Programs & Examples On #Deep copy

A deep copy duplicates the object or variable being pointed to so that the destination (the object being assigned to) receives its own local copy. Use this tag for questions regarding implementing or using deep copying methods.

What is the difference between a deep copy and a shallow copy?

Shallow copy: Copies the member values from one object into another.

Deep Copy:    Copies the member values from one object into another.
                     Any pointer objects are duplicated and Deep Copied.


class String
     int   size;
     char* data;

String  s1("Ace");   // s1.size = 3

String  s2 = shallowCopy(s1);
 // s2.size =3 = 0X0000F000
String  s3 = deepCopy(s1);
 // s3.size =3 = 0x0000F00F
 //                      (With Ace copied to this location.)

How do I clone a range of array elements to a new array?

public   static   T[]   SubArray<T>(T[] data, int index, int length)
            List<T> retVal = new List<T>();
            if (data == null || data.Length == 0)
                return retVal.ToArray();
            bool startRead = false;
            int count = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                if (i == index && !startRead)
                    startRead = true;
                if (startRead)


                    if (count == length)
            return retVal.ToArray();

Why and when to use angular.copy? (Deep Copy)

I would say angular.copy(source); in your situation is unnecessary if later on you do not use is it without a destination angular.copy(source, [destination]);.

If a destination is provided, all of its elements (for arrays) or properties (for objects) are deleted and then all elements/properties from the source are copied to it.

How create a new deep copy (clone) of a List<T>?


If you mark all involved classes as serializable you can :

public static List<T> CloneList<T>(List<T> oldList)  
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();  
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();  
formatter.Serialize(stream, oldList);  
stream.Position = 0;  
return (List<T>)formatter.Deserialize(stream);      


Copying an array of objects into another array in javascript

The key things here are

  1. The entries in the array are objects, and
  2. You don't want modifications to an object in one array to show up in the other array.

That means we need to not just copy the objects to a new array (or a target array), but also create copies of the objects.

If the destination array doesn't exist yet...

...use map to create a new array, and copy the objects as you go:

const newArray = => /*...create and return copy of `obj`...*/);

...where the copy operation is whatever way you prefer to copy objects, which varies tremendously project to project based on use case. That topic is covered in depth in the answers to this question. But for instance, if you only want to copy the objects but not any objects their properties refer to, you could use spread notation (ES2015+):

const newArray = => ({...obj}));

That does a shallow copy of each object (and of the array). Again, for deep copies, see the answers to the question linked above.

Here's an example using a naive form of deep copy that doesn't try to handle edge cases, see that linked question for edge cases:

function naiveDeepCopy(obj) {
    const newObj = {};
    for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj)) {
        const value = obj[key];
        if (value && typeof value === "object") {
            newObj[key] = {...value};
        } else {
            newObj[key] = value;
    return newObj;
const sourceArray = [
        name: "joe",
        address: {
            line1: "1 Manor Road",
            line2: "Somewhere",
            city: "St Louis",
            state: "Missouri",
            country: "USA",
        name: "mohammed",
        address: {
            line1: "1 Kings Road",
            city: "London",
            country: "UK",
        name: "shu-yo",
const newArray =;
// Modify the first one and its sub-object
newArray[0].name = newArray[0].name.toLocaleUpperCase();
newArray[0] = "United States of America";
console.log("Original:", sourceArray);
console.log("Copy:", newArray);
.as-console-wrapper {
    max-height: 100% !important;

If the destination array exists...

...and you want to append the contents of the source array to it, you can use push and a loop:

for (const obj of sourceArray) {

Sometimes people really want a "one liner," even if there's no particular reason for it. If you refer that, you could create a new array and then use spread notation to expand it into a single push call:

destinationArray.push( => copy(obj)));

How to make a deep copy of Java ArrayList

public class Person{

    String s;
    Date d;

    public Person clone(){
        Person p = new Person();
        p.s = this.s.clone();
        p.d = this.d.clone();
        return p;

In your executing code:

ArrayList<Person> clone = new ArrayList<Person>();
for(Person p : originalList)

How to clone ArrayList and also clone its contents?

List<Dog> dogs;
List<Dog> copiedDogs = -> SerializationUtils.clone(dog)).Collectors.toList());

This will deep copy each dog

How do I copy a hash in Ruby?

Since standard cloning method preserves the frozen state, it is not suitable for creating new immutable objects basing on the original object, if you would like the new objects be slightly different than the original (if you like stateless programming).

How to deep copy a list?

E0_copy is not a deep copy. You don't make a deep copy using list() (Both list(...) and testList[:] are shallow copies).

You use copy.deepcopy(...) for deep copying a list.

deepcopy(x, memo=None, _nil=[])
    Deep copy operation on arbitrary Python objects.

See the following snippet -

>>> a = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
>>> b = list(a)
>>> a
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
>>> b
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
>>> a[0][1] = 10
>>> a
[[1, 10, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
>>> b   # b changes too -> Not a deepcopy.
[[1, 10, 3], [4, 5, 6]]

Now see the deepcopy operation

>>> import copy
>>> b = copy.deepcopy(a)
>>> a
[[1, 10, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
>>> b
[[1, 10, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
>>> a[0][1] = 9
>>> a
[[1, 9, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
>>> b    # b doesn't change -> Deep Copy
[[1, 10, 3], [4, 5, 6]]

Easiest way to rotate by 90 degrees an image using OpenCV?

Update for transposition:

You should use cvTranspose() or cv::transpose() because (as you rightly pointed out) it's more efficient. Again, I recommend upgrading to OpenCV2.0 since most of the cvXXX functions just convert IplImage* structures to Mat objects (no deep copies). If you stored the image in a Mat object, Mat.t() would return the transpose.

Any rotation:

You should use cvWarpAffine by defining the rotation matrix in the general framework of the transformation matrix. I would highly recommend upgrading to OpenCV2.0 which has several features as well as a Mat class which encapsulates matrices and images. With 2.0 you can use warpAffine to the above.

NVIDIA NVML Driver/library version mismatch

For completeness, I ran into this issue as well. In my case it turned out that because I had set Clang as my default compiler (using update-alternatives), nvidia-driver-440 failed to compile (check /var/crash/) even though apt didn't post any warnings. For me, the solution was to apt purge nvidia-*, set cc back to use gcc, reboot, and reinstall nvidia-driver-440.

How to get names of classes inside a jar file?

You can use Java jar tool. List the content of jar file in a txt file and you can see all the classes in the jar.

jar tvf jarfile.jar

-t list table of contents for archive

-v generate verbose output on standard output

-f specify archive file name

"commence before first target. Stop." error

It's a simple Mistake while adding a new file you just have to make sure that \ is added to the file before and the new file remain as it is eg.

Check Out what to do if i want to add a new file named

OAuth: how to test with local URLs?

You can also use ngrok: I use it all the time to have a public server running on my localhost. Hope this helps.

Another options which even provides your own custom domain for free are and

Oracle SqlPlus - saving output in a file but don't show on screen

Try this:

spool M:\Documents\test;
select * from employees;
spool off;

FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - process out of memory

npm install -g increase-memory-limit



  1. Navigate to %appdata% -> npm folder or C:\Users\{user_name}\AppData\Roaming\npm
  2. Open ng.cmd in your favorite editor
  3. Add --max_old_space_size=8192 to the IF and ELSE block

now ng.cmd file looks like this after the change:

@IF EXIST "%~dp0\node.exe" (
  "%~dp0\node.exe" "--max_old_space_size=8192" "%~dp0\node_modules\@angular\cli\bin\ng" %*
) ELSE (
  node "--max_old_space_size=8192" "%~dp0\node_modules\@angular\cli\bin\ng" %*

Using Spring MVC Test to unit test multipart POST request

The method MockMvcRequestBuilders.fileUpload is deprecated use MockMvcRequestBuilders.multipart instead.

This is an example:

import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;
import static;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.content;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.status;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.WebMvcTest;
import org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.MockBean;
import org.springframework.mock.web.MockMultipartFile;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.ResultActions;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultHandlers;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.setup.MockMvcBuilders;
import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;

 * Unit test New Controller.
public class NewControllerTest {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    WebApplicationContext wContext;

    private NewController newController;

    public void setup() {
        this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(wContext)

    public void test() throws Exception {
       // Mock Request
        MockMultipartFile jsonFile = new MockMultipartFile("test.json", "", "application/json", "{\"key1\": \"value1\"}".getBytes());

        // Mock Response
        NewControllerResponseDto response = new NewControllerDto();
        Mockito.when(newController.postV1(Mockito.any(Integer.class), Mockito.any(MultipartFile.class))).thenReturn(response);

                .file("file", jsonFile.getBytes())



Regular expression to detect semi-colon terminated C++ for & while loops

Another thought that ignores parentheses and treats the for as a construct holding three semicolon-delimited values:


This option works even when split over multiple lines (once MULTILINE enabled), but assumes that for ( ... ; ... ; ... ) is the only valid construct, so wouldn't work with a for ( x in y ) construct, or other deviations.

Also assumes that there are no functions containing semi-colons as arguments, such as:

for ( var i = 0; i < ListLen('a;b;c',';') ; i++ );

Whether this is a likely case depends on what you're actually doing this for.

How can I programmatically check whether a keyboard is present in iOS app?

To check weather keyboard is appeared, we can use the Keyboard predefined notifications.

UIKeyboardDidShowNotification ,UIKeyboardDidHideNotification

For example I can use the following code to listen the keyboard notification

// Listen for keyboard appearances and disappearances

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self 

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self

in the methods I can get notifications

- (void)keyboardDidShow: (NSNotification *) notifyKeyBoardShow{
    // key board is closed

- (void)keyboardDidHide: (NSNotification *) notifyKeyBoardHide{
    // key board is opened

Set Encoding of File to UTF8 With BOM in Sublime Text 3

By default, Sublime Text set 'UTF8 without BOM', but that wasn't specified.

The only specicified things is 'UTF8 with BOM'.

Hope this help :)

CSS - Expand float child DIV height to parent's height

I have recently done this on my website using jQuery. The code calculates the height of the tallest div and sets the other divs to the same height. Here's the technique:

I don't believe height:100% will work, so if you don't explicitly know the div heights I don't think there is a pure CSS solution.

CSS3 Transition not working

A general answer for a general question... Transitions can't animate properties that are auto. If you have a transition not working, check that the starting value of the property is explicitly set. (For example, to make a node collapse, when it's height is auto and must stay that way, put the transition on max-height instead. Give max-height a sensible initial value, then transition it to 0)

jQuery UI Dialog with ASP.NET button postback

I just added the following line after you created the dialog:


How can I change the language (to english) in Oracle SQL Developer?

You can also set language at runtime

sqldeveloper.exe --AddVMOption=-Duser.language=en

to avoid editing sqldeveloper.conf every time you install new version.

Detect IF hovering over element with jQuery

Expanding on @Mohamed's answer. You could use a little encapsulation

Like this:

jQuery.fn.mouseIsOver = function () {
        return true;
    return false;

Use it like:

$("#elem").mouseIsOver();//returns true or false

Forked the fiddle:

Could not load type 'System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpModule' from assembly 'System.ServiceModel

start-> Run--> c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -iru

git push says "everything up-to-date" even though I have local changes

Verify you haven't goofed your remote URL.

I just wanted to also mention that I ran into this after enabling Git as a CVS in a local Jenkins build configuration. It appears that Jenkins checked out the most recent commit of the branch I gave it and also reset my remote to correspond to the paths I gave it to the repo. Had to checkout my feature branch again and fix my origin remote url with 'git remote set-url'. Don't go pointing a build tool to your working directory or you'll have a bad time. My remote was set to a file path to my working directory, so it naturally reported everything up-to-date when I attempted to push changes with the same source and destination.

select2 - hiding the search box

.no-search .select2-search {

    dropdownCssClass : 'no-search'

figure of imshow() is too small

Update 2020

as requested by @baxxx, here is an update because random.rand is deprecated meanwhile.

This works with matplotlip 3.2.1:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import random
import numpy as np

random = np.random.random ([8,90])

plt.figure(figsize = (20,2))
plt.imshow(random, interpolation='nearest')

This plots:

enter image description here

To change the random number, you can experiment with np.random.normal(0,1,(8,90)) (here mean = 0, standard deviation = 1).

Use of min and max functions in C++

fmin and fmax, of fminl and fmaxl could be preferred when comparing signed and unsigned integers - you can take advantage of the fact that the entire range of signed and unsigned numbers and you don't have to worry about integer ranges and promotions.

unsigned int x = 4000000000;
int y = -1;

int z = min(x, y);
z = (int)fmin(x, y);

How do I detach objects in Entity Framework Code First?

If you want to detach existing object follow @Slauma's advice. If you want to load objects without tracking changes use:

var data = context.MyEntities.AsNoTracking().Where(...).ToList();

As mentioned in comment this will not completely detach entities. They are still attached and lazy loading works but entities are not tracked. This should be used for example if you want to load entity only to read data and you don't plan to modify them.

Single line if statement with 2 actions

Sounds like you really want a Dictionary<int, string> or possibly a switch statement...

You can do it with the conditional operator though:

userType = user.Type == 0 ? "Admin"
         : user.Type == 1 ? "User"
         : user.Type == 2 ? "Employee"
         : "The default you didn't specify";

While you could put that in one line, I'd strongly urge you not to.

I would normally only do this for different conditions though - not just several different possible values, which is better handled in a map.

