,'r') as f:
    lines = f.readlines()[1:]

Change output format for MySQL command line results to CSV

It is how to save results to CSV on the client-side without additional non-standard tools. This example uses only mysql client and awk.


mysql --skip-column-names --batch -e 'select * from dump3' t | awk -F'\t' '{ sep=""; for(i = 1; i <= NF; i++) { gsub(/\\t/,"\t",$i); gsub(/\\n/,"\n",$i); gsub(/\\\\/,"\\",$i); gsub(/"/,"\"\"",$i); printf sep"\""$i"\""; sep=","; if(i==NF){printf"\n"}}}'

Logical explanation of what is needed to do

  1. First, let see how data looks like in RAW mode (with --raw option). the database and table are respectively t and dump3

    You can see the field starting from "new line" (in the first row) is splitted into three lines due to new lines placed in the value.

mysql --skip-column-names --batch --raw -e 'select * from dump3' t

one line        2       new line
quotation marks " backslash \ two quotation marks "" two backslashes \\ two tabs                new line
the end of field

another line    1       another line description without any special chars
  1. OUTPUT data in batch mode (without --raw option) - each record changed to the one-line texts by escaping characters like \ <tab> and new-lines
mysql --skip-column-names --batch -e 'select * from dump3' t

one line      2  new line\nquotation marks " backslash \\ two quotation marks "" two backslashes \\\\ two tabs\t\tnew line\nthe end of field
another line  1  another line description without any special chars
  1. And data output in CSV format

The clue is to save data in CSV format with escaped characters.

The way to do that is to convert special entities which mysql --batch produces (\t as tabs \\ as backshlash and \n as newline) into equivalent bytes for each value (field). Then whole value is escaped by " and enclosed also by ". Btw - using the same characters for escaping and enclosing gently simplifies output and processing, because you don't have two special characters. For this reason all you have to do with values (from csv format perspective) is to change " to "" whithin values. In more common way (with escaping and enclosing respectively \ and ") you would have to first change \ to \\ and then change " into \".

And the commands' explanation step by step:

# we produce one-line output as showed in step 2.
mysql --skip-column-names --batch -e 'select * from dump3' t

# set fields separator to  because mysql produces in that way
| awk -F'\t' 

# this start iterating every line/record from the mysql data - standard behaviour of awk

# field separator is empty because we don't print a separator before the first output field

-- iterating by every field and converting the field to csv proper value
for(i = 1; i <= NF; i++) { 
-- note: \\ two shlashes below mean \ for awk because they're escaped

-- changing \t into byte corresponding to <tab> 
    gsub(/\\t/, "\t",$i); 

-- changing \n into byte corresponding to new line
    gsub(/\\n/, "\n",$i); 

-- changing two \\ into one \  

-- changing value into CSV proper one literally - change " into ""
    gsub(/"/,   "\"\"",$i); 

-- print output field enclosed by " and adding separator before
    printf sep"\""$i"\"";  

-- separator is set after first field is processed - because earlier we don't need it

-- adding new line after the last field processed - so this indicates csv record separator
    if(i==NF) {printf"\n"} 

Excel CSV. file with more than 1,048,576 rows of data

I'm surprised no one mentioned Microsoft Query. You can simply request data from the large CSV file as you need it by querying only that which you need. (Querying is setup like how you filter a table in Excel)

Better yet, if one is open to installing the Power Query add-in, it's super simple and quick. Note: Power Query is an add-in for 2010 and 2013 but comes with 2016.

Convert txt to csv python script

I suposse this is the output you need:



It can be done with this changes to your code:

import csv
import itertools

with open('log.txt', 'r') as in_file:
    lines =
    stripped = [line.replace(","," ").split() for line in lines]
    grouped = itertools.izip(*[stripped]*1)
    with open('log.csv', 'w') as out_file:
        writer = csv.writer(out_file)
        writer.writerow(('title', 'intro', 'tagline'))
        for group in grouped:

What does the "More Columns than Column Names" error mean?

For the Germans:

you have to change your decimal commas into a Full stop in your csv-file (in Excel:File -> Options -> Advanced -> "Decimal seperator") , then the error is solved.

how to merge 200 csv files in Python

I'm just gonna through another code example in the basket

from glob import glob

with open('singleDataFile.csv', 'a') as singleFile:
    for csvFile in glob('*.csv'):
        for line in open(csvFile, 'r'):

How can I convert JSON to CSV?

First, your JSON has nested objects, so it normally cannot be directly converted to CSV. You need to change that to something like this:

    "pk": 22,
    "model": "auth.permission",
    "codename": "add_logentry",
    "content_type": 8,
    "name": "Can add log entry"

Here is my code to generate CSV from that:

import csv
import json

x = """[
        "pk": 22,
        "model": "auth.permission",
        "fields": {
            "codename": "add_logentry",
            "name": "Can add log entry",
            "content_type": 8
        "pk": 23,
        "model": "auth.permission",
        "fields": {
            "codename": "change_logentry",
            "name": "Can change log entry",
            "content_type": 8
        "pk": 24,
        "model": "auth.permission",
        "fields": {
            "codename": "delete_logentry",
            "name": "Can delete log entry",
            "content_type": 8

x = json.loads(x)

f = csv.writer(open("test.csv", "wb+"))

# Write CSV Header, If you dont need that, remove this line
f.writerow(["pk", "model", "codename", "name", "content_type"])

for x in x:

You will get output as:

22,auth.permission,add_logentry,Can add log entry,8
23,auth.permission,change_logentry,Can change log entry,8
24,auth.permission,delete_logentry,Can delete log entry,8

Export result set on Dbeaver to CSV

The problem was the box "open new connection" that was checked. So I couldn't use my temporary table.

Appending items to a list of lists in python

import csv
cols = [' V1', ' I1'] # define your columns here, check the spaces!
data = [[] for col in cols] # this creates a list of **different** lists, not a list of pointers to the same list like you did in [[]]*len(positions) 
with open('data.csv', 'r') as f:
    for rec in csv.DictReader(f):
        for l, col in zip(data, cols):
print data

# [[3.0, 3.0], [0.01, 0.01]]

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' in python and CSV

You are opening the csv file in binary mode, it should be 'w'

import csv

# open csv file in write mode with utf-8 encoding
with open('output.csv','w',encoding='utf-8',newline='')as w:
    fieldnames = ["SNo", "States", "Dist", "Population"]
    writer = csv.DictWriter(w, fieldnames=fieldnames)
    # write list of dicts
    writer.writerows(list_of_dicts) #writerow(dict) if write one row at time

Dealing with commas in a CSV file

If you feel like reinventing the wheel, the following may work for you:

public static IEnumerable<string> SplitCSV(string line)
    var s = new StringBuilder();
    bool escaped = false, inQuotes = false;
    foreach (char c in line)
        if (c == ',' && !inQuotes)
            yield return s.ToString();
        else if (c == '\\' && !escaped)
            escaped = true;
        else if (c == '"' && !escaped)
            inQuotes = !inQuotes;
            escaped = false;
    yield return s.ToString();

How to import a csv file into MySQL workbench?

In the navigator under SCHEMAS, right click your schema/database and select "Table Data Import Wizard"

Works for mac too.

error 1265. Data truncated for column when trying to load data from txt file

The reason is that mysql expecting end of the row symbol in the text file after last specified column, and this symbol is char(10) or '\n'. Depends on operation system where text file created or if you created your text file yourself, it can be other combination (Windows uses '\r\n' (chr(13)+chr(10)) as rows separator). Thus, if you use Windows generated text file, add following suffix to your LOAD command: “ LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' ”. Otherwise, check how rows are separated in your text file. On default mysql expecting char(10) as rows separator.

Writing to CSV with Python adds blank lines

Pyexcel works great with both Python2 and Python3 without troubles.

Fast installation with pip:

pip install pyexcel

After that, only 3 lines of code and the job is done:

import pyexcel
data = [['Me', 'You'], ['293', '219'], ['54', '13']]
pyexcel.save_as(array = data, dest_file_name = 'csv_file_name.csv')

Exporting result of select statement to CSV format in DB2

You can run this command from the DB2 command line processor (CLP) or from inside a SQL application by calling the ADMIN_CMD stored procedure

SELECT col1, col2, coln FROM testtable;

There are lots of options for IMPORT and EXPORT that you can use to create a data file that meets your needs. The NOCHARDEL qualifier will suppress double quote characters that would otherwise appear around each character column.

Keep in mind that any SELECT statement can be used as the source for your export, including joins or even recursive SQL. The export utility will also honor the sort order if you specify an ORDER BY in your SELECT statement.

Convert a dta file to csv without Stata software

For those who have Stata (even though the asker does not) you can use this:

outsheet produces a tab-delimited file so you need to specify the comma option like below

outsheet [varlist] using file.csv , comma

also, if you want to remove labels (which are included by default

outsheet [varlist] using file.csv, comma nolabel

hat tip to:

How to use mongoimport to import csv

My requirement was to import the .csv (with no headline) to remote MongoDB instance. For mongoimport v3.0.7below command worked for me:

mongoimport -h <host>:<port> -u <db-user> -p <db-password>  -d <database-name> -c <collection-name> --file <csv file location> --fields <name of the columns(comma seperated) in csv> --type csv

For example:

mongoimport -h -u arpitaggarwal -p password  -d my-database -c employees --file employees.csv --fields name,email --type csv

Below is the screenshot of how it looks like after import:

enter image description here

where name and email are the columns in the .csv file.

How do I convert this list of dictionaries to a csv file?

import csv

with open('file_name.csv', 'w') as csv_file:
    writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
    writer.writerow(('colum1', 'colum2', 'colum3'))
    for key, value in dictionary.items():
        writer.writerow([key, value[0], value[1]])

This would be the simplest way to write data to .csv file

Specifying row names when reading in a file

If you used read.table() (or one of it's ilk, e.g. read.csv()) then the easy fix is to change the call to:

read.table(file = "foo.txt", row.names = 1, ....)

where .... are the other arguments you needed/used. The row.names argument takes the column number of the data file from which to take the row names. It need not be the first column. See ?read.table for details/info.

If you already have the data in R and can't be bothered to re-read it, or it came from another route, just set the rownames attribute and remove the first variable from the object (assuming obj is your object)

rownames(obj) <- obj[, 1]  ## set rownames
obj <- obj[, -1]           ## remove the first variable

Parsing a CSV file using NodeJS

The node-csv project that you are referencing is completely sufficient for the task of transforming each row of a large portion of CSV data, from the docs at:

  .transform(function(row, index, callback){
      callback(null, row.reverse());

From my experience, I can say that it is also a rather fast implementation, I have been working with it on data sets with near 10k records and the processing times were at a reasonable tens-of-milliseconds level for the whole set.

Rearding jurka's stream based solution suggestion: node-csv IS stream based and follows the Node.js' streaming API.

How to serialize object to CSV file?

First, serialization is writing the object to a file 'as it is'. AFAIK, you cannot choose file formats and all. The serialized object (in a file) has its own 'file format'

If you want to write the contents of an object (or a list of objects) to a CSV file, you can do it yourself, it should not be complex.

Looks like Java CSV Library can do this, but I have not tried this myself.

EDIT: See following sample. This is by no way foolproof, but you can build on this.

    //European countries use ";" as 
    //CSV separator because "," is their digit separator
    private static final String CSV_SEPARATOR = ",";
    private static void writeToCSV(ArrayList<Product> productList)
            BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("products.csv"), "UTF-8"));
            for (Product product : productList)
                StringBuffer oneLine = new StringBuffer();
                oneLine.append(product.getId() <=0 ? "" : product.getId());
                oneLine.append(product.getName().trim().length() == 0? "" : product.getName());
                oneLine.append(product.getCostPrice() < 0 ? "" : product.getCostPrice());
                oneLine.append(product.isVatApplicable() ? "Yes" : "No");
        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {}
        catch (FileNotFoundException e){}
        catch (IOException e){}

This is product (getters and setters hidden for readability):

class Product
    private long id;
    private String name;
    private double costPrice;
    private boolean vatApplicable;

And this is how I tested:

public static void main(String[] args)
    ArrayList<Product> productList = new ArrayList<Product>();
    productList.add(new Product(1, "Pen", 2.00, false));
    productList.add(new Product(2, "TV", 300, true));
    productList.add(new Product(3, "iPhone", 500, true));

Hope this helps.


How to output MySQL query results in CSV format?

Building on user7610, here is the best way to do it. With mysql outfile there were 60 mins of file ownership and overwriting problems.

It's not cool, but it worked in 5 mins.

php csvdump.php localhost root password database tablename > whatever-you-like.csv


$server = $argv[1];
$user = $argv[2];
$password = $argv[3];
$db = $argv[4];
$table = $argv[5];

mysql_connect($server, $user, $password) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($db) or die(mysql_error());

// fetch the data
$rows = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM ' . $table);
$rows || die(mysql_error());

// create a file pointer connected to the output stream
$output = fopen('php://output', 'w');

// output the column headings

$fields = [];
for($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_fields($rows); $i++) {
    $field_info = mysql_fetch_field($rows, $i);
    $fields[] = $field_info->name;
fputcsv($output, $fields);

// loop over the rows, outputting them
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rows)) fputcsv($output, $row);


jQuery Set Selected Option Using Next


As of jQuery 1.6+ you should use prop() instead of attr() in this case.

The difference between attributes and properties can be important in specific situations. Before jQuery 1.6, the .attr() method sometimes took property values into account when retrieving some attributes, which could cause inconsistent behavior. As of jQuery 1.6, the .prop() method provides a way to explicitly retrieve property values, while .attr() retrieves attributes.

var theValue = "whatever";
$("#selectID").val( theValue ).prop('selected',true);

Original Answer:

If you want to select by the value of the option, REGARDLESS of its position (this example assumes you have an ID for your select):

var theValue = "whatever";
$("#selectID").val( theValue ).attr('selected',true);

You do not need to "unselect". That happens automatically when you select another.

What is the Maximum Size that an Array can hold?

Since Length is an int I'd say Int.MaxValue

MATLAB, Filling in the area between two sets of data, lines in one figure

Building off of @gnovice's answer, you can actually create filled plots with shading only in the area between the two curves. Just use fill in conjunction with fliplr.


x=0:0.01:2*pi;                  %#initialize x array
y1=sin(x);                      %#create first curve
y2=sin(x)+.5;                   %#create second curve
X=[x,fliplr(x)];                %#create continuous x value array for plotting
Y=[y1,fliplr(y2)];              %#create y values for out and then back
fill(X,Y,'b');                  %#plot filled area

enter image description here

By flipping the x array and concatenating it with the original, you're going out, down, back, and then up to close both arrays in a complete, many-many-many-sided polygon.

Twitter bootstrap remote modal shows same content every time

        $('#myModal').on('', function () {

This one works for me.

Best way to handle list.index(might-not-exist) in python?

