Programs & Examples On #Splat

The `*` operator as used in Ruby. So called because it looks like an insect that's splatted on a windscreen.

proper name for python * operator?

The Python Tutorial simply calls it 'the *-operator'. It performs unpacking of arbitrary argument lists.

What's the meaning of "=>" (an arrow formed from equals & greater than) in JavaScript?

just to add another example of what a lambda can do without using map:

a = 10
b = 2

var mixed = (a,b) => a * b; 
// OR
var mixed = (a,b) => { (any logic); return a * b };

// 20

Usage of $broadcast(), $emit() And $on() in AngularJS

  • Broadcast: We can pass the value from parent to child (i.e parent -> child controller.)
  • Emit: we can pass the value from child to parent (i.e.child ->parent controller.)
  • On: catch the event dispatched by $broadcast or $emit.

How to loop through files matching wildcard in batch file

Echoing and f.out will seperate the concept of what to loop and what not to loop when used in a for /f loop.

::Get the files seperated
echo f.out>>files_to_pass_through.txt

for /F %%a in (files_to_pass_through.txt) do (
for /R %%b in (*.*) do (
if "%%a" NEQ "%%b" (
echo %%b>>dont_pass_through_these.txt
::I'm assuming the base name is the whole string "f".
::If I'm right then all the files begin with "f".
::So all you have to do is display "f". right?
::But that would be too easy.
::Let's do this the right way.
for /f %%C in (dont_pass_through_these.txt)
::displays the filename and not the extention
echo %~nC

Although you didn't ask, a good way to pass commands into and f.out would be to...

for /F %%D "tokens=*" in (dont_pass_through_these.txt) do (
for /F %%E in (%%D) do (
start /wait %%E

A link to all the Windows XP commands:link

I apologize if I did not answer this correctly. The question was very hard for me to read.

How do I remove trailing whitespace using a regular expression?

The platform is not specified, but in C# (.NET) it would be:

Regular expression (presumes the multiline option - the example below uses it):

    [ \t]+(\r?$)



For an explanation of "\r?$", see Regular Expression Options, Multiline Mode (MSDN).

Code example

This will remove all trailing spaces and all trailing TABs in all lines:

string inputText = "     Hello, World!  \r\n" +
                   "  Some other line\r\n" +
                   "     The last line  ";
string cleanedUpText = Regex.Replace(inputText,
                                     @"[ \t]+(\r?$)", @"$1",

Post-increment and pre-increment within a 'for' loop produce same output

Compilers translate

for (a; b; c)



So in your case (post/pre- increment) it doesn't matter.

EDIT: continues are simply replaced by goto end;

How to check string length with JavaScript

Leaving a reply (and an answer to the question title), For the future googlers...

You can use .length to get the length of a string.

var x = 'Mozilla'; var empty = '';

console.log('Mozilla is ' + x.length + ' code units long');

/*"Mozilla is 7 code units long" */

console.log('The empty string has a length of ' + empty.length);

/*"The empty string has a length of 0" */

If you intend to get the length of a textarea say id="txtarea" then you can use the following code.

txtarea = document.getElementById('txtarea');

You should be able to get away with using this with BMP Unicode symbols. If you want to support "non BMP Symbols" like (), then its an edge case, and you need to find some work around.

How to make a variable accessible outside a function?

Your variable declarations and their scope are correct. The problem you are facing is that the first AJAX request may take a little bit time to finish. Therefore, the second URL will be filled with the value of sID before the its content has been set. You have to remember that AJAX request are normally asynchronous, i.e. the code execution goes on while the data is being fetched in the background.

You have to nest the requests:

$.getJSON(""+input+"?api_key=API_KEY_HERE"  , function(name){   obj = name;   // sID is only now available!   sID =;   console.log(sID); }); 

Clean up your code!

  • Put the second request into a function
  • and let it accept sID as a parameter, so you don't have to declare it globally anymore! (Global variables are almost always evil!)
  • Remove sID and obj variables - is sufficient unless you really need the other variables outside the function.

$.getJSON(""+input+"?api_key=API_KEY_HERE"  , function(name){   // We don't need sID or obj here - is sufficient   console.log(;    doSecondRequest(; });  /// TODO Choose a better name function doSecondRequest(sID) {   $.getJSON("" + sID + "/summary?api_key=API_KEY_HERE", function(stats){         console.log(stats);   }); } 

Hapy New Year :)

What is the difference between i++ and ++i?

int i = 0;
Console.WriteLine(i++); // Prints 0. Then value of "i" becomes 1.
Console.WriteLine(--i); // Value of "i" becomes 0. Then prints 0.

Does this answer your question ?

JavaScript/JQuery: $(window).resize how to fire AFTER the resize is completed?

I use the following function for delaying repeated actions, it will work for your case:

var delay = (function(){
  var timer = 0;
  return function(callback, ms){
    clearTimeout (timer);
    timer = setTimeout(callback, ms);


$(window).resize(function() {
    }, 500);

The callback function passed to it, will execute only when the last call to delay has been made after the specified amount of time, otherwise a timer will be reset, I find this useful for other purposes like detecting when the user stopped typing, etc...

Git push failed, "Non-fast forward updates were rejected"

I've hade the same problem. I resolved with

git checkout <name branch>
git pull origin <name branch>
git push origin <name branch>

MySQL LEFT JOIN Multiple Conditions

Correct answer is simply:

SELECT a.group_id
LEFT JOIN b ON a.group_id=b.group_id  and b.user_id = 4
where b.user_id is null
  and a.keyword like '%keyword%'

Here we are checking user_id = 4 (your user id from the session). Since we have it in the join criteria, it will return null values for any row in table b that does not match the criteria - ie, any group that that user_id is NOT in.

From there, all we need to do is filter for the null values, and we have all the groups that your user is not in.

demo here

Set width of dropdown element in HTML select dropdown options

u can simply use "width" attribute of "style" to change the length of the dropdown box

<select class="my_dropdown" id="my_dropdown" style="width:APPROPRIATE WIDTH IN PIXLES">
<option value="1">LONG OPTION</option>
<option value="2">short</option>



Generating random strings with T-SQL

select left(NEWID(),5)

This will return the 5 left most characters of the guid string

Example run

Why is PHP session_destroy() not working?

I had to also remove session cookies like this:

$_SESSION = []; 

// If it's desired to kill the session, also 
// delete the session cookie. 
// Note: This will destroy the session, and 
// not just the session data! 
if (ini_get("session.use_cookies")) { 
    $params = session_get_cookie_params(); 
    setcookie(session_name(), '', time() - 42000, 
        $params["path"], $params["domain"], 
        $params["secure"], $params["httponly"] 

// Finally, destroy the session. 


Chrome Extension - Get DOM content

For those who tried gkalpak answer and it did not work,

be aware that chrome will add the content script to a needed page only when your extension enabled during chrome launch and also a good idea restart browser after making these changes

Python: How to ignore an exception and proceed?

Generic answer

The standard "nop" in Python is the pass statement:

except Exception:

Using except Exception instead of a bare except avoid catching exceptions like SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt etc.

Python 2

Because of the last thrown exception being remembered in Python 2, some of the objects involved in the exception-throwing statement are being kept live indefinitely (actually, until the next exception). In case this is important for you and (typically) you don't need to remember the last thrown exception, you might want to do the following instead of pass:

except Exception:

This clears the last thrown exception.

Python 3

In Python 3, the variable that holds the exception instance gets deleted on exiting the except block. Even if the variable held a value previously, after entering and exiting the except block it becomes undefined again.

How does one sum only those rows in excel not filtered out?

You need to use the SUBTOTAL function. The SUBTOTAL function ignores rows that have been excluded by a filter.

The formula would look like this:


The function number 9, tells it to use the SUM function on the data range B1:B20.

If you are 'filtering' by hiding rows, the function number should be updated to 109.


The function number 109 is for the SUM function as well, but hidden rows are ignored.

How to select count with Laravel's fluent query builder?

You can use an array in the select() to define more columns and you can use the DB::raw() there with aliasing it to followers. Should look like this:

$query = DB::table('category_issue')
    ->select(array('issues.*', DB::raw('COUNT(issue_subscriptions.issue_id) as followers')))
    ->where('category_id', '=', 1)
    ->join('issues', 'category_issue.issue_id', '=', '')
    ->left_join('issue_subscriptions', '', '=', 'issue_subscriptions.issue_id')
    ->order_by('followers', 'desc')

facet label font size

This should get you started:

R> qplot(hwy, cty, data = mpg) + 
       facet_grid(. ~ manufacturer) + 
       theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 8, colour = "orange", angle = 90))

See also this question: How can I manipulate the strip text of facet plots in ggplot2?

MySQL does not start when upgrading OSX to Yosemite or El Capitan

Open a terminal:

  1. Check MySQL system pref panel, if it says something along the line "Warning, /usr/local/mysql/data is not owned by 'mysql' or '_mysql'

  2. If yes, go to the mysql folder cd /usr/local/mysql

  3. do a sudo chown -R _mysql data/

  4. This will change ownership of the /usr/local/mysql/data and all of its content to own by user '_mysql'

  5. Check MySQL system pref panel, it should be saying it's running now, auto-magically. If not start again.

  6. Another way to confirm is to do a

    netstat -na | grep 3306

It should say:

tcp46      0      0  *.3306                 *.*                    LISTEN

To see the process owner and process id of the mysqld:

ps aux | grep mysql

How to create duplicate table with new name in SQL Server 2008

Right click on the table in SQL Management Studio.

Select Script... Create to... New Query Window.

This will generate a script to recreate the table in a new query window.

Change the name of the table in the script to whatever you want the new table to be named.

Execute the script.

How to validate an email address in PHP

I think you might be better off using PHP's inbuilt filters - in this particular case:

It can return a true or false when supplied with the FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL param.

In Java, how do I call a base class's method from the overriding method in a derived class?

Answer is as follows:

super();                // calls base class Superclass constructor.
super(parameter list);          // calls base class parameterized constructor.
super.method();         // calls base class method.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Java for a Complete Newbie?

The main question is whether you've done any programming in the past since that may be the main effort. I would suspect that if you had not, you could get by but not necessarily do well. You indicate that you didn't have any programming experience, so this is where you are going to have most problems and spend most of your time. Java would not necessarily be faster or slower to learn than other similar languages.

Sun's Java tutorials are great, but unfortunately programming is one of the things where practice is necessary, and that depends on your free time. It's also necessary to stop and practice frequently rather than after reading half a book. If you devoted 10 weeks full time to it - yes, it's quite doable for some people. After all, college students become passable developers in one academic year where they take other unrelated courses.

I would focus on figuring out Java fully first without trying for J2ME. Then you can make the switch.

In addition, realize that there's a big difference between the language and the standard library. The important thing is to learn the language. There are certain standard library calls that everyone uses and are critical to learn, but they're not part of the language. However, you'll never really know the entire library (Though you'll learn from exprience). It's more important to learn how to find the functionality that you're looking for then to know exactly what it is or where to find it. The important thing is to avoid reinventing the wheel.

Also, realize that you may only be a passable developer at the end. Experience takes time and often can't be hastened.

In addition, even if you learn to program you will miss some of the critical general CS knowledge like data structures and algorithms. Programming books rarely teach that, you will have to learn that yourself (see, for example, the TopCoder tutorials).

What is sharding and why is it important?

Sharding does more than just horizontal partitioning. According to the wikipedia article,

Horizontal partitioning splits one or more tables by row, usually within a single instance of a schema and a database server. It may offer an advantage by reducing index size (and thus search effort) provided that there is some obvious, robust, implicit way to identify in which partition a particular row will be found, without first needing to search the index, e.g., the classic example of the 'CustomersEast' and 'CustomersWest' tables, where their zip code already indicates where they will be found.

