Programs & Examples On #Module search path

python JSON only get keys in first level

As Karthik mentioned, dct.keys() will work but it will return all the keys in dict_keys type not in list type. So if you want all the keys in a list, then list(dct.keys()) will work.

Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter in Java

I will use

Long a = Long.parseLong(cadenaFinal, 16 );

since there is some hex that can be larguer than intenger and it will throw an exception

How to print to stderr in Python?

If you want to exit a program because of a fatal error, use:

sys.exit("Your program caused a fatal error. ... description ...")

and import sys in the header.

Reset push notification settings for app

Technical Note TN2265: Troubleshooting Push Notifications

The first time a push-enabled app registers for push notifications, iOS asks the user if they wish to receive notifications for that app. Once the user has responded to this alert it is not presented again unless the device is restored or the app has been uninstalled for at least a day.

If you want to simulate a first-time run of your app, you can leave the app uninstalled for a day. You can achieve the latter without actually waiting a day by setting the system clock forward a day or more, turning the device off completely, then turning the device back on.

Update: As noted in the comments below, this solution stopped working since iOS 5.1. I would encourage filing a bug with Apple so they can update their documentation. The current solution seems to be resetting the device's content and settings.

Update: The tech note has been updated with new steps that work correctly as of iOS 7.

  1. Delete your app from the device.
  2. Turn the device off completely and turn it back on.
  3. Go to Settings > General > Date & Time and set the date ahead a day or more.
  4. Turn the device off completely again and turn it back on.

UPDATE as of iOS 9

Simply deleting and reinstalling the app will reset the notification status to notDetermined (meaning prompts will appear).

Thanks to the answer by Gomfucius below:

Not Able To Debug App In Android Studio

Here's a little oops that may catch some: It's pretty easy to accidentally have a filter typed in for the logcat output window (the text box with the magnifying glass) and forget about it. That which will potentially filter out all output and make it look like nothing is there. invalid stream header: 7371007E

If you are sending multiple objects, it's often simplest to put them some kind of holder/collection like an Object[] or List. It saves you having to explicitly check for end of stream and takes care of transmitting explicitly how many objects are in the stream.

EDIT: Now that I formatted the code, I see you already have the messages in an array. Simply write the array to the object stream, and read the array on the server side.

Your "server read method" is only reading one object. If it is called multiple times, you will get an error since it is trying to open several object streams from the same input stream. This will not work, since all objects were written to the same object stream on the client side, so you have to mirror this arrangement on the server side. That is, use one object input stream and read multiple objects from that.

(The error you get is because the objectOutputStream writes a header, which is expected by objectIutputStream. As you are not writing multiple streams, but simply multiple objects, then the next objectInputStream created on the socket input fails to find a second header, and throws an exception.)

To fix it, create the objectInputStream when you accept the socket connection. Pass this objectInputStream to your server read method and read Object from that.

Pandas get topmost n records within each group

Since 0.14.1, you can now do nlargest and nsmallest on a groupby object:

In [23]: df.groupby('id')['value'].nlargest(2)
1   2    3
    1    2
2   6    4
    5    3
3   7    1
4   8    1
dtype: int64

There's a slight weirdness that you get the original index in there as well, but this might be really useful depending on what your original index was.

If you're not interested in it, you can do .reset_index(level=1, drop=True) to get rid of it altogether.

(Note: From 0.17.1 you'll be able to do this on a DataFrameGroupBy too but for now it only works with Series and SeriesGroupBy.)

How to run Conda?

If you have installed anaconda, but if you are not able to execute conda command from terminal, it means the path is not probably set, try :

export PATH=~/anaconda/bin:$PATH

See this link.

Hibernate Error executing DDL via JDBC Statement

you have to be careful because reseved words are not only for table names, also you have to check column names, my mistake was that one of my columns was named "user". If you are using PostgreSQL the correct dialect is: org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect


How do I use the includes method in lodash to check if an object is in the collection?

Supplementing the answer by p.s.w.g, here are three other ways of achieving this using lodash 4.17.5, without using _.includes():

Say you want to add object entry to an array of objects numbers, only if entry does not exist already.

let numbers = [
    { to: 1, from: 2 },
    { to: 3, from: 4 },
    { to: 5, from: 6 },
    { to: 7, from: 8 },
    { to: 1, from: 2 } // intentionally added duplicate

let entry = { to: 1, from: 2 };

 * 1. This will return the *index of the first* element that matches:
_.findIndex(numbers, (o) => { return _.isMatch(o, entry) });
// output: 0

 * 2. This will return the entry that matches. Even if the entry exists
 *    multiple time, it is only returned once.
_.find(numbers, (o) => { return _.isMatch(o, entry) });
// output: {to: 1, from: 2}

 * 3. This will return an array of objects containing all the matches.
 *    If an entry exists multiple times, if is returned multiple times.
_.filter(numbers, _.matches(entry));
// output: [{to: 1, from: 2}, {to: 1, from: 2}]

If you want to return a Boolean, in the first case, you can check the index that is being returned:

_.findIndex(numbers, (o) => { return _.isMatch(o, entry) }) > -1;
// output: true

Datatables warning(table id = 'example'): cannot reinitialise data table

This problem occurs if we initialize dataTable more than once.Then we have to remove the previous.

On the other hand we can destroy the old datatable in this way also before creating the new datatable use the following code :


There is an another scenario ,say you send more than one ajax request which response will access same table in same template then we will get error also.In this case fnDestroy method doesn’t work properly because you don’t know which response comes first or later.Then you have to set bRetrieve TRUE in data table configuration.That’s it.

This is My senario:

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function () {

            "bDestroy": true

            "aoColumnDefs": [{
                "bSortable": false,
                "aTargets": ["sorting_disabled"]
            "bDestroy": true



How to set the size of a column in a Bootstrap responsive table

Bootstrap 4.0

Be aware of all migration changes from Bootstrap 3 to 4. On the table you now need to enable flex box by adding the class d-flex, and drop the xs to allow bootstrap to automatically detect the viewport.

<div class="container-fluid">
    <table id="productSizes" class="table">
            <tr class="d-flex">
                <th class="col-1">Size</th>
                <th class="col-3">Bust</th>
                <th class="col-3">Waist</th>
                <th class="col-5">Hips</th>
            <tr class="d-flex">
                <td class="col-1">6</td>
                <td class="col-3">79 - 81</td>
                <td class="col-3">61 - 63</td>
                <td class="col-5">89 - 91</td>
            <tr class="d-flex">
                <td class="col-1">8</td>
                <td class="col-3">84 - 86</td>
                <td class="col-3">66 - 68</td>
                <td class="col-5">94 - 96</td>


Bootstrap 3.2

Table column width use the same layout as grids do; using col-[viewport]-[size]. Remember the column sizes should total 12; 1 + 3 + 3 + 5 = 12 in this example.

                <th class="col-xs-1">Size</th>
                <th class="col-xs-3">Bust</th>
                <th class="col-xs-3">Waist</th>
                <th class="col-xs-5">Hips</th>

Remember to set the <th> elements rather than the <td> elements so it sets the whole column. Here is a working BOOTPLY.

Thanks to @Dan for reminding me to always work mobile view (col-xs-*) first.

Python loop for inside lambda

To add on to chepner's answer for Python 3.0 you can alternatively do:

x = lambda x: list(map(print, x))

Of course this is only if you have the means of using Python > 3 in the future... Looks a bit cleaner in my opinion, but it also has a weird return value, but you're probably discarding it anyway.

I'll just leave this here for reference.

How to Retrieve value from JTextField in Java Swing?

You can use the getText() method anywhere in your code it is instancely called by your object, So you can use the method anywhere within a calass

Custom edit view in UITableViewCell while swipe left. Objective-C or Swift

If you want to use only text while making swipe actions then you can use iOS default swipe actions but if you want image and text, then you have to customize it. I have found a great tutorial and sample that can resolve this problem.

Try out this repository to get the custom swipe cell. You can add multiple option here.

enter image description here

Adding HTML entities using CSS content

Use the hex code for a non-breaking space. Something like this:

.breadcrumbs a:before {
    content: '>\00a0';

TypeError: '<=' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'

When you use the input function it automatically turns it into a string. You need to go:

vote = int(input('Enter the name of the player you wish to vote for'))

which turns the input into a int type value

Django URLs TypeError: view must be a callable or a list/tuple in the case of include()

Django 1.10 no longer allows you to specify views as a string (e.g. 'myapp.views.home') in your URL patterns.

The solution is to update your to include the view callable. This means that you have to import the view in your If your URL patterns don't have names, then now is a good time to add one, because reversing with the dotted python path no longer works.

from django.conf.urls import include, url

from django.contrib.auth.views import login
from myapp.views import home, contact

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^$', home, name='home'),
    url(r'^contact/$', contact, name='contact'),
    url(r'^login/$', login, name='login'),

If there are many views, then importing them individually can be inconvenient. An alternative is to import the views module from your app.

from django.conf.urls import include, url

from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views
from myapp import views as myapp_views

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^$', myapp_views.home, name='home'),
    url(r'^contact/$',, name='contact'),
    url(r'^login/$', auth_views.login, name='login'),

Note that we have used as myapp_views and as auth_views, which allows us to import the from multiple apps without them clashing.

See the Django URL dispatcher docs for more information about urlpatterns.

How can I solve "Non-static method xxx:xxx() should not be called statically in PHP 5.4?

I don't suggest you just hidding the stricts errors on your project. Intead, you should turn your method to static or try to creat a new instance of the object:

$var = new YourClass();

You can also use the new way to do the same since PHP 5.4:

(new YourClass)->method();

I hope it helps you!

How do I remove all non alphanumeric characters from a string except dash?

I´ve made a different solution, by eliminating the Control characters, which was my original problem.

It is better than putting in a list all the "special but good" chars

char[] arr = str.Where(c => !char.IsControl(c)).ToArray();    
str = new string(arr);

it´s simpler, so I think it´s better !

Maven: Failed to read artifact descriptor

If you're using eclipse, right click on project -> properties -> Maven and make sure that the "Resolve dependencies from workspace projects" is not clicked.

Hope this helps.

Array of Matrices in MATLAB

Use cell arrays. This has an advantage over 3D arrays in that it does not require a contiguous memory space to store all the matrices. In fact, each matrix can be stored in a different space in memory, which will save you from Out-of-Memory errors if your free memory is fragmented. Here is a sample function to create your matrices in a cell array:

function result = createArrays(nArrays, arraySize)
    result = cell(1, nArrays);
    for i = 1 : nArrays
        result{i} = zeros(arraySize);

To use it:

myArray = createArrays(requiredNumberOfArrays, [500 800]);

And to access your elements:

myArray{1}(2,3) = 10;

If you can't know the number of matrices in advance, you could simply use MATLAB's dynamic indexing to make the array as large as you need. The performance overhead will be proportional to the size of the cell array, and is not affected by the size of the matrices themselves. For example:

myArray{1} = zeros(500, 800);
if twoRequired, myArray{2} = zeros(500, 800); end

Javascript to display the current date and time


    var today = new Date();
    var dd = today.getDate();
    var mm = today.getMonth() + 1; //January is 0!
    var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
    var h = today.getHours();
    var m = today.getMinutes();
    var s = today.getSeconds();

    if (dd < 10) {
        dd = '0' + dd

    if (mm < 10) {
        mm = '0' + mm
    if (h < 10) { h = '0' + h }
    if (m < 10) { m = '0' + m }
    if (s < 10) { s = '0' + s }

    var ctoday = dd + '/' + mm + '/' + yyyy+ '\t' +h+ ':' +m+ ':' +s;
    var d = new Date()
    var weekday = new Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday")
    console.log("Today is " + weekday[d.getDay()])
    document.getElementById('time').innerHTML = '<span style="color:blue">' + weekday[d.getDay()] + ", " + ctoday + '</span>';
<span> Today is : <span id="time"> </span>

SQL: How to get the id of values I just INSERTed?

From the site i found out the following things:

SQL SERVER – @@IDENTITY vs SCOPE_IDENTITY() vs IDENT_CURRENT – Retrieve Last Inserted Identity of Record March 25, 2007 by pinaldave

SELECT @@IDENTITY It returns the last IDENTITY value produced on a connection, regardless of the table that produced the value, and regardless of the scope of the statement that produced the value. @@IDENTITY will return the last identity value entered into a table in your current session. While @@IDENTITY is limited to the current session, it is not limited to the current scope. If you have a trigger on a table that causes an identity to be created in another table, you will get the identity that was created last, even if it was the trigger that created it.

SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() It returns the last IDENTITY value produced on a connection and by a statement in the same scope, regardless of the table that produced the value. SCOPE_IDENTITY(), like @@IDENTITY, will return the last identity value created in the current session, but it will also limit it to your current scope as well. In other words, it will return the last identity value that you explicitly created, rather than any identity that was created by a trigger or a user defined function.

SELECT IDENT_CURRENT(‘tablename’) It returns the last IDENTITY value produced in a table, regardless of the connection that created the value, and regardless of the scope of the statement that produced the value. IDENT_CURRENT is not limited by scope and session; it is limited to a specified table. IDENT_CURRENT returns the identity value generated for a specific table in any session and any scope.

Remove characters after specific character in string, then remove substring?

I second Hightechrider: there is a specialized Url class already built for you.

I must also point out, however, that the PHP's replaceAll uses regular expressions for search pattern, which you can do in .NET as well - look at the RegEx class.

Telling gcc directly to link a library statically

It is possible of course, use -l: instead of -l. For example -l:libXYZ.a to link with libXYZ.a. Notice the lib written out, as opposed to -lXYZ which would auto expand to libXYZ.

Count table rows

If you have several fields in your table and your table is huge, it's better DO NOT USE * because of it load all fields to memory and using the following will have better performance


How to print the array?

If you want to print the array like you print a 2D list in Python:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  int i, j;
  int my_array[3][3] = {{10, 23, 42}, {1, 654, 0}, {40652, 22, 0}};
  for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      if (i == 0) {
      for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
         printf("%d", my_array[i][j]);
         if (j < 2) {
             printf(", ");
    if (i == 2) {

    if (i < 2) {
        printf(", ");
  return 0;

Output will be:

[[10, 23, 42], [1, 654, 0], [40652, 22, 0]]

Postgresql tables exists, but getting "relation does not exist" when querying

You have to include the schema if isnt a public one

FROM <schema>."my_table"

Or you can change your default schema

SHOW search_path;
SET search_path TO my_schema;

Check your table schema here

FROM information_schema.columns

enter image description here

For example if a table is on the default schema public both this will works ok

SELECT * FROM parroquias_region
SELECT * FROM public.parroquias_region

But sectors need specify the schema

SELECT * FROM map_update.sectores_point

How to set Google Chrome in WebDriver


As you said in your last comment that you are trying to access chrome of some other system so based on that you should keep your chrome driver in that system itself.

for example: if you are trying to access linux chrome from windows then you need to put your chrome driver in linux at some place and give permission as 777 and use below code at your windows system.