It's been quite some time but it's a core part of the stdlib and has dozens of potential methods so I think it's useful to have some benchmarks for the different suggestions and include the numpy method which can be by far the fastest.

import random
from timeit import timeit
import numpy as np

l = [random.random() for i in range(10**4)]
l[10**4 - 100] = 5

# method 1
def fun1(l:list, x:int, e = -1) -> int:
    return [[i for i,elem in enumerate(l) if elem == x] or [e]][0]

# method 2
def fun2(l:list, x:int, e = -1) -> int:
    for i,elem in enumerate(l):
        if elem == x:
            return i
        return e

# method 3
def fun3(l:list, x:int, e = -1) -> int:
        idx = l.index(x)
    except ValueError:
        idx = e
    return idx

# method 4
def fun4(l:list, x:int, e = -1) -> int:
    return l.index(x) if x in l else e

l2 = np.array(l)
# method 5
def fun5(l:list or np.ndarray, x:int, e = -1) -> int:
    res = np.where(np.equal(l, x))
    if res[0].any():
        return res[0][0]
        return e

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Method 1:")
    print(timeit(stmt = "fun1(l, 5)", number = 1000, globals = globals()))
    print("Method 2:")
    print(timeit(stmt = "fun2(l, 5)", number = 1000, globals = globals()))
    print("Method 3:")
    print(timeit(stmt = "fun3(l, 5)", number = 1000, globals = globals()))
    print("Method 4:")
    print(timeit(stmt = "fun4(l, 5)", number = 1000, globals = globals()))
    print("Method 5, numpy given list:")
    print(timeit(stmt = "fun5(l, 5)", number = 1000, globals = globals()))
    print("Method 6, numpy given np.ndarray:")
    print(timeit(stmt = "fun5(l2, 5)", number = 1000, globals = globals()))

When run as main, this results in the following printout on my machine indicating time in seconds to complete 1000 trials of each function:

Method 1: 0.7502102799990098

Method 2: 0.7291318440002215

Method 3: 0.24142152300009911

Method 4: 0.5253471979995084

Method 5, numpy given list: 0.5045417560013448

Method 6, numpy given np.ndarray: 0.011147511999297421

Of course the question asks specifically about lists so the best solution is to use the try-except method, however the speed improvements (at least 20x here compared to try-except) offered by using the numpy data structures and operators instead of python data structures is significant and if building something on many arrays of data that is performance critical then the author should try to use numpy throughout to take advantage of the superfast C bindings. (CPython interpreter, other interpreter performances may vary)

Btw, the reason Method 5 is much slower than Method 6 is because numpy first has to convert the given list to it's own numpy array, so giving it a list doesn't break it it just doesn't fully utilise the speed possible.

How to set column widths to a jQuery datatable?

I found this on 456 Bera St. Man is it a lifesaver!!!

But - you don't have a lot of room to spare with your data.


table {
    text-overflow: ellipsis;

How to make --no-ri --no-rdoc the default for gem install?

Step by steps:

To create/edit the .gemrc file from the terminal:

vi  ~/.gemrc

You will open a editor called vi. paste in:

gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc

click 'esc'-button.

type in:


You can check if everything is correct with this command:

sudo /Applications/ ~/.gemrc

Could not load NIB in bundle

Be careful: Xcode is caseSensitive with file names. It's not the same "Fun" than "fun".

Python Remove last 3 characters of a string

  1. split
  2. slice
  3. concentrate

This is a good workout for beginners and it's easy to achieve.

Another advanced method is a function like this:

def trim(s):
    return trim(s[slice])

And for this question, you just want to remove the last characters, so you can write like this:

def trim(s):
    return s[ : -3] 

I think you are over to care about what those three characters are, so you lost. You just want to remove last three, nevertheless who they are!

If you want to remove some specific characters, you can add some if judgements:

def trim(s):
    if [conditions]:   ### for some cases, I recommend using isinstance().
        return trim(s[slice])

Custom alert and confirm box in jquery

I made custom messagebox using jquery UI component. Here is demo

You have to pass just the parameters like caption name, message, button's text. You can specify trigger function on any button click. This will helpful for you.

Find records with a date field in the last 24 hours


ORA-00984: column not allowed here

Replace double quotes with single ones:

       '2013-06-11 17:16:31',

In SQL, double quotes are used to mark identifiers, not string constants.

Razor View Without Layout

@{ viewbag.title="index" Layout = null; }

Reset select2 value and show placeholder

My solution is:

$el.on('select2:unselect', function (event) {
    var $option = $('<option value="" selected></option>');
    var $selected = $(;


Git pull after forced update

To receive the new commits

git fetch


You can reset the commit for a local branch using git reset.

To change the commit of a local branch:

git reset origin/master --hard

Be careful though, as the documentation puts it:

Resets the index and working tree. Any changes to tracked files in the working tree since <commit> are discarded.

If you want to actually keep whatever changes you've got locally - do a --soft reset instead. Which will update the commit history for the branch, but not change any files in the working directory (and you can then commit them).


You can replay your local commits on top of any other commit/branch using git rebase:

git rebase -i origin/master

This will invoke rebase in interactive mode where you can choose how to apply each individual commit that isn't in the history you are rebasing on top of.

If the commits you removed (with git push -f) have already been pulled into the local history, they will be listed as commits that will be reapplied - they would need to be deleted as part of the rebase or they will simply be re-included into the history for the branch - and reappear in the remote history on the next push.

Use the help git command --help for more details and examples on any of the above (or other) commands.

JUnit: how to avoid "no runnable methods" in test utils classes

Assuming you're in control of the pattern used to find test classes, I'd suggest changing it to match *Test rather than *Test*. That way TestHelper won't get matched, but FooTest will.

Disable clipboard prompt in Excel VBA on workbook close

If I may add one more solution: you can simply cancel the clipboard with this command:

Application.CutCopyMode = False

PHP: How to remove specific element from an array?

Use array_search to get the key and remove it with unset if found:

if (($key = array_search('strawberry', $array)) !== false) {

array_search returns false (null until PHP 4.2.0) if no item has been found.

And if there can be multiple items with the same value, you can use array_keys to get the keys to all items:

foreach (array_keys($array, 'strawberry') as $key) {

sh: react-scripts: command not found after running npm start

using npm i --legacy-peer-deps worked for me.

I do not know specifically which operation out of the following it performed:

  • Installing the peer dependencies' latest stable version.
  • Installing the peer dependencies' version which the core dependy you are installing uses.

But I think it performs the latter operation. Feel free to let me know if I'm wrong ^-^

Determine path of the executing script

By looking at the call stack we can get the filepath of each script being executed, the two most useful will probably either be the currently executing script, or the first script to be sourced (entry).

script.dir.executing = (function() return( if(length(sys.parents())==1) getwd() else dirname( Filter(is.character,lapply(rev(sys.frames()),function(x) x$ofile))[[1]] ) ))()

script.dir.entry = (function() return( if(length(sys.parents())==1) getwd() else dirname(sys.frame(1)$ofile) ))()

Responsive timeline UI with Bootstrap3


You can also try BootFlat, which has a section in their documentation specifically for crafting Timelines:

enter image description here

SQL Server Text type vs. varchar data type

If you're using SQL Server 2005 or later, use varchar(MAX). The text datatype is deprecated and should not be used for new development work. From the docs:


ntext , text, and image data types will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using these data types in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use them. Use nvarchar(max), varchar(max), and varbinary(max) instead.

How can I turn a string into a list in Python?

The list() function [docs] will convert a string into a list of single-character strings.

>>> list('hello')
['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']

Even without converting them to lists, strings already behave like lists in several ways. For example, you can access individual characters (as single-character strings) using brackets:

>>> s = "hello"
>>> s[1]
>>> s[4]

You can also loop over the characters in the string as you can loop over the elements of a list:

>>> for c in 'hello':
...     print c + c,
hh ee ll ll oo

CSS transition fade on hover

I recommend you to use an unordered list for your image gallery.

You should use my code unless you want the image to gain instantly 50% opacity after you hover out. You will have a smoother transition.

#photos li {
    opacity: .5;
    transition: opacity .5s ease-out;
    -moz-transition: opacity .5s ease-out;
    -webkit-transition: opacity .5s ease-out;
    -o-transition: opacity .5s ease-out;

#photos li:hover {
    opacity: 1;

Search all tables, all columns for a specific value SQL Server

I've just updated my blog post to correct the error in the script that you were having Jeff, you can see the updated script here: Search all fields in SQL Server Database

As requested, here's the script in case you want it but I'd recommend reviewing the blog post as I do update it from time to time

DECLARE @SearchStr nvarchar(100)
SET @SearchStr = '## YOUR STRING HERE ##'
-- Copyright © 2002 Narayana Vyas Kondreddi. All rights reserved.
-- Purpose: To search all columns of all tables for a given search string
-- Written by: Narayana Vyas Kondreddi
-- Site:
-- Updated and tested by Tim Gaunt
-- Tested on: SQL Server 7.0, SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2010
-- Date modified: 03rd March 2011 19:00 GMT
CREATE TABLE #Results (ColumnName nvarchar(370), ColumnValue nvarchar(3630))
DECLARE @TableName nvarchar(256), @ColumnName nvarchar(128), @SearchStr2 nvarchar(110)
SET  @TableName = ''
SET @SearchStr2 = QUOTENAME('%' + @SearchStr + '%','''')
    SET @ColumnName = ''
    SET @TableName = 
        WHERE         TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'
            AND    OBJECTPROPERTY(
                        QUOTENAME(TABLE_SCHEMA) + '.' + QUOTENAME(TABLE_NAME)
                         ), 'IsMSShipped'
                           ) = 0
    WHILE (@TableName IS NOT NULL) AND (@ColumnName IS NOT NULL)
        SET @ColumnName =
            WHERE         TABLE_SCHEMA    = PARSENAME(@TableName, 2)
                AND    TABLE_NAME    = PARSENAME(@TableName, 1)
                AND    DATA_TYPE IN ('char', 'varchar', 'nchar', 'nvarchar', 'int', 'decimal')
                AND    QUOTENAME(COLUMN_NAME) > @ColumnName
        IF @ColumnName IS NOT NULL
            INSERT INTO #Results
                'SELECT ''' + @TableName + '.' + @ColumnName + ''', LEFT(' + @ColumnName + ', 3630) FROM ' + @TableName + ' (NOLOCK) ' +
                ' WHERE ' + @ColumnName + ' LIKE ' + @SearchStr2
SELECT ColumnName, ColumnValue FROM #Results

How to create an integer-for-loop in Ruby?

Try Below Simple Ruby Magics :)

(1..x).each { |n| puts n }
x.times { |n| puts n }
1.upto(x) { |n| print n }

warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]

You can also use EXIT_SUCCESS instead of return 0;. The macro EXIT_SUCCESS is actually defined as zero, but makes your program more readable.

Finding Android SDK on Mac and adding to PATH

AndroidStudioFrontScreenI simply double clicked the Android dmg install file that I saved on the hard drive and when the initial screen came up I dragged the icon for Android Studio into the Applications folder, now I know where it is!!! Also when you run it, be sure to right click the Android Studio while on the Dock and select "Options" -> "Keep on Dock". Everything else works. Dr. Roger Webster

Simple example for Intent and Bundle

Try this: if you need pass values between the activities you use this...

This is code for Main_Activity put the values to intent

 String name="aaaa";
 Intent intent=new Intent(Main_Activity.this,Other_Activity.class);
 intent.putExtra("name", name);

This code for Other_Activity and get the values form intent

    Bundle b = new Bundle();
    b = getIntent().getExtras();
    String name = b.getString("name");

Autocompletion in Vim

I've used neocomplcache for about half a year. It is a plugin that collects a cache of words in all your buffers and then provides them for you to auto-complete with.

There is an array of screenshots on the project page in the previous link. Neocomplcache also has a ton of configuration options, of which there are basic examples on the project page as well.

If you need more depth, you can look at the relevant section in my vimrc - just search for the word neocomplcache.

Flexbox and Internet Explorer 11 (display:flex in <html>?)

Here is an example of using flex that also works in Internet Explorer 11 and Chrome.


<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=1" >_x000D_
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" >_x000D_
<title>Flex Test</title>_x000D_
html, body {_x000D_
    margin: 0px;_x000D_
    padding: 0px;_x000D_
    height: 100vh;_x000D_
.main {_x000D_
    display: -webkit-flex;_x000D_
    display: flex;_x000D_
    -ms-flex-direction: row;_x000D_
    flex-direction: row;_x000D_
    align-items: stretch;_x000D_
    min-height: 100vh;_x000D_
.main::after {_x000D_
  content: '';_x000D_
  height: 100vh;_x000D_
  width: 0;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  visibility: hidden;_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
.left {_x000D_
    width: 200px;_x000D_
    background: #F0F0F0;_x000D_
    flex-shrink: 0;_x000D_
.right {_x000D_
    flex-grow: 1;_x000D_
    background: yellow;_x000D_
<div class="main">_x000D_
    <div class="left">_x000D_
        <div style="height: 300px;">_x000D_
    <div class="right">_x000D_
        <div style="height: 1000px;">_x000D_
            test test test_x000D_

Get Absolute Position of element within the window in wpf

To get the absolute position of an UI element within the window you can use:

Point position = desiredElement.PointToScreen(new Point(0d, 0d));

If you are within an User Control, and simply want relative position of the UI element within that control, simply use:

Point position = desiredElement.PointToScreen(new Point(0d, 0d)),
controlPosition = this.PointToScreen(new Point(0d, 0d));

position.X -= controlPosition.X;
position.Y -= controlPosition.Y;

How do you format a Date/Time in TypeScript?

function _formatDatetime(date: Date, format: string) {
   const _padStart = (value: number): string => value.toString().padStart(2, '0');
return format
    .replace(/yyyy/g, _padStart(date.getFullYear()))
    .replace(/dd/g, _padStart(date.getDate()))
    .replace(/mm/g, _padStart(date.getMonth() + 1))
    .replace(/hh/g, _padStart(date.getHours()))
    .replace(/ii/g, _padStart(date.getMinutes()))
    .replace(/ss/g, _padStart(date.getSeconds()));
function isValidDate(d: Date): boolean {
    return !isNaN(d.getTime());
export function formatDate(date: any): string {
    var datetime = new Date(date);
    return isValidDate(datetime) ? _formatDatetime(datetime, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss') : '';

Send POST data on redirect with JavaScript/jQuery?


 //your variable
    var data = "brightcherry";

    //passing the variable into the window.location URL


//your variable
var data = "brightcherry";

//passing the variable into the window.location URL
window.location.replace("/newpage/page.php?id=" + product_id);


Add inline style using Javascript

You can do it directly on the style:

var nFilter = document.createElement('div');
nFilter.className = 'well';
nFilter.innerHTML = '<label>'+sSearchStr+'</label>';

// Css styling = "330px"; = "left";

// or
nFilter.setAttribute("style", "width:330px;float:left;");

Scraping data from website using vba

Other methods were mentioned so let us please acknowledge that, at the time of writing, we are in the 21st century. Let's park the local bus browser opening, and fly with an XMLHTTP GET request (XHR GET for short).

Wiki moment:

XHR is an API in the form of an object whose methods transfer data between a web browser and a web server. The object is provided by the browser's JavaScript environment

It's a fast method for retrieving data that doesn't require opening a browser. The server response can be read into an HTMLDocument and the process of grabbing the table continued from there.

Note that javascript rendered/dynamically added content will not be retrieved as there is no javascript engine running (which there is in a browser).

In the below code, the table is grabbed by its id cr1.


In the helper sub, WriteTable, we loop the columns (td tags) and then the table rows (tr tags), and finally traverse the length of each table row, table cell by table cell. As we only want data from columns 1 and 8, a Select Case statement is used specify what is written out to the sheet.

Sample webpage view:

Sample page view

Sample code output:

Code output


Option Explicit
Public Sub GetRates()
    Dim html As HTMLDocument, hTable As HTMLTable '<== Tools > References > Microsoft HTML Object Library
    Set html = New HTMLDocument
    With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        .Open "GET", "", False
        .setRequestHeader "If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT" 'to deal with potential caching
        html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
    End With
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set hTable = html.getElementById("cr1")
    WriteTable hTable, 1, ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Public Sub WriteTable(ByVal hTable As HTMLTable, Optional ByVal startRow As Long = 1, Optional ByVal ws As Worksheet)
    Dim tSection As Object, tRow As Object, tCell As Object, tr As Object, td As Object, r As Long, C As Long, tBody As Object
    r = startRow: If ws Is Nothing Then Set ws = ActiveSheet
    With ws
        Dim headers As Object, header As Object, columnCounter As Long
        Set headers = hTable.getElementsByTagName("th")
        For Each header In headers
            columnCounter = columnCounter + 1
            Select Case columnCounter
            Case 2
                .Cells(startRow, 1) = header.innerText
            Case 8
                .Cells(startRow, 2) = header.innerText
            End Select
        Next header
        startRow = startRow + 1
        Set tBody = hTable.getElementsByTagName("tbody")
        For Each tSection In tBody
            Set tRow = tSection.getElementsByTagName("tr")
            For Each tr In tRow
                r = r + 1
                Set tCell = tr.getElementsByTagName("td")
                C = 1
                For Each td In tCell
                    Select Case C
                    Case 2
                        .Cells(r, 1).Value = td.innerText
                    Case 8
                        .Cells(r, 2).Value = td.innerText
                    End Select
                    C = C + 1
                Next td
            Next tr
        Next tSection
    End With
End Sub

Escaping a forward slash in a regular expression

For java, you don't need to.

eg: "^(.*)/\\*LOG:(\\d+)\\*/(.*)$" ==> ^(.*)/\*LOG:(\d+)\*/(.*)$

If you put \ in front of /. IDE will tell you "Redundant Character Escape "\/" in ReGex"

Android. WebView and loadData

I have this problem, but:

String content = "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" /></head><body>";
content += mydata + "</body></html>";
WebView1.loadData(content, "text/html", "UTF-8");

not work in all devices. And I merge some methods:

String content = 
       "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"+
       "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />"+

content += myContent + "</body></html>";

WebView WebView1 = (WebView) findViewById(;
WebView1.loadData(content, "text/html; charset=utf-8", "UTF-8");

It works.

jQuery Get Selected Option From Dropdown

Try this for value...