Sharding goes beyond this: it partitions the problematic table(s) in the same way, but it does this across potentially multiple instances of the schema. The obvious advantage would be that search load for the large partitioned table can now be split across multiple servers (logical or physical), not just multiple indexes on the same logical server.


Splitting shards across multiple isolated instances requires more than simple horizontal partitioning. The hoped-for gains in efficiency would be lost, if querying the database required both instances to be queried, just to retrieve a simple dimension table. Beyond partitioning, sharding thus splits large partitionable tables across the servers, while smaller tables are replicated as complete units

How do I get a specific range of numbers from rand()?

Updated to not use a #define

double RAND(double min, double max)
    return (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX * (max - min) + min;

Pass a PHP array to a JavaScript function

Data transfer between two platform requires a common data format. JSON is a common global format to send cross platform data.

drawChart(600/50, JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode($day); ?>'), JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode($week); ?>'), JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode($month); ?>'), JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode(createDatesArray(cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m',strtotime('-1 day')), date('Y',strtotime('-1 day'))))); ?>'))

This is the answer to your question. The answer may look very complex. You can see a simple example describing the communication between server side and client side here

$employee = array(
 "employee_id" => 10011,
   "Name" => "Nathan",
   "Skills" =>
           "documentation" =>

Conversion to JSON format is required to send the data back to client application ie, JavaScript. PHP has a built in function json_encode(), which can convert any data to JSON format. The output of the json_encode function will be a string like this.

    "employee_id": 10011,
    "Name": "Nathan",
    "Skills": {
        "0": "analyzing",
        "documentation": [

On the client side, success function will get the JSON string. Javascript also have JSON parsing function JSON.parse() which can convert the string back to JSON object.

        type: 'POST',
        headers: {
            "cache-control": "no-cache"
        url: "employee.php",
        async: false,
        cache: false,
        data: {
            employee_id: 10011
        success: function (jsonString) {
            var employeeData = JSON.parse(jsonString); // employeeData variable contains employee array.

System.Collections.Generic.List does not contain a definition for 'Select'

You need to have the System.Linq namespace included in your view since Select is an extension method. You have a couple of options on how to do this:

Add @using System.Linq to the top of your cshtml file.

If you find that you will be using this namespace often in many of your views, you can do this for all views by modifying the web.config inside of your Views folder (not the one at the root). You should see a pages/namespace XML element, create a new add child that adds System.Linq. Here is an example:

                <add namespace="System.Linq" />

How to increment a number by 2 in a PHP For Loop

  for ($n = 0; $n <= 7; $n++) {
    echo '<p>'.($n + 1).'</p>';
    echo '<p>'.($n * 2 + 1).'</p>';

First paragraph:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Second paragraph:

1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15

file_put_contents(meta/services.json): failed to open stream: Permission denied

For googlers who has been facing this problem with Laravel 5.

This is a permission issue caused by different users trying to write at the same log file within the storage/logs folder with different permissions.

What happens is your laravel config probably is setup to log errors daily and therefore your webserver (apache/nginx) might create this file under a default user depending on your environment it can be something like _www on OSX or www-data on *NIX systems, then the issue comes when you might have run some artisan commands and got some errors, so the artisan will write this file but with a different user because PHP on terminal is executed by a different user actually your login user, you can check it out by running this command:

php -i | grep USER

If your login user created that log file your webserver you will not be able to write errors in it and vice-versa because laravel writes log files with 655 permissions by default which only allows the owner to write in it.

To fix this temporary you have to manually give permissions for the group 664 to this file so both your login user and webserver user can write to that log file.

To avoid this issue permanently you may want to setup a proper permissions when a new file is create within the storage/logs dir by inheriting the permissions from the directory this answer can help you to tackle with that.

Android ListView Divider

The problem you're having stems from the fact that you're missing android:dividerHeight, which you need, and the fact that you're trying to specify a line weight in your drawable, which you can't do with dividers for some odd reason. Essentially to get your example to work you could do something like the following:

Create your drawable as either a rectangle or a line, either works you just can't try to set any dimensions on it, so either:

<shape xmlns:android="" android:shape="line">
     <stroke android:color="#8F8F8F" android:dashWidth="1dp" android:dashGap="1dp" />


<shape xmlns:android=""  android:shape="rectangle">
     <solid android:color="#8F8F8F"/>

Then create a custom style (just a preference but I like to be able to reuse stuff)

<style name="dividedListStyle" parent="@android:style/Widget.ListView">
    <item name="android:cacheColorHint">@android:color/transparent</item>
    <item name="android:divider">@drawable/list_divider</item>
    <item name="android:dividerHeight">1dp</item>

Finally declare your list view using the custom style:


I'm assuming you know how to use these snippets, if not let me know. Basically the answer to your question is that you can't set the divider thickness in the drawable, you have to leave the width undefined there and use android:dividerHeight to set it instead.

jQuery find and replace string

Why you just don't add a class to the string container and then replace the inner text ? Just like in this example.


             <a class="swapText">lollipops</a>
        <span class="swapText">lollipops</span>
   <span class="lollipops">Hello, World!</span>
   <img src="/lollipops.jpg" alt="Cool image" />


$(document).ready(function() {

How to make external HTTP requests with Node.js

node-http-proxy is a great solution as was suggested by @hross above. If you're not deadset on using node, we use NGINX to do the same thing. It works really well with node. We use it for example to process SSL requests before forwarding them to node. It can also handle cacheing and forwarding routes. Yay!

Get GPS location via a service in Android

Just complementing, I implemented this way and usually worked in my Service class

In my Service

public void onCreate()
    mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());;

public void onDestroy() 

public void run()

Handling exceptions from Java ExecutorService tasks

WARNING: It should be noted that this solution will block the calling thread.

If you want to process exceptions thrown by the task, then it is generally better to use Callable rather than Runnable. is permitted to throw checked exceptions, and these get propagated back to the calling thread:

Callable task = ...
Future future = executor.submit(task);
try {
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {

If throws an exception, this will be wrapped in an ExecutionException and thrown by Future.get().

This is likely to be much preferable to subclassing ThreadPoolExecutor. It also gives you the opportunity to re-submit the task if the exception is a recoverable one.

Can I invoke an instance method on a Ruby module without including it?

A. In case you, always want to call them in a "qualified", standalone way (UsefulThings.get_file), then just make them static as others pointed out,

module UsefulThings
  def self.get_file; ...
  def self.delete_file; ...

  def self.format_text(x); ...

  # Or.. make all of the "static"
  class << self
     def write_file; ...
     def commit_file; ...


B. If you still want to keep the mixin approach in same cases, as well the one-off standalone invocation, you can have a one-liner module that extends itself with the mixin:

module UsefulThingsMixin
  def get_file; ...
  def delete_file; ...

  def format_text(x); ...

module UsefulThings
  extend UsefulThingsMixin

So both works then:

  UsefulThings.get_file()       # one off

   class MyUser
      include UsefulThingsMixin  
      def f
         format_text             # all useful things available directly

IMHO it's cleaner than module_function for every single method - in case want all of them.

How can I get a list of repositories 'apt-get' is checking?

As far as I know, you can't ask apt for what their current sources are. However, you can do what you want using shell tools.

Getting a list of repositories:

grep -h ^deb /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* >> current.repos.list

Applying the list:

apt-add-repository << current.repos.list

Regarding getting the repository from a package (installed or available), this will do the trick:

apt-cache policy package_name | grep -m1 http | awk '{ print $2 " " $3 }'

However, that will show you the repository of the latest version available of that package, and you may have more repositories for the same package with older versions. Remove all the grep/awk stuff if you want to see the full list.

How to check date of last change in stored procedure or function in SQL server

FROM sys.objects
WHERE type IN ('FN', 'IF', 'TF') 
AND name = 'dgdsgds'

Can I use CASE statement in a JOIN condition?

I think you need two case statements:

FROM    sys.indexes i
    JOIN sys.partitions p
        ON i.index_id = p.index_id 
    JOIN sys.allocation_units a
        -- left side of join on statement
               WHEN a.type IN (1, 3)
                   THEN a.container_id
               WHEN a.type IN (2)
                   THEN a.container_id
        -- right side of join on statement
               WHEN a.type IN (1, 3)
                   THEN p.hobt_id
               WHEN a.type IN (2)
                   THEN p.partition_id

This is because:

  • the CASE statement returns a single value at the END
  • the ON statement compares two values
  • your CASE statement was doing the comparison inside of the CASE statement. I would guess that if you put your CASE statement in your SELECT you would get a boolean '1' or '0' indicating whether the CASE statement evaluated to True or False

Elasticsearch difference between MUST and SHOULD bool query

must means: The clause (query) must appear in matching documents. These clauses must match, like logical AND.

should means: At least one of these clauses must match, like logical OR.

Basically they are used like logical operators AND and OR. See this.

Now in a bool query:

must means: Clauses that must match for the document to be included.

should means: If these clauses match, they increase the _score; otherwise, they have no effect. They are simply used to refine the relevance score for each document.

Yes you can use multiple filters inside must.

Hide axis and gridlines Highcharts

For the yAxis you'll also need:

gridLineColor: 'transparent',

Python Progress Bar

If your work can't be broken down into measurable chunks, you could call your function in a new thread and time how long it takes:

import thread
import time
import sys

def work():
    time.sleep( 5 )

def locked_call( func, lock ):

lock = thread.allocate_lock()
thread.start_new_thread( locked_call, ( work, lock, ) )

# This part is icky...
while( not lock.locked() ):
    time.sleep( 0.1 )

while( lock.locked() ):
    sys.stdout.write( "*" )
    time.sleep( 1 )
print "\nWork Done"

You can obviously increase the timing precision as required.

How does Git handle symbolic links?

You can find out what Git does with a file by seeing what it does when you add it to the index. The index is like a pre-commit. With the index committed, you can use git checkout to bring everything that was in the index back into the working directory. So, what does Git do when you add a symbolic link to the index?

To find out, first, make a symbolic link:

$ ln -s /path/referenced/by/symlink symlink

Git doesn't know about this file yet. git ls-files lets you inspect your index (-s prints stat-like output):

$ git ls-files -s ./symlink

Now, add the contents of the symbolic link to the Git object store by adding it to the index. When you add a file to the index, Git stores its contents in the Git object store.

$ git add ./symlink

So, what was added?

$ git ls-files -s ./symlink
120000 1596f9db1b9610f238b78dd168ae33faa2dec15c 0       symlink

The hash is a reference to the packed object that was created in the Git object store. You can examine this object if you look in .git/objects/15/96f9db1b9610f238b78dd168ae33faa2dec15c in the root of your repository. This is the file that Git stores in the repository, that you can later check out. If you examine this file, you'll see it is very small. It does not store the contents of the linked file. To confirm this, print the contents of the packed repository object with git cat-file:

$ git cat-file -p 1596f9db1b9610f238b78dd168ae33faa2dec15c

(Note 120000 is the mode listed in ls-files output. It would be something like 100644 for a regular file.)

But what does Git do with this object when you check it out from the repository and into your filesystem? It depends on the core.symlinks config. From man git-config:


If false, symbolic links are checked out as small plain files that contain the link text.

So, with a symbolic link in the repository, upon checkout you either get a text file with a reference to a full filesystem path, or a proper symbolic link, depending on the value of the core.symlinks config.

Either way, the data referenced by the symlink is not stored in the repository.