Timestamp to human readable format

Hours, minutes and seconds depend on the time zone of your operating system. In GMT (UST) it's 22:00:00 but in different timezones it can be anything. So add the timezone offset to the time to create the GMT date:

var d = new Date();
date = new Date(timestamp*1000 + d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)

What is "string[] args" in Main class for?

The args parameter stores all command line arguments which are given by the user when you run the program.

If you run your program from the console like this:

program.exe there are 4 parameters

Your args parameter will contain the four strings: "there", "are", "4", and "parameters"

Here is an example of how to access the command line arguments from the args parameter: example

FIFO class in Java

You can use LinkedBlockingQueue I use it in my projects. It's part of standard java and quite easy to use

SQLite3 database or disk is full / the database disk image is malformed

I have seen this happen when the database gets corrupted, have you tried cloning it into a new one ?

Safley copy a s SQLite db

Safely copy a SQLite database

It's trivially easy to copy a SQLite database. It's less trivial to do this in a way that won't corrupt it. Here's how:

shell$ sqlite3 some.db
sqlite> begin immediate;
<press CTRL+Z>
shell$ cp some.db some.db.backup
shell$ exit
sqlite> rollback;

This will give you a nice clean backup that's sure to be in a proper state, since writing to the database half-way through your copying process is impossible.

What is the difference between %g and %f in C?

%f and %g does the same thing. Only difference is that %g is the shorter form of %f. That is the precision after decimal point is larger in %f compared to %g

Can Mockito capture arguments of a method called multiple times?

Since Mockito 2.0 there's also possibility to use static method Matchers.argThat(ArgumentMatcher). With the help of Java 8 it is now much cleaner and more readable to write:

verify(mockBar).doSth(argThat((arg) -> arg.getSurname().equals("OneSurname")));
verify(mockBar).doSth(argThat((arg) -> arg.getSurname().equals("AnotherSurname")));

If you're tied to lower Java version there's also not-that-bad:

verify(mockBar).doSth(argThat(new ArgumentMatcher<Employee>() {
        public boolean matches(Object emp) {
            return ((Employee) emp).getSurname().equals("SomeSurname");

Of course none of those can verify order of calls - for which you should use InOrder :

InOrder inOrder = inOrder(mockBar);

inOrder.verify(mockBar).doSth(argThat((arg) -> arg.getSurname().equals("FirstSurname")));
inOrder.verify(mockBar).doSth(argThat((arg) -> arg.getSurname().equals("SecondSurname")));

Please take a look at mockito-java8 project which makes possible to make calls such as:

verify(mockBar).doSth(assertArg(arg -> assertThat(arg.getSurname()).isEqualTo("Surname")));

How to keep a Python script output window open?

On windows 10 insert at beggining this:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Strange, but it work for me!(Together with input() at the end, of course)

Very Simple Image Slider/Slideshow with left and right button. No autoplay

Why try to reinvent the wheel? There are more lightweight jQuery slideshow solutions out there then you could poke a stick at, and someone has already done the hard work for you and thought about issues that you might run into (cross-browser compatability etc).

jQuery Cycle is one of my favourite light weight libraries.

What you want to achieve could be done in just

    timeout:0, // no autoplay
    fx: 'fade', //fade effect, although there are heaps
    next: '#next',
    prev: '#prev'


ASP.NET custom error page - Server.GetLastError() is null

I think you have a couple of options here.

you could store the last Exception in the Session and retrieve it from your custom error page; or you could just redirect to your custom error page within the Application_error event. If you choose the latter, you want to make sure you use the Server.Transfer method.

How to get an input text value in JavaScript

All the above solutions are useful. And they used the line lol = document.getElementById('lolz').value; inside the function function kk().

What I suggest is, you may call that variable from another function fun_inside()

function fun_inside()
lol = document.getElementById('lolz').value;
function kk(){

It can be useful when you built complex projects.

SQL Server function to return minimum date (January 1, 1753)

Enter the date as a native value 'yyyymmdd' to avoid regional issues:

select cast('17530101' as datetime)

Yes, it would be great if TSQL had MinDate() = '00010101', but no such luck.

How do I properly set the permgen size?

Completely removed from java 8 +
Partially removed from java 7 (interned Strings for example)

how to determine size of tablespace oracle 11g

One of the way is Using below sql queries

--Size of All Table Space

--1. Used Space
--2. Free Space

--3. Both Free & Used

AngularJS - pass function to directive

Perhaps I am missing something, but although the other solutions do call the parent scope function there is no ability to pass arguments from directive code, this is because the update-fn is calling updateFn() with fixed parameters, in for example {msg: "Hello World"}. A slight change allows the directive to pass arguments, which I would think is far more useful.

<test color1="color1" update-fn="updateFn"></test>

Note the HTML is passing a function reference, i.e., without () brackets.


var app = angular.module('dr', []);

app.controller("testCtrl", function($scope) {
    $scope.color1 = "color";
    $scope.updateFn = function(msg) {        

app.directive('test', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            color1: '=',
            updateFn: '&'
        // object is passed while making the call
        template: "<button ng-click='callUpdate()'>
        replace: true,        
        link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {       
          scope.callUpdate = function() {
            scope.updateFn()("Directive Args");

So in the above, the HTML is calling local scope callUpdate function, which then 'fetches' the updateFn from the parent scope and calls the returned function with parameters that the directive can generate.

How to find the socket connection state in C?

There is an easy way to check socket connection state via poll call. First, you need to poll socket, whether it has POLLIN event.

  1. If socket is not closed and there is data to read then read will return more than zero.
  2. If there is no new data on socket, then POLLIN will be set to 0 in revents
  3. If socket is closed then POLLIN flag will be set to one and read will return 0.

Here is small code snippet:

int client_socket_1, client_socket_2;
if ((client_socket_1 = accept(listen_socket, NULL, NULL)) < 0)
    perror("Unable to accept s1");
if ((client_socket_2 = accept(listen_socket, NULL, NULL)) < 0)
    perror("Unable to accept s2");
pollfd pfd[]={{client_socket_1,POLLIN,0},{client_socket_2,POLLIN,0}};
char sock_buf[1024]; 
while (true)
    if (pfd[0].revents & POLLIN)
        int sock_readden = read(client_socket_1, sock_buf, sizeof(sock_buf));
        if (sock_readden == 0)
        if (sock_readden > 0)
            write(client_socket_2, sock_buf, sock_readden);
    if (pfd[1].revents & POLLIN)
        int sock_readden = read(client_socket_2, sock_buf, sizeof(sock_buf));
        if (sock_readden == 0)
        if (sock_readden > 0)
            write(client_socket_1, sock_buf, sock_readden);

How do I write a for loop in bash

I use variations of this all the time to process files...

for files in *.log; do echo "Do stuff with: $files"; echo "Do more stuff with: $files"; done;

If processing lists of files is what you're interested in, look into the -execdir option for files.

How to auto-indent code in the Atom editor?

If you have troubles with hotkeys, try to open Key Binding Resolver Window with Cmd + .. It will show you keys you're pressing in the realtime.

For example, Cmd + Shift + ' is actually Cmd + "

Increase heap size in Java

Yes. You Can.

You can increase your heap memory to 75% of physical memory (6 GB Heap) or higher.

Since You are using 64bit you can increase your heap size to your desired amount. In Case you are using 32bit it is limited to 4GB.

$ java -Xms512m -Xmx6144m JavaApplication

Sets you with initial heap size to 512mb and maximum heapsize to 6GB.

Hope it Helps.. :)

How to refresh activity after changing language (Locale) inside application

For Android 4.2 (API 17), you need to use android:configChanges="locale|layoutDirection" in your AndroidManifest.xml. See onConfigurationchanged is not called over jellybean(4.2.1)

How to install PHP mbstring on CentOS 6.2

*Make sure you update your linux box first

yum update

In case someone still has this problem, this is a valid solution:

centos-release : rpm -q centos-release

Centos 6.*

rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm

Centos 5.*

rpm -ivh epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh remi-release-5*.rpm

Then just do this to update:

yum --enablerepo=remi upgrade php-mbstring

Or this to install:

yum --enablerepo=remi install php-mbstring

Remove new lines from string and replace with one empty space

$string = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), ' ', $string);

Write HTML to string

Use an XDocument to create the DOM, then write it out using an XmlWriter. This will give you a wonderfully concise and readable notation as well as nicely formatted output.

Take this sample program:

using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

class Program {
    static void Main() {
        var xDocument = new XDocument(
            new XDocumentType("html", null, null, null),
            new XElement("html",
                new XElement("head"),
                new XElement("body",
                    new XElement("p",
                        "This paragraph contains ", new XElement("b", "bold"), " text."
                    new XElement("p",
                        "This paragraph has just plain text."

        var settings = new XmlWriterSettings {
            OmitXmlDeclaration = true, Indent = true, IndentChars = "\t"
        using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(@"C:\Users\wolf\Desktop\test.html", settings)) {

This generates the following output:

<!DOCTYPE html >
    <head />
        <p>This paragraph contains <b>bold</b> text.</p>
        <p>This paragraph has just plain text.</p>

How to display a Windows Form in full screen on top of the taskbar?

I believe that it can be done by simply setting your FormBorderStyle Property to None and the WindowState to Maximized. If you are using Visual Studio both of those can be found in the IDE so there is no need to do so programmatically. Make sure to include some way of closing/exiting the program before doing this cause this will remove that oh so helpful X in the upper right corner.


Try this instead. It is a snippet that I have kept for a long time. I can't even remember who to credit for it, but it works.

 * A function to put a System.Windows.Forms.Form in fullscreen mode
 * Author: Danny Battison
 * Contact: [email protected]

        // a struct containing important information about the state to restore to
        struct clientRect
            public Point location;
            public int width;
            public int height;
        // this should be in the scope your class
        clientRect restore;
                bool fullscreen = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Makes the form either fullscreen, or restores it to it's original size/location
        /// </summary>
        void Fullscreen()
            if (fullscreen == false)
                this.restore.location = this.Location;
                this.restore.width = this.Width;
                this.restore.height = this.Height;
                this.TopMost = true;
                this.Location = new Point(0,0);
                this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
                this.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width;
                this.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height;
                this.TopMost = false;
                this.Location = this.restore.location;
                this.Width = this.restore.width;
                this.Height = this.restore.height;
                                // these are the two variables you may wish to change, depending
                                // on the design of your form (WindowState and FormBorderStyle)
                this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
                this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Sizable;

How to insert a file in MySQL database?

You need to use BLOB, there's TINY, MEDIUM, LONG, and just BLOB, as with other types, choose one according to your size needs.

BLOB 65535
LONGBLOB 4294967295
(in bytes)

The insert statement would be fairly normal. You need to read the file using fread and then addslashes to it.

Facebook share button and custom text

You have several options:

  1. Use the standard FB Share button and set text via Open Graph API and meta tags on your page.
  2. Instead of Share, use FB.ui's stream.publish method, which let's you control the URL, title, caption, description and thumbnail at run-time.
  3. Or use with appropriate parameters.

How to add users to Docker container?

To avoid the interactive questions by adduser, you can call it with these parameters:

RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos '' newuser

The --gecos parameter is used to set the additional information. In this case it is just empty.

On systems with busybox (like Alpine), use

RUN adduser -D -g '' newuser

See busybox adduser

Debugging WebSocket in Google Chrome

The other answers cover the most common scenario: watch the content of the frames (Developer Tools -> Network tab -> Right click on the websocket connection -> frames).

If you want to know some more informations, like which sockets are currently open/idle or be able to close them you'll find this url useful


How do I define and use an ENUM in Objective-C?

I recommend using NS_OPTIONS or NS_ENUM. You can read more about it here:

Here's an example from my own code using NS_OPTIONS, I have an utility that sets a sublayer (CALayer) on a UIView's layer to create a border.

The h. file:

typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, BSTCMBorder) {
    BSTCMBOrderNoBorder     = 0,
    BSTCMBorderTop          = 1 << 0,
    BSTCMBorderRight        = 1 << 1,
    BSTCMBorderBottom       = 1 << 2,
    BSTCMBOrderLeft         = 1 << 3

@interface BSTCMBorderUtility : NSObject

+ (void)setBorderOnView:(UIView *)view
                  color:(UIColor *)color;


The .m file:

@implementation BSTCMBorderUtility

+ (void)setBorderOnView:(UIView *)view
                  color:(UIColor *)color

    // Make a left border on the view
    if (border & BSTCMBOrderLeft) {


    // Make a right border on the view
    if (border & BSTCMBorderRight) {


    // Etc



Get css top value as number not as string?

A slightly more practical/efficient plugin based on Ivan Castellanos' answer (which was based on M4N's answer). Using || 0 will convert Nan to 0 without the testing step.

I've also provided float and int variations to suit the intended use:

jQuery.fn.cssInt = function (prop) {
    return parseInt(this.css(prop), 10) || 0;

jQuery.fn.cssFloat = function (prop) {
    return parseFloat(this.css(prop)) || 0;


$('#elem').cssInt('top');    // e.g. returns 123 as an int
$('#elem').cssFloat('top');  // e.g. Returns 123.45 as a float

Test fiddle on

Link a .css on another folder

I think what you want to do is

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="font/font-face/my-font-face.css">

Download file through an ajax call php

AJAX isn't for downloading files. Pop up a new window with the download link as its address, or do document.location = ....

python re.split() to split by spaces, commas, and periods, but not in cases like 1,000 or 1.50

So you want to split on spaces, and on commas and periods that aren't surrounded by numbers. This should work:

r" |(?<![0-9])[.,](?![0-9])"

How to generate UML diagrams (especially sequence diagrams) from Java code?