$("select#id_of_select_element option").filter(":selected").val();

or this for text...

$("select#id_of_select_element option").filter(":selected").text();

How to resolve 'npm should be run outside of the node repl, in your normal shell'

It's better to use the actual (msi) installer from instead of downloading the node executable only. The installer includes npm and makes it easier to manage your node installation. There is an installer for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.

Also a couple of other tidbits:

  • Installing modules globally doesn't do what you might expect. The only modules you should install globally (the -g flag in npm) are ones that install commands. So to install Express you would just do npm install express and that will install Express to your current working directory. If you were instead looking for the Express project generator (command), you need to do npm install -g express-generator for Express 4.

  • You can use node anywhere from your command prompt to execute scripts. For example if you have already written a separate script: node foo.js. Or you can open up the REPL (as you've already found out) by just selecting the node.js (start menu) shortcut or by just typing node in a command prompt.

Should I make HTML Anchors with 'name' or 'id'?

I have to say if you are going to be linking to that area in the page... such as page.html#foo and Foo Title isn't a link you should be using:

<h1 id="foo">Foo Title</h1>

If you instead put an <a> reference around it your headline will be influenced by an <a> specific CSS within your site. It's just extra markup, and you shouldn't need it. I'd highly recommend placing an id on the headline, not only is it better formed, but it will allow you to either address that object in Javascript or CSS.

Get image dimensions

You can use the getimagesize function like this:

list($width, $height) = getimagesize('path to image');
echo "width: " . $width . "<br />";
echo "height: " .  $height;

Bootstrap: Collapse other sections when one is expanded

If you stick to HTML structure and proper selectors according to the Bootstrap convention, you should be alright.

<div class="panel-group" id="accordion">
    <div class="panel panel-default">
      <div class="panel-heading">
        <h4 class="panel-title">
          <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapse1">Collapsible Group 1</a>
      <div id="collapse1" class="panel-collapse collapse in">
        <div class="panel-body">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
        sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
        quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</div>
    <div class="panel panel-default">
      <div class="panel-heading">
        <h4 class="panel-title">
          <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapse2">Collapsible Group 2</a>
      <div id="collapse2" class="panel-collapse collapse">
        <div class="panel-body">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
        sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
        quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</div>
    <div class="panel panel-default">
      <div class="panel-heading">
        <h4 class="panel-title">
          <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapse3">Collapsible Group 3</a>
      <div id="collapse3" class="panel-collapse collapse">
        <div class="panel-body">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
        sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
        quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</div>


How do I convert special UTF-8 chars to their iso-8859-1 equivalent using javascript?

Since the question on how to convert from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 is closed because of this one I'm going to post my solution here.

The problem is when you try to GET anything by using XMLHttpRequest, if the XMLHttpRequest.responseType is "text" or empty, the XMLHttpRequest.response is transformed to a DOMString and that's were things break up. After, it's almost impossible to reliably work with that string.

Now, if the content from the server is ISO-8859-1 you'll have to force the response to be of type "Blob" and later convert this to DOMSTring. For example:

var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
ajax.responseType = 'blob';
ajax.onreadystatechange = function(){
    if(ajax.responseType === 'blob'){
        // Convert the blob to a string
        var reader = new window.FileReader();
        reader.addEventListener('loadend', function() {
           // For ISO-8859-1 there's no further conversion required

Seems like the magic is happening on readAsBinaryString so maybe someone can shed some light on why this works.

How to get an HTML element's style values in javascript?

I believe you are now able to use Window.getComputedStyle()

Documentation MDN

var style = window.getComputedStyle(element[, pseudoElt]);

Example to get width of an element:


How to get a Static property with Reflection

A little clarity...

// Get a PropertyInfo of specific property type(T).GetProperty(....)
PropertyInfo propertyInfo;
propertyInfo = typeof(TypeWithTheStaticProperty)
    .GetProperty("NameOfStaticProperty", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); 

// Use the PropertyInfo to retrieve the value from the type by not passing in an instance
object value = propertyInfo.GetValue(null, null);

// Cast the value to the desired type
ExpectedType typedValue = (ExpectedType) value;

how to check if List<T> element contains an item with a Particular Property Value

bool contains = pricePublicList.Any(p => p.Size == 200);

Convert datetime to Unix timestamp and convert it back in python

What you missed here is timezones.

Presumably you've five hours off UTC, so 2013-09-01T11:00:00 local and 2013-09-01T06:00:00Z are the same time.

You need to read the top of the datetime docs, which explain about timezones and "naive" and "aware" objects.

If your original naive datetime was UTC, the way to recover it is to use utcfromtimestamp instead of fromtimestamp.

On the other hand, if your original naive datetime was local, you shouldn't have subtracted a UTC timestamp from it in the first place; use datetime.fromtimestamp(0) instead.

Or, if you had an aware datetime object, you need to either use a local (aware) epoch on both sides, or explicitly convert to and from UTC.

If you have, or can upgrade to, Python 3.3 or later, you can avoid all of these problems by just using the timestamp method instead of trying to figure out how to do it yourself. And even if you don't, you may want to consider borrowing its source code.

(And if you can wait for Python 3.4, it looks like PEP 341 is likely to make it into the final release, which means all of the stuff J.F. Sebastian and I were talking about in the comments should be doable with just the stdlib, and working the same way on both Unix and Windows.)

How to put an image in div with CSS?

Take this as a sample code. Replace imageheight and image width with your image dimensions.

<div style="background:yourimage.jpg no-repeat;height:imageheight px;width:imagewidth px">

How can I change the value of the elements in a vector?

Your code works fine. When I ran it I got the output:

The values in the file input.txt are:
The sum of the values is: 55
The mean value is: 5.5

But it could still be improved.

You are iterating over the vector using indexes. This is not the "STL Way" -- you should be using iterators, to wit:

typedef vector<double> doubles;
for( doubles::const_iterator it = v.begin(), it_end = v.end(); it != it_end; ++it )
    total += *it;
    mean = total / v.size();

This is better for a number of reasons discussed here and elsewhere, but here are two main reasons:

  1. Every container provides the iterator concept. Not every container provides random-access (eg, indexed access).
  2. You can generalize your iteration code.

Point number 2 brings up another way you can improve your code. Another thing about your code that isn't very STL-ish is the use of a hand-written loop. <algorithm>s were designed for this purpose, and the best code is the code you never write. You can use a loop to compute the total and mean of the vector, through the use of an accumulator:

#include <numeric>
#include <functional>
struct my_totals : public std::binary_function<my_totals, double, my_totals>
    my_totals() : total_(0), count_(0) {};
    my_totals operator+(double v) const
        my_totals ret = *this;
        ret.total_ += v;
        return ret;
    double mean() const { return total_/count_; }
    double total_;
    unsigned count_;

...and then:

my_totals ttls = std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), my_totals());
cout << "The sum of the values is: " << ttls.total_ << endl;
cout << "The mean value is: " << ttls.mean() << endl;


If you have the benefit of a C++0x-compliant compiler, this can be made even simpler using std::for_each (within #include <algorithm>) and a lambda expression:

double total = 0;
for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), [&total](double  v) { total += v; });
cout << "The sum of the values is: " << total << endl;
cout << "The mean value is: " << total/v.size() << endl;

How do you update Xcode on OSX to the latest version?

In my case (Xcode 6.1, iOS 8.2) I did not see the update in AppStore. I found Xcode 6.2 for download and pressed "Install". Then, it installed and asked for the update (more than 2 Gb). Xcode 6.2 works correctly with iOS 8.2 and iOS 8.1.2

Hopefully this tip will help somebody else...

How to set Python's default version to 3.x on OS X?

I think when you install python it puts export path statements into your ~/.bash_profile file. So if you do not intend to use Python 2 anymore you can just remove that statement from there. Alias as stated above is also a great way to do it.

Here is how to remove the reference from ~/.bash_profile - vim ./.bash_profile - remove the reference (AKA something like: export PATH="/Users/bla/anaconda:$PATH") - save and exit - source ./.bash_profile to save the changes

How to check if BigDecimal variable == 0 in java?

There is a static constant that represents 0:


You should do this instead of:


in order to avoid the case where selectPrice is null.

Find package name for Android apps to use Intent to launch Market app from web

The following code will list them out:

adb shell dumpsys package <packagename>

Get User Selected Range

Selection is its own object within VBA. It functions much like a Range object.

Selection and Range do not share all the same properties and methods, though, so for ease of use it might make sense just to create a range and set it equal to the Selection, then you can deal with it programmatically like any other range.

Dim myRange as Range
Set myRange = Selection

For further reading, check out the MSDN article.

pandas: to_numeric for multiple columns

another way is using apply, one liner:

cols = ['col1', 'col2', 'col3']
data[cols] = data[cols].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce', axis=1)


  1. Which statement is preferable? Depends on what you are doing.

  2. Are there other performance implications? If the table is a permanent table, you can create indexes at the time of table creation which has implications for performance both negatively and positiviely. Select into does not recreate indexes that exist on current tables and thus subsequent use of the table may be slower than it needs to be.

  3. What is a good use case for SELECT...INTO over INSERT INTO ...? Select into is used if you may not know the table structure in advance. It is faster to write than create table and an insert statement, so it is used to speed up develoment at times. It is often faster to use when you are creating a quick temp table to test things or a backup table of a specific query (maybe records you are going to delete). It should be rare to see it used in production code that will run multiple times (except for temp tables) because it will fail if the table was already in existence.

It is sometimes used inappropriately by people who don't know what they are doing. And they can cause havoc in the db as a result. I strongly feel it is inappropriate to use SELECT INTO for anything other than a throwaway table (a temporary backup, a temp table that will go away at the end of the stored proc ,etc.). Permanent tables need real thought as to their design and SELECT INTO makes it easy to avoid thinking about anything even as basic as what columns and what datatypes.

In general, I prefer the use of the create table and insert statement - you have more controls and it is better for repeatable processes. Further, if the table is a permanent table, it should be created from a separate create table script (one that is in source control) as creating permanent objects should not, in general, in code are inserts/deletes/updates or selects from a table. Object changes should be handled separately from data changes because objects have implications beyond the needs of a specific insert/update/select/delete. You need to consider the best data types, think about FK constraints, PKs and other constraints, consider auditing requirements, think about indexing, etc.

How do I convert a org.w3c.dom.Document object to a String?

This worked for me, as documented on this page:

TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer trans = tf.newTransformer();
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
trans.transform(new DOMSource(document), new StreamResult(sw));
return sw.toString();

Could not load file or assembly 'log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304'

Ensure version for correct platform (32-bit or 64-bit) is installed. I faced same issue when installed 32-bit run-time on 64-bit machine. Installing correct one, i.e. 64-bit, resolved the issue.

How to iterate over the file in python

The traceback indicates that probably you have an empty line at the end of the file. You can fix it like this:

f = open('test.txt','r')
g = open('test1.txt','w') 
while True:
    x = f.readline()
    x = x.rstrip()
    if not x: break
    print >> g, int(x, 16)

On the other hand it would be better to use for x in f instead of readline. Do not forget to close your files or better to use with that close them for you:

with open('test.txt','r') as f:
    with open('test1.txt','w') as g: 
        for x in f:
            x = x.rstrip()
            if not x: continue
            print >> g, int(x, 16)

What is the usefulness of PUT and DELETE HTTP request methods?

DELETE is for deleting the request resource:

The DELETE method requests that the origin server delete the resource identified by the Request-URI. This method MAY be overridden by human intervention (or other means) on the origin server. The client cannot be guaranteed that the operation has been carried out, even if the status code returned from the origin server indicates that the action has been completed successfully …

PUT is for putting or updating a resource on the server:

The PUT method requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the supplied Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to an already existing resource, the enclosed entity SHOULD be considered as a modified version of the one residing on the origin server. If the Request-URI does not point to an existing resource, and that URI is capable of being defined as a new resource by the requesting user agent, the origin server can create the resource with that URI …

For the full specification visit:

Since current browsers unfortunately do not support any other verbs than POST and GET in HTML forms, you usually cannot utilize HTTP to it's full extent with them (you can still hijack their submission via JavaScript though). The absence of support for these methods in HTML forms led to URIs containing verbs, like for instance


or even worse


effectively tunneling CRUD semantics over HTTP. But verbs were never meant to be part of the URI. Instead HTTP already provides the mechanism and semantics to CRUD a Resource (e.g. an order) through the HTTP methods. HTTP is a protocol and not just some data tunneling service.

So to delete a Resource on the webserver, you'd call


and to update it you'd call


and provide the updated Resource Representation in the PUT body for the webserver to apply then.

So, if you are building some sort of client for a REST API, you will likely make it send PUT and DELETE requests. This could be a client built inside a browser, e.g. sending requests via JavaScript or it could be some tool running on a server, etc.

For some more details visit:

c# Image resizing to different size while preserving aspect ratio

Maintain aspect Ration and eliminate letterbox and Pillarbox.

static Image FixedSize(Image imgPhoto, int Width, int Height)
        int sourceWidth = imgPhoto.Width;
        int sourceHeight = imgPhoto.Height;
        int X = 0;
        int Y = 0;

        float nPercent = 0;
        float nPercentW = 0;
        float nPercentH = 0;

        nPercentW = ((float)Width / (float)sourceWidth);
        nPercentH = ((float)Height / (float)sourceHeight);
        if (nPercentH < nPercentW)
            nPercent = nPercentH;
            nPercent = nPercentW;

        int destWidth = (int)(sourceWidth * nPercent);
        int destHeight = (int)(sourceHeight * nPercent);

        Bitmap bmPhoto = new Bitmap(destWidth, destHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);


        Graphics grPhoto = Graphics.FromImage(bmPhoto);

                new Rectangle(X, Y, destWidth, destHeight),
                new Rectangle(X, Y, sourceWidth, sourceHeight),

        return bmPhoto;

How to terminate a python subprocess launched with shell=True

p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

p.kill() ends up killing the shell process and cmd is still running.

I found a convenient fix this by:

p = subprocess.Popen("exec " + cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

This will cause cmd to inherit the shell process, instead of having the shell launch a child process, which does not get killed. will be the id of your cmd process then.

p.kill() should work.

I don't know what effect this will have on your pipe though.

rsync: difference between --size-only and --ignore-times

You are missing that rsync can also compare files by checksum.

--size-only means that rsync will skip files that match in size, even if the timestamps differ. This means it will synchronise fewer files than the default behaviour. It will miss any file with changes that don't affect the overall file size. If you have something that changes the dates on files without changing the files, and you don't want rsync to spend lots of time checksumming those files to discover they haven't changed, this is the option to use.

--ignore-times means that rsync will checksum every file, even if the timestamps and file sizes match. This means it will synchronise more files than the default behaviour. It will include changes to files even where the file size is the same and the modification date/time has been reset to the original value. Checksumming every file means it has to be entirely read from disk, which may be slow. Some build pipelines will reset timestamps to a specific date (like 1970-01-01) to ensure that the final build file is reproducible bit for bit, e.g. when packed into a tar file that saves the timestamps.

get everything between <tag> and </tag> with php

$regex = '#<code>(.*?)</code>#';

Using # as the delimiter instead of / because then we don't need to escape the / in </code>

As Phoenix posted below, .*? is used to make the .* ("anything") match as few characters as possible before it comes across a </code> (known as a "non-greedy quantifier"). That way, if your string is

<code>hello</code> something <code>again</code>

you'll match hello and again instead of just matching hello</code> something <code>again.