System.setProperty("", "\\var\\www\\Jar\\chromedriver");
Capability=;   Capability.setPlatform(org.openqa.selenium.Platform.ANY);
browser=new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(nodeURL),Capability);

This is working code of my system.

Convert YYYYMMDD string date to a datetime value

You should have to use DateTime.TryParseExact.

var newDate = DateTime.ParseExact("20111120", 


string str = "20111021";
string[] format = {"yyyyMMdd"};
DateTime date;

if (DateTime.TryParseExact(str, 
                           out date))

Java better way to delete file if exists

  File xx = new File("filename.txt");
    if (xx.exists()) {
       System.gc();//Added this part
       Thread.sleep(2000);////This part gives the Bufferedreaders and the InputStreams time to close Completely

Select records from NOW() -1 Day

Didn't see any answers correctly using DATE_ADD or DATE_SUB:

Subtract 1 day from NOW()


Add 1 day from NOW()


Using LINQ to group by multiple properties and sum

Use the .Select() after grouping:

var agencyContracts = _agencyContractsRepository.AgencyContracts
    .GroupBy(ac => new
                       ac.AgencyContractID, // required by your view model. should be omited
                                            // in most cases because group by primary key
                                            // makes no sense.
    .Select(ac => new AgencyContractViewModel
                       AgencyContractID = ac.Key.AgencyContractID,
                       AgencyId = ac.Key.AgencyID,
                       VendorId = ac.Key.VendorID,
                       RegionId = ac.Key.RegionID,
                       Amount = ac.Sum(acs => acs.Amount),
                       Fee = ac.Sum(acs => acs.Fee)

How do I use installed packages in PyCharm?

You should never need to modify the path directly, either through environment variables or sys.path. Whether you use the os (ex. apt-get), or pip in a virtualenv, packages will be installed to a location already on the path.

In your example, GNU Radio is installed to the system Python 2's standard site-packages location, which is already in the path. Pointing PyCharm at the correct interpreter is enough; if it isn't there is something else wrong that isn't apparent. It may be that /usr/bin/python does not point to the same interpreter that GNU Radio was installed in; try pointing specifically at the python2.7 binary. Or, PyCharm used to be somewhat bad at detecting packages; File > Invalidate Caches > Invalidate and Restart would tell it to rescan.

This answer will cover how you should set up a project environment, install packages in different scenarios, and configure PyCharm. I refer multiple times to the Python Packaging User Guide, written by the same group that maintains the official Python packaging tools.

The correct way to develop a Python application is with a virtualenv. Packages and version are installed without affecting the system or other projects. PyCharm has a built-in interface to create a virtualenv and install packages. Or you can create it from the command line and then point PyCharm at it.

$ cd MyProject
$ python2 -m virtualenv env
$ . env/bin/activate
$ pip install -U pip setuptools  # get the latest versions
$ pip install flask  # install other packages

In your PyCharm project, go to File > Settings > Project > Project Interpreter. If you used virtualenvwrapper or PyCharm to create the env, then it should show up in the menu. If not, click the gear, choose Add Local, and locate the Python binary in the env. PyCharm will display all the packages in the selected env.

choose an env

manually locate env

In some cases, such as with GNU Radio, there is no package to install with pip, the package was installed system-wide when you install the rest of GNU Radio (ex. apt-get install gnuradio). In this case, you should still use a virtualenv, but you'll need to make it aware of this system package.

$ python2 -m virtualenv --system-site-packages env

Unfortunately it looks a little messy, because all system packages will now appear in your env, but they are just links, you can still safely install or upgrade packages without affecting the system.

In some cases, you will have multiple local packages you're developing, and will want one project to use the other package. In this case you might think you have to add the local package to the other project's path, but this is not the case. You should install your package in development mode. All this requires is adding a file to your package, which will be required anyway to properly distribute and deploy the package later.

Minimal for your first project:

from setuptools import setup, find_packages


Then install it in your second project's env:

$ pip install -e /path/to/first/project

Stretch image to fit full container width bootstrap

This will do the same as many of the other answers, but will make sides flush with the window, so there is no scroll bars.

<div class="container-fluid">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col" style="padding: 0;">
       <img src="example.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="Example">  

Visual C++: How to disable specific linker warnings?

(For the record and before the thread disappears on the msdn forums) You can't disable the warning (at least under VS2010) because it is on the list of the warnings that can't be disabled (so /wd4099 will not work), but what you can do instead is patch link.exe (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\link.exe) to remove it from said list . Sounds like a jackhammer, i know. It works though.

For instance, if you want to remove the warning for 4099, open link.exe with an hex editor, goto line 15A0 which reads 03 10 (little endian for 4099) and replace it with FF 00 (which does not exist.)

Set up DNS based URL forwarding in Amazon Route53

The AWS support pointed a simpler solution. It's basically the same idea proposed by @Vivek M. Chawla, with a more simple implementation.


  1. Create a Bucket named with your full domain, like
  2. On the bucket properties, select Redirect all requests to another host name and enter your URL:

AWS Route53:

  1. Create a record set type A. Change Alias to Yes. Click on Alias Target field and select the S3 bucket you created in the previous step.

Reference: How to redirect domains using Amazon Web Services

AWS official documentation: Is there a way to redirect a domain to another domain using Amazon Route 53?

How to query SOLR for empty fields?

Try this:

?q=-id:["" TO *]

Is ncurses available for windows?

Such a thing probably does not exist "as-is". It doesn't really exist on Linux or other UNIX-like operating systems either though.

ncurses is only a library that helps you manage interactions with the underlying terminal environment. But it doesn't provide a terminal emulator itself.

The thing that actually displays stuff on the screen (which in your requirement is listed as "native resizable win32 windows") is usually called a Terminal Emulator. If you don't like the one that comes with Windows (you aren't alone; no person on Earth does) there are a few alternatives. There is Console, which in my experience works sometimes and appears to just wrap an underlying Windows terminal emulator (I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing, since there is a menu option to actually get access to that underlying terminal emulator, and sure enough an old crusty Windows/DOS box appears which mirrors everything in the Console window).

A better option

Another option, which may be more appealing is puttycyg. It hooks in to Putty (which, coming from a Linux background, is pretty close to what I'm used to, and free) but actually accesses an underlying cygwin instead of the Windows command interpreter (CMD.EXE). So you get all the benefits of Putty's awesome terminal emulator, as well as nice ncurses (and many other) libraries provided by cygwin. Add a couple command line arguments to the Shortcut that launches Putty (or the Batch file) and your app can be automatically launched without going through Putty's UI.

How to delete all files and folders in a folder by cmd call

No, I don't know one.

If you want to retain the original directory for some reason (ACLs, &c.), and instead really want to empty it, then you can do the following:

del /q destination\*
for /d %x in (destination\*) do @rd /s /q "%x"

This first removes all files from the directory, and then recursively removes all nested directories, but overall keeping the top-level directory as it is (except for its contents).

Note that within a batch file you need to double the % within the for loop:

del /q destination\*
for /d %%x in (destination\*) do @rd /s /q "%%x"

How to display an IFRAME inside a jQuery UI dialog

Although this is a old post, I have spent 3 hours to fix my issue and I think this might help someone in future.

Here is my jquery-dialog hack to show html content inside an <iframe> :

let modalProperties = {autoOpen: true, width: 900, height: 600, modal: true, title: 'Modal Title'};
let modalHtmlContent = '<div>My Content First div</div><div>My Content Second div</div>';

// create wrapper iframe
let wrapperIframe = $('<iframe src="" frameborder="0" style="width:100%; height:100%;"></iframe>');

// create jquery dialog by a 'div' with 'iframe' appended

// insert html content to iframe 'body'
let wrapperIframeDocument = wrapperIframe[0].contentDocument;
let wrapperIframeBody = $('body', wrapperIframeDocument);

jsfiddle demo

How to convert a structure to a byte array in C#?

Have a look at these methods:

byte [] StructureToByteArray(object obj)
    int len = Marshal.SizeOf(obj);

    byte [] arr = new byte[len];

    IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(len);

    Marshal.StructureToPtr(obj, ptr, true);

    Marshal.Copy(ptr, arr, 0, len);


    return arr;

void ByteArrayToStructure(byte [] bytearray, ref object obj)
    int len = Marshal.SizeOf(obj);

    IntPtr i = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(len);

    Marshal.Copy(bytearray,0, i,len);

    obj = Marshal.PtrToStructure(i, obj.GetType());


This is a shameless copy of another thread which I found upon Googling!

Update : For more details, check the source

Invalid CSRF Token 'null' was found on the request parameter '_csrf' or header 'X-CSRF-TOKEN'

Spring documentation to disable csrf:

public class WebSecurityConfig extends
WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

   protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

Setting width as a percentage using jQuery

Here is an alternative that worked for me:

$('div#somediv').css({'width': '70%'});

Python Dictionary contains List as Value - How to update?

Probably something like this:

original_list = dictionary.get('C1')
new_list = []
for item in original_list:
dictionary['C1'] = new_list

SQL Developer with JDK (64 bit) cannot find JVM

I have followed the steps and it worked just fine.

1) Open the file present at : \sqldeveloper-\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.conf and delete the line with setJavaHome xxx .

2) Click on Sqldeveloper.exe now and browse for the java.exe present in \sqldeveloper-\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\bin

3) This should launch SqlDeveloper now.


How to trigger a build only if changes happen on particular set of files

While this doesn't affect single jobs, you can use this script to ignore certain steps if the latest commit did not contain any changes:

 * Check a folder if changed in the latest commit.
 * Returns true if changed, or false if no changes.
def checkFolderForDiffs(path) {
    try {
        // git diff will return 1 for changes (failure) which is caught in catch, or
        // 0 meaning no changes 
        sh "git diff --quiet --exit-code HEAD~1..HEAD ${path}"
        return false
    } catch (err) {
        return true

if ( checkFolderForDiffs('api/') ) {
    //API folder changed, run steps here

Java program to connect to Sql Server and running the sample query From Eclipse

The link has the driver for sqlserver, download and add it your eclipse buildpath.

git push vs git push origin <branchname>

First, you need to create your branch locally

git checkout -b your_branch

After that, you can work locally in your branch, when you are ready to share the branch, push it. The next command push the branch to the remote repository origin and tracks it

git push -u origin your_branch

Your Teammates/colleagues can push to your branch by doing commits and then push explicitly

... work ...
git commit
... work ...
git commit
git push origin HEAD:refs/heads/your_branch 

Oracle SqlPlus - saving output in a file but don't show on screen

Right from the SQL*Plus manual


SET TERMOUT OFF suppresses the display so that you can spool output from a script without seeing it on the screen.

If both spooling to file and writing to terminal are not required, use SET TERMOUT OFF in >SQL scripts to disable terminal output.

SET TERMOUT is not supported in iSQL*Plus

How to force the input date format to dd/mm/yyyy?

To have a constant date format irrespective of the computer settings, you must use 3 different input elements to capture day, month, and year respectively. However, you need to validate the user input to ensure that you have a valid date as shown bellow

<input id="txtDay" type="text" placeholder="DD" />

<input id="txtMonth" type="text" placeholder="MM" />

<input id="txtYear" type="text" placeholder="YYYY" />
<button id="but" onclick="validateDate()">Validate</button>

  function validateDate() {
    var date = new Date(document.getElementById("txtYear").value, document.getElementById("txtMonth").value, document.getElementById("txtDay").value);

    if (date == "Invalid Date") {
        alert("jnvalid date");


Display text on MouseOver for image in html

You can do like this also:


<a><img src='' onmouseover="somefunction();"></a>

In javascript:

function somefunction()
  //Do somethisg.


How to get the latest tag name in current branch in Git?

What is wrong with all suggestions (except Matthew Brett explanation, up to date of this answer post)?

Just run any command supplied by other on jQuery Git history when you at different point of history and check result with visual tagging history representation (I did that is why you see this post):

$ git log --graph --all --decorate --oneline --simplify-by-decoration

Todays many project perform releases (and so tagging) in separate branch from mainline.

There are strong reason for this. Just look to any well established JS/CSS projects. For user conventions they carry binary/minified release files in DVCS. Naturally as project maintainer you don't want to garbage your mainline diff history with useless binary blobs and perform commit of build artifacts out of mainline.

Because Git uses DAG and not linear history - it is hard to define distance metric so we can say - oh that rev is most nearest to my HEAD!

I start my own journey in (look inside, I didn't copy fancy proof images to this long post):

What is nearest tag in the past with respect to branching in Git?

Currently I have 4 reasonable definition of distance between tag and revision with decreasing of usefulness:

  • length of shortest path from HEAD to merge base with tag
  • date of merge base between HEAD and tag
  • number of revs that reachable from HEAD but not reachable from tag
  • date of tag regardless merge base

I don't know how to calculate length of shortest path.

Script that sort tags according to date of merge base between HEAD and tag:

$ git tag \
     | while read t; do \
         b=`git merge-base HEAD $t`; \
         echo `git log -n 1 $b --format=%ai` $t; \
       done | sort

It usable on most of projects.

Script that sort tags according to number of revs that reachable from HEAD but not reachable from tag:

$ git tag \
    | while read t; do echo `git rev-list --count $t..HEAD` $t; done \
    | sort -n

If your project history have strange dates on commits (because of rebases or another history rewriting or some moron forget to replace BIOS battery or other magics that you do on history) use above script.

For last option (date of tag regardless merge base) to get list of tags sorted by date use:

$ git log --tags --simplify-by-decoration --pretty="format:%ci %d" | sort -r

To get known current revision date use:

$ git log --max-count=1

Note that git describe --tags have usage on its own cases but not for finding human expected nearest tag in project history.

NOTE You can use above recipes on any revision, just replace HEAD with what you want!

Can HTML be embedded inside PHP "if" statement?

<?php if ($my_name == 'aboutme') { ?>
<?php } ?>

setting min date in jquery datepicker

basically if you already specify the year range there is no need to use mindate and maxdate if only year is required

Minimum 6 characters regex expression

This match 6 or more any chars but newline:


GenyMotion Unable to start the Genymotion virtual device

The number of CPUs is insufficient. Select 1 CPU in Genymotion and restart the device.