I suggest PlantUML. this tools is very usefull and easy to use. PlantUML have a plugin for Netbeans that you can create UML diagram from your java code.

you can install PlantUML plugin in the netbeans by this method:

Netbeans Menu -> Tools -> Plugin

Now select Available Plugins and then find PlantUML and install it.

For more information go to website:

How does facebook, gmail send the real time notification?


As I continue to recieve upvotes on this, I think it is reasonable to remember that this answer is 4 years old. Web has grown in a really fast pace, so please be mindful about this answer.

I had the same issue recently and researched about the subject.

The solution given is called long polling, and to correctly use it you must be sure that your AJAX request has a "large" timeout and to always make this request after the current ends (timeout, error or success).

Long Polling - Client

Here, to keep code short, I will use jQuery:

function pollTask() { 


        url: '/api/Polling',
        async: true,            // by default, it's async, but...
        dataType: 'json',       // or the dataType you are working with
        timeout: 10000,          // IMPORTANT! this is a 10 seconds timeout
        cache: false

    }).done(function (eventList) {  

       // Handle your data here
       var data;
       for (var eventName in eventList) {

            data = eventList[eventName];
            dispatcher.handle(eventName, data); // handle the `eventName` with `data`




It is important to remember that (from jQuery docs):

In jQuery 1.4.x and below, the XMLHttpRequest object will be in an invalid state if the request times out; accessing any object members may throw an exception. In Firefox 3.0+ only, script and JSONP requests cannot be cancelled by a timeout; the script will run even if it arrives after the timeout period.

Long Polling - Server

It is not in any specific language, but it would be something like this:

function handleRequest () {  

     while (!anythingHappened() || hasTimedOut()) { sleep(2); }

     return events();


Here, hasTimedOut will make sure your code does not wait forever, and anythingHappened, will check if any event happend. The sleep is for releasing your thread to do other stuff while nothing happens. The events will return a dictionary of events (or any other data structure you may prefer) in JSON format (or any other you prefer).

It surely solves the problem, but, if you are concerned about scalability and perfomance as I was when researching, you might consider another solution I found.


Use sockets!

On client side, to avoid any compatibility issues, use It tries to use socket directly, and have fallbacks to other solutions when sockets are not available.

On server side, create a server using NodeJS (example here). The client will subscribe to this channel (observer) created with the server. Whenever a notification has to be sent, it is published in this channel and the subscriptor (client) gets notified.

If you don't like this solution, try APE (Ajax Push Engine).

Hope I helped.

Loop through all the rows of a temp table and call a stored procedure for each row

you could use a cursor:

DECLARE @id int
DECLARE @pass varchar(100)

OPEN cur

FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @id, @pass

    EXEC mysp @id, @pass ... -- call your sp here
    FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @id, @pass

CLOSE cur    

How do you reinstall an app's dependencies using npm?

You can do this with one simple command:

npm ci


npm ci
Install a project with a clean slate

#pragma mark in Swift?

//# MARK: - Spinner Class Methods

Add a line between the colon and your description to insert a separator line. This helps to organize your code even more. The code and screenshot above make use of the MARK comment with a line included.

  1. //# MARK: – Text Methods (LINE)
  2. //# MARK: Text Methods (NO LINE)

This only works with the MARK comment.

enter image description here

How do I check when a UITextField changes?

Swift 4

textField.addTarget(self, action: #selector(textIsChanging), for: UIControlEvents.editingChanged)

@objc func textIsChanging(_ textField:UITextField) {

 print ("TextField is changing")


If you want to make a change once the user has typed in completely (It will be called once user dismiss keyboard or press enter).

textField.addTarget(self, action: #selector(textDidChange), for: UIControlEvents.editingDidEnd)

 @objc func textDidChange(_ textField:UITextField) {

       print ("TextField did changed") 

Unsuccessful append to an empty NumPy array

This error arise from the fact that you are trying to define an object of shape (0,) as an object of shape (2,). If you append what you want without forcing it to be equal to result[0] there is no any issue:

b = np.append([result[0]], [1,2])

But when you define result[0] = b you are equating objects of different shapes, and you can not do this. What are you trying to do? with target "_blank" in Chrome, "_blank", "toolbar=1, scrollbars=1, resizable=1, width=" + 1015 + ", height=" + 800);


=INDEX(GoogleFinance("CURRENCY:" & "EUR" & "USD", "price", A2), 2, 2)

where A2 is the cell with a date formatted as date.

Replace "EUR" and "USD" with your currency pair.

How to remove unwanted space between rows and columns in table?

Add this CSS reset to your CSS code: (From here)

   v2.0 | 20110126
   License: none (public domain)

html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,
b, u, i, center,
dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
fieldset, form, label, legend,
table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td,
article, aside, canvas, details, embed, 
figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup, 
menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary,
time, mark, audio, video {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    border: 0;
    font-size: 100%;
    font: inherit;
    vertical-align: baseline;
/* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */
article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, 
footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {
    display: block;
body {
    line-height: 1;
ol, ul {
    list-style: none;
blockquote, q {
    quotes: none;
blockquote:before, blockquote:after,
q:before, q:after {
    content: '';
    content: none;
table {
    border-collapse: collapse;
    border-spacing: 0;

It'll reset the CSS effectively, getting rid of the padding and margins.

Send Message in C#

It doesn't sound like a good idea to use send message. I think you should try to work around the problem that the DLLs can't reference each other...

java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:;


I had exactly the same error. When the remote object got binded to the rmiregistry it was attached with the loopback IP Address which will obviously fail if you try to invoke a method from a remote address. In order to fix this we need to set the java.rmi.server.hostname property to the IP address where other devices can reach your rmiregistry over the network. It doesn't work when you try to set the parameter through the JVM. It worked for me just by adding the following line to my code just before binding the object to the rmiregistry:


In this case the IP address on the local network of the PC binding the remote object on the RMI Registry is

What is the best or most commonly used JMX Console / Client

JRockit Mission Control is becoming Java Mission Control and will be dedicated exclusively to Hotspot. If you are an Oracle customer, you can download the 5.x versions of Java Mission Control from MOS (My Oracle Support). Java Mission Control will eventually be released together with the Oracle JDK. The reason it is not yet generally available is that there are some serious limitations, especially when using the Flight Recorder. However, if you are only interested in using the JMX console, you should be golden!

How to return a file (FileContentResult) in ASP.NET WebAPI

Here is an implementation that streams the file's content out without buffering it (buffering in byte[] / MemoryStream, etc. can be a server problem if it's a big file).

public class FileResult : IHttpActionResult
    public FileResult(string filePath)
        if (filePath == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filePath));

        FilePath = filePath;

    public string FilePath { get; }

    public Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
        response.Content = new StreamContent(File.OpenRead(FilePath));
        var contentType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(Path.GetExtension(FilePath));
        response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue(contentType);
        return Task.FromResult(response);

It can be simply used like this:

public class MyController : ApiController
    public IHttpActionResult Get()
        string filePath = GetSomeValidFilePath();
        return new FileResult(filePath);

Accessing Objects in JSON Array (JavaScript)

Use a loop

for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; ++i){
   //do something with obj[i]
   for(var ind in obj[i]) {
        for(var vals in obj[i][ind]){
            console.log(vals, obj[i][ind][vals]);


find: missing argument to -exec

Just in case anyone sees a similar "missing -exec args" in Amazon Opsworks Chef bash scripts, I needed to add another backslash to escape the \;

bash 'remove_wars' do
  user 'ubuntu'
  cwd '/'
  code <<-EOH
    find /home/ubuntu/wars -type f -name "*.war" -exec rm {} \\;
  ignore_failure true

C# how to convert File.ReadLines into string array?

File.ReadLines() returns an object of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<String>
File.ReadAllLines() returns an array of strings.

If you want to use an array of strings you need to call the correct function.

You could use Jim solution, just use ReadAllLines() or you could change your return type.

This would also work:

System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<String> lines = File.ReadLines("c:\\file.txt");

You can use any generic collection which implements IEnumerable. IList for an example.

Setting up connection string in ASP.NET to SQL SERVER

You can put this in your web.config file connectionStrings:

<add name="myConnectionString" connectionString="Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

100% width table overflowing div container

Try adding

word-break: break-all 

to the CSS on your table element.

That will get the words in the table cells to break such that the table does not grow wider than its containing div, yet the table columns are still sized dynamically. jsfiddle demo.

A formula to copy the values from a formula to another column

What about trying with VLOOKUP? The syntax is:

=VLOOKUP(cell you want to copy, range you want to copy, 1, FALSE).

It should do the trick.

How to select a value in dropdown javascript?

I realize that this is an old question, but I'll post the solution for my use case, in case others run into the same situation I did when implementing James Hill's answer (above).

I found this question while trying to solve the same issue. James' answer got me 90% there. However, for my use case, selecting the item from the dropdown also triggered an action on the page from dropdown's onchange event. James' code as written did not trigger this event (at least in Firefox, which I was testing in). As a result, I made the following minor change:

function setSelectedValue(object, value) {
    for (var i = 0; i < object.options.length; i++) {
        if (object.options[i].text === value) {
            object.options[i].selected = true;

    // Throw exception if option `value` not found.
    var tag = object.nodeName;
    var str = "Option '" + value + "' not found";

    if ( != '') {
        str = str + " in //" + object.nodeName.toLowerCase()
              + "[@id='" + + "']."

    else if ( != '') {
        str = str + " in //" + object.nodeName.toLowerCase()
              + "[@name='" + + "']."

    else {
        str += "."

    throw str;

Note the object.onchange() call, which I added to the original solution. This calls the handler to make certain that the action on the page occurs.


Added code to throw an exception if option value is not found; this is needed for my use case.

Installing R with Homebrew

As of 2017 / Brew 1.3.2 @ macOS Sierra 10.12.6 all you have to do is:

$ brew install r

You don't even need to tap homebrew/science since r is now a part of core formulae for the Homebrew (homebrew-core).

It will also install all dependencies automatically:

==> Installing dependencies for r: gmp, mpfr, libmpc, isl, gcc

There are two additional options you might want to know:

Build with java support
Build with openblas support

How to pass a textbox value from view to a controller in MVC 4?

You can use simple form:

@using(Html.BeginForm("Update", "Shopping"))
    <input type="text" id="ss" name="qty" value="@item.Quantity"/>
    <input type="submit" value="Update" />

And add here attribute:

public ActionResult Update(string id, string productid, int qty, decimal unitrate)

Comparing strings in Java

ou can use String.compareTo(String) that returns an integer that's negative (<), zero(=) or positive(>).

Use it so:

You can use String.compareTo(String) that returns an integer that's negative (<), zero(=) or positive(>).

Use it so:

  String a="myWord";
  if(a.compareTo(another_string) <0){
    //a is strictly < to another_string
  else if (a.compareTo(another_string) == 0){
    //a equals to another_string
  // a is strictly > than another_string

Is there a way to programmatically scroll a scroll view to a specific edit text?

The following is what I'm using:

int amountToScroll = viewToShow.getBottom() - scrollView.getHeight() + ((LinearLayout.LayoutParams) viewToShow.getLayoutParams()).bottomMargin;
// Check to see if scrolling is necessary to show the view
if (amountToScroll > 0){
    scrollView.smoothScrollTo(0, amountToScroll);

This gets the scroll amount necessary to show the bottom of the view, including any margin on the bottom of that view.

How to Use UTF-8 Collation in SQL Server database?

Note that as of Microsoft SQL Server 2016, UTF-8 is supported by bcp, BULK_INSERT, and OPENROWSET.

Addendum 2016-12-21: SQL Server 2016 SP1 now enables Unicode Compression (and most other previously Enterprise-only features) for all versions of MS SQL including Standard and Express. This is not the same as UTF-8 support, but it yields a similar benefit if the goal is disk space reduction for Western alphabets.

No module named 'pymysql'

I tried installing pymysql on command prompt by typing

pip install pymysql

But it still dont work on my case, so I decided to try using the terminal IDE and it works.

How do I check if an element is really visible with JavaScript?

Interesting question.

This would be my approach.

  1. At first check that !== 'hidden' && !== 'none'
  2. Then test with document.elementFromPoint(element.offsetLeft, element.offsetTop) if the returned element is the element I expect, this is tricky to detect if an element is overlapping another completely.
  3. Finally test if offsetTop and offsetLeft are located in the viewport taking scroll offsets into account.

Hope it helps.

Java: recommended solution for deep cloning/copying an instance

For deep cloning (clones the entire object hierarchy):

  • commons-lang SerializationUtils - using serialization - if all classes are in your control and you can force implementing Serializable.

  • Java Deep Cloning Library - using reflection - in cases when the classes or the objects you want to clone are out of your control (a 3rd party library) and you can't make them implement Serializable, or in cases you don't want to implement Serializable.

For shallow cloning (clones only the first level properties):

I deliberately omitted the "do-it-yourself" option - the API's above provide a good control over what to and what not to clone (for example using transient, or String[] ignoreProperties), so reinventing the wheel isn't preferred.

The data-toggle attributes in Twitter Bootstrap

The purpose of data-toggle in bootstrap is so you can use jQuery to find all tags of a certain type. For example, you put data-toggle="popover" in all popover tags and then you can use a JQuery selector to find all those tags and run the popover() function to initialize them. You could just as well put class="myPopover" on the tag and use the .myPopover selector to do the same thing. The documentation is confusing, because it makes it appear that something special is going on with that attribute.