How to access a value defined in the file in Spring Boot

to pick the values from property file, we can have a Config reader class something like ApplicationConfigReader.class Then define all the variables against properties. Refer below example,

myapp.nationality: INDIAN
myapp.gender: Male

Below is corresponding reader class.

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp") 
class AppConfigReader{
    private String nationality;
    private String gender

    //getter & setter

Now we can auto-wire the reader class wherever we want to access property values. e.g.

class ServiceImpl{
    private AppConfigReader appConfigReader;

    //fetching values from config reader
    String nationality = appConfigReader.getNationality() ; 
    String gender = appConfigReader.getGender(); 

How can I get a Dialog style activity window to fill the screen?

Wrap your dialog_custom_layout.xml into RelativeLayout instead of any other layout.That worked for me.

Editing the git commit message in GitHub

You need to git push -f assuming that nobody has pulled the other commit before. Beware, you're changing history.

How to create a inset box-shadow only on one side?

This is what you are looking for. It has examples for each side you want with a shadow.

    box-shadow: inset 0 7px 9px -7px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
    box-shadow: inset 7px 0 9px -7px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
    box-shadow: inset -7px 0 9px -7px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
    box-shadow: inset 0 -7px 9px -7px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);

See the snippet for more examples:

body {
div {
.top-box {
    box-shadow: inset 0 7px 9px -7px rgba(0,0,0,0.7);
.left-box {
    box-shadow: inset 7px 0 9px -7px rgba(0,0,0,0.7);
.right-box {
    box-shadow: inset -7px 0 9px -7px rgba(0,0,0,0.7);
.bottom-box {
    box-shadow: inset 0 -7px 9px -7px rgba(0,0,0,0.7);
.top-gradient-box {
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #999 0, #ffffff 7px, #ffffff 100%);
.left-gradient-box {
    background: linear-gradient(to right, #999 0, #ffffff 7px, #ffffff 100%);
.right-gradient-box {
    background: linear-gradient(to left, #999 0, #ffffff 7px, #ffffff 100%);
.bottom-gradient-box {
    background: linear-gradient(to top, #999 0, #ffffff 7px, #ffffff 100%);
<div class="top-box">
        This area has a top shadow using box-shadow

<div class="left-box">
        This area has a left shadow using box-shadow

<div class="right-box">
        This area has a right shadow using box-shadow

<div class="bottom-box">
        This area has a bottom shadow using box-shadow

<div class="top-gradient-box">
        This area has a top shadow using gradients
<div class="left-gradient-box">
        This area has a left shadow using gradients
<div class="right-gradient-box">
        This area has a right shadow using gradients
<div class="bottom-gradient-box">
        This area has a bottom shadow using gradients

Working Soap client example

Calculator SOAP service test from SoapUI, Online SoapClient Calculator

Generate the SoapMessage object form the input SoapEnvelopeXML and SoapDataXml.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <tem:Add xmlns:tem="">

use the following code to get SoapMessage Object.

MessageFactory messageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance();
    MimeHeaders headers = new MimeHeaders();
    ByteArrayInputStream xmlByteStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(SoapEnvelopeXML.getBytes());
SOAPMessage soapMsg = messageFactory.createMessage(headers, xmlByteStream);


<tem:Add xmlns:tem="">

use below code to get SoapMessage Object.

public static SOAPMessage getSOAPMessagefromDataXML(String saopBodyXML) throws Exception {
    DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
    InputSource ips = new org.xml.sax.InputSource(new StringReader(saopBodyXML));
    Document docBody = dBuilder.parse(ips);
    System.out.println("Data Document: "+docBody.getDocumentElement());
    MessageFactory messageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance(SOAPConstants.SOAP_1_2_PROTOCOL);
    SOAPMessage soapMsg = messageFactory.createMessage();
    SOAPBody soapBody = soapMsg.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getBody();
    return soapMsg;

By getting the SoapMessage Object. It is clear that the Soap XML is valid. Then prepare to hit the service to get response. It can be done in many ways.

  1. Using Client Code Generated form WSDL. endpointURL = new;
javax.xml.rpc.Service service = new org.apache.axis.client.Service();
((org.apache.axis.client.Service) service).setTypeMappingVersion("1.2");
CalculatorSoap12Stub obj_axis = new CalculatorSoap12Stub(endpointURL, service);
int add = obj_axis.add(10, 20);
System.out.println("Response: "+ add);
  1. Using javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection.
public static void getSOAPConnection(SOAPMessage soapMsg) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("===== SOAPConnection =====");
    MimeHeaders headers = soapMsg.getMimeHeaders(); // new MimeHeaders();
    headers.addHeader("SoapBinding",   serverDetails.get("SoapBinding") );
    headers.addHeader("MethodName",    serverDetails.get("MethodName") );
    headers.addHeader("SOAPAction",    serverDetails.get("SOAPAction") );
    headers.addHeader("Content-Type",  serverDetails.get("Content-Type"));
    headers.addHeader("Accept-Encoding", serverDetails.get("Accept-Encoding"));
    if (soapMsg.saveRequired()) {
    SOAPConnectionFactory newInstance = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();
    javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection connection = newInstance.createConnection();
    SOAPMessage soapMsgResponse =, getURL( serverDetails.get("SoapServerURI"), 5*1000 ));
  1. Form HTTP Connection Classes org.apache.commons.httpclient.
public static void getHttpConnection(SOAPMessage soapMsg) throws SOAPException, IOException {
    System.out.println("===== HttpClient =====");
    HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
    HttpConnectionManagerParams params = httpClient.getHttpConnectionManager().getParams();
    params.setConnectionTimeout(3 * 1000); // Connection timed out
    params.setSoTimeout(3 * 1000);         // Request timed out
    params.setParameter("http.useragent", "Web Service Test Client");

    PostMethod methodPost = new PostMethod( serverDetails.get("SoapServerURI") );
    methodPost.setRequestBody( getSOAPXMLasString(soapMsg) );
    methodPost.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", serverDetails.get("Content-Type") );
    methodPost.setRequestHeader("SoapBinding",  serverDetails.get("SoapBinding") );
    methodPost.setRequestHeader("MethodName",   serverDetails.get("MethodName") );
    methodPost.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction",   serverDetails.get("SOAPAction") );

    methodPost.setRequestHeader("Accept-Encoding", serverDetails.get("Accept-Encoding"));

    try {
        int returnCode = httpClient.executeMethod(methodPost);
        if (returnCode == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) {
            System.out.println("The Post method is not implemented by this URI");
        } else {
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(methodPost.getResponseBodyAsStream()));
            String readLine;
            while (((readLine = br.readLine()) != null)) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
public static void accessResource_AppachePOST(SOAPMessage soapMsg) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("===== HttpClientBuilder =====");
    CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
    URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder( serverDetails.get("SoapServerURI") );
    HttpPost methodPost = new HttpPost(;
    RequestConfig config = RequestConfig.custom()
            .setConnectTimeout(5 * 1000)
            .setConnectionRequestTimeout(5 * 1000)
            .setSocketTimeout(5 * 1000)
        HttpEntity xmlEntity = new StringEntity(getSOAPXMLasString(soapMsg), "utf-8");
    methodPost.setHeader("Content-Type", serverDetails.get("Content-Type"));
    methodPost.setHeader("SoapBinding", serverDetails.get("SoapBinding") );
    methodPost.setHeader("MethodName", serverDetails.get("MethodName") );
    methodPost.setHeader("SOAPAction", serverDetails.get("SOAPAction") );
    methodPost.setHeader("Accept-Encoding", serverDetails.get("Accept-Encoding"));
    // Create a custom response handler
    ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new ResponseHandler<String>() {
        public String handleResponse( final HttpResponse response) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
            int status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
            if (status >= 200 && status <= 500) {
                HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
                return entity != null ? EntityUtils.toString(entity) : null;
            return "";
    String execute = httpClient.execute( methodPost, responseHandler );
    System.out.println("AppachePOST : "+execute);

Full Example:

public class SOAP_Calculator {
    static HashMap<String, String> serverDetails = new HashMap<>();
    static {
        // Calculator
        serverDetails.put("SoapServerURI", "");
        serverDetails.put("SoapWSDL", "");
        serverDetails.put("SoapBinding", "CalculatorSoap");        // <wsdl:binding name="CalculatorSoap12" type="tns:CalculatorSoap">
        serverDetails.put("MethodName", "Add");                    // <wsdl:operation name="Add">
        serverDetails.put("SOAPAction", ""); // <soap12:operation soapAction="" style="document"/>
        serverDetails.put("SoapXML", "<tem:Add xmlns:tem=\"\"><tem:intA>2</tem:intA><tem:intB>4</tem:intB></tem:Add>");
        serverDetails.put("Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate");
        serverDetails.put("Content-Type", "");
    public static void callSoapService( ) throws Exception {
        String xmlData = serverDetails.get("SoapXML");
        SOAPMessage soapMsg = getSOAPMessagefromDataXML(xmlData);
        System.out.println("Requesting SOAP Message:\n"+ getSOAPXMLasString(soapMsg) +"\n");
        SOAPEnvelope envelope = soapMsg.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope();
        if (envelope.getElementQName().getNamespaceURI().equals("")) {
            System.out.println("SOAP 1.1 NamespaceURI:");
            serverDetails.put("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
        } else {
            System.out.println("SOAP 1.2 NamespaceURI:");
            serverDetails.put("Content-Type", "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8");
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    private static URL getURL(String endPointUrl, final int timeOutinSeconds) throws MalformedURLException {
        URL endpoint = new URL(null, endPointUrl, new URLStreamHandler() {
            protected URLConnection openConnection(URL url) throws IOException {
                URL clone = new URL(url.toString());
                URLConnection connection = clone.openConnection();
                //connection.addRequestProperty("Developer-Mood", "Happy"); // Custom header
                return connection;
        return endpoint;
    public static String getSOAPXMLasString(SOAPMessage soapMsg) throws SOAPException, IOException {
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        // soapMsg.writeTo(System.out);
        String strMsg = new String(out.toByteArray());
        System.out.println("Soap XML: "+ strMsg);
        return strMsg;

@See list of some WebServices at

Detect changes in the DOM

2015 update, new MutationObserver is supported by modern browsers:

Chrome 18+, Firefox 14+, IE 11+, Safari 6+

If you need to support older ones, you may try to fall back to other approaches like the ones mentioned in this 5 (!) year old answer below. There be dragons. Enjoy :)

Someone else is changing the document? Because if you have full control over the changes you just need to create your own domChanged API - with a function or custom event - and trigger/call it everywhere you modify things.

The DOM Level-2 has Mutation event types, but older version of IE don't support it. Note that the mutation events are deprecated in the DOM3 Events spec and have a performance penalty.

You can try to emulate mutation event with onpropertychange in IE (and fall back to the brute-force approach if non of them is available).

For a full domChange an interval could be an over-kill. Imagine that you need to store the current state of the whole document, and examine every element's every property to be the same.

Maybe if you're only interested in the elements and their order (as you mentioned in your question), a getElementsByTagName("*") can work. This will fire automatically if you add an element, remove an element, replace elements or change the structure of the document.

I wrote a proof of concept:

(function (window) {
    var last = +new Date();
    var delay = 100; // default delay

    // Manage event queue
    var stack = [];

    function callback() {
        var now = +new Date();
        if (now - last > delay) {
            for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
            last = now;

    // Public interface
    var onDomChange = function (fn, newdelay) {
        if (newdelay) delay = newdelay;

    // Naive approach for compatibility
    function naive() {

        var last = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
        var lastlen = last.length;
        var timer = setTimeout(function check() {

            // get current state of the document
            var current = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
            var len = current.length;

            // if the length is different
            // it's fairly obvious
            if (len != lastlen) {
                // just make sure the loop finishes early
                last = [];

            // go check every element in order
            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                if (current[i] !== last[i]) {
                    last = current;
                    lastlen = len;

            // over, and over, and over again
            setTimeout(check, delay);

        }, delay);

    //  Check for mutation events support

    var support = {};

    var el = document.documentElement;
    var remain = 3;

    // callback for the tests
    function decide() {
        if (support.DOMNodeInserted) {
            window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
                if (support.DOMSubtreeModified) { // for FF 3+, Chrome
                    el.addEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', callback, false);
                } else { // for FF 2, Safari, Opera 9.6+
                    el.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', callback, false);
                    el.addEventListener('DOMNodeRemoved', callback, false);
            }, false);
        } else if (document.onpropertychange) { // for IE 5.5+
            document.onpropertychange = callback;
        } else { // fallback

    // checks a particular event
    function test(event) {
        el.addEventListener(event, function fn() {
            support[event] = true;
            el.removeEventListener(event, fn, false);
            if (--remain === 0) decide();
        }, false);

    // attach test events
    if (window.addEventListener) {
    } else {

    // do the dummy test
    var dummy = document.createElement("div");

    // expose
    window.onDomChange = onDomChange;


    alert("The Times They Are a-Changin'");

This works on IE 5.5+, FF 2+, Chrome, Safari 3+ and Opera 9.6+

Add text at the end of each line

Using a text editor, check for ^M (control-M, or carriage return) at the end of each line. You will need to remove them first, then append the additional text at the end of the line.

sed -i 's|^M||g' ips.txt
sed -i 's|$|:80|g' ips.txt

File Not Found when running PHP with Nginx

in case it helps someone, my issue seems to be just because I was using a subfolder under my home directory, even though permissions seem correct and I don't have SELinux or anything like that. changing it to be under /var/www/something/something made it work.

(if I ever found the real cause, and remember this answer, I'll update it)

C++ style cast from unsigned char * to const char *

Too many comments to make to different answers, so I'll leave another answer here.

You can and should use reinterpret_cast<>, in your case

str.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(foo()));

because, while these two are different types, the 2014 standard, chapter 3.9.1 Fundamental types [basic.fundamental] says there is a relationship between them:

Plain char, signed char and unsigned char are three distinct types, collectively called narrow character types. A char, a signed char, and an unsigned char occupy the same amount of storage and have the same alignment requirements (3.11); that is, they have the same object representation.

(selection is mine)

Here's an available link:

Using wchar_t for Unicode/multibyte strings is outdated: Should I use wchar_t when using UTF-8?

How to remove a class from elements in pure JavaScript?

It's 2021... keep it simple.

Times have changed and now the cleanest and most readable way to do this is:

Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('widget hover')).forEach((el) => el.classList.remove('hover'));

If you can't support arrow functions then just convert it like this:

Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('widget hover')).forEach(function(el) { 

Additionally if you need to support extremely old browsers then use a polyfil for the forEach and Array.from and move on with your life.

How do I print the percent sign(%) in c

Use "%%". The man page describes this requirement:

% A '%' is written. No argument is converted. The complete conversion specification is '%%'.

Step-by-step debugging with IPython

Developing New Code

Debugging inside IPython

  1. Use Jupyter/IPython cell execution to speed up experiment iterations
  2. Use %%debug for step through

Cell Example:

...: for n in range(4):
...:    n>2

Debugging Existing Code

IPython inside debugging

  1. Debugging a broken unit test: pytest ... --pdbcls=IPython.terminal.debugger:TerminalPdb --pdb
  2. Debugging outside of test case: breakpoint(), python -m ipdb, etc.
  3. IPython.embed() for full IPython functionality where needed while in the debugger

Thoughts on Python

I agree with the OP that many things MATLAB does nicely Python still does not have and really should since just about everything in the language favors development speed over production speed. Maybe someday I will contribute more than trivial bug fixes to CPython.

See also Is it possible to run commands in IPython with debugging?

Button background as transparent

To make a background transparent, just do android:background="@android:color/transparent".