Genymotion device configuration

How to find rows in one table that have no corresponding row in another table

For my small dataset, Oracle gives almost all of these queries the exact same plan that uses the primary key indexes without touching the table. The exception is the MINUS version which manages to do fewer consistent gets despite the higher plan cost.

--Create Sample Data.
d r o p table tableA;
d r o p table tableB;

create table tableA as (
   select rownum-1 ID, chr(rownum-1+70) bb, chr(rownum-1+100) cc 
      from dual connect by rownum<=4

create table tableB as (
   select rownum ID, chr(rownum+70) data1, chr(rownum+100) cc from dual
   select rownum+2 ID, chr(rownum+70) data1, chr(rownum+100) cc 
      from dual connect by rownum<=3

a l t e r table tableA Add Primary Key (ID);
a l t e r table tableB Add Primary Key (ID);

--View Tables.
select * from tableA;
select * from tableB;

--Find all rows in tableA that don't have a corresponding row in tableB.

--Method 1.

--Method 2.

--Method 3.

--Method 4.

Dealing with timestamps in R

You want the (standard) POSIXt type from base R that can be had in 'compact form' as a POSIXct (which is essentially a double representing fractional seconds since the epoch) or as long form in POSIXlt (which contains sub-elements). The cool thing is that arithmetic etc are defined on this -- see help(DateTimeClasses)

Quick example:

R> now <- Sys.time()
R> now
[1] "2009-12-25 18:39:11 CST"
R> as.numeric(now)
[1] 1.262e+09
R> now + 10  # adds 10 seconds
[1] "2009-12-25 18:39:21 CST"
R> as.POSIXlt(now)
[1] "2009-12-25 18:39:11 CST"
R> str(as.POSIXlt(now))
 POSIXlt[1:9], format: "2009-12-25 18:39:11"
R> unclass(as.POSIXlt(now))
[1] 11.79

[1] 39

[1] 18

[1] 25

[1] 11

[1] 109

[1] 5

[1] 358

[1] 0

[1] "America/Chicago" "CST"             "CDT"            

As for reading them in, see help(strptime)

As for difference, easy too:

R> Jan1 <- strptime("2009-01-01 00:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
R> difftime(now, Jan1, unit="week")
Time difference of 51.25 weeks

Lastly, the zoo package is an extremely versatile and well-documented container for matrix with associated date/time indices.

What Does This Mean in PHP -> or =>

-> is used to call a method, or access a property, on the object of a class

=> is used to assign values to the keys of an array


    $ages = array("Peter"=>32, "Quagmire"=>30, "Joe"=>34, 1=>2); 

And since PHP 7.4+ the operator => is used too for the added arrow functions, a more concise syntax for anonymous functions.

Java variable number or arguments for a method

That's correct. You can find more about it in the Oracle guide on varargs.

Here's an example:

void foo(String... args) {
    for (String arg : args) {

which can be called as

foo("foo"); // Single arg.
foo("foo", "bar"); // Multiple args.
foo("foo", "bar", "lol"); // Don't matter how many!
foo(new String[] { "foo", "bar" }); // Arrays are also accepted.
foo(); // And even no args.

Wi-Fi Direct and iOS Support

The official list of current iOS Wi-Fi Management APIs

There is no Wi-Fi Direct type of connection available. The primary issue being that Apple does not allow programmatic setting of the Wi-Fi network SSID and password. However, this improves substantially in iOS 11 where you can at least prompt the user to switch to another WiFi network.

QA1942 - iOS Wi-Fi Management APIs

Entitlement option

This technology is useful if you want to provide a list of Wi-Fi networks that a user might want to connect to in a manager type app. It requires that you apply for this entitlement with Apple and the email address is in the documentation.

MFi Program options

These technologies allow the accessory connect to the same network as the iPhone and are not for setting up a peer-to-peer connection.

  • Wireless Accessory Configuration (WAC)
  • HomeKit

Peer-to-peer between Apple devices

These APIs come close to what you want, but they're Apple-to-Apple only.

WiTap Example Code

iOS 11 NEHotspotConfiguration

Brought up at WWDC 2017 Advances in Networking, Part 1 is NEHotspotConfiguration which allows the app to specify and prompt to connect to a specific network.

ASP.NET - How to write some html in the page? With Response.Write?

If you want something lighter than a Label or other ASP.NET-specific server control you can just use a standard HTML DIV or SPAN and with runat="server", e.g.:


<span runat="server" id="FooSpan"></span>


FooSpan.Text = "Foo"; with headers

As the best anwser have writed using XMLHttpResponse except, and I make the abstracts-anwser as a instance.

The main Js file is download.js Download-JS

 // var download_url = window.BASE_URL+ "/waf/p1/download_rules";
    var download_url = window.BASE_URL+ "/waf/p1/download_logs_by_dt";
    function download33() {
        var sender_data = {"start_time":"2018-10-9", "end_time":"2018-10-17"};
        var x=new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", download_url, true);
//        x.setRequestHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
        x.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "JWT " + localStorage.token );
        x.responseType = 'blob';
        x.onload=function(e){download(x.response, "", "application/zip" ); }
        x.send( JSON.stringify(sender_data) ); // post-data

Calling Non-Static Method In Static Method In Java

You could create an instance of the class you want to call the method on, e.g.

new Foo().nonStaticMethod();

What processes are using which ports on unix?

I use this command:

netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN

You can have a clean output that shows process id and ports that's listening on

Getting query parameters from react-router hash fragment

Simple js solution:

queryStringParse = function(string) {
    let parsed = {}
    if(string != '') {
        string = string.substring(string.indexOf('?')+1)
        let p1 = string.split('&') {
            let params = value.split('=')
            parsed[params[0]] = params[1]
    return parsed

And you can call it from anywhere using:

var params = this.queryStringParse(;

Hope this helps.

How can I loop through all rows of a table? (MySQL)

Mr Purple's example I used in mysql trigger like that,

Select COUNT(*) from user where deleted_at is null INTO n;
SET i=0;
  INSERT INTO user_notification(notification_id,status,userId)values(new.notification_id,1,(Select userId FROM user LIMIT i,1)) ;
  SET i = i + 1;

What is the difference between _tmain() and main() in C++?

_tmain does not exist in C++. main does.

_tmain is a Microsoft extension.

main is, according to the C++ standard, the program's entry point. It has one of these two signatures:

int main();
int main(int argc, char* argv[]);

Microsoft has added a wmain which replaces the second signature with this:

int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[]);

And then, to make it easier to switch between Unicode (UTF-16) and their multibyte character set, they've defined _tmain which, if Unicode is enabled, is compiled as wmain, and otherwise as main.

As for the second part of your question, the first part of the puzzle is that your main function is wrong. wmain should take a wchar_t argument, not char. Since the compiler doesn't enforce this for the main function, you get a program where an array of wchar_t strings are passed to the main function, which interprets them as char strings.

Now, in UTF-16, the character set used by Windows when Unicode is enabled, all the ASCII characters are represented as the pair of bytes \0 followed by the ASCII value.

And since the x86 CPU is little-endian, the order of these bytes are swapped, so that the ASCII value comes first, then followed by a null byte.

And in a char string, how is the string usually terminated? Yep, by a null byte. So your program sees a bunch of strings, each one byte long.

In general, you have three options when doing Windows programming:

  • Explicitly use Unicode (call wmain, and for every Windows API function which takes char-related arguments, call the -W version of the function. Instead of CreateWindow, call CreateWindowW). And instead of using char use wchar_t, and so on
  • Explicitly disable Unicode. Call main, and CreateWindowA, and use char for strings.
  • Allow both. (call _tmain, and CreateWindow, which resolve to main/_tmain and CreateWindowA/CreateWindowW), and use TCHAR instead of char/wchar_t.

The same applies to the string types defined by windows.h: LPCTSTR resolves to either LPCSTR or LPCWSTR, and for every other type that includes char or wchar_t, a -T- version always exists which can be used instead.

Note that all of this is Microsoft specific. TCHAR is not a standard C++ type, it is a macro defined in windows.h. wmain and _tmain are also defined by Microsoft only.

How to erase the file contents of text file in Python?

Not a complete answer more of an extension to ondra's answer

When using truncate() ( my preferred method ) make sure your cursor is at the required position. When a new file is opened for reading - open('FILE_NAME','r') it's cursor is at 0 by default. But if you have parsed the file within your code, make sure to point at the beginning of the file again i.e truncate(0) By default truncate() truncates the contents of a file starting from the current cusror position.

A simple example

How to get an MD5 checksum in PowerShell

Here are the two lines, just change "hello" in line #2:

PS C:\> [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web")
PS C:\> [System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication]::HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile("hello", "MD5")

How to make a stable two column layout in HTML/CSS

Piece of cake.

Use 960Grids Go to the automatic layout builder and make a two column, fluid design. Build a left column to the width of grids that works....this is the only challenge using grids and it's very easy once you read a tutorial. In a nutshell, each column in a grid is a certain width, and you set the amount of columns you want to use. To get a column that's exactly a certain width, you have to adjust your math so that your column width is exact. Not too tough.

No chance of wrapping because others have already fought that battle for you. Compatibility back as far as you likely will ever need to go. Quick and easy....Now, download, customize and deploy.

Voila. Grids FTW.

Using GCC to produce readable assembly?

Using the -S switch to GCC on x86 based systems produces a dump of AT&T syntax, by default, which can be specified with the -masm=att switch, like so:

gcc -S -masm=att code.c

Whereas if you'd like to produce a dump in Intel syntax, you could use the -masm=intel switch, like so:

gcc -S -masm=intel code.c

(Both produce dumps of code.c into their various syntax, into the file code.s respectively)

In order to produce similar effects with objdump, you'd want to use the --disassembler-options= intel/att switch, an example (with code dumps to illustrate the differences in syntax):

 $ objdump -d --disassembler-options=att code.c
 080483c4 <main>:
 80483c4:   8d 4c 24 04             lea    0x4(%esp),%ecx
 80483c8:   83 e4 f0                and    $0xfffffff0,%esp
 80483cb:   ff 71 fc                pushl  -0x4(%ecx)
 80483ce:   55                      push   %ebp
 80483cf:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
 80483d1:   51                      push   %ecx
 80483d2:   83 ec 04                sub    $0x4,%esp
 80483d5:   c7 04 24 b0 84 04 08    movl   $0x80484b0,(%esp)
 80483dc:   e8 13 ff ff ff          call   80482f4 <puts@plt>
 80483e1:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax
 80483e6:   83 c4 04                add    $0x4,%esp 
 80483e9:   59                      pop    %ecx
 80483ea:   5d                      pop    %ebp
 80483eb:   8d 61 fc                lea    -0x4(%ecx),%esp
 80483ee:   c3                      ret
 80483ef:   90                      nop


$ objdump -d --disassembler-options=intel code.c
 080483c4 <main>:
 80483c4:   8d 4c 24 04             lea    ecx,[esp+0x4]
 80483c8:   83 e4 f0                and    esp,0xfffffff0
 80483cb:   ff 71 fc                push   DWORD PTR [ecx-0x4]
 80483ce:   55                      push   ebp
 80483cf:   89 e5                   mov    ebp,esp
 80483d1:   51                      push   ecx
 80483d2:   83 ec 04                sub    esp,0x4
 80483d5:   c7 04 24 b0 84 04 08    mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x80484b0
 80483dc:   e8 13 ff ff ff          call   80482f4 <puts@plt>
 80483e1:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x0
 80483e6:   83 c4 04                add    esp,0x4
 80483e9:   59                      pop    ecx
 80483ea:   5d                      pop    ebp
 80483eb:   8d 61 fc                lea    esp,[ecx-0x4]
 80483ee:   c3                      ret    
 80483ef:   90                      nop

AngularJS $location not changing the path

If any of you is using the Angular-ui / ui-router, use:$state.go('yourstate') instead of $location. It did the trick for me.

What is HTML5 ARIA?

WAI-ARIA is a spec defining support for accessible web apps. It defines bunch of markup extensions (mostly as attributes on HTML5 elements), which can be used by the web app developer to provide additional information about the semantics of the various elements to assistive technologies like screen readers. Of course, for ARIA to work, the HTTP user agent that interprets the markup needs to support ARIA, but the spec is created in such a way, as to allow down-level user agents to ignore the ARIA-specific markup safely without affecting the web app's functionality.

Here's an example from the ARIA spec:

<ul role="menubar">

  <!-- Rule 2A: "File" label via aria-labelledby -->
  <li role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="true" aria-labelledby="fileLabel"><span id="fileLabel">File</span>
    <ul role="menu">

      <!-- Rule 2C: "New" label via Namefrom:contents -->
      <li role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="false">New</li>
      <li role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="false">Open…</li>

Note the role attribute on the outer <ul> element. This attribute does not affect in any way how the markup is rendered on the screen by the browser; however, browsers that support ARIA will add OS-specific accessibility information to the rendered UI element, so that the screen reader can interpret it as a menu and read it aloud with enough context for the end-user to understand (for example, an explicit "menu" audio hint) and is able to interact with it (for example, voice navigation).

Is there an alternative to string.Replace that is case-insensitive?

The regular expression method should work. However what you can also do is lower case the string from the database, lower case the %variables% you have, and then locate the positions and lengths in the lower cased string from the database. Remember, positions in a string don't change just because its lower cased.

Then using a loop that goes in reverse (its easier, if you do not you will have to keep a running count of where later points move to) remove from your non-lower cased string from the database the %variables% by their position and length and insert the replacement values.

How do I find out which DOM element has the focus?

Use document.activeElement, it is supported in all major browsers.

Previously, if you were trying to find out what form field has focus, you could not. To emulate detection within older browsers, add a "focus" event handler to all fields and record the last-focused field in a variable. Add a "blur" handler to clear the variable upon a blur event for the last-focused field.

If you need to remove the activeElement you can use blur; document.activeElement.blur(). It will change the activeElement to body.

Related links:

How to get distinct values for non-key column fields in Laravel?

in eloquent you can use this

$users = User::select('name')->groupBy('name')->get()->toArray() ;

groupBy is actually fetching the distinct values, in fact the groupBy will categorize the same values, so that we can use aggregate functions on them. but in this scenario we have no aggregate functions, we are just selecting the value which will cause the result to have distinct values

Binding Combobox Using Dictionary as the Datasource

        var colors = new Dictionary < string, string > ();
        colors["10"] = "Red";

Binding to Combobox

        comboBox1.DataSource = new BindingSource(colors, null);
        comboBox1.DisplayMember = "Value";
        comboBox1.ValueMember = "Key"; 

Full Source...Dictionary as a Combobox Datasource


Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object

I had this same issue and solved it by avoiding the BitmapFactory.decodeStream or decodeFile functions and instead used BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor

decodeFileDescriptor looks like it calls different native methods than the decodeStream/decodeFile.