<div class="container">
    <h3>Popover Example</h3>
    <a href="#" class="myPop" title="Popover1 Header" data-content="Some content inside the popover1">Toggle popover1</a>
    <a href="#" class="myPop" title="Popover2 Header" data-content="Some content inside the popover2">Toggle popover2</a>


works just fine.

Using "If cell contains" in VBA excel

Is this what you are looking for?

 If ActiveCell.Value == "Total" Then

    ActiveCell.offset(1,0).Value = "-"

 End If

Of you could do something like this

 Dim celltxt As String
 celltxt = ActiveSheet.Range("C6").Text
 If InStr(1, celltxt, "Total") Then
    ActiveCell.offset(1,0).Value = "-"
 End If

Which is similar to what you have.

How to return HTTP 500 from ASP.NET Core RC2 Web Api?

When you want to return a JSON response in MVC .Net Core You can also use:

Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;//Equals to HTTPResponse 500
return Json(new { responseText = "my error" });

This will return both JSON result and HTTPStatus. I use it for returning results to jQuery.ajax().

PowerShell: how to grep command output?

Try this:

PS C:\> ipconfig /displaydns | Select-String -Pattern '' -Context 0,7

>     Record Name . . . . . :
      Record Type . . . . . : 5
      Time To Live  . . . . : 27
      Data Length . . . . . : 8
      Section . . . . . . . : Answer
      CNAME Record  . . . . :

How do you add UI inside cells in a google spreadsheet using app script?

Status 2018:

There seems to be no way to place buttons (drawings, images) within cells in a way that would allow them to be linked to Apps Script functions.

This being said, there are some things that you can indeed do:

You can...

You can place images within cells using IMAGE(URL), but they cannot be linked to Apps Script functions.

You can place images within cells and link them to URLs using:
=HYPERLINK(""; IMAGE(""; 1))

You can create drawings as described in the answer of @Eduardo and they can be linked to Apps Script functions, but they will be stand-alone items that float freely "above" the spreadsheet and cannot be positioned in cells. They cannot be copied from cell to cell and they do not have a row or col position that the script function could read.

Viewing full version tree in git

if you happen to not have a graphical interface available you can also print out the commit graph on the command line:

git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all

if this command complains with an invalid option --oneline, use:

git log --pretty=oneline --graph --decorate --all

How can I set the Secure flag on an ASP.NET Session Cookie?

secure - This attribute tells the browser to only send the cookie if the request is being sent over a secure channel such as HTTPS. This will help protect the cookie from being passed over unencrypted requests. If the application can be accessed over both HTTP and HTTPS, then there is the potential that the cookie can be sent in clear text.

HQL ERROR: Path expected for join

select u from UserGroup ug inner join ug.user u 
where ug.group_id = :groupId 
order by u.lastname

As a named query:

  name = "User.findByGroupId",
  query =
    "SELECT u FROM UserGroup ug " +
    "INNER JOIN ug.user u WHERE ug.group_id = :groupId ORDER BY u.lastname"

Use paths in the HQL statement, from one entity to the other. See the Hibernate documentation on HQL and joins for details.

Proxy Error 502 : The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server

I had this issue once. It turned out to be database query issue. After re-create tables and index it has been fixed.

Although it says proxy error, when you look at server log, it shows execute query timeout. This is what I had before and how I solved it.

Create dynamic variable name

This is not possible, it will give you a compile time error,

You can use array for this type of requirement .

For your Reference :

no overload for matches delegate 'system.eventhandler'

You need to change public void klik(PaintEventArgs pea, EventArgs e) to public void klik(object sender, System.EventArgs e) because there is no Click event handler with parameters PaintEventArgs pea, EventArgs e.

Can I add background color only for padding?

You can use background-gradients for that effect. For your example just add the following lines (it is just so much code because you have to use vendor-prefixes):

    -moz-linear-gradient(top, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -moz-linear-gradient(left, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -moz-linear-gradient(right, #000 10px, transparent 10px);
    -o-linear-gradient(top, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -o-linear-gradient(bottom, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -o-linear-gradient(left, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -o-linear-gradient(right, #000 10px, transparent 10px);
    -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    -webkit-linear-gradient(right, #000 10px, transparent 10px);
    linear-gradient(top, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    linear-gradient(bottom, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    linear-gradient(left, #000 10px, transparent 10px),
    linear-gradient(right, #000 10px, transparent 10px);

No need for unecessary markup.

If you just want to have a double border you could use outline and border instead of border and padding.

While you could also use pseudo-elements to achieve the desired effect, I would advise against it. Pseudo-elements are a very mighty tool CSS provides, if you "waste" them on stuff like this, you are probably gonna miss them somewhere else.

I only use pseudo-elements if there is no other way. Not because they are bad, quite the opposite, because I don't want to waste my Joker.

Example to use shared_ptr?

The best way to add different objects into same container is to use make_shared, vector, and range based loop and you will have a nice, clean and "readable" code!

typedef std::shared_ptr<gate> Ptr   
vector<Ptr> myConatiner; 
auto andGate = std::make_shared<ANDgate>();
myConatiner.push_back(andGate );
auto orGate= std::make_shared<ORgate>();

for (auto& element : myConatiner)

Add directives from directive in AngularJS

In cases where you have multiple directives on a single DOM element and where the order in which they’re applied matters, you can use the priority property to order their application. Higher numbers run first. The default priority is 0 if you don’t specify one.

EDIT: after the discussion, here's the complete working solution. The key was to remove the attribute: element.removeAttr("common-things");, and also element.removeAttr("data-common-things"); (in case users specify data-common-things in the html)

  .directive('commonThings', function ($compile) {
    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      replace: false, 
      terminal: true, //this setting is important, see explanation below
      priority: 1000, //this setting is important, see explanation below
      compile: function compile(element, attrs) {
        element.attr('tooltip', '{{dt()}}');
        element.attr('tooltip-placement', 'bottom');
        element.removeAttr("common-things"); //remove the attribute to avoid indefinite loop
        element.removeAttr("data-common-things"); //also remove the same attribute with data- prefix in case users specify data-common-things in the html

        return {
          pre: function preLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) {  },
          post: function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) {  

Working plunker is available at:


  .directive('commonThings', function ($compile) {
    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      replace: false,
      terminal: true,
      priority: 1000,
      link: function link(scope,element, attrs) {
        element.attr('tooltip', '{{dt()}}');
        element.attr('tooltip-placement', 'bottom');
        element.removeAttr("common-things"); //remove the attribute to avoid indefinite loop
        element.removeAttr("data-common-things"); //also remove the same attribute with data- prefix in case users specify data-common-things in the html



Explanation why we have to set terminal: true and priority: 1000 (a high number):

When the DOM is ready, angular walks the DOM to identify all registered directives and compile the directives one by one based on priority if these directives are on the same element. We set our custom directive's priority to a high number to ensure that it will be compiled first and with terminal: true, the other directives will be skipped after this directive is compiled.

When our custom directive is compiled, it will modify the element by adding directives and removing itself and use $compile service to compile all the directives (including those that were skipped).

If we don't set terminal:true and priority: 1000, there is a chance that some directives are compiled before our custom directive. And when our custom directive uses $compile to compile the element => compile again the already compiled directives. This will cause unpredictable behavior especially if the directives compiled before our custom directive have already transformed the DOM.

For more information about priority and terminal, check out How to understand the `terminal` of directive?

An example of a directive that also modifies the template is ng-repeat (priority = 1000), when ng-repeat is compiled, ng-repeat make copies of the template element before other directives get applied.

Thanks to @Izhaki's comment, here is the reference to ngRepeat source code:

Gmail: 530 5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at

You need to go here

then select Gmail and then select device. then click on Generate. Simply Copy & Paste password which is generated by Google.

Remove stubborn underline from link

If text-decoration: none or border: 0 doesn't work, try applying inline style in your html.

Get Client Machine Name in PHP

gethostname() using the IP from $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] while accessing the script remotely will return the IP of your internet connection, not your computer.

How to clear the cache in NetBeans

For NetBeans 8+ on Windows 10 there's a definitive bug with duplicate classes error which is being solved by cleaning the cache at C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache.

Why does SSL handshake give 'Could not generate DH keypair' exception?

We got the same exact exception error returned, to fix it was easy after hours surfing the internet.

We downloaded the highest version of jdk we could find on, installed it and pointed Jboss application server to the directory of the installed new jdk.

Restarted Jboss, reprocessed, problemo fixed!!!

open a url on click of ok button in android

    Button imageLogo = (Button)findViewById(;
    imageLogo.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            String url = "";

            Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

Java parsing XML document gives "Content not allowed in prolog." error

The document looks fine to me but I suspect that it contains invisible characters. Open it in a hex editor to check that there really isn't anything before the very first "<". Make sure the spaces in the XML header are spaces. Maybe delete the space before "?>". Check which line breaks are used.

Make sure the document is proper UTF-8. Some windows editors save the document as UTF-16 (i.e. every second byte is 0).

How to unlock android phone through ADB

Building on @Bhaskar's answer and others, here's a full command to unlock (tested on Pixel 3):

adb shell input keyevent 26 && adb shell input keyevent 82 && adb shell input text <password> && adb shell input keyevent 66

python convert list to dictionary

If you are still thinking what the! You would not be alone, its actually not that complicated really, let me explain.

How to turn a list into a dictionary using built-in functions only

We want to turn the following list into a dictionary using the odd entries (counting from 1) as keys mapped to their consecutive even entries.

l = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]


To create a dictionary we can use the built in dict function for Mapping Types as per the manual the following methods are supported.

dict(one=1, two=2)
dict({'one': 1, 'two': 2})
dict(zip(('one', 'two'), (1, 2)))
dict([['two', 2], ['one', 1]])

The last option suggests that we supply a list of lists with 2 values or (key, value) tuples, so we want to turn our sequential list into:

l = [["a", "b"], ["c", "d"], ["e",]]

We are also introduced to the zip function, one of the built-in functions which the manual explains:

returns a list of tuples, where the i-th tuple contains the i-th element from each of the arguments

In other words if we can turn our list into two lists a, c, e and b, d then zip will do the rest.

slice notation

Slicings which we see used with Strings and also further on in the List section which mainly uses the range or short slice notation but this is what the long slice notation looks like and what we can accomplish with step:

>>> l[::2]
['a', 'c', 'e']

>>> l[1::2]
['b', 'd']

>>> zip(['a', 'c', 'e'], ['b', 'd'])
[('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')]

>>> dict(zip(l[::2], l[1::2]))
{'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}

Even though this is the simplest way to understand the mechanics involved there is a downside because slices are new list objects each time, as can be seen with this cloning example:

>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> b = a
>>> b
[1, 2, 3]

>>> b is a

>>> b = a[:]
>>> b
[1, 2, 3]

>>> b is a

Even though b looks like a they are two separate objects now and this is why we prefer to use the grouper recipe instead.

grouper recipe

Although the grouper is explained as part of the itertools module it works perfectly fine with the basic functions too.

Some serious voodoo right? =) But actually nothing more than a bit of syntax sugar for spice, the grouper recipe is accomplished by the following expression.


Which more or less translates to two arguments of the same iterator wrapped in a list, if that makes any sense. Lets break it down to help shed some light.

zip for shortest

>>> l*2
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

>>> [l]*2
[['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']]

>>> [iter(l)]*2
[<listiterator object at 0x100486450>, <listiterator object at 0x100486450>]

>>> zip([iter(l)]*2)
[(<listiterator object at 0x1004865d0>,),(<listiterator object at 0x1004865d0>,)]

>>> zip(*[iter(l)]*2)
[('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')]

>>> dict(zip(*[iter(l)]*2))
{'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}

As you can see the addresses for the two iterators remain the same so we are working with the same iterator which zip then first gets a key from and then a value and a key and a value every time stepping the same iterator to accomplish what we did with the slices much more productively.

You would accomplish very much the same with the following which carries a smaller What the? factor perhaps.

>>> it = iter(l)     
>>> dict(zip(it, it))
{'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}

What about the empty key e if you've noticed it has been missing from all the examples which is because zip picks the shortest of the two arguments, so what are we to do.

Well one solution might be adding an empty value to odd length lists, you may choose to use append and an if statement which would do the trick, albeit slightly boring, right?

>>> if len(l) % 2:
...     l.append("")

>>> l
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', '']

>>> dict(zip(*[iter(l)]*2))
{'a': 'b', 'c': 'd', 'e': ''}

Now before you shrug away to go type from itertools import izip_longest you may be surprised to know it is not required, we can accomplish the same, even better IMHO, with the built in functions alone.

map for longest

I prefer to use the map() function instead of izip_longest() which not only uses shorter syntax doesn't require an import but it can assign an actual None empty value when required, automagically.

>>> l = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
>>> l
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

>>> dict(map(None, *[iter(l)]*2))
{'a': 'b', 'c': 'd', 'e': None} 

Comparing performance of the two methods, as pointed out by KursedMetal, it is clear that the itertools module far outperforms the map function on large volumes, as a benchmark against 10 million records show.

$ time python -c 'dict(map(None, *[iter(range(10000000))]*2))'
real    0m3.755s
user    0m2.815s
sys     0m0.869s
$ time python -c 'from itertools import izip_longest; dict(izip_longest(*[iter(range(10000000))]*2, fillvalue=None))'
real    0m2.102s
user    0m1.451s
sys     0m0.539s

However the cost of importing the module has its toll on smaller datasets with map returning much quicker up to around 100 thousand records when they start arriving head to head.