However, your problem seems to be a bit deeper, as you're using selectors in a really weird way. The way you're using it seems wrong, although if it actually works, you should be putting the background image in the style as an <item/>.

Take a closer look at how styles are used in the Android source. While they don't change the text styling upon clicking buttons, there are a lot of good ideas on how to accomplish your goals there.

Mockito : doAnswer Vs thenReturn

You should use thenReturn or doReturn when you know the return value at the time you mock a method call. This defined value is returned when you invoke the mocked method.

thenReturn(T value) Sets a return value to be returned when the method is called.

public void test_return() throws Exception {
    Dummy dummy = mock(Dummy.class);
    int returnValue = 5;

    // choose your preferred way

Answer is used when you need to do additional actions when a mocked method is invoked, e.g. when you need to compute the return value based on the parameters of this method call.

Use doAnswer() when you want to stub a void method with generic Answer.

Answer specifies an action that is executed and a return value that is returned when you interact with the mock.

public void test_answer() throws Exception {
    Dummy dummy = mock(Dummy.class);
    Answer<Integer> answer = new Answer<Integer>() {
        public Integer answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
            String string = invocation.getArgumentAt(0, String.class);
            return string.length() * 2;

    // choose your preferred way

What is the best way to paginate results in SQL Server

These are my solutions for paging the result of query in SQL server side. these approaches are different between SQL Server 2008 and 2012. Also, I have added the concept of filtering and order by with one column. It is very efficient when you are paging and filtering and ordering in your Gridview.

Before testing, you have to create one sample table and insert some row in this table : (In real world you have to change Where clause considering your table fields and maybe you have some join and subquery in main part of select)

Create Table VLT
    ID int IDentity(1,1),
    Name nvarchar(50),
    Tel Varchar(20)

    ('NAME' + Convert(varchar(10),@@identity),'FAMIL' + Convert(varchar(10),@@identity))
GO 500000

In all of these sample, I want to query 200 rows per page and I am fetching the row for page number 1200.

In SQL server 2008, you can use the CTE concept. Because of that, I have written two type of query for SQL server 2008+

-- SQL Server 2008+

DECLARE @PageNumber Int = 1200
DECLARE @PageSize INT = 200
DECLARE @SortByField int = 1 --The field used for sort by
DECLARE @SortOrder nvarchar(255) = 'ASC' --ASC or DESC
DECLARE @FilterType nvarchar(255) = 'None' --The filter type, as defined on the client side (None/Contain/NotContain/Match/NotMatch/True/False/)
DECLARE @FilterValue nvarchar(255) = '' --The value the user gave for the filter
DECLARE @FilterColumn int = 1 --The column to wich the filter is applied, represents the column number like when we send the information.

        OVER( ORDER BY 
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 1 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
                      THEN VLT.ID END ASC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 1 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
                      THEN VLT.ID END DESC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 2 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
                      THEN VLT.Name END ASC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 2 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
                      THEN VLT.Name END ASC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 3 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
                      THEN VLT.Tel END ASC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 3 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
                      THEN VLT.Tel END ASC
         ) AS RowNum
      ( -- We apply the filter logic here
          WHEN @FilterType = 'None' THEN 1

          -- Name column filter
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.ID LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.ID NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND VLT.ID = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND VLT.ID <> @FilterValue THEN 1               

          -- Name column filter
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Name LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Name NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND VLT.Name = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND VLT.Name <> @FilterValue THEN 1         

         -- Tel column filter   
         WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Tel LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Tel NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND VLT.Tel = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND VLT.Tel <> @FilterValue THEN 1    

      ) = 1   
  ) AS Data
WHERE Data.RowNum > @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1)
  AND Data.RowNum <= @PageSize * @PageNumber
ORDER BY Data.RowNum


And second solution with CTE in SQL server 2008+

DECLARE @PageNumber Int = 1200
DECLARE @PageSize INT = 200
DECLARE @SortByField int = 1 --The field used for sort by
DECLARE @SortOrder nvarchar(255) = 'ASC' --ASC or DESC
DECLARE @FilterType nvarchar(255) = 'None' --The filter type, as defined on the client side (None/Contain/NotContain/Match/NotMatch/True/False/)
DECLARE @FilterValue nvarchar(255) = '' --The value the user gave for the filter
DECLARE @FilterColumn int = 1 --The column to wich the filter is applied, represents the column number like when we send the information.

        OVER( ORDER BY 
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 1 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
                      THEN VLT.ID END ASC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 1 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
                      THEN VLT.ID END DESC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 2 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
                      THEN VLT.Name END ASC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 2 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
                      THEN VLT.Name END ASC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 3 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
                      THEN VLT.Tel END ASC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 3 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
                      THEN VLT.Tel END ASC
         ) AS RowNum
      ( -- We apply the filter logic here
          WHEN @FilterType = 'None' THEN 1

          -- Name column filter
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.ID LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.ID NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND VLT.ID = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND VLT.ID <> @FilterValue THEN 1               

          -- Name column filter
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Name LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Name NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND VLT.Name = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND VLT.Name <> @FilterValue THEN 1         

         -- Tel column filter   
         WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Tel LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Tel NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND VLT.Tel = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND VLT.Tel <> @FilterValue THEN 1    

      ) = 1     

WHERE Data.RowNum > @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1)
  AND Data.RowNum <= @PageSize * @PageNumber
ORDER BY Data.RowNum

-- SQL Server 2012+

DECLARE @PageNumber Int = 1200
DECLARE @PageSize INT = 200
DECLARE @SortByField int = 1 --The field used for sort by
DECLARE @SortOrder nvarchar(255) = 'ASC' --ASC or DESC
DECLARE @FilterType nvarchar(255) = 'None' --The filter type, as defined on the client side (None/Contain/NotContain/Match/NotMatch/True/False/)
DECLARE @FilterValue nvarchar(255) = '' --The value the user gave for the filter
DECLARE @FilterColumn int = 1 --The column to wich the filter is applied, represents the column number like when we send the information.

      ( -- We apply the filter logic here
          WHEN @FilterType = 'None' THEN 1

          -- Name column filter
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.ID LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.ID NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND VLT.ID = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND VLT.ID <> @FilterValue THEN 1               

          -- Name column filter
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Name LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Name NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND VLT.Name = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND VLT.Name <> @FilterValue THEN 1         

         -- Tel column filter   
         WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Tel LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Tel NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND VLT.Tel = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND VLT.Tel <> @FilterValue THEN 1    

      ) = 1         

    CASE WHEN @SortByField = 1 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
        THEN Data.ID END ASC,
    CASE WHEN @SortByField = 1 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
        THEN Data.ID END DESC,
    CASE WHEN @SortByField = 2 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
        THEN Data.Name END ASC,
    CASE WHEN @SortByField = 2 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
        THEN Data.Name END ASC,
    CASE WHEN @SortByField = 3 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
        THEN Data.Tel END ASC,
    CASE WHEN @SortByField = 3 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
        THEN Data.Tel END ASC
OFFSET @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1) ROWS FETCH NEXT @PageSize ROWS ONLY;

Tomcat started in Eclipse but unable to connect to http://localhost:8085/

What are you expecting? The default Tomcat homepage? If so, you'll need to configure Eclipse to take control over from Tomcat.

Doubleclick the Tomcat server entry in the Servers tab, you'll get the server configuration. At the left column, under Server Locations, select Use Tomcat installation (note, when it is grayed out, read the section leading text! ;) ). This way Eclipse will take full control over Tomcat, this way you'll also be able to access the default Tomcat homepage with the Tomcat Manager when running from inside Eclipse. I only don't see how that's useful while developing using Eclipse.

enter image description here

The port number is not the problem. You would otherwise have gotten an exception in Tomcat's startup log, and the browser would show a browser-specific "Connection timed out" error page and thus not a Tomcat-specific error page which could impossibly be served when Tomcat was not up and running.

Installing jdk8 on ubuntu- "unable to locate package" update doesn't fix

For me non of the above worked and I had to do as below, and it worked,

sudo -E add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa

and then,

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk


Git push won't do anything (everything up-to-date)

This happened to me when I ^C in the middle of a git push to GitHub. GitHub did not show that the changes had been made, however.

To fix it, I made a change to my working tree, committed, and then pushed again. It worked perfectly fine.

Create a Bitmap/Drawable from file path

static ArrayList< Drawable>  d;
d = new ArrayList<Drawable>();
for(int i=0;i<MainActivity.FilePathStrings1.size();i++) {
  myDrawable =  Drawable.createFromPath(MainActivity.FilePathStrings1.get(i));

Deserialize JSON with C#

I agree with Icarus (would have commented if I could), but instead of using a CustomObject class, I would use a Dictionary (in case Facebook adds something).

private class MyFacebookClass
    public IList<IDictionary<string, string>> data { get; set; }


private class MyFacebookClass
    public IList<IDictionary<string, object>> data { get; set; }

Convert Map to JSON using Jackson

If you're using jackson, better to convert directly to ObjectNode.

//not including SerializationFeatures for brevity
static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

//pass it your payload
public static ObjectNode convObjToONode(Object o) {
    StringWriter stringify = new StringWriter();
    ObjectNode objToONode = null;

    try {
        mapper.writeValue(stringify, o);
        objToONode = (ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(stringify.toString());
    } catch (IOException e) {

    return objToONode;

nvm is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option:

I had the same problem and executing npm config delete prefix did not help me.

But this did:

After installing nvm using brew, create ~/.nvm directory:
$ mkdir ~/.nvm

and add following lines into ~/.bash_profile:

export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
. $(brew --prefix nvm)/

(Check that you have no other nvm related command in any ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile)

Open a new terminal and this time it should not print any warning message.
Check that nvm is working by executing nvm --version command.
After that, install/reinstall NodeJS using nvm install node && nvm alias default node.

More Info

I installed nvm using homebrew and after that I got this notification:

Please note that upstream has asked us to make explicit managing nvm via Homebrew is unsupported by them and you should check any problems against the standard nvm install method prior to reporting.

You should create NVM's working directory if it doesn't exist:

 mkdir ~/.nvm

Add the following to ~/.bash_profile or your desired shell configuration file:

 export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
 . $(brew --prefix nvm)/

You can set $NVM_DIR to any location, but leaving it unchanged from /usr/local/Cellar/nvm/0.31.0 will destroy any nvm-installed Node installations upon upgrade/reinstall.

Ignoring it brought me to this error message:

nvm is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option: currently set to "/usr/local/Cellar/nvm/0.31.0/versions/node/v5.7.1"
Run nvm use --delete-prefix v5.7.1 --silent to unset it.

I followed an earlier guide (from homebrew/nvm) and after that I found that I needed to reinstall NodeJS. So I did:

nvm install node && nvm alias default node

and it was fixed.

Update: Using brew to install NVM causes slow startup of the Terminal. You can follow this instruction to resolve it.

Change IPython/Jupyter notebook working directory

A neat trick for those using IPython in windows is that you can make an ipython icon in each of your project directories designed to open with the notebook pointing at that chosen project. This helps keep things separate.

For example if you have a new project in C:\fake\example\directory

Copy an ipython notebook icon to the directory or create a new link to the windows "cmd" shell. Then right click on the icon and "Edit Properties"

Set the shortcut properties to:

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k "cd C:\fake\example\directory & C: & ipython notebook --pylab inline"

Start in:

(Note the added slash at the end of "start in")

This runs windows command line, changes to your working directory, and runs the ipython notebook pointed at that directory.

Drop one of these in each project folder and you'll have ipython notebook groups kept nice and separate while still just a doubleclick away.

UPDATE: IPython has removed support for the command line inlining of pylab so the fix for that with this trick is to just eliminate "--pylab inline" if you have a newer IPython version (or just don't want pylab obviously).


On my test machines and as reported in comments below, the newest jupyter build appears to check the start directory and launch with that as the working directory. This means that the working directory override is not needed.

Thus your shortcut can be as simple as:

Target (if jupyter notebook in path):
    jupyter notebook

Target (if jupyter notebook NOT in path):
    C:\Users\<Your Username Here>\Anaconda\Scripts\jupyter.exe notebook

If jupyter notebook is not in your PATH you just need to add the full directory reference in front of the command. If that doesn't work please try working from the earlier version. Very conveniently, now "Start in:" can be empty in my tests with 4.1.1 and later. Perhaps they read this entry on SO and liked it, so long upvotes, nobody needs this anymore :)

OSError: [Errno 8] Exec format error

OSError: [Errno 8] Exec format error can happen if there is no shebang line at the top of the shell script and you are trying to execute the script directly. Here's an example that reproduces the issue:

>>> with open('a','w') as f: f.write('exit 0') # create the script
>>> import os
>>> os.chmod('a', 0b111101101) # rwxr-xr-x make it executable                       
>>> os.execl('./a', './a')     # execute it                                            
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 312, in execl
    execv(file, args)
OSError: [Errno 8] Exec format error

To fix it, just add the shebang e.g., if it is a shell script; prepend #!/bin/sh at the top of your script:

>>> with open('a','w') as f: f.write('#!/bin/sh\nexit 0')
>>> os.execl('./a', './a')

It executes exit 0 without any errors.

On POSIX systems, shell parses the command line i.e., your script won't see spaces around = e.g., if script is:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys

then running it in the shell:

$ /usr/local/bin/script hostname = '<hostname>' -p LONGLIST


['/usr/local/bin/script', 'hostname', '=', '<hostname>', '-p', 'LONGLIST']

Note: no spaces around '='. I've added quotes around <hostname> to escape the redirection metacharacters <>.

To emulate the shell command in Python, run:

from subprocess import check_call

cmd = ['/usr/local/bin/script', 'hostname', '=', '<hostname>', '-p', 'LONGLIST']

Note: no shell=True. And you don't need to escape <> because no shell is run.

"Exec format error" might indicate that your script has invalid format, run:

$ file /usr/local/bin/script

to find out what it is. Compare the architecture with the output of:

$ uname -m

oracle SQL how to remove time from date

You can use TRUNC on DateTime to remove Time part of the DateTime. So your where clause can be:

AND TRUNC(p1.PA_VALUE) >= TO_DATE('25/10/2012', 'DD/MM/YYYY')

The TRUNCATE (datetime) function returns date with the time portion of the day truncated to the unit specified by the format model.

Node.js throws "btoa is not defined" error

I understand this is a discussion point for a node application, but in the interest of universal JavaScript applications running on a node server, which is how I arrived at this post, I have been researching this for a universal / isomorphic react app I have been building, and the package abab worked for me. In fact it was the only solution I could find that worked, rather than using the Buffer method also mentioned (I had typescript issues).

(This package is used by jsdom, which in turn is used by the window package.)

Getting back to my point; based on this, perhaps if this functionality is already written as an npm package like the one you mentioned, and has it's own algorithm based on W3 spec, you could install and use the abab package rather than writing you own function that may or may not be accurate based on encoding.


I started having weird issues today with encoding (not sure why it's started happening now) with package abab. It seems to encode correctly most of the time, but sometimes on front end it encodes incorrectly. Spent a long time trying to debug, but switched to package base-64 as recommended, and it worked straight away. Definitely seemed to be down to the base64 algorithm of abab.

Where can I find documentation on formatting a date in JavaScript?

the lazy solution is to use Date.toLocaleString with the right region code

to get a list of matching regions you can run


[ -f bcp47.json ] || \

grep 'tag" : ' bcp47.json | cut -d'"' -f4 >codes.txt

js=$(cat <<'EOF'
const fs = require('fs');
const d = new Date(2020, 11, 12, 20, 00, 00);
fs.readFileSync('codes.txt', 'utf8')
.forEach(code => {
  try {
    console.log(code+' '+d.toLocaleString(code))
  catch (e) { console.log(code+' '+e.message) }

# print THE LIST of civilized countries
echo "$js" | node - | grep '2020-12-12 20:00:00'

and here is .... THE LIST

af ce eo gv ha ku kw ky lt mg rw se sn sv xh zu 
ksh mgo sah wae AF KW KY LT MG RW SE SN SV

sample use:

(new Date()).toLocaleString('af')

// -> '2020-12-21 11:50:15'

: )

(note. this MAY not be portable.)

