Programs & Examples On #Xen

Xen is a virtualization technology for IA-32, x86-64 and ARM architectures.

Can I use library that used android support with Androidx projects.

If your project is not AndroidX (mean Appcompat) and got this error, try to downgrade dependencies versions that triggers this error, in my case play-services-location ("implementation ''") , I solved the problem by downgrading to'

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:failed resolution of :Lorg/apache/http/ProtocolVersion

Update: This is no longer a bug or a workaround, it is required if your app targets API Level 28 (Android 9.0) or above and uses the Google Maps SDK for Android 16.0.0 or below (or if your app uses the Apache HTTP Legacy library). It is now included in the official docs. The public issue has been closed as intended behavior.

This is a bug on the Google Play Services side, until it's fixed, you should be able to workaround by adding this to your AndroidManifest.xml inside the <application> tag:

<uses-library android:name="org.apache.http.legacy" android:required="false" />

Default interface methods are only supported starting with Android N

As CommonsWare mentioned, for reference add this inside the android {...} closure in the build.gradle for your app module to resolve issue:

android {
  compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

Issue in installing php7.2-mcrypt

Mcrypt PECL extenstion

 sudo apt-get -y install gcc make autoconf libc-dev pkg-config
 sudo apt-get -y install libmcrypt-dev
 sudo pecl install mcrypt-1.0.1

When you are shown the prompt

 libmcrypt prefix? [autodetect] :

Press [Enter] to autodetect.

After success installing mcrypt trought pecl, you should add extension to php.ini.

The output will look like this:

Build process completed successfully
Installing '/usr/lib/php/20170718/'    ---->   this is our path to mcrypt extension lib
install ok: channel://
configuration option "php_ini" is not set to php.ini location
You should add "" to php.ini

Grab installing path and add to cli and apache2 php.ini configuration.

sudo bash -c "echo extension=/usr/lib/php/20170718/ > /etc/php/7.2/cli/conf.d/mcrypt.ini"
sudo bash -c "echo extension=/usr/lib/php/20170718/ > /etc/php/7.2/apache2/conf.d/mcrypt.ini"

Verify that the extension was installed

Run command:

php -i | grep "mcrypt"

The output will look like this:

Registered Stream Filters => zlib.*, string.rot13, string.toupper, string.tolower, string.strip_tags, convert.*, consumed, dechunk, convert.iconv.*, mcrypt.*, mdecrypt.*
mcrypt support => enabled
mcrypt_filter support => enabled
mcrypt.algorithms_dir => no value => no value
mcrypt.modes_dir => no value => no value

Failed to start mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not found

For Ubuntu 16.04.5, it is noticed that MongoDB installations does not auto enable the mongod.service file after installation in my case after I have installed on several servers, so we need to enable it like below:

Issue below to check whether mongod is enabled

systemctl list-unit-files --type=service

If it shows as "disabled", then you need to enable it.

sudo systemctl enable mongod.service

If we want to see whether mongod.service file exists in case this file is missing, check in

ls /lib/systemd/system

You will see a file


java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to merge dex in Android Studio 3.0

I am using Android Studio 3.0 and was facing the same problem. I add this to my gradle:

multiDexEnabled true

And it worked!


android {
    compileSdkVersion 27
    buildToolsVersion '27.0.1'
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId ""
        minSdkVersion 15
        targetSdkVersion 27
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
        multiDexEnabled true //Add this
        testInstrumentationRunner ""
    buildTypes {
        release {
            shrinkResources true
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''

And clean the project.

Unable to merge dex

  1. Delete the .gradle directory.

  2. Run your app again.


  • The .gradle directory is in your project's root folder. (You may have to show hidden files first.)
  • I have to do this every time I update a dependency module using Android 3.0. (More recent releases of Android Studio 3 seem to have resolved the problem.)

Android dependency has different version for the compile and runtime

Switching my conflicting dependencies from implementation to api does the trick. Here's a good article by mindorks explaining the difference.


Here's my dependency resolutions as well

 subprojects {
        project.configurations.all {
            resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { details ->
                if ( == ''
                        && !'multidex')) {
                    details.useVersion "28.0.0"
                if ( == ''
                        &&'play-services-base')) {
                    details.useVersion "15.0.1"
                if ( == ''
                        &&'play-services-tasks')) {
                    details.useVersion "15.0.1"

More than one file was found with OS independent path 'META-INF/LICENSE'

Had similar message

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformResourcesWithMergeJavaResForDebug'. More than one file was found with OS independent path 'constant-values.html'

To resolve it, I had to enable packages view(1) in Android Studio, then browse through the tree to libraries, and locate the duplicates(2)

Then, ctrl+alt+f12 (or RMB menu)(3) - and found libraries which caused the issue. Made list of files inside those libs which caused the issues, and wrote them to app's build.gradle file inside android section. Other option is to deal with the library, containing duplicate files

packagingOptions {
    exclude 'allclasses-frame.html'
    exclude 'allclasses-noframe.html'

enter image description here

ValueError: Wrong number of items passed - Meaning and suggestions?

Not sure if this is relevant to your question but it might be relevant to someone else in the future: I had a similar error. Turned out that the df was empty (had zero rows) and that is what was causing the error in my command.

Gradle error: Minimum supported Gradle version is 3.3. Current version is 3.2

if you have lower version and getting problem importing project with high gradle version and want to run the project without updating gradle than

open your gradle file(Project) and do the small change

  dependencies {
           /*Higher Gradle version*/
//        classpath ''

        /*Add this line and remove the Higher one*/
        classpath ''

[2.3.3 is stand for your gradle version]

in your case change version to 3.2 or 3.2.0 something like that

How to update-alternatives to Python 3 without breaking apt?


[bash:~] $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python \
/usr/bin/python2.7 2

[bash:~] $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python \
/usr/bin/python3.5 3


[bash:~] $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/python python \
/usr/bin/python2.7 2

[bash:~] $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/python python \
/usr/bin/python3.5 3

e.g. installing into /usr/local/bin instead of /usr/bin.

and ensure the /usr/local/bin is before /usr/bin in PATH.


[bash:~] $ echo $PATH

Ensure this always is the case by adding

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

to the end of your ~/.bashrc file. Prefixing the PATH environment variable with custom bin folder such as /usr/local/bin or /opt/<some install>/bin is generally recommended to ensure that customizations are found before the default system ones.

NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver

I solved "NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver" on my ASUS laptop with GTX 950m and Ubuntu 18.04 by disabling Secure Boot Control from BIOS.

pandas: merge (join) two data frames on multiple columns

Try this

new_df = pd.merge(A_df, B_df,  how='left', left_on=['A_c1','c2'], right_on = ['B_c1','c2'])

left_on : label or list, or array-like Field names to join on in left DataFrame. Can be a vector or list of vectors of the length of the DataFrame to use a particular vector as the join key instead of columns

right_on : label or list, or array-like Field names to join on in right DataFrame or vector/list of vectors per left_on docs

Docker Repository Does Not Have a Release File on Running apt-get update on Ubuntu

This is what worked for me on LinuxMint 19.

curl -s | sudo apt-key add
apt-key fingerprint 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D
sudo add-apt-repository "deb ubuntu-$(lsb_release -cs) main"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Didn't find class ""?

First add the following into build.gradle(Module:app)---->

multiDexEnabled true

Then in same file add the following

compile ''

Then in AndroidManifest.xml write the following


That's it. It will definitely work

Make the size of a heatmap bigger with seaborn

You could alter the figsize by passing a tuple showing the width, height parameters you would like to keep.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))         # Sample figsize in inches
sns.heatmap(df1.iloc[:, 1:6:], annot=True, linewidths=.5, ax=ax)


I remember answering a similar question of yours where you had to set the index as TIMESTAMP. So, you could then do something like below:

df = df.set_index('TIMESTAMP')
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = sns.heatmap(df.iloc[:, 1:6:], annot=True, linewidths=.5)
ax.set_yticklabels([i.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for i in df.index], rotation=0)

For the head of the dataframe you posted, the plot would look like:

enter image description here

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForDebug' in android studio

Thank @Ironman for his complete answer, however I should add my solution according to what I've experienced facing this issue.

In build.gradle (Module: app):

compile ''


    dexOptions {
            javaMaxHeapSize "4g"


    defaultConfig {
            multiDexEnabled true

Also, put the following in file:

org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx4096m -XX\:MaxPermSize\=512m -XX\:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dfile.encoding\=UTF-8

I should mention, these numbers are for my laptop config (MacBook Pro with 16 GB RAM) therefore please edit them as your config.

Android- Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForRelease'

This happened to me even on debug builds and just cleared all the module level and project level build folders and it worked, yeah just like that.

Can't run Curl command inside my Docker Container

If you are using an Alpine based image, you have to

... \
apk add --no-cache curl \
curl ...

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForDebug'

Using ionic, i was able to fix this error using the command: "cordova clean"

Execution Failed for task :app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac in Android Studio

I got this issue solved.

I was trying to compile this project "Waveform Android" -

and got I this error.

I am using Android studio on Ubuntu 14.04LTS.

I have JAVA 8 Installed.

in my gradle build script file there was some statements as below.

retrolambda {
    jdk System.getenv("JAVA8_HOME")
    oldJdk System.getenv("JAVA7_HOME")
    javaVersion JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7

I changed the "JAVA8_HOME" to "JAVA_HOME" because in my environment variables the java home directory is set as JAVA_HOME not as JAVA8_HOME and then It built succesfully.

after changing the build script.

retrolambda {
    jdk System.getenv("JAVA_HOME")
    oldJdk System.getenv("JAVA7_HOME")
    javaVersion JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7

Or the other way you can create a new environment variable named JAVA8_HOME pointing to the right JDK location, but I have not tried that though because I dont want environment variables for each JDK version.

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug'

Use project root in terminal like this:-/Users/rajnish/Desktop/RankProjects/ProjectCloud

After that enter this command ./gradlew clean

It will work.

Error inflating class

Well So I was trying to fix this error. And none worked for me. I was not able to figure out solution. Scenario:

I was just going to made a Navigation Drawer Project inside Android Studio 2.1.2 And when I try to change the default Android icon in nav_header_main.xml I was getting some weird errors. I figured out that I was droping my PNG logo into the ...\app\src\main\res\drawable-21. When I try to put my PNG logo in ...\app\src\main\res\drawable bam! All weird errors go away.

Following are some of stack trace when I was putting PNG into drawable-21 folder:

08-17 17:29:56.237 6644-6678/myAppName  E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'android.util.ArrayMap', referenced from method
08-17 17:30:01.674 6644-6644/myAppName E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
                                                                         java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{myAppName.MainActivity}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #16: Error inflating class <unknown>
                                                                             at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
                                                                             at android.os.Looper.loop(
                                                                             at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
                                                                             at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
                                                                             at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
                                                                          Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #16: Error inflating class <unknown>
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
                                                                             at edu.uswat.fwd82.findmedoc.MainActivity.onCreate(
                                                                             at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 
                                                                             at android.os.Looper.loop( 
                                                                             at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) 
                                                                             at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( 
                                                                             at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) 
                                                                          Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
                                                                             at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.constructNative(Native Method)
                                                                             at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag( 
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate( 
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate( 
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate( 
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate( 
                                                                             at edu.uswat.fwd82.findmedoc.MainActivity.onCreate( 
                                                                             at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 
                                                                             at android.os.Looper.loop( 
                                                                             at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) 
                                                                             at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( 
                                                                             at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) 
                                                                          Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #14: Error inflating class ImageView
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.constructNative(Native Method) 
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( 
at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView( 
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag( 
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate( 
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate( 
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate( 
                                                                             at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate( 
                                                                             at edu.uswat.fwd82.findmedoc.MainActivity.onCreate( 
                                                                             at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 
                                                                             at android.os.Looper.loop( 
                                                                             at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) 
                                                                             at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( 
                                                                             at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) 
                                                                          Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
                                                                             at android.content.res.ResourcesEx.getThemeDrawable(
                                                                             at android.content.res.ResourcesEx.loadDrawable(
                                                                             at android.content.res.TypedArray.getDrawable(
                                                                             at android.widget.ImageView.<init>(
                                                                            at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(

As you can see the above Stack Trace include: at at

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:dexDebug'.

I have the same issue, and solved by change the '+' to a exact number, like compile "" to compile "".

This works for me. :)

ggplot2, change title size

+ theme(plot.title = element_text(size=22))

Here is the full set of things you can change in element_text:

element_text(family = NULL, face = NULL, colour = NULL, size = NULL,
  hjust = NULL, vjust = NULL, angle = NULL, lineheight = NULL,
  color = NULL)

WCF Exception: Could not find a base address that matches scheme http for the endpoint

My issue was also caused by missing https binding in IIS: Selected default website > On the far right pane selected Bindings > add > https

Choose 'IIS Express Development Certificate' and set port to 443

Mongodb service won't start

I verified permissions but all was good (mongod:mongod). As I'm working on a large project and from a similar issue in our dev environment where we had a script consuming all available disk space, I could see in the error messages that mongod needs at least 3.7Gb free disk space to run..

I checked my own disk space only to see that less than 2Gb was remaining. After moving / erasing some data I can successfully start mongod again.

Hope this helps ;-)

How to use cURL to get jSON data and decode the data?

Use this function: This will automatically create PHP arrays.

How to perform grep operation on all files in a directory?

To search in all sub-directories, but only in specific file types, use grep with --include.

For example, searching recursively in current directory, for text in *.yml and *.yaml :

grep "text to search" -r . --include=*.{yml,yaml}

Unable to create/open lock file: /data/mongod.lock errno:13 Permission denied

Removing the mongodb.lock file was not the issue in my case. I did so and got an error about the port being in use: [initandlisten] listen(): bind() failed errno:98 Address already in use for socket: I found another solution here: unable to start mongodb local server with instructions to kill the process:

  1. Find out from netstat which process is running mongodb port (27017)

    sudo netstat -tulpn | grep :27017

    Output will be: tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1412/mongod

  2. Kill the appropriate process.

    sudo kill 1412 (replace 1412 with your process ID found in step 1)

And I was able to successfully start mongodb again. I believe mine was still running from an improper shut down.

Couldn't connect to server

I got a similar error but the root cause was different. After installing the mongodb using homebrew. I have to start the "mongod" service before giving the "mongo" command on terminal.

2D cross-platform game engine for Android and iOS?

I find a nice and tidy Wave game engine few days ago. It uses C# and have Windows Phone and Windows Store converters as well which makes it a great replacement of XNA for me

deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations)

Kind of Inception going on here.

for (PlaylistadMap playlistadMap : playlistadMaps) {
        PlayList innerPlayList = playlistadMap.getPlayList();
        for (Iterator<PlaylistadMap> iterator = innerPlayList.getPlaylistadMaps().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            PlaylistadMap innerPlaylistadMap =;
            if (innerPlaylistadMap.equals(PlaylistadMap)) {

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.log4j.Level

You also need to include the Log4J JAR file in the classpath.

Note that slf4j-log4j12-1.6.4.jar is only an adapter to make it possible to use Log4J via the SLF4J API. It does not contain the actual implementation of Log4J.

Requested bean is currently in creation: Is there an unresolvable circular reference?

@Resource annotation on field level also could be used to declare look up at runtime

How long to brute force a salted SHA-512 hash? (salt provided)

In your case, breaking the hash algorithm is equivalent to finding a collision in the hash algorithm. That means you don't need to find the password itself (which would be a preimage attack), you just need to find an output of the hash function that is equal to the hash of a valid password (thus "collision"). Finding a collision using a birthday attack takes O(2^(n/2)) time, where n is the output length of the hash function in bits.

SHA-2 has an output size of 512 bits, so finding a collision would take O(2^256) time. Given there are no clever attacks on the algorithm itself (currently none are known for the SHA-2 hash family) this is what it takes to break the algorithm.

To get a feeling for what 2^256 actually means: currently it is believed that the number of atoms in the (entire!!!) universe is roughly 10^80 which is roughly 2^266. Assuming 32 byte input (which is reasonable for your case - 20 bytes salt + 12 bytes password) my machine takes ~0,22s (~2^-2s) for 65536 (=2^16) computations. So 2^256 computations would be done in 2^240 * 2^16 computations which would take

2^240 * 2^-2 = 2^238 ~ 10^72s ~ 3,17 * 10^64 years

Even calling this millions of years is ridiculous. And it doesn't get much better with the fastest hardware on the planet computing thousands of hashes in parallel. No human technology will be able to crunch this number into something acceptable.