Anyways, what worked was this (note that I added some options as some had above, but that's not what made the difference. What is critical is the call to BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor instead of decodeStream or decodeFile):

private void showImage(String path)   {

    BitmapFactory.Options bfOptions=new BitmapFactory.Options();
    bfOptions.inDither=false;                     //Disable Dithering mode
    bfOptions.inPurgeable=true;                   //Tell to gc that whether it needs free memory, the Bitmap can be cleared
    bfOptions.inInputShareable=true;              //Which kind of reference will be used to recover the Bitmap data after being clear, when it will be used in the future
    bfOptions.inTempStorage=new byte[32 * 1024]; 

    File file=new File(path);
    FileInputStream fs=null;
    try {
        fs = new FileInputStream(file);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        //TODO do something intelligent

    try {
        if(fs!=null) bm=BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor(fs.getFD(), null, bfOptions);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        //TODO do something intelligent
    } finally{ 
        if(fs!=null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    //bm=BitmapFactory.decodeFile(path, bfOptions); This one causes error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget


I think there is a problem with the native function used in decodeStream/decodeFile. I have confirmed that a different native method is called when using decodeFileDescriptor. Also what I've read is "that Images (Bitmaps) are not allocated in a standard Java way but via native calls; the allocations are done outside of the virtual heap, but are counted against it!"

JOptionPane Input to int

// sample code for addition using JOptionPane

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class Addition {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String firstNumber = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Input <First Integer>");

        String secondNumber = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Input <Second Integer>");

        int num1 = Integer.parseInt(firstNumber);
        int num2 = Integer.parseInt(secondNumber);
        int sum = num1 + num2;
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Sum is" + sum, "Sum of two Integers", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);

Creating a new DOM element from an HTML string using built-in DOM methods or Prototype

HTML 5 introduced the <template> element which can be used for this purpose (as now described in the WhatWG spec and MDN docs).

A <template> element is used to declare fragments of HTML that can be utilized in scripts. The element is represented in the DOM as a HTMLTemplateElement which has a .content property of DocumentFragment type, to provide access to the template's contents. This means that you can convert an HTML string to DOM elements by setting the innerHTML of a <template> element, then reaching into the template's .content property.


 * @param {String} HTML representing a single element
 * @return {Element}
function htmlToElement(html) {
    var template = document.createElement('template');
    html = html.trim(); // Never return a text node of whitespace as the result
    template.innerHTML = html;
    return template.content.firstChild;

var td = htmlToElement('<td>foo</td>'),
    div = htmlToElement('<div><span>nested</span> <span>stuff</span></div>');

 * @param {String} HTML representing any number of sibling elements
 * @return {NodeList} 
function htmlToElements(html) {
    var template = document.createElement('template');
    template.innerHTML = html;
    return template.content.childNodes;

var rows = htmlToElements('<tr><td>foo</td></tr><tr><td>bar</td></tr>');

Note that similar approaches that use a different container element such as a div don't quite work. HTML has restrictions on what element types are allowed to exist inside which other element types; for instance, you can't put a td as a direct child of a div. This causes these elements to vanish if you try to set the innerHTML of a div to contain them. Since <template>s have no such restrictions on their content, this shortcoming doesn't apply when using a template.

However, template is not supported in some old browsers. As of January 2018, Can I use... estimates 90% of users globally are using a browser that supports templates. In particular, no version of Internet Explorer supports them; Microsoft did not implement template support until the release of Edge.

If you're lucky enough to be writing code that's only targeted at users on modern browsers, go ahead and use them right now. Otherwise, you may have to wait a while for users to catch up.

Pass parameter to controller from @Html.ActionLink MVC 4

You are using a wrong overload of the Html.ActionLink helper. What you think is routeValues is actually htmlAttributes! Just look at the generated HTML, you will see that this anchor's href property doesn't look as you expect it to look.

Here's what you are using:

    "Reply",                                                  // linkText
    "BlogReplyCommentAdd",                                    // actionName
    "Blog",                                                   // routeValues
    new {                                                     // htmlAttributes
        blogPostId = blogPostId, 
        replyblogPostmodel = Model, 
        captchaValid = Model.AddNewComment.DisplayCaptcha 

and here's what you should use:

    "Reply",                                                  // linkText
    "BlogReplyCommentAdd",                                    // actionName
    "Blog",                                                   // controllerName
    new {                                                     // routeValues
        blogPostId = blogPostId, 
        replyblogPostmodel = Model, 
        captchaValid = Model.AddNewComment.DisplayCaptcha 
    null                                                      // htmlAttributes

Also there's another very serious issue with your code. The following routeValue:

replyblogPostmodel = Model

You cannot possibly pass complex objects like this in an ActionLink. So get rid of it and also remove the BlogPostModel parameter from your controller action. You should use the blogPostId parameter to retrieve the model from wherever this model is persisted, or if you prefer from wherever you retrieved the model in the GET action:

public ActionResult BlogReplyCommentAdd(int blogPostId, bool captchaValid)
    BlogPostModel model = repository.Get(blogPostId);

As far as your initial problem is concerned with the wrong overload I would recommend you writing your helpers using named parameters:

    linkText: "Reply",
    actionName: "BlogReplyCommentAdd",
    controllerName: "Blog",
    routeValues: new {
        blogPostId = blogPostId, 
        captchaValid = Model.AddNewComment.DisplayCaptcha
    htmlAttributes: null

Now not only that your code is more readable but you will never have confusion between the gazillions of overloads that Microsoft made for those helpers.

How can I enter latitude and longitude in Google Maps?

for higher precision. this format:

45 11.735N,004 34.281E

and this

45 23.623, 5 38.77

Storyboard - refer to ViewController in AppDelegate

Generally, the system should be handling view controller instantiation with a storyboard. What you want is to traverse the viewController hierarchy by grabbing a reference to the self.window.rootViewController as opposed to initializing view controllers, which should already be initialized correctly if you've setup your storyboard properly.

So, let's say your rootViewController is a UINavigationController and then you want to send something to its top view controller, you would do it like this in your AppDelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

UINavigationController *nav = (UINavigationController *) self.window.rootViewController;
MyViewController *myVC = (MyViewController *)nav.topViewController; =;

In Swift if would be very similar:

let nav = self.window.rootViewController as! UINavigationController;
let myVC = nav.topViewController as! MyViewController =

You really shouldn't be initializing view controllers using storyboard id's from the app delegate unless you want to bypass the normal way storyboard is loaded and load the whole storyboard yourself. If you're having to initialize scenes from the AppDelegate you're most likely doing something wrong. I mean imagine you, for some reason, want to send data to a view controller way down the stack, the AppDelegate shouldn't be reaching way into the view controller stack to set data. That's not its business. It's business is the rootViewController. Let the rootViewController handle its own children! So, if I were bypassing the normal storyboard loading process by the system by removing references to it in the info.plist file, I would at most instantiate the rootViewController using instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:, and possibly its root if it is a container, like a UINavigationController. What you want to avoid is instantiating view controllers that have already been instantiated by the storyboard. This is a problem I see a lot. In short, I disagree with the accepted answer. It is incorrect unless the posters means to remove loading of the storyboard from the info.plist since you will have loaded 2 storyboards otherwise, which makes no sense. It's probably not a memory leak because the system initialized the root scene and assigned it to the window, but then you came along and instantiated it again and assigned it again. Your app is off to a pretty bad start!

How to make a radio button unchecked by clicking it?

Radio buttons are meant to be used in groups, as defined by their sharing the same name attribute. Then clicking on one of them deselects the currently selected one. To allow the user to cancel a “real” selection he has made, you can include a radio button that corresponds to a null choice, like “Do not know” or “No answer”.

If you want a single button that can be checked or unchecked, use a checkbox.

It is possible (but normally not relevant) to uncheck a radio button in JavaScript, simply by setting its checked property to false, e.g.

<input type=radio name=foo id=foo value=var>
<input type=button value="Uncheck" onclick=
"document.getElementById('foo').checked = false">

How to delete an element from an array in C#

Balabaster's answer is correct if you want to remove all instances of the element. If you want to remove only the first one, you would do something like this:

int[] numbers = { 1, 3, 4, 9, 2, 4 };
int numToRemove = 4;
int firstFoundIndex = Array.IndexOf(numbers, numToRemove);
if (numbers >= 0)
    numbers = numbers.Take(firstFoundIndex).Concat(numbers.Skip(firstFoundIndex + 1)).ToArray();

What techniques can be used to define a class in JavaScript, and what are their trade-offs?

I think you should read Douglas Crockford's Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript and Classical Inheritance in JavaScript.

Examples from his page:

Function.prototype.method = function (name, func) {
    this.prototype[name] = func;
    return this;

Effect? It will allow you to add methods in more elegant way:

function Parenizor(value) {

Parenizor.method('setValue', function (value) {
    this.value = value;
    return this;

I also recommend his videos: Advanced JavaScript.

You can find more videos on his page: In John Reisig book you can find many examples from Douglas Crockfor's website.

Safely turning a JSON string into an object

Older question, I know, however nobody notice this solution by using new Function(), an anonymous function that returns the data.

Just an example:

 var oData = 'test1:"This is my object",test2:"This is my object"';

 if( typeof oData !== 'object' )
  try {
   oData = (new Function('return {'+oData+'};'))();
  catch(e) { oData=false; }

 if( typeof oData !== 'object' )
  { alert( 'Error in code' ); }
 else {
        alert( oData.test1 );
        alert( oData.test2 );

This is a little more safe because it executes inside a function and do not compile in your code directly. So if there is a function declaration inside it, it will not be bound to the default window object.

I use this to 'compile' configuration settings of DOM elements (for example the data attribute) simple and fast.

CodeIgniter - How to return Json response from controller

For CodeIgniter 4, you can use the built-in API Response Trait

Here's sample code for reference:

<?php namespace App\Controllers;

use CodeIgniter\API\ResponseTrait;

class Home extends BaseController
    use ResponseTrait;

    public function index()
        $data = [
            'data' => 'value1',
            'data2' => 'value2',

        return $this->respond($data);

OkHttp Post Body as JSON

In okhttp v4.* I got it working that way

// import the extensions!
import okhttp3.MediaType.Companion.toMediaType
import okhttp3.RequestBody.Companion.toRequestBody

// ...

json : String = "..."

val JSON : MediaType = "application/json; charset=utf-8".toMediaType()
val jsonBody: RequestBody = json.toRequestBody(JSON)

// go on with Request.Builder() etc

add maven repository to build.gradle


apply plugin: ''

You should add this:

  repositories {
        maven {
            url ""

@Benjamin explained the reason.

If you have a maven with authentication you can use:

repositories {
            maven {
               credentials {
                   username xxx
                   password xxx
               url    'http://mymaven/xxxx/repositories/releases/'

It is important the order.

Get escaped URL parameter

Based on the 999's answer:

function getURLParameter(name) {
    return decodeURIComponent(


  • decodeURI() is replaced with decodeURIComponent()
  • [?|&] is added at the beginning of the regexp

Access VBA | How to replace parts of a string with another string

Use Access's VBA function Replace(text, find, replacement):

Dim result As String

result = Replace("Some sentence containing Avenue in it.", "Avenue", "Ave")

ng is not recognized as an internal or external command

I faced same issue when i tried to install angular cli locally with command

npm install @angular/cli@latest

After that i got same issue C:\Users\vi1kumar\Desktop\tus\ANGULAR\AngularForms>ng -v 'ng' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Than i tried to install it globally

npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

In this case case it worked i was wondering that is it not possible to install cli globally ?

After doing some research i found this article very helpful hope it will help someone facing similar issue

Working with multiple versions of Angular CLI

PHP Get URL with Parameter

for complette URL with protocol, servername and parameters:

 $base_url = ( isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS']=='on' ? 'https' : 'http' ) . '://' .  $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
 $url = $base_url . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];

How to append multiple items in one line in Python


First off, append is a function, so you can't write append[i+1:i+4] because you're trying to get a slice of a thing that isn't a sequence. (You can't get an element of it, either: append[i+1] is wrong for the same reason.) When you call a function, the argument goes in parentheses, i.e. the round ones: ().

Second, what you're trying to do is "take a sequence, and put every element in it at the end of this other sequence, in the original order". That's spelled extend. append is "take this thing, and put it at the end of the list, as a single item, even if it's also a list". (Recall that a list is a kind of sequence.)

But then, you need to be aware that i+1:i+4 is a special construct that appears only inside square brackets (to get a slice from a sequence) and braces (to create a dict object). You cannot pass it to a function. So you can't extend with that. You need to make a sequence of those values, and the natural way to do this is with the range function.

How to read from a text file using VBScript?

Dim obj : Set obj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim outFile : Set outFile = obj.CreateTextFile("in.txt")
Dim inFile: Set inFile = obj.OpenTextFile("out.txt")

' Read file
Dim strRetVal : strRetVal = inFile.ReadAll

' Write file
outFile.write (strRetVal)

Today's Date in Perl in MM/DD/YYYY format

You can do it fast, only using one POSIX function. If you have bunch of tasks with dates, see the module DateTime.

use POSIX qw(strftime);

my $date = strftime "%m/%d/%Y", localtime;
print $date;

How to use Console.WriteLine in ASP.NET (C#) during debug?

You shouldn't launch as an IIS server. check your launch setting, make sure it switched to your project name( change this name in your launchSettings.json file ), not the IIS.

enter image description here

Pretty graphs and charts in Python

Have you looked into ChartDirector for Python?

I can't speak about this one, but I've used ChartDirector for PHP and it's pretty good.

How to spyOn a value property (rather than a method) with Jasmine

The best way is to use spyOnProperty. It expects 3 parameters and you need to pass get or set as a third param.


const div = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.ellipsis-overflow'));
// now mock properties
spyOnProperty(div.nativeElement, 'clientWidth', 'get').and.returnValue(1400);
spyOnProperty(div.nativeElement, 'scrollWidth', 'get').and.returnValue(2400);

Here I am setting the get of clientWidth of div.nativeElement object.

char initial value in Java

Perhaps 0 or '\u0000' would do?

XPath: How to select elements based on their value?

The condition below:

//Element[@attribute1="abc" and @attribute2="xyz" and Data]

checks for the existence of the element Data within Element and not for element value Data.