Can I replace groups in Java regex?

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but it is kind-of weird that no-one pointed this out - "Yes you can, but this is the opposite of how you use capturing groups in real life".

If you use Regex the way it is meant to be used, the solution is as simple as this:

"6 example input 4".replaceAll("(?:\\d)(.*)(?:\\d)", "number$11");

Or as rightfully pointed out by shmosel below,

"6 example input 4".replaceAll("\d(.*)\d", "number$11");

...since in your regex there is no good reason to group the decimals at all.

You don't usually use capturing groups on the parts of the string you want to discard, you use them on the part of the string you want to keep.

If you really want groups that you want to replace, what you probably want instead is a templating engine (e.g. moustache, ejs, StringTemplate, ...).

As an aside for the curious, even non-capturing groups in regexes are just there for the case that the regex engine needs them to recognize and skip variable text. For example, in

(?:abc)*(capture me)(?:bcd)*

you need them if your input can look either like "abcabccapture mebcdbcd" or "abccapture mebcd" or even just "capture me".

Or to put it the other way around: if the text is always the same, and you don't capture it, there is no reason to use groups at all.

How can I check which version of Angular I'm using?

For Angular 2+, in any modern browser having developper tools (F12) you can inspect the top level application tag.

For Internet Explorer 11 or Edge you can find information here :Angular version Number

Works for Angular 2+ Chrome browser

enter image description here

Firefox firebug

enter image description here

SQL ROWNUM how to return rows between a specific range

select * 
from emp 
where rownum <= &upperlimit 
select * 
from emp 
where rownum <= &lower limit ;

Set UILabel line spacing

I've found 3rd Party Libraries Like this one:

To be the easiest solution.

How can I debug javascript on Android?

You can try YConsole a js embedded console. It is lightweight and simple to use.

  • Catch logs and errors.
  • Object editor.

How to use :

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/YConsole-compiled.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" >;</script>

How to center an unordered list?

From your post, I understand that you cannot set the width to your li.

How about this?

ul {
  border:2px solid red;

li {
  padding:0 30%; /* try adjusting the side % to give a feel of center aligned.*/

Here's a demo.

Animate a custom Dialog

First, you have to create two animation resources in res/anim dir


<set xmlns:android="">


<set xmlns:android="">

then you have to create a style

<style name="DialogAnimation">
    <item name="android:windowEnterAnimation">@anim/slide_up</item>
    <item name="android:windowExitAnimation">@anim/slide_bottom</item>

and add this line to your class

dialog.getWindow().getAttributes().windowAnimations =; //style id

Based in

How can I get around MySQL Errcode 13 with SELECT INTO OUTFILE?

This problem has been bothering me for a long time. I noticed that this discussion does not point out the solution on RHEL/Fecora. I am using RHEL and I do not find the configuration files corresponding to AppArmer on Ubuntu, but I solved my problem by making EVERY directory in the directory PATH readable and accessible by mysql. For example, if you create a directory /tmp, the following two commands make SELECT INTO OUTFILE able to output the .sql AND .sql file

chown mysql:mysql /tmp
chmod a+rx /tmp

If you create a directory in your home directory /home/tom, you must do this for both /home and /home/tom.

IndexError: too many indices for array

The message that you are getting is not for the default Exception of Python:

For a fresh python list, IndexError is thrown only on index not being in range (even docs say so).

>>> l = []
>>> l[1]
IndexError: list index out of range

If we try passing multiple items to list, or some other value, we get the TypeError:

>>> l[1, 2]
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple

>>> l[float('NaN')]
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not float

However, here, you seem to be using matplotlib that internally uses numpy for handling arrays. On digging deeper through the codebase for numpy, we see:

static NPY_INLINE npy_intp
unpack_tuple(PyTupleObject *index, PyObject **result, npy_intp result_n)
    npy_intp n, i;
    n = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(index);
    if (n > result_n) {
                        "too many indices for array");
        return -1;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        result[i] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(index, i);
    return n;

where, the unpack method will throw an error if it the size of the index is greater than that of the results.

So, Unlike Python which raises a TypeError on incorrect Indexes, Numpy raises the IndexError because it supports multidimensional arrays.

Provide password to ssh command inside bash script, Without the usage of public keys and Expect

Install sshpass, then launch the command:

sshpass -p "yourpassword" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no yourusername@hostname

Error:(23, 17) Failed to resolve: junit:junit:4.12

I couldn't work out why Android Studio was not syncing with gradle. It turned out that it didn't like my VPN, so watch for that!

Load image from url

Try this:

InputStream input = contentResolver.openInputStream(httpuri);
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(input, null, options);

Most efficient way to prepend a value to an array

If you are prepending an array to the front of another array, it is more efficient to just use concat. So:

var newArray = values.concat(oldArray);

But this will still be O(N) in the size of oldArray. Still, it is more efficient than manually iterating over oldArray. Also, depending on the details, it may help you, because if you are going to prepend many values, it's better to put them into an array first and then concat oldArray on the end, rather than prepending each one individually.

There's no way to do better than O(N) in the size of oldArray, because arrays are stored in contiguous memory with the first element in a fixed position. If you want to insert before the first element, you need to move all the other elements. If you need a way around this, do what @GWW said and use a linked list, or a different data structure.

Fetch: POST json data

you can use fill-fetch, which is an extension of fetch. Simply, you can post data as below:

import { fill } from 'fill-fetch';

const fetcher = fill();

fetcher.config.timeout = 3000;
fetcher.config.maxConcurrence = 10;
fetcher.config.baseURL = '';

const res = await'/', { a: 1 }, {
    headers: {
        'bearer': '1234'

How do I remove the non-numeric character from a string in java?

This works in Flex SDK 4.14.0

myString.replace(/[^0-9&&^.]/g, "");

What is the difference between AF_INET and PF_INET in socket programming?

I found in Linux kernel source code that PF_INET and AF_INET are the same. The following code is from file include/linux/socket.h, line 204 of Linux kernel 3.2.21 tree.

/* Protocol families, same as address families. */
#define PF_INET     AF_INET

How to config Tomcat to serve images from an external folder outside webapps?

Instead of configuring Tomcat to redirect requests, use Apache as a frontend with the Apache Tomcat connector so that Apache is only serving static content, while asking tomcat for dynamic content.

Using the JKmount directive (or others) you could specify exactly which requests are sent to Tomcat.

Requests for static content, such as images, would be served directly by Apache, using a standard virtual host configuration, while other requests, defined in the JKMount directive will be sent to Tomcat workers.

I think this implementation would give you the most flexibility and control on the overall application.

Unable to load script.Make sure you are either running a Metro server or that your bundle '' is packaged correctly for release

A similar issue happened with me.
Apparently Mcafee blocks 8081 port. Took me hours to figure this out.

Try running:

react-native run-android --port=1234

When app shows up with an error on emulator, get into dev settings (Ctrl+M).

Change the "Debug server host and port for device" to "localhost:1234".

Close the app and start it from the app drawer.

Where does npm install packages?

If a module was installed with the global (-g) flag, you can get the parent location by running:

npm get prefix


npm ls -g --depth=0

which will print the location along with the list of installed modules.

How to convert date to string and to date again?

Convert Date to String using this function

public String convertDateToString(Date date, String format) {
        String dateStr = null;
        DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
        try {
            dateStr = df.format(date);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
        return dateStr;

From Convert Date to String in Java . And convert string to date again

public Date convertStringToDate(String dateStr, String format) {
        Date date = null;
        DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
        try {
            date = df.parse(dateStr);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
        return date;

From Convert String to date in Java

Inheritance and init method in Python

Since you don't call Num.__init__ , the field "n1" never gets created. Call it and then it will be there.

Android - set TextView TextStyle programmatically?

I´ve resolved it with two simple methods.

Follow the explanation.

My existing style declaration:

<style name="SearchInfoText">
    <item name="android:layout_width">wrap_content</item>
    <item name="android:layout_height">wrap_content</item>
    <item name="android:textSize">24sp</item>
    <item name="android:textColor">@color/Church_Grey</item>
    <item name="android:shadowColor">@color/Shadow_Church</item>
    <item name="android:shadowRadius">3</item>
    <item name="android:shadowDx">1</item>
    <item name="android:shadowDy">1</item>

My Android Java code:

    TextView locationName = new TextView(getSupportActivity());
    locationName.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 15);
    locationName.setShadowLayer(3, 1, 1,  getResources().getColor(R.color.Shadow_Church));


How can I change the color of AlertDialog title and the color of the line under it

Continuing from this answer:, I forked the nice github repo from @daniel-smith and made some improvements:

  • improved example Activity
  • improved layouts
  • fixed setItems method
  • added dividers into items_list
  • dismiss dialogs on click
  • support for disabled items in setItems methods
  • listItem touch feedback
  • scrollable dialog message


Razor Views not seeing System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper

I was dealing with this issue after upgrading from Visual Studio 2013 to Visual Studio 2015 After trying most of the advice found in this and other similar SO posts, I finally found the problem. The first part of the fix was to update all of my NuGet stuff to the latest version (you might need to do this in VS13 if you are experiencing the Nuget bug) after, I had to, as you may need to, fix the versions listed in the Views Web.config. This includes:

  1. Fix MVC versions and its child libraries to the new version (expand the References then right click onSytem.Web.MVC then Properties to get your version)
  2. Fix the Razor version.

Mine looked like this:

    <sectionGroup name="system.web.webPages.razor" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.RazorWebSectionGroup, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35">
      <section name="host" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.HostSection, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" requirePermission="false" />
      <section name="pages" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.RazorPagesSection, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" requirePermission="false" />

    <host factoryType="System.Web.Mvc.MvcWebRazorHostFactory, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
    <pages pageBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage">
        <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc" />
        <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Ajax" />
        <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Html" />
        <add namespace="System.Web.Optimization"/>
        <add namespace="System.Web.Routing" />

    <add key="webpages:Enabled" value="false" />

      <add path="*" verb="*" type="System.Web.HttpNotFoundHandler"/>
      pageParserFilterType="System.Web.Mvc.ViewTypeParserFilter, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"
      pageBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"
      userControlBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35">
        <add assembly="System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" namespace="System.Web.Mvc" tagPrefix="mvc" />

    <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />

      <remove name="BlockViewHandler"/>
      <add name="BlockViewHandler" path="*" verb="*" preCondition="integratedMode" type="System.Web.HttpNotFoundHandler" />

error: passing xxx as 'this' argument of xxx discards qualifiers

The objects in the std::set are stored as const StudentT. So when you try to call getId() with the const object the compiler detects a problem, mainly you're calling a non-const member function on const object which is not allowed because non-const member functions make NO PROMISE not to modify the object; so the compiler is going to make a safe assumption that getId() might attempt to modify the object but at the same time, it also notices that the object is const; so any attempt to modify the const object should be an error. Hence compiler generates an error message.

The solution is simple: make the functions const as:

int getId() const {
    return id;
string getName() const {
    return name;

This is necessary because now you can call getId() and getName() on const objects as:

void f(const StudentT & s)
     cout << s.getId();   //now okay, but error with your versions
     cout << s.getName(); //now okay, but error with your versions

As a sidenote, you should implement operator< as :

inline bool operator< (const StudentT & s1, const StudentT & s2)
    return  s1.getId() < s2.getId();

Note parameters are now const reference.

Check if String contains only letters

Check this,i guess this is help you because it's work in my project so once you check this code

if(! Pattern.matches(".*[a-zA-Z]+.*[a-zA-Z]", str1))
   String not contain only character;
  String contain only character;

Call an angular function inside html

Yep, just add parenthesis (calling the function). Make sure the function is in scope and actually returns something.

<ul class="ui-listview ui-radiobutton" ng-repeat="meter in meters">
  <li class = "ui-divider">
    {{ meter.DESCRIPTION }}
    {{ htmlgeneration() }}

PHP get dropdown value and text

you can make it using js file and ajax call. while validating data using js file we can read the text of selected dropdown

$("#dropdownid").val();   for value
$("#dropdownid").text(); for selected value

catch these into two variables and take it as inputs to ajax call for a php file

     url:"callingphpfile.php",//url of fetching php  
     method:"POST", //type 
     success:function(data) //return the data     


and in php you can get it as

    if (isset($_POST["val1"])) {
    $val1= $_POST["val1"] ;

if (isset($_POST["val2"])) {
  $selectedtext= $_POST["val1"];

Installing the Android USB Driver in Windows 7

Just download and install "Samsung Kies" from this link. and everything would work as required.

Before installing, uninstall the drivers you have installed for your device.


Two possible solutions:

  1. Try with the Google USB driver which comes with the SDK.
  2. Download and install the Samsung USB driver from this link as suggested by Mauricio Gracia Gutierrez

Insert a new row into DataTable

In c# following code insert data into datatable on specified position

DataTable dt = new DataTable();

dt.rows.add(1, 1000)
dt.rows.add(2, 2000)

dt.Rows.InsertAt(dt.NewRow(), 3);

var rowPosition = 3;
dt.Rows[rowPosition][dt.Columns.IndexOf("SL")] = 3;
dt.Rows[rowPosition][dt.Columns.IndexOf("Amount")] = 3000;

How can I represent a range in Java?

import java.util.Arrays;

class Soft{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        int[] nums=range(9, 12);
    static int[] range(int low, int high){
        int[] a=new int[high-low];
        for(int i=0,j=low;i<high-low;i++,j++){
        return a;


My code is similar to Python`s range :)

Crop image in PHP

imagecopyresampled() will take a rectangular area from $src_image of width $src_w and height $src_h at position ($src_x, $src_y) and place it in a rectangular area of $dst_image of width $dst_w and height $dst_h at position ($dst_x, $dst_y).

If the source and destination coordinates and width and heights differ, appropriate stretching or shrinking of the image fragment will be performed. The coordinates refer to the upper left corner.

This function can be used to copy regions within the same image. But if the regions overlap, the results will be unpredictable.

- Edit -

If $src_w and $src_h are smaller than $dst_w and $dst_h respectively, thumb image will be zoomed in. Otherwise it will be zoomed out.

$dst_x = 0;   // X-coordinate of destination point
$dst_y = 0;   // Y-coordinate of destination point
$src_x = 100; // Crop Start X position in original image
$src_y = 100; // Crop Srart Y position in original image
$dst_w = 160; // Thumb width
$dst_h = 120; // Thumb height
$src_w = 260; // Crop end X position in original image
$src_h = 220; // Crop end Y position in original image

// Creating an image with true colors having thumb dimensions (to merge with the original image)
$dst_image = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_w, $dst_h);
// Get original image
$src_image = imagecreatefromjpeg('images/source.jpg');
// Cropping
imagecopyresampled($dst_image, $src_image, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h);
// Saving
imagejpeg($dst_image, 'images/crop.jpg');

How can I open Windows Explorer to a certain directory from within a WPF app?

Process.Start("explorer.exe" , @"C:\Users");

I had to use this, the other way of just specifying the tgt dir would shut the explorer window when my application terminated.

Select a date from date picker using Selenium webdriver

try this,

  1. an icon used as a trigger;
  2. display a calendar when the icon is clicked;
  3. Previous Year button(<<), optional;
  4. Next Year Button(>>), optional;
  5. Previous Month button(<);
  6. Next Month button(>);
  7. day buttons;
  8. Weekday indicators;
  9. Calendar title i.e. "September, 2011" which representing current month and current year.

Get Filename Without Extension in Python

No need for regex. os.path.splitext is your friend:

>>> ('1.1.1', '.jpg')

Format an Excel column (or cell) as Text in C#?

   if (dtCustomers.Columns[j - 1].DataType != typeof(decimal) && dtCustomers.Columns[j - 1].DataType != typeof(int))
      myWorksheet.Cells[i + 2, j].NumberFormat = "@";

How can I use Python to get the system hostname?

To get fully qualified hostname use socket.getfqdn()

import socket

print socket.getfqdn()

How to echo print statements while executing a sql script

For mysql you can add \p to the commands to have them print out while they run in the script:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `mysql`.`user`

Run it in the MySQL client:

mysql> source example.sql
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `mysql`.`user`

| COUNT(*) |
|       24 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Error: Failed to lookup view in Express

I had the same issue and could fix it with the solution from dougwilson: from Apr 5, 2017, Github.