Getting text from td cells with jQuery

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('td').on('click', function() {
    var value = $this.text();

How do I update pip itself from inside my virtual environment?

The more safe method is to run pip though a python module:

python -m pip install -U pip

On windows there seem to be a problem with binaries that try to replace themselves, this method works around that limitation.

Generating CSV file for Excel, how to have a newline inside a value

Newline inside a value seems to work if you use semicolon as separator, instead of comma or tab, and use quotes.

This works for me in both Excel 2010 and Excel 2000. However, surprisingly, it works only when you open the file as a new spreadsheet, not when you import it into an existing spreadsheet using the data import feature.

node and Error: EMFILE, too many open files

I just finished writing a little snippet of code to solve this problem myself, all of the other solutions appear way too heavyweight and require you to change your program structure.

This solution just stalls any fs.readFile or fs.writeFile calls so that there are no more than a set number in flight at any given time.

// Queuing reads and writes, so your nodejs script doesn't overwhelm system limits catastrophically
global.maxFilesInFlight = 100; // Set this value to some number safeish for your system
var origRead = fs.readFile;
var origWrite = fs.writeFile;

var activeCount = 0;
var pending = [];

var wrapCallback = function(cb){
    return function(){
        if (activeCount < global.maxFilesInFlight && pending.length){
            console.log("Processing Pending read/write");
fs.readFile = function(){
    var args =;
    if (activeCount < global.maxFilesInFlight){
        if (args[1] instanceof Function){
            args[1] = wrapCallback(args[1]);
        } else if (args[2] instanceof Function) {
            args[2] = wrapCallback(args[2]);
    } else {
        console.log("Delaying read:",args[0]);

fs.writeFile = function(){
    var args =;
    if (activeCount < global.maxFilesInFlight){
        if (args[1] instanceof Function){
            args[1] = wrapCallback(args[1]);
        } else if (args[2] instanceof Function) {
            args[2] = wrapCallback(args[2]);
    } else {
        console.log("Delaying write:",args[0]);

how do I make a single legend for many subplots with matplotlib?

There is also a nice function get_legend_handles_labels() you can call on the last axis (if you iterate over them) that would collect everything you need from label= arguments:

handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
fig.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper center')

What is an example of the simplest possible example?

Edit: I feel it's better for anyone to consult the excellent chat example on the Socket.IO getting started page. The API has been quite simplified since I provided this answer. That being said, here is the original answer updated small-small for the newer API.

Just because I feel nice today:


<!doctype html>
        <script src='/'></script>
            var socket = io();

            socket.on('welcome', function(data) {

                // Respond with a message including this clients' id sent from the server
                socket.emit('i am client', {data: 'foo!', id:});
            socket.on('time', function(data) {
            socket.on('error', console.error.bind(console));
            socket.on('message', console.log.bind(console));

            function addMessage(message) {
                var text = document.createTextNode(message),
                    el = document.createElement('li'),
                    messages = document.getElementById('messages');

        <ul id='messages'></ul>


var http = require('http'),
    fs = require('fs'),
    // NEVER use a Sync function except at start-up!
    index = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/index.html');

// Send index.html to all requests
var app = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});

// server listens to our app
var io = require('').listen(app);

// Send current time to all connected clients
function sendTime() {
    io.emit('time', { time: new Date().toJSON() });

// Send current time every 10 secs
setInterval(sendTime, 10000);

// Emit welcome message on connection
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
    // Use socket to communicate with this particular client only, sending it it's own id
    socket.emit('welcome', { message: 'Welcome!', id: });

    socket.on('i am client', console.log);


How can I convert a DateTime to an int?

string date = DateTime.Now.ToString();

date = date.Replace("/", "");
date = date.Replace(":", "");
date = date.Replace(" ", "");
date = date.Replace("AM", "");
date = date.Replace("PM", "");            
return date;

Cut Java String at a number of character

Jakarta Commons StringUtils.abbreviate(). If, for some reason you don't want to use a 3rd-party library, at least copy the source code.

One big benefit of this over the other answers to date is that it won't throw if you pass in a null.

What do 'lazy' and 'greedy' mean in the context of regular expressions?

As far as I know, most regex engine is greedy by default. Add a question mark at the end of quantifier will enable lazy match.

As @Andre S mentioned in comment.

  • Greedy: Keep searching until condition is not satisfied.
  • Lazy: Stop searching once condition is satisfied.

Refer to the example below for what is greedy and what is lazy.

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String args[]){
        String money = "100000000999";
        String greedyRegex = "100(0*)";
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(greedyRegex);
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(money);
            System.out.println("I'm greeedy and I want " + + " dollars. This is the most I can get.");

        String lazyRegex = "100(0*?)";
        pattern = Pattern.compile(lazyRegex);
        matcher = pattern.matcher(money);
            System.out.println("I'm too lazy to get so much money, only " + + " dollars is enough for me");

The result is:

I'm greeedy and I want 100000000 dollars. This is the most I can get.

I'm too lazy to get so much money, only 100 dollars is enough for me

How do you tell if a string contains another string in POSIX sh?

Here is a link to various solutions of your issue.

This is my favorite as it makes the most human readable sense:

The Star Wildcard Method

if [[ "$string" == *"$substring"* ]]; then
    return 1
return 0

How do I keep a label centered in WinForms?

Set Label's AutoSize property to False, TextAlign property to MiddleCenter and Dock property to Fill.

eslint: error Parsing error: The keyword 'const' is reserved

In my case, it was unable to find the .eslintrc file so I copied from node_modules/.bin to root.

How do I divide so I get a decimal value?

I mean it's quite simple. Set it as a double. So lets say

double answer = 3.0/2.0;

Should each and every table have a primary key?

To make it future proof you really should. If you want to replicate it you'll need one. If you want to join it to another table your life (and that of the poor fools who have to maintain it next year) will be so much easier.

How to compile a 64-bit application using Visual C++ 2010 Express?

Note that Visual C++ compilers are removed when you upgrade Visual Studio 2010 Professional or Visual Studio 2010 Express to Visual Studio 2010 SP1 if Windows SDK v7.1 is installed.

For instructions on resolving this, see KB2519277 on the Microsoft Support site.

DataGrid get selected rows' column values

I did something similar but I use binding to get the selected item :

<DataGrid Grid.Row="1" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Name="dataGrid"
          IsReadOnly="True" SelectionMode="Single"
          ItemsSource="{Binding ObservableContactList}" 
          SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedContact}">
    <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Path=Name}" Header="Name"/>
    <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Path=FamilyName}" Header="FamilyName"/>
    <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Path=Age}" Header="Age"/>
    <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Path=Relation}" Header="Relation"/>
    <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Path=Phone.Display}" Header="Phone"/>
    <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Path=Address.Display}" Header="Addr"/>
    <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Path=Mail}" Header="E-mail"/>

So I can access my SelectedContact.Name in my ViewModel.

What do <o:p> elements do anyway?

Couldn't find any official documentation (no surprise there) but according to this interesting article, those elements are injected in order to enable Word to convert the HTML back to fully compatible Word document, with everything preserved.

The relevant paragraph:

Microsoft added the special tags to Word's HTML with an eye toward backward compatibility. Microsoft wanted you to be able to save files in HTML complete with all of the tracking, comments, formatting, and other special Word features found in traditional DOC files. If you save a file in HTML and then reload it in Word, theoretically you don't loose anything at all.

This makes lots of sense.

For your specific question.. the o in the <o:p> means "Office namespace" so anything following the o: in a tag means "I'm part of Office namespace" - in case of <o:p> it just means paragraph, the equivalent of the ordinary <p> tag.

I assume that every HTML tag has its Office "equivalent" and they have more.

Enable ASP.NET ASMX web service for HTTP POST / GET requests

Actually, I found a somewhat quirky way to do this. Add the protocol to your web.config, but inside a location element. Specify the webservice location as the path attribute, like so:

<location path="YourWebservice.asmx">
        <add name="HttpGet"/>
        <add name="HttpPost"/>

Reading a JSP variable from JavaScript

The cleanest way, as far as I know:

  1. add your JSP variable to an HTML element's data-* attribute
  2. then read this value via Javascript when required

My opinion regarding the current solutions on this SO page: reading "directly" JSP values using java scriplet inside actual javascript code is probably the most disgusting thing you could do. Makes me wanna puke. haha. Seriously, try to not do it.

The HTML part without JSP:

<body data-customvalueone="1st Interpreted Jsp Value" data-customvaluetwo="another Interpreted Jsp Value">
    Here is your regular page main content

The HTML part when using JSP:

<body data-customvalueone="${beanName.attrName}" data-customvaluetwo="${beanName.scndAttrName}">
    Here is your regular page main content

The javascript part (using jQuery for simplicity):

<script type="text/JavaScript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
        var valuePassedFromJSP = $("body").attr("data-customvalueone");
        var anotherValuePassedFromJSP = $("body").attr("data-customvaluetwo");

        alert(valuePassedFromJSP + " and " + anotherValuePassedFromJSP + " are the values passed from your JSP page");

And here is the jsFiddle to see this in action


sqlplus statement from command line

My version

$ sqlplus -s username/password@host:port/service <<< "select 1 from dual;"



For multiline you can use this

$ echo -e "select 1 from dual; \n select 2 from dual;" | sqlplus -s username/password@host:port/service



How may I sort a list alphabetically using jQuery?

Put the list in an array, use JavaScript's .sort(), which is by default alphabetical, then convert the array back to a list.

Minimum and maximum date

As you can see, 01/01/1970 returns 0, which means it is the lowest possible date.

new Date('1970-01-01Z00:00:00:000') //returns Thu Jan 01 1970 01:00:00 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
new Date('1970-01-01Z00:00:00:000').getTime() //returns 0
new Date('1970-01-01Z00:00:00:001').getTime() //returns 1

C# Syntax - Split String into Array by Comma, Convert To Generic List, and Reverse Order

Try this:

List<string> names = new List<string>("Tom,Scott,Bob".Split(','));

Getting an odd error, SQL Server query using `WITH` clause

In some cases this also occurs if you have table hints and you have spaces between WITH clause and your hint, so best to type it like:

INNER JOIN Table2 t2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON t1.Column1 = t2.Column1

And not:

INNER JOIN Table2 t2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON t1.Column1 = t2.Column1

What does jQuery.fn mean?

jQuery.fn is defined shorthand for jQuery.prototype. From the source code:

jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
    // ...

That means jQuery.fn.jquery is an alias for jQuery.prototype.jquery, which returns the current jQuery version. Again from the source code:

// The current version of jQuery being used
jquery: "@VERSION",

Multiple Indexes vs Multi-Column Indexes

Yes. I recommend you check out Kimberly Tripp's articles on indexing.

If an index is "covering", then there is no need to use anything but the index. In SQL Server 2005, you can also add additional columns to the index that are not part of the key which can eliminate trips to the rest of the row.

Having multiple indexes, each on a single column may mean that only one index gets used at all - you will have to refer to the execution plan to see what effects different indexing schemes offer.

You can also use the tuning wizard to help determine what indexes would make a given query or workload perform the best.

Read lines from a text file but skip the first two lines

Dim sFileName As String
Dim iFileNum As Integer
Dim sBuf As String
Dim Fields as String
Dim TempStr as String

sFileName = "c:\fields.ini"
''//Does the file exist?
If Len(Dir$(sFileName)) = 0 Then
    MsgBox ("Cannot find fields.ini")
End If

iFileNum = FreeFile()
Open sFileName For Input As iFileNum

''//This part skips the first two lines
if not(EOF(iFileNum)) Then Line Input #iFilenum, TempStr
if not(EOF(iFileNum)) Then Line Input #iFilenum, TempStr

Do While Not EOF(iFileNum)
    Line Input #iFileNum, Fields

    MsgBox (Fields)

How to have an automatic timestamp in SQLite?