Instead you can use

//Element[@attribute1="abc" and @attribute2="xyz" and text()="Data"]

How to split string and push in array using jquery

var string = 'a,b,c,d',
    strx   = string.split(',');
    array  = [];

array = array.concat(strx);
// ["a","b","c","d"]

angular.js ng-repeat li items with html content

use ng-bind-html-unsafe

it will apply html with text inside like below:

    <li ng-repeat=" opt in opts" ng-bind-html-unsafe="opt.text" >
        {{ opt.text }}

Chrome disable SSL checking for sites?

In my case I was developing an ASP.Net MVC5 web app and the certificate errors on my local dev machine (IISExpress certificate) started becoming a practical concern once I started working with service workers. Chrome simply wouldn't register my service worker because of the certificate error.

I did, however, notice that during my automated Selenium browser tests, Chrome seem to just "ignore" all these kinds of problems (e.g. the warning page about an insecure site), so I asked myself the question: How is Selenium starting Chrome for running its tests, and might it also solve the service worker problem?

Using Process Explorer on Windows, I was able to find out the command-line arguments with which Selenium is starting Chrome:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-background-networking --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --disable-default-apps --disable-hang-monitor --disable-popup-blocking --disable-prompt-on-repost --disable-sync --disable-web-resources --enable-automation --enable-logging --force-fieldtrials=SiteIsolationExtensions/Control --ignore-certificate-errors --log-level=0 --metrics-recording-only --no-first-run --password-store=basic --remote-debugging-port=12207 --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update --test-type=webdriver --use-mock-keychain --user-data-dir="C:\Users\Sam\AppData\Local\Temp\some-non-existent-directory" data:,

There are a bunch of parameters here that I didn't end up doing necessity-testing for, but if I run Chrome this way, my service worker registers and works as expected.

The only one that does seem to make a difference is the --user-data-dir parameter, which to make things work can be set to a non-existent directory (things won't work if you don't provide the parameter).

Hope that helps someone else with a similar problem. I'm using Chrome 60.0.3112.90.

Activate tabpage of TabControl

tabControl1.SelectedTab = MyTab;

Android - save/restore fragment state

If you using bottombar and insted of viewpager you want to set custom fragment replacement logic with retrieve previously save state you can do using below code

 String current_frag_tag = null;
 String prev_frag_tag = null;

    public void onTabSelected(TabLayout.Tab tab) {

        switch (tab.getPosition()) {
            case 0:

                replaceFragment(new Fragment1(), "Fragment1");

            case 1:
                replaceFragment(new Fragment2(), "Fragment2");

            case 2:
                replaceFragment(new Fragment3(), "Fragment3");

            case 3:
               replaceFragment(new Fragment4(), "Fragment4");

                replaceFragment(new Fragment1(), "Fragment1");


    public void replaceFragment(Fragment fragment, String tag) {
        if (current_frag_tag != null) {
            prev_frag_tag = current_frag_tag;

        current_frag_tag = tag;

        FragmentManager manager = null;
        try {
            manager = requireActivity().getSupportFragmentManager();
            FragmentTransaction ft = manager.beginTransaction();

            if (manager.findFragmentByTag(current_frag_tag) == null) { // No fragment in backStack with same tag..
                ft.add(, fragment, current_frag_tag);

                if (prev_frag_tag != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
//  ;

            } else {

                try {
                } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {


Inside Child Fragments you can access fragment is visible or not using below method note: you have to implement below method in child fragment

    public void onHiddenChanged(boolean hidden) {

        try {
        }catch (Exception e){


TypeError: document.getElementbyId is not a function

Case sensitive: document.getElementById (notice the capital B).

Rails 3 migrations: Adding reference column?

When adding a column you need to make that column an integer and if possible stick with rails conventions. So for your case I am assuming you already have a Tester and User models, and testers and users tables.

To add the foreign key you need to create an integer column with the name user_id (convention):

add_column :tester, :user_id, :integer

Then add a belongs_to to the tester model:

class Tester < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user

And you might also want to add an index for the foreign key (this is something the references already does for you):

add_index :tester, :user_id

PostgreSQL: How to make "case-insensitive" query

using ILIKE instead of LIKE

SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name ILIKE 'Administrator'

PHPExcel - creating multiple sheets by iteration

You can write different sheets as follows

$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
$objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setLastModifiedBy("Middle field");
$objWorkSheet = $objPHPExcel->createSheet();
$work_sheet_count=3;//number of sheets you want to create
         $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex($work_sheet)->setCellValue('A1', 'SR No. In sheet 1')->getStyle('A1')->getFont()->setBold(true);
         $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex($work_sheet)->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($col++, $row++, $i++);//setting value by column and row indexes if needed
         $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex($work_sheet)->setCellValue('A1', 'SR No. In sheet 2')->getStyle('A1')->getFont()->setBold(true);
         $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex($work_sheet)->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($col++, $row++, $i++);//setting value by column and row indexes if needed
         $objWorkSheet = $objPHPExcel->createSheet($work_sheet_count);
         $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex($work_sheet)->setCellValue('A1', 'SR No. In sheet 3')->getStyle('A1')->getFont()->setBold(true);
         $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex($work_sheet)->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($col++, $row++, $i++);//setting value by column and row indexes if needed

$filename='file-name'.'.xls'; //save our workbook as this file name
header('Content-Type: application/'); //mime type
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="'.$filename.'"'); //tell browser what's the file name
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0'); //no cach

$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');

Is it possible to make a Tree View with Angular?

Based on @ganaraj 's answer, and @dnc253 's answer, I just made a simple "directive" for the tree structure having selecting, adding, deleting, and editing feature.



<script type="text/ng-template" id="tree_item_renderer.html">
    <div class="node"  ng-class="{selected: data.selected}" ng-click="select(data)">
        <span ng-click="data.hide=!data.hide" style="display:inline-block; width:10px;">
            <span ng-show="data.hide && data.nodes.length > 0" class="fa fa-caret-right">+</span>
            <span ng-show="!data.hide && data.nodes.length > 0" class="fa fa-caret-down">-</span>
        <span ng-show="!data.editting" ng-dblclick="edit($event)" >{{}}</span>
        <span ng-show="data.editting"><input ng-model="" ng-blur="unedit()" ng-focus="f()"></input></span>
        <button ng-click="add(data)">Add node</button>
        <button ng-click="delete(data)" ng-show="data.parent">Delete node</button>
    <ul ng-show="!data.hide" style="list-style-type: none; padding-left: 15px">
        <li ng-repeat="data in data.nodes">
            <recursive><sub-tree data="data"></sub-tree></recursive>
<ul ng-app="Application" style="list-style-type: none; padding-left: 0">
    <tree data='{name: "Node", nodes: [],show:true}'></tree>



/* */
directive("recursive", function($compile) {
    return {
        restrict: "EACM",
        require: '^tree',
        priority: 100000,

        compile: function(tElement, tAttr) {
            var contents = tElement.contents().remove();
            var compiledContents;
            return function(scope, iElement, iAttr) {
                if(!compiledContents) {
                    compiledContents = $compile(contents);
                                     function(clone) {

directive("subTree", function($timeout) {
    return {
        restrict: 'EA',
        require: '^tree',
        templateUrl: 'tree_item_renderer.html',
        scope: {
            data: '=',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs, treeCtrl) {
   = function(){
            scope.delete = function() {
      , 1);
            scope.add = function() {
                var post = + 1;
                var newName = + '-' + post;
      {name: newName,nodes: [],show:true, parent:});
            scope.edit = function(event){
       = true;
            scope.unedit = function(){
       = false;


directive("tree", function(){
    return {
        restrict: 'EA',
        template: '<sub-tree data="data" root="data"></sub-tree>',
        controller: function($scope){
   = function(data){
                    $scope.selected.selected = false;
                data.selected = true;
                $scope.selected = data;
        scope: {
            data: '=',

OpenCV NoneType object has no attribute shape

I had the same problem. I had another program open that was using my laptop's camera. So I closed that program, and then everything worked. I found this answer by checking

Remove grid, background color, and top and right borders from ggplot2

Simplification from the above Andrew's answer leads to this key theme to generate the half border.

theme (panel.border = element_blank(),
       axis.line    = element_line(color='black'))

How to store printStackTrace into a string

StackTraceElement[] stack = new Exception().getStackTrace();
String theTrace = "";
for(StackTraceElement line : stack)
   theTrace += line.toString();

Fastest way to count number of occurrences in a Python list

You can convert list in string with elements seperated by space and split it based on number/char to be searched..

Will be clean and fast for large list..

>>>L = [2,1,1,2,1,3]
>>>strL = " ".join(str(x) for x in L)
2 1 1 2 1 3
>>>count=len(strL.split(" 1"))-1

how to add a jpg image in Latex

You need to use a graphics library. Put this in your preamble:


You can then add images like this:

\caption{A simple caption \label{overflow}}

This is the basic template I use in my documents. The position and size should be tweaked for your needs. Refer to the guide below for more information on what parameters to use in \figure and \includegraphics. You can then refer to the image in your text using the label you gave in the figure:

And here we see figure \ref{overflow}.

Read this guide here for a more detailed instruction:,_Figures_and_Captions

How to stop/kill a query in postgresql?

What I did is first check what are the running processes by

SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state = 'active';

Find the process you want to kill, then type:

SELECT pg_cancel_backend(<pid of the process>)

This basically "starts" a request to terminate gracefully, which may be satisfied after some time, though the query comes back immediately.

If the process cannot be killed, try:

SELECT pg_terminate_backend(<pid of the process>)

Evaluate list.contains string in JSTL

Another way of doing this is using a Map (HashMap) with Key, Value pairs representing your object.

Map<Long, Object> map = new HashMap<Long, Object>();
map.put(new Long(1), "one");
map.put(new Long(2), "two");


<c:if test="${not empty map[1]}">

This should return true if the pair exist in the map

how to call an ASP.NET c# method using javascript

The Jayrock RPC library is a great tool for doing this in a nice familliar way for C# developers. It allows you to create a .NET class with the methods you require, and add this class as a script (in a roundabout way) to your page. You can then create a js object of your type and call methods as you would any other object.

It essentially hides away ajax implementation and presents RPC in a familliar format. Mind you the best option really is to use ASP.NET MVC and use jQuery ajax calls to action methods - much more concise and less messing about!

Need to remove href values when printing in Chrome

Bootstrap does the same thing (... as the selected answer below).

@media print {
  a[href]:after {
    content: " (" attr(href) ")";

Just remove it from there, or override it in your own print stylesheet:

@media print {
  a[href]:after {
    content: none !important;

Angular 2 router no base href set

Check your index.html. If you have accidentally removed the following part, include it and it will be fine

<base href="/">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico">

Postgres: How to convert a json string to text?

->> works for me.

postgres version:



select object_details->'valuationDate' as asofJson, object_details->>'valuationDate' as asofText from MyJsonbTable;


  asofJson       asofText
"2020-06-26"    2020-06-26
"2020-06-25"    2020-06-25
"2020-06-25"    2020-06-25
"2020-06-25"    2020-06-25

How to go to a specific element on page?

The standard technique in plugin form would look something like this:

(function($) {
    $.fn.goTo = function() {
        $('html, body').animate({
            scrollTop: $(this).offset().top + 'px'
        }, 'fast');
        return this; // for chaining...

Then you could just say $('#div_element2').goTo(); to scroll to <div id="div_element2">. Options handling and configurability is left as an exercise for the reader.

Get int from String, also containing letters, in Java

The NumberFormat class will only parse the string until it reaches a non-parseable character:


will hence return 123. how to deserialize without using the default constructor?

A bit late and not exactly suited here, but I'm gonna add my solution here, because my question had been closed as a duplicate of this one, and because this solution is completely different.

I needed a general way to instruct Json.NET to prefer the most specific constructor for a user defined struct type, so I can omit the JsonConstructor attributes which would add a dependency to the project where each such struct is defined.

I've reverse engineered a bit and implemented a custom contract resolver where I've overridden the CreateObjectContract method to add my custom creation logic.

public class CustomContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver {

    protected override JsonObjectContract CreateObjectContract(Type objectType)
        var c = base.CreateObjectContract(objectType);
        if (!IsCustomStruct(objectType)) return c;

        IList<ConstructorInfo> list = objectType.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic).OrderBy(e => e.GetParameters().Length).ToList();
        var mostSpecific = list.LastOrDefault();
        if (mostSpecific != null)
            c.OverrideCreator = CreateParameterizedConstructor(mostSpecific);
            c.CreatorParameters.AddRange(CreateConstructorParameters(mostSpecific, c.Properties));

        return c;

    protected virtual bool IsCustomStruct(Type objectType)
        return objectType.IsValueType && !objectType.IsPrimitive && !objectType.IsEnum && !objectType.Namespace.IsNullOrEmpty() && !objectType.Namespace.StartsWith("System.");

    private ObjectConstructor<object> CreateParameterizedConstructor(MethodBase method)
        var c = method as ConstructorInfo;
        if (c != null)
            return a => c.Invoke(a);
        return a => method.Invoke(null, a);

I'm using it like this.

public struct Test {
  public readonly int A;
  public readonly string B;

  public Test(int a, string b) {
    A = a;
    B = b;

var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Test(1, "Test"), new JsonSerializerSettings {
  ContractResolver = new CustomContractResolver()
var t = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Test>(json);

What are -moz- and -webkit-?

What are -moz- and -webkit-?

CSS properties starting with -webkit-, -moz-, -ms- or -o- are called vendor prefixes.

Why do different browsers add different prefixes for the same effect?

A good explanation of vendor prefixes comes from Peter-Paul Koch of QuirksMode:

Originally, the point of vendor prefixes was to allow browser makers to start supporting experimental CSS declarations.

Let's say a W3C working group is discussing a grid declaration (which, incidentally, wouldn't be such a bad idea). Let's furthermore say that some people create a draft specification, but others disagree with some of the details. As we know, this process may take ages.

Let's furthermore say that Microsoft as an experiment decides to implement the proposed grid. At this point in time, Microsoft cannot be certain that the specification will not change. Therefore, instead of adding the grid to its CSS, it adds -ms-grid.

The vendor prefix kind of says "this is the Microsoft interpretation of an ongoing proposal." Thus, if the final definition of the grid is different, Microsoft can add a new CSS property grid without breaking pages that depend on -ms-grid.


As this post 3 years old, it's important to mention that now most vendors do understand that these prefixes are just creating un-necessary duplicate code and that the situation where you need to specify 3 different CSS rules to get one effect working in all browser is an unwanted one.

As mentioned in this glossary about Mozilla's view on Vendor Prefix on May 3, 2016,

Browser vendors are now trying to get rid of vendor prefix for experimental features. They noticed that Web developers were using them on production Web sites, polluting the global space and making it more difficult for underdogs to perform well.

