[python] How to use hex() without 0x in Python?

The hex() function in python, puts the leading characters 0x in front of the number. Is there anyway to tell it NOT to put them? So 0xfa230 will be fa230.

The code is

import fileinput
f = open('hexa', 'w')
for line in fileinput.input(['pattern0.txt']):

This question is related to python

The answer is

Python 3.6+:

>>> i = 240
>>> f'{i:02x}'

Use this code:


it allows you to specify a number of digits too:

# '00007b'

For Python 2.6 use




You can simply write


to get the first two characters removed.

Old style string formatting:

In [3]: "%02x" % 127
Out[3]: '7f'

New style

In [7]: '{:x}'.format(127)
Out[7]: '7f'

Using capital letters as format characters yields uppercase hexadecimal

In [8]: '{:X}'.format(127)
Out[8]: '7F'

Docs are here.