[mysql] Rank function in MySQL

A tweak of Daniel's version to calculate percentile along with rank. Also two people with same marks will get the same rank.

set @totalStudents = 0;
select count(*) into @totalStudents from marksheets;
SELECT id, score, @curRank := IF(@prevVal=score, @curRank, @studentNumber) AS rank, 
@percentile := IF(@prevVal=score, @percentile, (@totalStudents - @studentNumber + 1)/(@totalStudents)*100),
@studentNumber := @studentNumber + 1 as studentNumber, 
FROM marksheets, (
SELECT @curRank :=0, @prevVal:=null, @studentNumber:=1, @percentile:=100
) r

Results of the query for a sample data -

| id | score | rank | percentile    | studentNumber | @prevVal:=score |
| 10 |    98 |    1 | 100.000000000 |             2 |              98 |
|  5 |    95 |    2 |  90.000000000 |             3 |              95 |
|  6 |    91 |    3 |  80.000000000 |             4 |              91 |
|  2 |    91 |    3 |  80.000000000 |             5 |              91 |
|  8 |    90 |    5 |  60.000000000 |             6 |              90 |
|  1 |    90 |    5 |  60.000000000 |             7 |              90 |
|  9 |    84 |    7 |  40.000000000 |             8 |              84 |
|  3 |    83 |    8 |  30.000000000 |             9 |              83 |
|  4 |    72 |    9 |  20.000000000 |            10 |              72 |
|  7 |    60 |   10 |  10.000000000 |            11 |              60 |