So forget brute-forcing SHA-256 here. Your next question was about dictionary words. To retrieve such weak passwords rainbow tables were used traditionally. A rainbow table is generally just a table of precomputed hash values, the idea is if you were able to precompute and store every possible hash along with its input, then it would take you O(1) to look up a given hash and retrieve a valid preimage for it. Of course this is not possible in practice since there's no storage device that could store such enormous amounts of data. This dilemma is known as memory-time tradeoff. As you are only able to store so many values typical rainbow tables include some form of hash chaining with intermediary reduction functions (this is explained in detail in the Wikipedia article) to save on space by giving up a bit of savings in time.

Salts were a countermeasure to make such rainbow tables infeasible. To discourage attackers from precomputing a table for a specific salt it is recommended to apply per-user salt values. However, since users do not use secure, completely random passwords, it is still surprising how successful you can get if the salt is known and you just iterate over a large dictionary of common passwords in a simple trial and error scheme. The relationship between natural language and randomness is expressed as entropy. Typical password choices are generally of low entropy, whereas completely random values would contain a maximum of entropy.

The low entropy of typical passwords makes it possible that there is a relatively high chance of one of your users using a password from a relatively small database of common passwords. If you google for them, you will end up finding torrent links for such password databases, often in the gigabyte size category. Being successful with such a tool is usually in the range of minutes to days if the attacker is not restricted in any way.

That's why generally hashing and salting alone is not enough, you need to install other safety mechanisms as well. You should use an artificially slowed down entropy-enducing method such as PBKDF2 described in PKCS#5 and you should enforce a waiting period for a given user before they may retry entering their password. A good scheme is to start with 0.5s and then doubling that time for each failed attempt. In most cases users don't notice this and don't fail much more often than three times on average. But it will significantly slow down any malicious outsider trying to attack your application.

How to start mongodb shell?

Just type mongod instead of ./mongod. It works for me.

Memory errors and list limits?

There is no memory limit imposed by Python. However, you will get a MemoryError if you run out of RAM. You say you have 20301 elements in the list. This seems too small to cause a memory error for simple data types (e.g. int), but if each element itself is an object that takes up a lot of memory, you may well be running out of memory.

The IndexError however is probably caused because your ListTemp has got only 19767 elements (indexed 0 to 19766), and you are trying to access past the last element.

It is hard to say what you can do to avoid hitting the limit without knowing exactly what it is that you are trying to do. Using numpy might help. It looks like you are storing a huge amount of data. It may be that you don't need to store all of it at every stage. But it is impossible to say without knowing.

Wrapping long text without white space inside of a div

You can use the following

p{word-break: break-all;}


Is mongodb running?

Correct, closing the shell will stop MongoDB. Try using the --fork command line arg for the mongod process which makes it run as a daemon instead. I'm no Unix guru, but I'm sure there must be a way to then get it to auto start when the machine boots up.


mongod --fork --logpath /var/log/mongodb.log --logappend

Check out the full documentation on Starting and Stopping Mongo.

How to install a python library manually

I'm going to assume compiling the QuickFix package does not produce a file, but rather only compiles the Python bindings and relies on make install to put them in the appropriate place.

In this case, a quick and dirty fix is to compile the QuickFix source, locate the Python extension modules (you indicated on your system these end with a .so extension), and add that directory to your PYTHONPATH environmental variable e.g., add

export PYTHONPATH=~/path/to/python/extensions:PYTHONPATH

or similar line in your shell configuration file.

A more robust solution would include making sure to compile with ./configure --prefix=$HOME/.local. Assuming QuickFix knows to put the Python files in the appropriate site-packages, when you do make install, it should install the files to ~/.local/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages, which, for Python 2.6+, should already be on your Python path as the per-user site-packages directory.

If, on the other hand, it did provide a file, simply run

python install --user

for Python 2.6+.

Escape double quote in VB string

Another example:

Dim myPath As String = """" & Path.Combine(part1, part2) & """"

Good luck!

Error 5 : Access Denied when starting windows service

For me - the folder from which the service was to run, and the files in it, were encrypted using the Windows "Encrypt" option. Removing that and - voila!

Declaring and using MySQL varchar variables

I ran into the same problem using MySQL Workbench. According to the MySQL documentation, the DECLARE "statement declares local variables within stored programs." That apparently means it is only guaranteed to work with stored procedures/functions.

The solution for me was to simply remove the DECLARE statement, and introduce the variable in the SET statement. For your code that would mean:

-- DECLARE FOO varchar(7); 
-- DECLARE oldFOO varchar(7);

-- the @ symbol is required
SET @FOO = '138'; 
SET @oldFOO = CONCAT('0', FOO);

UPDATE mypermits SET person = FOO WHERE person = oldFOO;

Python base64 data decode

i used chardet to detect possible encoding of this data ( if its text ), but get {'confidence': 0.0, 'encoding': None}. Then i tried to use pickle.load and get nothing again. I tried to save this as file , test many different formats and failed here too. Maybe you tell us what type have this 16512 bytes of mysterious data?

Set value of hidden field in a form using jQuery's ".val()" doesn't work

I was having the same issue, and I found out what was wrong. I had the HTML defined as

<form action="url" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" id="email" />
    function onsomeevent()
       $("#email").val("[email protected]");

Reading the form values on server always resulted in email as empty. After scratching my head (and numerous search), I realized the mistake was not defining the form/input correctly. On modifing the input (as shown next), it worked like a charm

<input type="hidden" id="email" name="email" />

Adding to this thread in case others have the same issue.

The easiest way to replace white spaces with (underscores) _ in bash

This is borderline programming, but look into using tr:

$ echo "this is just a test" | tr -s ' ' | tr ' ' '_'

Should do it. The first invocation squeezes the spaces down, the second replaces with underscore. You probably need to add TABs and other whitespace characters, this is for spaces only.

Protect .NET code from reverse engineering?

If it's written in .NET and compiled to CIL, it can be reflected. If security is a concern and obfuscation is to be avoided, then I recommend writing your application using a non-managed language, which is, by nature, harder to reverse engineer.

Linux error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

While what I write below is true as a general answer about shared libraries, I think the most frequent cause of these sorts of message is because you've installed a package, but not installed the "-dev" version of that package.

Well, it's not lying - there is no in that listing. You probably need to re-configure and re-build it so that it depends on the library you have, or install whatever provides

Generally, the numbers after the .so are version numbers, and you'll often find that they are symlinks to each other, so if you have version 1.1 of, you'll have a real file, and symlinks and pointing to the And if you install version 1.1 without removing the other one, you'll have a, and and will now point to the new one, but any code that requires that exact version can use the file. Code that just relies on the version 1 API, but doesn't care if it's 1.0 or 1.1 will specify As orip pointed out in the comments, this is explained well at

In your case, you might get away with symlinking to No guarantees that it won't break your code and eat your TV dinners, though.

Why fragments, and when to use fragments instead of activities?

Adding to above answers, I shall tell using example of an app I released on playstore.

This was the first app I developed when learning android there fore I worked only with activities There are multiple activity pages I think about 12. Most of these had content that could be reused in other pages yet I ended up with a separate activity page for almost every single click on the app. Once I learnt fragments I realised how all reusables could just be implemented and separate fragments and just be used with very few activities. My user may not see any difference, but the same can be done with lesser code besides fragments are light weight, apart from the reusability and modularity they offer.

Reload an iframe with jQuery

you can also use jquery. This is the same what Alex proposed just using JQuery:

 $('#currentElement').attr("src", $('#currentElement').attr("src"));

Select a date from date picker using Selenium webdriver

Please use this code for selecting date from Two Jquery calendar like Flight Booking site.

    Hashtable h=new Hashtable();
    h.put("January",0 );

    int expMonth;
    int expYear;

    // Calendar Month and Year
    String calMonth = null;
    String calYear = null;
    boolean dateNotFound;
    dateNotFound = true;
    expMonth= 5;
    expYear = 2014;


        calMonth = driver.findElement(By.className("ui-datepicker-month")).getText(); // get the text of month
        calYear = driver.findElement(By.className("ui-datepicker-year")).getText();

        if(((Integer)h.get(calMonth))+1 == expMonth && (expYear == Integer.parseInt(calYear)))
            String block="//div[@class='monthBlock first']/table/tbody/tr/td";  // THIS IS FIRST CALENDAR
            dateNotFound = false; 
        // parseInt - Converts String to integer and indexof( It will return the index position of String)
        else if(((Integer)h.get(calMonth))+1 < expMonth && (expYear == Integer.parseInt(calYear)) || expYear > Integer.parseInt(calYear))
            String block="//div[@class='monthBlock last']/table/tbody/tr/td"; // THIS IS SECOND CALENDAR

                            selectDate(expDate,block); // PASSING DATE AND CALENDAR
                            dateNotFound = false; // Otherwise it will rotate continuously 
        else if((Integer)h.get(calMonth)+1 > expMonth && (expYear == Integer.parseInt(calYear)) || expYear < Integer.parseInt(calYear))
            System.out.println(" Please enter the date greater than Current date");
            dateNotFound = false;



    public static void selectDate(String date,String block) throws IOException

                    String monthblock=block;

        List<WebElement> dateWidget = driver.findElements(By.xpath(monthblock));    

        for (WebElement cell: dateWidget)
            //Selects Date
            if (cell.getText().equals(date))


        //Doubt : How to verify the expected results and how to sort the program



Escaping regex string

Unfortunately, re.escape() is not suited for the replacement string:

>>> re.sub('a', re.escape('_'), 'aa')

A solution is to put the replacement in a lambda:

>>> re.sub('a', lambda _: '_', 'aa')

because the return value of the lambda is treated by re.sub() as a literal string.


FROM user_payments as p
    FROM user_payments as p2

Automatically plot different colored lines

Actually, a decent shortcut method for getting the colors to cycle is to use hold all; in place of hold on;. Each successive plot will rotate (automatically for you) through MATLAB's default colormap.

From the MATLAB site on hold:

hold all holds the plot and the current line color and line style so that subsequent plotting commands do not reset the ColorOrder and LineStyleOrder property values to the beginning of the list. Plotting commands continue cycling through the predefined colors and linestyles from where the last plot stopped in the list.

How to apply filters to *ngFor?

For this requirement, I implement and publish a generic component. See

For use this components, before, install this package with npm:

npm install w-ng5 --save

After, import module in app.module

import { PipesModule } from 'w-ng5';

In the next step, add in declare section of app.module:

imports: [

Sample use

Filtering simple string

<input type="text"  [(ngModel)]="filtroString">
  <li *ngFor="let s of getStrings() | filter:filtroString">

Filtering complex string - field 'Value' in level 2

<input type="text"  [(ngModel)]="search">
  <li *ngFor="let s of getComplexTypesExtends() | filter:[{field:'n1.n2.valor2', value: search}]">
    {{s.nome}} - {{s.idade}} - {{s.n1.valor1}} - {{s.n1.n2.valor2}}

Filtering complex string - middle field - 'Value' in level 1

<input type="text"  [(ngModel)]="search3">
  <li *ngFor="let s of getComplexTypesExtends() | filter:[{field:'n1.valor1', value: search3}]">
    {{s.nome}} - {{s.idade}} - {{s.n1.valor1}} - {{s.n1.n2.valor2}}

Filtering complex array simple - field 'Nome' level 0

<input type="text"  [(ngModel)]="search2">
  <li *ngFor="let s of getComplexTypesExtends() | filter:[{field:'nome', value: search2}]">
    {{s.nome}} - {{s.idade}} - {{s.n1.valor1}} - {{s.n1.n2.valor2}}

Filtering in tree fields - field 'Valor' in level 2 or 'Valor' in level 1 or 'Nome' in level 0

<input type="text"  [(ngModel)]="search5">
  <li *ngFor="let s of getComplexTypesExtends() | filter:[{field:'n1.n2.valor2', value: search5}, {field:'n1.valor1', value: search5}, {field:'nome', value: search5}]">
    {{s.nome}} - {{s.idade}} - {{s.n1.valor1}} - {{s.n1.n2.valor2}}

Filtering nonexistent field - 'Valor' in nonexistent level 3

<input type="text"  [(ngModel)]="search4">
  <li *ngFor="let s of getComplexTypesExtends() | filter:[{field:'n1.n2.n3.valor3', value: search4}]">
    {{s.nome}} - {{s.idade}} - {{s.n1.valor1}} - {{s.n1.n2.valor2}}

This component work with infinite attribute level...

How to put a div in center of browser using CSS?

Using this:

center-div { margin: auto; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; bottom: 0; right: 0; transform: translate(-50% -50%); }

Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Python33\python.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python33\pip.exe""

I had a similar issue and upgrading pip fixed it for me.

python -m pip install --upgrade pip 

This was on Windows and the path to python inside pip.exe was incorrect. See Archimedix answer for more information about the path.

How to get list of all installed packages along with version in composer?

Is there a way to get it via $event->getComposer()->getRepositoryManager()->getAllPackages()

Should CSS always preceed Javascript?

Updated 2017-12-16

I was not sure about the tests in OP. I decided to experiment a little and ended up busting some of the myths.

Synchronous <script src...> will block downloading of the resources below it until it is downloaded and executed

This is no longer true. Have a look at the waterfall generated by Chrome 63:

<script src="//;delay=333&amp;rand=1"></script>
<script src="//;delay=333&amp;rand=2"></script>
<script src="//;delay=333&amp;rand=3"></script>

Chrome net inspector -> waterfall

<link rel=stylesheet> will not block download and execution of scripts below it

This is incorrect. The stylesheet will not block download but it will block execution of the script (little explanation here). Have a look at performance chart generated by Chrome 63:

<link href="//;delay=666" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//;delay=333&amp;block=1000"></script>

Chrome dev tools -> performance

Keeping the above in mind, the results in OP can be explained as follows:

CSS First:

CSS Download  500ms:<------------------------------------------------>
JS Download   400ms:<-------------------------------------->
JS Execution 1000ms:                                                  <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
DOM Ready   @1500ms:                                                                                                                                                      ?

JS First:

JS Download   400ms:<-------------------------------------->
CSS Download  500ms:<------------------------------------------------>
JS Execution 1000ms:                                        <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
DOM Ready   @1400ms:                                                                                                                                            ?

Can I use a case/switch statement with two variables?

I don't believe a switch/case is any faster than a series of if/elseif's. They do the same thing, but if/elseif's you can check multiple variables. You cannot use a switch/case on more than one value.

How to get single value of List<object>

You can access the fields by indexing the object array:

foreach (object[] item in selectedValues)
  idTextBox.Text = item[0];
  titleTextBox.Text = item[1];
  contentTextBox.Text = item[2];

That said, you'd be better off storing the fields in a small class of your own if the number of items is not dynamic:

public class MyObject
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Content { get; set; }

Then you can do:

foreach (MyObject item in selectedValues)
  idTextBox.Text = item.Id;
  titleTextBox.Text = item.Title;
  contentTextBox.Text = item.Content;

PostgreSQL INSERT ON CONFLICT UPDATE (upsert) use all excluded values

Postgres hasn't implemented an equivalent to INSERT OR REPLACE. From the ON CONFLICT docs (emphasis mine):

It can be either DO NOTHING, or a DO UPDATE clause specifying the exact details of the UPDATE action to be performed in case of a conflict.

Though it doesn't give you shorthand for replacement, ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE applies more generally, since it lets you set new values based on preexisting data. For example:

INSERT INTO users (id, level)
VALUES (1, 0)
SET level = users.level + 1;

Detect browser or tab closing

Try to use it:

window.onbeforeunload = function (event) {
    var message = 'Important: Please click on \'Save\' button to leave this page.';
    if (typeof event == 'undefined') {
        event = window.event;
    if (event) {
        event.returnValue = message;
    return message;

$(function () {
    $("a").not('#lnkLogOut').click(function () {
        window.onbeforeunload = null;
    $(".btn").click(function () {
        window.onbeforeunload = null;

Can a unit test project load the target application's app.config file?

I use NUnit and in my project directory I have a copy of my App.Config that I change some configuration (example I redirect to a test database...). You need to have it in the same directory of the tested project and you will be fine.

Center image horizontally within a div

you can align your content using flex box with minimum code


<div class="image-container">
<img src="" width="100px"> 



  justify-content: center;_x000D_
<div class="image-container">_x000D_
<img src="" width="100px"> _x000D_

js fiddle link

Java ArrayList - how can I tell if two lists are equal, order not mattering?