Reading datefunc a working example of automatic datetime completion would be:

sqlite> CREATE TABLE 'test' ( 
   ...>    'id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
   ...>    'dt1' DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT (datetime(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'localtime')), 
   ...>    'dt2' DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'now', 'localtime')), 
   ...>    'dt3' DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', 'now', 'localtime'))
   ...> );

Let's insert some rows in a way that initiates automatic datetime completion:

sqlite> INSERT INTO 'test' ('id') VALUES (null);
sqlite> INSERT INTO 'test' ('id') VALUES (null);

The stored data clearly shows that the first two are the same but not the third function:

sqlite> SELECT * FROM 'test';
1|2017-09-26 09:10:08|2017-09-26 09:10:08|2017-09-26 09:10:08.053
2|2017-09-26 09:10:56|2017-09-26 09:10:56|2017-09-26 09:10:56.894

Pay attention that SQLite functions are surrounded in parenthesis! How difficult was this to show it in one example?

Have fun!

JQuery style display value

This will return what you asked, but I wouldnt recommend using css like this. Use external CSS instead of inline css.


Perl: function to trim string leading and trailing whitespace

Here's one approach using a regular expression:

$string =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g ;     # remove both leading and trailing whitespace

Perl 6 will include a trim function:

$string .= trim;

Source: Wikipedia

Centering text in a table in Twitter Bootstrap

I think who the best mix for html & Css for quick and clean mod is :

<table class="table text-center">
        <th class="text-center">Uno</th>
        <th class="text-center">Due</th>
        <th class="text-center">Tre</th>
        <th class="text-center">Quattro</th>

close the <table> init tag then copy where you want :) I hope it can be useful Have a good day w stackoverflow

p.s. Bootstrap v3.2.0

Set UIButton title UILabel font size programmatically

this may help :

[objBtn.titleLabel setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@“fontname” size:fontsize]];

What Language is Used To Develop Using Unity

As far as I know, you can go with c#.

You can also use the obscure language "Boo". (Found at

In the past (before about 2012) it was possible to use a strange variant of Java but that is now deprecated and does not work.

Note that Unity builds to Android / iOS, and many other platforms. The fact that iOS programming uses objective-c or Swift, is, completely irrelevant at the Unity3D level. Unity is programmed using c#.

How can I count all the lines of code in a directory recursively?

A straightforward one that will be fast, will use all the search/filtering power of find, not fail when there are too many files (number arguments overflow), work fine with files with funny symbols in their name, without using xargs, and will not launch a uselessly high number of external commands (thanks to + for find's -exec). Here you go:

find . -name '*.php' -type f -exec cat -- {} + | wc -l

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Http 4.0.0 after update from 2012 to 2013

If you use several projects on a solution, and call method in one project to another project, make sure that all projects (called project and caller project) use the unique 'System.Net.Http' version.

Removing duplicate rows from table in Oracle

Solution 4)

 delete from emp where rowid in
             select rid from
                  select rowid rid,
                  dense_rank() over(partition by empno order by rowid
                ) rn
             from emp
 where rn > 1

Reading string by char till end of line C/C++

You want to use single quotes:


Double quotes (") are for strings, which are sequences of characters. Single quotes (') are for individual characters.

However, the end-of-line is represented by the newline character, which is '\n'.

Note that in both cases, the backslash is not part of the character, but just a way you represent special characters. Using backslashes you can represent various unprintable characters and also characters which would otherwise confuse the compiler.

jQuery - Sticky header that shrinks when scrolling down

This should be what you are looking for using jQuery.


  if($(document).scrollTop() > 0)
    if($('#header_nav').data('size') == 'big')
    if($('#header_nav').data('size') == 'small')


Jquery Change Height based on Browser Size/Resize

Building on Chad's answer, you also want to add that function to the onload event to ensure it is resized when the page loads as well.

jQuery.event.add(window, "load", resizeFrame);
jQuery.event.add(window, "resize", resizeFrame);

function resizeFrame() 
    var h = $(window).height();
    var w = $(window).width();
    $("#elementToResize").css('height',(h < 768 || w < 1024) ? 500 : 400);

Failed to start component [StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[]]

In my maven project this error occurs, after i closed my projects and reopens them. The dependencys wasn´t build correctly at that time. So for me the solution was just to update the Maven Dependencies of the projects!

Set a border around a StackPanel.

What about this one :

<DockPanel Margin="8">
    <Border CornerRadius="6" BorderBrush="Gray" Background="LightGray" BorderThickness="2" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
            <TextBlock FontSize="14" Padding="0 0 8 0" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">Search:</TextBlock>
            <TextBox x:Name="txtSearchTerm" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
            <Image Source="lock.png" Width="32" Height="32" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />            
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" Height="25" />

Convert IQueryable<> type object to List<T> type?

The List class's constructor can convert an IQueryable for you:

public static List<TResult> ToList<TResult>(this IQueryable source)
    return new List<TResult>(source);

or you can just convert it without the extension method, of course:

var list = new List<T>(queryable);

How do emulators work and how are they written?

Emulator are very hard to create since there are many hacks (as in unusual effects), timing issues, etc that you need to simulate.

For an example of this, see

That will also show you why you ‘need’ a multi-GHz CPU for emulating a 1MHz one.

Dynamically update values of a chartjs chart

I don't think it's possible right now.

However that's a feature which should come soon, as the author hinted here:

how to read value from string.xml in android?

Try this

String mess = getResources().getString(R.string.mess_1);


String string = getString(R.string.hello);

You can use either getString(int) or getText(int) to retrieve a string. getText(int) will retain any rich text styling applied to the string.


Can grep show only words that match search pattern?

Just awk, no need combination of tools.

# awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i~/^th/){print $i}}}' file

How to increase IDE memory limit in IntelliJ IDEA on Mac?

More recent versions of IntelliJ (certainly WebStorm and PhpStorm) have made this change even easier by adding a Help >> Change Memory Settings menu item that opens a dialog where the memory limit can be set.

menu item to show memory limit setting memory setting dialog

How to add values in a variable in Unix shell scripting?

read num1
read num2
sum=`expr $num1 + $num2`
echo $sum

Why boolean in Java takes only true or false? Why not 1 or 0 also?

Because the people who created Java wanted boolean to mean unambiguously true or false, not 1 or 0.

There's no consensus among languages about how 1 and 0 convert to booleans. C uses any nonzero value to mean true and 0 to mean false, but some UNIX shells do the opposite. Using ints weakens type-checking, because the compiler can't guard against cases where the int value passed in isn't something that should be used in a boolean context.

How to bind inverse boolean properties in WPF?

I use a similar approach like @Ofaim

private bool jobSaved = true;
private bool JobSaved    
    get => jobSaved; 
        if (value == jobSaved) return;
        jobSaved = value;


public bool EnableSaveButton => !jobSaved;

Fit website background image to screen size

Background image fix to screens with browser compatibility css

.full-screen {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    background-image: url(../images/banner.jpg);
    background-size: cover;
    background-position: center;
    //for browser compatibility
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -o-background-size: cover;

Java collections maintaining insertion order

Why is it necessary to maintain the order of insertion? If you use HashMap, you can get the entry by key. It does not mean it does not provide classes that do what you want.

What is the difference between a generative and a discriminative algorithm?

This article helped me a lot in understanding the concept.

In summary,

  • Both are probabilistic models, meaning they both use probability (conditional probability , to be precise) to calculate classes for the unknown data.
  • The Generative Classifiers apply Joint PDF & Bayes Theorem on the data set and calculate conditional probability using values from those.
  • The Discriminative Classifiers directly find Conditional probablity on the data set

Some good reading material: conditional probability , Joint PDF

How to undo a SQL Server UPDATE query?

A non-committed transaction can be reverted by issuing the command ROLLBACK

But if you are running in auto-commit mode there is nothing you can do....

null vs empty string in Oracle

This is because Oracle internally changes empty string to NULL values. Oracle simply won't let insert an empty string.

On the other hand, SQL Server would let you do what you are trying to achieve.

There are 2 workarounds here:

  1. Use another column that states whether the 'description' field is valid or not
  2. Use some dummy value for the 'description' field where you want it to store empty string. (i.e. set the field to be 'stackoverflowrocks' assuming your real data will never encounter such a description value)

Both are, of course, stupid workarounds :)

while EOF in JAVA?

Each call to nextLine() moves onto the next line, so when you are actually at the last readable line and the while check passes inspection, the next call to nextLine() will return EOF.

Perhaps you could do one of the following instead:

If fileReader is of type Scanner:

while ((line = fileReader.hasNextLine()) != null) {
    String line = fileReader.nextLine(); 

If fileReader is of type BufferedReader:

String line;
while ((line = fileReader.readLine()) != null) {

So you're reading the current line in the while condition and saving the line in a string for later use.

How to write a multiline command?

The caret character works, however the next line should not start with double quotes. e.g. this will not work:

C:\ ^
"SampleText" ..

Start next line without double quotes (not a valid example, just to illustrate)

CORS: credentials mode is 'include'

Just add Axios.defaults.withCredentials=true instead of ({credentials: true}) in client side, and change app.use(cors()) to

  {origin: ['your client side server'],
  methods: ['GET', 'POST'],

How do I get LaTeX to hyphenate a word that contains a dash?

I use package hyphenat and then write compound words like Finnish word Internet-yhteys (Eng. Internet connection) as Internet\hyp yhteys. Looks goofy but seems to be the most elegant way I've found.

Can an XSLT insert the current date?


Date functions are available natively, such as:

<xsl:value-of  select="current-dateTime()"/>

There is also current-date() and current-time().


Use the EXSLT date and times extension package.

  1. Download the date and times package from GitHub.
  2. Extract date.xsl to the location of your XSL files.
  3. Set the stylesheet header.
  4. Import date.xsl.

For example:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 

    <xsl:import href="date.xsl" />

    <xsl:template match="//root">
       <xsl:value-of select="date:date-time()"/>

display data from SQL database into php/ html table

refer to . If you are a beginner and want to learn, w3schools is a good place.

    // Check connection
    if (mysqli_connect_errno())
      echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

    $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM employee");

    while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
      echo $row['FirstName'] . " " . $row['LastName']; //these are the fields that you have stored in your database table employee
      echo "<br />";


You can similarly echo it inside your table

 echo "<table>";
 while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
          echo "<tr><td>" . $row['FirstName'] . "</td><td> " . $row['LastName'] . "</td></tr>"; //these are the fields that you have stored in your database table employee
 echo "</table>";

What does ==$0 (double equals dollar zero) mean in Chrome Developer Tools?

It's the last selected DOM node index. Chrome assigns an index to each DOM node you select. So $0 will always point to the last node you selected, while $1 will point to the node you selected before that. Think of it like a stack of most recently selected nodes.

As an example, consider the following

<div id="sunday"></div>
<div id="monday"></div>
<div id="tuesday"></div>

Now you opened the devtools console and selected #sunday, #monday and #tuesday in the mentioned order, you will get ids like:

$0 -> <div id="tuesday"></div> 
$1 -> <div id="monday"></div>
$2 -> <div id="sunday"></div>

Note: It Might be useful to know that the node is selectable in your scripts (or console), for example one popular use for this is angular element selector, so you can simply pick your node, and run this:


Voila you got access to node scope via console.

