[networking] What is the largest Safe UDP Packet Size on the Internet

I've read a number of articles about UDP packet sizes but have been unable to come to a conclusion on whats correct.

A number of services restrict the largest UDP packet to 512 bytes (like dns)

Given the minimum MTU on the internet is 576 , and the size of the IPv4 header is 20 bytes, and the UDP header 8 bytes. This leaves 548 bytes available for user data

Would I be able to use packets up to the size of 548 without packet fragmentation? Or is there something the creators of DNS knew about, and that why they restricted it to 512 bytes.

Could I even go higher than 548 bytes safely?

This question is related to networking sockets udp ipv4

The answer is

512 is your best bet. It's used elsewhere and is a nice even number (half of 1024).

UDP is not "safe", so the question is not great - however -

  • if you are on a Mac the max size you can send by default is 9216 bytes.
  • if you are on Linux (CentOS/RedHat) or Windows 7 the max is 65507 bytes.

If you send 9217 or more (mac) or 65508+ (linux/windows), the socket send function returns with an error.

The above answers discussing fragmentation and MTU and so on are off topic - that all takes place at a lower level, is "invisible" to you, and does not affect "safety" on typical connections to a significant degree.

To answer the actual question meaning though - do not use UDP - use raw sockets so you get better control of everything; since you're writing a game, you need to delve into the flags to get priority into your traffic anyhow, so you may as well get rid of UDP issues at the same time.

IPv4 minimum reassembly buffer size is 576, IPv6 has it at 1500. Subtract header sizes from here. See UNIX Network Programming by W. Richard Stevens :)

Given that IPV6 has a size of 1500, I would assert that carriers would not provide separate paths for IPV4 and IPV6 (they are both IP with different types), forcing them to equipment for ipv4 that would be old, redundant, more costly to maintain and less reliable. It wouldn't make any sense. Besides, doing so might easily be considered providing preferential treatment for some traffic -- a no no under rules they probably don't care much about (unless they get caught).

So 1472 should be safe for external use (though that doesn't mean an app like DNS that doesn't know about EDNS will accept it), and if you are talking internal nets, you can more likely know your network layout in which case jumbo packet sizes apply for for non-fragmented packets so for 4096 - 4068 bytes, and for intel's cards with 9014 byte buffers, a package size of ... wait...8086 bytes, would be the max...coincidence? snicker


Various answers give maximum values allowed by 1 SW vendor or various answers assuming encapsulation. The user didn't ask for the lowest value possible (like "0" for a safe UDP size), but the largest safe packet size.

Encapsulation values for various layers can be included multiple times. Since once you've encapsulated a stream -- there is nothing prohibiting, say, a VPN layer below that and a complete duplication of encapsulation layers above that.

Since the question was about maximum safe values, I'm assuming that they are talking about the maximum safe value for a UDP packet that can be received. Since no UDP packet is guaranteed, if you receive a UDP packet, the largest safe size would be 1 packet over IPv4 or 1472 bytes.

Note -- if you are using IPv6, the maximum size would be 1452 bytes, as IPv6's header size is 40 bytes vs. IPv4's 20 byte size (and either way, one must still allow 8 bytes for the UDP header).

576 is the minimum maximum reassembly buffer size, i.e. each implementation must be able to reassemble packets of at least that size. See IETF RFC 1122 for details.

The maximum safe UDP payload is 508 bytes. This is a packet size of 576 (the "minimum maximum reassembly buffer size"), minus the maximum 60-byte IP header and the 8-byte UDP header.

Any UDP payload this size or smaller is guaranteed to be deliverable over IP (though not guaranteed to be delivered). Anything larger is allowed to be outright dropped by any router for any reason. Except on an IPv6-only route, where the maximum payload is 1,212 bytes. As others have mentioned, additional protocol headers could be added in some circumstances. A more conservative value of around 300-400 bytes may be preferred instead.