  1. I changed the filename from index.js to index.pug
  2. Then used in the '/' route: res.render('index.pug') - instead of res.render('index')
  3. Set environment variable: DEBUG=express:view Now it works like a charm.

CSS two divs next to each other

I ran into this problem today. Based on the solutions above, this worked for me:

<div style="width:100%;"> 
    <div style="float:left;">Content left div</div> 
    <div style="float:right;">Content right div</div> 

Simply make the parent div span the full width and float the divs contained within.

Get selected key/value of a combo box using jQuery

I assume by "key" and "value" you mean:

    <option value="KEY">VALUE</option>

If that's the case, this will get you the "VALUE":


And you can get the "KEY" like this:


How to show the last queries executed on MySQL?

Maybe you could find that out by looking at the query log.

SQL Server IIF vs CASE

IIF is the same as CASE WHEN <Condition> THEN <true part> ELSE <false part> END. The query plan will be the same. It is, perhaps, "syntactical sugar" as initially implemented.

CASE is portable across all SQL platforms whereas IIF is SQL SERVER 2012+ specific.

Change the spacing of tick marks on the axis of a plot?

With base graphics, the easiest way is to stop the plotting functions from drawing axes and then draw them yourself.

plot(1:10, 1:10, axes = FALSE)
axis(side = 1, at = c(1,5,10))
axis(side = 2, at = c(1,3,7,10))

How to make a Java thread wait for another thread's output?

You could do it using an Exchanger object shared between the two threads:

private Exchanger<String> myDataExchanger = new Exchanger<String>();

// Wait for thread's output
String data;
try {
  data ="");
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
  // Handle Exceptions

And in the second thread:

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {


As others have said, do not take this light-hearted and just copy-paste code. Do some reading first.

Ubuntu, how do you remove all Python 3 but not 2

First of all, don't try the following command as suggested by Germain above.

   `sudo apt-get remove 'python3.*'`

In Ubuntu, many software depends upon Python3 so if you will execute this command it will remove all of them as it happened with me. I found following answer useful to recover it.

If you want to use different python versions for different projects then create virtual environments it will be very useful. refer to the following link to create virtual environments.

Creating Virtual Environment also helps in using Tensorflow and Keras in Jupyter Notebook.

How to detect duplicate values in PHP array?

function array_not_unique( $a = array() )
  return array_diff_key( $a , array_unique( $a ) );

Wait until flag=true

For iterating over ($.each) objects and executing a longish-running operation (containing nested ajax sync calls) on each object:

I first set a custom done=false property on each.

Then, in a recursive function, set each done=true and continued using setTimeout. (It's an operation meant to stop all other UI, show a progress bar and block all other use so I forgave myself for the sync calls.)

function start()
    GlobalProducts = getproductsfromsomewhere();
    $.each(GlobalProducts, function(index, product) {
         product["done"] = false;

function DoProducts()
    var doneProducts = Enumerable.From(GlobalProducts).Where("$.done == true").ToArray(); //linqjs

    //update progress bar here

    var nextProduct = Enumerable.From(GlobalProducts).Where("$.done == false").First();

        if (nextProduct) {
            nextProduct.done = true;
            Me.UploadProduct(; //does the long-running work

            setTimeout(Me.UpdateProducts, 500)

How to avoid the "divide by zero" error in SQL?

There is no magic global setting 'turn division by 0 exceptions off'. The operation has to to throw, since the mathematical meaning of x/0 is different from the NULL meaning, so it cannot return NULL. I assume you are taking care of the obvious and your queries have conditions that should eliminate the records with the 0 divisor and never evaluate the division. The usual 'gotcha' is than most developers expect SQL to behave like procedural languages and offer logical operator short-circuit, but it does NOT. I recommend you read this article:

Match exact string

"^" For the begining of the line "$" for the end of it. Eg.:

var re = /^abc$/;

Would match "abc" but not "1abc" or "abc1". You can learn more at

Find the nth occurrence of substring in a string

The replace one liner is great but only works because XX and bar have the same lentgh

A good and general def would be:

def findN(s,sub,N,replaceString="XXX"):
    return s.replace(sub,replaceString,N-1).find(sub) - (len(replaceString)-len(sub))*(N-1)

How to send POST request?

If you don't want to use a module you have to install like requests, and your use case is very basic, then you can use urllib2

urllib2.urlopen(url, body)

See the documentation for urllib2 here:

Get all column names of a DataTable into string array using (LINQ/Predicate)

Try this (LINQ method syntax):

string[] columnNames = dt.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>()
                                 .Select(x => x.ColumnName)

or in LINQ Query syntax:

string[] columnNames = (from dc in dt.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>()
                        select dc.ColumnName).ToArray();

Cast is required, because Columns is of type DataColumnCollection which is a IEnumerable, not IEnumerable<DataColumn>. The other parts should be obvious.

CSS rounded corners in IE8

As Internet Explorer doesn't natively support rounded corners. So a better cross-browser way to handle it would be to use rounded-corner images at the corners. Many famous websites use this approach.

You can also find rounded image generators around the web. One such link is

Python 3: ImportError "No Module named Setuptools"

EDIT: Official setuptools dox page:

If you have Python 2 >=2.7.9 or Python 3 >=3.4 installed from, you will already have pip and setuptools, but will need to upgrade to the latest version:

On Linux or OS X:

pip install -U pip setuptools 

On Windows:

python -m pip install -U pip setuptools

Therefore the rest of this post is probably obsolete (e.g. some links don't work).

Distribute - is a setuptools fork which "offers Python 3 support". Installation instructions for distribute(setuptools) + pip:

curl -O
easy_install pip

Similar issue here.

UPDATE: Distribute seems to be obsolete, i.e. merged into Setuptools: Distribute is a deprecated fork of the Setuptools project. Since the Setuptools 0.7 release, Setuptools and Distribute have merged and Distribute is no longer being maintained. All ongoing effort should reference the Setuptools project and the Setuptools documentation.

You may try with instructions found on setuptools pypi page (I haven't tested this, sorry :( ):

wget -O - | python
easy_install pip

Deleting folders in python recursively

better to use absolute path and import only the rmtree function from shutil import rmtree as this is a large package the above line will only import the required function.

from shutil import rmtree

What is the best way to implement constants in Java?

Just avoid using an interface:

public interface MyConstants {
    String CONSTANT_ONE = "foo";

public class NeddsConstant implements MyConstants {


It is tempting, but violates encapsulation and blurs the distinction of class definitions.

How to delete the first row of a dataframe in R?

dat <- dat[-1, ] worked but it killed my dataframe, changing it into another type. Had to instead use dat <- data.frame(dat[-1, ]) but this is possibly a special case as this dataframe initially had only one column.

What is the difference between fastcgi and fpm?

What Anthony says is absolutely correct, but I'd like to add that your experience will likely show a lot better performance and efficiency (due not to fpm-vs-fcgi but more to the implementation of your httpd).

For example, I had a quad-core machine running lighttpd + fcgi humming along nicely. I upgraded to a 16-core machine to cope with growth, and two things exploded: RAM usage, and segfaults. I found myself restarting lighttpd every 30 minutes to keep the website up.

I switched to php-fpm and nginx, and RAM usage dropped from >20GB to 2GB. Segfaults disappeared as well. After doing some research, I learned that lighttpd and fcgi don't get along well on multi-core machines under load, and also have memory leak issues in certain instances.

Is this due to php-fpm being better than fcgi? Not entirely, but how you hook into php-fpm seems to be a whole heckuva lot more efficient than how you serve via fcgi.

HTML5 form validation pattern alphanumeric with spaces?

Use Like below format code

    //get envent value       
    var inputValue = event.which;
    // check whitespaces only.
    if(inputValue == 32){
        return true;    
     // check number only.
    if(inputValue == 48 || inputValue == 49 || inputValue == 50 || inputValue == 51 || inputValue == 52 || inputValue == 53 ||  inputValue ==  54 ||  inputValue == 55 || inputValue == 56 || inputValue == 57){
        return true;
    // check special char.
    if(!(inputValue >= 65 && inputValue <= 120) && (inputValue != 32 && inputValue != 0)) { 

How do I setup the InternetExplorerDriver so it works

Basically you need to download the IEDriverServer.exe from Selenium HQ website without executing anything just remmeber the location where you want it and then put the code on Eclipse like this

System.setProperty("", "C:\\Users\\juan.torres\\Desktop\\QA stuff\\IEDriverServer_Win32_2.32.3\\IEDriverServer.exe");
WebDriver driver= new InternetExplorerDriver();


for the path use double slash //

ok have fun !!

PHPExcel set border and format for all sheets in spreadsheet

To answer your extra question:

You can set which rows should be repeated on every page using:

$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getPageSetup()->setRowsToRepeatAtTopByStartAndEnd(1, 5);

Now, row 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be repeated.

Quick unix command to display specific lines in the middle of a file?

If your line number is 100 to read

head -100 filename | tail -1

How can I save application settings in a Windows Forms application?

"Does this mean that I should use a custom XML file to save configuration settings?" No, not necessarily. We use SharpConfig for such operations.

For instance, if a configuration file is like that

# a comment
SomeString = Hello World!
SomeInteger = 10 # an inline comment

We can retrieve values like this

var config = Configuration.LoadFromFile("sample.cfg");
var section = config["General"];

string someString = section["SomeString"].StringValue;
int someInteger = section["SomeInteger"].IntValue;

It is compatible with .NET 2.0 and higher. We can create configuration files on the fly and we can save it later.


Why is it string.join(list) instead of list.join(string)?

It's because any iterable can be joined (e.g, list, tuple, dict, set), but its contents and the "joiner" must be strings.

For example:

'_'.join(['welcome', 'to', 'stack', 'overflow'])
'_'.join(('welcome', 'to', 'stack', 'overflow'))

Using something other than strings will raise the following error:

TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, int found

How can I check whether a radio button is selected with JavaScript?

With JQuery, another way to check the current status of the radio buttons is to get the attribute 'checked'.

For Example:

<input type="radio" name="gender_male" value="Male" />
<input type="radio" name="gender_female" value="Female" />

In this case you can check the buttons using:

if ($("#gender_male").attr("checked") == true) {

How to copy multiple files in one layer using a Dockerfile?

It might be worth mentioning that you can also create a .dockerignore file, to exclude the files that you don't want to copy:

Before the docker CLI sends the context to the docker daemon, it looks for a file named .dockerignore in the root directory of the context. If this file exists, the CLI modifies the context to exclude files and directories that match patterns in it. This helps to avoid unnecessarily sending large or sensitive files and directories to the daemon and potentially adding them to images using ADD or COPY.

403 Forbidden error when making an ajax Post request in Django framework

this works for me


    url: "{% url 'XXXXXX' %}",
    type: 'POST',
    data: {modifica: jsonText, "csrfmiddlewaretoken" : "{{csrf_token}}"},
    traditional: true,
    dataType: 'html',
    success: function(result){
       window.location.href = "{% url 'XXX' %}";

def aggiornaAttivitaAssegnate(request):
    if request.is_ajax():
        richiesta = json.loads(request.POST.get('modifica'))

What is the difference between Views and Materialized Views in Oracle?


They evaluate the data in the tables underlying the view definition at the time the view is queried. It is a logical view of your tables, with no data stored anywhere else.

The upside of a view is that it will always return the latest data to you. The downside of a view is that its performance depends on how good a select statement the view is based on. If the select statement used by the view joins many tables, or uses joins based on non-indexed columns, the view could perform poorly.

Materialized views

They are similar to regular views, in that they are a logical view of your data (based on a select statement), however, the underlying query result set has been saved to a table. The upside of this is that when you query a materialized view, you are querying a table, which may also be indexed.

In addition, because all the joins have been resolved at materialized view refresh time, you pay the price of the join once (or as often as you refresh your materialized view), rather than each time you select from the materialized view. In addition, with query rewrite enabled, Oracle can optimize a query that selects from the source of your materialized view in such a way that it instead reads from your materialized view. In situations where you create materialized views as forms of aggregate tables, or as copies of frequently executed queries, this can greatly speed up the response time of your end user application. The downside though is that the data you get back from the materialized view is only as up to date as the last time the materialized view has been refreshed.

Materialized views can be set to refresh manually, on a set schedule, or based on the database detecting a change in data from one of the underlying tables. Materialized views can be incrementally updated by combining them with materialized view logs, which act as change data capture sources on the underlying tables.

Materialized views are most often used in data warehousing / business intelligence applications where querying large fact tables with thousands of millions of rows would result in query response times that resulted in an unusable application.

Materialized views also help to guarantee a consistent moment in time, similar to snapshot isolation.

.aspx vs .ashx MAIN difference

.aspx is a rendered page. If you need a view, use an .aspx page. If all you need is backend functionality but will be staying on the same view, use an .ashx page.

Undefined reference to static class member

With C++11, the above would be possible for basic types as

class Foo {
  static constexpr int MEMBER = 1;  

The constexpr part creates a static expression as opposed to a static variable - and that behaves just like an extremely simple inline method definition. The approach proved a bit wobbly with C-string constexprs inside template classes, though.

Copy Files from Windows to the Ubuntu Subsystem

You should only access Linux files system (those located in lxss folder) from inside WSL; DO NOT create/modify any files in lxss folder in Windows - it's dangerous and WSL will not see these files.

Files can be shared between WSL and Windows, though; put the file outside of lxss folder. You can access them via drvFS (/mnt) such as /mnt/c/Users/yourusername/files within WSL. These files stay synced between WSL and Windows.

For details and why, see:

How to connect to LocalDB in Visual Studio Server Explorer?

With SQL Server 2017 and Visual Studio 2015, I used localhost\SQLEXPRESS

enter image description here

How to implement a binary tree?

Here is my simple recursive implementation of binary search tree.


class Node:
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.l = None
        self.r = None
        self.v = val

class Tree:
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = None

    def getRoot(self):
        return self.root

    def add(self, val):
        if self.root is None:
            self.root = Node(val)
            self._add(val, self.root)

    def _add(self, val, node):
        if val < node.v:
            if node.l is not None:
                self._add(val, node.l)
                node.l = Node(val)
            if node.r is not None:
                self._add(val, node.r)
                node.r = Node(val)

    def find(self, val):
        if self.root is not None:
            return self._find(val, self.root)
            return None

    def _find(self, val, node):
        if val == node.v:
            return node
        elif (val < node.v and node.l is not None):
            self._find(val, node.l)
        elif (val > node.v and node.r is not None):
            self._find(val, node.r)

    def deleteTree(self):
        # garbage collector will do this for us. 
        self.root = None

    def printTree(self):
        if self.root is not None:

    def _printTree(self, node):
        if node is not None:
            print(str(node.v) + ' ')

#     3
# 0     4
#   2      8
tree = Tree()

Direct casting vs 'as' operator?

string s = (string)o; // 1

Throws InvalidCastException if o is not a string. Otherwise, assigns o to s, even if o is null.

string s = o as string; // 2

Assigns null to s if o is not a string or if o is null. For this reason, you cannot use it with value types (the operator could never return null in that case). Otherwise, assigns o to s.

string s = o.ToString(); // 3

Causes a NullReferenceException if o is null. Assigns whatever o.ToString() returns to s, no matter what type o is.

Use 1 for most conversions - it's simple and straightforward. I tend to almost never use 2 since if something is not the right type, I usually expect an exception to occur. I have only seen a need for this return-null type of functionality with badly designed libraries which use error codes (e.g. return null = error, instead of using exceptions).

3 is not a cast and is just a method invocation. Use it for when you need the string representation of a non-string object.

What exactly does the T and Z mean in timestamp?

The T doesn't really stand for anything. It is just the separator that the ISO 8601 combined date-time format requires. You can read it as an abbreviation for Time.

The Z stands for the Zero timezone, as it is offset by 0 from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Both characters are just static letters in the format, which is why they are not documented by the datetime.strftime() method. You could have used Q or M or Monty Python and the method would have returned them unchanged as well; the method only looks for patterns starting with % to replace those with information from the datetime object.