How to create threads in nodejs

There is also at least one library for doing native threading from within Node.js: node-webworker-threads

This basically implements the Web Worker browser API for node.js.

See what's in a stash without applying it

From the man git-stash page:

The modifications stashed away by this command can be listed with git stash list, inspected with git stash show

show [<stash>]
       Show the changes recorded in the stash as a diff between the stashed state and
       its original parent. When no <stash> is given, shows the latest one. By default,
       the command shows the diffstat, but it will accept any format known to git diff
       (e.g., git stash show -p stash@{1} to view the second most recent stash in patch

To list the stashed modifications

git stash list

To show files changed in the last stash

git stash show

So, to view the content of the most recent stash, run

git stash show -p

To view the content of an arbitrary stash, run something like

git stash show -p stash@{1}

glm rotate usage in Opengl

You need to multiply your Model matrix. Because that is where model position, scaling and rotation should be (that's why it's called the model matrix).

All you need to do is (see here)

Model = glm::rotate(Model, angle_in_radians, glm::vec3(x, y, z)); // where x, y, z is axis of rotation (e.g. 0 1 0)

Note that to convert from degrees to radians, use glm::radians(degrees)

That takes the Model matrix and applies rotation on top of all the operations that are already in there. The other functions translate and scale do the same. That way it's possible to combine many transformations in a single matrix.

note: earlier versions accepted angles in degrees. This is deprecated since 0.9.6

Model = glm::rotate(Model, angle_in_degrees, glm::vec3(x, y, z)); // where x, y, z is axis of rotation (e.g. 0 1 0)

How can I put strings in an array, split by new line?

This method always works for me:

$uniquepattern="gd$#%@&~#"//Any set of characters which you dont expect to be present in user input $_POST['text'] better use atleast 32 charecters.

org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: table is not mapped

Other persons that are using mapping classes for Hibernate, make sure that have addressed correctly to model package in sessionFactory bean declaration in the following part:

public List<Book> list() {
    List<Book> list=SessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from book").list();
    return list;

The mistake I did in the above snippet is that I have used the table name foo inside createQuery. Instead, I got to use Foo, the actual class name.

public List<Book> list() {                                                                               
    List<Book> list=SessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from Book").list();
    return list;

Initialize a vector array of strings

If you are using cpp11 (enable with the -std=c++0x flag if needed), then you can simply initialize the vector like this:

// static std::vector<std::string> v;
v = {"haha", "hehe"};

Cannot refer to a non-final variable inside an inner class defined in a different method

use ClassName.this.variableName to reference the non-final variable

JQuery, setTimeout not working

This accomplishes the same thing but is much simpler:

$(document).ready(function() {  

You can chain a delay before almost any jQuery method.

How to have stored properties in Swift, the same way I had on Objective-C?

So I think I found a method that works cleaner than the ones above because it doesn't require any global variables. I got it from here:

The gist is that you use a struct like so:

extension UIViewController {
    private struct AssociatedKeys {
        static var DescriptiveName = "nsh_DescriptiveName"

    var descriptiveName: String? {
        get {
            return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.DescriptiveName) as? String
        set {
            if let newValue = newValue {
                    newValue as NSString?,

UPDATE for Swift 2

private struct AssociatedKeys {
    static var displayed = "displayed"

//this lets us check to see if the item is supposed to be displayed or not
var displayed : Bool {
    get {
        guard let number = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.displayed) as? NSNumber else {
            return true
        return number.boolValue

    set(value) {
        objc_setAssociatedObject(self,&AssociatedKeys.displayed,NSNumber(bool: value),objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)

Spring JPA and persistence.xml

I'm confused. You're injecting a PU into the service layer and not the persistence layer? I don't get that.

I inject the persistence layer into the service layer. The service layer contains business logic and demarcates transaction boundaries. It can include more than one DAO in a transaction.

I don't get the magic in your save() method either. How is the data saved?

In production I configure spring like this:

<jee:jndi-lookup id="entityManagerFactory" jndi-name="persistence/ThePUname" />

along with the reference in web.xml

For unit testing I do this:

<bean id="entityManagerFactory"
    p:dataSource-ref="dataSource" p:persistence-xml-location="classpath*:META-INF/test-persistence.xml"
    p:persistence-unit-name="RealPUName" p:jpaDialect-ref="jpaDialect"
    p:jpaVendorAdapter-ref="jpaVendorAdapter" p:loadTimeWeaver-ref="weaver">

OSX El Capitan: sudo pip install OSError: [Errno: 1] Operation not permitted

Used pip3 install <package> instead and solved the permission problem with pip.

Version vs build in Xcode

(Just leaving this here for my own reference.) This will show version and build for the "version" and "build" fields you see in an Xcode target:

- (NSString*) version {
    NSString *version = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleShortVersionString"];
    NSString *build = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"];
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ build %@", version, build];

In Swift

func version() -> String {
    let dictionary = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary!
    let version = dictionary["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as? String
    let build = dictionary["CFBundleVersion"] as? String
    return "\(version) build \(build)"

How to enable production mode?

My Angular 2 project doesn't have the "main.ts" file mentioned other answers, but it does have a "boot.ts" file, which seems to be about the same thing. (The difference is probably due to different versions of Angular.)

Adding these two lines after the last import directive in "boot.ts" worked for me:

import { enableProdMode } from "@angular/core";

Tensorflow r1.0 : could not a find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow

I was in same problem.

Below command solved my problem

pip3 install --upgrade

to find the list of all the urls based on the python version and CPU or GPU only refer to:

How to style the menu items on an Android action bar

BottomNavigationView navigation = (BottomNavigationView) findViewById(;

    TextView textView = (TextView) navigation.findViewById(;
    textView = (TextView) navigation.findViewById(;

How to determine MIME type of file in android?

Has also return null value in my case path was

/storage/emulated/0/Music/01 - Ghost on the Dance Floor.mp3

as work around use

val url = inUrl.replace(" ","")

so method looks like

    fun getMimeType(inUrl: String?): String {
        if (inUrl == null) return ""

        val url = inUrl.replace(" ","")
        var type: String? = null

        val extension = MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl(url)
        if (extension != null) {
            type = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(extension.toLowerCase())

        if(type ==null){
            val cR = WifiTalkie.getApplicationContext().contentResolver
            type = cR.getType(Uri.parse(url))

        if (type == null) {
            type = "*/*" // fallback method_type. You might set it to */*
        return type

as result it return success result:


Hope it helps anybody

.htaccess - how to force "www." in a generic way?

This is an older question, and there are many different ways to do this. The most complete answer, IMHO, is found here: . (Pasting and formatting the code here didn't work for me)

Replace specific characters within strings

With a regular expression and the function gsub():

group <- c("12357e", "12575e", "197e18", "e18947")
[1] "12357e" "12575e" "197e18" "e18947"

gsub("e", "", group)
[1] "12357" "12575" "19718" "18947"

What gsub does here is to replace each occurrence of "e" with an empty string "".

See ?regexp or gsub for more help.

Visual Studio Expand/Collapse keyboard shortcuts

You can use Ctrl + M and Ctrl + P

It's called Edit.StopOutlining

How to pass a function as a parameter in Java?

Java 8 and above

Using Java 8+ lambda expressions, if you have a class or interface with only a single abstract method (sometimes called a SAM type), for example:

public interface MyInterface {
    String doSomething(int param1, String param2);

then anywhere where MyInterface is used, you can substitute a lambda expression:

class MyClass {
    public MyInterface myInterface = (p1, p2) -> { return p2 + p1; };

For example, you can create a new thread very quickly:

new Thread(() -> someMethod()).start();

And use the method reference syntax to make it even cleaner:

new Thread(this::someMethod).start();

Without lambda expressions, these last two examples would look like:

new Thread(new Runnable() { someMethod(); }).start();

Before Java 8

A common pattern would be to 'wrap' it within an interface, like Callable, for example, then you pass in a Callable:

public T myMethod(Callable<T> func) {

This pattern is known as the Command Pattern.

Keep in mind you would be best off creating an interface for your particular usage. If you chose to go with callable, then you'd replace T above with whatever type of return value you expect, such as String.

In response to your comment below you could say:

public int methodToPass() { 
        // do something

public void dansMethod(int i, Callable<Integer> myFunc) {
       // do something

then call it, perhaps using an anonymous inner class:

dansMethod(100, new Callable<Integer>() {
   public Integer call() {
        return methodToPass();

Keep in mind this is not a 'trick'. It's just java's basic conceptual equivalent to function pointers.

Removing spaces from string

String  input = EditTextinput.getText().toString();
input = input.replace(" ", "");

Sometimes you would want to remove only the spaces at the beginning or end of the String (not the ones in the middle). If that's the case you can use trim:

input = input.trim();

Is there any sizeof-like method in Java?

Try java.lang.Instrumentation.getObjectSize(Object). But please be aware that

It returns an implementation-specific approximation of the amount of storage consumed by the specified object. The result may include some or all of the object's overhead, and thus is useful for comparison within an implementation but not between implementations. The estimate may change during a single invocation of the JVM.

java: Class.isInstance vs Class.isAssignableFrom

For brevity, we can understand these two APIs like below:

  1. X.class.isAssignableFrom(Y.class)

If X and Y are the same class, or X is Y's super class or super interface, return true, otherwise, false.

  1. X.class.isInstance(y)

Say y is an instance of class Y, if X and Y are the same class, or X is Y's super class or super interface, return true, otherwise, false.

C: printf a float value

Use %.6f. This will print 6 decimals.

How to escape special characters in building a JSON string?

To allow single quotes within doubule quoted string for the purpose of json, you double the single quote. {"X": "What's the question"} ==> {"X": "What''s the question"}

The \' sequence is invalid.

How does Python manage int and long?

Python 2.7.9 auto promotes numbers. For a case where one is unsure to use int() or long().

>>> a = int("123")
>>> type(a)
<type 'int'>
>>> a = int("111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111")
>>> type(a)
<type 'long'>

ORA-06550: line 1, column 7 (PL/SQL: Statement ignored) Error

If the value stored in PropertyLoader.RET_SECONDARY_V_ARRAY is not "V_ARRAY", then you are using different types; even if they are declared identically (e.g. both are table of number) this will not work.

You're hitting this data type compatibility restriction:

You can assign a collection to a collection variable only if they have the same data type. Having the same element type is not enough.

You're trying to call the procedure with a parameter that is a different type to the one it's expecting, which is what the error message is telling you.

Pointer vs. Reference

My rule of thumb is:

Use pointers if you want to do pointer arithmetic with them (e.g. incrementing the pointer address to step through an array) or if you ever have to pass a NULL-pointer.

Use references otherwise.

XPath to select element based on childs child value

Almost there. In your predicate, you want a relative path, so change

./book[/author/name = 'John'] 

to either

./book[author/name = 'John'] 


./book[./author/name = 'John'] 

and you will match your element. Your current predicate goes back to the root of the document to look for an author.

Selecting only numeric columns from a data frame

in case you are interested only in column names then use this :


In C++ check if std::vector<string> contains a certain value

You can use std::find as follows:

if (std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), "abc") != v.end())
  // Element in vector.

To be able to use std::find: include <algorithm>.

Export pictures from excel file into jpg using VBA

New versions of excel have made old answers obsolete. It took a long time to make this, but it does a pretty good job. Note that the maximum image size is limited and the aspect ratio is ever so slightly off, as I was not able to perfectly optimize the reshaping math. Note that I've named one of my worksheets wsTMP, you can replace it with Sheet1 or the like. Takes about 1 second to print the screenshot to target path.