For example, just a few years ago, to set a rounded corner on a box you had to write:

-moz-border-radius: 10px 5px;
-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px;
-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 10px 5px;

But now that browsers have come to fully support this feature, you really only need the standardized version:

border-radius: 10px 5px;

Finding the right rules for all browsers

As still there's no standard for common CSS rules that work on all browsers, you can use tools like to check support of a rule across all major browsers.

You can also use Pleeease is a Node.js application that easily processes your CSS. It simplifies the use of preprocessors and combines them with best postprocessors. It helps create clean stylesheets, support older browsers and offers better maintainability.


a {
  column-count: 3;
  column-gap: 10px;
  column-fill: auto;


a {
  -webkit-column-count: 3;
     -moz-column-count: 3;
          column-count: 3;
  -webkit-column-gap: 10px;
     -moz-column-gap: 10px;
          column-gap: 10px;
  -webkit-column-fill: auto;
     -moz-column-fill: auto;
          column-fill: auto;

Can someone explain the dollar sign in Javascript?

Dollar sign is used in ecmascript 2015-2016 as 'template literals'. Example:

var a = 5;
var b = 10;
console.log(`Sum is equal: ${a + b}`); // 'Sum is equlat: 15'

Here working example: Notice this sign " ` ",its not normal quotes.

U can also meet $ while working with library jQuery.

$ sign in Regular Expressions means end of line.

How do I test for an empty JavaScript object?

My take:

function isEmpty(obj) {
  return Object.keys(obj).length === 0;

var a = {
  a: 1,
  b: 2
var b = {}

console.log(isEmpty(a)); // false
console.log(isEmpty(b)); // true

Just, I don't think all browsers implement Object.keys() currently.

How can I color dots in a xy scatterplot according to column value?

I answered a very similar question:

You simply need to iterate over the series' .Points collection, and then you can assign the points' .Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB value based on whatever criteria you need.


The code below will color the chart per the screenshot. This only assumes three colors are used. You can add additional case statements for other color values, and update the assignment of myColor to the appropriate RGB values for each.


Option Explicit
Sub ColorScatterPoints()
    Dim cht As Chart
    Dim srs As Series
    Dim pt As Point
    Dim p As Long
    Dim Vals$, lTrim#, rTrim#
    Dim valRange As Range, cl As Range
    Dim myColor As Long

    Set cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart
    Set srs = cht.SeriesCollection(1)

   '## Get the series Y-Values range address:
    lTrim = InStrRev(srs.Formula, ",", InStrRev(srs.Formula, ",") - 1, vbBinaryCompare) + 1
    rTrim = InStrRev(srs.Formula, ",")
    Vals = Mid(srs.Formula, lTrim, rTrim - lTrim)
    Set valRange = Range(Vals)

    For p = 1 To srs.Points.Count
        Set pt = srs.Points(p)
        Set cl = valRange(p).Offset(0, 1) '## assume color is in the next column.

        With pt.Format.Fill
            .Visible = msoTrue
            '.Solid  'I commented this out, but you can un-comment and it should still work
            '## Assign Long color value based on the cell value
            '## Add additional cases as needed.
            Select Case LCase(cl)
                Case "red"
                    myColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
                Case "orange"
                    myColor = RGB(255, 192, 0)
                Case "green"
                    myColor = RGB(0, 255, 0)
            End Select

            .ForeColor.RGB = myColor

        End With

End Sub

Spring configure @ResponseBody JSON format

AngerClown pointed me to the right direction.

This is what I finally did, just in case anyone find it useful.

    <property name="messageConverters">
            <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter">
                <property name="objectMapper" ref="jacksonObjectMapper" />

<!-- jackson configuration : -->
<bean id="jacksonObjectMapper" class="" />
<bean id="jacksonSerializationConfig" class=""
    factory-bean="jacksonObjectMapper" factory-method="getSerializationConfig" />
    <property name="targetObject" ref="jacksonSerializationConfig" />
    <property name="targetMethod" value="setSerializationInclusion" />
    <property name="arguments">
            <value type="">NON_DEFAULT</value>

I still have to figure out how to configure the other properties such as:

om.configure(JsonGenerator.Feature.QUOTE_FIELD_NAMES, true);

Checking whether a String contains a number value in Java

   // contains a number
} else{
   // does not contain a number

Previous suggested solution, which does not work, but brought back because of @Eng.Fouad's request/suggestion.

Not working suggested solution

String strWithNumber = "This string has a 1 number";
String strWithoutNumber = "This string does not have a number";


Working solution

String strWithNumber = "This string has a 1 number";
    System.out.println("'"+strWithNumber+"' contains digit");
} else{
    System.out.println("'"+strWithNumber+"' does not contain a digit");

String strWithoutNumber = "This string does not have a number";
    System.out.println("'"+strWithoutNumber+"' contains digit");
} else{
    System.out.println("'"+strWithoutNumber+"' does not contain a digit");


'This string has a 1 number' contains digit
'This string does not have a number' does not contain a digit

How can I truncate a datetime in SQL Server?

This continues to frequently gather additional votes, even several years later, and so I need to update it for modern versions of Sql Server. For Sql Server 2008 and later, it's simple:

cast(getDate() As Date)

Note that the last three paragraphs near the bottom still apply, and you often need to take a step back and find a way to avoid the cast in the first place.

But there are other ways to accomplish this, too. Here are the most common.

The correct way (new since Sql Server 2008):

cast(getdate() As Date)

The correct way (old):

dateadd(dd, datediff(dd,0, getDate()), 0)

This is older now, but it's still worth knowing because it can also easily adapt for other time points, like the first moment of the month, minute, hour, or year.

This correct way uses documented functions that are part of the ansi standard and are guaranteed to work, but it can be somewhat slower. It works by finding how many days there are from day 0 to the current day, and adding that many days back to day 0. It will work no matter how your datetime is stored and no matter what your locale is.

The fast way:

cast(floor(cast(getdate() as float)) as datetime)

This works because datetime columns are stored as 8-byte binary values. Cast them to float, floor them to remove the fraction, and the time portion of the values are gone when you cast them back to datetime. It's all just bit shifting with no complicated logic and it's very fast.

Be aware this relies on an implementation detail Microsoft is free to change at any time, even in an automatic service update. It's also not very portable. In practice, it's very unlikely this implementation will change any time soon, but it's still important to be aware of the danger if you choose to use it. And now that we have the option to cast as a date, it's rarely necessary.

The wrong way:

cast(convert(char(11), getdate(), 113) as datetime)

The wrong way works by converting to a string, truncating the string, and converting back to a datetime. It's wrong, for two reasons: 1)it might not work across all locales and 2) it's about the slowest possible way to do this... and not just a little; it's like an order of magnitude or two slower than the other options.

Update This has been getting some votes lately, and so I want to add to it that since I posted this I've seen some pretty solid evidence that Sql Server will optimize away the performance difference between "correct" way and the "fast" way, meaning you should now favor the former.

In either case, you want to write your queries to avoid the need to do this in the first place. It's very rare that you should do this work on the database.

In most places, the database is already your bottleneck. It's generally the server that's the most expensive to add hardware to for performance improvements and the hardest one to get those additions right (you have to balance disks with memory, for example). It's also the hardest to scale outward, both technically and from a business standpoint; it's much easier technically to add a web or application server than a database server and even if that were false you don't pay $20,000+ per server license for IIS or apache.

The point I'm trying to make is that whenever possible you should do this work at the application level. The only time you should ever find yourself truncating a datetime on Sql Server is when you need to group by the day, and even then you should probably have an extra column set up as a computed column, maintained at insert/update time, or maintained in application logic. Get this index-breaking, cpu-heavy work off your database.

How to check if AlarmManager already has an alarm set?

Following up on the comment ron posted, here is the detailed solution. Let's say you have registered a repeating alarm with a pending intent like this:

Intent intent = new Intent("");
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, 
                                      intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1);

AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
alarmManager.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, calendar.getTimeInMillis(), 1000 * 60, pendingIntent);

The way you would check to see if it is active is to:

boolean alarmUp = (PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, 
        new Intent(""), 
        PendingIntent.FLAG_NO_CREATE) != null);

if (alarmUp)
    Log.d("myTag", "Alarm is already active");

The key here is the FLAG_NO_CREATE which as described in the javadoc: if the described PendingIntent **does not** already exists, then simply return null (instead of creating a new one)

Linq select objects in list where exists IN (A,B,C)

NB: this is LINQ to objects, I am not 100% sure if it work in LINQ to entities, and have no time to check it right now. In fact it isn't too difficult to translate it to x in [A, B, C] but you have to check for yourself.

So, instead of Contains as a replacement of the ???? in your code you can use Any which is more LINQ-uish:

// Filter the orders based on the order status
var filteredOrders = from order in orders.Order
                     where new[] { "A", "B", "C" }.Any(s => s == order.StatusCode)
                     select order;

It's the opposite to what you know from SQL this is why it is not so obvious.

Of course, if you prefer fluent syntax here it is:

var filteredOrders = orders.Order.Where(order => new[] {"A", "B", "C"}.Any(s => s == order.StatusCode));

Here we again see one of the LINQ surprises (like Joda-speech which puts select at the end). However it is quite logical in this sense that it checks if at least one of the items (that is any) in a list (set, collection) matches a single value.

CSS background image to fit width, height should auto-scale in proportion

Based on tips from I end up with the following recipe that worked for me

body {
        overflow-y: hidden ! important;
        overflow-x: hidden ! important;
        background-color: #f8f8f8;
        background-image: url('index.png');
        /*background-size: cover;*/
        background-size: contain;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: right;

What is a good Hash Function?

What you're saying here is you want to have one that uses has collision resistance. Try using SHA-2. Or try using a (good) block cipher in a one way compression function (never tried that before), like AES in Miyaguchi-Preenel mode. The problem with that is that you need to:

1) have an IV. Try using the first 256 bits of the fractional parts of Khinchin's constant or something like that. 2) have a padding scheme. Easy. Barrow it from a hash like MD5 or SHA-3 (Keccak [pronounced 'ket-chak']). If you don't care about the security (a few others said this), look at FNV or lookup2 by Bob Jenkins (actually I'm the first one who reccomends lookup2) Also try MurmurHash, it's fast (check this: .16 cpb).

How to get resources directory path programmatically

Finally, this is what I did:

private File getFileFromURL() {
    URL url = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("/sql");
    File file = null;
    try {
        file = new File(url.toURI());
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        file = new File(url.getPath());
    } finally {
        return file;


File folder = getFileFromURL();
File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles();

Test if string is URL encoded in PHP

I am using the following test to see if strings have been urlencoded:

if(urlencode($str) != str_replace(['%','+'], ['%25','%2B'], $str))

If a string has already been urlencoded, the only characters that will changed by double encoding are % (which starts all encoded character strings) and + (which replaces spaces.) Change them back and you should have the original string.

Let me know if this works for you.

How to play or open *.mp3 or *.wav sound file in c++ program?

Use a library to (a) read the sound file(s) and (b) play them back. (I'd recommend trying both yourself at some point in your spare time, but...)

Perhaps (*nix):

Windows: DirectX.

Java: Converting String to and from ByteBuffer and associated problems

Unless things have changed, you're better off with

public static ByteBuffer str_to_bb(String msg, Charset charset){
    return ByteBuffer.wrap(msg.getBytes(charset));

public static String bb_to_str(ByteBuffer buffer, Charset charset){
    byte[] bytes;
    if(buffer.hasArray()) {
        bytes = buffer.array();
    } else {
        bytes = new byte[buffer.remaining()];
    return new String(bytes, charset);

Usually buffer.hasArray() will be either always true or always false depending on your use case. In practice, unless you really want it to work under any circumstances, it's safe to optimize away the branch you don't need.

Hibernate throws MultipleBagFetchException - cannot simultaneously fetch multiple bags

You could use a new annotation to solve this:

@XXXToXXX(targetEntity = XXXX.class, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)

In fact, fetch's default value is FetchType.LAZY too.

Extracting date from a string in Python

Using Pygrok, you can define abstracted extensions to the Regular Expression syntax.

The custom patterns can be included in your regex in the format %{PATTERN_NAME}.

You can also create a label for that pattern, by separating with a colon: %s{PATTERN_NAME:matched_string}. If the pattern matches, the value will be returned as part of the resulting dictionary (e.g. result.get('matched_string'))

For example:

from pygrok import Grok

input_string = 'monkey 2010-07-10 love banana'
date_pattern = '%{YEAR:year}-%{MONTHNUM:month}-%{MONTHDAY:day}'

grok = Grok(date_pattern)

The resulting value will be a dictionary:

{'month': '07', 'day': '10', 'year': '2010'}

If the date_pattern does not exist in the input_string, the return value will be None. By contrast, if your pattern does not have any labels, it will return an empty dictionary {}


Using Intent in an Android application to show another activity

<activity android:name="[packagename optional].ActivityClassName"></activity>

Simply adding the activity which we want to switch to should be placed in the manifest file

What is the "-->" operator in C/C++?

My compiler will print out 9876543210 when I run this code.

#include <iostream>
int main()
    int x = 10;

    while( x --> 0 ) // x goes to 0
        std::cout << x;

As expected. The while( x-- > 0 ) actually means while( x > 0). The x-- post decrements x.

while( x > 0 ) 
    std::cout << x;

is a different way of writing the same thing.

It is nice that the original looks like "while x goes to 0" though.

Preloading images with jQuery

A quick, plugin-free way to preload images in jQuery and get a callback function is to create multiple img tags at once and count the responses, e.g.

function preload(files, cb) {
    var len = files.length;
    $( {
        return '<img src="'+f+'" />';
    }).join('')).load(function () {
        if(--len===0) {

preload(["one.jpg", "two.png", "three.png"], function() {
    /* Code here is called once all files are loaded. */
?    ?

Note that if you want to support IE7, you'll need to use this slightly less pretty version (Which also works in other browsers):

function preload(files, cb) {
    var len = files.length;
    $($.map(files, function(f) {
        return '<img src="'+f+'" />';
    }).join('')).load(function () {
        if(--len===0) {

What is aria-label and how should I use it?