$ time python -c 'dict(map(None, *[iter(range(100))]*2))'
real    0m0.046s
user    0m0.029s
sys     0m0.015s
$ time python -c 'from itertools import izip_longest; dict(izip_longest(*[iter(range(100))]*2, fillvalue=None))'
real    0m0.067s
user    0m0.042s
sys     0m0.021s

$ time python -c 'dict(map(None, *[iter(range(100000))]*2))'
real    0m0.074s
user    0m0.050s
sys     0m0.022s
$ time python -c 'from itertools import izip_longest; dict(izip_longest(*[iter(range(100000))]*2, fillvalue=None))'
real    0m0.075s
user    0m0.047s
sys     0m0.024s

See nothing to it! =)


How to override maven property in command line?

See Introduction to the POM

finalName is created as:


One of the solutions is to add own property:


And now try:

mvn -DfinalName=build clean package

Print JSON parsed object?

try console.dir() instead of console.log()


MDN says console.dir() is supported by:

  • FF8+
  • IE9+
  • Opera
  • Chrome
  • Safari

Sending email through Gmail SMTP server with C#

  1. First check your gmail account setting & turn On from "Access for less secure apps" enter image description here

We strongly recommend that you use a secure app, like Gmail, to access your account. All apps made by Google meet these security standards. Using a less secure app, on the other hand, could leave your account vulnerable. Learn more.

  1. Set

    smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;


    smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress, fromPassword);

Installing Java 7 on Ubuntu

Open Applicaction -> Accessories -> Terminal

Type commandline as below...

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

Type commandline as below...

apt-cache search jdk

(Note: openjdk-7-jdk is symbolically used here. You can choose the JDK version as per your requirement.)

For "JAVA_HOME" (Environment Variable) type command as shown below, in "Terminal" using your installation path...

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk

(Note: "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk" is symbolically used here just for demostration. You should use your path as per your installation.)

For "PATH" (Environment Variable) type command as shown below, in "Terminal" using your installation path...

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/bin

(Note: "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk" is symbolically used here just for demostration. You should use your path as per your installation.)

Check for "open jdk" installation, just type command in "Terminal" as shown below

javac -version

Entity Framework code first unique column

From your code it becomes apparent that you use POCO. Having another key is unnecessary: you can add an index as suggested by juFo.
If you use Fluent API instead of attributing UserName property your column annotation should look like this:

this.Property(p => p.UserName)
    .HasColumnAnnotation("Index", new IndexAnnotation(new[] { 
        new IndexAttribute("Index") { IsUnique = true } 

This will create the following SQL script:

    [UserName] ASC
    ONLINE = OFF, 

If you attempt to insert multiple Users having the same UserName you'll get a DbUpdateException with the following message:

Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.Users' with unique index 'Index'. 
The duplicate key value is (...).
The statement has been terminated.

Again, column annotations are not available in Entity Framework prior to version 6.1.

Is it possible to apply CSS to half of a character?

It may be irrelevant, maybe not, but sometime ago, I created a jQuery function that does the same thing, but horizontally.

I called it "Strippex" For 'stripe'+'text', demo :

I'm not saying this is the solution of any problems, but I already tried to apply css to half of a character, but horizontally, So the idea is the same, the realisation may be horrible, but it works.

Ah, and the most important, I had fun creating it !

enter image description here

Fatal error: iostream: No such file or directory in compiling C program using GCC

Neither <iostream> nor <iostream.h> are standard C header files. Your code is meant to be C++, where <iostream> is a valid header. Use g++ (and a .cpp file extension) for C++ code.

Alternatively, this program uses mostly constructs that are available in C anyway. It's easy enough to convert the entire program to compile using a C compiler. Simply remove #include <iostream> and using namespace std;, and replace cout << endl; with putchar('\n');... I advise compiling using C99 (eg. gcc -std=c99)

How to check if AlarmManager already has an alarm set?

Working example with receiver (the top answer was just with action).

AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), MyReceiver.class);
intent.setAction(MyReceiver.ACTION_ALARM_RECEIVER);//my custom string action name
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(getActivity(), 1001, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT);//used unique ID as 1001
alarmManager.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, System.currentTimeMillis(), aroundInterval, pendingIntent);//first start will start asap

//and stopping
Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), MyReceiver.class);//the same as up
intent.setAction(MyReceiver.ACTION_ALARM_RECEIVER);//the same as up
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(getActivity(), 1001, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT);//the same as up

//checking if alarm is working with pendingIntent
Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), MyReceiver.class);//the same as up
intent.setAction(MyReceiver.ACTION_ALARM_RECEIVER);//the same as up
boolean isWorking = (PendingIntent.getBroadcast(getActivity(), 1001, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_NO_CREATE) != null);//just changed the flag
Log.d(TAG, "alarm is " + (isWorking ? "" : "not") + " working...");

It is worth to mention:

If the creating application later (process) re-retrieves the same kind of PendingIntent (same operation, same Intent's - action, data, categories, components, flags), it will receive a PendingIntent representing the same token if that is still valid, and can thus call cancel() to remove it.

In short, your PendingIntent should have the same features (operation and intent's structure) to take control over it.

Extract and delete all .gz in a directory- Linux


ls -1 | grep -E "\.tar\.gz$" | xargs -n 1 tar xvfz

Then Try:

ls -1 | grep -E "\.tar\.gz$" | xargs -n 1 rm

This will untar all .tar.gz files in the current directory and then delete all the .tar.gz files. If you want an explanation, the "|" takes the stdout of the command before it, and uses that as the stdin of the command after it. Use "man command" w/o the quotes to figure out what those commands and arguments do. Or, you can research online.

javascript /jQuery - For Loop

What about something like this?

var arr = [];

$('[id^=event]', response).each(function(){

The [attr^=selector] selector matches elements on which the attr attribute starts with the given string, that way you don't care about the numbers after "event".

Changing the image source using jQuery

You should add id attribute to your image tag, like this:

<div id="d1">
   <div class="c1">
            <a href="#"><img id="img1" src="img1_on.gif"></a>
            <a href="#"><img id="img2" src="img2_on.gif"></a>

then you can use this code to change the source of images:

 $(document).ready(function () {
        $("#img1").attr({ "src": "logo-ex-7.png" });
        $("#img2").attr({ "src": "logo-ex-8.png" });

Change background image opacity

What I did is:

<div id="bg-image"></div>
<div class="container">
    <h1>Hello World!</h1>


html {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
body {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
#bg-image {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    background-image: url(images/background.jpg);
    background-position: center center;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: cover;
    opacity: 0.3;

How to place and center text in an SVG rectangle

If you are creating the SVG programmatically you can simplify it and do something like this:

      <rect x={x} y={y} width={width} height={height} />
          x={x + width / 2}
          y={y + height / 2}

JQuery - Get select value

val() returns the value of the <select> element, i.e. the value attribute of the selected <option> element.

Since you actually want the inner text of the selected <option> element, you should match that element and use text() instead:

var nationality = $("#dancerCountry option:selected").text();

How do I escape a string inside JavaScript code inside an onClick handler?

First, it would be simpler if the onclick handler was set this way:

<a id="someLinkId"href="#">Select</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
  document.getElementById("someLinkId").onClick = 
   function() {
      SelectSurveyItem('<%itemid%>', '<%itemname%>'); return false;


Then itemid and itemname need to be escaped for JavaScript (that is, " becomes \", etc.).

If you are using Java on the server side, you might take a look at the class StringEscapeUtils from jakarta's common-lang. Otherwise, it should not take too long to write your own 'escapeJavascript' method.

SQL/mysql - Select distinct/UNIQUE but return all columns?

It can be done by inner query

$query = "SELECT * 
            FROM (SELECT field
                FROM table
                ORDER BY id DESC) as rows               
            GROUP BY field";

Why is it said that "HTTP is a stateless protocol"?

HTTP is a connectionless and this is a direct result that HTTP is a stateless protocol. The server and client are aware of each other only during a current request. Afterwards, both of them forget about each other. Due to this nature of the protocol, neither the client nor the browser can retain information between different request across the web pages.

Is there a way to get colored text in GitHubflavored Markdown?

As an alternative to rendering a raster image, you can embed a SVG:

Unfortunately, even though you can select and copy text when you open the .svg file, the text is not selectable when the SVG image is embedded.

How do I add an integer value with javascript (jquery) to a value that's returning a string?

Simply, add a plus sign before the text value

var newValue = +currentValue + 1;

Rank function in MySQL

Starting with MySQL 8, you can finally use window functions also in MySQL:

Your query can be written exactly the same way:

SELECT RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY Gender ORDER BY Age) AS `Partition by Gender`, 
FROM Person

Best way to create a simple python web service

The simplest way to get a Python script online is to use CGI:


print "Content-type: text/html"

print "<p>Hello world.</p>"

Put that code in a script that lives in your web server CGI directory, make it executable, and run it. The cgi module has a number of useful utilities when you need to accept parameters from the user.

Printing an array in C++?

Besides the for-loop based solutions, you can also use an ostream_iterator<>. Here's an example that leverages the sample code in the (now retired) SGI STL reference:

#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>

int main()
  short foo[] = { 1, 3, 5, 7 };

  using namespace std;
       foo + sizeof(foo) / sizeof(foo[0]),
       ostream_iterator<short>(cout, "\n"));

This generates the following:


However, this may be overkill for your needs. A straight for-loop is probably all that you need, although litb's template sugar is quite nice, too.

Edit: Forgot the "printing in reverse" requirement. Here's one way to do it:

#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>

int main()
  short foo[] = { 1, 3, 5, 7 };

  using namespace std;

  reverse_iterator<short *> begin(foo + sizeof(foo) / sizeof(foo[0]));
  reverse_iterator<short *> end(foo);

       ostream_iterator<short>(cout, "\n"));

and the output:

$ ./a.out 

Edit: C++14 update that simplifies the above code snippets using array iterator functions like std::begin() and std::rbegin():

#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>

int main()
    short foo[] = { 1, 3, 5, 7 };

    // Generate array iterators using C++14 std::{r}begin()
    // and std::{r}end().

    // Forward
              std::ostream_iterator<short>(std::cout, "\n"));

    // Reverse
              std::ostream_iterator<short>(std::cout, "\n"));

Set a button group's width to 100% and make buttons equal width?

BOOTSTRAP 2 (source)

The problem is that there is no width set on the buttons. Try this:

.btn {width:20%;}


By default the buttons take an auto width of its text length plus some padding, so I guess for your example it is probably more like 14.5% for 5 buttons (to compensate for the padding).


If you don't want to try and compensate for padding you can use box-sizing:border-box;

Could not create work tree dir ''.: Permission denied

Tested On Ubuntu 20, sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www

Pytesseract : "TesseractNotFound Error: tesseract is not installed or it's not in your path", how do I fix this?

From :

pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = '<full_path_to_your_tesseract_executable>'
# Include the above line, if you don't have tesseract executable in your PATH
# Example tesseract_cmd: 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Tesseract-OCR\\tesseract'

How to Detect cause of 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error and handle it?

There is of course some apache log files. Search in your apache configuration files for 'Log' keyword, you'll certainly find plenty of them. Depending on your OS and installation places may vary (in a Typical Linux server it would be /var/log/apache2/[access|error].log).

Having a 503 error in Apache usually means the proxied page/service is not available. I assume you're using tomcat and that means tomcat is either not responding to apache (timeout?) or not even available (down? crashed?). So chances are that it's a configuration error in the way to connect apache and tomcat or an application inside tomcat that is not even sending a response for apache.

Sometimes, in production servers, it can as well be that you get too much traffic for the tomcat server, apache handle more request than the proxyied service (tomcat) can accept so the backend became unavailable.

Extract file basename without path and extension in bash

Just an alternative that I came up with to extract an extension, using the posts in this thread with my own small knowledge base that was more familiar to me.

ext="$(rev <<< "$(cut -f "1" -d "." <<< "$(rev <<< "file.docx")")")"

Note: Please advise on my use of quotes; it worked for me but I might be missing something on their proper use (I probably use too many).

How to disable HTML links

There is one other possible way, and the one that I like best. Basically it's the same way lightbox disables a whole page, by placing a div and fiddling with z-index. Here is relevant snippets from a project of mine. This works in all browsers!!!!!

Javascript (jQuery):

var windowResizer = function(){
        var offset = $('#back').offset();   
        var buttontop =;
        var buttonleft = offset.left;
        offset = $('#next').offset();
        buttontop =;
        buttonleft = offset.left;

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(window).resize(function() {   
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 5); //when the maximize/restore buttons are pressed, we have to wait or it will fire to fast

and in html

<a href="" id="back" style="float: left"><img src="images/icons/back.png" style="height: 50px; width: 50px" /></a>
<a href="" id="next" style="float: right"><img src="images/icons/next.png" style="height: 50px; width: 50px" /></a>
<img id="backdisabler" src="images/icons/disabled.png" style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; padding: 5px; height: 62px; width: 62px; z-index: 9000"/>
<img id="nextdisabler" src="images/icons/disabled.png" style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; padding: 5px; height: 62px; width: 62px; z-index: 9000"/>

So the resizer finds the anchor's (the images are just arrows) locations and places the disabler on top. The disabler's image is a translucent grey square (change the width/height of the disablers in the html to match your link) to show that it is disabled. The floating allows the page to resize dynamically, and the disablers will follow suit in windowResizer(). You can find suitable images through google. I have placed the relevant css inline for simplicity.

then based on some condition,


Import Maven dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA

I had the similar issue with my macbook, just did a small change in pom.xml and it started downloading all dependencies:

Earlier dependencies were written as below for my windows machine:


I just removed the <dependencies> and </dependencies> tags and it started downloading all the dependencies:


I am not sure it will work for you or not.. but worked fine for me.