One-line method :)

  1. Collection's items NOT implement the interface Comparable<? super T>

     static boolean isEqualCollection(Collection<?> a, Collection<?> b) {
         return a == b || (a != null && b != null && a.size() == b.size()
             &&, s -> 1L, Long::sum)).equals(, s -> 1L, Long::sum))));
  2. Collection's items implement the interface Comparable<? super T>

     static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> boolean  isEqualCollection2(Collection<T> a, Collection<T> b) {
       return a == b || (a != null && b != null && a.size() == b.size() &&;
  3. support Android5 & Android6 via

    static boolean isEqualCollection(Collection<?> a, Collection<?> b) {
     return a == b || (a != null && b != null && a.size() == b.size()
             &&, s->1L, Longs::sum)).equals(, s->1L, Longs::sum))));

////Test case

    boolean isEquals1 = isEqualCollection(null, null); //true
    boolean isEquals2 = isEqualCollection(null, Arrays.asList("1", "2")); //false
    boolean isEquals3 = isEqualCollection(Arrays.asList("1", "2"), null); //false
    boolean isEquals4 = isEqualCollection(Arrays.asList("1", "2", "2"), Arrays.asList("1", "1", "2")); //false
    boolean isEquals5 = isEqualCollection(Arrays.asList("1", "2"), Arrays.asList("2", "1")); //true
    boolean isEquals6 = isEqualCollection(Arrays.asList("1", 2.0), Arrays.asList(2.0, "1")); //true
    boolean isEquals7 = isEqualCollection(Arrays.asList("1", 2.0, 100L), Arrays.asList(2.0, 100L, "1")); //true
    boolean isEquals8 = isEqualCollection(Arrays.asList("1", null, 2.0, 100L), Arrays.asList(2.0, null, 100L, "1")); //true

Reset all the items in a form

You can create the form again and dispose the old one.

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Form1 NewForm = new Form1();           

Root element is missing

  1. Check the trees.config file which located in config folder... sometimes (I don't know why) this file became to be empty like someone delete the content inside... keep backup up of this file in your local pc then when this error appear - replace the server file with your local file. This is what i do when this error happened.

  2. check the available space on the server. sometimes this is the problem.

Good luck.

How to compute precision, recall, accuracy and f1-score for the multiclass case with scikit learn?

I think there is a lot of confusion about which weights are used for what. I am not sure I know precisely what bothers you so I am going to cover different topics, bear with me ;).

Class weights

The weights from the class_weight parameter are used to train the classifier. They are not used in the calculation of any of the metrics you are using: with different class weights, the numbers will be different simply because the classifier is different.

Basically in every scikit-learn classifier, the class weights are used to tell your model how important a class is. That means that during the training, the classifier will make extra efforts to classify properly the classes with high weights.
How they do that is algorithm-specific. If you want details about how it works for SVC and the doc does not make sense to you, feel free to mention it.

The metrics

Once you have a classifier, you want to know how well it is performing. Here you can use the metrics you mentioned: accuracy, recall_score, f1_score...

Usually when the class distribution is unbalanced, accuracy is considered a poor choice as it gives high scores to models which just predict the most frequent class.

I will not detail all these metrics but note that, with the exception of accuracy, they are naturally applied at the class level: as you can see in this print of a classification report they are defined for each class. They rely on concepts such as true positives or false negative that require defining which class is the positive one.

             precision    recall  f1-score   support

          0       0.65      1.00      0.79        17
          1       0.57      0.75      0.65        16
          2       0.33      0.06      0.10        17
avg / total       0.52      0.60      0.51        50

The warning

F1 score:/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/ DeprecationWarning: The 
default `weighted` averaging is deprecated, and from version 0.18, 
use of precision, recall or F-score with multiclass or multilabel data  
or pos_label=None will result in an exception. Please set an explicit 
value for `average`, one of (None, 'micro', 'macro', 'weighted', 
'samples'). In cross validation use, for instance, 
scoring="f1_weighted" instead of scoring="f1".

You get this warning because you are using the f1-score, recall and precision without defining how they should be computed! The question could be rephrased: from the above classification report, how do you output one global number for the f1-score? You could:

  1. Take the average of the f1-score for each class: that's the avg / total result above. It's also called macro averaging.
  2. Compute the f1-score using the global count of true positives / false negatives, etc. (you sum the number of true positives / false negatives for each class). Aka micro averaging.
  3. Compute a weighted average of the f1-score. Using 'weighted' in scikit-learn will weigh the f1-score by the support of the class: the more elements a class has, the more important the f1-score for this class in the computation.

These are 3 of the options in scikit-learn, the warning is there to say you have to pick one. So you have to specify an average argument for the score method.

Which one you choose is up to how you want to measure the performance of the classifier: for instance macro-averaging does not take class imbalance into account and the f1-score of class 1 will be just as important as the f1-score of class 5. If you use weighted averaging however you'll get more importance for the class 5.

The whole argument specification in these metrics is not super-clear in scikit-learn right now, it will get better in version 0.18 according to the docs. They are removing some non-obvious standard behavior and they are issuing warnings so that developers notice it.

Computing scores

Last thing I want to mention (feel free to skip it if you're aware of it) is that scores are only meaningful if they are computed on data that the classifier has never seen. This is extremely important as any score you get on data that was used in fitting the classifier is completely irrelevant.

Here's a way to do it using StratifiedShuffleSplit, which gives you a random splits of your data (after shuffling) that preserve the label distribution.

from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedShuffleSplit
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score, precision_score, recall_score, classification_report, confusion_matrix

# We use a utility to generate artificial classification data.
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=100, n_informative=10, n_classes=3)
sss = StratifiedShuffleSplit(y, n_iter=1, test_size=0.5, random_state=0)
for train_idx, test_idx in sss:
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = X[train_idx], X[test_idx], y[train_idx], y[test_idx], y_train)
    y_pred = svc.predict(X_test)
    print(f1_score(y_test, y_pred, average="macro"))
    print(precision_score(y_test, y_pred, average="macro"))
    print(recall_score(y_test, y_pred, average="macro"))    

Hope this helps.

Running Google Maps v2 on the Android emulator

Google has updated the Virtual Device targeting API 23. It now comes with Google Play Services 9.0.80. So if you are using Google Maps API V 2.0 (I'm using play-services-maps:9.0.0 and play-services-location.9.0.0) no workaround necessary. It just works!

Call and receive output from Python script in Java?

Not sure if I understand your question correctly, but provided that you can call the Python executable from the console and just want to capture its output in Java, you can use the exec() method in the Java Runtime class.

Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("python");

You can read up on how to actually read the output here:

There is also an Apache library (the Apache exec project) that can help you with this. You can read more about it here:

How to pass text in a textbox to JavaScript function?

if I have understood correct the question :

<TITLE>Passing values</TITLE>_x000D_
Give a number :<input type="number" id="num"><br>_x000D_
<button onclick="MyFunction(num.value)">Press button...</button>_x000D_
function MyFunction(num) {_x000D_
   document.write("<h1>You gave "+num+"</h1>");_x000D_

How can I implement prepend and append with regular JavaScript?

Perhaps you're asking about the DOM methods appendChild and insertBefore.

parentNode.insertBefore(newChild, refChild)

Inserts the node newChild as a child of parentNode before the existing child node refChild. (Returns newChild.)

If refChild is null, newChild is added at the end of the list of children. Equivalently, and more readably, use parentNode.appendChild(newChild).

How do you check if a certain index exists in a table?

If the hidden purpose of your question is to DROP the index before making INSERT to a large table, then this is useful one-liner:

DROP INDEX IF EXISTS [IndexName] ON [dbo].[TableName]

This syntax is available since SQL Server 2016. Documentation for IF EXISTS:

In case you deal with a primery key instead, then use this:


C# how to use enum with switch

Since C# 8.0 introduced a new switch expression for enums you can do it even more elegant:

public double Calculate(int left, int right, Operator op) =>
            op switch 
            Operator.PLUS => left + right,
            Operator.MINUS => left - right,
            Operator.MULTIPLY => left * right,
            Operator.DIVIDE => left / right,
            _    =>  0


Generate UML Class Diagram from Java Project

I´d say MoDisco is by far the most powerful one (though probably not the easiest one to work with).

MoDisco is a generic reverse engineering framework (so that you can customize your reverse engineering project, with MoDisco you can even reverse engineer the behaviour of the java methods, not only the structure and signatures) but also includes some predefined features like the generation of class diagrams out of Java code that you need.

How do I check (at runtime) if one class is a subclass of another?


class a:
class b(a):
class c(b):

print(issubclass(c,b))#it returns true

How to retrieve current workspace using Jenkins Pipeline Groovy script?

I think you can also execute the pwd() function on the particular node:

node {
    def PWD = pwd();

Python extending with - using super() Python 3 vs Python 2

In short, they are equivalent. Let's have a history view:

(1) at first, the function looks like this.

    class MySubClass(MySuperClass):
        def __init__(self):

(2) to make code more abstract (and more portable). A common method to get Super-Class is invented like:

    super(<class>, <instance>)

And init function can be:

    class MySubClassBetter(MySuperClass):
        def __init__(self):
            super(MySubClassBetter, self).__init__()

However requiring an explicit passing of both the class and instance break the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) rule a bit.

(3) in V3. It is more smart,


is enough in most case. You can refer to

Set adb vendor keys

look at this url Android adb devices unauthorized else briefly do the following:

  1. look for adbkey with not extension in the platform-tools/.android and delete this file
  2. look at C:\Users\*username*\.android) and delete adbkey
  3. C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.android and delete adbkey

You may find it in one of the directories above. Or just search adbkey in the Parent folders above then locate and delete.

Removing special characters VBA Excel

Here is how removed special characters.

I simply applied regex

Dim strPattern As String: strPattern = "[^a-zA-Z0-9]" 'The regex pattern to find special characters
Dim strReplace As String: strReplace = "" 'The replacement for the special characters
Set regEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") 'Initialize the regex object    
Dim GCID As String: GCID = "Text #N/A" 'The text to be stripped of special characters

' Configure the regex object
With regEx
    .Global = True
    .MultiLine = True
    .IgnoreCase = False
    .Pattern = strPattern
End With

' Perform the regex replacement
GCID = regEx.Replace(GCID, strReplace)

Electron: jQuery is not defined

  delete window.module;

before your jquery import and you're good to go. more info here.

Eclipse reported "Failed to load JNI shared library"

JRE 7 is probably installed in Program Files\Java and NOT Program Files(x86)\Java.

Round float to x decimals?

I feel compelled to provide a counterpoint to Ashwini Chaudhary's answer. Despite appearances, the two-argument form of the round function does not round a Python float to a given number of decimal places, and it's often not the solution you want, even when you think it is. Let me explain...

The ability to round a (Python) float to some number of decimal places is something that's frequently requested, but turns out to be rarely what's actually needed. The beguilingly simple answer round(x, number_of_places) is something of an attractive nuisance: it looks as though it does what you want, but thanks to the fact that Python floats are stored internally in binary, it's doing something rather subtler. Consider the following example:

>>> round(52.15, 1)

With a naive understanding of what round does, this looks wrong: surely it should be rounding up to 52.2 rather than down to 52.1? To understand why such behaviours can't be relied upon, you need to appreciate that while this looks like a simple decimal-to-decimal operation, it's far from simple.

So here's what's really happening in the example above. (deep breath) We're displaying a decimal representation of the nearest binary floating-point number to the nearest n-digits-after-the-point decimal number to a binary floating-point approximation of a numeric literal written in decimal. So to get from the original numeric literal to the displayed output, the underlying machinery has made four separate conversions between binary and decimal formats, two in each direction. Breaking it down (and with the usual disclaimers about assuming IEEE 754 binary64 format, round-ties-to-even rounding, and IEEE 754 rules):

  1. First the numeric literal 52.15 gets parsed and converted to a Python float. The actual number stored is 7339460017730355 * 2**-47, or 52.14999999999999857891452847979962825775146484375.

  2. Internally as the first step of the round operation, Python computes the closest 1-digit-after-the-point decimal string to the stored number. Since that stored number is a touch under the original value of 52.15, we end up rounding down and getting a string 52.1. This explains why we're getting 52.1 as the final output instead of 52.2.

  3. Then in the second step of the round operation, Python turns that string back into a float, getting the closest binary floating-point number to 52.1, which is now 7332423143312589 * 2**-47, or 52.10000000000000142108547152020037174224853515625.

  4. Finally, as part of Python's read-eval-print loop (REPL), the floating-point value is displayed (in decimal). That involves converting the binary value back to a decimal string, getting 52.1 as the final output.

In Python 2.7 and later, we have the pleasant situation that the two conversions in step 3 and 4 cancel each other out. That's due to Python's choice of repr implementation, which produces the shortest decimal value guaranteed to round correctly to the actual float. One consequence of that choice is that if you start with any (not too large, not too small) decimal literal with 15 or fewer significant digits then the corresponding float will be displayed showing those exact same digits:

>>> x = 15.34509809234
>>> x

Unfortunately, this furthers the illusion that Python is storing values in decimal. Not so in Python 2.6, though! Here's the original example executed in Python 2.6:

>>> round(52.15, 1)

Not only do we round in the opposite direction, getting 52.2 instead of 52.1, but the displayed value doesn't even print as 52.2! This behaviour has caused numerous reports to the Python bug tracker along the lines of "round is broken!". But it's not round that's broken, it's user expectations. (Okay, okay, round is a little bit broken in Python 2.6, in that it doesn't use correct rounding.)

Short version: if you're using two-argument round, and you're expecting predictable behaviour from a binary approximation to a decimal round of a binary approximation to a decimal halfway case, you're asking for trouble.

So enough with the "two-argument round is bad" argument. What should you be using instead? There are a few possibilities, depending on what you're trying to do.

  • If you're rounding for display purposes, then you don't want a float result at all; you want a string. In that case the answer is to use string formatting:

    >>> format(66.66666666666, '.4f')
    >>> format(1.29578293, '.6f')

    Even then, one has to be aware of the internal binary representation in order not to be surprised by the behaviour of apparent decimal halfway cases.

    >>> format(52.15, '.1f')
  • If you're operating in a context where it matters which direction decimal halfway cases are rounded (for example, in some financial contexts), you might want to represent your numbers using the Decimal type. Doing a decimal round on the Decimal type makes a lot more sense than on a binary type (equally, rounding to a fixed number of binary places makes perfect sense on a binary type). Moreover, the decimal module gives you better control of the rounding mode. In Python 3, round does the job directly. In Python 2, you need the quantize method.

    >>> Decimal('66.66666666666').quantize(Decimal('1e-4'))
    >>> Decimal('1.29578293').quantize(Decimal('1e-6'))
  • In rare cases, the two-argument version of round really is what you want: perhaps you're binning floats into bins of size 0.01, and you don't particularly care which way border cases go. However, these cases are rare, and it's difficult to justify the existence of the two-argument version of the round builtin based on those cases alone.

How to plot time series in python

Convert your x-axis data from text to datetime.datetime, use datetime.strptime:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> datetime.strptime("2012-may-31 19:00", "%Y-%b-%d %H:%M")
 datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 31, 19, 0)

This is an example of how to plot data once you have an array of datetimes:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
import numpy as np

x = np.array([datetime.datetime(2013, 9, 28, i, 0) for i in range(24)])
y = np.random.randint(100, size=x.shape)


enter image description here

Capture screenshot of active window?

You can use the code from this question: How can I save a screenshot directly to a file in Windows?

Just change WIN32_API.GetDesktopWindow() to the Handle property of the window you want to capture.

Execute PHP scripts within Node.js web server

I had the same question. I tried invoking php through the shell interface, and it produced the desired result:

var exec = require("child_process").exec;
app.get('/', function(req, res){exec("php index.php", function (error, stdout, stderr) {res.send(stdout);});});

I'm sure this is not high on the recommended practices list, but it seemed to do what I wanted. If, on the other hand, you don't want to execute PHP scripts directly from Node.js but want to relay them from another web server that does, this seems to do the trick:

var exec = require("child_process").exec;
app.get('/', function(req, res){exec("wget -q -O - http://localhost/", function (error, stdout, stderr) {res.send(stdout);});});

How should I tackle --secure-file-priv in MySQL?

If you're running on Ubuntu, you may also need to configure Apparmor to allow MySQL to write to your folder, e.g. here's my configuration:

Add this line to file /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld :

/var/lib/mysql-files/* rw

Then add these 2 config lines to /etc/mysql/my.cnf sections:

loose-local-infile = 1

secure-file-priv = ""

Here's my SQL:

select id from blahs into outfile '/var/lib/mysql-files/blahs';

It worked for me. Good luck!

segmentation fault : 11

This declaration:

double F[1000][1000000];

would occupy 8 * 1000 * 1000000 bytes on a typical x86 system. This is about 7.45 GB. Chances are your system is running out of memory when trying to execute your code, which results in a segmentation fault.

