I would use a mysqli connection to connect to the database. Here is an example:
$connection = new mysqli("", "username", "password", "database_name", 3306);
The next step is to select the information. In your case I would do:
$query = $connection->query("SELECT `names` FROM `Customers`;");
And finally we make an array from all these names by typing:
$array = Array();
while($result = $query->fetch_assoc()){
$array[] = $result['names'];
So what I've done in this code: I selected all names from the table using a mysql query. Next I use a while loop to check if the $query has a next value. If so the while loop continues and adds that value to the array '$array'. Else the loop stops. And finally I print the array using the 'print_r' method so you can see it all works. I hope this was helpful.