Option Explicit

Private Declare PtrSafe Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)

Sub weGucciFam()

Dim tmp As Variant, str As String, h As Double, w As Double

Application.PrintCommunication = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If Application.StatusBar = False Then Application.StatusBar = "EVENTS DISABLED"

keybd_event vbKeyMenu, 0, 0, 0 'these do just active window
keybd_event vbKeySnapshot, 0, 0, 0
keybd_event vbKeySnapshot, 0, 2, 0
keybd_event vbKeyMenu, 0, 2, 0 'sendkeys alt+printscreen doesn't work
Const dw As Double = 1186.56
Const dh As Double = 755.28

str = "C:\Users\YOURUSERNAMEHERE\Desktop\Screenshot.jpeg"
w = wsTMP.Shapes(1).Width
h = wsTMP.Shapes(1).Height

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set tmp = Charts.Add
On Error Resume Next
With tmp
    .PageSetup.PaperSize = xlPaper11x17
    .PageSetup.TopMargin = IIf(w > dw, dh - dw * h / w, dh - h) + 28
    .PageSetup.BottomMargin = 0
    .PageSetup.RightMargin = IIf(h > dh, dw - dh * w / h, dw - w) + 36
    .PageSetup.LeftMargin = 0
    .PageSetup.HeaderMargin = 0
    .PageSetup.FooterMargin = 0
    .Export Filename:=str, Filtername:="jpeg"
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Do Until wsTMP.Shapes.Count < 1

Application.PrintCommunication = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.StatusBar = False

End Sub

How to check if multiple array keys exists

What about this:

isset($arr['key1'], $arr['key2']) 

only return true if both are not null

if is null, key is not in array

Disabled UIButton not faded or grey

Another option is to change the text color (to light gray for example) for the disabled state.

In the storyboard editor, choose Disabled from the State Config popup button. Use the Text Color popup button to change the text color.

In code, use the -setTitleColor:forState: message.

What does the "$" sign mean in jQuery or JavaScript?

In JavaScript it has no special significance (no more than a or Q anyway). It is just an uninformative variable name.

In jQuery the variable is assigned a copy of the jQuery function. This function is heavily overloaded and means half a dozen different things depending on what arguments it is passed. In this particular example you are passing it a string that contains a selector, so the function means "Create a jQuery object containing the element with the id Text".

Difference between HttpModule and HttpClientModule

Use the HttpClient class from HttpClientModule if you're using Angular 4.3.x and above:

import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';

 imports: [

 class MyService() {
    constructor(http: HttpClient) {...}

It's an upgraded version of http from @angular/http module with the following improvements:

  • Interceptors allow middleware logic to be inserted into the pipeline
  • Immutable request/response objects
  • Progress events for both request upload and response download

You can read about how it works in Insider’s guide into interceptors and HttpClient mechanics in Angular.

  • Typed, synchronous response body access, including support for JSON body types
  • JSON is an assumed default and no longer needs to be explicitly parsed
  • Post-request verification & flush based testing framework

Going forward the old http client will be deprecated. Here are the links to the commit message and the official docs.

Also pay attention that old http was injected using Http class token instead of the new HttpClient:

import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';

 imports: [

 class MyService() {
    constructor(http: Http) {...}

Also, new HttpClient seem to require tslib in runtime, so you have to install it npm i tslib and update system.config.js if you're using SystemJS:

map: {
    'tslib': 'npm:tslib/tslib.js',

And you need to add another mapping if you use SystemJS:

'@angular/common/http': 'npm:@angular/common/bundles/common-http.umd.js',

Select distinct rows from datatable in Linq

Check this link

get distinct rows from datatable using Linq (distinct with mulitiple columns)

Or try this

var distinctRows = (from DataRow dRow in dTable.Rows
                    select new  {  col1=dRow["dataColumn1"],col2=dRow["dataColumn2"]}).Distinct();

EDIT: Placed the missing first curly brace.

How to execute a stored procedure inside a select query

Functions are easy to call inside a select loop, but they don't let you run inserts, updates, deletes, etc. They are only useful for query operations. You need a stored procedure to manipulate the data.

So, the real answer to this question is that you must iterate through the results of a select statement via a "cursor" and call the procedure from within that loop. Here's an example:

DECLARE @myId int;
DECLARE @myName nvarchar(60);
    SELECT Id, Name FROM SomeTable;
OPEN myCursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM myCursor INTO @myId, @myName;
    EXECUTE dbo.myCustomProcedure @myId, @myName;
    FETCH NEXT FROM myCursor INTO @myId, @myName;
CLOSE myCursor;

Note that @@FETCH_STATUS is a standard variable which gets updated for you. The rest of the object names here are custom.

Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project

Now for the missing class problem.

I'm an Eclipse Java EE developer and have been in the habit for many years of adding third-party libraries via the "User Library" mechanism in Build Path. Of course, there are at least 3 ways to add a third-party library, the one I use is the most elegant, in my humble opinion.

This will not work, however, for Android, whose Dalvik "JVM" cannot handle an ordinary Java-compiled class, but must have it converted to a special format. This does not happen when you add a library in the way I'm wont to do it.

Instead, follow the (widely available) instructions for importing the third-party library, then adding it using Build Path (which makes it known to Eclipse for compilation purposes). Here is the step-by-step:

  1. Download the library to your host development system.
  2. Create a new folder, libs, in your Eclipse/Android project.
  3. Right-click libs and choose Import -> General -> File System, then Next, Browse in the filesystem to find the library's parent directory (i.e.: where you downloaded it to).
  4. Click OK, then click the directory name (not the checkbox) in the left pane, then check the relevant JAR in the right pane. This puts the library into your project (physically).
  5. Right-click on your project, choose Build Path -> Configure Build Path, then click the Libraries tab, then Add JARs..., navigate to your new JAR in the libs directory and add it. (This, incidentally, is the moment at which your new JAR is converted for use on Android.)


Step 5 may not be needed, if the lib is already included in your build path. Just ensure that its existence first before adding it.

What you've done here accomplishes two things:

  1. Includes a Dalvik-converted JAR in your Android project.
  2. Makes Java definitions available to Eclipse in order to find the third-party classes when developing (that is, compiling) your project's source code.

How do I do string replace in JavaScript to convert ‘9.61’ to ‘9:61’?

Probably the most elegant way of doing this is to do it in one step. See val().

$("#text").val(function(i, val) {
  return val.replace('.', ':');

compared to:

var val = $("#text").val();
$("#text").val(val.replace('.', ':'));

From the docs:

.val( function(index, value) )

function(index, value)A function returning the value to set.

This method is typically used to set the values of form fields. For <select multiple="multiple"> elements, multiple s can be selected by passing in an array.

The .val() method allows us to set the value by passing in a function. As of jQuery 1.4, the function is passed two arguments, the current element's index and its current value:

$('input:text.items').val(function(index, value) {
  return value + ' ' + this.className;

This example appends the string " items" to the text inputs' values.

This requires jQuery 1.4+.

What is "entropy and information gain"?

I really recommend you read about Information Theory, bayesian methods and MaxEnt. The place to start is this (freely available online) book by David Mackay:

Those inference methods are really far more general than just text mining and I can't really devise how one would learn how to apply this to NLP without learning some of the general basics contained in this book or other introductory books on Machine Learning and MaxEnt bayesian methods.

The connection between entropy and probability theory to information processing and storing is really, really deep. To give a taste of it, there's a theorem due to Shannon that states that the maximum amount of information you can pass without error through a noisy communication channel is equal to the entropy of the noise process. There's also a theorem that connects how much you can compress a piece of data to occupy the minimum possible memory in your computer to the entropy of the process that generated the data.

I don't think it's really necessary that you go learning about all those theorems on communication theory, but it's not possible to learn this without learning the basics about what is entropy, how it's calculated, what is it's relationship with information and inference, etc...

Displaying standard DataTables in MVC

This is not "wrong" at all, it's just not what the cool guys typically do with MVC. As an aside, I wish some of the early demos of ASP.NET MVC didn't try to cram in Linq-to-Sql at the same time. It's pretty awesome and well suited for MVC, sure, but it's not required. There is nothing about MVC that prevents you from using ADO.NET. For example:

Controller action:

public ActionResult Index()
    ViewData["Message"] = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";

    DataTable dt = new DataTable("MyTable");
    dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Col1", typeof(string)));
    dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Col2", typeof(string)));
    dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Col3", typeof(string)));

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
        row["Col1"] = "col 1, row " + i;
        row["Col2"] = "col 2, row " + i;
        row["Col3"] = "col 3, row " + i;

    return View(dt); //passing the DataTable as my Model

View: (w/ Model strongly typed as System.Data.DataTable)

<table border="1">
            <%foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in Model.Columns) { %>
                <th><%=col.Caption %></th>
            <%} %>
    <% foreach(System.Data.DataRow row in Model.Rows) { %>
            <% foreach (var cell in row.ItemArray) {%>
                <td><%=cell.ToString() %></td>
            <%} %>
    <%} %>         

Now, I'm violating a whole lot of principles and "best-practices" of ASP.NET MVC here, so please understand this is just a simple demonstration. The code creating the DataTable should reside somewhere outside of the controller, and the code in the View might be better isolated to a partial, or html helper, to name a few ways you should do things.

You absolutely are supposed to pass objects to the View, if the view is supposed to present them. (Separation of concerns dictates the view shouldn't be responsible for creating them.) In this case I passed the DataTable as the actual view Model, but you could just as well have put it in ViewData collection. Alternatively you might make a specific IndexViewModel class that contains the DataTable and other objects, such as the welcome message.

I hope this helps!

Bash write to file without echo?

The way to do this in bash is

zsh <<< '> test <<< "Hello World!"'

This is one of the interesting differences between zsh and bash: given an unchained > or >>, zsh has the good sense to hook it up to stdin, while bash does not. It would be downright useful - if it were only standard. I tried to use this to send & append my ssh key over ssh to a remote authorized_keys file, but the remote host was bash, of course, and quietly did nothing.

And that's why you should just use cat.

What is the difference between range and xrange functions in Python 2.X?

xrange only stores the range params and generates the numbers on demand. However the C implementation of Python currently restricts its args to C longs:

xrange(2**32-1, 2**32+1)  # When long is 32 bits, OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long
range(2**32-1, 2**32+1)   # OK --> [4294967295L, 4294967296L]

Note that in Python 3.0 there is only range and it behaves like the 2.x xrange but without the limitations on minimum and maximum end points.

How can I determine if an image has loaded, using Javascript/jQuery?

You want to do what Allain said, however be aware that sometimes the image loads before dom ready, which means your load handler won't fire. The best way is to do as Allain says, but set the src of the image with javascript after attaching the load hander. This way you can guarantee that it fires.

In terms of accessibility, will your site still work for people without javascript? You may want to give the img tag the correct src, attach you dom ready handler to run your js: clear the image src (give it a fixed with and height with css to prevent the page flickering), then set your img load handler, then reset the src to the correct file. This way you cover all bases :)

Access nested dictionary items via a list of keys?

Use reduce() to traverse the dictionary:

from functools import reduce  # forward compatibility for Python 3
import operator

def getFromDict(dataDict, mapList):
    return reduce(operator.getitem, mapList, dataDict)

and reuse getFromDict to find the location to store the value for setInDict():

def setInDict(dataDict, mapList, value):
    getFromDict(dataDict, mapList[:-1])[mapList[-1]] = value

All but the last element in mapList is needed to find the 'parent' dictionary to add the value to, then use the last element to set the value to the right key.