The maximum possible UDP payload is 67 KB, split into 45 IP packets, adding an additional 900 bytes of overhead (IPv4, MTU 1500, minimal 20-byte IP headers).

Any UDP packet may be fragmented. But this isn't too important, because losing a fragment has the same effect as losing an unfragmented packet: the entire packet is dropped. With UDP, this is going to happen either way.

IP packets include a fragment offset field, which indicates the byte offset of the UDP fragment in relation to its UDP packet. This field is 13-bit, allowing 8,192 values, which are in 8-byte units. So the range of such offsets an IP packet can refer to is 0...65,528 bytes. Being an offset, we add 1,480 for the last UDP fragment to get 67,008. Minus the UDP header in the first fragment gives us a nice, round 67 KB.

Sources: RFC 791, RFC 1122, RFC 2460

The theoretical limit (on Windows) for the maximum size of a UDP packet is 65507 bytes. This is documented here:

The correct maximum UDP message size is 65507, as determined by the following formula: 0xffff - (sizeof(IP Header) + sizeof(UDP Header)) = 65535-(20+8) = 65507

That being said, most protocols limit to a much smaller size - usually either 512 or occasionally 8192. You can often go higher than 548 safely if you are on a reliable network - but if you're broadcasting across the internet at large, the larger you go, the more likely you'll be to run into packet transmission problems and loss.

This article describes maximum transmission unit (MTU) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_transmission_unit. It states that IP hosts must be able to process 576 bytes for an IP packet. However, it notes the minumum is 68. RFC 791: "Every internet module must be able to forward a datagram of 68 octets without further fragmentation. This is because an internet header may be up to 60 octets, and the minimum fragment is 8 octets."

Thus, safe packet size of 508 = 576 - 60 (IP header) - 8 (udp header) is reasonable.

As mentioned by user607811, fragmentation by other network layers must be reassembled. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1122#page-56 3.3.2 Reassembly The IP layer MUST implement reassembly of IP datagrams. We designate the largest datagram size that can be reassembled by EMTU_R ("Effective MTU to receive"); this is sometimes called the "reassembly buffer size". EMTU_R MUST be greater than or equal to 576

I've read some good answers here; however, there are some minor mistakes. Some have answered that the Message Length field in the UDP header is a max of 65535 (0xFFFF); this is technically true. Some have answered that the actual maximum is (65535 - IPHL - UDPHL = 65507). The mistake, is that the Message Length field in the UDP Header includes all payload (Layers 5-7), plus the length of the UDP Header (8 Bytes). What this means is that if the message length field is 200 Bytes (0x00C8), the payload is actually 192 Bytes (0x00C0).

What is hard and fast is that the maximum size of an IP datagram is 65535 Bytes. This number is arrived at the sum total of the L3 and L4 headers, plus the Layers 5-7 payload. IP Header + UDP Header + Layers 5-7 = 65535 (Max).

The most correct answer for what is the maximum size of a UDP datagam is 65515 Bytes (0xFFEB), as a UDP datagram includes the UDP header. The most correct answer for what is the maximum size of a UDP payload is 65507 Bytes, as a UDP Payload does not include the UDP header.

I fear i incur upset reactions but nevertheless, to clarify for me if i'm wrong or those seeing this question and being interested in an answer:

my understanding of https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1122 whose status is "an official specification" and as such is the reference for the terminology used in this question and which is neither superseded by another RFC nor has errata contradicting the following:

theoretically, ie. based on the written spec., UDP like given by https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1122#section-4 has no "packet size". Thus the answer could be "indefinite"

In practice, which is what this questions likely seeked (and which could be updated for current tech in action), this might be different and I don't know.

I apologize if i caused upsetting. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1122#page-8 The "Internet Protocol Suite" and "Architectural Assumptions" don't make clear to me the "assumption" i was on, based on what I heard, that the layers are separate. Ie. the layer UDP is in does not have to concern itself with the layer IP is in (and the IP layer does have things like Reassembly, EMTU_R, Fragmentation and MMS_R (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1122#page-56))

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