[unix] Command-line Unix ASCII-based charting / plotting tool

Here is my patch for eplot that adds a -T option for terminal output:

--- eplot       2008-07-09 16:50:04.000000000 -0400
+++ eplot+      2017-02-02 13:20:23.551353793 -0500
@@ -172,7 +172,10 @@
                                        com=com+"set terminal postscript color;\n"

-                               # ---- Specify a custom output file
+                               when /^-T$|^--terminal$/
+                                       com=com+"set terminal dumb;\n"
+                                # ---- Specify a custom output file
                                when /^-o$|^--output$/


Using this you can run it as eplot -T to get ASCII-graphics result instead of a gnuplot window.

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Examples related to matplotlib

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