>>> getFromDict(dataDict, ["a", "r"])
>>> getFromDict(dataDict, ["b", "v", "y"])
>>> setInDict(dataDict, ["b", "v", "w"], 4)
>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(dataDict)
{'a': {'r': 1, 's': 2, 't': 3},
 'b': {'u': 1, 'v': {'w': 4, 'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}, 'w': 3}}

Note that the Python PEP8 style guide prescribes snake_case names for functions. The above works equally well for lists or a mix of dictionaries and lists, so the names should really be get_by_path() and set_by_path():

from functools import reduce  # forward compatibility for Python 3
import operator

def get_by_path(root, items):
    """Access a nested object in root by item sequence."""
    return reduce(operator.getitem, items, root)

def set_by_path(root, items, value):
    """Set a value in a nested object in root by item sequence."""
    get_by_path(root, items[:-1])[items[-1]] = value

And for completion's sake, a function to delete a key:

def del_by_path(root, items):
    """Delete a key-value in a nested object in root by item sequence."""
    del get_by_path(root, items[:-1])[items[-1]]

Video streaming over websockets using JavaScript

It's definitely conceivable but I am not sure we're there yet. In the meantime, I'd recommend using something like Silverlight with IIS Smooth Streaming. Silverlight is plugin-based, but it works on Windows/OSX/Linux. Some day the HTML5 <video> element will be the way to go, but that will lack support for a little while.

SQL: How to get the count of each distinct value in a column?

  COUNT(*) AS `num`

Changing directory in Google colab (breaking out of the python interpreter)


%cd SwitchFrequencyAnalysis

to change the current working directory for the notebook environment (and not just the subshell that runs your ! command).

you can confirm it worked with the pwd command like this:


further information about jupyter / ipython magics:

How can I export the schema of a database in PostgreSQL?

If you only want the create tables, then you can do pg_dump -s databasename | awk 'RS="";/CREATE TABLE[^;]*;/'

How can I clone a JavaScript object except for one key?

I don't know exactly what you want to use this for, so I'm not sure if this would work for you, but I just did the following and it worked for my use case:

const newObj ={...obj, [key]: undefined}

How to create a simple proxy in C#?

The browser is connected to the proxy so the data that the proxy gets from the web server is just sent via the same connection that the browser initiated to the proxy.

How to remove foreign key constraint in sql server?

If you find yourself in a situation where the FK name of a table has been auto-generated and you aren't able to view what it exactly is (in the case of not having rights to a database for instance) you could try something like this:

SELECT @table = N'dbo.Table';
SELECT @sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @table
    + ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + NAME + ';'
    FROM sys.foreign_keys
    WHERE [type] = 'F'
    AND [parent_object_id] = OBJECT_ID(@table);
EXEC sp_executeSQL @sql;

Build up a stored proc which drops the constraint of the specified table without specifying the actual FK name. It drops the constraint where the object [type] is equal to F (Foreign Key constraint).

Note: if there are multiple FK's in the table it will drop them all. So this solution works best if the table you are targeting has just one FK.

What is N-Tier architecture?


In software engineering, multi-tier architecture (often referred to as n-tier architecture) is a client-server architecture in which, the presentation, the application processing and the data management are logically separate processes. For example, an application that uses middleware to service data requests between a user and a database employs multi-tier architecture. The most widespread use of "multi-tier architecture" refers to three-tier architecture.

It's debatable what counts as "tiers," but in my opinion it needs to at least cross the process boundary. Or else it's called layers. But, it does not need to be in physically different machines. Although I don't recommend it, you can host logical tier and database on the same box.

alt text

Edit: One implication is that presentation tier and the logic tier (sometimes called Business Logic Layer) needs to cross machine boundaries "across the wire" sometimes over unreliable, slow, and/or insecure network. This is very different from simple Desktop application where the data lives on the same machine as files or Web Application where you can hit the database directly.

For n-tier programming, you need to package up the data in some sort of transportable form called "dataset" and fly them over the wire. .NET's DataSet class or Web Services protocol like SOAP are few of such attempts to fly objects over the wire.

What is the use of ByteBuffer in Java?

The ByteBuffer class is important because it forms a basis for the use of channels in Java. ByteBuffer class defines six categories of operations upon byte buffers, as stated in the Java 7 documentation:

  • Absolute and relative get and put methods that read and write single bytes;

  • Relative bulk get methods that transfer contiguous sequences of bytes from this buffer into an array;

  • Relative bulk put methods that transfer contiguous sequences of bytes from a byte array or some other byte buffer into this buffer;

  • Absolute and relative get and put methods that read and write values of other primitive types, translating them to and from sequences of bytes in a particular byte order;

  • Methods for creating view buffers, which allow a byte buffer to be viewed as a buffer containing values of some other primitive type; and

  • Methods for compacting, duplicating, and slicing a byte buffer.

Example code : Putting Bytes into a buffer.

    // Create an empty ByteBuffer with a 10 byte capacity
    ByteBuffer bbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);

    // Get the buffer's capacity
    int capacity = bbuf.capacity(); // 10

    // Use the absolute put(int, byte).
    // This method does not affect the position.
    bbuf.put(0, (byte)0xFF); // position=0

    // Set the position

    // Use the relative put(byte)

    // Get the new position
    int pos = bbuf.position(); // 6

    // Get remaining byte count
    int rem = bbuf.remaining(); // 4

    // Set the limit
    bbuf.limit(7); // remaining=1

    // This convenience method sets the position to 0
    bbuf.rewind(); // remaining=7

Extend contigency table with proportions (percentages)

If it's conciseness you're after, you might like:


and then scale by 100 and round if you like. Or more like your exact output:

tbl <- table(tips$smoker)

If you wanted to do this for multiple columns, there are lots of different directions you could go depending on what your tastes tell you is clean looking output, but here's one option:

tblFun <- function(x){
    tbl <- table(x)
    res <- cbind(tbl,round(prop.table(tbl)*100,2))
    colnames(res) <- c('Count','Percentage')
       Count Percentage
Female    87      35.66
Male     157      64.34
No       151      61.89
Yes       93      38.11
Fri       19       7.79
Sat       87      35.66
Sun       76      31.15
Thur      62      25.41
Dinner   176      72.13
Lunch     68      27.87

If you don't like stack the different tables on top of each other, you can ditch the and leave them in a list.

Responsive Bootstrap Jumbotron Background Image

The below code works for all the screens :

.jumbotron {
   background: url('backgroundimage.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed;
   -webkit-background-size: cover;
   -moz-background-size: cover;
   background-size: cover;
   -o-background-size: cover;

The cover property will resize the background image to cover the entire container, even if it has to stretch the image or cut a little bit off one of the edges.

Git: How to remove file from index without deleting files from any repository

After doing the git rm --cached command, try adding myfile to the .gitignore file (create one if it does not exist). This should tell git to ignore myfile.

The .gitignore file is versioned, so you'll need to commit it and push it to the remote repository.

How can I change CSS display none or block property using jQuery?

In my case I was doing show / hide elements of a form according to whether an input element was empty or not, so that when hiding the elements the element following the hidden ones was repositioned occupying its space it was necessary to do a float: left of the element of such an element. Even using a plugin as dependsOn it was necessary to use float.

LaTeX: remove blank page after a \part or \chapter

Although I guess you do not need an answer any longer, I am giving the solution for those who will come to see this post.

Derived from book.cls


It is "\newpage" at the first line of this fragment that adds a redundant blank page after the part header page. So you must redefine the command \@endpart. Add the following snippet to the beggining of your tex file.


RecyclerView inside ScrollView is not working

For those people who trying to do it just for design purposes - leave it. Redesign your app and leave only RecyclerView. It will be better solution than doing ANY hardcode.

Do I need <class> elements in persistence.xml?

I'm not sure this solution is under the spec but I think I can share for others.

dependency tree


Contains entity classes only. No META-INF/persistence.xml.


Depends on my-entities. Contains EJBs only.


Depends on my-services. Contains resource classes and META-INF/persistence.xml.


  • How can we specify <jar-file/> element in my-resources as the version-postfixed artifact name of a transient dependency?
  • How can we sync the <jar-file/> element's value and the actual transient dependency's one?


direct (redundant?) dependency and resource filtering

I put a property and a dependency in my-resources/pom.xml.

    <!-- this is actually a transitive dependency -->
    <scope>compile</scope> <!-- other values won't work -->

Now get the persistence.xml ready for being filtered

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence ...>
  <persistence-unit name="myPU" transaction-type="JTA">

Maven Enforcer Plugin

With the dependencyConvergence rule, we can assure that the my-entities' version is same in both direct and transitive.


Multiple maven repositories in one gradle file

In short you have to do like this

repositories {
  maven { url "" }
  maven { url "" }


You need to specify each maven URL in its own curly braces. Here is what I got working with skeleton dependencies for the web services project I’m going to build up:

apply plugin: 'java'

sourceCompatibility = 1.7
version = '1.0'

repositories {
  maven { url "" }
  maven { url "" }

dependencies {
  compile group:'org.restlet.jee', name:'org.restlet', version:'2.1.1'
  compile group:'org.restlet.jee', name:'org.restlet.ext.servlet',version.1.1'
  compile group:'org.springframework', name:'spring-web', version:'3.2.1.RELEASE'
  compile group:'org.slf4j', name:'slf4j-api', version:'1.7.2'
  compile group:'ch.qos.logback', name:'logback-core', version:'1.0.9'
  testCompile group:'junit', name:'junit', version:'4.11'


Error when deploying an artifact in Nexus

For 400 error, check the repository "Deployment policy" usually its "Disable redeploy". Most of the time your library version is already there that is why you received a message "Could not PUT put 'https://yoururl/some.jar'. Received status code 400 from server: Repository does not allow updating assets: "your repository name"

So, you have a few options to resolve this. 1- allow redeploy 2- delete the version from your repository which you are trying to upload 3- change the version number

DataTable: Hide the Show Entries dropdown but keep the Search box

To disable the "Show Entries" label, use "bInfo", example: "bFilter" is the search component, but are active by default.

$(document).ready( function () {
  $('#example').dataTable( {
    "bInfo": false
  } );
} );

Enable or disable the table information display. This shows information about the data that is currently visible on the page, including information about filtered data if that action is being performed.

In Java, should I escape a single quotation mark (') in String (double quoted)?

It's best practice only to escape the quotes when you need to - if you can get away without escaping it, then do!

The only times you should need to escape are when trying to put " inside a string, or ' in a character:

String quotes = "He said \"Hello, World!\"";
char quote = '\'';

PHP how to get local IP of system

try this (if your server is Linux):

$command="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'";
$localIP = exec ($command);
echo $localIP;

How do I check two or more conditions in one <c:if>?

This look like a duplicate of JSTL conditional check.

The error is having the && outside the expression. Instead use

<c:if test="${ISAJAX == 0 && ISDATE == 0}">

Java - Find shortest path between 2 points in a distance weighted map

Like SplinterReality said: There's no reason not to use Dijkstra's algorithm here.