Init method in Spring Controller (annotation version)

Alternatively you can have your class implement the InitializingBean interface to provide a callback function (afterPropertiesSet()) which the ApplicationContext will invoke when the bean is constructed.

Reverse HashMap keys and values in Java

If the values are not unique, the safe way to inverse the map is by using java 8's groupingBy function

Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();

Map<Integer, List<String>> mapInversed = 
   .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Map.Entry::getValue, Collectors.mapping(Map.Entry::getKey, Collectors.toList())))

Draw a connecting line between two elements

D3 has hundreds of examples, some of which are suitable for this question.

Examples without drag and drop, that are fixed:

Examples without drag and drop, that are interactive:

Examples with dragging and dropping:

This answer is based off of Glenn Dayton's answer.

Postgres Error: More than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression

This error means that the SELECT store_key FROM store query has returned two or more rows in the SERVER1 database. If you would like to update all customers, use a join instead of a scalar = operator. You need a condition to "connect" customers to store items in order to do that.

If you wish to update all customer_ids to the same store_key, you need to supply a WHERE clause to the remotely executed SELECT so that the query returns a single row.

How to export datagridview to excel using

The following code works fine for me :)

Protected Sub ExportToExcel(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ExportExcel.Click
            Response.Buffer = True
            Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=ExportEthias.xls")
            Response.Charset = ""
            Response.ContentType = "application/"
            Using sw As New StringWriter()
                Dim hw As New HtmlTextWriter(sw)
                'Le format de base est le texte pour éviter les problèmes d'arrondis des nombres
                Dim style As String = "<style> .textmode { } </style>"
            End Using
        Catch ex As Exception
            lblMessage.Text = "Erreur export Excel : " & ex.Message
        End Try
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Sub VerifyRenderingInServerForm(control As Control)
        ' Verifies that the control is rendered
    End Sub

Hopes this help you. in javascript

There's also Array.find() in ES6 which returns the first matching element it finds.

const myArray = [1, 2, 3]

const myElement = myArray.find((element) => element === 2)

// => 2

How can I center <ul> <li> into div

<div id="container">
  <table width="100%" height="100%">
      <td align="center" valign="middle">
          <li>item 1</li>
          <li>item 2</li>
          <li>item 3</li>

Convert a row of a data frame to vector

Here is a dplyr based option:

newV = df %>% slice(1) %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE)

# or slightly different:
newV = df %>% slice(1) %>% unlist() %>% unname()

How to find the location of the Scheduled Tasks folder

On newer versions of Windows (Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016) the tasks you create are located in C:\Windows\Tasks. They will have the extension .job

For example if you create the task "DoWork" it will create the task in


How to check file MIME type with javascript before upload?

You can easily determine the file MIME type with JavaScript's FileReader before uploading it to a server. I agree that we should prefer server-side checking over client-side, but client-side checking is still possible. I'll show you how and provide a working demo at the bottom.

Check that your browser supports both File and Blob. All major ones should.

if (window.FileReader && window.Blob) {
    // All the File APIs are supported.
} else {
    // File and Blob are not supported

Step 1:

You can retrieve the File information from an <input> element like this (ref):

<input type="file" id="your-files" multiple>
var control = document.getElementById("your-files");
control.addEventListener("change", function(event) {
    // When the control has changed, there are new files
    var files = control.files,
    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        console.log("Filename: " + files[i].name);
        console.log("Type: " + files[i].type);
        console.log("Size: " + files[i].size + " bytes");
}, false);

Here is a drag-and-drop version of the above (ref):

<div id="your-files"></div>
var target = document.getElementById("your-files");
target.addEventListener("dragover", function(event) {
}, false);

target.addEventListener("drop", function(event) {
    // Cancel default actions
    var files = event.dataTransfer.files,
    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        console.log("Filename: " + files[i].name);
        console.log("Type: " + files[i].type);
        console.log("Size: " + files[i].size + " bytes");
}, false);

Step 2:

We can now inspect the files and tease out headers and MIME types.

✘ Quick method

You can naïvely ask Blob for the MIME type of whatever file it represents using this pattern:

var blob = files[i]; // See step 1 above

For images, MIME types come back like the following:


Caveat: The MIME type is detected from the file extension and can be fooled or spoofed. One can rename a .jpg to a .png and the MIME type will be be reported as image/png.

✓ Proper header-inspecting method

To get the bonafide MIME type of a client-side file we can go a step further and inspect the first few bytes of the given file to compare against so-called magic numbers. Be warned that it's not entirely straightforward because, for instance, JPEG has a few "magic numbers". This is because the format has evolved since 1991. You might get away with checking only the first two bytes, but I prefer checking at least 4 bytes to reduce false positives.

Example file signatures of JPEG (first 4 bytes):

FF D8 FF E0 (SOI + ADD0)
FF D8 FF E1 (SOI + ADD1)
FF D8 FF E2 (SOI + ADD2)

Here is the essential code to retrieve the file header:

var blob = files[i]; // See step 1 above
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onloadend = function(e) {
  var arr = (new Uint8Array(, 4);
  var header = "";
  for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
     header += arr[i].toString(16);

  // Check the file signature against known types


You can then determine the real MIME type like so (more file signatures here and here):

switch (header) {
    case "89504e47":
        type = "image/png";
    case "47494638":
        type = "image/gif";
    case "ffd8ffe0":
    case "ffd8ffe1":
    case "ffd8ffe2":
    case "ffd8ffe3":
    case "ffd8ffe8":
        type = "image/jpeg";
        type = "unknown"; // Or you can use the blob.type as fallback

Accept or reject file uploads as you like based on the MIME types expected.


Here is a working demo for local files and remote files (I had to bypass CORS just for this demo). Open the snippet, run it, and you should see three remote images of different types displayed. At the top you can select a local image or data file, and the file signature and/or MIME type will be displayed.

Notice that even if an image is renamed, its true MIME type can be determined. See below.


Expected output of demo

// Return the first few bytes of the file as a hex string_x000D_
function getBLOBFileHeader(url, blob, callback) {_x000D_
  var fileReader = new FileReader();_x000D_
  fileReader.onloadend = function(e) {_x000D_
    var arr = (new Uint8Array(, 4);_x000D_
    var header = "";_x000D_
    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {_x000D_
      header += arr[i].toString(16);_x000D_
    callback(url, header);_x000D_
function getRemoteFileHeader(url, callback) {_x000D_
  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();_x000D_
  // Bypass CORS for this demo - naughty, Drakes_x000D_'GET', '//' + url);_x000D_
  xhr.responseType = "blob";_x000D_
  xhr.onload = function() {_x000D_
    callback(url, xhr.response);_x000D_
  xhr.onerror = function() {_x000D_
    alert('A network error occurred!');_x000D_
function headerCallback(url, headerString) {_x000D_
  printHeaderInfo(url, headerString);_x000D_
function remoteCallback(url, blob) {_x000D_
  getBLOBFileHeader(url, blob, headerCallback);_x000D_
function printImage(blob) {_x000D_
  // Add this image to the document body for proof of GET success_x000D_
  var fr = new FileReader();_x000D_
  fr.onloadend = function() {_x000D_
    $("hr").after($("<img>").attr("src", fr.result))_x000D_
      .after($("<div>").text("Blob MIME type: " + blob.type));_x000D_
// Add more from
function mimeType(headerString) {_x000D_
  switch (headerString) {_x000D_
    case "89504e47":_x000D_
      type = "image/png";_x000D_
    case "47494638":_x000D_
      type = "image/gif";_x000D_
    case "ffd8ffe0":_x000D_
    case "ffd8ffe1":_x000D_
    case "ffd8ffe2":_x000D_
      type = "image/jpeg";_x000D_
      type = "unknown";_x000D_
  return type;_x000D_
function printHeaderInfo(url, headerString) {_x000D_
  $("hr").after($("<div>").text("Real MIME type: " + mimeType(headerString)))_x000D_
    .after($("<div>").text("File header: 0x" + headerString))_x000D_
/* Demo driver code */_x000D_
var imageURLsArray = ["", "", ""];_x000D_
// Check for FileReader support_x000D_
if (window.FileReader && window.Blob) {_x000D_
  // Load all the remote images from the urls array_x000D_
  for (var i = 0; i < imageURLsArray.length; i++) {_x000D_
    getRemoteFileHeader(imageURLsArray[i], remoteCallback);_x000D_
  /* Handle local files */_x000D_
  $("input").on('change', function(event) {_x000D_
    var file =[0];_x000D_
    if (file.size >= 2 * 1024 * 1024) {_x000D_
      alert("File size must be at most 2MB");_x000D_
    remoteCallback(escape(, file);_x000D_
} else {_x000D_
  // File and Blob are not supported_x000D_
  $("hr").after( $("<div>").text("It seems your browser doesn't support FileReader") );_x000D_
} /* Drakes, 2015 */
img {_x000D_
  max-height: 200px_x000D_
div {_x000D_
  height: 26px;_x000D_
  font: Arial;_x000D_
  font-size: 12pt_x000D_
form {_x000D_
  height: 40px;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <input type="file" />_x000D_
  <div>Choose an image to see its file signature.</div>_x000D_

Build Eclipse Java Project from Command Line

You can build an eclipse project via a workspace from the command line:

eclipsec.exe -noSplash -data "D:\Source\MyProject\workspace" -application org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.aptBuild

It uses the jdt apt plugin to build your workspace automatically. This is also known as a 'Headless Build'. Damn hard to figure out. If you're not using a win32 exe, you can try this:

java -cp startup.jar -noSplash -data "D:\Source\MyProject\workspace" -application org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.aptBuild


Several years ago eclipse replaced startup.jar with the "equinox launcher"

On Eclipse Mars (MacOX):

java -jar /Applications/ -noSplash -data "workspace" -application org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.aptBuild

The -data parameter specifies the location of your workspace.

The version number for the equinox launcher will depend on what version of eclipse you have.

How can you get the first digit in an int (C#)?

Here is a simpler way that does not involve looping

int number = 1234
int firstDigit = Math.Floor(number/(Math.Pow(10, number.ToString().length - 1))

That would give us 1234/Math.Pow(10, 4 - 1) = 1234/1000 = 1

libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

Using IrfanView image viewer in Windows, I simply resaved the PNG image and that corrected the problem.

How to access the elements of a function's return array?

In order to get the values of each variable, you need to treat the function as you would an array:

function data() {
    $a = "abc";
    $b = "def";
    $c = "ghi";
    return array($a, $b, $c);

// Assign a variable to the array; 
// I selected $dataArray (could be any name).

$dataArray = data();
list($a, $b, $c) = $dataArray;
echo $a . " ". $b . " " . $c;

//if you just need 1 variable out of 3;
list(, $b, ) = $dataArray;
echo $b;

TypeScript for ... of with index / key?

"Old school javascript" to the rescue (for those who aren't familiar/in love of functional programming)

for (let i = 0; i < someArray.length ; i++) {
  let item = someArray[i];

How do I create a sequence in MySQL?

If You need sth different than AUTO_INCREMENT you can still use triggers.

twig: IF with multiple conditions

If I recall correctly Twig doesn't support || and && operators, but requires or and and to be used respectively. I'd also use parentheses to denote the two statements more clearly although this isn't technically a requirement.

{%if ( fields | length > 0 ) or ( trans_fields | length > 0 ) %}


Expressions can be used in {% blocks %} and ${ expressions }.

Operator    Description
==          Does the left expression equal the right expression?
+           Convert both arguments into a number and add them.
-           Convert both arguments into a number and substract them.
*           Convert both arguments into a number and multiply them.
/           Convert both arguments into a number and divide them.
%           Convert both arguments into a number and calculate the rest of the integer division.
~           Convert both arguments into a string and concatenate them.
or          True if the left or the right expression is true.
and         True if the left and the right expression is true.
not         Negate the expression.

For more complex operations, it may be best to wrap individual expressions in parentheses to avoid confusion:

{% if (foo and bar) or (fizz and (foo + bar == 3)) %}

Get list of Excel files in a folder using VBA

Regarding the upvoted answer, I liked it except that if the resulting "listfiles" array is used in an array formula {CSE}, the list values come out all in a horizontal row. To make them come out in a vertical column, I simply made the array two dimensional as follows:

ReDim vaArray(1 To oFiles.Count, 0)
i = 1
For Each oFile In oFiles
    vaArray(i, 0) = oFile.Name
    i = i + 1

What's the maximum value for an int in PHP?

The size of PHP ints is platform dependent:

The size of an integer is platform-dependent, although a maximum value of about two billion is the usual value (that's 32 bits signed). PHP does not support unsigned integers. Integer size can be determined using the constant PHP_INT_SIZE, and maximum value using the constant PHP_INT_MAX since PHP 4.4.0 and PHP 5.0.5.

PHP 6 adds "longs" (64 bit ints).