How to set CATALINA_HOME variable in windows 7?

Here is tutorial how to do that (CATALINA_HOME is path to your Tomcat, so I suppose something like C:/Program Files/Tomcat/. And for starting server, you need to execute script startup.bat from command line, this will make it:)

Drop unused factor levels in a subsetted data frame

All you should have to do is to apply factor() to your variable again after subsetting:

> subdf$letters
[1] a b c
Levels: a b c d e
subdf$letters <- factor(subdf$letters)
> subdf$letters
[1] a b c
Levels: a b c


From the factor page example:

factor(ff)      # drops the levels that do not occur

For dropping levels from all factor columns in a dataframe, you can use:

subdf <- subset(df, numbers <= 3)
subdf[] <- lapply(subdf, function(x) if(is.factor(x)) factor(x) else x)

What is difference between 'git reset --hard HEAD~1' and 'git reset --soft HEAD~1'?

git reset does know five "modes": soft, mixed, hard, merge and keep. I will start with the first three, since these are the modes you'll usually encounter. After that you'll find a nice little a bonus, so stay tuned.


When using git reset --soft HEAD~1 you will remove the last commit from the current branch, but the file changes will stay in your working tree. Also the changes will stay on your index, so following with a git commit will create a commit with the exact same changes as the commit you "removed" before.


This is the default mode and quite similar to soft. When "removing" a commit with git reset HEAD~1 you will still keep the changes in your working tree but not on the index; so if you want to "redo" the commit, you will have to add the changes (git add) before commiting.


When using git reset --hard HEAD~1 you will lose all uncommited changes in addition to the changes introduced in the last commit. The changes won't stay in your working tree so doing a git status command will tell you that you don't have any changes in your repository.

Tread carefully with this one. If you accidentally remove uncommited changes which were never tracked by git (speak: committed or at least added to the index), you have no way of getting them back using git.



git reset --keep HEAD~1 is an interesting and useful one. It only resets the files which are different between the current HEAD and the given commit. It aborts the reset if one or more of these files has uncommited changes. It basically acts as a safer version of hard.

You can read more about that in the git reset documentation.

When doing git reset to remove a commit the commit isn't really lost, there just is no reference pointing to it or any of it's children. You can still recover a commit which was "deleted" with git reset by finding it's SHA-1 key, for example with a command such as git reflog.

How should I store GUID in MySQL tables?

For those just stumbling across this, there is now a much better alternative as per research by Percona.

It consists of reorganising the UUID chunks for optimal indexing, then converting into binary for reduced storage.

Read the full article here

What is the equivalent to getLastInsertId() in Cakephp?

After insertion of data, we can use following code to get recently added record's id:


How to get system time in Java without creating a new Date

Use System.currentTimeMillis() or System.nanoTime().

Eclipse "this compilation unit is not on the build path of a java project"

  2. Right click at Package explorer area and right click import.
  3. Go to Maven folder and hit import an existing maven project.

Hope it helps

Finalize vs Dispose

Others have already covered the difference between Dispose and Finalize (btw the Finalize method is still called a destructor in the language specification), so I'll just add a little about the scenarios where the Finalize method comes in handy.

Some types encapsulate disposable resources in a manner where it is easy to use and dispose of them in a single action. The general usage is often like this: open, read or write, close (Dispose). It fits very well with the using construct.

Others are a bit more difficult. WaitEventHandles for instances are not used like this as they are used to signal from one thread to another. The question then becomes who should call Dispose on these? As a safeguard types like these implement a Finalize method, which makes sure resources are disposed when the instance is no longer referenced by the application.

Using a custom typeface in Android

Although I am upvoting Manish's answer as the fastest and most targeted method, I have also seen naive solutions which just recursively iterate through a view hierarchy and update all elements' typefaces in turn. Something like this:

public static void applyFonts(final View v, Typeface fontToSet)
    try {
        if (v instanceof ViewGroup) {
            ViewGroup vg = (ViewGroup) v;
            for (int i = 0; i < vg.getChildCount(); i++) {
                View child = vg.getChildAt(i);
                applyFonts(child, fontToSet);
        } else if (v instanceof TextView) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // ignore

You would need to call this function on your views both after inflating layout and in your Activity's onContentChanged() methods.

Split array into chunks

For a functional solution, using Ramda:

Where popularProducts is your input array, 5 is the chunk size

import splitEvery from 'ramda/src/splitEvery'_x000D_
splitEvery(5, popularProducts).map((chunk, i) => {_x000D_
// do something with chunk_x000D_

How to add days to the current date?

Add Days in Date in SQL


How to write to an existing excel file without overwriting data (using pandas)?

def append_sheet_to_master(self, master_file_path, current_file_path, sheet_name):
        master_book = load_workbook(master_file_path)
        master_writer = pandas.ExcelWriter(master_file_path, engine='openpyxl') = master_book
        master_writer.sheets = dict((ws.title, ws) for ws in master_book.worksheets)
        current_frames = pandas.ExcelFile(current_file_path).parse(pandas.ExcelFile(current_file_path).sheet_names[0],
        current_frames.to_excel(master_writer, sheet_name, index=None, header=False)
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

This works perfectly fine only thing is that formatting of the master file(file to which we add new sheet) is lost.

Mailto on submit button

What you need to do is use the onchange event listener in the form and change the href attribute of the send button according to the context of the mail:

<form id="form" onchange="mail(this)">
  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control" name="name" type="text">

  <label>Email <span class="color-red">*</span></label>
  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control" name="email" type="text">

  <label>Date of visit/departure </label>
  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control w8em" name="adate" type="text">
          // Associate the text input to a DD/MM/YYYY date format
          formElements: {
            "adate": "%d/%m/%Y"
    <div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control" name="ddate" type="date">

  <label>No. of people travelling with</label>
  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control" placeholder="Adults" min=1 name="adult" type="number">
    <div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control" placeholder="Children" min=0 name="childeren" type="number">

  <label>Cities you want to visit</label><br />
  <div class="checkbox-inline">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="city" value="Cassablanca">Cassablanca</label>
  <div class="checkbox-inline">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="city" value="Fez">Fez</label>
  <div class="checkbox-inline">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="city" value="Tangier">Tangier</label>
  <div class="checkbox-inline">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="city" value="Marrakech">Marrakech</label>
  <div class="checkbox-inline">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="city" value="Rabat">Rabat</label>

  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-0">
      <textarea rows="4" placeholder="Activities Intersted in" name="activities" class="form-control"></textarea>

  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-0">
      <textarea rows="6" class="form-control" name="comment" placeholder="Comment"></textarea>

  <p><a id="send" class="btn btn-primary">Create Message</a></p>


function mail(form) {
    var name =;
    var city = "";
    var adate = form.adate.value;
    var ddate = form.ddate.value;
    var activities = form.activities.value;
    var adult =;
    var child = form.childeren.value;
    var comment = form.comment.value;
    var warning = ""
    for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
        if ([i].checked)
            city += " " +[i].value;
    var str = "mailto:[email protected]?subject=travel to morocco&body=";
    if (name.length > 0) {
        str += "Hi my name is " + name + ", ";
    } else {
        warning += "Name is required"
    if (city.length > 0) {
        str += "I am Intersted in visiting the following citis: " + city + ", ";
    if (activities.length > 0) {
        str += "I am Intersted in following activities: " + activities + ". "
    if (adate.length > 0) {
        str += "I will be ariving on " + adate;
    if (ddate.length > 0) {
        str += " And departing on " + ddate;
    if (adult.length > 0) {
        if (adult == 1 && child == null) {
            str += ". I will be travelling alone"
        } else if (adult > 1) {
            str += ".We will have a group of " + adult + " adults ";
        if (child == null) {
            str += ".";
        } else if (child > 1) {
            str += "along with " + child + " children.";
        } else if (child == 1) {
            str += "along with a child.";

    if (comment.length > 0) {
        str += "%0D%0A" + comment + "."

    if (warning.length > 0) {
    } else {
        str += "%0D%0ARegards,%0D%0A" + name;
        document.getElementById('send').href = str;

Why doesn't have a close method?

Essentially random access file wraps input and output streams in order to manage the random access. You don't open and close a file, you open and close streams to a file.

Eclipse DDMS error "Can't bind to local 8600 for debugger"

After hours trying to fix it with java sdks, eclipse.ini file, and all material found on the question, what definetely worked for me :


then all ports on DDMS get green, no matter java or Genymotion settings or what the...

How do MySQL indexes work?

Basically an index on a table works like an index in a book (that's where the name came from):

Let's say you have a book about databases and you want to find some information about, say, storage. Without an index (assuming no other aid, such as a table of contents) you'd have to go through the pages one by one, until you found the topic (that's a full table scan). On the other hand, an index has a list of keywords, so you'd consult the index and see that storage is mentioned on pages 113-120,231 and 354. Then you could flip to those pages directly, without searching (that's a search with an index, somewhat faster).

Of course, how useful the index will be, depends on many things - a few examples, using the simile above:

  • if you had a book on databases and indexed the word "database", you'd see that it's mentioned on pages 1-59,61-290, and 292 to 400. In such case, the index is not much help and it might be faster to go through the pages one by one (in a database, this is "poor selectivity").
  • For a 10-page book, it makes no sense to make an index, as you may end up with a 10-page book prefixed by a 5-page index, which is just silly - just scan the 10 pages and be done with it.
  • The index also needs to be useful - there's generally no point to index e.g. the frequency of the letter "L" per page.

Convert double to BigDecimal and set BigDecimal Precision

You want to try String.format("%f", d), which will print your double in decimal notation. Don't use BigDecimal at all.

Regarding the precision issue: You are first storing 47.48 in the double c, then making a new BigDecimal from that double. The loss of precision is in assigning to c. You could do

BigDecimal b = new BigDecimal("47.48")

to avoid losing any precision.

jQuery: Clearing Form Inputs

Demo :

  .not(':button, :submit, :reset, :hidden')

Original Answer: Resetting a multi-stage form with jQuery

Mike's suggestion (from the comments) to keep checkbox and selects intact!

Warning: If you're creating elements (so they're not in the dom), replace :hidden with [type=hidden] or all fields will be ignored!

  .not(':button, :submit, :reset, :hidden, :radio, :checkbox')

Hadoop MapReduce: Strange Result when Storing Previous Value in Memory in a Reduce Class (Java)

It is very inefficient to store all values in memory, so the objects are reused and loaded one at a time. See this other SO question for a good explanation. Summary:

[...] when looping through the Iterable value list, each Object instance is re-used, so it only keeps one instance around at a given time.

How to check compiler log in sql developer?

I can also use

show errors;

In sql worksheet.

Shell script - remove first and last quote (") from a variable

If you're using jq and trying to remove the quotes from the result, the other answers will work, but there's a better way. By using the -r option, you can output the result with no quotes.

$ echo '{"foo": "bar"}' | jq '.foo'

$ echo '{"foo": "bar"}' | jq -r '.foo'

Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type

Please set the request Content Type before you read the response stream;

 request.ContentType = "text/xml";

docker: executable file not found in $PATH

This was the first result on google when I pasted my error message, and it's because my arguments were out of order.

The container name has to be after all of the arguments.


docker run <container_name> -v $(pwd):/src -it


docker run -v $(pwd):/src -it <container_name>

Inserting a PDF file in LaTeX

For putting a whole pdf in your file and not just 1 page, use:



Get the time of a datetime using T-SQL?


IN SQL Server 2008+


How to insert a text at the beginning of a file?

If the file is only one line, you can use:

sed 's/^/insert this /' oldfile > newfile

If it's more than one line. one of:

sed '1s/^/insert this /' oldfile > newfile
sed '1,1s/^/insert this /' oldfile > newfile

I've included the latter so that you know how to do ranges of lines. Both of these "replace" the start line marker on their affected lines with the text you want to insert. You can also (assuming your sed is modern enough) use:

sed -i 'whatever command you choose' filename

to do in-place editing.

How to execute a command prompt command from python


import os

os.popen("Your command here")

Simple http post example in Objective-C?

I am a beginner in iPhone apps and I still have an issue although I followed the above advices. It looks like POST variables are not received by my server - not sure if it comes from php or objective-c code ...

the objective-c part (coded following Chris' protocol methodo)

// Create the request.
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://example.php"]];

// Specify that it will be a POST request
request.HTTPMethod = @"POST";

// This is how we set header fields
[request setValue:@"application/xml; charset=utf-8" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Type"];

// Convert your data and set your request's HTTPBody property
NSString *stringData = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"user_name=%@&password=%@", self.userNameField.text , self.passwordTextField.text];
NSData *requestBodyData = [stringData dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
request.HTTPBody = requestBodyData;

// Create url connection and fire request
//NSURLConnection *conn = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self];
NSData *response = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request
                                         returningResponse:nil error:nil];

NSLog(@"Response: %@",[[NSString alloc] initWithData:response encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);

Below the php part :

if (isset($_POST['user_name'],$_POST['password'])) 


// Create connection
$con2=mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
// retrieve POST vars
$username = $_POST['user_name'];
$password = $_POST['password'];

$sql = "INSERT INTO myTable (user_name, password) VALUES ('$username',   '$password')";
$retval = mysqli_query( $sql, $con2 );
if(! $retval )
die('Could not enter data: ' . mysql_error());
echo "Entered data successfully\n";


echo "No data input in php";

I have been stuck the last days on this one.

How To Pass GET Parameters To Laravel From With GET Method ?

I had same problem. I need show url for a search engine

I use two routes like this

Route::get('buscar/{nom}', 'FrontController@buscarPrd');

Route::post('buscar', function(){

   $bsqd = Input::get('nom');    

   return Redirect::action('FrontController@buscarPrd', array('nom'=>$bsqd));


First one used to show url like we want

Second one used by form and redirect to first one

How to pass arguments and redirect stdin from a file to program run in gdb?

If you want to have bare run command in gdb to execute your program with redirections and arguments, you can use set args:

% gdb ./a.out
(gdb) set args arg1 arg2 <file
(gdb) run

I was unable to achieve the same behaviour with --args parameter, gdb fiercely escapes the redirections, i.e.

% gdb --args echo 1 2 "<file"
(gdb) show args
Argument list to give program being debugged when it is started is "1 2 \<file".
(gdb) run
1 2 <file

This one actually redirects the input of gdb itself, not what we really want here

% gdb --args echo 1 2 <file
zsh: no such file or directory: file

Error: Cannot find module html

This is what i did for rendering html files. And it solved the errors. Install consolidate and mustache by executing the below command in your project folder.

$ sudo npm install consolidate mustache --save

And make the following changes to your app.js file

var engine = require('consolidate');

app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
app.engine('html', engine.mustache);
app.set('view engine', 'html');

And now html pages will be rendered properly.

QByteArray to QString

Qt 4.8


Qt 5.12


Fatal error: Call to undefined function mcrypt_encrypt()

Assuming you are using debian linux (I'm using Linux mint 12, problem was on Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS server I ssh'ed into.)

I suggest taking @dkamins advice and making sure you have mcrypt installed and active on your php5 install. Use "sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt" to install. My notes below.

Using PHP version PHP Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.4, if you open phpinfo() as suggested by @John Conde, which you do by creating test file on web server (e.g. create status page testphp.php with just the contents "" anywhere accessible on the server via browser)

I found no presence of enabled or disabled status on the status page when opened in browser. When I then opened the php.ini file, mentioned by @Anthony Forloney, thinking to uncomment ;extension=php_mcrypt.dll to extension=php_mcrypt.dll

I toggled that back and forth and restarted Apache (I'm running Apache2 and you can restart in my setup with sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart or when you are in that directory just sudo restart I believe) with change and without change but all no go. I took @dkamins advice and went to install the package with "sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt" and then restarted apache as above. Then my error was gone and my application worked fine.

Moving x-axis to the top of a plot in matplotlib

You've got to do some extra massaging if you want the ticks (not labels) to show up on the top and bottom (not just the top). The only way I could do this is with a minor change to unutbu's code:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
column_labels = list('ABCD')
row_labels = list('WXYZ')
data = np.random.rand(4, 4)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
heatmap = ax.pcolor(data,

# put the major ticks at the middle of each cell
ax.set_xticks(np.arange(data.shape[1]) + 0.5, minor=False)
ax.set_yticks(np.arange(data.shape[0]) + 0.5, minor=False)

# want a more natural, table-like display
ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('both') # THIS IS THE ONLY CHANGE

ax.set_xticklabels(column_labels, minor=False)
ax.set_yticklabels(row_labels, minor=False)


enter image description here

Codesign error: Provisioning profile cannot be found after deleting expired profile

I just encountered this problem in my Xcode 4. To fix it, you need to put all the correct provisions into both Debug and Release config.