Aria is used to improve the user experience of visually impaired users. Visually impaired users navigate though application using screen reader software like JAWS, NVDA,.. While navigating through the application, screen reader software announces content to users. Aria can be used to add content in the code which helps screen reader users understand role, state, label and purpose of the control

Aria does not change anything visually. (Aria is scared of designers too).


aria-label attribute is used to communicate the label to screen reader users. Usually search input field does not have visual label (thanks to designers). aria-label can be used to communicate the label of control to screen reader users

How To Use:

<input type="edit" aria-label="search" placeholder="search">

There is no visual change in application. But screen readers can understand the purpose of control


Both aria-label and aria-labelledby is used to communicate the label. But aria-labelledby can be used to reference any label already present in the page whereas aria-label is used to communicate the label which i not displayed visually

Approach 1:

<span id="sd">Search</span>

<input type="text" aria-labelledby="sd">

Approach 2:

aria-labelledby can also be used to combine two labels for screen reader users

<span id="de">Billing Address</span>

<span id="sd">First Name</span>

<input type="text" aria-labelledby="de sd">

Select multiple columns using Entity Framework

Here is a code sample:

var dataset = entities.processlists
    .Where(x => x.environmentID == environmentid && x.ProcessName == processname && x.RemoteIP == remoteip && x.CommandLine == commandlinepart)
    .Select(x => new PInfo 
                      ServerName = x.ServerName, 
                      ProcessID = x.ProcessID, 
                      UserName = x.Username 
                 }) AsEnumerable().
               Select(y => new PInfo
                   ServerName = y.ServerName,
                   ProcessID = y.ProcessID,
                   UserName = y.UserName 

Best way to get user GPS location in background in Android

Use : GCM Network Manager

Run this to start a periodic task that will be ran even after re-boot:

PeriodicTask task = new PeriodicTask.Builder()

then in onRunTask() get current location and use it (in this example, event is submitted at the end to let UI know that location was found):

    public void getLastKnownLocation() {
    Location lastKnownGPSLocation;
    Location lastKnownNetworkLocation;
    String gpsLocationProvider = LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER;
    String networkLocationProvider = LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER;

    try {
        locationManager = (LocationManager) App.get().getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);

        lastKnownNetworkLocation = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(networkLocationProvider);
        lastKnownGPSLocation = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(gpsLocationProvider);

        if (lastKnownGPSLocation != null) {
            Log.i(TAG, "lastKnownGPSLocation is used.");
            this.mCurrentLocation = lastKnownGPSLocation;
        } else if (lastKnownNetworkLocation != null) {
            Log.i(TAG, "lastKnownNetworkLocation is used.");
            this.mCurrentLocation = lastKnownNetworkLocation;
        } else {
            Log.e(TAG, "lastLocation is not known.");

        LocationChangedEvent event = new LocationChangedEvent();

    } catch (SecurityException sex) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Location permission is not granted!");


The MyLocationService in whole:

public class MyLocationService extends GcmTaskService {
private static final String TAG = MyLocationService.class.getSimpleName();

private LocationManager locationManager;
private Location mCurrentLocation;

public static final String TASK_GET_LOCATION_ONCE="location_oneoff_task";
public static final String TASK_GET_LOCATION_PERIODIC="location_periodic_task";

private static final int RC_PLAY_SERVICES = 123;

public void onInitializeTasks() {
    // When your package is removed or updated, all of its network tasks are cleared by
    // the GcmNetworkManager. You can override this method to reschedule them in the case of
    // an updated package. This is not called when your application is first installed.
    // This is called on your application's main thread.
            30L, null);

public int onRunTask(TaskParams taskParams) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onRunTask: " + taskParams.getTag());

    String tag = taskParams.getTag();
    Bundle extras = taskParams.getExtras();
    // Default result is success.
    int result = GcmNetworkManager.RESULT_SUCCESS;

    switch (tag) {



    return result;

public void getLastKnownLocation() {
    Location lastKnownGPSLocation;
    Location lastKnownNetworkLocation;
    String gpsLocationProvider = LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER;
    String networkLocationProvider = LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER;

    try {
        locationManager = (LocationManager) App.get().getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);

        lastKnownNetworkLocation = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(networkLocationProvider);
        lastKnownGPSLocation = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(gpsLocationProvider);

        if (lastKnownGPSLocation != null) {
            Log.i(TAG, "lastKnownGPSLocation is used.");
            this.mCurrentLocation = lastKnownGPSLocation;
        } else if (lastKnownNetworkLocation != null) {
            Log.i(TAG, "lastKnownNetworkLocation is used.");
            this.mCurrentLocation = lastKnownNetworkLocation;
        } else {
            Log.e(TAG, "lastLocation is not known.");

        LocationChangedEvent event = new LocationChangedEvent();

    } catch (SecurityException sex) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Location permission is not granted!");


public static void startOneOffLocationTask(String tag, Bundle extras) {
    Log.d(TAG, "startOneOffLocationTask");

    GcmNetworkManager mGcmNetworkManager = GcmNetworkManager.getInstance(App.get());
    OneoffTask.Builder taskBuilder = new OneoffTask.Builder()

    if (extras != null) taskBuilder.setExtras(extras);

    OneoffTask task =;

public static void startPeriodicLocationTask(String tag, Long period, Bundle extras) {
    Log.d(TAG, "startPeriodicLocationTask");

    GcmNetworkManager mGcmNetworkManager = GcmNetworkManager.getInstance(App.get());
    PeriodicTask.Builder taskBuilder = new PeriodicTask.Builder()

    if (extras != null) taskBuilder.setExtras(extras);

    PeriodicTask task =;

public static boolean checkPlayServicesAvailable(Activity activity) {
    GoogleApiAvailability availability = GoogleApiAvailability.getInstance();
    int resultCode = availability.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(App.get());

    if (resultCode != ConnectionResult.SUCCESS) {
        if (availability.isUserResolvableError(resultCode)) {
            // Show dialog to resolve the error.
            availability.getErrorDialog(activity, resultCode, RC_PLAY_SERVICES).show();
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;

Also add these 2 to the AndroidManifest.xml:

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />

            <action android:name="" />

How to retrieve a module's path?

So I spent a fair amount of time trying to do this with py2exe The problem was to get the base folder of the script whether it was being run as a python script or as a py2exe executable. Also to have it work whether it was being run from the current folder, another folder or (this was the hardest) from the system's path.

Eventually I used this approach, using sys.frozen as an indicator of running in py2exe:

import os,sys
if hasattr(sys,'frozen'): # only when running in py2exe this exists
    base = sys.prefix
else: # otherwise this is a regular python script
    base = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

How should I make my VBA code compatible with 64-bit Windows?

i found this code (note that some Long are changed to LongPtr):

Declare PtrSafe Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" _
Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal lpOperation As String, _
ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As _
String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As LongPtr


What is object serialization?

My Two cents from my own blog:

Here is a detailed explanation of the Serialization: (my own blog)


Serialization is the process of persisting the state of an object. It is represented and stored in the form of a sequence of bytes. This can be stored in a file. The process to read the state of the object from the file and restoring it is called deserialization.

What is the need of Serialization?

In modern day architecture, there is always a need to store object state and then retrieve it. For example in Hibernate, to store a object we should make the class Serializable. What it does, is that once the object state is saved in the form of bytes it can be transferred to another system which can then read from the state and retrieve the class. The object state can come from a database or a different jvm or from a separate component. With the help of Serialization we can retrieve the Object state.

Code Example and explanation:

First let's have a look at the Item Class:

public class Item implements Serializable{

    *  This is the Serializable class
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 475918891428093041L;
    private Long itemId;
    private String itemName;
    private transient Double itemCostPrice;
    public Item(Long itemId, String itemName, Double itemCostPrice) {
        this.itemId = itemId;
        this.itemName = itemName;
        this.itemCostPrice = itemCostPrice;

      public Long getItemId() {
          return itemId;

      public String toString() {
          return "Item [itemId=" + itemId + ", itemName=" + itemName + ", itemCostPrice=" + itemCostPrice + "]";

       public void setItemId(Long itemId) {
           this.itemId = itemId;

       public String getItemName() {
           return itemName;
       public void setItemName(String itemName) {
            this.itemName = itemName;

       public Double getItemCostPrice() {
            return itemCostPrice;

        public void setItemCostPrice(Double itemCostPrice) {
             this.itemCostPrice = itemCostPrice;

In the above code it can be seen that Item class implements Serializable.

This is the interface that enables a class to be serializable.

Now we can see a variable called serialVersionUID is initialized to Long variable. This number is calculated by the compiler based on the state of the class and the class attributes. This is the number that will help the jvm identify the state of an object when it reads the state of the object from file.

For that we can have a look at the official Oracle Documentation:

The serialization runtime associates with each serializable class a version number, called a serialVersionUID, which is used during deserialization to verify that the sender and receiver of a serialized object have loaded classes for that object that are compatible with respect to serialization. If the receiver has loaded a class for the object that has a different serialVersionUID than that of the corresponding sender's class, then deserialization will result in an InvalidClassException. A serializable class can declare its own serialVersionUID explicitly by declaring a field named "serialVersionUID" that must be static, final, and of type long: ANY-ACCESS-MODIFIER static final long serialVersionUID = 42L; If a serializable class does not explicitly declare a serialVersionUID, then the serialization runtime will calculate a default serialVersionUID value for that class based on various aspects of the class, as described in the Java(TM) Object Serialization Specification. However, it is strongly recommended that all serializable classes explicitly declare serialVersionUID values, since the default serialVersionUID computation is highly sensitive to class details that may vary depending on compiler implementations, and can thus result in unexpected InvalidClassExceptions during deserialization. Therefore, to guarantee a consistent serialVersionUID value across different java compiler implementations, a serializable class must declare an explicit serialVersionUID value. It is also strongly advised that explicit serialVersionUID declarations use the private modifier where possible, since such declarations apply only to the immediately declaring class--serialVersionUID fields are not useful as inherited members.

If you have noticed there is another keyword we have used which is transient.

If a field is not serializable, it must be marked transient. Here we marked the itemCostPrice as transient and don't want it to be written in a file

Now let's have a look on how to write the state of an object in the file and then read it from there.

public class SerializationExample {

    public static void main(String[] args){

    public static void serialize(){

         Item item = new Item(1L,"Pen", 12.55);
         System.out.println("Before Serialization" + item);

         FileOutputStream fileOut;
         try {
             fileOut = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/item.ser");
             ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fileOut);
             System.out.println("Serialized data is saved in /tmp/item.ser");
           } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

           } catch (IOException e) {


    public static void deserialize(){
        Item item;

        try {
                FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream("/tmp/item.ser");
                ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fileIn);
                item = (Item) in.readObject();
                System.out.println("Serialized data is read from /tmp/item.ser");
                System.out.println("After Deserialization" + item);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

In the above we can see an example of serialization and deserialization of an object.

For that we used two classes. For serializing the object we have used ObjectOutputStream. We have used the method writeObject to write the object in the file.

For Deserializing we have used ObjectInputStream which reads from the object from the file. It uses readObject to read the object data from the file.

The output of the above code would be like:

Before SerializationItem [itemId=1, itemName=Pen, itemCostPrice=12.55]
Serialized data is saved in /tmp/item.ser
After DeserializationItem [itemId=1, itemName=Pen, itemCostPrice=null]

Notice that itemCostPrice from deserialized object is null as it was not written.

We have already discussed the basics of Java Serialization in part I of this article.

Now let's discuss it deeply and how it works.

First let's start with the serialversionuid.

The serialVersionUID is used as a version control in a Serializable class.

If you do not explicitly declare a serialVersionUID, JVM will do it for you automatically, based on various properties of the Serializable class.

Java's Algorithm of Calculating serialversionuid (Read more details here)

  1. The class name.
    1. The class modifiers written as a 32-bit integer.
    2. The name of each interface sorted by name.
    3. For each field of the class sorted by field name (except private static and private transient fields: The name of the field. The modifiers of the field written as a 32-bit integer. The descriptor of the field.
    4. If a class initializer exists, write out the following: The name of the method, .
    5. The modifier of the method, java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC, written as a 32-bit integer.
    6. The descriptor of the method, ()V.
    7. For each non-private constructor sorted by method name and signature: The name of the method, . The modifiers of the method written as a 32-bit integer. The descriptor of the method.
    8. For each non-private method sorted by method name and signature: The name of the method. The modifiers of the method written as a 32-bit integer. The descriptor of the method.
    9. The SHA-1 algorithm is executed on the stream of bytes produced by DataOutputStream and produces five 32-bit values sha[0..4]. The hash value is assembled from the first and second 32-bit values of the SHA-1 message digest. If the result of the message digest, the five 32-bit words H0 H1 H2 H3 H4, is in an array of five int values named sha, the hash value would be computed as follows:
    long hash = ((sha[0] >>> 24) & 0xFF) |
>            ((sha[0] >>> 16) & 0xFF) << 8 |
>            ((sha[0] >>> 8) & 0xFF) << 16 |
>            ((sha[0] >>> 0) & 0xFF) << 24 |
>            ((sha[1] >>> 24) & 0xFF) << 32 |
>            ((sha[1] >>> 16) & 0xFF) << 40 |
>            ((sha[1] >>> 8) & 0xFF) << 48 |
>        ((sha[1] >>> 0) & 0xFF) << 56;

Java's serialization algorithm

The algorithm to serialize an object is described as below:
1. It writes out the metadata of the class associated with an instance.
2. It recursively writes out the description of the superclass until it finds java.lang.object.
3. Once it finishes writing the metadata information, it then starts with the actual data associated with the instance. But this time, it starts from the topmost superclass.
4. It recursively writes the data associated with the instance, starting from the least superclass to the most-derived class.

Things To Keep In Mind:

  1. Static fields in a class cannot be serialized.

    public class A implements Serializable{
         String s;
         static String staticString = "I won't be serializable";
  2. If the serialversionuid is different in the read class it will throw a InvalidClassException exception.

  3. If a class implements serializable then all its sub classes will also be serializable.

    public class A implements Serializable {....};
    public class B extends A{...} //also Serializable
  4. If a class has a reference of another class, all the references must be Serializable otherwise serialization process will not be performed. In such case, NotSerializableException is thrown at runtime.


public class B{
     String s,
     A a; // class A needs to be serializable i.e. it must implement Serializable

How can I tell which button was clicked in a PHP form submit?

All you need to give the name attribute to the each button. And you need to address each button press from the PHP script. But be careful to give each button a unique name. Because the PHP script only take care of the name most of the time

<input type="submit" name="Submit_this" id="This" />

Print to the same line and not a new line?

Late to the game - but since the none of the answers worked for me (I didn't try them all) and I've come upon this answer more than once in my search ... In python 3, this solution is pretty elegant and I believe does exactly what the author is looking for, it updates a single statement on the same line. Note, you may have to do something special if the line shrinks instead of grows (like perhaps make the string a fixed length with padded spaces at the end)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for i in range(100):
        print("", end=f"\rPercentComplete: {i} %")

C++ IDE for Macs

Of????? course there is Mono.