REST API - file (ie images) processing - best practices

Your second solution is probably the most correct. You should use the HTTP spec and mimetypes the way they were intended and upload the file via multipart/form-data. As far as handling the relationships, I'd use this process (keeping in mind I know zero about your assumptions or system design):

  1. POST to /users to create the user entity.
  2. POST the image to /images, making sure to return a Location header to where the image can be retrieved per the HTTP spec.
  3. PATCH to /users/carPhoto and assign it the ID of the photo given in the Location header of step 2.

Inline JavaScript onclick function

This should work

 <a href="#" onclick="function hi(){alert('Hi!')};hi()">click</a>

You may inline any javascript inside the onclick as if you were assigning the method through javascript. I think is just a matter of making code cleaner keeping your js inside a script block

SQL Server - In clause with a declared variable

This is an example where I use the table variable to list multiple values in an IN clause. The obvious reason is to be able to change the list of values only one place in a long procedure.

To make it even more dynamic and alowing user input, I suggest declaring a varchar variable for the input, and then using a WHILE to loop trough the data in the variable and insert it into the table variable.

Replace @your_list, Your_table and the values with real stuff.

DECLARE @your_list TABLE (list varchar(25)) 
INSERT into @your_list
VALUES ('value1'),('value2376')

FROM your_table 
WHERE your_column in ( select list from @your_list )

The select statement abowe will do the same as:

FROM your_table 
WHERE your_column in ('value','value2376' )

CSS Div width percentage and padding without breaking layout

Try removing the position from header and add overflow to container:

#container {
#header {

Reading Email using Pop3 in C#

My open source application BugTracker.NET includes a POP3 client that can parse MIME. Both the POP3 code and the MIME code are from other authors, but you can see how it all fits together in my app.

For the MIME parsing, I use

See the file POP3Main.cs, POP3Client.cs, and insert_bug.aspx

How do I know if jQuery has an Ajax request pending?

We have to utilize $.ajax.abort() method to abort request if the request is active. This promise object uses readyState property to check whether the request is active or not.


<h3>Cancel Ajax Request on Demand</h3>
<div id="test"></div>
<input type="button" id="btnCancel" value="Click to Cancel the Ajax Request" />

JS Code

//Initial Message
var ajaxRequestVariable;
$("#test").html("Please wait while request is being processed..");

//Event handler for Cancel Button
$("#btnCancel").on("click", function(){
if (ajaxRequestVariable !== undefined)

if (ajaxRequestVariable.readyState > 0 && ajaxRequestVariable.readyState < 4)
  $("#test").html("Ajax Request Cancelled.");

//Ajax Process Starts
ajaxRequestVariable = $.ajax({
            method: "POST",
            url: '/echo/json/',
            contentType: "application/json",
            cache: false,
            dataType: "json",
            data: {
        json: JSON.encode({
        delay: 11

            success: function (response) {
            $("#test").html("Request is completed");           
            error: function (error) {

            complete: function () {


Spring Bean Scopes

A short example what is the difference between @Scope("singleton") (default) and @Scope("prototype"):

DAO class:

package com.example.demo;

public class Manager {
    private String name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;


public class AppConfiguration {
    public Manager getManager(){
        return new Manager();

and MainApp:

public class DemoApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
        AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();

        Manager firstManager = context.getBean(Manager.class);

        Manager secondManager = context.getBean(Manager.class);


In this example the result is: Karol even if we set this name only for firstManager object. It's because Spring IoC container created one instance of object. However when we change scope to @Scope("prototype") in Configuration class then result is: null because Spring IoC container creates a new bean instance of the object when request for that bean is made.

Calling functions in a DLL from C++

There are many ways to do this but I think one of the easiest options is to link the application to the DLL at link time and then use a definition file to define the symbols to be exported from the DLL.

CAVEAT: The definition file approach works bests for undecorated symbol names. If you want to export decorated symbols then it is probably better to NOT USE the definition file approach.

Here is an simple example on how this is done.

Step 1: Define the function in the export.h file.

int WINAPI IsolatedFunction(const char *title, const char *test);

Step 2: Define the function in the export.cpp file.

#include <windows.h>

int WINAPI IsolatedFunction(const char *title, const char *test)
    MessageBox(0, title, test, MB_OK);
    return 1;

Step 3: Define the function as an export in the export.def defintion file.

EXPORTS    IsolatedFunction          @1

Step 4: Create a DLL project and add the export.cpp and export.def files to this project. Building this project will create an export.dll and an export.lib file.

The following two steps link to the DLL at link time. If you don't want to define the entry points at link time, ignore the next two steps and use the LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress to load the function entry point at runtime.

Step 5: Create a Test application project to use the dll by adding the export.lib file to the project. Copy the export.dll file to ths same location as the Test console executable.

Step 6: Call the IsolatedFunction function from within the Test application as shown below.

#include "stdafx.h"

// get the function prototype of the imported function
#include "../export/export.h"

int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
                     HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                     LPSTR     lpCmdLine,
                     int       nCmdShow)
    // call the imported function found in the dll
    int result = IsolatedFunction("hello", "world");

    return 0;

What is the best way to remove the first element from an array?

An alternative ugly method:

   String[] a ={"BLAH00001","DIK-11","DIK-2","MAN5"};
   String[] k=Arrays.toString(a).split(", ",2)[1].split("]")[0].split(", ");

Check if a string isn't nil or empty in Lua

Can this code be simplified in one if test instead two?

nil and '' are different values. If you need to test that s is neither, IMO you should just compare against both, because it makes your intent the most clear.

That and a few alternatives, with their generated bytecode:

if not foo or foo == '' then end
     GETGLOBAL       0 -1    ; foo
     TEST            0 0 0
     JMP             3       ; to 7
     GETGLOBAL       0 -1    ; foo
     EQ              0 0 -2  ; - ""
     JMP             0       ; to 7

if foo == nil or foo == '' then end
    GETGLOBAL       0 -1    ; foo
    EQ              1 0 -2  ; - nil
    JMP             3       ; to 7
    GETGLOBAL       0 -1    ; foo
    EQ              0 0 -3  ; - ""
    JMP             0       ; to 7

if (foo or '') == '' then end
   GETGLOBAL       0 -1    ; foo
   TEST            0 0 1
   JMP             1       ; to 5
   LOADK           0 -2    ; ""
   EQ              0 0 -2  ; - ""
   JMP             0       ; to 7

The second is fastest in Lua 5.1 and 5.2 (on my machine anyway), but difference is tiny. I'd go with the first for clarity's sake.

Reading rather large json files in Python

The issue here is that JSON, as a format, is generally parsed in full and then handled in-memory, which for such a large amount of data is clearly problematic.

The solution to this is to work with the data as a stream - reading part of the file, working with it, and then repeating.

The best option appears to be using something like ijson - a module that will work with JSON as a stream, rather than as a block file.

Edit: Also worth a look - kashif's comment about json-streamer and Henrik Heino's comment about bigjson.

Including an anchor tag in an ASP.NET MVC Html.ActionLink

I Did that and it works for redirecting to other view I think If you add the #sectionLink after It will work

<a class="btn yellow" href="/users/Create/@Model.Id" target="_blank">
                                        Add As User

How can I create an array/list of dictionaries in python?

Minor variation to user1850980's answer (for the question "How to initialize a list of empty dictionaries") using list constructor:

dictlistGOOD = list( {} for i in xrange(listsize) )

I found out to my chagrin, this does NOT work:

dictlistFAIL = [{}] * listsize  # FAIL!

as it creates a list of references to the same empty dictionary, so that if you update one dictionary in the list, all the other references get updated too.

Try these updates to see the difference:

dictlistGOOD[0]["key"] = "value"
dictlistFAIL[0]["key"] = "value"

(I was actually looking for user1850980's answer to the question asked, so his/her answer was helpful.)

<button> vs. <input type="button" />. Which to use?

Quoting the Forms Page in the HTML manual:

Buttons created with the BUTTON element function just like buttons created with the INPUT element, but they offer richer rendering possibilities: the BUTTON element may have content. For example, a BUTTON element that contains an image functions like and may resemble an INPUT element whose type is set to "image", but the BUTTON element type allows content.

ApiNotActivatedMapError for simple html page using google-places-api

Assuming you already have a application created under google developer console, Follow the below steps

  1. Go to the following link you will be getting the below page enter image description here
  2. Click on ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES you will be directed to following page enter image description here
  3. Select the desired option - in this case "Maps JavaScript API"
  4. Click ENABLE button as below, enter image description here

Note: Please use a server to load the html file

Get viewport/window height in ReactJS

I've just edited QoP's current answer to support SSR and use it with Next.js (React 16.8.0+):


import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

export default function useWindowDimensions() {

  const hasWindow = typeof window !== 'undefined';

  function getWindowDimensions() {
    const width = hasWindow ? window.innerWidth : null;
    const height = hasWindow ? window.innerHeight : null;
    return {

  const [windowDimensions, setWindowDimensions] = useState(getWindowDimensions());

  useEffect(() => {
    if (hasWindow) {
      function handleResize() {

      window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize);
      return () => window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize);
  }, [hasWindow]);

  return windowDimensions;


import useWindowDimensions from './hooks/useWindowDimensions';

const Component = () => {
  const { height, width } = useWindowDimensions();
  /* you can also use default values or alias to use only one prop: */
  // const { height: windowHeight = 480 } useWindowDimensions();

  return (
      width: {width} ~ height: {height}

Sass Variable in CSS calc() function

Try this:

@mixin heightBox($body_padding){
   height: calc(100% - $body_padding);

   @include heightBox(100% - 25%);
   box-sizing: border-box

How to compare two date values with jQuery

var startDt=document.getElementById("startDateId").value;
var endDt=document.getElementById("endDateId").value;

if( (new Date(startDt).getTime() > new Date(endDt).getTime()))

AngularJS - Create a directive that uses ng-model

I took a combo of all answers, and now have two ways of doing this with the ng-model attribute:

  • With a new scope which copies ngModel
  • With the same scope which does a compile on link

var app = angular.module('model', []);_x000D_
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {_x000D_
  $ = "Felipe";_x000D_
  $scope.label = "The Label";_x000D_
app.directive('myDirectiveWithScope', function() {_x000D_
  return {_x000D_
    restrict: 'E',_x000D_
    scope: {_x000D_
      ngModel: '=',_x000D_
    // Notice how label isn't copied_x000D_
    template: '<div class="some"><label>{{label}}: <input ng-model="ngModel"></label></div>',_x000D_
    replace: true_x000D_
app.directive('myDirectiveWithChildScope', function($compile) {_x000D_
  return {_x000D_
    restrict: 'E',_x000D_
    scope: true,_x000D_
    // Notice how label is visible in the scope_x000D_
    template: '<div class="some"><label>{{label}}: <input></label></div>',_x000D_
    replace: true,_x000D_
    link: function ($scope, element) {_x000D_
      // element will be the div which gets the ng-model on the original directive_x000D_
      var model = element.attr('ng-model');_x000D_
      $('input',element).attr('ng-model', model);_x000D_
      return $compile(element)($scope);_x000D_
app.directive('myDirectiveWithoutScope', function($compile) {_x000D_
  return {_x000D_
    restrict: 'E',_x000D_
    template: '<div class="some"><label>{{$parent.label}}: <input></label></div>',_x000D_
    replace: true,_x000D_
    link: function ($scope, element) {_x000D_
      // element will be the div which gets the ng-model on the original directive_x000D_
      var model = element.attr('ng-model');_x000D_
      return $compile($('input',element).attr('ng-model', model))($scope);_x000D_
app.directive('myReplacedDirectiveIsolate', function($compile) {_x000D_
  return {_x000D_
    restrict: 'E',_x000D_
    scope: {},_x000D_
    template: '<input class="some">',_x000D_
    replace: true_x000D_
app.directive('myReplacedDirectiveChild', function($compile) {_x000D_
  return {_x000D_
    restrict: 'E',_x000D_
    scope: true,_x000D_
    template: '<input class="some">',_x000D_
    replace: true_x000D_
app.directive('myReplacedDirective', function($compile) {_x000D_
  return {_x000D_
    restrict: 'E',_x000D_
    template: '<input class="some">',_x000D_
    replace: true_x000D_
.some {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #cacaca;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div ng-app="model" ng-controller="MainCtrl">_x000D_
  This scope value <input ng-model="name">, label: "{{label}}"_x000D_
    <li>With new isolate scope (label from parent):_x000D_
      <my-directive-with-scope ng-model="name"></my-directive-with-scope>_x000D_
    <li>With new child scope:_x000D_
      <my-directive-with-child-scope ng-model="name"></my-directive-with-child-scope>_x000D_
    <li>Same scope:_x000D_
      <my-directive-without-scope ng-model="name"></my-directive-without-scope>_x000D_
    <li>Replaced element, isolate scope:_x000D_
      <my-replaced-directive-isolate ng-model="name"></my-replaced-directive-isolate>_x000D_
    <li>Replaced element, child scope:_x000D_
      <my-replaced-directive-child ng-model="name"></my-replaced-directive-child>_x000D_
    <li>Replaced element, same scope:_x000D_
      <my-replaced-directive ng-model="name"></my-replaced-directive>_x000D_
  <p>Try typing in the child scope ones, they copy the value into the child scope which breaks the link with the parent scope._x000D_
  <p>Also notice how removing jQuery makes it so only the new-isolate-scope version works._x000D_
  <p>Finally, note that the replace+isolate scope only works in AngularJS >=1.2.0_x000D_

I'm not sure I like the compiling at link time. However, if you're just replacing the element with another you don't need to do that.