I was trying to submit (by archiving) my app. So I just change the Debug provisions to "Don't Code Sign", and the Release provision to my app's appstore provision.

This fix it and enables me to archive normally. Hope that helps.

The network adapter could not establish the connection - Oracle 11g

I had the similar issue. its resolved for me with a simple command.

lsnrctl start

The Network Adapter exception is caused because:

  1. The database host name or port number is wrong (OR)
  2. The database TNSListener has not been started. The TNSListener may be started with the lsnrctl utility.

Try to start the listener using the command prompt:

  1. Click Start, type cmd in the search field, and when cmd shows up in the list of options, right click it and select ‘Run as Administrator’.
  2. At the Command Prompt window, type lsnrctl start without the quotes and press Enter.
  3. Type Exit and press Enter.

Hope it helps.

Python: can't assign to literal

1, 2, 3 ,... are invalid identifiers in python because first of all they are integer objects and secondly in python a variable name can't start with a number.

>>> 1 = 12    #you can't assign to an integer
  File "<ipython-input-177-30a62b7248f1>", line 1
SyntaxError: can't assign to literal

>>> 1a = 12   #1a is an invalid variable name
  File "<ipython-input-176-f818ca46b7dc>", line 1
    1a = 12
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Valid identifier definition:

identifier ::=  (letter|"_") (letter | digit | "_")*
letter     ::=  lowercase | uppercase
lowercase  ::=  "a"..."z"
uppercase  ::=  "A"..."Z"
digit      ::=  "0"..."9"

Importing a Maven project into Eclipse from Git

I would prefer to import projects into Eclipse as maven projects rather than git project. Doing this will still allow the project contents to be recognized as git contents. You can continue to perform git operations from Eclipse. As you have mentioned the reverse is not true.

The nature of a project in Eclipse is not based on the SCM which holds the project, but on the type of project - whether war or jar, etc. - which is automagically determined when the project is imported as maven project.

I would be hesitant to check-in to SCM IDE-specific metadata. Doing so assumes a lot of things - all developers are using the same IDE or version of the IDE, perhaps same version of JDK/JRE, that they continue to use the same version throughout the project lifecycle and so on.

Is it possible to make abstract classes in Python?

You can also harness the __new__ method to your advantage. You just forgot something. The __new__ method always returns the new object so you must return its superclass' new method. Do as follows.

class F:
    def __new__(cls):
        if cls is F:
            raise TypeError("Cannot create an instance of abstract class '{}'".format(cls.__name__))
        return super().__new__(cls)

When using the new method, you have to return the object, not the None keyword. That's all you missed.

Keyboard shortcuts with jQuery

If you want just simple shortcuts (like 1 letter, for example just g) you could easily do it without a extra plugin:

$(document).keypress(function(e) {
  if(e.charCode == 103) {
    // Your Code

How to save an HTML5 Canvas as an image on a server?

Send canvas image to PHP:

var photo = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg');                
  method: 'POST',
  url: 'photo_upload.php',
  data: {
    photo: photo

Here's PHP script:


    $data = $_POST['photo'];
    list($type, $data) = explode(';', $data);
    list(, $data)      = explode(',', $data);
    $data = base64_decode($data);

    mkdir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/photos");

    file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/photos/".time().'.png', $data);

How can I add the new "Floating Action Button" between two widgets/layouts

Now it is part of official Design Support Library.

In your gradle:

compile ''

Get POST data in C#/ASP.NET

I'm a little surprised that this question has been asked so many times before, but the most reuseable and friendly solution hasn't been documented.

I often have webpages using AngularJS, and when I click on a Save button, I'll "POST" this data back to my .aspx page or .ashx handler to save this back to the database. The data will be in the form of a JSON record.

On the server, to turn the raw posted data back into a C# class, here's what I would do.

First, define a C# class which will contain the posted data.

Supposing my webpage is posting JSON data like this:

    "UserID" : 1,
    "FirstName" : "Mike",
    "LastName" : "Mike",
    "Address1" : "10 Really Street",
    "Address2" : "London"

Then I'd define a C# class like this...

public class JSONRequest
    public int UserID { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public string Address1 { get; set; }
    public string Address2 { get; set; }

(These classes can be nested, but the structure must match the format of the JSON data. So, if you're posting a JSON User record, with a list of Order records within it, your C# class should also contain a List<> of Order records.)

Now, in my .aspx.cs or .ashx file, I just need to do this, and leave JSON.Net to do the hard work...

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string jsonString = "";
        HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream.Position = 0;
        using (StreamReader inputStream = new StreamReader(this.Request.InputStream))
            jsonString = inputStream.ReadToEnd();
        JSONRequest oneQuestion = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JSONRequest>(jsonString);

And that's it. You now have a JSONRequest class containing the various fields which were POSTed to your server.

Trying to merge 2 dataframes but get ValueError

I found that my dfs both had the same type column (str) but switching from join to merge solved the issue.

Streaming via RTSP or RTP in HTML5

The spirit of the question, I think, was not truly answered. No, you cannot use a video tag to play rtsp streams as of now. The other answer regarding the link to Chromium guy's "never" is a bit misleading as the linked thread / answer is not directly referring to Chrome playing rtsp via the video tag. Read the entire linked thread, especially the comments at the very bottom and links to other threads.

The real answer is this: No, you cannot just put a video tag on an html 5 page and play rtsp. You need to use a Javascript library of some sort (unless you want to get into playing things with flash and silverlight players) to play streaming video. {IMHO} At the rate the html 5 video discussion and implementation is going, the various vendors of proprietary video standards are not interested in helping this move forward so don't count of the promised ease of use of the video tag unless the browser makers take it upon themselves to somehow solve the problem...again, not likely.{/IMHO}

ES6 exporting/importing in index file

Too late but I want to share the way that I resolve it.

Having model file which has two named export:

export { Schema, Model };

and having controller file which has the default export:

export default Controller;

I exposed in the index file in this way:

import { Schema, Model } from './model';
import Controller from './controller';

export { Schema, Model, Controller };

and assuming that I want import all of them:

import { Schema, Model, Controller } from '../../path/';

ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value: 'undefined'

you have to tell angular that you updated the content after ngAfterContentChecked you can import ChangeDetectorRef from @angular/core and call detectChanges

import {ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core';

constructor( private cdref: ChangeDetectorRef ) {}

ngAfterContentChecked() {

this.sampleViewModel.DataContext = this.DataContext;
this.sampleViewModel.Position = this.Position;


Recursive Fibonacci

When x==2 you call fib(1) and fib(0):

return fib(2-1)+fib(2-2);

Consider what will happen when fib(0) is evaluated...

Hash Table/Associative Array in VBA

I've used Francesco Balena's HashTable class several times in the past when a Collection or Dictionary wasn't a perfect fit and i just needed a HashTable.

Run JavaScript code on window close or page refresh?

jQuery version:

    // Do Something

Update: jQuery 3:

$(window).on("unload", function(e) {
    // Do Something

Thanks Garrett

"git rebase origin" vs."git rebase origin/master"

git rebase origin means "rebase from the tracking branch of origin", while git rebase origin/master means "rebase from the branch master of origin"

You must have a tracking branch in ~/Desktop/test, which means that git rebase origin knows which branch of origin to rebase with. If no tracking branch exists (in the case of ~/Desktop/fallstudie), git doesn't know which branch of origin it must take, and fails.

To fix this, you can make the branch track origin/master with:

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master 

Or, if master isn't the currently checked-out branch:

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master

Bootstrap 3 - Responsive mp4-video

Simply add class="img-responsive" to the video tag. I'm doing this on a current project, and it works. It doesn't need to be wrapped in anything.

<video class="img-responsive" src="file.mp4" autoplay loop/>

What does a Status of "Suspended" and high DiskIO means from sp_who2?

This is a very broad question, so I am going to give a broad answer.

  1. A query gets suspended when it is requesting access to a resource that is currently not available. This can be a logical resource like a locked row or a physical resource like a memory data page. The query starts running again, once the resource becomes available. 
  2. High disk IO means that a lot of data pages need to be accessed to fulfill the request.

That is all that I can tell from the above screenshot. However, if I were to speculate, you probably have an IO subsystem that is too slow to keep up with the demand. This could be caused by missing indexes or an actually too slow disk. Keep in mind, that 15000 reads for a single OLTP query is slightly high but not uncommon.

Make a bucket public in Amazon S3

Amazon provides a policy generator tool:

After that, you can enter the policy requirements for the bucket on the AWS console:


The new ASP.NET Web API is a continuation of the previous WCF Web API project (although some of the concepts have changed).

WCF was originally created to enable SOAP-based services. For simpler RESTful or RPCish services (think clients like jQuery) ASP.NET Web API should be good choice.

For us, WCF is used for SOAP and Web API for REST. I wish Web API supported SOAP too. We are not using advanced features of WCF. Here is comparison from MSDN:

enter image description here Web API is all about HTTP and REST based GET,POST,PUT,DELETE with well know MVC style of programming and JSON returnable; web API is for all the light weight process and pure HTTP based components. For one to go ahead with WCF even for simple or simplest single web service it will bring all the extra baggage. For light weight simple service for ajax or dynamic calls always WebApi just solves the need. This neatly complements or helps in parallel to the MVC.

Check out the podcast : Hanselminutes Podcast 264 - This is not your father's WCF - All about the WebAPI with Glenn Block by Scott Hanselman for more information.

In the scenarios listed below you should go for WCF:

  1. If you need to send data on protocols like TCP, MSMQ or MIME
  2. If the consuming client just knows how to consume SOAP messages

WEB API is a framework for developing RESTful/HTTP services.

There are so many clients that do not understand SOAP like Browsers, HTML5, in those cases WEB APIs are a good choice.

HTTP services header specifies how to secure service, how to cache the information, type of the message body and HTTP body can specify any type of content like HTML not just XML as SOAP services.

Template not provided using create-react-app

Using the command npm uninstall -g create-react-app didn't work for me.

But this worked:

yarn global remove create-react-app

and then:

npx create-react-app my-app

How to select the Date Picker In Selenium WebDriver

I think this could be done in a much simpler way:

  1. Find the locator for the Month (use Firebug/Firepath)
  2. This is probably a Select element, use Selenium to select Month
  3. Do the same for Year
  4. Click by linkText "31" or whatever date you want to click

So code would look something like this:

WebElement month = driver.findElement(month combo locator);
Select monthCombo = new Select(month);

WebElement year = driver.findElement(year combo locator);
Select yearCombo = new Select(year);

This won't work if the date picker dropdowns are not Select, but most of the ones I've seen are individual elements (select, links, etc.)

Update multiple rows in same query using PostgreSQL

Yes, you can:

UPDATE foobar SET column_a = CASE
   WHEN column_b = '123' THEN 1
   WHEN column_b = '345' THEN 2
WHERE column_b IN ('123','345')

And working proof:!2/97c7ea/1

Checking for a null int value from a Java ResultSet

AFAIK you can simply use

iVal = rs.getInt("ID_PARENT");
if (rs.wasNull()) {
  // do somthing interesting to handle this situation

even if it is NULL.

Python: "TypeError: __str__ returned non-string" but still prints to output?

You can also surround the output with str(). I had this same problem because my model had the following (as a simplified example):

def __str__(self):
    return self.pressid

Where pressid was an IntegerField type object. Django (and python in general) expects a string for a str function, so returning an integer causes this error to be thrown.

def __str__(self):
    return str(self.pressid)

That solved the problems I was encountering on the Django management side of the house. Hope it helps with yours.

Jquery ajax call click event submit button

You did not add # before id of the button. You do not have right selector in your jquery code. So jquery is never execute in your button click. its submitted your form directly not passing any ajax request.

See documentation:
its your friend.

Try this:

It seems that id: $("#Shareitem").val() is wrong if you want to pass the value of

<input type="hidden" name="id" value="" id="id">

you need to change this line:

id: $("#Shareitem").val()


id: $("#id").val()

All together:

 <script src=""></script>
        $.ajax({type: "POST",
                url: "/imball-reagens/public/shareitem",
                data: { id: $("#Shareitem").val(), access_token: $("#access_token").val() },

Ambiguous overload call to abs(double)

The header <math.h> is a C std lib header. It defines a lot of stuff in the global namespace. The header <cmath> is the C++ version of that header. It defines essentially the same stuff in namespace std. (There are some differences, like that the C++ version comes with overloads of some functions, but that doesn't matter.) The header <cmath.h> doesn't exist.

Since vendors don't want to maintain two versions of what is essentially the same header, they came up with different possibilities to have only one of them behind the scenes. Often, that's the C header (since a C++ compiler is able to parse that, while the opposite won't work), and the C++ header just includes that and pulls everything into namespace std. Or there's some macro magic for parsing the same header with or without namespace std wrapped around it or not. To this add that in some environments it's awkward if headers don't have a file extension (like editors failing to highlight the code etc.). So some vendors would have <cmath> be a one-liner including some other header with a .h extension. Or some would map all includes matching <cblah> to <blah.h> (which, through macro magic, becomes the C++ header when __cplusplus is defined, and otherwise becomes the C header) or <cblah.h> or whatever.

That's the reason why on some platforms including things like <cmath.h>, which ought not to exist, will initially succeed, although it might make the compiler fail spectacularly later on.

I have no idea which std lib implementation you use. I suppose it's the one that comes with GCC, but this I don't know, so I cannot explain exactly what happened in your case. But it's certainly a mix of one of the above vendor-specific hacks and you including a header you ought not to have included yourself. Maybe it's the one where <cmath> maps to <cmath.h> with a specific (set of) macro(s) which you hadn't defined, so that you ended up with both definitions.

Note, however, that this code still ought not to compile:

#include <cmath>

double f(double d)
  return abs(d);

There shouldn't be an abs() in the global namespace (it's std::abs()). However, as per the above described implementation tricks, there might well be. Porting such code later (or just trying to compile it with your vendor's next version which doesn't allow this) can be very tedious, so you should keep an eye on this.

How do I catch an Ajax query post error?

  type: 'POST',
  url: 'status.ajax.php',
  data: {
     deviceId: id
  success: function(data){
     // your code from above
  error: function(xhr, textStatus, error){

Arrays with different datatypes i.e. strings and integers. (Objectorientend)

@NoCanDo: You cannot create an array with different data types because java only supports variables with a specific data type or object. When you are creating an array, you are pulling together an assortment of similar variables -- almost like an extended variable. All of the variables must be of the same type therefore. Java cannot differentiate the data type of your variable unless you tell it what it is. Ex: int tells all your variables declared to it are of data type int. What you could do is create 3 arrays with corresponding information.

int bookNumber[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int bookName[] = {nameOfBook1, nameOfBook2, nameOfBook3, nameOfBook4, nameOfBook5} // etc.. etc..

Now, a single index number gives you all the info for that book. Ex: All of your arrays with index number 0 ([0]) have information for book 1.

C# switch statement limitations - why?

I have virtually no knowledge of C#, but I suspect that either switch was simply taken as it occurs in other languages without thinking about making it more general or the developer decided that extending it was not worth it.

Strictly speaking you are absolutely right that there is no reason to put these restrictions on it. One might suspect that the reason is that for the allowed cases the implementation is very efficient (as suggested by Brian Ensink (44921)), but I doubt the implementation is very efficient (w.r.t. if-statements) if I use integers and some random cases (e.g. 345, -4574 and 1234203). And in any case, what is the harm in allowing it for everything (or at least more) and saying that it is only efficient for specific cases (such as (almost) consecutive numbers).

I can, however, imagine that one might want to exclude types because of reasons such as the one given by lomaxx (44918).

Edit: @Henk (44970): If Strings are maximally shared, strings with equal content will be pointers to the same memory location as well. Then, if you can make sure that the strings used in the cases are stored consecutively in memory, you can very efficiently implement the switch (i.e. with execution in the order of 2 compares, an addition and two jumps).

Why aren't Xcode breakpoints functioning?

This happens from time to time with an iOS project at least. To fix it, I had to reboot the iOS device, quit Xcode, and rebuild the project.

How to git ignore subfolders / subdirectories?

All the above answers are valid, but something that I don't think is mentioned is that once you add a file from that directory into the repo, you can't ignore that directory/subdirectory that contains that file (git will ignore that directive).

To ignore already added files run

$ git rm --cached

Otherwise you'll have to remove all files from the repo's target directory first - and then you can ignore that folder.

Get LatLng from Zip Code - Google Maps API

While working on my internship project I found a website for this Create a free account and get the API key from account Section.{zipCode}&countryCode={2digitCountryCode}&apiKey={apiKey}

I found majority of data here.