The code below I nicked from here and modified it to solve the example in the question.

import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;

class Vertex implements Comparable<Vertex>
    public final String name;
    public Edge[] adjacencies;
    public double minDistance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    public Vertex previous;
    public Vertex(String argName) { name = argName; }
    public String toString() { return name; }
    public int compareTo(Vertex other)
        return, other.minDistance);


class Edge
    public final Vertex target;
    public final double weight;
    public Edge(Vertex argTarget, double argWeight)
    { target = argTarget; weight = argWeight; }

public class Dijkstra
    public static void computePaths(Vertex source)
        source.minDistance = 0.;
        PriorityQueue<Vertex> vertexQueue = new PriorityQueue<Vertex>();

        while (!vertexQueue.isEmpty()) {
            Vertex u = vertexQueue.poll();

            // Visit each edge exiting u
            for (Edge e : u.adjacencies)
                Vertex v =;
                double weight = e.weight;
                double distanceThroughU = u.minDistance + weight;
                if (distanceThroughU < v.minDistance) {

                    v.minDistance = distanceThroughU ;
                    v.previous = u;

    public static List<Vertex> getShortestPathTo(Vertex target)
        List<Vertex> path = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
        for (Vertex vertex = target; vertex != null; vertex = vertex.previous)

        return path;

    public static void main(String[] args)
        // mark all the vertices 
        Vertex A = new Vertex("A");
        Vertex B = new Vertex("B");
        Vertex D = new Vertex("D");
        Vertex F = new Vertex("F");
        Vertex K = new Vertex("K");
        Vertex J = new Vertex("J");
        Vertex M = new Vertex("M");
        Vertex O = new Vertex("O");
        Vertex P = new Vertex("P");
        Vertex R = new Vertex("R");
        Vertex Z = new Vertex("Z");

        // set the edges and weight
        A.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ new Edge(M, 8) };
        B.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ new Edge(D, 11) };
        D.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ new Edge(B, 11) };
        F.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ new Edge(K, 23) };
        K.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ new Edge(O, 40) };
        J.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ new Edge(K, 25) };
        M.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ new Edge(R, 8) };
        O.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ new Edge(K, 40) };
        P.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ new Edge(Z, 18) };
        R.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ new Edge(P, 15) };
        Z.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ new Edge(P, 18) };

        computePaths(A); // run Dijkstra
        System.out.println("Distance to " + Z + ": " + Z.minDistance);
        List<Vertex> path = getShortestPathTo(Z);
        System.out.println("Path: " + path);

The code above produces:

Distance to Z: 49.0
Path: [A, M, R, P, Z]

What does .class mean in Java?

If there is no instance available then .class syntax is used to get the corresponding Class object for a class otherwise you can use getClass() method to get Class object. Since, there is no instance of primitive data type, we have to use .class syntax for primitive data types.

    package test;

    public class Test {
       public static void main(String[] args)
          //there is no instance available for class Test, so use Test.class
          System.out.println("Test.class.getName() ::: " + Test.class.getName());

          // Now create an instance of class Test use getClass()
          Test testObj = new Test();
          System.out.println("testObj.getClass().getName() ::: " + testObj.getClass().getName());

          //For primitive type
          System.out.println("boolean.class.getName() ::: " + boolean.class.getName());
          System.out.println("int.class.getName() ::: " + int.class.getName());
          System.out.println("char.class.getName() ::: " + char.class.getName());
          System.out.println("long.class.getName() ::: " + long.class.getName());

firestore: PERMISSION_DENIED: Missing or insufficient permissions

the problem is that you tried to read or write data to realtime database or firestore before the user has be authenticated. please try to check the scope of your code. hope it helped!

No Title Bar Android Theme

use android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar in manifest file's application tag to remove the title bar for whole application or put it in activity tag to remove the title bar from a single activity screen.

How to send list of file in a folder to a txt file in Linux

you can just use

ls > filenames.txt

(usually, start a shell by using "Terminal", or "shell", or "Bash".) You may need to use cd to go to that folder first, or you can ls ~/docs > filenames.txt

Adding input elements dynamically to form

Try this JQuery code to dynamically include form, field, and delete/remove behavior:

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
    var max_fields = 10;_x000D_
    var wrapper = $(".container1");_x000D_
    var add_button = $(".add_form_field");_x000D_
    var x = 1;_x000D_
    $(add_button).click(function(e) {_x000D_
        if (x < max_fields) {_x000D_
            $(wrapper).append('<div><input type="text" name="mytext[]"/><a href="#" class="delete">Delete</a></div>'); //add input box_x000D_
        } else {_x000D_
            alert('You Reached the limits')_x000D_
    $(wrapper).on("click", ".delete", function(e) {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="container1">_x000D_
    <button class="add_form_field">Add New Field &nbsp; _x000D_
      <span style="font-size:16px; font-weight:bold;">+ </span>_x000D_
    <div><input type="text" name="mytext[]"></div>_x000D_

Refer Demo Here

Codeigniter displays a blank page instead of error messages

check if error_reporting is ON at server or not, if that id off you wont get any errors and just blank page. if you are on a shared server then you can enable error reporting via htaccess. In codeIgniter add following in your htaccess

php_flag display_errors On

and set

error_reporting(E_ERROR); ## or what ever setting desired in php

hope it will work for you

Set the selected index of a Dropdown using jQuery

JQuery code:


Jsp Code:

<select name="sel_status"
    <option value="1">-Status-</option>

Creating a custom JButton in Java

You could always try the Synth look & feel. You provide an xml file that acts as a sort of stylesheet, along with any images you want to use. The code might look like this:

try {
    SynthLookAndFeel synth = new SynthLookAndFeel();
    Class aClass = MainFrame.class;
    InputStream stream = aClass.getResourceAsStream("\\default.xml");

    if (stream == null) {
        System.err.println("Missing configuration file");

    synth.load(stream, aClass);

} catch (ParseException pe) {
    System.err.println("Bad configuration file");
} catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ulfe) {
    System.err.println("Old JRE in use. Get a new one");

From there, go on and add your JButton like you normally would. The only change is that you use the setName(string) method to identify what the button should map to in the xml file.

The xml file might look like this:

    <style id="button">
        <font name="DIALOG" size="12" style="BOLD"/>
        <state value="MOUSE_OVER">
            <imagePainter method="buttonBackground" path="dirt.png" sourceInsets="2 2 2 2"/>
            <insets top="2" botton="2" right="2" left="2"/>
        <state value="ENABLED">
            <imagePainter method="buttonBackground" path="dirt.png" sourceInsets="2 2 2 2"/>
            <insets top="2" botton="2" right="2" left="2"/>
    <bind style="button" type="name" key="dirt"/>

The bind element there specifies what to map to (in this example, it will apply that styling to any buttons whose name property has been set to "dirt").

And a couple of useful links:

100% width in React Native Flexbox

Style ={{width : "100%"}}

try this:

StyleSheet generated: {
  "width": "80%",
  "textAlign": "center",
  "marginTop": 21.8625,
  "fontWeight": "bold",
  "fontSize": 16,
  "color": "rgb(24, 24, 24)",
  "fontFamily": "Trajan Pro",
  "textShadowColor": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)",
  "textShadowOffset": {
    "width": 0,
    "height": 0.5

"Could not find or load main class" Error while running java program using cmd prompt

Create a folder org/tij/exercises and then move file. Then run below command

javac -cp . org/tij/exercises/


java -cp . org/tij/exercises/HelloWorld

Ubuntu apt-get unable to fetch packages

In my case it failed to fetch (Belgium) so I generated a new sources.plist on this link as recommended by the accepted answer.

The thing that solved it for me was just to change the country to United States when generating the sources.plist. Then I could run this again.

apt-get update

How to disable "prevent this page from creating additional dialogs"?

I know everybody is ethically against this, but I understand there are reasons of practical joking where this is desired. I think Chrome took a solid stance on this by enforcing a mandatory one second separation time between alert messages. This gives the visitor just enough time to close the page or refresh if they're stuck on an annoying prank site.

So to answer your question, it's all a matter of timing. If you alert more than once per second, Chrome will create that checkbox. Here's a simple example of a workaround:

var countdown = 99;
function annoy(){
        alert(countdown+" bottles of beer on the wall, "+countdown+" bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, "+(countdown-1)+" bottles of beer on the wall!");

        // Time must always be 1000 milliseconds, 999 or less causes the checkbox to appear
        }, 1000);

// Don't alert right away or Chrome will catch you
}, 1000);

RedirectToAction with parameter

MVC 4 example...

Note that you do not always have to pass parameter named ID

var message = model.UserName + " - thanks for taking yourtime to register on our glorious site. ";
return RedirectToAction("ThankYou", "Account", new { whatever = message });


public ActionResult ThankYou(string whatever) {
        ViewBag.message = whatever;
        return View();

Of course you can assign string to model fields instead of using ViewBag if that is your preference.

Select All as default value for Multivalue parameter

This is rather easy to achieve by making a dataset with a text-query like this:

SELECT 'Item1'
SELECT 'Item2'
SELECT 'Item3'
SELECT 'Item4'

The query should return all items that can be selected.

Can't start Eclipse - Java was started but returned exit code=13

I got this error and found that my PATH variable (on Windows) was probably changed. First in my PATH was this entry:


...and Eclipse ran "C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\javaw" - which gave the error. I suspect that this is something that came along with an installation of Java 8.

I have several Java versions installed (6,7 and 8), so I removed that entry from the PATH and tried to restart Eclipse again, which worked fine.

If it's doesn't work for you, you'll need to upgrade your JDK (to the Java versions - 8 in this case).

Instructions on how to edit PATH variable

Android: Flush DNS

Perform a hard reboot of your phone. The easiest way to do this is to remove the phone's battery. Wait for at least 30 seconds, then replace the battery. The phone will reboot, and upon completing its restart will have an empty DNS cache.

Read more: How to Flush the DNS on an Android Phone |

What's the best way to store co-ordinates (longitude/latitude, from Google Maps) in SQL Server?

What you want to do is store the Latitude and Longitude as the new SQL2008 Spatial type -> GEOGRAPHY.

Here's a screen shot of a table, which I have.

alt text

In this table, we have two fields that store geography data.

  • Boundary: this is the polygon that is the zip code boundary
  • CentrePoint: this is the Latitude / Longitude point that represents the visual middle point of this polygon.

The main reason why you want to save it to the database as a GEOGRAPHY type is so you can then leverage all the SPATIAL methods off it -> eg. Point in Poly, Distance between two points, etc.

BTW, we also use Google's Maps API to retrieve lat/long data and store that in our Sql 2008 DB -- so this method does work.

How to edit default.aspx on SharePoint site without SharePoint Designer

I was able to accomplish editing the default.aspx page by:

  • Opening the site in SharePoint Designer 2013
  • Then clicking 'All Files' to view all of the files,
  • Then right-click -> Edit file in Advanced Mode.

By doing that I was able to remove the tagprefix causing a problem on my page.

Can't connect Nexus 4 to adb: unauthorized

For me once I disabled MTP (in Settings>Storage>Menu>MTP) I finally got the RSA prompt

Jmeter - get current date and time

it seems to be the java SimpleDateFormat :

here are some tests i did around 11:30pm on the 20th of May 2015

${__time(dd-mmm-yyyy HHmmss)} 20-032-2015 233224
${__time(d-MMM-yyyy hhmmss)}  20-May-2015 113224
${__time(dd-m-yyyy hhmmss)}   20-32-2015 113224
${__time(D-M-yyyy hhmmss)}    140-5-2015 113224
${__time(DD-MM-yyyy)}         140-05-2015

Set SSH connection timeout

The ConnectTimeout option allows you to tell your ssh client how long you're willing to wait for a connection before returning an error. By setting ConnectTimeout to 1, you're effectively saying "try for at most 1 second and then fail if you haven't connected yet".

The problem is that when you connect by name, the DNS lookup can take several seconds. Connecting by IP address is much faster, and may actually work in one second or less. What sinelaw is experiencing is that every attempt to connect by DNS name is failing to occur within one second. The default setting of ConnectTimeout defers to the linux kernel connect timeout, which is usually pretty long.