All in all I prefer the first one. Simply set scope to {ngModel:"="} and set ng-model="ngModel" where you want it in your template.

Update: I inlined the code snippet and updated it for Angular v1.2. Turns out that isolate scope is still best, especially when not using jQuery. So it boils down to:

  • Are you replacing a single element: Just replace it, leave the scope alone, but note that replace is deprecated for v2.0:

    app.directive('myReplacedDirective', function($compile) {
      return {
        restrict: 'E',
        template: '<input class="some">',
        replace: true
  • Otherwise use this:

    app.directive('myDirectiveWithScope', function() {
      return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
          ngModel: '=',
        template: '<div class="some"><input ng-model="ngModel"></div>'

Where can I download mysql jdbc jar from?

Here's a one-liner using Maven:

mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.38

Then, with default settings, it's available in:


Just replace the version number if you need a different one.

Interview question: Check if one string is a rotation of other string

Reverse one of the strings. Take the FFT of both (treating them as simple sequences of integers). Multiply the results together point-wise. Transform back using inverse FFT. The result will have a single peak if the strings are rotations of each other -- the position of the peak will indicate by how much they are rotated with respect to each other.

Redirect to Action in another controller

This should work

return RedirectToAction("actionName", "controllerName", null);

socket programming multiple client to one server

See O'Reilly "Java Cookbook", Ian Darwin - recipe 17.4 Handling Multiple Clients.

Pay attention that accept() is not thread safe, so the call is wrapped within synchronized.

64: synchronized(servSock) {
65:     clientSocket = servSock.accept();
66: }

How to populate a sub-document in mongoose after creating it?

I faced the same problem,but after hours of efforts i find the solution.It can be without using any external plugin:)

applicantListToExport: function (query, callback) {
   .find(query).select({'advtId': 0})
      path: 'influId',
      model: 'influencer',
      select: { '_id': 1,'user':1},
      populate: {
        path: 'userid',
        model: 'User'

How to remove single character from a String

In most use-cases using StringBuilder or substring is a good approach (as already answered). However, for performance critical code, this might be a good alternative.

 * Delete a single character from index position 'start' from the 'target' String.
 * ````
 * deleteAt("ABC", 0) -> "BC"
 * deleteAt("ABC", 1) -> "B"
 * deleteAt("ABC", 2) -> "C"
 * ````
public static String deleteAt(final String target, final int start) {
    return deleteAt(target, start, start + 1);

 * Delete the characters from index position 'start' to 'end' from the 'target' String.
 * ````
 * deleteAt("ABC", 0, 1) -> "BC"
 * deleteAt("ABC", 0, 2) -> "C"
 * deleteAt("ABC", 1, 3) -> "A"
 * ````
public static String deleteAt(final String target, final int start, int end) {
    final int targetLen = target.length();
    if (start < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("start=" + start);
    if (end > targetLen || end < start) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("end=" + end);
    if (start == 0) {
        return end == targetLen ? "" : target.substring(end);
    } else if (end == targetLen) {
        return target.substring(0, start);
    final char[] buffer = new char[targetLen - end + start];
    target.getChars(0, start, buffer, 0);
    target.getChars(end, targetLen, buffer, start);
    return new String(buffer);

addClass and removeClass in jQuery - not removing class

Try this :

$('.close-button').on('click', function(){

$('.element').on('click', function(){

I hope I understood your question.

Android - Spacing between CheckBox and text

        android:paddingRight="12dip" />

Accessing UI (Main) Thread safely in WPF

You can use

Dispatcher.Invoke(Delegate, object[])

on the Application's (or any UIElement's) dispatcher.

You can use it for example like this:

Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { /* Your code here */ }));


someControl.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { /* Your code here */ }));

How to import popper.js?

I really don't understand why Javascript world trying to do thing more complicated. Why not just download and include in html? Trying to have something like Maven in Java? But we have to manually include it in html anyway? So, what is the point? Maybe someday I will understand but not now.

This is how I can get it

  • download & install NodeJs
  • run "npm install popper.js --save"
  • then I get this message

    [email protected] added 1 package in 1.215s

  • then where is "add package" ? very informative , right? I found it in my C:\Users\surasin\node_modules\popper.js\dist

Hope this help

Hide separator line on one UITableViewCell

in viewDidLoad() {    

   tableView.separatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyle.None 


Truncate number to two decimal places without rounding

I know there are already few working examples, but I think it's worth to propose my String.toFixed equivalent, some may find it helpful.

That's my toFixed alternative, that don't round numbers, just truncates it or adds zeroes according to given precision. For extra long number it uses JS build-in rounding when precision is to long. Function works for all problematic number I've found on stack.

function toFixedFixed(value, precision = 0) {
    let stringValue = isNaN(+value) ? '0' : String(+value);

    if (stringValue.indexOf('e') > -1 || stringValue === 'Infinity' || stringValue === '-Infinity') {
        throw new Error('To large number to be processed');

    let [ beforePoint, afterPoint ] = stringValue.indexOf('.') > -1 ? stringValue.split('.') : [ stringValue, ''];

    // Force automatic rounding for some long real numbers that ends with 99X, by converting it to string, cutting off last digit, then adding extra nines and casting it on number again
    // e.g. 2.0199999999999996: +('2.019999999999999' + '9999') will give 2.02
    if (stringValue.length >= 17 && afterPoint.length > 2 && +afterPoint.substr(afterPoint.length - 3) > 995) {
        stringValue = String(+(stringValue.substr(0, afterPoint.length - 1) + '9'.repeat(stringValue.split('.').shift().length + 4)));
        [ beforePoint, afterPoint ] = String(stringValue).indexOf('.') > -1 ? stringValue.split('.') : [ stringValue, ''];

    if (precision === 0) {
        return beforePoint;
    } else if (afterPoint.length > precision) {
        return `${beforePoint}.${afterPoint.substr(0, precision)}`;
    } else {
        return `${beforePoint}.${afterPoint}${'0'.repeat(precision - afterPoint.length)}`;

Keep in mind that precision may not be handled properly for numbers of length 18 and greater, e.g. 64-bit Chrome will round it or add "e+" / "e-" to keep number's length at 18.

If you want to perform operations on real numbers it's safer to multiply it by Math.sqrt(10, precision) first, make the calculations, then dive result by multiplier's value.


0.06 + 0.01 is 0.06999999999999999, and every formatting function that's not rounding will truncate it to 0.06 for precision 2.

But if you'll perform same operation with multiplier&divider: (0.06 * 100 + 0.01 * 100) / 100, you'll get 0.07.

That's why it's so important to use such multiplier/divider when dealing with real numbers in javascript, especially when you're calculating money...

Bootstrap full-width text-input within inline-form

I know that this question is pretty old, but I stumbled upon it recently, found a solution that I liked better, and figured I'd share it.

Now that Bootstrap 5 is available, there's a new approach that works similarly to using input-groups, but looks more like an ordinary form, without any CSS tweaks:

<div class="row g-3 align-items-center">
    <div class="col-auto">
    <div class="col">
        <input class="form-control">
    <div class="col-auto">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Button</button>

The col-auto class makes those columns fit themselves to their contents (the label and the button in this case), and anything with a col class should be evenly distributed to take up the remaining space.

Dynamically Add C# Properties at Runtime

you could deserialize your json string into a dictionary and then add new properties then serialize it.

 var jsonString = @"{}";

        var jsonDoc = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, object>>(jsonString);

        jsonDoc.Add("Name", "Khurshid Ali");


Reset the Value of a Select Box

The easiest method without using javaScript is to put all your <select> dropdown inside a <form> tag and use form reset button. Example:

    <option selected>three</option>
  <input type="reset" value="Reset" />

Or, using JavaScript, it can be done in following way:

HTML Code:

  <option selected>one</option>
<button id="revert">Reset</button>

And JavaScript code:

const button = document.getElementById("revert");
const options = document.querySelectorAll('select option');
button.onclick = () => {
  for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
    options[i].selected = options[i].defaultSelected;

Both of these methods will work if you have multiple selected items or single selected item.

Using SSIS BIDS with Visual Studio 2012 / 2013

First Off, I object to this other question regarding Visual Studio 2015 as a duplicate question. How do I open SSRS (.rptproj) and SSIS (.dtproj) files in Visual Studio 2015? [duplicate]

Basically this question has the title ...Visual Studio 2012 / 2013 What about ALL the improvements and changes to VS 2015 ??? SSDT has been updated and changed. The entire way of doing various additions and updates is different.

So having vented / rant - I did open a VS 2015 update 2 instance and proceeded to open an existing solution that include a .rptproj project. Now this computer does not yet have sql server installed on it yet.

Solution for ME : Tools --> Extension and Updates --> Updates --> sql server tooling updates

Click on Update button and wait a long time and SSDT then installs and close visual studio 2015 and re-open and it works for me.

In case it is NOT found in VS 2015 for some reason : scroll to the bottom, pick your language iso

Python Library Path

I think you're looking for sys.path

import sys
print (sys.path)

Set transparent background using ImageMagick and commandline prompt

You can Use this to make the background transparent

convert test.png -background rgba(0,0,0,0) test1.png

The above gives the prefect transparent background

What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it?

I found this page after doing some sample exercises and having the exact same puzzlement.

============== I went from this code as provide by the sample ===============

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

    Map wordMap = new HashMap();
    if (args.length > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
            countWord(wordMap, args[i]);
    } else {
        getWordFrequency(, wordMap);
    for (Iterator i = wordMap.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
        System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " :\t" + entry.getValue());

====================== To This code ========================

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // replace with TreeMap to get them sorted by name
    Map<String, Integer> wordMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    if (args.length > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
            countWord(wordMap, args[i]);
    } else {
        getWordFrequency(, wordMap);
    for (Iterator<Entry<String, Integer>> i = wordMap.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        Entry<String, Integer> entry =;
        System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " :\t" + entry.getValue());



It may be safer but took 4 hours to demuddle the philosophy...

What is the largest Safe UDP Packet Size on the Internet

This article describes maximum transmission unit (MTU) It states that IP hosts must be able to process 576 bytes for an IP packet. However, it notes the minumum is 68. RFC 791: "Every internet module must be able to forward a datagram of 68 octets without further fragmentation. This is because an internet header may be up to 60 octets, and the minimum fragment is 8 octets."

Thus, safe packet size of 508 = 576 - 60 (IP header) - 8 (udp header) is reasonable.

As mentioned by user607811, fragmentation by other network layers must be reassembled. 3.3.2 Reassembly The IP layer MUST implement reassembly of IP datagrams. We designate the largest datagram size that can be reassembled by EMTU_R ("Effective MTU to receive"); this is sometimes called the "reassembly buffer size". EMTU_R MUST be greater than or equal to 576

java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer in java 1.6

The number of results can (theoretically) be greater than the range of an integer. I would refactor the code and work with the returned long value instead.

PHP PDO returning single row

how about using limit 0,1 for mysql optimisation

and about your code:

$DBH = new PDO( "connection string goes here" );

$STH - $DBH -> prepare( "select figure from table1" );

$STH -> execute();

$result = $STH ->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)

echo $result["figure"];

$DBH = null;

Pandas: how to change all the values of a column?

You can do a column transformation by using apply

Define a clean function to remove the dollar and commas and convert your data to float.

def clean(x):
    x = x.replace("$", "").replace(",", "").replace(" ", "")
    return float(x)

Next, call it on your column like this.

data['Revenue'] = data['Revenue'].apply(clean)

How do you add an action to a button programmatically in xcode

 UIButton *button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect];
[button addTarget:self 
[button setTitle:@"Show View" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
button.frame = CGRectMake(80.0, 210.0, 160.0, 40.0);
[view addSubview:button];   

What encoding/code page is cmd.exe using?

I've been frustrated for long by Windows code page issues, and the C programs portability and localisation issues they cause. The previous posts have detailed the issues at length, so I'm not going to add anything in this respect.

To make a long story short, eventually I ended up writing my own UTF-8 compatibility library layer over the Visual C++ standard C library. Basically this library ensures that a standard C program works right, in any code page, using UTF-8 internally.

This library, called MsvcLibX, is available as open source at Main features:

  • C sources encoded in UTF-8, using normal char[] C strings, and standard C library APIs.
  • In any code page, everything is processed internally as UTF-8 in your code, including the main() routine argv[], with standard input and output automatically converted to the right code page.
  • All stdio.h file functions support UTF-8 pathnames > 260 characters, up to 64 KBytes actually.
  • The same sources can compile and link successfully in Windows using Visual C++ and MsvcLibX and Visual C++ C library, and in Linux using gcc and Linux standard C library, with no need for #ifdef ... #endif blocks.
  • Adds include files common in Linux, but missing in Visual C++. Ex: unistd.h
  • Adds missing functions, like those for directory I/O, symbolic link management, etc, all with UTF-8 support of course :-).

More details in the MsvcLibX README on GitHub, including how to build the library and use it in your own programs.

The release section in the above GitHub repository provides several programs using this MsvcLibX library, that will show its capabilities. Ex: Try my which.exe tool with directories with non-ASCII names in the PATH, searching for programs with non-ASCII names, and changing code pages.

Another useful tool there is the conv.exe program. This program can easily convert a data stream from any code page to any other. Its default is input in the Windows code page, and output in the current console code page. This allows to correctly view data generated by Windows GUI apps (ex: Notepad) in a command console, with a simple command like: type WINFILE.txt | conv

This MsvcLibX library is by no means complete, and contributions for improving it are welcome!