Only get hash value using md5sum (without filename)

md5sum puts backslash before hash if there is backslash in file name. First 32 characters or anything before first space may not be a proper hash. It will not happen when using standard input (file name will be just -), so pixelbeat's answer will work, but many others will require adding something like | tail -c 32.

How to read input from console in a batch file?

In addition to the existing answer it is possible to set a default option as follows:

echo off
ECHO A current build of Test Harness exists.
set delBuild=n
set /p delBuild=Delete preexisting build [y/n] (default - %delBuild%)?:

This allows users to simply hit "Enter" if they want to enter the default.

No Entity Framework provider found for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name 'System.Data.SqlClient'

I have just re-installed the Entity Framework using Nuget. And follow the instruction written on the link below :

I think the problem will get solved.

Get HTML code using JavaScript with a URL

For an external (cross-site) solution, you can use: Get contents of a link tag with JavaScript - not CSS

It uses $.ajax() function, so it includes jquery.

Convert array to JSON string in swift

If you're already using SwiftyJSON:

You can do this:

// this works with dictionaries too
let paramsDictionary = [
    "title": "foo",
    "description": "bar"
let paramsArray = [ "one", "two" ]
let paramsJSON = JSON(paramsArray)
let paramsString = paramsJSON.rawString(encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, options: nil)


 let paramsJSON = JSON(paramsArray)
 let paramsString = paramsJSON.rawString(String.Encoding.utf8, options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions.prettyPrinted)!

JSON strings, which are good for transport, don't come up often because you can JSON encode an HTTP body. But one potential use-case for JSON stringify is Multipart Post, which AlamoFire nows supports.

How to iterate (keys, values) in JavaScript?

WELCOME TO 2020 *Drools in ES6*

Theres some pretty old answers in here - take advantage of destructuring. In my opinion this is without a doubt the nicest (very readable) way to iterate an object.

const myObject = {
    nick: 'cage',
    phil: 'murray',

Object.entries(myObject).forEach(([k,v]) => {
    console.log("The key: ",k)
    console.log("The value: ",v)


As mentioned by Lazerbeak, map allows you to cycle an object and use the key and value to make an array.

const myObject = {
    nick: 'cage',
    phil: 'murray',

const myArray = Object.entries(myObject).map(([k, v]) => {
    return `The key '${k}' has a value of '${v}'`;


How can I reconcile detached HEAD with master/origin?

If you did some commits on top of master and just want to "backwards merge" master there (i.e. you want master to point to HEAD), the one-liner would be:

git checkout -B master HEAD
  1. That creates a new branch named master, even if it exists already (which is like moving master and that's what we want).
  2. The newly created branch is set to point to HEAD, which is where you are.
  3. The new branch is checked out, so you are on master afterwards.

I found this especially useful in the case of sub-repositories, which also happen to be in a detached state rather often.

How do I create sql query for searching partial matches?

This may work as well.

FROM myTable
WHERE CHARINDEX('mall', name) > 0
  OR CHARINDEX('mall', description) > 0

How to make a machine trust a self-signed Java application

I had the same problem, but i solved it from Java Control Panel-->Security-->SecurityLevel:MEDIUM. Just so, no Manage certificates, imports ,exports etc..

How to handle click event in Button Column in Datagridview?

That's answered fully here for WinForms: DataGridViewButtonColumn Class

and here: How to: Respond to Button Events in a GridView Control

for Asp.Net depending on the control you're actually using. (Your question says DataGrid, but you're developing a Windows app, so the control you'd be using there is a DataGridView...)

(HTML) Download a PDF file instead of opening them in browser when clicked

You can't do this with HTML. It's a server-based solution. You have to stream the file so that the browser than triggers the save dialog.

I'd advise not doing this. How a user interacts with a PDF should be left up to the user.

UPDATE (2014):

So...this answer still gets plenty of downvotes. I assume part of that is that this was answered 4 years ago and as Sarim points out, there is now the HTML 5 download attribute that can handle this.

I agree, and think Sarim's answer is good (it probably should be the chosen answer if the OP ever returns). However, this answer is still the reliable way to handle it (as Yigit Yener's answer points out and--oddly--people agree with). While the download attribute has gained support, it's still spotty:

Limit the size of a file upload (html input element)

You can't do it client-side. You'll have to do it on the server.

Edit: This answer is outdated!

As the time of this edit, HTML file API is now supported on all major browsers.

I'd provide an update with solution, but @mark.inman.winning already did it.

Keep in mind that even if it's now possible to validate on the client, you should still validate it on the server, though. All client side validations can be bypassed.

Classes cannot be accessed from outside package

Check the default superclass's constructor. It need be public or protected.

Convert columns to string in Pandas

Here's the other one, particularly useful to convert the multiple columns to string instead of just single column:

In [76]: import numpy as np
In [77]: import pandas as pd
In [78]: df = pd.DataFrame({
    ...:     'A': [20, 30.0, np.nan],
    ...:     'B': ["a45a", "a3", "b1"],
    ...:     'C': [10, 5, np.nan]})

In [79]: df.dtypes ## Current datatype
A    float64
B     object
C    float64
dtype: object

## Multiple columns string conversion
In [80]: df[["A", "C"]] = df[["A", "C"]].astype(str) 

In [81]: df.dtypes ## Updated datatype after string conversion
A    object
B    object
C    object
dtype: object

c++ "Incomplete type not allowed" error accessing class reference information (Circular dependency with forward declaration)

Here is what I had and what caused my "incomplete type error":

#include "X.h" // another already declared class
class Big {...} // full declaration of class A

class Small : Big {
    Small() {}
    Small(X); // line 6
//.... all other stuff

What I did in the file "Big.cpp", where I declared the A2's constructor with X as a parameter is..


Small::Big(X my_x) { // line 9 <--- LOOK at this !

I wrote "Small::Big" instead of "Small::Small", what a dumb mistake.. I received the error "incomplete type is now allowed" for the class X all the time (in lines 6 and 9), which made a total confusion..

Anyways, that is where a mistake can happen, and the main reason is that I was tired when I wrote it and I needed 2 hours of exploring and rewriting the code to reveal it.

How to add header data in XMLHttpRequest when using formdata?

Check to see if the key-value pair is actually showing up in the request:

In Chrome, found somewhere like: F12: Developer Tools > Network Tab > Whatever request you have sent > "view source" under Response Headers

Depending on your testing workflow, if whatever pair you added isn't there, you may just need to clear your browser cache. To verify that your browser is using your most up-to-date code, you can check the page's sources, in Chrome this is found somewhere like: F12: Developer Tools > Sources Tab > YourJavascriptSrc.js and check your code.

But as other answers have said:

xhttp.setRequestHeader(key, value);

should add a key-value pair to your request header, just make sure to place it after your open() and before your send()

Difference between MongoDB and Mongoose

Mongodb and Mongoose are two completely different things!

Mongodb is the database itself, while Mongoose is an object modeling tool for Mongodb

EDIT: As pointed out MongoDB is the npm package, thanks!

React prevent event bubbling in nested components on click

On the order of DOM events: CAPTURING vs BUBBLING

There are two stages for how events propagate. These are called "capturing" and "bubbling".

               | |                                   / \
---------------| |-----------------   ---------------| |-----------------
| element1     | |                |   | element1     | |                |
|   -----------| |-----------     |   |   -----------| |-----------     |
|   |element2  \ /          |     |   |   |element2  | |          |     |
|   -------------------------     |   |   -------------------------     |
|        Event CAPTURING          |   |        Event BUBBLING           |
-----------------------------------   -----------------------------------

The capturing stage happen first, and are then followed by the bubbling stage. When you register an event using the regular DOM api, the events will be part of the bubbling stage by default, but this can be specified upon event creation

// CAPTURING event
button.addEventListener('click', handleClick, true)

// BUBBLING events
button.addEventListener('click', handleClick, false)
button.addEventListener('click', handleClick)

In React, bubbling events are also what you use by default.

// handleClick is a BUBBLING (synthetic) event
<button onClick={handleClick}></button>

// handleClick is a CAPTURING (synthetic) event
<button onClickCapture={handleClick}></button>

Let's take a look inside our handleClick callback (React):

function handleClick(e) {
  // This will prevent any synthetic events from firing after this one
function handleClick(e) {
  // This will set e.defaultPrevented to true
  // (for all synthetic events firing after this one)

An alternative that I haven't seen mentioned here

If you call e.preventDefault() in all of your events, you can check if an event has already been handled, and prevent it from being handled again:

handleEvent(e) {
  if (e.defaultPrevented) return  // Exits here if event has been handled

  // Perform whatever you need to here.

For the difference between synthetic events and native events, see the React documentation:

How to set value to form control in Reactive Forms in Angular

Setting or Updating of Reactive Forms Form Control values can be done using both patchValue and setValue. However, it might be better to use patchValue in some instances.

patchValue does not require all controls to be specified within the parameters in order to update/set the value of your Form Controls. On the other hand, setValue requires all Form Control values to be filled in, and it will return an error if any of your controls are not specified within the parameter.

In this scenario, we will want to use patchValue, since we are only updating user and questioning:

this.qService.editQue([params["id"]]).subscribe(res => {
  this.question = res;
    user: this.question.user,
    questioning: this.question.questioning

EDIT: If you feel like doing some of ES6's Object Destructuring, you may be interested to do this instead

const { user, questioning } = this.question;



Best way to read a large file into a byte array in C#?

Use the BufferedStream class in C# to improve performance. A buffer is a block of bytes in memory used to cache data, thereby reducing the number of calls to the operating system. Buffers improve read and write performance.

See the following for a code example and additional explanation:

Can we use JSch for SSH key-based communication?

It is possible. Have a look at JSch.addIdentity(...)

This allows you to use key either as byte array or to read it from file.

import com.jcraft.jsch.Channel;
import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp;
import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch;
import com.jcraft.jsch.Session;

public class UserAuthPubKey {
    public static void main(String[] arg) {
        try {
            JSch jsch = new JSch();

            String user = "tjill";
            String host = "";
            int port = 10022;
            String privateKey = ".ssh/id_rsa";

            System.out.println("identity added ");

            Session session = jsch.getSession(user, host, port);
            System.out.println("session created.");

            // disabling StrictHostKeyChecking may help to make connection but makes it insecure
            // see
            // java.util.Properties config = new java.util.Properties();
            // config.put("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");
            // session.setConfig(config);

            System.out.println("session connected.....");

            Channel channel = session.openChannel("sftp");
            System.out.println("shell channel connected....");

            ChannelSftp c = (ChannelSftp) channel;

            String fileName = "test.txt";
            c.put(fileName, "./in/");

        } catch (Exception e) {

Write a formula in an Excel Cell using VBA

Treb, Matthieu's problem was caused by using Excel in a non-English language. In many language versions ";" is the correct separator. Even functions are translated (SUM can be SOMMA, SUMME or whatever depending on what language you work in). Excel will generally understand these differences and if a French-created workbook is opened by a Brazilian they will normally not have any problem. But VBA speaks only US English so for those of us working in one (or more) foreign langauges, this can be a headache. You and CharlesB both gave answers that would have been OK for a US user but Mikko understod the REAL problem and gave the correct answer (which was also the correct one for me too - I'm a Brit working in Italy for a German-speaking company).

How to go back (ctrl+z) in vi/vim

Here is a trick though. You can map the Ctrl+Z keys. This can be achieved by editing the .vimrc file. Add the following lines in the '.vimrc` file.

nnoremap <c-z> :u<CR>      " Avoid using this**
inoremap <c-z> <c-o>:u<CR>

This may not the a preferred way, but can be used.

** Ctrl+Z is used in Linux to suspend the ongoing program/process.

How to access to the parent object in c#

Store a reference to the meter instance as a member in Production:

public class Production {
  //The other members, properties etc...
  private Meter m;

  Production(Meter m) {
    this.m = m;

And then in the Meter-class:

public class Meter
   private int _powerRating = 0; 
   private Production _production;

   public Meter()
      _production = new Production(this);

Also note that you need to implement an accessor method/property so that the Production class can actually access the powerRating member of the Meter class.

How to read a text file from server using JavaScript?

Just a small point, I see some of the answers using innerhtml. I have toyed with a similar idea but decided not too, In the latest version react version the same process is now called dangerouslyinnerhtml, as you are giving your client a way into your OS by presenting html in the app. This could lead to various attacks as well as SQL injection attempts

How to get the squared symbol (²) to display in a string

Not sure what kind of text box you are refering to. However, I'm not sure if you can do this in a text box on a user form.

A text box on a sheet you can though.

Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("TextBox 1").TextFrame2.TextRange.Text = "R2=" & variable
Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("TextBox 1").TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters(2, 1).Font.Superscript = msoTrue

And same thing for an excel cell

Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Characters(2, 1).Font.Superscript = True

If this isn't what you're after you will need to provide more information in your question.

EDIT: posted this after the comment sorry

What is the difference between static func and class func in Swift?

Is it simply that static is for static functions of structs and enums, and class for classes and protocols?

That's the main difference. Some other differences are that class functions are dynamically dispatched and can be overridden by subclasses.

Protocols use the class keyword, but it doesn't exclude structs from implementing the protocol, they just use static instead. Class was chosen for protocols so there wouldn't have to be a third keyword to represent static or class.

From Chris Lattner on this topic:

We considered unifying the syntax (e.g. using "type" as the keyword), but that doesn't actually simply things. The keywords "class" and "static" are good for familiarity and are quite descriptive (once you understand how + methods work), and open the door for potentially adding truly static methods to classes. The primary weirdness of this model is that protocols have to pick a keyword (and we chose "class"), but on balance it is the right tradeoff.

And here's a snippet that shows some of the override behavior of class functions:

class MyClass {
    class func myFunc() {

class MyOtherClass: MyClass {
    override class func myFunc() {

var x: MyClass = MyOtherClass()
x.dynamicType.myFunc() //myOtherClass
x = MyClass()
x.dynamicType.myFunc() //myClass

How to define constants in Visual C# like #define in C?

In C#, per MSDN library, we have the "const" keyword that does the work of the "#define" keyword in other languages.

"...when the compiler encounters a constant identifier in C# source code (for example, months), it substitutes the literal value directly into the intermediate language (IL) code that it produces." ( )

Initialize constants at time of declaration since there is no changing them.

public const int cMonths = 12;

How do we update URL or query strings using javascript/jQuery without reloading the page?

Define a new URL object, assign it the current url, append your parameter(s) to that URL object and finally push it to your browsers state.

var url = new URL(window.location.href);
//var url = new URL(window.location.origin + window.location.pathname) <- flush existing parameters
url.searchParams.append("order", orderId);
window.history.pushState(null, null, url);

onChange and onSelect in DropDownList

hmm. why don't you use onClick()

<select id="mySelect" onChange="enable();">
   <option onClick="disable();">No</option>
   <option onClick="enable();">Yes</option>

how to send an array in url request

Separate with commas:






Either way, your method signature needs to be:

@RequestMapping(value = "/GetJson", method = RequestMethod.GET) 
public void getJson(@RequestParam("name") String[] ticker, @RequestParam("startDate") String startDate, @RequestParam("endDate") String endDate) {
   //code to get results from db for those params.

Searching multiple files for multiple words

If you are using Notepad++ editor Goto ctrl + F choose tab 3 find in files and enter:

  1. Find What = text1*.*text2
  2. Filters : .
  3. Search mode = Regular Expression
  4. Directory = enter the path of the directory you want to search in. You can check Follow current doc. to have the path of the current file to be filled.

What does servletcontext.getRealPath("/") mean and when should I use it

A web application's context path is the directory that contains the web application's WEB-INF directory. It can be thought of as the 'home' of the web app. Often, when writing web applications, it can be important to get the actual location of this directory in the file system, since this allows you to do things such as read from files or write to files.

This location can be obtained via the ServletContext object's getRealPath() method. This method can be passed a String parameter set to File.separator to get the path using the operating system's file separator ("/" for UNIX, "\" for Windows).

How can I get the Windows last reboot reason

This article explains in detail how to find the reason for last startup/shutdown. In my case, this was due to windows SCCM pushing updates even though I had it disabled locally. Visit the article for full details with pictures. For reference, here are the steps copy/pasted from the website:

  1. Press the Windows + R keys to open the Run dialog, type eventvwr.msc, and press Enter.

  2. If prompted by UAC, then click/tap on Yes (Windows 7/8) or Continue (Vista).

  3. In the left pane of Event Viewer, double click/tap on Windows Logs to expand it, click on System to select it, then right click on System, and click/tap on Filter Current Log.