CSS Div stretch 100% page height

I want to cover the whole web page before prompting a modal popup. I tried many methods using CSS and Javascript but none of them help until I figure out the following solution. It works for me, I hope it helps you too.

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
   html, body {_x000D_
       margin: 0px 0px;_x000D_
       height 100%;_x000D_
            div.full-page {_x000D_
                position: fixed;_x000D_
                top: 0;_x000D_
                bottom: 0;_x000D_
                width: 100%;_x000D_
                height: 100%;_x000D_
                background-color: #000;_x000D_
                overflow-y: hidden;_x000D_
                overflow-x: hidden;_x000D_
            div.full-page div.avoid-content-highlight {_x000D_
                position: relative;_x000D_
                width: 100%;_x000D_
                height: 100%;_x000D_
            div.modal-popup {_x000D_
                position: fixed;_x000D_
                top: 20%;_x000D_
                bottom: 20%;_x000D_
                left: 30%;_x000D_
                right: 30%;_x000D_
                background-color: #FFF;_x000D_
                border: 1px solid #000;_x000D_
   // Polling for the sake of my intern tests_x000D_
   var interval = setInterval(function() {_x000D_
    if(document.readyState === 'complete') {_x000D_
    }    _x000D_
   }, 1000);_x000D_
   function isReady() {_x000D_
    document.getElementById('btn1').disabled = false;_x000D_
    document.getElementById('btn2').disabled = false;_x000D_
    // disable scrolling_x000D_
                document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.overflow = 'hidden';_x000D_
   function promptModalPopup() {_x000D_
                document.getElementById("div1").style.visibility = 'visible';_x000D_
                document.getElementById("div2").style.visibility = 'visible';_x000D_
    // disable scrolling_x000D_
                document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.overflow = 'hidden';_x000D_
            function closeModalPopup() {_x000D_
                document.getElementById("div2").style.visibility = 'hidden';  _x000D_
                document.getElementById("div1").style.visibility = 'hidden';_x000D_
    // enable scrolling_x000D_
                document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.overflow = 'scroll';_x000D_
 <body id="body">_x000D_
  <div id="div1" class="full-page">_x000D_
   <div class="avoid-content-highlight">_x000D_
        <button id="btn1" onclick="promptModalPopup()" disabled>Prompt Modal Popup</button>_x000D_
  <div id="demo">_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
   <h2>Original content</h2>_x000D_
        <div id="div2" class="modal-popup">_x000D_
            I am on top of all other containers_x000D_
            <button id="btn2" onclick="closeModalPopup()" disabled>Close</button>_x000D_

Good luck ;-)

How to post data to specific URL using WebClient in C#

I just found the solution and yea it was easier than I thought :)

so here is the solution:

string URI = "";
string myParameters = "param1=value1&param2=value2&param3=value3";

using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
    wc.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    string HtmlResult = wc.UploadString(URI, myParameters);

it works like charm :)

How to capture a JFrame's close button click event?


also works. First create a JFrame called frame, then add this code underneath.

Use xml.etree.ElementTree to print nicely formatted xml files

You can use the function toprettyxml() from xml.dom.minidom in order to do that:

def prettify(elem):
    """Return a pretty-printed XML string for the Element.
    rough_string = ElementTree.tostring(elem, 'utf-8')
    reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string)
    return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent="\t")

The idea is to print your Element in a string, parse it using minidom and convert it again in XML using the toprettyxml function.


Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine Mac OSX Mavericks

Try : java -version , then if you see java 11

try to delete with terminal : cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines rm -rf openjdk-11.0.1.jdk

if it doesn't try delete manually: 1) click on finder 2) go to folder 3) post /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines 4) delete java 11 .

then try java version and you will see : java version "1.8.0_191"

How do I check that multiple keys are in a dict in a single pass?

You can use .issubset() as well

>>> {"key1", "key2"}.issubset({"key1":1, "key2":2, "key3": 3})
>>> {"key4", "key2"}.issubset({"key1":1, "key2":2, "key3": 3})

Random string generation with upper case letters and digits

import string, random
lower = string.ascii_lowercase
upper = string.ascii_uppercase
digits = string.digits
special = '!"£$%^&*.,@#/?'

def rand_pass(l=4, u=4, d=4, s=4):
    p = []
    [p.append(random.choice(lower)) for x in range(l)]
    [p.append(random.choice(upper)) for x in range(u)]
    [p.append(random.choice(digits)) for x in range(d)]
    [p.append(random.choice(special)) for x in range(s)]
    return "".join(p)

# @5U,@A4yIZvnp%51

delete a column with awk or sed

If you're open to a Perl solution...

perl -ane 'print "$F[0] $F[1]\n"' file

These command-line options are used:

  • -n loop around every line of the input file, do not automatically print every line

  • -a autosplit mode – split input lines into the @F array. Defaults to splitting on whitespace

  • -e execute the following perl code

await is only valid in async function

async/await is the mechanism of handling promise, two ways we can do it

            .then(result => {
            .cathc(err => {


or we can use await to wait for the promise to full-filed it first, which means either it is rejected or resolved.

Now if we want to use await (waiting for a promise to fulfil) inside a function, it's mandatory that the container function must be an async function because we are waiting for a promise to fulfiled asynchronously || make sense right?.

async function getRecipesAw(){
            const IDs = await getIds; // returns promise
            const recipe = await getRecipe(IDs[2]); // returns promise
            return recipe; // returning a promise


Javascript reduce on array of objects

 //fill creates array with n element_x000D_
 //reduce requires 2 parameter , 3rd parameter as a length_x000D_
 var fibonacci = (n) => Array(n).fill().reduce((a, b, c) => {_x000D_
      return a.concat(c < 2 ? c : a[c - 1] + a[c - 2])_x000D_
  }, [])_x000D_

How do I run Redis on Windows?

There are two ways. You can use MSI installation file or do it manually:

First download the msi or the zip file:

You can download both files from here:

Watch video tutorial (video covers example of both installations)

see this installation video tutorial:

mysql_fetch_array()/mysql_fetch_assoc()/mysql_fetch_row()/mysql_num_rows etc... expects parameter 1 to be resource

This error message is displayed when you have an error in your query which caused it to fail. It will manifest itself when using:

  • mysql_fetch_array/mysqli_fetch_array()
  • mysql_fetch_assoc()/mysqli_fetch_assoc()
  • mysql_num_rows()/mysqli_num_rows()

Note: This error does not appear if no rows are affected by your query. Only a query with an invalid syntax will generate this error.

Troubleshooting Steps

  • Make sure you have your development server configured to display all errors. You can do this by placing this at the top of your files or in your config file: error_reporting(-1);. If you have any syntax errors this will point them out to you.

  • Use mysql_error(). mysql_error() will report any errors MySQL encountered while performing your query.

    Sample usage:

    mysql_connect($host, $username, $password) or die("cannot connect"); 
    mysql_select_db($db_name) or die("cannot select DB");
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM table_name";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    if (false === $result) {
        echo mysql_error();
  • Run your query from the MySQL command line or a tool like phpMyAdmin. If you have a syntax error in your query this will tell you what it is.

  • Make sure your quotes are correct. A missing quote around the query or a value can cause a query to fail.

  • Make sure you are escaping your values. Quotes in your query can cause a query to fail (and also leave you open to SQL injections). Use mysql_real_escape_string() to escape your input.

  • Make sure you are not mixing mysqli_* and mysql_* functions. They are not the same thing and cannot be used together. (If you're going to choose one or the other stick with mysqli_*. See below for why.)

Other tips

mysql_* functions should not be used for new code. They are no longer maintained and the community has begun the deprecation process. Instead you should learn about prepared statements and use either PDO or MySQLi. If you can't decide, this article will help to choose. If you care to learn, here is good PDO tutorial.

error::make_unique is not a member of ‘std’

make_unique is an upcoming C++14 feature and thus might not be available on your compiler, even if it is C++11 compliant.

You can however easily roll your own implementation:

template<typename T, typename... Args>
std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique(Args&&... args) {
    return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));

(FYI, here is the final version of make_unique that was voted into C++14. This includes additional functions to cover arrays, but the general idea is still the same.)

MySQL pivot table query with dynamic columns

The only way in MySQL to do this dynamically is with Prepared statements. Here is a good article about them:

Dynamic pivot tables (transform rows to columns)

Your code would look like this:

SET @sql = NULL;
      'MAX(IF(pa.fieldname = ''',
      ''', pa.fieldvalue, NULL)) AS ',
  ) INTO @sql
FROM product_additional;

                    , p.description, ', @sql, ' 
                   FROM product p
                   LEFT JOIN product_additional AS pa 
                    ON =
                   GROUP BY');

PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;

See Demo

NOTE: GROUP_CONCAT function has a limit of 1024 characters. See parameter group_concat_max_len

Redirecting exec output to a buffer or file

Since you look like you're going to be using this in a linux/cygwin environment, you want to use popen. It's like opening a file, only you'll get the executing programs stdout, so you can use your normal fscanf, fread etc.

Element-wise addition of 2 lists?

Perhaps "the most pythonic way" should include handling the case where list1 and list2 are not the same size. Applying some of these methods will quietly give you an answer. The numpy approach will let you know, most likely with a ValueError.


import numpy as np
>>> list1 = [ 1, 2 ]
>>> list2 = [ 1, 2, 3]
>>> list3 = [ 1 ]
>>> [a + b for a, b in zip(list1, list2)]
[2, 4]
>>> [a + b for a, b in zip(list1, list3)]
>>> a = np.array (list1)
>>> b = np.array (list2)
>>> a+b
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (2) (3)

Which result might you want if this were in a function in your problem?

jquery live hover

As of jQuery 1.4.1, the hover event works with live(). It basically just binds to the mouseenter and mouseleave events, which you can do with versions prior to 1.4.1 just as well:

$("table tr")
    .mouseenter(function() {
        // Hover starts
    .mouseleave(function() {
        // Hover ends

This requires two binds but works just as well.

Loop through files in a folder in matlab

At first, you must specify your path, the path that your *.csv files are in there

path = 'f:\project\dataset'

You can change it based on your system.


use dir function :

files = dir (strcat(path,'\*.csv'))

L = length (files);

for i=1:L
   % process the image in here

pwd also can be used.

How to fix height of TR?

I had to do this to get the result that I wanted:

<td style="font-size:3px; float:left; height:5px; vertical-align:middle;" colspan="7"><div style="font-size:3px; height:5px; vertical-align:middle;"><b><hr></b></div></td>

It refused to work with only the cell or the div and needed both.

App crashing when trying to use RecyclerView on android 5.0

I had this problem when using Butterknife , I was using fragment

For Fragment, it should be ButterKnife.bind(this,view);

For Activity ButterKnife.bind(this);

Formatting code snippets for blogging on Blogger

For my blog I use to format source code. It supports lots of formats and outputs rather clean html. But if you have lots of code snippets then you have to do a lot of copy paste. For formatting Python code I've also used Pygments (blog post).

How to perform a LEFT JOIN in SQL Server between two SELECT statements?

select *
from user
left join edge
on user.userid = edge.tailuser
and edge.headuser = 5043

Stretch and scale CSS background

.style1 {
        background: url(images/bg.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed;
        -webkit-background-size: cover;
        -moz-background-size: cover;
        -o-background-size: cover;
        background-size: cover;

Works in:

  • Safari 3+
  • Chrome Whatever+
  • IE 9+
  • Opera 10+ (Opera 9.5 supported background-size but not the keywords)
  • Firefox 3.6+ (Firefox 4 supports non-vendor prefixed version)

In addition you can try this for an ie solution

    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='.myBackground.jpg', sizingMethod='scale');
    -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='myBackground.jpg', sizingMethod='scale')";

Credit to this article by Chris Coyier

Adding a parameter to the URL with JavaScript

I have a 'class' that does this and here it is:

function QS(){
    this.qs = {};
    var s = /^\?|#.*$/g, '' );
    if( s ) {
        var qsParts = s.split('&');
        var i, nv;
        for (i = 0; i < qsParts.length; i++) {
            nv = qsParts[i].split('=');
            this.qs[nv[0]] = nv[1];

QS.prototype.add = function( name, value ) {
    if( arguments.length == 1 && arguments[0].constructor == Object ) {
        this.addMany( arguments[0] );
    this.qs[name] = value;

QS.prototype.addMany = function( newValues ) {
    for( nv in newValues ) {
        this.qs[nv] = newValues[nv];

QS.prototype.remove = function( name ) {
    if( arguments.length == 1 && arguments[0].constructor == Array ) {
        this.removeMany( arguments[0] );
    delete this.qs[name];

QS.prototype.removeMany = function( deleteNames ) {
    var i;
    for( i = 0; i < deleteNames.length; i++ ) {
        delete this.qs[deleteNames[i]];

QS.prototype.getQueryString = function() {
    var nv, q = [];
    for( nv in this.qs ) {
        q[q.length] = nv+'='+this.qs[nv];
    return q.join( '&' );

QS.prototype.toString = QS.prototype.getQueryString;

var qs = new QS;
alert( qs );

//add a sinle name/value
qs.add( 'new', 'true' );
alert( qs );

//add multiple key/values
qs.add( { x: 'X', y: 'Y' } );
alert( qs );

//remove single key
qs.remove( 'new' )
alert( qs );

//remove multiple keys
qs.remove( ['x', 'bogus'] )
alert( qs );

I have overridden the toString method so there is no need to call QS::getQueryString, you can use QS::toString or, as I have done in the examples just rely on the object being coerced into a string.

Best way to do multi-row insert in Oracle?

Whenever I need to do this I build a simple PL/SQL block with a local procedure like this:

   procedure ins
      (p_exch_wh_key INTEGER, 
       p_exch_nat_key INTEGER, 
       p_exch_date DATE, exch_rate NUMBER, 
       p_from_curcy_cd VARCHAR2, 
       p_to_curcy_cd VARCHAR2, 
       p_exch_eff_date DATE, 
       p_exch_eff_end_date DATE, 
       p_exch_last_updated_date DATE);
      insert into tmp_dim_exch_rt 
       exch_date, exch_rate, 
       p_exch_date, exch_rate, 
   ins (1, 1, '28-AUG-2008', 109.49, 'USD', 'JPY', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'),
   ins (2, 1, '28-AUG-2008', .54, 'USD', 'GBP', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'),
   ins (3, 1, '28-AUG-2008', 1.05, 'USD', 'CAD', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'),
   ins (4, 1, '28-AUG-2008', .68, 'USD', 'EUR', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'),
   ins (5, 1, '28-AUG-2008', 1.16, 'USD', 'AUD', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'),
   ins (6, 1, '28-AUG-2008', 7.81, 'USD', 'HKD', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008');

How can I change the default Mysql connection timeout when connecting through python?


con.query('SET GLOBAL connect_timeout=28800')
con.query('SET GLOBAL interactive_timeout=28800')
con.query('SET GLOBAL wait_timeout=28800')

Parameter meaning (taken from MySQL Workbench in Navigator: Instance > Options File > Tab "Networking" > Section "Timeout Settings")

  • connect_timeout: Number of seconds the mysqld server waits for a connect packet before responding with 'Bad handshake'
  • interactive_timeout Number of seconds the server waits for activity on an interactive connection before closing it
  • wait_timeout Number of seconds the server waits for activity on a connection before closing it

BTW: 28800 seconds are 8 hours, so for a 10 hour execution time these values should be actually higher.

How to know if docker is already logged in to a docker registry server

As pointed out by @Christian, best to try operation first then login only if necessary. Problem is that "if necessary" is not that obvious to do robustly. One approach is to compare the stderr of the docker operation with some strings that are known (by trial and error). For example,

try "docker OPERATION"
if it failed: 
    capture the stderr of "docker OPERATION"
    if it ends with "no basic auth credentials": 
        try docker login
    else if it ends with "not found":
        fatal error: image name/tag probably incorrect
    else if it ends with <other stuff you care to trap>:
        fatal error: unknown cause

try docker OPERATION again
if this fails: you're SOL!