DateTimePicker: pick both date and time

You can get it to display time. From that you will probably have to have two controls (one date, one time) the accomplish what you want.

Collectors.toMap() keyMapper -- more succinct expression?

List<Person> roster = ...;

Map<String, Person> map = 
            Collectors.toMap(p -> p.getLast(), p -> p)

that would be the translation, but i havent run this or used the API. most likely you can substitute p -> p, for Function.identity(). and statically import toMap(...)

phantomjs not waiting for "full" page load

I use a personnal blend of the phantomjs waitfor.js example.

This is my main.js file:

'use strict';

var wasSuccessful = phantom.injectJs('./lib/waitFor.js');
var page = require('webpage').create();'', function(status) {
  if (status === 'success') {
    page.includeJs('', function() {
      waitFor(function() {
        return page.evaluate(function() {
          if ('complete' === document.readyState) {
            return true;

          return false;
      }, function() {
        var fooText = page.evaluate(function() {
          return $('#foo').text();

  } else {

And the lib/waitFor.js file (which is just a copy and paste of the waifFor() function from the phantomjs waitfor.js example):

function waitFor(testFx, onReady, timeOutMillis) {
    var maxtimeOutMillis = timeOutMillis ? timeOutMillis : 3000, //< Default Max Timout is 3s
        start = new Date().getTime(),
        condition = false,
        interval = setInterval(function() {
            if ( (new Date().getTime() - start < maxtimeOutMillis) && !condition ) {
                // If not time-out yet and condition not yet fulfilled
                condition = (typeof(testFx) === "string" ? eval(testFx) : testFx()); //< defensive code
            } else {
                if(!condition) {
                    // If condition still not fulfilled (timeout but condition is 'false')
                    console.log("'waitFor()' timeout");
                } else {
                    // Condition fulfilled (timeout and/or condition is 'true')
                    // console.log("'waitFor()' finished in " + (new Date().getTime() - start) + "ms.");
                    typeof(onReady) === "string" ? eval(onReady) : onReady(); //< Do what it's supposed to do once the condi>
                    clearInterval(interval); //< Stop this interval
        }, 250); //< repeat check every 250ms

This method is not asynchronous but at least am I assured that all the resources were loaded before I try using them.

Converting a value to 2 decimal places within jQuery

Try to use this


Generate war file from tomcat webapp folder

You can create .war file back from your existing folder.

Using this command

cd /to/your/folder/location
jar -cvf my_web_app.war *

Eclipse: All my projects disappeared from Project Explorer

If any of the previous methods don't work for you then delete your old workspace, create a new workspace and put it by default. You can do this by launching Eclipse twice - the second time it asks you for the workspace ;). Then re-import all your projects there and say "problem, goodbye".

Adding custom HTTP headers using JavaScript

The only way to add headers to a request from inside a browser is use the XmlHttpRequest setRequestHeader method.

Using this with "GET" request will download the resource. The trick then is to access the resource in the intended way. Ostensibly you should be able to allow the GET response to be cacheable for a short period, hence navigation to a new URL or the creation of an IMG tag with a src url should use the cached response from the previous "GET". However that is quite likely to fail especially in IE which can be a bit of a law unto itself where the cache is concerned.

Ultimately I agree with Mehrdad, use of query string is easiest and most reliable method.

Another quirky alternative is use an XHR to make a request to a URL that indicates your intent to access a resource. It could respond with a session cookie which will be carried by the subsequent request for the image or link.

How to use C++ in Go

Looks it's one of the early asked question about Golang . And same time answers to never update . During these three to four years , too many new libraries and blog post has been out . Below are the few links what I felt useful .

SWIG and Go

Calling C++ Code From Go With SWIG

On comparing languages, C++ and Go


How to download Xcode DMG or XIP file?

You can find the DMGs or XIPs for Xcode and other development tools on (requires Apple ID to login).

You must login to have a valid session before downloading anything below.

*(Newest on top. For each minor version (6.3, 5.1, etc.) only the latest revision is kept in the list.)

*With Xcode 12.2, Apple introduces the term “Release Candidate” (RC) which replaces “GM seed” and indicates this version is near final.

Xcode 12

  • 12.4 (requires a Mac with Apple silicon running macOS Big Sur 11 or later, or an Intel-based Mac running macOS Catalina 10.15.4 or later) (Latest as of 27-Jan-2021)

  • 12.3 (requires a Mac with Apple silicon running macOS Big Sur 11 or later, or an Intel-based Mac running macOS Catalina 10.15.4 or later)

  • 12.2

  • 12.1

  • 12.0.1 (Requires macOS 10.15.4 or later) (Latest as of 24-Sept-2020)

Xcode 11

Xcode 10 (unsupported for iTunes Connect)

  • 10.3 (Requires macOS 10.14.3 or later)
  • 10.2.1 (Requires macOS 10.14.3 or later)
  • 10.1 (Last version supporting macOS 10.13.6 High Sierra)
  • 10 (Subsequent versions were unsupported for iTunes Connect from March 2019)

Xcode 9

Xcode 8

Xcode 7

Xcode 6

Even Older Versions (unsupported for iTunes Connect)

CSS set li indent


or replace 50px with whatever you want.

How to concat string + i?

Using sprintf was already proposed by ldueck in a comment, but I think this is worth being an answer:

f(i) = sprintf('f%d', i);

This is in my opinion the most readable solution and also gives some nice flexibility (i.e. when you want to round a float value, use something like %.2f).

SCRIPT5: Access is denied in IE9 on xmlhttprequest

I had faced similar issue on IE10. I had a workaround by using the jQuery ajax request to retrieve data:

    url: YOUR_XML_FILE
    aync: false,
    success: function (data) {   
        // Store data into a variable
    dataType: YOUR_DATA_TYPE,

How to use a SQL SELECT statement with Access VBA

If you wish to use the bound column value, you can simply refer to the combo:

sSQL = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE ID = " & Me.MyCombo

You can also refer to the column property:

sSQL = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE AText = '" & Me.MyCombo.Column(1) & "'"

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset     
Set rs = CurrentDB.OpenRecordset(sSQL)

strText = rs!AText
strText = rs.Fields(1)

In a textbox:

= DlookUp("AText","MyTable","ID=" & MyCombo)


Compile to stand alone exe for C# app in Visual Studio 2010

Press the start button in visual studio. Then go to the location where your solution is stored and open the folder of your main project then the bin folder. If your application was running in debug mode then go to the debug folder. If running in release mode then go to the release folder. You should find your exe there.

How to detect a textbox's content has changed

Something like this should work, mainly because focus and focusout would end up with two separate values. I'm using data here because it stores values in the element but doesn't touch the DOM. It is also an easy way to store the value connected to its element. You could just as easily use a higher-scoped variable.

var changed = false;

$('textbox').on('focus', function(e) {
    $(this).data('current-val', $(this).text();

$('textbox').on('focusout', function(e) {
    if ($(this).data('current-val') != $(this).text())
        changed = true;
    console.log('Changed Result', changed);

Can Flask have optional URL parameters?

I think you can use Blueprint and that's will make ur code look better and neatly.


from flask import Blueprint

bp = Blueprint(__name__, "example")

@bp.route("/example", methods=["POST"])
def example(self):

CSS @media print issues with background-color;

If you are looking to create "printer friendly" pages, I recommend adding "!important" to your @media print CSS. This encourages most browsers to print your background images, colors, etc.


background:#3F6CAF url('example.png') no-repeat top left !important;
background-color: #3F6CAF !important;

How to solve "sign_and_send_pubkey: signing failed: agent refused operation"?

I need to share, as I spent too much time looking for a solution

Here was the solution :

I was using this command :

ssh-keygen -o -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"

gnome-keyring does not support the generated key.

Removing the -o argument solved the problem.

How to get address location from latitude and longitude in Google Map.?

You have to make one ajax call to get the required result, in this case you can use Google API to get the same,-73.961452&sensor=true/false

Build this kind of url and replace the lat long with the one you want to. do the call and response will be in JSON, parse the JSON and you will get the complete address up to street level

regex error - nothing to repeat

It seems to be a python bug (that works perfectly in vim). The source of the problem is the (\s*...)+ bit. Basically , you can't do (\s*)+ which make sense , because you are trying to repeat something which can be null.

>>> re.compile(r"(\s*)+")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/", line 180, in compile
    return _compile(pattern, flags)
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/", line 233, in _compile
    raise error, v # invalid expression
sre_constants.error: nothing to repeat

However (\s*\1) should not be null, but we know it only because we know what's in \1. Apparently python doesn't ... that's weird.

How to make a jquery function call after "X" seconds

If you could show the actual page, we, possibly, could help you better.

If you want to trigger the button only after the iframe is loaded, you might want to check if it has been loaded or use the iframe.onload:

<iframe .... onload='buttonWhatever(); '></iframe>

<script type="text/javascript">

    function buttonWhatever() {
        $("#<%=Button1.ClientID%>").click(function (event) {
            $('#<%=TextBox1.ClientID%>').change(function () {
                $('#various3').attr('href', $(this).val());

        function showStickySuccessToast() {
            $().toastmessage('showToast', {
                text: 'Finished Processing!',
                sticky: false,
                position: 'middle-center',
                type: 'success',
                closeText: '',
                close: function () { }


How to loop over grouped Pandas dataframe?

df.groupby('l_customer_id_i').agg(lambda x: ','.join(x)) does already return a dataframe, so you cannot loop over the groups anymore.

In general:

  • df.groupby(...) returns a GroupBy object (a DataFrameGroupBy or SeriesGroupBy), and with this, you can iterate through the groups (as explained in the docs here). You can do something like:

    grouped = df.groupby('A')
    for name, group in grouped:
  • When you apply a function on the groupby, in your example df.groupby(...).agg(...) (but this can also be transform, apply, mean, ...), you combine the result of applying the function to the different groups together in one dataframe (the apply and combine step of the 'split-apply-combine' paradigm of groupby). So the result of this will always be again a DataFrame (or a Series depending on the applied function).

Purpose of Unions in C and C++

You could use unions to create structs like the following, which contains a field that tells us which component of the union is actually used:

    enum o_t { Int, Double, String } objectType;

        int intValue;
        double dblValue;
        char *strValue;
    } value;
} object;

Full width image with fixed height

This can done several ways. I usually do it from my class.

From class



and for this your html would be:

<img class="image" src="images/image_name">

or if you want to style it using inline styling then you would just have:

<img style="width:100%; height:60px" id="image" src="images/image_name">

I however recommend doing it from your external style-sheet because as your project grows you will realize that the entire thing is easier managed with separate files for your html and your css.

Angularjs simple file download causes router to redirect$location#html-link-rewriting

In cases like the following, links are not rewritten; instead, the browser will perform a full page reload to the original link.

  • Links that contain target element Example:
    <a href="/ext/link?a=b" target="_self">link</a>

  • Absolute links that go to a different domain Example:
    <a href="">link</a>

  • Links starting with '/' that lead to a different base path when base is defined Example:
    <a href="/not-my-base/link">link</a>

So in your case, you should add a target attribute like so...

<a target="_self" href="" download="foo.pdf">

How to share data between different threads In C# using AOP?

You can pass an object as argument to the Thread.Start and use it as a shared data storage between the current thread and the initiating thread.

You can also just directly access (with the appropriate locking of course) your data members, if you started the thread using the instance form of the ThreadStart delegate.

You can't use attributes to create shared data between threads. You can use the attribute instances attached to your class as a data storage, but I fail to see how that is better than using static or instance data members.

How do I create ColorStateList programmatically?

Bouncing off the answer by Jonathan Ellis, in Kotlin you can define a helper function to make the code a bit more idiomatic and easier to read, so you can write this instead:

val colorList = colorStateListOf(
    intArrayOf(-android.R.attr.state_enabled) to Color.BLACK,
    intArrayOf(android.R.attr.state_enabled) to Color.RED,

colorStateListOf can be implemented like this:

fun colorStateListOf(vararg mapping: Pair<IntArray, Int>): ColorStateList {
    val (states, colors) = mapping.unzip()
    return ColorStateList(states.toTypedArray(), colors.toIntArray())

I also have:

fun colorStateListOf(@ColorInt color: Int): ColorStateList {
    return ColorStateList.valueOf(color)

So that I can call the same function name, no matter if it's a selector or single color.

html cellpadding the left side of a cell

This is what css is for... HTML doesn't allow for unequal padding. When you say that you don't want to use style sheets, does this mean you're OK with inline css?

        <td style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 5px;">Content</td>
        <td style="padding: 5px 10px 5px 5px;">Content</td>

You could also use JS to do this if you're desperate not to use stylesheets for some reason.

How do you change text to bold in Android?

From the XML you can set the textStyle to bold as below

   android:text="Bold text"

You can set the TextView to bold programmatically as below


How can I rename a single column in a table at select?

Another option you can choose:

select price = table1.price , other_price = table2.price from .....


In case you are curious about the performance or otherwise of aliasing a column using “=” versus “as”.

How do I get Fiddler to stop ignoring traffic to localhost?

To get Fiddler to capture traffic when you are debugging on local host, after you hit F5 to begin degugging change the address so that localhost has a "." after it.

For instance, you start debugging and the you have the following URL in the Address bar:


Change it to:


Hit enter and Fidder will start picking up your traffic.

Forward declaration of a typedef in C++

Because to declare a type, its size needs to be known. You can forward declare a pointer to the type, or typedef a pointer to the type.

If you really want to, you can use the pimpl idiom to keep the includes down. But if you want to use a type, rather than a pointer, the compiler has to know its size.

Edit: j_random_hacker adds an important qualification to this answer, basically that the size needs to be know to use the type, but a forward declaration can be made if we only need to know the type exists, in order to create pointers or references to the type. Since the OP didn't show code, but complained it wouldn't compile, I assumed (probably correctly) that the OP was trying to use the type, not just refer to it.

Convert javascript array to string

You can use .toString() to join an array with a comma.

var array = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
array.toString(); // result: a,b,c

Or, set the separator with array.join('; '); // result: a; b; c.

jQuery: Clearing Form Inputs

You may try

$("#addRunner input").each(function(){ ... });

Inputs are no selectors, so you do not need the : Haven't tested it with your code. Just a fast guess!

What does android:layout_weight mean?

Adding android:autoSizeTextType="uniform" will resize the text for you automatically

__init__ and arguments in Python

In python you must always pass in at least one argument to class methods, the argument is self and it is not meaningless its a reference to the instance itself