  4. Do either step 5 or 6 below for what shutdown events you would like to see.

  5. To See the Dates and Times of All User Shut Downs of the Computer

    A) In Event sources, click/tap on the drop down arrow and check the USER32 box.

    B) In the All Event IDs field, type 1074, then click/tap on OK.

    C) This will give you a list of power off (shutdown) and restart Shutdown Type of events at the top of the middle pane in Event Viewer.

    D) You can scroll through these listed events to find the events with power off as the Shutdown Type. You will notice the date and time, and what user was responsible for shutting down the computer per power off event listed.

    E) Go to step 7.

  6. To See the Dates and Times of All Unexpected Shut Downs of the Computer

    A) In the All Event IDs field, type 6008, then click/tap on OK.

    B) This will give you a list of unexpected shutdown events at the top of the middle pane in Event Viewer. You can scroll through these listed events to see the date and time of each one.

jQuery find parent form

I would suggest using closest, which selects the closest matching parent element:


Instead of filtering by the name, I would do this:


Remove multiple items from a Python list in just one statement

But what if I don't know the indices of the items I want to remove?

I do not exactly understand why you do not like .remove but to get the first index corresponding to a value use .index(value):


then remove the corresponding value:

del item_list.pop[ind]

.index(value) gets the first occurrence of value, and .remove(value) removes the first occurrence of value

Javascript to open popup window and disable parent window

Hi the answer that @anu posted is right, but it wont completely work as required. By making a slight change to child_open() function it works properly.

<script type="text/javascript">

var popupWindow=null;

function child_open()
if(popupWindow && !popupWindow.closed)
   popupWindow'new.jsp',"_blank","directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=no,width=600, height=280,top=200,left=200");

function parent_disable() {
  if(popupWindow && !popupWindow.closed)
  <body onFocus="parent_disable();" onclick="parent_disable();">
     <a href="javascript:child_open()">Click me</a>

moving changed files to another branch for check-in

git stash is your friend.

If you have not made the commit yet, just run git stash. This will save away all of your changes.

Switch to the branch you want the changes on and run git stash pop.

There are lots of uses for git stash. This is certainly one of the more useful reasons.

An example:

# work on some code
git stash
git checkout correct-branch
git stash pop

CSS selector for first element with class

Since the other answers cover what's wrong with it, I'll try the other half, how to fix it. Unfortunately, I don't know that you have a CSS only solution here, at least not that I can think of. There are some other options though....

  1. Assign a first class to the element when you generate it, like this:

    <p class="red first"></p>
    <div class="red"></div>

    CSS: {
      border:5px solid red;

    This CSS only matches elements with both first and red classes.

  2. Alternatively, do the same in JavaScript, for example here's what jQuery you would use to do this, using the same CSS as above:


How to convert a Django QuerySet to a list

You could do this:

import itertools

ids = set( for existing_answer in existing_question_answers)
answers = itertools.ifilter(lambda x: not in ids, answers)

Read when QuerySets are evaluated and note that it is not good to load the whole result into memory (e.g. via list()).

Reference: itertools.ifilter

Update with regard to the comment:

There are various ways to do this. One (which is probably not the best one in terms of memory and time) is to do exactly the same :

answer_ids = set( for answer in answers)
existing_question_answers = filter(lambda x: not in answers_id, existing_question_answers)

Angular 4: no component factory found,did you add it to @NgModule.entryComponents?

See the details about entryComponent:

If you are loading any component dynamically then you need to put it in both declarations and entryComponent:

  imports: [...],
  exports: [...],
  entryComponents: [ConfirmComponent,..],
  declarations: [ConfirmComponent,...],
  providers: [...]

Create a zip file and download it

but the file i am getting from server after download it gives the size of 226 bytes

This is the size of a ZIP header. Apparently there is no data in the downloaded ZIP file. So, can you verify that the files to be added into the ZIP file are, indeed, there (relative to the path of the download PHP script)?

Consider adding a check on addFile too:

foreach($file_names as $file)
    $inputFile = $file_path . $file;
    if (!file_exists($inputFile))
        trigger_error("The input file $inputFile does not exist", E_USER_ERROR);
    if (!is_readable($inputFile))
        trigger_error("The input file $inputFile exists, but has wrong permissions or ownership", E_USER_ERROR);
    if (!$zip->addFile($inputFile, $file))
        trigger_error("Could not add $inputFile to ZIP file", E_USER_ERROR);

The observed behaviour is consistent with some problem (path error, permission problems, ...) preventing the files from being added to the ZIP file. On receiving an "empty" ZIP file, the client issues an error referring to the ZIP central directory missing (the actual error being that there is no directory, and no files).

Named colors in matplotlib

Matplotlib uses a dictionary from its module.

To print the names use:

# python2:

import matplotlib
for name, hex in matplotlib.colors.cnames.iteritems():
    print(name, hex)

# python3:

import matplotlib
for name, hex in matplotlib.colors.cnames.items():
    print(name, hex)

This is the complete dictionary:

cnames = {
'aliceblue':            '#F0F8FF',
'antiquewhite':         '#FAEBD7',
'aqua':                 '#00FFFF',
'aquamarine':           '#7FFFD4',
'azure':                '#F0FFFF',
'beige':                '#F5F5DC',
'bisque':               '#FFE4C4',
'black':                '#000000',
'blanchedalmond':       '#FFEBCD',
'blue':                 '#0000FF',
'blueviolet':           '#8A2BE2',
'brown':                '#A52A2A',
'burlywood':            '#DEB887',
'cadetblue':            '#5F9EA0',
'chartreuse':           '#7FFF00',
'chocolate':            '#D2691E',
'coral':                '#FF7F50',
'cornflowerblue':       '#6495ED',
'cornsilk':             '#FFF8DC',
'crimson':              '#DC143C',
'cyan':                 '#00FFFF',
'darkblue':             '#00008B',
'darkcyan':             '#008B8B',
'darkgoldenrod':        '#B8860B',
'darkgray':             '#A9A9A9',
'darkgreen':            '#006400',
'darkkhaki':            '#BDB76B',
'darkmagenta':          '#8B008B',
'darkolivegreen':       '#556B2F',
'darkorange':           '#FF8C00',
'darkorchid':           '#9932CC',
'darkred':              '#8B0000',
'darksalmon':           '#E9967A',
'darkseagreen':         '#8FBC8F',
'darkslateblue':        '#483D8B',
'darkslategray':        '#2F4F4F',
'darkturquoise':        '#00CED1',
'darkviolet':           '#9400D3',
'deeppink':             '#FF1493',
'deepskyblue':          '#00BFFF',
'dimgray':              '#696969',
'dodgerblue':           '#1E90FF',
'firebrick':            '#B22222',
'floralwhite':          '#FFFAF0',
'forestgreen':          '#228B22',
'fuchsia':              '#FF00FF',
'gainsboro':            '#DCDCDC',
'ghostwhite':           '#F8F8FF',
'gold':                 '#FFD700',
'goldenrod':            '#DAA520',
'gray':                 '#808080',
'green':                '#008000',
'greenyellow':          '#ADFF2F',
'honeydew':             '#F0FFF0',
'hotpink':              '#FF69B4',
'indianred':            '#CD5C5C',
'indigo':               '#4B0082',
'ivory':                '#FFFFF0',
'khaki':                '#F0E68C',
'lavender':             '#E6E6FA',
'lavenderblush':        '#FFF0F5',
'lawngreen':            '#7CFC00',
'lemonchiffon':         '#FFFACD',
'lightblue':            '#ADD8E6',
'lightcoral':           '#F08080',
'lightcyan':            '#E0FFFF',
'lightgoldenrodyellow': '#FAFAD2',
'lightgreen':           '#90EE90',
'lightgray':            '#D3D3D3',
'lightpink':            '#FFB6C1',
'lightsalmon':          '#FFA07A',
'lightseagreen':        '#20B2AA',
'lightskyblue':         '#87CEFA',
'lightslategray':       '#778899',
'lightsteelblue':       '#B0C4DE',
'lightyellow':          '#FFFFE0',
'lime':                 '#00FF00',
'limegreen':            '#32CD32',
'linen':                '#FAF0E6',
'magenta':              '#FF00FF',
'maroon':               '#800000',
'mediumaquamarine':     '#66CDAA',
'mediumblue':           '#0000CD',
'mediumorchid':         '#BA55D3',
'mediumpurple':         '#9370DB',
'mediumseagreen':       '#3CB371',
'mediumslateblue':      '#7B68EE',
'mediumspringgreen':    '#00FA9A',
'mediumturquoise':      '#48D1CC',
'mediumvioletred':      '#C71585',
'midnightblue':         '#191970',
'mintcream':            '#F5FFFA',
'mistyrose':            '#FFE4E1',
'moccasin':             '#FFE4B5',
'navajowhite':          '#FFDEAD',
'navy':                 '#000080',
'oldlace':              '#FDF5E6',
'olive':                '#808000',
'olivedrab':            '#6B8E23',
'orange':               '#FFA500',
'orangered':            '#FF4500',
'orchid':               '#DA70D6',
'palegoldenrod':        '#EEE8AA',
'palegreen':            '#98FB98',
'paleturquoise':        '#AFEEEE',
'palevioletred':        '#DB7093',
'papayawhip':           '#FFEFD5',
'peachpuff':            '#FFDAB9',
'peru':                 '#CD853F',
'pink':                 '#FFC0CB',
'plum':                 '#DDA0DD',
'powderblue':           '#B0E0E6',
'purple':               '#800080',
'red':                  '#FF0000',
'rosybrown':            '#BC8F8F',
'royalblue':            '#4169E1',
'saddlebrown':          '#8B4513',
'salmon':               '#FA8072',
'sandybrown':           '#FAA460',
'seagreen':             '#2E8B57',
'seashell':             '#FFF5EE',
'sienna':               '#A0522D',
'silver':               '#C0C0C0',
'skyblue':              '#87CEEB',
'slateblue':            '#6A5ACD',
'slategray':            '#708090',
'snow':                 '#FFFAFA',
'springgreen':          '#00FF7F',
'steelblue':            '#4682B4',
'tan':                  '#D2B48C',
'teal':                 '#008080',
'thistle':              '#D8BFD8',
'tomato':               '#FF6347',
'turquoise':            '#40E0D0',
'violet':               '#EE82EE',
'wheat':                '#F5DEB3',
'white':                '#FFFFFF',
'whitesmoke':           '#F5F5F5',
'yellow':               '#FFFF00',
'yellowgreen':          '#9ACD32'}

You could plot them like this:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import math

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

ratio = 1.0 / 3.0
count = math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(colors.cnames)))
x_count = count * ratio
y_count = count / ratio
x = 0
y = 0
w = 1 / x_count
h = 1 / y_count

for c in colors.cnames:
    pos = (x / x_count, y / y_count)
    ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle(pos, w, h, color=c))
    ax.annotate(c, xy=pos)
    if y >= y_count-1:
        x += 1
        y = 0
        y += 1

Printing pointers in C

change line:

char s[] = "asd";


char *s = "asd";

and things will get more clear

Understanding Spring @Autowired usage

Nothing in the example says that the "classes implementing the same interface". MovieCatalog is a type and CustomerPreferenceDao is another type. Spring can easily tell them apart.

In Spring 2.x, wiring of beans mostly happened via bean IDs or names. This is still supported by Spring 3.x but often, you will have one instance of a bean with a certain type - most services are singletons. Creating names for those is tedious. So Spring started to support "autowire by type".

What the examples show is various ways that you can use to inject beans into fields, methods and constructors.

The XML already contains all the information that Spring needs since you have to specify the fully qualified class name in each bean. You need to be a bit careful with interfaces, though:

This autowiring will fail:

 public void prepare( Interface1 bean1, Interface1 bean2 ) { ... }

Since Java doesn't keep the parameter names in the byte code, Spring can't distinguish between the two beans anymore. The fix is to use @Qualifier:

 public void prepare( @Qualifier("bean1") Interface1 bean1,
     @Qualifier("bean2")  Interface1 bean2 ) { ... }

Run a Python script from another Python script, passing in arguments

import subprocess" python 1", shell=True)

Flexbox: how to get divs to fill up 100% of the container width without wrapping?

To prevent the flex items from shrinking, set the flex shrink factor to 0:

The flex shrink factor determines how much the flex item will shrink relative to the rest of the flex items in the flex container when negative free space is distributed. When omitted, it is set to 1.

.boxcontainer .box {
  flex-shrink: 0;

* {_x000D_
  box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
.wrapper {_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
  background-color: #EEEEEE;_x000D_
  border: 2px solid #DDDDDD;_x000D_
  padding: 1rem;_x000D_
.boxcontainer {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  border: 2px solid #BDC3C7;_x000D_
  transition: all 0.4s ease;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
.boxcontainer .box {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  padding: 1rem;_x000D_
  flex-shrink: 0;_x000D_
.boxcontainer .box:first-child {_x000D_
  background-color: #F47983;_x000D_
.boxcontainer .box:nth-child(2) {_x000D_
  background-color: #FABCC1;_x000D_
#slidetrigger:checked ~ .wrapper .boxcontainer {_x000D_
  left: -100%;_x000D_
#overflowtrigger:checked ~ .wrapper {_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" id="overflowtrigger" />_x000D_
<label for="overflowtrigger">Hide overflow</label><br />_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" id="slidetrigger" />_x000D_
<label for="slidetrigger">Slide!</label>_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
  <div class="boxcontainer">_x000D_
    <div class="box">_x000D_
      First bunch of content._x000D_
    <div class="box">_x000D_
      Second load  of content._x000D_

if statements matching multiple values

public static bool EqualsAny<T>(IEquatable<T> value, params T[] possibleMatches) {
    foreach (T t in possibleMatches) {
        if (value.Equals(t))
            return true;
    return false;
public static bool EqualsAny<T>(IEquatable<T> value, IEnumerable<T> possibleMatches) {
    foreach (T t in possibleMatches) {
        if (value.Equals(t))
            return true;
    return false;

Toolbar overlapping below status bar

None of the answers worked for me, but this is what finally worked after i set android:fitSystemWindows on the root view(I set these in styles v21):

<item name="android:windowDrawsSystemBarBackgrounds">true</item>
<item name="android:windowTranslucentStatus">false</item>

Make sure you don't have the following line as AS puts it by default:

<item name="android:statusBarColor">@android:color/transparent</item>

How to convert string to boolean in typescript Angular 4

You can use that:

let s: string = "true";
let b: boolean = Boolean(s);

Angularjs Template Default Value if Binding Null / Undefined (With Filter)

In your cshtml,

<tr ng-repeat="value in Results">                
 <td>{{value.FileReceivedOn | mydate | date : 'dd-MM-yyyy'}} </td>

In Your JS File, maybe app.js,

Outside of app.controller, add the below filter.

Here the "mydate" is the function which you are calling for parsing the date. Here the "app" is the variable which contains the angular.module

app.filter("mydate", function () {
    var re = /\/Date\(([0-9]*)\)\//;
    return function (x) {
        var m = x.match(re);
        if (m) return new Date(parseInt(m[1]));
        else return null;

Count number of files within a directory in Linux?

this is one:

ls -l . | egrep -c '^-'


ls -1 | wc -l

Which means: ls: list files in dir

-1: (that's a ONE) only one entry per line. Change it to -1a if you want hidden files too

|: pipe output onto...

wc: "wordcount"

-l: count lines.

How to normalize a vector in MATLAB efficiently? Any related built-in function?

Fastest by far (time is in comparison to Jacobs):

clc; clear all;
V = rand(1024*1024*32,1);
N = 10;
for i=1:N, 
    d = 1/sqrt(V(1)*V(1)+V(2)*V(2)+V(3)*V(3)); 
    V1 = V*d;
toc % 1.5s

Display a message in Visual Studio's output window when not debug mode?

The results are not in the Output window but in the Test Results Detail (TestResult Pane at the bottom, right click on on Test Results and go to TestResultDetails).

This works with Debug.WriteLine and Console.WriteLine.

Why isn't this code to plot a histogram on a continuous value Pandas column working?


After your comments this actually makes perfect sense why you don't get a histogram of each different value. There are 1.4 million rows, and ten discrete buckets. So apparently each bucket is exactly 10% (to within what you can see in the plot).

A quick rerun of your data:

In [25]: df.hist(column='Trip_distance')

enter image description here

Prints out absolutely fine.

The df.hist function comes with an optional keyword argument bins=10 which buckets the data into discrete bins. With only 10 discrete bins and a more or less homogeneous distribution of hundreds of thousands of rows, you might not be able to see the difference in the ten different bins in your low resolution plot:

In [34]: df.hist(column='Trip_distance', bins=50)

enter image description here

Modifying a file inside a jar

Not sure if this help, but you can edit without extracting:

  1. Open the jar file from vi editor
  2. Select the file you want to edit from the list
  3. Press enter to open the file do the changers and save it pretty simple

Check the blog post for more details

Moving Average Pandas

The rolling mean returns a Series you only have to add it as a new column of your DataFrame (MA) as described below.

For information, the rolling_mean function has been deprecated in pandas newer versions. I have used the new method in my example, see below a quote from the pandas documentation.

Warning Prior to version 0.18.0, pd.rolling_*, pd.expanding_*, and pd.ewm* were module level functions and are now deprecated. These are replaced by using the Rolling, Expanding and EWM. objects and a corresponding method call.

df['MA'] = df.rolling(window=5).mean()

#             Value    MA
# Date                   
# 1989-01-02   6.11   NaN
# 1989-01-03   6.08   NaN
# 1989-01-04   6.11   NaN
# 1989-01-05   6.15   NaN
# 1989-01-09   6.25  6.14
# 1989-01-10   6.24  6.17
# 1989-01-11   6.26  6.20
# 1989-01-12   6.23  6.23
# 1989-01-13   6.28  6.25
# 1989-01-16   6.31  6.27

close vs shutdown socket?

I've also had success under linux using shutdown() from one pthread to force another pthread currently blocked in connect() to abort early.

Under other OSes (OSX at least), I found calling close() was enough to get connect() fail.

Minimum and maximum date

As you can see, 01/01/1970 returns 0, which means it is the lowest possible date.

new Date('1970-01-01Z00:00:00:000') //returns Thu Jan 01 1970 01:00:00 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
new Date('1970-01-01Z00:00:00:000').getTime() //returns 0
new Date('1970-01-01Z00:00:00:001').getTime() //returns 1

Does file_get_contents() have a timeout setting?

It is worth noting that if changing default_socket_timeout on the fly, it might be useful to restore its value after your file_get_contents call:

$default_socket_timeout = ini_get('default_socket_timeout');
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 10);
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', $default_socket_timeout);

How to call a method defined in an AngularJS directive?

You can specify a DOM attribute that can be used to allow the directive to define a function on the parent scope. The parent scope can then call this method like any other. Here's a plunker. And below is the relevant code.

clearfn is an attribute on the directive element into which the parent scope can pass a scope property which the directive can then set to a function that accomplish's the desired behavior.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="myapp">
    <script data-require="angular.js@*" data-semver="1.3.0-beta.5" src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
        border:solid 1px #aaa;
        box-shadow:inset 0px 0px .4em #aaa;
  <body ng-controller="mycontroller">
    <h1>Call method on directive</h1>
    <button ng-click="clear()">Clear</button>
    <my-box clearfn="clear" contentEditable=true></my-box>
      var app = angular.module('myapp', []);
      app.controller('mycontroller', function($scope){
      app.directive('myBox', function(){
        return {
          restrict: 'E',
          scope: {
            clearFn: '=clearfn'
          template: '',
          link: function(scope, element, attrs){
            element.html('Hello World!');
            scope.clearFn = function(){

How to tell if a <script> tag failed to load

There is no error event for the script tag. You can tell when it is successful, and assume that it has not loaded after a timeout:

<script type="text/javascript" onload="loaded=1" src="....js"></script>

Set value for particular cell in pandas DataFrame with iloc

Another way is to get the row index and then use df.loc or

# get row index 'label' from row number 'irow'
label = df.index.values[irow][label, 'COL_NAME'] = x

Reordering arrays

Here is an immutable version for those who are interested:

function immutableMove(arr, from, to) {
  return arr.reduce((prev, current, idx, self) => {
    if (from === to) {
    if (idx === from) {
      return prev;
    if (from < to) {
    if (idx === to) {
    if (from > to) {
    return prev;
  }, []);

How to programmatically tell if a Bluetooth device is connected?

I was really looking for a way to fetch the connection status of a device, not listen to connection events. Here's what worked for me:

BluetoothManager bm = (BluetoothManager) context.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE);
List<BluetoothDevice> devices = bm.getConnectedDevices(BluetoothGatt.GATT);
int status = -1;

for (BluetoothDevice device : devices) {
  status = bm.getConnectionState(device, BLuetoothGatt.GATT);
  // compare status to:
  //   BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED
  //   BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTING
  //   BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED
  //   BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTING

PostgreSQL : cast string to date DD/MM/YYYY

The documentation says

The output format of the date/time types can be set to one of the four styles ISO 8601, SQL (Ingres), traditional POSTGRES (Unix date format), or German. The default is the ISO format.

So this particular format can be controlled with postgres date time output, eg:

t=# select now();
 2017-11-29 09:15:25.348342+00
(1 row)

t=# set datestyle to DMY, SQL;
t=# select now();
 29/11/2017 09:15:31.28477 UTC
(1 row)

t=# select now()::date;
(1 row)

Mind that as @Craig mentioned in his answer, changing datestyle will also (and in first turn) change the way postgres parses date.

How do you give iframe 100% height

The problem with iframes not getting 100% height is not because they're unwieldy. The problem is that for them to get 100% height they need their parents to have 100% height. If one of the iframe's parents is not 100% tall the iframe won't be able to go beyond that parent's height.

So the best possible solution would be:

html, body, iframe { height: 100%; }

…given the iframe is directly under body. If the iframe has a parent between itself and the body, the iframe will still get the height of its parent. One must explicitly set the height of every parent to 100% as well (if that's what one wants).

Tested in:

Chrome 30, Firefox 24, Safari 6.0.5, Opera 16, IE 7, 8, 9 and 10

PS: I don't mean to be picky but the solution marked as correct doesn't work on Firefox 24 at the time of this writing, but worked on Chrome 30. Haven't tested on other browsers though. I came across the error on Firefox because the page I was testing had very little content... It could be it's my meager markup or the CSS reset altering the output, but if I experienced this error I guess the accepted answer doesn't work in every situation.

Update 2021

@Zeni suggested this in 2015:

iframe { height: 100vh }

...and indeed it does the trick!

Careful with positioning as it can potentially break the effect. Test thoroughly, you might not need positioning depending of what you're trying to achieve.

Enable remote MySQL connection: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user

By default in MySQL server remote access is disabled. The process to provide a remote access to user is.

  1. Go to my sql bin folder or add it to PATH
  2. Login to root by mysql -uroot -proot (or whatever the root password is.)
  3. On success you will get mysql>
  4. Provide grant access all for that user.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'username'@'IP' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Here IP is IP address for which you want to allow remote access, if we put % any IP address can access remotely.


C:\Users\UserName> cd C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin

C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin>mysql -uroot -proot

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'root';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.27 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.25 sec)

This for a other user.

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'testUser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'testUser';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Hope this will help

convert string to date in sql server

I think style no. 111 (Japan) should work:

SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME, '2012-08-17', 111)

And if that doesn't work for some reason - you could always just strip out the dashes and then you have the totally reliable ISO-8601 format (YYYYMMDD) which works for any language and date format setting in SQL Server:

SELECT CAST(REPLACE('2012-08-17', '-', '') AS DATETIME)

How to solve "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" for Spring Data Maven Builds

you can suppress this error in eclipse: Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Error/Warnings

Http 415 Unsupported Media type error with JSON

If you are using AJAX jQuery Request this is a must to apply. If not it will throw you 415 Error.

dataType: "json",

How to get user agent in PHP

You could also use the php native funcion get_browser()

IMPORTANT NOTE: You should have a browscap.ini file.

How to change date format (MM/DD/YY) to (YYYY-MM-DD) in date picker

This work for me:

          singleDatePicker: true,
          locale: {
           format: 'DD/MM/YYYY'
         calender_style: "picker_4", }, 
function(start, end, label) {
          console.log(start.toISOString(), end.toISOString(), label); 

'too many values to unpack', iterating over a dict. key=>string, value=>list

data = (['President','George','Bush','is','.'],['O','B-PERSON','I-PERSON','O','O'])
corpus = []
for(doc,tags) in data:
    doc_tag = []
    for word,tag in zip(doc,tags):

copying all contents of folder to another folder using batch file?

I see a lot of answers suggesting the use of xcopy. But this is unnecessary. As the question clearly mentions that the author wants THE CONTENT IN THE FOLDER not the folder itself to be copied in this case we can -:

copy "C:\Folder1" *.*  "D:\Folder2"

Thats all xcopy can be used for if any subdirectory exists in C:\Folder1

How to run single test method with phpunit?

I prefer marking the test in annotation as

 * @group failing
 * Tests the api edit form
public function testEditAction()

Then running it with

phpunit --group failing

No need to specify the full path in the command line, but you have to remember removing this before commit, not to clutter the code.

You may also specify several groups for a single test

  * @group failing
  * @group bug2204 
public function testSomethingElse()

PHP mySQL - Insert new record into table with auto-increment on primary key

I prefer this syntaxis:

$query = "INSERT INTO myTable SET fname='Fname',lname='Lname',website='Website'";

adb shell su works but adb root does not

You need to replace the adbd binary in the boot.img/sbin/ folder to one that is su capable. You will also have to make some default.prop edits too.

Samsung seems to make this more difficult than other vendors. I have some adbd binaries you can try but it will require the knowledge of de-compiling and re-compiling the boot.img with the new binary. Also, if you have a locked bootloader... this is not gonna happen.

Also Chainfire has an app that will grant adbd root permission in the play store:

Lastly, if you are trying to write a windows script with SU permissions you can do this buy using the following command style... However, you will at least need to grant (on the phone) SU permissions the frist time its ran...

adb shell "su -c ls" <-list working directory with su rights. adb shell "su -c echo anytext > /data/test.file"

These are just some examples. If you state specifically what you are trying to accomplish I may be able to give more specific advice


Add and remove attribute with jquery

First you to add a class then remove id

<script type="text/javascript">


how to dynamically add options to an existing select in vanilla javascript

Use the document.createElement function and then add it as a child of your select.

var newOption = document.createElement("option");
newOption.text = 'the options text';
newOption.value = 'some value if you want it';

Change Row background color based on cell value DataTable

Callback for whenever a TR element is created for the table's body.

$('#example').dataTable( {
      "createdRow": function( row, data, dataIndex ) {
        if ( data[4] == "A" ) {
          $(row).addClass( 'important' );
    } );

Good MapReduce examples

Map reduce is a framework that was developed to process massive amounts of data efficiently. For example, if we have 1 million records in a dataset, and it is stored in a relational representation - it is very expensive to derive values and perform any sort of transformations on these.

For Example In SQL, Given the Date of Birth, to find out How many people are of age > 30 for a million records would take a while, and this would only increase in order of magnitute when the complexity of the query increases. Map Reduce provides a cluster based implementation where data is processed in a distributed manner

Here is a wikipedia article explaining what map-reduce is all about

Another good example is Finding Friends via map reduce can be a powerful example to understand the concept, and a well used use-case.

Personally, found this link quite useful to understand the concept

Copying the explanation provided in the blog (In case the link goes stale)

Finding Friends

MapReduce is a framework originally developed at Google that allows for easy large scale distributed computing across a number of domains. Apache Hadoop is an open source implementation.

I'll gloss over the details, but it comes down to defining two functions: a map function and a reduce function. The map function takes a value and outputs key:value pairs. For instance, if we define a map function that takes a string and outputs the length of the word as the key and the word itself as the value then map(steve) would return 5:steve and map(savannah) would return 8:savannah. You may have noticed that the map function is stateless and only requires the input value to compute it's output value. This allows us to run the map function against values in parallel and provides a huge advantage. Before we get to the reduce function, the mapreduce framework groups all of the values together by key, so if the map functions output the following key:value pairs:

3 : the
3 : and
3 : you
4 : then
4 : what
4 : when
5 : steve
5 : where
8 : savannah
8 : research

They get grouped as:

3 : [the, and, you]
4 : [then, what, when]
5 : [steve, where]
8 : [savannah, research]

Each of these lines would then be passed as an argument to the reduce function, which accepts a key and a list of values. In this instance, we might be trying to figure out how many words of certain lengths exist, so our reduce function will just count the number of items in the list and output the key with the size of the list, like:

3 : 3
4 : 3
5 : 2
8 : 2

The reductions can also be done in parallel, again providing a huge advantage. We can then look at these final results and see that there were only two words of length 5 in our corpus, etc...

The most common example of mapreduce is for counting the number of times words occur in a corpus. Suppose you had a copy of the internet (I've been fortunate enough to have worked in such a situation), and you wanted a list of every word on the internet as well as how many times it occurred.

The way you would approach this would be to tokenize the documents you have (break it into words), and pass each word to a mapper. The mapper would then spit the word back out along with a value of 1. The grouping phase will take all the keys (in this case words), and make a list of 1's. The reduce phase then takes a key (the word) and a list (a list of 1's for every time the key appeared on the internet), and sums the list. The reducer then outputs the word, along with it's count. When all is said and done you'll have a list of every word on the internet, along with how many times it appeared.

Easy, right? If you've ever read about mapreduce, the above scenario isn't anything new... it's the "Hello, World" of mapreduce. So here is a real world use case (Facebook may or may not actually do the following, it's just an example):

Facebook has a list of friends (note that friends are a bi-directional thing on Facebook. If I'm your friend, you're mine). They also have lots of disk space and they serve hundreds of millions of requests everyday. They've decided to pre-compute calculations when they can to reduce the processing time of requests. One common processing request is the "You and Joe have 230 friends in common" feature. When you visit someone's profile, you see a list of friends that you have in common. This list doesn't change frequently so it'd be wasteful to recalculate it every time you visited the profile (sure you could use a decent caching strategy, but then I wouldn't be able to continue writing about mapreduce for this problem). We're going to use mapreduce so that we can calculate everyone's common friends once a day and store those results. Later on it's just a quick lookup. We've got lots of disk, it's cheap.

Assume the friends are stored as Person->[List of Friends], our friends list is then:

A -> B C D
B -> A C D E
C -> A B D E
D -> A B C E
E -> B C D

Each line will be an argument to a mapper. For every friend in the list of friends, the mapper will output a key-value pair. The key will be a friend along with the person. The value will be the list of friends. The key will be sorted so that the friends are in order, causing all pairs of friends to go to the same reducer. This is hard to explain with text, so let's just do it and see if you can see the pattern. After all the mappers are done running, you'll have a list like this:

For map(A -> B C D) :

(A B) -> B C D
(A C) -> B C D
(A D) -> B C D

For map(B -> A C D E) : (Note that A comes before B in the key)

(A B) -> A C D E
(B C) -> A C D E
(B D) -> A C D E
(B E) -> A C D E
For map(C -> A B D E) :

(A C) -> A B D E
(B C) -> A B D E
(C D) -> A B D E
(C E) -> A B D E
For map(D -> A B C E) :

(A D) -> A B C E
(B D) -> A B C E
(C D) -> A B C E
(D E) -> A B C E
And finally for map(E -> B C D):

(B E) -> B C D
(C E) -> B C D
(D E) -> B C D
Before we send these key-value pairs to the reducers, we group them by their keys and get:

(A B) -> (A C D E) (B C D)
(A C) -> (A B D E) (B C D)
(A D) -> (A B C E) (B C D)
(B C) -> (A B D E) (A C D E)
(B D) -> (A B C E) (A C D E)
(B E) -> (A C D E) (B C D)
(C D) -> (A B C E) (A B D E)
(C E) -> (A B D E) (B C D)
(D E) -> (A B C E) (B C D)

Each line will be passed as an argument to a reducer. The reduce function will simply intersect the lists of values and output the same key with the result of the intersection. For example, reduce((A B) -> (A C D E) (B C D)) will output (A B) : (C D) and means that friends A and B have C and D as common friends.

The result after reduction is:

(A B) -> (C D)
(A C) -> (B D)
(A D) -> (B C)
(B C) -> (A D E)
(B D) -> (A C E)
(B E) -> (C D)
(C D) -> (A B E)
(C E) -> (B D)
(D E) -> (B C)

Now when D visits B's profile, we can quickly look up (B D) and see that they have three friends in common, (A C E).

How do you reset the stored credentials in 'git credential-osxkeychain'?

Try this in your command line.

git config --local credential.helper ""

It works for me every time when I have multiple GitHub accounts in OSX keychain

Does Enter key trigger a click event?

  selector: 'key-up3',
  template: `
    <input #box (keyup.enter)="doSomething($event)">
export class KeyUpComponent_v3 {
  doSomething(e) {

This works for me!